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The Fungi of India<br />

BY<br />

E. J. BUTLER, C.I.E., D.Se., M.B., F.R.S.<br />

(Director, Imperial Mycologicallnatitute, Kew, Surrey),<br />

Lale Imperia/ M yeo/agi,l, Puoa. India.<br />

AND<br />

G. R. BISBY, Ph.D.<br />

(Profe .. or of Phytopathology at the Univer.ity of Manitoba).<br />



1931 .<br />

Price Rs. 6-12 01' 11s.<br />

. ,.,96 01

iv lNTROl)UCTION.<br />

such as the entomogenous species and those cultivated by termites. Many of the<br />

fungi occurring in Ceylon, and still unknown in India, will probably be found<br />

when more thorough collections are made in the south of the Peninsula.<br />

This brief sketch covers but imperfectly the development of the knowledge of<br />

Indian fungi. The Bibliography, however, tells the story more fully.<br />


From an examination of the List of Species it may be seen that the following<br />

numbers and percentages of the fungi recorded for India were firat described from<br />

India :-<br />

Phycomycetes 18 speoies<br />

Ascomycetes 233<br />

UstiJagmales 51<br />

Uredinales 219<br />

Percent.<br />

24<br />

49<br />

51<br />

57<br />

We have not checked the remainder of the Basidiomycetes, not the Fungi Imperfecti,<br />

but similar figures would be obtained in these groups. Of the four groups<br />

mentioned, 521 species out of a total of 1,035, or approximately 50 per cent., were<br />

first described fro;rn India. This docs not mean, however, that India has a high<br />

percentage of endemic fungi: many of these species, though first described from<br />

India, are now known from other countries. As a matter of fact, since India, as<br />

Hooker mentions, has a low percentage of endemic Phanerogams, so it has also<br />

doubtless a low percentage of endemic fungi. The figures presented only indicate<br />

that, poorly though the fungi of India may be known, they are nevertheless better<br />

known there than in most other similar tropical or subtropical areas.<br />

The distribution of fungi over the world is still so imperfectly known. as to render<br />

uncertain an attempt to make 'a general analysis of the distribution elsewhere of<br />

the fungi recorded for India. In any attempt of this sort, one is hampered<br />

not only by a lack of knowledge of distribution of the vast majority of fungi,<br />

but also by a feeling that misdeterminations entered in the records vitiate any<br />

conclusions. These errors of determination are, however, of two kinds which<br />

tend to neutralize each other: either that of a previously known fungus<br />

having been given a new name, or that of a new fungus having been referred<br />

erroneously to an old species. In view of the importance and interest of assembling<br />

such data as are available, we have made the following comparisons, with full<br />

realization of the uncertainties involved.<br />

Comparison oj the fwngi oj India, oj the Dutch East Indies, and. oj Manitoba.<br />

Among the few areas outside of Europe which have brought together lists of fungi ..<br />

comparable in extent with thc present list of Indian fungi, we have chosen the Dutch<br />

East Indies and Manitoba. The former is a tropical area geographically not far<br />

distant from India, but with a phanerogamic flora quite different, especially from<br />

that of the parts of India in which mycological collections have chiefly been made.<br />

Van Overeem * has brought together a list of the fungi recorded there up to about<br />

• Van Overeem-de Haas, C. et D. Verzeichnis der in NiederUi.ndisch Ost-Indien bis dem Jahre<br />

1920 gefundenen Myxomycetes, Fungi und Lichenes.-Bull. Jard. Bot. Buiteuzorg, SCr. 3, IV, fasc.<br />

I, 146 pp., 1922.


TABLE II-contd.<br />

Fungi common to India and EUTope--contd.<br />

GroUl)<br />

Number in<br />

India<br />

Number also<br />

in Europe<br />

------<br />

Percentage<br />

in Europe<br />

Hemiascomycctes 13 4 30·8<br />

Discomycctcs 69 29 42·0<br />

Pyrenomycetes . 394 49 12·4<br />

Ustilaginales 100 25 25·0<br />

Uredinales 384 74 19·3<br />

Polyporaccae 318 53 16·7<br />

Other Hymenomycetes 402 143 31·0<br />

Gasteromycetcs 75 23 30·7<br />

Hyphomycetes Il.nd Mycelill. Storilia 196 49 25·0<br />

Melanconialcs and Sphooropsidales 265 58 21-9<br />

# TOTAL 2,351 545 23·2<br />

It is now quite evident that the fungus :flora of India can be considered, despite<br />

our very incomplete knowledge of it and the erroneous and questionable identifications<br />

involved in many instances, to consist of a fairly large percentage of species<br />

occUl'ring more or less widely in the North Temperate Zone, imd a larger<br />

pt\rrentage of Iungi limited to tropical regioJls or to tropical host plants. Nearly<br />

one quarter of the known Indian fWlgi arc recorded also in Europe. Thi.s figure is<br />

not eilpecially high when coropared with the percentage common to Europe and<br />

Manitoba (abont 60 pCI' cent.), ill spite of the lad that Manitoba is' more distant<br />

from Rmope than India is. But the gencral character of the phallerogaroic :flora<br />

of :Manitoba is much more similar than is that of India to the :flora of Europe;<br />

anu more than 20 per cent. of the indigenous species of Phanerogams of Manitoba,<br />

but only 6 per cent. of those of India, occur also in Europe.<br />

The distribution oj the Pkanerogams compared with that oj the Fungi. Hooker *<br />

observed that of some 17,000 species of Phanerogaros in India (with which he iuelnlleu<br />

Malaya and Ceylon), 7GG European slw.cies are indigenous in the Indian<br />

rt'giOl), and of these Rome 400 a1"(\ also ill the "British Isles. Of these 17,000 spe(;ies,<br />

there are VOl'haps 4,001.} Ceylon and Malayan plant:; which uo not occur in India,<br />

and are of CO llI'S!} also nou-European. III other words, about Ii per rent. (760<br />

, A Sketch uI Ule Flora of Bdtisll India. Imperial Gazetteer, 3rd Edition, 1906.<br />


lNTR01>UCT10N.<br />

difficult or impossible to determine whether or not a fungus has been introduced.<br />

There are a considerable number of introduced flowering plants in India, * especially<br />

cultivated plants and weeds, and with some of these rusts have certainly immigrated.<br />

These introduced rusts are the most likely to be collected. If allowances be made for<br />

this clement in thc Indian flora both of hosts and rusts, the figures for distribution<br />

of the flowering plants and for the rusts become more similar, as indeed we should<br />

anticipate from the restricted and obligate parasitism of the latter.<br />

Nevertheless, further study may indicate rather definitely that speci€s of rusts<br />

have, on the average, wider ranges of distribution than species of Phanerogams.<br />

1£ we take again the rusts of the British Isles and of India, we may note that of the<br />

252 species in the British Isles, 59, or 23·4 per cent. have been Tecorded also in India.<br />

And even more striking is the comparison between the rusts occurring in India and<br />

in Manitoba. Only a few cultivated plants and weeds, and a few species of indigenous<br />

Phanerogams, are common to these two areas which are so nearly antipodean,<br />

and yet 28 species of rusts are common to both: over 7 per cent. of the known Indian<br />

rusts occur in Manitoba, and some 21 per cent. of Lhe 134 rusts known in Manitoba,<br />

occur also in India. Nine t of these 28 rusts were probably introduced into onc or<br />

both areas, but the other 19 species t appear to be native to both. It should be<br />

remarked that of these 19 species, three, (Puccinia andropogonis, Uromyces P1"Oeminens,<br />

and U. scirpi) are recorded with considerable doubt from India. All of<br />

these species apparently native to both India and Manitoba, with the exception of<br />

U?'omyces jab,'[c, have been found only in the colder, Himalayan region of India.<br />

Puccinia circaeae, P. polygoni-mnphibii, and Ummycps polygoni utilize the same<br />

specics of hosts in both countries, as does U.jabae in part; the remainder apparently<br />

utilize different but related hosts in the two countries.<br />

Species of certain non-parasitic groups of fungi certainly have a very wide distribution:<br />

thus, of the 69 names that have been applied to Discomycctcs from<br />

India, over 40 per cent. are found in European lists, and 23 per cent. in the Manitoba<br />

list; of the 75 recorded Gasteromycetes, 20, or 27 per cent. are known in<br />

England. It is to be expected that fungi which develop upon leaf mould or decaying<br />

wood may find a suitable substratum in almost any country, but we cannot<br />

pursue our comparisons far, because the data are too indefinite. Petch § has<br />

presented a discussion of the uncertainty involved in applying the names of European<br />

fungi to specimens from thc tropics, in which he concludes that, in general, the<br />

• Profpssor L. A. Kenoyer, Plant Life of British Innia, Sci. Monthly, XVIII, p. 58, 1924, states<br />

that "The present Indian flora contains many introduced plants, American ones being especially<br />

prominent." .<br />

t Jj[elampsora lini, Puccinia CO'rOWlta, P. g.raminis, P. lolii, P. sO'rghi, P. anomala, P. taraxaci, P.<br />

triiicina, and Uromyc8s trifolii. The names used in the Manitoba list are in a few instances different<br />

from those used here.<br />

t Phragmidium disciflorum, P. potentillae, Puccinia absinthii, P. andropogonis, P. caricis,<br />

P. caricis.asleris, P , circaeae, P . hieracii, P. menthaR, P. phragmitis, P. pimpine/lae, P. polygoni.amphibi.,<br />

P. punctatu, P. violae, Pucciniastrum agrimoniae, Uromyces faoae, U. polygoni, U. pro_min en .. , and U.<br />

8cirpi.<br />

§ Petch, T. European fungi in the tropies.-Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc., III, pp. 340·347. 1912.

INTRODUCTION. xiii<br />

Pezizales, Phacidiales, and Tuberales) have never been found in great diversity in<br />

India. ; but they have never been diligently sought.<br />

The Pyrenomycetes (here used to include all the Ascomycetes from Hysteriales<br />

on through the Laboulbeniales) are represented by some 400 entries. Only two or<br />

three each of the Hysteriales and Plectascales have been found in India. The<br />

Perisporiales are represented by a number 6f the widely distributed powdery mildews<br />

(Erysiphaceae) and by many of the Perisporiaceae. 'rhe genus Meliola has<br />

been divided by Theissen and SydQw* into three, and by von Hoehne] t into five<br />

genera, but since the Indian species could not bc separated into these divi':!ions without<br />

critical revision, thcy havc bcen left in Meliola. 'l'he saprophytic sooty moulds,<br />

such as Capnoclium and related fungi, are also rather common in India, frequently<br />

in their conidial and pycnidial forms alone. The IIemisphu( riales appear to Le<br />

abundant throughout tropical regions, Asterina being the genus most commonly<br />

encountered in this order. In the IIypocreales there have been found several<br />

species of Nectria, and a few of JJypocrea and other genera. Thc genus Cordyce1JS<br />

has bccn reported only twice (both specimens collected by Hooker and Thomson<br />

in the Khasi Hills), and the genus Claviceps is represented only by Sphacelt·a stages,<br />

which arc usually precluded from continucd dcvelopment by attack:; of Cncbclla.<br />

In the Dothidiales the gcnus Phyllaclwra predominates as one of the largest amongst<br />

the Ascomycetes.<br />

The Sphacriales occur in abundance in India, as they do everywhere. The<br />

Fimctariaceae have not Leen studied, and are represented only by three names<br />

in Oh (('tomium, two of which were applied to Indian material by Corda. The<br />

Sphncriaceae have a fcw representatives known, Lut the Cucurbitariacea(; and<br />

Coryncliaceae only one and two, respectively. The Xylariaceac is the only other<br />

family which requires mention: for the long list of species of Xylaria, and. the<br />

considerable number of those of Hypoxylon, make this family dominant among<br />

the Sphacriales.<br />

The Laboulbeniales are doubtless present in India in large numbers, Lut the<br />

records in s-even genera are made up principally from references in Thaxter's puLlications.<br />

The Ustilaginales include a hundred species, many of which are wideBpread,<br />

and several of economic importance. Cifcrri (121 : 28) agrees wit.h Maire in restlicting<br />

the genus Cintmctia to those smuts on Juncaceuo and Cyperaccae: we have<br />

inuicated the two changes involved in this list, if Ciferri were to be followeu. In<br />

India, as in other tropical countries, are to be found fungi classified under Graphiola,<br />

Farysia, and Stytina: while there is still some discussion as to the systematic<br />

position of these genera, they seem to fit best. into the Ustilaginales. Certain other<br />

less cc;_amon genera occur in India, but the genus U stilago is the predominant<br />

one.<br />

* See Ann. Mye., XV, pp. 401-463,1917 .<br />

r fragmente (!?64). XXIII. p. 22. 191f),


Synonyms are listed with a number of the species. These are only cases in which<br />

different names have been applied to the Indian fungi, and are entered and indexed<br />

so that older references to these fungi can be traced. No effort has been made to<br />

give complete synonymies. Recent revisions of groups of fungi have been consulted<br />

and often followed. Bresadola (84, 85) has reported a considerable synonymy,<br />

particularly for Polypores; we have followed him in these, and where Lloyd or<br />

others give views regarding synonymous species, we have indicated these without,<br />

however, altering the records as they stand.<br />

A few records of Indian fungi have been shown definitely to require deletion;<br />

these are given in square brackets, and not counted in the totals. Where the records<br />

are given as admittedly uncertain, the species name is preceded by It query<br />

(e.g., Puccinia ?andropogonis Schw.).<br />

In a number of instances" India" is given in the published records of distribution<br />

of species of fungi when, upon investigation, it was found that the East or W cst<br />

Indies, Malay, Ceylon, or some other region should have been listed. These species<br />

have been left out of this list entirely, since no especial value would come from the<br />

attempted correction of all mistakes in geography, many of which are readily detectcd.<br />

In a vcry few cases in which Saccardo gives India as part of the distribution<br />

of a fungus, we have been unable to trace the original reference to India: these are<br />

included as " recorded by Saccardo from India".<br />

Host names are as tabulated in the Index Kewensis, except that in three or four<br />

cases where the name could not be found there, it is given in quotation marks, and<br />

in somc others the names used are there listed as synonyms. Hosts infected by artificial<br />

inoculation only are not included in the Host Index. When a fungus is recorded,<br />

for example, on Thea sinensis and Thea sp., the latter is not included in the Host<br />

Index.<br />

Reference to Saccardo's Sylloge Fungorum (given thus: "Sacc. VI: 120," referring<br />

to volume and page respectively) is made in every case in which such reference<br />

could be found. When the reterence to Saecardo in given first, the- fungus was<br />

not originally described from India, except in a few CI1tlCS in which Saccardo<br />

transterred the species to the genus here used. In the Uredinales, a reference<br />

to Sydow's Monographia Uredinearum is similarly given. The other numbers<br />

following an entry (e.g. 240: 130) refer to the number before the citation in the<br />

bibliography, and to the page. When an entry reads, for example, "Sacc. IV: 15<br />

as Oospora," a synonym is involved which is not known to have been applied to<br />

an Indian record. The bibliography references following after a synonym applied<br />

to an Indian fungus, usually indicate that these referred to papers in which the<br />

synonym was used.<br />

All specific names, whether of fungi or hosts, are given with lower case letters,<br />

for typographical convenience and because of the difficulty of using capitals correctly<br />

in every case,

xviii INTRODUCTION.<br />

we consider that these pioneer workers deserve more credit than they are sometimes<br />

given. Their labours have provided their successors with a starting point in many<br />

important groups, and have given at least a general view of some of the salient features<br />

of the mycological flora of India.<br />

I .


[Dasyscypha] emerici (Berk. & Pbill.) Sacco (Sacc. X:22; 173:74- as Laclznella<br />

ernerici Berk. & Phill. ). On twigs, Nilgiris.<br />

Elaphomyces sapidus Massce (319, X1: 2G2). United Provinces (Burkill). Edible.<br />

Erinella corticola Massee (319, 1:115; Sacco XVI:756). On bark, Dehra Dun<br />

(Gamble).<br />

Geoglossum?alveolatum Durand (Sacc: XVIII:8 as LeptoglosStlm). On 1he<br />

ground, Simla (Butler).<br />

--hirsutum Pel's. (Sacc. VIIl:4.6; 301:12, figs.). On bare earth, India (Gollan).<br />

--ophioglossoides (L.) Sacco (Sacc. VIlIA3 ; 288, No. 65:4; 57, after No. 472,<br />

as G. glabTum Pel's.). On the ground, Yeumtong, 13,000 ft. (Hooker L);<br />

India (Kasbyap).<br />

Helotium citrinum (Hedw.) Fr. (Sacc. VIII:224 ; 57, after No. 359, as Pcziza ci!rina<br />

Pers.; 196:128). On rotten'wood, Sikkim, 8-9000 ft. (Hookcr f.); Sikkim,<br />

5-7,000 ft. (Kurz).<br />

--pusense Syd. (454:374; Sacco XXIV:1183). On stems of Ricinus communis,<br />

Pusa (Inayat).<br />

Helvella crispa (Scop.) Fr. (Sacc. VIlI:18; 145:13; 454:374; 288, No. 65:4).<br />

On the ground, Punjab (Aitcheson); Achibal, Kashmir (Butler); Simla<br />

(Butler) ; India (Kashyap).<br />

- - ?fargesii Patouill. (Sacc. XI:391 ; 288, No. 65, pp. 4, 8). India (Ka8hyap).<br />

Humaria masseeana Sacco & D. Sacco (Sacc. XVIl1:26; 319, III:152 as Il. coa-inea<br />

Massee, not (Crouan) Quel). Garbwal (Gamble).<br />

- - rutilans (Fr.) Sacco (Sacc. VIII:133; 196:128). On mud banks, Toukycgbat<br />

River, Toungoo, Burma (Kurz).<br />

Lachnea geneospora (Berk.) Sacco (Sacc. VIIl:178; 57, No. 357, as Peziza<br />

geneospora Berk.). On rotten wood, Sinclml, Sikkim, 8,000 ft. (Hooker L).<br />

Lachnella nilgherrensis Cke (173:73; Sacco X:20). On herbaceo11s strms,<br />

India (Herb. Berkeley).<br />

Lagerheima carteri (Berk) Sacco (Sacc. X:55; 173:75 as Patella1'ia carle1'i (Berk.)<br />

Phill.). On dead, decorticated wood, Bombay (Carter).<br />

Leotia lubrica Pers. (Sacc. Vm:609; 57, after No. 354). On clay banh8, Sinchul,<br />

Sikkim, 8,600 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

LophodermlUm hysterioides (Pers.) Sacco (Sacc. Il:791; 349:23 as IIystcri1tm<br />

foliicolum Fr.). The specimen in herb. Montagne, marked only " Neelghcrri<br />

[Nilgiris] M. Perrottet" consists of a small coriaceolls leaf bearing a very<br />

few hysterioid fruit bodies.<br />

--pinastri (Schrad.) Chew. (Sacc. Il:794; 454:378). On needles of Picca excelsa,<br />

Achibal, Kashmir (Butler). The acci and spores arc smaller than in European<br />

specimens (454:379).<br />

Marchalia ustulata (Cke) Sacco (Sacc. VIIl:738; 133:] 7 as Rhytisma ustulat1tm<br />

Cke; 264, No. 4.99, as Phyllachom ustalata (Cke) V. Hochn.). "On dead<br />

leaves, . probably of Ficus, Col. Hobson" (133). Cooke mep.tiop.ed that t11is

12 THE 1I'UNGI OF INDIA.<br />

fungus occurred on leaves of the same tree which bore" Trichobasis hobsoni "<br />

(see CerotPlium fic:i). Sydow (442, IV:592) states that an examination of the<br />

original material showed that the host is undoubtedly Ficus, either F. inJectona<br />

or F. ?·eligiosa. Theissen and Sydow (482:450) consider this species to be<br />

a conidial form doubtless belonging to Catacauma infectorium (q. v.), and<br />

that the host is probably F. inJectoria.<br />

Midothis macrotis (Berk.) Sacco (An-cc. VIll:547;57, No. 356, as Peziza macrotis<br />

Berk.; 59:424 and 131, fig. 94 as W!jnnea macrotis Berk.; 287:934). On<br />

rotten wood, Darjeeling, 7,500 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

Mitrula rosea Lloyd (287;885, figs., 955). On bare earth, India (Cave).<br />

--viridis (Pers.) Karst. (Sacc. VIII:38; 51, after No. 472, as Geoglossum m?'ide<br />

Pers.). On the ground, Yeumtong, 12,000 ft.; Lachoong, 3,000 ft. (Hooker<br />

f.).<br />

Morchella bohemica Krombhoht (Sacc. VIII:14; 133:16). On the ground,<br />

Kashmir (Herb. Berk). Cooke notes that it is eaten by the natives, and<br />

dried and sent down into the Plains. The same is true for some of the other<br />

species, especially M. delic:iosa which can be regularly bought in the bazaars<br />

of the Punjab cities.<br />

--coniea P ers. (Sacc. 'vnI:9; 467;158; 263:338). On the ground, Dehra Dun<br />

(Blatter); var. acuminata Kich, Siwalik H ills (GoHan).<br />

- deliciosa Fr. (Sacc. VIII:10; 128:439; 454:374). On the ground, Kashmir<br />

(Naudan); Anuitsar and Lahore (Butler); Nepal (Smith); Kumaon (Mitra).<br />

- eseulenta (L.) P eTS. (Sacc. VIII:3; 454:374; 133:16; 520:259). On the<br />

ground, Amritsar, and Ranikhet, Kumaon Himalayas (Butler); Kashmir<br />

(Aitcheson).<br />

- gigaspora Cke (128:442, fig.; Sacco VIn:14; 131:187). On the ground,<br />

Kashmir (Stewart). Recorded by Stewart in his list of Punjab plant::: as<br />

" M. semilibera."<br />

Ombrophila indica Syd. (454:375; Sacco ·XXIV:1237). On rotten wood and on<br />

the ground, Debra Dun (Butler).<br />

Otidea darjeelensis (Berk.) Sacco (Sacc. X;4; 57, No. 355, and 131, pl. 215, as<br />

Peziza dar,ieelensis Berk). On the ground, Darjeeling.<br />

Peziza aurantia Pers. (Sacc. VDI:74; 57, after No. 356 ; 196;128). On earth,<br />

Sikkim (Kurz); on clay banks, Darjeeling, 7,000 it., "so conspicuous that<br />

everyone asks whether you' have seen the scarlet fungus" (Hooker f.).<br />

--epispartia Berk. & Broome (Sacc. VIII:89; 144:96). Sent to Cooke from<br />

Belganm (Hobson).<br />

Phacidium symplocinum Syd. (454:376; Sacco XXIV;1261). On living leaves<br />

of Symplocos sp., Darjeeling (McEae).<br />

Phialea fructigena (Bull.) Gill. (Sacc. VIII:265; 57, after No. 357, as Peziza<br />

fructiycna Bull .). On stems of dead UmbelJiferac, Sikkim, 8-9,000 ft. (IIoohr<br />



[Sclerotinia] sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary (Sacc. XXII:644 as S. sclerotiorum (Lib.)<br />

Sacco & Trott. ; 270, figs.; 413:177, figs., as Rh1:zoctonia napi Westend.)<br />

On Brassica campestr1:s var. sarson, Carthamus tinctorius, Amaranthns tristis,<br />

Argemone mexicana, Avena sativa, Beta bengalensis, Brassica campestris var.<br />

glauca, Calamintha sp., Cannabis sativa, Chenopodium album, Cicer arietinum,<br />

Cirsium arvensis, Fumaria parviflora, Hordeum vulgare, Lathyrus sativus,<br />

Le;ns escuZe;nta, Leucas sp., Linum usitatissimum, Medicago lupulina, Pisum<br />

sativum, Scoparia dulcis, Triticum vulgare, Vicia hirsuta (Shaw and Ajrekar ;<br />

Joshi). Joshi found, by inoculation, that I:leveral other . plants could be<br />

infected.<br />

Trichocoma paradoxa Junghuhn (Sacc. X:82 ; 232:161, figs. ; 57, No. 551, and<br />

after No. 455; 196:128; 287:1205, fig.). East Nepal (Hooker f.) ; on dry<br />

dead wood, Sikkim, 7-9,000 ft. (Hooker f.) ; on mossy dead sticks, Sikkim<br />

Himalaya (Kurz). This fungus is often considered to be allied to the Tuberaceae,<br />

but Fischer (232; 233:196) places it in the Plectascaceae, as does<br />

Dodge (226:151).<br />

Triblidiella rufula (Spreng.) Sacco (Sacc. n:757; 454:375). On dcad branches<br />

of Oitrus sp., Sagaing, Burma (Butler) ; on dead branches, Puliyanur, Travancore<br />

(Butler); Dehra Dun (Inayat); Pusa (Butler); Bassein, BOlllbay<br />

. (Kulkarni) ; and Tellicherry, Malabar (Butler).<br />

Tuber indicum Cke & Massee (180:67; Sacco XI:444). In the earth, Mussoorie<br />

(Duthie).<br />

Vibrissea stilboidea (Berk.) Sacco (Sacc. Vlli:53 ; 57, No. 359, as Peziza stilboidea<br />

Berk.). On the main nerves of leaves of Pyrus, Tonglo, Sikkim (Hooker f.).<br />

--turbinella (Berk.) Sacco (Sacc. Vlli:52 ; 57, No. 358, as Pezizaturbinella Berk.).<br />

On the lower surfaces of leaves of Pyrus, Tonglo, Sikkim (Hooker f.).<br />


Acanthostigma heterochaete Sydow & Butler (454:403; Sacco XXIV:971).<br />

On living leaves of Phaseolus mungo var. radiatus, Pusa (Butler) ; of Dumasia<br />

villosa, Pusa (Butler); Nagpur (Pandit); of D. sp., Samalkota (Shaw);<br />

Dacca (Sam); of Alysicarpus vaginalis var. nummularifolia, Samalkota<br />

(Shaw).<br />

Acanthostoma wattii (Syd. & Butler) Theiss. (469:45; 472:1285; 454:383 as<br />

Dimerium wattii Syd. & Butl. ; Sacco XXIV:256 ; 468:188). On Asterina<br />

camelliae on leaves of Thea sinensis, Assam (G. Watt) ; Darjeeling (McRae).<br />

Acrospermum parasiticum Syd. (454:379; Sacr.. XXIV:1l28). On living or<br />

fading leaves of Heptapleurum ve;nulosum, Kumaon (Inayat).<br />

Allescherina boehmeriae Syd. & Butler (454:4Ui; Sacco XXIV:734) . On dead<br />

stems of Boehmeria nivea, Pusa (Inayat).


[Asterina] delicatula Syd. & Bal (443, XVII: 308). On leaves of Aegle marmelos,<br />

Hooghly, Bengal (Bal).<br />

--holarrhenae Ryan (401:103). On upper surfaces of leaves of Holarrhena antidysenterica,<br />

Assam (Subramaniam).<br />

- indica Syd. (454:390; Sacco XXIV:473 ; 473:86, fig.). On leaves of Symplocos<br />

sp., Darjeeling (McRae).<br />

--lawsoniae P. Renn. & Nyman (Sacc. XV1:646; 454:391; 18:179 ;<br />

473:81, figs.; 445:488). On Lawsonia alba (L. inerrnis), Pusa (Butler);<br />

Bengal (Lafont); and various other localities. Arnaud (18:179), from a<br />

study of the pycnidial stage, transferred this to Dimerosporiutn. The pycnidia<br />

(18:214) (Asterostomella (Hyphaster) balanseana) occur commonly (454:391).<br />

--memecylonicae Ryan (401:104). On leaves of Mernecylon edule, Karwar'<br />

Bombay (Sedgwick).<br />

--nothopegiae Ryan (401:104). Amphigenous on leaves of Notlwpegia colebrookiana,<br />

Mysore (Kulkarni).<br />

- - pleuriporus Ryan (401:104). Hypophyllous on Shorea talura, Siddapur,<br />

Kanara (Sedgwick).<br />

[-scutellifera Berk. (57, No. 478; Sacco 1:50). On leaves of Antidesma,<br />

Ohittagong (Hooker f. & Thomson). Theissen (468:15) states that the specimen<br />

is sterile, and the species should be deleted.]<br />

-spissa Syd. (454:392 ; Sacco XXIV:464 ; 473:61, figs.). On leaves of Jasminum<br />

sp., Ohittagong (Sen); of J. malabaricum, Bombay (Ajrekar). Arnaud<br />

(18:178) has transferred this species to Dimerosporium, without having studied<br />

it, because he considers it evidently identical with an undetermined Asterinalike<br />

fungus on Jasminum pubescens in which Marshall Ward discovered the<br />

fir ,9t haustoria known in the Microthyriaceae (Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci. ,<br />

XXII, pp. 347-354, 2 pIs., 1882).<br />

--travancorensis Syd. (443, Xill:38). Epiphyl10us on Marsdenia sp., Pulliyanur,<br />

Travancore (Butler).<br />

Asterinella intensa (Oke & l\fass. ) Theiss. (471:120,figs.; Sacco IX:382 as A sterina ;<br />

401:105). On Elaeodendron glaucum, Madras.<br />

--malabarensis (Syd.) Theiss. (471:106, fig. ; 454:391 as Asterina malabarensis<br />

Syd. ; Sacco XXIV:444). On leaves of Pothos scandens, Kanouth, Malabar<br />

(Butler).<br />

-stuhlmanni (P. Renn.) Theiss. (471:120, fig. ; Sacco XVII : 881 and 454:392<br />

8S Asterina stuhlmanni P. Henn.). On leaves of Ananas sativus, Thurya Ghat,<br />

Sylhet (Butler).<br />

Asterocystis mirabilis Berk. & Broome (Sacc. 1:293; 454:411). On culms of<br />

Bambusa sp., Bulsar, Bombay (Chibber) ; Tellicherry, Malabar (Butler).<br />

Balansia andropogonis Syd. (454:395; Sacco XXIV:697). On infloresconce of<br />

Andropogon aciculatus, Forbesganj, Purnea Dist., Bihar (BurkiIl); Chitta-


gong (Sen) ; Sylhet and Noakhali (Butler) ; Assam (BurkiU); Sydow states<br />

that Ephelis pallida Patouil1., common in Tonkin and the Philippines, is<br />

doubtless the conidial stage.<br />

lBalansia] sclerotica (Pat.) v. Hoehn. (264, No. 704 ; Sacco IX:1002 as Epichloe;<br />

454:402 as Opltiodothis scIet'otica (Pat.) P . Henn.). On inflorescence of<br />

Andropogon nardus, Erramacola, Wynaad (McRae); of A. scltoenanthus,<br />

Vayitri, Wynaad; (Butler); of A. sp., Ohatrapur, Ganjam (Butler) ; of A.<br />

?contortus, Belgaum (Butler); on ApIUM aristata, Dehra Dun (Butler) ; on<br />

Panicum distachyum, Ooimbatorc (McRae) ; on P. sp., Bangalore (Butler).<br />

_. thanatophora (Lev.) V. Hoehn. (264, after No. 630; 57, No. 485, as Dothidea<br />

vorax Bcrk. & Ourt.; Sacco II:652 as Ophiodothis vorax (B. & 0.) Sacc.).<br />

On deformed spikes of Carex sp., Ohurra, Khasi Hills (Hooker f.).<br />

A variety (Ophiodothis vorax (B. & 0 .) Sacco var. pilulaeformis (B. & C.) Sacc.)<br />

is recorded (445:489) on culms of Panicum prostratum, Kistna Dist., Madras<br />

(McRae).<br />

Balladyna butleri Syd. (454:388, figs. ; Sacco XXIV:373). On culms of Bambusa<br />

sp., Khasi Hills, Assam (Butler).<br />

--gardeniae Racib. (Sacc. XVI:41l). On Gardenia gummifera, Siddapur, N.<br />

Kanara (Kulkarni). Von Hoehnel (264, No. 482) states that this is not<br />

specifically distinct from Asterina velutina Berk. & Ourt., and makes the<br />

combination B. velutina (B. & C.) V. Hoehn.<br />

Boerlagella effusa Syd. & Butler (454:403; Sacco XXIV: 1023). On wood or<br />

decorticated branches of Populus ciliata, Mussoorie (Inayat).<br />

Botryosphaeria agaves (P. Herm.) Butler (454:415 ; Sacco XVII:585 as Physalospora).<br />

On leaves of Agave sp., Pusa (Butler). Theissen (479:333) states that<br />

the Indian species differs from that of Hennings (which was collected in East<br />

Africa), and that neither belongs to Botryosphaeria.<br />

- egenula Syd. & Butler (454:415 ; Sacco XXIV:812). On leavee of Cymbidium<br />

?aloifolium, Gauhati, Assam (Butler). Weese (Ber. deut. Bot. Ges., XXXVII,<br />

pp. 83-96, 1919) transfers this and many other species of Botryosphaeria to<br />

Melanop s.<br />

--Ppruni-spinosae Delacr. (Sacc. XI:295). On Prunus persica, Pusa (Butler).<br />

--tamaricis (Cke) Theiss. & Syd. (481:663 ; Sacco 1I:590 as Bagnisiella tamaricis<br />

(Cke) Sacco ; 454:401). On stems of Tamarix gaZZica, Pusa (Inayat).<br />

- xanthocephala (Syd. & Butler) Theiss. (479:326 ; 454:408 as Physalospora<br />

xanthocephala Syd. & Butler; Sacco XXIV:800). On twigs of Cajantls indicus<br />

Puea (Sen). Von Hoehnel (264, No. 1194) has made this the type of a now genus<br />

Creomelanops. He considers that Botryosphaeria inflata Cke & Massee (at<br />

least as found ill Java) is probably the same.<br />

Butleria inaghatahani Sacco (403:303 ; Sacco XXIV: 1134). On leaves of Vangueria<br />

sp., Krishnapur, Comilla (Inayat Khan). Saccard.o misread the<br />



[Cordyceps] racemosa Berk. (57, No. 480, fig.; Sacco 11:576). On a dead<br />

caterpillar, Myrong, Khasi Hills (Hooker f. and Thomson).<br />

Corynelia clavata (L.) Sacco (Sacc. IX:1073; 57, after No. 487, as Corynelia<br />

" uberiformis Fr."). On Podocarpus, Khasi Hills (Hooker f.).<br />

- fructicola (Pat.) V. Hoehn. (Sacc. IX:441 as Capnodium; 454:406; 235:240).<br />

On fruits of 1I1Y1'Sine africana, Mussoorie (Butler).<br />

Cryptovalsa indica Syd. (454:412; Sacco XXIV:735). On dead branches, Dehra<br />

Dun (Inayat).<br />

- planiuscula Syd. & Butler (454:412 ; Sacco XXIV:735). On dead branches,<br />

Pusa (Sen).<br />

--rabenhorstii (Nits.) Sacco (Sacc. 1:190 ; 454:412). On branches of cultivated<br />

Morus sp., Pusa (Hafiz).<br />

Cucurbitaria agaves Syd. & Butler (454:406 ; Sacco XXIV:1055). On leaves of<br />

Agave sp., Dehra Dun (Butler). Associated with Microdiplodia agaves, q. V.<br />

Daldinia concentrica (Bolt.) Ces. & de Not. (Sacc. 1:393; 263:339; 467:159<br />

454:417 ; 196:130 ; 349:23 as "IJypoxylon cancentricum Grev." ; 263:339<br />

as D. gollani P. Henn. ; Sacco XVII:617; 304:24, figs.) . On wood of<br />

Citrus aurantium, Nagpur (Pandit) ; on trunks of Dalbergia sissoo, Pusa<br />

(Dastur) ; of Excoecaria acerifolia, Dehra Dun (Inayat) ; on dead branches of<br />

Ficus carica, Siwalik Hills (Gollan) ; Bengal (Hutchings); and elsewhere;<br />

on Ixora undulata, Pusa (Butler) ; and on old wood in many parts of India.<br />

A specimen is in the Montagne Herbarium at Paris, marked " ad truncos<br />

emortuos prope Nedoubatta Nelligheri cl. Perrottet ".<br />

--vernicosa (Schw.) Ces . & de Not. (Sacc. 1:394; 57, after No. 483, as Hypoxylon<br />

ve1'nicosum (Schw.) ; 304:25, fig.). Darjeeling (Hooker f.).<br />

Diaporthe (Chorostate) curvatispora Wakef. (519, XXV1:164, fig.). On bark<br />

of Mesua ferrea, Sibsagar (Hole).<br />

-(Chorostate) taxicola Sacco & Syd. (Sacc. XVI:493). A specimen so determined<br />

is at Pusa on Taxus baccata, Darjeeling.<br />

Diatrype chlorosarca Berk. & Broome (Sacc.1:l95 ; 454:415). On dead culms of<br />

Bambusa, Tellicherry, Malabar (Butler); Palghar, Bombay (Ajrekar) ; on<br />

dead branches, Pulliyanur in Travancore, and Dehra Dun {Butler) ; Palgbat,<br />

Madras (Subramaniam). The form from Palghat has larger stromata and<br />

spores, and that from Debra Dun smaller stromata but larger spores, than the<br />

type. It is somewhat doubtful if all belong to the same species (454:415).<br />

--rugosa Currey (196:130). On hard wood, Yomah, Burma (Kurz).<br />

Dichomyces hybridus Thaxt. (462, 11:422 ; Sacco XVI:678). On Philonthus sp.<br />

Sylhet.<br />

Didymella kariana Sacco (403:301 ; Sacco XXIV:909). On dying leaves of Polygonum<br />

sp. with broad leaves, accompanied by Puccinia ?polygoni and Darluca<br />

filum, MUSBoorie (Kar).

22 THE FUNGI OF IN1>1A.<br />

Erysiphe acaciae Blumer (69:182). On Acac£a catechu, Poona (Ajrekar ; Sydow,<br />

Fungi Exotici No. 75). This species has been separated from the allied<br />

E. polygoni by Blumer, on account of the great size of ita perithecia.<br />

·--cichoracearum DC. Sacco r, under several names; 4 ; 518 ; 111:314 and 338,<br />

figs.). On the following :-Coccinia (Cephalandra) indica, Cawnpore and Pus a<br />

(Butler) ; Galium verum, Harwan, Kashmir (Butler); Mangifera indica,<br />

inflorescence, Bombay (Wagle, 518:4) [the name Oidium mangiferae Berthet<br />

has been applied to a mildew on mango in Brazil]; Momordica balsamina,<br />

Pusa (Butler) ; Nicotiana tabacum, Koilpatti, Madras (Sampson) ; Rangpur;<br />

and elsewhere (Oidium only); Plantago brachyphylla, Srinagar (Butler);<br />

P. major, Harwan, Kashmir (Butler); T richosanthes dioica, Pusa (Butler).<br />

--galeopsidis DC. (Sacc. I: 16). On Phlomis stewartii, Verinag, Kashmir (Butler).<br />

---graminis Lev. (Sacc. 1:19; 406:476; 111:173, figs.). On Hordeum vulgare,<br />

Pusa ; Stipa sibirica, Verinag, Kashmir; T riticum vulgare, Dehra Dun<br />

(Butler) ; Lahore (B. Das) ; Peshawar (Shaw) ; Gilgit. Salmon (406) found<br />

that the form on wheat in India affected wheat and Hordeum silvaticum, but<br />

not barley or oats.<br />

--polygoni DC. (Sacc. 1:19; 111:253, figs.; 113(10):81 ; 404:174). On the<br />

following :-Berberis sp., Achibal and Verinag, Kashmir (Butler) ; Brassica<br />

campestris, Chenab, Punjab (Milligan) ; Ohenopodium botrys, Arrah, Kumaon,<br />

and Larukhpur (Butler) ; Coriandrum sativum, Coimbatore (Butler) ; Eryngium<br />

billardieri, Harwan, Kashmir (Butler) ; I pomoea cymosa, Lahore (B. Das);<br />

I. sp., Uri, Kashmir (Butler) ; Lathyrus sp., Ranikhet, Kumaon (Butler) ;<br />

Lespedeza bicolor, Harwan, Kashmir (Butler) ; Ligusticum thomsoni, Harwan,<br />

Kashmir (Butler) ; Melilotus alba, Harwan, Kashmir (Butler) ; M. indica,<br />

PUBa (Butler) ; P apaver somniferum, Jaora State, Central India (Coventry) ;<br />

Pisum sativum, Dehra Dun, Pusa, and Verinag, Kashmir (Butler) ; Maymyo,<br />

(Shroff) ; Plectranthus rugosus, Verinag, Kashmir (Butler) ; Polygonum a'/;iculare,<br />

Harwan, Kashmir (Butler) ; P. sp., Mussoorie (Butler) ; Ranunculus<br />

diffusus, Baramulia, Kashmir (Butler) ; R. laetus, Dubgaon and Harwan,<br />

Kashmir (Butler); R. sp., Kumaon (Butler); Rumex nepalensis and R.<br />

orientalis, Harwan, Kashmir (Butler) ; Thalictrum minus, Halwan, Kashmir<br />

(Butler) ; T rigonella foenum-graecum, Pusa and Dehra Dun (Butler); Vicia<br />

Jaba, Dehra Dun (Butler).<br />

Eurotium herbadorum (Wigg.) Link (Sacc. 1:26; 132:117 ; 340:76 as Aspergillus<br />

herbariorum Wigg.). "Common on various substances. Bengal, Chittagong,<br />

Burmah " ; common as a laboratory mould, Goa (de Mello) and Pusa.<br />

Eutypa phaselina (Mont.) Sacco (Sacc. I: 179 ; 196: 130 as Sphaeria phaselina Mont.).<br />

Evergreen forests, Nakawa, Toukyeghat, Burma (Kurz).<br />

Eutypella vitis (Schw.) Ell. & Ev. (Sacc. 1:180 as Eutypa; 454:413). On Viood of<br />

Vitis \inijera, Poona (Chibber). Spores only 6-9X2p. instead of 12-14x21P.'


Collections from North America contain similar small-spored forms, which<br />

Sydow and Butler suggest may perhaps constitute a var. microspo1'a (454:413-<br />

14).<br />

[Eutypella] zizyphi Syd. & Butler (454:413; Sacco XXIV:721). On dead<br />

branches of Zizyphus jujuba, Pusa (Sen). An allied or perhaps identical<br />

species occurs on Indiyofera arrecta at Pusa.<br />

Glomerella cingulata (Stonem.) Spaulding & v. Schrenk (Sacc. XVII:573 and<br />

XVI:452; 507; 1:11-12; 2:53,56 ; 487:703 ; 392:6 ; 393:4; 395; 205, figs.;<br />

111:355, 448, 512, figs.). On Capsicum spp., Burma and Bihar (Dastur).<br />

Dastur regards the conidial forms Gloeosporium piperatum Ell. & Ev. and<br />

Oolletotrichum nigrum Ell. & Hals. as belonging to this species but Higgins<br />

[Anthracnose of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). Phytopathology, XVI, pp.<br />

333-345, 1926] considers them to be as yet unattached to any perithecial<br />

form. Higgins regards the perithecial form found on Capsiwm as Glomtrella<br />

piperata (Stonem.) Spauld. & v. Schrenk. The brown blight and the bark<br />

disease of coffee in south India and Burma is caused by Colletotrichv.m coffcanum<br />

Noack (113:(4):62 ; 111:483, figs. ; 392 ; 487:703), which is generally<br />

considered to be a conidial stage of G. cingulatn; and the brown blight of tea<br />

in Assam, Burma, and Madras is caused by C. camelliae Massee, the perfect<br />

stage of which was found by Tunstall (2:56 ; 507:37 ; 503 ; 504) to agree with<br />

G. cingulata.<br />

- gossypii (Southw.) Edgerton (Sacc. XXlI:77 ; 434 ; 111:365, figs.). Found<br />

only in the imperfect stage, Oolletotrichum gossypii Southw., on Gossypium<br />

sp., Pusa (Subramaniam).<br />

--lindemuthiana (Sacc. & Mag.) Shear. See entry under Colletotrichum lindemuthianum.<br />

Bypocrea llavo-virens Berk. in Herb. (155:100; Sacc. IX:976). On bark, Nilgiris.<br />

- neilgherrensis Berk. & Cke (155:79; Sacco IX:979). On bark, Nilgiris<br />

(E. Berkeley).<br />

- peltata (Jungh.) Berk. (57, after No. 359 ; Sacco 1:536 as H. peltata (Jungh.)<br />

Sacc.). On dead bark, Darjeeling, 7,500 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

- rugulosa Berk. & Cke (155:79 ; Sacco IX:973). On rotten wood, Nilgiris<br />

(E. Berkeley).<br />

-var. majorCke (155 : 79; Sacco IX:973). On bark of trees, Nilgiris (E. Berkeley).<br />

- subrufa Berk. & Cke (155:79 ; Sacco IX :972). On branches, Nilgiris (E.<br />

Berkeley).<br />

[--variabilis Currey (196:13') ; Sacco IX:536). On living leaves of Bambusa sp.,<br />

Yomah, Burma (Kurz). This is a mixture of Aschersonia badia and Hypocrella<br />

mollii (375,11:250).]<br />

Hypocrella disco idea (Berk. & Broome) Sacco (Sacc. 1l:580; 375, II:234, synonymy<br />

and literature; 456:216 as Asthersonia cinnabarina P. Henn.). On

24 THE FUNGI Oli' Im>IA.<br />

Aleyl'odes on Tectona grandis, Rangoon (Hole) ; on Aleyrodes on Spondias<br />

mangifera, Chittagong (Sen) ; on Aleyrodes 011 ?Millettia, Travancore (Butler).<br />

[Hypocrella] javanica (Penz. & Sacc.) Petch (367, II:431 ; 375, II:220, synonymy<br />

and literature; Sacco XVll:820 as Fleischeria) . . On Lecanium hemisplzaericum<br />

var. coffeae on Thea sinensis, Assam; on Lecanium sp. on Thea sinensis,<br />

Kurseong and Darjeeling ; on Eriochiton theae on Thea sinensis, Assam.<br />

(The records of H. ceramichroa (Berk. & Br.) Petch from India in 367,<br />

11:428, refer in part to H. y'avanica and in part to H. 1'eineckeana ; see 375,<br />

11:215, 221).<br />

--mollii Koorders (375, II:238, synonymy and literature; Sacco XVI:9H5 as<br />

Aschersonia corifluens P. Henn. ; 456:216 ; 196:130 as Hypocrea 'variabilis<br />

Currey, in part). On Aleyrodes ou Tectona grandis, Rangoon; on Aleyrodes<br />

on Castanopsis sp., Shan States, Burma (I. H. BUIkill). See Aschersonia<br />

badia.<br />

-- oxystoma (Berk.) Petch (375, II:232 ; 57, No. 463, as Aschersonia oxystoma,<br />

Berk. ; Sacco III:620 as A. oxyspora Berk.). On [some insect on] Myrsineae.,<br />

lower part of India (Hooker f. and Thomson).<br />

--raciborskii Zimmermann (Sacco XVII:818 ; 375, II:242, synonymy and literature;<br />

67:89 as Aschersonia placenta Berk. ; Sacco ill:620; 456:216). On<br />

Aleyrocles on leaves of Citrus medica, KumaoD (Inayat); of Morus indica,<br />

Manipur.<br />

--reineckeana P. Henn. (Sacc. XIV: 654 ; 375, II:209 (misprinted" reineckiana "),<br />

synonymy and literature). On Lecanium marsupiale, South India (Barber).<br />

--5emiamplexa (Berk.) Sacco (Sacc. 11:581; 57, No. 483, as Hypocrea semiamplexa<br />

Berk.). On the spikes of Bambusa sp., Darjeeling (Hooker f.). Petch<br />

(375, 11:266) excludes this species, which he states is apparently a Balansia.<br />

Hypocreopsis carteri (Berk. & Cke) Sacco (Sacc. IX:981; 155:79 as Ilypocrea<br />

ca1·teri Berk. & Cke ; 287:1256, fig.) . . On bark, Bombay (Carter).<br />

--undulata (Berk. & Oke) Sacco (Sace. lX:981 ; 155:79 as Hypocrea undulata<br />

Berk. & Cke). On rotten wood, Nilgiris (E. Berkeley).<br />

Hypomyces chrysospermus Tul. (Sace. II:467 ; 454:394). On ?Boletus sp., Khasi<br />

Hills (E. M. Coventry).<br />

--floccosus Fr. (Sace. 11:472; 57, after No. 483, as Hypocrea floccosa Fr.). On<br />

Lactarius sp., Pomrang (Hooker f.). .<br />

Hypoxylon atropurpureum Fr. (Sacc. 1:375; 454:415) . . On decorticated wood of<br />

Tamarindu8 indica, Surat (Gleadow).<br />

--coccineum Bulliard (Sacc. 1:353; 57. after No. 483, as " H. fragiforme P.").<br />

On dead timber, Sone River (Hooker f.).<br />

- fusco-purpureum (Sehw.) Berk. & Curt. (Sacc. 1:378; 454:416). On dead<br />

culms of Bambusa Bp., BulBar, Bombay (Chibber).<br />

- hookeri Berk. in Herb. (151:129 ; Sacco n (appendix), p. XXVI, and IX:548<br />

On wood, India (Hooker f.).


[Hypoxylon] ?hypomiltum Mont. (Sacc. 1:354 ; 454:416 ; 376:156). On branches<br />

of Zizypkus jujuba and stems of Celastrus sp., Pusa (Butler).<br />

-indicum Syd. (454:416 ; Sacc. XXIV:I083). On fallen branches, Pusa (Butler).<br />

-?investiens (Schw.) Berk. (Sacc. 1:383; 454:416). On wood, Pusa (Inayat) ;<br />

on bark of Dalbergia sissoo, Pusa (McRae).<br />

-marginatum (Schw.) Berk. (Sacc. 1:371 ; 196:130; 376:151). On wood, Nakawa,<br />

Toukyeghat, Burma (Kurz).<br />

--muItiforme Fr. (Sacc. 1:363; 57, after No. 483). On Betula sp., Yangma<br />

VaHey, E. Nepal, 11,000 ft. (Hookerf.).<br />

--ochraceo-fulvum Berk. & Cke (151:133 ; Sacco II (appendix), p. XXVIlI,<br />

and 1X:554). On bark, Nirwab jungle, India.<br />

--perioratum (Schw.) Fr. (Sacc. 1:375; 57, after No. 483; 376:160). On<br />

Bambusasp., Nangki Mountains, 6,000 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

-- pistillare P. Henn. & E. Nym. (Sacc. XV1:4:46 ; 454:416). On bark, Barguai,<br />

Mysore (Butler).<br />

-rubiginosum (Pers.) Fr. (Sacc. 1:376; 454:416). On branches, Kasauli (Butler);<br />

Dehra Dun (Basu) ; on culms of Bambusa sp., Chittagong (Sen) ; on trunKS of<br />

a palm, Poona (Chibber) ; on bark of Dalbergia sissoo, Pusa (Dastur) ; on<br />

twigs of Rosa sp., Pusa (Butler).<br />

--stygium (Lev.) Sacco (Sacc. 1:379; 454:416). On bark of Ficus glo'fllerata,<br />

Pusa (Butler).<br />

--udum (Pers.) Fr. (Sacc. 1:386). Recorded by Saccardo as occurring in India;<br />

no other reference noted.<br />

--vividum Berk. & Broome (Sacc. 1:359; 454:417; 376:154 ; 467:159, fig.).<br />

On bark, Bombay (Blatter) ; Pusa and Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta<br />

(Butler) ; on decorticated wood, Chittagong (Sen) ; on bark oj Tamarindus<br />

indica, Sur3.t (Gleadow).<br />

Konrad'ia bambusina Racib. (Sacc. XVI :606 ; 403:302). On withering branches of<br />

Barnbusa sp., Chaumuhani, Noakhali, Bengal (Inayat).<br />

Kretzschmaria kurziana (Currey) Sacco (Sacc. IX:567 ; 196:129,fig., as Xylaria<br />

kurziana Currey; 150:94 and 152:3 as RhopaZQPsis kurziana (Curr.) Cke).<br />

On brick-laid soil upon which fires had been burnt, Royal Botanic Garden,<br />

Calcutta (Kurz). Lloyd (304:21) states that this may be the same as K.<br />

cetrarioides (Welw. & Curr.) Sacco ; and also states (287:939, 1033) that it is a<br />

Poronia rather than a J(retzschmaria.<br />

- micropus (Fr.) Sacco (Sacc. IX:565; 494:117 ; 5:4 ; 376:136 ; 505). On roots<br />

of Thea sinensis, Assam (Tunstall).<br />

Laboulbenia assamensis Thaxt. (462, 1:159 ; Sacco XV1:683). On Catascopus?,<br />

Assam.<br />

--coarctata Thaxt. (462.1:165 ; Sacco XVI:683). Along median depression of<br />

e1ytrae of Ondaochilus?, Bengal (Hope Coll.).

THE FUNGI Olf INDIA. 29<br />

with this species, except for some discrepancies in the description of the<br />

setae (see Stevens, 419:459).<br />

[Meliola] opiliae Syd. (445:327; Sacco XXIV:327). On leaves of Opilia amentacca,<br />

Coimbatore, Madras (Fischet). ..<br />

- palmicola Wint. (Sacc. XI:267; 241; 454:382; 28, V: 2). On leaves of<br />

Phoenix sp., Mudigere and Munsu1', 1\1yso1'e (Butler) ; of P. sylvestris, Chittagong<br />

(Sen); Burdwan (Battachariya); Godavari (Sundararaman) ; Calcutta<br />

(Bal) ; of P. humilis, Talagupha, Mysore (Kulkarni).<br />

--pterospermi Stev. (420:108, figs.). On Pterospermum sp., Burma (Blltler).<br />

- sakawensis P . Henn. (Sacc. XVII:548; 420:109). On Vitex leuGOxylon,<br />

N. Kanam. (Sedgwick).<br />

- - simillima Ell. & Ev. (Sacc. XVI: 414; 420:109). On Holan'hena antidysenterica,<br />

Dacca (Som).<br />

--stenospora Wint. (Sacc. IX: 423; 28, V:5; 419:281). On Strychnos nuxvomica,<br />

Bhubaneshwar, Orissa (Bal).<br />

--tamarind'i Syd. (Sacc. XXIV : 308). On Tamarindus indica, Mangalore<br />

(Subramaniam).<br />

--zigzag Berk. & Curt. (Sacc. I :G7; 144:96). On an unknown host, Belgaum<br />

(Hobson). An immature specimen of what seems to be this species has been<br />

collected (454:383) on Cinnnmomum sp., Wahjain, Assam (Butler).<br />

Metasphaeria albescens Thuem. (Sace. IX:843 ; 105: 35). On 0 1·YZa. saliva, Burma<br />

(Butler).<br />

·-boehmeriae (Rabenh.) Sacco (Sacc. 11:156; 387:,16 as SplLae·/ia). On stems<br />

of Boelt-meria nivea, Royal Botanic Ga.rden, Calcutta.<br />

- celastrina Syd. & Butler (454:408 ; Sacco XXIV:952). In the bark of branches<br />

of dead Ce(astrus sp., Pusa (Butler).<br />

Micropeltis applanata Mont. (Sacc. 11:669; 196:130). On leaves of Giro nniera ,<br />

South Alldaman Island (Kurz).<br />

Microsphaera alni (WaUr.) Salm. (Sace., under several synonyms). On Corylus<br />

colnrna, Mussoorie (Butler).<br />

Microthyrium annuliforme Syd. (445:488; S[tcc. XXIV:423). Ou .leaves of<br />

Cnpparis sel)iuria, Coimbatore (McRae). .<br />

- - microscopiGum Desm. (Sacc. II:662; 144:96). Host not stated, Belgaum<br />

(Hobson).<br />

Morenoella shoreae Ryan (401:10'1). On leaves of Slwrea taltl1'a, Siddapur, N.<br />

Kanara (Sedgwick).<br />

Munkiodothis melastomata (v. Hoehn.) Theiss. & Syd. (Sacc. XXIV:609). On<br />

Melastoma sp., Cherrapunji, Assam (Subramania11l).<br />

?Myiocopron gironnierae Hariot & Karst. (256:129; SacCo. IX:1053). On leaves<br />

of Gironniera sp., Andamall Islands.<br />

[ --oribiculare (Cke) Sacco (Sacc. 11:661 ; 140:118 as Micropeltis orbicularis Cke).<br />

Epiphyllous on Sytnplocos spic.ata Dinagepore [Dinltjpur ], India. AccOl'ding<br />



to v. Hoehnel (264, No. 426), this is a lichen of the genus Raciborskiella (R.<br />

orbicularis (Cke) v. Hoehn.).)<br />

Myriangium cinchonae Rehm (390:325; Sacco XXII:5cO). On the bark of Cinchona"<br />

regia," milia.<br />

--duriaei Mont. & Berk. (Sacc. 1:198 as Diat1'ype; 454:395; 375,V:65,<br />

figs.). On the hark of fallen branches, Pusa (Butler).<br />

Nectria alutacea Berk. & Cke (155:81; Sacco IX:958). On bark, Nilgiris (E.<br />

Berkeley).<br />

--bolbophylli P. Henn. (Sacc. XVII:790; 454:392, with synonymy of forms;<br />

91:25, figs. ; 111:17, fig. ; 105:35). On sterns of Cajanus indicus, Delua Dun<br />

(Butler) ; on Capsicum annuurn, Dacca (Sam) ; on the trunk of Cocos ntlcijera,<br />

Pul1iyanur, Travancore (Butler); on dead culrns and glumes of Oryza sati'ra,<br />

Cbittagong (Sen); Burma (Inayat) ; on the trunk of Piper betle, Shiggaon,<br />

Bombay (Chibber) ; on bark of P. nigrurn, Vayitri, Wynaad (Bntler) ; H assan,<br />

Mysore (Lamb). The Indian specimenf; resemble the description of the form<br />

of this species called N. coffeicola by Zimmermann, that on Oryza resembling<br />

N. coffeicola val'. och1'oleuca Zimm.<br />

- cinnabarina (Tode) Fr. (Sacc. II:479; 454:393; 492, figs.; 495 ; 497:37;<br />

504:54; 522:408, figs. as" Nectria ?ditissirna.") On branches of POp11lus<br />

ciliata, Verinag, Kashmir, and of Prunus armeniaca, Achibal, Kashmir<br />

(Butler); of Pyrus communis, Lansdowne, United Provinces; on stems of<br />

Then sinensis, Darjeeling and Cachar (Tunstall).<br />

--collabens Berk. & Cke (155:81 ; Sacco IX:958). On bark, Bombay (Carter).<br />

-diploa Berk. & Curt. (Sacc. 11:504; 375 ; 1:105). The conidial stage, Pseudomicrocem<br />

henningsii (Koord.) Petch, on A.s]Jidiotus on Citrus aurantium,<br />

Jorhat, Assam (Butler); on a scale insect on Indigofera, Bassein, Bmma.<br />

--diversispora Petch (Sacc. XXlI:456; 454:393). On fruits of Hevea brasiliensis,<br />

Mergui, BUl'ma.<br />

--eugeniae Currey (196:130; Sacco II:511). On dead leaves of Eugenia sp.,<br />

Yamah, Burma (Kurz).<br />

- heterosperma Kalchbr. & Cke (Sacr. 1I:485; 454:393). Oil dead branches,<br />

Dehra Dun (Mitra) ; Pusa (Butler). A variety of this species distinguished by<br />

somewhat smaller spores occurs on branches of Citrus aurantium, Sagaing,<br />

Burma (Butler; 454:393).<br />

- laetifulva (Berk. & Cke) Sacco (Sacc. 1X:961; 155:82 as Dialonechia<br />

laetijulva Berk. & Cke). On bark, Nilgiris (E. Berkeley).<br />

- tjibodenSis Penzig & Sacco (Sacc. XIV:636; 454:393). On the bark of<br />

Guazuma t01nentosa, Pusa (Subramaniam).<br />

- vilis (Syd.) Petch (378:191; Sacco XXIV:693 as Hypocrella vilis Syd. ; 375.<br />

1:157 as N. tuberculariae Petch). Associated with Asterolecanium sp. on<br />

stem of Bamhusa, south India.


the upper surface of leathery, red-brown leaves, India (Hobson) ; on leaves of<br />

Celastrus sp., Calcutta (Rurz).<br />

Parodiella paraguayensis Speg. (Sacc. IX:410 ; 483:130). On leaves of Crotalaria<br />

jilipes, Roondapur, S. Kanam (McRae).<br />

- perisporioides (Berk. & Curt.) Speg. (Sacc. 1:717; 454:383; 483:126; 132:117<br />

as Dothidea perispo1'ioides B. & C.). On leaves of some leguminous plant,<br />

Bombay (Hobson) ; on leaves of Medicago lupulina, Dehra Dun (Butler) ;<br />

of Desmodium 1'ufescens, Wahjain, Assam (Butler) ; of D. triJloru1n, Taliparamba,<br />

S. Kanam (McRae); of D. sp., Dehra Dun (Kar); Ranchi<br />

(Mitra); of I ndigofem trifoliata, Kistna, Madras (Barber); Bassein,<br />

Bombay (Kulkarni); of I. sp., Deolali (Vakil).<br />

--spegazzinii Theiss. & Syd. (483:131 ; included, with preceding two species,<br />

as P . grammodes (Kze) Cke in 445:327). On leaves of Orotalaria leschenaultii,<br />

Coimbatore (McRae). Immature, but apparently this species.<br />

Peroneutypella ambiens Syd. (454:414; Sacco XXIV:732). On fallen twigs,<br />

Dehra Dun (Butler). .<br />

. - indica Syd. & Butler (454:414; Sacco XXIV:730). On dead twigs of Dalbergia<br />

Si8S00, and of an unknown host, Pusa (Butler).<br />

- pusilla Syd. (454:414; Sacco XXIV :732). On dead branches of Citrus sp.,<br />

Sagaing, Burma (Butler).<br />

Phaeosaccardinula butleri (Syd.) Theiss. & Syd. (484:481; Sacco XXIV:386;<br />

454:385 as Limacinula butlel'i Syd.). On leaves of "At·tocal'pus [? Ficus]<br />

mysorensis ", Vayitri, Wynaad (Butler).<br />

- theae (Syd. & Butler) Theiss. & Syd. (484:481; Sacco XXIV : 386; 454:386<br />

as Limacinula theae Syd. & Butl. ; 111:461, fig.; 264, No. 1089, as Capnites<br />

tlteae (Syd. & Butl.) V. Hoehn.). On leaves and twigs of Thea sinensis,<br />

Rungmook, Darjeeling (Watt).<br />

Phaeosphaeria oryzae Miyake (Sacc. XXII:214). On Oryza sativa, Jorhat, Assam.<br />

Phragmocapnias betle (Syd. & Butler) Theiss. & Syd. (484:480; Sacco XXIV:385 ;<br />

454:384 as Capnodium betle Syd. & Butler). On leaves of Piper betle, Dacca<br />

(Som); Mudon, Burma (Butler).<br />

Phragmocauma viventis (Cke) Theiss. & Syd. (481:411 ; 133:16, fig., as Dothidea<br />

viventis Cke; Sacco II:601 as Phyllaclwm viventis (Cke) Sacc.). On living<br />

leaves of Leguminosae, India (Hobson).<br />

Phyllachora ajrekari Syd. (443, VIII:408; Sacco XXIV:566). On leaves and<br />

petioles of Ceropegia ?hirsuta, Mathemn, Bombay (Ajrekar).<br />

- aliena Syd. (443, VIII:407 ; Sacco XXIV:596). On leaves of Memecylon edule,<br />

Matheran (Ajrekar).<br />

- ambigua Syd. (481:537 ; Sacco XXIV:600 ; 454:411 as T mbutia ambigua Syd.).<br />

On leaves of Eugenia jambolana, Koppa, Mysore (Butler).<br />

[--annulata (Cke) Sacco (Sacc. II:610; 144:95, as Dothidea annulata Cke). On<br />

leaves of an unknown tree, Belgaum (Hobson). This imperfectly described

THE FUNGI OF iNDiA. 33<br />

species was re-examined by Theissen and Sydow (481:571), and it should<br />

be deleted.]<br />

[Phyllachora] assimiIis Syd. (481:439; Sacco XXIV:573). On leaves of Andropogon<br />

assimilis, Kumaon (Inayat) ; Dehra Dun (Butler); of A. micranthus,<br />

Maymyo, Burma (Butler). (See also P. graminis, below).<br />

--bambusae Syd. & Blitler (481:441; Sacco XXIV:576 ; 454:400 as Metachora<br />

. bambusae Syd. & Butler). On living leaves of Bambusa, Kanouth, Malabar<br />

(Butler).<br />

-bauhiniae (Wint.) Theiss. & Syd. (481:491; 523:27 as Tmbutia bauhiniae<br />

(Wint.) ; Sacco IX:601). On leaves of Bauhinia vahlii, Royal Botanic Garden,<br />

Calcutta (Kurz) ; Kirkee, Bombay (Chibber). This fungus was identified<br />

doubtfully as P. tenuis (Berk.) Sacco in 454:398. Theissen (480:183) stated<br />

that Kurz's collection includes both this fungus and Pseudothis bauhiniae<br />

(v. Hoehn.) Theiss., and Petrak & Sydow (384:305) found Lasmeniella<br />

globulifera also. .<br />

--bischofiae Syd. (454:396; Sacco XXIV:571). On leaves of Bischofia<br />

j'avanica, Panora, Wynaad (McRae).<br />

- '- catervaria (Berk.) Sacco (Sacc. 11:598; 481:469; 454:396 as P. topographica<br />

Sacc.). On leaves of Ficus hispida, Chittagong (Sen); on F. sp., Wynaad<br />

(Butler); Comilla (Inayat).<br />

--centothecae Syd. (443, XIII:39 ; Sacco XXIV:577). On leaves of Oenthotheca<br />

lappaeea, Moulmein, Burma. (See also P. graminis, below).<br />

--chionachnes Syd. (443, 1:164; Sacco XVI1:839). On leaves of Ohionachne<br />

barbata, Punjab (Hooker f. & Thomson).<br />

- coicis P. Henn. (Sacc.XI:373; 454:399; 111:243, fig.). On leaves of Ooix<br />

lachryrna-jobi, Wynaad, Madras (Butler).<br />

- cynodont'is (Sacc.) Niessl (Sacc. II:602; 454:399; 445:328). On leaves of<br />

Oynodon dactylon ; common in many parts of India.<br />

--cyperi Rehm var. dona cis Berl. & F. Sacco (Sacc. IX:1029; 454:399). On<br />

leaves of Antndo sp., Wahjain, Assam (Butler); of Andropogon mUr1'lJatu8,<br />

Pusa (In:ayat) ; of bnperata arundinacea, Khasi Hills (Butler).<br />

--dalbergiae Niessl (356:99; Sacco II:594; 454:397). On leaves of Dalbergia<br />

sp., Calcutta (Kurz) ; of D. sissoo, Pusa (Butler) ; of D. lctnceolata, Bassein,<br />

Burma and of D. sp., Bilin, Burma (Butler). The form on D. sp. from Burma<br />

has shorter spores (15-18{L) than that on D. sissoo (19-22{L), bllt is otherwise<br />

identical.<br />

--desmodii P. Henn. (Sacc. XIV:664; 454:397). On leaves of Desmodium sp.,<br />

Harwan, Kashmir, and Mussooric (Butler).<br />

--dolichospora Syd. (454:396; Sacco XXIV:598). On leaves of Tinospora<br />

cordi folia, Solebile, Mysorc (Butler).<br />

--erebia Syd. (454:396; Sacco XXIV:590). On leaves of Oaragana sp., Harwan,<br />

Kashmir (Butler).


[Sphaerotheca] pannosa (WaIlr.) Lev. (Sacc. 1:3; 148:95). On Rosa sp. cult.,<br />

Belgaum (Hobson); Srinagar, Achibal, and Harwan in Kashmir, Ranikhet<br />

and Dehra Dun (Butler); Simla (Coventry); Nagpur (Fandit); Lonavla,<br />

Bombay (K"rtikar). On P'I'U'nUS amygilalus, Harwan, Kashmir (Butler);<br />

on P. persica, Darjeeling (McRae); Harwan, Verinag, and Srinagar in<br />

Kashmir (Butler).<br />

Sphaleromyces indicus Tl1axt. (462, IV:4J; Sacco XV1:692). On Pirwphilus<br />

sp., near" P. nifipcnnis ", Malabar.<br />

Starbaeckiella mangiierae Syd. (4.47:37; 454:405 as RoseLlinia ma'nfJiferuc Syd. ;<br />

Sacco XXIV:826). On bark of Mangifera inilica, Chittagong (Sen).<br />

Stomiopeltls aspersa (Berk) Theiss. (477:86 ; 484:432; 470 :219 as Calothyrittm<br />

aspersum (Berk.) Theiss.; 264, No. 517, as Microthyrium aspersum (Berk.)<br />

V. Hoehn.; 57, No. 476, as Asterina aspersa Berk ; Sacco 1:45). On leaves of<br />

Laurus sp., Khasi Hills (Hooker f.).<br />

Tett.igomyces indicus Thaxt. (465:24; Sacco XXIV:86). On bristles of Gryllotalpa<br />

sp., North India (Scudder Collection).<br />

Thielavia bas1cola Zopf (Sacc. 1:39; 454:379, conidial stage only). On roots of<br />

Viola odorata, Lahore. McCormick (48th Ann. Rept. Conn. Agri. Exper.<br />

Stat., pp. 539-554, 1925] states that the conidial "stage" is a distinct<br />

fungus, Thielaviopsis basicola (Berk) Ferraris.<br />

i'hyridarla tarda Bancroft (Sacc. XXIV:770; 493:15, fig.; 494:118; 506:68).<br />

On roots of Thea sinensis, Doom DooJ:llil, district and Surma Valley, Assam<br />

(Tunstall). Tunstall (506) reports obtaining immature pycnidia typical of<br />

Botryodiplodia theobromae (q. v.) from cultures from ascospores of T. tarda.<br />

Titanella ilicina (Syd. & Butler) Syd. (447:36; Sacco XXIV:1047; 454:411 as<br />

Pleomassaria ilicina Syd. & Butler). On the bark of 1lex (probably 1. dipyrena),<br />

Ranikhet, Kumaon (Inayat).<br />

Trabutia butleri Theiss. & Syd. (481:354; Sacco XXIV:557). On leaves of<br />

Ficus sp., Wahjain, Assam (Som). This fungus was identified as Phyllachora<br />

abyssinica P. Henn. in 454:396. Petrak (383:386) has transferred<br />

Trabutia butleri to Phyllachora as P. butleri (Theiss. & Syd.) Petrak.<br />

--1 cayennensis (DO.) Sacco (Sacc. 1:449; 57, after No. 485, as Sphacria cayennensis<br />

Fr.). On leaves of Ficus roxburghii, Sikkim (Hooker f.).<br />

-ficuum (Niessl) Theiss. & Syd. (481:352; 356:99 as PhyUacJwra ficuum Niessl<br />

(pro parte); Sacco II:598). On leaves of Ficus infect.oria, Royal Botanic<br />

Garden, Calcutta (Kurz). Petrak (383:386) considers that this species should<br />

reJ:llil,in in Phyllachora.<br />

Trichosphaeria macularis Syd. & Butler (454:402; Sacco XXIV:809). On living<br />

leaves of an undetermined host, Pulliyanur, Travancore (Butler).<br />

Trichothyiella quercigena (Berk.) Theiss. (475:12; 468:180 as Trichothyrium<br />

quercigenum (Berk) Theiss.; 159:67 as Asterina quercigena (Berk) Cke<br />

(DothU1ea quercigena Berk. in Herb.); Sacco IX:376 as Asterula quercigena


(Berk.) Sacc.). On leaves of Quercus (1or Pasania), Sikkim, " auf dem Stroma.<br />

von Lasiobotrys ?elegans (Syd.) Theiss."(475:13).<br />

Uncinula necator (Schwein.) Burr. (89:48; 86; 1:9; 2:41; 3:33; Sacco I:22<br />

as Erysiphe). Conidial stage on Vitis vinifera, Srinagar, Kashmir (Butler) ;<br />

Nasik and Poona (Kulkarni); Deolali (Vaz); Poona (Keatinge).<br />

--polychaeta (Berk. & Curt.) ex Ellis (Sacc. lX:367). On Celtis austmlis<br />

(C. caucasica), Harwan, KashInir (Butler).<br />

-salicis (DC.) Wint. (404:87; 140:117 as Erysiphe martii, in error; Sacco 1:7<br />

as U. adunca). On leaves of Populus ciliata, Simla (Gamble); on Salix<br />

sp., Mussoorie (Kar).<br />

--tcctonae Salmon (4.06:479; Sacco XXII:22). On leaves of Tectona<br />

grandis, Jubbulpur (Forest Officer); Dohad, Bombay (Chibber); Burma<br />

(Hole); Nagpur (Pandit); on Cordia macleodii, Jubbulpur (Forest Officer).<br />

Ustfiaginoidea virens (Cke) Takahashi (Sacc. XIV:431; 262:25; 191:96, figs.;<br />

105:30, figs.; 111:228, figs.; 452:425; 392:1; 393; 141:15 as Ustilago<br />

virens Cke; 319, II:167 as Sphacelia oryzae Massee). In the inflorescence<br />

of Oryza sativa, Tinncvelli (Western); Assam (Watt); Samalkota, Madras<br />

(Barber); and throughout India.<br />

Ustulina tessulata (Berk.) Cke (152:3, Hypoxylon tessulatum Berk. in Herb. ;<br />

Sacco IX:542). On wood, Bombay.<br />

- vulgaris Tu!. (Sacc. 1:351; 263:339 as U. maxima (Hall.) SchroLt.). On dead '<br />

trunks, Botanic Garden, Saharanpur (GoUan).<br />

----zonata (Lev.) Sacco (Sacc. 1:352 ; 493:11, figs.; 494:116; 393; 394:5; 505;<br />

23; 111:348, figs.). On Thea sin€'flsis, Assam (Butler); Darjeeling and<br />

elsewhere in N. E. India (Tunstall); on Hevea brasiliensis, Burma (Rhind);<br />

south India (Ashplant).<br />

Valsa ceratophora Tn!. var. rosarum de Not. (Sacc. 1:109). On Rosa sp., Pusa<br />

(Butler).<br />

--(Euvalsa) corchori Syd. & Butler (454:412; Sacco XXIV:20). On stelllB of<br />

Cmchorus sp., Poona (Chibber).<br />

--nepalensis (Berk.) Sacco (Sacc. 1:125; 57, No. 487, as Sph(l(ria 11epalensis<br />

Berk.). On dead twigs of Betula sp., East Nepal, 9,000 ft. (Hooker £.).<br />

Vizella cOl1ferta (Cke) Sacco (Sacc. II:662; 140:118 as Micropeltis conferta Cke;<br />

476:14; 264, No. 1007). Epiphyllous on Symplocos spicata, Dinagepore<br />

(Dinajpur]. Stated by Theissen (4'16) to belong to the Sphaeriaceae, but<br />

regarded by von Hoehnel (264) as a true subcuticular Hypodermiae, and<br />

recently discussed in detail by Petrak & Sydow (385:102).<br />

W'interia profusa (Syd. & Butler) Sacco (Sacc. XXIV:970; 454:404 as Rehmiomyces<br />

profusus Syd. & Butler). On dead twigs of Ca.ianus indicus, Dehra<br />

Dun (Basu).<br />

Xylaria aemulans Starb. (Sacc. XVII:630; 78:256; £87:1030, fig. , 1069). " Very<br />

common at :Barkuda [Chilka Lake] on prostrate logs" (Bose, 78).

THE FUNGI OF iNDIA. 41<br />

[Xylaria] allantoidea Berk. (Sacc. 1:314; 454:417; 472:1301; 376:121; 263:340<br />

as 1Xylaria obtusissima Berk.). On old wood, Wahjain, Assam (Basu);<br />

on dead trunks, Botanic Garden, Saharanpur (Gollan).<br />

-aristata Mont. (Sacc. 1:333; 144:96). Recorded by Cooke from Belgaum<br />

(Hobson).<br />

-aspera Massee (Sacc. XVI:444; 454:417). On old wood, :rusa (Inayat);<br />

Godavari (Barber); on trunks, Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta (Butler);<br />

on wood of Dalbergia sissoo, Pusa and Dehra Dun (Butler). Lloyd (305:14-)<br />

states that this species is probably the same as X. rnelisii Berk.<br />

-assamensis Lloyd (287:1294, fig.). Assam (Hole).<br />

-dealbata Berk. & Curt. (Sacc. 1:323; 467:159 as X. dealbata B. & Br.). On<br />

wood, Khandala, Bombay (Blatter). Lloyd (305:8) states that Theissen<br />

(466:65) is in error in referring this species to X. obovata Berk.<br />

--delitschii Auersw. (Sacc. I:336; ' 263:340). On the ground, apparently on<br />

rotten fruits, Botanic Garden, Saharanpur (Golian). Theissen (472:1302)<br />

states: "It is very doubtful whether the identification of this species, which<br />

is only known from Germany, is correct."<br />

-deserticola Speg. (Sacc. XVIII:629; 454:417). On old roots of Ficus sp.,<br />

Fraserpet, Coorg (Butler); on old wood on the ground, Pusa (Butler).<br />

Theissen (see 454:418) considered this species to be only a form of X. cornudamar;<br />

(Schw.) Berk.<br />

--digitata (L.) Grev. (Sacc. 1:339; 196:129; 263:341; 376:119). Arnigadh,<br />

Mussoorie (GolIan); on moist logs, Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta<br />

(Kurz). Lloyd (288, No. 62:6) considered this name a synonym of X.<br />

wrnu-damac (Schw.) Berk.<br />

--emerici Berk. in Herb. (150:86; Sacco I, Addenda:XIX, and IX:528). Wn<br />

the ground, Nilgiris (Berkeley f.). Lloyd considers that this species, known<br />

only from the one collection, is probably thc same as X. titan Berk.<br />

-euglossa Fr. (Sacc. 1:324; 454:418; 472:1302; 466:59). On dead wood of<br />

Tamarindus indica, Surat District, Bombay (Gleadow); on wood, Royal<br />

Botanic Garden, Calcutta (Butler); as X. turgida Fr. from the Nicobar<br />

Islands (472).<br />

[-fimhriata Lloyd (287:726, :figs., 1069). India (Bose). Lloyd stated later<br />

(287:1254) that the specimen is conidial only and should not have been<br />

named.]<br />

[-furcellata Berk. in Herb. (150:88; Sacco I, Addenda: XXI, and IX:537),<br />

Nilgiris. Theissen (472:1301) remarks "This species cannot be maintained,<br />

because quite undeveloped ", and Lloyd (287:1254, 727, fig.) also excludes<br />

it.)<br />

--gomphus Fr. (Sacc. 1:316; 263:340). In an underground cellar, Botanic<br />

Garden, Saharanpur (Gollan). Theissen (466: 63; 472:1301) follows Bresadola<br />

(Ann. Myc., V:241, 1907) in considering this species identical with X.


[Cintractia] cryptica Cke &, Massee (171:34; Sacco IX:285). In ovaries of Pollinia<br />

argentea, Munepore (C. B. Clarke). Ciferri (121:33) transfers this species<br />

doubtfully to Ustilago as U. (1) cryptica (Cke & Massee) Ciferri.<br />

- peribebuyensis Speg. (Sacc. VII:458; 452:427). In the peduncles of Gyperus<br />

sp., Bilikere, Mysore (Butler); Mozufferpore (Butler); Cocanada (Sundararaman);<br />

Chittagong (Sen); Samalkota (Shaw); Godavari (Subramaniam) ;<br />

Nagpur (Pandit); Bombay (Saxton).<br />

--pulverulent a Cke & Massee (171:34; Sacco IX:2S5). In ovaries of Erianthus<br />

sp., Nungklo, Khasi Hills (C. B. Clar-ke); of Saccharum arundinaceum,<br />

Coimbatore, Madras. Cifcrri (121:33) transfers this species doubtfully to<br />

Ustilago as U. (?) pulverulenta (Cke & Massee) Cifeni.<br />

Doassansia alismatis (Nees) Cornu (Sacc. VII:503; 455:255). In the leaves of<br />

Alisma plantago, Achibal, Kashmir (Butler).<br />

-martianoffiana (Thuem.) Schroet. (Sacc. VII:504; 455:255). In the leaves of<br />

Potamogeton sp., Wular Lake, Kashmir (Butler).<br />

--nymphaeae Syd. (443, VIII:406; Sacco XXIII:630). In the petioles· of<br />

Nymphaea stellata, Bassein, Bombay (Chibber).<br />

Entyloma eugeniarum Cke & Massee (Sacc. XI:233). On E'ugenia ?tetragona,<br />

Maymyo (Butler).<br />

--fumariae Schroet, (Sacc. VII:494). On Fuma1·ia parvijlom, Pusa (Butler).<br />

--nymphaeae (Cunningham) Setch. (407:189; 188:32, figs" as Rhamphospora<br />

nymphaeae Cunn. ; Sacco IX:287). In the leaves of Nymphac(£ stellata and<br />

N. lotus (N. 1'Ubra), Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta (Cunningham); on N.<br />

sp., Chaumuhani and Begumganj, Noakhali District (Butler).<br />

- obesum Syd. (443, Vl:145; Sacco XXIII: 625). In the leaves of And1'opogon<br />

annulatus, Nagpur (Pandit); Dehra Dun, Hoshangabad, and Dohad Farm<br />

in Bombay (Butler). Zundel (526:157) transferred this to Tolyposporella.<br />

--oryzae Syd. (Sacc, XXIII:625; 105:35 as Entyloma sp.). In the leaves of<br />

Oryza sativa, Lower Burma and Pusa (Butler); Bassein, Burma (Inayat) ;<br />

Alibag, Poona (R. K. Bhide),<br />

-physalidis (Kalchbr. & Cke) Wint. (Sacc. VII:494; 452:427). In the leaves<br />

of Physalis minima val'. indica, Dehra Dun (Butler) .<br />

. --ranunculi (Bonord.) Schroet. (Sacc. VII:488). In the leaves of Ranunculns<br />

sp., Ranikhet, Kumaon (Butler).<br />

--speciosum Schroet. & P. Henn. (Sacc. XIV:424). In the leaves of Panicum<br />

sp., Bangalore (Butler).<br />

Farysia butleri Syd. (447:42; Sacco XXIII:631; 452:424 as Ustilago butleri<br />

Syd.). In the inflorescence of Seleria elata, Thurya, Chcrrapunji, and Syndai,<br />

Assam (Butler). The systematic position of the genus Fa-ryst'a is uncertain<br />

(see Fischer, 233:196).<br />

-- emodensis (Berk.) Syd. (447:42; Sacco XXm:631; 57, No. 354, as<br />

Ustilago emodensis Berk.; 445:486; 369:223). Destroying the inflorescence


[Aooidium] rhytismoideum Berk. (Sacc. VII:807; Syd. IV:145; 452:441). On<br />

leaves of Diospyros tomentosa, Yelwal, Mysore (Butler); South India<br />

(Barber) ; Tinnevelli Hills (Ramaswami).<br />

--scutellariae Syd. (453:504; Sacco XXI:772; Syd. IV:1l4). On leaves of<br />

ScuteUaria angulosa and S. repens, Kumaon (Inayat).<br />

-soIani Mont. (Syd. IV:I09; 142:61). On leaves of Solanum sp., Sutlej Valley<br />

(Gamble). Saccardo (Syll. VU:674) includes this Aecidium with Puccinia<br />

pkysalidis Peck, but Arthur (20:562) treats P. physalidis as a sh()rt cycle.<br />

rust.<br />

--spissum Syd. (455:273; Sacco XXIII:910; Syd. IV:202). On leaves of Zanthoxylum<br />

sp., Maymyo (Butler). Sydow (l.c.) remarks that the fungus suggests<br />

a Oacoma, but seems to be an Aecidium with feebly developed peridium.<br />

-stranvaesiae Syd. (453:505; Sacco XXI:758; Syd. IV:226). On leaves of<br />

Stranvaesia glaucescens, Kumaon (Inayat).<br />

-tweedianum Speg. (Sacc. VII :817 ; Syd. IV:95; 455 :272). On leaves of<br />

Dicliptera sp., Mussoorie (Hafiz Khan) ; Kasauli (Butler).<br />

--urceolatum Cke (142:61; Sacco VII:775; Syd. IV:260). On leaves and stems<br />

of Thalictrum sp., Kanawar, 8000 ft. (Gamble). Sydow (1.c.) considers this<br />

near the aecidial stage of Puccinia persis tens Plowr. Barclay (35, 1:362,<br />

figs.) described as 4. (?) thalictri-flavi DC. on Thalictrumjavanicum, Simla, a<br />

species which is probably also A. urceolatum. He also mentions (35. I:<br />

363, figs.) an Aecidium on Thalictrum minus found at Urni (about 126 miles<br />

from Simla on the Tibet road), which he thought might be quite possibly the<br />

same, although the effect on the host was more marked, and the spores<br />

somewhat smaller.<br />

-vangueriae eke (Sacc. VII :795; Syd. IV:89; 455 :273). On leaves of Vangueria<br />

sp., Pedang, Darjeeling (Burkill).<br />

-withaniae Thuem. (Sacc. VII:811; Syd. IV:llO; 455:270 as A. dietelianum<br />

P. Henn.). On leaves of Withania coagulans, Nitr Sutlej Valley, Punjab<br />

(Watt).<br />

Blastospora butleri Syd. (455:266, figs.; Sacco XXIII:665; Syd.III:164).<br />

On leaves of Jasminum malabaricum, Matheran, Bombay (Ajrekar). Ajrekar<br />

(11) states that this fungus is a Uromyces, but the examination of his<br />

material indicates that there are two rusts on J. malabaricum at Matheran,<br />

and that the form studied by him was not B. butleri, but possibly Uromyces<br />

hobsoni Vize.<br />

--hygrophilae Syd. & Butler (455:265; Sacco XXIII:665; Syd. III:164,<br />

fig.). On leaves of Hygrophila salicifolia, Chittagong (R. Sen).<br />

Cerotelium alienum (Syd. & Butler) .Arth. (20:698; Syd. III:322 as Kuehneola<br />

aliena Syd. & Butler; Sacco xxm :789; 455 :267 as Ohrysomyxa aliena<br />

Syd. & Butler; 108:79; 369: 248 as Uredo spondiadis Petch; 21:510 as


Cerotelium spondiadis (Petch) Arth.). On leaves of Spondias mangifera,<br />

Chitta-gong (Sen).<br />

[Cerotelium] desniium (Berk. &Broome) Arth. (20 : 698 ; 111 :363, fig., as K uehneola<br />

desmium (B. & Br.) Butler; 21 : 510 a.s Cerotelium gossypii (Lagerh.) Arth. ;<br />

Syd. III:318, fig., aB Kuelmeola gossypii Arth. ; 453:508 308 U1'OOO gossypii<br />

Lagerh.; Sacco XI:224). On leaves of Gossypium 8p. cult., PU8a (Butler);<br />

Poona (Gammie); Dacca (Som); Assam (Taslim); Madras (Subramaniam).<br />

-fici (Cast.) Arth. (21 :509; 108:76, fig. , as ](uehneola jici (Cast.) Butler; Sacc.<br />

XXIII:790; Syd. 111:323; 453:508 and 455:271 as U1'edo fici Cast.; 133:14,<br />

fig'3., as Trichobasis hobsoni Vize; Sacco IX:334 as UrOOo lwbsoni (Vize)<br />

Sacc.). On leaves of Ficus sp., India (Hobson; see Syd. IV:592, and Marchalia<br />

ustulata supra); of F. glomemta, Pusa (Butler); uredo only on leaves<br />

of F. palmata, F. carica, F. religiasa, and F. sp., in many localities in India<br />

and Burm3. (See Aecidium 'mori above.)<br />

- lanneae (v. Hoehn.) Arth.* (21 :510; Sacco XXIIII:789 as Kuehneola butleri<br />

Syd.; Syd. III :322; lOS :79; 455 :267 as Ohrysomyxa butleri Syd.; 224 :57<br />

as Oerotelium butleri (Syd.) Diet.). On leaves of Odina wodier (syn. Lannea<br />

grandis),' Noakhali (Butler).<br />

--peregrina (Syd. & Butler) Arth. (21:510; Sacco XXI1I:790 as Kuelmeola<br />

peregrina (Syd. & Butler) Syd.; Syd. III:322; 455:267 as Chrysomyxa peregrina<br />

Syd. & Butler; 108:79). On leaves of Cle1'odenaron sp., Wahjain,<br />

Assam (Butler).<br />

- vitis (Butler) Arth. (21:509; Sacco XXIU:790 as Kuehneola vitis (Butl.) Syd.;<br />

Syd. 111:321; 104:158, fig., as Chrysomyxa vitis Butl.; 108:79). On leaves<br />

of Vitis latifolia, Dacca (Som); Rangpur (MitI:a); of V. adnata, Comilla (Inayat).<br />

Clmoopsora butleri Diet. & Syd. (220 :4.23, fig.; Sacco XXI :600 ; Syd. III :398,<br />

fig.; 452: 4-39). On leaves of Adludoda vasica, Debra Dun and Kumaon<br />

(Butler).<br />

-sancti-johannis (Barclay) Diet. (220:421 ; Sacco XXI: 600; Syd. 111:397; 452:<br />

439; 35, ill:84 as Melampsora sandi-jahannis Barclay). On leaves of Hypericum<br />

cernuum, Simla (Barclay) ; Mussoorie (Butler); Darjeeling (McRae) ;<br />

Jaunsar (Hole); Kumaon (Inayat); of H. patuhtm, MUBBoorie (Butler; GoIlan);<br />

of II. elodea ides, Assam (Butler); of H. sp., Kumaon (Inayat).<br />

Chrysomyxa deformans (Diet). Jaczew. (269 ; 211 :266, figs., as Barclayella<br />

deformans Diet.; Sacco IX:316; Syd. III: 522; 89:48; 90, fig.; 39, figs.;<br />

35, III:I04 as Aecidium tlwmsani Berk.; 137:91, in part, and 140:117, in<br />

part, as Peri(lermium acicolum Link). On leaves of Picea 1Itorinda (Abies<br />

smithiana); Himalayas near Simla (Barclay; Ga.mble); Dalhousie, 7000-<br />

* Arthur's genus Oerolelium is accepted by Sydow (see 458:422) for C. alienum, O. fici, and<br />

O. g08iypii a.bove, but it is not certain whether the remlining species mentioned aro best placed in<br />

this genus or ret&ined in Kuehneola.


• ?[ Melampsora] rostrupii G. Wagner (Syd. III:343 ; 43 :223 as M. ?arcidioiiks (DC.)<br />

Schroet. ; Sacco VII:590). On leaves of POTlUlus alba, near Simla (Lace).<br />

Barclay noted that no paraphyses occurred in the medo stage, the only<br />

stage found. This rust must remain uncertain until the aecidial stage is<br />

discovered in India.<br />

- salicis-albae Kleb. (Syd. III :372 ; Sacco XVII :266 as M. alii-salicis-albae<br />

Kleb.; 452 :438). On leaves of Salix alba, Suket, Himalaya (Burkil1).<br />

--yoshinagai P. Henn. (Sacc. XVII:264; Syd. 111:391; 455:269). On leaves<br />

of Wikstrocrnia canescens, MUSBoorie (Butler) ; Verinag, Kashmir (Butler),<br />

Monosporidium andrachnis Barclay (35, 1:371, figs.; Sacco IX:297; Syd. IV:<br />

365; 455 :274). On leaves of Andrachne cordifolia, Simla (Barclay) ; Kasauli<br />

(Butler); Mussoorie (Kar).<br />

- .-euphorbiae Barclay (35, 1:367, figs.; Sa,;c. IX :297 ; Syd. IV:364). On leaves<br />

of Euphorbia pilosa (E. cognata), Simla (Barclay).<br />

Peridermium brevius (Barclay) Sacco (Sace. IX:327; Syd. IV:12; 35, lII:102,<br />

figs., as Aecidiurn brevius Barclay ; 89:48; 90, fig.; 452:442; 140:117, pro<br />

parte, as P. orientale Cke; 254). On needles of Pinus excelsa, Simla (Bar,<br />

clay) ; J aUU&'lI (Oliver); MUSBoorie (Butler).<br />

- cedri (Barclay) Saec. (Sacc. IX :327; Syd. IV:2; 32:223, figs., as Aecidiurn<br />

cedri Barclay; 35, III:I04; 90; 111:87, fig.; 452:4:4:2; 491 ; 254). On<br />

leaves of Oedrus libani var. deodara, near Simla. (Barclay); cOnllnon in the<br />

Himalayas (Troup; Hafiz Khan).<br />

- ephedrae eke (137:95; Sacco VII:835; Syd. IV:3; 89:48; 90t fig.; 452:44-2;<br />

254). On young shoots and lea.ves of Ephedra vulgaris, J aunsar (Hole).<br />

--himalayense Bagchee (26:19, figs.; 35, III:101, as Aecidium cornplanaturn<br />

Barcl. val'. corticola Barcl.; Syd. IV :12; 90 : (22) as P. complanatum<br />

Barel. var. cort/(ola; 118; 27). On branches of Pinus longifolia, Simla<br />

(Barclay) ; Garhwal (Osmaston); Naini Tal (Carr); Ranikhet (Butler);<br />

Almora (Champion); Ranikhet, Naini Tal, Pauri, Garhwal, Chakrata, and<br />

Simla (Bagchee). The Cronartiurn stage has recently been reported by<br />

Bagchee (27) on Swel'tia alala, S. angtlstifolia, and S. cordata, and we find<br />

the uredo stage of this Oronartium on these hosts to be identical with the<br />

type of Uredo opheliae Sycl. (440:21; Syd. IV:434) on S. angustifolia, India. ·<br />

--indfcum Colley & Taylor (127: 329, fig.; 254 :4.39; 26 :17). On twigs and<br />

branches of Pinus excelsa, Kulu (Troup). See Oronartium ribicola, above.<br />

- orientale eke (137:91; Sacco VII:836; Syd. IV:11; 140:117 ; 211:263;<br />

489:317; 26; 35,111:101, figs., as Accidiurncomplanaturn Barclay; Saco.<br />

IX:327, a'l P. c01n1)lanaturn Barclay; 90, fig.; 452:442; 253; 118,. On needles<br />

of Pinus longi/olia, Simla (Barelay; Gamble; Wroughton); Musgoorie<br />

(Butler; Inayat); Kangra and· Kasauli (Burkill); Almora, Dehra Dun,<br />

and elsewhere (Bagchce). Cooke included the Peridermium on Pinus excelsa<br />

needles (Perid. brevius, see above) with this species, but as pointed out<br />

F<br />



[Puccinia] agrostidis Plowr. (Sacc. XI:202 ; Syd. 1:717; 43:226). On leaves of<br />

Aquilegia vulgaris, near Simla, 10,000 ft. (Lace).<br />

-1andropogonis Schw. (Sacc. VII:664; Syd. 1:720; 35. II:246, fig., as p.<br />

andropogi Sc)lw.). On leaves of Andropogon tristis, Simla (Barclay). This<br />

rust is not otherwise recorded outside of North America, and the host is<br />

not mentioned for any Puccinia in Volume I of Sydow. Barclay himself<br />

had some doubt as to the name of the rust.<br />

--anomala Rostrup (Sacc. XVII:377 as P. simplex (Koern. )Erikss. & Renn. ;<br />

Syd. 1:756; 111:186, fig.). Rarely seen in India on Hordeum vulgare.<br />

- anthistiriae Barclay (35. 11:246, fig.; Sacco IX : 304 ; Syd. 1 :726, fig. ;<br />

455:261). On leaves, culms, and glumes of Anthistiria anathera, Simla<br />

(Barclay) ; R arwan, Kashmir (Butler).<br />

- apii Desm. (Sacc. XVII:339 ; Syd. 1:359; 43:21;5, fig., as P. ?castagnei Thuem.).<br />

On leaves and petioles of Apium graveolens, Simla (Barclay).<br />

- apludae Syd. (452:436; Sacco XXI:707). On leaves of Apluda mutica (A.<br />

aristata), Dehra Dun (Butler).<br />

- arenariae (Schum.) Wint. (Sacc. VII:683; Syd. 1:553; 43:219, fig., as P. caudata<br />

Barclay). On leaves of Stellaria paniculata, Narkanda, near Simla (Watt).<br />

- aristidicola P. Renn. (Sacc. XIV:355 ; Syd. 1:728; 453:499). On leaves of<br />

Aristida depressa, Orai, United Provinces (Inayat).<br />

- artemisiella Syd. (Syd. 1:14; Sacco XVII:279; 455:256). On leaves of<br />

Artemisia vulgaris, Rarwan, Kashmir (Butler) ; Mussoorie (Kar).<br />

- arthraxonis (P. R enn.) Syd. & Butler (453:499; Sacco XXI:707; 455:261).<br />

On leaves of Arthraxon lanceolat'ltS, Dehra Dun, Kumaon, and Kasauli<br />

(Butler); of A. sp., Mussoorie (Kar).<br />

- arundi'nel1ae Barclay (35, II:245, fig. ; Sacco IX:303; Syd. 1:732, fig.; 453:<br />

498; 455:261). On leaves of Arundinella setosa, Simla (Barclay); of A .<br />

wallichii, Simla (Barclay); Wahjain, Assam (Butler); of A. brasiliensis,<br />

Dehra Dun (Butler); of A. sp., Maymyo (Butler); Kumaon (Inayat).<br />

--barbeyi (Roum.) P. Magn. (Sacc. XVI:305 ; Syo. i:618; 452:433). On stems<br />

of Asphodelus fistulosus, Lyallpur (Butler).<br />

- belamcandae (P. Renn.) Diet. (219:305; Sacco XXI:672; 453:508 as U1·edO<br />

belamcandae P. Renn.). On leaves of Belamcanda punctata (B. chinensis),<br />

Kumaon (Inayat). Saccardo (XXI:804) lists "Uredo pulcllra Syd." on<br />

"Gladiolus spec., Kumaon," etc. This mistake (the description being of<br />

U. belamcanduL) is discussed by Sydow (IV:511).<br />

- bupleuri-falcati (DC.) Wint. (Sacc. XVn:393; Syd. · I:364; 35, III:98 as<br />

Uredo bupleuri Barclay). On leaves of Bupleurumfalcatum, Simla (Barclay) ;<br />

of B. lanceolatum, Raiengarh, Punjab (Gamble).<br />

- burmanica Syd. & Butler (455:261 ; Sacco XXIII: 7 46). On leaves of Anthistiria<br />

imberbis (Themeda triandra), Maymyo (Butler).


[Puccinia] butleri Syd. (452:431 ; Sacco XX1:651; 116:15; 111:90, fig.; 192:102).<br />

On leaves and stalks of Launaea asplenifolia, Bengal, Bihar, Central India,<br />

Rajputana, and United Provinces (Prain); Pusa, Cawnpore, and Burma<br />

(Butler). .<br />

--()acao McAlp. (Sacc. XXI:697). On leaves of Rottboellia compressa, Pusa<br />

(Butler); Ranchi (Mitra).<br />

--()alospermae Syd. & Butler (452:432; Sacco XXI:670). On leaves, petioles,<br />

sterns, and flowers of Deeringia celosioides, Dehra Dun (Butler) ; Dacca (Som).<br />

- carie is (Schum.) Rebent. (Sacc. VII:626; Syd. 1:648; 453:497; 35, 11:244;<br />

34:29, figs., as Aecidium urticae Schum. var. himalayense Barclay and P.<br />

urticae Barclay; 35, 1:368). Aecidia on leaves and sterns of Urtica parviflora,<br />

Simla (Barclay); Kumaon and Mussoorie (Butler); teleuto stage on Oarex<br />

setigera, Simla (Barclay).<br />

--carieis-asteris Arth. (Sacc. XVII:371; Syd. 1:665). On Aster asperulus,<br />

Mussoorie (Gamble).<br />

-caricis-filicinae Barclay (35, 11:250, figs.; Sacco 1X:303; Syd. 1:678, fig.).<br />

On leaves and sheaths of Oarex filicina, Simla (Barclay).<br />

- earthami (Hutzelm.) Corda (Sacc. VII:646; Syd. 1:35; 452:431 ; 455:256).<br />

On leaves of Carthamus oxyacantha, Kangra, Punjab; of C. tinctorius, Pusa<br />

(Butler) ; Punjab (Cheema).<br />

- centaureae Mart. (Sacc. XVI1:286; Syd. 1:39; 455:257). On leaves of<br />

Centaurea calcitrapa, Harwan, Kashmir (Butler); Peshawar (Shaw).<br />

- cephalandrae-indicae Syd. (452:433 ; Sacco XXI:618). On leaves of Coccinia<br />

(Cephalandra) indiCa, Pusa and Nadiad, Bombay (Butler).<br />

--chaerophyHi PlITt. (Sacc. XVI:281; Syd. 1:367). On Anthriscus nemorosa,<br />

Punjab (Gamble).<br />

- chrysanthemi Roze (Sacc. XVI:296; Syd. 1:46; 452:431). On leaves of<br />

Chrysanthemum indicum, The Droog, Nilgiris (Butler).<br />

--chrysopogi Barclay (35, 11:247, figs.; Sacco IX:304; Syd. 1:746; 453:497;<br />

35, 1:363, figs., as A(cidium jasmini Barclay; 455:273; 48:241, figs., as p .<br />

jasmini-chrysopogonis Barclay; 319, 1:116 as " Aecidium clematidis DC.").<br />

A(.cidia on leaves of Jasminum humile, Simla (Barclay) ; Kumaon (Inayat) ;<br />

J aunsar, 9,000 ft. (Rogers); of J. sp., Harwan, Kashmir (Butler) ; teleuto<br />

stage on leaves of Chrysopogon gryllus, Simla (Barclay); Harwan, Kashmir<br />

(Butler).<br />

----cichorii (DO.) Bellynek (Sace. XVII:311; Syd. 1:49; 455 :257). On leaves<br />

of Cichorium intybus, Harwan, Kashmir (Butler).<br />

--()ipurae Syd. (453:496 ; Sacco XXl:672). On leaves of Cipura paludosa, Royal<br />

Botanic Garden, Calcutta (Butler).<br />

-circaeae Pers. (Sacc. VII:686 ; Syd. 1:422 ; 35, 11:235, fig.). On leaves of<br />

Gircaw alpina, Chor, near Simla, 9,000 ft. (Barclay).


[Puccinia] citmlli Syd. & Butler (455:259; Sacco XXIII:714). On leaves<br />

of Oitrullus coloc:ynthis, Coimbatore (Subramaniam).<br />

-collettiana Barclay (40:87, figs.; Sacco IX:306; Syd. 1:226; 453:495; 35,<br />

II:241 , figs., as " P. helvetica L."). On leaves of Ruhia cord?jolia, Simla<br />

(Barclay) ; Ranikhet (Butler) ; Mussoorie (Kar) ; Kasauli (Butler). Leveille<br />

(285:69) records" Puccinia galiorum Lk" [Po punctata] on leaves of " Rubia<br />

munjista" [R. cordi/olia], India. It may have been P. colleuiana.<br />

-coronata Corda (Sacc. VII:623, pro parte; Syd. 1:699; 455:260; 319, 1:116)·<br />

Aecidia on leaves of Rhamnus purpurea, Deoban, 9000 ft. (Gamble); on<br />

R. procumbens, Mussoorie (Butler); uredo and teleuto stages on leaves of<br />

Stipa sp., Mussoorie; of Poa jlexuosa and Agropyron sp., Harwan, Kashmir<br />

(Butler).<br />

-cressae (DC.) Lagerh. (Sacc. IX:307 ; Syd. 1:320; 455:272 as Aecidium cressae<br />

DC.). On leaves of Oressa cretica, Gokak Government Farm, Bombay<br />

(Kulkarni).<br />

-curculigonis Racib. (Sacc. XVI:307; Syd. 1:604; 452:433). On leaves of<br />

Ourculigo orchioides, Wynaad (Butler); Debra Dun (Kar).<br />

-cynodontis Desm. (Sacc. VII:661; Syd. 1:748; 268:217; 452:436). On<br />

leaves of Oynodon dactylon, Saharanpur (Butler); Lyallpur (Hafiz lilian) ;<br />

Peshawar (Shaw) ; Ganeshkhind Botanic Garden, Poona (Gammie); Cawnpore,<br />

Surat, Kashmir (Butler). The aecidia on Plantago have not yet been<br />

recorded for India.<br />

-dactylidina Bubak (Sacc. XX1:698; 455:261). On leaves of Dactylis glomerata,<br />

Harwan, Kashmir (Butler).<br />

-dispersa Erikss. & Henn. (Syd. 1:709; 263:323 as P. ruhigo-vera (DO.) Wint.;<br />

Sacco VII:624). "On leaves of an Asperifoliaceae " Siwalik Range (Gollan).<br />

A doubtful record.<br />

-dissiiiens Oke (130:75; Sacco VII:723; Syd. 1:582). On leaves of Rumex sp.<br />

(resembling R. acetosa), Himalaya north of Dehra Dun (Fleming).<br />

-dovrengis Blytt (Sacc. XIV:311 ; Syd. I :80 ; 453:495). On leaves of Erigeron<br />

alpinus, Kumaon (Inayat». Barclay (43:218) referred a rust on E. alpinus<br />

-var. multicaulis, near the banks of the Sutlej, Bashahr (Lace), doubtfully<br />

to P. doloris Speg. As Sydow points out (loc. cit.), it was probably P.<br />

dovrensis.<br />

-droogensis Butler (90:(30), fig.; Sacco XX1:616; 452:432; 369:231). On<br />

leaves of Berberis aristata, The Droog, Nilgiris (Butler).<br />

-duthiae Ellis & Tracy (227:283 ; Sacco XIV:352 ; Syd. 1:726 ; 452:435; 89:45).<br />

On leaves of Andropogon pertusus, Debra Dun (Duthie) ; Poona (Ohibber) ;<br />

Ranchi (Mitra); Phulgru (Watt); Dharwar and Kasauli (Butler); of A.<br />

intermedius, India (Duthie).

TilE FUNGI OF INDiA. 67<br />

[Puccinia] ? eUi'sii de Toni (Sacc. VII:651; Syd. 1:356; 43 :215, fig.). On leaves<br />

of Angelica glauca, Phagu, near Simla (Watt). Sydow (l.c.) states that; this<br />

is probably a distinct species.<br />

-engleriana P. Henn. (Sacc. XVII:336 ; 455:258). On leaves of Tabernaemontana<br />

heyneana, Matheran, Bombay (Ajrekar).<br />

-epilobii-tetragoni (DC.) Wint. (Sacc. VII:608 ; Syd. 1:424 ; 455:257).<br />

On leaves of Epilobium sp., Harwan, Kashmir ,(Butler).<br />

-eulaliae Barclay (43:216; Sacco XI:199; Syd. 1:797; 268:220). On leaves<br />

of "Pollinia japonica ", Simla (Barclay). It would seem possible that<br />

Barclay had the grass formerly known as Eulalia japonica, now called<br />

Miscanthus sinensis. P. eulaliae is recorded on the latter host from Japan.<br />

-excelsa Barclay (43:216, fig. ; Sacco XI:194; Syd. 1:286). On leaves of Phlomis<br />

bracteosa (P. lamiifolia), Mahasu and Huttoo Peak, near Simla (Barclay).<br />

-expallens Syd. (453:496; Sacco XXI:673). On leaves of Hypoxis aurea.<br />

Dehra Dun (Butler).<br />

-fagopyr'i Barclay (41:261; 35, III: 107, fig.; Sacco IX:306; Syd. 1:566, fig.).<br />

On leaves of Fagopyrum esculentum, Simla (Barclay) ; Mussoorie (Kar).<br />

-ferruginosa Syd. (Sacc. XVII:280; Syd, 1:13, fig.; 455:256). On leaves<br />

of Artemisia sp. (A. ?vulgaris), Shillong (Butler).<br />

-flavipes Syd. (453:497; Sacco XX1:684). On leaves of Fimbristylis miliacea,<br />

Yelwal, Mysore (Butler).<br />

-fragariae Barclay (35, 1:359, figs.; Sacco IX:309; Syd. 1:483; 35, II:244).<br />

On leaves of Fragaria vesca, Simla (Barclay).<br />

-fusca (Pers.) Wint. (Sacc. VII:669; Syd. 1:530; 319, 1:116). On Anemone<br />

rivularis, Himalaya (Gamble).<br />

-gentianae (Strauss) Link (Sacc. VII: 604; Syd. 1:340; 35, III:108). On<br />

leaves of Gentiana kurroo, near Simla (Barclay).<br />

-geranii-silvatici Karst. (Sacc. VII:682; Syd. 1:465, fig.; 455:257; 37:27,<br />

figs., as P. geranii-silvatici var. himalensis Barclay; 35,II:236; 211:269).<br />

On leaves and stems of Geranium nepalense, Simla (Barclay); Verinag,<br />

Kashmir (Butler). Sydow (1:466-8) is unable to maintain Barclay'S variety.<br />

The name is written in error" var. nepalensis Barclay" in Sydow's Monograph<br />

(1.c.).<br />

-glumarum (Schm.) Erikss. & Henn. (Sacc. XVII:380; Syd. 1:706; 116,<br />

figs.; 452:434; 111:152, figs.; 393:3; 363; 230). On leaves, culms, and<br />

glumes of Triticum spp. oult. and HOIdeum vulgare throughout northern<br />

. India; on leaves of Phalaris minor, Lyallpur, Hissar, and Debra Dun (Butler) ;<br />

of Brachypodium sylvaticum, Simla (Butler).<br />

-gracilenta Syd. & Butler.(455:263 ; Sacco XXIII:729). On leaves of Bambusa<br />

sp., Darjeeling (McRae).<br />

-graminis Pers. (Sacc. VII:622; Syd. 1:692 ; 35, 1:367, figs. ; 35, 11:249, figs, ;<br />

319, 1:116; 116, figs. ; 452:434; 455:260; 111:152, figs.; 392:3; 393:3; 49 ;


[Puccinia] invenusta Syd. (453:498; Sacco XXI:686). On leaves of PMagmites<br />

karka, Pusa (Butler) ; Kamrup District, Assam (Taslim).<br />

- investita Schw. (Sacc. VII:707 ; Syd. 1:88, fig.; 453:404). On leaves of<br />

Anaphalis sp., The Droog, Nilgiris (Butler).<br />

- iridis (DC.) Wallr. (Sacc. VII:657; Syd. 1:598; 35, III: 105, fig.; 455:260).<br />

On leaves of I ris florentina and I. pallida, Simla (Barela y) ; of I. kashmiriana,<br />

Harwan, Kashmir (Butler) ; of I. sp., Srinagar, Kashmir (Butler) ; Mussoorie<br />

(Kar).<br />

-komarovi Tram. (Syd. 1:451; Sacco XVII:350; 35, III: 1 06, fig., as " P.<br />

?a1-gentata Schultz"; 211:261 as P. argentata (Schultz). On leaves of Impatiens<br />

amphorata, Simla (Barclay) ; of 1. sp., Mussoorie (Butler).<br />

--kozukensis Diet. (Sacc. XVII:379; Syd. 1:721; 455:260). On leaves of<br />

Andropogon micranthus, Maymyo (Butler).<br />

-kuehnii (Krueg.) Butler (108:81, figs. ; Sacco XXIII:744; Syd. IV:608; 111:<br />

380, figs. ; 452:445 as Uredo kuehnii (Krueg.) Wakker & Went). On leaves<br />

of Saccharum spontaneum, Bassein, Burma (with teleuto stage; Inayat);<br />

Lyallpur (A. Khan) ; Pusa (Butler) ; of S. fuscum, Cawnpore and Saharanpur<br />

(Butler) ; of S. arundinaceum, Dehra Dun, Poona, Mozufferpore, and Pusa<br />

(Butler) ; Lahore (B. Das) ; Dehra Dun and LyalJpur (A. Khan) ; of S. narenga,<br />

Mussoorie (Butler) ; of S. sara, Lahore (B. Das) ; Wazirabad, Punjab (Cheema) ;<br />

of S. sp., Bombay (Chibber). This rust occurs ordinarily only in the uredo<br />

stage.<br />

- lateripes Berk. & Rav. (Sacc. VII:649, pro parte; Syd. 1:234; 455:257).<br />

On leaves of Ruellia sp., Pusa (Butler).<br />

- lateritia Berk. & Curt. (Sacc. XIV:321; Syd. 1:211, fig.; 452:431; 453:<br />

495). On leaves of Hedyotis vestita and H. auricularia, Wahjain, Assam<br />

(Butler); of Spermococe stricta, Coimbatore, Dehra Dun, and Yelwal, Mysore<br />

(Butler); of S. sp., Roshangabad (Butler).<br />

- leonotidicola · P. Renn .. (Sacc. XVII:328; Syd. 1:280; 455:271 as Uredo<br />

leonotidis P. Renn.; Syd. IV:566): On leaves of Leonotis nepetaefolia,<br />

Islampur, Bombay (Chibber) ; Belgaum, Bombay (Kulkarni).<br />

- leptodermidis Barclay (35, III: 87 , 109, figs.; Sacco IX:303; Syd. 1:222;<br />

455:257). On leaves and stems of Leptodermis lanceolata, Simla (Barclay);<br />

Kasauli (Butler).<br />

- leucadis Syd. (Sacc. XVII : 329; Syd. 1:281, fig.; 445:487). On leaves of<br />

Leucas urticatfolia, Coimbatore (McRae); of L. sp., Mahableshwar, Bombay<br />

(Chibber).<br />

- leucophaea Syd. & Butler (455:258; Sacco XXIII:749). On leaves of CoUju-<br />

120unia coccinea, Mussoorie (Butler).<br />

--lolii Niels. (Sacc. XI:203 as P. coronifera Kleb. ; Syd. 1:704; 453:498;<br />

111:179, fig.). On leaves of Avena sativa, Pusa (Butler). The crown rust<br />

of oats has been reported only once in India, in 1907, when there was a


moderate epidemic at Pusa. P. himalensis (q.v.) is a similar or possibly<br />

identical rust occurring in the Himalayas.<br />

[Puccinia] lycoctoni Fckl (Sacc. XVII:358; Syd. 1:527 ; 453:496). On leaves of<br />

Aconitum lycoctonum, Simla (Watt).<br />

--macrorrhynchi Rabenh. (3'87:89; Sacco VII:673; Syd. 1:120, fig.). On<br />

leaves of " Macrorrhynchus aspleniJolius ", Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta<br />

(Kurz). The host may perhaps have been Microrrhynchus aspleniJolius,<br />

now placed in Launaca.<br />

-maydis Bereng. (Sacc. VII:659 as P. sorghi Schw.; Syd. 1:830; 452:434;<br />

111:191, figs. ; 43:214 as P. sorghi Schw.). On leaves of Zea mays, Mashobra,<br />

near Simla (Barclay) ; Manjri Farm near Poona, and Kashmir (Butler).<br />

-melanocephala Syd. (453:500; Sacco XXI:685). On leaves of Arundinaria<br />

sp., Wahjain, Assam (Butler).<br />

-menthae Pers. (Sacc. VII:617; Syd. 1:282; 35, 11:242; 452:432; 453:495;<br />

455:258). On leaves of Origanum vulgare, Simla (Barclay) ; Kumaon (Inayat) ;<br />

Mussoorie (Kar) ; Harwan and Beri Nag in Kashmir, Ranikhet, and Kasauli<br />

(Butler); of Calamintha umhrosa, Mussoorie (Butler); of C. clinopodium,<br />

Harwan, Kashmir (Butler) ; of Mentha sylvestris, Bilaspur (Burkill) ; Peshawar<br />

(Shaw) ; Shadipur, Kashmir (Butler).<br />

-mysorensis Syd. & Butler (452:434; Sacco XXI:683; 369:234). On leaves<br />

and culIils of Kyllinga triceps, Hunaur, Mysore (Butler).<br />

-nakanishikii Diet. (Sacc. XXI:691; 452:435). On leaves of Andropogon<br />

nardus, Hunaur, Mysore (Butler) ; Wynaad (McRae) ; of A. laniger, Punjab<br />

(Cheema).<br />

-nepalensis Barclay & Diet. (211:265; Sacco IX:309; Syd. 1:578, fig.; 35,<br />

11:240, fig., as P. acetosae Schum. ; 455:259). On leaves of Rumex nepalensis,<br />

Simla (Barclay); of R. orientalis, Harwan, Kashmir (Butler); of R. sp.,<br />

Kasauli (Butler); Mussoorie (Mitra).<br />

-neyraudiae Syd. (455:260; Sacco XXIII:741). On leaves of Neyraudia madagascarensis,<br />

Mungpoo, Darjeeling (Kawakami).<br />

-nit ida Barclay (35, 111:107, fig.; Sacco IX:307; Syd. 1:574; 455:259). On<br />

leaves of Polygonum amplexicaule, Mashobra, near Simla (Barclay); of P.<br />

chinensis, Tukwar, Darjeeling (McRae) ; of P. sp., MUSBoorie, and Verinag,<br />

Kashmir (Butler).<br />

--·obscura Schroet. (Sacc. Vll:629; Syd. 1:645; 453:497). On leave3 of<br />

Luzula campestris, Cherrapunji, Assam (Butler).<br />

-oligocarpa Syd. & Butler (455:262; Sacco XXIII:746). On leaves of Stipa<br />

sp., Harwan, Kashmir (Butler).<br />

--opIismeni Syd. (452:436; &wc. XXI:702). On leaves of Oplismenns compositus,<br />

Mussoorie (Butler) ; of O. sp., Kumaon (Butler).<br />

-oryzopsidis Syd. & Butler (453:498; Sacco XXI:702). On leaves of Oryzopsis<br />

molinioides, Ranikhet, Kumaon (Butler).


[Puccinia] pachypes Syd. (455:262; Sacco XXIII:745). On leaves of Spodiopogon<br />

albidus, Vayitri, Wynaad (McRae).<br />

-paspali Tracy & Earle (Sacc. XIV:348; Syd. 1:774 ; 452:436; 455:262 ; 89:45) .<br />

On leaves of Paspalttm (Panicum) sanguinale, Dehra Dun, Hoshangabad,<br />

and Bassein, Bombay (Butler); Lyallpur (Hafiz Khan); of P. sa.nguinale<br />

var. ciliare, Pusa (Butler) ; of P. sanguinale var. debile, Royal Botanic Garden,<br />

Calcutta (Butler).<br />

-penniseti Zimmerm. (Sacc. XVII:390 ; 452:435 ; 111:224, figs.). On leaves<br />

of Pennisetum typhoideum, Nagpur, Pusa, Poona, Cawnpore, Trichinopoli,<br />

and Dohad Farm, Bombay (Butler); Dhulia, Bombay. Barclay (41:257 ;<br />

43:215 ; see also Watt, 521:35, 124, 127) gave the name " P. penniseti Barclay"<br />

in 1890/ without formal description, to a rust on Pennisetum typhoideum<br />

which, however, he confused with Puccinia purpurea (q.v.), since he states<br />

that the rust on Zea mays (P. maydis) IS distinct from the rust on Sorghum<br />

and Pennisetum (P. penniseti). (See also Syd. 1:805).<br />

--peraffinis Syd. (445:326; Sacco XXIII:666). On leaves of Justicia diffusa,<br />

Nandi Droog, Mysore (Anstead).<br />

"-persistens Plowr. (Sacc. IX:312; Syd. 1:825; 35, 1:362, figs., as Aecidium<br />

?tlULlictri-ftavi DC.). On leaves of Thalictrumjavanicum, Simla (Barclay).<br />

-phlogacanthi Syd. (443, VI:143; Sacco XXIII:667). On leaves of Phlogacanthus<br />

guttatus, Sylhet (Griffith and Wallich).<br />

-phragmitis (Schum.) Koern. (Sacc. VII:630; Syd. 1:787 ; 130:75 as Aecidium<br />

rubellum Pers. ; 236:273). On leaves of Rumex sp. (" the common dock "),<br />

Himalaya north of Dehra Dun (Fleming).<br />

--pimpinellae (Strauss) Martius (Sacc. VII:616, pro parte; Syd. 1:408; 35, 1:356,<br />

figs.; 35,11:244, fig. ; 453:495). On leaves of Pimpinella diversifolia, Simla<br />

(Barclay) ; Kumaon (Inayat); Harwan, Kashmir (Butler); of P. sp., Mussoorie<br />

(Butler).<br />

--polliniae Barclay (35, 11:243 ; Sacco IX:a.13 ; Syd. I:798; 33:21, figs., as '<br />

Aecidium strobilanthis Barclay; 35, I:369; 452: 436). Aecidia on leaves<br />

of Strobilanthes dalhousianus, Simla (Barclay) ; of S. sp., Dehra Dun (Butler) ;<br />

Mus800rie (Kar) ; Amboli, Belgaum; uredo and teleuto stages on leaves of<br />

Pollinia nuda, Simla (Barclay).<br />

-polygoni-amphibii Pers. (Sacc. XVII:394 ; Syd. I:569; 455:259 ; 286:271<br />

as P. polygonorum Link; 403:301 as P. ?polygoni Pers.). "India orient.<br />

Jacquemont " (this specimen was not found at Paris) ; on leaves of Polygonum<br />

sp., Mussoorie (Kar) ; of P. persicar'ia, Harwan, Kaahmir (Butler). .<br />

-?porri (Sowerby) Wint. (Sacc. VII:605 ; Syd. 1:610; 113(19):54 as " P. porn<br />

Saw."). Accidiospores and teleutospores of a rust on leaves on onion (Allium<br />

cepa) , Lyallpur, were reported by McRae to resemble P. porn very closely.<br />

-prainiana Barclay (44:67, figs. ; Sacc. XI:197; Syd. 1:635, figs. ; 36:37, figs.,<br />

as Oacoma smilacinis Barclay; 35, III:95 as O. smilacis Barclay; 211:269).

74 THB PUNGI OJ!' INDIA.<br />

[Paccinia] s!1.uiculae Grev. (Saco. VII:618; Syd. 1:413; 453:495 ; 35, 1:352,<br />

figs., as Aecidium saniculae Barclay). On leaves of Sanicula europaea, Simla<br />

(Barclay) ; Kumaon (Inayat).<br />

--? saussureae Thuem. (Sacc. Vm:708; Syd. 1:140; 455:257). On leaves of<br />

Saussurea sp., Nagpur (Pandit). Uredo only, so the identification is doubtful.<br />

--saxifragae-ciliatae Barclay (35, 1I:234, figs.; Sacco IX:299; Syd. 1:506,<br />

fig.). On leaves of Saxifraga ligulata var. ciliata, Simla (Barclay) ; on S. sp.,<br />

Mussoorie (Kar).<br />

-saxifragae-micranthae Barclay (43:218; Sacco XI:185; Syd. 1:506). On<br />

leaves of Saxifraga micrantha, Bashahr, near Simla, 9,500 ft. (Lace).<br />

--schirajewskii Tranz. (Sacc. XXIII:698; 455:257). On leaves of Serratula<br />

pallida, Harwan, Kash:mir (Butler).<br />

- scirpi DC. (Sacc. VII :659 ; Syd. 1:688 ; 455 :260 ; 455 :274 as Aecidium nymphoidis<br />

DC.). Aecidia on leaves of Limnanthemum sp., Comilla (Subramaniam)<br />

; Wular Lake, Kashmir (Butler) ; uredo and teleuto stages on leaves of<br />

Scirpus articulatus, Godavari (Sundararaman); Bassein, Bombay (Chibber) ;<br />

of S. barbatus, Ganjam (Butler); .of S. Bp., Lahore (B. Das). Sydow (455:274)<br />

thinks it very doubtful that the Aecidium really belongs to P. scirpi.<br />

-solanacearum Sacco & Syd. (Sacc. XIV:358; Syd. 1:274; 142:61 as P.<br />

solani Cke (non Schw.); 449:58, with revised diagnosis}. On leaves<br />

and stems of Solanum sp., Sutlej Valley, Himalaya (Gamble). Cooke mentioned<br />

that the teleuto stage was associated with" Aecidium solani," but<br />

Sydow (449) considers that the two stages probably belong to the same rust.<br />

- solmsii P. Henn. (Sacc. XIV:357 ; Syd. 1:568, fig.; 453: 496). On leaves of<br />

Polygonum chinense, Koppa in Mysore, Wynaad, and Wahjain, Assam<br />

(Butler); Darjeeling (McRae); Mahableshwar, Bombay (Chibber); of P.<br />

alatum, Kumaon (Inayat) ; of P. sp., Nangpo, Assam, and Maymyo (Butler) ;<br />

Darjeeling (McRae).<br />

--sonchi Rob. (Sacc. vn :638 ; Syd. 1: 154, fig. ; 453 :494). On leaves of Launaea<br />

nudicaulis, Koppa, Mysore and Srinagar, Kashmir (Butler) ; Kumaon (Inayat).<br />

--spongiosa Berk. & Broome (Sacc. VII :703; Syd. I: 228, fig.; 452 :431; 326:<br />

110). On leaves of Webera corymbosa, Hunsur, Mysore (Butler); Coimbatore<br />

District (McRae).<br />

--suaveolens (Link) Rostrup (Sacc. VII :633, pro parte; Syd. 1 :53,856 ; 455 :257).<br />

On leaves of Cnicus argyracanthus, Shadipore, Kashmir (Butler), of Cirsium<br />

arvense, Pusa (Kar) ; of C. sp., Kamrup, Assam (Taslim) ; Lahore (B. Das).<br />

-taraxaci (Rebent.) Plowr. (Sacc. lX:305 ; Syd. 1:164 ; 452:430; 455:257;<br />

35, II:238, figs., as P.jlosculosorum Alb. & Schw.). On leaves of Taraxacum<br />

officinale, Simla (Barclay); Chindi, Himalaya (Burkill); Gulchina in Kumaon,<br />

Kasauli, and Harwan, Kashmir (Butler) ; of T. wattii, Ranikhet, Kumaon<br />



[puccinia] thwaitesii Berk. (Sacc. Vll:720; Syd. 1:233, fig.; 452:431). On<br />

leaves of Justicia gendarussa, Koppa in Mysore, Tellicherry in Malabar,<br />

Comilla, and Insein, Burma (Butler); Dacca (Som); Wynaad (McRae);<br />

Calcutta; Rangoon.<br />

- triticina Erikss. (Sacc. XVII:376; Syd. 1 :716; 116, figs.; 452:434; 111 :<br />

154, figs.; 392:3 ; 363; 49; 230). on: leaves of Triticum spp. cult.., common<br />

in Bengal, Bihar, United Provinces, Central Provinces, Punjab, Kashmir,<br />

and Burma.<br />

- urticae Barclay (34 :38, figs.; Sacco IX:299; Syd. 1:590, fig.; 35, 11 :234, fig. ;<br />

455 :259). On leaves of Urtica parvijlora, Simla (Barclay); Kasauli (Butler);<br />

of U. sp., Mussoorie (Kar). The Aecidium which Barclay found on the same<br />

host is now believed to belong to P. carie is (q. v.).<br />

- ustaHs Berk. (57, No. 469; Sacco VI1:691 ; Syd. 1:546; 43:217, fig.). On<br />

leaves of Ranunculus pulchellus, Momay Samdong, Sikkim, 15,500 ft. (Hooker<br />

f.); of R. hirtellus, Mattiana, near Simla (Barclay). Berkeley states" some<br />

species of Ranuneulus pulchellus," so he may have had uncertainty as to the<br />

host.<br />

- versicolor Diet. & Holw. (Sacc. XIV:352 ; Syd. 1:724, fig.; 452:436). On<br />

leaves of Andropogon contortus, Belgaum, Dharwar, Poona, near Pusa, and<br />

Maymyo (Butler) ; Kumaon (Inayat) ; Wynaad (McRae) ; of A. sp., Maymyo<br />

(Butler).<br />

--violae (Schum.) DC. (Sacc. VII:609; Syd. 1:439; 35, n:234; 453:495; 521:<br />

84; 142:61 as Aecidium violae Schum. ; 35, 1:354, figs., as A. ? violae Schum.).<br />

On leaves of Viola sp., Simla (Gamble) ; Mussoorie (Kar) ; on leaves, petioles,<br />

and stalks of V. serpens, Simla (Barclay) ; Ranikhet in Kumaon, and Harwan,<br />

Kashmir (Butler); on V. suaveolens (Watt). Watt states (521:84, footnote)<br />

that Barclay thought the form on Viola suaveolens might possibly prove to be<br />

a new species. Where it was collected is not mentioned.<br />

---wattiana Barclay (35, 111:109; Sacco IX:298; Syd. 1:544, fig.). On<br />

. leaves and petioles of Clematis pubemla, Sutlej Valley, near Suni (Watt) ;<br />

of C. cannata, Harwan, Kashmir (Butler); of C. buchaniana, Kumaon<br />

(Inayat) ; of C. gouriana, Debra Dun and Almora (Inayat) ; of C. sp., Mussoorie<br />

(Butler).<br />

- xanthopoda Syd. (453:496; Sacco XXI:683). On leaves of Scleria sp.,<br />

Ranikhet, Kumaon (Butler).<br />

-xanthosperma Syd. (452:437; Sacco XX1:686). On leaves of Bambusa sp.,<br />

Mussoorie (Butler).<br />

Pucciniastrum agrimoriiae (Schw.) Tranzsch. (Syd. 111:446; 452:439; 455 :270;<br />

43:229 as Uredoagrimoniae Schroet.; Sacco VII:839; 130 :75 as "U. potentillarum<br />

DC."). On leaves of Agrimonia sp., Himalaya (Fleming); of A.<br />

eupatorium, Simla (Barclay); Kumaon (Inayat); Mussoorie (Butler); of<br />

A. pilosa, Simla; of A. sp., Cherrapunji, Assam (Subramaniam).


pods and stems of Abrus, Paras Nath " (Hooker f.). Mr. Fischer examined<br />

these specimens, and found them to be not Abrus sp., but Cassia absus. The<br />

rust, which has teleutospores rather similar in aspect to those of the preceding<br />

collection, is still known as R. indica. Berkeley and Broome (67 :93)<br />

later recorded R. indica from Ceylon on "Bauhinia tomentosa and Cassia<br />

abrus". The latter specimen is at Kew, labelled" Cassia absus ", the<br />

" abrus "being a misprint. The rust here also is what is known now as<br />

R. indica. The Bauhinia reference was evidently an error (218 ; 369 :238).<br />

Arthur (20 :196), Dietel, and Sydow record R. indica as occurring only in<br />

Ceylon and Mexico. India should be included, and the name R. indica may<br />

perhaps best be conserved for the rust on Cassia absus, despite the fact<br />

that the type was on ap.other host, and was evidently really R. sessilis.<br />

[Ravenelia] mitis Syd. (443, XIV:257 ; Sacco XXIII:805). On leaves of T epho<br />

rosia purpurea, N. W. Himalayas (Hooker f. & Thomson). See Uredo tephrosiae<br />

Rabenh. , below.<br />

- ornata Syd. (452:437; Sacco XXI:738; Syd. III:234, fig.; 369:238). On<br />

leaves of Abrus pulchellus, Dehra Dun; Wahjain, Assam (Butler).<br />

- sessilis Berk. (Sacc. VII :773; Syd. III :248; 189, figs.; 218 :384, fig.;<br />

146:386, fig. ; 212, fig. ; 452::137). On leaves and fruit of Albizzia lebbek,<br />

Calcutta (Cunningham) ; Dehra Dun, Raipur, Pusa, Cawnpore, Noakhali<br />

(Butler) ; Nagpur (Pandit) ; Ramhati, Bengal (Bannerji) ; Ramgarh, Kumaon<br />

(Mitra); Chittagong (Sen); Arrah (Bhattachariya). Sydow (448:165)<br />

transfers this to the genus H aplomvenelia. See also Sphacrophragmium<br />

acaciae below, and R. indica above.<br />

Schroeteriaster cingens Syd. (455:270 ; Sacco XXII:841; Syd. 111:404). On<br />

leaves of Bridelia tomentosa val'. chinensis, Rangpur, Bengal (Som) ; Assam<br />

(Subramaniam) ; on B. sp., Mussoorie (Kar).<br />

--ehretiae (Hirats.) Syd. & Butler (455:270; Sacco XXIII:842; Syd. m:405).<br />

On leaves of Ehretia acuminata, Chittagong (Sen).<br />

Sphaerophragmium acaciae (Cke) P. Magn. (307:121, figs.; Sacco XI:209; Syd.<br />

III:185, fig. ; 144:94 as T riphragmium acaciae Cke). On leaves of Albizzia<br />

lebbek, Belgaum (Hobson) ; Calcutta (Cunningham) ; Dacca (Som) ; Myitnge,<br />

Burma (Shaw). The teleutospores of this fungus were thought by Cunningham<br />

(189 :21, figs.) to be a second teleuto form of Ravenelia sessilis.<br />

Thekopsora gauItheriae Syd. (Syd. III :466 ; 453 :503 as Pucciniastt'urn gaultheriae<br />

Syd. ; Sacco XXI:733). On leaves of Gaultheria nurnmularioides, Kumaon<br />

(Inayat).<br />

Triphragmium thwaitesii Berk. & Broome (Sacc. VII :770 and XVI :322; Syd.<br />

111:180, fig.; 455:264). On leaves of Araliaceae, Pussimbing, Darjeeling<br />

(McRae) ; of Heptapleurum sp., Nilgiris (Barber). Petch (367, IV:163) deals<br />

fully with the confusion between this species and T. clavellosurn. Sydow<br />

(448:170) transferr(ld T. thwaitesii to the genus Nyssopsora Arth.


Uredo acori Racib. (Sacc. XVI:357; Syd. IV:521 ; 452:443). On leaves of Acorns<br />

calamus, Gauhati, Assam (Butler) ; Bombay (Chibber).<br />

- apludae Barclay (35, III:99; Sacco IX:333; Syd. IV:531). On leaves of<br />

Apluda aristata, Simla (Barclay). This stage may belong to Qne of the<br />

species of Uromyces or Puccinia found on Apluda.<br />

-cajani Syd. (452:442; Sacco XXI:792 ; Syd. IV:473). On leaves of Cajanus<br />

indicus, Pusa (Butler). .<br />

- colebrookiana Barclay (43:227; Sacco XI:225; Syd. IV:417). On leaves of<br />

Colebrookea oppositifolia, Suni, near Simla (Watt).<br />

-courtoisiae Syd. (440 :22 ; Sacco XVII :456 ; Syd. IV:522). On leaves of Courtoisia<br />

cyperoides, Khasi Hills (Hooker £. & Thomson).<br />

-- ? cypericola P. Renn. (Sacc. XIV:405; Syd. IV:523; 452:443). On<br />

leaves of Cyperus rotundus, Dehra Dun, Calcutta, Cawnpore, Pusa, and<br />

Hunsur, Mysore (Butler) ; Saharanpur (GolIan) ; of C. capitatus, Surat, and<br />

C. tuberosus, Samalkota (Butler).<br />

-deutziae Barclay (35, III:lOO; Sacco IX:328; Syd. IV:489). On leaves of<br />

Deutzia corymbosa, Simla (Barclay).<br />

-dioscoreae P. Renn. (Sacc. XIV:402 ; Syd. IV:512 ; 455:276). On leaves of<br />

Dioscorea sp., Darjeeling (McRae).<br />

-dioscoreae-sativae Syd. (455:271; Sacco XXIlI:925; Syd. IV:5H). On<br />

leaves of Diosc01'ea sativa, Chaumuhani, Noakhali District (Butler).<br />

--ehretiae Barclay (43:228; Sacco XI:225; Syd. IV:423). On leaves and petioles<br />

of Ehretia acuminata (E. serrata), Tons River near Chakrata (Gamble). An<br />

anomalous form with pycnidia and cup-like sori ; perhaps an Arcidium.<br />

--erythrinae P. Henn. (Sacc. XXI:790 ; Syd. IV:4S0). On leaves of Erythrina<br />

sp., Noakhali, Bengal (Butler).<br />

--exasperata (eke) de Toni (Sacc. VII:S46; Syd. IV:555; 143:95, as Trichobasis<br />

exasperata Cke). On leaves of an unknown tree, Belgaum (Hobson).<br />

--fuirenae P. Renn. (Sacc. XVI: 359; Syd. IV:525; 452:443). On leaves of<br />

Fuirena umbellata, Wynaad, of F. glO1nerata, Bassein, Burma, and F. sp.,<br />

Tellicherry, Malabar (Butler).<br />

--gomphrenae Barclay (35, III:99, fig., written U. "gomphrenatis"; Sacco IX:<br />

327; Syd. IV:494; 453:491 as ?Uromyces cyathulae P. Henn.). On leaves<br />

and stems of Gomphrena globosa, Simla (Barclay); on leaves of Cyathula<br />

capitata, Kumaon (Inayat) ; Mussoorie (Kar).<br />

- hemidesmi Syd. (455:271; Sacco XXl1I:91S; Syd. IV:428). On leaves<br />

of Hemidesmus indicus, Chittagong (Sen).<br />

- ichnocarpi Barclay (43:228; Sacco XI:226; Syd. IV:432; 452:442).<br />

On leaves of Ichnocarpus jrutescens, Suni, near Simla (Barclay) ; Kanaighat in<br />

Sylhet, and Yelwal, Mysore (Butler) ; Dacca and Dehra Dun (Kar). Sydow<br />

and Petrak (458:426) suggest that this form may be the uredo stage of<br />

Achrotelium ichnocarpi Syd., nov. gen., nov. sp., found in the Philippines.


[Uredo] spinulosa (Cke) Sacco (Sacc. IX:333; Syd. IV:553; 133:15, fig., as Trichobasis<br />

spinulosa Cke). On undetermined leaves, Belgaum. Sydow (1. c.)<br />

has redescribed the fungus, but the host remains unknown.<br />

--tectonae Racib. (Sacc. XVI:362; Syd. IV:422; 452 : 443; 89 :48; 388:150<br />

as Aecidium effusum Niessl). On leaves of Tectona grandis, Royal Botanic<br />

Garden, Calcutta (Kurz) ; Mysore, Pusa, Calcutta (Butler) ; Rangpur (S'')ID ;<br />

Mitra) ; Comilla (Inayat) ; Birbhum (Basu).<br />

--tephrosiae Rabenh. (Syd. IV:485). On TepMosia purpurea, India. The<br />

name only was given by Rabenhorst in Fungi Europaei No. 2375, and in Sacco<br />

VII :861. Sydow (443, XIV:257) thinks it possible that it may belong to<br />

Ravenelia mitis Syd.<br />

--tephl'osiicola P. Henn. (Sacc. XVII:446; Syd. IV:485; 113(20):69). Recorded<br />

by McRae on Tephrosia candida, India.<br />

- - valerianae-wallichii Diet. (219:303; Sacco XXI:794; Syd. IV:404; 452:443 ;<br />

453 :508 ; 35, I :352, as "Urornyces ?valerianac Schum." ; 35, III:77 ; 211 :264).<br />

On leaves of Valeriana wallichii, Simla (Barclay); Kumaon (Inayat) ; of<br />

V. leschenaultii, Kumaon (Inayat); Shillong (Butler); of V. sp., Mussoorie<br />

(Butler) ; Shillong (Subramaniam). An Awidium on the specimen collected<br />

by Barclay, and on BOme of the later collections, was thought by Sydow<br />

(452:443) to be perhaps genetically connected, although Barclay (35,1:354)<br />

was quite convinced that there was no relationship between the two forms.<br />

--vicatiae Syd. (453 :508, as U. " viat1:Cae " owing to a typographical error;<br />

Sacc. XXI:789; Syd. IV:441). On leaves of Vicatia coniifolia, Kumaon<br />

(Inayat).<br />

- wedeliae-bifiorae Syd. (Sacc. XXI:796 ; Syd. IV:400). On leaves of Wedelia<br />

urticatfolia, Palghar, Bombay (Ajrekar).<br />

Uromyces achrous Syd. (453:491; Sacco XXI:549; Syd. 11:91, fig.). On leaves<br />

and occasionally on branches of Dalbm'gia sissoo, Pusa (Butler).<br />

- agropyri Barclay (43:212; Sacco XI:181; Syd. 11:317). On Ag·ropyron<br />

sp., Bashahr, near Simla, 7,000 ft. (Lace).<br />

- aloes (Cke) P . Magn. (Syd. II:265, fig. ; 445:487; 17, figs. ; Sacco XI: 227 as<br />

Uredo). On leaves of Aloe spicata, Coimbatore (McRae) ; of A. vera, Talegaon,<br />

Poona District (Ajrekar & Tonapy).<br />

·- ambiens Cke (130:75; Sacco VII:584; Syd. 11:152; 236:272, figs. ; 43:213 ;<br />

449:54, revised diagnosis). On leaves of Buxus probably sempervirens, near<br />

Dunooltie above Dehra Dun (Fleming) ; on leaves of B. sempervirens, Bashahr,<br />

near Simla, 6,000 ft. (Lace).<br />

--andropogonis-annulati Syd. & Butler (453:492 ; Sacco XXI:592; Syd. 11:320,<br />

:fig.). On leaves of Andropogon annulatus, Pusa, Orai, Cawnpore, Kumaon,<br />

Dehra Dun,' and Samalkota (Butler) ; Bassein, Bombay (Chibber) ; Sahatanpur<br />

(B. Das) ; Poona (Mitra) ; Lyallpur (A. Khan).


(Uromyces] anthyllidis (Grev.) Schroet. (Sacc. VII:551 ; Syd. li:64 ; 453:490 as<br />

U. trigonellae Pass.; 111:362). On leaves of Trigonella focnum-grawum,<br />

Poona (Butler).<br />

-apludae Syd. & Butler (453:493 ; Sacco XXI:591 ; Syd. 11:321, fig.). On leaves<br />

of Apluda aristata, Bassein, Bombay (Butler); Amritsar (Inayat).<br />

-appendiculatus (Pers.) Link (Sacc. VII:535; Syd. 11:120; 452:428 ; 455:256 ;<br />

111:260, fig.). On leaves of Vigna catjang, Coimbatore (Subramaniam);<br />

Myingyan, Burma (Butler) ; Dacca (Som) ; Mandalay (Shaw) ; Pusa (Mitra) ;<br />

Nagpur (Pandit); Poona (Ajrekar); of V. vexillata, Dharmsala, Punjab<br />

(Mitter) ; of Dolichos lab lab, Dauracherra, Sylhet (Butler) ; Nagpur (Pandit) ;<br />

of Phaseolus sp., Auda Tode, Wynaad, (McRae) ; of P. mungo, Samalkota,<br />

Madras Caarber) ; of P. mungo var. radiatus, Palghat, Madras (Subramaniam);<br />

of P. vulgaris, Godavari (Sundararaman) ; Anand, Bombay (Chibber).<br />

--al'isaemae Cke (Syd. II:295). On Arisaema sp., Chittagong (Sen).<br />

-behenis (DC.) Unger (Sacc. VII:559; Syd. II:218; 455:256). On leaves of<br />

Lychnis indica, Harwan, Kashmir (Butler).<br />

-bidentis Lagerh. (Sacc. XIV:278; Syd. Il:3 ; 452:428). On leaves of Bidens<br />

pilosa, Nilgiris (Butler); Wynaad (McRae).<br />

-blainvilleae Berk. (Sacc. VII:576; Syd. I1:4 ; 455:255). On leaves of Blainvillea<br />

rhomboidea (B. latifolia), Samalkota (Subramaniam).<br />

--chenopodii (Duby) Schroet. (Sacc. VII:548; Syd. II:233). On Suaedafruticosa.<br />

Lahore (Kashyap).<br />

---ciceris-arietini (Grogn.) Jacz. & Boyer (Sacc. XI:175 ; Syd. 11:84; 111:271,<br />

fig.). On leaves of Gicer arietinum, Pusa (Butler) ; Jessore (Annett) ; Gokak<br />

Farm, Bombay (Kulkarni). Barclay (41) referred a rust of G. arietinum<br />

doubtfully to U. pisi ; it was probably U. ciceris-arietini.<br />

--comedens Syd. (Syd. 11:37; Sacco XXI:571). On leaves of Jasminum pubescens,<br />

Manipur (Watt).<br />

-commelinae Cke (Sacc. VII:573 ; Syd. il:292 ; 452:429 ; 452:443 as Uredo ockracea<br />

Diet., and Uredo davaocnsis Syd. ; Syd. IV:595-596). On leaves of Gommelina<br />

bengalensis, Tellicherry in Malabar, and Bangalore (Butler); of C.<br />

obliqua, Nilgiris (Butler); of G. sp., Darjeeling and Wynaad (McRae);<br />

Kanaighat in Sylhet, and Mandalay (Butler) ; Chittagong (Sen) ; Chikodi,<br />

Bombay (Kulkarni) ; of Gyanotis tuberosa, Yelwal in Mysore, and The Droog,<br />

Nilgiris (Butler). Sydow at first considered the uredo stage on Gyanotis to<br />

be distinct, but later (Monog. IV:596) thought it no more than biologically<br />

di:fferent.<br />

-decoratus Syd. (453:491; Sacco XX1:549; Syd. il:88, fig.; 111:374, figs.).<br />

On leaves of Grotalaria juncea, Samalkota (Butler) ; Dacca (Som) ; Godavari<br />

(Sundaral'aman) ; Dehra Dun (Kar) ; Sialkot (Cheema).<br />

-echinulatus Niessl (388:149; Sacco Vll:577; Syd. 11:34:8; 111:69, fig., as<br />

Uredo.) Un leaves of Bassia latifolia, Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta


[Armillaria] duplicata Berk. (57, No. 248; Sacco V:83). On dead wood, Datjeeling,<br />

7,500 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

--horrens Berk. (57, No. 245; Sacco V:82). On bark of old trees, etc., Darjeeling,<br />

7,500 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

- melle a (Vahl) Quel. (Sacc. V:80; 266:437). On Picea morinda, Deoban,<br />

Jaunsar, United Provinces (Hole). See also p. xiv above.<br />

--multicolor Berk. (57, No. 249; Sacco V:84). On dead wood, Jalapahar, Darjeeling,<br />

7,500 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

--omnituens Berk. (57, No. 250; Sacco V:84). On dead wood, Darjeeling, 8,500<br />

ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

--rhizopoda Cke (162:89 ; Sacco V:79). On clay banks, mostly attached to roots<br />

of grass, sedges, etc., Afghanistan boundary (Aitcheson).<br />

--vara Berk. (57, No. 246; Sacco V:83). On rotten timbers, Sinchul, Himalaya,<br />

8,600 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

Auricularia epitricha Berk. in Herb. (179:15; Sacco XI:143; A. carteri Berk.<br />

[l\fS?]). On bark, Bombay; Nilgiris.<br />

--mesenterica Fr. (Sacc. VI:762; 467:154; 288, No. 60:6). On dead wood,<br />

Bandra, Khandala, Bombay (Blatter) ; India (P. D. Master).<br />

--rugosissima (Lev.) Bres. (84:231 ; 57, No. 345, as Phlebia reflexa Berk. ; Sacco<br />

VI:500; 288, No. 46:7; 287:1263 as " Auricula reflexa "; 319, IV:94 as<br />

AU1'icularia butleri Massee). On wood, Great Runjeet River, 7,000 ft., and<br />

Tonglo, Sikkim, 10,000 ft. (Hooker f.) ; Dehra Dun (Butler) ; India (Bose).<br />

--vespertilis Fr. subspecies venulosa Fr. (240:113; Sacco VI:764). On trunks,<br />

Sikkim.<br />

Bolbitius grandiusculus Cke & Massee (Sacc. IX:143; 319, 111:151). On the<br />

ground, Poona (Woodrow).<br />

Boletus areolatus Berk. (57, No. 396; Sacco VI:44; 57, after No. 414). In open<br />

pastures, Kala Pani, Khasi Hills, 5,500 ft. (Hooker £.).<br />

- - delphinus Berk. (57, No. 331; Sacco VI:28). On exposed ground, Darjeeling,<br />

7,500 ft. (Hooker f.). A specimen was also sent to Montagne, and is now in<br />

Paris.<br />

- emodensis Berk. (57, No. 329 ; Sacco VI:20). On the ground, Darjeeling, 7,500<br />

ft. (Hooker f.). A specimen was sent to Montagne. Berkeley gives a figure<br />

reference, but as he explains after No. 360, this was not published" but will<br />

appear in Sir W. J. Hooker's' Icones '''. Saccardo (1. c.) lists" Hook. tab.<br />

DCCCLXX", and occasionally refers to figures with other species collected<br />

by Hooker and described by Berkeley. These drawings were not published,<br />

but are filed at Kew.<br />

--fiavipes Berk. (57, No. 412; Sacco VI: 28). On the ground, Myrong, Khasi<br />

Hills (Hooker f.J.<br />

--fragicolor Berk. (57, No. 394; Sacco VI:l9). Khasi Hills (Hooker f.).


[Collybia] papaveracea Berk. (57, No. 259 ; Sacco V:225). On dead sticks ill<br />

moss, Darjeeling, 7,500 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

--podagrosa Berk. (57, No. 260 ; Sacco V:211). On clay banks, Sinchul, Himalaya,<br />

8,000 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

--radicata (Rehl.) Berk. var. superbiens Berk. in litt. (Sacc. V:201). Recorded<br />

by Saccardo as a common form in the Khasi Hills.<br />

--raphanipes Berk. (57, No. 255; Sacco V : 202). On the ground, Jallapabar,<br />

Darjeeling, 7,000 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

--rhodella Berk. (57. No. 262; Sacco V: 236). On wood, Darjeeling, 7,500 ft.<br />

(Hooker f.). Not O. rlwdella Pat., Sacco V: 233, XIV: 81.<br />

--rupicola Massee (319, I :114; Sacco XVI:25). Amongst rocks, Tehri<br />

Garhwal, Himalaya, 7,500 ft. (Gamble).<br />

--stillaticia Berk. (57. No. 256; Sacco V :231). On dead and living tree trunks,<br />

Jallapahar, Darjeeling, 8,000 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

- stipitaria Fr. (Sacc. V:216; 260:153; 263 :335; 467 :158). On grass stems<br />

and roots, Botanic Garden, Saharanpur (Gollan); on wood, Simla (Blatter).<br />

--triplicata Berk. (57. No. 258; Sacco V :221). Habitat and exact locality not<br />

given, Sikkim (Hooker f.).<br />

--undabunda Berk. (57, No. 257; Sacco V:201). On old timber in woods,<br />

Darjeeling, 7,500 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

--ustlpes Berk. (57, No. 261 ; Sacco V:234). On the ground, Darjeeling, 8,000<br />

ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

--velutipes (Curt.) Fr. (Sacc. V :212; 57, after Nos. 260 and 363, as Agaricus<br />

velutipes Curt.). On dead wood, Darjeeling, 7-8,000 ft., and in pille woods,<br />

Sikkim, 11,000 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

Coniophora indica Massee (313 :134 ; Sacco IX :241). On wood, Bombay.<br />

-·-membranacea DC. (Sacc. VI :649; 144 :93). On walls of gaol, Simla<br />

(Prof. Balfour).<br />

Coprinus comatus Fr. (Sacc. V:1079; 57, after No. 311). Bombay (J. D. Campbell) ;<br />

011 grassy earth, Darjeeling (Hooker £.).<br />

--fimbriatus Berk. & Broome (Sacc. V:l105 ; 71:352, fig.). Usually on dung,<br />

Howrah and Hooghly Districts, Bengal (Bose).<br />

--hooker'i Berk. (57, No. 312: not in Sacc.). In grassy places, Jalapahar,<br />

7,500 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

--niveusFr. (Sacc. V :1088; 70, I and II, figs.). On dung and heaps of rotten<br />

straw, common in Bengal (Bose).<br />

--? spraguei Berk. & Curt. (Sacc. V :1101 ; 263 :329). On the ground,<br />

Botanic Garden, Saharanpur (Gollan).<br />

---vellereus Berk. (57. No. 313; not in Sacc.). On dead wood and earth,<br />

Darjeeling (Hooker f.).


T richosa"nthes cucumerina, Piper betle, Trifolium alexand'rinum, Sesarnum<br />

indicum, and other plants ill northern and western India, and in Burma.<br />

[Corticium] violaceo-lividum (Sommerf.) Fr. (Sacc. VI :627; 196 :127). Yomah,<br />

Burma (Kurz).<br />

Cortinarius emodensis Berk. (57, No. 384; Sacco IX :121 and XI :65), In pine<br />

woods, on Abies webbiana, Lachen, Himalaya, 10,000 ft. (Hooker f,).<br />

--flammeus Berk. (57, No. 386; Sacc, IX :127 and XI :66). In pine woods,<br />

Sikkim, 11,000 ft. (Hooker f,).<br />

--saniosus Fr. (Sacc. V:980; 57, after No. 386). In pine woods, Sikkim, 11,000<br />

ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

- - vinosulus Sacco (Sacc. IX :121 as "0. vinosulus Berk."; 57, No. 385 as O.<br />

vinosus Berk.; not C. vinOSU1n Cke), In pine woods, Sikkim, 11,000 ft.<br />

(Hooker f.).<br />

--violaceus Fr. (Sacc. V :924; 57, after No. 385). In woods, Myrong, Khasi<br />

Rills (Rooker f. ).<br />

Crepidotus alveolus (Lasch) Fr. (Sacc. V :877; 263 :331). On the ground, Botanic<br />

Garden, Saharanpur (Gollan).<br />

--applanatus (Pers.) Fr. (Sacc. V:878; 263:331) . On dead branches, Amigadh,<br />

Mussoorie (Gollan) .<br />

Cyclomyces turbinatus Berk. (57, No. 445; Sacc, VI:390). On decayed wood,<br />

Nunklow, Khasi Hills (Hooker f.).<br />

Daedalea andamani Berk. in Herb. (174 :93; Sacco XI :100). On trunks,<br />

Andaman Islands.<br />

- boseii Lloyd (287 :1069, 1109, :fig.; 70, VII :32), On dead branches of<br />

Mangifera indica, Bengal (Bose).<br />

- discolor Fr. (Sacc, VI :383; 196:125). Yomah, Burma (Kurz).<br />

--emodensis Berk. (57, No. 444; Sacco VI:374). On dead wood, Lebong,<br />

Darjeeling (Hooker f.) .<br />

--llavida Lev, (Sacc. VI:381; 70, V:24, :figs.; 287:1010; 70, VII:33 as D. microzona<br />

Lev.=form of D, flavida Lev.; 288, No. 60 :6 as " Trametes flavidct";<br />

287:1069). India (P. D. Master); on logs aud bamboos, Calcutta (Bose);<br />

the form microzona, which is stated to have more regula.r pores and a thinner<br />

substance, Sunkna, Darjeeling (Bose). Lloyd (288, No. 36:3) suggested<br />

that D. flavida is the same as Lenzites ochroleuca Lev. but he continued to<br />

use the former name also, See" Lenzites flavida."<br />

"_' - gollanli Massee (319, VIn :217; Sacco XXIII :450). On dead wood,<br />

Mussoorie (GoBan).<br />

--hobsoni Berk. (Sacc. VI:379; 70, II:143, figs ,). Bengal (Bose), Perennial.<br />

--Iatissima Fr. (Sacc. VI :383; 274 :482; 51 :382), Recorded from India<br />

(Wight), possibly in error for D. sinulosa.<br />

--pruinosa Lev. (Sacc. VI :379; 84 :231; 286 :145 as Sistotrerna ochroleuwm<br />

Lev.; 288, No. 28 :2; 286 :143 as Hexa90nia glabra Lev.; 57, No. 409 as


Lenzites ochrophyllus Berk.; 174 :93 as Daedalea flabellum Berk. in Herb.;<br />

57. No. 340, as Trametes lobata Berk.; 196 :124; 467: 157 as Lenzites ochroleuca<br />

Lev.; 287 :503, fig.; 288. No. 31:3, and No. 49:3 ;293 :31, figs., as Hexagonia<br />

ochroleuca). On trunks, Bombay (Polydore Raux); on dead charred wood,<br />

Darjeeling, 7,500 ft., and on dead wood, Mungdurbi, Darjeeling, 4,000 ft.<br />

(Hooker £.); on old logs, Sikkim Terai (Kurz); Khandala, Bombay (Blatter) ;<br />

Bengal (Hutchings); India (Kirtikar; Cave). Lloyd (293) discusses the<br />

synonymy of this polymorphic fungus. In its most usu111 form it is a Lenzites.<br />

Lloyd considers that Daeilaleaflavida Lev. (see above) may be the same species.<br />

Bresadola (84:230-231) considers Daedalea pruinosa the name to apply to this<br />

species. The type specimens of H exagonia glabra and Sistotrema ochroleucum<br />

are in good condition at Paris, with notes by Bresadola.<br />

[Daedalea] quereina (L.) Pers. (Sacc. VI:370; 70. I :113). On dead wood,<br />

Calcutta (Bose) .<br />

--sinulosa Klotzsch (239 :495; Sacco VI :384). On wood, India. See D.<br />

latissima.<br />

--suberosa Massee (319. IV:94; Sacco XXI:351). On wood, Mysore (Butler).<br />

--subsulcata Berk. & Broome (Sacc. VI :372). On dead wood, Narcondam,<br />

Andaman Islands (C. G. Rogers).<br />

--tenuis Berk. (Sacc. VI :376 ; 57. after No. 443; 196 :1 25). On dead wood<br />

Parasnath, and Khasi Hills (Hooker f.); Yomah, Burma, and South<br />

Andaman Island (Kurz).<br />

--unicolor (Bull.) Fr. (Sacc. VI :377 ; 70. IX :41). On prostrate trunks and<br />

stumps, Pashok, Darjeeling and Kawnghka, Burma (Bose).<br />

--zonata Schwein. (Sacc. VI :382; 196 :125). Pellowa, Toukyeghat, Burma<br />

(Kurz).<br />

Deconia atro-rufa Scharff. (Sacc. V:1059 ; 263 :330 as Psilocybe atrorufa (Schaeff. )<br />

Fr. form minor). On the ground, Botanic Garden, Saharanpur (GaHan).<br />

Eceilia blandfordii P. Henn. (260 :153; Sacco XVI :82). On the ground, Kalsia<br />

(J. H. Blandford) ; Botanic Garden, Saharanpur (Gollan).<br />

--giiseo-rubella (Lasch) Sacco (Sacc. V :730; 263:333). Afonn, on the ground,<br />

Botanic Garden, Saharanpur (GolIan). .<br />

Elmerina vespacea (Pel's.) Bres. (84 :231; 240 :101 as Hexagonia macrotrema<br />

Jungh.; Sacco VI:369). Recorded by Fries from Java and India, but Lloyd<br />

(293 :30) found no Indian specimen; yet he (288. No. 28 :2) records Hexagonia<br />

albida Berk., which Bresadola (84 :230) considers to be E. vespacea, from<br />

Bengal (Hutchings) ; see also Lenzites alutacaa.<br />

Entoloma Cystopodum Berk. (57. No. 285; Sacco V:698). On dead leaves,<br />

twigs, moss, etc., Darjcp,ling. 8,000 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

--euthelum Berk. (57. No. 378; Sacco V:694). In pine woods, Sikkim, 11,000<br />

ft. (Hooker f.).

THE FUNGI OF tNDtA. lOl<br />

[HirneolaJ delicata (Fr.) Bres. (84:231; Sacco VI:407 as Laschia tremellosa Fr. ; 57,<br />

after No. 453; 287:784, fig.). In woods, Lebong, Darjeeling, 5,000 ft.<br />

(Hooker f.).<br />

-nigra (Swartz) Fr. (Sacc. VI:768; 196:128 as H. auricula eanis Fr.). On<br />

logs, North Yomah, Burma (Kurz).<br />

--polytricba Mont. (Sacc., VI:766; 319, III:152; 288, No. 60:6; 350:154<br />

as Exidia polytt'icha Mont.; 263:323 as Auricularia polytricha Mont.;<br />

467:154; 287:1295; 68:147). On wood, India (Belanger); Belgaum (Hobson);<br />

Poona (Woodrow); Arnigadh, Mussoorie (Gollan); Khauheri Caves,<br />

Bombay (Blatter); India (P. D. Master; P. L. Dey); Dastikop, Dharwar<br />

(Sedgwick); on dead twigs of Tectona grandis, Nidungayam, Malabar<br />

(Fischer).<br />

Hydnum aitchesoni Berk. (65:137 ; Sacco VI:454). Gulmarg, Kashmir, 8,500 ft.<br />

(Aitcheson). Esculent; vernacular name" Ryle gab ".<br />

--analogum Berh:. in Herb. (178:1; Sacco XI:108). On rotten wood, Nilgiris.<br />

--auriscalpium L. (Sacc. VI:445; 57, after No. 398). On fir-cones, Myrong,<br />

Khasi Hills (Hooker f.).<br />

-coralloides Scop. (Sacc. VI:446; 57. after No. 343; 319, III:152). In<br />

crevices on old tree trunks, Darjeeling, 7,500 ft. (Hooker f.); Chitral Relief<br />

Expedition (Duthie).<br />

-delicatulum Klotzsch in 'Fr. (239:515; Sacco VI:458). On trunks, India.<br />

-delicatnm Klotzsch in Berk. (51:395; Sacco VI:470; 349:23). On rotten<br />

Jatropha curcas, Madras (Wight); on dead trunks, Kunda, Nilgiris<br />

(Perrottet). A good specimen of the latter is in Herb. Montagne, marked<br />

" verum exc. Berkeley".<br />

--erinaceus Bull. (Sacc. VI:449; 57, after No. 448). Abundant on dead wood,<br />

Sikkim, 7,500 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

-fiabelliforme Berk. (Sacc. VI:457; 57, after Nos. 344 and 448). On dead<br />

wood, Darjeeling, 7-8,000 ft., and Lebong (Hooker f.).<br />

-giIvum Berk. (57, No. 344; Sacco VI:459; 367, 111:276). On dead trunks,<br />

Darjeeling (Hooker f.). A specimen was sent by Berkeley to Montagne.<br />

- - gleadowii Massee (319, II:166; Sacco XVI:175; 242). On dead wood,<br />

Dehra Dun (Gleadow). The species name and collector were published in<br />

error as "gleadonii" and" Gleadon". Miss Wakefield, Kew, informs us<br />

that this is not a Hydnum, but a Polystictus, probably P. leoninus.<br />

-lachnodontium Berk. (178:2; Sacco XI:108). On logs, etc., Nilgiris.<br />

-oli(lum Berk. (Sacc. VI:443; 288, No. 65; 4, 8). India (Kashyap).<br />

-pulcherrimum Berk. & Curt. (Sacc. VI:452; 287:1069). India (Bose).<br />

--repandum L. (Sacc. VI:435; 263:325). On the earth, Arnigadh, Mussoorie<br />

(Gollan).<br />

-rufescens Pers. (Sacc. VI:436; 288, No. 65:4). India (Kashyap).

102 'l'HE FUNGI 0l1' lNDlA.<br />

[Hydnum] thwaitesii Berk. & Broome (67:58; Sacco VI:(33). NiIgiris (E. S.<br />

Berkeley).<br />

- udum Fr. (Sacc. VI:469; 196:126). Mutlah, Lower Bengal (Kurz).<br />

--vespert'ilio Berk. (57, No. 448; Sacco VI:442). On the ground, Nunklow,<br />

Khasi Hills (Hooker f.).<br />

--zonatum Batsch (Sacc. VI:441 ; 57, after No. 4-(7). On the ground, Nunklow,<br />

Khasi Hills (Hooker f.).<br />

Hygrophorus fulvus Berk. (57, No. 388; Sacco V:420). In pine woods, Sikkim,<br />

11,000 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

-hobsoni Berk. (66:39; Sacco V:390). Central India (Hobson).<br />

--miniatus Fr. (Sacc. V:413; 57, after No. 386). In pine woods, Lachen,<br />

Sikkim, 10,000 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

--pomona Berk. (57, No. 387; Sacco V:(20). On clay banks, Moflong, Khasi<br />

Hills (Hooker f.).<br />

Hymenochaete cacao Berk. (57, No. 452 as Stereum cacao Berk.; Sacco VI:592;<br />

147:146; 287:955, 1266). On dead timber, Khasi Hills (Hooker f.) ; India<br />

(Cave; D. Maruda Rajan).<br />

- - carted Berk. in Herb. in Cooke (147:149; Sacco VI:603). Bombay. Cooke<br />

published this as an imperfect, excluded species.]<br />

- depallens Berk. & Curt. (Sacc. VI:596; 147:147 ; -379:276; 263:324). On<br />

dead branches, Botanic Garden, Saharanpur (Gollan). This species was<br />

published in Berkeley & Broome (67:68) but marked " H . depallens B. &<br />

C." and is usually so cited, although Petch ta79) gives Berkeley and Broome<br />

as the authors.<br />

- leonina Berk. & Curt. (Sacc. VI:597 ; 319, 1:114). On dead bark, Jaunsar<br />

(Gamble).<br />

-O-mougeotii (Fr.) Cke (Sacc. VI:595 ; 57, after No. 452, as Stere:um mougeotii<br />

Fr.; 196:127 as Corticium mougeotii Fr.). On wood, Yangma Valley, East<br />

Nepal, and Singalelah, Sikkim, 10,000 ft. (Hooker f.); on dead trees,<br />

Phallut, Sikkim, 11-12,000 ft. (Kurz).<br />

--nigricans (Lev.) Patouill. (Sacc. XXI:389; 467:155 as H. strigosa Berk. &<br />

Broome; 84:233; 379:274). On bark, Khandala, Bombay (Blatter).<br />

--rheicolor (Mont.) Lev. (286:151; Sacco VI:591 ; :149:23 as Stereum rMicolor<br />

Mont.; 147:145; 379:273). On dead trunks, Gudalur, Nilgiris. The type<br />

is in Herb. Mont., a.nd there are also three Nilgiri specimens in the general<br />

Herbarium at Paris.<br />

--rubiginosa (Schrad.) Lev. (Sacc. Vl:589 ; 147:145). Recorded as occurring<br />

in India, but no definite reference noted. No Indian specimens were found<br />

in the collections of Leveille at Paris.<br />

-tenuissima Berk. (Sacc. VI:593 ; 147:146; 288, No. 65':4; 287:1263). India<br />

(Kashyap; Bose). According to Bresadola (8';':233) the type of this species<br />

is H. rMicolm.

104 TirE FUNGI OF I1mU.<br />

Lachnocladium bookeri Berk. (5'(, No. 399; Sacco VI:738). Khasi Hins (Hooker<br />

f.).<br />

Lactarius deliciosus Fr. (Sace. V:438; 5'(, after No. 388). Lachen, Sikkim,<br />

11,000 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

--princeps Berk. (57, No. 389, and after No. 404; Sacco V:448). In woods,<br />

Kullung and Myrong, Khasi Hills, 6,000 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

--stramineus Berk. (57, No. 404, not in Sacc.). On the ground, Pomrang,<br />

Khasi Hills, 5,000 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

--subdulcis Fr. (Sacc. V:450; 57, after No. 389). Identified from drawings<br />

without notes.<br />

-vellereus Fr. (Sacc. V:437; 57, after No. 388). Fir woods, Sikkim, 10,000<br />

ft. (Hooker f.). As Berkeley notes under No. 404, he first confused the<br />

specimens of L. stramineus with those of L. vellereus.<br />

Laschia intestinalis (Berk.) Bres. (84:234; 57, No. 342 as Favolus intestinalis<br />

Berk.; Sacco V1:400; 287:708, 785). Darjeeling (Hooker f.). Lloyd (I.e.)<br />

proposed the genus Poroauricularia for this fungns, which he regards as<br />

more an Auricularia than a Polypore.<br />

--lamellosa Berk. (57, No. 454; not in Sacc.; not L. lamellosa Pat., Sacco<br />

IX: 205). Lebong, Datjeeling (Hooker f.).<br />

--subvelutina Berk. (57, No. 343; Sacco VI:410). On tree trunks, Darjeeling,<br />

5-8,000 ft. (Hooker f.). Lloyd (287:839) states that this species "rests on<br />

a single, inadequate specimen, but not a Laschia. I would not say without<br />

cutting it whether it is a Campanella or an Auricularia".<br />

Lentinus alopecinus Fr. (239:392; Sacco V:589). Recorded as apparently on<br />

the ground, India.<br />

-blepharodes Berk. (Sacc. V:577; 288. No. 47:10). Botanic Garden, Saharanpur.<br />

-candidus Graff (Sacc. XXIII:167; 287:1069). India (Bose). Lloyd (1.c.)<br />

considers it a pale form of L. sajor-caju, except that the spotes are different.<br />

-capronatus Fr. (Sace. V:575; 196:119). Myodwine, Burma (Kurz).<br />

--coadunatus Hooker f. (57, No. 323; Sacco V:601). On dead wood, Darjeeling,<br />

7,500 ft. (Hooker f.). Lloyd (288, No. 47:13) is of the opinion that<br />

this species and L. curreyanus are the same as L. sulmudus.<br />

-connatus Berk. (Sacc. XXI:116; 71: 347, fig.). On dead wood, Howrah<br />

District, Bengal (Bose). See L. javanicus below.<br />

--curreyanus Sacco & Cub. (Sacc. V:586; 70, 1:111; 196:120, figs., as L. caespitosus<br />

Currey, not Berk.). Burma (Kurz); Calcutta (Bose).<br />

- -descendens Fr. (Sacc. V:587; 196:119). Toukyeghat, Burma (Kutz).<br />

-exilis Klotzsch (Sacc. V:606; 148:98). Andaman Islands (Kurz).<br />

-gIabratus Mont. (Sacc. V:605; 196:120). North Rajmahal Hills, North<br />

Bengal (Kurz).


[Marasmius] parishii Oke (149:122; Sacco V:545). On grass, palm petioles, etc.,<br />

Burma (?Parish).<br />

--proletarius Berk. & Curt. (Sacc. V:555). Reported from Narcondam,<br />

Andaman Islands (C. G. Rogers).<br />

- pulcher (Berk. & Broome) Petch (377:19; Sacco VI:673 as Cyp7tella;<br />

497:38). On tea, Assam (Tunstall). This is the common thread blight of<br />

tea in Ceylon, and is, according to Petch (377) the species with which Massee<br />

found his Stilbum nanum (q_.v.) associated, and wrongly thought the latter<br />

to be its fructification. M. pulcher is apparently not parasitic, and the<br />

identity of the true parasitic thread blight of tea in India is still unknown.<br />

(See 111:456, figs., and Corticium repens) .<br />

--ramealis (BulL) Fr. (Sacc. V:531 ; 263:328). On dead roots, Botanic Garden,<br />

Saharanpur (Gollan).<br />

- rotula (Scop.) Fr. (Sacc. V:541; 57, after No. 391; 263:329). On leaves<br />

of maple, etc., in pine woods, Sikkim, 11,000 ft. (Hooker f.); on dead grass<br />

stems, Botanic Garden, Saharanpur (GoHan). Berkeley notes that the<br />

Sikkim form has adnate gills, not attached to a collar.<br />

--sacchari Wakker (Sacc. XIV:115; 392:'1). On exotic varieties of Saccharum<br />

officina1'um, Mandalay (Rhind).<br />

--spaniophyllus Berk. (Sace. V:568; 467:157). On dead twigs, Khandala,<br />

Bombay (Blatter).<br />

--subomphalodes P. Henn. (263:329; Sacco XVII:4J). On dead grass, Botanic<br />

Garden, Saharanpur (Gollan).<br />

--urens Fr. (Sacc. V:504; 263:328). On the ground, Arnigadh, Mussoorie<br />

(Gollan).<br />

Merulius corium Fr. (Sacc. VI:413). Reported in Saccardo as occurring in India,<br />

but a more definite reference was not found .<br />

--Ugnosus Berk. (57, No. 447; Sacco VI:(20). On dead wood, Darjeeling<br />

(Hooker f.).<br />

- pseudolachrymans P. Henn.


[Myceua] conocephala P. Henn. (21)3:334:; Bacc. XVII:20). On the ground,<br />

Botanic Garden, Saharanpur (Gollan).<br />

--dentosa Berk. (57, No. 370; Sacco V:282). In pine woods, Sikkim, 11,000<br />

ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

- - discors Berk. (57, No. 368; Sacc. V:264}. On wood in pine forest, Sikkim,<br />

11,000 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

--epipterygia (Scop.) Fr. (Saec. V:294; 57, after No. 372, as Agaricus epipterygius<br />

Scop.). In pine woods, Sikkim, 11,000 ft. (Hooker f.)<br />

--flavo-miniata Berk. (57, No. 372; Sacco V:289). On sticks in pine woods,<br />

Sikkim, 11,000 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

--galericulata (Seop.) Fr. (Sacc. V:268; 5T, after No. 366, as Agaricus galericutatus<br />

Scop.). In pine woods, Sikkim, 11,000 ft. {Hooker f.).<br />

--?gypsea Fr. (Sace. V:260; 263:334). On roots, Botanic Garden, Saharanpur<br />

(Gonan).<br />

--incommiscibilis Berk. (57, No. 369; Sacco V:281). In pine woods, Sikkim,<br />

11,000 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

- - macrothela Berk. (57, No. 373; Sacco V:294). Amongst moss in woods,<br />

Myrong, Khasi Hills (Hooker f.).<br />

--manipularis Berk. (57, No. 274; Sacco V:272). On trunks and stump!?,<br />

Binehul, Himalaya, 8,500 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

- --- myriadea Berk. (57, No. 266; Sacco V: 271). On dead trunks, Darjeeling,<br />

8,000 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

---nubigena Berk. (57, No. 267 ; Sacco V:2(9). On old timber, Darjeeling, 7,500<br />

ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

---? plicosa Fr. (Sacc. V:279; 263:334). On the ground, Botanic Garden,<br />

Saharanpur (Gollan).<br />

--prasia Berk. (57, No. 275; Sacc. V:264). On the ground, top of Tonglo, Sikkim,<br />

10,000 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

--puberula Berk. (57, No. 371 ; Sacco V:284). In pine woods, Sikkim, 11,000 ft.<br />

(Hooker £.).<br />

--pura (Pers.) Fr. (Sacc. V:256 ; 57, after No. 366, as Agarious purus Pers.). In<br />

pino woods, Sikkim. 11.000 ft. (Hooker n.<br />

--rubiaetincta Berk. (57, No. 270; Sacco V:291). On tree tnmks, Darjeeling, ..<br />

7,500 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

---i'ufata Berk. (57, No. 273 ; Sacco V:272). On tree trunks, Darjeeling, 8,000 ft.<br />

(Hooker f.).<br />

--l'Ufo-picta Berk. (57, No. 276; Sacco V:294). On dead wood, Darjeeling,<br />

8,000 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

--russulina Berk (57, No. 272; Sacco V:272). On tree trunks, Darjeeling,<br />

8,600 it. (Hooker f.).<br />

--xanthophylla Berk. (57, No. 2'71 ; Sacco V: 272). On roots of trees, Darjeeling,<br />

8,000 ft. (Hooker f.).

'I'm: FUNoi OF INDiA. 115<br />

[Polyporus] adustus (Willd.) Fr. (Sacc. VI:125; 286:134; 57, after No. 421; 288,<br />

No. 33:4, No. 34:2, No. 69:5; 300:328; 287:955; 352 as "Bjerkandem<br />

adusta "; 70, VIll:30 as P .. dissitus Berk. & Broome; 84:224). Nilgiris<br />

(Perrottct, a good specimen at Paris); Sikkim, 7,000 ft. (Hooker f.) ;<br />

Sonamarg, Kashmir (R. R. Stewart); India (Cave) ; on dead date palm<br />

trunk, Kadambagachi, Bengal (Bose) . .<br />

- albellus Peck (287:1126; 296:130). South India (D. Maruda Rajan).<br />

--anthelminticus Berk. (60:753; Sacco VI:79; 70, VIII:30). At the base of<br />

bamboo stems, Burma; on dead root of bamboo, Bengal (Bose). Vernacular<br />

names" wa-mo ", " man-mo". Said by Berkeley to be near P. rufescens<br />

(q. v.). .<br />

--aquosus P. Henn. (Sacc. XVII: 11 2 ; 296:130). India (Cave). Lloyd (288,<br />

No. 32:1) states that this is the same as P. lenzitoides Berk., but Bresadola'<br />

(84:235) considers it to be quite different from" Polyponls lenziteus Berk."<br />

presumably meaning P. lenzitoides Berk.<br />

--arcularius (Batseh) Fr. (Sacc. VI:67 ; 349:22; 263:326 ; 287:1126 ; 70, IX:36).<br />

India (? Perrottet); on dead twigs, Arnigadh, Mussoorie (Gollan); South<br />

India (D. Maruda Rajan) ; on the ground and on a fallen branch, Barkuda<br />

• Island, OTissa (Bose, who reports it as P. (tgariceus Berk., with P. arcularius<br />

given as a synonym. These two names are usually given as synonyms,<br />

although Bresadola (82:222) states that P. agariceus Berk. is a synonym of .<br />

P. boucheanus IOot.). See P. cremoricolor and P. squamoso-maculatus.<br />

--bambusicola P. Henn. (263:326; Sacco XVll:ll1). On roots of bamboo,<br />

Botanic Garden, Saharanpur (Gollan) .<br />

--bicolor Jungh. (Sacc. Vl:207 as Fames; 196:124 as P. anebus Berk. ; 70, V:20,<br />

figs.; 287:1010; 84:222). On wood, Toukyeghat, Pellowa, Burma (Kurz) ;<br />

Bengal, Assam, and Madras (Bose). Lloyd (300:338) also considers P. anebus<br />

to be the same as P. bicolor.<br />

--bosei Brcs. (85:55). On trunks, Bakarganj, Calcutta District (Bose).<br />

--brumalis (Pers.) Fr. (Sacc. VI:63; 70. IX:35). On a prostrate log, Chilka<br />

Lake, Orissa (Bose).<br />

--calcuttensis Bose (80:179, figs.). In a cavity in the trunk of Ca€.mlpinia pulcherrima,<br />

Calcutta (Bose).<br />

--campbelli Berk. (57, No. 488; Sacco Vl:61 ; 240:32). On the ground, Poon:\.<br />

(J. D. Campbell). Lloyd (295:89) states that this species is " only known frow<br />

a thin section. Probably could not be determined on comparison."<br />

- chocolatus Bose (77 :226, fig. ; 287:1186, 1194, fig.). On the ground, Coimbatore,<br />

Madras (Bose).<br />

--" clementsii "(287:1069). India (Bose). We are uncertain as to the interpretation<br />

of Lloyd's reference. P. clementiae Murr. is stated by Bresadola<br />

(84:67) to be a synonym of P. vernicipes Berk. P. clemensiae (Murr.) Sacco &<br />

Trott. (Sacc. XXI:272) may be intended.<br />

im FUNGI OF INDiA.<br />

[Polyporus] cremoricolor Berk. (57, No. 334; Sacco VI:71; 263:326). On decayed<br />

wood, Darjeeling, 7,000 ft. (Hooker f.); on dead twigs, Al'lligadh, Mussoorie<br />

(Gollan). Lloyd (296:176) includes this as close to, if not the Same as, P.<br />

arcularius.<br />

--crispus (Pers.) Fr. (Sacc. VI:125; 57, after No. 338). On dead wood, Darjeeling,<br />

7-8,000 ft., and Tonglo, Sikkim, 8,000 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

-cubensis Mont. (Sacc. VI:146 ; 467:155). On wood, Debra Dun (Blatter).<br />

--curtisii Berk. (Sacc. VI:158 as lJ'omes ; 288, No. 42:3). India (Prof. D. E·<br />

Bashambar).<br />

- digitalis Berk. (57, No. 422; Sacco VI:1 23). On dead wood, Darjeeling, 7,500<br />

ft. (Hooker f.). Lloyd (300:377) states that the types are very poor, but look<br />

much like P. adustus.<br />

- elatinus Berk. (57, No. 424; Sacco VI:l41; 300:295). On pine, East Nepal<br />

and Sikkim (Hooker f.).<br />

--emerici (Berk. in Herb.) Lloyd (Sacc. IX:195 as Trametes emerici Berk. in Herb.;<br />

288, No. 40:5 ; 70,ill:2, figs. ; 296:137). On trunks, NiIgiris ; on dead wood,<br />

Rooghly, Bengal (Bose). Lloyd (288, 1. c.) states that it is related to P.<br />

gilvus.<br />

--flammans Berk. (57, No. 421; Sacco VI:103). On dead wood, Darjeeling,<br />

7,500 ft. (Hooker f.). The type was re-examined by Lloyd (300:378).<br />

- friabilis Bose (75:300, fig.; 287:1010, 1148, fig.). On the ground, Bengal and<br />

Orissa (Bose).<br />

- fumoso-olivaceus Lloyd (70, V:20, figs.; 373, II:284; 287:1010). OIl tree<br />

trunks, Howrah, Bengal (Bose).<br />

-gilvus Schwein. (Sacc. VI:121 ; 260:151 ; 70, n:138, figs. ; 300:346; 2gS, No.<br />

42:12, No. 47:2 ; 287:1295; 252 ; 57, after No. 339, as P. isidioides Berk.;<br />

467:155; 51:393 as P. cup1'eus Berk.; 84:224). On dead wood, Darjeeling<br />

(Hooker f.) ; Khandala, Bombay (Blatter) ; India (Wight; J. Ray; Bashambar;<br />

P. L. Dey); on a dead trunk of Shorea robusta, Kalsia (J. H. Blandford)<br />

; a suspected parasite of Dalbe1'gia sissoo, Dehra Dun (Hafiz Khan);<br />

Hooghly District, Bengal, and Darjeeling (Bose). See also Fomes holoscle­<br />

'Ius and P. inamoenu8.<br />

-grammocephalus Berk. (Sacc. VI:92; 148:98 ; 260:151 ; 467:156 ; 372:36 ; 70,<br />

IV:1, figs. ; 435:71 ; 287:1125, 1126). On stems in dense forest, Kalsia (J. H.<br />

Blandford); on dead trunks, Poona (Blatter) ; Hooghly, Bengal (Bose); on<br />

dead wood, Sidapur, Coorg (435); S01lth India (Maruda Rajan); India<br />

(H. V. Ryan); Andaman Islands (Kurz).<br />

- guhae Bose in Lloyd (287:1147, :fig., 952, 1010). India (Bose).<br />

[-- haematinus Berk. in Herb. (Sacc. VI:14-9, a nomen nudum according to Lloyd:<br />

300:379). India.<br />

-hispidus (Bull.) Fr. (Sacc. VI:129; 263:32&; 111:21, figs. ; 98:14, fig. ; 287:1295,<br />

1330, as P. subhispidus). On dead tree roots, Botanic Garden. Saharanl)Ul'

12b THE li'b'NOI OF .t:Ni>iA.<br />

in Herb. Montagne); St. Xavier's College, Bombay (Blatter). Lloyd (296:<br />

171) states: " Close to bmmalis but more smooth and rigid."<br />

[Polyporus]ungulatus Berk. var. hobsoni Sacco (62 :165 ; Sacco VI:142). Bombay<br />

(Hobson).<br />

-vallatus Berk. (57, No. 419 ; Sacco VI:77 ; 84:235; 296:162). On the ground,<br />

Khasi Hills (Hooker f.).<br />

- varius Fr. (Sacc. VI:84; 288, No. 49:4). India (Cave).<br />

- - versiformis Berk. (57, No. 417; Sacco VI:81). On dead wood, Sikkim (Hooker<br />

f.). Lloyd (296:188) records that this species is based on two small specimens,<br />

one of which seems to be P. melanopus, the other apparently different.<br />

--vivax Berk. (57, No. 423; Sacco IX:I71 and XI:84). On dead wood, East Nepal<br />

(Hooker f.). Lloyd (296:148) states that P. " virax " (error for vivax) seems<br />

to be the same as P. liebmanni Fr.<br />

-zonalis Berk. (Sacc. VI:145; 57, after No. 339; 260;151; 70, m ;3, figs. ; 300:<br />

336; 287:1069). On dead wood, Darjeeling, 7,000 ft. (Hooker f.); Hooghly,<br />

Howrah, and Darjeeling (Bose) ; on dead trunk of Oedrela toona, Kalsia (J. H.<br />

Blandford). See P. rugulosus.<br />

Polystictus aethiops Cke (148:99; Sacco VI:284). On bark, India. Lloyd (300:<br />

375) notes that the type specimens cannot be accepted as representing a<br />

speCles.<br />

- affinis Nees (Sacc. VI:219 ; 196:122; 472:152; 288, No. 28:2, No. 60:6; 294:<br />

53, 57 ; 296:142, fig. ; 287:1126 ; 435:73 ; 70, VIll:31, figs.). Yomah Range<br />

and Karen Country, Burma (Kurz); on dea.d wood, Ooorg (435); Bengal<br />

(Hutchings); India (P. D. Master); • South India (D. Maruda Rajan); on .<br />

fallen trunk of Terminalia arjuna, Midnapur, Bengal (Bose); also recorded<br />

for Nicobar Islands. See P. squamaeformis.<br />

--asper Jungh. (Sacc. VI:224; 196:124, figs., erroneously as Polyporus xer&phyllaceus<br />

Berk.; 163:21 as Fames curreyi Berk. in Herb. ; 148:98 as P. curreyi<br />

Berk. ; 299:279 as " Trametes strigata "; 84:224, 227). On old logs, Botanic<br />

Garocn,Oalcutta and Andaman Islands (Kurz).<br />

- - badius Berk. (Sacc. VI:281 ; 288, No. 28:3; 70, IV:4, figs., as Trametes badiul<br />

Berk.; 287:1010. On old logs, Bengal (Hutchings); Assam and Benga<br />

(Bose). Lloyd (288, No. 28:3) st ates that the Indian specimens are more<br />

like the type at Kew than Philippine specimens similarly named.<br />

--beharensis Berk. (57, No. 438; Sacco VI:289). On dead wood, Sone River,<br />

Bihar (Hooker f.). Lloyd (287:1145) notes that P. glabro-rigens may be the<br />

same as P. beharensis, but the type of the latter is too poor to decide.<br />

--berkeleyi Bres. (Sacc. VI:369 as Hexagonia pergamenea Berk. & Broome, not<br />

Polystictus pergamenus Fr.; 70, V:22, fig. ; 287:HllO). On dead wood,<br />

Hooghly District, Bengal (Bose). Bose states that this is more a Hexagonia<br />

than a. Polystictus.


Bengal (Run) ; Hooghly District, Bengal (Bose) ; Botanic Garden, Saharanpur<br />

(GoHan); Anand, Bombay (Blatter); India (D. Maruda Rajan). See<br />

also P . satpoorcnsis and Hydmtm yleadawii.<br />

[Polystictus ] Iicnoides Mont. (Sacc. VI:281 ; 57, after No. 339; 70, III:2, figs.;<br />

288, No. 34:2). Sinchul, Sikkim, 8,000 ft. (Hooker f.); on dead wood,<br />

Darjeeling (Bose); India (Cave). Lloyd (300:349) considers it a pronounccd,<br />

tropical form of P. gilvus.<br />

- - luteus Blume & Nees (Sacc. VI:218). Recorded by Saccardo as occurring in<br />

the Nicobar Islands, presumably from Cooke's reference regarding the distribution<br />

of this species, given in the rcport of the " Challengcr " expedition<br />

1885. No Indian specimen was found at Rew, nor a more defin ite record of<br />

a collection from the Nicobar Islands.<br />

--malaiensis Cke (Sacc. VI:227 as P. "malaccnsis" Cke; 287:1125 as " Polyporus<br />

maliensis " ). South I ndia (D. Maruda Rajan).<br />

--membranaceus (Swartz) Berk. (Sacc. VI:287; :149 :22 as Polyporus flabellum<br />

Mont.; 84:224) . Ootacamund, Nilgiris (Perrottet). There are two specimens<br />

in the general Herbarium, Paris.<br />

- menziesii Berk. (Sacc. VI:226 ; 288, No. 69:5; 70, VIII:28, figs., as P. thwaitesii<br />

Berk. & Broome; 84:227). India (Cave); on dead timber and log of<br />

Exco(caria agallocha, Calcutta, and Slilldribnns (Bose). See P . gaudichaudii.<br />

--meyenii Klotzsch (Sacc. VI:261 ; 287:1126, and 1186 as " Trametcs meycnii").<br />

South India (D. Maruda Rajan); India (Bose). See T. obstinaia.<br />

--modestus Kunze (Sacc. VI:226; 196:122). Yomah Range, Burma (ICurz).<br />

See Polyporus rubidus.<br />

--nepalensis Berk. (57, No. 434; Sacco VI:228; 57, No. 4E5 as Polyparus<br />

corium Berk.; 84:223). On dead wood, Nangki, East Nepal, 10,000 ft.,<br />

and Sikkim, 12,000 ft. (Hooker f. ). Types discussed by Lloyd (296:]45;<br />

306:377 ; 287:951).<br />

- nilghei'iensis Mont .. (:l49:22; Sacco VI:231; 57, after Nos. 339 and 433;<br />

70, V:20, figs.; 300:357, figs.; 287:1010). On old trunks, Nilgiris (Perrottet);<br />

East Nepal and Darjeeling (Hooker f.) ; Darjeeling (Bose). Lloyd (300:357)<br />

considers this species to b" a lignescent Polyporus, resembling a Fames. H6<br />

(l.c.:379) calls P. garckeanus P. Henn. a synonym, but wc have followed<br />

Bresadola who includes P. ga1'ckeanus with P. cumingii (q.v.). Type specimens<br />

of P. nilgheriensis are at Paris, also specimens marked "Sikkim"<br />

which were probably sent to Montagne by Berkeley.<br />

- - oblectans Berk. (Sacc. Vl:211 ; 57, after Nos. 335 and 415; 263:327). On<br />

dead wood and on the ground, Sikkim, 7,500 ft., and Churra, M:ofiong,<br />

and Nunklow, Kbasi Hills (Hooker f.); Siwalik Range (Gollan). Lloyd<br />

(296 :164) considers this an Australian species related to P. cinnamomeus.<br />

- - occidental's Rlotzsch (Sacc. VI:274; 196:125; 263:327; "'0, 111:3, figs.;<br />

287:952, 1069, 1126; 467:156, forms resupinata and termis, the latter per-

· .<br />


(Stereum] elegans Meyer (Sacc. VI:553; 196:126; 263:323; 467:154; 379:260;<br />

288, No. 46:2; 297:24, fig.; 287:1295, 1336, fig.). Lower Burma (Kurz); on<br />

tree roots, Botanic Garden, Saharanpur (Gollan); on wood, Khandala,<br />

Bombay (Blatter); India (P. L. Dey); India (collector unknown).<br />

--endocdnum Berk. (57, No. 451; Sacco VI:569). On dead branches, Yangma<br />

Valley, Fast Nepal (Hooker f.).<br />

-fioriiorme Bres. (Sacc. XXIII:508; 288, No. 46:2; 297:24). India (Gammie)·<br />

-hirsutum (Willd.) Fr. (Sacc. VI:563; 57, after Nos. 346 and 451; 263:323 ;<br />

467:154; 288, No. 60:7, No. 69:5 ; 352) .. On dead wood, Darjeeling, 7,000<br />

ft., and Lebong, (Hooker f.); Arnigadh, Mussoorie (Gollan); Khandala,<br />

Bombay (Blatter); N .. W. Himalaya, 6,500 ft. (W. T. Saxton); India (Cave);<br />

Sonamarg, Kashmir (R. R. Stewart).<br />

-lobatum Fr. (Sacc. 'VI:568; 57, after No. 451; 196:126; 467:154; 379:262;<br />

288, No. 38:8, No. 47:3; 242). On dead wood, Churra, Khasi Hills (Hooker<br />

f.); South Andaman Island and l'oukyeghat, Burma (Kurz); Khandala,<br />

Bombay (Blatter); India (H. V. Ryan; Cave). Lloyd (288, No. 38:8, No.<br />

39:3, No. 46:3) regards this as a luxuriant tropical form of S. fasciatum.<br />

--malabareI.se Lloyd? (297:39). Apparently on the ground, Malabar, erroneously<br />

referred by massee (313:162) to S. elegans.<br />

-medicum Currey (196:127, figs.; Sacco VI:582; 313:202). On wood, Sikkim<br />

5-6,000 ft. (Kurz). Used medicinally by the Lepchas.<br />

-nitidulum Berk. (Sacc. VI:552; 260:151; 263:323; 319, Ill:152; 379:259).<br />

On stump and roots of Oasuarina, Botanic Garden, Saharanpur (Gollan)j<br />

Kalsia (J. H . Blandford); on rotten wood, Poon.a (Woodrow).<br />

---ostrea Nees (Sacc. VI:571; 349:23; 196:126). Nilgiris (Perrottet, specimens<br />

in Herb. Montagne); Sill"im Himalaya, 4-6,000 ft. (Kurz).<br />

-papyraceum Massee (319, IV:94; Sacco XXI:387). On dead wood, Wahjain,<br />

Khasi Hills (Butler).<br />

-princeps Jungh. (Sacc. VI:570; 288, No. 49:4, No. 69:5, 11; 287:923, fig. ;<br />

57, No. 453 as S. scytale; 84:232; 196:127, figs.; 313:171). On dead wood,<br />

Khasi Hills (Hooker f. and Thomson); Western Himalaya (Stl"achey); Karen<br />

Hills and Yomah, Burma (Kurz); India (Cave). Causes a pocket rot in<br />

timbers, resembling that caused by S. frustulosum.<br />

-purpureum Pers. (Sacc. V!:563; 57, alter No. 346; 263:323). On dead wood,<br />

Darjeeling, 7-8,000 ft. (Hooker f.); Arnigadh, Mussoorie (Gollan).<br />

-rimosum Berk. (57, No. 346; Sacco VI:568; 379:265). On vegetable soil,<br />

old trees, etc., Darjeeling, 7,500 ft. (Hooker f.) .<br />

- schomburgkii Berk. (Sacc. VI:568; 287:1069). India (Bose).<br />

--spadiceum Fr. (Sacc. VI:564; 57, after Nos. 346 and 451). On dead wood,<br />

Darjeeling, 7,000 ft., and Lachen, Sikkim, 8,000 ft. (Hooker f.). .<br />

Strobilomyces indicus Lloyd (287:1331, fig., 1295). India (P. L. Dey).

THE FUNGI OF INDIA. 13:i<br />

[Trogia] montagnei Fr. (Sacc. V:636; 350 :149, fig., as Cantharellus aplorutis<br />

Mont.). On fallen branches in forest, 'I'richinopoli Hills (Belanger).<br />

Specimen not found at Paris.<br />

Tubaria asperata P. Renn. (263:331; Sacco XVlI:76). On the ground, Botanic<br />

Garden, Saharanpur (GoLlan).<br />

- furfuracea (Pers.) W. G. Smith (Sacc. V:872; 263:331). On the gI'ound,<br />

Botanic Garden, Saharanpur (GoHan).<br />

--saharanpurensis P. Henn. (263:332; Sacco XVII :76). On the ground,<br />

Botanic Garden, Saharanpur (GoHan).<br />

Typhula fuscipes (Pers. )Fr. (Sacc. VI:750; 196:127). Sikkim, 7,000 ft., with<br />

P olystictus VCl'sicolO1' (Kurz).<br />

lliocolla foliacea (Pers.) Bref. (Sacc., VI:778 ; 196:127 as Tl'crnella foliacca Pers.;<br />

57. after No. 347, as T.fcn·uginea Smith). On mossy and rocky wet places,<br />

'I'onglo, Sikkim, 10,000 ft. (Hooker f.); on shrubs, Sikkim, 10,000 ft. (Kurz).<br />

Urobasidium rostratuID Giesenhagen (246:139; Sacco XI:131 ). On galls of<br />

l 'aphl'ina cornu-cervi on leaves of Aspidium aristatum, Nepal (Wallich).<br />

Volvaria castanea Massee (319, XIV:254; Sacco XXIll:179). Under the north<br />

side of a wall, Calcutta (Burkill).<br />

--delicatula Massee (319. XlV:254; Sacco XXill:1S0). Under a wall, Calcutta<br />

(Burkill).<br />

--diplasia Berk. &, Broome (Sacc. V:658; 71:350, fig.). On rotten straw heaps,<br />

Rooghly District, Bengal (Bose). Eaten by the villagers.<br />

- liliputiana P. Renn. (263 :333; Sacco XVII :53). On the ground, Botanic<br />

Garden, Saharanpur (Gollan).<br />

--media (Schum.) Fr. (Sacc. V:662 ; 263:334). On the ground, Botanic Garden,<br />

Saharanpur (GoHan).<br />

--terastria Berk. & Broome (Sacc. V:661; 70, ll:137, figs., as V. "terastius";<br />

. 74:643). Very common on heaps of rotten straw, Bengal (Bose). Edible.<br />

--thwaitesii Rooker f. (57, No. 286; Sacco V:656). On dead wood, Darjeeling,<br />

7,000 ft. (Hooker L).<br />

--volvacea (Bull.) Sacco (Sacc. V:657; 263:334). Arnigadh, Mussooric, 5,500<br />

ft. (GoBan).<br />

--woodrowiana Massee (319, 1I:166; Sacco XVI:69). On the ground, Poona<br />

(Woodrow).<br />

Xerotus cantharelloides BClk (57, No. 327; Sacco V:630). On dead wood,<br />

Jallapahar, Darjceling (Hooker f.).<br />

--lateritius Berk. & Curt. (Sacc. V:634; 467 :157). On dead branches, Khandala,<br />

Bombay (Blatter). Theissen (1.c. and 472:1 55, 159) quotes Lloyd as<br />

considering this species as Fobably identical with Anthracopkyllum nigriturn<br />


134 TilE FbNGI OF INDiA.<br />

[ Xerotus] perrottetii Mont. (351:151 ; Sacco V:631 ; 349:22, erroneously referred to<br />

X. berteri Mont.). On branchee, near Ootacamund, Nilgiris (Perrottet).<br />

A good specimen is in the general herbarium at Paris.<br />


Astraeus hygrometricus (Pers.) Morg. (Sacc. VII:90 as Geaster hygrometricus<br />

Pers.; 57, after No. 455; 145:13; 263:338; 288, No. 65:4; 287:1295). On<br />

the ground, Simla (Thomson) ; Saharanpur (Duthie); Arnigadh, Mussoorie<br />

(GolIan) ; India (Kashyap ; P. L. Dey).<br />

Battal'rea levispora Massee (319, III:152; Sacco XVII:224). On the ground,<br />

Poona (Woodrow). Lloyd (290:7, fig.) considers it a form of B. phaUoides<br />

(Dicks.) Pers.<br />

Bovista argentea Berk. (51:400 ; Sacco VII:102). On the ground, Madras (Wight).<br />

Lloyd (287:190) states that the type at Kew is Lanopila bicolor, but the description<br />

suggests B. dealbata.<br />

--brasiliensis (Fr.) de Toni (Sacc. VII:100; 196:128 as Lycoperdon brasiliense<br />

Fr.). On wood, Nakawa, Toukyeghat, Burma (Kurz).<br />

--l>lumbea Pers. (Sacc. VII:96; 263:337). On the ground, Arrugadh, Mussoorie<br />

(Go11an).<br />

Bovistella aspera (Lev.) Lloyd (Sacc. VII:1l9; 287:1295). India (P. L. Dey).<br />

--bovistoides (Cke & Massee) Lloyd (166:26 as lJlycenastrum bovistoides Cke<br />

& Massee; Sacco VII:489 as Scleroderma bovistoides (Cke & Massee) Sacc.;<br />

287:284, fig.; 288, No. 65:4}. On the ground, amongst moss, Nilgiris (Herb.<br />

. Berkeley); India (G. H. Cave; Kashyap).<br />

- trachyspora Lloyd (287:287, figs.; Sacco XXI:483). Evidently in moss,<br />

Respanna Valley, Mussoorie (GoIlan).<br />

Calathiscus sepia Mont. (349:23 ; Sacco VII:24). On tree trunks in a damp forest,<br />

near Ootacamund, Nilgiris (Perrottet). Lloyd (292:'13, fig.) writes the name<br />

" Anthurus calathiscus ", but states that nothing is 1."110Wll of this fungus<br />

except Perrottct's crude figure.<br />

Calvatia gardneri Berk. (Sacc. VII:129 as Lycoperdon; 288, No. 15:3, No. 34:2).<br />

On the ground, Shillong, Khasi Hills (Butler) ; Bengal (Bose).<br />

- lilacina (Mont. & Berk.) Morgan (Sacc. VII:126 as Lycoperdon; 288, No. 12:2,<br />

No. 13:2). Bombay (Kirtikar); Poona (Gammie).<br />

Cauloglossum elatum Fr. (237, III:61; Sacco VII:57). On the ground, India<br />

(Koenig).<br />

Clathrus cancellatus Tournef. (Sacc. VII:19; 57, after No. 455; 400:154).<br />

On the ground, Myrong, Khasi Hills (Hooker f.) ; Sikkim (Remy). O. ruber<br />

(Mich.) Pers. is the same species.<br />

Crucibulum vulgare Tul. (Sacc. VII:43; 286:160). Nilgiris (Perrottet). The<br />

specimen is still at Paris.

136 THE FUNGi OF iNl>ti..<br />

cherry (Perrottet); "Plains of India" (61). Perrottet's coUections are in<br />

Herb. Montagne. Lloyd (292:14; see also 287:458) makes this a synonym of<br />

I. rubicuMuS (Bose) Ed. Fisch.<br />

[Itbyphallus] impudicus (L.) Fr. (Sacc. VII:8). As Lloyd (287:328) notes, "there<br />

is a very small and very doubtful specimen so named" from Herb.<br />

Griffiths, India (? Churra), in Kew Herbarium.<br />

Lanopila bicolor (Lev.) Patouill. (Sacc. XVI:240; 286:162 as Bovisfa bicolor<br />

Lev.; 287:190, fig.; 374:67). On the ground, Bombay (Polydore Roux);<br />

reported in Saccardo also from the Nicobar Islands. Lloyd (288, No. 66:8)<br />

considers it safe to place this species as a synonym of L. wahlhergii Fr. See<br />

also Bovista argentea.<br />

Lasiospbaera fenzlii Reichardt (391:135, :fig.; Sacco VII:96 as Eriosph'((ra Jenzlii<br />

Reich.; 287:191, fig.). Locality unkno\\n: probably India (Novara Expedition)<br />

; on manure, India (Cave).<br />

Lycoperdon al.veolatum Lev. (286:163; Sacco VII:120). On tue ground, Nilgiris<br />

(Perrottet). Type at Paris in good condition.<br />

--berkeleyi de Toni (Sacc. VII:124 ; 57, No. 457 as L. delicatum Berk., not<br />

Berk. & Curt.). On the ground, Khasi Hills (Hooker f.). Lloyd (287:243)<br />

discusses the names, and see also Coker and Couch, Gasteromycetes of the<br />

Eastern United States and Canada.<br />

-elongatum Berk. (57, No. 456; Sacco VII:123; 263:337). On mossy ground,<br />

Darjeeling, 7,500 ft., and East Nepal (Hooker f.); Arnigadh, Mussoorie<br />

(Gollan).<br />

----emodense Berk. (57, No. 458; Sacco VII:llO). On the ground, Sikkim, 15,000<br />

ft., and Phallut, East Nepal, 9,000 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

--fucatum Lev. (Sacc. VII:125; 57, after No. 456). Khabili river, East<br />

Nepal, 5-6,000 ft. (Hooker f.). Capillitium and spores only seen by<br />

Berkeley.<br />

-gemmatum Batsoh (Sacc. VII:106; 57. after No. 349; 196:128; 287:1266,<br />

1295). On tue ground, paths, clay banks, and decayed timbers, Jallapahar,<br />

Darjeeling, 7-8,000 ft. (Hooker f.); Sikkim Himalaya, 7-8,000 ft. (Kurz);<br />

India (D. Maruda Rajan ; P. L. Dey).<br />

-giganteum Batsch (Sacc. VII:I09; 352). Sonamarg, Kashmir (R. R. Stewart).<br />

This species is often called Ci.tlvatia gigantea.<br />

--hiemale Bulliard (Sacc. VII:1l5; 57, afte'!: No. 348, as L. cHlatum Fr.). On<br />

the ground, Darjeeling, 7,000 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

--? marginatum Vittad. (Sacc. Vn:127; 263:337). On the ground, Botanic<br />

Garden, Saharanpur (Gollan).<br />

--microspermum Berk. (57, No. 350; Sacco VII:llO). On the ground, Darjeeling<br />

(Hooker f.); Gauhati and Dauracherra, Assam (Butler). Lloyd<br />

(289:30) states that this appears to be the same as L. pusillum.


[Lycoperdon] H nigrum" (288, No. 31:3 ; not in Sacc.). India (Kirtikar). We<br />

are lillable to interpret the name applied by Lloyd. Perhaps he meant L.<br />

nigrescens Pers.<br />

-piriforme Sch'l,eff. (Sace. VII:1l7; 288, No. 17:2, No. 35:2; 57, after No. 349;<br />

374:72). On dead wood, Siklcim, 8,000 ft. (Hooker f.); India (Butler);<br />

India, 8,000 ft. (Cave).<br />

- pusillum Batsch (Sacc. VII:llO; 57, after No. 459; 196:128; 288, No. 17:2).<br />

On the grolilld, Eastern Nepal (Hooker f.) ; in elephant grass jlillgles, Kayosoo,<br />

Lower Burma (Kurz) ; on the grolilld, Dehra Dun (Butler: specimens larger<br />

than those fOlilld in Europe).<br />

-saccatum Vahl (Sacc. VII:128; 263:336). On the ground, Arnigadh, Mussoorie<br />

(GoHan).<br />

--sericellum Berk. (57, No. 349; Sacco VII:1l6). On the ground, Darjeeling,<br />

7,000 ft. (Hooker f.).<br />

--xanthospermum Berk. (57, No. 459; Sacco VII:111). On the ground, Moflong,<br />

Khasi Hills (Hooker f.).<br />

Melanogaster durissimus Cke (143:94; Sacco VII:1(7). A few inches below<br />

the surface of the grolilld, near Chakrata, Himalaya (Baden-Powell). Edible.<br />

Mitremyces junghuhnii Schlect. & Muell. (Sacc. VII:69; 57, after No. 460; 57,<br />

No. 352 as M. viridis Berk.). On the grolilld and on dead timber, Tonglo,<br />

Sinchul, and Chola, Sikkim, 6-9,000 ft. (Hooker f.) ; Butan (Nuttal). Lloyd<br />

(287:241) found no difference between M. viridis and M .. 7unghuhnii.<br />

Nidula emodensis (Berk.) Lloyd (291: 12, fig.; 57, No. 462 as Cyat1lus emodensis<br />

Berk.; Sacco VII:40) .. On dead wood, Lachen, Sikkirt;l, 12-13,000 ft. (Hooker<br />

f.).<br />

Pod axon calyptratus Fr. (Sace. VII:59; 145:13). On the ground, Punjalr (Aitcheson)<br />

; on sandy soil, Chatrapur, Ganjam (Butler).<br />

--carcinomaIis (L.) Fr. (Sacc. VII:58; 61:21). "Probably common in India"<br />

Berkeley.<br />

- emerici Berk. in Herb. (312:75, figs.; Sacco IX:267). On the grolilld, l\[asulipatam<br />

(Capt. Emeric Berkeley).<br />

--goUani P. Henn. (263:338; Sacco XVII:219). On the ground, Botanic Garden,<br />

Saharanpur (Golian).<br />

- pistillaris (L.) Fr. (Sacc. VII:59; 287:170; 288, No. 15:3, No. 17:2; 312:74,<br />

figs., as P. indica). On the grolilld, India (Koenig) ; Nadiad, Bombay (Butler);<br />

Mirpur, Matholo, Sind; Madras; Punjab; Afghanistan (Aitcheson). Lloyd ·<br />

(288, No. 17:2) mentions that the Indian collections he examined agreed<br />

well with the type in the Linnaean Herbarium, which came originally from<br />

India. Described first by Linnaeus as Lyeoperdon pistillaTe. (Sec p. i. )<br />

Polygaster sampadarius (Rumph.) Fr. (237, II;295; Sacco VII:146). In WOOdll,<br />

India (Koenig).


Botrytis cinerea Pers. (Sacc. IV:129; 461:145). From soil, Madras (Thakur and<br />

Norris}.<br />

[--vulgaris Fr. (Sacc. IV:128; 89:48). On Primula, Dehra Dun (Butler).<br />

Usually regarded as a synonym of the last.1<br />

Campsotrichum cinnamomi Cda (185, IV:28, fig. ; Sacco IV:296). On leaves of<br />

Cinnamomum sp., Tenasserim (Helfer).<br />

Cephalosporium acremonium Cda (Sacc. IV:56; 461:145) . From soil, Madras<br />

(Thakur and Norris).<br />

--lecanii Zim;m: (375, VI:153; 454:392). On Lecanium viride on Coffea, South<br />

India; on L. hemispkafricum on Coffea, Mysore (Lefroy).<br />

- - sacchari Butler (115:181, figs.; 111:402, figs.). In cuhns of Saccharum officinarum<br />

throughout India.<br />

Ceratophorum hypodermium (Niessl) Sacco (Sacc. IV:397; 388:146 as Sporidesmium<br />

hypodermium Niessl). Habitat not stated, Royal Botanic Garden,<br />

Calcutta (Kurz).<br />

Cercospora ajrekari Syd. (443, XJI:202). On leaves of Jat1'Opa nana, Poona<br />

(Ajrekar).<br />

---annulata Cke (144:95; Sacco IV:475; 457:262). On leaves of Ficus hispida,<br />

Calcutta (J. Scott); Pusa; Mozufferpore; Godavary; of F. sp., Peshawar<br />

and Dehra Dun.<br />

--anthelmintica Atkinson (Sacc. X:636; 457:262). On leaves of<br />

Chenopodium ambl'osioides, Wahjain, Assam (Butler) ; Peshawar.<br />

--apii Fresen. (Sacc. IV:442; 111:315, fig.; 457:263). On leaves of Apiu1n g1'a­<br />

. veolens, Poona and Pusa.<br />

- -- asparagi Sacco (Sacc. IV:477 ; 457:263). On leaves and stems of Asparagus<br />

officinalis, Solon (near Simla) and Pusa.<br />

--batatae Zimm. (Sacc. XVII1:605; 457:263). On leaves of Ipomoea batatas,<br />

Godavary and Pusa.<br />

--beticola Sacco (Sacc. IV:456 ; 457:263). On leaves of Beta vulgaris, Pusa.<br />

--biophyti Syd. (457:263). On leaves of Biopkytum sp., Samalkota.<br />

--blumeae Thuem. (Sacc. IV:445; 457:263). On leaves of Blumea sp., Nagpur,<br />

Pusa, Dehra Dun, and Samalkota.<br />

--caladii Cke (144:95; Sacco IV:478) . On drooping leaves of Oaladium sp.,<br />

Belgaum (Hobson);<br />

- calotropidis Ell. & Ev. (Sacc. XVI:1072 ; 457:263). On leaves of Calotropis<br />

gigantea, Pusa.<br />

--cannabina Wakef. (457:264). On leaves of Oannabis sativa, Peshawar;<br />

Godagiri, Bengal.<br />

--capsici Heald & Wolf (457:264). On leaves of Capsicum annuum, Pusa and<br />

Cawnpore.<br />

--carthami Sundar. & Ramak. (438:389, figs.). On leaves of Carthamus tinc­<br />

(orius 1 Coimbatore (Sundararaman and Ramakrishnan).<br />



[Cercospora] catappae P. Henn. (Sacc. XVIII:598 ; 457:264). On leaves of<br />

Terminalia catappa, Insein, Burma (Inayat).<br />

-cearae Petch (Sacc. XXII:1421; 111:516, fig.; 113(3):54; 457:264). On leaves<br />

of Manihot piauhyensis, Kamalpur, Assam.<br />

- cleomis Ell. & Haist. (Sacc. X:621 ; 457:264). On leaves of Cleome sp., Pusa.<br />

Saccardo spells the specific name " cleomes ".<br />

--cocculi Syd. (457:264). On leaves of Cocculus villosus, Pusa (Inayat).<br />

- coffeicola Berk. & Cke (Sac(1. IV:472; 111:485, figs.; 487:703; 113(9):67;<br />

395 ; 457:265). On leaves and berries of Coffea arabica, Mysore (Thomas) ;<br />

Burma (Rhind) ; Dauracherra, SyJhet (Butler).<br />

--concors (Casp.) Sacco (Sacc. IV:449; 111:287, fig.). On leaves of Solanum<br />

tuberosum, Bengal, Pusa, and Poona (Butler).<br />

- - cruenta Sacco (Sacc. IV:435; 111:261, fig.; 457:265). On leaves of Phaseolus<br />

'lYUlgaris, Pusa ; of P. mungo var. radiatus, Yelwigi in Dharwar District, and<br />

Gilgit; of P. aconitifolius, Jullundur, Punjab.<br />

--diodiae Cke (Sacc. IV:441 ; 457:265). On leaves of Spermacoce hispida, Erramacolh<br />

and Panora, Wynaad.<br />

-- dioscoreae Ell. & :M:art. (Sacc. IV:479; 457:265). On leaves of Dioscorea<br />

sp., Harwan, Kashmir (Butler) ; Nilphamari, Rangpur, Bengal.<br />

- - dolichi Ell. & Bv. (Sacc. X:622; 457:265). On leaves of Dolichos lablab and<br />

D. typica, Pusa.<br />

-- euphorbiae Kellerm. & Swingle (not in Sacc.; 457:265). On leaves of EupMrbia<br />

sp., Dehra Dun, Nadiad, and Surat; of E. tirucalli, Pusa; of E.<br />

neri,ifolia, Dohad, Bombay; of Pedilanthus tithymaloides, Pusa. There is<br />

a C. euplw1'biac Patouill. (Sacc. XI:629), but Kellerman and Swingle published<br />

the name earlier (Journ. Myc., V:76).<br />

--foeniculi P. Magn. (457:266). On leaves, peduncles, and stems of Foeniculum<br />

'lYUlgare, Harwan, Kashmir and Pusa.<br />

--gloriosae Syd. (457:266). On leaves of Glorioso, superba, Pusa (Kar).<br />

- gossypina Cke (Sacc. IV:441 ; 111:369, fig.; 457:266). On leaves of Gossypium<br />

sp., Pusa, Cawnpore, and Lyallpur.<br />

--henningsii Allesch. (Sacc. XIV:ll04; 111:310, figs., as Septogloeum manihotis<br />

Zimm.; 311:32). On Manilwt utilissima, Travancore (Butler).<br />

- - hibisci Tracy & Earle (Sacc. XIV:1099; 311:34; 457:266). On Hibiscus sabdariffa<br />

and 11. cannabinus, Mandalay (Rhind) ; on leaves of 11. esculentus,<br />

Pusa and N agpur.<br />

- - ipomoeae Wint. (Sacc. X:633; 457:267). On leaves of Ipomoea hederacea"<br />

Dehra Dun and Pusa.<br />

--longipes Butler (93:41, figs.; Sacco XXII:1432; 111:405, fig.; 393:4; 457:267).<br />

On leaves of Saccharum officinarum throughout Northern India and Burma.

150 '1'ltlil FtmGt OF I1mlA.<br />

Sphacelia sorghi McRae (326:109; 14; 113(16}:48; 399). On inflorescenceEl of.<br />

Andropogon sorghum, Coimbatore and Tinnevel1y (McRae); Burma (Robertson;<br />

Rhind). Ajrekar (14) found unidentified Sphaaelia stages also ott<br />

A. caricosus var. molicomous, Pennisetum alopecuros, and Ischacmum pilosum.<br />

Species of Cerebella interfere with the development of the sclerotia. S.<br />

sorghi causes the sugary disease of sorghum mentioned by Ajrekar (1:'1 ;<br />

2:18) as being common in the Bombay Presidency.<br />

Sporodesmium polymorphum Cda (185, 1:7, figs. ; Sacco IV:501). On bark and '<br />

wood, India. •<br />

Sporotrichum beurmanni Matruch. & Ramond (Sacc. XXII:1285; 2:51). As<br />

a cause of human abscesses, Goa (Fr. de Mello). .<br />

--roseum Link (Sacc. IV:I06; 461:145). From soil, Madras (Thakur and<br />

Norris).<br />

Stilbum erythtocephalum Dittm. (Sacc. IV:567; 196:129). On dead bamboo<br />

stems, Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta (Kurz).<br />

--inconspicuum Currey (196:129; 167.71 as S . ktt1'zianum Cke; Sacco X: 682).<br />

On branches, Sibpur, near Calcutta (Kurz). Currey's species was not entered<br />

in Saccardo, and Cooke copied the description with insignificant alterations,<br />

but for some reason gave it a new name.<br />

- lateritium Berk. (Sacc. IV:571; 57, after No. 470; 263:341 as "Stilbella<br />

late1'itia "). On bark, E. Nepal (Hooker f.); on dead bamboo, Botanic<br />

Garden, Saharanpur (Gollan).<br />

- nanum Massee (318:112, fig. ; Sacco XVI:1082; 111:460; 89:47; 367, III:297).<br />

Recorded by Massee as on leaves and branches of living Thea sinensis and<br />

thought by him to be the fruiting stage of thread blight (see Marasmius<br />

pulcMr above) but Petch (367, IIl:297, and 377:2) notes that it is a saprophyte<br />

most probably identical with Stilbella heveae Zimm. and S . theae<br />

Bernard.<br />

Trichoderma album Preuss (Sacc. IV:60; 461). In soil, Madras (Th.akur and<br />

Norris).<br />

Trichophyton 1 rosaceum Sabouraud (2:49). As a cause of human onychomycosis,<br />

Goa (Fr. do Mello).<br />

--viannai De Mello (337:233, figs.; 2:50). As a ca.use of human skin disease,<br />

Goa (Fr. do Mello) .<br />

Trichosporium aterrimum Massee (319, 1I:167; Sacco XVI:I052; 242). On<br />

the bark of Morus indica, Changa Manga, Punjab (Gamble). There is an<br />

earlier T. aterrimum (Cda) Sacco (see Sacco IV:289).<br />

- - purpureum Massee (319, II:167; Saec. XVI: 1052). On decayed wood, Dehra<br />

Dun (Gamble).<br />

- vesiculosum Butler (90:490. figs. ; Sacco XXII:1356 ; 5:8). On bark and wood<br />

of Casuarina equisetijolia, Chatrapur, Ganjam (Butler); on C. rnuricata,<br />

India (Dalia).

THE FUNGI 011' INDIA. 155<br />

[Diplodia) calecutiana Tassi (460:10, fig.; Sacco XIV:937). On rotting fruits of<br />

Ficus altissima, " Calecuti " [(1) Calcutta], India.<br />

--catappae Cke (132 :114; Sacco 111:343). On nuts of T erminalia catappa,<br />

Pondicherry.<br />

--catechu Syd. & Butler (456:200). I n the inflorescence of Areca catechL Coimbatore<br />

(Butler).<br />

--citrina Diedicke (456:197). On roots of Oitrus medica, Sholapur, Bombay<br />

(Chibber).<br />

- corchori Syd. (456:196; 113(10):74; 113(1l):G9 ; 412 (1), figs.). On stems of<br />

Oorchort!s capsularis and O. olitoritis, Pusa, North Bihar, Kamrup, and various<br />

parts of Eastern Bengal and Assam (Shaw).<br />

--dalbergiae Diedicke (456:198). On dead l-ranches of Dalbergia siss()o, Pulli ·<br />

yanur, Travancore (Butlt:'r).<br />

--dracaenicola Diedicke (456: 200). On languishing leaves of Dracaena sp.,<br />

Pus a (Dastur). Petrak and Sydow (384:139) state that this is certainly a<br />

Botryodiplodia, and probably a small spored form of B. dracaenicola (P. Henn.)<br />

P et. & Syd.<br />

-_ embryoptetidis Cke (140 :117; Sacco 111:361). On fruit of Diospyros embryopteris<br />

(Emb1'yoptefis glutinifem), Midnapore, Bengal.<br />

--1 eJ.'iobotryae Sacco (Sacc. III:362; 456:196). On living le:wes of Eriobotrya<br />

japonica, Pusa, and Orai, United Provinces (Butler).<br />

--gossypina Cke (143:95 ; Sacco 111:366). In old capsules of Gossypium, Bombay.<br />

--hibisdina Cke & Ellis (Saec. III:330; 456:198). On stems of Hibiscus cannabinus,<br />

Dacca (Som); Cuttack (Butler).<br />

--indica Diedicke (456 :197). On bark of Citrus aumntium, Poona (Cllibber).<br />

--1 indigoferae P. Brun. (Sacc. XIV:930; 456:198). On dead stems and Toots<br />

of Indigofera [(frecta, Pusa (Butler); Bihar (Annett).<br />

--manihotis Sacco (456:197). On fruits of Manihot utilissima, Poona (Leather) ;<br />

on stems of same host, Poona (Chibber).<br />

--mori West. (Sacc. III:351 ; 456:199). On branches of Monls sp., Pusa (Butler) ;<br />

Wazirabad, Punjab (Mitter).<br />

--morina Syd. (456:199). On dead branches of Morus sp. cult., Pusa, (Butler).<br />

--musae Diedicke (456:200). On dead fruits of Musa sapientum, Wahjain, Assam<br />

(Butler).<br />

- papayae Thuem. (488:36; Sacco 111:350; 456:198). On dead branches of<br />

Oafica papaya, Malabar (Keck) ; perhaps this species on bark of tl)e same<br />

host, Pusa (McRae) ; Dacca. (Som). These later collections c::wnot be identified<br />

with certainty with Thllemen's species in the abst:'nce of material of the<br />

latter. They are perhaps to be referred to Botryodiplodia.<br />

--pedilanthi Syd. (456:197). On dead stem of Pedilanthus tilhyrnalmdes, Pusa<br />



Microdiplodia agaves (Niessl) Tassi (Sace. XVIII:323; 387:176 as Diplodia<br />

. agaves Niessl; Sacco III:371; 456:200). On leaves of Agave americana,<br />

India (Kurz); of A. sp., Dharwar and Y ttcca aloifolia, Shillong and Pusa<br />

(Butler). Petrak (383:218) suggests that this is the pycnidial stage of his<br />

Pleospora bataanensis. He found also that Niessl's fungus was a Microdiplodia,<br />

but overlooked Tassi's earlier combination.<br />

--indica Syd. (456:201). On living leaves of Iris sp., Srinagar, Rashmir (Butler).<br />

--jasmini Syd. (456:201) .. On dry branches of Jasminum arborescens, Pusa<br />

(Mitra), associated with Dendrophoma jasmini.<br />

Micropera dahliae Diedicke (456:214). On dead stem of Dahlia variabilis, Pusa<br />

(Dastur).<br />

Microstroma juglandis (Bereng.) Sacco (Sacc. IV:9; 455:280). On leaves of<br />

Juglans regia, Kumaon Himalaya (Blltlf'r). The systematic position of<br />

this fungus is uncertain. Some have c.onsidered it to be a Basidiomycete<br />

near Exobasiclium, but it is apparently one of the Fungi Imperfecti. Saccardo<br />

and others consider it to belong to the Mucedineac, while Maire, Briosi and<br />

Cavara, and Karakulin refer it to the Melanconiaceae, an opinion supported<br />

by the most recent study of the fungus by]'. A. Wolf in J ourn. Elisha Mitchell<br />

Sci. Soc., XLV, pp. 130-136,1929.<br />

Pestalozzia funera Desmaz. (Sacc. III:791 ; 456:220; 326:110). On leaves of<br />

Ounninghamia sinensis, Dehra Dun (Butler); of Eucalyptus globulus, near<br />

Coonoor, 5,000 ft. (McRae).<br />

--fuscescens Sorauer (Sacc. XXll:1227). On young plants of Livistona<br />

(Corypha) australis exported from India.<br />

--mangalorica Thuem. (488:37; Sacco III:790). On living leaves of Bridelia<br />

scandens, Mangalore (Keck).<br />

- palmarum Cke (132:115 ; Sacco III:796 ; 96:21; 2:27; 344). On Cocos nucij<br />

era, Bengal; Travancore (Butler); Madras (McRae); Andaman Islands<br />

(Mitra).<br />

--phoenicis Vize (133:14., 17, figs.; Sacco III:796). On leaves of Phoenix dactylifera,<br />

Undin, (? Hobson).<br />

- theae Sawada (111:451, fig.; 507 ; 497:40; 393:4; 503 ; 318:106 as " P.<br />

guepini Desm."). On leaves of Thea sinensis, Assam, Bengal, and Madras.<br />

Phleospora mori (Lev.) Sacco (Sacc. III:577 ; 456:214; 98:11 as Septogloeurn mori<br />

(Lev.) Briosi & Cav.). On leaves of Marus alba, Dubgaon, Kashmir (Butler).<br />

Phoma casuarinae Tassi (Sace. XIV:885; 456:186). On leaves of Oasuarina sp.,<br />

Karwar (Butler).<br />

--causcorae Rabenb. (387:176; Sacco lli:131). On stem of " Causcora dec'Ussata'.',<br />

Royal Botani.c Garden, Calcutta (Kurz).<br />

--desmonci Rabenh. (387:60; Sacco III:157). On leaves of Desmoncu.s "mdanochaetus",<br />

Royal Botanic Garflen, Ca.lcutta.


[Phoma] foedata (Lev.) Sacco (Sacc. 111:104; 285:63 as Sphael'opsis foedata Lev.).<br />

On leaves of Hoya coronaria (H. wallichiana),. India. .<br />

- fourcroyae Thuem. (Sacc. 111:160; 456:186). On leaves of FU1'craea (Fourcroya)<br />

gigantea, Shillong (Butler).<br />

- glumarum Ellis & Tracy (Sarc. X:185; 89:46; 105:35; 456:187). Onglumes<br />

of Oryza sativa throl;ghout India.<br />

- keckii (Thuem.) Sacco (Sacc. 111:90 ; 488:37). On stems of Calotropis gigantea,<br />

Kanara (Keck).<br />

--oryzae Cke & Massee (165:15; Sacco X:185). On stems of Oryza sativa, Calcutta.<br />

--pardanthi Diedioke (456:186). On dry stems of PardantlLUS chinensis<br />

(=Belctrfwanda punctata), Pusa (Butler).<br />

- polyanthis Diedicke (456:186). On dead leaves and stems of Polianthes<br />

tuberosa, Pusa (Inayat).<br />

- saccharina Syd. (456:187; 393:5). On culms of Sacchm'um officinarum,<br />

Pusa (Butler); Mandalay (Rhind).<br />

--salicina West . (Sacc. ll1:97; 456:186). On branches of Salix sp., Achibal,<br />

Kashmir (Butler).<br />

- solani Cke & Hark. (Sacc. X:175; 257). Recorded as injurious to Solanum<br />

melongena, Comilla, Bengal (Hector).<br />

PhomQPsis artabotrydis Syd. (456:191). On living leaves of A1·tabot1·Ys odoratissimus,<br />

Poona (Chibber).<br />

--cajani Syd. (456:191). On dead branches of Cajanus indicus, Pusa (Butler).<br />

--heteronema Sacco (403:17). On epicarp of Areca catechu, Portuguese East<br />

Indies [? India] (comm. Alfr. Moller).<br />

--pandani Diedicke (456:191). On leaves of PandctnU8 spp., Poona (Chibber).<br />

Phyllosticta ambrosioides Thuem. (Sacc. 111:55; 456:184). On leaves of<br />

Chenopodium album, Mussoorie (Mitra).<br />

--buddleiae Syd. (456:183). On living leaves of Buddleiasp., Dehra Dun (Butler).<br />

--buteae Syd. (456:180). On living leaves of Buteafrondosa, Pusa (Subramaniam).<br />

--cajani Syd·. (456:178). On leaves of Cajanus indicus, MozufIerpore (Butler).<br />

- capparidicola Speg. (Sacc. XVllI:824 i 456:182). On leaves of Capparis<br />

sp., Burclwan (Butler).<br />

--catappae Syd. (456:181). On leaves of Tenninalia cat(tppa, Maymyo (Butler).<br />

- chrysanthemi Ell. & Dearn. (Sacc. X1:479; 456:177). On leaves of Chrysanthemum<br />

sp., Pusa (Butler).<br />

--cleroden dri Syd. & Butler (456:183). On living leaves of Cle1'Odendron sp.,<br />

Nadiad, Bombay (Butler).<br />

- - cocculi Thuem. (488:36; Sacco 111:29). On living or languishing leaves of<br />

Anami1·ta cocculus, Kanara (Keck).<br />

- cocos Cke (144:94; Sacco 111:59; 456:185). On leaves of Cocos nucifera,<br />

Belgaum (Hobson). Apparently the same species on leaves of Caryota sp.,<br />

Dacca (Som).

TIru FUNGI OF iNDiA. 161<br />

tPhyllosticta] codiaeicola Diedicke (456:184). On leaves of Godiaeum sp.,<br />

GaneshkLind, Poona (Mitra).<br />

--?coffeicola Speg. (Sacc. XIV:857 ; 456:182; not P. coffeicola Delacr., Sacco<br />

XVIII:237). On leaves of Goffea arabica, Koppa, Mysore (Butler).<br />

- cycadina Passerini (Sacc. X:i24; 456:185). On leaves of Gycas revoluta,<br />

Poona (Chibber).<br />

- desmodiicola Diedicke (456:178). On leaves of Desmodium sp., Mussoorie<br />

(Mitra).<br />

- diospyri Syd. & Butler (456:183). On living or fading leaves of Diospyros<br />

embryopteris, Pusa (Butler). An Ascochyta occurs in similar pycnidia on the<br />

same spots.<br />

-doH chi Brun. (Sacc. XI:478; 456:177). On leaves of Dolichos bijlorus, Pusa<br />

(Butler).<br />

-' eriodendri Diedicke (456:179). On leaves of Eriode:ndron anfractuosum,<br />

Ganeshkhind, Poona (Mitra).<br />

- exigua Syd. (456:183). On leaves of Quercus sp., Kumaon (Butler).<br />

- glycines Thuem. (Sacc. 111:11; 456:178). On leaves of Glycine hispida,<br />

Vcrinag, Kashmir (Butler).<br />

- glycosmidis Syd. & Butler (456:177; 28, 111:33, figs.). On living leaves of<br />

Glycosmis pentaphylla, Dehra Dun (Butler) ; Wahjain, Assam (Som) ; Calcutta<br />

(Chowdhuri).<br />

-grewiae Diedicke (456:181). On leaves of Grewia sp., Dehra Dun (Butler).<br />

- hibisci Peck (Sacc. X:103; 456:182). On leaves of Hibiscus cannabinus,<br />

Cuttack (Butler).<br />

- hortorum Speg. (Sacc. 111:49; 456:184). On leaves of Solanum melongena,<br />

Achibal, Kashmir (Inayat); Surat (Butler).<br />

-hoyae Diedicke (456:180). On leaves of Hoya sp., Pusa (Inayat).<br />

-humuli Sacco & Speg. (Sacc., 111:53; 456:184). On leaves of Humulus lupulus,<br />

Dubgaon, Kashmit (Butler).<br />

-ingae-dulcis Diedicke (456:178). On leaves of Pithecolobium (Inga) dulce,<br />

Cocanada (Butler).<br />

-ipomoeae Ell. & Kellerm. (Sacc. X:127 ; 456:182). On leaves of IpomOea sp.,<br />

Kirkee, Poona (Mitra).<br />

-marmorata Cke (145:13; Sacco III:36; 456:182). On leaves of Mallotus<br />

philippinensis, Saharanpur (Duthie) ; Dehra Dun (Butler).<br />

-miurai LMiyake (Sacc. XXII:864; 456:185). On leaves of Oryza sativa,<br />

Meharpur, Bengal (Butler).<br />

--persicae Sacco (Sacc. IU8 ; 456:184). On leaves of Prunus persica, Darjeeling<br />

(McRae).<br />

--pirina Sacco (Sacc. 111:7; 456:184). On leaves of Pyrus commu,nis, Lyallpur<br />

(Butler) ; Darjeeling (McRae).<br />

i64 tilE FUNGi OF iNDiA.<br />

[Septaria] cattanei Thuem. (488:37; Sacco 111:477). On leaves of Citrus medica,<br />

Kanara (Keck). "<br />

-chrysanthemella Sacco (Sacc. XI : 542; 456 : 211). On leaves of Chrysanthemum<br />

indicum, Pusa and Begumserai, Bihar, and Debra Dun (Butler).<br />

--conyzae Diedicke (456:210). On leaves of Conyza sp., Pusa (Butler).<br />

--cordiae Syd. (456:211). On leaves of CorrJia rothii, Ganeshkhind, Poona<br />

(Ohibber).<br />

--diversimaculans Diedicke (456:210). On leaves of Cnicus argyracanthus,<br />

Shadipore, Kashmir (Butler).<br />

-doli chi Berk. & Ourt. (Sacc. 111:509; 456:212). On leaves of Dolichos lablab,<br />

Wynaad (McRae).<br />

--hyalina Ell. & Everh. (Sacc. XI:538; 456:213). On leaves of Viola patrinii,<br />

Mussoorie (Butler).<br />

--lactucae Peck (Sacc. 111:552; 459:210). On leaves of Laduca sp., Harwan,<br />

Kashmir (Butler). Saccardo considers S. lactucae Pass. to be apparently<br />

the same.<br />

--lupulina Ell. & Kellerm. (Sacc. X:380 ; 456:213). On leaves of Humulus<br />

lupulus, Dubgaon, Kashmir (Butler).<br />

--macropora Sacco (Sacc. 111:526; 456:211). On leaves of Pawnia emodii,<br />

Kumaon (Butler).<br />

--myriactidis Syd. (456":210). On leaves of Myriactis nepalensis, Achibal,<br />

Kashmir (Butler). Sometimes accompanied by a Phyllosticta.<br />

--pipula Oke (143:95; Sacco 111:499). On leaves of Ficus religiosa, Belgaum<br />

(Hobson). Cooke spelled the specific name " Pipula" ftom the vernacular<br />

name of the host, but it is given in Saccardo as " Pipulae."<br />

--plantaginea Passerini (Sacc. 111:554; 456:211). On leaves of Plantago sp.<br />

(near P. lanceolata), Harwan, Kashmir (Inayat). Often accompanied by a<br />

Phyllosticta.<br />

--polyganicola (Lasch) Sacco (Sacc. X:380; 456:213}. On leaves of Polygrmum<br />

sp., Harwan, Kashmir (Butler).<br />

--rosae Desmaz. (Sacc. 111:485; 456:213). On leaves of Rosa sp., Darjeeling<br />

(Hafiz Khan).<br />

--rosarum West. (Sacc. 111:486; 456:213). On leaves of Rosa sp., Kangra,<br />

Punjab (Mitter); near Srinagar, Kashmir (Butler).<br />

--rubi West. (Sacc. III:486; 456:213). On leaves of Rubus idatUs, Shillong<br />

(Butler); of R. lasiocarpus, Harwan, Kashmir (Butler).<br />

-scrophulariae Peck (Sacc. 111:534; 456:212). On leaves of Scrophularia<br />

sp., Harwan and Dear Srinagar, Kashmir (Butler).<br />

--sajae Syd. & Butler (456:212). On living or fading leaves of Glycine soja,<br />

Verinag, Kashmir (Inayat); Achibal, Kashmir (Butler).

168 THE FuNGI OF iNDiA.<br />

List of synonyms and other names found to have been applied<br />

to Indian Fungi-contd.<br />

Choanephora cunninghamiana Curr.,<br />

Chrysomyxa aliena Syd. & Butl.,<br />

butleri Syd.,<br />

----- peregrina Syd., & But!., .<br />

----- vitis But!.,<br />

Citromyces glaber W e}Jmer,<br />

Clathrus ruber (Mich.) Pers.,<br />

Clavaria dilatata Mout.,<br />

.Coleosporium dceringiac Pat.,<br />

------ pingue Lev.,<br />

Coltricia percnnis,<br />

Coniothyrium agaves (Dur. & Mont.)<br />

Sacc.,<br />

- - ---globuliferum n ab.,<br />

Corticium levigatum Fr.,<br />

- ---. mougeotii Fr.,<br />

----. vagum Berk. & Curt.,<br />

Cortiuarius vinosus Berk.,<br />

CorYllelia nberiformis,<br />

Coryneum mori Nom.,<br />

Crco melILnol1S xanthoccphalll, (Syd. &<br />

But!.) v. Hoehn.,<br />

Cronartium asclcpiadeum Fr. var. ribis<br />

Lev.,<br />

---- capparidis R obs.,<br />

zizyphi Sycl. & But!.,<br />

Cryptomyces pongamiae (Bcrk. & Br. )<br />

Sacc.,<br />

Cunninghamia infundibnlifera Curr.,<br />

Cyathus emodcnsis Berk.,<br />

Cytosphael'a mangiferae Died., .<br />

Cystopus amaranthacearum Za!.,<br />

Daedalea elegans Spreng.,<br />

- - - flabellum Berk.,<br />

- --- gibbosa,<br />

- --- miccozona Lev. ,<br />

--- - repanda Mont.,<br />

---- sanguinea Klotz.,<br />

Daldinia gollani P. Henn.,<br />

Dematium chorlati Nechit.,<br />

Dematophora necatrix Hartig,<br />

Dialonectria laetiflllva Berk. & Cke,<br />

----- xanthostigma Berk. &<br />

Cke, .<br />

Dictyophora phalloidelt Dcsv.,<br />

-----speciosa Klotz.,<br />

Dimerium elegans Syrl.,<br />

wattii Syd. & But!., .<br />

Dimerosporium lawsoniae (P. R enn. 8:,<br />

Nym. ) Arn., .<br />

- ----spissa (Syd.) Arn.:<br />

Diplodia agaves Niessl,<br />

Dothidea annulata Cke,<br />

- --musae ](Jot7..,<br />

---- pcrisporioides B. & C. ,<br />

--- - quercigena Berk.,<br />

--- rcpens (Cda) Berk.,<br />

--- - rhytismoides Cda,<br />

---- terminaliae Syd.,<br />

PAGE.<br />

8<br />

50<br />

56<br />

56<br />

56<br />

148<br />

134<br />

87<br />

3<br />

63<br />

124<br />

153<br />

157<br />

113<br />

102<br />

DO<br />

91<br />

20<br />

166<br />

17<br />

58<br />

59<br />

68<br />

34<br />

8<br />

137<br />

157<br />

3<br />

131<br />

92<br />

131<br />

91<br />

107<br />

124<br />

20<br />

144<br />

37<br />

30<br />

31<br />

135<br />

135<br />

26<br />

14<br />

16<br />

16<br />

159<br />

32<br />

158<br />

32<br />

39<br />

19<br />

34<br />

36<br />

Dothidea viventis Cke,<br />

[Dothidea] vorax (Berk. & Curt.) Sacc.,<br />

Dothidella bambusicola Syd. & But!.,<br />

---- dispar Syd.,<br />

- " --- " indica Sacc.,<br />

Dothiorella cajani (Syd. & But!.) P etro<br />

& Syd.,<br />

Elfingiella fomentaria,<br />

Entonacma aurantiaca (Pat.),<br />

Entyloma sp. on rice,<br />

EpicocnlU hyalopes Miyake,<br />

Eriosphaera fenzlii Reich.,<br />

Rrysiphe intertexta Berk.,<br />

---- martii,<br />

---- taurica L6v.,<br />

Exripllia graminum Berk.,<br />

Exidia hispidul a Berk., •<br />

--- nobilis Lev •• .<br />

- -- polytricha Mont.,<br />

--- protracta Lc.v., . .<br />

Exoascus deformans (Berk.) F ckl,<br />

- --- - pruni Fckl,<br />

Favolus intestinalis Berk.,<br />

- - - .. multiplex Lev.,<br />

.---- sctiporus n crk., . .<br />

Fomcs npplanatu8 (Pers. ) Wallr.,<br />

--- ausl,ralis Fr.,<br />

--- cornn·bovis Cke,<br />

- -- cnrreyi Berk., . .<br />

--- elmeri (Murr.) Sacco & Trott.,<br />

--- fu lvus (Seo ]1.) Bres.,<br />

--- leucophaeus Mont.,<br />

---lucidus (Leyss.) Fr.,<br />

--- nigrolaccatus,<br />

--- virginiae Manc. &. Sacc.,<br />

FlIckelia carteri Berk. & eke,<br />



List of synonyms and other names found to have been applied<br />

to Indian Fungi-contd.<br />

Hendersonia. lonicerae eke,<br />

(Hendersonia) microscopiea Niessl,<br />

Hexagonia. albida Berk.,<br />

gla.bra Lev., .<br />

---- maerotrema Jungh.,<br />

---- oehroleuca,<br />

---- pergamenea Berk. & Br.,<br />

---- polygramma Mont., .<br />

---- seaber (Berk. & Br.) Petch,<br />

---- tenuis val'. subtenuis Berk.,<br />

---- tricolor Fr.,<br />

_--- wightii KIotz., .<br />

Hirneola auricula-canis Fr.,<br />

nobilis (Lev.) Fr.,<br />

Humaria eoc(;inea lIfassee,<br />

Hydnum pteruloides Mont.,<br />

Hymenoehaete noxia Berk.,<br />

strigosa Berk. & Br.,<br />

Hypoehnus solani Prill. & Del., .<br />

theae Bernard,<br />

Hypoerea cartHi "Berk. & Cke,<br />

f1oc('osa Fr.,<br />

---- gl'ossa Berk., .<br />

---- semiamplexa Berk.,<br />

---- undulata Berk. & Cke,<br />

---- variabilis Curr.,<br />

Hypocrella ceramichroa (Berk. & Br.)<br />

Petch,<br />

- --- - - vilis Syd.,<br />

Hypopteris apiospora (Mont.) Berk.,<br />

bambusi1e (Lev.) Berk.,<br />

Hypoxylon compunctum Fr.,<br />

coneentrieum,<br />

----crcnulatum Berk.,<br />

--- - fragiforme, .<br />

----pistillarc P. Henn. & Nym.,<br />

----polymorphum Ehr.,<br />

----suborbiculare Welw. &<br />

Curr.,<br />

----tabacinum !Gekx,<br />

----tessulatum Berk.,<br />

----verrucosum Schw.,<br />

----vulgare,<br />

Hysterium foliicolum Fr., .<br />

Institale elata Kalchbr,<br />

Korclyana traclescantiae Raeib., .<br />

Kuehneola aliena Syd. & Butl., .<br />

butleri Syd.,<br />

---- desrnium (Berk. & Hr.) Butl.,<br />

---- fiei (Caat.) But!.,<br />

---- gossypii Arth.,<br />

---- peregrina (Syd. & But!.)<br />

Syd., .<br />

---- vitis (Hut!.) Syd.,<br />

Laboulbenia brachyonychi Thaxt.,<br />

Lachnella emerici Berk. & Phill.,<br />

Lachnoeladium himalayense Massee,<br />

lllusBooriense P. Henn.,<br />

LaestaWa theae Racib.,<br />

PAGE.<br />

157<br />

157<br />

92<br />

91<br />

92<br />

92<br />

120<br />

100<br />

93<br />

100<br />

100<br />

99<br />

101<br />

100<br />

11<br />

128<br />

95<br />

102<br />

90<br />

00<br />

24<br />

24<br />

36<br />

24<br />

24<br />

151<br />

24<br />

30<br />

15<br />

15<br />

37<br />

20<br />

19<br />

24<br />

42<br />

43<br />

31<br />

43<br />

40<br />

20<br />

42<br />

11<br />

147<br />

103<br />

55<br />

56<br />

56<br />

56<br />

56<br />

56<br />

56<br />

26<br />

11<br />

127<br />

87<br />

26<br />

Laetiporus sulphureus,<br />

Laschia tremellos& Fr.,<br />

Lasiobotrys lonicerae Kunze,<br />

L&siodiplodia theobromae (Pat.) Griff.<br />

& Maubl., '"<br />

Lasmenia globulifera (Rab.) v. Hoehn.,<br />

Lecythea epitea Lev.,<br />

l'uborum Lev.,<br />

----salicina Lev.,<br />

Lentinus cacspitosus Curr.,<br />

da.ctyliophorus Lev.,<br />

---- decaisneanus Lev.,<br />

---exilis Fr., .<br />

---furfurosuB Fr.,<br />

---irregularis Curl'.,<br />

---- kurzianus Curr.,<br />

Leuzites oohroleuca Lev., .<br />

---ochrophylluB Berk.,<br />

---palisota Fr.,<br />

---- pallida Bcrk.,<br />

Lepiot& albuminosa "Bork.,<br />

Leptostroma leguminum Cke,<br />

Limacinula butleri Syd.,<br />

theac Syd. & But].,<br />

Lycoperdon brasilicnse Fr.,<br />

delieatum Berk.,<br />

Macrophoma cajani Syd. & But!.,<br />

------ corchori Saw.,<br />

Malassezia ovalo,<br />

lIfarssonina rosae (Lib.) Died.,<br />

Matula poroniaeformis (Berk. & Hr.)<br />

lIfassee,<br />

Melampsoro. accidioicles (DC.) Schroet.,<br />

allii-salicis-albae Kleb.,<br />

----epitea (Kze & Schm.)<br />

Thuem.,<br />

----- farinosa (Pel's.) Scliroet.,<br />

----- Ieptoderrnidis BareL,<br />

----- punetiformis Barel. &<br />

Diet.,<br />

- - --- salicis-capreae Wint.,<br />

-----sanct.i-j ohannis BareL,<br />

Melampsorella ricini (Biv.) de Toni,<br />

MeJanoleuca mcIaleuca,<br />

MeIanops agaves (Syd . & Butl. ) Weese,<br />

Melasluia cuclraruae (Massee) v. Hoehn.,<br />

MelloIa fu mago NiessI,<br />

--- heudeloti,<br />

Metacbora. bambusac Syd. & Butl.,<br />

Micropcltis conferta Cke, .<br />

orbicularis Cke,<br />

Microthyriuni'" aspersum (Berk.) v.<br />

Hoehn.,<br />

MitrelllYces viridis Berk.,<br />

Mycenastrum bovistoicles Cke &<br />

Massee, .<br />

-----lycoperdioirleB Cke,<br />

Myxotrichum foliicolum Niess], .<br />

Nootria coccidophthora A. Zimm.,<br />

PAGE.<br />

119<br />

101<br />

26<br />

152<br />

157<br />

60<br />

63<br />

GO<br />

104<br />

106<br />

105<br />

106<br />

105<br />

106<br />

105<br />

92<br />

92<br />

107<br />

107<br />

88<br />

157<br />

32<br />

32<br />

134<br />

136<br />

158<br />

158<br />

149<br />

21<br />

113<br />

61<br />

61<br />

60<br />

60<br />

58<br />

62<br />

60<br />

56<br />

60<br />

132<br />

17<br />

147<br />

31<br />

28<br />

33<br />

40<br />

29<br />

39<br />

137<br />

134<br />

138<br />

145<br />



List of synonyms and other names found to have been applied<br />

to Indian Fungi-concld.<br />

[Ustilago 1 maydis (DC.)Cda,<br />

---neglecta Niess! ,<br />

--- pulveracea Cke, .<br />

--- pulverulenta (Cke & Massee)<br />

Cif.,<br />

--- reiliana Kuehn,<br />

---sacchari Auct.,<br />

---sacchari Rabh.,<br />

---segetum Wint.,<br />

--- tu!asnei Kuehn,<br />

--- virens Cke, . •<br />

Ustulina maxima. (Hall.) Schroet.,<br />

Verroicularia capsici Syd.,<br />

-----curcumae Syd.,<br />

----- jatrophae Speg., .<br />

----- punctiiormis Niess!,<br />

-----zingiberis Sundar.,<br />

Wynnea ma.crotis Berk.,<br />

Xerotus belangeri, •<br />

--- herteri Mont.,<br />

---lobatus Berk.,<br />

Xylaria carteri Berk.,<br />

PAGE.<br />

51<br />

50<br />

45<br />

44<br />

45<br />

1i0<br />

48<br />

51<br />

46<br />

40<br />

40<br />

152<br />

153<br />

153<br />

153<br />

153<br />

12<br />

132<br />

134<br />

85<br />

42<br />

[Xylaria] compuncta. (Jungh.)<br />

Berk.,. . •<br />

---comu-damae (Schw.) Berk.,<br />

---escharoidea. Berk.,<br />

---excelsa. Syd.,<br />

---fistuca Berk.,<br />

---fia.gelliformis Curr.,<br />

---gardneri Berk.,<br />

---involuta Klotz.,<br />

---kurziana Curr.,<br />

---mutabilip Curr.,<br />

---neilgherries,<br />

---obovata Berk.,<br />

---obtusissima Berk. ,<br />

---peperomioides P. Henn.,<br />

---piperiformis Berk.,<br />

---plebeja Ces.,<br />

---scopiformis Mont.,<br />

---thyrsus (Berk.) Sacc.,<br />

---titan Berk.,<br />

-_- turgida Fr.,<br />

Zukalia erysiphina Syd.,<br />

37<br />

41<br />

42<br />

18<br />

42<br />

42<br />

42<br />

. 42,43<br />

25<br />

42<br />

42<br />

41<br />

41<br />

42<br />

42<br />

43<br />

43<br />

18<br />

43<br />

41<br />

27<br />


176<br />

26. B AGCHEE, K. D.<br />

27.<br />

28. BAL, S. N. , CHOWDHURY,<br />

H. P., BANERJEE,<br />

K. G., & DUTTA,<br />

A.C.<br />

29. BARBER, C. A.<br />

30. BARCLAY, A.<br />

31.<br />

32.<br />

33.<br />

34.<br />

35.<br />

36.<br />


Investigations on the infestations of ' Peridermiu m<br />

complanatum', Barclay, on the needles, and of<br />

Peridermium himalayense n. sp., on the stem of<br />

Pinus longifolia Roxb. Part 1. Distribution,<br />

pathological study of the infections, and morphology<br />

of the parasites. Indian Forest Records<br />

(Bot. Ser.), XIV, 3, 24 pp., 14 pIs., 1929.<br />

A new species of Cronartium from the Himalayas.<br />

Nature, CXXIV, pp. 691-692, 2 figs., 1929.<br />

Commentationes Mycologicae. Jomn. Dept. Sci.,<br />

Dniv. Calcutta, I, No.1, Vol. I, pp. 1-4, 1 pl.,<br />

1919; II, Nos. 2-4, Vol. U. pp. 1-9, 3 pIs., 1919-<br />

20; III, Nos. 5-7, Vel. II. pp. 31-36, 2 pIs., 1921 ;<br />

IV, Nos. 8-10, Vol. TIl, pp. 1-8, 1 pl., 1921; V,<br />

(A few species of Meliola growing on different<br />

host plants). Ibid., Vol. IV, pp. 1-7, 1922.<br />

Diseases of Andropogon sorghum in the Madras<br />

Presidency. Bull. Dept. Land Records and Agric.,<br />

Madras, II, No. 49, pp. 273-288, 1904.<br />

On a Dredine affecting the Himalayan spruce-fir<br />

(Abies smithiana, FOl'bes). Journ. Asiatic Soc.<br />

Bengal, LV, pp. 1-11, 3 pIs., 1886.<br />

On a second species of Uredine affecting Abies<br />

smithiana Forbes. Journ. Asiatic Soc. Bengal,<br />

LV, pp. 140-143,2 pIs., 1886. •<br />

On a new species of Uredine parasitic on Cedrus deodara.<br />

Journ. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, LV, pp. 223-<br />

226, 2 pIs., 1886.<br />

On the life-history of a new Aecidium on Strobilanthes<br />

dalhousianus Clarke. Scient. Mem. Med.<br />

Officers Army of India, II, pp. 15-27,2 pIs., 1887.<br />

Aecidium urticac Schum. var. himalayense. Scient.<br />

Mem. Med. Officers Army of India, II, pp. 29-38,<br />

3 pIs., 1887"<br />

Descriptive list of the Dredinene occurring in the<br />

neighbourhood of Simla (Western Himalaya).<br />

I, JOllrn. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, LVI, pp. 350-375,<br />

4 pIs., 1887 ; II, ibid., LVIII, pp. 232-251, 3 pIs.,<br />

1889; III, ibid., LIX, pp. 75-112,4 pIs., 1890.<br />

On the life-history of a new Caeoma on Smilax<br />

aspera Linn. Scient. Mem. Med. Officers Army 01<br />

India, IV, pp. 37-46, 2 pIs., 1889.

37. [BARCLAY A.]<br />

38.<br />

39.<br />

40.<br />

41.<br />

42.<br />

43 .. .<br />

44.<br />

45.<br />

46.<br />

17.<br />

48.<br />

49.<br />


G.<br />

On the lile-history of Puccinia geranii-sylvatica<br />

Karst. var. himalensis. Ann. Bot., V, pp. 27-36,<br />

1 pl., 1890.<br />

On the life history of a Himalayan GymnosporangiUlIl<br />

(G. cunninghamianum n. sp.). Scient. Mem. Med.<br />

Officers Army of India, V, pp. 71-78, 3 pIs., 1890.<br />

On a Chrysomyxa on Rhododendron arooreum Sm.<br />

(Chr. himalense n. sp.). Scient. Mem. Med.<br />

Officers Army of India, V, p. 79-86, 2 pIs., 1890.<br />

On the lile-history of a Uredine on Rubia cordifolia<br />

L. (Puccinia collettiana nov. sp.). Scient. Mem.<br />

Med. Officers Army of India, V, pp. 87-91, 1 pI.,<br />

1890.<br />

On some rusts and mildews in India. Journ. Bot.,<br />

XXVIII, pp. 257-261, 1 pl., 1890.<br />

Description of a new fungus, Aecidium esculentum<br />

n. sp., on Acacia eburnea. Journ. Bombay Nat.<br />

Hist. Soc., V, pp. 161-165, 1 pI. ; note added by<br />

D. Prain, pp. 165-167, 1 pl., 1890.<br />

Additional Uredineae from the neighbourhood of<br />

Simla. Journ. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, LX, p. 211-<br />

230, 2 pIs., 1891.<br />

On two autoecious Caeomata in Simla. Scient. Mem.<br />

Med. Officers Army of India, VI, pp. 65-69, 1 pl.,<br />

1891.<br />

Rhododendron Uredineae. Scient. Mem. Med.<br />

Officers Army of India, VI, pp. 71-74, 2 pIs., 1891.<br />

On the life-history of a remarkable Uredine on<br />

Jasminum grandiflorum L. (Uromyces cupninghhamianus<br />

nov. sp.). Trans. Linn. Soc. London,<br />

II Sel'., Bot., III, pp.141-151, 2 ph., 1891.<br />

On the life-history of Puccinia coronata var. hima·<br />

layensis. Trans. Linn. Soc. London, II Ser.,<br />

Bot., III, pp. 227-236, 13 figs., 1891.<br />

On the life-history of Puccinia jasmini-chrysopogonis,<br />

nov. sp. Trans. Linn. Soc. London, II Ser., Bot.,<br />

III, pp. 237-242, 10 figs., 189l.<br />

Rust and mildew in India. Journ. Bot., XXX,<br />

pp. 1-8, 40-49, 1892.<br />

Fungi, in ltinera principum Sax Chburgi, II,<br />

pp. 144-148, 1 pI. 1888.

178<br />

51. BERKELEY, M. J. • Descriptions of exotic fungi in the collection of Sir<br />

W. J. Hooker, from memoirs and notes of J. F.<br />

Klotzsch, with additions and corrections. Ann.<br />

Nat. Hist., III, pp. 375-401, 1 pl., 1839.<br />

52.<br />

Enumeration of fungi, collected by Dr. Hostmann,<br />

in Surinam. London Journ. Bot., I, pp. 138-157,<br />

2 pIs., 1842.<br />

53.<br />

Notices of fungi in the Herbarium of the British<br />

Museum. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., X, Suppl.,<br />

pp. 370-385, 4 pIs., 1843.<br />

54.<br />

[Fir disease].<br />

1852.<br />

Gard. Chron., No. 40, p. 627, 1 fig.,<br />

55.<br />

[On RaveneliaJ. Gard. Chron., 1853, p. 132, 1853.<br />

56.<br />

in Hooker, J. D., Flora Novae-zeylandiae, II, pp.<br />

172-210. 2 pIs., 1855.<br />

57.<br />

Decades of fungi, Decas 1-62, Nos. 1-620. In<br />

Hooker's London Jour. Bot., III-VIII, 1844-1856.<br />

58.<br />

On two tube.riform vegetable productions from<br />

Travancore. Trans. Linn. Soc. London, XXIII,<br />

pp. 91-92,1862.<br />

59.<br />

On some new fungi from Mexico. Journ. Linn. Soc.<br />

60.<br />

London, Bot., IX, pp. 423-425, 1 pl., 1865.<br />

[Polyporus anthelminticus]. Gard. Chron., 1866,<br />

p. 753, 1866.<br />

61.<br />

Fungi of the Plains of India. Intellectual Observer,<br />

XII, pp. 18-21,5 figs., 1867.<br />

62.<br />

Australian fungi, received principally from Baron<br />

von M:ueller and Dr. R. Schomburgh. Jour.<br />

Linn. Soc. London, Bot., XIII, pp. 155-177, 1873.<br />

63.<br />

Thread blight in tea plantations. Gard. Chron.,<br />

1873, pp. 810-811, June 14, 1873.<br />

64.<br />

On the thread blight of tea. Quart. Jour. Micro.<br />

Sci., N. S. XV, pp. 130-133, 4 figs., 1875.<br />

65.<br />

Three fungi from Kashmir. Grev., IV, pp. 137-138,<br />

1876.<br />

66.<br />

Three new Indian fungi.<br />

1882.<br />

Grev., XI, pp. 39-40,<br />

67.<br />

& BHooME, The fungi of Ceylon. I. Jour. Linn. Soc. London,<br />

.C.E.<br />

Bot., XI, pp. 494-572, 1871; II, ibid., XIV,<br />

pp. 29-140, 9 pIs., 1875; supplement, ibid., XV,<br />

pp. 82-86, 1877.

68. 13LA'ITER, E.<br />

69. BLUMER, S.<br />

70. BOSE, S. R.<br />

71.<br />

72.<br />

73.<br />

74.<br />

75.<br />

76.<br />

77.<br />

THE FUNGI OF llIDU. 1-79<br />

• A list of Indian fungi, chiefly of the Bombay Pres id<br />

'ncy, with the description of two new species.<br />

JOUIn. Bombay Na.t. Rist. Soc., XXI, pp. 146-152,<br />

1 pl., 1911. .<br />

Variationsstatistische Untersuchungen an Erysiphaceen.<br />

Ann. Myc., XXIV, pp. 179-193, 1926.<br />

• I. Description of fungi in Bengal. PIOC. Indian<br />

Assoc. Cult. Sci., IV, pp. 109-114, pIs., 1919. II.<br />

Ibid. Proc. Sci. Convention Indian Assoc. Cult.<br />

Sci. for the year 1918, pp. 136·14:3, 12 pIs., 1920.<br />

III. Fungi of Bengal. Polyporacca!:' of Bengal,<br />

Part III. Bull. Carmichacl Med. Coll., BelgaclUa,<br />

I, pp. 1-5, 7 pIs., 1920. IV. Polyporaceae of<br />

Bengal, Part IV. Ibid., II, pp. 1-5, 13 pIs., 1921.<br />

V, ibid., Part V. Ibid., III, pp. 20-25, 9 pIs.,<br />

1922. VI, ibid., Part VI, Proc. Sci. Convention,<br />

Indian Assoc. Cult. Sci. for the year 1919. VII,<br />

ibid., Part VII. Ibid., for the year 1920-21,<br />

pp. 27-36, 1923. VIII, ibid., Part VIII. Journ.<br />

Dept. Sci., Calcutta. Univ., IX, pp. 27-34, 5 pIs.,<br />

1928. IX, ibid., Part IX. Ibid., IX, pp. 35-44,5<br />

pIs., 1928.<br />

Records of Agaricaceae from Bengal. Journ. A.siatic<br />

Soc. Bengal, N. S., XVI, pp. 347-354,1 pl., 1920.<br />

Spore-culture of Panac.olus cyancscens B. & Br.<br />

Calcutta. Univ. Sci. Ser., Sir A. Mukerji Silver<br />

Jubilee, III, pp. 81-82, 1 col. pl., ? 1920.<br />

One new species of Polyporaceae and some 'Polypores<br />

new to Bengal. Ann. Myc., XIX, pp. 129-131,<br />

3 pIs., 1921.<br />

Possibilities of mushroom industry in India by<br />

cultivation. A.gric. Journ. India, XVI, pp. 643-<br />

647,1921.<br />

Two new species of Polyporaccae. Journ. IndiaJ)<br />

Bot., II, pp. 300-301, 2 pIs., 1921.<br />

Une Polyporacee nouvelle du Bengale. Bull. S

180<br />

78. [BOSE, S. R]<br />

79.<br />

80.<br />

81.<br />

82. BREFELD, O.<br />

83. BREsADoLA, G.<br />

84.<br />

85.<br />

86. BURNS, W ..<br />

S7. BUTLER, E. J.<br />

88.<br />

89.<br />

90.<br />

91.<br />

92.<br />

93.<br />

THE FUNGi OF m:i:>U.<br />

The fungi cultivated by the termites of Barlruda.<br />

Records Indian Museum, XXV, 2, pp. 253-258, 1<br />

fig., 1 pl., 1923.<br />

Lea Polyporacees du Bengale. Revue Path. Veg. et<br />

Ent. Agric., XI, pp. 134-149, 1924.<br />

A new species of Polyporaceae from Bengal. Ann.<br />

Myc., XXIII, pp. 179-181,2 figs., 1925.<br />

. Revival of an old fruit body of Hexagonia discopoda<br />

Pat. & Hariot, and successful spore culture from<br />

its fresh spore-discharge. Ann. Myc., XXVII,<br />

pp. 321-323, 2 figs., 1929.<br />

Untersuchungen aus dem Gesammtgebiete der<br />

Mykologie, Heft XII, pp. 99-236, 7 pIs., 1895.<br />

Selecta mycologica. I. Diagnoses specierum novarum.<br />

Ann. Myc., XVIII, pp. 26-58, 1920.<br />

Synonymia et adnotanda mycologica. Ann. Myc.,<br />

XIV, pp. 221-242, 1916 ; ibid., XVIII, pp. 58-70,<br />

1920.<br />

Selecta mycologica. II. Studi Trentini, Ser. II, Sci.<br />

Nat. ed Econ., VII, 1, pp. 1-31 [ofreprint], 1 col.<br />

pl.,1926.<br />

. First experiments in the treatment of grapevine<br />

mildew in the Bombay Presidency. Bull. Dept.<br />

Agric. Bombay, 1910, 14 pp., 1 pl., 1910.<br />

. Potato diseases of India. Agric. Ledger, Crop<br />

Disease and Pest Series, No.7, pp. 87-124,8 figs.,<br />

1903.<br />

A deodar disease in Jaunsar. Indian Forester,<br />

XXIX, Appendix Ser., 8 pp., 2 pis., 1903.<br />

Pilzkrankheiten in Indien im Jahre 1903. Zeitsch.<br />

fUr Pflanzenkr., XV, pp. 44-48, 1905.<br />

Some Indian forest fungi. Indian Forester, XXXI,<br />

pp. 487-496, 548-556, 611-617, 670-679, 14 figs.,<br />

1905. [Reprint, pp. 1-32, 1905.]<br />

The wilt disease of pigeon pea and pepper. Agric.<br />

Journ. India, I, 1, pp. 25-36, 5 pIs., 1906.<br />

Some diseases of palms. Agric. Journ. India, I, 4,<br />

pp. 299-310, 2 pIs., 1906.<br />

Fungus diseases of sugarcane in Bengal. Mem·<br />

Dept. Agric. India, Bot. Ser., I, 3, pp. 1-53, 11 pIs.<br />

(2 col.), 1906.

94. [BUTLER, E. J. ]<br />

95.<br />

96.<br />

97.<br />

98.<br />

99.<br />

100.<br />

101.<br />

102.<br />

103.<br />

104.<br />

105.<br />

106.<br />

107.<br />

108.<br />

109.<br />

1'ItE rUNG! 0; INDiA. 181<br />

An account of the genus Pythium. and some Chytridiaccae.<br />

Mem. Dept. Agric. India, Bot. Ser., I,<br />

5, 160 pp., 10 pIs., 1907.<br />

Some diseases of cereaIs caused by Sclerospora<br />

graminicola. Mem. Dept. Agric. India, Bot. Ser.,<br />

II, 1, 24 pp., 5 pIs., 1907.<br />

Report on coconut palm disease in Travancore. ·<br />

Agric. Res. Inst., Pusa, Bull. 9, 23 pp., 1908.<br />

Fornes lucidus (Leys.) Fr., a suspected parasite.<br />

Indian Forester, XXXV, pp. 514-518, 1 pl.,<br />

1909.<br />

The mulberry disease caused by Coryneum. mori<br />

Nom-. in Kashmir, with notes on other mulberry<br />

diseases. Mem. Dept. Agric. India, Bot. Ser., II,<br />

8, 18 pp., 2 figs., 3 pIs., 1909.<br />

The bud-rot of palms in -India. Mem. Dept. Agric.<br />

India, Bot. Ser., III, 5, 64 pp., 5 pIs., 1 map,<br />

1910.<br />

A new genus of the Uredinaceae. Ann. Myc., VIII,<br />

pp. 444-448, 1 pl., 1910.<br />

The wilt disease of pigeon-pea and the parasitism.<br />

of Neocosmospora vasinfecta Smith. Mem. Dept.<br />

Agric. India, Bot. Ser., II, 9, 64 pp., 6 pis. (2 col.),<br />

1910.<br />

The leaf spot of tumeric (Taphrina maculans sp. nov.)<br />

Ann. Myc., IX, pp. 36-39, 1 pl., 1 fig., 1911.<br />

On Allomyces, a new aquatic fungus. Ann. Bot.,<br />

XXV, pp.1023-1034, 1 pl., 1911.<br />

The rusts of wild vines in India. Ann. Myc., X,<br />

pp. 153-158,1 fig., 1912.<br />

Diseases of rice. Agric. Research Inst., Pusa, Bull.<br />

34, pp. 1-37,3 pis., 3 figs., 1913.<br />

Pythium de Baryanum. Hesse. Mem. Dept. Agric.<br />

India, Bot. Ser., V, pp. 262-267,1 pl., 1913.<br />

The downy mildew of maize (Sclerospora maydis<br />

(Rac.) Butler). Mem. Dept. Agric. India, Bot.<br />

Ser., V, 5, pp. 275-280, 2 pla. (1 col.), 1913.<br />

Notes on some lusts in India. Ann. Myc., XII,<br />

pp. 76-82, 1914.<br />

Rotting of pomegranates. Agric. Journ. India, IX,<br />

pp.205-206, 1914.

IS3<br />

118. HAMPION, B . U. otes on the death of the Chir (Pinus longifolia)<br />

poles in the Almora plantations of Kumaon.<br />

Indian Forester, XLVIII, pp. 168-174, 232-246,<br />

1922.<br />

119. CHAUDHURI, H. Annual partial wilting in Hibiscus tiliaceus. Journ.<br />

Indian Bot. Soc., VI, pp.109-112, 1927.<br />

120. CUlBBER, H. M. A working list of diseases and vegetable pests of<br />

some of the economic plants occurring in the Bombay<br />

Presidency. Poona Agric. College Mag., II,<br />

3, 18 pp., 1911.<br />

121 . CU'ElmI, R. Quarta contribuzione allo studio degli Ustilaginales.<br />

Ann. Myc., XXVI, pp. 1-68, 1 pl., 1928.<br />

122. COLEMAN, L. C.. Diseases of the areca palm (Areca catechu L.).<br />

I. Koleroga or rot-disease. Ann. Myc., VIII,<br />

pp. 591-626, 3 pIs. (1 col.), 1910.<br />

123. Diseases of the areca palm. I. Koleroga. Mysore<br />

State Dept. Agric., Myc. Scr., Bull., II, 92 pp.,<br />

5 figs., 18 pIs. (2 col.), 1910.<br />

124. The control of koleroga of the areca palm, a disease<br />

caused by Phytophthora omnivora var. arecae.<br />

Agric. Journ. India, X, pp. 129-136, 1915.<br />

125. & Some scale insect pests of coffee in south India.<br />

KANNAN, K. K. Mysore State Dept. Agric., Ent. Ser., Bull. 4,<br />

1918.<br />

126. ,VJ;;NKA'l'A Black rot or koleroga of coffee in Mysore. Mysore<br />

RAo, M. K., & NAltA- State Dept. Agric., Myc. Ser., Bull. 5, 12 pp., 4 pIs.,<br />

SIMllAN, M. J. 1 fig., 1923.<br />

127. COLLJ;;Y, R. H. & Peridermium kurilense Diet., on Pinus pumila Pall.,<br />

'fAYLOR, MINNIE W. and Peridermium indicum n. sp. on Pinus excelsa<br />

Wall. Journ. Agric. Res., XXXIV, pp. 327-330,<br />

1 fig., 1927.<br />

128. COOKE, M. C. ' Kashmir morels. Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh, X,<br />

pp. 439-443, 2 figs., 1870; also in Pharmac. Journ.<br />

129:<br />

130 ..<br />

131.<br />

132.<br />

and Trans., London, III Ser., I, pp. 345-346, 2<br />

figs., 1870.<br />

Blights on tea and cotton. Grev., I, p. 90, 1872.<br />

Himalayan leaf fungi. Grev., III, pp. 75-76, 1874<br />

. .<br />

Mycographia, seu leones Fungorum. London, 1875-<br />

78.<br />

Some Indian fungi. Grev., IV, pp. 114-118, 1 pl.,<br />


184<br />

133. [COOKE, M. C.]<br />

134.<br />

135.<br />

136.<br />

137.<br />

138.<br />

139.<br />

140.<br />

141.<br />

142.<br />

143.<br />

144.<br />

145.<br />

146.<br />

147.<br />

148.<br />

14.9.<br />

150.<br />

151.<br />

152.<br />

153.<br />

154.<br />

155.<br />

156.<br />

157.<br />

108.<br />


Some Indian fungi. Grev., V, pp. 14-17, 1 pl.,<br />

1876.<br />

Reporton diseased leaves of coffee and other plants.<br />

Indian Museum Report, pp. 1-7, 1 col. pl., 1876.<br />

Two coffee diseases. Popular Sci. Review, XV,<br />

pp. 161-168, 1 pl., 1876 .<br />

.A1finities of Pellicularia. Grev., IV, pp. 134-135,<br />

1876.<br />

Some parasites of coniferae. Indian Forester, III,<br />

pp. 88-96, 1877. ,<br />

Orange mould on forest trees. Grev., V, pp. 145-<br />

147, 1877.<br />

Praecursor ad monographiam Hendersoniae. Nuovo<br />

Giorn. Bot. Ital., X, pp. 17-27,1878.<br />

So'me Indian fungi. Grev., VI, pp. 117-118, 1878.<br />

Some extra-European fungi. Grev., VII, pp. 13-<br />

15, 1878. '<br />

Some Himalayan fungi. Grev., VII, p. 61, 1878.<br />

Some exotic fungi. Grev., VII, pp. 94-96, 1879.<br />

Fungi of India. Grev., VIII, pp. 93-96, 1880.<br />

Exotic fungi. Grev., IX, pp. 10-15, 1880.<br />

The genus Ravenelia. J ourn. Royal Microsc. Soc.,<br />

III, pp. 384-389, 1 pl., 1880.<br />

On Hymenochaete and its allies. Grev., VIII, pp.<br />

145-150, 1880.<br />

Some exotic fungi. Grev., IX, pp. 97-101, 1881.<br />

Exotic fungi. Grev., X, pp. 121-130, 1882.<br />

On Xylaria and its allies. Grev., XI, pp. 81-94,<br />

1883.<br />

Hypoxylon and its allies. Grev., XI, pp. 121-140,<br />

1883.<br />

Nummularia and its allies. Grev., XII, pp. 1-8,<br />

1883.<br />

The genus Anthostoma. Grev., XII, pp. 49-53,<br />

1883.<br />

On Sphaerella and its allies. J ourn. Bot., XXI, pp.<br />

67-71, 106-110, 136-139, 1883. .<br />

Notes on Hypocreaceae. Grev., XlI, pp. 77-83,<br />

100-101, 1884.<br />

Some exotic fungi. Grev., XII, p. 85,1884.<br />

]fungiofPerak, Grev.,XIII,pp.1-4,1884.<br />

Some exotic fungi. Grev., XIII, p. 6, 1884.

190<br />

251. H.AFIZ KHAN, A.<br />

252.<br />

253.<br />

254.<br />

255. HAIGH, J. C.<br />

256. fuRlOT, P. & KARS­<br />

TEN, P. A.<br />

257. HECTOR, G. P.<br />

258.<br />

259.<br />

260. HENNINGS, P.<br />

261.<br />

262.<br />

263.<br />


Root infection of Trametes pini (Brot.) Fr. Indian<br />

Forester, XXXVI, pp. 559-562, 2 pIs., 1910.<br />

The artificial development of spoiophores of Polyporus<br />

gilvus (Schw.) Fr. & Pat . Indian Forester,<br />

LI, pp. 205-207, 1925.<br />

Inoculation of Chir (Pinus longifolia) with Coleosporium<br />

campanulae (Pers.) Lev., on Campanula<br />

canescens Wall., and Coleosporium inulae (Kunze)<br />

Ed. Fisch. on Inula cappa DC. Indian Forester,<br />

LIV, pp. 176-178, 1928. •<br />

A preliminary report on the Peridermiums of India<br />

and the occurrence of Cronartium ribicola Fisch.<br />

on Ribes rubrum Linn. Indian Forester, LIV, pp.<br />

431-443, 8 pIli., 1928.<br />

Macrophomina phaseoli (Maubl.) Ashby and Rhizoctonia<br />

bataticola (Taub.) Butler. Ann. Royal Bot.<br />

Gard., Peradeniya, XI, pp. 213-249,7 pIs., 4 figs.,<br />

1930.<br />

Fungi novi. Revue Myc., XII, pp. 128-129, 1890.<br />

Annual Report of the Economic Botanist to the<br />

Government of Bengal for the year 1923-24.<br />

Ann. Rept. Dept. Agric. Bengal for the year<br />

1923-24, Appendix 1, pp. I-V, 1925.<br />

Annual Report of the Economic Botanist to the<br />

Government of Bengalforthe year 1925-26. Ann.<br />

Rept. Dept. of Agric. Bengal for the year 1925-26,<br />

Appendix I, pp. I-VI, 1927.<br />

Annual Report of the 1st Economic Botanist,<br />

Bengal, for the year 1926-27. Ann. Rept. Dept. of<br />

Agric. Bengal for the year 1926-27, Appendix I,<br />

pp. 35-38, 1927.<br />

Fungi Indiae orientalis. Hedw., XXXIX, pp. (150)­<br />

(153), 1900.<br />

Einige neue Uredineen aus verschiedenen Gebieten.<br />

Hedw., XXXIX, pp. (153)-(155), 1900.<br />

Fungi. Monsunia, I , pp. 1-38, 1 pl., 1900.<br />

Fungi Indiae orientalis II, cl. W. Golian a. 1900<br />

col ecti. Hedw., XL, pp. 323-342, 1901.

264. HOHNEL, F. V.<br />

265. HOLE, R. S.<br />

266.<br />

267. HUTCHINSON, C. M. &<br />

RAM AYYAR, C. S.<br />

268. ITo, SEIY A .<br />

269. JACZEWSKI, A. A ..<br />

270. JOSHI, S. D.<br />

271. KAR, P. C ..<br />

272. KL()CKER, A.<br />

273. KLOTZSCH, J. F.<br />

274.<br />

275. KNowLES, R. AND DAS<br />

GUPTA, B. M.<br />

276. KOMAROV, W. L .•<br />

277. KULKARNI, G. S.<br />

278.<br />


Fragmente zur Mykologie: Mitteil.I-XXV, Nos.<br />

1-1225. Sitzungsber. Akad. Wissensch. Wien,<br />

Mathem.-Naturw. Klasse, B. 111-132, 1902-<br />

1923.<br />

A manual of botany for Indian forest students.<br />

282 pp., 20 pIs., 3 maps, Calcutta, 1909.<br />

Mortality of spruce in the Jaunsar forests, United<br />

Provinces. Indian Forester, LIII, pp. 434-443,<br />

1927.<br />

The Indian rice beer ferment. Mem. Dept. Agric.<br />

India, Bact. Ser., I, 6, pp. 137-168,2 pIs. (1 col.),<br />

1915.<br />

On the Uredineae parasitic on the Japanese Gramineae.<br />

Journ. Sapporo Agric. College, III,<br />

pp.179-262, 3 pIs., 1909.<br />

A rare rust fungus, Chrysomyxa (Barclayella) deformans<br />

J acz. Bull. Leningrad Forestry Inst.<br />

CXXXIII, pp. 131-149, 5 figs., 1926. [In<br />

Russian]<br />

The wilt disease of saffiower. Mem. Dept. Agric.<br />

India, Bot. Ser., XIII, 2, pp. 39-46, 3 pis., 1924.<br />

Bud-rot of Palmyra palm. Bengal Agric. Journ.,<br />

I, pp. 110-111, 1921 [1922].<br />

Reoherohes sur les organismes de fermentation.<br />

Comptes Rendus des Trav. Lab. de Carlsberg, X,<br />

4, pp. 285-346, 7 pIs., 1913.<br />

Myoologische Beriohtigungen. Linnaea, VII, pp:<br />

193-204,3 pIs., 1832.<br />

Fungi exotioi e oolleotionibus britannorum. Linnaea,<br />

VIII, pp. 478-490, 2 pIs., 1833.<br />

On the nature of BIastocladia hoIninis. Indian<br />

Journ. Med. Res., XII, pp. 31-37, 4 pIs., 1924.<br />

Ueber Pucciniostele clarki ana (Barol.) Tranz. et<br />

Kom. Hedw., XXXIX, pp. (121)-(123), 1900.<br />

Preliminary study of the red rot of sugarcane in the<br />

Bombay Presidency. Bombay Dept. Agric., Bull.<br />

44, 8 pp., 3 pIs. (1 col.), 1911.<br />

Observations on the downy mildew [Sclerospora<br />

graminicola (Saco.) Schroet.] of Bajri and Jowar.<br />

Mem. Dept. Agric. India, Bot. Ser., V, 5, pp.<br />

268-273, 2 pIs. (1 col.), 1913.<br />


192<br />

279. [KULKARNI, G. S.]<br />

280.<br />

281.<br />

282.<br />

283. & MUND-<br />

KUR, B. B.<br />

284. LEVEILLE, J. H.<br />

285.<br />

286.<br />

287. LLOYD, C. G.<br />

288.<br />

289.<br />

290.<br />

291.<br />

292.<br />

293.<br />

294.<br />


Smuts of Jowar (Sorghum) in the Bombay Presidency.<br />

Agric. Res. Inst., Pusa, Bull. 78, 26 pp.,<br />

6 pIs., 1918.<br />

The smut of Nachani or Ragi (Eleusine coracana<br />

Gaertn.). Ann. Appi. BioI., IX, pp. 184-186, 2<br />

figs., 1922.<br />

Conditions influencing the distribution of grain<br />

smut (Sphacelotheca sorghi) of Jowar (Sorghum)<br />

in India. Agric. Journ. ·India, XVII, pp. 159-<br />

162, 1922.<br />

Smut (Ustilago paradoxa Syd. and Butl.) on Sawn<br />

. (Panicum frumentaceum Roxb.). Journ. Indian<br />

Bot. Soc., lII, pp. 10-11, 1922.<br />

Studies on the wilt disease of Cotton in the<br />

Bombay Karnatak. Series 1. Mem. Dept. Agric.<br />

India, Bot. Ser., XVII, 2, 27 pp., 4 pis., 1928.<br />

Fungi, in Voyage dans l' Inde par Victor Jacquemont<br />

pendant les annees 1829-1832, Tome IV,<br />

p. 179, 2 figs., 1844.<br />

Champignons exotiques. Ann. Sci. Nat., III Ser.,<br />

II, pp. 167-221, 1844, and ibid., III, pp. 38-71,<br />

1845.<br />

Description des champignons de l'herbier du Museum<br />

de Paris. Ann. Sci. Nat., III Ser., V, pp. 111-167,<br />

249-304, 1846.<br />

Mycological Notes, Nos. 1-75, pp. 1-1364, many<br />

pIs. and figs., Cincinnati, Ohio, 1898-1925.<br />

Mycological Letters, 1-69, (each separately paged),<br />

Cincinnati, Ohio, 1904-1919.<br />

The Lycoperdaceae of Australia, New Zealand, and<br />

neighbouring islands. pp. 1-42, 15 pis., 49 figs.,<br />

1905.<br />

The Tylostomeae. pp. 1-28, 12 pis., 6 figs., 1906.<br />

The Nidulariaceae, or " Bird's-nest fungi ". pp.<br />

1-32, 10 pIs., 20 figs. , 1906.<br />

Synopsis of the known Phalloids. pp. 1-96, 109<br />

figs., 1909.<br />

Synopsis of the genus Hexagonia. pp. 1-46,<br />

55 figs., 1910.<br />

Synopsis of the sections Microporus, Tabacinus,<br />

and Funales of the genus Polystictus. pp. 49-70,<br />

21 figs., 1910.

295. [LLOYD, C. ' G.]<br />

296.<br />

297.<br />

298.<br />

299.<br />

300.<br />

301.<br />

302.<br />

303.<br />

304.<br />

305.<br />

306. MACKIE, F. P . . &<br />

CHITRE, G. D.<br />

307. MAGNUS, P.<br />

308.<br />

309.<br />

310. MANN, H. H.<br />

311. MASON, E. W.<br />

312. MASSEE, a.<br />

313.<br />

314.<br />


Synopsis of the section Ovinus of Polyporus.<br />

pp. 71-94, 14 figs., 1911.<br />

Synopsis of the stipitute Polyporoids. pp. 95-208,<br />

106 figs., 1912.<br />

Synopsis of the stipitate Stereums. pp. 15-44, 34<br />

figs. , 1913.<br />

Synopsis of the genus Cladoderris. 12 pp., 11 pIs.,<br />

1913.<br />

Synopsis of the genus Fomes. pp. 211-288, 41 figs.,<br />

1915.<br />

Synopsis of the Section Apus of the genus Polyporus.<br />

pp. 291-392, 76 figs., 1915.<br />

The Geoglossaceae. pp. 1-24, 27 figs., 1916.<br />

The myths of mycology. pp.1-16, 5 figs., 1917.<br />

The genus Radulum. pp. 1-12, 24 figs., 1917.<br />

Synopsis of some genera of the large Pyrenomycetes.<br />

1st paper 1917, 2nd paper 1919, paged<br />

continuously, pp.1-32, many figs.<br />

Xylaria notes, Nos. 1 and 2, pp. 1-32, 70 figs., 1918.<br />

Animal experiments and sprue. Indian J ourn.<br />

Med. Res., XVI, pp. 49-76, 1 pl., 1928.<br />

• Einige Beobachtungen zur niiheren Kenntniss der<br />

Arten von Diorchidium und Triphragmium. Ber.<br />

deut. Bot.' Gesell., IX, pp. 118-124, 1 pl., 1891.<br />

Eine neue Uredineengatung Schroeteriaster, gegriindet<br />

auf Uromyces alpinus. Ber. deut. Bot.<br />

Gesell., XIV, 129-133, 1 pl., 1896.<br />

in J. Bornmiiller, Iter Syriacum, 1897. Fungi.<br />

Verhandl. der K. K. Zool. Bot. Gesell. Wien,<br />

L, pp. 432-499, 2 pIs., 1900.<br />

Blister blight of tea. Indian Tea Assoc. Bull. 3,<br />

13 pp., 5 pis., Calcutta, 1906.<br />

Annotated account of fungi received at the Imperial<br />

Bureau of Mycology. List II, 43 pp., 1928.<br />

• A monograph of the genus Podaxis Desv. (=Podaxon<br />

Fr.). Journ. Bot., XXVIII, pp. 33-39,<br />

69-77,2 pIs., 1890.<br />

A monograph of the Thelephoraceae. Journ. Linn.<br />

Soc. London, Bot., XXV, pp. 107-155, 3 pIs ..<br />

1890, and ibid., XXVII, pp. 95-205, 3 pis., 1891.<br />

Notes on exotic fungi in the Royal Herbarium,<br />

Kew. Grev., XXI, pp. 1-6, 1892.

194<br />

315. [MASSEE, G.]<br />

316.<br />

317.<br />

318.<br />

319.<br />

320.<br />

321. MCALPINE, D.<br />

322. McRAE, W.<br />

323.<br />

324.<br />

325.<br />

326.<br />

327.<br />


Notes on fungi in the Royal Herbarium, Kew.<br />

Grev., XXI, pp. 33-35, 1892.<br />

Revised descriptions of type specimens in Kew<br />

Herbarium. Grev., XXII, pp. 33-35, 1893.<br />

Disease of pepper plants in Mysore. Kew Bull.,<br />

1895, pp. 178-180, 1895. .<br />

Tea blights. Kew Bull., 1898, pp. 105-112, 1898.<br />

Fungi Exotici-<br />

I. Kew Bull., 1898, pp. U3-136, 1898.<br />

II. ibid., 1899, pp. 164-185, 1899.<br />

III. ibid., 1901, pp. 150-169, 1901.<br />

IV. ibid., 1906, pp. 91-94, 1906.<br />

VI. ibid., 1907, pp. 121-124, 1907.<br />

VIII. ibid., 1908, pp. 216-219, 1908.<br />

X. ibid., 1910, pp. 1-6, 1 pl., 1910.<br />

XI. ibid., 1910, pp. 249-253, 2 pIs., 1910.<br />

XIII. ibid., 1912, pp. 189-191, 1912.<br />

XIV. ibid., 1912, pp. 253-255, 1912.<br />

Revision of the genus Hemileia Berk. Kew Bun.,<br />

1906, pp. 35-42, 1 pl., 1906.<br />

The smuts of Australia. 288 pp., 10 figs., 56 pIs.,<br />

Melbourne, 1910.<br />

Report on the outbreak of blister blight of tea in the<br />

Darjeeling District. Agric. Res. Inst. Pusa, Bull.<br />

18, 20 pp., 6 pis. (1 col.), 1910.<br />

The outbreak of blister blight on tea in the<br />

Darjeeling District in 1908-9. Agric. Journ.<br />

India, V, pp. 126-137, 1 fig., 4: pIs. (1 col.), 1910.<br />

(Reprinted as Bull. No. 32, Indian Tea Assoc.,<br />

1910).<br />

The edible mushroom. Agric. Journ. India, V, pp.<br />

197-204, 1 col. pl., 1910.<br />

Soft-rot of ginger in the Rangpur district, Eastern<br />

Bengal. Agric. Journ. India, VI, pp. 139-146,<br />

1 col. pl., 1911.<br />

Notes on south Indian fungi. Madras Agric. Dept.<br />

Year Book, 1917, pp. 108-111, 1917.<br />

Phytophthora meadii n. sp. on Hevea brasiliensis.<br />

Mem. Dept. Agric. India, Bot. Ser., IX, 5, pp.<br />

219-273, 3 figs., 3 pis., 1918.

355. NECRITSCR. A.<br />

356. NIESSL, G .•<br />

357. NISBET, J .•<br />

358. NORRIE, F. H. B.<br />

359. PAOLI, G. •<br />

360. PATOUILLARD, N.<br />

361.<br />

362.<br />

363. PEARL, R. T.<br />

364. PETCR, T.<br />

365.<br />

366.<br />

367.<br />


Sur les ferments de deux levains de l'Inde, Ie Mucor<br />

Praini et Ie Dematium Chodati. Inst. de Bot.,<br />

Dniv. de Geneve, VI Ser., V fasc. , pp. 1-38,<br />

6 figs., 1 tab., 1904.<br />

Einige neue Pyrenomyceten. Hedw., XX, pp.<br />

97-100,1881.<br />

• The diseases of trees. Indian Forester, XXI, pp.<br />

126-133, 1 pl., 1895.<br />

• Rhinosporidium infection of the nose. Journ. of<br />

Laryngology and Otology, XLIV, pp. 505-513,<br />

1929.<br />

• Nuovi Laboulbeniomiceti parassiti di Acari. Redia,<br />

VII, pp. 283-295, 1 pl., 1911.<br />

• Champignons parasites des Phanerogams exotiques.<br />

Rev. Myc., VIII, pp. 80-85, 1 pl., 1886.<br />

Contributions a l'etude des champignons extraeuropeens.<br />

Bull. Soc. Myc. France, III, pp.<br />

119-131, 1 fig., 1887.<br />

Quelques champignons du Tonkin (Suite). Bull.<br />

Soc. Myc. France, XLI, pp. 337-342, 2 figs., 1925.<br />

Report of the Mycologist to the Government 0 f<br />

the Central Provinces and Berar. Rept. Dept.<br />

Agric., Central Provinces and Berar, for the year<br />

ending 30th June, 1922, pp. 19-20, 1923 . .<br />

The fungi of certain termite nests. Ann. Royal<br />

Bot. Gardens, Peradeniya, III, pp. 185-270, 17<br />

pIs., 1906.<br />

Sclerotium stipitatum Berk. and Curro Ann . Myc.,<br />

V, pp. 401-403, 1 fig., 1907.<br />

The genus Endocalyx, Berkeley and Broome. Ann.<br />

Bot., XXII, pp. 391-400, 1 pl., 1908.<br />

Revisions of Ceylon fungi-<br />

I. Ann. Royal Bot. Gard. Peradeniya, IV,<br />

pp. 21-68, 1907.<br />

II. ibid., IV, pp. 373-444, 1910.<br />

III. ibid., V, pp. 265-301, 1912.<br />

IV. ibid., VI, pp. 153-183, 1916.<br />

V. ibid., VI, pp. 307-355, 1917.<br />

VI. ihid., VII, pp. 1-44, 1919.<br />

VII. ibid., IX, pp. 119-184, 1924.<br />

VIII. ibid., X, pp. 161-180, 1927.

198<br />

368. [PETCH, T.]<br />

369.<br />

370.<br />

371.<br />

372.<br />

373.<br />

374.<br />

375.<br />

376.<br />

377.<br />

378.<br />


The diseases of the tea bush. Macmillan, London,<br />

XII+220 pp., 69 figs., 3 col. pIs., 1923.<br />

Ustilagineae and Uredineae of Ceylon. Ann. Royal<br />

Bot. Gard., Peradeniya, V, pp. 223-256, 1912.<br />

Horse-hair blights. Ann. Royal Bot. Gard., Peradeniya,<br />

VI; pp. 43-68, 6 pIs., 1915.<br />

Ceylon Lentini. Ann. Royal Bot. Gard., Peradeniya,<br />

VI, pp. 145-152, 1916.<br />

A preliminary list of Ceylon Polypori. Ann. Royal<br />

Bot. Gard., Peradeniya, VI, pp. 1-58, 1916.<br />

Additions to Ceylon fungi-<br />

I. Ann. Royal Bot. Gard., Peradeniya, VI,<br />

pp. 195-256, 1917.<br />

II. ibid., VII, pp. 279-322, 1922.<br />

III. ibid., IX, pp. 313-328, 1925 .<br />

. IV. ibid., X, pp. 131-138, 1926.<br />

Gasteromycetae Zeylanicae. Ann. Royal Bot.<br />

Gard., Peradeniya, VII, pp. 57-78, 1919.<br />

Studies in entomogenous fungi-<br />

I. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc., VII, pp. 89-167,<br />

3 pIs. (2 col.), 1921.<br />

II. Ann. Royal Bot. Gard., Peradeniya, VII,<br />

pp. 167-278, 4 pIs. (2 col.), 1921.<br />

III. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc., IX, pp. 108-128,<br />

5 figs., 1 col. pl., 1923.<br />

IV. ibid., X, pp. 28-45, 3 figs., 1 pl., 1924.<br />

V. ibid., X, pp. 46-80, 1 fig., 2 pIs., 1924.<br />

VI. ibid., X, pp. 152-182, 1 fig., 1 pl., 1925.<br />

VII. ibid., X, pp. 183-189, 1 fig. , 1925.<br />

VIII. ibid., X, pp. 244-271, 1 fig., 1926.<br />

IX. ibid., XI, pp. 50-66, 1 fig., 1 pl., 1926.<br />

X. ibid., XI, pp. 251-254, 1 fig., 1926.<br />

XI. ibid., XI, pp. 254-258, 1 fig., 1926.<br />

XII. ibid., XII, pp. 44-52, 1 pl., 1927.<br />

XIII. ibid., XII, pp. 105-113, 1927.<br />

Xylariaceae Zeylanicae. Ann. Royal Bot. Gard.,<br />

Peradeniya, VIII, pp. 119-166, 1924.<br />

Thread blights. Ann. Royal Bot. Gard., Peradeniya,<br />

IX, pp. 1-45, 9 pIs., 1924.<br />

Entomogenous fungi: additions and corrections.<br />

I . Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc., X, pp. 190-201, 1925.<br />

II. ibid., XI, pp. 258-266, 1 fig., 1926.


379. [PETCH, T.]<br />

Notes on Ceylon Thelephoraceae, etc. Ann. Royal<br />

Bot. Gard., Peradeniya, IX, pp. 259-298, 1925.<br />

380.<br />

Matula. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc., XI, pp. 67-81,<br />

381.<br />

2 figs., 2 pis., 1926.<br />

Septobasidium rumeale. Trans. Brit. Myc. 8'oc.,<br />

XII, pp. 276-282, 2 pIs., 1927.<br />

382. PETHYBRIDGE, G. H. On the rotting of potato tubers by a new species<br />

of Phytophthora having a method of sexual<br />

reproduction hitherto undescribed. Sci. Proc.<br />

383. PETRAK, F.<br />

Royal Dublin Soc., XIII, pp. 529-565, 3 pIs.,<br />

1913.<br />

Mykologische Notizen-<br />

VI. Ann. Myc., XXI, pp. 182-335, 1923.<br />

X. ibid., XXVII, pp. 324-410,1929.<br />

384.<br />

& SYDOW, Die Gattungen der Pyrenomyzeten, Sphaeropsideen,<br />

H.<br />

und Melanconieen. Feddes Repertorium, Beihefte,<br />

XLII, 551 pp., Dahlem, 1926-1927.<br />

385.<br />

Kritisch -systema tische Originaluntersuchungen<br />

tiber Pyrenomyzeten, SphaHopsideen, und<br />

MeJanconieen. Ann. Myc., XXIII, pp. 209-294,<br />

1925, and XXVII, pp. 87-115, 1929.<br />

386. PINCHING, H. C.<br />

387. RAJ3ENHORST, L.<br />

Rubber in Burma. Bull. Rubber Growers' Assoc.,<br />

X, pp. 647-655, 1 diag., 1923.<br />

Fungi europaei exsiccati. Hedw., XVII, pp. 31,<br />

44-47, 59-63, 88-90, 171-176, 1878.<br />

388.<br />

Fungi europaei Cent. XXVI. Hedw., XX, pp.<br />

145-151,1881.<br />

389. RAMAKRISHNA AYYAR, Pythium aphanidermatum (Eds.) Fitz. on<br />

T.S.<br />

Opuntia dillenii Haw. Mem. Dept. Agric. India,<br />

Bot. Ser., XVI, 7, pp. 191-201, 3 pIs., 2 graphs,<br />

1929.<br />

390. RERM, H. .<br />

Ascomycetes novi. II. Ann. Myc., VI, pp. 313-<br />

325,1908.<br />

391. REICHARDT, H . W. Fungi, Hepaticae, et Musci ITondosi, in Bot. Teil,<br />

Reise der Oesterreichischen Fregatte Novara um<br />

die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859, pp.<br />

133-196,17 pIs., 1870.<br />

392. RHIND, D ..<br />

Report of the Mycologist, Burma, for the period<br />

ending 30th June 1924. Rangoon, Supdt. Govt.<br />

Printing, Burma, 6 pp., 1924.

200<br />

393. [RmND, D.]<br />

394.<br />

395.<br />

396.<br />

397.<br />

398. RICKER, P. L.<br />

399. ROBERTSON, H. F.<br />

400. ROUMEGUERE, C.<br />

401. RYAN, RUTH<br />

402. SACCARDO, P. A.<br />

403 .<br />

404. SALMON, E. S.<br />

405.<br />

406.<br />

407. SETCHELL, W. A.<br />

408. SHAW, F. J. F .<br />

409.<br />


Annual Report of the Mycologist, Burma, for the<br />

year ending the 30th June, 1925. Rangoon,<br />

Supdt. Govt. Printing, Burma, 5 pp., 1926.<br />

The diseases of Para rubber in Burma. Dept. of<br />

Agric. Burma, Bull. 14, 16 pp., 9 figs., 1926.<br />

Annual Report of the Mycologist, Burma, for the<br />

year ending the 30th June, 1926. Rangoon,<br />

Supdt. Govt. Printing, Burma , 7 pp., 1927.<br />

Preliminary note on an internal boll disease of<br />

cotton in Burma. Agric. Journ. India, XXII,<br />

pp. 34-38, 1927.<br />

India: mycological notes on Burma. Internat.<br />

Rev. of Agric., N. S., XIX, pp. 744-745, 1928.<br />

Notes on fungi II. With new species from various<br />

localities. Journ. Myc., XI, pp. 111-115, 1905.<br />

Annual Report of the Mycologist, Burma, for the<br />

year ending 30th June, 1928. Rangoon, Supdt.<br />

Govt. Printing, Burma, 10 pp., 1928.<br />

Fungi in reg. div. Australiae et Asiae a Jul. Remy<br />

collecti, 1863-1866. Rev. Myc., 1880, pp. 152-<br />

154, 1 pl., 1880.<br />

Asterina spp. from India. Mem. Dept. Agric.<br />

India, Bot. Ser., XV, 5, pp. 103-105, 1928.<br />

Fungi veneti novi v. eritici v. mycologiae venetae.<br />

Michelia, II, pp. 528-563, 1882.<br />

Notae mycologicae. XV. Ann. Myc., XI, pp. 14-21,<br />

1913 ; XVIII, ibid., XII, pp. 282-314:, 1914.<br />

A monograph of the Erysiphaceae. Mem. Torr.<br />

Bot. Club, IX, 292 pp., 9 pIs., 1900.<br />

On the variation shown by the conidial stage of<br />

Phyllactinia corylea (Pers.) Karst. Ann. Myc.,<br />

III. pp. 493-505, 3 pIs., 1905. .<br />

Notes on some species of Erysiphaceae from India.<br />

Ann. Myc., V, pp. 476-479, 1907.<br />

Notes on Ustilagineae. Bot. Gaz., XIX, pp. 185-<br />

190, 1 pI., 1894.<br />

The copper blight of tea. Agric. J ourn. India,<br />

VI, pp. 78-79, 1911.<br />

The morphology and parasitism of Rhizoctonia.<br />

Mem. Dept. Agric. India, Bot. Ser., VI, 6, pp.<br />

115-153, 5 figs., 11 pIs. (5 col.), 1912.


410. [SHAW, F. J. F.] A sclerotial disease of rice. Mem. Dept. Agric.<br />

India, Bot. Ser., VI, 2, pp. 11-23, 3 pIs. (1 col.),<br />

1913.<br />

411.<br />

Anthracnose of sisal hemp. Agric. J ourn. India,<br />

VIII, 1, 4 pp., 3 pIs., 1913.<br />

412.<br />

Studies in diseases of the jute plant. (1) Diplodia<br />

. corchori Syd. Mem. Dept. Agric. India, Bot.<br />

Ser., XI, 2, pp. 37-58, 11 pIs. (1 col.), 1921. (2)<br />

Macrophoma corchori Sa.w. Ibid., XIII, 6, pp.<br />

193-199, 2 pIs., 1924.<br />

413. & AJREKAR, The genus Rhizoctonia in India. Mem. Dept.<br />

S. L. Agric. India, Bot. Ser., VII, 4, pp. 177-194, 4<br />

pIs., 1915.<br />

414. & SUNDARA- The bud rot of coconut palms in Malabar. Ann.<br />

RAMAN, S. Myc., XII, pp. 251-262, 1 fig., 1 pl., 1914.<br />

415. The bud-rot of coconut palms in Malabar. Agric.<br />

Journ. India, IX, pp. 111-117, 3, pIs. (2 coL),<br />

1914.<br />

416. SINGH, S. The liability of deodar to the attack of Trametes<br />

pini (Brot.) Fr. in Lolab, Kashmir. Indian<br />

Forester, L, pp. 361-365, 1924.<br />

4J 7. SPEGAZZINI, C. Laboulbeniales ritrovate nelle collezioni di alcuni<br />

Musei Italiani. Anal. del Mus. Nac. Hist.<br />

Nat. de Buenos Aires, XXVI, pp. 451-511, 49<br />

figs. , 1915.<br />

418. STARBACK, K. Studier i Elias Fries' svampherbarium. 1. Spha('riaceae<br />

imperfecte cognitae. Bihang Kongl.<br />

Svenska Vetenskaps-Akad. Handl., XIX, Afd.<br />

III, 2, 114 pp., 4: pIs. , 1894.<br />

419. STEVENS, F. L. The Meliolineae-<br />

1. Ann. Myc. , XXV, pp. 405-469, 2 pIs., 1927.<br />

II. ibid., XXVI, pp. 165-383, 5 pIs., 1928.<br />

420. Meliola spp. from India and one from Malay. Mem.<br />

Dept. Agric. India, Bot. Ser., XV, 5, pp. 107-<br />

111 , 3 pls., 1928.<br />

421. STEVENS, N. E.. Two species of Physalospora on Citrus and other<br />

hosts. Mycologia, XVIII, pp. 206-217, 2 figs.,<br />

1926.<br />

422. SUBRAMANIAM, L. S. . A Pythium disease of ginger, tobacco, and papaya.<br />

Mem. Dept. Agric. India, Bot. Ser., X, 4, pp.<br />

181-194, 6 pIs. (3 col.), 1919.


423. [SUBRAMANIAM. L. S.] The genus Cerebella in India. Journ. and Proc.,<br />

Asiatic Soc. Bengal, N. S., XVII, pp. 205-208,<br />

1 pl., 1921.<br />

424. Root rot and sclerotial diseases of · wheat. Agric.<br />

Res. Inst., Pusa, Bull. 177, 7 pp., 1 fig., 1 pI.,<br />

1928.<br />

425. SUNDARARAMAN, S. Ustilago crameri Roern. on Setaria italica Beauv.<br />

Agric. Res. lnst., Pusa, Bull. 97, 11 pp., 2 p1s.,<br />

1 map, 1921.<br />

426. The coconut-bleeding disease. Agric. Res. lnst.<br />

Pusa, Bull. 127, 8 pp., 5 pis., 1922. (See also<br />

Sundararaman, S., Krishnan Nayar, C., and<br />

Ramakrishnan, T. S., ibid., Bull. 169, 1928.)<br />

427. Helminthosporium disease of rice. Agric. Res.<br />

Inst., Pusa, Bull. 128, 7 pp., 4 pis. (2 col.),<br />

1922.<br />

428.<br />

429.<br />

430.<br />

431.<br />

432.<br />

433.<br />

434.<br />

A new ginger disease in Godavari District. Mem.<br />

Dept. Agric. India, Bot. Ser., XI, 9, pp. 209-217,<br />

4 pIs. (2 col.), 1923.<br />

Bud-rot of coconuts caused by Phytophthora palmivora.<br />

Agric. Journ. India, XIX, 1, pp. 84-85,<br />

1924.<br />

Vermicularia curcumae Syd. on Curcuma longa.<br />

Madras Agric. Dept. Year Book, 1925, pp.<br />

18-19,1926.<br />

'Some Vermicularias of economic importance in<br />

South India. Madras Agric. Dept. Year Book,<br />

1926, pp. 10-12, 1927.<br />

Administration Report of the Government Mycologist,<br />

Coimbatore, for 1926-27. Rept. Dept. of<br />

Agric., Madras Prel'idency, for the official year<br />

1926-27, pp. 326-344, 1927.<br />

Administration Report of the Government Mycologist,<br />

Coimbatore, for 1927-28. Rept. Dept. of<br />

Agric., Madras, for the official year 1927-28, pp.<br />

355-372, 1928.<br />

Administration Report of the Government Mycologist,<br />

Coimbatore, for 1928-29. Reprinted from<br />

Rept. Dept. Agric. Madras Presidency, for the<br />

official year 1928-29, 27 pp., 1929.


435. [SUNDARARAMAN, S.] & Some Polyporaeeae of the Madras Presidency.<br />

MARUDARAJAN, D. Madras Agrie. Dept. Year Book, 1924, pp.<br />

69-75, 1925.<br />

436. & The 'Mahali' disease of coconuts in Malabar.<br />

RAMAKRISHNAN, T. S. Mem. Dept. Agrie. India, Bot. Ser., XIII, 4,<br />

pp. 87-97, 2 col. pIs., 1 map, 1924.<br />

437. Foot-rot and wilt of Antirrhinums. Mem. Dept.<br />

Agrie. India, Bot. Ser., XVI, 3, pp. 83-100, 7<br />

pis. (2 col.), 2 graphs, 1928.<br />

438. -<br />

A leaf-spot disease of safllower (Carthamus tine·<br />

torius) caused by Cereospora carthami, nov.<br />

sp. Agric. Journ. India, XXIII, 5, pp. 383-389,<br />

5 pIs. (2 col.), 1928.<br />

439. SURI, P. N.<br />

Trametes pini on deodar in the Baspa Valley,<br />

Bushahr State, Punjab. Indian Forester, LII,<br />

pp. 327-330, 1 pl., 1926.<br />

440. SYDOW, H. & P ..<br />

441.<br />

442.<br />

443.<br />

444.<br />

203<br />

. Diagnosen neuer Uredineen und Ustilagineen nebst<br />

Bemerkungen zu einigen bereits bekannter Arrer.<br />

Ann. Mye., I, pp. 15-23, 1903.<br />

Neue und Kritisehe Uredineen. Ann. Myc., I, pp.<br />

324-334, 1903.<br />

Monographia Uredinearum, Leipzig­<br />

I. XXV +972 pp., 45 pIs., 1902-04.<br />

II. XIX+396 pp., 14 pIs., 1909-10.<br />

III. 726 pp., 32 pIs., 1912-15.<br />

IV. IV +671 pp., 1923-24.<br />

Novae fungorum speeies-<br />

1. Ann. Myc., II, pp. 162-174, 1904.<br />

VI. ibid., IX, pp. 142-146, 1 pl., 1911.<br />

VIII. ibid., X, pp. 405-410, 1 fig., 1912.<br />

XII. ibirl., XII, pp. 195-204, 1914.<br />

XIII. ibid., XIII, pp. 35-43, 2 figs., 1915.<br />

XIV. ibid., XIV, pp. 256-262, 1 fig., 1916.<br />

XV. ibid., XV, pp. 143-148, 1917.<br />

XVI. ibid., XVIII, pp. 154-160, 1 fig., 1920.<br />

XVII. ibid., XIX, pp. 304-309, 1921 (by H.<br />

Sydow).<br />

Dber eine Anzahl aus der Gattung Uromyccs auszuschliessender<br />

resp. unriehtig beschreibender<br />

Arten. Ann. Mya., VI, pp. 133-143, 1908.


462. THAXTER, R.<br />

463.<br />

464.<br />

465.<br />

466. THEISSEN, F.<br />

467.<br />

468.<br />

469.<br />

470.<br />

471.<br />

472.<br />

473.<br />

474.<br />

475.<br />


Preliminary diagnoses of new species of Laboulbeniaceae-<br />

I. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts and Sci., XXXV,<br />

pp. 153-209, 1900.<br />

II. ibid., XXXV, pp. 409-450, 1900.<br />

III. ibid., XXXVI, pp. 397-414, 1901.<br />

IV. ibid., XXXVII, pp. 19-45, 1902.<br />

V. ibid., XXXVIII, pp. 7-57,1903.<br />

Contribution towards a monograph of the Laboulbeniaceae.<br />

Memoirs Amer. Aead. Arts and SeL,<br />

XII, pp. 187-429, 26 pls., 1902.<br />

Laboulbeniales parasitic on Chrysomelidae. Proc.<br />

Amer. Acad. Arts and Sci., L, 2, pp. 17-50, 1914.<br />

New Indo-Malayan Laboulbeniales. Proc. Amer.<br />

Acad. Arts and Sci., LI, 1, pp. 3-51 , 1915.<br />

Xylariaceae austro brasiliensis. 1. Xylaria.<br />

Denkschr. Rais. Akad. Wissensch. Wien, Mathem.<br />

Naturwiss. RL, LXXXIII, pp. 47-86, 7 figs.,<br />

11 pIs., 1909.<br />

Fungi aliquot Bombayenses a Rev. Ed. Blatter<br />

collecti. Ann. Myc., IX, pp. 153-159, 1 fig., 1911.<br />

Fragmenta brasilica IV. Ann. Myc., X, pp. 1-32,<br />

5 figs., 1912; ibid., V. Ann. Mye., X, pp. 159-204,<br />

1912.<br />

Zur Revision dor Gattung Dimerosporium. Beih.<br />

Bot. Contralb., XXIX, 2 Abt., pp. 45-73, 1912.<br />

Zur Revision der Gattungen Mierothyrium und<br />

Seynesia. Oesten. Bot. Zeitschr., LXII, pp.<br />

216-221, 275-280, 327-329, 395-396, 430-434,<br />

1912.<br />

Le genre Asterinella. Broteria, Ser. Bot., X, pp.<br />

101-123,20 figs., 1912.<br />

The fungi of India. Part I. Journ. Bombay Nat.<br />

I·list. Soc., XXI, 4, pp. 1273-1303, 4 pIs., 10 fig.,<br />

1912. Part II. Ibid., XXII, 1, pp. 144-159,<br />

5 pIs., 1913.<br />

Die Gattung Asterina. Abhand!. K. K. Zoo!. Bot.<br />

Gesellsch. Wien, VII, 3, pp. 1-130, 8 pIs., 1913.<br />

Lembosia-Studien. Ann. Myc., XI, pp. 425-467,<br />

1 pl., 1913.<br />

Die Triehothyriazeen. Beih. Bot. Centralb!.,<br />

XXXII, 2 Abt., pp. 1-16, 3 figs., 1 pl., 1914.<br />


494. [TUNSTALL, A. C.]<br />

495.<br />

496.<br />

497.<br />

498.<br />

499.<br />

500.<br />

501.<br />

502.<br />

503.<br />

504.<br />

505.<br />

506.<br />

507.<br />

BOSE, S. C.<br />

THE FUNGI OJ!' INDIA. 207<br />

Notes on some fungus diseases prevalent during<br />

season of 1922. Quart. Journ. Sci. Dcpt. Indian<br />

Tea Assoc., 1922,3, pp. 115-123, 1922.<br />

Some observations on stem and root diseases.<br />

Quart. Jouru. Indian Tea Assoc., 1923, 3, pp.<br />

86-91, 1923.<br />

Some observations on micro-organisms associated<br />

with tea fermentation. Quart. Journ. Indian .<br />

Tea Assoc., 1923, 4, pp. 126-131, '1924.<br />

Some observations on stem diseases in Cachar.<br />

Quart. Journ. Indian Tea Assoc., 1925, 1, pp.<br />

37-44,1 pl., 1925.<br />

Some notes on tea diseases caused by Corticium<br />

spp. Quart. Journ. Indian Tea Assoc., 1925,<br />

2, pp. 53-59, 4 pIs., 1925.<br />

The distribution of blister blight (Exobasidium<br />

vexans). Quart. Journ. Indian Tea Assoc .,<br />

1924, 4,pp.255-256, 1925.<br />

Stem disease caused by Corticium sp. Quart. Journ.<br />

India Tea Assoc., 1924, 4, pp. 256-258, 1925.<br />

An outbreak of blister blight in the Surma Valley.<br />

Quart. Journ. Indian Tea Assoc., 1927, 1,<br />

pp. 20-24, 1927.<br />

Some observations on violet root rot (Sphaerostilbe<br />

repens, B. & Br.). Quart. Journ. Indian<br />

Tea Assoc., 1927,2, pp. 69-71, 1927.<br />

Vegetable parasites of the tea plant. The blights.<br />

Quart. Journ. Indian Tea Assoc., 1927, 3,<br />

pp. 73-86; 4, pp. 173-182,1927.<br />

Vegetable parasites of the tea plant (continued).<br />

Blights on the stem. Quart. Journ. Indian<br />

Tea Assoc., 1928, 1, pp. 45-57; 4, pp. 220-231,<br />

1928.<br />

Fungi on tea roots. Quart. Journ. Indian Tea<br />

Assoc., 1929, 1, pp. 1-10, 1929.<br />

Vegetable parasites of the tea plant (continued).<br />

Blights on the root. Quart. J omn. Indian Tea<br />

Assoc., 1929, 2, pp. 68-75, 1929, and 1930, 1,<br />

pp.28-36, 1930.<br />

& Fungus diseases of the tea leaf. Brown blight.<br />

Quart. Jomn. Indian Tea Ass(Jc., 1920, 1, pp.<br />

37-43, 5 pIs. (3 col.), 1920.<br />


520. WATT, G.<br />

521.<br />

522.<br />

MANN,H. H.<br />

523. WINTER, G.<br />

524. WOODROW, G. M.<br />

'l.'HE FUNGI OF INDIA. 209<br />

Fungi, in Dictionary of the economic products of<br />

India, I, pp. 130-133, 1889; III, pp.<br />

259, 455-458, 1890.<br />

Indian fungi. Agric. Ledger, II, No. 20, pp. 1-131<br />

(251-381), 11 figs., 1895.<br />

& The pests and blights of the tea plant (second<br />

edition). XV +429 pp., 44 figs., 24 pIs., Calcutta,<br />

Supdt. Govt. Printing, India, 1903.<br />

Exotische Pilze. II. Hedw., XXIV, pp. 21-35, 1885.<br />

Four interesting Bombay plants. Journ. Bombay<br />

Nat. Hist. Soc., XV, pp. 363-364, 2 pIs., 1903.<br />

525. WOLLENWEBER, H. W. Fusaria autographice delineata. Ann. Myc., XV,<br />

pp. 1-56 [illustrations issued separately], 1917.<br />

526. ZUNDEL, G. L. I. Monographic studies on the Ustilaginales attacking<br />

Andropogon. Mycologia, XXII, pp. 125-158,<br />

1930.<br />

! '<br />

(<br />

,_ '

224<br />

Ixora parvijlora­<br />

Phyllachora ixorae<br />

lxora polyantha­<br />

Phyllachora ixorae<br />

1 xora undulata-<br />

Daldinia concentrica (wood)<br />

Ja1nbosa: see Eugenia<br />

Jasminu1lt a,rborescens­<br />

Dendrophoma jasmini (brancbes)<br />

Fusicladinm butleri<br />

Microdiplodia jasmini<br />

Uromyces hobsoni<br />

Jaitlninu1It auriculatum­<br />

Meliola ? jasrninicola<br />

J a8minu1It grandij!orurn­<br />

Uromyces hobsoni<br />

Jasminum humile­<br />

Puccinia chrysopogi<br />

Septoria, aitchisoni<br />

Jasminu1n malabaricum­<br />

Asterioa spissa<br />

Blastospora. butleri<br />

Ecbinosphaeria profus!!.<br />

Melioia ? jasrninicoia<br />

Uromyces hobsoni<br />

Jasminum officinale­<br />

Uromyces hobsoni<br />

Ja8minu1It pubescens­<br />

Uromyces comedens<br />

Jasminum sambac­<br />

Melioia jasminicola<br />

Jasminum sp.­<br />

Alternaria dianthi<br />

Corticium koleroga<br />

Sirococcus butleri<br />

Jatropha curcaa­<br />

Fusicoccum jatrophae<br />

Jatropha glandulijera­<br />

Phytophthora arecao<br />

Jatropha integerrima­<br />

Colletotrichum jatrophao<br />

Jatropha nana-<br />

Ceroosporn ajrekari<br />

Juglans regia-<br />

Microstroma juglandis<br />

Phyllactinia corylea<br />

Juglans sp.-<br />

Fomes fomentariu5 (wood)<br />

Justicia diffusa-<br />

Puccinia peraffini&<br />

Justicia gendarussa-<br />

Pucci'lia thwaitesii<br />

Justicia procumbens­<br />

Synchytrium rytzii<br />


HOST INDEX-wntd.<br />

Justicia sp.-<br />

Plasmopara wildemaniana<br />

Synchytrium rytzii<br />

KyUinga triceps-<br />

Puccinia mysorensis<br />

Ladarius sp.-<br />

Hypomyces floccosus<br />

Laduca di88eda- ·<br />

Bremia lactucae<br />

Laduca macrorlliza-<br />

Puccinia preuanthis-purpu.reae var. hima·<br />

Ieusis<br />

Laduca scariola-<br />

Bremia lactucae<br />

Lactu& sp.-<br />

Septoria lactucae<br />

Lagenaria vulgaris-<br />

Pythium aphaniderma.tum<br />

Spbaerella citrullina<br />

Sphaerotheca humuli var. fuliginea<br />

Synchytrium rytzii<br />

Lage1"stroemia lanceolata­<br />

Rhytisma lagerstroemiae<br />

Lannea: see Odina<br />

? Lasiantllu8 sp.-<br />

Aecidium flavidum<br />

Lathyrus sativus­<br />

Peronospora viciae<br />

Sclerotinia. sclerotiorum<br />

Lathyrus 8phaericus-<br />

Uromyces faba.e<br />

Lalhyrus sp.­<br />

Erysipbe polygoni<br />

Launaea asplenifolia­<br />

Puccinia butleri<br />

see P. ma.crorrhynchi<br />

Launa.ea nudicaulis­<br />

Bremia. lactucae<br />

Puccinia. inayati<br />

P. Boncbi<br />

Launaea pinnaiifida­<br />

Accidium microrhynchl<br />

Laurussp.-<br />

Stomiopeltis a.spersa<br />

Lawsonia alba-<br />

Asterina lawsoniae<br />

Corticium koleroga<br />

Lecanium colemanii (insect)­<br />

Empusa. lecanii<br />

Lecanium hemisphaericum (insect)­<br />

Cephalosporium lecanii<br />

Lecanium hemisphaericum var. coffeae (insect)­<br />

HypocreUa. javanica.<br />

Lecanium marsupiale (iosect)­<br />

Hypocrella reineckeana

Myristica " churra " ­<br />

Cladosporium scopiformis<br />

Myrsine africana-<br />

CoryneHa frllcticol ..<br />

Jfytilaspis piper;s (inscct)­<br />

Spbaerostilbe aurantiicoia<br />

Nasturtium palustre­<br />

Cystopus candidus<br />

Nauclea sp.-<br />

Fornes pectinatu8 (wood)<br />

N erium odorum­<br />

Botryodiplodia nerii<br />

N eMum oleander­<br />

Ccrcospora. nericlla<br />

N eyraudia ma.dagascarensis­<br />

Puccinia neyraudiac<br />

Nicotiana plumba(Jinifolia­<br />

Alternaria violac<br />

Nicotiana tabacum­<br />

Cercosporn. nicotianao<br />

Erysipho cicbora.ceo.rum<br />

Macropbomina pbaseoli<br />

Pythium aplmnidermatum<br />

Niphobolus ji88t1.8-<br />

Corticium koleroga<br />

N othopegia colebrookiana­<br />

Asterino. nothopegiae<br />

Nympha.ea lotUB­<br />

Entyloma nympllneo.o<br />

Nyml)haea steilata­<br />

Doassansia nympbaea.e<br />

_) Entyloma nympbaeae<br />

Ocimum canum­<br />

Accidium lciocarpum<br />

A.ocimi<br />

Oci1num sp.-<br />

Coleosporium plectrantbi<br />

Odi1Vl wodier-<br />

Ccrotolium lo.nneae<br />

Mcliola gcniculata<br />

Oedogonium sp.-<br />

Olpidinm indicum<br />

Oldenlandia asperOr-'­<br />

Coleosporium oldenlalldiac<br />

Olea dioica-<br />

Cystopsora olcae<br />

Olea sp.-<br />

Maliola ampbitricha<br />

!' Ononis sp.-<br />

Uromyces sphaeropleus<br />

Ophelia: sec Swertia<br />

OphiurUB corymbo8Us­<br />

Urado opbiuri<br />

Ustilago cornuti<br />

'tHE FUNGl OF INDIA.<br />

HOST INDEX-conta.<br />

Opilia amentacea­<br />

Asterina crebra<br />

MeUola opiliae<br />

Oplismenu8 compositu8-<br />

Diorcbidium levigatum<br />

Puccinia oplismeni<br />

Uatilo.go vittata<br />

Opuntia dillenii-<br />

Pythium o.phanidermatum<br />

Orechtochilus fcae (insect)­<br />

Laboulbenia orecbt.ochilicola<br />

Orechtochil1L8lucidus (insect)­<br />

Laboulbenia. crassipes<br />

Orechtochilu8 typus (insect)­<br />

Laboulbenia orcchtochili<br />

? Orechtochilu8 sp. (insect)­<br />

Laboulbenia coarctata<br />

Origanum vulyare-<br />

Puccinia menthno<br />

Oryctes rhinocero8 (insect)­<br />

Mctarrhizillm anisopliae<br />

Oryza 8ativa-<br />

Cercospora oryzao<br />

Entyloma oryzuo<br />

Epbelis oryzae<br />

Helmintbosporium oryzae<br />

Lcptosphueria cnlmifraga<br />

Melan" mil. glumarum<br />

MeIF ra 7.amiae<br />

MetliSphueria albcscens<br />

Ncctria bolbophylli<br />

Nigrospora sphuerica<br />

Ophiobolus oryzac<br />

Phaoosphueria oryzae<br />

Phoma glllmarnm<br />

f.oryzae<br />

Pbyllosticta miurai<br />

Piricularia oryzae<br />

Pyrenochuct,e oryzne<br />

Sclerotium oryzne<br />

Sphaerella malinvemiana<br />

Tillctia horrida<br />

Ustilnginoidea virens<br />

Oryzopsis holciforme-<br />

Puccinia himalcnsis<br />

Oryzopsi8 molinioides-<br />

Puccinia oryzopsidis<br />

OrYZopSi8 sp.-<br />

Phyllachora graminis<br />

Oamanthus fragrans-<br />

Aecidium osmanthi<br />

Oxali8 cOTniculata­<br />

Collctotrichum pllnrtiformis<br />

Oxalis stricta-<br />

Colletotrichum punctiform is<br />

Paederia foetida-<br />

Aecidium paederiae<br />

Uredo paederiue<br />


Potenlilla argyrophylla­<br />

Phragmiclium laceianum<br />

PotentiUa fragarioide8-<br />

Phragmidium potentillae<br />

PotenliUa nepalensis­<br />

Phrll.gmidium nepalcnsc<br />

Pothos scandens-<br />

Asterinellll. ms.labarensis<br />

Pouwlzia pemandra-<br />

Uredo poU'Zolz.iae<br />

Prenanthes brumoniatta-<br />

Puccinia prenanthis-purpureae var. himalenais<br />

Primula sp.-<br />

Botrytis vulgaris<br />

Prunu8 amygdalus-<br />

Sphaerotheca pannosa<br />

Prunu8 anneniaca-<br />

Nectria cinnabarina<br />

Phyllosticto. prunicolll.<br />

Polyporus hispidus<br />

Puccinia pruni-spinosae<br />

Prunu8 avium-<br />

Phy llosticto. prunicola<br />

PT'ltmts communi8-<br />

Phyllosticta prunicola<br />

Puccinia pruni-spinosae<br />

Prunus domestica var. insititia­<br />

Polystigmina rubra<br />

Prunus padUB-<br />

Polystigma ochraceum<br />

Taphrina pruni<br />

Prunus persica-<br />

Botryodiplodia pcrsicae<br />

Botryosphaeria. f pruni-spinOlltle<br />

PhyUosticta persicae<br />

Pllccinia pruni-persicac<br />

P. pruni-8pinosae<br />

Sclcfotinia cinerea<br />

Sphaerotheca pannosa.<br />

Tnphrina deformans<br />

Prunus puddum-<br />

Puccinia pruni-spinosne<br />

Pseudantkistiria kispida­<br />

Sorosporinm pseurlanthistiriae<br />

Pleris quadr.iaurita-<br />

Tapbrina laurencia<br />

T. rhomboidalis<br />

Pterospermum sp.-<br />

MaHola pterospermi<br />

Puccinia sp.-<br />

Darluca. filum<br />

Pueraria sp.-<br />

Woroninella puerariae<br />

P1tllica granatum-<br />

Aspergillus castaneua<br />

Cercospora puoieae<br />


HOST lNDEX-contd.<br />

P1Ltranjiva roxburghii­<br />

Phyllostictina putranjiv8e<br />

Pygeumsp.-<br />

Aeciclium pygei<br />

Pyru8 communis­<br />

Entomosporium maculatum<br />

N ectria cinnabarina<br />

Phyllactinia corylea<br />

Phyllostieta pirina<br />

Pyrus malus-<br />

Coniothecium chomatosporum<br />

Leptotbyrium pomi<br />

Podosphaera leucotrioha<br />

Polyporus hispidus<br />

Sphaeropsis? malorum<br />

Pyrus pashia,-<br />

Entomosporium maculatum<br />

Gymnosporangium eunninghamianum<br />

Phyllactinia corylea<br />

PYTUS variowsa-<br />

Gymnosporangium cuoninghamianum<br />

Pyrus sp.-<br />

Dasyscypha clandcstina<br />

Vibrissea stilboidea<br />

V. turbinella<br />

Quercus dea7JJata­<br />


234 TllE }'UNGI Oli' INDIA<br />

Slwrea roblLSta-contd.<br />

Polystictus tomentosus (wood)<br />

Scbacina alutacca (stems)<br />

Sherea tal1lra-<br />

Asterina pleuriporus<br />

Morenoella shorcae<br />

Sida wrdiJolia­<br />

Puccinia heterospora<br />

Sida humilis-<br />

Puccinia heterospora.<br />

Sida 1nysore7l8is­<br />

Puccinia hcterospora<br />

Sida spi1llXla-<br />

Puccinia hcterospora<br />

Sieuesbeckia orientalis-<br />

Sphaerothcca. humuli var. fuliginea<br />

Sisymbrium irio-<br />

Pel'onospora pa.rasitica<br />

Smilax aspera-<br />

Puccinia praiuiana<br />

Smilax elefla7l8-<br />

Puccinia prainiana<br />

Smilax ntaerophylla-<br />

Puccinia praininna<br />

Solanum melongena­<br />

Ccrospora solanacea.<br />

Macrophomina phaseoli<br />

Phoma solani<br />

Phyllosticta hortorum<br />

Solanum nigT'l£m­<br />

Ccrcospora solanacea<br />

Collctotrichum capsid<br />

Solanum tuberos·um-<br />

Actinomyces scabies<br />

Alternaria solani<br />

Cercospora concors<br />

Collctotrichum IItra.mentarium<br />

Corticium solani<br />

Fusarium caerulcum<br />

F. oxysporum<br />

F. l'adicicola.<br />

F. trichothccioides<br />

Macrophomina phascoli<br />

Phytophtbora. infestans<br />

Pythium artotrogus<br />

Sclerotium rolf:;ii<br />

Spongospora subtcrranea<br />

Solanum xantlwcarpum­<br />

Colletotrichum capsid<br />

Solanum sp.-<br />

Aecirlium solani<br />

Puccinio. sobnacearum<br />

Solidago virgaurea­<br />

Uromyces solida.ginis<br />

Sonchus oleraceus-<br />

Brcmia Io.ctucae<br />

Sorghum wlgare : see Andropogon 80ryhum<br />

HOST INDEX-rontol.<br />

Spermacoce hispida­<br />

Ccrcospora. diodiae<br />

Spermaccce stricta­<br />

Puccinia lateritia<br />

Sphenodesme eryciboide8-<br />

CapnQdium salicinum<br />

8pirogyra sp.-<br />

Olpidiopsis schenkiana<br />

Spodiopogan albidu8-<br />

Puccinia. pachypcs<br />

8pvdiopogon: see also Isckaemum<br />

8pandias 'IYUlngifera-<br />

Ccrotelium alienum<br />

8porobolu8 diander-<br />

Uredo ignobilis<br />

Stellaria paniculata-<br />

P uccinia arenaria.e<br />

Slipa sibirica-<br />

Erysiphe graminis<br />

Uromyces mussooricnsis<br />

Stipasp.-<br />

Di plodina butleri<br />

Epichloe typhina<br />

Puccinia coronata<br />

P. oligocarpa<br />

Septoria stipina<br />

Stranvaesia fllaucescens­<br />

Accidium stranva.esiae<br />

Strobilanthe.'! barbatus­<br />

Puccinia aggrcgata<br />

Strobilanthes dalhousianu8-<br />

Puccinia pollinia.e<br />

Uromyces strobilanthis<br />

Strychnos nux·vomica­<br />

Ccrcospora strychni<br />

Mcliola stcnospom<br />

Suaeda fruticosa-<br />

Uromyccs chenopodii<br />

Swertia alatasoo<br />

Peridcrrnium himal&yenso<br />

Swertia angU.'itiJoliasee<br />

Peridcrmium himala.ycnse<br />

Swertia wrdata-<br />

BOO Peridcrrnium .himalayenRe<br />

Symplocos spicala-<br />

Sphaerella. bha.uria<br />

Vizella conferta<br />

Symplocos theaeJolia­<br />

EKobasidium indicum<br />

Symploc08 sp.-<br />

Asterina indica<br />

Penicillium wnellum<br />

Phacidium symplocinum<br />

Phyllosticta symploci<br />

Tabernaemontana coronaria­<br />

Choanllphora. infundiuuliIera

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