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Bromeliads - Care and Curiosities

Let's start to tell you some general facts about terrariums with plants, to later tell you more in depth about bromeliads one of the most used plants in the recreation of the natural habitat of the tropical forest.

Here we will explain everything related to the care and maintenance of Bromeliads in a terrarium. Would you like to know Why are bromeliads good companions for our amphibians?? What care they need these precious plants to be able grow and bring the aesthetic touch and healthy environment What do we look for in a vivarium?


Are you thinking of having a terrarium with or without living things? Although there are many people who believe that terrariums are spaces of exclusive use to have pets such as amphibians or reptiles, This is not like this.

There are many people who like to have terrariums at home simply because they have a well-kept landscape with its own microclimate. It is true that the creation of this landscape meets the expectations that many of the animals suitable for terrariums they need, but this doesn't have to be the end of all.

In the same way as in the case of Aquariums, where there are people who they don't have fish and they just specialize in the plant field, it also happens with terrariums:

La creating an environment specific, with a temperature and a quantity of moisture concrete, it is perfect for grow plants like bromeliads, which are aesthetically incredible. Then to this you can add the presence of some animal, such as frogs or reptiles

Therefore, in PremiumBuces let's talk about the bromeliads more or less independent of the terrarium project you have you thought: Do you want to have bromeliads solo inside a terrarium? Would you like to have bromeliads in combination with other types of plants terrarium? Would you rather that bromeliads give a natural habitat and healthy for yours Pets? All options are possible, and for all it is interesting that you read this article!

Although all the options are respectable, it is true that there is one thing that you must be clear about: you can have a terrarium with only plants and without animals, but it is not advisable to have a terrarium with animals without plants.


Before I start talking in detail about bromeliads, you may be wondering why the presence of plants in our vivarium is mandatory for amphibians or reptiles.

There are some people who just want to keep a kind of reptile or amphibian and they did not think that they also had to take charge of caring for plants that grow with them. But the truth is that reasons why there should be plants in a terrarium with living beings are evident:

  • Both talking about aquariums and terrariums, animals that we have have to feel as much as possible that they are in the natural environment to which they belong. Therefore they must be able feeling surrounded by what normally surrounds them, Which are Facilities. Especially in the tropical type terrariums, the plants are absolutely indispensable so that the animals feel comfortable.
  • All the plants carry out the process of photosynthesis What is the one provided by the oxygen needed inside the terrarium. It is true that the terrarium must follow a ventilation standard series and also have it closed enough so that keep the temperature. But the plants will provide that gas exchange point that will help create that microclimate that we are looking for inside the terrarium, occasionally opening the terrarium for a while will also help us to renew the stagnant air.
  • The amphibians and reptiles will interact with most plants that surround them: well using them to hide and also to breedas hiding place for the hatchlings… So how many more plantation areas there is, the better your animals will be.


All the bromeliad plants, which all come from the family of Bromeliaceae, these are tropical plants that belong to warm areas of the American continent. It is true that there is a species whose origin is found in Africa, but all of them have in common that they are made up of very hot and humid environments, as are usually the jungles.

This makes bromeliads be some absolutely ideal plants for our home terrarium, as we are going to tell you next. Why? Because various factors what make the climate and environment of the terrarium be the one that best suits you grow, flourish and, to be able to recreate those environmental conditions as faithfully as possible.

To find out what factors make bromeliads a great choice To put in our terrarium, we must first know a little more about them:


Neoregelia Super Fireball Schultsiana Terrarium Plant



La mean temperature in which the bromeliads are well are the 19 and 26 degrees centigrade approximately. However, and this is really interesting especially if we are beginners and we are cultivating them for the first time, you should know that a time of less temperature, with a little colder, for them to flourish

As now we will see, bromeliads are easy plants and very adaptable to all kinds of circumstances, but there are some parameters that we do not have to reach with them because they will take it badly. This is a pretty obvious one, which is cold or frost. A bromeliad will not survive very low temperatures, and that is why when it is grown outside a terrarium, it is not recommended to place it outside a terrace if it is winter. 

Esto does not matter much in the context of our terrarium, since they are commonly found indoors, where temperatures are more stable and we can control them with heaters if necessary.


All the Bromeliads are plants that live well in very humid environments and always refreshed with water. This is why in PremiumBuces we recommend that bromeliad be one of your first plants to take into account to add to your terrarium, since they are very easy to maintain and resistant.

A terrarium must be keep it moist, and that for that you can acquire a rain system en our online store, to make sure that never run dry. In this sense, the rain system will help the watering of our bromeliads, although it will be necessary to water them separately if we place them in places where the water sprayed by the nebulization system does not reach, giving them the water they need, since there are also many experts who defend that the rain format favors vigorous growth of this type of plants.

Yes, if you have bromeliads in the terrarium, it is important that you use for its watered water that is low in lime and slightly acidic, that is, with a Low PH, under the neutral value which is 7, and with little hardnessWe can achieve this with distilled water or osmosis water.

As a general rule, bromeliads always have to have water insideThe center of these plants acts as a funnel and a water tank for them. If the tank is full, these plants will be fine.

Neoregelia Punctatissima Terrarium Plant



All the bromeliads are plants that, all of them, regardless of the subtype they are, need a huge amount of light to grow healthy and fast. Believe us when we tell you that they are very grateful plants, they don't need big concerns so that they grow well, but if you don't give them the light they need, there will be no way to see them grow and develop fully.

That is why a Lighting system that we can program, and thus ensure that all of them receive the enough amount of light to feel comfortable.

Brianda bromeliadsAs we say, they all need light, but there is one small difference that is still interesting to you when growing them in the terrarium: bromeliads that are completely green necesitan less light than those that are from colorful hues, who will benefit from a greater light exposure to show their colors

There are some species that benefit from direct sunlight so that they flourish and others do not. This, in the case of the artificial light, is simply the choice of a more or less strong luminosity, but it is convenient to know it a priori so that they grow from the beginning with all your needs covered. This will also depend on the position in which we place these plants, normally they will prefer the higher parts of the terrarium in order to receive the amount of lighting they need.


Before we have told you that in a terrarium you have to find the balance between respect the microclimate that is presented within him, and also establish a routine opening of the terrarium or ventilation for the air is renewed and purified.

This is very positive for terrarium inhabitants, in case you have them, but for the bromeliadsAlso the air will be very good for them to grow in a healthy way

The reason why ventilation is good in a terrarium is that poor or no ventilation in such a humid environment is perfect breeding ground for all types of bacteria may harm the integrity of our animals and Facilities. They can be reached, for example, by the mold formation, which we must treat appropriately to prevent it from spreading.

La ventilation so that the air circulates in our terrarium can be manually, that is, opening the lid a couple of times a day for 10-15 minutes more or less (it can't be open too long either), or via vents. There are also many people who acquire fans to remove air, which can be enormously useful when the summer arrives and we don't want the temperature inside the terrarium gets too high.

Neoregelia Ampullacea var. Tigrina Terrarium Plant



After knowing some peculiarities of bromeliads, and how they can fit in our terrarium, surely you have come to the conclusion that they characteristics that bromeliads have, make them one of our best options in order to start keep plants in the terrarium

When a person already has some experience with the theme of terrarium decoration, beyond having knowledge about the best way to keep our animals, you can experiment with different types of plants and its placement. But what is it best to a person who is assembling his first terrarium? In our opinion, the plants are sufficiently simple and robust, and then be able to raise our difficulty once we know how ensure your quality of life.

That is why we think that bromeliads perfectly fulfill this function and They are a good option to start with terrarium plants.


Bromeliads are one of the types of plants that is easier to grow in a terrarium.. Later we are going to tell you what exactly you have to do to place them in the terrarium, but once we know what it is the best way to place them, all will be easy.

La Bromeliad complies with expectations of a person who wants to start small: they grow up pretty fast y they adapt perfectly to the needs of the other inhabitants of our vivarium. This is because although they do need, as we told you, a warm temperature and a considerable amount of humidity.

All the bromeliads do tolerance to a fairly wide temperature range,others, like needs a lot of watering and the system with which the terrariums are managed has this implicit amount of water, it is a plant in which the results can be seen immediately.

Neoregelia Mephisto Terrarium Plant



When we talk about ease that bromeliad gives us, it is not only in terms of temperature, but also to the ability to adapt to different substrates. Normally these plants are found in nature in an epiphytic way, that means that they are anchored to hard surfaces such as the branches of trees, they use the height of the trees to reach sunlight in jungle areas where the vegetation is too much thick.

As in everything, there are some animals and plants that adapt perfectly to any characteristics that the substrates have, and others however that are sensitive to certain peculiarities. These plants can be placed directly on any surface of the terrarium, without the need for a substrate to support them, but they will benefit from a small amount of esphagnum moss at its base that will help them develop their root system.


Another feature what makes the bromeliads are the plants most used by people who have vivariums, is the fact that there is animals that need the presence of these plants to complete their life cycle.

This is the case of Dendrobates frogs: these small brightly colored frogs are typical of jungle and tropical areas, exactly like bromeliads, with which they share their habitat. Well, the presence of Bromeliads in a terrarium where we have Dentrobates frogs stimulates completely his natural behavior, which they practice in their habitats, and make the laying of eggs is carried out in the plants, where they are sheltered from predators and find the moisture they need inside.

So the bromeliads are practically indispensable this type of amphibian, and very positive for any other guy. They are plants that grow fast, who they bloom and give a gorgeous look that closely resembles what we might see in a wild tropical forest, and that also help our animals to feel good and stress-free.

Vriesea Gigantea Nova Mini Terrarium Plant



We are talking about the plant family of the bromeliads in general, and you may be wondering by now how many types of bromeliads there is, and if they are all suitable to have them in a terrarium in our house.

Indeed you are not wrong, and there is many types of this beautiful plant indoor (or outdoor if you live in a place where there is no frost and you have a warm climate), and not all are equal and suitable for our terrarium.

In order to establish a list of types of bromeliads that they will work well for you, the first thing we have to know is what kind of terrarium are we going to keep US.

  • First, we find the evidence that depending on the size of our terrarium, it will be that we will have to choose the type of bromeliad. There species of this particular plant that are bigger or bigger than others, and depending on whether we have a small or large terrarium we will have to choose.
  • Second, we also have to know what kind of terrarium are we going to create. The vast majority of terrariums are damp, and therefore suitable for bromeliads. However, in case you have reptiles, you may want to reproduce a arid climate for them, where obviously there is no place for this type of plant.
  • Third, you will also have to think about a type of plant that matches your aesthetic taste. There are bromeliads with quite different shapes and colors, and therefore you will have to think about what exactly you want and what the terrarium looks like to be able to choose.

As you will see, they exist particularities of our tastes that we will have to decide before seeing what types of bromeliads they suit us. But, equally, there are a few types of these plants that are especially good for the terrarium.

Would you like to know what are the types of bromeliads that since PremiumBuces do we recommend for your terrarium? Well you can continue reading!

Neoregelia Hojo Rojo Terrarium Plant



Next, we are going to tell you which are, from our point of view, the types of bromeliads ideal for our terrarium. In general, and as you can see through the list, they are the ones that have a root formation from a rosette, or those that have many "Armpits" o nooks and crannies in the leaves to store the water and thus lengthen the effect of humidity:


All the Cryptanthus they are one of the most common species of bromeliads. They are plants land, which basically means that they grow as close to the soil or directly on it. In this case, about the substrate that we have in our terrarium.

The reason why Cryptanthus are ideal for our terrarium, and they are above others of the same family, is the large amount of moisture what does this plant need to grow healthy. This allows us not to have to be so ventilation slopes, because a Cryptanthus will be able to withstand what is known as high humidity without any problem.

Furthermore, the Cryptothanthus consist of fast but moderate growing plants, that is, they do not become plants too big so the limited space of our terrarium will not be a problem.


All the Tillandsia are a kind of very characteristic bromeliads, with a shape of very long and thin leaves that give them a unique look. 

They are also characteristic plants in the sense of care, because unlike Cryptanthus they are plants that need a certain amount of "dryness" and ventilation to be able to grow in a healthy way. So if you have a adaptable terrarium that can be opened regularly, and you may even have little humidity (as for example it would be the terrarium in which a reptile), you will find in the Tillandsia your perfect allies.


All the bromeliad plants of the kind of Neoregelia are, as we are going to tell you later, one of the most easy to grow, and also one of our favorites. The reason is because they are very versatile plants, having a very pretty shape and with the root of rosette, which helps us enormously in the task of monitor the amount of moisture to which they are exposed.

In addition to this, aesthetically they are incredible because they are plants with leaves patterns and quite varied colors, although the most common are the red ones and the green ones. The Neoregelia they are one of the favorite bromeliads for many types of frogs, so if you are thinking of making an aquarium where these animals live, it may be your best option.


All the Aechmea  are one of the types of bromeliads we want to mention. They are beautiful plants, which they bloom giving a touch of color and aesthetics that many love, among which we include ourselves, and that are also easy to care.

They are easy precisely because they know how to adapt perfectly to any circumstance in which the terrarium is located. This is a characteristic that could practically define any type of bromeliad, as we have been telling you, but there is others that do need minimal care as high moisture or as constant ventilation.

In the case of the Aechmea what they need is the enough water to be able to accumulate it in its leaves, And a adaptive temperature and ventilation to what other plants or animals that live with them in the terrarium need.

Except for first bromeliads of which we have spoken, the Cryptanthus, all the others can so much be grown directly on the surface of the terrariumEither previously in a pot to place them more formed.

Neoregelia Amandae Terrarium Plant



Is it also easy to grow our bromeliads in the terrarium? Easy peasy! Be careful because we are talking about most common Bromeliad species for terrariums, how can they be the Neoregelia Super Fireball, which you can find in our online store, or the Neoregelia Amandae, or, of course, about the ones we have talked about in the previous section.

Ideal for bromeliads It is usually that we plant them inside the terrarium in the middle or upper area, attached to the wall. This is so because they will give us a wonderful feeling of isolation when they grow up and, if possible, flourish. You can also put directly into the soil substrate if you wish, but in case you do it on the wall, this is the way:

You can buy some coconut plates in which it is placed with the help of a small wire la basis bromeliad main: it will grow in this way and if you think it is more aesthetic, you can lay sphagnum moss so that at the beginning the roots are covered

In the case of finally place them on the ground, enough with bury the original root or twig a little inside the substrate and that's it. Quickly and with the help of the soil, watering, humidity and light, we will see how it grows. And remember, because this is important, that according to the bromeliad species what we have we will have to expose it more to light: if they are from colorful a large number of hours of the day.

Neoregelia Ampullacea var. Tigrina x Hannibal Lecter Terrarium Plant



Which are the types of plants most suitable for terrariums, if we are riding one for the first time? As this it will depend on many factors: first of our taste and our decision depending on plant care, especially in case we are going to have a terrarium without animals, but if yes, it will also depend on what type of animals we have inside, and also if the terrarium it's going to be of type tropicsly damp.

En PremiumBuces have a wide range of plants that are suitable for all types of terrariums that there is, and that we recommend that you acquire, yes, always asking us about how to grow them y with what types of reptiles or amphibians they can match better.

In any case, there are a number of characteristics of terrarium plants that we can establish, regardless of what type of terrarium we are going to have later: 

  1. For example, it is evident that the plants for our terrarium have to be some that easily withstand the presence of moisture, which will be the great protagonist. Some examples of plants that tolerate moisture and they do not live better in a dry environment are the bromeliads, of which we have spoken, also the Orchid, the plants creepers, Begonias, mosses and Ferns, and even carnivorous plants.
  2. Another feature that terrarium plants have to have is that they are used to a habitat where the temperature is quite warm. The terrariums are, in general, places where light and microclimate created so that our pets are well, they keep the heat quite, like in a greenhouse. Therefore, a plant that prefers cold climates will not feel well here. A example plant that does well in a terrarium is the Pilea Peperomioides, that comes from Colombia and she's used to a minimum temperature of 22 degrees.
  3. Finally, and although it is not a feature that is totally mandatory, it is quite convenient: and is that the best plants for terrariums They should have large, wide leaves for them to offer shelter for our future pets. This in the case that we have a terrarium with animals. A good example of an ideal plant, in this sense, for our terrarium, is the Neoregelia Amandae, which is a small Very colorful bromeliad with thick leaves that amphibians love.


Now that you know necessary that are the plants for our future pets inside the terrarium, we also have to tell you that logically the presence of plants with our amphibians or reptiles also respond to a aesthetic fondness.

A living being needs to be in a context as realistic as possible, but it is also that this context gives us a very beautiful appearance, of which many of us are true fans. The terrariophilia is, from our point of view, a authentic art in which the combination of different colors, textures and shapes make a large and diverse universe in which there are million possibilities.

It is possible that if you are thinking about start your first terrarium just think about him animal welfare (which is, of course, the most important) and in which Facilities What will you acquire? simple to grow so as not to complicate it too much. But little by little, you will be selecting everything also from a aesthetic point of viewThus, in the room where you have the terrarium, you will have your own climate that you will be looking at for hours.

We hope you have learned as much as possible thanks to the information we have given you about bromeliads. Being plants that can also be grown in pots o in gardens and outdoors, we have wanted contextualize all issues to take into account being that in this case bromeliads are to be kept in a closed space.

As we always tell you, the most important thing of all is be aware that beyond aesthetics and interest in the beauty of the terrarium, is nothing more than a place where living beings inhabit that depend on our care. With love and concern, everything will go smoothly.

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