Neoseeker : Choro Q Wonderful! FAQs : Choro Q Wonderful! Walkthrough

Choro Q Wonderful! Walkthrough

by BlueCrow2K   Updated to v1.0 on


Hello, and welcome to my guide for Choro-Q Wonderful. Choro-Q Wonderful! (or チョロQワンダフォー! as it is known in Japan) is a racing game/"CarPG" developed by E-Game exclusively for the PlayStation and was published by Takara in 1999. The game takes place in the Choro-Q World, which as you'll see over the course of the game, is filled to the brim with many different Qs to talk to and locations for you to explore.

The story of Wonderful! is centered around you finding a way to get another Champion's Cup after you accidentally reverse into and break yours so that you can race your rival in the World Grand Prix. The story is a bit more complex than that and it has many subplots as well, but that's the easiest way to describe the game's main story.

Speaking of the story, I would like to mention well ahead of time that this is not a full translation guide. Choro-Q Wonderful! was released only in Japan, so all of the game's material will presented in its original language. In order to understand things like dialog or part names, you need to have a decent understanding of Japanese. This is something I lack sadly, but despite this, I've managed to 100% the game four times. Because of the language barrier, I won't go much into the story aside from some notable aspects that I felt were too good to leave out.

The Basics of Wonderful!


Choro-Q Wonderful! has two control types available to choose from in the Options menu. The controls for both types are listed below:

Type A


Select menu options / steer the Q
O Button

Confirm / Accelerate
X Button

Cancel / Brake
▢ Button

△ Button

Use Jet Turbine (if equipped)
L1 Button

Sets Variable Wing down one level
L2 Button

Sets Variable Wing up one level
R2 Button

Engages the clutch

Pauses the game

Type B


Select menu options / steer the Q
O Button

Confirm / Jet Turbine
X Button

Cancel / Accelerate
▢ Button

△ Button

L1 Button

Sets Variable Wing down one level
L2 Button

Sets Variable Wing up one level
R2 Button

Engages clutch

Pauses the game

Type B only changes the functionality of the face buttons; otherwise, it is the same as Type A. If you have a DualShock controller, you can use the Left Analog Stick as a replacement for the D-Pad by pressing the Analog button.


Bottom CenterThis is your Choro-Q. You can customize its appearance in various different ways as you progress through the game.
Bottom RightThe speedometer and tachometer.
Going above 280km/h will cause both meters and the Fuel Gauge to start flashing yellow
and a constant speed chime will play as long as you maintain that speed.
Bottom LeftYour fuel gauge. Reaching one bar of fuel will cause the fuel gauge and fuel indicator to flash.
Running out of fuel will cause your Q to be stuck at a very low speed until you refuel at a Q's Factory.
Center Left

A fellow Choro-Q. Bumping into them will allow you to hear what they have to say. Some of their comments can be quite insightful and informative.

Top LeftOne of many buildings the player can go into in Wonderful.
The entrances to these buildings are usually indicated by a door or empty lot.


Top LeftYour lap times for the current race.
Top RightYour total time for the race and position. Total Time begins counting as soon as the race starts, while Lap Times only start counting after the player crosses the starting line on the first lap.
Bottom Right

The speedometer and tachometer.
Going above 280km/h will cause both meters and the Fuel Gauge to start flashing yellow
and a constant speed chime will play as long as you maintain that speed.

Bottom LeftYour fuel gauge. Reaching one bar of fuel will cause the fuel gauge and fuel indicator to flash. The less fuel you have, the faster your Q will accelerate.
Center LeftThe course map for the current track you're on. The red dot represents you, while the green
dots represent your opponents.

Q's Factory

One of the most important parts of Wonderful, the Q's Factory is where you will be spending a lot of your time. Many useful features such as changing parts or saving your game are accessed here. From top to bottom, your options are:

パーツチェンジ [Parts Change]

This is where you go to change your parts.
During the course of Wonderful(!), you will acquire new parts frequently. Be sure to visit this section often.
データをセーブ [Save Game]This is where you save your game.
It's always a good habit to save often, especially if it's your first time playing through Wonderful(!).
レースに出る [Enter Race]Each city/town has its own qualifying race. Clicking this option will let you participate.
Obtaining 3rd or higher in every race is necessary to progress through the story.
ゲームを終わる [Quit Game]If you ever need to go back to the title screen, this option will let you do so.
Be sure to save before quitting, as the game will not automatically save for you.
他に用はない [Head Outside]All done in the Q's Factory? Use this option to head back out into the world and continue your adventure.

Pause Menu

A screen that should need no introduction. By pressing Start, you can take a break from the action and look through the various items and stamps you've collected so far.

Continue [つづける]Throws you back into the action and resumes the game.
View my Stampbook [スタンプ帳をみる]This allows you to view your Stampbook.
The Stampbook not only contains the stamps you've collected, but memos from other Qs as well.
View my Status
This allows you to view your current status, which features things like your inventory and KMs.
Head to Q's Factory [Q'sファクトリーへ]Finished collecting parts and want to race or need to top up on fuel? Use this option to warp back to the local Q's factory.
This option will change depending on the activity; during a race, it will change to "Quit Race".


The Stampbook is the best place to go for both admiring your stamp collection, and checking out all of the tips roaming Qs have given you in the Memos section. Pressing Up and Down on the D-Pad will allow you to quickly hop between sections of the Stampbook.


Choosing to view your Status will allow you to view things like your inventory, current location, total KMs driven, Q Coins collected, and so on.

Current Equipment
Allows you to see which parts you have currently equipped.
Parts Inventory
Opens up a list showing every part you have collected so far and which ones are currently equipped. Good to use if you don't want to warp back to a Q's Factory.
Item Inventory
Opens up a list showing every item you have collected so far.
Not as useful as the Parts Inventory, but it does have its uses.
Go Back [戻る]All done viewing your Status? Use this to go back to the Pause Menu.

Red City

With the introductory parts of the guide out of the way, it is time to begin our journey. Click the top option on the main menu to start a new game. Upon starting a new game, you're given a choice between six different bodies. The starting color of your body can be changed by pressing Up and Down on the D-Pad. The color of your body cannot be changed until much later in the game, so try to pick one that suits you.

All of these bodies are the same in terms of performance, so appearance is the only major factor here. Unlike color, you cannot change your body in Wonderful! unless you cheat, so be sure to choose one that you really like.

After you choose a body, you'll be asked to input a name. English and Japanese characters are available for use, along with a few special symbols like a plus sign, exclamation mark, and a heart. Names are limited to ten characters in Wonderful(!), so keep this in mind if you like to use longer names.

Once you're finished typing your name, press Start then Circle to confirm. After a brief loading screen, you'll be treated to a small cutscene of you driving back to your home in Red City. Everything seems to be fine until you accidentally reverse over and break your Champion's Cup. You don't have too much time to grieve though, as your rival quickly bursts in and asks you if you're going to be at the next WGP. Before he can pepper you with too many questions though, he notices you're lacking fuel and tells you to refuel at the local Q's Factory.
With that out of the way, the intro cutscene ends and you will be dropped straight into the game. You can explore Red City at this stage if you want. However, you will be limited to a pitifully slow 18km/h, so for now, head into the Q's Factory that's right across the street. Upon entering the Q's Factory, you'll have your fuel restored and receive a brief explanation of how the Factory functions. While we could do the qualifying race now with the parts we have, it's better to explore the city thoroughly and collect as many stamps as you can before doing the city's race. This way, you won't have to come back to a city later unless it's required for a quest.
The easiest stamp to obtain in Red City is Stamp 1 (I got the Red City Visa). Visas are an important aspect of Wonderful(!), as they're needed if you want to warp from city to city later on. You don't need to win any races to receive one either, which is very convenient. Red City's Domiso Visa is located on Shopping Street and is marked with a pizza sign. Shopping Street itself is located just a bit northeast of the Red City Q's Factory and is even marked with its own sign, so finding it shouldn't be hard. After talking to the Domiso Visa employee inside, you will receive Stamp 1 and a new Visa.

The second easiest stamp to complete here is Stamp 4 (I ran the quarter mile with my friend). Further northwest of the Q's Factory (past Shopping Street) is a yellow building with a few Japanese characters on the side. This is the Drag Center and it's where your rival will hang out at whenever you're in Red City. Go ahead and head inside. Your rival will ask you if you want to race with him. Say "yes", then complete the following race; you don't need to win to get Stamp 4. Once you finish, your rival will tell you your final time and Stamp 4 will be yours.
From here, the next stamps I recommend getting are Stamps 5 and 6 (Correctly guessed the right number of cows and collected every coin from Jim's Ranch). Since they're both in one minigame, you can quickly get both of them before starting Stamp 2 (Visited all homes and shops in Red City).

Jim's Ranch, which is where the Cow Counting game is found, is located on top of a hill at the most northern point of Red City. Before heading there though, take a minute to find this cave located just north of the Drag Center and drive inside. It's here you'll find your first Fortune Teller's Hall.

Fortune Teller's Halls
Fortune Teller's Halls are an important mechanic in Wonderful(!) and are directly tied to the Underground Maze we'll use later. Fortune Teller's Halls offer directions to the various cities and towns found in the Underground Maze; without them, you wouldn't even be able to travel back to cities you've already visited!

Thankfully, these Fortune Teller's Halls aren't too hard to find and you'll only need to enter them once to get the directions you need.

Red City's Fortune Telling Hall is a bit different than the others, though. You have to answer two questions before you receive directions. Pick the bottom option for the first question, then pick the top option for the second. Answering correctly will allow you to travel back to Red City whenever you want through the Underground Maze. Reaching every city through the Underground Maze is necessary if we want all 100 Stamps, so be sure to find every Fortune Teller's Hall you can.

With that taken care of, exit the cave then head straight until you see a brick road. Follow that road until you reach the top. To your left will be Kana's Poultry, to your right is Jim's Ranch, and straight ahead is a door. The door ahead of you doesn't become useful until much later in the game, so only enter it once for Stamp 2. Kana will give you some information about her and Jim, but like the door mentioned earlier, she doesn't become useful until later. When you're done talking to Kana, drive over to Jim's Ranch. Pick the top option and you'll get thrown into your first minigame.

Cow Counting Game - Guess the right number of cows! Odds are extremely likely this will be the first minigame you play in Wonderful(!). As you would expect, it also happens to be the easiest. The objective is to simply count all of the cows you can find grazing, then head back into the ranch and tell Jim the correct amount. The number of cows is randomized each time you play, so there is no consistent number you can punch in each time you play to get an easy win.

Ramming any of the cows will send them flying and cause you to fail, so be careful as you descend down the rather large hill available here as it's very easy to lock your brakes in this game. As you might have noticed while driving around, there are several Q Coins scattered around the ranch that we can collect.
100 Q Coins are scattered throughout the various race courses and minigames, usually hidden in places that are less travelled by the player. Collecting all of them is necessary for 100%, so you should always take the time to get them during any race or minigame. Any Q Coins you collect will be lost if you fail the minigame or lose the race, so keep that in mind.

Once you're done, tell Jim the correct number of cows that were on the ranch and you'll be rewarded with Stamps 5 (Correctly guessed the number of cows in Jim's Ranch) and 6 (I collected every coin from Jim's Ranch). Unless you missed a coin somewhere, this'll be the only time you have to play this minigame.

Finish the minigame and you'll be back on the streets again. The last stamp we can do at this point before we start racing is Stamp 2 (Visit all homes and stores in Red City), so let's take care of that. Most buildings are easy enough to find if you spend a few minutes driving around, though the fire station and yellow house on the drag strip might be easy to miss since their entrances aren't very obvious. Once you get Stamp 2, head back to the Q's Factory for a refuel.

All of Red City's stamps (the ones that are available to us now, anyways) are complete, so the only thing left to do is to take on Red City's qualifying race. You can easily beat this race with your starting setup; however, I recommend getting the Power Transmission [パワーミッション] first as it'll make getting the coins on this track a bit easier.

Acquiring Parts
Compared to the other Choro-Q games that were released before Wonderful(!), Wonderful! has a very interesting way of obtaining parts. Dotted throughout the world are treasure chests that contain performance parts. These can range from new tires, specialty parts, engines, and so on.

Exploring each town thoroughly is necessary if you want the best performance possible, and in later cities, stay competitive. While these chests are easy to find at first, they become increasingly difficult to obtain as you progress. Each town past Red City will have its own section detailing how to reach each part, along with any part statistics and my personal thoughts on them at the end of each section.

Exit the Q's Factory and head north until you reach a small playground. It's here you will find the Power Transmission sitting next to some benches. Grab it, then warp back to the Q's Factory and equip it. Save if you haven't yet, then start the Red City qualifying race.

Saving before you start the qualifying race after exploring each new location is an good habit to form, as it'll ensure that everything but the race will already be taken care of. Should you need to take a break or quit playing, it will make it easy to remember where you left off.

Red City Qualifying Race - Finish 3rd or higher
At long last, we're finally racing. The course here is simple and takes you around the outskirts of Red City three times. The most notable parts of the course are the brief dirt section and the "Risky Curve" right before the finish line. The former is short and pretty harmless and the latter can be taken at full throttle as long you don't mind smashing into a few walls.

Your toughest opponent here is the white FC3S that starts at the front; other than that, everyone else is predictably slow. Completing the race in 3rd or higher should be no problem with the new transmission we have equipped. However, finishing every race in 1st isn't the only thing you have to do in races. You also have to collect coins and win the race while driving cleanly; something that isn't easy to do with weak parts.
Collecting every coin isn't too bad as long as you only go for them on Lap 3 where you'll likely have a decent lead. The best I was able to do was three coins in one lap, but you could probably collect more and still snag a win. Driving cleanly is more a matter of skill than anything. The best advice I can give for this track is to take the dirt section easy and to brake as early as possible for the Risky Curve. 70km/h or so should allow you to get through it without too much trouble. With how slow your steering is, stopping yourself from hitting a wall can be much harder than you'd expect.

If you can't get the other two stamps now, wait until you have the parts from Yellow Town or Black City, then come back and try again. Win the race, get every coin, win again while driving cleanly, and you'll be done here. Every qualifying race follows this formula when it comes to stamps, so get used to it. With everything here done, you should have Stamps 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Now that we've completed the Red City qualifying race, we can now head to Green Park. Drive over to Red City's Post Office, located east of the Q's Factory, and head inside. The delivery truck you talk to will give you the "Letter to the Directress" [園長への手紙]. After you receive this letter, head northwest towards the back of Red City where you will find the entrance to the Underground Maze along with an area that's guarded by a Jeep. With the letter in your inventory, the Jeep will finally let you by.

However, reaching Green Park isn't as easy as it would seem.

Jump the Drawbridge before time runs out! A treacherous bumpy trail followed by a slowly rising drawbridge are the only things stopping you from reaching Green Park. While this seems like a really intimidating minigame at first, it's actually really easy. Thanks to a very generous time limit of 1'30"000, you would have to drive extremely slowly to not reach the bridge in time. Falling off is a real possibility though if it's your first time, so don't be afraid to let off the gas.
The trail itself is a simple uphill spiral that straightens out before the bridge jump. As long as you keep turning right while keeping a decent speed, you'll be fine. More Q Coins are available to collect in this minigame, and most of them are easy to get except for the ones located at the bridge. If you don't collect them all in one jump, you'll have to start over for another chance to grab them.

Once you jump the bridge, the timer stops and you can simply cruise over to Green Park's entrance. Finishing this minigame with all coins collected will earn you Stamps 11 (I jumped the Drawbridge and made it to Green Park) and 12 (Collected every coin on the Drawbridge).

Obtaining the Ultra Turbo Early
Located in the center of the area you're in is the Ultra Turbo [ウルトラターボ] engine. You're only supposed to have access to this engine at the very end of the game since it's placed on a platform that can't be reached without a Jet Turbine and mid-late game parts. At least, that's what E-Game intended. By performing a very precise jump, you can actually land on the platform from above and reach the chest.

Equipping the Ultra Turbo this early destroys the intended difficulty curve of the game, so I only recommend doing this after you've finished your first playthrough. Collecting the Ultra Turbo is required for Stamp 14 (I got the treasure chest in the center of the Drawbridge track), so pulling this off will also allow you to obtain that stamp early.

Obviously, to keep this guide consistent with an average playthrough, we'll pretend as if we never obtained the Ultra Turbo this early and instead use only the parts that are available to us normally.

After jumping the bridge, we land right at the entrance to Green Park. The Drawbridge is a one-way trip, so if you need to return to Red City for anything, use the Underground Maze entrance that's in this next location. Drive in and you'll be greeted by a Game of Life car. Listen to him talk for a bit as he welcomes you to the new location.

Afterwards, we gain entry to the wonderful green jewel that is Green Park.

Red City Parts List

Power Transmission [パワーミッション]Gears: 5 / Top Speed: 178km/h
Shortens your gears to provide more acceleration. This is one of the better parts to use at the beginning of the game since it greatly boosts acceleration for weaker engines; however, it quickly loses its usefulness by the time you reach Black City as stronger engines will be greatly limited by the lack of top speed.
Ultra Turbo [ウルトラターボ]Power: 600 / Fuel Usage: 24 The strongest engine in the game. Explosive acceleration comes at the cost of terrible fuel economy, making longer races a true test of how well you can manage your fuel usage.

Green Park

And so here we are at the second location available to us, Green Park. Green Park is much more densely packed than Red City, with the park center and fountain being the primary landmark. The former is going to be our main point of reference here when navigating.

Our primary goal here is to collect a certain item here by completing a minigame, then complete the qualifying race and head to Yellow Town. Before we start working on any of that though, let's collect any new parts that might be scattered around Green Park and collect all of the stamps that are currently available to us.

As you can see in the screenshot to the left, there's a few cans littering the ground here. There are 100 of these cans scattered around the park, but we won't worry about them for now.

Green Park Part Collection
Green Park, being the second area in Wonderful, has only two part chests that can be collected. One of these chests can't be reached unless you have a specific set of tires, so the only part we can collect now is the Green Engine [グリーンエンジン]. Nevertheless, I'll walk you through the methods to obtain both.

Green Engine To find the Green Engine, start from the Q's Factory and head northwest past the fountain. You'll see a yellow building with a flan sign on top. Take the first left you see and follow the road until you reach a dead-end. Bump into the chest that's in front of you and you'll receive the Green Engine.

Ultra Quick Steering
Marking the start of E-Game teasing the player with parts they can't obtain until much later, the Ultra Quick Steering cannot be obtained unless you have the Big Tires equipped. Big Tires themselves cannot be obtained until you reach the last area in the game, so try not to forget that this is here if you're going for All Parts. Once you do have the correct tires, head to the bathroom located just a bit past the merry-go-round and you'll find the Ultra Quick Steering [ウルトラクイック] upon a raised platform.

Head back to the Q's Factory and equip your new engine. At 180 Power, it's only a marginal improvement over our starting engine, but anything at this stage helps. Now on to collecting stamps, of which there are plenty. The easiest stamp to collect here is Stamp 17 (I delivered the letter to the Directress). The Directress's house is by far the largest home here in Green Park, so you should have no issue locating it.

Simply take the first left exiting out of the Q's Factory or head east of the park center, and the Directress's home should be straight ahead. After talking to the Directress for a bit, you will receive Stamp 17. Keep the location of this house in mind as you will need to come back here soon to collect a quest reward.
The next stamp on our list is Stamp 15 (Acquired the Green Park Visa). Just like the Red City Visa, collecting the Green Park Visa is easy and requires almost nothing of the player. To find the Domiso Visa in Green Park, head north past the fountain or turn right exiting the Q's Factory. Cross the bridge, then take a left and follow the road all the way until you reach the Domiso Visa. Head inside and you'll receive your Green Park Visa after a bit of dialogue.

Stamp 16 (Visit all homes and shops in Green Park) is the second to last stamp we can get while we're currently out exploring. This one isn't too bad despite how densely packed this place is. All of the shops and homes here are relatively easy to find as long you take your time and you explore the place thoroughly. Green Park has some rather long roads leading up to some of its locations like the Snowy Slope, Firework Hill, and Fortune Teller's Hall. While more driving is required here, it shouldn't take you that long to find everything.

Speaking of the Fortune Teller's Hall, you are not required to answer any questions this time. Just enter, click through the dialogue, and you'll receive the directions to Green Park. Once you have Stamp 16, it's time to work on collecting the last stamp we can get while exploring Green Park: Stamp 17 (I picked up the trash and helped clean Green Park).

Let's Clean Green Park! This is one of the easier, albeit more time consuming activities to complete in Wonderful(!). To pick up a can, all you have to do is find and drive over one. As mentioned earlier, there's 100 of these cans in Green Park. With the way the cans are placed, collecting all of them will basically give you a tour of the entire place. Considering this, I strongly suggest starting with the perimeter of the park, then working your way towards the park center.

Doing this will help ensure you don't miss any cans. If you are missing any, do a quick lap of the park's perimeter then work your way towards the park center again. The number of cans you currently have isn't tracked in your inventory, so if you need to find out how many are remaining, talk to the dump truck that's roaming around Green Park or talk to the one that's in the Recycling Center (pale green building with a tree pattern on its walls).

After collecting all 100 cans, drive over to the Directress's house. Head inside and speak with them; as a reward for your efforts, you'll be given the Studless [スタッドレス] set of tires. Studless tires will help make an upcoming minigame easier to complete, so don't forget to equip them when the time comes.

All of the stamps requiring exploration are complete, so now we can focus on completing the first of Green Park's minigames. Head north out of the park center, take a left after crossing the bridge, and follow the road up until it splits. Instead of going down the left road towards the Domiso Visa and Snowy Slope, keep to the right. Drive all the way down and at the end of the road will be a firetruck, who will ask for your help collecting a bunch of firework balls for the nightly show. Agree to help and you'll be thrown into your next minigame.

Collect the Fireworks before they're destroyed! Our first minigame with a time limit, and depending on what you're aiming for, it can be a bit tricky to complete. The goal here is to collect as many firework balls as you can and take them to the summit before time runs out or they're all destroyed from falling into the river. You only need to collect one of the firework balls in order to complete the minigame, so if you wanted to, you could easily complete this in about 15 seconds. To receive Stamp 24 and ultimately achieve 100% though, we need to collect all 50.
As soon as the minigame starts, aim to your left and drive up the hill. As soon as you reach the dirt road that goes around the hill, turn onto it and drive straight towards the firework balls. This is by far the most efficient way to collect all 50. You're not going to collect all of them in one go since they're spaced somewhat far from each other (the best I could do was 37 in one go), so as soon you stop seeing any, drive down the hill and repeat the process. Collect all of the firework balls and "PERFECT!" will appear on the screen.

From here, you can do two things: head to the top of the hill and end the minigame early, or stick around and try to collect as many Q Coins as you can before time runs out. Although the latter seems like the more appealing option, it's better to do the former. Even with a great run, you'll usually only have 60-65 seconds left on the clock after collecting all 50 balls, so it's not worth the risk. Just collect the coins on your next run.

Once you're done collecting every firework ball you can, head to the summit to finish. You'll be treated to a fireworks show after; the length of which depends on the amount of fireworks you collected. The firetruck who asked for your help will give you a Firework Launch Tube [花火打ち上げ用の筒] the first time you complete this minigame, then a Plush Toy [ぬいぐるみ] on any subsequent attempts. Perfecting the minigame and collecting every coin here will grant you Stamps 24 and 25.

The Plush Toy has no use aside from collection purposes, so you can skip it if you want. The Firework Launch Tube on the other hand is needed for a part we have to create and use later on, so getting it is necessary for story progression. Since we've finished all there is do in Green Park (for now), let's head back to the Q's Factory and participate in the qualifying race. Be sure to save if you haven't already.

Green Park Qualifying Race - Finish 3rd or higher
Fans of motorsports might recognize the track layout here. Compared to Red City's track, Green Park's course is easier to complete and get all stamps for thanks to the gentler turns and increased width of the track. The only turns worth noting here are the first turn (a hairpin right after the home straight) and the very tight hairpin that follows soon after around the halfway point of the track. Brake hard and early for these turns, use a good line, and you shouldn't have too many problems.

The opponents here, while a bit faster than Red City's, are still easy to beat with the parts you've obtained so far. The Ice Cream Truck and white FC3S will be your strongest opponents here, so make sure they don't pull away. The AI slows down a lot entering the first turn, so if you've got the guts, it's the best spot on the track for overtaking. Using the tips here, win the race and Stamps 19 and 20 will be awarded to you. Of course, winning's not the only thing we have to do here.
Coin collecting at Green Park is easy; a majority of the coins are placed out in the open and don't require you to venture too far out from the racing line to get them. The only exception to this is the last coin, which is hidden before the last undulation on the last section of the track. If you don't know it's there, it's very easy to pass up, so slow down well ahead of time to grab it. The maximum amount of coins I was able to collect in one run with the Green Park parts was four. Unless you want to break out the Ultra Turbo early, split your coin collection between two runs.

Surprisingly, a clean race at Green Park isn't that bad. Hell, you could do it on your first attempt while also collecting coins if you're good enough. The hardest part of driving cleanly here is how clustered together the AI Qs are during the first lap. On the second and third laps, the traffic will clear up and you'll only have the Ice Cream Truck to worry about. Once you're done here, you should have Stamps 19, 20, 21, and 22 in your Stamp Book.

Qualifying at Green Park will unlock access to Yellow Town, our next stop on our way to the WGP. Now, do you remember those Studless tires we got after completing Stamp 18? Go ahead and throw them on. In order to get to Yellow Town, we have to traverse a snowy slope. Snow is only used once in the entirety of Wonderful(!), so this will be one of the very few times the Studless tires will see any use during this walkthrough. With your new set of tires equipped, head north out of the park center and cross the bridge like usual. Turn left and you should see a dirt road surrounded by a dense forest after driving for a bit.

This is where you want to go as this road will take us to the Snowy Slope that leaves Green Park. Drive up the road and you'll eventually reach a building with the word "SNOW" stamped on the doors. Head inside, talk to the Jeep for a bit, then say "yes" when he asks if you're ready.

Green Park's Snowy Slope
Despite the new terrain here, there really isn't much to say about the Snowy Slope. You can take as long as you like and the route itself is simple, save for one small section where it's possible to fall off if you're going too fast. With no time limit, there's really no reason for us to speed through the slope. Not yet, anyways. With that in mind, let's focus on driving safely while collecting coins.

The coins here are easy to collect since a majority of them are placed out in the open, but there are two that are hidden a bit better than the rest. The fourth coin is hidden behind the first large jump on the slope right after the big curve. Slow down so you don't miss it. The eighth coin is hidden way over to the right past some of the terrain after the second big jump. Take as much time as you need to find all of the coins before moving on; being thorough will save you from having to come back here for a while.

Once you're past the one open cliff this route has, you can simply drive the rest of the way at your own leisure. Continue making your way down the slope until you see the big "WELCOME YELLOW TOWN" banner. This banner essentially acts as the finish line for this minigame as the Total Time will stop counting after you cross it.

Drive into the small tunnel that's just past the Yellow Town banner and you'll be rewarded with Stamps 26 (Traversed the Snowy Slope and reached Yellow Town) and 27 (Collected every coin on the Snowy Slope).

Just like the Drawbridge, the Snowy Slope is a one-way trip. If you forgot to grab something in Green Park, use the Underground Maze to return there. Collect your stamps, wait for the game to load, and you'll come across another Jeep. This Jeep will formally welcome you and tell you how long it took you to traverse the slope. Once you're done talking to him, you'll find yourself driving out into the slum known as Yellow Town.

Green Park Parts List

Green Engine [グリーンエンジン]Power: 180 / Fuel Usage: 3 An engine that provides a respectable amount of power. Its modest power output of 180 is outclassed quickly by newer engines, so odds are you'll only use it for one or two races before moving on to something better.
Studless [スタッドレス]A set of tires made for use on snowy terrain. Their usefulness is extremely limited in Wonderful(!), as only one small section of the game uses snow. Even then, they can be roughly matched in performance by the Offroad and Big sets of tires.
Ultra Quick Steering [ウルトラクイック]Turning Speed: 8 The fastest steering in the game, although its practicality is questionable at best. Both the Ultra Quick Steering and Rudder can be obtained at roughly the same time, but the latter option provides significantly better turning and response at all speeds. Using this in tandem with the Rudder is an extremely easy way to make any kind of smooth cornering impossible, so the only time Ultra Quick Steering can truly be useful is if you're doing some kind of challenge run that restricts which parts you can use.
Supreme Chassis [おもいシャーシ]Acceleration ++ / Stability -- The lightest chassis in the game. The Supreme Chassis boosts acceleration even further compared to the Light Chassis, at the cost of being the most susceptible to bouncing. The pros far outweigh the cons though, so once you get your hands on it, you won't need to use any other chassis.

Yellow Town

The third stop on our adventure, Yellow Town, really darkens the tone compared to Green Park. Yellow Town's story and how it came to be is quite interesting, but I'll talk more about that later. Right now, we're currently in what is possibly the most confusing place to navigate in Wonderful(!).

Yellow Town is built like a maze with only one road that takes you into the town proper, and the town center, waterfall, and the Black City gate are the only distinct landmarks we have. The majority of the houses here look alike too, which only adds to the feeling of confusion.

To help familiarize ourselves with this new locale, let's collect all of the parts that are available here. Yellow Town has a total of five parts we can collect, almost tying with Black City for having the most parts available to collect in one location. Yellow Town is also where the process of collecting parts starts to become more challenging, with some being surprisingly tough to reach without good knowledge of the location or the correct parts.

Yellow Town Part Collection
Being one of the most lucrative places in the game for parts, you really shouldn't skip out on anything here. While there are a few disposable parts here like the Yellow Engine [イエローエンジン] and Heavy Chassis [おもいシャーシ], Yellow Town makes up for it by having the extremely useful Offroad [オフロード], Aero Parts [エアロパーツ], and Quick Steering [クイック・ステア] available for us to collect.

Offroad Starting from the Q's Factory, head out of the town center past the Domiso Visa and you'll come across a split road. Drive up the right side and before you reach the gong, turn left and jump off the edge. If you carried enough speed (80 km/h should be enough), you should have landed on an elevated piece of land with a chest on it. In this chest will be the Offroad tires.

Quick Steering Once again, starting from the Q's Factory, head into town by taking the main road and follow it until you reach the Mayor's house and the Yellow Town Gate. Both of these are located at the very end of the main road, so they shouldn't be hard to miss. Once you're at the gate, take a left and drive past the Mayor's house and up the small hill. At the crest of the hill tucked away in a small niche, you'll find a chest with Quick Steering inside.

Yellow Engine
Head back to the Yellow Town Gate. Instead of taking a left, head straight and drive down the darker dirt path. You'll find yourself in a tunnel that leads to some water. Drive into the water and you'll end up behind the town's waterfall. You should see a chest not too far away from you. Drive into it and the Yellow Engine is yours.

Aero Parts
This is easily the hardest part to get here by a good margin, but it's well worth the trouble. Head down the main road again until you reach the section of road that's a steep downhill. You'll find a split with a light and dark dirt path, with the dark path on the right. Head down the dark path past all of the houses until you reach a dead end. Turn left and head up the small incline. Take two lefts once you reach the top, and you'll find yourself on a narrow road that ends with a small ramp.

Jump off the ramp and you'll land on top of one of the houses. Drive along the rooftops while trying to carry as much speed as possible and right before you reach the last house, turn and aim slightly right towards the adjacent rooftop. Don't aim too far to the right, as there's a fence on the last rooftop that will stop you dead if you hit it.

If you managed to make it onto the last rooftop, then all you have to do now is drive into the small passageway that's close by. You'll find a chest with the Aero Parts inside.

Heavy Chassis The Heavy Chassis, while optional and generally useless in Wonderful(!), doesn't take too much effort or wandering around to obtain. Follow the directions that are detailed in the Quick Steering section, except this time, you're going to head straight and go down the two hills that are ahead. At the bottom of the second hill is a split where you can either go straight into the water or right. Turn right and you'll see the Bandit's Hideout and a road that ends with a jump.

It should be obvious what you need to do here; build up some speed, then jump the ramp. 95-100 km/h should be just enough to make it. Once you're across the river, head upstream until you reach a house. Head inside and you'll receive the Heavy Chassis from the Q who lives there.

After all is said and done, every part in Yellow Town is now in our collection. Warp back to the Q's Factory and equip your new steering, engine, Aero Parts, and tires before continuing on. In contrast to the previous towns, Yellow Town has few stamps we can collect through exploration, with only five in total. Even then, only three of those stamps can be obtained at this point in the game. Like usual, let's collect every stamp we can before we do any racing.

The first stamp is Stamp 29 (I got the Yellow Town Visa). This stamp is extremely easy to obtain as this town's Domiso Visa happens to be right next to the Yellow Town Q's Factory. Simply turn to your right after exiting the Q's Factory and it'll be right in front of you. Drive inside and you'll receive your Visa after a bit of dialogue. The second stamp we can collect here is Stamp 31 (I caught a thief). Collecting this stamp unlocks an event in Black City, which upon completing that, will allow us to obtain the Light Chassis [かるいシャーシ].

To get Stamp 31, head to a certain non-descript house not far from the Q's Factory. The way this house is positioned makes it very easy to drive past and miss; the easiest way to find it is to drive down the main road until it opens up into a big square. Turn around and you'll see the house you need to enter.

Go inside and a thief will immediately rush out of the house. The Q that lives there will tell you to give chase.

Catch the Bandit!
I hope you went out of your way to collect the more important parts here before doing this, because the difficulty here all depends on whether or not your Q is up to snuff. The bandit, while not the fastest Q when it comes to top speed, turns very well and can pull away from you with his strong acceleration quite easily. You must be quick and not make too many mistakes when pursuing him if you want to catch him.

You also have to make sure you don't run into any other Qs, as that will kill any speed you might have built up. To make up for the tight roads and potential Qs you have to deal with, the bandit's hideout is placed very far from the house he robs, giving you ample time to catch him even if you make mistakes. The best place to catch him is on the long straight and downhill after the windy uphill section.
With the Yellow Engine, Aero Kit, and Power Transmission equipped, you should be able to catch up to him on that straight easily or catch him period if you're close enough. If you somehow aren't able to catch him at all even with the best parts here, then just wait outside his hideout and let him drive into you. After you catch him, he'll apologize and Stamp 31 will be yours.

With Stamp 31 complete, there's only two things left for us to do before we can start racing: collect the Gas Burner from the building next to the Steelworks, and visit the Fortune Teller's Hall. The Steelworks can be found at the top of the windy uphill section that you've likely driven through a few times. Turn to your right after you reach the top and you'll find the entrance. Upon entering, you'll be greeted by a dump truck who asks you to obtain a Gas Burner [ガスバーナー] for him. This Gas Burner is yet another item that becomes crucial later on, so don't forget to grab it before you leave Yellow Town.
Pick the top option here and you'll be sent on your way. Upon leaving the Steelworks, the building you need to go in will be directly to your right. Head inside and you'll receive the Gas Burner from the receptionist inside. All we need to do now before we can race is find the Fortune Teller's Hall. Drive down to the Mayor's House again and turn right when the road splits, then drive down that road and take the first left you see. Once you find and enter the hall, the Q inside will ask you if you want to learn how to get to Yellow Town through the Underground Maze. Pick the top option and you'll receive directions to Yellow Town.

There isn't anything else we can do here in Yellow Town for now, so head back to the Q's Factory and save up. When you're ready, go ahead and start the next qualifier.

Yellow Town Qualifying Race - Finish 3rd or higher
Say hello to our first offroad track in Wonderful. Compared to the previous courses, Yellow Town's track certainly bumps up the difficulty. Not only is there a frequent track hazard in the form of logs and stumps littering the track, but every opponent here also uses Big Tires which allows them to jump over those logs effortlessly. Winning here sounds like a real challenge at first, but as you'll soon find out, this track is more bark than bite.

The first section of the course is quite easy. Starting off, get as close as you can to the inner wall and try to brake late entering into the sweeper. You want to be going about 105-110 km/h to make it through the sweeper smoothly. Coming out of the sweeper is a small straight that ends with the Log Chicane. Hug the left side of the track to avoid any stumps and logs, then slow down early for the chicane. Enter the chicane from the right, turn left once you pass the first log to your right, then turn out and exit the chicane.
Once you're past that part, there's two ways you can go: high or low. By far the best general tip I can give for this track is to always take the high roads when possible. Taking the lower route, even with Big Tires equipped, is slower overall and also contains plenty of hazards you can run into or launch off of. The lower route also doesn't have any coins to collect, so there's really no reason to ever drive down there. You can still win with a comfortable lead using the lower route, but in my opinion, it's just not worth the effort.

As for the high route, aside from already being faster, it also contains a shortcut that saves a ton of time and none of the AI Qs ever seem to use it. Using that shortcut on all three laps will make winning here mindlessly easy. I highly recommend using it liberally to make obtaining Stamp 36 much easier.

Collecting coins now for Stamp 35 is sort of pointless as one coin is placed on top of a log, which we can't reach without Big Tires. However, four out of the five coins here can be obtained now if you so choose. Three of them are rather easy to find, but there is one coin that's very easy to miss here and that's the one placed behind the last middle pillar on the home straight. Be sure to slow down well ahead of time to collect it. Once you're done here, you should have Stamps 33, 34, and 36 added to your Stamp Book.

After completing the qualifying race, it's time to head to Black City. Drive out of the Q's Factory and head over to the split road not too far ahead. At the end of the upper path will be a small ramp and the Yellow Town Gong. Build up some speed and jump off the ramp to ring the gong. The gate to Black City will open and you'll have thirty seconds to reach the gate before it closes. Getting to the gate in time is easy as long you don't accidentally run into any of the Qs wandering around the town center.

Reach the gate before time runs out and you'll receive Stamp 37 (I rang the gong and made my way into Black City). Past the gate, you'll be greeted by a police officer who formally welcomes you to the great and grand Black City.

Yellow Town Parts List

Aero Parts [エアロパーツ]Acceleration + A wide body kit and custom wheels. Equipping this will give you a good boost to acceleration while leaving top speed unaffected, making it a very good part to use. Once you obtain this, there's really no reason not to use it. The only bad thing about Aero Parts is their looks; some of these kits can look very questionable...
Heavy Chassis [おもいシャーシ]Acceleration -- / Stability ++ A heavy chassis, exactly as it says in its name. Much like the previous Choro-Q games, equipping a heavier chassis will slow you down, so there's basically no point to using this unless you're trying to challenge yourself. Supposedly, using this chassis in a certain location much later on makes navigating there easier, but I tested it myself and there was barely any difference. At the end of the day, it's a collector's item and nothing more.
Offroad [オフロード]A set of tires intended for general off-road driving. A staple part in the Choro-Q series, this is another part that you'll likely be using for the rest of the game. Offroad tires provide great traction on both dirt and snow and are only beaten overall by the Big tires.
Quick Steering [クイック・ステア]Turning Speed: 2 The first Steering part you can obtain in Wonderful(!). A welcome upgrade from the extremely slow turning speed that the Normal Steering has, this part will also likely last you a while as the next steering upgrade, Super Quick Steering, can't be obtained until you reach one of the last areas in the game. There is still a good amount of delay in your steering with this equipped, so don't get too overzealous with your newfound handling.
Yellow Engine [イエローエンジン]Power: 200 / Fuel Usage: 4 The first engine (not counting the Ultra Turbo) to crack the 1xx power barrier. This is also the first engine to increase fuel usage, with an increase of +1 over the Normal and Green engines. It's a decent engine, but the Black Engine you get in the next city completely trumps this one in terms of performance, so odds are you'll only use this for one race before never touching it again.

Black City

Just past the gate in Yellow Town lies the large and luxurious Black City. You could tell the developers really loved making this area, as not only does it have a wonderfully catchy and banger of a theme, it's also by far the most dense location in the game in terms of content. Black City has two minigames, five parts to collect, numerous houses to visit, and a healthy amount of side quests and stamps for us to complete and collect.

It's easy to get overwhelmed at first since there's so much to do. On my first playthrough, it took me about two hours to complete everything here. Like with the previous towns, let's focus on collecting every part here so we can familiarize ourselves with the city and prepare for the upcoming qualifying race.

Two of the five parts here are obtained by completing certain stamps, so really, we only have three parts we can collect in Black City.

Black City Part Collection
Although Black City is a fair bit larger than Yellow Town, all of the parts here are placed rather close to each other and don't require too much effort to obtain. In fact, you could easily collect all of them in about a minute or two if you know where to look. The most notable parts here are the Black Engine [ブラックエンジン] and Sports Tires [スポーツタイヤ]. Both of these parts provide a very nice increase to overall performance and we'll need them both if we want to complete Stamp 32 as early as possible.
Black Engine
Starting from the Q's Factory, head east until you cross a small bridge. The road ends with a 90 degree right turn after crossing said bridge, so turn and drive up the road until you see a little passageway off to the right. Reverse, get a good run up, and jump off towards the small cliff ahead. 110 km/h should be enough to make the jump. It'll look like you undershot the jump at first, but you'll still be able to scale the side of the cliff without any issues. Turn to your left and you'll see a split road. Head left and at the end of this path will be the Black Engine.

Sports Tires
To better illustrate my point of the parts here being placed stupidly close to each other, we'll going to grab this part from the same place we got the Black Engine. Hop down the cliff and head upstream. Keep going until you see a waterfall ahead of you. Despite the water looking solid, there is a basin underneath the water that you can drive in just fine. At the bottom of this small basin will be the Sports Tires.

Low-High Transmission
This transmission is just weird, and I was never able to find a good use for it during any of my multiple playthroughs of Wonderful(!). The key thing that separates this transmission from the rest is that it only has two gears - the first gear shifts at about 55 km/h, and the second gear goes all the way up to 253 km/h. More details about this transmission are available in the Parts List at the bottom of this page, so for now, I'll just tell you how to obtain it.

Head the same way that you did for the Black Engine, but instead of driving down the passageway, keep heading up the road. The road will split (an all-too-familiar sight at this point) with a light dirt path and a dark dirt path. Head down the dark dirt path. Take the first left when possible and you'll come across an open area with a chest. Inside this chest is the Low-High Transmission [ローハイミッション].

You know the drill; head back to the Q's Factory and equip your new engine and tires. The Low-High Transmission, like I said earlier, isn't worth using and will only slow you down. With your snazzy new set of parts equipped, head over to the small plaza located east of the Q's Factory. It's here you'll find the Casino and Jewelry Store. The Casino (seen on the left) hosts the Billiards minigame, while the Jewelry Store is home to another "Catch the Bandit" minigame. For now, let's get Billiards out of the way.

Enter the Casino and you'll be greeted by a Game of Life car, who asks if you want to play some Billiards. Pick the top option and away we go.

Billiards This is arguably the most boring minigame in Wonderful(!). Your objective here is to sink all nine balls. ...And that's it. There's no time limit, no shot limit, you can foul as much as you want, and you always get warped back if you somehow manage to fall out of the play area. Only one stamp is available to collect here and that's Stamp 40 (Played a round of Billiards), so this is a minigame you'll probably play once then never touch again.

The terrain here is considered off-road, so Offroad, Sports, or even the Big tires are the best choice here if you really care about getting a decent score. Aside from that, there's very little to say here. Just hit the balls into the holes and you're done. Finishing a round of Billiards will give you the aforementioned Stamp 40.

Once you complete your round of Billiards, the Game of Life car will tell you your final shot count. Coming out of the Casino, the Jewelry Store will be directly ahead of you. The Jewelry Store is where we can collect Stamp 32 (I reformed the thief) and the Light Chassis [かるいシャーシ]. The Light Chassis is the first beneficial chassis we can obtain in Wonderful(!), and it's one of the few non-Special parts that will last you a long time in a normal playthrough. Head over to the Jewelry Store and you'll run into a rather familiar face.

Catch the Bandit II
The second and last time you have to catch the bandit in Wonderful(!). Unlike Yellow Town where you basically had all the time in the world to catch him, this bandit can be legitimately impossible to catch in time if you don't have the correct parts. First of all, the distance the bandit has to cover in order to escape is tiny compared to last time, with the Black City gate being his destination. Secondly, it seems his performance was buffed since last time as he now accelerates much more quickly and can easily reach his top speed in about two seconds.

The best setup to use for this is easily the Black Engine, Aero Kit, and Power Transmission - these three parts will give you the acceleration needed to catch the thief in time. Even then, you still need to drive pretty well so you don't lose him. Exiting out of the Jewelry Store puts you in a bad position if you don't immediately start turning to the right, so turn ahead of time as you're exiting the store.

Start tapping the gas too, as this'll help you move over to the right so you can get a good line through the plaza's entrance. Once you're out of the plaza, it's just a matter of keeping as much speed as you can. With a good enough exit out of the first turn, you should be able to just barely catch the thief right before he reaches the gate leading to Yellow Town.

Upon capturing the thief again, you'll receive Stamp 32 (I reformed the thief). Head back to the Jewelry Store afterwards and you'll receive the Light Chassis as a gift from the shop owner.

With the Light Chassis now in our possession, we can further increase our acceleration. Equip it as soon as you can, then throw on your Offroad tires and any other parts that could help you accelerate quicker. Trust me, we're going to need them. The next minigame we have to play, Soccer, is home to arguably one of the hardest stamps in the game; Stamp 44 (Played a perfect game in Soccer). To find the Soccer Field, turn left exiting out of the Q's Factory and follow the road through the tunnel until you see a road off to the right. Follow it and you'll be at the field.

The Soccer Field is yet another place where you'll encounter your rival, who this time, will ask you if you're up for a friendly round of soccer. Whenever you're ready, go ahead and press Circle twice when prompted to start the minigame.

Oh, man. Where do I start with this one? Soccer can either be easy or an absolute nightmare to complete with both stamps obtained depending on your luck. The reason why this can be so hard compared to HG2 & 3's Soccer is because of the way the AI cheats, and I don't mean that in a "i'm trying to cope with being bad at the game" way. When I say they cheat, I mean they cheat. The AI Qs here can turn infinitely and their grip is unlimited, meaning they can easily catch you off guard and snatch the ball if you slip up for even a second.

The physics on the ball itself are terrible, too. If you're even one degree off when trying to hit the ball straight, that will be enough to send the ball flying in another direction -- which the AI will then take advantage of to keep the ball away from you. Keep in mind, the whole time you're doing this, you also have to worry about your fuel usage since matches can easily drag on for a long time and your fuel is not restored if you forfeit. To make things even worse, your teammate is as dumb as a bag of rocks and will constantly try to sabotage you by missing the goal or hitting the ball away from it.

The first round of Soccer is always guaranteed to be easy as you'll have more than enough power to reach the ball first and hit it into the opposing goal with no problems. Afterwards, it turns into chaos. Rounds 2 and 3 start with the rival team right next to the ball, which they will naturally hit past you. If you try to go for it first on these rounds, you'll only set yourself up for a long, drawn out match where you're constantly chasing after the AI. Instead, try reversing towards the direction of the ball at the start. With enough luck, you can reverse, turn around to face the ball, and take control of the match much faster.
In general, the faster you can get control of the ball, the better. Play it safe and wait for the AI to make a mistake if you lose the ball since they can always turn the tables on you with their insane steering. Odds are very likely you're not going to get a perfect game the first time, so don't sweat it if the rival team scores. Just keep practicing Round 2 until you get a feel for how the later rounds are supposed to go, then give it another shot when you think you're ready.

Winning a match of Soccer here will get you Stamp 43, while winning with a perfect game (3-0) will get you Stamp 44. By the time you're done here, you should have both.

Soccer is complete, which means we never have to subject ourselves to it again. Warp back, re-equip your Sports Tires, save and breathe a sigh of relief. Now that we've completed all of the minigames available in Black City, we can now turn our attention to completing the last few side activities here before moving on to the qualifying race. There's two things we should take care of before we can start racing: those being visiting the Cake Shop to start a quest that is key to obtaining the best chassis in the game and grabbing a fan from the local Garbage Truck so we can finally create that new part I keep talking about.

The Cake Shop is located a bit northeast of the Q's Factory. It's pretty hard to miss as not only is it one of the tallest buildings in the city, but it also has a large "CAKE" sign placed right above the door. Upon entering, you'll find yourself talking to the owner of the shop with three options to pick. The first option here is the most important, as this is the one that starts the Pudding quest. Now, do you remember the shop back in Green Park with the flan sign? The Q who runs that place wants pudding from Black City's cake shop, but the owner of the cake shop has no more eggs he can use.

As you would expect from a game like this, it's up to you to find an egg the owner can use to make pudding for the shop owner back in Green Park. This begins the longest quest in the game; one that requires a lot of running between multiple cities and talking to about a half-dozen different Qs in a specific order to complete. Every part of this quest is covered in the Blue Lake section of this guide, so if you've played through most of the game but have trouble completing it on your save, skip ahead to that section.

Amusingly, the second option has you ask if there's any sweet shops around Black City, which the owner will use as an opportunity to express his distaste for red bean paste before telling you "no". With that out of the way, it's time to start looking for the Fan [せんぷうき]. Head over to where you found the Black Engine, but instead of keeping left and heading upstream towards the end of the path, take a right. This will take you back towards Black City, but through a new part of the map that can only be accessed by coming through this particular section.

It's here on this upper level of Black City that you'll find two houses. We only have to enter the second house in order to get the Fan, but there's no reason to skip over the first house since we still have Stamp 39 (Entered all houses and shops in Black City) to complete. Enter the second house and the Q inside (from what I could roughly translate) will tell you about a fan they threw away recently since they have air conditioning. It seems like fluff at first, but right before you leave, they'll tell you that the Garbage Truck that roams around the city should still have that Fan on them.

Finding the Garbage Truck after this isn't too hard; just drive up and down the main straight of Black City until you see him. Depending on where he is in the city, it might take a few minutes of driving to find him. Once you do find him, talk to him and you'll receive both the Fan and Stamp 41 (I got a Fan someone didn't need anymore).

With the Fan now in our possession, drive or warp back to the Q's Factory. Save if you want, then start the Black City qualifying race.

Black City Qualifying Race - Finish 3rd or higher
After dealing with Yellow Town's course, it's nice to be on a track that's mostly road again. A lot of 90° turns combined with a narrow and twisty offroad section can make this track a formidable foe, especially if you're trying to complete Stamp 48 (Completed a clean race at Black City). The rival Qs here haven't improved that much in terms of speed since our last race, so winning here is more about being able to handle the track both consistently and competently.

A important tip for this track (and in general, too) is to always be mindful of your speed. Mismatched terrain is everywhere during the first half of the track and the transition from road to dirt can be abrupt. The riskiest section is after the twisty dirt section past the bridge, where the left half of the straight is taken up by water. Driving in this water makes it easy to spin out and our Sports Tires only make the water's effects worse, so keep far to the right as you turn onto the back straight.

Past that is one section of the track we can use to our advantage to make things easier. Right before the tunnel at the end of the track lies two back-to-back 90° turns. The AI slows to a crawl during this section, mostly because the line they use to take the turns is terrible. If you use a proper line through that section, you can easily overtake any Qs that may be ahead of you and gain plenty of time on those that are behind. Of course, you still have to keep up with them before this section, but you shouldn't have too much trouble doing that at this point.

Collecting coins here is pretty easy. One of them is placed just ahead of the starting line, while the others are all placed in the latter half of the track and in fairly obvious locations too. There is one that deserves a special mention though, and that's the coin placed just outside of the tunnel. This coin is placed as close to the inner wall as possible, which means that unless you slow down and turn in well ahead of time, you are guaranteed to miss it.
Driving cleanly here seems really tough at first, but there is a way to do it consistently. Starting off, do your best to get into 6th after the first turn. Hug the inside as much as you can and you should be able to slip by the Garbage Truck and Midget II. Hang behind the Ice Cream Truck for the technical dirt part, then overtake him on the back straight. Hang in 5th until the road splits with two lanes, go left, then corner with a wide line to clear the white FC3S that usually leads the pack. If you got into 1st without hitting anything, then you're set for the rest of the race. Obviously, you should still drive as carefully as you can, but chances are you shouldn't have to worry about the other Qs after that.

Stamps 45, 46, 47, and 48 should all be in your Stampbook once you're finished here.

Completing the qualifying race here will allow us to obtain a new part back at Red City; the legendary Jet Turbine [ジェットタービン]. Odds are very likely you know this part from its appearances in both HG2 and HG3 as the Jet Turbine has been a staple part of E-Game's works ever since Wonderful(!) came out. As it turns out, there's a side quest here that requires us to head back to Red City, so this works out perfectly for us. Take a left coming out of the Q's Factory and follow the road all the way until you see a dirt path ahead of you. This path will lead you to Will's mansion.

This section of Black City is home to not only Will's mansion, but also the city's Domiso Visa. Instead of turning right towards the mansion, keep heading straight and you'll see a small red and beige building. Go inside, talk to the Q running the place, and you'll receive your Black City Visa and Stamp 38 (I got the Black City Visa). Probably one of the first things you'll notice about Will's Mansion upon entering, aside from the sheer size of the place, is either the courtyard or the pool. The latter is currently off limits to us and is actually much more important than you'd think. In fact, we won't be able to progress any further in the game until it's unlocked.

Drive into the mansion and you'll eventually come across a door. Past this door is where Will resides, and he has a favor to ask you.

Let's deliver bread to Will and create the Jet Turbine! Ignoring the distance you have to drive to collect the bread in the first place, Will's request is just a simple fetch quest. The general gist of this is that Will wants you to pick up some bread for him back at Red City, then come back and deliver it to him. You can complete this quest very quickly if you've already memorized the directions for the Underground Maze, but if you're like me and can't read Japanese, I can imagine this is where a lot of people who played blindly got stuck. With a bit of research online nowadays, learning how to navigate the maze isn't hard.

Of course, I have to mention that this is the first time the player has to go through the Underground Maze to complete an objective. Beforehand, you could easily go through the game without ever needing to use it since everything so far (save for one or two stamps) could be completed on your first visit. That doesn't apply here. To make matters worse, Black City is the only place in the entire game that doesn't have an entrance to the Underground Maze. You instead have to head back to Yellow Town and use its entrance to the maze to travel between cities.
Knowing what we have to do, drive back to Yellow Town and head towards the waterfall. Roughly halfway down the waterfall's stream is a cave with a Q's Factory worker inside. These caves are also in Red City and Green Park, so if you were wondering what they were used for, now you know. Enter the cave and you'll be given three choices. Pick the top option and you'll be warped to the Underground Maze. Getting to Red City via the Maze is actually pretty easy; just drive straight until you reach a T-intersection, then take a right and go straight until you reach the Red City entrance. Drive into it and you'll receive Stamp 91 (Reached Red City through the Underground Maze).

Now that you're in Red City, head to Shopping Street and look for the shop that has a sign with bread on it. Once you find it, head inside and you'll receive a loaf of Bread [パン]. With the Bread in our inventory, it's time to head to the Blacksmith to create the Jet Turbine. Drive out of Shopping Street and towards the Post Office; located just a bit south of it will be a small, non-descript gray building. Inside this building is where the Blacksmith of Red City hangs out.

The first time you enter, the Blacksmith will strip you of all the items needed for the Jet Turbine. Since we completed the qualifier race back at Black City, we can simply reverse and enter again to immediately receive the Jet Turbine. Warp to the Q's Factory and equip your brand new part. Trust me when I say you'll be getting a lot of use out of it. We've taken care of everything we need to do here, so now we have to head back to Black City. Return to the Maze entrance you came out of earlier and agree to travel through the maze again.

This time, you're going to want to take the first two rights you see, then simply follow the road until you reach the Yellow Town entrance. You'll receive Stamp 93 (Reached Yellow Town through the Underground Maze) for coming through here. Now you're that back in Yellow Town, warp back to the Q's Factory and re-enter Black City through the gate. Return to Will's mansion, drop off the bread, and you'll finally be done with this quest and have a brand new Special part to play around with. Stamp 42 (I delivered bread to Will) will added to your Stampbook after successfully delivering the bread.

Will's pool is now open to us, which means we're in the last stage of Black City and very close to starting the second half of the game. Since every section in Black City is now available to us, we can finally complete Stamp 39 (Entered all homes and shops in Black City). Take your time exploring the city and finding each house/shop, as we won't be able to return here for a long time after we start the next half of Wonderful(!). Two places of note here are the home behind the Mayor's house and the Fortune Teller's Hall; the latter of which can be found opposite of where you found the Low-High Transmission. It's easy to miss these while exploring, so try to be thorough.

Once you're confident you've visited every house in Black City, head back to the mansion and drive into the pool. At the back of the pool is a small passage; as random as it seems, that's where you need to go next. Drive back onto land and aim yourself at the passageway. Make sure to use your Jet Turbine to make the jump as it helps immensely with traversing underwater. If you somehow miss the jump, you can just drive back up the ramp and try again.

Land inside, drive up the small road and you'll come across what looks to be yet another Fortune Teller. Approach him and you should receive Stamp 39. As it turns out, this guy is not a Fortune Teller, but instead is a friend of someone who works in the Underground Laboratory. Right after saying this, he gives you the directions to the laboratory and sends you on your way, giving you Stamp 50 in the process (I found out how to get to the Underground Laboratory).

With this newfound knowledge, it's time for us to head back to the Underground Maze, find the Underground Laboratory, and complete the first half of Wonderful(!).

Black City Parts List

Black Engine [ブラックエンジン]

Power: 300 / Fuel Usage: 5 A well-balanced engine. Its power of 300 provides a noticeable increase in performance compared to the Yellow Engine while keeping fuel usage reasonable. Despite the great P:F ratio, stronger engines still outclass it through sheer power and rivals only get faster from here on out, so it's really not worth using past Red Town.

Jet Turbine [ジェットタービン]The legendary "Jet Turbine", crafted by a blacksmith in Red City. Arguably the best overall part in Wonderful! thanks to its extreme versatility and explosive boost power, the Jet Turbine really needs no introduction. Capable of catapulting even the slowest Qs up to breakneck speeds, the Jet Turbine is an absolutely essential part for any late game setup. Just be sure to keep an eye on your fuel gauge as you use it...
Light Chassis [かるいシャーシ]

Acceleration + / Stability - A lightweight chassis, providing lesser weight and better acceleration at the cost of reduced stability. Despite what the game implies, bouncing does not become that much more noticeable with a lighter chassis equipped. For the most part, this is simply just a very welcome upgrade over the Normal Chassis. If you can snag it before the second half of the game starts, it will serve you well for a long time.

Low-High Transmission [ローハイミッション]Top Speed: 253km/h
A strange transmission with no real practical use. Even with the Ultra Turbo and the Supreme Chassis, the acceleration provided by the transmission is far too slow to be usable in a race and even then, you're limited by the top speed of 253km/h. The only thing this transmission could reasonably be used for is cruising, but that wastes fuel. There's honestly no reason to ever use this transmission over any others you may have.
Sports Tires [スポーツタイヤ]A set of balanced tires capable of driving on just about any surface without much issue. These tires provide good grip on-road and decent grip off-road. There isn't too much to say about them, other than they're a great set of tires that will easily keep you going until you obtain the Semi-Racing tires.
??????A special part that can only be obtained after completing Wonderful! with all 100 stamps. Rumors claim it can completely transform your ride into something that's truly devilish...

Underground Maze

The Underground Maze is one of many locations available for the player to explore in Choro-Q Wonderful(!) and is arguably the most important location in the game. The Underground Maze allows the player to travel from place to place in both the Past and Present, but of course, it's not as easy as just driving to the town or city you want to go. You need directions first, which you can get from Fortune Teller's Halls dotted throughout the various cities and towns in the Past and Present.

This subsection of the guide contains everything you could want to know regarding both iterations of the Underground Maze. Digital maps are also included for those who aren't good at keeping track of where to go or get lost easily.


A series of dark, seemingly endless tunnels that connect Red City, Green Park, and Yellow Town together. For the most part, the Present Underground Maze is optional save for a few instances where you must use it to travel back to another town. This'll happen mostly because of certain quests (e.g. Black City Bread quest) or stamps (beating old minigames under a certain time) that require you to backtrack.

There are five stamps in total here you must collect for 100%. Three of those (Stamps 91, 92, & 93) require you to reach Red City, Green Park, and Yellow Town respectively through the maze. Stamp 94 is obtained automatically as a part of the story when you visit the Underground Laboratory for the first time. Stamp 95 is obtained after finding all ten Choro-Q Coins scattered throughout the Underground Maze. Do note that you must reach one of the towns through the Maze if you want to bank any Choro-Q Coins you may have collected.

Completing a certain stamp towards the end of the game unlocks the ability to warp to any town or city in the Present, essentially rendering the Present Underground Maze useless after that point.


Another series of dark, seemingly endless tunnels that tie Red Town, Green Town, Gold City, and Blue City together. Unlike the Present Underground Maze where it's mostly irrelevant save for a few instances, the Past Underground Maze is extremely important as it's the only way in the Past to travel to new locations. If you don't know this (because of the language barrier or otherwise), it becomes easy to find yourself stuck in Red Town with seemingly no way to progress.

There are no stamps available to collect in the Past Underground Maze and no coins exist here either. As such, it's very hard to get sidetracked in the Past Underground Maze unless you get lost.

Time Unit

With a set of directions to the Underground Laboratory fresh in our mind, it's time to head back to the Underground Maze to collect the Time Unit [タイムユニット]. The Time Unit marks the turning point in Wonderful's story where you have to travel back to the Past in order to complete a new series of qualifying races and ultimately race in and win the Past World Grand Prix (PWGP). Of course, there's a lot of other new stuff we can see and experience in the Past, but I'll leave it at our main objective for now.

As for the Time Unit itself, it can only be obtained from a researcher down in the Underground Laboratory. Every time you reach 300km/h with it equipped, it will warp you the Past or the Present depending on which time period you're currently in. Because the Time Unit only activates at 300km/h, we'll have to use the Jet Turbine to boost us up to that insane speed. At least for now; Very late in the game, there is a certain transmission that will allow us to go fast enough to time warp without the Jet Turbine.

As you might expect, whenever you time warp, you're transported to either the Present version or the Past version of a location. The only exception to this is the Underground Maze, where the Time Unit is always temporarily disabled after entering. Because we have access to four of the five locations in the Modern era right now, we actually have a good amount of freedom on which town/city we can start with. Unlike the Present, the Past is basically unrestricted in terms of progression.

Therefore, you could go to Gold City early, use the Sound Pass to reach Blue City, then grab most of the parts there to get a great jumpstart on the Past qualifier races. Of course, this isn't really how E-Game intended you to progress through the Past and again ruins the difficulty a fair bit since you can easily overpower your rivals. For the sake of this walkthrough, I'll be starting in Red Town.

Continuing right where we left off in Black City, head back to Yellow Town. If you're still at the pool, warp back to the Q's Factory and depart from there. In Yellow Town, you're going to want to retrace your steps from the Bread quest we just finished, so head to the waterfall at the back of the town. Talk to the Q's Factory Worker in the small cave again and venture once more into the Underground Maze.

Although the Time Unit is our current priority, you should use what time you have before visiting the Past to collect Stamp 92 (Visited Green Park through the Underground Maze) and Stamp 95 (Collected all coins in the Underground Maze). The map in the previous section shows every possible destination and all coin locations in the Maze, so feel free to use that to quickly finish these two stamps. Once you're done with that, use the map again to find the Laboratory.

The intended directions to the Lab as given by the game are to take a left at the first intersection, go straight then take the second left, go straight again until you're forced to go left, take yet another left then a right, then finally go straight and take the second right. The Underground Laboratory should be right ahead of you after taking one more left. If you can't access the map for whatever reason, then commit these directions to memory and you'll be fine.

Enter the Laboratory and you'll be greeted by the researcher I mentioned earlier. He will give you a brief rundown on how the Time Unit works and how to activate it before handing it over. Although this seems like a pretty disposable location, the Laboratory does have a rather nice bonus afterwards. If you come back to the Lab after getting the Time Unit, the researcher will ask you if you need to top up your fuel. This is a really nice perk to have if you happen to be running low while exploring with a stronger engine or collecting coins.

With the Time Unit in our hands, we can now exit out of the Underground Maze (much like you would for a race) through the Pause Menu and be brought back to the entrance. This is a good thing to remember just in case you get lost. Since we're going to be starting in Red Town, we need to head over to Red City. Re-enter the maze, drive to the city's entrance, go through like usual, and head over to the 0-400 drag strip that's located in the center of the city. This is easily one of the best places to warp as you're given a lot of room to get up to speed.

Once you're ready, start accelerating, activate your Jet Turbine, and watch as you shoot up to 300km/h in no time. At 300km/h, the Time Unit will activate and after a quick loading screen, you'll find yourself transported back through time and in a strangely familiar place...

Red Town

Welcome to the second half of Wonderful(!). As you can probably tell from your surroundings, we're in a much older version of Red City. Dare I say, it even looks quite rustic. This version of Red City is formally known as Red Town and as you would expect, there's less to do and less Qs to see. The Past marks a point in the game where the focus shifts more towards racing than completing side quests; Japanese fans say this might've been caused due to budget or time constraints, but I think E-Game wanted to prioritize the racing aspect more since the Past generally has more interesting and tougher tracks.

You know the drill at this point; let's collect every part here so we can learn the town's layout and prepare for the upcoming qualifier race. Before we do that though, you might have noticed your Jet Turbine constantly sputtering if you try to use it after warping. After travelling to the Past for the first time, your Jet Turbine will always break. It's a scripted event with no way to bypass it.

The Broken Jet Turbine
Even though it provides no boost power currently, you might be shocked to find out that the broken Jet Turbine does actually have a use in the Past. Using it will deplete your Fuel extremely quickly. At first, that doesn't sound like it could help at all, but if you remember the Racing section from The Basics of Wonderful!, then you'll know that your Q will accelerate faster the less fuel you have. See where I'm going with this?

By using it at the start of a race, you can utilize fuel strategy and set much faster times around a track than someone racing normally. You don't have to drop the Jet Turbine off at the Blacksmith in order to progress, so you could easily use this to your advantage for the four Past qualifier races then have it repaired as soon as the option becomes available.

Of course, the average player wouldn't know any of this and the game constantly tells you to get it repaired every time you enter a Q's Factory if you still have it equipped. For this walkthrough, I'll simply take the Jet Turbine over to the Blacksmith as intended by the developers and continue on like normal.

To begin the process of getting the Jet Turbine fixed, unequip it at any Q's Factory then take it over to the Blacksmith in Red Town. The Blacksmith in Red Town is in the exact same location as Red City, so you shouldn't have any trouble finding him again. Drive inside and the Blacksmith will take the Jet Turbine from you saying that he's not sure how fast he can fix it and to go out and race in the meantime.

If it's not obvious at this point, this is the game indirectly telling you that you need to complete each qualifying race in the four new locations before you can collect your repaired part. With the Jet Turbine out of our hands, now we can start working on getting those parts.

Red City Part Collection
The Past foreshadows the Present in more ways than one. Just like Red City at the start of the game, Red Town has very few parts to collect (two to be exact) and both are placed in very obvious and easily reachable locations. They're so easy to find, that no reference pictures are needed. It shouldn't take more than a minute to get both.
Red Magnum
Starting from the Q's Factory, head over to the Blacksmith's place south of the Post Office. Placed against the right side of the building will be a chest with the Red Magnum [レッドマグナム] inside. Drive into it and the engine's yours.

Speed Transmission
Drive over to where the 0-400 Drag Strip was in the Present. Instead of a drag strip, you'll find a dirt road that extends from one end of the town to the other. Halfway along this unpaved road will be an small, open field. In this field is a chest with the Speed Transmission [スピードミッション] inside.

Warp back to the factory, equip your new stuff, then head back into Red Town. Stamp-wise, there isn't much we can do currently. Stamps 51 (Entered all homes and shops in Red Town) and 53 (Pushed the wagon back to the school) are the only ones we can collect before starting the qualifier. Since Stamp 51 has us enter three buildings that can cause a certain side quest to start and progress without you knowing, I don't recommend doing it now unless you're experienced with the game. For now, we'll just focus on Stamp 53.

Head north towards Kana Poultry and Jim's Ranch; again, they're in the same exact place as they were in the Present, so if you still remember Red City's layout, you should be able to find them with zero issues. At the top of the hill where both Jim and Kana reside is a lone wagon. This wagon is actually a Q who is unable to move on his own and needs us to give him a push.

Push the wagon back to the school!
Definitely not the weirdest thing we've ever done in this game, but it can be a bit annoying depending on how you tackle it. The task itself is incredibly easy: just push the wagon down the hill to the school's courtyard. The wagon has the same physics as any other Q you can push around while exploring, so it can roll with a good enough push. The only thing that can make this hard is how the game determines which direction you're pushing it.

The best way to describe it is "it's like the soccer balls from Black City". If you're not perfectly straight while pushing the wagon, it can drift off to the left or right very easily and get stuck on a wall. Unlike Soccer though, if you mess up and get the wagon stuck, it's simply a minor inconvenience that takes twenty seconds to fix and not something that'll ruin your week.

Do note that the wagon is almost immovable if you try to push it from the side, so always try to push it from the front or back. Reversing into it is also a good way to get it unstuck. Once you push it down the hill and into the school's courtyard, you'll receive Stamp 53 and (more than likely) enter the school, where the Q inside will thank you for your work.

There really isn't anything else for us to do now, so head back to the Q's Factory and save. Go ahead and enter the Red Town qualifying race whenever you feel you're ready.

Red Town Qualifying Race - Finish 3rd or higher
Our first proper race in the past, and while the track is easy overall, there is a really tricky section about halfway through that can really screw you over if you're not careful. Your main opponent here in the Past is the yellow Lincoln Futura, so get used to seeing him up front at the start of a race. Starting off, there's two ways we can go. You have the main track ahead of you and a dirt section off to your right; the latter isn't really viable as a shortcut and only contains a coin we need to collect for Stamp 57. Head through it once after the first lap to grab the coin then leave it be.

On the main track, you start off with a long right sweeper that ends with you merging onto one of Red Town's side roads. That corner exit's a bit narrow and you'll likely be carrying quite a bit of speed from the sweeper, so either let off the gas or quickly tap the brakes so you can slide out of the sweeper cleanly. What follows will be a small straight, but don't get too careless as that tricky section I mentioned earlier comes right after. The "Suicide Right" as I like to call it starts with a small jump on entry before turning hard to the right and ends with a quick turn to the left.
To avoid flying into the wall ahead of you, start laying on the brakes well before the turn begins. 140km/h is a safe speed to enter the turn with a proper racing line; without one, I'd say 125 km/h or so should at least keep you from smashing into the outer wall. Once you're in the turn proper, you'll notice the road is bumpy through here. The bumps here can send you out wide and and are a pain in the ass for lighter Chassis to deal with, so do not apply the throttle until you're certain you have control. Stay close to the inner wall so you can have a good line through the left turn that marks the end of the Suicide Right and that should be it.

The two turns after the Suicide Right are nothing to worry about. Another quick left, then one final right before the home straight. Repeat that two more times and you're done. As for coins, they're all placed in easy to find locations, although that doesn't mean they're easy to get and win with. Two coins are placed at the start and end of the Suicide Right, but they're placed all the way over on the inner edge of the track which means you really have to slow down to grab them.

Driving a clean race here isn't too bad as long as you practice Suicide Right and exercise caution coming out of the sweeper. Complete everything here and you'll obtain Stamp 55, 56, 57, and 58.

With the qualifying race complete, we now need to head to Green Town to continue our journey. As mentioned previously in the Underground Maze section, the only way to travel to a new town in the Past is to obtain directions from the local Fortune Teller's Hall. Since we're in older versions of the same towns, this is very easy to do as Fortune Teller's Halls can be usually found in roughly the same location as in the Present. The only location this doesn't apply to is Gold City. As such, I'll assume that you already know where to go to find them, but if you forgot, then you can simply refer to the earlier sections of the guide for directions.

Head over to the Fortune Teller's Hall and receive the directions to Green Town. There's no need to answer any questions, so just head inside and you'll be good to go. Now that we have the directions, we need to find the entrance to the Underground Maze. Conveniently, it's located right where our house is in the Present, which means there's basically no way you can miss it coming out of the Q's Factory. Drive inside and you'll be greeted by a Jeep; the Past's version of the Q's Factory Worker you used to see.

The Jeep will ask you if you want to traverse the maze. Of course, say "yes" and you'll be warped there after a short loading screen. The routes you need to take to reach the various towns and cities of the Past are far less complex than the routes in the Present. If you play enough, you should be able to easily memorize the location of each entrance here in no time. If you don't want to spoil the location of the other entrances by using the map, then simply take the first left you see then follow the road.

After reaching the entrance, you'll be greeted by another Jeep who welcomes you to the currently developing Green Town.

Red Town Parts List

Red Magnum [レッドマグナム]

Power: 350 / Fuel Usage: 8 The first engine you can obtain in the Past. Being the first in the Magnum series of engines, the Red Magnum provides a decent increase to Power but at the cost of also increasing fuel usage by a good amount. Overall, it's a decent but disposable engine that gets overshadowed very quickly by the Green Magnum you can find in Green Town.

Speed Transmission [スピードミッション] Gears: 5 / Top Speed: 263km/h Living up to its name, the Speed Transmission boosts top speed by a great amount (263km/h compared to 217km/h and 178km/h for Normal and Power respectively) while also keeping acceleration relatively high. Since the gear ratios are considerably taller than the average gearbox, you'll need a strong engine to use it to its fullest potential. With a strong enough engine equipped, the Speed Transmission should easily last you until you return to the Present.

Green Town

A rather humble place, Green Town has none of the numerous attractions or thrills that its Present counterpart has. Because Green Town is actively undergoing construction, there's very little to do here. With a total of only six buildings and a handful of Qs roaming around, Green Town is by far the smallest location you can visit in the Past. If you're quick enough, you can be in and out of here with everything done in about fifteen minutes -- ten if you're lucky.

Like usual, let's collect all of the new parts here so we can be ready for the qualifying race. Green Town increases the amount of parts to collect by one for a total of three; however, they're still all easy to find so chances are you won't be spending too much time looking for them.

Green Town Part Collection It says a lot about how hard it is to find every part here when one of them is actively on display on its own little pedestal in the town center. Once again, you shouldn't need more than a minute or two to find every part here.

Green Magnum
This is the part that's on display in the middle of Green Town and go figure, it's really easy to get so long as you get a good enough run-up. Drive down to where the lake is and line yourself up with the chest. It's okay if you're a bit off. Once you're ready, start accelerating. As you get closer to the chest, you should see a log. Aim towards the log and you should ramp off of it and straight into the chest. In the chest will be the Green Magnum [グリーンマグナム]. Do note that it is possible to clip into the log and undershoot the chest; if that happens, try again and you should be able to grab it on your second try.
Variable Wing Probably the most notable part here as not only is it the fourth Special part we can obtain, but it's also one of the most useful parts in the game period. Getting it though can either be very easy or a total pain in the ass depending on your luck. Behind the town's Q's Factory is a small path that leads to a bunch of wooden boxes.

There's ten of these boxes here and by getting up to 50 km/h and ramming one, you can actually break them. Sounds easy, right? Here's the catch; these boxes are randomly generated each time you load your save. The Variable Wing can be in any of these ten boxes and there's no way to tell them apart. If you're unlucky enough, you can break every single box except for the one that contains the Wing, wasting a lot of time.

Once you do find the box that contains the Wing, it'll break open and reveal a chest. All you have to do after that is simply drive into it and both the Variable Wing [バリアブルウィング] and Stamp 60 will be yours.

Wide Transmission Another transmission for us to collect, how nice. Head over to where the Fortune Teller's Hall is; again, it's in the exact same location as it was in the Present. The quickest way to get there is simply take a right exiting the Q's Factory, then take a left when you see the light dirt road. Follow the road and you'll eventually go off a steep drop in the road. Right ahead of you will be a chest with the Wide Transmission [ワイドミッション] inside.

Head back to the Q's Factory and... well, you know. Out of the new parts we have, the Green Magnum and Variable Wing are by far the most useful. The Wide Transmission, while having the exact same top speed as the Speed Transmission, suffers from terrible acceleration in the last gear due to the gear ratio being too tall. It's not very useful, so just stick with what you have. Now as for that new wing, the Variable Wing essentially acts as a way to adjust downforce on the fly.

By pressing L2, you'll set the wing to Down which will not only help you stay pinned to the road, but will also greatly boost grip. Pressing L1 will set the wing to Up, which does the exact opposite of what Down does. Setting the Wing to Up does have its uses, such as allowing you to fly over sections that would normally prove to be a headache to drive over. I highly recommend experimenting with the two settings out in the world first and getting a good feel for them before moving on.

Now on to Green Town's stamps, of which there's only two: Stamp 59 (Entered all homes and shops in Green Town) and Stamp 60 (I found a hidden treasure chest inside a crate). We've already completed the latter, so the only one left is Stamp 59. This one is extremely easy to complete as Green Town is a pretty small place and there's only six (five if you don't count the Maze entrance) places you can enter. As you're doing this, you'll inevitably come across the Fortune Teller's Hall where you'll receive directions to Gold City. Again, you don't have to answer any questions; just enter and you're set.

With those two stamps done, there is legitimately nothing else for us to do in Green Town, so warp back to the Q's Factory and save if you haven't. Whenever you're ready, throw on your Offroad tires and start up the qualifying race.

Green Town Qualifying Race - Finish 3rd or higher
Finally, our second (and last) proper dirt track after racing on road for a majority of the game. Compared to the first offroad track we raced on in Yellow Town, Green Town's course sees a very noticeable spike in difficulty. The main source of this difficulty spike is due to the way the town is designed. Green Town itself contains a few areas where the path you're on will just end with a sudden drop. This is fine while you're out exploring, but in a race, it becomes very dangerous.

There's two corners on this track that have a jump right before them and failing to slow down for a jump here can lead to disaster. The second turn at the start of the course especially can lead to you falling far behind if you screw up as it's possible to fly past the turn itself and land in a dead-end. Turning around in Wonderful(!) isn't exactly what I'd call "easy", so if happens, that's a huge time loss that can potentially cost you the race. The second jump-and-turn corner is in the latter half of the course past the lake and second forested area, though this one isn't as bad as the first.

Although it seems hopeless at first watching the rival Qs blast away from you exiting those turns, there's two things we can use to our advantage here. First, the Power Transmission. Even though we're well over halfway through the game, this is actually one course where we can really benefit from the short gear ratios the Power Transmission has. For example, it can help you keep up with the AI going uphill after the first jump-and-turn, while every other Transmission stalls. Second, the way the AI drives on this course sucks.

The AI slows down far too much to take the jump-and-turn corners and towards the end of the course, there is a section with a few steep bumps that the AI slows to a crawl to drive over. If you practice these sections enough, you can easily gain whatever time you lose back and with interest too. If you're close to the Futura or even have already overtaken them entering the second lap, you should be good for the rest of the race as long as you don't choke.

The placement of coins on this course is particularly cruel. Four out of five coins require you to deviate far from the ideal racing line to grab them with the most notable being the second and fifth coins -- one is placed in the air requiring good aim and the other is hidden over to the left on the middle bump in the last section. Trying to collect all of them while winning the race is suicide with our current setup. What I recommend you do instead is collect every other race stamp first, then have a run where you collect every coin while placing 3rd.

It'll save you a lot of time and frustration, trust me. As for a clean race, all of the usual tips apply, but there is one thing you should keep in mind. The last section with the steep bumps can add a hit to your counter if you drive over them incorrectly (aiming towards the steep end of the first bump can do this consistently). However, even if you drive over them "correctly", it's possible to still get a hit added to your counter for seemingly no reason. Keep as far to the right as possible when going over the first bump, turn in after clearing, then set your Wing to Up and try to fly over the rest of the bumps.

With enough time, patience, and skill, you should have Stamps 61, 62, 63, and 64 added to your Stampbook after a few successful races.

Time to move on yet again after completing the qualifier. Exit the Q's Factory, drive back to the Underground Maze entrance, and say "yes" once again to exploring the Maze. The directions to Gold City are, once again, easy to follow and memorize. Take three lefts, then a right. Follow the road that comes after and with one more left turn, you should be at the entrance to Gold City. Par for the course, a Jeep will be waiting for you on the other side, where he'll humbly welcome you to the flourishing Gold City.

Green Town Parts List

Green Magnum [グリーンマグナム]Power: 380 / Fuel Usage: 10 The most balanced engine out of the Magnum series and the first to exceed a single digit Fuel Usage with 10. Providing suitable power for mid-game transmissions while also keeping fuel usage reasonable, the Green Magnum is a great choice for the Past and should keep you competitive until after Blue City's race.
Variable Wing [バリアブルウィング]Downforce + / Downforce - A custom spoiler that allows you to adjust downforce whenever you want. The fourth Special part in the game, the Variable Wing is a part you simply can't race without. Its versatility can be a godsend on certain tracks, and its boost to overall grip when set to Down is extremely useful and costs nothing to use. Get this as soon as you can so you can maximize its potential.
Wide Transmission [ワイドミッション]

Gears: 5 / Top Speed: 263 km/h With an extremely tall 5th gear and extremely short everything else, the Wide Transmission tries to be a viable version of the Low-High Transmission. Too bad it just doesn't work. Because the gearing before 5th is so laughably short (you shift into 5th at 130km/h) and tracks generally aren't slow or tight enough to make use of such short gears, you're left with only 5th gear to use for almost everything. Since that gear is so tall though, you really struggle to accelerate unless you're on a perfectly flat, long straight with no turns. To put it bluntly, I don't recommend using it at all.

Gold City

Before splitting into two due to Blue City's residents looking for a new place to stay, Gold City was a haven for those looking to strike it rich mining in the city's vast network of underground tunnels. Compared to the prior two towns, Gold City greatly increases the amount of side quests and stamps that are available to us and generally feels much closer to a town you would see in the Present. Similar to Black City, you could tell the developers really poured a lot of time and care into Gold City.

There are a few stamps that we can't do quite yet, such as Stamp 65 and 68 (Entered all houses and shops in Gold City + Visited the Fortune Teller in the river) due to not having the parts needed to reliably do it. Stamp 67 (Found gold in the gold mine), while possible now, is obtained as a part of a bigger side quest and can be done later. For now, we'll just focus on completing what we can while preparing for our next race.

I've run out of creative ways to say "let's go collect parts", so let's go collect some parts.

Gold City Part Collection Keeping in line with other towns in the Past, there aren't too many parts to collect here (three in total) and go figure, two of them aren't too hard to obtain either. There is one part here that you can obtain now if you really want; however, it clearly wasn't intended to be obtained at this point and is an absolute pain in the ass to get without the proper parts.

Gold Magnum
Directly north of the entrance to the mining tunnels and past the city's Q's Factory is a small stream of water. Drive off of the grassy terrain you're on and land in the stream. From here, head downstream until you see the stream end with a sudden drop. Slow down as much as you can and head off the drop; you'll land in a fairly deep body of water. Assuming you landed straight, turn around and you should see an opening to your right.

Drive through the opening and follow the road inside; you should find yourself on the second level of Gold City after exiting the tunnel you were in. Head straight from there until you come across an apple tree. Just past that tree will be a chest with the Gold Magnum [ゴールドマグナム] inside.

This is by far one of the easiest parts in the game in obtain. Simply take the first right after entering Gold City through the Underground Maze. The chest containing the Semi-Racing [セミレーシング] tires will be at the end of the path.

Rudder The fifth and last Special part we can obtain in Wonderful(!) and arguably the second best Special part in the game due to its incredible boost to handling response. The Rudder is located just behind a fenced-off area just ahead of the end of the city's small stream. Assuming you have the fixed Jet Turbine in your possession, just set your Wing to Up and boost off the incline in the terrain after hitting it. You should land past the fence without any trouble. Once you're in, just bump into the chest that's off to the side and the Rudder [ラダー] is yours.

It's worth noting that it is possible to make the jump without the Jet Turbine; however, it's extremely difficult and requires an insane amount of luck to pull off. Because of the way the ramp in the terrain is placed, trying to jump off of it by using whatever speed you build up will just lead to you slamming into the incline and losing all of your speed. We just don't have the acceleration to make up for the speed we lose, so the most reasonable course of action is to wait until we get the Jet Turbine back.

In my time playing Wonderful(!), I've only managed to do it once. Since then, I've spent hours grinding this jump on other saves to see if I could do it again (and consistently) and I could not replicate it no matter what. If anyone reading this manages to find a way to do it consistently, please let me know and I will update this section of the guide.

Once you're done part hunting, warp back to the Q's Factory and equip your new goodies. Out of the two new parts you have, the Semi-Racing tires are by far the better and longer lasting option. The Semi-Racing tires are going to be your new mixed track tires from now on, and they'll serve as a great replacement for the Sports tires we're currently using. As for the Gold Magnum, it's up to you if you really want to equip it. Its power increase is tiny (only +20) while fuel usage shoots up to 12, making whatever benefits it may have barely noticeable for the average racer.

A stronger engine is available over in Blue City anyways, so I personally recommend just skipping out on the Gold Magnum for now and sticking with the Green Magnum instead until you've done everything on the first visit here. With your new part(s) equipped, leave and head north towards the stream of water at the end of the city. Jump back into it again and follow the same route you took to get the Gold Magnum. You remember that apple tree you passed by earlier? Aim yourself at that tree then ram into it.

You should see an apple fall off the tree, though more can drop depending on how fast you were going. Talk to the dump truck that's sitting under the tree afterwards and you'll receive Stamp 66 (I ran into a tree and dropped some apples). From here, warp to the Q's Factory (or just drive back if you don't mind) and enter the little plaza that's near it. Right where the Casino would have been in Black City will be a bar with a drunk Choro-Q inside. Pick the top option in response to all of his questions and you'll soon find yourself in a classic game of Chicken.

Chicken Game An iconic minigame in the Choro-Q series, Chicken makes a return after first appearing in Choro-Q 2. Wonderful's Chicken can be rather tough at first since the opposing Q launches quite fast and your brakes are almost useless with them locking up the instant hard braking is used. Thankfully, there's a few things we can do to make this minigame almost trivial to beat. The first is reinstalling the Power transmission; the road we race on before the jump is very short, so any unecessary top speed will make beating the rival Q to the jump much harder.

The second is using Reverse to slow down instead of the brakes. This little tip may shock you if you're used to the cotton brakes the game provides, but using the reverse gear to slow down provides all of the benefits of braking without ever needing to worry about locking up. It's a real gamechanger for those who hate the lack of ABS in Wonderful(!). Lastly, E-Game does not lock your steering during Chicken, which means you can simply block your rival and push him back, giving you more time to come to a stop.

With all of this in mind, start a round of Chicken. After the light turns green, pull ahead of your rival then move into his lane. He should bump you once or twice before backing off. Hit Reverse right before the jump and keep holding it after you land. Once you get to about 50km/h or so, engage the brakes so you can come to a complete stop. Do this right and you should stop about a second or so ahead of your rival.

Once you're done playing Chicken, you'll find yourself back in the bar with Stamp 73 (I won a game of Chicken) added to your Stampbook.

There isn't anything else we can do now, so feel free to head back to the Q's Factory. Save up, take a quick cruise around the city and chat up some of the local Qs if you want, then go ahead and start the next qualifying race.

Gold City Qualifying Race - Finish 3rd or higher
Gold City's track contrasts quite starkly to its Present counterpart in Black City. Unlike the prior two towns which stepped up the difficulty of their tracks considerably, Gold City's track is pretty simple overall and isn't too challenging save for the last section. Perhaps the biggest change here is that the track is all road this time, which makes racing far less stressful. Gold City's track is also very wide, making a clean race here easy to complete even without much practice.

The most notable section of this track is the last section right after the three dips, where two sharp corners will come at you back-to-back and fast. Your lines through this section are especially important, so as you soon as you clear the last bump on the back straight, start slowing down and get into position if you haven't. For both corners, aim for 150 km/h and 105-110 km/h respectively. With good enough lines, you should be able to clear them at those speeds without any issues. On the incline before the finish line, aim a bit to the left so you can clip the apex as you clear the hill.
Collecting coins is also fairly easy too. Three of the five coins are placed in easy to find locations. The other two, the third and fifth respectively, are hidden a bit better. The third coin is tucked away on the right side of the track just past the Sweets shop; it's easy to pass by, so make sure you slow down for it well ahead of time. The fifth coin can be found on the incline before the finish line; again, this one is placed all the way over to the right by the inner wall making it easy to pass by. Go slow coming out of the turn right before the incline and you should have no problems spotting and grabbing it.

A clean race here is easy. The only section that should prove remotely challenging is the start where you must make your way through the starting traffic. The AI Qs leave big gaps between each other though, so with some confidence, you can weave between them. By the time you exit the tunnel, you should be in first already. From there, as long as you can drive somewhat competently, the rest is cake.

Complete everything here and you should walk away with Stamps 69, 70, 71, and 72 added to your Stampbook.

Gold City's qualifying race is complete, which means we've now finished everything we can do on our first visit to Gold City. Save again if you want, then head back out into the world. Take a left as you exit the Q's Factory and follow the road. After coming out of the tunnel the road takes you through, you should see a light dirt path ahead of you that goes into the mountains. Drive over to it and you'll find yourself at the entrance to the Sound Pass.

The Sound Pass - Listen Closely and Answer Correctly
The Sound Pass is a mountain pass that takes us directly from Gold City to Blue City. At first, you'd probably think that it would be easy to reach Blue City by going through here. Just take a drive through the mountains for a bit and you're done, right? Nah, there's no way it would get its own highlighted section if that was the case. The "Sound" part of "Sound Pass" is played straight here.

The basic gist of this minigame is there are two gates at the end of every path. Right before them are plates with music notes stamped on them. Driving over a plate will play a short melody. In order to figure out which gate is the correct one, you have to drive into music notes that are scattered along the pass. There's two types of notes: black and red. Only the black notes will give you the correct melody; the red notes are only meant to trick you and serve no purpose.

Obviously, sound plays a huge role in this minigame, so turn up your TV or speakers while trying to find the correct melody. There's eleven of these gates you must pass through, and if you mess up, you'll be sent all the way back to the start. You're allowed to drive back and listen to the melody as many times as you want, so take it slow and don't rush.

If you're unable to figure out which melody is the correct one or just can't be bothered listening to the same notes over and over, then there is one thing you can do. The correct gate is always the same no matter what. By writing down which gates are the correct gates (or just looking it up online), you can just reference your note every time you go through the pass and complete it with zero trouble.

Make it through without failing and you'll receive Stamp 74 (Arrived at Blue City through the Sound Pass).

After making it through all eleven paths, you'll see the gate to Blue City ahead of you and the melodies you listened to earlier will all come together to make their own new jingle. Assuming you do everything correctly, you'll only need to come through here once during an average playthrough. Drive through the gate and you'll be greeted by a cream-colored Choro-Q who will welcome you to Blue City.

Gold City Parts List

Gold Magnum (ゴールドマグナム)Power: 400 / Fuel Usage: 12 The second-to-last engine we can obtain in the Magnum series of engines. Arguably the least useful of the bunch, the Gold Magnum provides very little benefit over the Green Magnum with an increase of only +20 to Power while increasing fuel usage even further. The Gold Magnum also isn't strong enough to compete with the Blue Magnum on straights, meaning it ends up being stuck in a strange spot between the two aforementioned engines in terms of balance. It's a very disposable engine, so if you don't care about getting every part, just save yourself some time and get the Blue Magnum instead.
Rudder (ラダー)In-Air Control & Steering Response + The fifth and last Special part available in Wonderful(!). The Rudder is easily one of the best parts you can obtain, as not only does it greatly boost steering response, it also allows you to control your Q in mid-air. The usefulness of this part cannot be understated and it's a very valuable asset to have for both World Grand Prixes. Get this part as soon as you can.
Semi-Racing (セミレーシング) A set of semi-slick tires that are mostly intended for use on tarmac. Equipping these will widen the track width of your car, though this has no effect on handling. Although Semi-Racing tires are focused on providing a lot of on-road grip, they still have enough off-road grip to be usable on dirt, making them the best mixed track tire overall. Semi-Racing tires become largely irrelevant after obtaining the Racing Tires; however, there's still two tracks where these will excel.

Blue City

The last stop on our journey before we can return to the Present, Blue City is the true pinnacle of olden architecture. Drawing heavy inspiration from ancient Roman culture, Blue City is one of the most visually appealing locations in all of Wonderful(!) and has one of the best themes to boot. Of course, we aren't here to just ogle the scenery all day. We've got some more parts to collect and one last qualifier to win before we can finally return to the Present.

The story of Blue City, which I will briefly cover, is quite interesting. Blue City (as you might have guessed by the name) has a lot of water to go around, much to everyone's delight. Several of the Qs you can find around the city mention that the plentiful amount of water comes from the Water God. As you'll find out, the Water God is not as benevolent as you'd think.

You know the drill. Let's get the parts out of the way before we tackle anything else.

Blue City Part Collection
Remember how Gold City handled its parts? Blue City is identical: two parts are placed in easy to reach locations, while the last one can only be obtained after you get the Jet Turbine back. For now, it shouldn't take longer than two or three minutes to obtain the two parts that are available to us.

Blue Magnum
Starting from the Q's Factory, turn left and drive straight until you reach the last intersection. Take a left, then follow the road until you come across a small pond. You should see some water flowing into it. It might not seem like it at first, but you can actually drive up the stream. Head upstream past the few rocks along the way and you'll see a chest. Inside this chest is the Blue Magnum [ブルーマグナム].

Super Quick Steering
Once again, starting from the Q's Factory, head up the main road and take a right when you see the road split into three directions. Continue driving along and take the first right you see. This will take you into a closed rotunda, where a chest with the Super Quick Steering [スーパークイック] can be found right in the center. Bump into the chest and it's yours.

Racing Tires
Much like the Rudder back in Gold City, the Racing Tires are a part that we simply can't obtain yet. Trust me, I tried. Why? The chest containing the tires is placed up on a ledge that requires you to hop across a few platforms to reach. That doesn't sound too bad, right? After all, we did something like that to obtain the Aero Parts way back in Yellow Town. However, it's not that simple. The initial jump to get onto the platform that allows you to even make the jump towards the chest is impossible to clear if you don't have the fixed Jet Turbine with you.

There's no magical combination of parts or perfect fuel strategy that will allow you to clear that first jump; you need the Jet Turbine period. If you're reading this and already have the fixed Jet Turbine, then all you have to do is head over to the set of stairs located at the last intersection. Drive up them, get a good run-up, boost over the first jump, then clear the second one like normal. Do that and the Racing Tires [レーシングタイヤ] are yours. Ideally, you should grab these right before you travel back to the Present as it'll save you a trip to the Past.

With two of the three new parts now in our possession, warp back to the Q's Factory and equip your new stuff. It's time to start collecting Blue City's stamps, of which most are rewarded for completing the various Gymkhana stages that are available here. Gymkhana is something you'll definitely be familiar with if you're a fan of the older games, but for now, we'll just stick to the simpler stamps.

Starting with Stamp 75 (Entered every house and shop in Blue City), this one is quite easy to obtain. Houses are hard to miss since they're very large in Blue City, the entrances to them are obvious, and there's no enterable locations here that can't be reached with a normal setup. The Water God's "home" counts towards the stamp as well, so don't forget to visit them too. Basically, just take your time exploring the city and you should be able to obtain Stamp 75 without any trouble.

Speaking of the Water God, talking to them will refill your fuel and give you a bit of insight into their thoughts on Blue City. The Water God's mission is to provide the city with an abundant supply of water. While the water may be flowing freely thanks to the efforts of the Water God, there never seems to be enough to satisfy the residents of Blue City. Keep the second half of the Water God's thoughts in mind, it'll become key to explaining what happened to the next location we have to visit. Anyways, after you're done talking to them, you'll receive Stamp 76 (I went up the river and talked to the Water God).

That's both exploration stamps in Blue City done, so now it's time to tackle Gymkhana. Head back to the gate you used to enter Blue City and talk to the Choro-Q there. They'll ask you if you want to play some rounds of Gymkhana; obviously, you're going to want to say "yes".

Gymkhana Another staple of earlier Choro-Q games that ended up getting dropped after the release of HG2, Gymkhana is a relatively simple concept that has a surprising amount of depth to it. The objective here is to make it to the goal by following the route the game provides; the route itself is shown via a map that pops up before every round and through tire marks on the road. You're given a decent amount of freedom when it comes to deviating from the intended lines, but don't get too greedy. Trying to cut across the route in any way will result in a "MISS COURSE" and you'll have to start over.

Touching any of the cones dotted around the various routes will add five seconds to your total time; this doesn't really matter until you go for Stamp 82, where this time penalty can be the difference between getting the stamp or walking away with nothing. In total, there's five stages you can play through in Gymkhana, though the four before the last Advanced stage can only be played once until you complete Stamp 82.

Fuel remains constant as you play Gymkhana and isn't refilled before starting or retrying a stage, so if you want to use fuel strategy to get faster times or make Stamp 82 easier, you can. With all of that finally out of the way, let's talk about the five stages available and how to best tackle them.

Stage One - Gymkhana Practice
It couldn't get any easier than this; a simple 180° after reaching the cone in the center of the coliseum. This serves as the perfect way of showing you what to expect during these rounds of Gymkhana. Be sure to slow down as much as you can and go out wide before turning in, as the 180 itself is rather tight.

Stage Two - Introduction to Gymkhana
This is practically the same route as the first stage, but with the addition of having to drive between two cones before and after the 180° turn. The gap, while small, is just big enough for you to comfortably squeeze through. Another very easy stage.

Stage Three - Gymkhana (Beginner)
This is the first stage in Gymkhana where the route actually starts to become somewhat complex and not something you could do with your eyes closed. This starts off with a series of turns following the pattern of right-left-right-left, before turning around at the fifth cone and repeating the pattern back to the starting line. Use this stage as an opportunity to get used to the very slight delay the Super Quick Steering has, as the next two stages will greatly increase the complexity of the route.

Stage Four - Gymkhana (Intermediate) Now things start getting tricky. The key to succeeding here without understeering into another part of the route and getting a "MISS COURSE" is to just simply brake and turn in early. That slight delay I talked about above does play a big role in how well you can handle the course. Namely, transitioning from one turn to the next can either be done somewhat smoothly or with a lot of difficulty depending on your skill. Practice and you should get the flow of the route down eventually.

Stage Five - Gymkhana (Advanced) The fifth and final stage, and naturally the most demanding. The first two turns aren't bad as long as you get a proper line; exit wide out of the second turn to get a good entry into the upcoming hairpin. Coming out of the first hairpin, take the medium turn lifting once, then start braking before you reach the fifth cone. Take the next few hairpins smoothly and focus on maximizing your exit speed. Exit the last hairpin, blast towards the finish, and you'll be done.

Completing Stamp 82 (I got a record of under 40 seconds at Advanced Gymkhana) is a matter of utilizing route knowledge, good lines, and strong parts. The Rudder and Racing Tires should make completing this quite easy. If you lack the skills to complete it confidently, then you can always resort to spamming the Jet Turbine. I tried it myself during a casual run without the Jet Turbine and was able to get a 38'33 with the parts that were available up to Blue City + the Rudder. Try it yourself and see how fast you can go!

You'll have to come back for Stamp 82 later assuming you're not reading this out of order, but for now, we're done with all five stages of Gymkhana. Head back to the Q's Factory, save if you want, then get ready for the next and last qualifying race.

Blue City Qualifying Race - Finish 3rd or higher
Did you learn more about your setup while running Gymkhana? I sure hope you did, because Blue City is home to arguably the hardest course in the entire game. It's also the longest too, with an average lap taking about 1'10-1'15 with the best parts equipped. To make things even worse, Blue City's track still has you run a full three laps despite its length. Needless to say, engines that have bad fuel economy (Blue Magnum, Ultra Turbo) will suffer greatly here unless you constantly use the clutch or let off the gas.

Because this track has so many turns and very few straights, I highly recommend changing your current transmission over to Power. Normal can also work too if you decide to run a stronger engine. In terms of handling, do not run anything below Super Quick Steering and Semi-Racing. Turns on this track come at you very quickly and any kind of major steering delay or grip loss will screw you over. In particular, the esses and chicane after the tunnel and the last section right after the split can be deadly if you don't have the right parts.

The "Stairway to Heaven" section at the start is probably one of the worst sections on this track, solely due to how painful it is to complete cleanly. After completing the roundabout, you're faced with three sets of stairs that turn inwards on themselves. These stairs can make you catch air or bounce easily, which when combined with the very narrow road, makes it laughably easy to launch yourself into a wall. From my experience, the best way to take this section is to hit the first set of stairs at about 80km/h, then lift and slow down to 65-70 for the other two sets. The jump-and-turn that comes soon after can be taken at about 100km/h or so.

Collecting coins, as you'd expect, is still not that hard. Perhaps the one key thing to note here is that you must go through both ways at the split in order to collect every coin. Aside from that, the third coin is placed in a rather tricky spot; it sits right below the jump that leads you out of the tunnel. Slow down as much as you can and aim a bit to your left exiting the tunnel and you should be able to snatch it without much trouble.

Completing a clean race at Blue City relies solely on your ability to run consistent laps around this track without choking, which is a tall order considering where we're at. In a surprising twist, E-Game made the Clean Race stamp here obtainable without needing to reach 3rd or higher. Therefore, you can simply wait at the starting line, depart after 30 seconds or so, then just cruise your way to the finish line. If you really want to push your skills though, try getting 1st while driving a clean race without using the Rudder or Racing Tires. It can be done, but for newer or inexperienced players, it'll prove to be a very good challenge.

Finish everything here and you'll be rewarded with Stamps 83, 84, 85, and 86.

Every qualifying race in the Past is complete, which means we can now return to Red Town and collect our newly fixed Jet Turbine. You should already know where Blue City's entrance to the Underground Maze is, so head there and travel back to Red Town. Drive over to the Blacksmith's house and upon entering, you'll receive your good as new Jet Turbine and Stamp 54 (I had the Jet Turbine repaired). Equip it as soon as you can, then head over to Gold City.

With the awesome power of the Jet Turbine now back in our possession, we have two options: collect the Rudder and the Racing Tires and explore the new location that's now available to us, or jump straight into the Past World Grand Prix with what we have. We're going to opt for the former option since we're shooting for All Parts in this walkthrough.

When you reach Gold City, collect the Rudder as detailed in the prior section, then head a bit further upstream into the cave. You'll come across a Fortune Teller's Hall, which is strangely hidden much better than the rest of the halls. There is a reason for this though; this particular Fortune Teller's Hall will give you the directions to Blue City, meaning you'll never have to go through the Sound Pass again.

Once you're done talking to the Fortune Teller inside, you'll also receive Stamp 68 (I jumped over the fence and reached the Fortune Teller's Hall). As soon as you get the chance, equip the Rudder and spend some time practicing with it. Gold City's roads should prove to be a great testing ground.

Making The Most Out of Your Rudder How much steering response is too much? This is a question that can be hard to answer. As we know by now, tires can exceed their grip levels rather easily in Wonderful(!), so having a car that responds too fast for the tires to keep up can really hurt you during the upcoming WGPs. A very common mistake I see in Japanese playthroughs is using Super / Ultra Quick Steering while also having the Rudder equipped. If you don't understand how the Rudder works, then this wouldn't seem like an issue at first.

The Rudder mostly benefits the player at lower speeds by providing extra steering response that normal Steering parts usually can't provide since their boosts to turning speed don't kick in until you reach a higher speed. At high speeds though, the effects of the Rudder are stacked on top of your pre-existing Steering response. This means that using quicker Steering parts will make your car extremely susceptible to both traction loss and unintended powerslides.

To counteract this, simply downgrade your Steering to Normal whenever you equip the Rudder. You'll find that your steering becomes far smoother at higher speeds while steering at low speeds is unaffected. If you feel the steering response is a tad too slow, then try Quick Steering. Once you get used to Normal Steering with the Rudder, it becomes hard to justify using anything else.

While you're here in Gold City, feel free to take care of Stamp 65 now that the Fortune Telling Hall is out of the way. After you visit every location and obtain Stamp 65, head over to Blue City. Collect the Racing Tires by following the Part Collection strategy above, then head back to the Q's Factory. Throw on your best Gymkhana setup, then head back to the Sound Pass gate one last time to tackle Stamp 82. With the parts we have now, it should be cake.

Complete it however you want; once you beat the record, you'll obtain the aforementioned stamp and unlock the ability to play any of the five Gymkhana stages whenever you want. Go ahead and save at the Q's Factory one last time, then head back out. Drive into the coliseum, then turn around to face the main road. Reach 300km/h with the help of the Jet Turbine and you'll find yourself quickly travelling back to the Present. While we might have lived long enough to see both the Past and Present, Blue City itself wasn't so lucky.

Blue City Parts List

Blue Magnum [ブルーマグナム]

Power: 450 / Fuel Usage: 15 The strongest engine in the Magnum series and the most fuel hungry. During a normal playthrough, the Blue Magnum gets zero time to shine as it becomes overshadowed extremely quickly by the Blue Special. If you take the time to grab it before you start working on Blue City though, then its high power can prove incredibly useful on the shorter tracks you must race on.

Racing Tires [レーシングタイヤ]A set of racing slicks intended solely for track driving. Equipping these will widen the track width of your car, much like the Semi-Racing tires. Once you obtain these tires, there's no reason to use anything else for most tracks as their on-road grip is simply incredible. As you'd expect, these tires are absolutely useless off-road so be very careful if you're racing on one of the few mixed tracks.
Super Quick Steering [スーパークイック]

Turning Speed: 4 With double the turning speed of Quick Steering, the Super Quick Steering shortens the delay even further to a little under half a second or so. While very useful for the Blue City qualifier, it becomes irrelevant almost laughably quickly as both the Rudder and Ultra Quick Steering can be obtained right after you travel back to the Present. If you want to make the most of it during your time in the Past, grab it as early as you can.

Blue Lake

After obtaining the fixed Jet Turbine and travelling back to the Present through Blue City, you'll find yourself underwater with not a single soul in sight and endless darkness ahead. Surrounding you are the ruins of the formally esteemed Blue City. This is Blue Lake, and it's the last location we have to explore in Wonderful(!).

Blue Lake is by far the darkest location in terms of lore. The story of Blue Lake's creation starts with the Water God turning against the residents of Blue City. As revenge for having to deal with their greed for presumably years, the Water God would flood the entire city in an attempt to kill every Q who lived there. This would ultimately fail, and the Choro-Qs that lived in Blue City would move to Gold City.

From there, the prior residents of Blue City would take over Gold City by having a new gate built to divide Gold City into two before driving the residents of Gold City out from their homes. Exiled from the place that was once their home, the former residents of Gold City tried to make the most out of the slum they found themselves in; over time, that slum became Yellow Town. The wealthy Choro-Qs would focus on expanding the section they took over, with the end result being the upscale Black City.

That should cover all of Blue Lake's involvement in the story and how its creation affected the Present. ...Whether or not it's actually true is up for debate though, as a few Choro-Qs claim the Water God had nothing to do with the flooding of the city. As expected, there's very little to do here since the city that was once here is now gone. After we finish Blue Lake, a majority of this section will focus on collecting the stamps we couldn't obtain before in the Present due to lacking the necessary parts. For now, let's take care of collecting the last new parts.

Blue Lake Part Collection There's nothing we can't reach now that we have the Jet Turbine again. Driving underwater makes it extremely easy to gain and hold airtime, which in turn, makes it easy to obtain everything here. You shouldn't need more than five minutes to get everything here. One thing I should point out is you have unlimited fuel while in Blue Lake, so feel free to use your Jet Turbine as much as you want to help speed things up.

Big Tires This is the only part in Blue Lake that poses some kind of difficulty while trying to obtain it, and that's only if you don't have the Heavy Chassis. Even then, it's still easy to grab. Starting from the Q's Factory, drive over to where the colosseum was in the Past. Once you're at the ruins of the colosseum, take a left. There's two whirlpools in your way that'll suck you in if you don't boost and turn away from them, so set your Wing to Down and activate your Jets if you get caught in their pull. As you get sucked towards the second whirlpool, turn to your left and you'll see a chest. Break free and drive towards it. Inside the chest will be the Big Tires [ビッグタイヤ].

Blue Special
The Blue Special is located directly north of where the Racing Tires were in the Past. Since gravity is basically nonexistent underwater, you should have no trouble getting up onto the ledge where the Blue Special is. Use the terrain around you to launch yourself or take the original route you used in Blue City. No matter how you reach the chest, bump into it and the Blue Special [ブルースペシャル] will be yours.

Super Transmission Again, another easy part to obtain. The Super Transmission can be found at the top of the coliseum ruins. The easiest way to get there is to slap on your new set of Big Tires and head over to where the Q's Factory was in the Past. You should see the roof of the Q's Factory poking out of the ground. Get some speed, then ramp off the roof of the former Q's Factory. While you're in the air, aim yourself towards the right side of the coliseum. Once you see the chest, use the surrounding terrain to stop yourself from shooting past it. Drive into it and you'll obtain the Super Transmission [スーパーミッション].

With the last set of parts in our possession, we're now more than ready to tackle the few Time Attack stamps and both World Grand Prixes. Travel back to the Q's Factory and equip your new underwater treasures. Once you're finished sorting your parts out, we can now go ahead and collect what very few stamps there are in Blue Lake; the first one being Stamp 87 (I found the Black Bus).

The Black Bus can be found sitting in the same spot as the chest with the Super Quick Steering in the Past. Unlike Blue City though, the road that used to lead to the rotunda can no longer be accessed from the ground. Instead, you'll have to glide over to it. This can be easily accomplished by simply launching yourself off the raised piece of terrain just past the former entrance to the Underground Maze. Upon speaking to the Black Bus, they'll tell you that they're a survivor from Blue City and will give you some insight on where to head next: the Four Gates.

Although the Black Bus doesn't know how to activate the pillar of light the Gates control, they're sure you can do it since "it's the path you walked". Finish speaking with him and you'll obtain Stamp 87. Keeping that last statement of theirs in mind, head through the coliseum ruins and you'll come across the "Four Gates". These were blocked off by a fence before in the Past, but are now open for us to use.

The Four Gates require a specific pattern to be driven through them in order to activate the pillar of light and unlock the door to the Rock Climbing range. If the "the path you walked" hint from earlier doesn't click for you, then the solution is to drive through the colored gates in order of the cities you visited while venturing through the Present. Activate the gates in the right order and you'll be treated to a small cutscene where you'll get to watch several pillars of light form themselves into one beam. Stamp 88 (I went through the 4 Gates in the correct order) will be given to you after this cutscene finishes.

This beam of light functions similarly to the bubbles at the coliseum ruins that push you upwards, so use your Jet Turbine after you regain control of your momentum to reach the newly unlocked door. Upon entering, you'll be greeted by another Black Bus who will immediately send you straight into the last minigame, Rock Climbing.

Rock Climbing
Calling this a "minigame" might seem like a bit of a stretch, but since Rock Climbing has Choro-Q coins for us to collect, I'll treat it as such. Rock Climbing, true to its name, has a lot of very steep terrain you have to scale to reach the exit and has a lot of sudden drops sprinkled all throughout the level. If you're still running the Semi-Racing or Racing Tires from earlier, you're going to be in for a terrible time. Thankfully, you can back out of Rock Climbing through the pause menu and head back to the Q's Factory to change tires as long you don't mind having to drive back.

The goal of Rock Climbing is incredibly simple: just reach the exit located northwest at the other end of the map. Assuming you don't get distracted by the totally diverse and unique scenery here, you can reach the exit in about a minute. The driving is the easy part, now comes the slightly challenging part: obtaining all ten Choro-Q Coins here.

I haven't mentioned it yet, but Fuel use is re-enabled during Rock Climbing since you're no longer underwater. Because there's zero landmarks you can reference during Rock Climbing, most of your coins are going to be found by just wandering around aimlessly and looking for anything yellow that might stick out against the backdrop of the brown terrain. Naturally, having to waste time wandering through the map will eat through your fuel. Any kind of fuel hungry engine ( Blue Magnum, Ultra Turbo) is not recommended if you're hunting for coins. The Jet Turbine should also be used as little as possible to help save fuel.

If you're starting to run low on fuel while exploring, head to the exit to cash in any coins you have collected and warp to the Q's Factory. Reach the end with all Choro-Q coins in tow and you'll receive Stamps 89 (Completed Rock Climbing and returned to Red City) and 90 (I collected every coin on the Rock Climbing range).

After reaching the end of the Rock Climbing range, you'll be greeted by the dump truck you likely saw while working on Stamp 2 way back at the start of the game. Upon seeing you come through the other side, he'll express disbelief at the fact Blue City is now underwater and sends you on your way. We're now back in Red City, which is great for us as we can head over to the Q's Factory and ready ourselves for the first Time Attack stamp involving the Drawbridge. Equip your best On-road parts, drive over to the Drawbridge starting point, and get ready to drive.

Time Attack! - Reach the Drawbridge in under 30 seconds
Definitely the easier of the two Time Attack stamps, Stamp 13 (Crossed the drawbridge in under 30 seconds) can still prove to be challenging for an inexperienced racer. The key to getting under 30 seconds here is to hold the inside line as much as possible. Bouncing towards the outside happens often with the speeds you need to average, so tap the gas to stick to the inside and be ready to react to any bounces. Your average speed throughout a run should be 120-130km/h after the start.

Repeat this process until you reach the bridge, then accelerate towards the finish. If you can reach the bridge with 26"00 or 27"00 on the clock, that will be more than fast enough to beat the target time and obtain Stamp 13. I was able to complete this with a final time of 26"81 without using the Jet Turbine once, so if you're struggling to reach the finish in time, boost at the start and on the final straight before the jump.

If you skipped getting the Ultra Turbo early, take the time to grab it now as it'll come in handy during certain tracks in the upcoming WGPs.

Going through the drawbridge again, we'll find ourselves back in Green Town. Throw on your Big Tires and collect the Ultra Quick Steering before heading towards the Snowy Slope for our second Time Attack stamp.

Time Attack! - Reach the end of the Slope in 60 seconds
The second of the two Time Attack stamps, Stamp 28 (I reached the end of the slope in less than 60 seconds) is all about how well you can maximize your speed. Racing lines are merely a suggestion here; instead, you're going to want to go as fast as you can into turns and use the walls to both slow down and redirect yourself. In terms of part choice, you can either go with the Big or Studless tires. Studless tires seem to gain much less air compared to the Big Tires, so if you have them, I highly recommend using them.

You're going to be using your Jet Turbine a lot while trying to get this stamp, so be sure to come here only after visiting the Q's Factory. Restarting a run from the pause menu will not restore any fuel you used, so if you mess up, just leave and come back after refueling.

Starting off, try to aim between all of the bumps and hills that plague the first straight. You want to cut between them so you gain as little air as possible. Rocket ahead until you reach the huge banked turn, then start drifting to the right. Lift off the gas and go as wide as possible while adjusting your angle to face the corner exit and next straight; when you tap the outer wall, you should be going about 120-140km/h. Boost back up to speed, then when you clear the first big jump, aim towards the right wall. Bump into the wall while reverse braking, then turn towards the inside at about 130km/h.

From there, it's a piece of a cake. The second big jump can cause you to lose control easily if you're not careful, so try to land straight. Bounce off the wall that's just past the Split Rock, then boost your way towards the finish line. My best time here was 55"38, so with suitable practice, you can obtain Stamp 28 without any trouble.

Go figure; we're now in Yellow Town. Since we have the Big Tires now, we can finally complete Stamp 30 (Visited every house and shop in Yellow Town). Yellow Town's layout makes it incredibly hard to remember where you've been and where to go when it comes to which houses you've entered. The easiest houses to miss are the Bandit's Hideout and the few homes that are tucked away in the section where the Aero Parts were found.

In the section that was originally blocked off by a log, you'll find the last few homes and what looks to be a very deep hole in the ground. Drive into it and you'll find the one and only Paint Shop. The Paint Shop is the only place in the entire game where you can freely change the color of your body. Custom color technology hadn't been figured out by the time Wonderful(!) was released though, so you're stuck with the default eight colors from the start of the game. Whether you change your current color or not, entering the Paint Shop should net you Stamp 30 if you explored the town thoroughly.

Warp back to the Q's Factory and start up the Yellow Town qualifying race. Grab the coin that's on top of the log after the big sweeper and complete the race. Stamp 35 (Collected every coin in the Yellow Town qualifier race) will be finally yours.

With all of that taken care of, head back to Red City and warp back to the Past. We're now going to tackle Wonderful's most complicated side quest.

Let's help Jim and Kana make up!
Man, talk about a spike in complexity here. There's a lot of steps to this quest and it's easy to lose track of which step you're on if you can't read Japanese, but trust me when I say your patience will be rewarded. Starting in Red Town, head over to Kana Poultry directly across from Jim's Ranch. Inside, Kana will tell you about a heartfelt letter that she sent to Jim, but for some reason, Kana never received a response. Drive over to Jim's Ranch and Jim has no clue what letter you're talking about...

Talk to Kana again, then head to the local Post Office. The Postmaster will tell you he "leaves the deliveries to the younger guys" and tells you to ask one of them instead. What you have to do now is find the Delivery Truck that roams around Red Town and talk to him. There aren't that many Qs roaming the streets, but if you can't find the truck, just wait outside the Post Office and he'll eventually drive by. The Delivery Truck will inform you that the letter was sent to Jim, but surely, that can't be right.

Drive back to Jim's Ranch and Jim will tell you that the letter he received was actually for the owner of the sweets shop over in Gold City and asks you to tell Kana to be more direct with her advances. That latter part doesn't really matter, as our next objective is to head to Gold City to continue our quest to figure out where Kana's letter could be.

Once you reach the Sweets Shop in Gold City, head inside and the owner will tell you he doesn't have the letter anymore. He does know who you can ask to find it though; the dump truck down in the Mines. Upon speaking to said dump truck, he'll tell you he actually has two letters; one for the Sweets Shop and one for Jim. After asking if you know Jim, you'll receive Kana's Letter (カーナからの手紙) and Stamp 67 (Did we find gold in the gold mine?) after a bit more dialogue. With the letter in our possession, return to Jim's Ranch back in Red Town.

After Jim reads the letter, he'll promise to take care of not only his cows, but Kana as well. The quest is considered complete after that, and you'll receive Stamp 52 (Jim and Kana made up) for all of your hard work.

If you didn't get it during the previous quest, be sure to obtain Stamp 51 (Entered every house and shop in Red Town) before departing. Although Stamp 52 was arguably a journey by itself, we're not done with Jim and Kana quite yet. Travel back to Red City and visit Kana again. She'll give you an Egg (たまご), which if you recall, was needed to make the Pudding (プリン) back in Black City. Take the Egg over to the Cake Shop and the owner will tell you he can now make the Pudding. Turn around or reverse back into the Cake Shop and the owner will give you the legendary Pudding (プリン).

Stamp 49 (I got pudding from the Cake Shop) will be added to your Stampbook after you leave. With the Pudding finally in your inventory, take a drive over to Green Park and pay a visit to Aunt Pudding. In exchange for bringing the Pudding to her, she will give you Stamp 23 (I delivered pudding to Aunt Pudding) and the Supreme Chassis (さいこうのシャーシ) as a reward. This is by far the best chassis in the game and dramatically improves acceleration. Throw it on, save if you haven't yet, then drive over to Black City and warp back to the Past.

We're now more than ready to take on the first World Grand Prix.

Blue Lake Parts List

Blue Special [ブルースペシャル]

Power: 500 / Fuel Usage: 12 The best overall engine in Wonderful(!). With the second highest power output combined with a fuel usage lower than some of the weaker engines, the Blue Special is the perfect engine for just about any track. Its power can be outclassed by the Ultra Turbo on some tracks, but you simply can't beat its P:F ratio.

Big Tires [ビッグタイヤ]A set of oversized off-road tires. Yet another staple part of the series that first appeared in Choro-Q2, the Big Tires provide great grip on any off-road surface and allow you to drive over obstacles and scale terrain that would normally stop you dead. Big Tires tend to catch more air than regular sized tires though, so try to be mindful of that when racing on certain tracks.
Super Transmission [スーパーミッション]Top Speed: 301km/h / Gears: 5 The final transmission in Wonderful(!) with the highest top speed, the Super Transmission can only truly excel on a track with long straights. There's sadly not many of those in the game, but on the few tracks where you can utilize its full potential, nobody will be able to catch you. Use this in tandem with the Speed Transmission on shorter tracks and you'll be practically unstoppable.

Past World Grand Prix

Before you start this section of the guide, be sure to check your Stampbook ahead of time and make sure you have every stamp (excluding Stamp 3) up to Stamp 96. If you're missing any, read through the guide again and collect the ones you may be missing before continuing on. You cannot participate in qualifying races during the PWGP or MWGP, so collecting any race stamps ahead of time is important if you don't want to backtrack later.

The Past World Grand Prix is the first of two World Grand Prixes you must complete if you want to obtain the Champion's Cup and ultimately beat the game. In order to get the vaunted cup, you must come first overall by gaining as many points as possible over the course of four races. Winning a race in the World Grand Prix is no easy feat, though. You need to be at the top of your game if you don't want to be left in the dust and especially if you want to win.

The PWGP (as it will be referred to from now on) is easily one of the hardest challenges you'll have to face during an average playthrough of Wonderful(!). With only four races in total, there's little room for error and one bad race is enough to screw you out of getting 1st overall. Unlike qualifiers where you could get away with sloppy driving or bad part setups, the PWGP will punish you severely for any mistakes you make. Be sure to save before starting any race in either WGP if it's your first time.

Since this is the first WGP though, there are no restrictions on parts. This makes things quite a bit easier since you can use the Jet Turbine to help you recover from mistakes or improve speeds on corner exits, but obviously, don't get greedy with it. Unless you're on the home straight with a comfortable lead during the last lap, running out of fuel is a guaranteed loss.

As mentioned above, you must obtain as many points as possible to win the World Grand Prix. Points are given out after every race; how many you get depends on your position.


+6 points
2nd+5 points
3rd+4 points
4th+3 points

2 points
6th+1 points
7th-8th+0 points

With all of that established, head over to the Mayor's House in Gold City to start the first race of the PWGP. If you don't remember where it's at, the Mayor's home can be found towards the back of the city where the starting line for the city's track is. Drive inside and pick the middle dialogue option when prompted to start the first race of the PWGP.

Past World Grand Prix - Gold City

Recommended Parts

EngineBlue Special

There isn't much new to talk about when it comes to the races in the WGPs. In terms of track layout, nothing's been changed or added. What you've learned from the first time you raced at these tracks will work just fine. The main difference here is your opponents; they are extremely fast this time. Specifically, every rival Q's acceleration and grip has been increased tremendously, which makes keeping pace with them and winning significantly harder.

The key strategy at Gold City is to overtake at the Sweets Shop jump and the end at the back-to-back corners. The AI always slams on the brakes and cruises through those sections, allowing you to pass them easily with your superior cornering speed. Their lines through the tunnel also leave a lot to be desired, which makes it a good section to use if you want to overtake as many cars as possible early on. Once you're in 1st, it's just a matter of maintaining your pace until you cross the finish line.

Collect your points and head over to Green Town, where the next race of the PWGP is held. Switch over to your best off-road parts either before or after you reach your next location, then drive over to the Mayor's tent. Green Town's Mayor is located directly across from the Q's Factor, so it's easy to find. Start up the next race and ready yourself.

Past World Grand Prix - Green Town

Recommended Parts

TiresBig / Offroad
EngineBlue Special

Green Town is arguably the hardest track you have to race at during the Past World Grand Prix. If the traction and speed the rival Qs had here was great before, you'll be floored at just how fast they are now. The two main points of attack at Green Town are the first drop and the last set of bumps before the home straight. The latter of those two tends to be the more reliable option, and use of the Jet Turbine coming out of those bumps will allow you to build a solid lead.

Since the Big and Offroad tires lack the insane traction the Racing tires had, you'll need to be careful cornering. Coming off the home straight and into the first drop smoothly is very tricky as the speeds you'll be going at make it easy to exceed your limits and spin out. You should be in 1st by Lap 2; after that, it should be smooth sailing as long as you maintain a good pace with the Jet Turbine.

We're already halfway through the PWGP if you can believe it. Our next race is at Red Town, so take a trip through the Underground Maze and arrive at your next location. The Mayor's house shouldn't prove hard to find considering you already found it to obtain Stamp 51, so enter and start your next heat.

Past World Grand Prix - Red Town

Recommended Parts

EngineUltra Turbo

The difficulty takes a sharp dive at Red Town, giving us a nice reprieve before the finale at Blue City. Aside from the Suicide Right and final few corners, this track is a cakewalk. With the Ultra Turbo's immense strength, you should be able to reach 1st in no time and have no issues maintaining your position. Since Red Town's circuit is so short, the race shouldn't take longer than a minute and a half. Keep up a good pace and you win with a sizable lead over everyone else.

We're swiftly on our way to finishing up the PWGP! View the results of the last race, check out everyone's total points, then make your way over to Blue City. After you arrive in Blue City, I recommend warping to the Q's Factory and saving. Blue City's circuit, as you might recall, is very tough and technical. While we're much better equipped this time around, the last thing you want to do is jeopardize your 1st place ranking.

It is possible to forfeit/lose horribly and still win the PWGP overall, but it's not worth the risk and not even possible if you haven't won every race so far. Whenever you're ready, make your way over to the Mayor's house just across the street from the Q's Factory and start the finale of the PWGP.

Past World Grand Prix - Blue City

Recommended Parts

EngineBlue Special
SteeringNormal / Quick

This is it: the ultimate test of car and driver. The last thing stopping you from claiming that awesome Champion's Cup and moving to the Modern World Grand Prix. Blue City is still as tough as before, but with the addition of both the Rudder and Racing Tires, racing here is not as bad as it used to be. It's still very tough though, and mistakes are costly with how fast the AI can be through certain sections.

With the Rudder equipped, jumps are nothing to worry about since you can now steer yourself while in the air. This is especially important in the early parts of the track, where it's common to have these "jump and turn" sections. If you can't handle the tight esses or the last section confidently, consider using the Quick Steering for this track instead. It'll make the gentler turns harder to complete without losing grip though, so it's up to you if you want to sacrifice stability for better turnability.

It's up to you to come out on top. Give it your all and don't be afraid to reload your save and try again if you screw up or need to practice.

Whether you win this race or not, winning overall will net you the first Champion's Cup and Stamp 99 (Won the Past World Grand Prix). Upon completing the Past World Grand Prix, all Warp Centers in the Present will become open for use. This makes traversing the Present much easier and faster, which is great considering our next and final challenge takes place in the Present. Collect your "vaunted" cup, then head over to Black City.

With our new Champion's Cup in tow, we are finally allowed access into the Modern World Grand Prix.

Modern World Grand Prix

The Modern World Grand Prix is the successor to the Past World Grand Prix. Compared to its predecessor, the Modern World Grand Prix adds an extra race to its lineup (increasing the amount to five races in total) and has restrictions on which parts you can use, though it's rather light when it comes to said restrictions. The only part that is banned from use is the Jet Turbine, which depending on your driving style and skill, can either be no big deal or an absolute pain to deal with.

Mistakes are even more costly now since you can't quickly boost back up to speed with the Jet Turbine, so if you can, work on your consistency and course knowledge before tackling the MWGP. The MWGP is a bit more forgiving than the PWGP since the inclusion of an extra race gives a bit more room for error. The courses themselves are also easier as well, though you could argue these are balanced out by the part restrictions. There isn't much else to say that hasn't already been covered in the previous section, so let's get to it.

Just past the Cake Shop in Black City is where you'll find the city's Mayor, and this is where the first race of the MWGP is held. Whenever you're ready, talk to the Mayor and start up the first race of the MWGP.

Modern World Grand Prix - Black City

Recommended Parts

EngineBlue Special

For the first and only time in Wonderful(!), you'll get the chance to race both your rival and Will. Will tends to perform quite strongly in the MWGP, so use him as a way to judge your pace throughout all of the tracks.

Contrary to what several Japanese guides recommend for this track, Semi-Racing tends to perform better overall here than Racing. This is mostly due to the relatively minor off-road section close to the start of the track, which is a nightmare to drive through if you don't have suitable Off-road grip. Said section can also be very unpredictable if you don't have enough grip; the initial turn-in can be enough to spin you out.

Since the Semi-Racing tires obviously have less On-road grip than Racing, it's important to be mindful of your speed while keeping your steering smooth. At the speeds you're going combined with the Rudder, it's easy to break traction. Steer clear of the water on the back straight as well since Semi-Racing tires have awful Wet grip. Stay cool, overtake when you can, and you'll snag the win in no time.

The next race of the MWGP is held at Green Park, so head there after you complete the first race at Black City. Using the newly repaired Warp Centers will save you a lot of time and help you get into the rest of the races quicker, so don't forget to use them from now on. In contrast to the rest of the MWGP, Green Park's race is not found at the Directress's house. It is instead found at the small Go! Cart!! building directly east of the aforementioned house. Once you find it, drive in and begin the next race.

Modern World Grand Prix - Green Park

Recommended Parts

EngineUltra Turbo

Much like PWGP Green Town, the rivals here are exceptionally fast and can easily pull away from you. Their incredible speed is shown off well on Green Park's very long home straight, meaning any time you gain on them has to be in the turns. Your primary points of attack are the first turn and middle hairpin, which the rival Qs slow down tremendously for. The Ultra Turbo will do a fantastic job of helping you accelerate out of turns faster here.

Keep up a good pace, don't choke (especially coming off the home straight into the first turn) and Green Park will be nothing to worry about.

Another 6 points for us. The halfway point of the MWGP is held at Yellow Town, so pack your bags and warp there as soon as you can. You should already remember where to find Yellow Town's Mayor, but if you somehow forgot, he can be found towards the back of the town close to the waterfall.

Modern World Grand Prix - Yellow Town

Recommended Parts

TiresBig / Offroad
EngineBlue Special

Yellow Town is basically just a free 6 points. You don't even have to try to get 1st. The rival Qs still don't understand what a shortcut is, and the one superior part they had ( Big Tires) doesn't matter anymore since you have them now. Take the shortcut on all three laps and leave them in the dust.

With Yellow Town dealt with, the second-to-last race of the MWGP can be found over at Red City. The Mayor's house has not changed location between the Past and the Present, so you should not have any trouble finding it again. Enter the Mayor's house, then start the next race.

Modern World Grand Prix - Red City

Recommended Parts

EngineUltra Turbo

The semi-finale of the MWGP is just more of the same. The only sections you have to worry about are the small dirt road and Risky Curve. The dirt section can be easily defeated by using the paved shoulder that's off on the sides of the track, and the Risky Curve can be taken flat out with the right strategy. Said strategy is simply just getting as wide of a line as possible before turning in hard and clipping the inner wall.

The momentum from the slide caused by turning in so suddenly will push you outwards, meaning you won't get stuck on the wall. Instead, you end up using it to slow yourself down just enough to take the turn without crashing into the outer wall. It sounds complicated, but with practice, you'll be able to do it consistently. Put the Ultra Turbo's strength and course strategies to good use and you should win with a commanding lead over everyone else.

Red City is done and over with, which leaves us with the final race of the Modern World Grand Prix. Where could the final race be held at, if there's only four cities in the Present? We'll find out shortly, but first, head back to the Q's Factory and equip the Jet Turbine. Exit, drive up the street towards the east end of Shopping Street, and you should come across a shop with a sign that has a camera on it.

Entering this shop with all visual parts equipped (specifically, every Special part but the Time Unit and the Ultra Turbo) will gain the attention of the shop owner, who says he'll now take your picture. After you're done chatting with the owner, you'll receive Stamp 3 (I had my picture taken at the photo studio). Take one last trip to the local Q's Factory to save and/or swap out parts, then head over to the entrance to the Underground Maze.

This is where the final race of the MWGP is held. Ready yourself, then start the race.

Modern World Grand Prix - Underground Maze

Recommended Parts

EngineUltra Turbo

The finale of the MWGP. This is what it all comes down to, though the track makes what should be an exciting finale into a disappointing time trial. Despite the Underground Maze being mostly straightaways with a few 90° turns here and there, the rivals will not hesitate to start slowing down for those turns extremely early. This is most apparent before the third turn, where the rival Qs will start slowing down about a kilometer in advance.

The main road is all water, much like the actual Underground Maze you explore in the Present. To combat this, use the shoulder on the sides of the track to gain traction. The very long straight about a minute in will give you ample room to make the most out of your Engine and Transmission. The track ends not long after that, and by then, your rivals will have no chance of catching you.

With one last win under our belt, we have won the Modern World Grand Prix. You'll be shown the total points one last time, before being told by the Q's Factory Worker to head to the Directress's House to claim your second Champion's Cup. Stamp 100 (I won the Modern World Grand Prix) will be added to your Stampbook after. Exiting out of the Underground Maze, you'll find yourself in Green Park. There's nothing else to do right now besides heading over to the Directress's House.

Talk to the Directress and you'll receive the second Champion's Cup. Upon leaving the Directress's House, the credits will play. Sit back, grab a drink, and give yourself a pat on the back: you have completed Choro-Q Wonderful!

Post WGP (100%)

...Of course, this being a Choro-Q game, winning the MWGP isn't actually the end of the game. Pressing Circle after "Presented by Takara Co.. Ltd." appears will drop you back into the game at the Green Park Q's Factory. You might have noticed that there's still a few stamps missing in our Stampbook even after completing the MWGP. As it turns out, beating the MWGP unlocks access to a new course for us to race on over in Blue Lake -- this course being the last track we have to complete to obtain all 100 Stamps.

You may have already known about this course if you talked to the Q's Factory Worker in Blue Lake prior to the WGPs, as he tells you that the course is currently closed due to construction. This dialogue is easy to miss if you're not looking for it, so don't feel too bad if you didn't see it. Since we're just coming out of the MWGP, save then drive over to Blue Lake. You may want to use Big Tires to make the trip a bit easier, as we have to traverse the Rock Climbing range again to reach our destination.

Once you're back in Blue Lake, throw on your best WGP setup then start the newly unlocked race.

Course in the Clouds - Finish 3rd or higher
Does this track seem familiar? The concept of a race track floating in the clouds/sky is one that E-Game would use in all of their works, and like many things in HG2/3, it started here. The Course in the Clouds is one of two tracks in Wonderful! where there is no course map; however, the course is simple enough that you won't really need one. This track is also notable for being the only course in Wonderful! where it's possible to fall off and involuntarily retire. If this happens, you lose all progress you made and any Choro-Q Coins you might have collected during the race.

Obviously, try not to fall off at all costs. As long as you're careful and set your Wing to Up before taking any big jumps, you shouldn't have to worry about falling off the course unless you make a mistake. Leaps of faith are going to be your worst enemy the first time you race here, so memorize all of the major jumps and shortcuts on the first lap so you can race with confidence. The best shortcut comes after the third jump -- keep to the left and jump onto the metal grate road to cut a good chunk off the course.

Laps 2 and 3 shouldn't be too hard once you get the basic route and Wing strategy down. There's no need to complete a Clean Race here, but there is a need to collect the last few Choro-Q Coins. Unlike other circuits, you do not need to place 3rd or higher on this track to bank the coins you've collected. Four of the coins are placed along the main route, with the first three requiring some precise aim to grab. The fifth and sixth coins are found on the alternate routes, with the latter requiring a good amount of sidetracking to get.
The fifth coin can be found floating between the two mesh roads, and the sixth and final coin is located on the alternate dirt section that splits the upper road into two for the third jump. Slam on the brakes and turn to the right when you see the third "Jump!" sign and you should land on the alternate route. Drive down the road and you'll see three steps; on the middle step is the fourth coin. It should only take you two runs at this course to collect all three stamps here. Once you're finished, you should have Stamp 96, 97, and 98 added to your Stampbook.

With the Course in the Clouds complete, we now have all 100 Stamps in our Stampbook! You might be wondering what our reward is for accomplishing such a feat. To claim our prize, we will need to visit Will one last time. In another bit of dialogue that can be kind of easy to miss, Will promises to give us something special if we visit him with our Stampbook completed.

Save, exit out of the Q's Factory, and begin your drive towards Black City. In Black City, head over to Will's place. Upon speaking to him, he will congratulate you for obtaining all 100 stamps and gives you the special item he talked about before. What is this part? The one and only Devil's Tires [アクマのタイヤ]. After you accept his gift, Will tells you that there is nothing left to do and that you can now "play freely".

Congratulations --you have completed Choro-Q Wonderful! with all 100 Stamps and now have the legendary Devil's Tires as your way of showing just how dedicated you are! In contrast to what Will said, there's still a few things you can do with your new 100% save file, but I'll leave those up to you to discover. Go ahead and save one last time, and you're done.

100 Stamp Reward

Devil's Tires [アクマのタイヤ]The legendary Devil's Tires make yet another appearance in the Choro-Q series after being first introduced in the original Choro-Q. With the highest amount of grip possible for every terrain, these tires have no weakness and will easily help you wipe the floor with those racing with traditional tires.

Drifting is not possible with the Devil's Tires, which means that sharp turns must be handled with care if you don't want to understeer into a wall. Once you master them, you'll never want to use anything else. A fantastic reward for obtaining all 100 Stamps.


This subsection covers all of the fun facts and general trivia about Wonderful! that I have learned during my time playing through and researching the game. Some of these were found by traversing the Japanese side of the Internet, and others were found by myself. Any discoveries I did not make myself will have the original user/website credited.

  • The bandit in Yellow Town and Black City is considered a "persistent" NPC and will not despawn if the player enters a building or warps back to the Q's Factory. This can be exploited if the player is clever enough.
  • A few songs in the game (most notably, Fortune Teller's Hall, Green Town, and Red Town) are based off of either real songs, MIDIs available online at the time, or in the case of Green Town, another game's soundtrack. However, the most obscure out of all these seems to be Blue Lake's track. Blue Lake's theme is actually a note-for-note recreation of the 1996 MIDI track "Mystic Travels" by Jeff Lawson. [The General MIDI Museum - YouTube]
  • Wonderful! was the first Choro-Q game to make proper use of kanji for things like dialogue, making the story much harder to follow for younger players. The brief trend of utilizing kanji in Choro-Q games would stop after HG, before returning in Works with the introduction of yomigana to help inform players on how to read certain words.
  • Originally, E-Game planned to have Underground Maze entrances for both Black City and Blue Lake. For unknown reasons, these were both cut from the final release; however, it is still possible to access what remains of them by editing your current coordinates. While Black City reuses the icon from Blue City, Blue Lake's entrance displays an unused icon that normally can't be seen by the player without external methods. Both of these icons, which I managed to extract from the game's .TM5 files, can be seen on the right. [Original discovery by @BTEST4HE]
  • Billiards does not have any sort of shot limit, despite having a visual cap of 999. If one manages to reach 999 while in Billiards, the counter will stop incrementing for the rest of that session. My personal highest score for number of shots in one game is 11,388.
  • By performing very precise jumps with endgame parts or overclocking the CPU on an emulator, it is possible to talk to Choro-Qs who are normally inaccessible due to a loading zone blocking you from reaching them. As a presumed failsafe, these Choro-Qs will reuse dialogue from other Qs that are in the same area. The most beneficial instance of this is in Blue Lake, where talking to the Q's Factory Worker will net you Stamp 87 since he shares the same dialogue with the Black Bus.
  • Continuing on the previous point, it is possible to glitch into areas you're normally not allowed access to by overclocking the PS1's CPU on an emulator. Since these areas were never meant to be explored by the player, they're often missing everything but the road. This allows you to get a rare glimpse of what would be considered "Blue Hell" in other open world games.
  • Letting the bandit escape in either Yellow Town or Black City will allow you to talk to him at his hideout in Yellow Town. The bandit doesn't have much to say, but it's easy to miss his dialogue as his appearance at his hideout (as far as I know) can be permanently missed if you don't let him escape.

Part Compendium

Welcome to the Part Compendium. Here, you will find a list of every part that can be obtained by the player, along with their location, performance data, and my personal thoughts on them. This essentially serves as a more convenient way to read all of the Part Lists without needing to go back through each section. Parts are listed in order of their appearance in the Q's Factory Part Change section.


Radial Tires [ラジアルタイヤ]You start the game with these equipped.A set of radial tires intended for everyday driving.
Excelling at nothing, they'll work well enough for the first two towns until you can get the Sports tires in Black City.
Offroad [オフロード]Yellow Town, on an elevated piece of land.A set of tires intended for general offroad driving. A staple part in the Choro-Q series, this is another part that you'll likely be using for the rest of the game. Offroad tires provide great traction on both dirt and snow and are only beaten overall by the Big tires.
Sports Tires [スポーツタイヤ]Underwater in a small lake in Black City.A set of balanced tires capable of driving on just about any surface without much issue. These tires provide good grip on road and decent grip off-road. There isn't too much to say about them, other than they're a great set of tires that will easily keep you going until you obtain the Semi-Racing tires.
Semi-Racing (セミレーシング)Mining tunnels at Gold City.A set of semi-slick tires that are mostly intended for use on tarmac. Equipping these will widen the track width of your car, though this has no effect on handling. Although Semi-Racing tires are focused on providing a lot of on-road grip, they still have enough off-road grip to be usable on dirt, making them the best mixed track tire overall. Semi-Racing tires become largely irrelevant after obtaining the Racing Tires; however, there's still two tracks where these will excel.
Racing Tires [レーシングタイヤ]Second story ledge on a building in Blue City.A set of racing slicks intended solely for track driving. Equipping these will widen the track width of your car, much like the Semi-Racing tires. Once you obtain these tires, there's no reason to use anything else for most tracks as their on-road grip is simply incredible. As you'd expect, these tires are absolutely useless off-road so be very careful if you're racing on one of the few mixed tracks.
Studless [スタッドレス]Collect all 100 cans in Green Park.A set of tires made for use on snowy terrain. Their usefulness is extremely limited in Wonderful(!), as only one small section of the game uses snow. Even then, they can be roughly matched in performance by the Offroad and Big sets of tires.
Big Tires [ビッグタイヤ]Next to one of the whirlpools in Blue Lake.A set of oversized off-road tires. Yet another staple part of the series that first appeared in Choro-Q2, the Big Tires provide great grip on any off-road surface and allow you to drive over obstacles and scale terrain that would normally stop you dead. Big Tires tend to catch more air than normal sized tires though, so try to be mindful of that when racing on certain tracks.
Devil's Tires [アクマのタイヤ]Collect all 100 Stamps.The legendary Devil's Tires make yet another appearance in the Choro-Q series after being first introduced in the original Choro-Q. With the highest amount of grip possible for every terrain, these tires have no weakness and can easily help you wipe the floor with those racing with traditional tires.

Drifting is not possible with the Devil's Tires, which means that sharp turns must be handled with care if you don't want to understeer into a wall. Once you master them, you'll never want to use anything else. A fantastic reward for obtaining all 100 Stamps.


Normal Engine [レッドエンジン]You start the game with this equipped.Power: 150 / Fuel Usage: 3 A standard engine that doesn't excel at anything. It has no use beyond the first qualifying race at Red City, so ditch it in favor of the Green Engine as soon as you can.
Green Engine [グリーンエンジン] By Aunt Pudding's shop in Green Park.Power: 180 / Fuel Usage: 3 An engine that provides a respectable amount of power. Its modest power output of 180 is outclassed quickly by newer engines, so odds are you'll only use it for one or two races before moving on to something better.
Yellow Engine [イエローエンジン]Behind the waterfall in Yellow Town.Power: 200 / Fuel Usage: 4 The first engine (not counting the Ultra Turbo) to crack the 1xx power barrier. This is also the first engine to increase fuel usage, with an increase of +1 over the Normal and Green engines. It's a decent engine, but the Black Engine you get in the next city completely trumps this one in terms of performance, so odds are you'll only use this for one race before never touching it again.
Black Engine [ブラックエンジン] At the end of a certain path in Black City.Power: 300 / Fuel Usage: 5 A well-balanced engine. Its power of 300 provides a noticeable increase in performance compared to the Yellow Engine while keeping fuel usage reasonable. Despite the great P:F ratio, stronger engines still outclass it through sheer power and rivals only get faster from here on out, so it's really not worth using past Red Town.
Red Magnum [レッドマグナム]Found right outside the Blacksmith's house in Red Town.Power: 350 / Fuel Usage: 8 The first engine you can obtain in the Past. Being the first in the Magnum series of engines, the Red Magnum provides a decent increase to Power but at the cost of also increasing fuel usage by a good amount. Overall, it's a decent but disposable engine that gets overshadowed very quickly by the Green Magnum you can find in Green Town.
Green Magnum [グリーンマグナム]On a pedestal in the middle of Green Park.Power: 380 / Fuel Usage: 10 The most balanced engine out of the Magnum series and the first to exceed a single digit Fuel Usage with 10. Providing suitable power for mid-game transmissions while also keeping fuel usage reasonable, the Green Magnum is a great choice for the Past and should keep you competitive until after Blue City's race.
Gold Magnum (ゴールドマグナム)Located on the second story of Gold City, just past an apple tree and a dump truck.Power: 400 / Fuel Usage: 12 The second-to-last engine we can obtain in the Magnum series of engines. Arguably the least useful of the bunch, the Gold Magnum provides very little benefit over the Green Magnum with an increase of only +20 to Power while increasing fuel usage even further.
The Gold Magnum also isn't strong enough to compete with the Blue Magnum on straights, meaning it ends up being stuck in a strange spot between the two aforementioned engines in terms of balance. It's a very disposable engine, so if you don't care about getting every part, just save yourself some time and get the Blue Magnum instead.
Blue Magnum [ブルーマグナム]Found just before the entrance to the Water God's domain.Power: 450 / Fuel Usage: 15 The strongest engine in the Magnum series and the most fuel hungry. During a normal playthrough, the Blue Magnum gets zero time to shine as it becomes overshadowed extremely quickly by the Blue Special. If you take the time to grab it before you start working on Blue City though, then its high power can prove incredibly useful on the shorter tracks you must race on.
Blue Special [ブルースペシャル]Can be found opposite to where you got the Racing Tires in Blue Lake.Power: 500 / Fuel Usage: 12 The best overall engine in Wonderful(!). With the second highest power output combined with a fuel usage lower than some of the weaker engines, the Blue Special is the perfect engine for just about any track. Its power can be outclassed by the Ultra Turbo on some tracks, but you simply can't beat its P:F ratio.
Ultra Turbo [ウルトラターボ]Can be found on a pedestal during the Drawbridge minigamePower: 600 / Fuel Usage: 24 The strongest engine in the game. Explosive acceleration comes at the cost of terrible fuel economy, making longer races a true test of how well you can manage your fuel usage.


Normal Chassis [ふつうのシャーシ]You start the game with this equipped.Acceleration - / Stability + A chassis intended for everyday use, adding a good amount of weight and stability. Being the second heaviest chassis in Wonderful(!), the extra weight hinders you greatly during the first half of the game. Once you get your hands on the Light Chassis, the Normal Chassis loses any purpose it could have. Bouncing is not that much different between the two chassis, so the Normal Chassis will likely end up gathering dust before you even start working on the Past.
Light Chassis [かるいシャーシ]Reward for completing Stamp 32.Acceleration + / Stability - A lightweight chassis, providing lesser weight and better acceleration at the cost of reduced stability. Despite what the game implies, bouncing does not become that much more noticeable with a lighter chassis equipped. For the most part, this is simply just a very welcome upgrade over the Normal Chassis. If you can snag it before the second half of the game starts, it will serve you well for a long time.
Supreme Chassis [おもいシャーシ]Reward for completing Stamp 23.Acceleration ++ / Stability -- The lightest chassis in the game. The Supreme Chassis boosts acceleration even further compared to the Light Chassis, at the cost of being the most susceptible to bouncing. The pros far outweigh the cons though, so once you get your hands on it, you won't need to use any other chassis.
Heavy Chassis [おもいシャーシ]Obtained from a Choro-Q close to the waterfall in Yellow Town.Acceleration -- / Stability ++ A heavy chassis, exactly as it says in its name. Much like the previous Choro-Q games, equipping a heavier chassis will slow you down, so there's basically no point to using this unless you're trying to challenge yourself. Supposedly, using this chassis in a certain location much later on makes navigating there easier, but I tested it myself and there was barely any difference. At the end of the day, it's a collector's item and nothing more.


Normal Steering [ノーマル・ステア]You start the game with this equipped.Turning Speed: 1 A steering part intended for relaxed, everyday driving. Painfully slow turning speeds make racing with this equipped an absolute nightmare if you're not going at a snail's pace.
Quick Steering [クイック・ステア]Found just past the Mayor's house in Yellow Town.Turning Speed: 2 The first Steering part you can obtain in Wonderful(!). A welcome upgrade from the extremely slow turning speed that the Normal Steering has, this part will also likely last you a while as the next steering upgrade, Super Quick Steering, can't be obtained until you reach one of the last areas in the game. There is still a good amount of delay in your steering with this equipped, so don't get too overzealous with your newfound handling.
Super Quick Steering [スーパークイック]In a closed rotunda behind the Mayor's house in Blue City.Turning Speed: 4 With double the turning speed of Quick Steering, the Super Quick Steering shortens the delay even further to a little under half a second or so. While very useful for the Blue City qualifier, it becomes irrelevant almost laughably quickly as both the Rudder and Ultra Quick Steering can be obtained right after you travel back to the Present. If you want to make the most of it during your time in the Past, grab it as early as you can.
Ultra Quick Steering [ウルトラクイック]On a raised platform in Green Park.Turning Speed: 8 The fastest steering in the game, although its practicality is questionable at best. Both the Ultra Quick Steering and Rudder can be obtained at roughly the same time, but the latter option provides significantly better turning and response at all speeds. Using this in tandem with the Rudder is an extremely easy way to make any kind of smooth cornering impossible, so the only time Ultra Quick Steering can truly be useful is if you're doing some kind of challenge run that restricts which parts you can use.


Normal Transmission
You start the game with this equipped.Top Speed: 217km/h / Gears: 5 A standard five-speed transmission. Despite the relatively low top speed, the 5th gear is intended to be more of an overdrive gear, meaning engines with lower Power ratings will struggle to achieve top speed. With more Power and a lighter chassis equipped, it can prove to be useful even in the later parts of Wonderful(!), excelling on technical tracks that require a more balanced mix of top speed and acceleration that Power can't provide.
Power Transmission [パワーミッション]In the playground at Red City.Top Speed: 178km/h / Gears: 5 Shortens your gears to provide more acceleration. This is one of the better parts to use at the beginning of the game since it greatly boosts acceleration for weaker engines; however, it quickly loses its usefulness by the time you reach Black City as stronger engines will be greatly limited by the lack of top speed.
Speed Transmission [スピードミッション]Found in a field in Red Town.Top Speed: 263km/h / Gears: 5 Living up to its name, the Speed Transmission boosts top speed by a great amount (263km/h compared to 217km/h and 178km/h for Normal and Power respectively) while also keeping acceleration relatively high. Since the gear ratios are considerably taller than the average gearbox, you'll need a strong engine to use it to its fullest potential. With a strong enough engine equipped, the Speed Transmission should easily last you until you return to the Present.
Low-High Transmission [ローハイミッション]Located opposite of the Fortune Teller's Hall in Black City.Top Speed: 253km/h / Gears: 2 A strange transmission with no real practical use. Even with the Ultra Turbo and the Supreme Chassis, the acceleration provided by the transmission is far too slow to be usable in a race and even then, you're limited by the top speed of 253km/h. The only thing this transmission could reasonably be used for is cruising, but that wastes fuel. There's honestly no reason to ever use this transmission over any others you may have.
Wide Transmission [ワイドミッション]In a chest just outside the Fortune Teller's Hall in Green Town.Top Speed: 263 km/h / Gears: 5 With an extremely tall 5th gear and extremely short everything else, the Wide Transmission tries to be a viable version of the Low-High Transmission. Too bad it just doesn't work. Because the gearing before 5th is so laughably short (you shift into 5th at 130km/h) and tracks generally aren't slow or tight enough to make use of those short gears, you're left with only 5th gear to use for almost everything. Since that gear is so tall though, you really struggle to accelerate unless you're on a perfectly flat straight with no turns. To put it bluntly, I don't recommend using it at all.
Super Transmission [スーパーミッション]On top of the coliseum ruins in Blue Lake.

Top Speed: 301km/h / Gears: 5 The final transmission in Wonderful(!) with the highest top speed, the Super Transmission can only truly excel on a track with long straights. There's sadly not many of those in the game, but on the few tracks where you can utilize its full potential, nobody will be able to catch you. Use this in tandem with the Speed Transmission on shorter tracks and you'll be practically unstoppable.


Aero Parts [エアロパーツ]On top of some homes in Yellow Town.Acceleration + A wide body kit and custom wheels. Equipping this will give you a good boost to acceleration while leaving top speed unaffected, making it a very good part to use. Once you obtain this, there's really no reason not to use it. The only bad thing about Aero Parts is their looks; some of these kits can look very questionable...
Variable Wing [バリアブルウィング]Stashed away in some boxes in Green Town.Downforce + / Downforce - A custom spoiler that allows you to adjust downforce whenever you want. The fourth Special part in the game, the Variable Wing is a part you simply can't race without. Its versatility can be a godsend on certain tracks, and its boost to overall grip when set to Down is extremely useful and costs nothing to use. Get this as soon as you can so you can maximize its potential.
Rudder (ラダー)Behind a certain fence in Gold City.In-Air Control & Steering Response + The fifth and last Special part available in Wonderful(!). The Rudder is easily one of the best parts you can obtain, as not only does it greatly boost steering response, it also allows you to control your Q in mid-air. The usefulness of this part cannot be understated and it's a very valuable asset to have for both World Grand Prixes. Get this part as soon as you can.
Jet Turbine [ジェットタービン]Give the Red City Blacksmith the Fan, Firework Launch Tube, and Gas Burner.The legendary "Jet Turbine", crafted by a blacksmith in Red City. Arguably the best overall part in Wonderful! thanks to its extreme versatility and explosive boost power, the Jet Turbine really needs no introduction. Capable of catapulting even the slowest Qs up to breakneck speeds, the Jet Turbine is an absolutely essential part for any late game setup. Just be sure to keep an eye on your fuel gauge as you use it...
Time Unit [タイムユニット]Obtained from the Underground Researcher in the Underground Maze.A part designed with the sole intent of carrying a Q between the Past and the Present if they're able to reach 300km/h. The Time Unit is merely a utility part that serves no purpose in actual racing; there is little to say about it as a result.

Stamp List

Welcome to the Stamp List. If the section name wasn't clear enough, this is a list of every stamp in the game starting from Stamp 1 and ending at Stamp 100. If you would like to read descriptions of each stamp or need to find a specific one after your save, this is the section after you. Use of Ctrl+F or any kind of browser search is strongly recommended if you're looking after a certain stamp.

Only brief summaries and small hints about obtaining a stamp will be available here. If you want the full details and strategies on getting most of the stamps, please visit the respective sections the stamps correspond to.

Stamp #1

I got the Red City Visa. [レッドシティのビザを手に入れた]

Awarded after visiting Red City's Domiso Visa.
Red City's Domiso Visa can be found on Shopping Street in the middle of town.
Stamp #2Visited every house and shop in Red City. [レッドシティのすべての店や家に入った]Awarded after visiting every house and shop in Red City.
The entrances to the house on the Drag Strip and Fire Station can be easy to miss.
Stamp #3I had my picture taken at the photo studio! [写真館で記念写真を撮ってもらった]Awarded after visiting the Photo Studio in Red City with all visual parts equipped. This can't be done until the end of the game, so don't forget about it.
Stamp #4

I ran the quarter mile with my friend! [幼馴染とゼロヨンレースをした]

Awarded after completing the Zero-Yon race with your friend.
You don't need to win; just finish it and you'll get the stamp.
Stamp #5

Correctly guessed the number of cows in Jim's Ranch. [ジム牧場の牛の数を当てた]

Awarded after correctly guessing the right number of cows in Jim's Ranch. There's no time limit, so take as long as you need.
Stamp #6I collected every coin from Jim's Ranch. [ジム牧場のコインを全て集めた]Awarded after collecting every coin in Jim's Ranch.
There's no time limit, so take as long as you need.
Stamp #7I qualified in Red City and got a prize.
Awarded after placing 3rd or higher in Red City.
It's the first race, so qualifying is not hard at all.
Stamp #8I got 1st place in the Red City qualifier race! [レッドシティのレースで1位をとった]Awarded after winning the qualifier race in Red City.
Take advantage of the Risky Curve to break away from your rivals.
Stamp #9Collected every coin in the Red City qualifier race. [レッドシティのレースでコインを全て集めた]Awarded after collecting every coin in Red City's qualifier race.
Most of the coins are easy to reach, but expect to slow down a lot.
Stamp #10I drove a clean race in Red City and won a prize! [レッドシティのレースでぶつからず入賞できた]Awarded after qualifying at Red City while not colliding with anything.
The Risky Curve and dirt section are the two most difficult parts.
Stamp #11I jumped the Drawbridge and made it to Green Park! [はね橋をわたってグリーンパークへ着いた]Awarded after reaching Green Park by jumping the Drawbridge.
The relaxed time limit of 1:30 makes it very easy to complete.
Stamp #12Collected every coin on the Drawbridge. [はね橋でコインを全て集めた]Awarded after collecting every coin during the Drawbridge minigame.
The jump at the end to get the last coins can be the most difficult part.
Stamp #13I jumped the Drawbridge in less than 30 seconds! [はね橋で30秒を切ってわたれた]Awarded after jumping the Drawbridge in less than 30 seconds.
Good skills and strong parts are needed if you want to accomplish this.
Stamp #14I got the treasure chest in the center of the Drawbridge track. [はね橋のループの中央の宝箱をとった]Awarded after reaching the treasure chest during the Drawbridge minigame.
A precise jump is all you need to reach the chest.
Stamp #15I got the Green Park Visa.
Awarded after visiting Green Park's Domiso Visa.
Green Park's Domiso Visa can be found just past the merry-go-round.
Stamp #16Visited every house and shop in Green Park. [グリーンパークのすべての店や家に入った]Awarded after visiting every house and shop in Green Park.
Some areas require a bit of driving to reach, but it's easy to complete.
Stamp #17I delivered the letter to the Directress. [園長さんにゆうびんを届けた]Awarded after delivering the letter to the Directress of Green Park.
Their house is the biggest in Green Park.
Stamp #18I picked up the trash and helped clean Green Park.
Awarded after collecting all 100 cans in Green Park.
Talk to one of the two Garbage Trucks in Green Park if you need help.
Stamp #19I qualified in Green Park and got a prize. [グリーンパークのレースに出場して入賞した]Awarded after placing 3rd or higher in Green Park.
The hairpins can prove to be tricky with slow steering.
Stamp #20I got 1st place in the Green Park qualifier race! [グリーンパークのレースで1位をとった]Awarded after winning the qualifier race in Green Park.
Master the hairpins to gain a lot of time on your rivals.
Stamp #21Collected every coin in the Green Park qualifier race. [グリーンパークのレースでコインをすべて集めた]Awarded after collecting every coin in Green Park's qualifier race.
One coin requires you to go off the track; save it after last.
Stamp #22I drove a clean race in Green Park and won a prize! [グリーンパークのレースでぶつからず入賞できた]Awarded after qualifying at Green Park while not colliding with anything.
The track is very wide, so focus on dodging the slower Qs.
Stamp #23I delivered the Pudding to Aunt Pudding.
Awarded after delivering the Pudding to Aunt Pudding in Green Park.
This stamp is the last stamp given to you after the Pudding sidequests.
Stamp #24I collected all 50 firework balls and got a perfect score! [花火山で花火玉を50発すべて集めてパーフェクト]Awarded after collecting all 50 fireworks balls on Firework Hill.
Driving towards them is the fastest way to grab them all.
Stamp #25I collected every coin at the Firework Hill.
Awarded after collecting every coin on Firework Hill.
Focus on getting the coins after completing a perfect run first.
Stamp #26Traversed the Snowy Slope and reached Yellow Town.
Awarded after reaching Yellow Town through the Snowy Slope.
There's no time limit, so go at your own pace.
Stamp #27Collected every coin on the Snowy Slope.
Awarded after collecting every coin on the Snowy Slope.
There's no time limit, so go at your own pace and explore thoroughly.
Stamp #28I reached the end of the Snowy Slope in less than 60 seconds! [ゲレンデを60秒を切っておりることができた]Awarded after reaching the end of the Snowy Slope in less than 60 seconds.
Don't be afraid to use the Jet Turbine and wall rebounds to reach the
goal faster.
Stamp #29I got the Yellow Town Visa.
Awarded after visiting Yellow Town's Domiso Visa.
Yellow Town's Domiso Visa is to your right after exiting the Q's Factory.
Stamp #30Visited every house and shop in Yellow Town. [イエロータウンのすべての店や家に入った]Awarded after visiting every house and shop in Yellow Town.
Big Tires are needed to complete this stamp, so don't forget about it.
Stamp #31I caught the bandit! [どろぼうをつかまえた]Awarded after successfully catching the bandit in Yellow Town.
Using Yellow Town's parts will help you complete this easily.
Stamp #32I reformed the bandit! [どろぼうを改心させた]Awarded after successfully catching the bandit in Black City.
The bandit here is much faster than the one in Yellow Town.
Stamp #33I qualified in Yellow Town and got a prize.
Awarded after placing 3rd or higher in Yellow Town.
Steer clear of the logs and do your best to keep your speed up.
Stamp #34I got 1st place in the Yellow Town qualifier race! [イエロータウンのレースで1位をとった]Awarded after winning the qualifier race in Yellow Town.
Use the shortcut as much as you can to break away from your rivals.
Stamp #35Collected every coin in the Yellow Town qualifier race.
Awarded after collecting every coin in the Yellow Town qualifier race.
Big Tires are needed to complete this stamp, so come back to this stamp later.
Stamp #36I drove a clean race in Yellow Town and won a prize! [イエロータウンのレースでぶつからず入賞できた]Awarded after qualifying at Yellow Town while not colliding with anything.
Be very careful around the logs and stumps that litter the track.
Stamp #37I rang the gong and made my way into Black City. [ドラを鳴らしてブラックシティに入る事ができた]Awarded after making it through the Black City gate in under 30 seconds.
It's easy even with weak parts, but try not to run into any Qs along the way.
Stamp #38I got the Black City Visa.
Awarded after visiting Black City's Domiso Visa.
Black City's Domiso Visa is located towards the back of the city near Will's mansion.
Stamp #39Visited every house and shop in Black City.
Awarded after visiting every house and shop in Black City.
One of the locations can't be accessed until after you complete Stamp #42.
Stamp #40I played a round of Billiards. [ビリヤードで遊んだ]Awarded after completing a game of Billiards.
It's a very relaxed minigame, so take as long as you want.
Stamp #41I got a Fan someone didn't need anymore. [いらなくなったせんぷうきをもらった]Awarded after obtaining the Fan from one of Black City's Garbage Trucks.
Talking to a certain Q beforehand is necessary.
Stamp #42Will's pool is now open after me to use! [ウィルのプールを自由に使えるようになった]Awarded after completing the "Let's Deliver Some Bread" sidequest.
Completing this is the only way to unlock the second half of Wonderful!
Stamp #43I played a round of Soccer and won! [サッカーをしてゲームに勝った]Awarded after completing a round of Soccer.
Do your best to keep the ball away from your rivals and try to manage your fuel well.
Stamp #44I played a perfect game of Soccer and won! [サッカーをしてストレートでゲームに勝った]Awarded after playing a perfect game of Soccer (3-0).
This is arguably one of the hardest stamps to complete in the game.
Luck will play a huge role in whether or not you obtain this stamp.
Stamp #45I qualified in Black City and won a prize. [ブラックシティのレースに出場して入賞した]Awarded after placing 3rd or higher in Black City.
It's easy to lose time on the mixed terrain, so try to take it slow.
Stamp #46I got 1st place in the Black City qualifier race! [ブラックシティのレースで1位をとった]Awarded after winning the Black City qualifier race.
Take advantage of the 90° turn towards the end of the track to gain a lead.
Stamp #47Collected every coin in the Black City qualifier race. [ブラックシティのレースでコインをすべて集めた]Awarded after collecting every coin in the Black City qualifier race.
One coin is placed right after the finish line; grab it on your last lap.
Stamp #48

I drove a clean race in Black City and won a prize! [ブラックシティのレースでぶつからず入賞できた]

Awarded after qualifying in Black City while not colliding with anything.
Get a lead as soon as you can, then take it easy after the rest of the race.
Stamp #49I received Pudding from the Cake Shop. [ケーキ屋さんでプリンをもらった]Awarded after obtaining the Pudding from the Cake Shop owner in Black City.
This is the second-to-last stamp received during the Pudding sidequest.
Stamp #50I found out how to get to the Underground Laboratory! [プールの奥で研究所の行き方を聞いた]Awarded after talking to the Q found in the hidden passage in Will's pool.
Stamp #42 must be completed first.
Stamp #51Visited every house and shop in Red Town. [レッドタウンのすべての店や家に入った]Awarded after visiting every house and shop in Red Town.
The door to the house on the former Drag Strip is still easy to miss.
Stamp #52Helped Jim and Kana make up. [ジムとカーナが仲直りした]Awarded after delivering Kana's Letter to Jim.
One of the most difficult stamps to obtain in Wonderful(!).
A complicated sidequest with multiple steps and Qs you have to talk to.
Stamp #53I helped push the wagon back to the school! [ほろ馬車を学校まで押していってあげた]Awarded after pushing the covered wagon back to the school in Red Town.
The wagon tends to move strangely, so push it carefully.
Stamp #54I got my Jet Turbine fixed! [ジェットタービンをなおしてもらった]Awarded after collecting the fixed Jet Turbine from the Red Town Blacksmith.
Simply qualifying at each town is enough.
Stamp #55I qualified in Red Town and won a prize. [レッドタウンのレースに出場して入賞した]

Awarded after placing 3rd or higher at Red Town.
The course is mostly easy, so qualifying isn't difficult.

Stamp #56I got 1st place in the Red Town qualifier race! [レッドタウンのレースで1位をとった]Awarded after winning the Red Town qualifier race.
Mastering the "Suicide Right" is key to getting 1st.
Stamp #57Collected every coin in the Red City qualifier race. [レッドタウンのレースでコインをすべて集めた]

Awarded after collecting every coin in the Red Town qualifier race.
Several coins require you to slow down severely, so try to collect them all on two different runs.

Stamp #58I drove a clean race in Red Town and won a prize! [レッドタウンのレースでぶつからず入賞できた]Awarded after qualifying at Red Town while not colliding with anything.
It's easy to get overconfident, so don't forget to use your brakes.
Stamp #59Visited every house and shop in Green Town. [グリーンタウンのすべての店や家に入った]Awarded after visiting every house and shop in Green Town.
There's very few buildings in Green Town, so it's easy to complete.
Stamp #60I found a hidden treasure chest inside a crate! [木箱の中から宝箱をみつけた]Awarded after finding a chest in one of the boxes behind the Green Park Q's Factory.
There's ten boxes, so it may take some time to find the right one.
Stamp #61I qualified in Green Town and won a prize. [グリーンタウンのレースに出場して入賞した]Awarded after placing 3rd or higher in Green Town.
The rival Qs can be very fast here, so do your best to keep up.
Stamp #62I got 1st place in the Green Town qualifier race! [グリーンタウンのレースで1位をとった]Awarded after winning the Green Town qualifier race.
Be careful going over the jumps.
Stamp #63Collected every coin in the Green Town qualifier race. [グリーンタウンのレースでコインをすべて集めた]Awarded after collecting every coin in the Green Town qualifier race.
The coins are placed quite cruelly; be sure to take extra care not to miss them.
Stamp #64I drove a clean race in Green Town and won a prize! [グリーンタウンのレースでぶつからず入賞できた]Awarded after qualifying at Green Town while not colliding with anything.
The bumps at the end can easily ruin a run. Remember to go Out-In-Out.
Stamp #65Visited every house and shop in Gold City. [ゴールドシティのすべての店や家に入った]Awarded after visiting every house and shop in Gold City.
The Fortune Teller's Hall can't be reached until you have the Jet Turbine.
Stamp #66I ran into a tree and dropped some apples. [木にぶつかってりんごを落とした]Awarded after running into the tree on the second level of Gold City.
Don't forget to talk to the dumptruck after.
Stamp #67Did we find gold in the Gold Mine? [金鉱山で金をみつけた?]Awarded after retrieving Kana's Letter from the dumptruck in the Gold City mines.
This is the first stamp you'll receive as a part of the Pudding sidequest.
Stamp #68I jumped over the fence and reached the Fortune Teller's Hall. [川のさくを越えてうらないの館についた]Awarded after reaching the Fortune Teller's Hall past the fence in the water.
Come back after you've collected the Jet Turbine.
Stamp #69I qualified in Gold City and won a prize. [ゴールドシティのレースに出場して入賞した]Awarded after placing 3rd or higher in Gold City.
Use a strong engine and light chassis to keep up with your rivals.
Stamp #70I got 1st place in the Gold City qualifier race! [ゴールドシティのレースで1位をとった]Awarded after winning the Gold City qualifier race.
Take advantage of the corners at the end.
Stamp #71Collected every coin in the Gold City qualifier race. [ゴールドシティのレースでコインをすべて集めた]Awarded after collecting every coin in the Gold City qualifier race.
Keep to the right so you don't miss certain coins.
Stamp #72I drove a clean race in Gold City and won a prize! [ゴールドシティのレースでぶつからず入賞できた]Awarded after qualifying in Gold City while not colliding with anything.
The track is wide, so focus on dodging your opponents.
Stamp #73I won a game of Chicken! [チキンレースで勝った]Awarded after winning a game of Chicken.
Don't be afraid to play dirty to win.
Stamp #74I drove through the Sound Pass and arrived at Blue City. [音当て峠をこえてブルーシティへ着いた]Awarded after reaching Blue City by using the Sound Pass in Gold City.
The right melody is key to passing through every gate.
Stamp #75Visited every house and shop in Blue City. [ブルーシティのすべての店や家に入った]Awarded after visiting every house and shop in Blue City.
Being a rich city, the houses here are all big and easy to find.
Stamp #76I went upstream and met the Water God. [川を登って水神様に会った]Awarded after speaking to the Water God.
The Water God resides towards the back of Blue City.
Stamp #77Cleared Gymkhana Practice. [ジムカーナの練習をクリア]Awarded after completing the first instance of Gymkhana.
Anyone could do this without much trouble.
Stamp #78Cleared Introduction to Gymkhana. [ジムカーナの入門をクリア]Awarded after completing the second instance of Gymkhana.
Look out for the tight squeeze before turning around.
Stamp #79Cleared Gymkhana Beginner. [ジムカーナの初級をクリア]Awarded after completing the third instance of Gymkhana.
Don't forget the pattern.
Stamp #80Cleared Gymkhana Intermediate. [ジムカーナの中級をクリア]Awarded after completing the fourth instance of Gymkhana.
A series of back-to-back corners. Try to maintain a good flow here.
Stamp #81Cleared Gymkhana Advanced. [ジムカーナの上級をクリア]Awarded after completing the final instance of Gymkhana.
Use as much of the road as you can to exit the hairpins at a higher speed.
Stamp #82I cleared Gymkhana Advanced in less than 40 seconds! [ジムカーナの上級で40秒を切った]Awarded after completing the final instance of Gymkhana in under 40 seconds.
If you don't have the skill to do it with normal parts, use the Jet Turbine.
Stamp #83I qualified in Blue City and won a prize. [ブルーシティのレースに出場して入賞した]Awarded after placing 3rd or higher in Blue City.
Parts that prioritize acceleration will help you keep up with your rivals.
Stamp #84I got 1st place in the Blue City qualifier race! [ブルーシティのレースで1位をとった]Awarded after winning the Blue City qualifier race.
Do your best to maintain your speed through the esses and final corners.
Stamp #85Collected every coin in the Blue City qualifier race. [ブルーシティのレースでコインをすべて集めた]Awarded after collecting every coin in the Red Town qualifying race.
Be careful not to miss the coin that comes right after the tunnel.
Stamp #86I drove a clean race at Blue City and won a prize! [ブルーシティのレースでぶつからず完走できた]Awarded after completing a race at Blue City while not colliding with anything.
The only Clean Race stamp in Wonderful(!) that doesn't require you to qualify.
Let the other cars go first, then go at your own pace.
Stamp #87I found the Black Bus. [ブラックバスを発見した]Awarded after talking to the Black Bus or Q's Factory Worker in Blue Lake.
The Black Bus will give you insight on the 4 Gates.
Stamp #88I went through the 4 Gates in the correct order. [4つの門を正しい順番で通った]Awarded after activating the 4 Gates in the right order.
Several Qs in Blue City and the Black Bus will help you learn the pattern.
Stamp #89Completed Rock Climbing and returned to Red City. [ロッククライミングでレッドシティに着いた]Awarded after traversing the Rock Climbing range and reaching Red City.
As long as you don't waste too much fuel, it's easy to complete.
Stamp #90I collected every coin on the Rock Climbing range. [ロッククライミングでコインをすべて集めた]Awarded after collecting every coin on the Rock Climbing range.
Be smart about your fuel and bank any coins if you're running low.
Stamp #91I made it through the Underground Maze and reached Red City. [地下迷路からレッドシティに無事出てこれた]Awarded after reaching Red City through the Underground Maze.
Take the second right and you'll reach it in no time.
Stamp #92I made it through the Underground Maze and reached Green Park. [地下迷路からグリーンパークに無事出てこれた]Awarded after reaching Green Park through the Underground Maze.
The path is a bit more complex than Red City's.
Stamp #93I made it through the Underground Maze and reached Yellow Town. [地下迷路からイエロータウンに無事出てこれた] Awarded after reaching Yellow Town through the Underground Maze.
Take two rights, then head straight.
Stamp #94I found the Underground Laboratory! [地下迷路で研究所をみつけた]Awarded after entering the Underground Laboratory for the first time.
You need to come here to get the Time Unit, so you'll always get this one.
Stamp #95Collected every coin in the Underground Maze. [地下迷路でコインをすべて集めた]Awarded after collecting every coin in the Underground Maze.
Be sure to visit a location after collecting the coins to bank them.
Stamp #96I managed to complete the Course in the Clouds. [雲の上のコースを完走できた]Awarded after completing a race around the Course in the Clouds.
You do not need to qualify for this stamp; simply completing three laps around the course is enough.
Stamp #97I got 1st place on the Course in the Clouds! [雲の上のコースのレースで1位をとった]Awarded after winning a race on the Course in the Clouds.
Careful driving and good use of shortcuts are needed to establish a good lead.
Stamp #98Collected every coin on the Course in the Clouds. [雲の上のコースでコインをすべて集めた]Awarded after collecting every coin on the Course in the Clouds.
You do not need to qualify to bank coins; collecting them and finishing the race is enough.
Stamp #99Won the Past World Grand Prix. [昔のワールドグランプリで優勝した]Awarded after winning the Past World Grand Prix.
Winning the PWGP will unlock something special in the Present.
Stamp #100Won the Modern World Grand Prix. [現代のワールドグランプリで優勝した]Awarded after winning the Modern World Grand Prix.
Congratulations! You've completed Wonderful!


Thank you for reading this guide. I hope that the incredible time and effort I've poured into it are able to help you to enjoy Wonderful(!) for the excellent game that it is. I would like to personally give thanks to:

  • Takara and E-Game, for creating the Choro-Q franchise and developing Wonderful! respectively.
  • The Japanese Choro-Q Wiki (チョロQゲームまとめwiki), for providing the original Japanese text and specific information regarding performance data for certain parts and stamps. They are easily one of the best sources of information for the Choro-Q series thanks to the passionate fans who actively run and maintain it.
  • @Royaltf427, for teaching me more about Japanese and Wonderful!'s use of kanji.


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