Cerrajón de risco (Sonchus pinnatifidus)

Shrub up to 2 m tall, woody and branched. Leaves are herbaceous, pinnatifid, oblong-lanceolate, light green, arranged in rosettes at the tip of stems and branches. The inflorescence is terminal, branched, and composed of several yellow heads up to 2 cm in diameter. A Canary Islands and North African species, found in the eastern islands, islets of Montaña Clara and La Graciosa, and in southwest Morocco. This rupicolous plant generally grows in malpaíses or badlands, on rock faces and stone hedges, from near sea level (Lanzarote) to 800 m (Fuerteventura). Distribution is limited and it is only common in certain inaccessible locations where there is more moisture.

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