Map of the location of the Sicikeh-cikeh Forest, Dairi District, North Sumatra, Indonesia

Map of the location of the Sicikeh-cikeh Forest, Dairi District, North Sumatra, Indonesia

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Hartini S. 2019. Orchids Diversity in the Sicikeh-Cikeh Forest, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 20: 1087-1096. Sicikeh-cikeh forest includes three forest areas, namely Adian Tinjoan Customary Forest, Adian Tinjoan Protection Forest, and Taman Wisata Alam Sicikeh-cikeh. Typical vegetation of this area is mountain forest with large diversity...

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Dendrobium bandii is a poorly known species endemic to the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. We studied living specimens and we provide here an amended description of the species, colour photographs, as well as information on distribution, ecology, and its provisional conservation status. Key words: Dendrobieae, Epidendroideae, Malesian Flora, Plant t...


... Orchid (Orchidaceae) is the largest family of flowering plants in monocots, having more than 28,000 species (Fay 2018;Li et al. 2018). Indonesia is the second largest diversity of orchids after Brazil, blessed with more than 5,000 orchid species (Hartini 2019). The genus Dendrobium is one of the most attractive, popular, and high interest, because of its flexible beauty as ornamental garden plants, pots, or cut flowers, diverse motifs, and relatively easy to grow. ...
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Maulida D, Yusnita Y, Hapsoro D, Agustiansyah A, Karyanto A. 2023. Interspecific hybridization of Dendrobium mirbelianum x D. nindii or D. discolor, in vitro seed germination, seedling growth and plantlet acclimatization. Biodiversitas 24: 3004-3011. Dendrobium mirbelianum Gaudich. (P1), D. nindii W.Hill (P2), and D. discolor Lindl. (P3) as a parent crossing are potentially resulting a new type of orchid as the novel breeding achievement. This study aimed to identify orchid crossing compatibility and evaluate the most effective and efficient media for hybrid seed germination and growth. The study consisted of three experiments, namely interspecific hybridization (experiment 1), in vitro hybrid seed germination (experiment 2), and in vitro growth of the hybrid seedlings (experiment 3). The first experiment was conducted by a simple modified line×tester mating design, and all experiments used a completely randomized design, with five replications in the first experiment and three replications in the second and third experiments. The first experiment presented all of the crossing emerging seed pods, but only hybrid seeds from cross D. mirbelianum x D. nindii and its reciprocal cross that potent to germinate in all tested media as the second experiment result. The third experiment showed FF+tryptone was the best media indicated by the highest and heaviest seedling after 8 months after sowing. All of the crossings resulted seed pods, however, only D. mirbelianum x D. nindii and its reciprocal cross that able to germinate in all tested media. Foliar fertilizer is the most recommended media for germinating hybrid orchid seeds, and FF+tryptone is the best for seedling growth.
... Careless exploitation of forests makes an ecosystem unbalanced and makes some populations decrease and become extinct (Sadili 2013). The diversity of plants is threatened to diminish, even before extinct, due to the high rate of deforestation in Indonesia (Hartini 2019). According to Baucom et al. (2005), extensive logging can alter the level and distribution of genetic variation. ...
... Bangka Island is part of the Sumatra region, Indonesia. There are 1118 species of orchids found growing in Sumatra; possibly, there are still 10% of other orchid species that have not been identified (Comber 2001;Hartini 2019). The diversity of orchids on Bangka island is currently not widely known because there have not been B I O D I V E R S I T A S 23 (10): 5323-5332, October 2022 5324 many previous studies related to it. ...
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Prayoga GI, Henri, Mustikarini ED, Anggyansyah. 2022. Diversity and morphological relationship of orchid species (Orchidaceae) in Bangka Island, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 23: 5323-5332. The population of orchid plants has suffered extinction due to the conversion of forest land functions. Efforts to preserve orchids can be carried out through exploration, identification and conservation activities. Diversity and morphological information are useful for resource management, conservation, hybridization, and genetic improvement of orchids. This research was to determine the diversity and relationship of orchids on Bangka Island based on morphological characters. This research was conducted in four districts in Bangka Island, namely Central Bangka, West Bangka, Bangka, and South Bangka. The research method used is a survey method with a convenience sampling technique. Observed data were analyzed descriptively and calculated for diversity index, evenness index, species richness index, and morphological relationship. Analysis of morphological relationship was done using UPGMA (Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean). The results of the study found 17 species of orchids in Bangka Island i.e. Bulbophyllum subumbellatum, Podochilus microphyllus, Crepidium calophyllum, Phalaenopsis cornu-cervi, Cymbidium finlaysonianum, and Malaxix kobi. Bangka District found 10 species, namely Phalaenopsis sumatrana, Liparis rhombea, Bulbophyllum sp., Robiquieta spathulata, Liparis sp., Trichotosia velutina, Micropera collosa, Dendrobium aloifolium, Grammatophyllum speciosium, and Adenoncos major. Exploration in West Bangka District and South Bangka District only found the same orchid species, namely Acriopsis javanica. The orchid species on Bangka Island have moderate diversity, high evenness index, and low species richness index. The relationship of orchid species in Bangka Island based on morphological characters has 60% similarities which are divided into 9 clusters. Prevention of orchid population reduction on Bangka Island can be done by using in situ and ex-situ conservation methods. In addition, for the future development of orchids, crosses between orchids that have unique characters and distant morphological relationships can also be carried out to produce orchids for commercial purposes.
... Indonesia memiliki kekayaan total 35.000 spesies tumbuhan atau lebih dari 10% tumbuhan dunia, dan 16.500 spesies di antaranya merupakan tumbuhan endemik (Myers et al., 2000;Hartini, 2019). Kekayaan spesies tumbuhan ini menempatkan Indonesia pada urutan ketiga biodiversitas tumbuhan dunia setelah Brazil dan Kolombia, dan urutan pertama dunia dalam biodiversitas tumbuhan endemik. ...
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Gunung Lawu merupakan gunung api tidak aktif yang terletak di perbatasan wilayah Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur. Kondisi geografis yang berada diantara dua wilayah ini menjadikan Gunung Lawu memiliki keunikan biodiversitas di dalamnya. Anggrek atau famili Orchidaceae merupakan kelompok tumbuhan berbunga dengan keanekaragaman spesies tertinggi kedua dengan jumlah spesies mencapai 25.000 di seluruh dunia. Beberapa penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa anggrek di kawasan Gunung Lawu memiliki keunikan dan keanekaragaman tinggi. Pendokumentasian terhadap keanekaragaman anggrek di kawasan Gunung Lawu perlu dilakukan sebagai langkah awal pendataan potensi flora dan dapat digunakan sebagai dasar untuk merumuskan kebijakan konservasi anggrek. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Jalur Pendakian Gunung Lawu Cemara Kandang, Kabupaten Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah yang bertujuan untuk menginventarisir keanekaragaman anggrek beserta kemelimpahan dan distribusinya di sepanjang Jalur Pendakian Cemara Kandang. Penelitian yang dilakukan dengan metode jelajah ini menunjukkan bahwa di sepanjang Jalur Pendakian Cemara Kandang terdapat 14 spesies anggrek. Keempat belas spesies tersebut terdiri dari Bulbophyllum schefferi, Bulbophyllum sect. Aphanobulbon, Bulbophyllum sp.1, Bulbophyllum sp.2, Coelogyne miniata, Crepidium koordersii, Liparis montana, Microtis unifolia, Pholidota carnea, Pholidota globosa, Pinalia multiflora, Schoenorchis juncifolia, Taeniophyllum glandulosum, dan Thelymitra javanica. Total kemelimpahan anggrek yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 642 spesies, dan memiliki persebaran mengelompok yang terbagi dalam dua zona utama di sepanjang jalur pendakian.
... In the climate change era, there is still an urgent need for intensive monitoring of the diversity of this area to detect changes in the status and use of this precious forest in terms of its plant diversity. Therefore, providing baseline information on plant and orchid diversity data is a basic step in planning, and the Indonesian conservation authority should give priority to it [19]. ...
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Dendrobium is characterized by long pseudobulbs or canes with soft leaves over the entire length, or in some species short or swollen pseudobulbs with two leathery leaves. The inflorescence is composed from dozens of flowers of different sizes and colors. This study aimed to identify the quantitative morphological character of five species of Dendrobium spp. namely D. mirbelianum , D. lamellatum from Java, D. anosmum from South Kalimantan, D. bracteosum from Papua, and D. purpureum from North Sumatera. The resulted dendrogram based on the similarity matrix were divided into two clusters, among the five species the value of similarity coefficient is 1.50. The first cluster is only composed from D. mirbelianum , the second cluster is D. lamellatum , D. purpureum , D. bracteosum , and D. anosmum which have more distant relationship with the other three orchids. Moreover, D. lamellatum and D. purpureum have the closest similarity coefficient with 0.81 value, which have bigger chance to use as the parents for hybridization. There are many Dendrobiums spp. distribution which based on the relationship area. In addition to quantitative properties, it also needs to be expanded to qualitative, anatomy, cytology, and also molecular characteristic to have more comprehensive data.
... Based on the stock within the Sicikeh-cikeh timberland, it is known that there are at slightest 102 species from 30 genera of orchids. The differing qualities of earthbound orchids are less than that of epiphytic orchids (Hartini, 2019). ...
... In the period of climate alter, seriously observing work on the differences of this range is still critically required for detecting changes to this important woodland in terms of status security and utilization of its plant differing qualities. Thus providing pattern data on plant and orchid diversity information could be a fundamental step to be modified and should be prioritized by Indonesian preservation specialists (Hartini, 2019). ...
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Hartati S, Samanhudi, Manurung IR, Cahyono O. 2021. Morphological characteristics of Phaius spp. orchids from Indonesia. Biodiversitas 22: 1991-1995. Orchid is one of the ornamental plants with great economic value in various communities. Characterization and grouping of several orchid species can be used in breeding efforts to obtain hybrid with the desired traits. This study is aimed to characterize the morphological appearance of Phaius orchids and to cluster the species based on their similarity in morphological characteristics. Five species of Phaius (P. tankervilleae, P. indigoferus, P. montanus, P. amboinensis, and P. callosus) of the collection of the Bogor Botanical Garden were observed based on 30 morphological characters including the characters of stems, pseudobulbs, leaves and flowers. The data obtained were converted into binary data and computed using the Numerical Taxonomy and Multivariate Analysis System (NTSYS) Spc 2.02 program to produce dendrogram. The results show that based on the morphological characterization of the five species of Phaius spp., they have similarities from 63% to 80%. Among the five Phaius species, P. amboinensis, P. tankervilleae, and P. montanus had 80% similarity and can be used as parents for crossing.
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The seed morphology of three species belonging to the genus Bromheadia was analyzed under light and scanning electron microscopy. The seeds of B. cecieliae and B. truncata were studied for the first time. Differences in the qualitative and quantitative characteristics between the terrestrial B. finlaysoniana and the epiphytes B. cecieliae and B. truncata were observed, which were in concordance with the life form. Due to the variability of the seed shapes, a new methodology is proposed to analyze the distance between the embryo and the testa cells, with the aim of demonstrating the presence of air space within the seed. The method is compared to previous formulae used to measure free air space. Furthermore, a new measurement, the angle in twisted testa cells of epiphytic orchids, is proposed, to evaluate the degree of torsion in medial cells. Although the wide distribution of B. finlaysoniana could be related to the great buoyancy of their seeds in contrast to the limited distribution of B. cecieliae, we consider that environmental factors are more influential than the buoyancy of seeds when understanding the distribution of these taxa. Future studies on seeds morphology in orchid genera with terrestrial and epiphytic taxa will provide new insights into this research.
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This study aims to inventory of the types on orchids found in the forest area of Tanjung Sakti Village, Tanjung Sakti Pumi District, Lahat Regency. This research was motivated by the first plan of conservation efforts by introducing several types of orchids found to the Semambu Edu-land area for conservation. This study used an exploratory method, while data collection was carried out by method of explore as far as 3 km following the path of forest areas and river flow. The results of this study found that 26 species of orchids are included in 21 genera consisting of orchids based on their habitus of 14 epiphytic orchids and 5 terrestrial orchids, and 2 orchids were found in both. Based on the IUCN Redlist category, it was found that one species of orchid whose conservation status was Endangered, namely Papiophedillum superbiens, and of the 26 species found from the initial research, 11 species of orchids were introduced in Semambu Edu-land, Pulau Semambu Village.
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Taman Wisata Alam Sicike-cike is a nature conservation area intended for the benefit of natural tourism and recreation. TWA Sicike-cike besides being used as tourist site, is also known for its ritual or traditional ceremonial site performed by the Pakpak-Dairi tribe. Presence of local wisdom on forest management, such as tapping the sap of incense ( Styrax paralleloneuron) and floral organ are commonly utilized as a worship material during traditional rituals. The importance of this forest region for local communities is crucial for the sustainability of the local wisdom of the Pakpak-Dairi tribe. This study aims to determine the vegetation structure and composition in ceremonial sites located within TWA Sicike-cike. The study used vegetational analysis to obtain Importance Value Index (IVI) from each structures (seedling, sappling, pole and tree. The results showed that the largest INP at seedling to tree structure was dominated by Rhododendron malayanum with 46.29, 26.41, 55.53, and 28.99 for seedling, sapling, pole and tree, respectively. Shannon’s diversity index (H’) in this region falls between medium to high diversity categories. Hence, Rhododendron malayanum is considered as primary indicator of typical vegetation in ceremonial site of TWA Sicike-cike which dominate all types of vegetational structure with complete growth rate.