Codeso de monte (Adenocarpus foliolosus)

Leafy shrub, highly branched, to 2-4 m tall. Leaves are small, trifoliate; leaflets lanceolate or obovate, glabrous on top and downy beneath. Flowers are bright yellow, inflorescences terminal. Fruits are narrow legumes, 3-5 cm long and somewhat glandular. This native of the Canaries is found throughout the central and western islands, distributed over potential areas of evergreen and damp pine forests, from 500-1750 m. It adapts extremely well to degraded terrain, colonizing the borders of agricultural land, edges of forest trails and abandoned cultivated terraces, and is therefore very common in many areas. Its existence in El Hierro remains doubtful, since the island has its own endemic species, Adenocarpus ombriosus, which is quite rare and Critically Endangered.

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