Got a thing for magnolias? These three Asian varieties are perfect for Central Florida

Charles Reynolds
Ledger correspondent
Champaca magnolia's fragrant flowers appear throughout the warm season in Central Florida.

Nearly 240 species of magnolia trees and shrubs are native to East Asia and the Americas, and all of them bear fragrant blossoms.

Older Florida gardeners might recall starry and saucer magnolias – two Asian, temperate-zone species that were once common locally but often struggled to thrive in our hot and humid climate. Well-known and popular native magnolias are, of course, Southern magnolia and its many varieties, as well as sweetbay, a spring-flowering, semi-deciduous tree for moist sites.

But several stately evergreen magnolias from semi-tropical regions in Asia bear exquisite and extremely fragrant flowers in Central Florida. The trees I’ll mention – formerly in the genus Michela – are now classified as magnolias. The most well-known is champaca (Magnolia champaca). Typically under 25 feet tall here, trees – valued for timber in Asia – grow up to 100 feet tall in Southern China.

Champaca’s orange-yellow flowers are only two or three inches wide but are so intensely fragrant that the plant is often listed as joy perfume tree. Indeed, this tree’s oils are widely used in perfumes. Install the fast-growing champaca in full or part-day sun on well-drained, deeply mulched sites, and enjoy the aromatic flowers from mid-spring into autumn. Plants and seeds are available online.

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Preferred by some magnolia fans is white champaca (Magnolia X alba), a naturally occurring hybrid of uncertain lineage. This attractive sun-loving tree is somewhat smaller but displays white blossoms said to be even more aromatic than champaca’s flowers. In addition, the hybrid’s flowering season is several weeks longer. Encourage young plants to grow by applying fertilizer frequently but lightly. Alternatively, use a time-release product such as Osmocote Plus. Grafted specimens are usually available online.

Another magnolia, much used as a street tree in China but rare in cultivation here, is Magnolia chapensis, which grows up to 100 feet tall in Asia. With white or yellow sweetly scented flowers throughout the warm season, this magnolia would seem to be an instant hit in Central and South Florida. Unfortunately, the species – though known for rapid growth – takes years to fully mature and bear blossoms.

That’s a shame because M. chapensis, despite a natural range that dips south into Vietnam, is considered cold hardy. It would be a fine tree to install for one’s children or grandchildren to enjoy, but even that’s a challenge because of limited availability of seeds.

Costa Rican skullcap displays clusters of orange-and-yellow tubular flowers off-and-on year round.

Plant to ponder: Costa Rican skullcap

This wonderful perennial displays clusters of orange-and-yellow tubular flowers off-and-on year round. Plants range from two to six feet tall in full or part-day sun. Provide well-drained, organically enriched and mulched sites. Propagate with warm-season cuttings.