Sanguino, sanguinho (Rhamnus glandulosa)

Evergreen tree, small, up to 10-12 m tall. Leaves are ovate, small and clearly serrate on the margins, shiny green, with several glands (like tiny protuberances) along the midrib. Flowers are small, yellowy-green; fruits are globose, deep dark red to black, 6-9 mm in diameter. Typical of thermophile or dry evergreen forests, although it can also grow in damper wooded areas, including mixed pine forests, up to 1,000-1,200 m altitude. Native to the Canary Islands and Madeira, it is far more common in the Canaries than Madeira, where natural populations are highly localized. Occasionally it forms dense clusters, known locally as sanguinales or bosquetes de sanguinos.

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