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Diaporthalean fungi associated with canker and dieback of trees from Mount Dongling in Beijing, China


Abstract and Figures

Diaporthales is a fungal order comprising important plant pathogens, saprobes and endophytes on a wide range of woody hosts. It is often difficult to differentiate the pathogens in this order, since both the morphology and disease symptoms are similar among the various species. In the current study, we obtained 15 representative diaporthalean isolates from six tree hosts belonging to plant families Betulaceae, Fagaceae, Juglandaceae, Rosaceae, and Ulmaceae from Mount Dongling in China. Six species were identified residing in four families of Diaporthales (Diaporthaceae, Erythrogloeaceae, Juglanconidaceae and Melanconidaceae). Based on morphological comparison and the phylogenetic analyses of partial ITS, LSU, cal , his3 , rpb2 , tef1-α and tub2 gene sequences, we identified five known species ( Diaporthe betulina , D. eres , D. rostrata , Juglamconis oblonga and Melanconis stilbostoma ) and one novel species ( Dendrostoma donglinensis ). These results represent the first study of diaporthalean fungi associated with canker and dieback symptoms from Mount Dongling in Beijing, China.
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Diaporthalean fungi causing canker and dieback from Mount Dongling in China 67
Diaporthalean fungi associated with canker and
dieback of trees from Mount Dongling in Beijing, China
Haiyan Zhu1, Meng Pan1, Guido Bonthond2, Chengming Tian1, Xinlei Fan1
1 e Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of Education, Beijing Forestry University,
Beijing 100083, China 2 GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Düsternbrooker Weg 20,
24105, Kiel, Germany
Corresponding author: Xinlei Fan (
Academic editor: Kevin Hyde|Received8 July 2019|Accepted 23 September 2019|Published 16 October2019
Citation: Zhu H, Pan M, Bonthond G, Tian C, Fan X (2019) Diaporthalean fungi associated with canker and dieback
of trees from Mount Dongling in Beijing, China. MycoKeys 59: 67–94.
Diaporthales is a fungal order comprising important plant pathogens, saprobes and endophytes on a wide
range of woody hosts. It is often dicult to dierentiate the pathogens in this order, since both the morphology
and disease symptoms are similar among the various species. In the current study, we obtained 15 representa-
tive diaporthalean isolates from six tree hosts belonging to plant families Betulaceae, Fagaceae, Juglandaceae,
Rosaceae, and Ulmaceae from Mount Dongling in China. Six species were identied residing in four families
of Diaporthales (Diaporthaceae, Erythrogloeaceae, Juglanconidaceae and Melanconidaceae). Based on mor-
phological comparison and the phylogenetic analyses of partial ITS, LSU, cal, his3, rpb2, tef1-α and tub2 gene
sequences, we identied ve known species (Diaporthe betulina, D. eres, D. rostrata, Juglamconis oblonga and
Melanconis stilbostoma) and one novel species (Dendrostoma donglinensis). ese results represent the rst study
of diaporthalean fungi associated with canker and dieback symptoms from Mount Dongling in Beijing, China.
Ascomycota, Diaporthales, new species, phylogeny, taxonomy
Diaporthales is an important order in class Sordariomycetes containing taxa that have
broad host ranges and widely distributed as plant pathogens, endophytes or saprobes
(Fan et al. 2018a, Crous et al. 2019). Most families of the Diaporthales are responsible
for diseases on a wide range of host plants, some of which are economically important
worldwide, causing anthracnose, blights, cankers, dieback, leaf spots and rots of root and
Copyright Haiyan Zhu et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0),
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
MycoKeys 59: 67–94 (2019)
doi: 10.3897/mycokeys.59.38055
A peer-reviewed open-access journal
Launched to accelerate biodiversity research
Haiyan Zhu et al. / MycoKeys 59: 67–94 (2019)
fruit (Alvarez et al. 2016, Guarnaccia and Crous 2017, Voglmayr et al. 2017, Jiang et al.
2019a, Xavier et al. 2019, Fan et al. 2020). e order is characterized by perithecia often
with elongate beaks, immersed in stromatic tissues, producing deliquescent paraphyses
and unitunicate asci that generally deliquesce, become detached from the perithecial
wall when mature, and have a characteristic refractive apical annulus in sexual morph;
and acervuli, pycnidia or rarely synnemata, producing phialidic or annellidic conidiog-
enous cells with 0–1-septate conidia in asexual morph (Barr 1978, Rossman et al. 2007,
Fan et al. 2020). e classication of Diaporthales has been confused over the past
decades because of the wide variation in morphological characters. Several recent studies
have helped to resolve taxonomic problems of Diaporthales by multigene phylogenetic
analyses and accepted 30 families in the order (Senanayake et al. 2017, 2018, Braun et
al. 2018, Fan et al. 2018a, Crous et al. 2019, Guterres et al. 2019, Xavier et al. 2019).
Mount Dongling has a high diversity of plant species in western Beijing, which
is considered as a biodiversity hotspot with more than 1000 plant species (Ma et al.
1995). As more plant species were recorded in this region, the exploration of fungal
diversity gradually increased as most fungi are often linked to particular host plants as
parasites or endophytes. Alternaria, Diaporthe, Leptostroma, Pestalotiopsis and Phoma
were the most commonly isolated endophytic fungi from Pinus tabuliformis, and later
additional 38 endophytic taxa were identied from Acer truncatum from the Mount
Dongling (Guo et al. 2008, Sun et al. 2011). Further, pathogens of Botryosphaeriales
have been identied from Mount Dongling, including species from the genera Aplo-
sporella, Botryosphaeria and Phaeobotryon (Zhu et al. 2018).
During the trips to collect forest pathogens causing canker or dieback symptoms in
Mount Dongling in Beijing, several specimens associated with typical diaporthalean symp-
toms were collected from various tree hosts, i.e. Betula dahurica (Betulaceae), Juglans re-
gia, J. mandshurica (Juglandaceae), Prunus davidiana (Rosaceae) and Quercus mongolica
(Fagaceae). As the higher-level phylogeny of many genera within the diaporthalean taxa
remains largely unresolved in this region, the current study aims to clarify the systematics
and taxonomy of these diaporthalean fungi with detailed descriptions.
Materials and methods
Sampling and isolation
Fresh specimens of diaporthalean fungi were collected from infected branches of six
hosts from Mount Dongling in Beijing, China (Table 1), during the course of cognitive
practice at the Beijing Forestry University (BJFU). Diaporthalean canker symptoms
include elongated, slightly sunken and discolored areas in the bark, which often splits
along the canker margin, forming several prominent dark sporocarps immersed and
erumpent through the surface of the bark (Fig. 1). A total of 15 isolates were obtained
by removing the mucoid spore mass from conidiomata or ascomata of fresh material,
which was cut horizontally with a sterile blade and mixed in a drop of sterile water on a
Diaporthalean fungi causing canker and dieback from Mount Dongling in China 69
glass slide. e contents were broken up further with the blade until a spore suspension
was obtained. e suspension was spread over the surface of 1.8 % potato dextrose agar
(PDA). Single germinating spores were transferred on to fresh PDA plates. Specimens
and isolates were deposited in the Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation
of the Ministry of Education in BJFU, and the working Collection of X.L. Fan (CF)
housed at the BJFU. Axenic cultures are maintained in the China Forestry Culture
Collection Centre (CFCC).
Descriptions were performed based on morphological features of the ascomata or co-
nidiomata from infected host materials. e macro-morphological photographs were
captured using a Leica stereomicroscope (M205 FA) (structure and size of stromata,
structure and size of ectostromatic disc and ostioles). Micro-morphological observa-
tions (shape and size of conidiophores, asci and conidia/ascospores) were determined
under a Nikon Eclipse 80i microscope equipped with a Nikon digital sight DS-Ri2
high denition colour camera, using dierential interference contrast (DIC) illumina-
tion and the Nikon software NIS-Elements D Package v. 3.00. Adobe Bridge CS v. 6
and Adobe Photoshop CS v. 5 were used for the manual editing. Over 10 conidiomata/
ascomata, 10 asci and 30 conidia/ascospores were measured to calculate the mean size/
length and respective standard deviations (SD). Colony diameters were measured and
the colony features were described using the color charts of Rayner (1970). Nomen-
clatural novelties and descriptions were deposited in MycoBank (Crous et al. 2004).
DNA isolation, amplification and sequencing
Genomic DNA was extracted from colonies grown on cellophane-covered PDA using
a modied CTAB method (Doyle and Doyle 1990). e primers and PCR conditions
are listed in Table 2. DNA sequencing was performed using an ABI PRISM 3730XL
Figure 1. Disease symptoms associated with diaporthalean species. A, B Quercus mongolica C Juglans
regia D, E Juglans mandshurica F Betula dahurica.
Haiyan Zhu et al. / MycoKeys 59: 67–94 (2019)
Table 2. Genes used in this study with PCR primers, primer DNA sequence, optimal annealing temperature and corresponding references.
Locus Denition Primers Primer DNA sequence (5'3') Optimal
annealing temp
References of primers used
ITS internal transcribed spacer of ribosomal RNA ITS1 TCCGTAGGTGAACCTGCGG 51 White et al. 1990
LSU large subunit of ribosomal RNA LR0R ACCCGCTGAACTTAAGC 55 Vilgalys and Hester 1990
cal Calmodulin CAL-228F GAGTTCAAGGAGGCCTTCTCCC 55 Carbone and Kohn 1999
rpb2 RNA polymerase II second largest subunit RPB2-5F GA(T/C)GA(T/C)(A/C)G(A/T)GATCA(T/C)TT(T/C)GG 52 Liu et al. 1999
his3 histone H3 CYLH4F AGGTCCACTGGGTGGCAAG 58 Crous et al. 2004
H3-1b GCGGGCGAGCTGGATGTCCTT Glass and Donaldson 1995
tef-1αtranslation elongation factor 1-alpha EF1-668F CGGTCACTTGATCTACAAGTGC 55 Alves et al. 2008
tub2 beta-tubulin Bt2a GGTAACCAAATCGGTGCTGCTTTG 55 Glass and Donaldson 1995
Table 1. Isolates and GenBank accession numbers obtained from Mount Dongling in the current study. (NA – not applicable).
Species Strain Host GenBank accession numbers
ITS LSU Cal his3 rpb2 tef1-αtub2
CFCC 53148 Quercus mongolica MN266206 MN265880 NA NA MN315491 MN315480 NA
CFCC 53149 Quercus mongolica MN266207 MN265881 NA NA MN315492 MN315481 NA
CFCC 53150 Quercus mongolica MN266208 MN265882 NA NA MN315493 MN315482 NA
Diaporthe betulina CFCC 53144 Betula dahurica MN266200 MN265874 MN315462 MN315465 MN315498 MN315474 MN315470
Diaporthe eres CFCC 53145 Prunus davidiana MN266202 MN265876 NA NA MN315500 MN315476 MN315472
CFCC 53146 Prunus davidiana MN266201 MN265875 NA MN315466 MN315499 MN315475 MN315471
CFCC 53147 Juglans regia MN266203 MN265877 NA MN315467 MN315501 MN315477 MN315473
Diaporthe rostrata CFCC 53142 Juglans mandshurica MN266204 MN265878 MN315463 NA MN315489 MN315478 MN315468
CFCC 53143 Juglans mandshurica MN266205 MN265879 MN315464 NA MN315490 MN315479 MN315469
Juglanconis oblonga CFCC 53151 Juglans mandshurica MN266209 MN265883 NA NA MN315502 MN315483 NA
CFCC 53152 Juglans mandshurica MN266210 MN265884 NA NA MN315503 MN315484 NA
Melanconis stilbostoma CFCC 53128 Betula dahurica MN266211 MN265885 NA NA MN315494 MN315485 NA
CFCC 53129 Betula dahurica MN266212 MN265886 NA NA MN315495 MN315486 NA
CFCC 53130 Betula sp. MN266213 MN265887 NA NA MN315496 MN315487 NA
CFCC 53131 Betula sp. MN266214 MN265888 NA NA MN315497 MN315488 NA
Diaporthalean fungi causing canker and dieback from Mount Dongling in China 71
DNA Analyser with a BigDye Terminator Kit v.3.1 (Invitrogen, USA) at the Shang-
hai Invitrogen Biological Technology Company Limited (Beijing, China). e DNA
sequences obtained from forward and reverse primers were combined using SeqMan
v. 7.1.0 in the DNASTAR Lasergene Core Suite software (DNASTAR Inc., Madison,
WI, USA). Reference sequences were selected based on ex-type or ex-epitype sequences
available from relevant recently published literature (Rossman et al. 2007, Suetrong et
al. 2015, Norphanphoun et al. 2016, Hongsanan et al. 2017, Senanayake et al. 2017,
Voglmayr et al. 2017, Yang et al. 2018, Fan et al. 2018a, b, 2020) (Table1). Subse-
quent alignments for each gene were generated using MAFFT v.7 (Katoh and Standley
2013) and manually improved where necessary using MEGA v. 6 (Tamura et al. 2013).
Novel sequences generated in the current study were deposited in GenBank (Table 1,
Suppl. materials 1–3: Tables S1–S3) and the aligned matrices used for phylogenetic
analyses were submitted to TreeBASE (; accession number: S24893).
Phylogenetic analyses
To infer the rst phylogenetic relationships at the family level, an initial alignment
combining the here generated and available ITS, LSU, rpb2 and tef1-α sequences was
compiled following Fan et al. (2018a). is alignment was analyzed based on Maximum
Parsimony (MP), Maximum Likelihood (ML), and Bayesian Inference (BI) methods.
e MP analysis was conducted using a heuristic search (1,000 bootstrap) by
PAUP v. 4.0b10 (Swoord 2003). e MP analysis was conducted with random se-
quence additions as option to stepwise-addition (1,000 bootstrap replicates and one
tree held at each addition step), and maxtrees limited to 100 by replicate. e tree
bisection and reconnection (TBR) was selected as option to the branch swapping al-
gorithm (Swoord 2003). e branches of zero length were collapsed and all equal-
ly most parsimonious trees were saved. Other calculated parsimony scores were tree
length (TL), consistency index (CI), retention index (RI) and rescaled consistency
(RC). e ML analysis was performed using a GTR site substitution model, including
a gamma-distributed rate heterogeneity and a proportion of invariant sites in PhyML
v. 3.0 (Guindon et al. 2010). e BI analysis was conducted using the best-t evolu-
tionary models for each partitioned locus estimated in MrModeltest v. 2.3 (Posada and
Crandall 1998) following the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), with a Markov
Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm in MrBayes v. 3.1.2 (Ronquist and Huelsen-
beck 2003). Two MCMC chains were run from random trees for 10 million genera-
tions and terminated when the average standard deviation of split frequencies dropped
below 0.01. Trees were saved in each 1,000 generations. e rst 25 % of trees were
discarded at the burn-in phase of each analysis, and the Bayesian posterior probabili-
ties (BPP) were calculated to assess the remaining trees (Rannala and Yang 1996). e
MP bootstrap support (BS) equal to or above 50 were shown at the rst and second
position in branches. e branches with signicant BPP equal to or above 0.95 were
thickened in the phylogram.
Haiyan Zhu et al. / MycoKeys 59: 67–94 (2019)
In addition to the above analyses, we provided separate phylogenetic trees for two
additional genera (Dendrostoma and Diaporthe) in Diaporthales, based on various gene
regions (see below) including the same parameters as in the analyses described above.
e branch support from MP and ML analyses was evaluated with a bootstrap support
(BS) method of 1,000 replicates (Hillis and Bull 1993). Phylograms were plotted in
Figtree v. 1.4.4 (gtree) and edited in Adobe Illustra-
tor CS6 v.16.0.0 (
Phylogenetic analysis
e combined matrix (ITS, LSU, rpb2 and tef1-α) of Diaporthales included 198 in-
group accessions (15 from the current study and 183 retrieved from GenBank) and
two outgroup taxa. e aligned matrix comprised 4,047 characters including gaps
(773 characters for ITS, 1,190 for LSU, 1,114 for rpb2 and 970 for tef1-α), of which
2,002 characters were constant, 158 variable characters were parsimony-uninformative
and 1,887 characters were variable and parsimony-informative. MP analyses generated
100 parsimonious trees of which the rst tree is presented in Fig. 2 (TL = 12,631,
CI= 0.313, RI = 0.792, RC = 0.248). e tree topologies of ML and BI analyses were
mostly similar to the generated MP tree. e 15 isolates obtained in this study were
clustered within the families Diaporthaceae, Erythrogloeaceae, Juglanconidaceae and
Melanconidaceae in Diaporthales (Fig. 2). To delimitate to the species level, phyloge-
netic trees for Dendrostoma and Diaporthe were constructed separately based on dier-
ent DNA datasets.
For the genus Diaporthe (Diaporthaceae), a concatenated ITS, cal, his3, tef1-α and
tub2 matrix was produced with 201 ingroup accessions (6 from this study and 195
retrieved from GenBank). e combined matrix comprised 3,237 characters including
gaps (544 characters for ITS, 593 for cal, 587 for his3, 645 for tef1-α and 868 for tub2)
of which 1,330 characters were constant, 442 variable characters parsimony-uninform-
ative and 1,465 characters variable and parsimony-informative. e MP analysis gen-
erated 100 parsimonious trees and the rst tree is presented in Fig. 3 (TL=12,978,
CI = 0.280, RI = 0.712, RC = 0.199). e isolates of Diaporthe clustered in three
dierent clades, corresponding to the three known species in this genus. e second
combined matrix (cal, tef1-α and tub2) focusing on the Diaporthe eres complex in-
cluded 56 ingroup accessions (4 from this study and 52 retrieved from GenBank). e
concatenated matrix comprised 1,198 characters including gaps (405 for cal, 363 for
tef1-α and 430 for tub2) of which 933 characters were constant, 112 variable charac-
ters parsimony-uninformative and 153 characters variable and parsimony-informative.
e MP analysis generated 100 parsimonious trees of which the rst is presented in
Fig. 4 (TL = 415, CI = 0.701, RI = 0.882, RC = 0.618). e tree topologies of the ML
and BI analyses were almost similar to the MP tree.
Diaporthalean fungi causing canker and dieback from Mount Dongling in China 73
Figure 2. Phylogram of Diaporthales based on combined ITS, LSU, rpb2 and tef1-α genes. e MP and
ML bootstrap support values above 50 % are shown at the rst and second position, respectively. ick-
ened branches represent posterior probabilities above 0.95 from the BI. Ex-type strains are in bold. Strains
from the current study are in blue.
Haiyan Zhu et al. / MycoKeys 59: 67–94 (2019)
Figure 2. Continued.
For the genus Dendrostoma (Erythrogloeaceae), ITS, rpb2 and tef1-α alignments
were concatenated, including 42 ingroup accessions (three from this study and 39
retrieved from GenBank) was produced. e full matrix comprised 2,400 characters
including gaps (561 characters for ITS, 1,078 for rpb2 and 761 for tef1-α), of which
1,486 characters are constant, 231 variable characters are parsimony-uninformative
and 683 characters are variable and parsimony-informative. e only parsimonious
tree generated in MP analyses is presented in Fig. 5 (TL = 1,691, CI = 0.707, RI =
0.835, RC = 0.591). Tree topologies of ML and BI analyses were mostly similar to the
MP tree. ree isolates of Dendrostoma represented a monophyletic clade with high
support value (MP/Ml/BI = 99/99/1) (marked in blue in Fig. 5).
Diaporthalean fungi causing canker and dieback from Mount Dongling in China 75
Figure 2. Continued.
Diaporthaceae Höhn. ex Wehm., Am. J. Bot. 13: 638 (1926)
Type genus. Diaporthe Nitschke, Pyrenomyc. Germ. 2: 240 (1870).
Notes. Diaporthaceae was introduced by von Höhnel (1917) and subsequently
involved in confusing the taxonomy due to many genera with wide variation of mor-
phological characters and the majority without culture or DNA phylogeny. Senanay-
ake et al. (2017, 2018) accepted 14 genera in Diaporthaceae, including Allantoporthe,
Haiyan Zhu et al. / MycoKeys 59: 67–94 (2019)
Figure 3. Phylogram of Diaporthe based on combined ITS, tef1-α, tub2, cal and his3 genes. e MP
and ML bootstrap support values above 50 % are shown at the rst and second positions, respectively.
ickened branches represent posterior probabilities above 0.95 from the BI. Ex-type strains are in bold.
Strains from the current study are in blue.
Diaporthalean fungi causing canker and dieback from Mount Dongling in China 77
Figure 3. Continued.
Haiyan Zhu et al. / MycoKeys 59: 67–94 (2019)
Figure 3. Continued.
Diaporthalean fungi causing canker and dieback from Mount Dongling in China 79
Figure 4. Phylogram of Diaporthe eres complex based on combined cal, tef1-α and tub2 genes. e MP
and ML bootstrap support values above 50 % are shown at the rst and second positions, respectively.
ickened branches represent posterior probabilities above 0.95 from BI. Ex-type strains are in bold.
Strains from the current study are in blue.
Haiyan Zhu et al. / MycoKeys 59: 67–94 (2019)
Figure 5. Phylogram of Dendrostoma based on combined ITS, rpb2 and tef1-α genes. e MP and ML
bootstrap support values above 50 % are shown at the rst and second positions, respectively. ickened
branches represent posterior probabilities above 0.95 from the BI. Ex-type strains are in bold. Strains from
the current study are in blue.
Diaporthalean fungi causing canker and dieback from Mount Dongling in China 81
Apioporthella, Chaetoconis, Chiangraiomyces, Diaporthe, Hyaliappendispora, Leucodia-
porthe, Mazzantia, Ophiodiaporthe, Paradiaporthe, Phaeocytostroma, Phaeodiaporthe,
Pustulomyces, and Stenocarpella.
Diaporthe Nitschke, Pyrenomyc. Germ. 2: 240 (1870)
Type species. Diaporthe eres Nitschke, Pyrenomyc. Germ. 2: 245 (1870).
Notes. e genus Diaporthe (syn. Phomopsis) was established by Nitschke (1870). e
identication of Diaporthe was confused due to the historical species recognition criteria
based on overlapped morphology, culture characteristics and host aliation (Dissanayake
et al. 2017). e phylogenetic analysis recommended to delimitate taxa to the species level
was rst proposed by Udayanga et al. (2012) and later modied to include concatenated
alignments of ITS, cal1, his3, tef1-α, tub2 (Gomes et al. 2013). More than 1,050 epithets
for Diaporthe and 950 for Phomopsis are listed in Index Fungorum (August 2019). Dis-
sanayake et al. (2017) provided most type/ex-type species details and phylogenetic frame
with 172 species in this genus. Yang et al. (2018) summarized 15 species of Diaporthe as-
sociated with dieback disease of tree hosts in China and introduced 12 new species.
Diaporthe betulina C.M. Tian & Q. Yang, Mycokeys 39: 97 (2018)
Description. See Yang et al. (2018).
Material examined. CHINA, Beijing City, Mentougou District, Mount Dongling,
Xiaolongmen Forestry Centre (39°59'23.58"N, 115°27'05.00"E), from branches of
Betula dahurica Pall., 17 Aug. 2017, H.Y. Zhu & X.L. Fan, deposited by X.L. Fan, CF
2019831, living culture CFCC 53144.
Notes. Yang et al. (2018) described Diaporthe betulina from cankers of Betula
spp. in Heilongjiang Province. e only strain CFCC 53144 representing D. betu-
lina clusters in a well-supported clade and appear most closely related to D. betulae,
which was also isolated from Betula platyphylla in Sichuan Province (Du et al. 2016).
Diaporthe betulina (strain CFCC 52562) diers from D. betulae by its slender alpha
conidia (2.5–3 vs. 3–4 μm) (Du et al. 2016), and 13 bp for ITS, 7 bp for cal, 19 bp for
his, 12bp for tef and 6 bp for tub2 based on alignment of the concatenated ve-gene
deposited in TreeBASE (S24893). Both morphology and sequence data conrmed that
our isolates belong to this species.
Diaporthe eres Nitschke, Pyrenomyc. Germ. 2: 245 (1870)
Fig. 6
Description. Sexual morph: not observed. Asexual morph: Pycnidial stromata im-
mersed in bark, scattered, slightly erumpent through the bark surface, unilocular,
Haiyan Zhu et al. / MycoKeys 59: 67–94 (2019)
with a conspicuous central column. Central column beneath the disc more or less
conical, pale grey with yellow. Ectostromatic disc orange, elliptical, 160–300 μm in
diam., with one ostiole per disc. Ostiole dark brown to black, at the same level as or
slightly above the disc surface, 70–80 μm in diam. Locule single, 210–260 μm in
diam. Conidiophores cylindrical, hyaline, unbranched, straight or slightly curved,
tapering towards the apex, 12–13.5 × 2–3 μm. Conidiogenous cells enteroblastic,
phialidic. Alpha conidia hyaline, aseptate, smooth, ellipsoidal, biguttulate, rounded
at both ends, 6.5–8.5 × 2.5–3 (av. = 7.3± 0.5 × 2.8 ± 0.3, n = 30) μm. Beta conidia
were not observed.
Culture characteristics. Cultures on PDA are initially white, growing up to 4 cm
in diam. after 3 days, and becoming yellow green to brown after 7–10 days. Colonies
are flat felty with a thick texture at the marginal area, with a thin texture at the center,
abundant aerial mycelium, sterile.
Figure 6. Morphology of Diaporthe eres from Prunus davidiana (CF 2019808). A, B Habit of conidi-
omata on twig C , D transverse section of conidioma E longitudinal section through conidioma F conidi-
ophores and conidiogenous cells G alpha conidia H colonies on PDA at 3 days (left) and 30 days (right).
Scale bars: 1mm (A); 250μm (B–E); 10 μm (F, G ).
Diaporthalean fungi causing canker and dieback from Mount Dongling in China 83
Material examined. CHINA, Beijing City, Mentougou District, Mount Dongling,
Xiaolongmen Forestry Centre (39°58'06.45"N, 115°26'48.36"E), from branches of
Prunus davidiana (Carr.) Franch., 20 Aug. 2017, H.Y. Zhu & X.L. Fan, deposited by
X.L. Fan, CF 2019808, living culture CFCC 53146; ibid. CF 2019858, living culture
CFCC 53145. CHINA, Beijing City, Mentougou District, Mount Dongling, Xiao-
longmen ForestryCentre (39°57'47.49"N, 115°29'20.52"E), from branches of Juglans
regia L., 20 Aug. 2017, H.Y. Zhu & X.L. Fan, deposited by X.L. Fan, CF 2019801,
living culture CFCC 53147.
Notes. Diaporthe eres is the type species of Diaporthe, and is also the most common
species causing canker disease on a wide range of hosts (Gomes et al. 2013, Udayanga
et al. 2014, Dissanayake et al. 2017, Yang et al. 2018). Our isolates are associated
with canker disease of Prunus davidiana in China, which belong to the Diaporthe eres
species complex (Fig. 4). Fan et al. (2018c) treated many Diaporthe species as D. eres,
and showed the combined cal, tef1-α and tub2 genes provide a better topology than
the combined ve-gene phylogeny for the D. eres complex. Both sequence data and
morphology conrm that our isolates belong to this species (Fig. 4).
Diaporthe rostrata C.M. Tian, X.L. Fan & K.D. Hyde, Mycological Progress 14:
82 (2015)
Diaporthe juglandicola C.M. Tian & Q. Yang. Mycosphere 8(5): 821 (2017)
Description. See Fan et al. (2015).
Material examined. CHINA, Beijing City, Mentougou District, Mount Dongling,
Xiaolongmen Forestry Centre (39°57'54.68"N, 115°27'45.27"E), from branches of
Juglans mandshurica Maxim., 22 Aug. 2017, H.Y. Zhu & X.L. Fan, deposited by X.L.
Fan, CF 2019807, living culture CFCC 53142; ibid. CF 2019910, living culture
CFCC 53143.
Notes. Fan et al. (2015) introduced Diaporthe rostrata from Juglans mandshurica
causing walnut dieback in China. Yang et al. (2017) introduced D. juglandicola as a
sister clade with D. rostrata, but it has no conspicuous rostrate necks on the bark. How-
ever, we recommend to treat D. juglandicola as a synonym of D. rostrate, based on the
same host species, and lacking of phylogenetic support to separate them after involving
our current materials (CF 2019807 and CF 2019910) with conspicuous rostrate necks.
Erythrogloeaceae Senan., Maharachch. & K.D. Hyde, Stud. Mycol. 86: 258 (2017)
Type genus. Erythrogloeum Petr. Sydowia 7: 378 (1953).
Notes. e family Erythrogloeaceae was recently introduced by Senanayake et al.
(2017) based on ITS, LSU, rpb2 and tef1-α, and included four genera (Chrysocrypta,
Dendrostoma, Disculoides and Erythrogloeum) (Fan et al. 2018a, Senanayake et al. 2018).
Haiyan Zhu et al. / MycoKeys 59: 67–94 (2019)
Dendrostoma X.L. Fan & C.M. Tian, Persoonia 40: 124 (2018)
Type species. Dendrostoma mali X.L. Fan & C.M. Tian, Persoonia 40: 124 (2018).
Notes. Dendrostoma was introduced by Fan et al. (2018a) as a phytopathogenic ge-
nus, causing canker diseases on several economic hardwoods such as Malus spectabilis,
Osmanthus fragrans and Quercus acutissima. Jiang et al. (2019b) accepted 14 species of
Dendrostoma using a concatenated matrix of four genes (ITS, LSU, rpb2 and tef1-α),
including 10 new species associated with chestnut and oak canker disease in China.
Here we recommend a set of three genes (ITS, rpb2 and tef1-α) to separate species of
this genus.
Dendrostoma donglinensis H.Y. Zhu & X.L. Fan, sp. nov.
MycoBank No: 832194
Fig. 7
Etymology. Named after the location where it was collected, Mount Dongling.
Holotype. CHINA, Beijing City, Mentougou District, Mount Dongling, Xi-
aolongmen Forestry Centre (39°58'19.62"N, 115°26'51.27"E), from branches of
Quercus mongolica Fisch. ex Ledeb., 18 Aug. 2017, H.Y. Zhu & X.L. Fan, deposited by
X.L. Fan, holotype CF 2019903, ex-type living culture CFCC 53148.
Description. Sexual morph: not observed. Asexual morph: Pycnidial stromata im-
mersed in the bark, scattered, erumpent through the surface of bark, unilocular, with
a conspicuous central column. Central column beneath the disc more or less conical,
yellow. Conceptacle absent. Ectostromatic disc hyaline, circular to ovoid, 750–1190
μm in diam., with a single ostiole per disc. Ostiole grey to black, at the same level as
the disc surface, 240–270 μm in diam. Locule single, circular to irregular, undivided,
550–750 μm in diam. Conidiophores hyaline, unbranched, approximately cylindrical.
Conidiogenous cells enteroblastic, phialidic. Conidia hyaline, fusoid, acute at each
end, smooth or occasional not smooth, aseptate, 16.5–20.5 × 2–3.5 (av. = 18 ± 1.1 ×
3 ± 0.3, n = 30) μm.
Culture characteristics. Cultures on PDA are initially white, growing slowly to 2
cm in diam. after 3 days and 4 cm after 14 days, becoming salmon in the center after
7–10 days. Growth stops when colony reaches 8 cm and cultures becoming salmon to
honey after the 30 days. Colonies are felty with a uniform texture; sterile.
Additional material examined. CHINA, Beijing City, Mentougou District,
Mount Dongling, Xiaolongmen ForestryCentre (39°58'19.62"N, 115°26'51.27"E),
from branches of Quercus mongolica Fisch. ex Ledeb., 18 Aug. 2017, H.Y. Zhu &
X.L. Fan, deposited by X.L. Fan, CF 2019887, living culture CFCC 53149; ibid. CF
2019805, living culture CFCC 53150.
Notes. Dendrostoma donglinensis is associated with canker disease of Quercus mon-
golica in China. It can be distinguished from its closest relative D. parasiticum by its
Diaporthalean fungi causing canker and dieback from Mount Dongling in China 85
Figure 7. Morphology of Dendrostoma donglinensis from Quercus mongolica (CF 2019903). A–E Habit
of conidiomata on twig F transverse section of conidioma G longitudinal section through conidioma
Hconidiophores and conidiogenous cells I conidia J colonies on PDA at 3 days (left) and 30 days (right).
Scale bars: 1mm (A); 500 μm (B–G); 10 μm (H, I).
Haiyan Zhu et al. / MycoKeys 59: 67–94 (2019)
fusoid, acute at each end and larger conidia (16.5–20.5 × 2–3.5 vs. 9.3–11.7 ×2.8–
3.3μm). e isolates are phylogenetically distinct from all other available strains of
Dendrostoma included in this study and we therefore describe this species as new, based
on DNA sequence data and morphology.
Juglanconidaceae Voglmayr & Jaklitsch, Persoonia 38: 142 (2017)
Type genus. Juglanconis Voglmayr & Jaklitsch, Persoonia 38: 142 (2017).
Notes. Juglanconidaceae was introduced by Voglmayr et al. (2017), including a
single genus Juglanconis.
Juglanconis Voglmayr & Jaklitsch, Persoonia 38: 142 (2017)
Type species. Juglanconis juglandina (Kunze) Voglmayr & Jaklitsch, Persoonia 38:
144 (2017).
Notes. Juglanconis was introduced by Voglmayr et al. (2017) to accommodate pre-
vious Melanconium juglandinum, M. oblongum and M. pterocaryae based on morpholo-
gy and DNA data of type materials. e genus is restricted to one host in Juglandaceae,
which is identied by having perithecial ascomata, 8-spored asci with an apical ring,
hyaline, bicelled ascospores in the sexual morph; and acervular conidiomata, brown
conidia with gelatinous sheaths in asexual morph (Voglmayr et al. 2017). Juglanconis
includes ve species (J. appendiculata, J. japonica, J. juglandina, J. oblonga and J. ptero-
caryae) (Voglmayr et al. 2019), of which J. juglandina and J. oblonga are common
pathogens in Juglans spp. in China (Fan et al. 2018b).
Juglanconis oblonga (Berk.) Voglmayr & Jaklitsch Persoonia 38: 147 (2017)
Melanconium oblongum Berk., Grevillea 2 (22): 153 (1874)
Diaporthe juglandis Ellis & Everh., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 45: 448 (1893)
Melanconis juglandis (Ellis & Everh.) A.H. Graves, Phytopathology 13: 311 (1923)
Description. See Fan et al. (2018b).
Material examined. CHINA, Beijing City, Mentougou District, Mount Dongling,
Xiaolongmen Forestry Centre (39°57'54.68"N, 115°27'45.27"E), from branches of Jug-
lans mandshurica Maxim., 22 Aug. 2017, H.Y. Zhu & X.L. Fan, deposited by X.L. Fan, CF
2019906, living culture CFCC 53151; ibid. CF 2019909, living culture CFCC 53152.
Notes. Juglanconis oblonga (previous Melanconium oblongum) is associated with
canker disease of Juglandaceae hosts in North America and Southeast Asia (Graves
1923, Voglmayr et al. 2017, Fan et al. 2018b). is species is similar to J. juglandina in
disease symptoms but can be distinguished by its longer conidia (22 × 12.5 compared
Diaporthalean fungi causing canker and dieback from Mount Dongling in China 87
to 20 × 13 μm) and DNA sequence data (Fan et al. 2018b). is species is a common
pathogen causing walnut canker in China (Fan et al. 2018b).
Melanconidaceae G. Winter, Rabenh. Krypt. -Fl., Edn 2 (Leipzig) 1(2): 764 (1886)
Type genus. Melanconis Tul. & C. Tul., Select. Fung. Carpol. (Paris) 2: 115 (1863).
Notes. Melanconidaceae was introduced by Winter (1886) and has been subject
to some confusion due to the overlap in morphological characters between genera
and the absence of DNA sequence data supporting the family concept (Barr 1978).
Castlebury et al. (2002) and Rossman et al. (2007) restricted this family to a single
genus Melanconis based on LSU rDNA sequences, which was adapted by recent studies
(Senanayake et al. 2017, Fan et al. 2018b).
Melanconis Tul. & C. Tul., Select. Fung. Carpol. (Paris) 2: 115 (1863)
Type species. Melanconis stilbostoma (Fr.) Tul. & C. Tul., Select. Fung. Carpol. (Paris)
2: 115 (1863).
Notes. Melanconis was established by Tulasne & Tulasne (1863) based on Spha-
eria stilbostoma. Melanconis has approximately 105 species epithets recorded in Index
Fungorum (August 2019), but for most species no living cultures or DNA sequence
data are available. Rossman et al. (2007) suggested that many of the species previously
residing in Melanconis may belong elsewhere. Melanconis includes ve species (Melan-
conis alni, Ms. betulae, Ms. marginalis, Ms. itoana and the type species Ms. stilbostoma),
which were all restricted to the hosts in Betulaceae (Fan et al. 2016, 2018b).
Melanconis stilbostoma (Fr.) Tul. & C. Tul., Select. Fung. Carpol. (Paris) 2: 115 (1863)
Description. See Fan et al. (2016).
Material examined. CHINA, Beijing City, Mentougou District, Mount Dongling,
Xiaolongmen Forestry Centre (39°59'23.58"N, 115°27'05.00"E), from branches of
Betula dahurica Pall., 22 Aug. 2017, H.Y. Zhu & X.L. Fan, deposited by X.L. Fan,
CF 2019832, living culture CFCC 53128; ibid. CF 2019833, living culture CFCC
53129. CHINA, Beijing City, Mentougou District, Mount Dongling, Xiaolongmen
Forestry Centre (39°59'23.58"N, 115°27'05.00"E), from branches of Betula sp., 21
Aug. 2017, H.Y. Zhu & X.L. Fan, deposited by X.L. Fan, CF 2019871, living culture
CFCC 53130; ibid. CF 2019911, living culture CFCC 53131.
Notes. Melanconis stilbostoma is the type species of Melanconis and is thus far only
known to occur on Betula spp. with a global distribution (Fan et al. 2016). Betula
dahurica, B. pendula, B. rotundifolia, B. tianschanica and B. platyphylla are recorded
as hosts for Melanconis stilbostoma in China (Zhuang 2005, Fan et al. 2016, 2018b).
Haiyan Zhu et al. / MycoKeys 59: 67–94 (2019)
In the present work six diaporthalean species were identied residing in four families
(Diaporthaceae, Erythrogloeaceae, Juglanconidaceae and Melanconidaceae) in the or-
der Diaporthales. ese include ve known species (Diaporthe betulina, D. eres, D.
rostrata, Juglanconis oblonga and Melanconis stilbostoma), and one new species (Den-
drostoma donglinensis). All specimens in the current study were collected from symp-
tomatic branches and twigs associated with canker or dieback diseases. Dendrostoma
(Erythrogloeaceae) species were isolated from Quercus mongolica (Fagaceae). Juglan-
conis (Juglanconidaceae) species were isolated from Juglans mandshurica (Juglandaceae)
and Melanconis (Melanconidaceae) species were isolated from Betula dahurica (Betu-
laceae), which suggests these fungi are host specic. Diaporthe (Diaporthaceae) species
were isolated from Betula dahurica (Betulaceae), Juglans regia, J. mandshurica (Juglan-
daceae), Prunus davidiana (Rosaceae) and Quercus mongolica (Fagaceae). is might
indicate that Diaporthe species are less host specic.
e classication of Diaporthales presented here follows the previous studies (Castle-
bury et al. 2002, Rossman et al. 2007) and discoveries of new taxa from many other
works (Suetrong et al. 2015, Dissanayake et al. 2017, Voglmayr et al. 2017, Senanayake
et al. 2017, 2018). We performed frequently and used four genes (ITS, LSU, rpb2 and
tef1-α) to evaluate the 30 families in this order, but it was found to be confusing in some
taxa such as Apoharknessia and Lasmenia in Apoharknessiaceae (Fig. 2). It suggests that
more studies using a multiphasic approach are still needed to clarify some issues in this
order. Diaporthales includes many phytopathogenic genera such as Dendrostoma, Dia-
porthe, Melanconis and Juglanconis, which have been reported causing canker disease of
tree hosts in China (Fan et al. 2016, 2018b, Yang et al. 2018, Jiang et al. 2019b). e
current study focuses on diaporthalean fungi in Mount Dongling of Beijing, which is
considered as a biodiversity hotspot with a high diversity for fungal species and (Guo
et al. 2008, Zhu et al. 2018). We hope that the descriptions and molecular data of dia-
porthalean fungi in this study could provide a resource for future studies in this region.
is study is nanced by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
(2019ZY23), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31670647) and the
College Student Research and Career-creation Program of Beijing (S201910022007).
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Diaporthalean fungi causing canker and dieback from Mount Dongling in China 93
Supplementary material 1
Table S1. Isolates and GenBank accession numbers used in the phylogenetic anal-
yses of Diaporthales
Authors: Haiyan Zhu, Meng Pan, Guido Bonthond, Chengming Tian, Xinlei Fan
Data type: molecular data
Copyright notice: is dataset is made available under the Open Database License
( e Open Database License
(ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and
use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the
original source and author(s) are credited.
Supplementary material 2
Table S2. Isolates and GenBank accession numbers used in the phylogenetic anal-
yses of Diaporthe
Authors: Haiyan Zhu, Meng Pan, Guido Bonthond, Chengming Tian, Xinlei Fan
Data type: molecular data
Copyright notice: is dataset is made available under the Open Database License
( e Open Database License
(ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and
use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the
original source and author(s) are credited.
Supplementary material 3
Table S3. Isolates and GenBank accession numbers used in the phylogenetic anal-
yses of Diaporthe eres complex
Authors: Haiyan Zhu, Meng Pan, Guido Bonthond, Chengming Tian, Xinlei Fan
Data type: molecular data
Copyright notice: is dataset is made available under the Open Database License
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Haiyan Zhu et al. / MycoKeys 59: 67–94 (2019)
Supplementary material 4
Table S4. Isolates and GenBank accession numbers used in the phylogenetic anal-
yses of Dendrostoma
Authors: Haiyan Zhu, Meng Pan, Guido Bonthond, Chengming Tian, Xinlei Fan
Data type: molecular data
Copyright notice: is dataset is made available under the Open Database License
( e Open Database License
(ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and
use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the
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... The pathogenic fungi of stem diseases in Beijing are diverse, especially Diaporthe. Diaporthe eres have been identified from Castanea Mollissima and an additional five hosts (Yang et al. 2018); two Diaporthe species were commonly isolated from Juglans mandshurica (Zhu et al. 2019); Diaporthe donglingensis, D. eres and D. huairouensis were confirmed as pathogens of Corylus heterophylla (Bai et al. 2022). During the investigation of plant pathogens in Beijing, branches with typical canker symptoms were collected and subsequently identified combining modern taxonomic concepts. ...
... However, some of the species seem to be limited to a single host species in the current study. For example, D. rostrata is associated with canker diseases of Juglans mandshurica, which is consistent with the results of Zhu et al. (2019). Therefore, extensive sampling should be constructed in the future to better understand the host association of Diaporthe species. ...
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The genus Diaporthe (Diaporthaceae, Diaporthales) comprises endophytes, pathogens and saprophytes, inhabiting a wide range of woody hosts and resulting in serious canker disease. To determine the diversity of Diaporthe species associated with canker disease of host plants in Beijing, China, a total of 35 representative strains were isolated from 18 host genera. Three novel species ( D. changpingensis , D. diospyrina and D. ulmina ) and four known species ( D. corylicola , D. donglingensis , D. eres and D. rostrata ) were identified, based on morphological comparison and phylogenetic analyses using partial ITS, cal , his3 , tef1-α and tub2 loci. These results provide an understanding of the taxonomy of Diaporthe species associated with canker diseases in Beijing, China.
... Diaporthe oncostoma, isolated solely from black locust wood (Fig. 5), was the only wood colonising species not fully ascribable to the three above-described functional groups. This fungus has been reported in literature as potentially pathogenic in black locust (Vajna, 2002) and agent of tree dieback in forests (Zhu et al., 2019). ...
... c Botryosphaeria dothidea, Phialemonium sp., Neofusicoccum parvum, Neocucurbitaria salicis-albae (Gramaje et al., 2012;Gutiérrez-Flores et al., 2020;Halleen et al., 2007;Linaldeddu et al., 2014;Marsberg et al., 2017;Massonnet et al., 2017). d Diaporthe oncostoma (Vajna, 2002;Zhu et al., 2019). e Soft rot fungi (Fukasawa, 2021). ...
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Deadwood is one of the main terrestrial carbon (C) pools and its decomposition is fundamental in biogeochemical cycles. As fungi are the main wood degraders, a study was carried out on deadwood-colonising fungal community changes as a function of host plants and wood degradation. Deadwood fungal communities were investigated in adjacent woody plantations of hybrid poplar, willow and black locust established in the early 2000 s and abandoned for fifteen years. Lying deadwood was estimated in the three plantations and wood decay (WD) visually assessed using a 3-class scale. Fungal colonization of wood samples was assessed using culture-based methods and identified with morphological and molecular features. Wood colonising fungal communities differed in composition both between host plants and WD classes (P
... Pathogenicity of both species on oak has previously been confirmed (Sańchez et al., 2003;Turco et al., 2006;Alidadi et al., 2019;Sabernasab et al., 2019). Members of diaporthalean fungi are associated with several diseases including canker and dieback in economically and ecologically important woody plants such as Quercus species (Luque et al., 2000;Lynch et al., 2014;Fan et al., 2018;Jiang et al., 2018Jiang et al., , 2019Zhu et al., 2019Zhu et al., , 2021. Among the diaporthalean fungi, Cytospora with approximately 700 species listed in Index Fungorum (November 2023; is the most common and widespread genus associated with a wide variety of woody plants around the world, which causes various disease symptoms such as canker and dieback or found as endophyte and saprobe (Adams et al., 2005;Lawrence et al., 2018;Azizi et al., 2020;Fan et al., 2020;Hanifeh et al., 2022;Ilyukhin et al., 2023). ...
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Oak decline is a complex disorder that seriously threatens the survival of Zagros forests. In an extensive study on taxonomy and pathology of fungi associated with oak decline in the central and northern part of Zagros forests, 462 fungal isolates were obtained from oak trees showing canker, gummosis, dieback, defoliation, and partial or total death symptoms. Based on inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) fingerprinting patterns, morphological characteristics, and sequences of ribosomal DNA (28S rDNA and ITS) and protein coding loci (acl1, act1, caM, tef-1a, rpb1, rpb2, and tub2), 24 fungal species corresponding to 19 genera were characterized. Forty percent of the isolates were placed in eight coelomycetous species from seven genera, namely, Alloeutypa, Botryosphaeria, Cytospora, Didymella, Gnomoniopsis, Kalmusia, and Neoscytalidium. Of these, four species are new to science, which are introduced here as taxonomic novelties: Alloeutypa iranensis sp. nov., Cytospora hedjaroudei sp. nov., Cytospora zagrosensis sp. nov., and Gnomoniopsis quercicola sp. nov. According to pathogenicity trials on leaves and stems of 2-year-old Persian oak (Quercus brantii) seedlings, Alternaria spp. (A. alternata, A. atra, and A. contlous), Chaetomium globosum, and Parachaetomium perlucidum were recognized as nonpathogenic. All coelomycetous species were determined as pathogenic in both pathogenicity trials on leaves and seedling stems, of which Gnomoniopsis quercicola sp. nov., Botryosphaeria dothidea, and Neoscytalidium dimidiatum were recognized as the most virulent species followed by Biscogniauxia rosacearum.
... Species of Cytospora were primarily identified and distinguished by their morphology and host [5][6][7]. However, recent studies employing molecular phylogeny revealed many cryptic species with similar morphology on the same host of known species of this genus [11][12][13][14][15]. For example, up to 28 Cytospora species were discovered from Eucalyptus spp. in South Africa with the help of DNA sequence evidence [2], eight from willow (Salix spp.) trees in China [16], six from Castanea mollissima in China [17], six from Populus hosts in China [18] and six from apple trees in Iran [19]. ...
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Cytospora (Cytosporaceae, Diaporthales) is a fungal genus that usually inhabits plants as endophytes, saprobes, as well as pathogens. Species of this genus are characterized by possessing allantoid hyaline conidia and ascospores. Samples with typical Cytospora canker symptoms on Prunus davidiana, P. padus and Salix sp. were collected in Tibet and Xinjiang, China. Species were identified using both morphological and molecular approaches of combined loci of internal transcribed spacer region rDNA (ITS), the partial actin (act) region, RNA polymerase II second largest subunit (rpb2), the translation elongation factor 1-alpha (tef1) gene and the partial be-ta-tubulin (tub2) gene. Six isolates in the present study formed three distinct clades from previously known species. Cytospora hejingensis sp. nov. from Salix sp., C. jilongensis sp. nov. from P. davidiana and C. kunsensis from P. padus were proposed herein. The current study improves the understanding of species concept in Cytospora.
... This study focused on Cytospora species in Fengtai District of Beijing, an attractive location with a high richness of fungal species (Zhu et al. 2018b(Zhu et al. , 2019. The descriptions and molecular data of Cytospora in this study could provide a resource for future studies in this genus and lay the foundation for the future investigation of canker disease caused by Cytospora species. ...
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Members of Cytospora include saprobes, endophytes and important plant pathogens, which are widely distributed on various wood hosts and have a wide global distribution. In this study, the species definitions were conducted, based on multigene phylogeny (ITS, act , rpb2 , tef1-α and tub2 genes) and comparisons of morphological characters. A total of 22 representative isolates obtained from 21 specimens in Fengtai District of Beijing City were identified as seven species of Cytospora , including four known species ( C. albodisca , C. ailanthicola , C. euonymina , C. haidianensis ) and three novel species ( C. fengtaiensis , C. pinea , C. sorbariae ). The results provide an understanding of the taxonomy of Cytospora species associated with canker and dieback diseases in Fengtai District, Beijing, China.
... During species identification, host association and spore morphology were important than molecular phylogeny [15][16][17]. However, recently, many cryptic species were revealed from the same host with similar spore morphologies by polyphasic methods using a combination of morphology and molecular phylogeny [18][19][20][21][22]. For example, Cytospora vinacea D.P. Lawr., Travadon & Pouzoulet and C. viticola D.P. Lawr., and Travadon & Pouzoulet cause Vitis vinifera cankers in the USA [23]; Cytospora ailanthicola X.L. Fan & C.M. Tian and five other Cytospora species are responsible for Chinese polar canker diseases [24]; eight species of Cytospora are associated with willow cankers in China [25]; and C. kuanchengensis C.M. Tian & N. Jiang and five other Cytospora species cause Castanea mollissima Blume branch canker in China [26]. ...
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Branch canker diseases are important in forest ecosystems, causing economic and ecological losses. Members of Cytospora are common on cankered branches and associated with the diseases. Investigations on Cytospora cankers were conducted in Tibet, China, during 2022 and 2023. Samples were collected from Euonymus japonicus, Larix gmelinii, Malus pumila, M. spectabilis and Rosa omeiensis f. pteracantha, and cultures were obtained and identified by morphological features and molecular phylogeny of a combination of internal transcribed spacer region rDNA (ITS), the partial actin (act) region, RNA polymerase II second largest subunit (rpb2) gene, the translation elongation factor 1-alpha (tef1) gene and the partial beta-tubulin (tub2) gene. As a result, a new species is proposed herein named Cytospora lhasaensis and four known species are described for the first time from Tibet, viz. C. euonymina, C. gigaspora, C. mali and C. schulzeri. The current research enhances our understanding of the Cytospora species associated with woody host diseases in Tibet, China.
... Species of Cytospora inhabit a wide variety of hosts that include economically and ecologically important trees (e.g., Elaeagnaceae, Juglandaceae, Rosaceae, Salicaceae, Ulmaceae) [22][23][24][25][26]. About 150 species of Cytospora in total have been discovered on dieback and stem canker in over 130 species of woody hosts [18,[27][28][29][30][31][32][33]. ...
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Species of Cytospora are considered important plant pathogens of a wide range of plant hosts, especially Salicaceae plants. Salix (Salicaceae, Malpighiales) has been widely cultivated in China because of its strong ecological adaptability, fast growth, and easy reproduction. In this study, a total of eight species of Cytospora were discovered on Salix in China, including C. ailanthicola, C. alba, C. chrysosperma, C. gigaspora, C. nivea, C. paracinnamomea, C. rostrata, and C. sophoriopsis. Among them, C. alba and C. paracinnamomea were identified as novel species based on morphology and phylogenetic analyses of ITS, act, rpb2, tef1-α, and tub2 gene sequences and were confirmed as pathogens of willow canker disease by pathogenicity tests. The mycelial growth rates of strains from these two novel species (C. alba and C. paracinnamomea) had optimum temperatures of 21 to 22 °C and an optimum pH value of 5 to 6. The effectiveness of six carbon sources on the mycelial growth showed that fructose and maltose had the highest influence. Cytospora species richness was significantly positively correlated with dry and wet areas. This study represents a significant evaluation of Cytospora associated with willow canker disease in China and provides a theoretical basis for predicting the potential risk of willow canker disease.
... Similar results were observed by Fang et al. (2019) in a study of the diversity of endophytic fungi from Ageratina adenophora, where the dominant genera of cultivable endophytic fungi, belonging to the class Sordariomycetes, were Diaporthe, Fusarium, and Colletotrichum. These fungal genera are common endophytic fungi from different regions and plants around the world (Paul et al., 2014;Zhu H. et al., 2019;Du et al., 2020). ...
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Rosa roxburghii Tratt. is widely applied in food, cosmetics, and traditional medicine, and has been demonstrated to possess diverse bioactivities. Plant endophytic fungi are important microbial resources with great potential for application in many fields. They not only establish mutualistic symbiosis with host plants but also produce a variety of bioactive compounds. Therefore, in the present study, endophytic fungi were isolated from R. roxburghii , the diversity and antimicrobial activities were evaluated. As a result, 242 strains of endophytic Sordariomycetes were successfully isolated. Multigene phylogenetic analyses showed that these isolates included eight orders, 19 families, 33 genera. The dominant genera were Diaporthe (31.4%), Fusarium (14.4%), Chaetomium (7.9%), Dactylonectria (7.0%), Graphium (4.5%), Colletotrichum (4.1%), and Clonostachys (4.1%). For different tissues of R. roxburghii , alpha diversity analysis revealed that the diversity of fungal communities decreased in the order of root, fruit, stem, flower, leaf, and seed, and Clonostachys and Dactylonectria exhibited obvious tissue specificity. Meanwhile, functional annotation of 33 genera indicated that some fungi have multitrophic lifestyles combining endophytic, pathogenic, and saprophytic behavior. Additionally, antimicrobial activities of endophytic Sordariomycetes against Lasiodiplodia theobromae , Botryosphaeria dothidea , Colletotrichum capsici , Pyricularia oryzae , Rhizoctonia solani , Fusarium oxysporum , Pseudomonas syringae , Pantoea agglomerans , Staphylococcus aureus , Bacillus subtilis , Escherichia coli , and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were screened. Dual culture test assays showed that there were 40 different endophytic species with strong inhibition of at least one or moderate inhibition of two or more against the 12 tested strains. The results from the filter paper diffusion method suggested that extracellular metabolites may be more advantageous than intracellular metabolites in the development of antimicrobial agents. Eleven isolates with good activities were screened. In particular, Hypomontagnella monticulosa HGUP194009 and Nigrospora sphaerica HGUP191020 have shown promise in both broad-spectrum and intensity. Finally, some fungi that commonly cause disease have been observed to have beneficial biological activities as endophytic fungi. In conclusion, this study showed the species composition, alpha diversity, and lifestyle diversity of endophytic Sordariomycetes from R. roxburghii and demonstrated these isolates are potential sources for exploring antimicrobial agents.
This datasheet on Diaporthe eres covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Dispersal, Hosts/Species Affected, Diagnosis, Biology & Ecology, Environmental Requirements, Impacts, Prevention/Control, Further Information.
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This paper is the fourth contribution in the Genera of Phytopathogenic Fungi (GOPHY) series. The series provides morphological descriptions and information about the pathology, distribution, hosts and disease symptoms, as well as DNA barcodes for the taxa covered. Moreover, 12 whole-genome sequences for the type or new species in the treated genera are provided. The fourth paper in the GOPHY series covers 19 genera of phytopathogenic fungi and their relatives, including Ascochyta , Cadophora , Celoporthe , Cercospora , Coleophoma , Cytospora , Dendrostoma , Didymella , Endothia , Heterophaeomoniella , Leptosphaerulina , Melampsora , Nigrospora , Pezicula , Phaeomoniella , Pseudocercospora , Pteridopassalora , Zymoseptoria , and one genus of oomycetes, Phytophthora . This study includes two new genera, 30 new species, five new combinations, and 43 typifications of older names.
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Members of the genus Cytospora are often reported as endophytes, saprobes or phytopathogens, primarily causing canker diseases of woody host plants. They occur on a wide range of hosts and have a worldwide distribution. Although several species have in the past been reported from China, the vast majority are not known from culture or DNA phylogeny. The primary aim of the present study was thus to clarify the taxonomy and phylogeny of a large collection of Cytospora species associated with diverse hosts in China. Cytospora spp. were collected in northeast, northwest, north and southwest China, indicating that the cold and dry environments favour these fungi. In this paper, we provide an assessment of 52 Cytospora spp. in China, focussing on 40 species represented by 88 isolates from 28 host genera. Based on a combination of morphology and a six-locus phylogeny (ITS, LSU, act1, rpb2, tef1-α and tub2), 13 new species and one new combination are introduced. The majority of the species investigated here appear to be host-specific, although further collections and pathogenicity studies will be required to confirm this conclusion
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During a survey of diseases affecting pomegranate in the southeastern USA we identified a unique species of Diaporthales causing leaf spotting and fruit rot. Objectives of this study were to provide a morphological description of the putative new species, use DNA sequence data of three gene loci (LSU, ITS and rpb2) to accurately place the fungus within the Diaporthales, and to prove Koch's postulates. Morphological and phylogenetic comparisons confirmed the fungus to represent a new species and family, for which the names Dwiroopapunicaesp. nov. and Dwiroopaceaefam. nov. are proposed. This is the first report of a species of Dwiroopa being pathogenic to Punica granatum.
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Cryphonectriaceae species cause serious canker diseases on chestnut, oak and eucalypt trees. Recently, canker symptoms with typical orange fruiting bodies were observed on Chinese chestnut and oak trees in Hebei, Hubei, Shaanxi and Shandong Provinces in China. In the present study, isolates of these fungi were identified based on phylogeny and morphology evidences, and their pathogenicities were tested on detached chestnut (Castanea mollissima) branches. DNA sequence comparisons of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions and two regions of beta‐tubulin (TUB1/TUB2) indicate that these isolates represent five species in the Cryphonectriaceae, viz. Aurantiosacculus castaneae sp. nov., Cryphonectria neoparasitica sp. nov., Endothia chinensis sp. nov., Cryphonectria japonica and Cryphonectria parasitica. The sexual morph of Aurantiosacculus is firstly discovered and can be distinguished from the other genera in Cryphonectriaceae by dark brown ascospores and tubiform appendages at both ends. Cryphonectria neoparasitica sp. nov. is different from the other Cryphonectria species by its aseptate ascospores. Endothia chinensis sp. nov. is the sole species in Endothia infecting the host genus Castanea. Additionally, it is much smaller than E. gyrosa and narrower than E. singularis in ascospores. The inoculation results showed that these five Cryphonectriaceae fungi isolated from chestnut or oak are all pathogenic to tested chestnut branches. Cryphonectria parasitica appears to be the most aggressive fungus, followed by C. neoparasitica sp. nov., C. japonica, E. chinensis sp. nov. and A. castaneae sp. nov.
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Dendrostoma was recently proposed in Erythrogloeaceae (Diaporthales, Sordariomycetes), with all known members recorded as being plant pathogenic on economically important tree hosts. During our collections of Dendrostoma species in China, mild to severe canker symptoms were observed on sweet chestnut ( Castaneamollissima ) and oak ( Quercus spp.) trees. Dead and dying plant tissues exhibiting Dendrostoma canker symptoms were sampled for fungal isolation. A total of 37 Dendrostoma isolates were obtained and analysed using morphological characteristics and molecular data (ITS, LSU, RPB2 , TEF1-α ). Based on these data, 10 novel clades could be distinguished, which also proved to represent morphologically distinct species described here as Dendrostomaaurorae , D.castaneae , D.castaneicola , D.chinense , D.dispersum , D. parasiticum , D.qinlingense , D.quercus , D.shaanxiense and D.shandongense spp. nov. A key to species of the genus is also provided.
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Based on molecular phylogenetic analyses of a multigene matrix of partial nuSSU-ITS-LSU rDNA, cal, his, ms204, rpb1, rpb2, tef1 and tub2 sequences, recent European and Iranian collections of Melanconium pterocaryae from the type host, Pterocarya fraxinifolia, are shown to be distinct from the Japanese Melanconis pterocaryae from Pterocarya rhoifolia, and both are confirmed as closely related members of the recently described genus Juglanconis. Therefore, the new name Juglanconis japonica is proposed for Melanconis pterocaryae. As no type collection could be traced, Melanconium pterocaryae (syn. J. pterocaryae) is neotypified, described and illustrated, and it is recorded for Europe for the first time. During field surveys in natural stands of P. fraxinifolia in Guilan province (Iran), Juglanconis pterocaryae was consistently isolated from tissues affected by branch and trunk cankers, twig dieback and wood necrosis, indicating that it is the causal agent of these diseases. The external and internal symptoms associated with these trunk diseases are described and illustrated.
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One order, seven families, 28 new genera, 72 new species, 13 new combinations, four epitypes, and interesting new host and / or geographical records are introduced in this study. Pseudorobillardaceae is introduced for Pseudorobillarda (based on P. phragmitis). New genera include: Jeremyomyces (based on J. labinae) on twigs of Salix alba (Germany); Neodothidotthia (based on N. negundinicola) on Acer negundo (Ukraine); Neomedicopsis (based on N. prunicola) on fallen twigs of Prunus padus (Ukraine); Neophaeoappendicospora (based on N. leucaenae) on Leucaena leucocephala (France) (incl. Phaeoappendicosporaceae); Paradevriesia (incl. Paradevriesiaceae) (based on P. americana) from air (USA); Phaeoseptoriella (based on P. zeae) on leaves of Zea mays (South Africa); Piniphoma (based on P. wesendahlina) on wood debris of Pinus sylvestris (Germany); Pseudoconiothyrium (based on P. broussonetiae) on branch of Broussonetia papyrifera (Italy); Sodiomyces (based on S. alkalinus) from soil (Mongolia), and Turquoiseomyces (incl. Turquoiseomycetales and Turquoiseomycetaceae) (based on T. eucalypti) on leaves of Eucalyptus leptophylla (Australia); Typhicola (based on T. typharum) on leaves of Typha sp. (Germany); Xenodevriesia (incl. Xenodevriesiaceae) (based on X. strelitziicola) on leaves of Strelitzia sp. (South Africa). New species include: Bacillicladium clematidis on branch of Clematis vitalbae (Austria); Cercospora gomphrenigena on leaves of Gomphrena globosa (South Africa); Cyphellophora clematidis on Clematis vitalba (Austria); Exophiala abietophila on bark of Abies alba (Norway); Exophiala lignicola on fallen decorticated trunk of Quercus sp. (Ukraine); Fuscostagonospora banksiae on Banksia sp. (Australia); Gaeumannomycella caricicola on dead leaf of Carex remota (Germany); Hansfordia pruni on Prunus persica twig (Italy) (incl. Hansfordiaceae); Microdochium rhopalostylidis on Rhopalostylis sapida (New Zealand); Neocordana malayensis on leaves of Musa sp. (Malaysia); Neocucurbitaria prunicola on fallen twigs of Prunus padus (Ukraine); Neocucurbitaria salicis-albae on Salix alba twig (Ukraine); Neohelicomyces deschampsiae on culm base of dead leaf sheath of Deschampsia cespitosa (Germany); Pararoussoella juglandicola on twig of Juglans regia (Germany); Pezicula eucalyptigena on leaves of Eucalyptus sp. (South Africa); Phlogicylindrium dunnii on leaves of Eucalyptus dunnii (Australia); Phyllosticta hagahagaensis on leaf litter of Carissa bispinosa (South Africa); Phyllosticta austroafricana on leaf spots of unidentified deciduous tree host (South Africa); Pseudosigmoidea alnicola on Alnus glutinosa leaf litter (Germany); Pseudoteratosphaeria africana on leaf spot on unidentified host (Angola); Porodiplodia vitis on canes of Vitis vinifera (USA); Sodiomyces alkalinus from soil (Mongolia), Sodiomyces magadiensis and Sodiomyces tronii from soil (Kenya), Sympodiella quercina on fallen leaf of Quercus robur (Germany) and Zasmidium hakeicola on leaves of Hakea corymbosa (Australia). Epitypes are designated for: Cryptostictis falcata on leaves of E. alligatrix (Australia), Hendersonia phormii on leaves of Phormium tenax (New Zealand), Sympodiella acicola on needles of Pinus sylvestris (Netherlands), and Sphaeria scirpicola var. typharum on leaf of Typha sp. (Germany). Several taxa originally described from rocks are validated in this study. New taxa include: Extremaceae fam. nov., and new genera, Arthrocatena, Catenulomyces, Constantinomyces, Extremus, Hyphoconis, Incertomyces, Lapidomyces, Lithophila,Monticola, Meristemomyces, Oleoguttula, Perusta, Petrophila, Ramimonilia, Saxophila and Vermiconidia. New species include: Arthrocatena tenebrosa, Catenulomyces convolutus, Constantinomyces virgultus, C. macerans, C. minimus,C. nebulosus, C. virgultus, Exophiala bonariae, Extremus adstrictus, E. antarcticus, Hyphoconis sterilis, Incertomyces perditus, Knufia karalitana, K. marmoricola, K. mediterranea, Lapidomyces hispanicus, Lithophila guttulata, Monticola elongata, Meristemomyces frigidus, M. arctostaphyli, Neodevriesia bulbillosa, N. modesta, N. sardiniae, N. simplex, Oleoguttula mirabilis, Paradevriesia compacta, Perusta inaequalis, Petrophila incerta, Rachicladosporium alpinum, R. inconspicuum, R. mcmurdoi, R. monterosanum, R. paucitum, Ramimonilia apicalis, Saxophila tyrrhenica, Vermiconidia antarctica, V. calcicola, V. foris, and V. flagrans.
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Melanconis-like species comprise latent fungal pathogens with a wide range of woody hosts. Taxonomy of these pathogens is difficult due to their uninformative descriptions and similar asexual morphology. Based on molecular phylogenies, many species of this group were placed in various families of Diaporthales. In this study, eight species of melanconis-like fungi were isolated from Betulaalbosinensis , B.platyphylla (Betulaceae), Cornuscontroversa (Cornaceae), Corylusmandshurica (Betulaceae) and Juglansregia (Juglandaceae) in China. These species were phylogenetically placed in three families of Diaporhthales, i.e. Juglanconisjuglandina , J.oblonga (Juglanconidaceae), Melanconiellabetulicolasp. nov. , M.corylinasp. nov. (Melanconiellaceae), Melanconisbetulae , Ms.itoana , Ms.stilbostoma (Melanconidaceae) and one new genus, Sheathospora (Melanconiellaceae). Sheathospora is proposed to accommodate Melanconiellacornuta with conical and discrete pycnidia with aseptate, hyaline, cylindrical to ellipsoidal conidia with distinct hyaline sheath on branches of Cornuscontroversa . Combined analyses of ITS, LSU, CAL, RPB2 and TEF1-α sequence data were used to construct the molecular phylogeny. Additionally, we provided separate phylogenetic trees for three families (Juglanconidaceae, Melanconidaceae and Melanconiellaceae) to show the species distribution of melanconis-like fungi in China.
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Diaporthe species have often been reported as important plant pathogens, saprobes and endophytes on a wide range of plant hosts. Although several Diaporthe species have been recorded in China, little is known about species able to infect forest trees. Therefore, extensive surveys were recently conducted in Beijing, Heilongjiang, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shaanxi and Zhejiang Provinces. The current results emphasised on 15 species from 42 representative isolates involving 16 host genera using comparisons of DNA sequence data for the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS), calmodulin ( cal ), histone H3 ( his3 ), partial translation elongation factor-1α ( tef1 ) and β-tubulin ( tub2 ) gene regions, as well as their morphological features. Three known species, D.biguttulata , D.eres and D.unshiuensis , were identified. In addition, twelve novel taxa were collected and are described as D.acerigena , D.alangii , D.betulina , D.caryae , D.cercidis , D.chensiensis , D.cinnamomi , D.conica , D.fraxinicola , D.kadsurae , D.padina and D.ukurunduensis . The current study improves the understanding of species causing diebacks on ecological and economic forest trees and provides useful information for the effective disease management of these hosts in China.
Species of Phaeochorella are biotrophic leaf parasites with a tropical distribution, traditionally accepted in the family Phyllachoraceae, Phyllachorales in classifications based on morphological characters. Phylogenetic evidence presented here resolves the relationship of Phaeochorella within the Sordariomycetes, based on a multilocus analysis of partial nuc rDNA large subunit (28S) and internal transcribed spacers (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 = ITS), the DNA-directed RNA polymerase II second largest subunit (RPB2), and the translation elongation factor 1-α (TEF1-α) gene. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that Phaeochorella belongs to the Diaporthales rather than the Phyllachorales. Phaeochorella parinarii, the type species of the genus, present on native hosts from the Brazilian Cerrado, forms a unique clade with a species of Phaeoappendicospora with high support. Thus, a new family, Phaeochorellaceae, Diaporthales, including both genera, is herein proposed. With the exception of P. parinarii and P. zonata, all other species in Phaeochorella (P. artocarpi, P. ciliata, P. machaerii) were excluded from the genus.
Demarcation of family, genus and species boundaries in the Diaporthales has been tentative due to uninformative illustrations and descriptions, overlapping morphological characteristics, misplacement or poor condition of type specimens and shortage of molecular data from ex-type cultures. In this study, we obtained the type specimens or other authentic specimens of diaporthalean taxa from worldwide fungaria. We examined, described and illustrated them. This study is based on morphological characters from type or authentic specimens, details from protologue and original illustrations and molecular data obtained from GenBank. Combined analyses of nrITS, nrLSU, RPB2 and TEF1-α sequence data were used to construct the molecular phylogeny. Additionally, we provided separate phylogenetic trees for families when necessary to show the generic distribution within these families based on suitable gene markers. Based on morphology and phylogeny, we treat 17 genera previously assigned to Diaporthales genera incertae sedis within several families. For some genera we have designated new generic types as they are lacking type species or type species have affiliations with other families. We exclude Anisomycopsis from Diaporthales and place it in Xylariomycetidae genera incertae sedis. Tirisporellaceae, which was previously placed in Tirisporellales is placed in Diaporthales based on phylogeny and morphology. A new combination, Dendrostoma leiphaemia propose for Amphiporthe leiphaemia (Fr.) Butin. Based on the morphological characters and molecular data we accept 27 families and 138 genera within Diaporthales, 24 genera in Diaporthales genera incertae sedis and one genus in Xylariomycetidae genera incertae sedis. We provide notes for genera in Diaporthales genera incertae sedis, and excluded and doubtful genera are listed with notes on their taxonomy and phylogeny.