Sanguinho (Frangula azorica)

Deciduous shrub or small tree, with a smooth brown bark. Leaves are simple, entire, elliptic and acuminate, up to 15 cm long and 8 cm wide, slightly pubescent on the underside and brilliant green. Flowers are axillary, clustered at the tip of the branches, with pale yellow leaves. Fruits are fleshy round drupes, initially bright red to purple, up to 1 cm across. This Euro-Siberian plant is found dotted around evergreen and juniper forests, generally from 500-700 m, although it ascends to higher levels (up to 1,000 m) and can sometimes be found from 100 m. Native to the Azores, it is present on all the islands, except for Santa Maria, Graciosa and Corvo. In the past, it was also found on Madeira, as evidenced by fossil remains. Today, several planted specimens can be seen in several gardens in Madeira.

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