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THE<br />


^<br />


By<br />

G. C. AINSWORTH, B.Sc, PH.D.<br />

,\<br />



and<br />



U^ <strong>sP</strong><br />

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1950<br />

<strong>nmm</strong><br />


^<br />

The Commonwealth Mycological Institute<br />

is a part of the<br />

Gommonweahh Agricultural Bureaux<br />

Organization<br />



THIS volume was started whilst Dr. Ainsworth was on the staff of the<br />

Commonwealth Mycological Institute. In order to obtain a satisfactory<br />

basis for the identification of tropical smuts it has been found necessary,<br />

in this as in other groups, to become well acquainted with the species<br />

present in this country. The results of his studies are incorporated in this<br />

work, for the systematic part of which he is chiefly responsible. Miss<br />

Sampson, formerly Senior Lecturer in Agricultural Botany, University<br />

College of Wales, Aberystwyth, whose lifelong study of the Ustilaginales<br />

has given her a wide knowledge of these fungi, especially their biology,<br />

has collaborated with Dr. Ainsworth to produce this very valuable contribution<br />

to mycological Uterature.<br />

The authors have been conservative in their nomenclature, in my<br />

opinion quite rightly, and no new species and only three new combinations<br />

are proposed. Following the lead given by Dr. G. H. Cunningham in 1924<br />

and since followed by others, the authors regard the loose smut of wheat<br />

(Ostilago tritici) as specifically identical with the earher-named loose smut<br />

of barley {U. nvda) and on morphological grounds alone it is difficult to<br />

see how a change of name of the latter fungus, so important to plant<br />

pathology, can be avoided. Furthermore, they follow Fischer in uniting<br />

the covered smuts of oats [U. kplleri) and barley {U. hordei) as one species<br />

{U. hordei). The Institute has undertaken to use the names of fungi<br />

recommended in the List of Common British Plant Diseases, and the names<br />

for these and a few other species discussed now need reconsideration by<br />

the authorities responsible for the list. Until their decision is known the<br />

names in current use in the Review of Applied Mycology are being retained<br />

here.<br />

The compilation of this monograph focuses attention on the gaps in our<br />

knowledge of the germination of many of the species and it is hoped that<br />

its publication will stimulate interest in this group of fungi, which is of<br />

such great importance to agriculture.<br />


Director<br />



23 December 1948


THE last general account of the British Smuts based on an examination of<br />

specimens and on observations on their biology is that by Plowright in his<br />

Monograph of the British Uredineae and Vstilagineae, 1889. Since the<br />

publication of that book many more species have been recorded for the<br />

country and the outlook on the biology of the Ustilaginales has changed.<br />

This work is an attempt to meet the need for a new systematic treatment<br />

of the Smuts of this country and to provide a general account of the<br />

Order.<br />

The recent census of the Ustilaginales recorded for Britain {Trans. Brit,<br />

mycol. Sac, xxiv, pp. 294^311, 1940) was the first step in bringing up to<br />

date the knowledge of the British Smuts. The present work may be<br />

regarded as the second step. All the British collections in the national<br />

herbaria have been examined, published records have been scrutinized,,<br />

and descriptions based on British material have been prepared. The<br />

addition of notes on spore germination, infection of the host, and racial<br />

specialization to the descriptions of morphology will, the authors hope,<br />

encourage much-needed work on the biology of these fungi.<br />

We are indebted to the Keeper of the Herbarium of the Royal Botanifc<br />

Gardens, Kew, for permission to examine material in the Kew Herbarium<br />

and to the Keeper of Botany at the British Museum (Natural History) for<br />

access to the collection of British Smuts in his care, while Mr. W. C. Moore<br />

very kindly placed the Smut collections in the Herbarium of the Ministry<br />

of Agriculture's Plant Pathology Laboratory, Harpenden, at our disposal.<br />

Acknowledgement is also due to Professor W. Stiles for the loan of specimens<br />

from the Plowright and Grove Herbaria at the University of Birmingham.<br />

Much useful material was received from Mr. E. A. Ellis whose<br />

collection of East Anglian Smuts provided a number of interesting records.<br />

We should also like to thank Dr. R. W. G. Dennis, Dr. Malcolm Wilson,<br />

Mr. W. G. Bramley, and Dr. P. O'Connor for specimens and to record our<br />

gratitude to the late Dr. Alexander Smith for material and information.<br />

Acknowledgement is. made to Dr. J. H. Western and the Cambridge<br />

University Press for Plate 1, Figs. 1, 3, and 5; to Mr. D. E. Green and the<br />

Royal Horticultural Society for Plate 2, Fig. 4; to the Plant Pathology<br />

Laboratory, Harpenden, for Plate 1, Fig. 2, and Plate 2, Fig. 3; and to<br />

Dr. H. L. White and the Experimental and Research Station, Cheshunt,<br />

for Plate II, Fig. 2. Grateful thanks are given to Frances H. Ainsworth<br />

for making the large number of tracings from which the text-figures<br />

illustrating spore germination were selected.

6 PBEFACE<br />

We also acknowledge the bibHographical assistance of Miss G. M. Roseveare<br />

of the Commonwealth Bureau of Pastures and Forage Crops,<br />

Aberystwyth, the kindness of Mr. C. E. JEubbard of the Kew Herbarium<br />

for his help with the identification and nomenclature of grasses, and the<br />

similar assistance with sedges from Mr. E. Nelmes'of the same institution..<br />

Finally, we must record our thanks to Dr. S. P. Wiltshire for the interest,<br />

he has maintained in this project.<br />

19 November 1948<br />


University College, Exeter<br />


Malmsmead, Lacey Green, Aylesbury, Bucks.



Eoonomic importance .<br />

Smut diseases in Britain<br />


BIOLOGY. . . . . \<br />

Entrance and invasion of the host<br />

Formation of the chlamydospotes<br />

Germination of the chlamydospores<br />

Development of sporidia on the host<br />

Growth in culture<br />



Incompatibility<br />

Gametophyte in culture<br />

Spore and soral characters<br />

Germination of hybrid spores<br />

Pathogenicity .<br />

Mutation<br />


Collection and examination of herbarium material<br />

Harvesting, storage, and germination of chlamydospores<br />

Media for growth in culture<br />

Preparation of monosporidial cultures .<br />

Tests for the compatibility of monosporidial lines<br />

Infection of the host .<br />

Control<br />

Fixatives<br />

Stains .<br />



Ustilaginales<br />

Key to genera<br />

Ustilaginaceae<br />

Tilletiaceae<br />

Graphiolaceae<br />

Doubtful and excluded species<br />


INDEX .<br />

9<br />

10<br />

10<br />

13<br />

13<br />

15<br />

17<br />

21<br />

24<br />

27<br />

29<br />

29<br />

30<br />

32<br />

34/<br />

35<br />

35 ^<br />

39<br />

39<br />

40<br />

41<br />

41<br />

42<br />

43<br />

46<br />

48<br />

49<br />

51<br />

53<br />

53<br />

54 •<br />

54<br />

81<br />

111<br />

112<br />

113<br />



THE smut fungi, which are represented in Britain by seventy-four species, are<br />

nearly all parasites of flowering plants. They inhabit stems, leaves, and floral<br />

organs and are most easily recognized in the fruiting condition, when they<br />

produce a sorus of spores, which are, in the mass, usually dark in colour and<br />

often powdery. The sorus may be naked or covered by a membrane of fungal<br />

origin; it may consist of spores only or be traversed by a columella of sterile<br />

mycelium or by threads of host tissue. The spores (chlamydospores) are onecelled<br />

and thick-walled. They are single or united in balls, which may contain<br />

both fertile and sterile cells. The wall of the spore is smooth or ornamented in<br />

various ways. Rarely the spores carry hyaline appendage, but they are always<br />

without stalks and arise from a closely septate mycelium which is generally used<br />

up completely in spore formation.<br />

The chlamydospore, though not the only unit of dispersal, is certainly the<br />

most important means of dissemination in many smuts. In some species germination<br />

may occur while the spores are still embedded in the host tissue; in others,<br />

spores, ripe for dispersal, are not necessarily ripe for germination and time must<br />

elapse before this process begins. Mature chlamydospores in certain species of<br />

economic importance are known to remain viable for a pericfd of several years.<br />

Those who have studied the early development of a soruti agree in finding, two<br />

nuclei in the very young chlamydospore. These fuse and it is generally accepted<br />

that the mature chlamydospore contains a single diploid nucleus. Meiosis occurs<br />

in the promycelium, the germ-tube produced when a ripe chlamydospore starts<br />

growth. Haploid nuclei pass into the sporidia or branches arising from the<br />

promycelium, and become paired when the appropriate gametic elements unite.<br />

Fusion of nuclei is, however, delayed until the last stages of sporogenesis. It<br />

seems probable, therefore, that the parasitic mycehum of many smut fungi is<br />

dicaryophytic and that the gametophytic phase in nature is often very short,<br />

sometimes limited to one cell. Entyloma and alUed genera are exceptional since<br />

they produce haploid sporidia freely on the living host.<br />

Smuts, as a rule, develop easily on culture media, and studies have been made<br />

of their saprophj^ic growth and the segregation of gametophytic characters.<br />

Most of the species so far investigated are heterothaUic, carrying one or more<br />

pairs of allelomorphic genes, which govern the fusion of haplonts. While progress<br />

has been made in genetics, our knowledge of the cytology of smuts is scant.<br />

The Ustilaginales is a compact and clearly defined group embracing the<br />

Ustilaginaceae and the TiLletiaceae together with a family of somewhat uncertain<br />

afiBnities, the Graphiolaceae. The Graphiolaceae comprises three species<br />

parasitic on the leaves of'palms. It is represented in this country by the exotic<br />

OrapJiiola phoenicis in which the chlamydospores, united in chains within a<br />

compact fructification, bud in situ to form sporidia which are dispersed. The<br />

other two famiUes are differentiated by the morphology of the promyceHum<br />

arid its branches. In the Ustilaginaceae the germ-tube soon becomes septate and<br />

buds laterally; in the TUletiaceae it remains at least for a time non-septate and<br />

produces a terminal whorl of branches. Whether lateral or terminal, these<br />

branches are the gametic elements which ultimately fuse in pairs. In both


families copulation can occur between cells of the promycelium or between<br />

sporidia abstricted from it. In a smut like TJstilago avenae the sporidia bud<br />

repeatedly on a suitable medium and give rise to a gelatinous-looking colony<br />

with superficial configurations and colours which remain constant for a particular<br />

monosporidial line. In certain members of the Tilletiaceae aerial sporidia,<br />

which are discharged with a droplet of water as in. Hymenomycetes, develop on<br />

the host and in culture.<br />

The subdivision into genera, which follows similar lines in both the UstUaginaceae<br />

and the Tilletiaceae, is based on the nature of the sorus and the aggregation<br />

of the spores. The ornamentation and the size of the spores and the size<br />

and covering of the sorus are characters mainly used to separate species. A<br />

number of species include races which differ only in their host relationships, and<br />

some of these have been given specific rank. The authors hold the view that it<br />

is best to restrict the use of Latin binomials to biotypes which differ morphologically<br />

and to designate physiologic races in some other way.<br />


The "Dstilaginales is a group of great economic importance. It includes fungi<br />

pathogenic for many crop plants of both temperate and tropical regions. Cereal<br />

crops in all countries are particularly liable to suffer heavy losses from smuts.<br />

Wheat, barley, oats, rye, maize, sorghum, rice, and millet are each susceptible<br />

to one or more species, and there is a very extensive literature on methods<br />

designed for controlling the smut diseases of these plants. Sugar-cane smut and<br />

onion smut are also major diseases, while among those of less importance are the<br />

smut diseases of certain fodder grasses and of various ornamental plants.<br />

No smut is pathogenic for man or animals, although there are reports from<br />

North America of air-borne spores of cereal smuts causing respiratory allergy<br />

in man (Wittich & Stakman, 1937; Harris, 1939 a, 1939 b). There are also reports<br />

from the Argentine of sheep and horses being poisoned by eating grass infected<br />

by Ustilago bullata (Marchionatto, 1930), and in Yugoslavia a disorder in children<br />

known as ' ustilaginism' has been attributed to poisoning by V. maydis (see<br />

Mayerhofer & Dragi§ic, 1938). The toxic effect of V. maydis was studied by<br />

Hunt & Thompson (1938), but the active principle could not be identified.<br />


Cereals. Bunt of wheat (Tilletia caries) was known to the Romans (for an<br />

interesting historical survey, see Woolman & Humphrey, 1924) and has long<br />

been recognized in this country. An early reference to the disease is that by<br />

Jethro TuU in his Horse-hoeing Husbandry, 1733, which includes a chapter ' Of<br />

Smuttiness': an account of wheat bunt of particular interest for its recommendation<br />

of seed treatment as a control measure. Steeping the seed in brine is advocated,<br />

a 'cure' which is stated to have been discovered accidentally about<br />

seventy years before, when a shipload of wheat was sunk near Bristol one<br />

autumn, and at the following harvest all the wheat in England happened to be<br />

smutty except the produce of wheat salvaged from this wreck.<br />

During recent years bad attacks of bunt have been few, although in England<br />

and Wales alone the disease is still responsible for the loss or spoilage of thousands


of bushels of wheat each year (Moore, 1945). Bunt was more common after the<br />

1914-18 War, probably due to the shortage of reliable seed, but since then iheve<br />

has been a steady decline. The proportion of bunted samples in the wheat<br />

examined by the Official Seed Testing Station at Cambridge was 33 per cent, in<br />

1921-2, ihe peak year during the past quarter of a century, from which it fell to<br />

5-1 per cent, in 1932-3, and to 1-2 per cent, in 1940-1 (Moore, 1943), a fall which<br />

must, at least in.part, be attributed to the more general use of seed dressed with<br />

more efficient fungicides.<br />

Rye is occasionally attacked by bunt and by the stripe smut of rye {Urocystis<br />

occulta); see Moore (1948). It is interesting to note that T.foetida, a smut very<br />

closely allied to T. caries and a frequent cause of wheat bunt both in North<br />

America and in central Europe, has never been found in this country. Flag smut<br />

of wheat {U. agropyri, often as U.tritici), also, is unrecorded for Britain although<br />

a damaging disease in Australia, the United States, and other parts of the world,<br />

including southern Europe. Wheat in these islands is, however, not uncommonly<br />

affected by loose smut caused by Ustilago nuda (or 17. tritici, as the physiologic<br />

race of this species which attacks wheat is usually called). In this smut floral<br />

infection takes place and the resultmg seed has mycelium within the tissues, so<br />

that treatment of the surface of the seed does not eradicate the infection. The<br />

disease is not of great importance in Great Britain, but whenever healthy seed<br />

is unobtainable, infected seed may be subjected to the hot-water treatment.<br />

Barley is subject to infection by a different physiologic race of the same fungus,<br />

but, again, loose smut of barley is usually not serious. During the period<br />

1922-31 it was recorded in 6-9 to 15-5 per cent, of the samples examined by the<br />

Official Seed Testing Station, but in only 1-3 to 7-1 per cent, during the succeeding<br />

decade (Moore, 1943).<br />

Barley is also subject to a covered smut {Ustilago hordei), the spores of which<br />

contaminate the seed, and so are vulnerable to seed treatment with a suitable<br />

fungicide. Oats are attacked by both covered and loose smuts, caused by a<br />

physiologic race of U. hordei (frequently distinguished as U. kolleri) and by<br />

U. avenae, respectively, but, in routine disease surveys, these two diseases are<br />

not usually distinguished. Loose smut is the commoner of the two, but covered<br />

smut is not uncommon on strigosa varieties in mid-Wales. Both diseases may<br />

be prevented by seed treatment.<br />

Grasses. Grasses are often found infected by smuts, and Sampson & Western<br />

(1941) surveyed their occurrence "on grasses of agricultural importance. Apart<br />

from occasional spoilage of hay crops, such as occurred in Northamptonshire,<br />

Lancashire, and Leicestershire in 1936 (Moore, 1943), the smuts are, economically,<br />

diseases of secondary importance on grasses in this country.<br />

Onion. Onion smut (Urocystis cepulae) was first recorded in England in 1918<br />

(Cotton, 1919), when irtvestigation showed that the disease had probably<br />

occurred in onions and leeks near Edinburgh in 1912. It occurs most frequently<br />

in the northern counties, but in 1942 it appeared in the Evesham area of<br />

Worcestershire. The disease is a serious one and is scheduled by the Ministry<br />

of Agriculture under the Destructive Insect and Pests Acts. Its presence on<br />

any land or plants must be notified to the Ministry or to one of the Ministry's<br />

inspectors. Up to the end of 1942 there had been eighty-seven records from<br />

eleven counties (see Moore (1948), p. 51, for distribution map).


Ornamental plants. The smuts which affect ornamental plants are usually of<br />

minor importance. Dahlia smut (Entyloma caleTidulae f. dahliae), which is<br />

widely distributed, is occasionally sufficiently severe to warrant treatment with<br />

Bordeaux mixture, and anther smut {Ustilago violacea) at times does damage to<br />

carnations under glass (White, 1936). Other smiit diseases, which on occasion<br />

attract attention, are those of cultivated violets (Vrocystis violae), gladioH<br />

(U. gladiolicola), and calendula {Entyloma calendulas).

FIG. 1. Vstilago avenae on Arrhenatherum<br />

elatius.<br />

I I<br />

FIG. 3. Vstilago striiformis<br />

on Holcus lanatus.<br />

FIG. 2. Vstilago nuda on wheat.<br />

\ .<br />

FIG. 4. Vstilago grandis on FiG. 5. Vstilago hypodytes on<br />

Phragmites communis. Elymus arenarius.<br />




IT seems to be generally true that smut fungi can enter the host only at points<br />

where the tissue is relatively young. Varying with the species, infection occurs<br />

through the plumule on emergence from the seed (Tilletia caries, Ustilago avenae,<br />

and others), axillary buds {U. maydis), immature leaves {Entylomaficariae), or<br />

young ovaries (Ustilago nuda). As tissues age, they become more resistant to<br />

attack and finally attain immunity, even in susceptible varieties. In oats, for<br />

example, infection by smut rarely occurs after the shoot is more than one iach<br />

in length, and onion seedlings escape attack if penetration does not occur before<br />

the first leaf emerges from the cotyledon (Walker & Jones, 1921; Anderson,<br />

1921). Evans (1933) studied the development of Urocystis cepulae mycelium in<br />

the cotyledon, showing how its advance slowed down as the tissue approached<br />

maturity, until finally the invading hyphae failed to pass beyond the sub-cuticular<br />

layer of the outer epidermal wall. The cotyledons of onions at a critical<br />

age showed minute sub-cuticular vesicles, consisting of fungus mycelium which<br />

had pierced the cuticle and digested a portion of the cell wall but had not succeeded<br />

in. entering the cell and establishing an active infection centre.<br />

A similar response to invasion is made when highly resistant varieties of<br />

wheat, oats, and rye are attacked by certain races of smuts. Penetration of the<br />

outer wall occurs but growth does not extend beyond the epidermal cell (Woolman,<br />

1930; Western, 1936b; Ling, 1940b). In less resistant varieties the parasite<br />

progresses for a time, even reaching the stele of the host, but fails to enter the<br />

flower primordia and does not sporulate (Sampson, 1933). This so-called 'latent<br />

infection' may aifect adversely the growth and yield of wheat varieties like<br />

Heils Dickkopf which have been regarded as immune from bunt (Zade, 1931).<br />

In susceptible varieties of our common cereals, once the smut has passed the<br />

barrier of the epidermal wall, it usually grows from cell to cell without causing<br />

necrosis or any apparent disturbance to the host. Seedlings infected by bunt can<br />

sometimes be recognized by their distorted growth and mottled foUage (Churchward,<br />

1934; Johnston & Lefebre, 1939; Churchward, 1940), and it is not rare to<br />

find infected seedlings sensitive to winter conditions, but, normally, no external<br />

symptoms distinguish seedlings that carry the myceUum of smut fungi.<br />

The growth of the smut mycehum is, at first, both intra- and intercellular, but,<br />

after a time, more and more intercellular mycelium is found. SpeciaUzed<br />

haustoria (Fig. 20 a), common in some species, are not formed by the cereal<br />

smuts, but short hyphae can sometimes be seen penetrating the cells. Infected<br />

seedlings of susceptible varieties carry mycehum in the mesocotyl, coleoptUe,<br />

young leaves, and finally in the growing-point itself (Kolk, 1930, Sampson, 1933).<br />

Once this is reached, the fungri rarely fails to develop spores since changes in<br />

temperature, water supply, manuring, and Ught have very little restraining<br />

efi'ect (Sampson & Western, 1938; Reed, 1938).<br />

Cereal smuts, which fructify in the inflorescence, penetrate the leaves of adult<br />

plants only to a shght extent, but, where conditions especially favour the fungus,<br />

sori may develop in lines along the flag leaf. Even Tilletia caries and T. foetida<br />

wUl sometimes form ehlamydospores in wart-like galls on leaves (Plor, 1932).


Young healthy mycelium is full of granular protoplasm with an affinity for<br />

stains, such as gentian violet, saffranin, and fast green, but in older tissue<br />

portions of the mycelium may be empty and coUapsed, sometimes having the<br />

form of a long filiform strand, sometimes thick with an enveloping sheath<br />

(Kolk, 1930; Woolman, 1930; Western, 1936 b; Evans, 1933). It is not always<br />

easy to find mycehum in older plants, but it does not disappear entirely, and<br />

sometimes sporulation occurs in late tillers induced to develop by removing<br />

those first formed and smut-free.<br />

Some smuts which attack perennial plants are systemic, hibernating in underground<br />

stems or bulbs and reappearing each year to form spores in the appropriate<br />

part of the host. Mycelium of Ustilago vaillantii, for example, can be<br />

found at the base of bulbs of the grape hyacinth, where the mycelium forms<br />

botryform haustoria, consisting of a cluster of short inflated branches. Each<br />

year mycelium passes into the young inflorescence and sporulates in the anthers,<br />

replacing the pale yellow pollen by dark chlamydospores but having otherwise<br />

little effect on the host (Massee, 1914). De Bary recorded a plant of Saponaria<br />

officinalis in the Freiburg Botanic Garden, which was for ten successive years<br />

affected with U. violacea, and Plowright refers to plants in his garden at King's<br />

Lynn of Golchicum autumnale, Agropyron repens, and Arrhenatherum elatius<br />

which carried their respective smuts for at least six years (Plowright, 1889).<br />

Among the perennial economic grasses infected by a smut mention may be<br />

made of timothy and smooth-stalked meadow grass, which are sometimes<br />

severely injured by stripe smut (Davis, 1926; Kreitlow & Myers, 1944). ^<br />

In some smut diseases the area of infection is localized, the fungus sporulating<br />

not far from the seat of invasion. U. maydis, for example, which attacks<br />

axiUary buds or young floral organs, produces in a comparatively short time<br />

small or large swellings containing spores. Each gall or ball usually represents<br />

a separate infection. Species of Entyloma, which attack the leaves of many<br />

different plants, form angular Ibsions, the chlamydospores developing round<br />

each infection centre in a typical leaf spot, except where very heavy infection<br />

destroys the whole lamina.<br />

Before emergence of the ear it is not possible to distinguish with certainty<br />

in the field plants of wheat, oats, or barley systemicly infected by smuts, but<br />

careful records and measurements have shown that the growth of the host is<br />

affected in several ways. Oat plants carrying smut produce extra tUlers, while<br />

growth in height is often considerably reduced (Talieff & Grigorovitch, 1923;<br />

Sampson, 1929; Welsh, 1932). Even smut-resistant varieties may be adversely<br />

affected in growth and vigour (Hubbard & Stanton, 1934; Stevens, 1936).<br />

Bunt of wheat may either promote or retard tillering but it almost" invariably<br />

reduces height (Zade, 1931; Lang, 1917a; Mourashkinsky, 1925; Viennot-<br />

Bourgin, 1937), the magnitude of the effect depending on the variety and the<br />

physiologic race of the fungus (Holton, 1935; Aamodt e( aL, 1936; Schlehuber,<br />

1937). The effect of bunt on the form of the wheat ear also varies. A broadawned<br />

ear like that of American Club (Triticnim compactum), if bunted, is<br />

abnormally long and awnless; a lax ear, like that of Hen Gymro (T. vulgare),<br />

when attacked by bunt is shorter and the awns are also reduced in length<br />

(Sampson & Davies, 1927; DiUon Weston, 1929). Wheat plants infected by<br />

U. nuda are said to be markedly stunted and their dry weight at flowering time

FIG. 1. Melanotaenium FIG. 2. Ustilago violalamii<br />

on Lamiuni alhuni. cea on carnation. Longitudinal<br />

section of infected<br />

flower.<br />

..-'^- . ^<br />

^./<br />

FIG. 4. Entyloma calendulae f. dahliae<br />

dahlia leaflet.<br />

^<br />

/<br />

FIG. 3. Vrocystis cepulae on<br />

onion.<br />

FIG. 5. Entyloma ficariae on<br />

Ranunculus ficariae. Under-gnrface<br />

of leaf showing sporidia.

BIOLOGY 15<br />

less than the normal, in spite of an increased rate of assimilation (KoursanofF,<br />

1926). The dwarfing effect of a smut on a grass is well illustrated by the fact that<br />

plants of Agrostis tenuis infected by Tilletia decipiens are so stunted that they<br />

were described as a distinct species (see p. 86).<br />

U. hypodytes, which attacks several forage grasses, causes sterility, long leafy<br />

shoots developing in place of normal inflorescences. The morphology and<br />

anatomy of such diseased shoots in Elymus arenarius and the distribution of<br />

mycelium have been described by Viennot-Bourgin (1937) and by Bond (1940).<br />

A peculiar type of proliferation, whereby individual flowers are replaced by<br />

leaves, stems, and rudimentary panicles, is often seen in sorghum infected by<br />

head smut, Sphacelotheca reiliana (Potter, 1914). Finger-like galls develop from<br />

the axillary buds of Panicum antidotale attacked by Tilletia tumefaciens Sydow<br />

(Mundkur, 1944), and tuberous bodies up to an inch in length are formed<br />

from underground shoots of Lamium album infected by Melanotaenium lamii<br />

(Plate II, Fig. 1).<br />


The formation of a sorus is preceded by the massing of mycehum in that part<br />

of the plant where spores are destined to develop. The details of sporogenesis<br />

appear to differ with the species. Comparatively few have been examined in<br />

detail, none in recent years. A few types have been selected here for individual<br />

consideration.<br />

USTrLAGiNACBAE. Lutman (1910) described the development of spores in the<br />

oat race of Ustilago hordei as follows: ' The first indication of spore formation<br />

in the fungal hyphae is a much branched and contorted condition of some of the<br />

hyphal tips. These are at the same time inter-cellular and this knotting up of<br />

the hyphal tips frequently occurs at the angles of the host cells where they may<br />

be wedged apart considerably. These swollen ends of the hyphae are multinucleated,<br />

each one containing ten to fifteen nuclei. The cell walls now begin<br />

to gelatinize from the inside, a clear zone appearing between the protoplasm and<br />

the darker staining wall. The nests or pustules of hyphae continue to grow and<br />

swell and their waUs become so completely gelatinized at this stage that all that<br />

seems to be present is a tangle of hyphae of irregular shape and varying diameter,<br />

without walls, and lying in a clear matrix. At the same time, the walls<br />

of the host cells immediately adjacent lose the capacity to take up the stain,<br />

the gelatinization of the fungal walls having apparently extended to the walls<br />

of the host cells also.' The changes in the ceU wall, referred to by Lutman and<br />

by others as gelatinization, appear to accompany sporogenesis in several<br />

members of the Ustilaginaceae. The chemical changes involved have not been<br />

studied. A visible swelling is associated with a loss of staining capacity, with<br />

the result that the protoplasts appear in sections as deeply stained masses<br />

separated by a clear space, the gelatinized wall. The development of spines<br />

within the gelatinous matrix has been studied recently by Hutchins & Lutman<br />

(1938) (see p. 50).<br />

Lutman was unable to distinguish the nuclei with certainty in U. hordei, but<br />

he suggests that the small, somewhat angular segments of hyphae finally<br />

separated are binucleate. They become round, develop a thick waU, and form

16<br />


the chlamydospores, which are uninucleate when mature. The process was<br />

found to be similar in V. maydis.<br />

Several workers, who have studied the early stages of sporogenesis in species<br />

of Ustilago, refer to a tendency for spores to develop in chains (Schroeter, 1877;<br />

Fischer von Waldheim, 1869). Massee (1914), working with U. vaillantii, states<br />

that the vegetative mycelium is broken up by transverse walls into uninucleate<br />

cuboid segments, which become binucleate by the dehquescence and disappearance<br />

of alternate septa. Sartoris (1924) has described the formation of spores in<br />

JJ. heufleri. Mycelium in the host, Erythronium americanum, is always intercellular,<br />

spreading but a little way from the point of infection. The hj^hae<br />

cause the separation and disintegration of the host cells, finally forming a<br />

pustule, which segments to give mature chlamydospores in seven to ten days.<br />

The mycelium, 3 to 5 /u. in diameter, is said to be multinucleate with the nuclei<br />

nearly always associated in loose pairs. As segmentation proceeds, two nuclei<br />

are left in each cell, which rounds off and becomes free. The wall thickens and<br />

the surface becomes gelatinized which makes it difficult to follow the fate of the<br />

nuclei. In a few cases binucleate spores were seen, but the probability is that<br />

fusion usually takes place as the wall thickens and develops the two distinct<br />

layers, which are characteristic of the mature chlamydospore.<br />

The development of spores in U. vuijckii, a species inhabiting the capsules of<br />

Luzula spp., presents some interesting features. The cells are connected by<br />

clamp-connexions, apparently similar to those found in many Hymenomycetes,<br />

and the spores develop in chains, alternating with clamps which bear a strong<br />

resemblance to antheridia (Liro, 1924).<br />

THiLBTiACBAB. In Tilletia and in Entyloma the chlamydospores arise at the<br />

ends of short side-branches (Fischer von Waldheim, 1869). Lutman (1910)<br />

described the process in E. nympheae as follows: 'A short lateral branch, dense<br />

with cytoplasm and binucleate, is put out from one of the larger hyphae. As it<br />

grows in length and thickness, the two nuclei, which at first lie parallel with the<br />

long axis of the cell, come to be side by side. The stalk of the spore becomes<br />

vacuolate, and finally a large vacuole seems to cut off the hypha bearing it and<br />

the wall develops .behind. The wall of the spore thickens and becomes covered<br />

with minute spines. The axis becomes apiculate by the thickening of the end<br />

wall and a large vacuole develops and pushes the nucleus to one side.'<br />

Several writers have described the spiral coiling of hyphae which initiates<br />

spore formation in Vrocystis (Kiihn, 1858; De Bary, 1866; Wolif, 1873; Winter,<br />

1881). Anderson (1921) studied sporogenesis in U. cepuJae. The onset of spore<br />

formation is indicated by the massing of mycelium between the cells. Instead<br />

of growing in long, straight, slender strands, the myceUum is branched, twisted,<br />

and interwoven into dense tangles, which push the cells apart and increase the<br />

areas of intercellular space, within which spores are subsequently formed. The<br />

hyphae become highly vacuolated and the protoplasm stains deeply. The spore<br />

arises as a lateral or terminal branch which curves back on itself in the form of a<br />

crozier. Protuberances mark the origin of branches which ultimately form the<br />

sterile cortical cells. The central fertUe cell appears to be the enlarged terminal<br />

cell of the crozier, though it is not certain that this is always its origin. As the<br />

fertile cell enlarges, the surrounding hyphae become tightly pressed against it

BIOLOGy 17<br />

and united with it, finally breaking up into separate elements, which appear as<br />

scattered, conical cells with flat bases firmly attached to the surface of the<br />

central cell. There appearsto be no gelatinization of the walls as in the Ustilaginaceae.<br />

At maturity the fertile cells contain a single nucleus, 3 to 4 /x in diameter<br />

with a prominent, deeply staining nucleolus 0-6 ft in diameter. A single<br />

small nucleus (about 0-6 (i) is found in each accessory cell. The corresponding<br />

ceUs are without nuclei in U. violae (Dangeard, 1894 a), and Blizzard (1926)<br />

records the disappearance of nuclei in the sterile cells of U. cepulae.<br />

In U. occulta the cells of the vegetative hyphae are for the most part binucleate.<br />

During sporogenesis some of the cells enlarge and their nuclei soon fuse, so that<br />

they are almost uniformly uninucleate by the time they can be recognized as<br />

spores. At this stage the nucleus is relatively large and a nucleolus is visible.<br />

The cells of those hyphae, which envelop the spore initial and form, the<br />

sterile cells, remain for a time binucleate but ultimately their nuclei disappear<br />

(Stakman, Cassell, & Moore, 1934).<br />

In Doassansia deformans the baU of spores begins as a tangled mass of hyphae<br />

in one of the intercellular spaces of hypertrophied host tissue. At this stage the<br />

cytoplasm is very dense, and, in all ceUs where nuclei can be seen clearly, they<br />

are in pairs. At first all the cells are ahke, but those inside soon begin to lose<br />

their contents and become transparent. The outer cells divide and contribute<br />

to the sterile cells in the centre. Finally, in the nearly mature spore ball the<br />

external cells with dense cytoplasm contain two nuclei in various stages of<br />

fusion. A felted layer of hyphae surrounds the mature ball (Lutman, 1910).<br />

GEAPHIOLACEAB. GrapMola phoenicis, which grows on the fronds of the date<br />

palm, has been investigated by KilHan (1924). The vegetative myceUum and the<br />

young fructifications are formed of uninucleate cells. Those at the base of the<br />

central plectenchyma give rise to a growing tissue composed of elongated cells<br />

containing several dicaryons. Finally, these form a block of ceUs, each with two<br />

nuclei which ultimately fuse. These cells, which correspond to chlamydospores,<br />

are not themselves disseminated. They germinate in situ by budding off uninucleate<br />

sporidia which are dispersed through an opening at the top of the<br />

fructification.<br />


The rest period. The chlamydospores of smuts, Uke seeds, vary widely in<br />

longevity. Spores of different species differ in their ability to germinate at the<br />

time of dissemination; some are capable of immediate growth, others must pass<br />

through an after-ripening period. Many workers have experienced difficulties<br />

in obtaining germination and have recorded the variable results given by different<br />

collections of the same species. This is not surprising when it is understood<br />

that germination depends, not only on the conditions under which a test is<br />

made, but also upon the age of the spores, the degree of maturity at the time<br />

of harvest, and the method of storage. Moreover, closely related species and<br />

physiologic races vary in the time of year when their spores germinate in nature.<br />

In the genera Entyloma and Doassansia, where the chlamydospores are held<br />

somewhat firmly by the host tissue, germination often occurs in situ as a continuous<br />

process of development which results in the dissemination of sporidia


and the infection of new leaves in the current season. That spores of the same<br />

species can also overwinter is shown by the infection of healthy shoots which<br />

occurs if old leaves carrying chlamydospores are Spread over the soil in spring.<br />

Setchell (1892) found that in D. alismatis most spores, from a mature sorus<br />

would germinate while still in the leaf, but dry leaves kept for nearly a year in<br />

the laboratory still contained some spores capable) of growth. In D. sagittariae<br />

and in D. occulta germination only occurs in spring, while in D. obscura it takes<br />

place in nature during October.<br />

Germination in situ is not the normal process for srhuts with dusty sori,<br />

which permit dissemination of spores, but in many species immediate germination<br />

is possible and spores are viable over a long period of time. In some species,<br />

notably the loose smut of wheat and barley which infects at flowering time,<br />

germination reaches a maximum during the summer, falls rapidly in the autumn,<br />

and is often negligible in collections only a year old. Stakman (1913), however,<br />

found no loss in viability after ten months' storage. Viability could perhaps be<br />

maintained even in this species over a longer period by controlled methods of<br />

harvesting and storage. Collections of spores of the loose smut of oats, which<br />

were allowed to mature in parchment bags, gave good germination results and<br />

remained viable for several years, while others harvested in the field soon after<br />

the emergence of the diseased panicle quickly lost their viability. In a certain<br />

collection of the covered smut of oats a maximum figure for germination was<br />

not obtained until some weeks after harvest, but once reached no falling off<br />

occurred for at least 2| years (Sampson, 1928). Davis (1924), working with<br />

Ustilago striiformis on Agroatis palustris, Phkum pratense, Poa pratensis, and<br />

Dactylis glomerata found that the spores required an after-ripening period of<br />

240 days when stored in the laboratory, or 265 days in. the field, before giving<br />

satisfactory germination. A similar result was obtained by Kreitlow (1943 a)<br />

working with the same smut on Poa, but one collection on Agrostis gave a germination<br />

of 50 to 75 per cent, without any period of storage. Fischer (1940) also<br />

obtained good germination of fresh spores in a closely related smut collected on<br />

Agropyron pauciflorum and Elymus glaucus. Kreitlow (1943 b) reduced the<br />

need for an after-ripening period by growing the host at 32° C. and by storing<br />

smutted leaves in a moist chamber at 35° C, but results by these methods may<br />

be erratic (Leach, Lowther, & Ryan, 1946). Exposure to chloroform fumes for<br />

one minute or to a 10 per cent, citric acid solution for five minutes shortened<br />

the after-ripening period by about one month (Davis, 1924).<br />

Forms of Urocystis anemones also differ in time of germination, since Kniep<br />

(1921) found that those collected from the creeping buttercup would grow at<br />

once and infect the young leaves, while spores taken from the wood anemone,<br />

a plant that quickly dies down, germinated only in spring, when the new growth<br />

was breaking through the soil.<br />

In view of such facts it is not surprising that collections from herbaria have<br />

given variable results. Fischer (1936 b) tested for germination material from<br />

the Plant Pathology Herbarium in the State College of Washington. Among<br />

387 specimens examined, 80 had viable spores. The most noteworthy examples<br />

of longevity were Tilletia foetida (25 years), T. caries (18 years), Ustilago hordei<br />

(23 years), U. bullata (10 years), U. avenae (13 years), Sphacelotheca sorghi<br />

(13 years), and Entyloma calendulae f. dahliae (10 years). Sobel (1933) recorded

BIOLOGY 19<br />

eermination in a collection of U. hordei from oats 13| years old and Noble (1934)<br />

germinated Urocystis tnitici after storage at low humidity for 10 years. Fischer<br />

suggests that, on the whole, members of the Tilletiaceae survive longer than the<br />

tJstUaginaceae, but the record for viabihty is that quoted by C. S. Wang (1936)<br />

for Ustilago crameri from Setaria italica which gave 1 per cent, germination 64<br />

years after harvest. Fischer's data from exsiccati confirm the importance of<br />

maturity as a factor in the potential life of a collection of spores.<br />

Environmental conditions, {a) Temperature. From experiments on the germination<br />

of chlamydospores of the more important economic species, it appears<br />

that growth will take place over a wide range of temperatures. In the species of<br />

Ustilago that attack the temperate cereals, the cardinal temperature points for<br />

germination fluctuate round the following values: minimum, 5° C.; optimum,<br />

22° C.; maximum, 30° C. (Herzberg, 1895; Bartholomew & Jones, 1923; Jones,<br />

1923 a; Novopokrovsky & Skaskin, 1925; Rump, 1926; Yen, 1937). Somewhat<br />

similar figures are given for U. striiformis (Davis, 1924). The corresponding<br />

points for certain smuts on maize and mUlet are about five or even ten degrees<br />

higher (Jones, 1923 b; Novopokrovsky & Skaskin, 1925; Lobik & Dahlstrem,<br />

1936; Yen, 1937). Christensen (1926) found that a high temperature (28° C.)<br />

favoured the infection of sorghum by head smut.<br />

Hahne (1926) gives these figures for the two bunts of wheat; minimum 4° C.;<br />

optimum, 18°-20° C.; maximum, 36° C. Speaking generally, a low temperature<br />

(about 15° C.) favours both germination of bunt spores and infection of the<br />

host (Lobik & Dahlstrem, 1936; Hungerford, 1922; Faris, 1924 c), but the<br />

optimum temperature for infection varies with the variety (Feucht, 1932). See<br />

also Tapke (1948).<br />

Walker & Wellman (1926) found the optimum temperature for germination<br />

of chlamydospores of Urocystis cepulae to lie between 13° and 22° C. Infection<br />

of the host occurred when the soil temperature was as low as 10° C. a point near<br />

the lower Umit for the germination of onion seed, but early sowing in the state<br />

of New York helped to control the disease by reason of the relatively low<br />

(8°-13° C.) temperature of the soil (Felix, 1939).<br />

Noble (1923) obtained germination of U. agropyri from wheat over a wide<br />

range of temperature, 5°-32° C, with an optimum at 18° to 24° C. Ling (1940 a)<br />

obtained similar results with U. occulta from rye, giving the optimum as 15° C,<br />

(For the effect of temperature on the mode of germination, see pp. 56, 66.)<br />

(6) Light. For most germination tests spores are placed in dark incubators<br />

and receive light only when examined. In general, Hght has not been regarded<br />

as a critical factor for the germination of chlamydospores. Tests in hght and<br />

darkness have often given similar results (Stakman, 1913; Lobik & Dahlstrem,<br />

1936; Ling, 1940a; Hulea, 1947). Hahne (1925) workmg with Tilletia and Kaiser<br />

(1936) with Entyloma obtained bett^er results in light. In the absence of daylight<br />

Kaiser (1936) stimulated germination by means of a fluorescent dye.<br />

Ultra-violet Hght retarded both germination and subsequent growth in Ustilago<br />

nmydis (Landen, 1939).<br />

(c) Media. See pages 24 and 40.<br />

The promycelium. The distinctive methods of germination in Ustilago and<br />

Tilletia were first recognized by Prevost in 1807. Tulasne (1847,1854) described<br />

and figured the process in several species of Ustilago, demonstrated the fusion of


sporidia, and described more fully the development of primary and secondary<br />

sporidia in T. caries. The grouping of genera into two families, the Ustila~<br />

ginaceae and the Tilletiaoeae, has been foUowed Since Brefeld (1883, 1895) made<br />

his extensive studies on germination and growth in culture. In the nineteenth<br />

century Fischer von Waldheim (1869), Wolff (1873), de Bary (1874), Schroeter<br />

(1877), Woronin (1882), and others greatly increased our knowledge of germination<br />

and development in a number of species and genera.<br />

Thegerm-tubeput out by a chlamydospore in the Ustilaginales is typically au<br />

organ of limited growth, which either branches or cuts off hyaline, thin-walled<br />

sporidia in a characteristic manner. The term 'promycelium', originally used by<br />

de Bary (1853), has been widely adopted. Brefeld, linking the group with the<br />

higher Basidiomycetes, used the term 'hemibasidium'. The spores developing on<br />

the promycelium have been called promycelial spores (Plowright, 1889), conidia<br />

(Stevens, 1913), 'endconidia' (Paravicini, 1917), basidiospores (Gwynne<br />

Vaughan & Barnes, 1927), sporidia (Tulasne, 1854; Wolff, 1873; Woronin, 1882;<br />

Schroeter, 1877; de Bary, 1874). The adjectives primary, secondary, tertiary<br />

are used to indicate sequence of development. BuUer (1933), from his study of<br />

the interesting method of discharge of allantoid sporidia in T. carries, proposed<br />

changes in terminology in order to bring the group more into line with Hymenomycetes.<br />

It would be difficult to apply this logically throughout the Ustilaginales,<br />

and the writers prefer a simpler terminology which can be used for all<br />

species. While parallels can, admittedly, be drawn between the Ustilaginales<br />

and the Hymenomycetes, the smut fungi constitute a specialized and distinctive<br />

group with some unique characters. In contrast to the almost rigid standardization<br />

of the zygote (the chlamydospore), gametic production is both varied and<br />

plastic. Gametes are not recognized by form, but by behaviour, and copulation<br />

can occur in diverse ways. Moreover the gametophyte, Mid sometimes the<br />

dicaryophyte, multiply readily, both in nature and artificially. We have<br />

decided, therefore, to use the term 'sporidium' for all types of exogenous, thinwaUed<br />

spores, whether abstricted from the promycelium directly, from subsequent<br />

growth in culture, or from mycehum in the host. Sporidia may arise by<br />

budding, they may be slimed off the mycelium, or forcibly discharged from finely<br />

pointed sterigmata. Segments of the germ-tube which simulate sporidia but<br />

remain attached are referred to as promycehal branches. They have been called<br />

sporidia by some writers.<br />

The length of the promycelium varies with conditions of growth. The protoplasm<br />

streams towards the apex, and a cross-wall is formed, separating a densely<br />

protoplasmic, terminal cell from one containing only a thin layer of cytoplasm.<br />

The process may be repeated several times, with the result that long promyceHa<br />

even in Tilletia are septate in the older empty region near the chlamydospore<br />

(BuUer, 1933).<br />

The distinction between the Ustilaginaceae and the Tilletiaceae rests chiefly<br />

on the segmentation or branching of the promycelium, and ori. the position of<br />

sporidia. In the Ustilaginaceae the promycelium segments often into four, and<br />

branches or sporidia arise both terminally and laterally. In the Tilletiaceae the<br />

apex of the promycelium develops a crown of branches of uniform length, which<br />

are abstricted in some species but in others remain attached and elongate to'<br />

form mycelium. Details of development are far from uniform even within a

BIOLOGY 21<br />

genus, and the manner of growth can sometimes be altered by Regulating the<br />

environment.<br />

It is now generally accepted that meiosis normally occurs in both families at<br />

the onset of germination, and that segments of the promycelium and the firstformed<br />

sporidia are haploid. The dicaryophytic condition arises by the fusion of<br />

either promycelial cells, sporidia, or hyphae derived from them. Cultural conditions<br />

affect conjugation, and the absence of fusions in any one species may only<br />

indicate that the right conditions have not been found. It is clear, however,<br />

that fusions occur more readily in some species than in others, and that even<br />

physiologic races differ in this res'pect.<br />


In many smut diseases the parasite disappears from view after the initial<br />

infection, and only becomes visible to the eye when sori have developed and<br />

chlamydospores are exposed. In a few species, all members of the Tilletiaceae,<br />

the parasitic mycehum emerges through the stomata or between the epidermal<br />

cells and develops sporidia, sometimes in such profusion that infected organs<br />

are powdery with spores.<br />

The first clear account of this so-called 'conidial stage' was given by Woronin<br />

(1882). Plants of Trientalis europaea infected by Tuburcinia trientalis produce,<br />

after the winter rest, shoots which are white on the lower surface. Woronin<br />

described the sporidiophores, which grow in tufts through the stomata ^nd<br />

between the cells, as non-septate, thin, and bent in such a way that the terminal<br />

sporidia lie horizontally. The sporidia are pyriform, 11-15 (j,, hyahne, with<br />

finely granular protoplasm or a small vacuole. They fall easily and a second<br />

sporidium is produced, but the method of discharge is unknown. If sown on the<br />

surface of a leaf, the germ-tube enters and in 12 to 20 days black flecks, the<br />

young sori, appear. Fusions between sporidia were not observed and the number<br />

of their nuclei is unknown.<br />

Kiihn (1883) germinated the spores of a parasite oi Primula, which he named<br />

Paipalopsis irmischiae, but gave no details as to size or mode of origin of the<br />

spores. Schroeter (1887), listing this as a doubtful member of the Ustilaginales,<br />

stated that the parasite passes through the flowering stem into the floral organs,<br />

forming white powdery spore masses which often fill the whole corolla tube.<br />

The spore, which ha^ a smooth, COIOUEIQSS epispore, is spherical (3-6 /a), and<br />

germinates to form a thin germ-tuKe, the tip of which again forms sporidia. It<br />

is not clear if these Sporidia are like the spores from the corolla tube. Wilson<br />

(1915), recording the fungus from Kent, referred to large numbers of small<br />

unicellular spores present as meal-like masses in the open flower, glueing the<br />

stamens together and partially filling the base of the corolla tube. Viable pollen<br />

was, also present, and Wilson suggested that insects carry spores with poUen to<br />

healthy flowers, but inoculation experiments were unsuccessful. Fusions between<br />

sporidia were observed and, after the passage of one nucleus through the<br />

connecting bridge, the binucleate sporidium developed one or more germ-tubes.<br />

It is thought that members of the genus Thecaphora also form sporidia on stamens<br />

of the host, but no good account of this behaviour has been published (see p. 81,<br />

and Brett, 1940).<br />

Sporidia develop freely on the foliage of plants attacked by some species of

22<br />


Entyloma, and Winter (1881) suggested their connexion with the Ustilaginales.<br />

Schroeter (1887) described thread-hke sporidia preceding resting spores of<br />

Entyloma serotinum on Symphytum, and de Bary !(1884) recognized a conidial<br />

stage oi Entyloma ficariae. Marshall Ward (1887) described the development and<br />

germination of foliar sporidia of the same species on Ranunculus ficariae, and<br />

by infection experiments established their relationship to the Entyloma. He<br />

illustrated fully how the very deHcate, copiously branched, intercellular mycelium<br />

FIG. 1. Entyloma ficariae and E. calendnlae. Culture of E. ficariae (a), 20 hours on agar,<br />

derived from one allantoid sporidium, sliming off filiform sporidia. AUantoid sporidia of<br />

JB. ficariae (b) and E. calendulae from Calendula (c) and Dahlia (d) germinating on agar.<br />

Half-moon-shaped sporidia of E, calendulae from Calendula (e) and Dahlia (/) germinating<br />

on agar. g-j. Stages in clamp formation in mycelium of E. calendulae. The culture originated<br />

in one half-moon-shaped sporidium.<br />

in the leaf sends pencils of hyphae to the outside and produces uinumerable<br />

colourless sporidia from their free ends. He regarded as normal the club-shaped<br />

or long ovoid spores which are sHghtly curved and more pointed at the attachment<br />

end, and suggested that the long filiform spores are formed under the<br />

stimulus of excessive moisture (see Figs. 1 a and b, and 20 p). The sporidia<br />

germinated readily in water and produced, with or without fusion, more sporidia<br />

of the same type. Sown in dew on the living leaf, stronger germ-tubes, were<br />

formed and penetration of the leaf followed. A pallid, greenish-white spot developed<br />

on the infected area in from 13 to 19 days from sowing, during the experimental<br />

period of May to June. The task still remains of inoculating plants<br />

with single and paired monosporidial cultures and observing if chlamydospores<br />

develop.<br />

In subsequent years sporidial stages were recorded for several additional

BIOLOGY 23<br />

species of Entyloma, and some taxonomists made the presence and absence of<br />

sporidia a basis for the division of the genus into two groups (Plowright, 1889;<br />

CHnton, 1904). Two species, E. matricariae Trail and E. trailii Massee, both on<br />

Matricaria, were separated on the size of the foKar sporidia (Ciferri, 1928).<br />

While it is generally assumed that these sporidia carry the fungus from plant to<br />

plant, few experiments on this means of dispersal have been conducted (see<br />

p. 106).<br />

The discovery (BuUer & Vanterpool, 1925; Vanterpool, 1932; Buller, 1933)<br />

that the allantoid sporidia of Tilletia (Fig. 10/) are violently discharged from the<br />

stalk led Hanna (1938) to examine the sporidial stages of nine species o£ Entyloma<br />

and to grow some of them in culture. In five species, E. menispermi, E. australe,<br />

E. linariae, E. meliloti, and E. ficariae, Hanna found, on the host, sporidia of<br />

two types, filiform and allantoid (sickle-shaped), which corresponded with those<br />

figured by Marshall Ward. E. nymphaeae and E. lobeliae were associated only<br />

with allantoid sporidia, while in E. compositarum and E. polysporum no sporidia<br />

were discovered. The allantoid type, whether produced on the host or in<br />

culture, was shot off by the water-drop method, while the filiform type was not<br />

violently discharged but could be detached by a light touch. In form and size<br />

this type recalls the sporidia that develop on the promyceUum of some species.<br />

The allantoid sporidia of three species were stained and found to be 'for the most<br />

part uninucleate'. They varied in size, even in two cultures isolated from the<br />

same host (Hanna, 1938, Pig. 1 b and c).<br />

The allantoid sporidia oiE. ficariae and E. calendulae were studied by Stempel<br />

(1935), who grew them in culture, and obtained haploid chlamydospores (see<br />

p. 25). In E. calendulae Stempel found still another type which he described as<br />

half-moon-shaped. They were larger and wider than the allantoid sporidia and<br />

carried two nuclei. In culture they gave rise to clamp mycelium (Fig. 1 h) and,<br />

finally, to normal chlamydospores. These sporidia, which are discharged by the<br />

water-drop mechanism, have been found recently both in E. calendulae and its<br />

form dahliae (Sampson, unpubhshed data, see Fig. 1).<br />

Kaiser (1936), studying E. fergussoni on Myosotis palustris, found filiform<br />

sporidia (30-40 X1-5-2 ju) on the upper surface and ellipsoidal sporidia (15-20 X<br />

5-7 fj.) on the lower surface of the leaf. Both types were said to be binucleate.<br />

Plants of Symphytum, sprayed with a suspension of sporidia in water, gave<br />

positive results within ten to twenty-one days, and Kaiser concludes that sporidia<br />

provide an effective means of disseminating the smut of the Boraginaceae.<br />

Though not well known, it seems hkely that a few species of Doassansia<br />

resemble Entyloma in their habit of forming sporidia on the host. SetcheU (1892)<br />

described for D. martm»q^a?ia long, slender sporidia (30x1-5^) which germinated<br />

in situ to give small bunches of tangled hj^hae. In 1941 a leaf of Sagittaria<br />

attacked by Doassansia was found to be discharging allantoid sporidia like the<br />

haploid type found on Calendula (Sampson, unpublished data).<br />

The foliar sporidia of smuts have been confused at times with Hyphomycetes<br />

belonging to the genera Cylindrosporium and Bamularia. In Entyloma oenotherae<br />

on Oenothera lamarkiana the sporidia are described as cyUndrical with a rounded<br />

apex (9-17 x 3-3-5 /x) and are said to remain in short chains as in species of<br />

Ramularia (Marchal & Stemon, 1925). Ciferri (1928) also described a species of<br />

Entyloma which possessed a sporidial stage closely resembling a Ramularia, only


the presence of chlamydospores making possible the identification of the fungus<br />

as a smut. Von Hohnel (1924) proposed a new genus, Entylomella (= Cylindrosporum<br />

Sacc. (non Grev.) p.p.) for the imperfect forms of Entyloma and<br />

Doassansia, and Ciferri (1928) emended it to include those forms more nearly<br />

resembling Ramularia?- The characteristics of the proposed genus remain somewhat<br />

Hi-defined and more information is needed before it can be used for naming<br />

material from which resting spores are absent.<br />


The natural home of smuts is the living plant. All members of the group are<br />

parasites but they readily adopt the saprophytic life under artificial conditions.<br />

Many species wiU grow on synthetic media but agars containing plant materials<br />

have been more widely used. The richer media, such as those that contain malt<br />

extract or oatmeal, are most favourable for chlamydospore formatiori (Kniep,<br />

1921; Sartoris, 1924). A few experiments have been conducted to discover<br />

whether accessory growth substances are necessary to smuts living in culture.<br />

Blumer (1937) and Schopfer (1937), using a synthetic medium including a<br />

carbohydrate, found that commercial saponin, which contains the growth factor,<br />

aneurin, had a marked stimulatory effect on Vstilago violacea but other species,<br />

such as U. maydis, U. nuda, U. hordei, and U. bullata,. were discovered to be<br />

auxo-autotrophic (Schopfer & Blumer, 1938). Itzerott (1938) found, however,<br />

that the growth of V. maydis benefited by the addition of an extract of the<br />

coleoptiles of young maize plants to a synthetic medium containing dextrose.<br />

Aneurin hastened the development of basidia and mycehum in Tilletia caries<br />

but did not influence the .earlier phases of germination (Hulea, 1947).<br />

In cultures of Vstilago profuse budding within the medium is more common<br />

than sporulation above the surface. In certain species, such as U. maydis, some<br />

hues are wholly sporidial, producing a glabrous surface, while others develop<br />

aerial mycelium (see p. 31). MyceHal lines sometimes give rise to branched<br />

chains of small, oval, hyahne sporidia and produce a colony with a white<br />

powdery surface (Stakman et al., 1929; Hanna, 1929). Aerial sporidia of a catenulate<br />

type have been found also in cultures of U. hypodytes (Boss, 1927; Kolk,<br />

1943), Doassansiopsis horiana (Nisikado & Matsumoto, 1936), and Tolyposporium<br />

filiferum (Kamat, 1933). In the last-named species, under relatively<br />

dry conditions, clusters of longer sporidia (8-24 p) developed on short, pointed<br />

branches (Kamat, 1933).<br />

Allantoid and half-moon-shaped sporidia are discharged with a droplet oi<br />

water from the apices of short hyphae growing erect from the surface of the<br />

medium in cultures of some members of the TUletiaceae. It seems probable that<br />

they are peculiar to this family (see pp. 83 et seq.).<br />

The study of a smut in culture is often complicated, not only by the existence<br />

of physiologic races, but also by heterothallism and the segregation of<br />

gametophytic characters. A complete picture of the saprophytic behaviour of<br />

even a physiologic race should embrace the growth of the dicaryophyte as well<br />

as that of its component haplonts. Much of the early work with smuts was<br />

carried out with cultures derived from a single chlamydospore or mass isolation.<br />

It seems, however, that the ideal is more difficult to attain in some species than<br />

^ See S. J. Hughes, Trans. Brit, mycol. Soc, xxxii, p. 55, 1949.

3036^<br />

BIOLOGY 25<br />

in others. Dickinson (1927), working with the covered smuts of oats and barley,<br />

found that dicaryophytic mycelium, produced on ag*r by the fusion of appropriate<br />

haplonts, failed to form a stable growth but reverted to the haploid<br />

condition. Such a culture would be, at least for a time, a mixture of two biotypes,<br />

but the suppression of one of them or its loss in transfer might reduce it to<br />

the state of a monosporidial culture. From other evidence it seems that the<br />

haplonts derived from a single chlamydospore may produce, in culture, a composite<br />

growth effect with distinctive characteristics, which wiU persist through<br />

a number of sub-cultures. A monospore culture usuttUy differs from the component<br />

monosporidial cultures, because chlamydospores are often heterozygous<br />

for cultural characters, but one collection (Lll) of Ustilago avenae showed no<br />

such segregation, the four haplonts derived from a siiigle spore were uniform in<br />

appearance and closely resembled all monospore cultiires of this race (Sampson<br />

& Western, 1938).<br />

Dicaryophytic mycelium is not always unstable cm culture media. Thren<br />

(1937) succeeded, by the use of a low temperature, in separating the haplonts of<br />

U. ntida. He grew them singly or in pairs and compared their growth with that<br />

derived from a single chlamydospore. Dicaryophytic hyphae were wider, their<br />

growth was stronger, and the resulting colony of a dicaryont had a smooth,<br />

homogeneous appearance and lacked the radial corrugations which characterized<br />

both plus and minus haplonts. In exceptional cases dicaryont colonies<br />

developed sectors of monocaryotic mycehum. In flU examples tested these<br />

sectors represented the minus haplonts, which could be recognized by their<br />

weaker growth and by their long radial folds. * \<br />

Normally in V. nuda stable dicaryophytic growth is maiatained in culture by<br />

a regular method of cell division followed by the fusion of haploid cells (diagram<br />

in Thren, 1941, p. 482). The forms of this smut on wheat and barley are not<br />

identical in their mode of growth (Thren, 1941).<br />

Stable dicaryophjrtic growth can also be obtained in species of Entyloma,<br />

which produce binucleate, half-moon-shaped sporidia on the host (p. 22). These<br />

germinate to give clamp mycelium, which spreads rather quickly over the agar,<br />

produces abundant sporidia above the surface, and a niass of submerged chlamydospores.<br />

Stempell (1935) found that some of these chlamydospores from<br />

cultures of E. calendulae germinated normally, forming a promycelium with<br />

terminal sporidia. Others, of later origin, developed a germ-tube which terminated<br />

in another chlamydospore'or directly gave rise to clamp mycelium.<br />

Cytological evidence indicated that caryogamy had failed in the abnormal<br />

spores. Cultures of E. jicariae and E. calendulae, originating from the smaller<br />

uninucleate sporidia, consisted of thinner mycelium without clamps. They<br />

developed chlamydospores, but these only formed ordinary mycelium on germination<br />

and were assumed to be haploid. Only a study of their origin, cytology,<br />

and mode of germination can decide whether artificially produced chlamydospores<br />

are haploid or diploid. In outward appearance, except possibly in degree<br />

of pigmentation, they resemble those found on the host. Sartoris (1924)<br />

obtamed, in a culture of Ustilago heuffleri from the dogtooth violet, uninucleate<br />

chlamydospores which had their origin in a binucleate cell. They germinated to<br />

give a four-celled promycelium with lateral sporidia and appeared to correspond<br />

in every way with natural spores formed on the living host. D. T. Wang (1984)


observed caryogamy in artificially produced chlamydospores of oat and barley<br />

smuts but did not germinate them. Fleroff (1923), 'w^orking with two races of<br />

U. avenae, found that one developed haploid chlamycjospores in culture, while<br />

the other gave rise to spores which seemed to correspond exactly with those<br />

found naturally. Records of artificially developed chla,mydospores, made usually<br />

without reference to their nuclear content or subsequent behaviour, are numerous.<br />

They have been found in the following species: Tilletia caries (Brefeld,<br />

1883; Sartoris, 1924; BuUer, 1933), Ustilago maydis (Grass, 1902; Sartoris,<br />

1924), U. nuda (Sartoris, 1924; Schaffnit, 1926; Rodenhiser, 1926, 1928),<br />

U. hordei (Sartoris, 1924; Rump, 1926), Urocystis anemones (Kniep, 1921),<br />

Sphacelotheca reiliana (Potter, 1914), Ustilago crameri (C. S. Wang, 1938).<br />

Yen (1937) in his study of the Chinese smuts found chlamydospores in cultures<br />

6f eight species. In some species nuclear fusion was observed during their<br />

development, but on germination all formed long branched mycelium without<br />

characteristic sporidia.<br />

With the discovery of the appropriate technique it seems likely that more<br />

species of smut could be induced to complete the life-cycle in culture. The production<br />

of artificial chlamydospores has not yet been employed for the practical<br />

purpose of getting large quantities of inoculum or for genetical studies. WhUe<br />

geneticists have of necessity made use of media for the study of gametophytic<br />

characters, they have found the host a more profitable matrix for the production<br />

of chlamydospores. It is significant, however, that a race of U. striiformis from<br />

Poa pratensis readily forms, on potato dextrose agar, chlamydospores which<br />

germinate normally and can be used successfully to inoculate the host (Leach,<br />

Lowther, & Ryan, 1946). It seems probable that this race of stripe smut is<br />

homothaUic. It is so far unique in producing diploid (syncaryotic) vegetative<br />

mycelium on agar and has no true dicaryophase (Leach & Ryan, 1946).


THE discovery of nuclei in smuts was delayed by their small size, which also<br />

accounts for our incomplete picture of their division and behaviour in the lifecycle.<br />

In many published figures the nuclei are little more than black dots, and<br />

the magnification is often omitted. ^Estimating from Rawitscher's plates,<br />

which are among the best, it seems that the resting nucleus in the ripe spore of<br />

Tilletia caries is about 3 X 5 /i in diameter. After 47 hours in water, when in<br />

preparation for division, the size increases to 5 X 7 /i. Nuclei passing out into the<br />

promyceUum are considerably smaller, 1-2 jit only, and this may be taken as the<br />

approximate size of haploid nuclei, up to the moment of fusion in the ripe resting<br />

spore (Rawitscher, 1922).<br />

The discovery of this fusion was due to the work of Dangeard (1893, 1894 b)<br />

who studied sporogenesis and observed the change from the binucleate to the<br />

uninucleate condition in seven species of smuts. Speaking of Doassansia<br />

alismatis Dangeard describes the nucleus of the ripe spore as ' nucleole, charge<br />

de chromatine et reconvert d'une membrane nucleaire, a peine observe-t-on<br />

quelques fins trabecules de protoplasma qui rayonnent vers la parol; tout le reste<br />

est forme d'une substance oleagineuse qui donne aux oospores vivantes leur<br />

aspect blanc et refringent'. Some of the figures in Dangeard's paper suggest<br />

dividing nuclei. Harper (1899), employing the triple stain, described in the<br />

phraseology of his day the resting nucleus in a promyceHum of Ustilago<br />

scabiosae as showing 'a sharply differeritiated, blue stained chromatin net Ijring<br />

in a clear nuclear sap, a red stained nucleole and a surrounding membrane'. He<br />

was the first to describe nuclear division in a smut. 'The equatorial plate stage<br />

is very distinct and shows a sharply pointed bipolar spindle, whose fibres end in<br />

deep staining granules at the poles. No polar radiations at this stage have been<br />

observed. The chromosomes are rather densely massed at the equator and are<br />

probably eight or ten in number.' The figure of U. scabiosae, to which reference is<br />

made, might be interpreted as an early anaphase showing the separation of<br />

three bivalents. Two drawings of nuclear division in sporidia of U. violacea show<br />

chromosomes arranged on a spindle, but again the number cannot be exactly<br />

stated. Harper's work indicated that the nuclei of the smut fungi divide' in a<br />

manner similar to those of the higher plants, and showed also that the copulation<br />

of sporidia was not immediately followed by the fusion of their nuclei.<br />

Rawitscher (1912, 1914) figured resting nuclei in his papers on the origin of<br />

the binucleate condition in some cereal smuts, and in later work (1922) dividing<br />

nuclei with intranuclear spindles and chromosomes. He states that in a ripe<br />

uninucleate spore of Tilletia caries the nucleus lies near the wall and in it one dr<br />

perhaps two nuclear bodies can be recognized. After 40 hours in water a muchenlarged<br />

nucleus is seen in a condition similar to synapsis. The content is very<br />

refractive and, in addition to the globular large nucleolus, a smaller one may be<br />

present. The chromatin is found in one, sometimes in two nets at the wall of the<br />

nucleus (Figs. 2 and 3). Spores fixed some hours later showed the prophase<br />

(spireme threads), and in some nuclei four stainable bodies could be recognized.<br />

In material fixed after 46 hours some spores already contained four nuclei, but<br />

stages of nuclear division are rare. Fig. 7, which shows a nucleus with two


large stainable bodies in addition to the nucleolus, may represent diakinesis.<br />

The intranuclear spindle is so small and narrow that in many cases the number<br />

of chromosomes cannot be accurately determined. jIt is possible that the diploid<br />

number is four. Nuclear divisions continue in the spore until ten to sixteen<br />

nuclei are present and these finally pass out into the promyceUum and so into<br />

the sporidia. Helton (1935) discovered that the distribution of nuclei between<br />

spore and promycelium diifers in two races of T. caries. In Cintractia montagnei<br />

the diploid nucleus leaves the spore and meiosis occurs in the promycehum.<br />

Some figures of dividing nuclei in vegetative cells and in promyceHa of<br />

Ustilago avenae, U. maydis, and Tilletia caries were given by Kharbush (1927,<br />

1928). The two relatively large chromosomes, seen on the spindle of the first<br />

division in the promycelium, were accepted as bivalents, those seen in later<br />

divisions and in cells of the parasitic mycelium as monovalents, and two is suggested<br />

as the haploid number in smuts. D. T. Wang (1932, 1934) confirmed this<br />

in the following species: U. nuda, U. hordei, U. violacea, U. longissima, Sphacelotheca<br />

sorghi, S. cruenta, and Tilletia caries. In her experiments spores were<br />

germinated at 17° to 20° C. except that a lower temperature was used for<br />

T. caries. Reduction occurred always at the first division which took place either<br />

in the chlamydospore or in the promycelium. That segregation is not restricted<br />

to the first and second divisions of the diploid nucleus, but may even occur in the<br />

second or third division, is suggested by some genetical data (see p. 36).<br />

Cytological evidence on this point is meagre, but C. S. Wang (1943), working with<br />

Ustilago crameri {n = 2) observed four chromosomes at meiosis in promycelia,which<br />

already contained two or four nuclei, and accepts this as evidence that<br />

reduction had not been completed in the first division of the zygote. Hiittig<br />

(1933) suggests that external factors can influence the moment of chromosome<br />

reduction in some smuts. Yen (1937) has also studied nuclear division in the<br />

smuts and agrees with previous workers that Tilletia caries has a haploid number<br />

of two. His conclusions (p. 292) regarding the chromosome number in species of<br />

Ustilago are somewhat contradictory. Leach & Ryan (1946) failed to distinguish<br />

chromosomes in a form of U. striiformis which they believe to be homothaUic.<br />

They estimate that nuclei in the young germ-tube measure 2-3 /x.<br />

The vacuome and the chondriome of smuts have been studied by Moreau<br />

(1914), D. T. Wang (1934), and Yen (1937). In the chlamydospore the vacuome<br />

consists of numerous small vacuoles with dense contents which take up water<br />

and unite to form larger vacuoles, prior to germination. When growth begins,<br />

they fragment and pass into the promycelium, and as sporidia are formed,<br />

minute vacuoles pass into them (D. T. Wang, 1934). Yen (1937), using vital stains,<br />

demonstrated the presence of metachromatic granules which showed Brownian<br />

movement in the young vacuoles near the tips of growing hyphae. The chondriome<br />

was represented in material stained with aniline fuchsin and light green,<br />

by long, wavy, sometimes branched chondriosonies (chondrioconts) running<br />

parallel with the long axis of the ceU. They were particularly abundant in the<br />

cells destined to form spores. D. T. Wang (1934) found that the chondriosomes<br />

had the form of spherical corpuscles in all the species studied except U. hordei<br />

where some were filamentous. According to Moreau (1914), who studied the<br />

chondriome (cytome) in Entyloma ficariae, the chondriosomes were chiefly filamentous<br />

in the mycelium, corpuscular in the spore.



KNIEP'S discovery (1919) of heterothallism in smuts initiated the successful<br />

application of modern genetical principles to the study of this group. It is now<br />

an. accepted fact that new races of smuts can be produced by hybridization,<br />

though it is not yet clear how often this happens in nature or how it may affect<br />

breediag for resistance in the host.<br />

The majority of species so far studied are heterothallic (Kniep, 1928) and, in<br />

some of them, fusion of sporidia is governed by a single pair of allelomorphs. In<br />

these species, if large numbers of monosporidial lines are tested for compatibility<br />

(see p. 42), they fall into two equal groups. Any member of group A wiU fuse<br />

with any member of group B but the hnes within a group are incompatible. As<br />

Dickinson (1928, 1931) showed, segregation for compatibiUty factors can take<br />

place at either the first or second division of the diploid nucleus during the<br />

growth of the promycelium. If it occurs at the first division, the arrangement<br />

of sporidia will be either A, A, B, B, or B, B, A, A; if, at the second division, four<br />

types of distribution are possible, A, B, A, B; B, A, B, A; A, B, B, A; and<br />

B, A, A, B. A gametes can only be distinguished from B by reference to a<br />

culture arbitrarily taken as the standard. The nuclei carrying A or B factors<br />

show no polarity, A occurring in the apical segment of the promycelium as often<br />

as B. This type of segregation (2:2) was first observed by Kniep (1919) in<br />

Ustilago violacea and later found in U. hordei from oats and barley, U. avenue<br />

from oats, U. avenae (medians) from barley (Dickinson, 1927,1928,1931;Holton,<br />

1931 b, 1932; Allison, 1937; Bever, 1945), and U. striiformis from Elymus<br />

glaucus (Fischer, 1940).<br />

Segregation of incompatibility factors is not so simple in all species, and<br />

fusion is probably governed in some by a series of multiple allelomorphs. Thus<br />

in U. maydis, while the sporidia of one chlamydospore may fall into two equal<br />

groups, in others segregation ratios may be 4:0;3:1;1:1:2; or 1:1:1:1 (Christensen<br />

in Stakman et al., 1929, 1931; Hanna, 1929; Bauch, 1932 a). Work with<br />

V. maydis is complicated by the fact that a few exceptional monosporidial lines<br />

infect maize and produce galls (Eddins, 1929 a; Sleumer, 1932). Three out of<br />

31 lines intensively studied by ChristeHsen (in Stakman et al., 1929) were thus<br />

'solo-pathogenic', but Schmitt (1940) met this peculiarity in only three among<br />

4,000 monosporidial Unes examined. Unusually large numbers of solo-pathogenic<br />

lines were derived from the promycelia of crosses between Unes carrying<br />

factors for lysis (Chilton, 1940,1943). It is thought that irregular meiosis, rather<br />

than mutation, accounts for the origin and behaviour of solo-pathogenic hnes,<br />

since segregation for incompatibility factors does occur in subsequent generations.<br />

Chrisxiensen (1931) obtained three successive crops of chlamydospores in<br />

which reduction for incompatibiUty failed. In solo-pathogenic lines segregation<br />

for other factors such as colour and pathogenicity may take place normally and<br />

mutation is not unknown. Cytological evidence for the abnormal behaviour of<br />

these lines is lacking.<br />

Multiple factors for incompatibility h4ve been found also in Sphaceloiheca<br />

reiliana (Hanna, 1929); S. sorghi (Rodenhiser, 1932, 1934; Isenbeek, 1935;


Tyler, 1938); S. cruenta (Rodenhiser, 1932, 1934); Ustilago longissima (Bauch,<br />

1931, 1932 b; Kammerling, 1929); Sphacelotheca schweinfurthiana (Bauch,<br />

1932 c); Tilktia caries and T.foeiida (Flor, 1932 a, 1933). The number of factors,<br />

not yet known with certainty in any species, usually increases when a vddev<br />

range of material is examined (Becker, 1936). In Ustilago maydis, a muchstudied<br />

species, at least 63 factors governing compatibiHty have been detected.<br />

Factors governing the fusion of gametes are not usually linked with cultural<br />

or pathogenicity factors (Christensen, in Stakman et al., 1929; Stakman et al.,<br />

1929; Dickinson, 1931; Bauch, 1922, 1927; Alhson, 1937; Rodenhiser, 1934;<br />

Flor, 1933). Kziiep (1919) found, however, a physiological difference between<br />

the A and B sporidia of Ustilago violacea (from Dianthus deltoides), one type<br />

failing on malt agar, while the other flourished on that medium. Thren (1937)<br />

found that haplonts of U. nuda, designated 'plus', could be distinguished from<br />

'minus' haplonts by their stronger growth on malt agar, while on potato agar<br />

the 'plus' type failed to grow.<br />

The first experiments on compatibility stopped at the initial fusion of sporidia,<br />

but subsequent work, and especially that on interspecific crosses, suggests that<br />

fusion is not by itself proof of complete compatibility, which alone leads to<br />

successful invasion of the host and the maturation of chlamydospores. Fischer<br />

(1940 a) found, on the evidence of sporidial fusions, a high degree of compatibility<br />

between Ustilago striiformis from Elymus glaucus and Ustilago bullata from several<br />

hosts. In some of the successfully paired lines infection hyphae developed in<br />

great numbers, while in others growth ceased after the fusion of sporidia.<br />

Cultures of U. striiformis, in the same compatibiUty group, always behaved in<br />

the same way when paired with different lines of U. bullata. Fischer accepts<br />

these two types of behaviour as comparable to those discovered by Bauch<br />

(1932 c) in his intraspecific matings of Sphacelotheca schweinfurthiana. Chlamydospores<br />

of the hybrid Ustilago striiformis x U. bullata have not yet been obtained,<br />

but it is not unlikely they would develop on appropriate hosts from lines<br />

that gave the infection hyphae.<br />

Races of Ustilago avenue from oats and tall oat grass have no common host.<br />

Their sporidia are compatible and suitable combinations of monosporidial lines,<br />

one from each race, produced what appeared to be hybrid chlamydospores on<br />

wild oats (presumably Avenafatua). Among 16 compatible inter-racial matings<br />

used to inoculate wild oats, tall oat grass, and Anthony oats {Avena sativa), four<br />

produced smut on the first host and none on the last two. Chlamydospores only<br />

developed from the paired lines in which fusion was followed by the growth of<br />

infection hyphae. These two types of compatibility were not evident in matings<br />

within the race from tall oat grass, but they were met again when this was crossed<br />

with races of U. hordei from oats and barley. When Fj chlamydospores from<br />

wild oats were sown on the three hosts named above, smut was produced on<br />

Anthony oats showing that segregation for pathogenicity had occurred. The<br />

mode of inheritance of the two types of compatibihty is not yet known (Holton<br />

& Fischer, 1941).<br />


Monosporidial colonies of a single species grown on a flat agar surface have<br />

been found to differ in colour, topography, margin, consistency, rate of gro^vth,

GENETICS • 31<br />

direction of growth, tendency to sector, response to temperature, and response<br />

to hydrogen-ion concentration in the medium. Few, if any, of these characters<br />

are linked, and a species hke Ustilago maydis comprises many hundreds of<br />

different cultural types (Stakman et al., 1929; Christensen & Rodenhiser, 1940).<br />

Dickinson (1931) studied the segregation in covered smut of oats, of wide or<br />

narrow margin, brown, yellow, or cream colour, corrugated or depressed centre,<br />

dry or moist surface, and rate of growth at pH 5-5. Apart from size of margin,<br />

which gave a 2:2 ratio, the results suggested that segregation was governed by<br />

multiple factors. This holds also in other species, and cultural characters are<br />

not usually Unked either with incompatibility or pathogenicity. They are as a<br />

rule no guide to the identification of physiologic races (Becker, 1936; Utter,<br />

1938), nor can they be used to separate closely related species (Kienholz &<br />

Heald, 1930).<br />

To be of permanent value, descriptions of growth in culture should be supplemented<br />

by photographs, coloured if possible. Plates illustrating some cultural<br />

types have been published for the following species: Ustilago maydis (Stakman<br />

et al., 1929; Christensen, 1931), U. avenae and U. hordei (kolleri) from oats<br />

(Dickinson, 1931; Western, 1936; Holton, 1931 b, 1932), U. hordei from barley<br />

(AUison,1937), U. striiformis (Fischer, 1940a), Sphacelotheca sorghi (Rodenhiser,<br />

1932, 1934; Tyler, 1938), Sorosporium syntherismae and Sphacelotheca destruens<br />

(Martin, 1943), Tilletia caries (Kienholz & Heald, 1930).<br />

The fuUest account of biotypes in any one species is that given by Stakman<br />

et al. (1929) in their study of mutation in U. maydis. Another gametophytic<br />

character which has received some study is the degree of sporulation in culture.<br />

Some monosporidial lines of U. maydis produce abundant sporidia, some are<br />

entirely mycelial, while others are intermediate (Hanna, 1929; Christensen in<br />

Stakman el al., 1929, 1931; Stakman ei al., 1929). Stakman (1936) reported on<br />

the clear-cut segregation of these growth types. Kemkamp (1939), testing such<br />

lines on a wide range of media, found that strictly sporidial cultures could not<br />

be induced to form mycelium under any conditions tested. Some intermediates<br />

produced more sporidia with a higher concentration of sugars and other changes<br />

in the environment. From a cross between two extreme hnes, segregation ratios<br />

of 4:0, 3:1,2:2, and 1:2:1, were obtained, indicating that more than two factors<br />

govern the inheritance of sporidial and mycelial types. Further studies (Kemkamp,<br />

1942) emphasized the stabiUty of strictly sporidial and strictly mycelial<br />

lines but both types are rare, virtually all lines of U. maydis being intermediate.<br />

Intermediates can be shifted to extreme mycelial or extreme sporidial by alterations<br />

in the environment, but the changes are phenotypic and reversible. The<br />

addition of poisons and toxic dyes, reduction of oxygen and nutrients, especially<br />

dextrose, stimulated the growth of myceUum. Sectors of myceUum, which<br />

sometimes developed in intermediate lines, proved in most examples to be<br />

phenotypic, not genie, changes. Unsuccessful attempts to cross strictly sporidial<br />

lines revealed the fact that these are incapable of forming myceUum even in the<br />

host, but when mated with lines capable of forming hyphae the resulting<br />

dicaryophytes were pathogenic.<br />

Popp & Hanna (1935), working with the oat race of U. hordei, germinated<br />

hybrid chlamydospores from the following combinations of cultural types,<br />

sporidial X sporidial, hyphal X hyphal, sporidial X hyphal, and studied the


with small chlamydospores and short, ovoid smut balls, while brown peridia were<br />

associated with larger spores and slender, more elongated sori.<br />


Kniep (1926), in his pioneer work on heterdthallism, paired appropriate<br />

sporidial lines from several species of Ustilago. Fusions readily occurred among<br />

smuts with smooth or echinulate spores, but failed if these species were mated<br />

with reticulate spored species. Whether the cell fusions were followed by<br />

nuclear fusions in these so-called interspecific crosses was not then determined,<br />

but true hybridization in the UstQaginales has been established since.<br />

Several workers have examined hybrid material of the smuts for evidence of<br />

heterosis, sterility, or other phenomena commonly revealed by out-crossing.<br />

Goldschmidt (1928) found in crosses between certain physiologic races of U.<br />

violacea that promycelia of all hybrids were considerably greater than those of<br />

the parents. The method of growth was often irregular, the promycelium from<br />

some hybrids consisting of only one cell. Vaheeduddin (1936 a, 1936 b) noted<br />

the increased size of promycelia and sporidia in the interspecific hybrid Sphacelotheca<br />

cruentaxS. reiliana and accepts it as a sign of heterosis.<br />

Both the number and viability of sporidia may be reduced in crosses. Primary<br />

sporidia isolated from promycelia of hybrid chlamydospores from Ustilago<br />

avenaex U. hordei from oats would rarely develop in culture (Holton, 1931 b).<br />

Martin (1943) recorded a viability of less than 10 per cent, in sporidia derived<br />

from the hybrid Sorosporium syntherismaexSphacelotheca destruens. Peg-like<br />

branches, which did not develop either into sporidia or hyphae, were characteristic<br />

of promyceHa in the interspecific cross S. sorghi x S. cruenta (Rodenhiser,<br />

1934). Sporidia developed sparsely in 8. sorghixS. reiliana, many promyceUa<br />

of the hybrid producing hyphal branches in place of sporidia (Tyler & Shumway,<br />

1935). Some intraspecific crosses of Ustilago maydis behaved in a similar manner<br />

(Christensen, 1931). In others the promyceHa were gnarled and distorted and<br />

either autolysed before sporidia developed or gave a few sporidia in an irregular<br />

manner. Chilton (1943) could find no evidence that lysis in U. maydis was<br />

caused by an infectious agent and he believes that the explanation for this<br />

behaviour is genetical. The segregation of one or more factors for lysis was<br />

demonstrated by crossing appropriate haploid lines (Chilton, 1938, 1943). Lysis<br />

in certain inbred lines of Sphacelotheca sorghi persisted through two chlamydospore<br />

generations (Laskaris, 1939, 1941). In both species the tendency to<br />

germinate abnormally was greater in chlamydospores of unusually large size.<br />

Another example of lysis, described by Fischer (1940 c) as a haplo-lethal<br />

deficiency, was found in Ustilago bullata. In certain collections half the monosporidial<br />

isolates ceased growth after budding off a few sporidia and finally disintegrated;<br />

the others continued to bud and produced a normal saprophytic<br />

growth on potato dextrose agar. It is not stated if other media were tried (see<br />

p. 30). By mating with monosporidial lines of U. hordei and U. avenae Fischer<br />

showed that the surviving Unes of U. bullata belonged to one compatibility<br />

group. Since infection of the host could be, induced by chlamydospores from<br />

these collections of U. bullata, it is concluded that gametes carrying the haplolethal<br />

deficiency factor were functional in nature, this factor operating only<br />

against saprophytic growth. This was confirmed by finding infection hyphae

GENETICS 35<br />

when a few sporidia from lethal and non-lethal lines were mixed on plain agar<br />

(see Bauch test, p. 42). In a single collection of V. bullata from Festuca idahoensis,<br />

lysis again occurred in half the isolates, but in this example some of the<br />

surviving lines were compatible, indicating that the lethal factors were not linked<br />

with those governing fusion as in the other four collections.<br />


The multiplicity of physiologic races within a species is eloquent of the complexity<br />

of the problem of the inheritance of pathogenicity. That an individual<br />

chlamydospore from a field collection of U. avenae may be heterozygous for<br />

pathogenicity factors was clearly shown by Mcolaisen (1934), who infected<br />

a few selected varieties of oats with paired sporidial lines. To quote one<br />

example, two sporidial matings from chlamydospore 43/31 produced 100 per<br />

cent, smut on the variety Lischower, while two other matings from the same<br />

spore gave negative results on this variety (Nicolaisen, 1934, Table 4). In an<br />

extensive series of cross-infection experiments conducted with monosporidial<br />

lines Nicolaisen showed that the factor or factors for pathogenicity carried by<br />

one monosporidial line might be dominant, recessive, or intermediate according<br />

to the variety of the host. By crossing, segregates can be obtained which differ<br />

in virulence from both parents (Nicolaisen, 1934, 1935; Holton, 1936 a; Bever,<br />

1939).<br />

Allison (1937) obtained segregation for pathogenicity in the Fj of U. hordei x<br />

U. avenae (medians) and found that some segregates possessed increased virulence<br />

on certain barley varieties. The factors for pathogenicity segregate<br />

independently from those governing compatibility, head, type, and spore wall.<br />

Christensen (in Stakman et al., 1929) found multiple factors for pathogenicity<br />

in U. maydis and obtained evidence that they act independently of those governing<br />

fusion. As in the oat. smuts, a monosporidial Hne may be strongly pathogenic<br />

when in combination with some compatible lines and weakly pathogenic<br />

with others.<br />

Maize inoculated with a mixture of haploids gave a lower degree of infection<br />

than maize inoculated with single pairs of haploid lines (Kemkamp & Martin,<br />

1941). Some varieties of wheat were resistant to mixed inocula, though this<br />

included some highly virulent lines of bunt (Holton & Heald, 1936; Rodenhiser<br />

& Quisenberry, 1938). No satisfactory explanation of these results is available.<br />


It is essential in the application of Mendelial principles to an unexplored<br />

group of organisms to examine the purity of their gametes. Genetical data on<br />

smuts, collected since the discovery of heterothallism (Kniep, 1919), rests on the<br />

assumption that meiosis occurs in the promycelium and that the sporidia<br />

budded from it are uninucleate, haploid cells. They function as gametes but<br />

differ from many other sexual cells in that they can be multiplied almost<br />

indefinitely. Theoretically, uniformity is to be expected in the monosporidial<br />

cultures derived from single promycelial cell and the colonies should remain<br />

stable. Variations, at least in some species, are certainly not rare, and it is pertinent<br />

to ask if all have the same origin. Variants in smuts are sudden, abrupt


changes which persist once they have arisen. It is conceivable that they might<br />

result from (1) chromosome aberration, (2) heterocaryosis, (3) delayed segregation,<br />

or (4) mutation. Stakman has discussed their liature in connexion with the<br />

general problem of variation in fungi (Stakman et al., 1929; Stakman, 1936).<br />

Too little is known of normal cell division, in the smuts to justify speculation<br />

on possible irregularities in chromosome behaviour. 'Speaking of heterocaryosis,<br />

Stakman (1936) concludes that this might possibly explain the origin of some<br />

variants in cultures of smuts. It is known, for example, in U. maydis, that the<br />

promyeehum occasionally septates before meiosis. One cell might therefore<br />

contain two genetically different haploid nuclei either of which may enter the<br />

first successively produced sporidium. The second sporidium would then differ<br />

from the first abstricted from a single promyceUal cell. Heterocaryosis cannot,<br />

however, adequately explain the origin of sector variants which appear in great<br />

multitude and diversity in some cultures of this and other species (Stakman,<br />

1936; Tyler, 1938).<br />

Dickinson (1931) considered that his results with the oat race of U. hordei<br />

were best explained by supposing that segregation had been extended to the<br />

third and later divisions of the chlamydospore nucleus. Cultures derived in<br />

succession from the same promycelial cell, though alike in compatibihty, sometimes<br />

differed widely in colour, topography, or other aspects of growth in culture.<br />

More variants were obtained on media relatively rich in nitrogenous compounds.<br />

Holton (1932), also working with the oat smuts, again found distinct biotypes in<br />

the cultures he obtained by isolating a number of sporidia from the same segment<br />

of the promycelium and accepted the variants as evidence of delayed segregation,<br />

but Western (1936 a) found no evidence of this in-the races of oat smut<br />

he examined.<br />

If sectoring in smuts were the result of delayed segregation, it seems probable<br />

that this would work itself out in time, and that the number of sectors would<br />

decrease in cultures separated by many nuclear divisions from the first-formed<br />

sporidium, but this does not appear to happen (Stakman, 1936). The extensive<br />

and detailed work on U. maydis leads to the conclusion that meiosis is normally<br />

restricted to the germinating chlamydospore or the promycelium (Christonsen,<br />

1931; Stakman, 1936) and that sectoring in cultures is the result of mutation<br />

(Stakman et al., 1935).<br />

Some of the first records of sectoring in haploid lines of a smut were made by<br />

Bauch (1925) in U. bullata, but the fullest account of the variants that may result<br />

in any one species has been given by Stakman and his co-workers for U. maydis<br />

(Stakman et al., 1929). Some 200 monosporidial fines isolated and studied in<br />

culture yielded thousands of mutants over a period of two years. Appearing as<br />

sectors on plate cultures, they often had a wedge or &n-shaped form, but might<br />

develop as irregular patches. The characters involved were rate of growth,<br />

direction of growth, surface, margin, lustre, pigmentation, consistency (whether<br />

sfimy, butyrous, viscid, brittle, powdery, membranous, or coriaceous), relative<br />

proportion of sporidia and myceUum, size and shape of sporidia, compatibiUty,<br />

pathogenicity, and tendency to mutate.<br />

A study of the constancy of some mutant types which arose as sectors from<br />

a single monosporidial line of U. maydis was made by Stakman, Tyler, & Hafstad<br />

(1933). During repeated transfers over a period of four to five years, 14 variant

GENETICS 37<br />

lines retained their distinctive features. Moreover, inoculations into maize made<br />

in 1932 with several pairs of compatible lines produced infection results similar<br />

to those obtained four years previously, showing that not only growth characters<br />

but also pathogenicity had remained constant.<br />

Characters that arise by mutation segregate after hybridization, like other<br />

characters in the smuts. This was specifically shown by the study of crosses<br />

involving an easily recognizable white mutant which had appeared as a sector<br />

in a brownish-tinged vinaceous line of U. maydis. Mated with compatible brown<br />

or black lines and inoculated into maize, chlamydospores were produced and<br />

germinated. In nearly every case some of the monosporidial colonies isolated<br />

were white like the white mutant. From all the chlamydospores examined 83<br />

white or nearly white segregates were isolated. An attempt was made to produce<br />

an albino race of the maize smut, 417 matings from 39 of the whitest lines being<br />

inoculated into maize. Large galls developed in which dicaryophytic mycehum<br />

was found, but no chlamydospores were present. Even mass inoculations, using<br />

a number of the hnes together, failed to yield spores. It seems that in the white<br />

lines factors for the fuU development of the zygote are missing (Stakman et al.,<br />

1943).<br />

The close study of variation in U. maydis, conducted for a period of years, led<br />

to the view that the tendency to mutate was due to the presence of genetic<br />

factors, that there was sometimes a clear-cut segregation for mutability and<br />

constancy, and that by suitable breeding the tendency towards mutabiUty or<br />

constancy could be increased. For experimental proof a cross was used which<br />

showed definite and relatively simple segregation for five pairs of characters:<br />

compatibility (plus and minus), brown and white, mycelial and sporidial, rough<br />

and smooth, constant and variable. Twenty-five monosporidial lines were<br />

isolated in succession from each of the four primary sporidia on the promycelium.<br />

All those derived from numbers 1 and 2 were alike and aU those from 3 and 4<br />

were ahke, showing that segregation was complete before the primary sporidia<br />

were cut off. In the colonies derived from sporidia 1 and 2 no sectoring occurred,<br />

whereas 360 variants appeared in the cultures derived from sporidia 3 and 4.<br />

Breeding was carried a step farther by appropriate matings, constant X constant,<br />

and variable X variable, among F2 lines. One constant x constant cross yielded<br />

all constant progeny, in others segregation for variability occurred. All F5 segregates<br />

from a series of variable X variable crosses were variable. An F5 hue was<br />

back-crossed to an F4 variable line and the 34 segregates were all highly variable.<br />

It is evident that in U. maydis mutabihty and constancy are due to genetic<br />

factors. An indefinite number of biotypes can be obtained by isolating mutants<br />

from sectors in mutable hnes and by crossing. In this work at least 5,000 distinct<br />

biotypes were studied, but this did not cover all the segregates and mutants that<br />

appeared (Stakman et al., 1943).<br />

As in other fungi, the rate of mutation is affected by the culture medium. In<br />

early experiments with U. maydis no mutants were observed on sugar media,<br />

or on sugar media with magnesium sulphate or phosphates. Only one appeared<br />

on plain water agar, a few on peptone dextrose agar, and a number on sugar<br />

media plus nitrates (Stakman et al., 1929). Schmitt (1940) grew 20 monosporidial<br />

lines in duplicate on 6 media. The smallest number of sectors (68)<br />

developed on Difco maize meal agar and the largest number (107) on Carter's


medium, which is relatively rich in dextrose and contains also peptone and<br />

nitrates. Stock cultures were grown on modified Czapek agar because on it the<br />

mutation rate was low while growth was reasonably good. A relatively low<br />

temperature (under 18° C.) is desirable since it keeps sectoring at a minimum.<br />

Ultra-violet radiation, X-rays, and short exposures to temperatures near the<br />

thermal death-point failed to increase the rate of mutation (Schmitt, 1940).<br />

X-radiation also failed to affect the mutation rate in monosporidial lines of<br />

V. hordei (Rodenhiser & Maxwell, 1941). In a constant diploid fine mutation<br />

was induced by the addition of certain chemicals, such as Hthium chloride, to the<br />

medium (Stakman et al., 1943). A constant haploid line frequently mutated on<br />

a medium containing arsenic (Petty, 1942).<br />

Another species prone to mutation in culture is Sphacelotheca sorghi (Ficke &<br />

Johnston, 1930; Rodenhiser, 1934; Isenbeck, 1935). The fullest study of<br />

variants, illustrated by photographs, was made by Tyler (1938). On malt agar<br />

and plain sugar media plus nutrient salts the mutation rate was higher than on<br />

potato dextrose, plain sugar, or peptone agar. Fourteen lines remained culturally<br />

constant on potato dextrose agar for over a year.<br />

Sectors affecting colour, topography, type of margin, and direction and rate<br />

of growth were isolated from Ustilago sphaerogena, U. crameri, U. neglecta,<br />

Sphacelotheca destruens, and Sorosporium syntherismae by Martin & Kemkamp<br />

(1941). In some isolates potato dextrose, in others malt agar, favoured mutation.



MOST smuts make very satisfactory herbarium specimens, and material a<br />

hundred years old frequently yields as much information on macroscopic and<br />

microscopic examination as does a recent collection. It is, however, very necessary<br />

that collections for preservation should be made with care, and that attention<br />

should be paid to the conditions of storage.<br />

A specimen should be typical, adequate in amount, and, whenever possible,<br />

show both immature and mature sori. It should be accompanied by details of<br />

the locahty, date of coUeotion, and the name or names of the collector and the<br />

person making the identification. Particular care should be taken to ensure that<br />

the host plant is identified correctly, and it is a useful practice to include with the<br />

specimen material of the uninfected host when this would enable an identification<br />

to be subsequently confirmed or revised.<br />

Dried specimens of smuts are, in addition to the usual hazards, particularly<br />

liable to destruction by a pest of herbaria, Cartodera filiom. This small beetle<br />

feeds on the sori and deposits faeces consisting of columns of chlamydospores<br />

which, though Uttle changed in appearance, are usually dead (Vanderwalle,<br />

1932; Gordon, 1938). It is very important that material should be thoroughly<br />

dry and free from insects before being put into the collection or much valuable<br />

material may be spoilt. In some large herbaria it is a routine practice to fumigate<br />

all specimens with hydrocyanic acid gas before they are 'laid in'. For smaU<br />

collections, to sprinkle flake naphthalene in the folders is a worth-while precaution,<br />

and paradichlorbenzene keeps the herbarium beetle at bay. Both these<br />

chemicals must be often renewed as vaporization is rapid.<br />

When examining herbarium specimens, the gross structure and arrangement<br />

of the sori can be most easily determined by means of a low-power binocular<br />

microscope'and by making any necessary dissections with mounted needles. It<br />

is usually not necessary to soak the material in water or to treat it in any otherway.<br />

Spores for microscopical examination may be mounted in water, but a more<br />

satisfactory technique is to mount them in lactic acid or lactophenol. Addition<br />

of a stain is advantageous when examining sporidia but is usually not necessary<br />

for chlamydospores. If lactophenol is employed for mounting chlamydospores,<br />

supplementary mounts should be made in water, the lower refractive iadex of<br />

which sometimes makes it easier to observe the details of spore ornamentation.<br />

The reticulate chlamydospores of Tilletia decipiens, for example, appear to be<br />

25 per cent, larger in water than in lactophenol because the exospore is invisible<br />

in the latter medium.<br />

Very small differences in spore size are rarely of significance for delimiting<br />

species, and the measurement of large numbers of spores from one collection<br />

(which frequently means from one sorus or even from one preparation) is not<br />

advocated. The measurement of fewer spores from as many different collections<br />

as possible gives a much better idea of the spore size characteristic of a species.<br />

It is not possible in routine work to measure individual spores to an accuracy<br />

greater than the nearest 0-5 /x and no additional information is given by express-


ing the average spore size to several places of decimals. It was the practice when<br />

examining the large number of collections, on which the systematic part of this<br />

monograph is based, to measure ia each mount ten Ispores, the largest and the<br />

smallest seen in several fields and the remainder at random.<br />


To obtain a good yield of viable chlamydospores, they must be allowed to<br />

reach full maturity on the living plant. Premature dispersal from exposed<br />

sori can be prevented by covering them with parchment bags like those used<br />

for the exclusion of pollen. Chlamydospores in dusty sori are separated from<br />

plant tissue by passing through a series of sieves from 20 to 60 mesh, or in submerged<br />

sori by macerating infected organs in water and straining through cheese<br />

cloth (Fischer & Holton, 1943). A high-speed blender is useful for macerating<br />

leaves with embedded sori hke those of stripe smut (Andrus, 1941; Kreitlow,<br />

1945).<br />

Dry, sieved spores of exceptionally long-lived smuts can retain their viability<br />

for years in loosely stoppered jars under ordinary laboratory conditions, but a<br />

temperature of 5°-10° C. is preferable, and care should be taken to protect<br />

them from the depredations of the herbarium beetle mentioned above.<br />

Many species of smut will germinate when the spores are ripe for dispersal,<br />

others are improved by drying indoors for a few days, while some require an<br />

after-ripening period of weeks or even months (see p. 18). This period can be<br />

shortened by treatments appropriate to the species. Thus incubation on moist<br />

filter-paper at 35° C. reduced the period from 197 to 30 days in Ustilago striiformis<br />

(Kreitlow, 1945). Soaking spores in water before putting them to germinate<br />

was effective for the dwarf bunt of wheat (Holton, 1943), and for the stripe<br />

smut of wheat and forage grasses (Noble, 1923-; Fischer & Holton, 1943).<br />

Spores need oxygen for germination (Platz, 1928) and are often better floating<br />

than submerged, but carbon dioxide in concentrations up to 15 per cent, may<br />

have a stimulatory effect (Platz, Durrell, & Howe, 1927). Germination may also<br />

be stimulated by adding fragments of fresh plant tissue to the water or by<br />

employing a medium of expressed sap from wheat seedlings at a concentration<br />

of 1 in 10,000 (Noble, 1924; Griffiths, 1924; Platz, DurreU, & Howe, 1927).<br />

73enzaldehyde, sahcylaldehyde, acetone, ether, chloroform, nitrogenous salts,<br />

and organic acids have been used to stimulate germination (Noble, 1923, 1924;<br />

Davis, 1924; Hahne, 1925; Rabien, 1927; Enomoto, 1934; Stakman, Cassell,<br />

& Moore, 1934).<br />

The rate and mode of germination are affected by temperature (see p. 19)<br />

and media. A moderate temperature (20°-22° C.) suits many species, but for<br />

some, such as Tilletia caries, a lower temperature (18° C.) gives better results,<br />

while a higher temperature (25°-30° C.) is preferable for a sub-tropical species<br />

like Ustilago maydis. Germination may be delayed and atypical at temperatures<br />

which are lower than the optimum for a particular species. The most suitable<br />

temperature for the germination of chlamydospores is not necessarily ideal for<br />

the infection of the host.<br />

Growth wiU often start on distilled water but may not proceed farther than<br />

the germ-tube. Rich media usually encourage vigorous sporulation, which may

TECHNIQUE 41<br />

be undesirable. Weak agar media made with tap-water, dilute Knop solution<br />

or 1 per cent, malt are.employed when it is desired to isolate individual sporidia<br />

in series from single promycelia of Ustilago species.<br />

Sterihzation of chlamydospores can be effected by soaking them for 24 hours<br />

or longer in 1 per cent, copper sulphate solution (Stakman et al., 1929).<br />


Smuts will grow on many standard media used for fungi, but slight changes<br />

in composition alter the appearance of the colony. For tte comparison of<br />

several monosporidial lines cultures are made in dupUcate or triplicate on one<br />

batch of the medium, the same quantity of agar being poured into each dish.<br />

Potato glucose and potato sucrose agars have been widely used for the study of<br />

gametophytic characters (see p. 30).<br />

In descriptive work shades of colour are matched by standard plates such as<br />

Ridgway's. Photographs are useful to record features not easily described and<br />

cultures are usually in good condition for this after about 40 days. To avoid<br />

disturbing reflections liffthe circle of agar bodily from the dish and place it on<br />

a sheet of cardboard.<br />

To maintain stock cultures in an active condition they should be transferred<br />

every four weeks. Potato glucose agar (1 per cent.) and a modified form of<br />

Czapek agar have been used for U. maydis. The second medium has the merit<br />

of lowering the rate of mutation (see p. 37). Meat extract agar (1 per cent.) was<br />

used for stock cultures of the oat smuts by Sampson & Western (1938).<br />

Smuts attacking grasses have not yet been widely cultured. Fischer (1940)<br />

found that U. striiformis wiU tolerate a relatively high concentration and makes<br />

good growth on agar containing 8 per cent, dextrose, 4 per cent, malt extract,<br />

and 1 per cent, peptone.<br />

No infallible technique can be given for inducing the development of chlamydospores<br />

in artificial culture (see p. 25). Species of Entyloma form them readily<br />

in a few weeks on potato dextrose agar. Cultures may be started by fastening<br />

portions of fresh, infected leaves to the hds of .Petri dishes, allowing the sporidia<br />

to fall, as discharged, on the surface of clear filtered agar, and selecting those<br />

colonies that originate in the larger, allantoid, binucleate sporidia (see p. 22).<br />

Chlamydospore formation is long delayed in some species, occurring in Tilletia<br />

caries only after three months on oatmeal and Leonian agars (BuUer, 1933).<br />

Schmitt (1940) tried many media to induce the formation of chlamydospores in<br />

U. maydis without success.<br />


For genetical analysis it is necessary to isolate a series of single sporidia in a<br />

particular order from the promycelium of one chlamydospore. Dickinson (1926)<br />

described an apparatus designed to move a finely pointed glass needle over a<br />

small field in three planes, and to drag small cells, from 30 to 20 /n down to the<br />

Hmits of microscopic vision, to a chosen part of the field while under observation.<br />

Haima (1928) constructed a similar isolator from parts of apparatus commonly<br />

used in a laboratory and employed it for the preparation of monosporidial<br />

cultures of Ustilago maydis and Sphacelotheca reiliana. A single chlamydospore


is taken up on the tip of a dry needle (Hanna, 1924) and placed on a drop<br />

of sterile 1 per cent, malt agar in the centre of a cover slip, which is then<br />

inverted over a van Tieghem cell 25 mm. high. The bell, which can be cut from<br />

a block of paraffin wax, has an opening at one side to admit a glass needle prepared<br />

from tubing 3 mm. in diameter, the pointed tip of which is about 15 ja in<br />

diameter and bent at a right angle. When the spore has germiaated and the<br />

sporidia are full size (8 X 2 jit in U. maydis), the needle is moved up untU its point<br />

touches the Hquid film immediately below the sporidium to be isolated. By<br />

the turn of a screw the needle is lowered slightly, and by a movement of the<br />

mechanical stage the sporidium can be drawn in a cone of liquid away from the<br />

chlamydospore. After pausing a moment, the needle is lowered and the sporidium<br />

leaves the agar and remains on the point of the needle. It can then be<br />

placed on a fresh drop of agar on a new cover slip, temporarily put in the<br />

position of the first cover slip, and the same procedure is followed with the next<br />

. sporidium.<br />

Dickinson (1933) has described, with diagrams, this and other methods of<br />

monospore isolation, including the separation of h3rphal tips by microscissors<br />

prepared from razor blades, a technique which might be useful for the isolation<br />

of haplonts in those smuts which do not form sporidia readily on the promycelia<br />

or separate into haploid cells at low (L° or 2° C.) temperatures (Lange de la<br />

Camp, 1936; Thren, 1937).<br />


Fusion of sporidia. The oldest method adopted by Kniep (1919), and many<br />

others, is to pair monosporidial cultures on agar and to record the presence<br />

or absence of fusions. Cultures should be young and actively budding when<br />

tested. Tyler (1938) grew stock cultures of Sphacelotheca sorghi on potato dextrose<br />

agar and for the tests transferred sporidia to drops of sligEtly alkaline<br />

malt agar (3 per cent, malt, 2 per cent, agar) incubated at 27° C. Early stages<br />

of fusion can be detected under the microscope after 24 hours,; later a long<br />

straight hypha guides the eye to the point of fusion., Numbers of sporidia fail<br />

to fuse even in compatible lines, and experience is needed in interpreting results.<br />

Media should be low in nutrients (distilled water or 1 per cent, malt extract) and<br />

the temperature 20°-24° C. for sporidial fusion in U. maydis (Bowman, 1946).<br />

Bauch test. This was used successfully for U. violacea, U. maydis, and U.<br />

scorzonerae (Bauch 1927, 1932 a), S. sorghi (Tyler, 1938), and U. striiformis<br />

(Fischer, 1940 a), but Holton (1932) and Western (1936 b) found it unreHable<br />

for the two oat smuts. The test depends upon the fact that in certain species<br />

the cultures derived from compatible lines develop white aerial mycelium (the<br />

Suchfdden of Bauch) which contrasts sharply with the glabrous surface of monosporidial<br />

or paired incompatible cultures. Other cultural characters are sometimes<br />

useful. Haploid colonies of U. nuda belonging to different compatibility<br />

groups develop a Ught streak at the zone of contact on potato dextrose agar<br />

(Lange de la Camp, 1936).<br />

Formation of chlamydospores in the host. A drawback to this method is the<br />

length of time that must elapse before results can be expected, but by manipulating<br />

conditions of growth two or more generations of the host can be growii

TECHNIQUE 43<br />

in one season (see p. 46). Different metliods of inoculating the host are given<br />

below. Chlamydospore formation on maize is said to be the only reliable test<br />

for compatibility in U. maydis (Stakman et al., 1943) and most workers use it<br />

to confirm other tests which stop before reaching this point in the life-cycle.<br />

Colour changes in the host. These can be used in some species to shorten the<br />

experimental period since they denote compatibility before sporulation takes<br />

place. Plants of sorghum inoculated by the hypodermic method with compatible<br />

lines of S. sorghi develop chlorotic spots in four to six days (Rodenhiser, 1932;<br />

Tyler & Shumway, 1935; Tyler, 1938). The presence of anthocyanin in the<br />

epidermal cells of Golden Bantam sweet com is correlated with the presence of<br />

dicaryophytic mycelium of U. maydis and S. reiliana (Hanna, 1929; Christensen,<br />

1931).<br />


The following methods of bringing about infection, which have been worked<br />

out for the cereal smuts, can be adapted for other species when the natural seat<br />

of infection is known.<br />

Seedling infection, (a) Dusting dry grain with dry sieved chlamydospores. This<br />

method works well with bunt of wheat provided the spores are viable ^.nd the<br />

grain is germinated at a temperature of 5°-15° C. For maximum infection,<br />

100 gm. of seed are shaken with 0-5 gm. of bunt spores. K these are well distributed,<br />

about 36,000 to 150,000 spores will adhere to a single grain (Heald, 192L';<br />

Heald & Boyle, 1923). The depth of sowing should be about If in., the soil<br />

50 per cent, water saturated with a reaction of pH 5-5-7-5 (Rodenhiser & ^<br />

Taylor, 1940). Other useful details concerning the glasshouse culture of wheat,<br />

oats, and barley, where high smut infection is desired, are given by the American<br />

Phytopathological Society, 1944 (see also Faris, 1924 a; Feucht, 1932; Ling,<br />

1941). ^<br />

To get good results with oats, it is necessary to remove the pales before dusting<br />

the grain with spores; This can be done with a tapering, blunt-tipped scalpel.<br />

Each sample of shelled grain, coated with spores, is either sown in sand taving<br />

a moisture content of 20 per cent, saturation, or spaced out on moist filter-paper,<br />

covered with an additional sheet, and made into rolls. Both methods give<br />

100 per cent, infection with susceptible varieties if a temperature of 20°-<br />

22° C. is maintained during the first three days of germination. Subsequently<br />

the seedlings are transplanted to soil (Sampson, 1929; Sampson & Western,<br />

1938). In a similar technique with wheat bunt spores are allowed to germinate<br />

at 10° C. on rags used in seed-testiag seven to ten days before wheat, soaked in<br />

distilled water for 18 hours, is added. The rag-doll is kept for another ten to<br />

fourteen days at the same temperature, and the seedlings are transplanted to soil<br />

when the shoots are not more than 30 mm. long (Livingston & Kneen, 1944).<br />

The removal of pales from barley by hand (Tisdale, 1923) is laborious and<br />

may lower the percentage germination. Scarification between sandpaper<br />

(Aamodt & Johnston, 1935) and soaking in sulphuric acid cause injury (Briggs,<br />

1927 ; Johnston, 1934; Woodward & Tingey, 1941).<br />

The following wet methods of inoculation can be used with grain in the husk.<br />

(6) Spore-suspension method. A spore-suspension is made by shaking 1 gm.<br />

of spores in 1 litre of water. Seed is shaken in this for ^ minute and then allowed


to soak for 15 minutes. The suspension is decanted and the vials are inverted<br />

over clean blotting-paper to absorb aU free water. The samples of grain are then<br />

packed in a tightly covered tin box lined with moist blotting-paper and incubated<br />

for 24 hours at 20° C. They are transferred to envelopes which are left<br />

wide open for two to three days until the seed is dry, t^hen it should be sown<br />

in relatively dry soU at a temperature of about 15° C. (Leukel, 1936). This<br />

method, used effectively for Ustilago hordei (Tapke, 1935 b, 1937 b) and for U.<br />

avenae (nigra) (Tapke, 1937a), gave better results than the dry method, whether<br />

seedlings were kept for two to four weeks in a glasshouse or grown entirely in the<br />

field. The deeper-seated inoculum resulting from the spore-suspension method is<br />

probably more resistant to cold (Tapke, 1938, 1940).<br />

(c) Partial-vacuum method applied to grain in the husk. This method was used<br />

by Zade (1928), Haaring (1930), and Western (1937) for oats, and by Alhson<br />

(1937) and Tapke & Bever (1942) for barley. It is quicker and more effective<br />

than dusting the shelled grain of barley and is less likely to lead to contamination<br />

of physiologic races by air dispersal (Leukel, Stanton, & Stevens, 1938).<br />

One hundred grains of each variety are placed in test-tubes containing 10 ml.<br />

of a suspension of chlamydospores and evacuated in a desiccator attached to a<br />

motor vacuum pump for 20 minutes. The sample is allowed to dry for 12 hours,<br />

stored at 2° C. for 24 hours, and then sown. This technique can also be used for<br />

inoculations carried out with suspensions of appropriate sporidial lines (Allison,<br />

1937). It has been used successfully with spores and sporidia of U. bullata for<br />

the inoculation of species of Brcmius, Agropyron, Elymus, Hordeum, and other<br />

genera (Fischer, 1940 b) and for species of Urocystis on cereals and forage grasses<br />

(Fischer & Holton, 1943). The inoculated seed is sown while stiU wet in pots of<br />

soU in a glasshouse.<br />

(d) The infection of wheat by paired monosporidial lines of hunt. A fragment of<br />

mycelium from each of the two lines to be combined is placed near the edge of a<br />

Petri dish containing potato' dextrose agar. The dish is turned on edge so that<br />

sporidia, as they are discharged, may fall on the agar and start new colonies.<br />

The culture is then inverted over surface-sterilized wheat grains lying in the Hd<br />

of a dish lined with moist filter-paper and incubated at 10° C. for ten to fourteen<br />

days. The seedlings thus receive sporidia from the two lines during their growth<br />

and are subsequently transplanted to soil at about 15° C. and allowed to mature<br />

(Flor, 1932 a; BuUer, 1933; Hanna, 1934; Holton, 1938 b).<br />

Flower infection, (a) Use of finely pointed forceps. Spores after removal from<br />

the flower head are passed through a 40-mesh sieve. They may be held conveniently<br />

in a capsule secured to the thumb by means of a ring, thus leaving the<br />

thumb and fingers free to hold the inflorescence (Tapke, 1935 a). The glumes of<br />

wheat are forced apart when anthesis has begun and the spores are placed on the<br />

exposed ovary (Hanna, 1937). To open the closely interlocking pales of barley<br />

causes injury and Tapke (1935) found it better to pierce the centre of one of the<br />

pales with the forceps and to insert the spores on the stigma. This yielded plump<br />

seed which could be sterihzed in formalin solution (1 in 320) without injury. It<br />

is important to keep the temperature and humidity relatively high (over 30 per<br />

cent.) for some days after inoculation (Tapke, 1931).<br />

(&) Use of a dry spray. A small sprayer with finely pointed nozzle and a device<br />

for holding and pumping it with the same hand was used to inoculate wheat and

TECHNIQUE 45<br />

barley with loose smut at HaUe, Germany, and elsewhere (Tiemann, 1925;<br />

Seiffert, 1926; Piekenbrock, 1927 ; Grevel, 1930; Zeiner, 1932; Nahmmaoher,<br />

1932; Radelescu, 1935 b; Roemer, Fuchs, & Isenbeck, 1937). One drawback to<br />

its use is the danger of introducing between the pales excessive numbers of spores<br />

which lead to a high death-rate among plants grown from inoculated seed. To<br />

obviate this, the inoculum is diluted with 95-9 per cent, of dead spores, kiUed<br />

with ether or by exposure to dry heat at 150° C. for several hours (Thren, 1938).<br />

(c) Partial vacuum method applied to cereals in flower. A suspension of spores<br />

of Ustilago nuda is made by shaking two medium-sized smutted heads in 100 ml.<br />

of water in a conical flask. An apparatus was designed by Moore (1936) for<br />

bringing the suspension into direct contact with ears of growing wheat or barley.<br />

A partial vacuum is created by the aid of a large automobUe pump with an<br />

inverted plunger-leather, and air withdrawn from the florets is replaced by the<br />

suspension of spores. Oort (1939, 1940) found that, with slight modifications,<br />

four heads could be treated at one time. Vanderwalle (1945), using a rotary<br />

vacuum pump, inoculated 180 ears per hour and obtained up to 98 per cent, of<br />

smut in many lines of barley which showed only slight smut in ordinary culture.<br />

Atkins (1943) found that four heads gave ample seed for testing the resistance<br />

of a variety to loose smut.<br />

The optimum period for inoculation is at mid-anthesis and lasts for a few days<br />

only. The most efiective concentrations of spores in the suspension are 1 gm.<br />

for wheat smut and 0-1 gm. per litre for barley smut. The winter hardiness of<br />

plants raised from seed inoculated by this method is only 10 to 20 per cent,<br />

below normal. Heads of uniform maturity should be selected for inoculation,<br />

but even so results are sometimes inconsistent (Middleton & Chapman, 1941).<br />

{d) Use of a hypodermic needle. A suspension of chlamydospores in 1 per cent,<br />

glucose solution held in a rubber bulb of 10 ml. capacity is injected by means of<br />

a 1-in. 25-gauge hypodermic needle into each floret of a spike of barley a day or<br />

two after the exsertion of the inflorescence. Thirty to forty heads can be inoculated<br />

in one hour (Poehlman, 1945, 1947). See also Bever, 1947.<br />

Shoot infection. The hypodermic injection of maize and other cereals. Monosporidial<br />

lines of U. maydis are grown separately in a solution of 2 per cent,<br />

dextrose and 1 per cent, malt syrup and allowed to develop for two to three<br />

weeks before inoculations are made. They are then strained through cheesecloth<br />

to remove the largest clumps of sohdjuaterial. Cultures for test are mixed<br />

just before inoculation and the inoculum is injected into plants by means of a<br />

hypodermic syringe as near to the growing-point as possible. Controls are<br />

inoculated in the same manner with sterile nutrient solution (Tisdale & Johnston,<br />

1926; Stakman & Christensen, 1927 ; Stakman et al, 1929; Hanna, 1929; Platz,<br />

1929).<br />

Maize plants inoculated wben one week old produce gaUs in three to four<br />

weeks at a glasshouse temperature of 27°-32° C. and it is possible to grow ten<br />

generations of chlamydospores of U. maydis within a year (Schmitt, 1940).<br />

Artificial inoculation will cause infection in some lines of maize resistant to smut<br />

in the field (Grifliths, 1928; Griffiths & Humphrey, 1929; Platz, 1929).<br />

Higher infection results if the sporidia are suspended in a fluid having a<br />

low surface tension. Bavis (1935) obtained good results with a 1 per cent, fish<br />

oil-soap-carrot decoction having a surface tension of 34-0 dynes per sq. cm.


Wilkinson & Kent (1945) used 0-7 per cent, triethanolamine oleate to reduce the<br />

surface tension.<br />

The development of galls in artificially inoculated maize may be inhibited<br />

by certain bacteria antibiotic to smuts in culture (Johnson, 1931; Bamberg,<br />

1931). Modifications of the hypodermic injection method have been used for<br />

bunt of wheat, the loose smuts of wheat and barley, and loose kernel smut of<br />

sorghum (Fans & Reed, 1925; Milan, 1928 ;.Bodine & Durrell, 1930; Lange de la<br />

Camp, 1936, 1940). Suspensions of germinating chlamydospores, or mixed<br />

sporidia from appropriate cultures, form the inoculum which must be inserted<br />

near meristematic tissue. Chlamydospores of U. striiformis, injected as near as<br />

possible to the apex of shoots of Poa pratensis, gave good infection, and the<br />

method is likely to be useful in breeding for resistance to stripe smut (Leach,<br />

Lowther, & Ryan, 1946).<br />

The use of low temperatures and artificial illumination to extend the season for<br />

experimental work on smuts deserves further study, since the results are somewhat<br />

conflicting. Lengthening the period of light gave a marked increase in the<br />

percentage bunt in two varieties of spring wheat (Rodenhiser & Taylor, 1940) and<br />

caused a breakdown in the resistance of another variety to some races of bunt<br />

(Rodenhiser & Taylor, 1943). A small increase in the amount of smut on Dakold<br />

rye occurred under long day conditions (Ling, 1941), but artificial illumination<br />

failed to alter the degree of infection by smut on oats (Reed, 1938). Snell (1938)<br />

found that early varieties of summer wheat could be tested for bunt resistance<br />

in six weeks by maintaining a temperature ofl6°-17° C. during germination,<br />

and 20° C. during subsequent growth and constant (day and night) illumination.<br />

VemaUzed winter wheat may give a lower bunt infection than the control seed<br />

(NemUenko, 1935; Lasser, 1938). Marquis wheat artificially inoculated with<br />

loose smut gave the same incidence of disease when vernalized and not-vernalized<br />

(Hanna, 1936). Bever (1947) used vernalized seed and grew two experimental<br />

crops of wheat in one year in his work with loose smut.<br />


(a) To determine the smut spore load on cereal seed. Forty gm. of seed are<br />

placed in a 500-ml. Erlenmeyer flask to which 60 ml. of distilled water containing<br />

0-1 per cent, of a proprietary wetting agent are added. The flask is then<br />

shaken vigorously 30 times, taking care to overturn thoroughly the seeds in the<br />

flask. Ten ml. of the washings are immediately poured into a centrifuge tube,<br />

centrifuged for four minutes at 2,400 r.p.m., and the supernatant liquid is then<br />

siphoned off to within 0-3 ml. To this residue is added 0-2 ml. of a 4 per cent,<br />

gelatine solution maintained at 45° C, making a total of 0-5 ml. of spore suspensions.<br />

The spores are dispersed by stirring and a loopful is withdrawn quickly<br />

and placed on a special slide and immediately covered with a cover glass. If<br />

smut spores are numerous, count eight microscopic fields, if scarce, eight swaths,<br />

across the central square of the slide. In order to compute the spore load of the<br />

grain sample, the counts are compared with standards prepared from artificially<br />

smutted grain samples carrying a range of known spore loads (Cherewick, 1944;<br />

•BusseU, 1946).<br />

(6) Seed treatments. Historical reviews have been given by Woolman &<br />

Humphrey (1924), Sampson & Davies (1925), Koehler (1935), Dillon Weston

TECHNIQUE 47<br />

(1939), Holton & Heald (1941), and Buttress & Dennis (1947). Holton & Heald<br />

(1941) give references to over 200 different substances which have been tested<br />

for the control of bunt. They also review in some detail the laboratory method<br />

first introduced by Gassner (1923) for determining the chemotherapeutical<br />

index of fungicides.<br />

Seed treatment when infection comes from spores carried on the seed. Formaldehyde.<br />

Grain is sprinkled with a solution made by mixing one part of 40 per cent,<br />

formaldehyde (formalin) in 320 parts of water and covered for two to four hours<br />

before it is spread out to dry. From one to two gallons of the solution is required<br />

to moisten four imperial bushels of grain. Injury to germination sometimes<br />

follows, especially in wheat if the pericarp lying over the embryo is cracked<br />

(Hurd, 1921). Grain should be sown within a few days of treatment (Moore,<br />

1945; Dillon Weston & Taylor, 1948). This method is particularly useful for<br />

small lots of grain to be used in laboratory experiments requiring smut-free<br />

seed. If the seed is to be reinoculated, it is washed in running water for 30<br />

minutes before drying. • Dusts are now preferred for treating grain in bulk.<br />

Dusts. Copper carbonate applied usually at the rate of two ounces per bushel<br />

is effective for the control of wheat bunt provided the grain is not too heavily<br />

contaminated with spores. It is less effective than organo-mercury compounds<br />

for other seed-borne diseases of cereals, and has been superseded by proprietary<br />

products which are sold under trade names such as Uspulun, Semesan, TUlantin,<br />

Ceresan, Agrosan, &c. The ingredients of these dressings vary widely (Dillon<br />

Weston & Booer, 1935; Martin, 1940) and under a scheme initiated in 1943<br />

those tested and approved by the Ministry of Agriculture bear a special diamondshaped<br />

mark (Dillon Weston & Taylor, 1948).<br />

To treat small samples of any cereal with either copper carbonate or one of the<br />

organo-mercury dusts it is only necessary to shake the grain with some of the<br />

powder and to remove the excess by sieving, but for treatment on a larger scale<br />

special machines must be used. These vary from hand-rotated chums to more<br />

elaborate power-driven machines (Holton & Heald, 1941; Moore, 1945; Dillon<br />

Weston & Taylor, 1948). Organo-mercury dusts are poisonous and should not<br />

be inhaled or handled with wet hands. In the slurry method of treating seed<br />

flying dust is eliminated. The fungicide, in a wettable form, is applied to the<br />

seed in a heavy suspension which leaves only 0-5 to 1 -0 per cent, of moisture on<br />

the seed and this soon evaporates (Leukel, 1948). In Britain some growers make<br />

a practice of applying an organo-mercury dust to seed oats, wheat, and barley<br />

before dispatch. Treated grain can be stored for months in a dry, cool, and wellventUated<br />

place and the chemicals are said, to deter rodents. Injury does not<br />

follow unless the seed is damp when treated and excess adheres to the seed or if<br />

seed has been mechanically injured in thrashing. Seeds may be killed outright<br />

or grow with abnormally thickened and much-stunted shoots and roots (DiUon<br />

Weston & Brett, 1944; Moore, 1945; Hoppe, 1948). Organo-mercury dusts owe<br />

some of their popularity to the fact that they exert a fungicidal action against<br />

some other pathogenic fungi such as Helminthosporium avenae and tend to<br />

promote good estabhshment in the field (Sampson & Davies, 1925, 1926;<br />

Muskett & Cairns, 1932; Moore, 1945). They have been recommended for the<br />

control of Ustilago bullata in forage grasses which are liable to suffer injury from<br />

formaldehyde (Moorwood, 1935; Fischer, 1942).


8eed treatment when there is mycelium in the embryo. Hot water. Wheat grain<br />

is soaked in cold water for four hours, drained for a few minutes, and submerged<br />

in warm water (52°-54° C.) for ten minutes^ It is then quickly spread<br />

in a thin layer to dry. For barley, the grain, after soaking, is plunged in water<br />

at 49° C. for five minutes and'then steeped for ten, minutes in water at 51° C.<br />

If the temperature is allowed to rise above 55° C. the grain may be damaged<br />

(Moore, 1945). Automatic machines for this treatment have been designed and<br />

some authors prefer a longer soaking (say, six hours) at a lower temperature<br />

(43° C.) (Jones, 1939). The injury to germination and growth which may foUow<br />

even careful treatment depends largely on the condition of the pericarp and this<br />

varies in each lot of seed (Tapke, 1924).<br />

Modifications of this method which make direct use of solar energy have been<br />

devised in India. No thermometer is necessary. Grain is soaked in water from<br />

8 a.m. to 12 noon and exposed in a thin layer to the sun from noon to 4 p.m. The<br />

best months for treatment in the Punjab plains, where the method has been<br />

widely used, are Mayand June, when the temperature in sunshine reaches 131°F.<br />

The treated grain can be stored without deterioration and complete control of<br />

smut was obtained when untreated samples gave 5-12 per cent, of smut<br />

(Luthra & Sattar, 1934; Luthra, 1941).<br />

The hot-water treatment is applicable to other smut diseases transmitted by<br />

infected seed or other organs of the plant. Bulbs of the grape hyacinth carrying<br />

mycelium of V. vaillantii held for one hour in water at 110° F. yielded smut-free<br />

flowers in the following year (A. Smith in litt., 1947).<br />

Seed treatment when infection comes from the soil. In Britain the only soUbotne<br />

smut disease for which control is practised is onion smut. The soU remains<br />

contaminated for some years, and in view of the serious nature of the disease the<br />

wisest plan is to avoid planting onions or related crops in ground infested by<br />

Urocystis cepulae. Where this is not practicable the best method is to apply<br />

formaHn to the soil. After sowing the seed and before covering it with soil,<br />

formalin (40 per cent.) solution (one pint in 16 gals, of water) is trickled into the<br />

drill. This quantity wiU suf&ce for 800 yds. of drill. If the soil is unduly wet,<br />

a stronger solution (up to two pints) can be used with safety (Minist. Agric. &<br />

Fish. Advisory Leaflet 261).<br />

This method gives only partial control but it is more effective than organomercury<br />

dusts (Gibbs, Bayliss, & Blackmore, 1941). Experiments have been<br />

made also with organic sulphur dusts such as thiosan, arasan, and tersan. The<br />

results are conflicting, but on the whole these substances are less effective than<br />

the standard formahn drip method (Miller & McWhorter, 1945; Nelson, 1946).<br />

Attempts have been made to combine the fungicide with an excipient such as<br />

feldspar, which is used in conjunction with methyl ceUulose solution to coat the<br />

seed. Pelleted seed, which is larger and more uniform in shape, can be sown with<br />

greater precision and thinning is less laborious, but no method yet devised gives<br />

complete control of smut (Gorenz & Walker, 1947; Linn & NewhaU, 1948).<br />


Flemming's weaker solution (Harper, 1899; Paravicini 1917; Bhzzard<br />

1926; Seyfert, 1927; Kniep, 1921; Hanna, 1929; C. S. Wang, 1943) Bouin's,

TECHNIQUE 49<br />

Allen's, modification of Bouin's (Seyfert, 1927; Evans, 1933, 1937), and<br />

Nawaschin's (D. T. Wang, 1934; Western, 1936 b) fixatives have been used for<br />

smuts. A method for demonstrating nuclei in the promycelium first used by<br />

Kniep (1921) has been adopted with only slight modifications. The following<br />

details are taken from Hanna (1929). A thin film of 1 per cent, malt agar is<br />

spread over a sHde and spores are dusted on the surface with a camel's-hair brush.<br />

The slides are inverted over glass rods in a Petri dish containing a few drops of<br />

distilled water. At the desired stage of germination the material is fixed in<br />

Flemming's weaker fluid (15 minutes). The fixative is removed by adding a few<br />

drops of distilled water and sucking up the excess liquid with filter-paper. To<br />

avoid washing off the spores during staining the sHdes are passed through a bath<br />

of ether and then into a 0-2 per cent, solution of collodion made up with equal<br />

parts of alcohol and ether. Others (Harper, 1899) have germiaated the spores in<br />

beerwort in a watch glass, and used egg albumen to fix them to the shde. The<br />

liquid, which should be turbid with germinating spores, is taken up in a fine<br />

capillary tube and discharged into a larger droplet of the fixative. The spores<br />

settle on the film of egg albumen, and the hquid is allowed to evaporate, but not<br />

to dry out completely, before the shde is passed on to the alcohols. The fixative<br />

is not washed out.<br />

For a study of the cytoplasm D. T. Wang (1934) found the best fixative was<br />

le Regaud, consisting of 3 per cent, potassium bichromate (four parts) and 40 per<br />

cent, commercial formalin (one part).<br />

STAINS<br />

Harper (1899) used the triple stain^ for nuclei in the promycehum, but<br />

found a 1 per cent, solution of methyl green better for staining nuclei in spores<br />

already in possession of a thick wall. Most workers since Harper have used<br />

Heidenhain's haematoxylon. No recognized technique exists for treating the<br />

nuclei of smuts with a quick-acting fixative followed immediately by acetocarmine<br />

or similar dye, as in the method used for pollen and macerated tissue. In<br />

preliminary tests at Aberystwyth dividing nuclei in the promycelia of U. hordei<br />

were stained red by lacmoid,^ and this type of reagent deserves further trial for<br />

the nuclei of smuts.<br />

Metachromatic granules in the vacuome have been demonstrated by means of'<br />

neutral red, cresyl blue, and Delafield's haematoxylon. AniUne fuchsin, with a<br />

counter-stain of light green, stained the chondriosomes bright red in material<br />

fixed in Meves reagent (Yen, 1937).<br />

For detailed observations on parasitic mycelium sections of plant tissue<br />

should be 3-5 /x. Triple and Heidenhain's were used by Blizzard (1926), safranin<br />

and fast green by Evans (1933) for Urocystis cepulae, thionin and orange G for<br />

Ustilago may Ms by Walters (1934).<br />

The general distribution of mycelium in the host can be demonstrated in hand<br />

sections of material fixed in 70 per cent, alcohol and stained by lactophenol<br />

cotton blue or in microtome sections, 10-12 /^t, by aniline gentian violet wjth a<br />

counter-stain of Bismarck brown. Take the slides from 70 per cent, alcohol and<br />

^ For stains and fixatives see Plant Microtechnique, Johansen. McGraw-Hill, 1940.<br />

^ See The Handling o/ Chromosomes, C. D. Darlington & L. F. La Cour. Allen and Unwin,<br />

1942. 165 pp.<br />



flood with a saturated solution of Bismarck brown in 70 per cent, alcohol. After<br />

seven minutes wash with 70 per cent, alcohol until only a faint brown colour<br />

remains. Flood with aniline gentian violet and leave fpr ten minutes. This stain<br />

should be freshly prepared, and for this reason the Isoloid' stains supplied by<br />

Messrs. Burroughs & Welcome Co. are useful. Drain off the violet stain and<br />

leave the slide in Gram's iodine solution for five to ten minutes. Remove surplus<br />

stain with absolute alcohol and wash in clove oil until violet is left only in the<br />

nuclei of the host and in myceHum. Wash in xylol and mount in Canada balsam.<br />

Mycelium stained deeply by this method shows up well in microphotographs.<br />

The staining capacity of hyphae varies with their age and it is not possible to get<br />

the optimum staining of old and young mycelium in the same section. Woolman<br />

(1930) found the mycelium of bunt to be Gram negative at the point of entry,<br />

Gram positive in later phases of growth.<br />

A quick method for the detection of mycelium in embryos of barley and wheat.<br />

Embryos, previously separated from the endosperm, are treated for several<br />

hours in a solution of hydrochloric acid (one part concentrated acid to three<br />

parts of water) containing 5 per cent, potassium chlorate, and then transferred<br />

to alcoholic caustic potash (20 per cent.). This bleaches and softens the tissue.<br />

After rapid neutrahzation with acetic acid the embryos are stained with aniline<br />

blue and crushed under the cover sHp. The myceHum can be seen among the<br />

dissociated cells of the host (Larose & Vanderwalle, 1939). Simmonds (1946)<br />

gives full details for separating and microtoming (10 [i) large numbers of embryos<br />

in order to compute percentage infection in a sample of seed. From 50 per cent,<br />

alcohol the slides are placed in Harris's haematoxylon for half an hour, washed<br />

in 50 per cent, alcohol, taken down to water, and stained in 5 per cent, aqueous<br />

solution of Congo red for three hours.<br />

Bismarck brown can be used to impart a golden-brown colour to hyaline<br />

promycelia and sporidia destined to be photographed. AUow most of the water<br />

to evaporate before adding absolute alcohol as a fixative. After drying leave for<br />

20 minutes in the stain, drain off excess, and mount in 50 per cent, glycerine<br />

(McAlpine, 1910).<br />

The development of spines on the chlamydospores of U. maydis was studied<br />

by Hutchins & Lutman (1938). Sections of material fixed in Allen's modification<br />

of Bouin's fixative are transferred to water and then to a satui-ated solution of<br />

orseiUine BB solution (about 1 gm. of orseilline in 30 ml. of 3 per cent, acetic<br />

acid) for 24 hours. Alcohol (50 per cent.) is then run quickly over the shde to<br />

remove the excess stain and the sections are placed in a saturated solution<br />

(1 gm. of aniline blue in 100 ml. of 3 per cent, acetic acid) for 24 hours. The<br />

sections are dehydrated quickly by flushing with absolute alcohol, immersed in<br />

xylol, and mounted in balsam. The exospore of young spores is dark red, while<br />

the minute spines are a brilhant red in contrast to the blue gelatinous covering<br />

of the spore Anlagen. In older spores the spines are grey and finally brown.


THE morphological characters, on which descriptions of the Ustilaginales are<br />

based, are few and relatively simple. The size and ornamentation of the spores<br />

(chlamydospores) and the structure of the sorus are of paramount importance<br />

for differentiating species on morphological grounds, and from this standpoint<br />

smuts are among the most, convenient fungi with which to work. The usefulness<br />

of herbarium material, when carefully preserved, does not deteriorate, and so the<br />

identity of successive collections is easUy checked and the exchange of material<br />

between different workers greatly faciUtated. Final proof that a species belongs<br />

to the Ustilaginales, and the determination of which of the two families (and<br />

frequently also the genus) in which a specimen should be classified depends,<br />

however, on the course of events at spore germination. The spores of herbarium<br />

specimens, after a longer or shorter time, lose their abUity to germinate and the<br />

spores of fresh material may germinate with difficulty, so that many species have<br />

been proposed, and often correctly proposed, by analogy. One object of giving,<br />

whenever possible, details of the behaviour at germination and the conditions<br />

under which this event occurs after the usual specific descriptions in the<br />

systematic treatment of the British smuts is to draw attention to the need for<br />

further studies on this phenomenon.<br />

What constitutes sufficient grounds for the differentiation of a species varies<br />

from one group of organisms to another. In general, two tendencies may be<br />

observed among students of fungi. Morphological or biological characters may<br />

be emphasized. Among smuts, as in other groups of parasitic fungi, the second<br />

attitude has been commonly adopted, and many species have been proposed<br />

from a consideration of differences in parasitic abUity towards a series of plants.<br />

Hence the identity of the host becomes of primary importance for the identification<br />

of the parasite, although not infrequently biometrical studies reveal small<br />

differences in spore-size of other characters between morphologically similar<br />

'species' from different host plants.<br />

Butler (1929) reviewed with pertinent illustrations the criteria for the definition<br />

of species among fungi, and Ciferri (1932) expressed his views on the same<br />

subject with special reference to the smuts. Both these authors agreed that, in<br />

general, the most useful course is to defiiie-species by morphological characters<br />

and to reserve physiological and biological characters for the definition of groupings<br />

of subspecific rank, and this has been adopted as a guiding principle for<br />

the present work. Our attitude to the taxonomy of the British smuts has been<br />

conservative. We have made as few alterations as possible in both groupings<br />

and names, and whenever there is any doubt or the evidence appears to be<br />

inadequate no change has been made. Certain of the changes advocated call for<br />

comment as they affect smuts of economic importance.<br />

Cunningham (1924) and Rodenhiser (1926) each proposed the consohdation<br />

of the loose smut of wheat {Ustilago tritici) and the loose smut of barley {U.<br />

nvda) as a single species, and more recently this view has been supported by<br />

Fischer (1943). These two smuts are morphologically aUke and only differ in<br />

their pathogenicity. They may be compared with the specialized races of black<br />

rust (Puccinia graminis) which attack wheat and oats, and they should, it is felt.<br />



be united as one species for which, under the International Rules of Nomenclature,<br />

the name U. nuda must be adopted. For similar reasons Fischer has<br />

been followed in uniting the covered smuts of oats (USkolhri) and barley (U.<br />

hordei) as one species, U. hordei, and the claim to specific rank of the race of<br />

U. avenae on tall oat grass (U. perennans) is not admitted. The logic of these<br />

changes may not appeal to plant pathologists—^neither may the degrading of the<br />

dahlia smut (Entyloma dahliae) as a form of-B. calendulae, the species into which<br />

all the forms attacking Compositae have been united—but it is the pathologists<br />

themselves who have provided the precedent by their skilful treatment of such<br />

a difficult species complex as Puccinia graminis.


MOST of the large number of specimens on which the following account of the<br />

smut fungi of the British Isles is based will be found in the herbaria of the Royal<br />

Botanic Gardens, Kew [Herb. Kew.], the British Museum (Natural History)<br />

[Herb. B.M.], and the Commonwealth Mycological Institute [Herb. I.M.I.].<br />

Other material examined is in the herbarium of the Ministry of Agriculture's<br />

Plant Pathology Laboratory, Harpenden [Herb. Path. Lab.], the Plowright and<br />

Grove sections of the herbarium of Birmingham University, and the comprehensive<br />

series of East Anglian smuts in the herbarium of Mr. E. A. Ellis.<br />

Whenever necessary and possible, sufficient specimens from Europe and other<br />

parts of the world were examined in order to establish the identity of the British<br />

material but, with one or two exceptions, the descriptions are based on collections<br />

made in these islands.<br />

The specific names have been carefully scrutinized. The full references to<br />

places of pubUcation are only given to establish the names adopted and for most<br />

species the synonymy is limited to names which have been used in this country.<br />

References to names for which the year only is given, and additional synonyms,<br />

may be found by consulting such standard works as those by Clinton (1904),<br />

Liro (1924, 1938), and Ciferri (1938).<br />

The time of occurrence is derived from the dates of collection of the specimens<br />

exaniined and for many species this period could probably be extended.<br />

The detailed distribution of most British smuts is uncertain. The twenty<br />

species here designated as 'widespread' occur in England and/or Wales, Scotland,<br />

and Ireland. Sampson (1940) compiled the published records for most species.<br />

The names of indigenous host plants are those recommended in the Check-List<br />

of British Vascular Plants (reprinted from J. Ecology, xxx, pp. 308-47, 1946).<br />

With the exception of Ustilago, the species have been arranged under the<br />

generic name in alphabetic order.<br />

USTILAGINAL^S Tulasne,<br />

Ann. Sci. nat., Bot., Ser. 3, vii, p. 73, 1847<br />

Mycelium inconspicuous, intra- then, usually, intercellular, systemic or localized<br />

at the point of infection. Sori conspicuous, generally forming exposed,<br />

powdery or agglutinated and usually dark-coloured spore masses at definite<br />

places on the host, especially in the flowers or inflorescence but frequently in the<br />

leaves and stems. Spores (chlamydospores) fight to dark in colour, smooth or<br />

variously ornamented, 4-35 /x diam., single, in twos, or in larger aggregates<br />

('balls') consisting of spores only or of spores and sterile cells. Sporidia<br />

(conidia) rarely formed on the surface of the host. Spore germination by a promycelium<br />

bearing lateral or terminal sporidia (basidiospores) which are frequently<br />

able to make saprophytic growth under natural conditions or in culture.<br />

Parasitic on plants, especiaUy the Gramineae and Cyperaceae.<br />

This Order has 33 genera arranged in two Families, the Ustilaginaceae and<br />

the TiUetiaceae. Two additional genera of palm-leaf parasites comprise the<br />

Graphiolaceae, a Famfly of somewhat uncertain relationship, which is frequently


included in the Ustilaginales. Representatives of 13 genera have been reported<br />

in the British Isles.<br />

Kerj to Families i<br />

a. Palm-Ieaf parasites . . . . . . • i • • Graphiolaceae<br />

a. Not palm-leaf parasites . . . . . . . ' . . . . b<br />

b. Promyceliiim transversely septate, sporidia lateral . . . Ustilaginaceae<br />

b. Promycelium non-septate, sporidia terminal . . • . . Tilletiaceae<br />

Key to Oenera<br />

of the Ustilaginaceae and Tilletiaceae reported in the British Isles<br />

Spores single . . . . . . . . . . . . b<br />

Spores in groups . . . . . . . . . . . . i<br />

b. Sori embedded in host tissue at maturity . . . . . . . c<br />

b. Sori not embedded in host tissue . . . . . . . . e<br />

Sori in swellings on roots, on Juncus . . . . . Entorrhiza p. 87<br />

(if on Eleocharis (Scirpus), see Ustilago marina, p. 75)<br />

Sori in leaves and stems . . . . . . . . . . d<br />

d. Spores dark in colour . . . . . . Melanotaenium p. 100<br />

d. Spores hyaline or light in colour . . . . . Entyloma p. 102<br />

Sori dusty at maturity . . . . . . . . . . . f<br />

Sori agglutinated at matiu-ity, on Cyperaceeie . . . . . Ointractia p. 78<br />

f. Sorus-covering a false membrane of fungus cells, on Polygonaceae<br />

Sphacelotheca p. 76<br />

f. Sorus-covering, if present, of host tissue . . . . . . . g<br />

Spores intermixed with sterile hyphal threads<br />

Spores not intermixed with sterile hyphal threads<br />

h. Spores large, usually 15-30 /i. diam. .<br />

h. Spores small to medium, usually 4^18 /i diam.<br />

Spores in twos, on Veronica . . . .<br />

Spores in balls . . . . . .<br />

j. Spore balls embedded in host tissue at maturity<br />

j. Spore balls not embedded in host tissue at maturity<br />

Spore balls having a cortex of sterilo cells, on aquatic plants<br />

Spore baUs without a cortex of sterile cells, on Primulaceae<br />

1. Spore balls having a cortex of sterile cells<br />

1. Spore balls without a cortex of sterile cells<br />

USTILAGINACEAE Schroeter,<br />

Krypt. Flor. Schles., iii (1), p. 266, 1887<br />

Tjrpe: Ustilago (Persoon) Roussel, 1806.<br />

Farysia p. 75<br />

. h<br />

Tilletia p. 81<br />

Ustilago p. 54<br />

Schroeteria p. 88<br />

j .<br />

. k<br />

1<br />

Doassansia p. 109<br />

Tuburcinia p. 90<br />

. Urocystia p. 92<br />

Thecaphora p. 80<br />

Spores usually exposed at maturity as a dusty or, less frequently, agglutinated<br />

spore mass. Spore germination by a septate promycelium bearing lateral<br />

sporidia or branches (see p. 20).<br />

USTILAGO (Persoon) Roussel,<br />

Flor. Calv., p. 47, 1806<br />

Type: Ustilago segetum Pers. on Gramineae, France..<br />

Synonym: Ustilagidium'SAtTherg, 1895.<br />

Sori in various parts of the host, especially the inflorescence. Spore mass<br />

powdery, usually dark in colour. Spores single, small to medium, usually<br />

4-18 fj. diam. Spore germination, see p. 20.<br />

Differs from Tilletia in the methods of spore formation (see p. 15) and germination.

FIG. 2. Spore geimination in Ustilago. a. U. bistortarum. x 3S0 (Brefeld, 1895); 6. U. grandis.<br />

X400 (Brefeld. 1883); c. U. tragopogonis-pratensis. x460 (Tulasne, 1854); d. U. kiiehneana.<br />

X350 (Brefeld, 1883); e. U.vaillantii. x 1,200 (Schroeter, 1877);/. U. Imgissima. (Bauch,<br />

1923); g. U. hypodytes (as V. spegazzini and its var. agrestis). X 800 (Fischer & Hirschhom,<br />

1945 b); h. U. striiformis. X 350 and x 735 (Osner, 1916); i. U. bullata. x 400 (Brefeld, 1883);<br />

j. U. scabiosae. (Harper, 1899).


* Spores smooth or granular^<br />

Ustilago longissima (Sow. ex Schlecht.) Meyen ^<br />

\Uredo longissima Sowerby, Engl. Fungi., tab. 139, 17,99]<br />

Caeoma longissimum Schlechtendal, Flor. berol., ii, p. 129, 1824.<br />

Ustilago longissima (Sow. ex Schlecht.) Meyen, Pflanzen-Pathdlogie, p. 124,1841.<br />

Sort in the leaves as raised, dark, longitudinal streaks up to 1 mm. diam. and a<br />

few mm. to the length of the leaf long; the epidermal sorus covering, usually the<br />

upper, rupturing at maturity. Spore muss powdery, brown, dispersing to leave<br />

empty furrows in the leaf. Spores globose to sub-globose or more irregular, pale<br />

yellow-brown, apparently smooth, but under an oil immersion objective rough<br />

or granular, 4-6 ju, diam.<br />

On Glyceria maxima, and 0. fluitans.<br />

April-Oct. Widespread. Common.<br />

Exsiccati: on 0. maxima, Cooke, Fungi Brit. Exsicc., i, 55 B; ii, 71; Vize, Fungi<br />

Brit., 33; Vize, Micro. Fungi Brit., 568; on O. fluitans, Cooke, ibid., i, 55 A.<br />

Spore germination. The characteristic method of germination was described and<br />

figured by Fischer von Waldheim (1869), Brefeld (1883), and Plowright (1889),<br />

and recorded by several other workers (see Liro, 1924, p. 413). It is peculiar in<br />

that the promyceHum is very short (3-4 fx), scarcely projectiag from the spore,<br />

and cuts off apically a succession of sporidia. These grow rapidly in the nutrient<br />

solution, become septate, branch, and form more sporidia. Fusions occur and<br />

as the medium becomes exhausted sporidial production is replaced by mycelial<br />

growth. Paravicini (1917) observed the binucleate condition of mycelial cells<br />

following the fusion of sporidia. Hiittig (1931) claims that the longissima vaeihod<br />

of germination can be induced in Ustilago avewae by a low temperature (0° C.) and<br />

that U. longissima will form a four-celled promycelium (U. violacea type) at 35° C.<br />

Bauch (1923, 1930) and Kammerling (1929) studied incompatibility factors in<br />

U. longissima and in its variety macrospora. Four haploid nuclei are formed by<br />

the division of the nucleus in the chlamydospore, and two nuclei, -syhich usually<br />

differ in the factors that govern fusion, pass into the first sporidium. Consequently<br />

the uninucleate progeny of this sporidium will fuse inter se. Subsequent<br />

sporidia cut off from the promycelium carry only one haploid nucleus and their<br />

descendants will not fuse (see Fig. 2/). Fusion in U. longissima is governed by<br />

two pairs of allelomorphic genes. Normal fusion leading to the development of<br />

strong Suchfdden only occurs when the haplonts differ in both factors. If they<br />

have one factor in common a peculiar tangle of hyphae is formed and growth in<br />

culture is recognizably distinct (Bauch, 1930).<br />

Infection of host probably occurs through tiller buds (see Liro, 1924, p. 415).<br />

Ustilago hjTiodytes (Schlecht.) Fr. Stem Smut of Grasses<br />

Caeoma hypodytes Schlechtendal, Flor. berol., ii, p. 129, 1824.<br />

Ustilago hypodytes (Schlecht.) Fries, Systema, iii, p. 518, 1832.<br />

Sori in the stems, surrounding the internodes, when fully developed extending<br />

' The species of Ustilago have been grouped according to whether the spores are smooth<br />

or granular (see above), verrucose or echinulate (p. 60), or reticulate (p. 69), and they are<br />

arranged in increasing spore size within each group.


from one node to the next and frequently aflFecting several successive intemodes<br />

or the entire stem (Plate I, Fig. 5), no special covering membrane but at first<br />

protected by the leaf sheaths; occasionally in the spiltelets. Spore mass powdery,<br />

dark brown, weathering away to leave the culm bare. Spores spherical to ovoid,<br />

sometimes more irregular, not infrequently, especially in some collections with<br />

a rather inconspicuous transparent cap at each pole, yellow-brown, smooth,<br />

4-7 (av. 4-5-5-0 ;LI) diam.i<br />

On Agropyron acutum, A. caninum, A. juncewm, A. pungens, A. repens<br />

Ammophila arenaria, Bromus carinatus, B. erectus, Elymus arenarius, Festuca<br />

gigantea, Trisetum flavescens.<br />

June-Sept. Widespread. Common.<br />

Exsiccati: Cooke, Fungi Brit. Exsic, i, 56; ii, 433; Vize, Fungi Brit., 35. Sydow,<br />

Dstilagineen, 10; Vestergren, Micromycetes rar. select.^ 1595.<br />

Spore germination. Several workers refer to the difficulty of germinating spores<br />

of this species (Fischer von Waldheim, 1869; Plowright, 1889; Viennot-Bourgin,<br />

1937; Bond, 1940). Winter (1876) figured a septate promycelium with one sporidium<br />

or a. TeMiveiy long Bierigma^ while BreMd (1^83) and Boss (1927}foand<br />

that the spores produced only a richly branched mycelium. Fischer & Hirschhom<br />

(1945 b) have photographed the germination of stem smut from<br />

several American forage grasses (Fig. 2 g). The proniyceUa become septate and<br />

put out protuberances which usually develop into branches. Occasionally (see<br />

Fig. 2gr (lower fig.), from Agropyron spicatum) these branches end in a sporidium,<br />

thus confirming some of the older conflicting records. In cultures branches grow<br />

above the medium and form chains of aerial sporidla (Boss, 1927; Bomhovd,<br />

1936; Kolk, 1943; Fischer & Hu-schhorn, 1945 b). Bornhovd paired 20 monosporidial<br />

cultures ^d failed to observe hyphal fusion, though the presence of<br />

coarser hyphae (Siichfaden) in old cultures suggested that fusion had occurred.<br />

Fischer & Hirschhom (1945 b) record fusions between detached sporidia.<br />

Infection of the host. The inoculation experiments of Bomhovd (1936) and Bond<br />

(1940) were inconclusive. Fischer (1945) successfully infected mature plants of<br />

Elymus canade^isis; Agropyron trachycaulum, and A. cristatum. The plants were<br />

clipped back in August to about five in., sprayed with a suspension of spores, and<br />

kept moist for 48 hours. The smut did not sporulate until two or three years<br />

after inoculation. The failure of other methods of inoculation, namely, blossominfection<br />

and seed-contamination, showed that this ^mut is not seed-borne.<br />

The morphology and growth of the sterile leafy culms replacing normal<br />

inflorescences on infected plants of Bromus erectus £(,nd Elymus arenarius have<br />

been described by Feucht (1930) and Bond (1940). Infection is systemic and a<br />

perennial mycelium exists in the rhizome. In diseased plants the shoot follows<br />

a continuous development in contrast to the periodic growth of healthy rhizomes.<br />

Viennot-Bourgin (1937) has described the changes in anatomy induced<br />

in the host by this smut.<br />

^ This description was written before the publication of the paper by Fischer & Hirschhom<br />

(1945 b), in which V. hypodytes is considered to embrjice four species and one variety<br />

separable into two groups characterized by species whose spores possess or lack hyaline<br />

bipolar areas or appendages. After a re-examination of the JBritish material and a study of<br />

other collections from Europe and North America, it was decided to make no change at<br />

present in the taxonomy and nomenclature of this smut.


Ustilago hordei (Pers.) Lagerh. Covered Smut of Barley and Oats<br />

[Beticularia segetum BuUiard, 1791, P-p.]<br />

Uredo segetum subsp. hordei Persoon, Synopsis, p. 224, 1801.<br />

Uredo carbo de Candolle, 1815 [nov. nom. for U. segetum] p.p.<br />

Ustilago segetum (Pers.) Ditmar, 1817 [as ' U. segetum Link'] p.p.<br />

Ustilago carbo (DC.) Tulasne, 1847, p.p.<br />

Ustilago hordei (Pers.) Lagerheim, Mitt, badischen bat. Ver., p. 70 (March) 1889.'<br />

Ustilago avenae var. levis KeUerman & Swingle, 1890.<br />

Ustilago kolleri WiUe, 1893.<br />

Ustilago levis (Kellerm. & Swing.) Magnus, 1894.<br />

Sori in the spikelets replacing the ovaries and more or less of the tissues within<br />

the glumes. Spore mass firm, brown- or purpUsh-black, partly (or rarely completely)<br />

hidden by the glumes. Spores spherical to subspherical, pale yellow or<br />

greenish-brown, lighter in colour on one side than the other, smooth, 7-11<br />

(av. 8-5-9-0) fj, diam.<br />

On barley (Hordeum) and oats (Avena) causing Covered Smut.<br />

July-Sept. Widespread. Common.<br />

Spore germination has been studied by Fischer von Waldheim (1869), Kellerman<br />

& Swingle (1890), Brefeld (1895), Herzberg (1895), McAlpine (1910), Paravicini<br />

(1917), and others (see Liro, 1924). Stakman (1913), using a-race from barley,<br />

found that some spores germinated on water in 6^ hours and nearly all in<br />

24 hours. The growth of promycelia and sporidia follows the same plan as<br />

U. avenae (see p. 61).<br />

Infection of the host occurs during germination from spores lying on the surface of<br />

the grain or between the pales and the caryopsis. See p. 43.<br />

Racial specialization. Jacqzewski (1925) reported on the natural occurrence of<br />

U. hordei on rye in Siberia, and in the United States it occurs on Agropyron<br />

cristatum and Elymus glaucus jepsoni. Fischer (1939 a), using paired monosporidial<br />

cultures of covered smut from these hosts, produced infection on<br />

two varieties of barley and on the following grasses: Agropyron caninum, E.<br />

canadensis, E. glaucus jepsoni, E. sibiricus, Hordeum nodosum, and Sitanion<br />

jubatum. This race was physiologically distinct from covered smut of oats.<br />

Faris (1924 b) gives a table showing the infection of four differential varieties<br />

of barley by five physiologic races. Rodenhiser (1928), dealing mainly with<br />

cultural races, found that two differed also in pathogenicity. Aamodt & Johnston<br />

(1935) reported on two physiologic races at Alberta. Semeniuk (1940) in the<br />

same State detected four physiologic races in 1935-7 with an unexplained change<br />

in pathogenicity in 1938. Allison (1937) found that 27 out of 28 collections of<br />

covered smut could be differentiated on six varieties of barley, the type of<br />

infection varying with the race. Tapke (1937 b) distinguished eight races (including<br />

those of Faris) on five varieties of spring barley. Odessa was susceptible to<br />

all races. Later, 13 races were differentiated on eight varieties (Tapke, 1945,<br />

Table 1). New races were obtained by screening certain collections. Apart<br />

from pathogenicity, races differed in the size of colour of the chlamydospores,<br />

relative smoothness of the walls, degree of compactness of the heads, and mode


of exsertion. The most promising variety for breeding for resistance was<br />

Pannier C. 1. 1330. A change in pathogenicity attributed to hybridization<br />

resulted from the inoculation of Odessa with a mixture of two races of smut<br />

(Tapke, 1944).<br />

UstUago vaillantii Tul.<br />

Ustilago vaillantii Tulasne, Ann. Sci. not., Bot., Ser. 3, vii, p. 90, 1847.<br />

Sori in the anthers and, less frequently, the ovaries. Spore mass powdery,<br />

brownish-black. Spores globose, irregularly globose, or somewhat elongated,<br />

pale greenish-yeUow, smooth or slightly granular, 6-12 X 6-9 /x.<br />

On Chionodoxal uciliae, Muscari botryoides, M. cyaneo-violaceum, Scilla bifolia,<br />

S. verna.<br />

April. Widespread.<br />

Spore germination. Figures of germination made by Schroeter (1877), Brefeld<br />

(1883), Schellenberg (1911), Massee (1914), and Davie & Wilson (1914) suggest a<br />

similarity between this species and U. longissima (see p. 56). According to<br />

Schroeter (1877) a long eUiptical cell (16-18x3-5^ yu) arises on a short stem<br />

(3-5 X 2 /i) from which it is soon released; subsequently it becomes septate and<br />

cuts off sporidia directly or on short sterigmata. Additional sporidia (sometimes<br />

12 X 3, usually 4-6 X 2 /n) may develop from the promycelium (Fig. 2 e). Spores<br />

retain their viability for at least three months after being dried (Massee, 1914).<br />

Paravicini (1917) confirmed this method of germination in material from Scilla<br />

bifolia, observed fusions between sporidia, and figured nuclei.<br />

Infection of the host. The fungus is systemic and passes from the parent to newly<br />

formed bulbs. It wUl also infect young Scilla seedlings (Massee, 1914).<br />

Racial specialization. Ciferri (1938) distinguishes the form on S. bifolia as<br />

U. scillae Cif.<br />

Ustilago grandis Fr. Reed Smut<br />

Ustilago grandis Fries, Systema, iii, p. 518, 1832.<br />

Erysibe typhoides Wallroth, 1833, fide de Toni in Sacc. Syll., 1888.<br />

Ustilago typhoides (Wallr.) Berkeley & Broome, 1850 [Notices of British Fungi,<br />

No. 480].<br />

Sori in the culms as raised, brown, longitudinal streaks, sometimes completely<br />

surrounding the culm and extending from one node to the next, at first covered<br />

by the epidermis (Plate I, Fig. 4). Spore mass powdery, brownish-black,<br />

weathering away to leave the culm bare. Spores globose or somewhat elongated,<br />

pale brown, smooth (or, under an oil immersion objective, granular) 10-12 X<br />

7-10 ;x.<br />

On Phragmites communis.<br />

July-Oct. Cambridgeshire [Herb. Kew]; Norfolk [Herb. I.M.I. 17263]<br />

Spore germination. Kiihn (1877) described germination, noting a tendency for<br />

the promycelia to separate from the spore before producing sporidia. Brefeld<br />

(1883), who found that spores would germinate in autumn and remain viable


until spring, described the promycelia as three- to several-celled, with numerous<br />

almost rod-like sporidia which became septate in nutrient solutions, budding o£f<br />

sporidia in the same manner as the promycelia (Fig. 2 b). Fusions (clampconnexions)<br />

occurred between promycelial cells. Bauch (1925), working with<br />

four different collections, found certain race peculiarities. In one sample sporidia<br />

fused readily, showing simple heterothallism, while sporidial cultures from other<br />

collections soon lost their capacity to unite. Whereas the promycelium was<br />

normally four-ceUed, spores were observed which had two bicellular promycelia.<br />

Ustilago omithogali (Schm. & Kunze) Magn.<br />

Uredo omithogali Schmidt & Kunze, Deutschl. Schwamme, p. 5, 1819.<br />

Ustilago omithogali (Schm. & Kunze) Magnus, Hedwigia, xiv, p. 19, 1875.<br />

Sori ia the leaves and pedicels forming raised, elongated blisters 1-0-10 mm. long,<br />

each at first covered by a layer of host tissue which later ruptures. Spore mass<br />

granular, purphsh-brown. Spores globose, subglobose, or ovoid, not infrequently<br />

somewhat angled as a result of mutual pressure, smooth, 12-19 (av. 15-0) /i •<br />

diam.<br />

On Gagea lutea.<br />

The only British collection [Herb. I.M.I. 32334] is that by W. G. Bramley,<br />

Tadcaster, Yorks., April, 1928 (see Mason, 1928).<br />

Spore germination. Cocconi (1889) germinated spores from Gagea arvensis in<br />

water and in a filtered extract of leaves from the host plants. Elliptical sporidia<br />

developed terminally and laterally on the septate promycelia. Fusions between<br />

cells of the promycelium and between sporidia were observed.<br />

** Spores verrucose or echinulate<br />

Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. Loose Smut of Oats<br />

[Reticularia segetum BuUiard, 1791, p.p.]<br />

Uredo segetum subsp. avenae Persoon, Synopsis, p. 224, 1801.<br />

Uredo carbo de Candolle, 1815 [nov. nom. for U. segetum], p.p.<br />

Uredo segetum e. decipiens Wallroth, 1815, fide Liro, 1924, p.p.<br />

Ustilago segetum (Pers.) Ditmar, 1817 [as ' U. segetum Link'], p.p.<br />

Erysibe vera holci-avenacei Wallroth, 1833, fide Ciferri, 1938.<br />

Ustilago carbo (DC.) Tulasne, 1847, p.p.<br />

Ustilago avenae Jensen, 1889 [nomen nudum].<br />

Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostrup, Overs. K. Danske Vid. Selsk. Forh. 1890, p. 13,<br />

1890.<br />

Ustilago perennans Rostrup, 1890, fide Fischer, 1943.<br />

Ustilago decipiens (Wallr.) Liro, 1924.<br />

Ustilago nigra Tapke, 1932, fide Fischer, 1943.<br />

Ustilago holci-avenacei (Wallr.) Ciferri, 1938.<br />

Sori in the spikelets replacing the ovaries and more or less the glumes (Plate I,<br />

Fig. 1); occasionally in the leaves. Spore mass firm then powdery, dark greenishbrown.<br />

Spores spherical to subspherical, pale greenish-brown and lighter in<br />

colour on one side than the other, minutely echinulate (echinulations especially


noticeable on the lighter side) or, occasionally, apparently smooth, 4-8 (av.<br />

6-0-6-5) /x diam.<br />

On oats {Avena), causing Loose Smut, and Arrhenatherum elatius.<br />

June-Sept. Widespread. Common.<br />

Exsiccati: Cooke, Fungi Brit. Exsicc, ii, 430.<br />

Spore germination was figured by Tulasne (1847), Kiihn (1858), Fischer von<br />

Waldheim (1869), Brefeld (1883), and others (see Lire, 1924). Herzberg (1895)<br />

and Stakman (1913) studied germination on different media and at varied<br />

temperatures. On water at 22° C. germination begins in ten hours or under with<br />

the emergence of one or two promycelia from a single spore. Fully grown<br />

promyceUa are one to three septate, and the sporidia, cut off from the apex and<br />

from the septa, are oval to elongate (2 X 4-7 X 7 /i). Fusions occur readUy between<br />

cells of the promycehum. or between abstricted sporidia. On nutrient media<br />

sporidial production is more abundant and more prolonged and the sporidia tend<br />

to be larger and subglobose (5x9 /x) (Stakman, 1913).<br />

Infection of the host takes place at germination from chlamydospores which<br />

have drifted between the pales at anthesis and produced resting myceUum on the<br />

inner surface of the pales and on the pericarp, or from spores lying on or within<br />

the pales which germinate only when the seed is sown. The relative significance<br />

of the two methods in nature is a matter of debate (Zade, 1922, 1924, 1939;<br />

Arland, 1924; Gage, 1927; Sampson, 1929; McKay, 1936).<br />

Bacial specialization in the oat smuts. It is convenient to consider together the<br />

two species, Ustilago avenae and the. oat race of U. hordei (U. kolleri), since most<br />

reports on physiologic speciaUzation cover both types of smut. Evidence of<br />

racial specialization was suppUed by Reed (1924,1925 a, 1927) who numbered and<br />

described eleven races of U. avenae and five of U. hordei (as U. kolleri) (Reed,<br />

1930). Some races originated in collections from countries outside the United<br />

States, notably U. avenae, race fi, and U. kolleri, race 4, from England and<br />

U. avenae, race 7, and U. kolleri, rslce 2, from Wales. These and some other races<br />

were described by Sampson (1925, 1928, 1929). The behaviour of six spore collections<br />

was studied over a ten-year period, three remained stable whUe others<br />

were changed by screening on selected oat varieties. Evidence was presented for<br />

the heterozygosity of certain collections (Sampson & Western, 1938). Leitzke<br />

(1937) inoculated an oat variety with a mixture of two races and obtained a<br />

distinct race, already known in nature, but presumably originating in his<br />

experiment by hybridization within the host.<br />

Further search revealed new races in the United States (Reed & Stanton,<br />

1932, 1936) and in 1940 Reed tabulated the source and behaviour of 29 races of<br />

U. avenae, differentiated on 17 oat varieties, and 14 races of U. hordei differentiated<br />

on ten varieties. Nine species of Avena were examined and in all species<br />

a variety was found susceptible to at least one race of smut. A. barbata was<br />

susceptible to all races and A. sativa, var. Canadian, to nearly all races of both<br />

species of smut. The results with aU races were remarkably constant over a<br />

number of years.<br />

Racial speciaUzation has not been completely surveyed in Britain but Radchffe<br />

(1940) analysed 120 field collections using a seedling reaction based on the

62<br />


progress of invading mycelium, as well as spore development in the mature<br />

plant. He detected seven races of V. avenae and five of U. hordei (as U. kolleri)^<br />

three of which were identical with races isolated fijom field samples 15 years<br />

earher (Sampson, 1925,1929). Two races, GlofU. hordei and L 11 of C/. avenae^<br />

showed identical pathogenicity to a wide range ofl hosts. Race L 16 of U.<br />

avenae was peculiar in producing the symptoms of covered smut upon many<br />

varieties. Oats belonging to the potato and sprig groups oiA. saliva (Marquand,<br />

1922) were susceptible to 11 races of smut, a fact which can be correlated with the<br />

well-known tendency for crops of these old varieties to be heavily smutted (Stapledon,<br />

1921). U. avenae is more common in Britain on oats than U. hordei, only<br />

23 among 120 collections belonged to the smooth-spored species (Radcliffe, 1940).<br />

In all the trials certain varieties stand out as resistant, notably Markton,<br />

Navarro, Victoria, and Black Mesdag, but none is immune from all races<br />

(Coffman et al., 1931; Radelescu, 1935 a; Murphy, Stanton, & CofFman, 1942).<br />

Black Mesdag can be infected by at least four races of U. hordei (Reed & Stanton,<br />

1936; Reed, 1940) and by one or more races of U. avenae (Roemer, Fuchs, &<br />

Isenbeck, 1937; Vaughan, 1938). Markton, at first regarded as immune (Stanton,<br />

Shepherd, & Gaines, 1924), may be slightly infected by some races of<br />

U. hordei (Smith & Bressman, 1931), but it is classed with Navarro and Victoria<br />

as a valuable parent in breeding work, (Stanton, 1933; Murphy, Stanton, &<br />

Coffman, 1942). Fulton, a resistant selection from the cross ]?ulghum XMarkton,<br />

is now known to be susceptible to a new race of U. avenae (Hansing,<br />

Heyne, & Melchers, 1945).<br />

That resistance to smut is usually dominant in oat crosses was shown by<br />

Humphreys & Coffman (1937) from a study of F^ and by others of Fg and Fg<br />

generations. Resistance is governed by one, two, or three pairs of factors<br />

according to the varieties crossed (Barney, 1924; Gaines, 1925; Rosenstiel,<br />

1929; Garber, Giddings, & Hoover, 1929; Schattenberg, 1934; Stanton, Reed,<br />

& Coffman, 1934; Austin & Robertson, 1936; Reed, 1925-40; Reed & Stanton,<br />

1925-37). Resistance to covered^smut is apparently recessive in the cross<br />

Danish Island x Monarch (Reed & Stanton, 1937). Inheritance to the two smuts<br />

is usually independent (Reed, 1931-5; Reed & Stanton, 1937-8), but crosses<br />

involving the resistant variety Black Mesdag show parallel results suggesting<br />

that the same factors, or closely Unked factors, are responsible for resistance to<br />

both smuts (Reed, 1934).<br />

Black Loose Smut of barley, U. avenae (U. nigra, see Fischer, 1943).<br />

This seedling-infecting smut, at first confused with U. nuda, has been known<br />

since 1914 (Johnson, 1914; Tisdale & Tapke, 1924; Tapke, 1932; Ruttle, 1934;<br />

Tapke, 1935 a; Moore & Allison, 1935 b; Leukel, 1936). It has a wide distribution<br />

in the United States (Moore & Allison, 1935 b) and in a recent survey 209 among<br />

500 collections of loose smut of barley belonged to this species (Tapke, 1943).<br />

It is easily distinguished from U. nuda by the abundance of sporidial growth on<br />

2 per cent, potato dextrose agar (Tapke, 1941).<br />

Fischer (1939 a) inoculated a number of grasses with paired monosporidial<br />

cultures of U. nigra and produced infection on Elymus canadensis, Hordeum<br />

Twdosum, and Sitanion jubatum. Tapke (1943 b) records Hordeum 'pusillum as a<br />

host of U. nigra, race 4.


Evidence of racial speciaKzation in this smut was given by Tapke (1936) and<br />

Josephson (1942). Tapke (1943 a) examined 168 collections and distinguished<br />

seven races. Race 4, which was most frequent, gave the same reactions on barleyvarieties<br />

as U. hordei, race 6. Races of U. hordei and U. avenae f. nigra readily<br />

hybridize and give rise to new forms (Bever, 1942, 1945).<br />

Ustilago nuda (Jens.) Rostr. Loose Smut of Wheat and Barley<br />

Vredo segetum subsp. tritici Persoon, 1801.<br />

Uredo carbo de CandoUe, 1815 [nov. nom. for U. segetum], p.p.<br />

Ustilago segetum (Pers.) Ditmar, 1817 [as ' U. segetum Link'], p.p.<br />

Ustilago carbo (DC.) Tulasne, 1847, p.p.<br />

Ustilago segetum var. hordei f. nuda Jensen, Om Kornsortenes Brand, p. 61,1888.<br />

Ustilago segetum var. nuda Jensen, J. Roy. agric. Soc, Ser. 2, xxiv, p. 406,1888.<br />

Ustilago nuda (Jens.) Rostrup. Tidsskr. Landakon., viii, p. 745, 1889.<br />

Ustilago tritici (Pers.) Rostrup, (March) 1890.<br />

Ustilago tritici (Pers.) Jensen in Kellerman & Swingle, ©©<br />

(June) 1890. ^^ ©<br />

Ustilago nuda (Jens.) Kellerman & Swingle, (June) 1890. y^Q 3 xjstilago nuda<br />

„ . . ,1 ., , , . , . ,T^, T -r-.. £M from wheat. Spores.<br />

8ori m the spikelets replacmg the ovaries (Plate I, lig. 2). x500.<br />

Spore mass firm, then powdery, dark greenish- or blackbrown,<br />

blowing away at maturity to leave the rachis bare. Spores spherical to<br />

subspherical or sometimes more irregular, pale yeUow-brown, lighter in colour on<br />

one side than the other, minutely echinulate, 5-9 (av. 6-5-7-0) fi diam. (Fig. 3).<br />

On wheat (Triticum) and barley (Hordium) causing Loose Smut.<br />

June-Aug. Widespread. Common.<br />

Exsiccati: Cooke, Fungi Brit. Exsicc., ii, 428.<br />

Spore germination. Brefeld (1888,1895), Kellerman & Swingle (1890), and others,<br />

(see Liro, 1924) described the non-sporidial type of germination characteristic<br />

of this smut. The chlamydospores are short-lived (see p. 18) and even fresh<br />

samples do not often give such high germination as U. avenae and U. hordei.<br />

According to Stakman (1913) spores from wheat begin to germinate on water in<br />

14-17 hours. A promycelium, usually only one, issues from the Hght-coloured<br />

area of the spore, branches after 24 hours, and forms either knee-joint fusions'<br />

between adjacent cells or connecting bridges between branches of the same<br />

promycelium or promycelia of near-by spores. Free promyceHa, detached<br />

segments, and sporidia are normally absent in this species, but on sugar solution<br />

the promycelium of the barley smut sometimes breaks up to form free segments<br />

(Stakman, 1913) and low temperatures also tend to promote fragmentation (see<br />

p. 42). After fusion the infection hyphae which grow out do not differ from<br />

other branches of the promycehum.<br />

Infection of the host. Experiments, substantiated by microscopic examination,<br />

established that the loose smut of wheat and barley gains entrance through the<br />

young ovary, passes to the growing-point of the embryo, and lies dormant until<br />

the seed germinates (Maddox, 1895,1897 ; Brefeld, 1903; Hecke, 1904; Freeman<br />

& Johnson, 1909). The progress of mycehum from the integuments to the


embryo sac and the invasion of all parts of the embryo except the roots and<br />

young leaf primordia was described by Lang (1909, 1917 b). Mycelium is viable<br />

in the seed for at least three years. Certain field conditions, such as deep sowing<br />

(4r-5 cm.), may deter the fungus from reaching the inflorescence (Tiemann, 1925).<br />

Resistant varieties of wheat may produce some viable seed on infected plants<br />

and there is evidence that such seed carries mycelium derived directly from that<br />

in the axis of the parent (Larose & Vanderwalle, 1939).<br />

Racial specialization. (1) On wheat. Evidence of physiologic specialization in<br />

the loose smut of wheat was presented by Tapke (1929), and by Hanna &<br />

Popp (1932). Hanna (1937) described four races from western Canada, two<br />

direct from the field and two obtained by screening other collections on selected<br />

wheat varieties, Grevel (1930), following other workers at Halle, found four<br />

distinct races among 48 collections from Germany and other countries.<br />

Radelescu (1935 a) recognized three of Grevel's races on summer wheat in<br />

Rumania. Oort (1940) found three races on wheat in Holland, aU distinct from<br />

the loose smut of barley. Many varieties of wheat were resistant both in the field<br />

and under efiicient methods of inoculation (see p. 45). Bever (1947) distinguished<br />

11 races among 52 collections from the eastern soft wheat region of<br />

the United States.<br />

Marquis, Garnet, Hope, Presto, and Hussar were among the highly resistant<br />

varieties in America. Resistance to loose smut is dominant in some wheat<br />

crosses, recessive in others (Tingey & Tollman, 1934; Rudorf & Rosenstiel, 1934).<br />

The resistance of the Fj is similar in reciprocal crosses, showing that infection of<br />

hybrids is determined by the nature of the embryo rather than the character of<br />

floral tissues in the female parent (Larose & Vanderwalle, 1937; Milan, 1939).<br />

In resistant varieties the fungus penetrates the base of the ovary but does not<br />

normally invade the embryo (Vanderwalle, 1942), Resistance is apparently not<br />

correlated with the degree of opening of the glumes at flowering or with sap<br />

acidity (Tapke, 1929).<br />

Some wheat varieties which are hypersensitive to certain races of loose smut<br />

are inhibited in growth, and their leaves may be curled and chlorotic in stripes.<br />

Death often occurs at the third leaf stage (Oort, 1944, 1947).<br />

A loose smut, capable of attacking both wheat and rye, has been reported<br />

from several States of the American Union. Partial destruction of the heads<br />

is more common in rye than in wheat (Humphrey & Tapke, 1925). A smut,<br />

indistinguishable from U. nuda, has been recorded on Agropyron sibiricum at<br />

Washington. The inflorescence was only partially destroyed and spore production<br />

sparse (Fischer, 1938).<br />

(2) On barley. Nahmmacher (1932) detected two physiologic races among 45<br />

collections. Vanderwalle (1932) described early and late forms of loose smut<br />

which differed also in the degree of infection, the former, under glasshouse conditions,<br />

producing sori on culms and leaves. Oort (1940) records that the races on<br />

winter and summer barley in Holland are distinct from each other and from<br />

loose smut on wheat.<br />

Many barley varieties, both German and foreign, were tested for resistance<br />

to loose smut at HaUe (see p. 44). Most of the foreign naked barleys of the<br />

inaequalis type were highly resistant, spring barleys of the nutans-c type and


winter inaequalis barleys were highly susceptible, while other types of barley<br />

included both resistant and susceptible varieties (Nahmmacher, 1932). No highly<br />

resistant varieties of winter or spring barley were found in HoUand (Oort, 1940).<br />

The inheritance of resistance has been studied both in Germany (Zeiner, 1932;<br />

Nahmmacher, 1932) and in the United States (Livingston, 1942). Eesistance<br />

appears to be dominant but not completely so in all crosses, and is sometimes<br />

controlled by a single factor. Interpretation of results is difficult, since no method<br />

of inoculation gives 100 per cent, infection in the susceptible varieties, and low<br />

results probably follow from death in the field of plants carrying smut. The<br />

infection of the embryo of Fj plants derived from reciprocal crosses between<br />

susceptible and resistant parents, indicates that hyphae can penetrate the floral<br />

tissues of plants bearing a dominant factor for resistance (Livingston, 1942).<br />

TJstilago bistortarum (DC.) Korn.<br />

Uredo bistortarum a pustulata<br />

' p marginalis de Candolle, Flor. franc, vi, p. 76, 1815.<br />

Caeorrut bistortarum (DC. [a]) Link, 1825.<br />

Caeoma marginak (DC. [jS]) Link, 1825.<br />

Ustilago marginalis (DC.) LeveiUe, 1848.<br />

Tilleiia bullata Fuckel, 1869 [nov. nom. for C bistortarum (DC.) Link].<br />

Ustilago bistorfurum (DC.) Kornicke, Hedwigia, xvi, p. 38, March, 1877.<br />

Ustilago pustulata (DC.) Winter, 1880.<br />

Sori in the leaves either as rounded pustules 2-5 mm. diam. scattered over the<br />

surface or as a continuous band round the margin, at first covered by the<br />

epidermal layers. Spore mass powdery, purplish-black. Spores globose, ellipsoidal,<br />

or angled, pale purple, densely, but minutely, verrucose, 10-16 /x diam.<br />

On Polygonum bistorta and P. viviparum.<br />

July-Aug. Scotland (see Trans. Brit, mycol. Soc, xxiv, p. 297, 1940).<br />

Spore germination. The four-celled promyeeHum is borne on an empty basal cell,<br />

and the sporidia, which are produced laterally at two only of the septa, fuse in<br />

pairs while still on the promycelium (Brefeld, 1895) (Fig. 2 a).<br />

Liro (1924), Ciferri (1938), and others (see sjmonymy above) regard the<br />

pustulate and marginal forms as distinct species.<br />

Ustilago bullata Berk. ^ -^ • Ear Smut of Brome Grass<br />

Ustilago carbo a vulgaris S bromivora Tulasne, 1847, fide G. W. Fischer, 1937.<br />

Ustilago bullata Berkeley in Hooker, Flora of New Zealand, ii, p. 196,1855.<br />

Ustilago bromivora (Tul.) Fischer von Waldheim, 1867.<br />

Cintractia patagonica Cooke & Massee, 1899.<br />

Ustilago patagonica (Cooke & Massee) Ciferri, 1928.<br />

Sori in the spikelets replacing the flower parts and sometimes destroying the<br />

bases of the glumes, each covered by a membrane of host tissue, 4-10 mm, long.<br />

Spore mass firm then powdery, black. Spores globose, yeUow-brown, generally<br />

minutely verrucose, sometimes granular or apparently smooth, 8-12 (mostly<br />

9-10) ju. diam.<br />

On Bromus maximus, B. mollis, B. madritensis, B. secalimis, and B. unioloides.<br />

May-Jime. England. Fairly Common.

66<br />


This species has usually been designated U. bromivora (Tul.) Fisch. v. Waldh.,<br />

but an examination of the type specimen of U. hullata Berk, on Triticum<br />

(Agropyron) scabrum from New Zealand confirms the aption of Fischer (1937) in<br />

reducing U. bromivora to a synonym of U. bullata.<br />

The type of Cintractia patagonica Cooke & Massee, a smut described on<br />

B. unioloides from Patagonia and subsequently reported in Lincolnshire on the<br />

same host grown from imported seed, was found to agree with U. bullata.<br />

Spore germination. Schroeter (1887) described the promycelium as cylindrical,<br />

spindle-shaped, readily falling away from the spore, becoming septate, and producing<br />

sporidia from the ends and sides. These, which were usually two-celled<br />

like the promycelia, gave rise to unicellular sporidia. Brefeld (1883) germinating<br />

spores from B. secalinus figured fusions between cells of the promyceUum and<br />

between the unicellular sporidia (Fig. 2 i). Plowright (1889) confirming these<br />

observations found that spores collected in June germinated freely in September<br />

and the general experience has been that spores of this species germinate easily.<br />

McAlpine (1911) also described and figured germination, following Brefeld in<br />

regarding it as a distinct type. Hiittig (1931) found, however, that the manner of<br />

growth varied with temperature. At 20° C. two-ceUed sporidia are cut off as<br />

described by previous workers but at 25° C. a four-celled promyceUum is formed<br />

with terminal and lateral sporidia (the so-called violacea type see p. 70). Subsequent<br />

development is characterized by the abundant production of sporidia by<br />

budding as in U. hordei and U. avenae and scanty mycelial growth (KoBs, 1943).<br />

Bauch (1925) working with six collections of U. bromivora [V. bullata] noted<br />

several variations of the method of germination. While some spores produced<br />

a normal four-ceUed promycelium others developed two promycelia each of<br />

which was two-ceUed, while others had one three-celled and one one-celled<br />

promycelium. The sporidia were always unicellular and fusion was governed<br />

by a single pair of factors. In certain collections neutral strains were discovered<br />

which could be distinguished from the normal so-called sexual strains by the<br />

special growth form of the colonies. Hirschhom (1941 b), working with collections<br />

of spores from species of Hordeum and Bromus, detected slight differences<br />

in the size and number of promycelial cells which might be diagnostic for<br />

physiologic races.<br />

Infection of the host arid racial specialization. Extensive inoculation experiments<br />

have shown that infection takes place at the seedling stage (Liro, 1924;<br />

Fischer, 1940 b).. Using 44 collections from 36 species of Agropyron, Bromus,<br />

Elymus, Festuca, Hordeum, and Sitanion, Fischer (1940 b) detected eight<br />

physiologic races by their reactions on 14 differential hosts. They include<br />

the races on Bromus secalinus and B. mollis which Liro (1924) raised to<br />

specific rank.<br />

Ustilago maydis (DC.) Corda Maize Smut<br />

[Lycoperdon zeae Beckmann, 1768.]<br />

Uredo segetum var. mays-zeae de CandoUe, 1805.<br />

Uredo maydis de CandoUe, Flor. franc, vi, p. 77, 1815.<br />

Uredo zeae Sehweinitz, 1822.<br />

Ustilago zeae Unger, 1836.


Ustilago maydis (DC.) Corda, Icones Fung., v, p. 3, 1842.<br />

Vstilago mays-zeae Magnus, 1895.<br />

Sori in the inflorescence and other aerial parts of the host as irregular sweUings less<br />

than 1 cm. to more than 10 cm. in length, at first limited by a white or cream membrane<br />

of host and fungus tissue. Spore mass powdery, very dark sepia. Spores<br />

globose or sub-globose to ellipsoidal, epispore bluntly echinulate, 8-12 fi diam.<br />

On Zea mays.<br />

Occasionally recorded in southern England.<br />

Exsiccati: Cooke, Fung. Brit. Exsicc., i, 433; ii, 431.<br />

Spore germination, which has been described by Brefeld (1895) and a number of<br />

other workers, takes place in nutrient solution at any time of the year. Terminal<br />

and lateral uninucleate sporidia are borne on a four-celled promycehum,<br />

singly or in simple or branched chains. Sporidial fusion occurs only under certain<br />

conditions (see p. 42).<br />

Infection of the host. Brefeld (1895) first demonstrated the localized infection of<br />

maize by U. maydis in contrast to the systemic infection of several other cereal<br />

smuts. The fungus can penetrate any part of the plant where the tissue is<br />

meristematic. Walter (1934) described the direct penetration of the epidermal<br />

wall and found that infection might arise either from the promycelium or from<br />

germinating sporidia. Chlamydospores and sporidia are distributed by wind<br />

and are very resistant to low temperature and to desiccation. The smut can ^<br />

multiply and live for some time as a saprophyte in soil (Piemeisel, 1917).<br />

Chlamydospores retained viabihty in pure sand for eight years (Kornfeld, 1937)<br />

and were not always destroyed by silage (Perlet, 1938). In the United States dry<br />

weather conditions are most conducive to infection (Immer & Christensen, 1928).<br />

Racial specialization. Ustilago maydis, a heterothalhc species, comprises an<br />

indefinite number of biotypes differing in pathogenicity and other characters<br />

(Christensen, 1931; Christensen et al., 1929; Hirschhorn & Hirschhom, 1939).<br />

Isolations from a single smut gall differed in their reactions on inbred fines of<br />

maize under artificial methods of inoculation (Eddins, 1929 a), but collections of<br />

smut spores from separate geographical areas were often aHke in pathogenicity<br />

when tested on selfed fines of maize under field conditions. Eesistance and suseeptibUity<br />

are governed by genetic factors. Flint varieties are more susceptible than<br />

dent varieties (Hayes et al., 1924), but rpsistailt selections can be found in most<br />

types of maize, and breeding for resistance offers the most promising method of<br />

control (Immer & Christensen, 1925; Immer, 1927; Immer & Christensen, 1931;<br />

Christensen & Johnson, 1935).<br />

Ustilago striiformis (Westend.) Niessl Stripe Smut of Grasses<br />

Ustilago salvei Berkeley & Broome, 1850.^<br />

' Berkeley & Broome (Notices of British Fungi, No. 482) described V. salvei on Dactylia<br />

glomerata collected by Rev. T. Salwey, St. Martin's, Guernsey. De Toni {Sacc. Syll., va,<br />

p. 485, 1888) listed U. salvei as a synonym of U. striiformis, and Liro (1922) used the name<br />

for a smut on D. glomerata which he considered to be distinct from V. striiformis. Examination<br />

of the Berkeley and Broome type in Herb. Kew. shows the host to be Holcus lanatus<br />

and the fungus to be V. striiformis. As the niles stand at present XJ. salvei Berk. & Br.<br />

appears to be the valid name for the fungus now widely known as V. striiformis, but we agree<br />

with Stevenson (Plant Dis. Beptr, xxx, p. 53,1946) in not advocating the adoption of the<br />

former name.


Uredo striaeformis Westendorp, Bull. Acad. roy. Bdg.j xviii, p. 406, 1852.<br />

Ustilago striaeformis (Westend.) Niessl, Hedtoigia, xv, p. 1, 1876.<br />

Tilletia de baryana Fischer von Waldheim, 1867, fide ^e Toni, 1888.<br />

Tilletia striaeformis (Westend.) Saccardo, 1877 [as 'T. striaeformis (Westend.)<br />

Niessl'].<br />

Sori in the leaves forming longitudinal raised streaks at first covered by the<br />

epidermis which ruptures to expose the spores, the leaves spHtting into ribbons<br />

(Plate I, Kg. 3); rarely in the stems and inflorescences. Spore mass powdery,<br />

dark brown. Spores spherical to ellipsoidal, yellow-brown, echinulate, 9-14<br />

(av. 10-5-11-5) /i diam. - v<br />

On Arrhenatherum elatiiis, Dactylis glomerata, Deschampsia caespitosa, Festuca<br />

ovina, F. rubra, Holcus lanatus, H. mollis, Lolium perenne, Phalaris arundinacea,<br />

Phleum pratense, and Poa pratensis.<br />

May-Sept. Widespread. • Common.<br />

Exsiccati: Cooke, Fungi. Brit. Exsicc, i, 57; Vize, Fungi Brit., 133; Vize, Micro.<br />

Fungi Brit., 222.<br />

Spore germination. Spores of this species do not always germinate readily (see<br />

p. 18). Clinton (1900) germinated the spores, but the first clear figures of germination<br />

were those of Osner (1916) who obtained the best results with spores<br />

from Agrostis sp. Many media were tried, but the character of the medium did<br />

not affect the number of spores germinating or the method of growth. The<br />

promycelia became septate as the protoplasm collected towards the tips.<br />

Irregular branching often occurred without fusions, but some spores were found<br />

with simple, septate promycelia having clarnp-connexions between the cells<br />

(Fig. 2 h). Davis (1924) obtained somewhat similar results with spores from<br />

timothy, bent, and cocksfoot, the promycelia branching in a manner resembling<br />

U. nuda. Typical sporidia were rarely produced, but under some conditions<br />

short, uninucleate fragments did separate from the promycehum. Kreitlow<br />

(1943 a) figured branched promycelia in a form collected on Agrostis. Fischer<br />

(1940 a) collected a new race (f, hordei) on Agropyron paucijiorum and Elymus<br />

glaucus which germinated without a rest period, developed two or three promycelia<br />

from each spore, and budded off eUiptical sporidia which fused on nutrient<br />

agar. They were compatible with appropriate sporidia of U. bullata. Branched<br />

promycelia developed from chlamydospores of the form from Poa pratensis and<br />

gave rise on agar, to two types of colony, one breaking up into fragments, the<br />

other mycelial. Some cultures of each type developed chlamydospores and these,<br />

though slightly abnormal in size and shape, germinated like those from the host<br />

(Leach, Lowther, & Ryan, 1946; Leach & Ryan, 1946). See also Thirumalachar<br />

& Dickson, 1947.<br />

Infection of the host occurs through the young coleoptile and tiller buds. Contaminated<br />

seed of Poa pratensis gave only a low percentage (0 to 3 per cent.) of<br />

infection but high figures were obtained by sowing seed in inoculated soil and<br />

by injecting chlamydospores into the stem near the growing point. The disease<br />

was slow to develop; in some plants 300 days elapsed before sori appeared.<br />

Experiments showed that inoculum can persist in the soil under greenhouse<br />

conditions for 256 days (Leach, Lowther, & Ryan, 1946). Liro (1924) using spore


material from AlopexMrus pratensis, Deschampsia caespitosa, and Dactylis<br />

glomerata infected the hosts named by sowing contaminated seed. Negative<br />

results were obtained with other grasses. Davis (1926) showed that stripe smut<br />

infects Phleum pratense at the seedling stage. The disease wiU persist for several<br />

years in perennial grasses, but infected plants tend to die under adverse conditions<br />

such as drought (Leach, Lowther, & Ryan, 1946).<br />

Bacial specialization. This species has been variously subdivided by Liro (1924),<br />

Ciferri (1938), Fischer (1940 a), and other workers an(i in this country it has been<br />

confused with the closely related but possibly distinct U. macrospora (q.v.). A<br />

stripe smut with larger spores (14-17 n) on Phalaris has been distinguished as<br />

U. echinata Schroet. but the one British collection (Sridge of Dun, Angus, coll.<br />

R. W. G. Dennis, 26.vii.43, Herb. Kew.) of stripe smut of this host examined does<br />

not differ morphologically from U. striiformis.<br />

Ustilago macrospora Desm.<br />

Ustilago macrospora Desmazieres, PI. Crypt, franc. No. 2127, 1850.<br />

Differs from TJ. striiformis (q.v.) in the spores \\rhich are spherical to ellipsoidal<br />

but frequently somewhat elongated or angular, yeUow-hrown, coarseJj<br />

echinulate or verrucose to papillate, at times somewhat reticulate or striate,<br />

11-18 (av. 13-5-14-5) [j. diam.<br />

On Agropyron repens, A. junceum, Bromus erectus, and Calamagrostis canescetis.<br />

May-Aug. England (Norfolk, Surrey), Guernsey, S(>otland.<br />

The first British record is by V. J. Chapman (Tratis. Norf. Nonvich Nat. Sac,<br />

xiii, p. 302, 1932) on A. junceum, Scolt Head, Norfolk [Herb. Kew.].<br />

Spore germination. Unknown.<br />

Racial specialization. It is doubtful if the stripe smut of Calamagrostis distinguished<br />

as U. calamagrostis (Fuckel) Clinton is a morphologically distinct species.<br />

The one British collection (Wheatfen Broad, Norfolk, coU. E. A. ElHs, 9.vu.44,<br />

Herb. I.M.I. 32329) on C. canescens does not differ from U. macrospora from<br />

other grasses in this country.<br />

*** Spores reticulate<br />

Ustilago vinosa Tul.<br />

Uredo vinosa Berkeley in litt. to Tulasne [nom. nud.].<br />

Ustilago vinosa Tulasne, Ann. Sci. nat., Bot., Ser. 3, vii, p. 96,1847.<br />

Sori involving the flower parts within the perianth, which is frequently inflated.<br />

Spore mass powdery, pinkish purple. Spores globose to sub-globose, tinted<br />

violet, delicately reticulate (reticulations 1-0 fi or slightly less in diam.), 6-10<br />

(mostly 7-8) n diam. [Type specimen in Herb. Kew.]<br />

On Oxyria digyna.<br />

July. England (Cumber!.), Scotland (Forfarshire). Uncommon.<br />

Spore germination. Sporidia develop from a four-celled promycelium, bud, and<br />

fuse readily in nutrient solution (Brefeld, 1883).<br />

Infection of the host. Unknown. Mycelium is said to be perennial in the root<br />

stock (Schellenberg, 1911).


Ustilago violacea (Pers.) Fuckel<br />

Uredo violacea Persoon \pisp. Meih. Fung., p. 57, 1797] ex Persoon, Synopsis,<br />

p. 225, 1801. '<br />

Farinaria stellariae Sowerby, 1803, fide Fries, 1832. ,<br />

Uredo antherarum de CandoUe, 1815 [nov. nom. for U\ violacea Pers.].<br />

Ustilago antherarum (DC.) Fries, 1832.<br />

Ustilago violacea (Pers.) Fuckel, Symb. mycol., p. 39, 1869 [as '(Pers.) Tul.'].<br />

8ori in the anthers (Plate II, Fig. 2). Spore mass powdery, pinkish purple. Spores<br />

spherical or sub-spherical to elUpsoidal, tinted pa-le violet or almost hyahne,<br />

delicately reticulate (reticulations about 1 fj. diain.) 5-12 (av. 7-8) /A diam.<br />

On Cerastium viscosum, Cucubalus baccifer, Dianthtts caryophyllus (cultivated<br />

carnation). Lychnis flos-cuculi, Melandrium album, M. dioicum, Silene acaulis,<br />

S. alsine, S. cucubalus, S. maritima, S. otites, Stellaria graminea, and S. holostea.<br />

May to October (and at other times on carnations under glass). Widespread.<br />

Common.<br />

Exsiccati: Cooke, Fungi. Brit. Exsicc, ii, 427; Vize, Fungi Brit., 34; Vize,<br />

Micro. Fungi Brit., 569.<br />

Spore germination. Spores of this species germinate easily when fresh and remain<br />

viable for some time. Tulasne (1847) described the septate promycelium<br />

which falls somewhat easily from the spore. Schroeter (1877) described the<br />

sporidia from the smut on Dianthus carthusianorum as elliptic, often flattened on<br />

one side, 4x2-3 /x. Fischer von Waldheim (1869), Brefeld (1883), and Schellenberg<br />

(1911) also figured germination and it has been accepted as a type which<br />

like U. avenae readily produces a four-celled promycelium with sporidia sprouting<br />

from each cell. PlowTight (1889) germinated spores of the form known as<br />

U. major on Silene otites and Liro (1924) described fusion between sporidia in<br />

the form on Silene vulgaris [S. cucubalus]. According to Harper (1899) who<br />

studied nuclear division in the sporidia, one nucleus may remain in the spore<br />

and a second or third promycelium develop after the first has fallen off. Fusions<br />

readily occur in cultures several days old between appropriate cells of the promycelium,<br />

between these and sporidia, or among the sporidia and their progeny.<br />

Paravieini (1917) also figured fusions of uniaucleate sporidia. The classic work<br />

of Kniep (1919, 1928) which established heterothalHsm in the Ustilaginales was<br />

conducted on this species (see p. 29).<br />

Infection of the host. The fungus can infect the plant through seedlings, underground<br />

shoots, and axOlary buds (Hecke, 1907,1926; Werth, 1913; Zfilig, 1921;<br />

Liro, 1924). It is apparently not carried by the seed as in loose smut of wheat,<br />

but if spores are sown on the ovaries of healthy flowers the fungus will invade the<br />

plant and a few months later the newly formed blossoms haye infected anthers.<br />

When female plants are attacked, the flower develops on a longer floral axis and<br />

has a cylindrical calyx more like that of the male. Stamens which would<br />

normally remain rudimentary develop and contain chlamydospores as on infected<br />

male plants (Werth, 1913, Fig. 1).<br />

Racial specialization. ZilHg (1921) recognized eight physiologic races of anther<br />

smut and showed that the fungus would not pass between two such closely<br />

related hosts as Melandrium album and M. dioicum. Liro (1924) tabulated the


results of many infection experiments and gave specific rank to eleven forms of<br />

anther smut on members of Caryophyllaceae (see also CSferri, 1938).<br />

The anther smut of Silene otites has been distinguished as U. major Schroet. on<br />

account of its larger spores, but as the spore size (8-10 /x) in the one British<br />

collection (Vize, Micro. Fungi Brit., 569) examined on this host fell within the<br />

range of variation shown by collections from other hosts of the same and different<br />

genera, this distinction is not made here.<br />

Ustilago scabiosae (Sow.) Winter<br />

Farinaria scabiosae Sowerby, Engl. Fungi, Tab. 396, Fig. 2, 1803.<br />

Ustilago scabiosae (Sow.) Winter, Hedwigia, xix, p. 159, 1880.<br />

Sori in the anthers. Spore mass powdery. Honey Colour (Ridgway), filling the<br />

florets and giving the flower heads a dusty appearance. Spores globose to subglobose,<br />

tinted pale yellow, wall about 2 [j, thick, epispore hyaline, reticulate<br />

(reticulations up to 1-0 jn diam.), 8-11 [i diam.<br />

On Knautia arvensis.<br />

July-Aug. Widespread. • Fairly Common.<br />

Exsiccati: Vize, Fungi Brit., 566 (as U. flosculorum var. succissae).<br />

Spore germination. Germination has been figured by Fischer von Waldheim<br />

(1869), Schroeter (1877), Brefeld (1883), Plowright (1889), and Harper (1899)<br />

(Fig. 2 j). According to Schroeter (1877) the triseptate promyceUa (16-20 X 5-6) fj.<br />

produced shortly ovate sporidia which tended to become round (about 6 /ii) later.<br />

PromyceUa often feU away from the spores. Budding in nutrient solution was<br />

described as particularly profuse by Brefeld (1883) and the sporidia were nearly<br />

spherical (4-5 X 4 /x). Harper (1899) described the passage of the chlamydospore<br />

nucleus into the promycelium and its division when the promycelium has attained<br />

one-third of its mature length. Paravicini (1917) figured the fusion of sporidia.<br />

Infection of the host. Experiments by Liro (1924) suggest that seedKngs and<br />

underground parts of mature plants can be invaded by this smut.<br />

Ustilago succisae Magn.<br />

Ustilago succisae P. Magnus, Hedwigia, xiv, p. 17, 1875.<br />

Sori in the anthers. Spore mass granular to powdery, white or cream. Spores<br />

globose to sub-globose, colourless, wall 2^7i thick, epispore hyaline, reticulate<br />

(reticulations up to 1-0 /x diam.), 11-14 fi diam.<br />

On Succisa pratensis.<br />

Aug.-Oct. Widespread. Common.<br />

Spore germination. Magnus (1875) observed germination in September and<br />

December. Sporidia were budded oif terminally and laterally from the fourcelled<br />

promyceUa at first singly and later in groups of three. Budding occurred<br />

before and after the sporidia became detached. Fusions were not observed.<br />

Ustilago flosculorum (DC.) Fr.<br />

Uredo flosculorum de CandoUe, Flor. franc, vi, p. 79, 1815.<br />

Ustilago flosculorum (DC.) Fries, Systema, iii, p. 518, 1832.<br />

Sori in the anthers. Spore mass powdery. Brown Vinaceous (Ridgway). Spores


glotose to sub-globose or ovoid, light brown tinged with violet, wall 2 [J, thick.<br />

Epispore hyaline or tinted, reticulate (reticulations l'5-2-0 IJ. diam.), 12-16 ft<br />

diam.<br />

On Knautia arvensis. ' ,<br />

July. England (Yorks.), Scotland (Fife): Uncommon.<br />

Spore germination. Unknown. Some of the records for U: scabiosae may refer to<br />

this species.<br />

Ustilago utriculosa (Nees) Tul.<br />

Caeoma utriculosa Nees, Syst. Pilze, i, p. 14, 1817.<br />

Ustilago utriculosa (Nees) Tulasne, Ann. Sci. nat., Bot., Ser. 3, vii, p. 102, 1847.<br />

Sori in the flowers inflating the ovaries and involving the filaments of the<br />

stamens, about 2-3 mm. long. Spore mass powdery,<br />

brownish violet. Spores globose to sub-globose, violet<br />

when fresh, brownish violet when dry, with prominent<br />

reticulations (2 to 3-4 /Lt wide, 1-5-2 y. deep),<br />

11-14/^ diam. (Fig. 4:b).<br />

On Polygonum lapathifolium and Polygonum sp.<br />

Aug .-Sept. Yorks.<br />

Exsiccati: Vize, Micro. Fungi, 132.<br />

This species is similar to U. anomala (q.v.).with<br />

FIG. 4. o. Ustilago anomala. '^^^^^ i* has been confused. It appears to be of less<br />

Spores from type collection, frequent Occurrence in Great Britain than 17. anomala.<br />

x500. 6. U. utriculosa.<br />

Spores. x500. Spore germination. The four-celled promycehum bears<br />

apical and lateral sporidia which produce secondary<br />

sporidia by budding or germ-tubes. No sporidial or hyphal fusions were observed<br />

by Brefeld (1895) or by Fischer & Hirschhorn (1945 a), but Liro (1924, p. 208)<br />

who germinated spores of this species and of U. anomala records the fusion of<br />

sporidia still attached to the promycelium. Infection of the host occurs at the<br />

seedling stage.<br />

Physiologic races. The net-spored smuts attacking species of Polygonum can be<br />

subdivided into physiologic races some of which diifer slightly in size of spore.<br />

Several races have been given specific rank (Liro, 1924; Ciferri, 1938).<br />

Ustilago anomala Kunze<br />

Ustilago anomala J. Kunze, Fungi select, exsicc, No. 23, 1875.<br />

Similar to U. utriculosa (q.v.) from which it differs in the globose, sub-globose,<br />

or ovoid spores having more delicate reticulations (up to 2 /x wide, about 1 ft<br />

deep) (Fig. 4 a).<br />

On Polygonum convolvulus, P. hydropiper, and P. persicaria.<br />

Aug.-Oct. Widespread. Fairly common.<br />

Spore germination has been described by Schroeter (1877) and Brefeld (1895).<br />

Germination occurs in the spring after overwintering when sporidia are produced<br />

on a four-celled promycelium. The sporidia after fusing in pairs become<br />

detached from the promycehum and then produce germ-tubes or, in nutrient<br />

splution, bud off secondary sporidia to give yeast-like colonies.


TTstilago tragopogonis-pratensis (Pers.) Roussel<br />

[Uredo tragopogi Persoon, 1797.]<br />

Uredo tragopogi pratensis Persoon, Synopsis, p. 225, 1801.<br />

Ustilago tragopogi pratensis Roussel, Flor. Calvados, p. 47, 1806.<br />

Uredo receptaculorum de CandoIIe, 1808, p.p.<br />

Uredo receptaculorum tragopogi de Candolle, 1815, fide de CandoUe, 1815.<br />

Ustilago receptaculorum (DC.) Fries, 1832.<br />

Ustilago tragopogi de Toni, 1888 [as '(Pers.) Schroet.'].<br />

Sori in the inflorescence destroying the florets. Spore mass powdery, dark<br />

purple. Spores globose or sub-globose to slightly elongated, pale violet, delicately<br />

reticulate (reticulations 1-2 /i diam.), 12-14 /A diam.<br />

On Tragopogon pratensis and T. porrifolius (salsify).<br />

May-June. Widespread.<br />

Exsiccati: Cooke, Fungi. Brit. Exsicc., i, 59; ii, 434; Vize, Fungi Brit., 134.<br />

Spore germination has been figured by Tulasne (1854) (Fig. 2 c), de Bary (1866),<br />

Fischer von Waldheim (1869), and Brefeld (1883). The sporidia arising from the<br />

four-ceUed promycelium are long, almost rod-shaped, 14-24 X 2-5-4-5 /i (Fischer<br />

von Waldheim), 18-22 x 2-5-3 /x (Liro, 1924). They usually bend so that the long<br />

axis is parallel with the promycelium and fuse readily either before or after<br />

detachment. Paravicini (1917) figured the fusion of eUiptical uninucleate<br />

sporidia. Tulasne (1854) germinated the nearly related small spored species on<br />

Scorzonera. The sporidia were very small and oblong and budded profusely.<br />

Fusions were not observed. Brefeld (1883) agreed with Tulasne but Paravicini<br />

(1917) claims to have found fusions in old cultures.<br />

Infection of the host. Liro (1924) showed experimentally that this smut is seedborne.<br />

He failed to get conclusive evidence on the exact mode of transmission<br />

but suggests that flower infection may occur as in loose smut of wheat.<br />

Ustilago kuebneana Wolff<br />

Ustilago kuhneana Wolff, Bot. Zeit., xxxu, p. 815, 1874.<br />

Sori in the inflated ovaries or anthers; itt-'the stems, especially the upper<br />

branches of the inflorescence, as spot-like or elongated blisters which burst to<br />

give spore-filled lesions; less frequently, in the leaves. Spore mass powdery,<br />

pinkish purple. Spores spherical, pale yellow or yellowish brown tinged with<br />

purple, reticulate, 12-20 (av. 13-16 or occasionally more) /x diam.<br />

On Eumex acetosa, B. acetosella, and B. crispus.<br />

June-Sept. England, Scotland. Fairly Common.<br />

Exsiccati: Cooke, Fungi Brit. Exsicc., ii, 436.<br />

Spore germination. Wolff (1874 b) germinated the spores on water and obtained<br />

a three or four-celled promycelium with lemon-shaped sporidia which were not<br />

seen to fuse. Brefeld (1883) figured the sporidia in whorls at each septum. In<br />

nutrient solution they budded profusely and fusions were observed.

FIG. 5. Spore germination in Farysia, Sphacelotheca, Cintractia, and Thecaphora.<br />

o. F. oUvacea. (Yen, 1938); 6. S. hydropiperis. X 300 (Brefeld, 1895); c. C. siibinclusa. x 300<br />

(Brefeld, 1895); d. O. carieis. X 150 (Brefeld, 1895); e. C. karii. x225 (PohjakalUo, 1935);<br />

/. T. deformans (as T. lathyri). x 150 (Brefeld, 1883); g. T. seminis-convolvuli (as T. hyalma).<br />

X520 (Woronin, 1882).


Species incertae sedis<br />

Ustilago maxina Dur. d. Maisonn.<br />

Ustilago marina Durieu de Maisonneuve in Tulasne, Ann. Sci. nat., Bot., Ser. 5,<br />

V, p. 134, 1886.<br />



Yen (1938) obtained germination in 12 hours in sterile water, carrot juice, and<br />

beerwort. Sporidia were normally budded off'directly from the spore. Sometimes<br />

a longer tube was formed which became detached, divided into two cells,<br />

and budded off sporidia (Fig. 4 a). The method of growth is said to be identical<br />

with that of U. longissima var. macrospora as described by Bauch (1923).<br />

SPHACELOTHEOA de Bary,<br />

Vergl Morph. Biol. Pilze, p. 187, 1884.<br />

Type: Sphacelotheca hydropiperis (Schum.) de Bary on Polygonum hydropiper.<br />

Synonym: Bndothlaspis Sorokin, 1890.<br />

Sori in the inflorescence, frequently confined to the ovaries, each Umited by a<br />

definite false membrane of colourless, sterile, fungus cells. (Spore mass powdery,<br />

dark in colour, surrounding a central columella (usually of host tissue). Spores<br />

single. Spore germination, see below.<br />

Sphacelotheca destraens (Schlecht.) Stev. & A. G. Johns. Millet Smut<br />

Caeoma destruens Schlechtendal, Flor. berol., ii, p. 130, 1830.<br />

Uredo segetum var. panici-miliacea Persoon, 1801.<br />

Ustilago panici-miliacea (Pers.) Winter, 1884'.<br />

Sphacelotheca panici-miliacea (Pers.) Bubak, 1912.<br />

Sphacelotheca destruens (Schlecht.) Stevenson & A. G. Johnson, Phytopathology,<br />

xxxiv, p. 613, 1944.<br />

Sori destroying the inflorescence, 7-5 cm. long, at first covered by a whitish<br />

membrane of fungus tissue which ruptures irregularly to expose the spore mass<br />

which is traversed longitudinally by numerous strands of host vascular tissue.<br />

Spore mass powdery, dark brown. Spores globose to sub-globose, light brown,<br />

apparently smooth but under oil immersion obscurely punctate, 7-11 ja diam.<br />

On Panicum miliaceum.<br />

Billing, Northants., Sept. 1944, E. F. Hurt (Herb. Path. Lab. No. 164).<br />

Spore germination. The spores germinate in autumn and in spring of the following<br />

year. Some were viable in collections eight years old. On water they formed<br />

a four-celled promyceHum with fusions between adjacent and distant cells. On<br />

nutrient solution sporidia (10-15 X 3-5 /a) were budded off from the promycelium,<br />

while in older cultures sporidia germinated and formed aerial mycelium and<br />

chains of aerial sporidia (Brefeld, 1883). Vasey (1918) obtained abundant<br />

sporidia from spores germinating in water. On nutrient agar at room temperature<br />

ovoid to elliptical sporidia were produced on a four-celled promycelium<br />

(Fischer & Hirschhom, 1945 a).<br />

Infection of the host takes place on germination of the seed before the seedlings<br />

are three in. high (Vasey, 1918). This is confirmed by the fact that the smut can<br />

be controlled by seed treatments (Yatz3niina, 1927).<br />

Sphacelotheca hydropiperis (Schum.) de Bary<br />

Uredo hydropiperis Schumacher, Enum. A. Saell., ii, p. 234, 1803.<br />

Ustilago candollei Tulasne, 1847, p.p.


Ustilago hydropiperis (Schum.) Schroeter, 1877.<br />

Sphacelotheca hydropiperis (Schum.) de Bary, Vergl. Morph. Biol. Pilze, p. 187,<br />

1884.<br />

Sori in the flowers, replacing the ovaries and projecting from the perianths,<br />

each covered by a greyish false memljrane of globose to ^~.<br />

polygonal, hyaline or slightly tinted cells, mostly 8-14 but /^ SiU)<br />

up to 24 ju, diam., which disintegrates from the apex to<br />

expose the spores. Spore mass powdery, purplish black,<br />

surrounding an unbranched central columella which re- pjQ. 7. Sphacelotheca<br />

mains after the spores have been dispersed. Spores globose, hydropiperis. Spores.<br />

purplish, apparently smooth but when examined under an<br />

oil immersion objective seen to be abundantly verrucose, 10-14 fi diam. (Fig. 7).<br />

On Polygonum hydropiper.<br />

Sept.-Oct. Widespread. Common.<br />

Exsiccati: Cooke, Fungi Brit, exsicc., i, 58 (as U. utriculosa), 59; ii, 72; Vize,<br />

Micro. Fungi, 134.<br />

Spore germination. Schroeter (1887) described, but did not figure, germination.<br />

The promycelium became four-celled and formed eUiptical sporidia, which fused<br />

in pairs at the base. Brefeld (1895) figured germination of the same type but<br />

without the fusion of sporidia (Fig. 5 6). Boss (1927) also failed to find fusions.<br />

Infection of the host. Liro (1924) sowed, in the autumn, seeds of several species of<br />

Polygonum together with spores of this species. They were left covered with a<br />

thin layer of soil in the open until the following year. P. hydropiperis gave the<br />

highest infection in all experiments but P. persicaria and several other species<br />

were readily infected. Some species of Polygonum were immune. (See Liro,<br />

1924, p. 141.)<br />

Sphacelotheca inflorescentiae (Trel.) Jaap<br />

Uredo bistortarum y ustilaginea de Candolle, 1816 fide Liro, 1921.<br />

Ustilago bistortarum (DC.) Korn. var. inflorescentiae Trelease in Harriman<br />

Alaska Exped., Crypt. Bot., v, p. 35, 1904.<br />

Ustilago inflorescentiae (Trel.) Maire, July-Aug., 1907.<br />

Sphacelotheca polygoni-vivipari Schellenberg, Oct., 1907 [nom. nov. for U.<br />

bistortarum var. inflorescentiae]. •<br />

Sphacelotheca inflorescentiae (Trel.) Jaap, Ann. mycol., Berl., v, p. 194, 1908.<br />

Ustilago ustilaginea (DC.) Liro, 1921.<br />

Sphacelotheca ustilaginea (DC.) Ciferri, 1938.<br />

Sori in the bulbils of the inflorescence. Spore mass granular, purpUsh black,<br />

surrounding a short columefla of host tissue. Spores globose to ellipsoidal, violet<br />

to brownish violet, distinctly but minutely and densely verrucose, 11-16 /x diam.<br />

On Polygonum viviparum.<br />

Scotland: Ben Lui (June, 1914) and Ben Ledi (June, 1921), Perthshire (Malcolm<br />

Wilson, Trans. Brit, mycol., Soc, ix, p. 143, 1924).<br />

Spore germination,. Schellenberg (1907) has described and figured the germination.<br />

The promycelium has three to five cross-walls, seldom more, on which


ovoid sporidia are borne at the apex and at the septa-. The basal cell of the<br />

promycelium becomes empty. Conjugation between sporidia was not observed<br />

but they were seen to bud off secondary sporidia. I<br />

Infection of the host probably takes place through the bulbils (ScheUenberg,<br />

1907). ''<br />

It is rather doubtful whether this smut, which shows affinities to S. hydropiperis<br />

and Ustilago bistortarum, should be treated as a distinct species. The<br />

spores of the Ben Lui material differ from those of S. hydropiperis in being<br />

clearly verrucose without resort to an oil immersion objective but the presence<br />

of a false membrane within the covering of host tissue could not be established.<br />

Fischer & Hirschhorn (1945 a) list U. bistortarum var. injiorescentiae as a<br />

synonym of S. hydropiperis. Through the kindness of Dr. L. Zundel, a fragment<br />

of the type specimen of U. bistortarum var. inflorescentiae [Herb. I.M.I. 19826]<br />

was obtained. It has clearly verrucose spores.<br />

CniTEACTiA Comu,<br />

Ann. Sci. nat., Bot., Ser. 6, xv, p. 279, 1883.<br />

Type: Cintractia axicola (Berk.) Cornu on Fimbristylis annua var. diphylla.<br />

North America.<br />

Synonym: Anthracoidea Brefeld, 1895.<br />

Sori in various parts of the host, especially the ovaries. Spore mass agglutinated,<br />

black, surrounding a central columella of host tissue. Spore development centripetal.<br />

Spores single, medium or large in size. Spore germination see p. 79. .<br />

Usually on Cyperaceae.<br />

Cintractia caricis (Pers.) Magn.<br />

Uredo caricis Persoon, Synopsis, p. 225, 1801.<br />

Farinaria carbonaria Sowerby, 1803.<br />

Uredo urceolorum de CandoUe, 1815 [nov. nom. for U. caricis Pers.].<br />

Caeoma urceolorum (DC.) Schlechtendal, 1824.<br />

Ustilago caricis (Pers.) Unger, 1836.<br />

Ustilago urceolorum (DC.) Tulasne, 1847.<br />

Anthracoidea carycis (Pers.) Brefeld, 1895.<br />

Cintractia caricis (Pers.) Magnus, Abh. bot. Ver. Brandenb., xxxvii, p. 78, 1896.<br />

Scyri in the spikelets replacing the ovaries, usually partly hidden by the glumes,<br />

globose or somewhat elongated, about 2-3 mm. diam.,<br />

each covered by a thin grey false membrane which soon<br />

disintegrates. Spore mass firmly agglutinated, sometimes<br />

becoming powdery, black, weathering away to<br />

expose a central columella of host tissue. Spores round,<br />

oval, or polygonal in surface view, navicular in side<br />

^"'•Spore^*'^>f500^"*''^' ^ew, sometimes attached to the remains of semigelatinized<br />

hyphae, dark brown, frequently almost<br />

opaque, smooth or granular to distinctly but very minutely verrucose, 14-24 /tt<br />

diam. (Fig. 8).


On Carex arenaria, G. bigelowii, C. capilUtris, C.fiacca, C. nigra, C.panicea, and<br />

C. pulicaris [Plowright (1889) also gives C. praecox [G. caryophyllea], G. stdlatula<br />

[G. echinata], G. dioica,, G. pseudocyperus, and C. hirta]; Ehynchospora<br />

alba; Scirpus caespitosus.<br />

June-Sept. Widespread.<br />

Exsiccati: (as Ustilago urceolorum) Cooke, Fungi Brit. Exsicc., i, 541 (on Scirpus<br />

caespitosus (see Sadler, Trans. Proc. Edinh. hot. Soc, xi, p. 469, 1873); Vize,<br />

Micro. Fungi Brit., 131 (on Garex flacca).<br />

Spore germination. Brefeld (1895) obtained germination in spring'from spores<br />

which had been lying in damp soil since the previous season. The relatively<br />

thick promycelium became empty and septate in the older part, branched above<br />

the surface of the water and cut off oval sporidia which fell off and germinated<br />

to form mycelium (Fig. 5 d).<br />

A number of different species of Gintractia have been distinguished on Garex<br />

(seeLiro, 1938) and the forms on Ehynchospora and Scirpus are sometimes<br />

designated G. montagnei (Tul.) Magn. and C. scirpi (Kiihn) Schellenb., respectively.<br />

Of the British collections examined, only those of G. subinclusa (see<br />

below), with its coarsely warted spores, could invariably be distinguished morphologically<br />

from G. caricis.<br />

Cintraetia subinclusa (Korn.) Magn.<br />

Ustilago subinclusa Kornicke, Hedwigia, xiii, p. 159, 1874.<br />

Anthracoidea subinclusa (Korn.) Brefeld, 1895.<br />

Gintractia subinclusa (Korn.) Magnus, Abh. bot. Ver. Brandenb., xxxvii, p. 79,<br />

1896.<br />

Sori in the spikelets replacing the ovaries, partly hidden by the glumes, globose,<br />

3-4 mm. diam., each at first covered by a thin grey false membrane. Spore mass<br />

agglutinated, black, surrounding a central columella of host tissue. Spores<br />

globose, ellipsoidal, or somewhat elongated, dark brown with hyahne to tinted<br />

coarse wart-like projections, 12-20 ju. diam.<br />

On Garex riparia. -'* *<br />

Warwicks., Bradnocks Marsh (June, 1920), Hampton-in-Arden (June, 1922),<br />

near Tanworth Grove (see J. Bot., Lond., Ix, p. 168, 1922); Norfolk.<br />

Exsiccati: Berkeley, Brit. Fungi, 114 (as Uredo urceolorum).<br />

Spore germination is, according to Brefeld (1895), very similar to that of G.<br />

caricis, but the sporidia tend to be produced singly or in twos at the tips of the<br />

promycehal branches rather than in twos or threes (Fig. 5 c) as in C. caricis.<br />

Pohjakallio (1935) described the germination in G. karii Liro from Garex<br />

brunnescens (Pers.) Pon. The promycelia were often dilated at the apex and the<br />

sporidia developed on short sterigmata (Fig. 5 e). Gintractia pratensis Sydow<br />

from Garex recurva Huds. was studied by Cocconi (1893). Sporidia were lateral<br />

on a simple promycelium and budded in the medium.


THECAPHOEA Fingerhuth,<br />

Linnaea, x, p. 230, 1836<br />

Type: Themphora hyalina Fingerli. [= T. seminis-convolvuli] on Convolvulus<br />

sepium, Europe.<br />

Synonym: PoiMlosporium Dietel, 1897.<br />

Sori frequently in the inflorescence. Spore mass powdery. Spore balls composed<br />

of few to numerous rather permanently united spores. Spores yellowish to<br />

reddish, adjacent sides flat and smooth, free surfaces rounded and variously<br />

ornamented. Spore germination, see below. '<br />

Thecapbora deformans Tul.<br />

Thecaphora deformans Durier & Montagne ex Tulasne, Ann. Sci. nat., Bot., Ser. 3,<br />

vii, p. 110, 1847.<br />

Thecaphora lathyri Kiihn, 1873, fide Clinton, 1904.<br />

Sori in the seeds. Spore mass granular, reddish brown. Spore halls globose to<br />

ellipsoidal, reddish brown, rather permanent, 20-60 p, diam., each composed of<br />

five to more than 20 spores. Spores globose or variously angled, contiguous<br />

surfaces flat and smooth, free surfaces rounded and coarsely verrucose, 10-18 [i<br />

diam. ^<br />

On Lathyrus pratensis.<br />

Scotland: Edinburgh, Sept., 1923, M. Drummond (WUson, Tran^. Brit, mycol.<br />

Soc, ix, p. 144, 1924, as T. lathyri); Drem, E. Lothian, Aug., 1929, Malcolm<br />

Wilson.<br />

Spore germination. Brefeld (1883) found the spores of this species, which he<br />

studied as T. lathyri, to be viable throughout the year. After three weeks septate<br />

promyceUa, emerging from the water, produced terminal cylindrical sporidia,<br />

15-25 X 3-5 fji, which gave rise in nutrient media to a richly branched mycelium<br />

bearing sporidia on small sporidiophores (Fig. 5/).<br />

CHnton (1904) concluded that there is'no reliable basis for distinguishing<br />

T. lathyri and other species described in legumes from T.. deformans and an<br />

examination of representative material has confirmed this conclusion. T. deformans<br />

differs from T. seminis-convolvuli in the larger spore balls composed of<br />

more numerous spores.<br />

Thecaphora seminis-convolvuli (Duby) Liro<br />

Uredo seminis-convolvuli Duby, Bot. gall., ii, p. 901, 1830.<br />

Thecaphora hyalina Fingerhuth, 1836.<br />

Thecaphora seminis-convolvuli (Duby) Liro, Die Ustilagineen Finnlands, p. 59,<br />

1935.<br />

Sori in the seeds. Spore mass granular, reddish brown. Spore balls irregularly<br />

globose, 10-30 fj. diam., each composed of 3-10 spores. Spores globose, contiguous<br />

surfaces flat and smooth, free surfaces rounded and coarsely verrucose,<br />

pale yellow, 12-16 (occasionally up to 20) fi diam. (Fig. 8).<br />

On Convolvulus arvensis, Calystegia sepium, G. soldanella.<br />

Aug.-Sept. Norfolk, Devon, Wilts. Uncommon.


Exsiccati: Cooke, Fungi. Brit. Exsicc., i, 313; Vize, Micro. Fungi Brit., 45.<br />

References have been made to a so-called 'conidial' stage of this smut<br />

(Tulasne, 1866; Rostrup, 1898; and others; see Liro, 1938, p. 319). Anthers of<br />

infected flowers are described as sessile, white or dirty yellow, and covered with<br />

oval, hyaline, unicellular spores. It is suggested<br />

that Oloeosporium antherarum Oud.<br />

on Calystegia sepium may be the sporidial {'\'-''l 'h •il^Jk"^<br />

state of a Thecaphora (Oudemans, 1898). *•....• *•<br />

Spore germination. Woronin (1882) obtained ^ "^<br />

germination during October and November j,^^ g Thecaphora seminis-convolvnli.<br />

in two to two and a half weeks using freshly Spore ball. a. Surface view; 6. optical<br />

harvested spores from G. arvensis. Older section. x500<br />

spores gave negative results. The promyceUum grew out through a smooth,<br />

round, germ pore in the exosporium, became septate, and developed thin branches<br />

some of which met and fused in pairs (Fig. 5g). A long hypha grew out from<br />

the place of fusion.<br />

Thecaphora trailii Cooke<br />

Thecaphora trailii Cooke, Orevilha, xi, p. 155, 1883.<br />

Poikilosporium trailii (Cooke) Vestergren, 1902.<br />

Sari in the inflorescence. Spore mass powdery, purplish brown. Spore balls<br />

irregularly globose, 18-35 [i diam., each composed of 2-8 spores. Spores hemispherical<br />

or three-sided, contiguous sides flat and smooth, free surface rounded ^<br />

and with reticulations which appear as warts at the circumference, pale yellow,<br />

10-17 /x diam. [Based on the type specimen in Herb. Kew.]<br />

On Carduus heterophyllus.<br />

Scotland, Braemar, Aug., 1883, J. W. H. Trail (Cooke,,toe. cit.).<br />

Spore germination. Unknown.<br />

TILLETIACEAB Schroeter,<br />

Krypt. Flor. Schles., iii (1), p. 276, 1887<br />

Type: Tilletia Tulasne, Ann. Sci. nat., Bot., Ser. 3, pp. 112-13, 1847.<br />

Spores exposed at maturity as a powdery^Spore mass or permanently embedded<br />

in the host tissues. Spore germination by a non-septate promycelium bearing a<br />

group of terminal sporidia or branches (see p. 20).<br />

TILLETIA Tulasne,<br />

Ann. Sci. nat., Bot., Ser. 3, vii, pp. 112-13, 1847.<br />

Type: Tilletia caries (DC.) Tul. on Triticum vulgare, Europe.<br />

Sari usually in the ovaries, less frequently in the leaves. Spore mass powdery.<br />

Spores single, medium to large, usually 15-30 fi diam., variously ornamented,<br />

frequently intermixed with sterile or immature spores.<br />

Spore germination, see p, 83.<br />

Differs from Ustilago in the methods of spore formation (see p. 16) and<br />


FIG. 10. Spoie germination in Tilletia and Melanotaenium. a. T. decipiens. x 350 (Brefeld,<br />

1895); 6. M. cingens. x 350 (Brefeld, 1895); c. M. endogenum. Spores and mycelium, x 520<br />

(Woronin, 1882); d. M. cingens. X 520 (Woronin, 1882); e. T. caries, x 660 (Buller, 1933);<br />

/. T. caries. Discharge of allantoid sporidia. X 767 (Buller, 1933).


Tilletia caries (DC.) Tul. Wheat Bunt<br />

[Lycoperdon tritici Bjerkander, 1775.]<br />

Uredo caries de Candolle, Flor. franc, vi, p. 78, 1815.<br />

Tilletia caries (DC.) Tulasne, Ann. Sci. nat., Bot., Ser. 3, vii, p. 113, 1847.<br />

Tilletia tritici (Bjerk.) WolflF, 1874.<br />

{Fusisporium inosculans Berkeley, J. hort. Soc, ii, p. 114, 1847 is based on the<br />

secondary sporidia of T. caries.)<br />

Sori in the ovaries filling the grain with spores, partly hidden by the glumes,<br />

4-7 mm. long. Spore mass powdery, dark brown to black, foetid when crushed.<br />

Sterile cells (intermixed with spores) globose, hyaline,<br />

smooth or indistinctly reticulate, 12-17 /x diam. Spores<br />

globose to sub-globose, pale brown, reticulate (reticulations<br />

2-4 (mostly 2-5-3-5) /x wide, 0-5-1-0 /x deep), 14-20 fj.<br />

diam. (Fig. 11).<br />

On Wheat (Triticum) and Rye (Secale) causing Bunt KiQ. 11. Tilletia caries.<br />

July-Aug. England; less common in Scotland. Spores, x 500.<br />

Exsiccati: Cooke, Fungi Brit. Exsicc, i, 53; ii, 429; Vize, Micro. Fungi, 130.<br />

Bunt of rye, which has only been recorded twice in this country (Salop.,<br />

1917, Cambs., 1929, fide 'Moore, W. C, 1943, p. 10), was included in Tilletia<br />

separata Massee (1899) and is sometimes distinguished as T. secalis (Corda)<br />

Kiihn.<br />

Spore germination. Prevost (1807) first figured germination, showing promycelia<br />

with thin, terminal sporidia and the later formed allantoid sporidia.<br />

Berkeley (1847) discovered the fusion in pairs of the fihform sporidia and this<br />

was confirmed by Tulasne (1854), Fischer von Waldheim (1869), Kiihn (1858),<br />

Wolff (1874 a), Brefeld (1883, 1888), Plowright (1889), and others. The filiform<br />

sporidia, which arise as protuberances at the apex of the promycelium as soon<br />

as it reaches the air, are 8-12 in number, septate, and 80-100 ^i in length. The<br />

apex of the promycelium remains tuberculated after the sporidia have fallen<br />

(Fig. 10 e). The allantoid sporidia, which develop on short pointed sterigmata,<br />

from filiform sporidia or from mycelium (Fig. 10/) are forcibly discharged (see<br />

p. 23). In the related dwarf bunt (see p. 85) branched promyceUa are common<br />

and tlie terminal filiform sporidia arp verj? numerous as in species of Neovossia.<br />

Hulea (1947) made a detailed study of spore germination in some species of<br />

Tilletia on wheat in Rumania.<br />

Infection of the host occurs at the seedhng stage (Prevost, 1807; Kiihn, 1858).<br />

The progress of mycehum in the host has been described by Lang (1912) and<br />

Woolman (1930) (see p. 13). Factors influencing infection are surveyed in<br />

detail by Holton & Heald (1941).<br />

Racial specialization. Infection of genera other than Triticum. Aegilops cylindrica<br />

(Vavilov, .1918) and A. ventricosa (Gaiidineau, 1932; Reichert, 1931) have<br />

been infected experimentally by Tilletia caries. Twenty-one other species of<br />

Aegilops were immune from the races of bunt used by Reichert.<br />

Agropyron cristatum, A.pauciflorum, A. subsecundum, A. inerme, A. spicatum,<br />

A. trichophorum, Hordeum nodosum, and Sitanion jubatum were infected


artificially by Fischer (1936 a, 1939 b) using a mixture of several virulent races of<br />

T. caries and T. foetida. T. caries has been found on A. cristatum under field<br />

conditions in the State of Washington. Infected plants ire markedly stunted<br />

and predisposed to winter injury. Both T. caries and T. foetida can overwinter<br />

in perennial grasses but tend to disappear in time. ' |<br />

Rye-grasses were inoculated with a mixture of T. carie^ and T. foetida and<br />

bunt balls with smooth chlamydospores Uke T. foetida developed on Lolium<br />

multijlorum and on L. perenne (Bressman, 1932 a).<br />

Rye is susceptible to some races of both T. caries and T. foetida from wheat<br />

(Gaines & Stevenson, 1922, 1923; Schafer, 1923; Ducomet, 1927; Lobik, 1930<br />

Bressman, 1931; DiUon Weston, 1932; Nieves, 1933, 1935). Volkart (1939)<br />

accepts bunt of rye as a distinct species, T. secalis, on grounds of larger chlamydospores<br />

but most workers regard it as a race of T. caries.<br />

Infection of species of Triticum. Bressman (1932 b) found susceptible varieties<br />

in all classes of wheat irrespective of chromosome number. Among 13 species of<br />

Triticum tested for resistance to buht, T. vulgare is the most susceptible and<br />

T. timococcum, an experimentally produced amphidiploid (Kostoff, 1938), one<br />

of the most resistant (Holton & Heald, 1941), T. timopheevi (C.I. 11802) is<br />

resistant to each of the 31 races of bunt recognized in the United States<br />

(Rodenhiser & Holton, 1945) and has beeu'Used for breeding (Kostoff, 1938;<br />

Shands, 1941),<br />

Physiologic races. Evidence of racial specialization in Tilletia caries and T.<br />

foetens has been obtained in the United States (Rodenhiser & Stakman, 1927;<br />

Reed, 1928a; Gaines, 1928; Heald & Gaines, 1930; Holton, 1930-31; Bressman,<br />

1931,1932 b; Smith, 1932 b; Flor, 1933; Gaines & Smith, 1933; Melehers, 1934;<br />

Holton & Heald, 1936; Rodenhiser & Holton, 1937); in Bulgaria (Atanasoff,<br />

1929); in Palestine (Reichert, 1930 a, 1930 b); in Canada (Aamodt, 1931); in<br />

Great Britain (Dillon Weston, 1932); in Germany (Roemer & BarthoUy, 1933);<br />

in Argentine (Nieves, 1933,1935); in Rumania (Savelescu & Sandu-Ville, 1939);<br />

and in Australia (Churchward, 1938 a). Holton & Heald (1941) compiled tables<br />

showing the number of races recorded and the different systems used in their<br />

classification. The totals, 73 races of T. caries and 66 of T. foetida, doubtless<br />

include duplicates, since no standardized international method of identifying<br />

and describing races has been used.<br />

The most complete study of racial specialization in bunt has been made by<br />

Rodenhiser & Holton who have now distinguished 16 races of T. caries and 15<br />

races of T. foetida. The reactions of the differential hosts to these 31 races are<br />

given in table I of the latest paper which shows also the source of their material<br />

(Rodenhiser & Holton, 1937; Holton, 1938 a; Holton & Rodenhiser, 1942;<br />

Rodenhiser & Holton, 1945).<br />

Physiologic races tend to be regional in distribution, their location depending<br />

largely on the "varieties of wheat grown in a particular area (Holton, 1947), but<br />

interchange of seed and dispersal of inoculum by wind alter in time the relative<br />

prevalence of races (Holton, 1930, 1931; Holton & Suneson, 1942; Hansing &<br />

Melehers, 1945). Races Til {T. caries) and L8 (T. foetida) have recently assumed<br />

greater importance in areas where Ridit and Oro have replaced older commercial<br />

varieties of wheat (Rodenhiser & Holton, 1945).<br />

Races differ, not only in pathogenicity, but also in the size and shape of the


bunt balls, the size, reticulations, colour, and germination of the chlamydospores,<br />

nuclear behaviour, cultural characters, and in their effect on height and^tUlering<br />

of the host (Bressman (1931), Smith (1932 b), Holton (1933), Young (1935),<br />

Mitra (1935), Holton & Heald (1936), Savelescu & Sandu Ville (1939), Spangenberg<br />

& Gutner (1936), Gassner (1938), Hanna (1932), Kienholz & Heald (1930),<br />

Flor (1933), Becker (1936), Melchers (1934), Churchward (1938 a), Rodenhiser &<br />

Holton (1937).<br />

The name dwarf bunt (Young, 1935) has been given to a variety of T. caries<br />

which causes excessive dwarfing and tillering of infected plants and produces<br />

small, relatively hard balls of spores. These have prominent reticulations,<br />

germinate only after prolonged soaking (or at 5° C, see Lowther, 1948), and give<br />

atypical promycelia (see p. 83) (Holton, 1943), Dwarf bunt is largely soilborne<br />

and attacks only autumn-so^vn wheat in the United States (Bamberg,<br />

1941; Holton & Suneson, 1943; Blodgett, 1944). It is suppressed if grown with<br />

T. caries and T. foetida on the same plant (Bamberg et al., 1947).<br />

Tilletia indica Mitra (1931,1935, 1937) is only distinguished from T. caries by<br />

the size of spore—which is said to be nearly double that of T. caries. At first it<br />

was said to be odourless and to cause only partial swelling of the host, but this<br />

was corrected later.<br />

Varietal resistance. The world-wide search for varieties of wheat immune from<br />

bunt (reviewed in Holton & Heald, 1941) brought to Ught certain highly resistant<br />

varieties used in genetical studies by the workers named: Turkey (Gaines, 1920,<br />

1925 a; Gaines & Singleton, 1926); Hohenheimer (Gaines & Smith, 1933); Hussar,<br />

Martin, White Odessa, Banner Berkeley, Turkey, Sherman, Oro (Briggs, 1926-<br />

40; Schlehuber, 1938; Wismer, 1934; Bryan, 1937; Stanford, 1941); Albit<br />

(Bressman & Harris, 1933; Schlehuber, 1933, 1935); Florence (Churchward,<br />

1931, 1932, 1938 b); Garnet (Kildufif, 1933); and Hope (Smith, W. K., 1933;<br />

Clark et al., 1933; Bryan, 1937; Churchward, 1938 b). Certain varieties, such as<br />

Hope, resistant when spring-sown, are susceptible if sown in the autumn (Smith,<br />

W. K., 1932 a, 1933). The main genetical results of crosses between resistant and<br />

susceptible varieties are presented in tabular form by Holton & Heald (1941).<br />

The most clear-cut evidence of segregation involving only one or two main<br />

factors was obtained when the inoculum consisted of a single physiologic race of<br />

bunt (Briggs, 1926-40; Churchward, 1931-58). Three major factors for resistance,<br />

designated M (Martin), H (Hussar), and T (Turkey) with linkage between<br />

T and M were recognized by Briggs (1940). Some varieties of wheat carry<br />

modifying factors (Briggs, 1929, 1930 c). Resistance is dominant, incompletely<br />

dominant, or recessive according to the cross. Although a single factor for<br />

resistance does not govern the reaction to all forms of bunt, one factor may<br />

function for a group of three or more races (Bressman & Harris, 1933; Smith,<br />

W. K., 1933; Gaines & Smith, 1933). The reaction to certain races of the two<br />

species of Tilletia is controlled by the same gene (Gaines & Smith, 1933; Schlehuber,<br />

1935). In a cross between White Odessa and a Turkey X Florence selection,<br />

with two races of bunt in the inoculum, resistance was apparently governed<br />

by six genes (Schlehuber, 1938). A mixture of physiologic races is often used in<br />

practical plant-breeding (Martin, 1936). Holton & Heald (1936) recommend that<br />

the number be limited to ten, since more may dilute the inoculum with a decHne


in the degree of infection (Fittschen, 1939). The value of the back-cross method<br />

of breeding bunt-resistant wheats is discussed by Briggs (1930 a, 1935 b).<br />

I<br />

Tilletia decipiens (Pers.) Korn.<br />

Uredo segetum e decipiens Persoon, Synopsis, p. 225, 180,1.<br />

Uredo decipiens a graminum Strauss, 1810. I<br />

Uredo sphaerococca Rabenhorst, 1844, fide Komicke, 1877.<br />

Tilletia sphaerococca (Rabenh.) Fischer von Waldheim, 1867.<br />

Tilletia decipiens (Pers.) Komicke, Hedwigia, xvi, p. 30, 1877.<br />

Tilletia separata Massee, 1899, p.p., fide Massee, 1899.<br />

Sari in the ovaries filHng the grata with spores, partly hidden by the glumes,<br />

about 1 mm. long. Spore mass powdery, dark brown, foetid. Spores globose to<br />

sub-globose, brown, reticulate (reticulations somewhat irregular, 3-5 [J, wide,<br />

2-4 (mostly 2-5-3-5) fj, deep), 26-32 ^ diam.<br />

On Agrostis canina, A. stolonifera, A. tenuis.<br />

Sept. Widespread.<br />

Infected plants are stunted, and dwarfed plants of A. tenuis were at one<br />

time known as A. pumila L., see W. R. PhUlipson (J. Bat., Land., Ixxiii, pp.<br />

70-2, 1935, J. Linn. Sac., Bot., U, pp. 84, 89, 100, 193) who states that infected<br />

plants sometimes recover and revert to their normal habit.<br />

Spore germination. Brefeld (1895) germinated spores three years old. The<br />

promycelial branches six to ten in number and septate like those of T. caries,<br />

fuse in pairs and, still in situ, give rise to sickle-shaped sporidia. In Brefeld's<br />

figures these are seen germinating, without falling, to form long hyphae<br />

(Fig. 10 a).<br />

Tilletia hold (Westend.) Schroet.<br />

Polycystis hold Westendorp, Bull. Acad. roy. Belg., Ser. 2, xi, p. 660, 1861.<br />

Tilletia hold (Westend.) Schroeter, in Cohn, Beitrag. Biol.Ppinz.,u,j). 365,1877.<br />

Tilletia rauwenhoffii Fischer von Waldheim, 1887 [nov. nom. for P. hold Westend.]<br />

Sori in the ovaries filling the inflated grain with spores, partly hidden by the<br />

glumes, 2-3 mm. long. Spore mass powdery, brownish black, slightly foetid.<br />

Spores globose to sub-globose, brown, reticulate (reticulations 4-6 ix wide, 2-3 ju.<br />

deep), 22-28 /x diam.<br />

On Holcus lanatus and H. mollis.<br />

June-Sept. Widespread. Common.<br />

First recorded for the British Isles as T. rauwenhoffii on H. mollis, ra. Doncaster,<br />

17 July 1891, by Plowright (1891, 1899) {Qdnrs' Chron., Ser. 3, iv,<br />

p. 374, 1891; Trans. Brit, mycol. Sac, i, 60, 1899).<br />

Spore germination. Unknown.<br />

Tilletia lolii Auers.<br />

Tilletia lolii Auerswald in IQotzsch-Rabenhorst, Herb. viv. myc, No. 1899,1854.<br />

Sori in the ovaries filling the, inflated grain with spores, partly hidden by the<br />

glumes, 5-7 mm. long. Spore mass powdery, brown, foetid when fresh. Spores


globose to sub-globose, light brown, reticulate (reticulations 2-4 JJ, wide, 2-3 /A<br />

deep), 18-22 fi diam.<br />

On Lolium temulentum, L. multiflorum, L. perenne, and L. remotum.<br />

Welsh Plant Breeding Station, Aberystwyth. Introduced in seed of L. temulentum<br />

from Portugal and infected the four species of Lolium named, in a pot<br />

.experiment in 1937-8 (Sampson & Western, 1941).<br />

Spore germination was figured by Kiihn (1858). The sporidia at the end of the<br />

promycelium are shorter and wider than those of T. caries. Fusions of filiform<br />

sporidia and the development of allantoid sporidia were shown.<br />

Infection of the host occurs at the seedling stage (Sampson & Western, 1941).<br />

Tilletia menieri Har. & Pat.<br />

Tilletia menieri Hariot & Patouillard, Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr., xx, p. 61, 1904.<br />

Sori in the ovaries filling the inflated grain with spores, partly hidden by the<br />

glumes, 3-4 mm. long. Spore mass powdery, brownish black. Spores globose to<br />

sub-globose, light brown, reticulate (reticulations 2-^ fj, wide, 1-5-3-0 /A deep),<br />

20-26 fx. diam.<br />

On Phalaris arundinacea.<br />

August. Ireland (Antrim) (see A. L. Smith, Trans. Brit, mycol. Soc., iii, p. 374,<br />

1911); England (Suffolk, Northumberland); Scotland.<br />

Spore germination. Unknown.<br />

ENTOEEHIZA C. Weber,<br />

Bot. Zeit., xlii, p. 378, 1884<br />

Type: Entorrhiza cypericola (Magnus) Weber on Cyperus flavescens, Germany.<br />

Sori in swellings of the living roots of Cyperus and Juncus. Spores single,<br />

thick-waUed. Spore germination by one or more germ tubes on which small<br />

sicklei-shaped sporidia are developed.<br />

Magnus (Verh. bot. Vereins Brandenburg, xx, p. 53, 1878) described a smut<br />

causing swelhngs on the roots of Cyperus flavescens which he referred to the<br />

genus Schinzia Naeg. as S. cypericola Magn. Because of the doubtful nature of<br />

Schinzia, a genus erected by Naegeli {Linnea, xvi, p. 281, 1842) for two uncertain<br />

species found in 7ns roots, Webert|1884) proposed a new genus Entorrhiza<br />

based on E. cypericola (Magn.) Weber. Weber, however, united smuts from root<br />

swellings of C. flavescens and Junxyus bufonius as E. cypericola and his observations<br />

on the biology were made on material from the second host. Subsequently,<br />

Magnus (1888) showed that the smut on C. flavescens (which has finely reticulate<br />

or punctate spores) differs from that on J. bufonius^ (which has coarsely warted<br />

spores) and proposed the name Schinzia aschersoniana Magnus {foe. cit., p. 103)<br />

for the latter. Lagerheim in Aug., 1888, and de Toni in Oct., 1888 {Sacc. Syll.,<br />

vii, p. 497), independently made the combination Entorrhiza aschersoniana.<br />

This confusion has been reflected in the nomenclature adopted by different<br />

authors for these smuts.<br />

No British specimen has been examined. It is clear from the pubhshed records<br />

that E. aschersonia on J. bufonius has been collected in Scotland but the species<br />

involved in certain records on other species of Juncus is less certain.


Entorrhiza aschersoniana (Magn.) Lagerh.<br />

Schinzia aschersoniana P. Magnus, Ber. deutsch. hot. Oes.. vi, p. 103, 1888..<br />

Entorrhiza aschersoniana (Ka,^.) Lagerheim, Hedioigia, xxvii, p. 261, (Aug.)<br />

1888. I<br />

Bori in swellings of the roots, 3 mm. diam. and up to l' cm. long. Spcn-e mass<br />

cream-coloured, then light- brown, granular. Spores elliptical, thick-walled,yellow-brown,<br />

coarsely verrucose, 17-20 X15-17/x<br />

. (Fig. 12). [No British material examined.]<br />

Sporidia sickle-shaped, 5-10 X-2-3 fi.<br />

On Juncus bufonius, nr. Aberdeen, Scotland (Trail,<br />

Scot. Naturalist, N.S., vi, p. 241, 1884; Ann. Scot. nat.<br />

Hist., No. 47, p. 188,1903).<br />

FIG. 12. Entorrhiza ascher- This, or allied species, have also been reported<br />

Spores. X500. (Rabenh., ^^ '^• squarrosus and J. uligmosus, nr. Glasgow<br />

Fungi Europ. 3902.) (Cameron, Proc. Trans, nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, N.S., i,<br />

p. 299, 1886, as E. cypericola), and on J. articukitus<br />

(Trail (1903) loc. cit., as E. digitata; Schwartz (1910), as E. cypericola) but in<br />

the absence of specimens the identity of the species involved must remain in<br />

doubt.<br />

Spore germination is not weU known. Weber (1884) germinated spores which had<br />

been overwintered in moist sand out of doors in water at 10° C. during February,<br />

and stated that in nature germination occurs in early May. The spores formed<br />

one to four septate hyphae from the apices of which solitary sickle-shaped<br />

sporidia developed. Brefeld (1912), who doubted the relationship between<br />

Entorrhiza and the Ustilaginales, stated that on germination richly branched<br />

hyphae produced long, pointed conidia in basipetal succession on sterigmata as<br />

in Acrostalagmus. The conidia germinated and repeated the process. Schwartz<br />

(1910) who made observations on the development of the chlamydospores was<br />

unable to induce them to germinate.<br />

ScHEOETEEiA Winter,<br />

Rabenh. Krypt. Flor., i (1), p. 117, 1881<br />

Type: Schroeteria delastrina (Tul.) Winter on Veronicapraecox, Poictiers, France.<br />

Synonym: Oeminella Schroeter, 1869 [non Turpin].<br />

Sori in the seed capsules of species of Veronica. Spore mass dark coloured.<br />

Spores in pairs. Spore germination, see p. 89.<br />

Schroeteria delastrina (Tul.) Wint.<br />

Thecaphora delastrina Tulasne, Ann. Sci. nat.„Bot.,SGv. 3, p. 108, 1847.<br />

Geminella delastrina (Tul.) Schroeter, 1869.<br />

Schroeteria delastrina (Tul.) Winter, Rabenh. Krypt. Flor., i (1), p. 117, 1881.<br />

Sori in the seed capsules. Spore mass granular, at first grey-green, later dark<br />

grey. Spores in twos, or, less frequently, single, globose when single, flattened<br />

on side of contact when one of a pair, tinted grey-green, thin-walled, verrucose,<br />

9-12 /i diam. (Fig. 14).


FIG. 13. Spoie geimination in Schioeteria. a. S. delastrina. x200 (Brefeld, 1883);<br />

6. S. delastrinaT X 340 (Cocooni, 1898).<br />

On Veronica arvensis.<br />

Norfolk (Fakenham, June, 1889, Plowright, Trans. Brit, mycol. Soc, i, p. 60,<br />

1899; BrundaU, 21 June, 1945, E. A. Ellis); Oxon. (Peppard Common, May,<br />

1943, L. E. Hawker, ibid, xxvii, p. 48,1944 [Herb. I.M.I. 32336]).<br />

Spore germination. Schroeter (1877) germinated spores from Veronica arvensis.<br />

Only one of the paired spores produced a germ-tube. Three days after sowing<br />

this was 2-5 /x thick and about five times the diameter of<br />

the spore in length, septate, and usually branched. Eggshaped<br />

sporidia (5-6 X 3 ft) were formed at the end of the<br />

promycelium. Brefeld (1883) illustrated the germiuation of<br />

12 pairs of spores (from Veronica arvensis or V. triphyllosl).<br />

Sometimes both spores germinated. The promycelia were<br />

septate, relatively long, of uniform thickness, and nearly<br />

spherical sporidia developed in a chain from the apex<br />

(Fig. 13 a). Winter (1876) figured a promycelium with one<br />

short side branch and one longer, septate ^filament bearing<br />

FIG. 14. Schroeteria<br />

delastrina. Spores.<br />

X500.<br />

three apical branches. Cocconi (1898) investigated the form (described as<br />

var. reticulata) on Veronica praecox. In some spores the germ-tube formed a<br />

much-branched mycelium, in others round, sporidia developed basipetaUy in<br />

chains on a simple or forked promyceUum. One spore was figured with a<br />

terminal crown of short branches as described by Winter (Fig. 13 6).<br />

The related Schroeteria decaisneana from Veronica hederifolia was described<br />

and figured by Schroeter (1877). A peculiar feature of this species was the flaskshaped<br />

promycelium (width 3-4 /u. at base) from the neck of which developed a<br />

succession of globular sporidia (2-5-3 /x). These sometimes remained in a chain<br />

of four to seven. Their subsequent behaviour was not determined.


TuBURCiNiA Fries em. Woronin,<br />

Abh. Senck. Nat. Ges., xii, 359-591, 1882<br />

Type: Tvburcinia trientalis Berk. & Br. on Trientalik europaea, Scotland.<br />

Synonym: Ginanniella Ciferri, 1938. •<br />

Sori usually in the stems and leaves, and rather permanently embedded in the<br />

host tissue. Spore balls composed of a number of firmly united fertile spores<br />

only. Sporidia sometimes produced in the host plant before spore development.<br />

Liro (1922) monographed the genus Urocystia as Tuburcinia Fr. but a<br />

proposal has been made for the conservation of the name Urocystis, see p. 92.<br />

Tubuicinia piimulicola (Magn.) Bref.<br />

Urocystis primulicola P. Magnus, Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg, xx, p. 53, 1878.<br />

Tuburciniaprimulicola (Magn.) Brefeld, Untersuch. Ges. Mykol., xii, p. 180,1895<br />

[as 'Rostrup'].<br />

Paepalopsis irmischiae Kiihn is considered to be the stat. eonid.<br />

Sori in the ovaries. Spore mass brown-black, powdery. Spore balls globose or<br />

somewhat elongated, dark brown, 30-60 X 20^5 /J.. Spores globose to ovate, dark<br />

brown, wall about 2 [J, thick, smooth, 10-15 ^ diam. Sporidia (in ovaries and<br />

anthers of young flowers) globose or elongated, hyaline, smooth, 4-12 X 4-6 [i.<br />

On Primula farinosa and P. vulgaris.<br />

March, July-Aug. England, Scotland. Uncommon.<br />

Spore germination has been described and figured by Pirotta (1881), Plowright<br />

(1889) (Pig. 15 c), Brefeld (1895) (Fig. 15 d), and Cocconi (1890). The promyceUa<br />

produce terminally one to four short cylindrical sporidia which fuse in situ or<br />

after abscission and give' rise to secondary sporidia. Under some conditions<br />

promycelia form only simple or branched hyphae. Germination, occurs immediately<br />

the spores are ripe (Kiihn, 1892).<br />

Infection of the host. Kiihn (1892) inoculated in May young plants of Primula<br />

vulgaris with germinating sporidia {Paipalopsis irmischiae), kept them for<br />

several days in a moist atmosphere, then in a cold glasshouse. In April of the<br />

following year first sporidia, then chlamydospores, developed on the flowers of<br />

inoculated plants.<br />

Tuburcinia trientalis Berk. & Br.<br />

Tuburcinia trientalis Berkeley & Broome, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., Ser. 2, ii, p. 464,<br />

1850 [Notices of British Fungi No. 488].<br />

Sorosporium trientalis (Berk. & Br.) Cooke, 1877 [as 'Sorosporium trientalis<br />

Woron.'].<br />

Ginanniella trientalis (Berk. & Br.) Ciferri, 1938.<br />

Ascomyces trientalis Berkeley, Outlines of British Fungology, p. 376, 1860 [stat.<br />

conid.].<br />

Sori in the leaves and stems forming bhster-like swellings. Spore mass granular,<br />

black. Spore balls irregularly rounded or elongated, opaque, black, 30-90 /x<br />

diam., each consisting of a large number (25-100) of firmly united spores.<br />

Spores globose to polygonal, dark yellowish-brown, smooth, 11-18 /x diam.

FIG. 15. Spore geimination in Taboicinia and Doassansia. o. T.trientalis. x 520 and x620<br />

(Woronjn, 1882); 6. T. trientalis. Foliar sporidia. x320 and X520 (Woronin, 1882); c. T.<br />

primulicola. x475 and x500 (Plowright, 1889); d. T. primulicola. X 350 (Brefeld, 1895);<br />

6. D. alismatis. X 1000 (Setchell, 1892);/. D. sagittariae. x 350 (Brefeld, 1895).


(Fig. 16). Sporidia on the host in spring and early summer as white patches on<br />

the stems, in autumn on the undersides of the leaves, pear-shaped or elliptical,<br />

7_l4x4-5ft(Fig. 15 6).<br />

On Trientalis europaea.<br />

May-Oct. Scotland.<br />

Exsiccati: Vize, Fungi Brit., 136; Phillips, Elvell. Brit., 50 (as A. trientalis).<br />

Spore germination. Woronin (1882) germinated fresh spores during September-<br />

October from plants subject to moist weather conditions.<br />

Attempts at other times of the year failed.<br />

Germinating spores were found on the leaves and<br />

stems and on material kept under a watch glass.<br />

As many as 20 promycelia originated in succession<br />

from one spore ball. The promycelium issued<br />

through a round hole in the exosporium. The<br />

length varied with conditions and the promyeelial<br />

branches developed better in Ught than in darkness.<br />

fusion one of the pair developed a sporidimn.<br />

Unpaired branches also formed sporidia and fusions sometimes occurred<br />

between sporidia which had fallen off (Fig. 15 a).<br />

Infection of the host. Woronin (1882) placed geriiiinating spores on young healthy<br />

shoots of Trientalis europaea, covered with a thiu layer of soil and left over the<br />

winter. In spring the shoots grew above the soil and carried sporidia of the smut.<br />

UBOCYSTIS Rabenhorst,<br />

Herb. Viv. Myc, ii. No. 393, 1856.<br />

Type: Urocystis occulta (Wallr.) E-abenh. on Secale cereale, Europe.<br />

Synonym: Polycystis Leveille, 1846.<br />

Sori usually in the leaves and stems. Spore mass usually powdery. Spore balls<br />

composed of one to several permanently united fertile spores-more or less completely<br />

surrounded by a cortex of colourless or tinted sterile cells. Spores<br />

generally dark in colour. Spore germination, see pp. 94-100.<br />

This genus was monographed by Liro (1922) as Tuburcinia but to avoid<br />

changes in the names of major plant pathogens conservation of Urocystis<br />

Rabenh. against Tuburcinia Fr. has been proposed (see Trans. Brit. mycol.Soc,<br />

xxiii, p. 214,1939, and Phytopathology, xxx, p. 453, 1940).<br />

Urocystis agtopyri (Preuss) Schroet. Stripe Smut of Wheat.<br />

Uredo agropyri Preuss in Sturm, Deutschl. Fhr., vi, p. 1, 1848.<br />

Urocystis agropyri (Preuss) Schroeter, Abh. Schles. Ges., naturw. Abth. 1869-72,<br />

p. 7, 1869.<br />

Urocystis tritici Kornieke, 1877, fide G. W. Fischer, 1943.<br />

Tvhurcinia agropyri (Preuss) Liro, 1922.<br />

Tuburcinia tritici (Komicke) Lire, 1922.<br />

Sori in the leaves as elongated blisters parallel with the veins, at first beneath<br />

the epidermis which ruptures to expose the spores, the leaves splitting into

FIG. 17. Spore germination in Urocystis. a. U. violae. x 350 (Brefeld, 1895); 6. V. violae.<br />

X 1,000 (Paravicini, 1917); c. U. anemones, x 1,000 (Paravioini, 1917); d. U.fischeri. x 500<br />

(Plowright, 1889); e. V. occulta. (Stakman et at, 1934).


ribbons. Spore mass powdery, black. Spore halls irregularly globose, 14-26 jti<br />

diam., each composed of one or two (occasionally three) spores completely surrounded<br />

by a layer of yeUowish-tinted sterile cellsl mostly 7-10 /i diam., but<br />

frequently rather disorganized to give a ridged effect. Spores irregularly globose,<br />

reddish-brown, smooth, 12-14 (rarely up to 16) fj. diam.<br />

On Agropyron pungens, A. repens, Arrhenatherum\elatius.<br />

May-June. England (Surrey), Scotland.<br />

Spore germination of the smut on grasses is unknown. Spore balls from wheat<br />

germinate on water in three to five days, producing a short thick promycehum<br />

with an apical cluster of three to five or more hyahne cylindrical sporidia<br />

(Fischer & Hirschhorn, 1945 a).<br />

Infection of the host occurs at the seedhng stage. The fungus persists for several<br />

years in perennial grasses (Fischer & Holton, 1943). Underground buds of<br />

Agropyron repens were infected experimentally but not those of Carex, Phleum,<br />

Poa, or Agrostis species (Liro, 1938).<br />

Racial specialization. The following species of grasses in the United States are<br />

more or less susceptible to the stripe smut of wheat: Agropyron caninum, A.<br />

dasystachyum, A. desertorum, A. inerme, A. repens, A. semicostatum, A. spicatum,<br />

A. trachycaulum, Elymus canadensis, E. glaucus, E. triticoides, and Hordeum<br />

jubatum var. caespitosum. Rye appears to be immune but one variety of wheat<br />

(KanredxHard Federation C.I. 10092) is slightly susceptible to Urocystis<br />

agropyri from grasses. Three out of four collections of spores from grasses were<br />

physiologically distinct (Fischer & Holton, 1943). In South Africa and in<br />

Australia the stripe smut from wheat failed to infect grasses (Verwoerd, 1929;<br />

Jarrett, 1932).<br />

Two physiologic races of the wheat stripe smut were distinguished by their<br />

reactions on certain Oro X Federation selections (Holton & Johnson, 1943), and<br />

12 races were recognized in China where varietal resistance and its mode of<br />

inheritance have been studied (Shen, 1934; Yu, Hwang, & Tsiang, 1936; Yu,<br />

Wang, & Fang, 1945). Work on the resistance of wheat varieties to stripe smut<br />

has also been done in Australia (Pridham & Dwyer, 1930; Limbourn, 1931;<br />

Jarrett, 1932.; Millikan & Sims, 1937), in South Africa (Verwoerd, 1929), and in<br />

the United States (Tisdale, Duncan, & Leighty, 1923).<br />

Urocystis anemones (Pers.) Winter Anemone Smut<br />

Uredo anemones Persoon, Synopsis meth. Fung., p. 233, 1801.<br />

Gaeoma pompholygodes Schlechtendal, 1826, fide Saccardo, 1886.<br />

Polycystis pompholygodes (Schlecht.) LeveiUe, 1846.<br />

Polycystis anemones (Pers.) LeveiUe, 1847.<br />

Urocystis pompholygodes (Schlecht.) Rabenhorst, 1864.<br />

Urocystis anemones (Pers.) Winter in Rabenh. Krypt. Flor., i (1), p. 123,1881.<br />

Tuburcinia anemones (Pers.) Liro, 1922.<br />

Sori in the leaves and stems as blister-like swellings beneath the epidermis which<br />

ruptures to expose the spores. Spore mass powdery, black. Spore balls irregular,<br />

16-32 fi diam., each composed of one spore (occasionally two or three) partially<br />

surrounded by yellowish sterile cells, 6-14 fx. diam., which not infrequently


separate from the central spore. Spores globose, angular, or somewhat elongated,<br />

dark brown, smooth, 12-26 (mostly 14^18) y, diam.<br />

On Anemone nemorosa, A. pulsatilla, cultivated Anemones, and Ranunculus<br />

repens. Malcolm Wilson {Trans. Brit, mycol. Soc, xii, p. 115) has also recorded<br />

B. ficaria and Trollius europaeus as hosts in Scotland.<br />

April-Sept. Widespread. Common.<br />

Exsiccati: Berkeley, Fungi Brit. 236 [as Uredo pompfiolygodes]; Vize, Fungi Brit.<br />

36 [as Urocystis pompholygodes]; Microfungi Brit. 40 [as Urocystis pompholygodes];<br />

Cooke, Fungi Brit. Exsicc. i, 79 [as Polycystis pompholygodes]; ii, 148<br />

[as Urocystis pompholygodes}.<br />

Spore germination. Fischer von Waldheim (1867) and Plowright (1889) obtained<br />

similar results in regard to germination. The latter found that spores immersed<br />

for 48 hours in water in November and December produced promyceUa which,<br />

growing up into the air, developed three or four sporidia (10-14 x 3-3-5 fj,). Enlarging<br />

and becoming vacuolate, these sometimes attained a size of 22 X 4 ju..<br />

Fusion between sporidia was observed by Plowright. Liro (1938) confirmed these<br />

results, noting the shortness of the promycelia and observing fusions between<br />

sporidia which finally became septate. Paravicini (1917) found that the sporidia,<br />

while still on the promycehum, were uninucleate (Fig. 17 c)., Fusions were not<br />

observed but in old cultures some cells had two nuclei. The binucleate condition<br />

appeared to arise by the fusion of two neighbouring cells but his figures are not<br />

convincing. '<br />

Infection of the host. Plowright (1889) placed sporidia on leaves of Ranunculus<br />

repens in December and obtained sori at the same point in February. He con-<br />

' eludes that infection is localized, not systemic. Markova (1927) found the spores<br />

capable of germination as soon as they were formed and any young part of the<br />

plant could be infected throughout the year. He established the existence of<br />

three physiologic races, f. cassubici on Ranunculus cassvhicus, f. repentis on<br />

R. acris, R. repens, and six other species of Ranunculus, and f. anemones on<br />

Anemone nemorosa and A. ranunculoides. He failed to infect R. ficaria, R.<br />

flammula, R. lingua, R. sderatus, and Trollius europaeus. Liro (1938) has given<br />

specific rank to the races on Anemone, Trollius, Ranunculus ficaria, and some<br />

other members of the Ranunculaceae.<br />

Urocystis cepolae Frost , ^ - Onion Smut<br />

Urocystis cepulae Frost, Ann. Rep. Sec. Mass. St. Bd. Agric, xxiv, p. 175,1877.<br />

Urocystis colchici (Schlecht.) Rabenh. var. cepulae M. C. Cooke, 1877.<br />

Tuhurcinia cepulae (Frost) Liro, 1922. '<br />

Sori in the leaves as isolated pustules or as elongated dark streaks beneath the<br />

epidermis which later ruptures (Plate II, Fig. 3). Spore mass powdery, dark<br />

brown. Spore halls spherical to elhpsoidal, 14-22 fi diam., each composed of a<br />

single spore surrounded by a layer of spherical to ellipsoidal yellowish to subhyaline<br />

sterile cells, 4-6 /i diam. Spores spherical to ellipsoidal, reddish brown,<br />

smooth, 11-14 fi. diam.<br />

On Allium cepa (cultivated onion); also A. porrum (leek) and A. vineale (Moore,<br />

1943, 1948).<br />

April, May, Nov. England, Scotland.


Spore germination. Spores germinate as soon as they are ripe at an optimum<br />

temperature of 13° to 22° C. (Walker & WeUman, 1926). Thaxter (1890) first<br />

observed germination. Anderson (1921) described fiow the promycelium remained<br />

short and hemispherical, while from it arose a whorl of branches which<br />

grew indefinitely to form myceUum. Older parts of the mycehum became empty,<br />

the protoplasm collecting in the growing tips. The cells tended to separate and<br />

detached fragments started new growth in culture. BHzzard (1926) confirmed<br />

these results. He described the promyceHum as a spherical vesicle about 6-10 /i<br />

diam. From it arose four to eight branches of variable length which continued<br />

growth and produced in 12 to 18 hours on onion decoction agar a dense weft of<br />

myceUum. Fusions were not observed and no sporidia developed. All cells of<br />

the hyphae developing from the promyceUum were uninucleate and remained so<br />

during the saprophytic life. Parasitic mycehum consisted at first of uninucleate<br />

cells but binucleate segments were seen in the young sorus, and before sporogenesis<br />

all the cells contained two nuclei.<br />

Infection of the host occurs through the cotyledon before the emergence of the<br />

first leaf at soil temperatures between 10° and 27° C. (Walker & Jones, 1921;<br />

Szembel, 1926). No resistant varieties of onion of commercial value are known<br />

but a fertile amphidiploid, obtained by crossing Allium cepa with the resistant<br />

species A. fistulosum, may be useful ,in breeding resistant types (Walker,<br />

Jones, & Clarke, 1944). The fungus survived in soil for 20 years (Moore, 1948).<br />

Urocystis colchici (Schlecht.) Rabenh.<br />

Caeoma colchici Schlechtendal, Linnaea, i, p. 241, 1826.<br />

Uredo colchici Link, Handbuch, iii, p. 435, 1883.<br />

Polycystis pompholygodes (Schlecht.) LeveUle, 1846 p.p.<br />

Polycystis colchici Tulasne, 1847.<br />

Urocystis colchici (Schlecht.) Rabenhorst, Fung. Eur., No. 396, 1861.<br />

Tuburcinia colchici (Schlecht.) Liro, 1922.<br />

Sori in the leaves as bhster-hke swellings parallel with the veins, 0-5-1-0 mm.<br />

wide, 2-10 or more mm. long, at first beneath the epidermis which later ruptures<br />

to expose the spores. Spore mass powdery, dark brown. Spore halls globose to<br />

irregular, 14-34 x 14-22 ju., each composed of one or two (rarely three or four)<br />

spores surrounded by a layer of yellowish, ovoid, sterile cells, 7-10 /x diam.<br />

Spores globose or angled to somewhat elongated, flattened on side of contact,<br />

reddish-brown, smooth, 12-16 /u. diam.<br />

On Colchicum autumnale. Also recorded on imported bulbs of Colchicum sp.<br />

and Bulbocodium vernum {Bull. Minist. Agric, Land., 79, p. 109, 1934).<br />

June. Wilts. Uncommon.<br />

Exsiccati: Berkeley, Brit. Fungi, 309 [as Uredo colchici^<br />

Spore germination. Unknown.<br />

Urocystis eranthidis (Passerini) Ainsworth & Sampson, comb. nov.<br />

Polycystis anemones var. eranthidiaVa.&serixxi, Erb. Critt. Ital., Ser. 2, No. 549,1871.<br />

Urocystis pompholygodes var. eranthidis (Pass.) Passerini, 1877.<br />

Tuburcinia eranthidis (Pass.) Liro, 1922 [as 'T. eranthis'].


8ori in the leaves and petioles as blister-like swellings beneath the epidermis<br />

which ruptures to expose the spores. Spore mass powdery, black. Spore balls<br />

globose to somewhat ellipsoidal, 20-40 ja diam., each composed of one spore (or<br />

occasionally two) completely surrounded by a layer of yellowish-tinted, somewhat<br />

elongated, sterile cells, 8-12 fj, diam. Spores globose, dark brown, smooth,<br />

13-18 fi diam.<br />

On Eranthis hyemalis.<br />

April-May. Norfolk, Dorset, Cambs.<br />

Spore germination. Unknown.<br />

Urocystis filipendulae (Tul.) Schroet.<br />

Polycystis filipendulae Tulasne, Ann. Sci. not., Sot., Ser. 4, ii, p. 163, 1854.<br />

Urocystis filipendulae (Tul.) Schroeter, Die Brand- und Bostpilze Schlesiens, p. 7,<br />

1870.<br />

Tuburcinia filipendulae (Tul.) Liro, 1922.<br />

Sori in the petioles and mid-ribs of the radical leaves, irregular, finally erumpent,<br />

up to 44 mm. long. Spore mass powdery, black. Spore balls variable, each composed<br />

of one to seven spores surrounded, by irregular sub-globose, brown, sterile<br />

cells, up to 12 /idiam. Spores rounder angular, brown, punctate, 15-25 X10-15 [JL.<br />

On Filipendula liexapetala.<br />

Damford Down, Salisbury, May, 1897, Mr. Tatum (Plowright, Trans. Brit,<br />

mycol. Soc, i, p. 60, 1899). ^<br />

Spore germination. Schroeter (1877) germinated spores, collected two months<br />

previously, in distilled water. The short promycelium produced terminally a<br />

tuft of five or six long cylindrical branches about equal in length to the diameter<br />

of the spore. Brefeld (1883) confirmed these results with spores that had lain<br />

for a year in moist soil. The promycehal branches developed mycehum without<br />

fusion.<br />

Urocystis flscheri K6m.<br />

Urocystis fi^cheri Komicke, Hedwigia, xvi, p. 34, 1879.<br />

Tuburcinia fischeri (Kom.) Liro, 1922.<br />

Sori in the leaves as elongated blisteTs parallel with the veins, at first beneath<br />

the epidermis which ruptures to expose the spores. Spore mass powdery, black.<br />

Spore balls irregularly globose, 20-35 jn diam., each composed of one to two<br />

(occasionally three to four) spores completely surrounded by a layer of yellowishtinted,<br />

sterile cells, 8-14 /j. diam. ^Spores rounded, dark reddish-brown, 14-16 ju.<br />

diam. '<br />

On Carex flacca.<br />

June. England (Dorset [Herb, Path. Lab. 12]), Scotland (Forfarshire),<br />

Spore germination. Plowright (1889) germinated the spores after a considerable<br />

period of soaking in water. He remarked on the length of the promycelium and<br />

on the size and number of the sporidia, as many as eight occurring on one promycelium.<br />

No reference was made to fusions (Fig, 17 d).<br />

' G


Tlrocystis gladiolicola Ainsworth Gladiolus Smut<br />

Urocystis gladiolicola Ainsworth, Trans. Brit, mycol. Sdc, xxxii, p. 257, 1950.<br />

Sori in the leaves, as dark brown blisters paraUelwith the jv^eins, 1 mm. to several<br />

cm. in length, the epidermis rupturing to expose the spores, and in the corms.<br />

Spore mass powdery, dark brown. Spore balls globose, 154-28 ft diam., each composed<br />

of one or two spores completely surrounded by a rstther irregular layer of<br />

colourless sterile cells, 6-10 [i diam. Spores globose or sU'ghtly angled, reddishbro%vn,<br />

12-18 ju. diam.<br />

On cultivated Gladiolus.<br />

June, Dec. Somerset, Cornwall.<br />

Spore germination. Unknown.<br />

The fungus on which W. G. Smith based Urocystis gladioli W. G. Sm. was a<br />

species of Papulaspora (see Ainsworth, 1950).<br />

Urocystis hepaticae-trilobae (DC.) Ainsworth & Sampson, comb. nov.<br />

Uredo ranunculacearum 8 hepaticae-trilobae De CandoUe, Flor. franc, vi, p. 75,<br />

1815.<br />

Tuburcinia hepaticae-trilobae (DC.) Liro, 1922.<br />

Sori in the leaves as blister-like swellings beneath the epidermis which ruptures<br />

to expose the spores. Spore mass powdery, black. Spore balls rather irregular,<br />

21-52 n diam., each composed of one to seven (usually three to five) spores<br />

partially surrounded by yellowish-tinted, sterile cells, 10-13 /ix diam. Spores<br />

globose, angular or somewhat elongated, dark brown, smooth, 14-19 JJ. diam.<br />

On Hepatica pennsylvanica, Kew Gardens, 1890 [as Urocystis pompholygodesi,<br />

[Herb. Kew.].<br />

Infection of the Iwst. Markova (1927) found that spores from Hepatica triloba<br />

would not infect Trollius europaeus, Anemone spp., or Ranunculus spp.<br />

Urocystis junci Lagerh.<br />

Urocystis junci Lagerheim, genuina Lagerheim, Botaniska Notiser 1888, p. 210.<br />

Tuburcinia junci (Lagerh.) Liro, 1922.<br />

Sori inside the lower parts of the stems which finally rupture. Spore mass<br />

powdery, brownish black. Spore balls globose to rather irregular, 20-50 fi diam.,<br />

each composed of one to four (occasionally up to eight or more) spores, completely<br />

surrounded by a layer of smooth, elUpsoidal, yellowish cells 7-10 X 3-5 /x.<br />

Spores globose to ellipsoidal, yellowish, smooth, 12-16 n diam.<br />

On Juncus acutus.<br />

Burnfen Broad, Norfolk, 2.viii.l945, E. A. Ellis {Trans. Norf. Norwich Nat. Soc.,<br />

xvi, p, 175, 1946 [Herb. I.M.I. 582]).<br />

Spore germination. Unknown.<br />

Urocystis occulta (Walk.) Rabenh. Stripe Smut of Rye<br />

Erysibe occulta Wallroth, Flor. Crypt. Qerm., ii, p. 212, 1833.<br />

Uredo parallela Berkeley, 1836.<br />

Polycystis parallela (Berk.) Fries, 1849.<br />

Polycystis occulta (Wallr.) Schlechtendal, 1852.


Urocystis occulta (Wallr.) Rabenhorst in Klotzsch, Herb. viv. myc, ii, No. 393,<br />

1856.<br />

Urocystis parallela (Berk.) Fischer von Waldheim, 1870.<br />

Tufmrcinia occulta (Wallr.) Lire, 1922.<br />

Sori in the leaves, culms, and inflorescence as very long, dark, linear blisters<br />

parallel with the veins, at first covered by the epidermis which later ruptures to<br />

expose the spores. Spore mass powdery, dark reddish-brown. Spore halls globose<br />

to somewhat elongated, 15-26 /A long, each composed of one or two (rarely three<br />

or four) spores, completely or, frequently, incompletely surrounded by a layer of<br />

hyaline or tinted sterile cells, 5-10 /x, diam. Spores globose or angled, flattened<br />

on side of contact, reddish-brown, smooth, 12-16 fi diam. (Fig. 18).<br />

On Secale cereale (rye) causing Stripe Smut.<br />

June. England. Uncommon.<br />

(Spore germination. Germination has been described and figured by Kiihn (1858),<br />

Wolf (1873), Brefeld (1883), and more recently by<br />

Ling (1940 a) and Stakman, Cassell, & Moore (1934).<br />

According to the last-named, spores germinated best<br />

after soaking for 16 hours in water to which benzaldehyde<br />

had been added (three parts in 2,000,000),<br />

and a temperature of 24° C. favoured development.<br />

The promycelia varied in length and septation, the<br />

longest consisting of ten to fifteen cells with protoplasm '°" gpores^'^x^oo!<br />

only in the apical one. Fusion between the promyceUal<br />

branches occurred at the base, apex, or by H -shaped connexions in the<br />

middle, but a study of nuclear behaviour suggested that the dicaryophase can<br />

be initiated not only by fusion but, rarely, by the direct passage of two nuclei<br />

from the promycelium into one of its branches or by the union of two cells in<br />

fairly long hyphae (Fig. 17 e).<br />

Infection of the host during germination of the seed, first demonstrated by Wolff<br />

(1873, 1874 a), has been confirmed by many workers.<br />

Racial specialization. Agropyron caninum, A. inernie, Elymus canadensis, and<br />

E. triticoides were infected by stripe smut from rye while wheat was immune<br />

(Fischer & Holton, 1943).<br />

Urocystis sorosporioides Kom.<br />

Urocystis sorosporioides Kornicke in Fuckel, Symb. mycol.,Nachtr., iii, p. 10,1876.<br />

Tuburcinia sorosporioides (Korn.) Liro, 1922.<br />

Sori in the leaves as blister-like swellings beneath the epidermis which finally<br />

ruptures; less frequently in the petioles and stems. Spore mass powdery, black.<br />

Spore balls spherical to ellipsoidal, dark brown, opaque, 26-38 /i diam., each<br />

composed of three to seven spores completely surrounded by somewhat elongated,<br />

yellowish, sterile cells, 8-10 fi diam. Spores sub-globose, usually angled<br />

by mutual pressure, brown, smooth, 10-14 jx diam.<br />

On Thalictrum mimis and its var. inaritima.<br />

June. England (Lanes.), Scotland (Aberdeens.). Eare.<br />

Spore germination. Unknown.


Urocystis violae (Sow.) Fisch. v. Waldh. Smut of Violets<br />

Granuluria violae Sowerby, English Fungi, t. 440, 1815.<br />

Polycystis violae (Sow.) Berkeley & Broome, 1850.<br />

Urocystis violae (Sow.) Fischer von Waldheim, Bull. Soc. N^at. Moscow, xl, p. 258,<br />

1867.<br />

Tuburcinia violae (Sow.) Liro, 1922. i<br />

Sori in the petioles, veins, and upper parts of the root stock as large elongated<br />

swellings which distort the attacked parts. Spore mass powdery, dark brown.<br />

Spore balls rather irregular, globose to elongated, 26-68 /A long, each composed of<br />

four to eight spores covered by a (frequently disorganized) layer of yellowish<br />

sterile cells, 6-10 JJ. diam. Spores sub-globose, ellipsoidal, or polyhedral, reddish<br />

brown, smooth, 8-16 ja diam.<br />

On Viola odorata, V. reichenbachiana, V. riviniana, and cultivated violets.<br />

Feb., July, Nov. Widespread. Common.<br />

Exsiccati: Cooke, Fungi Brit. Exsicc, i, 78; Vize, Micro. Fungi, 137,.<br />

Spore germination. Germination was obtained by Kiihn (1876), PrilUeux (1880),<br />

Dangeard (1894 a), Brefeld (1895), and Schellenberg (1911). Brefeld figured<br />

several promycelia of varying age from one spore ball. Five or six short fusiform<br />

branches developed at the apex of the promycelium and each produced on a thin<br />

sterigma a long oval sporidium (Fig. 17 a). A similar result was obtained by<br />

Paravicini (1917) who also showed fusion of fallen sporidia (Fig. 17 b). Rawitscher<br />

(1922) described the development of seven to eight uninucleate sporidia<br />

which fused in pairs.<br />

MEiANOTAENrcTM de Bary,<br />

Bot. Zeit., xxxii, p. 105, 1874.<br />

Type: Melanotaenium endogenum (Ung.) de Bary on Galium mollugo, Europe.<br />

Sori in the stems, leaves, and roots giving rise to extensive black or grejrish<br />

areas, permanently embedded in the host tissue. Spore mass never powdery.<br />

Spores single, dark in colour. Sporidia not observed on host plant. Spore germination,<br />

see below.<br />

An account of this genus has been given by Beer (1920).<br />

Melanotaenium cingens (Beck) Magn.<br />

Ustilago cingens Beck, Oster. bot. Zeitschr., xxxi, p. 313, 1881.<br />

Melanotaenium caulium Schroeter, 1887, fide Magnus, 1892.<br />

Cintractia cingens (Beck) de Toni, 1888 [as 'Gintractial cingens'^<br />

Melanotaenium cingens (Beck) Magnus, Oster. bot. Zeitschr., xlii, p. 40, 1892,<br />

Sori in the stems and leaves, covered by a layer of host tissue which disintegrates<br />

to expose the spores. Spore mass firm to somewhat granular, black. Spores<br />

rather irregular, globose to sub-globose, polygonal or ellipsoidal, dark brown,<br />

almost opaque, smooth, 13-18x10-16 ja.<br />

On Linaria vulgaris.<br />

July-Aug. N. Wales: Glyndyfrdwy, nr. Langollen, C. T. Green {Trans. Brit,<br />

mycol. Soc, ii, p. 6, 1903); Prestatyn; Cambs, [Herb. Kew.].<br />

Spore germination. Brefeld (1883) figured germination showing very short

30390<br />


promycelia, basal fusions between the promycelial branches, and the growth of<br />

these to form'hyphae (Fig. 10 b, d). Juel (1894) also figured germination noting<br />

the short promyceUa (15 /x) with three or four terminal branches, but he did not<br />

observe fusions. Some of the branches formed long septate hyphae (diameter<br />

2 fi) and small, somewhat bent sporidia (9 x 3 ja). In nutrient solution derived<br />

from dung the apical branches of the promycelium formed a bunch of sterile<br />

filaments. Viennot-Bourgin (1937), using a filtrate of soil and compost, germinated<br />

spores from plants of Linaria striata which had been exposed to the<br />

weather until April. The promycelia (70-130 /x.) were thin and flexuous with one<br />

or two slender apical branches (20-30 X 3 ft) which bore at the tip thin slightly<br />

acuminate sporidia (9-18 X 3-5 fi) on rudimentary stalks. l^^.<br />

Melanotaenium endogenum (Unger) de Bary<br />

Protomyces eridogenus Unger, Die Exantheme der Pflanzen, pp. 342, 419, 183:<br />

Protomyces galii Nees von Esenbeck, 1837, fide de Toni, 1888.<br />

Melanotaenium endogenum (Unger) de Bary, Bot. Zeit., xxxii, p. 106, 1874.<br />

Entyloma endogenum (Unger) Wiinsche, 1877.<br />

Sori in the stems and leaves blackening the stunted shoots of the infected plants,<br />

covered by the epidermis of the host. Spore mass firmly agglutinated, black.<br />

Spores rather irregular, globose, sub-globose, polygonal<br />

or elhpsoidal, dark brown, almost opaque,<br />

16-22 X12-20 ja (Figs. 19, 10 c).<br />

On Qalium verum.<br />

Scotland, Aberdeen (see Trail, Scot. Nat., vii (N.S. i),<br />

p. 243, 1884), St. Fagans, Aberdeens. (A. Smith,<br />

July, 1932, Herb. Kew.); Newcastle-on-Tyne (A. W.<br />

Bartlett, 1938, Herb. I.M.I. 32325); Guernsey (E. A.<br />

Ellis, July, 1939, Herb. I.M.I. 32326); Cambs. Fio-19- Melanotaenium endogenum.<br />

Spores. x500.<br />

Spore germination. Woronin (1882) germinated, in<br />

October and November, spores collected at the end of June. The epispore spht<br />

and the endospore grew out as a blunt, cylindrical germ-tube which often<br />

branched, but only one branch developed further, forming a promycelium<br />

•\vith four to seven apical branches which fused at the tip or at the base. After<br />

fusion some of these developed septate mycelium but no sporidia were observed.<br />

Melanotaenium hypogaeum (Tul.) ScheUenb.<br />

Ustilago hypogaea Tulasne, Fung, hypog., p. 196, 1851.<br />

Melanotaenium hypogaeum (Tul.) ScheUenberg, Die Brandpilze der Schweiz,<br />

p. 108, 1911.<br />

Sori in the root stock. Spore mass compact, black, intersected by white fibres.<br />

Spores rounded or rounded polygonal, dark brown, smooth, contents very<br />

oleaginous, 20-24 x 14r-20/x. [n.v., after Phillips & Plowright.]<br />

On Linaria spuria.<br />

Freshwater, Isle of Wight, 1869, John Lowe (see Phillips & Plowright, Orevillea,<br />

xiii, p. 52, 1884).<br />

Spore germination. Unknown.


Melanotaenium lamii Beer<br />

Melanotaenium lamii Beer, Trans. Brit, mycol. Soc, vi, p. 337, (Sept.) 1920.<br />

Melanotaenium lamii Sydow, Ann. mycol., Berl., xviii, pi 156, (April) 1921.<br />

Sari in the undergroxind stems as blister-like swellings! or as tuberous bodies<br />

8-5-9-0 mm. diam. (Plate II, Fig. 1); affected buds are much more swoUen.<br />

Spore mass firm, black. Spores spherical to oval, dark brown, thick-waUed,<br />

smooth, 17-20 [J. diam.<br />

On Lamium album.<br />

Chalfont, Stroud, Glos., early summer 1918 and again in 1919, W. F. Drew<br />

(Beer, loc. cit.); Lacey Green, Bucks., 11 Feb. 1948, K. Sampson (Herb. Kew.).<br />

Spore germination and infection of the host are unknown. Viennot-Bourgin (1937)<br />

has described the development and anatomy of galls produced by this species<br />

on Linaria spuria and by M. cingens on L. striata.<br />

ENTYLOMA de Bary,<br />

Bot. Zeit., xxxii, p. 101, 1874.<br />

Type: Entyloma microsporum (Ung.) Schroet. [E. ungerianum de Bary] on<br />

Banunculus repent, Germany.<br />

Synonym: Bhamphosora D.D. Cunningham, 1887.<br />

Sori usually in the leaves, generally giving rise to discoloured areas, permanently<br />

embedded in the host tissue. Spores single, hyahne or pale in colour. Sporidia<br />

not infrequent on the host plant as a result of spore germination in situ or on<br />

mycelium protruding through the stomata.<br />

Spore germination, see pp. 104-8.<br />

Entyloma achilleae Magn.<br />

Entyloma achilleae P. Magnus, Abh. naturh. Ges. Niirnberg, xiii, p. 8, 1900.<br />

Sori in the leaves. Spores globose, colourless, 10-12/A diam. [Sporidia on the host<br />

one-, rarely two- to four-celled, hyaline, 6-25 by 3-5-5-5fi; fide Liro (1938)].<br />

On Achillea millefolium.<br />

Isle of Bute, Aug., 1907, D. A. Boyd (A. L. Smith, Trans. Brit, mycol. Soc, iii,<br />

p. 122, 1909 [Herb. B.M.]).<br />

Entyloma calendulae (Oudem.) de Bary<br />

Protomyces calendulae Oudemans, Archiv. Neerl. Sci. Exact, nat., viii, p. 384,<br />

1873.<br />

Entyloma calendulae (Oudem.) de Bary, Bot. Zeit., xxxii, p. 102, 1874.<br />

Sori in the leaves as circular spots, 1 •0-5-0 mm. or more diam., first pale, then<br />

brown. Spores globose to polygonal, almost hyaline to pale yellow, smooth,<br />

9-14 /x diam. Sporidia, see p. 22.<br />

On Calendula officinalis and (fide Beaumont, Bep. Plant Path., Seale Hayne<br />

agric. Coll., x, p. 39; xi, p. 54; xiii, p. 39) cultivated Calendula.<br />

March-Dec. Cornwall, Kent, Norfolk, Suffolk.<br />

Spore germination. De Bary (1874) described and figured the germination of

FIG. 20. Spore geimination in Entyloma. a. E. ficariae. Foliar sporidia and mycelium<br />

(Marshall Ward, 1887); b. E. microsporum. x600 (de Bary, 1874); c. B. magnusii. x520<br />

(Woronin, 1882); d. E. calendulae (Kaiser, 1936).


fresh material. Three to eight short, cylindrical branches developed at the apex<br />

of the promyceUum, fused in pairs and grew out iw, situ to form very long,<br />

slender, spindle-shaped sporidia. Paravicini (1917) foxmd that the short and<br />

rather broad promycelial branches fused after abstriction, and one nucleus<br />

passed through the bridge. Kaiser (1936) confirmed de Bauy's observations and<br />

demonstrated the binucleate condition of the sporidia which developed from the<br />

fused promycelial branches. Some branches grew out directly to form mycelium,<br />

others, unpaired, cut off uninucleated sporidia (Fig. 20 d). In rare cases two<br />

promycelia developed from one chlamydospore. Above and below the optimum<br />

temperature (8°-12° C.) the number of promycelial branches was reduced.<br />

Infection of the host. The infection of young leaves occurs throughout the<br />

summer, presumably from foliar sporidia and germinating chlamydospores, and<br />

in spring from chlamydospores which have overwintered in old parts of the<br />

plant. De Bary (1874) observed light flecks nine days after germinating<br />

chlamydospores had been placed on leaves of Calendula officinalis.<br />

Entyloma calendulae (Oudem.) de Bary f. bellidis (Kreiger) Ainsworth &<br />

Sampson, comb, no v.<br />

Entyloma bellidis Kreiger, Hedwigia, xxxv, p. (144), 1896.<br />

Sori in the leaves. Spores as E. calendulae. {Sporidia on the host needle-shaped,<br />

colourless, 20-45 X1-5 ft, fide Liro (1938).]<br />

On Bellis perennis. St. Fergus, Aberdeenshire, Dec, 1932, A. Smith [Herb.<br />

Kew.].<br />

Spore germination. Unknown.<br />

Entyloma calendulae (Oudem.) de Bary f. dahliae (Sydow) Viegas<br />

Dahlia Smut<br />

Entyloma dahliae Sydow, 1912.<br />

Entyloma calendulae (Oudem.) de Bary f. dahliae (Sydow) Viegas, Bragantia, iv,<br />

p. 748, 1944.<br />

Sori in the leaves as circular to elliptical spots up to 1 cm. diam., sometimes'<br />

confluent, at first pale, later brown and giving rise to dead areas (Plate II, Fig. 4).<br />

Spores as E. calendulae. Sporidia, see below and p. 22 (Fig. 1 f).<br />

On cultivated DahUas.<br />

Aug.-Oct. Widespread. Common.<br />

Spore germination has been observed by Pape (1926), Pethybridge (1928), and<br />

Green (1932). Pape figured the promycelium with an apical crown of branches<br />

which fuse in pairs, apparently at their apices, and produce long, needle-shaped<br />

sporidia, 60 X 1-0 /i. Green described the sporidia as needle-like (45-75 x 2-0 fx),<br />

sometimes slightly curved, aseptate, with one end pointed and the other somewhat<br />

blunt, marking its point of attachment to the sporidiophore. Infection<br />

experiments were negative.<br />

Entyloma calendulae (Oudem.) de Bary f. hieracii Sehroet.<br />

Entyloma calendulae (Oudem.) de Bary f. hieracii Schroeter, Cohn Beitr. Biol.<br />

PJlanz., ii, p. 439, 1876.<br />

Entyloma hieracii Sydow, 1919.


Sori in the leaves. Spores as E. calevdulae. Sporidia not reported on the host.<br />

On Hieracium vulgaium and (fide Plowright, 1889) H. murorum.<br />

Autumn. Scotland (nr. Aberdeen).<br />

Spore germination. Unknown.<br />

Entyloma chrysosplenii (B. & Br.) Schroet.<br />

Protomyces chrysosplenii Berkeley & Broome, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., Ser. 4, xv,<br />

p. 36, 1875. [Notices of British Fungi No. 1472.]<br />

Entyloma chrysosplenii (B. & Br.) Sehroeter in Cohn, Beitr. Biol. PJlanz., ii,<br />

p. 372, 1877.<br />

Sori in the leaves as thickened, whitish spots, 2-6 mm. diam. Spores globose or<br />

shortly ellipsoidal, colourless, smooth, 10-12 fx, diam. [n.v., after Plowright.]<br />

On Chrysosplenium oppositifolium.<br />

June-Sept. Scotland (New PitsUgo [type locaUty]; Birks of Fiadhom [Keith,<br />

Scot. Naturalist, iv, p. 348, 1878]).<br />

There is no type specimen in the Berkeley herbarium in Herb. Kew. and no<br />

British specimens have been traced.<br />

Spore germination. According to Maire (1900) the spore germinates while still in<br />

the leaf and produces at the apex of the promycelium two to four oblong,<br />

cylindrical sporidia, 15-16x2-5-3 /x.<br />

Entyloma eryngii (Corda) de Bary<br />

Physoderma eryngii Corda, Icones Fungorum, in, p. 3, t. 1., 18.<br />

ErUyloma eryngii (Corda) de Bary, Bat. Zeit., p. 105, 1874.<br />

Sori in the leaves as fawn-coloured, raised, spots, 1-3 mm. diam. Spores<br />

globose, or shghtly angular, epispore 1/x thick, smooth, hyaUne to yeUow-brown,<br />

8-10 /i diam.<br />

On Eryngium maritimum.<br />

Stevenston, Ayrshire, D. A. Boyd, Sept. 1908 [Herb. B.M.].<br />

Spore germination. De Bary (1874) described and figured germination. The<br />

promycelium bears four (sometimes five or six) terminal branches which fuse in<br />

pairs either at the apex or the base, and finally grow out to form mycehum.<br />

Sporidia were not seen. /<br />

Entyloma fergussoni (B. & Br.) Plowr.<br />

Protomyces fergussoni Berkeley & Broome; Ann. Mag. nxit. Hist., Ser. 4, xv, p. 36,<br />

1875. [Notices of British Fungi No. 1473.]<br />

Entyloma canescens Sehroeter, 1877.<br />

Entyloma fergussoni (B. & Br.) Plowright, British Ured.


Spore germination. Schroeter (1877) states that spores from Myosotis stricta and.<br />

M. hispidus germinated easily soon after they were ripe and formed, as in<br />

Entyloma microsporum, long, spindle-shaped sporidia 26-^:0 X 2-2-3 fi. Old ilecks<br />

on the leaves were thickly covered with beds of sporiciia. Kaiser (1936) sawspores<br />

germinating in the tissues of the host but he was unable to germinate<br />

chlamydospores of this species under artificial condition^. He suggests that the<br />

two types of sporidia found in nature ion the leaf are mainly responsible for<br />

dissemination of the disease, that they can overwinter and infect new plants in<br />

the spring (see p. 23). The best method for transmitting the disease was to<br />

spray plants with water containing dry or fresh infected material broken into<br />

small fragments. A suspension of sporidia gave particularly good results. The<br />

technique used did not completely exclude the possibility of chlamydospores<br />

being present in the suspension. The incubation period was 21 days. In E.<br />

serotinum on Symphytum sp. Schroeter (1887) refers to the thread-like<br />

sporidia (26-40 X 2-2-3 [x.) that precede the spores making young flecks pure<br />

white.<br />

Physiologic specialization. Infection experiments, using sporidial suspensions<br />

from various hosts, showed that the forms of E. fergtissoni on Myosotis, Symphytum,<br />

Borago, Mertensia, and Pulmonaria are biologically distinct. Measurements<br />

of chlamydospores and sporidia from' these genera of host plants agreed<br />

closely and Kaiser (1936) unites the forms as one species indicating the forms by<br />

trinomials as recommended by Ciferri (1932).<br />

Entyloma ficariae (Berk.) Fiseh. v. Waldh.<br />

Cylindrosporium ficariae Berkeley, Brit. Fungi, No. 212, 1837. [Notices of<br />

British Fungi, No. 135, 1838.] Stat, conid. [in 1875 Berkeley & Broome<br />

(Notices of British Eungi, No. 1471) reported chlamydospores in the type<br />

specimen].<br />

Fusidium ranunculi Bonorden, 1851. Stat, conid.<br />

Gloeosporium ficariae (Berk.) Cooke, 1871. Stat, conid.<br />

Entyloma ungerianum f. ficariae Winter, Bahenh. Fungi Europ.,'No. 1873,1874.<br />

[C. ficariat Berk, cited as conidial state.]<br />

Entyloma ungerianum f. ficariae von Thiimen, Mycoth. Univ., No. 219, 1876.<br />

[Collected by G. Winter and probably the same as Babenh. Fungi Europ.,<br />

No. 1873.]<br />

Entyloma ficariae (Thvim.) Fischer von Waldheim, Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscow.,<br />

hi, p. 309, 1877.<br />

Entyloma ranunculi (Bon.) Schroeter, 1877,<br />

Cylindrosporium ranunculi (Bon.) Saccardo, 1878. Stat, conid.<br />

Entylomella ficariae (Berk.) v. Hohnel in Wese, Ann. mycol,<br />

Berl., xxii, p. 191, 1924. Stat, conid.<br />

Sori as circular spots on the leaves, at first yellowish (or<br />

FiG.21. Entyloma whitish due to sporidia), 2-5 mm. diam. (Plate II, Fig. 5).<br />

ficariae. Spores. Spores globose to sub-globose, pale brown, wall 1-2 fj. thick,<br />

^ • smooth, 10-14 fi diam. (Fig. 21). Sporidia on the host fusiform,<br />

thread-like, or ellipsoidal, hyaline, mostly 30-45 X about 2-0 /x (Figs. 16 and 20a),<br />

as whitish growths on both sides of the leaves (see p. 22).

On Ranunculus ficariae and B. scleratus.<br />


April-May. Widespread. Common.<br />

Exsiccati: Berkeley, Brit. Fungi, 212; Cooke, Fungi Brit. Exsicc., i, 533.<br />

Spore germination. Marshall Ward (1887) states that after some months in the<br />

dormant condition the spores put out promycelia from which sporidia are developed<br />

which seem to behave like those on the leaves.<br />

Entyloma fuscum Schroet.<br />

Entyloma fuscum Schroeter in Cohn, Beitr. Biol. Pflanz., ii, p. 373, 1877.<br />

Sari in the leaves, forming roundish yellow spots. Spores globose or polygonal,<br />

colourless then brown, 10-16 /oi diam. Sporidia on the host, on the undersides of<br />

the leaves, cylindrical, curved, attenuated towards the base, simple or septate,<br />

hyaline, 10-20 X 3-0/x.<br />

On Papaver rhoeas.<br />

North Wootton, Norfolk, July, 1882 (Phillips & Plowright, Grevillea, xiii, p. 52,<br />

1884) [Herb. B.M.]; Wisley, Surrey, May, 1930, J. Ramsbottom [Herb. B.M.].<br />

Both the British collections have been identified as E. bicohr Zopf [E. bicolor<br />

Stromeyer] a species near to or identical with E. fuscum from which it is said to<br />

differ by having spores 23 X12-17 jx instead of 11-16 /n diam. Plowright (1889)<br />

gives the spore size as 20-23 X15-18 ju, but as the spore size of the two specimens<br />

examined is rather less than this they have been tentatively referred to E.<br />

fuscum.<br />

Spore germination. Schroeter (1877) described how the hght flecks on the basal<br />

leaves of Papaver in spring became covered, under moist conditions, with thin<br />

white tufts resembling Ramularia. Sections of the leaf showed tufts of promycelia<br />

passing between the guard cells and bearing apically five to eight sporidia,<br />

at first cylindrical, later long, spindle-shaped, almost thread-like in form,<br />

like those on Myosotis (see p. 106).<br />

Entyloma helosciadii Magn.<br />

Entyloma helosciadii Magnus, Hedwigia, xxi, j).^ 129, 1882. Stat, conid.<br />

Cylindrosporium helosciadii repentis Magnus, Abh. bat. Ver. Brandenburg, xxxv,<br />

p. 68, 1893.<br />

Entylomella helosciadii repentis (Magn.) von Hohnel in Weese, Ann. mycol., Berl.,<br />

xxii, pp. 193-4, 1924.<br />

Sori in the leaves as discoloured spots which become necrotic, frequently<br />

covered, especially on the underside, by a white sporidial growth. Spores<br />

spherical to elhpsoidal, thin-walled, hyaline to dark yellow, 5-12 fi diam.<br />

Sporidia on the host cylindrical with shghtly tapered ends to oval, hyaline,<br />

9-14 X about 3-0/i.<br />

On Apium nodiflorum.<br />

June-Oct. Eire, Co. Dublin [Herb. I.M.I. 32305] and Tipperary (first recorded<br />

by O'Connor, Sci. Proc. roy. Dublin Soc, N.S., xxi, p. 395, 1936, where host is<br />

given in error as Sium erectum); England (Wilts.).


Spore germination. Unknown.<br />

In some of the material examined Protomyces macrosporus Ung, (see Plowright<br />

(1889) p. 300) was also present. '<br />

Entyloma henningsianum Syd.<br />

Entyloma henningsianum Sydow, Hedwigia, xxxix, p. 123; 1900.<br />

Sori in the leaves forming scattered orbicular spots, 4-8 mm. diam., pale yellow,<br />

becoming brownish. Spores globose or globose-angular, yellowish-hyaline,<br />

epispore about 2 ft thick, smooth, 9-15 /x.<br />

On Samolus valerandi.<br />

Dubh Loch, Inveraray, Argyllshire, Sept., 1907, D. A. Boyd (A. L. Smith & Rea,<br />

Trans. Brit, mycol. Soc, iii, p. 34, 1908 [Herb. B.M.]).<br />

Spore germination. Unknown.<br />

Entyloma matiicaxiae Eostr.<br />

- Entylxyma matricariae Rostiup in Thumen, Mycoth. univ.. No. 2223,1884.<br />

Entyloma matricariae Trail in Plowright, 1889.<br />

Entyloma trailii Massee, 1891 [nom. nov. for E. matricariae Trail apud Plowr.].<br />

Sori in the leaves, when mature as discrete brown spots or affecting all surfaces<br />

of the leaf segments, and, less frequently, the stems. Spores globose or polygonal,<br />

thin-walled, hyaUne to dark yeUow, smooth, 10-12 fi diam. Sporidia on the host,<br />

in mature and maturing sori, filiform, hyaline, one- to four-celled, 6-25 X 2-3 fx.<br />

On Matricaria inodora.<br />

Aug.-Sept. Scotland (Orkneys, Aberdeens., Argylls.).<br />

Spore germination. Unknown.<br />

Entyloma microsporum (Ung.) Schroet.<br />

Protomyces microsporus Unger, Die Exantheme der Pflanzen, p. 343, 1833.<br />

Entyloma ungerianum de Bary, 1874 [nom. nov. for P. microsporus Ung.].<br />

Entyloma microsporum Schroeter in Rabenh. Fungi Europ., No. 1872, 1874.<br />

Stat, conid.<br />

Gylindrosporium ranunculi var. microsporum D. Saccardo, 1904.<br />

Entylomella microspora (D. Sacc.) Ciferri, 1938.<br />

Sori in the leaves and petioles as round or fusiform yellowish-brown swellings.<br />

Spores globose or irregular, pale yellowish brown, epispore formed of several<br />

layers, 2-6 /x thick, smooth, 12-21 X10-18 /LI. Sporidia on the host fusiform,<br />

hyaline, 12-18x2-5/n.<br />

On Eanunculus repens, R. acris.<br />

Sept.-Oct. England (Yorks.), Scotland.<br />

Spore germination. De Bary (1874) obtained germination in 24 hours by placing<br />

spores from a fresh, ripe sorus in water in a moderately warm room. Spores<br />

dried for three months also germinated. Four to eight (usually six or seven)<br />

terminal branches developed simultaneously on the promycelium with apical or<br />

basal fusion. Sometimes the branches grew out to form mycelium, sometimes<br />

they gave rise to long, thin, slightly bent sporidia (Fig. 20 b).


Infection of the. host. Characteristic flecks developed in 11 to 14 days after<br />

inoculating leaves of R. repens with germinating chlamydospores (de Bary,<br />

1874).<br />

DoASSANSiA Cornu,<br />

Ann. Sci. nat.. Bat., Ser. 6, xv, p. 285, 1883.<br />

Type; Doassansia alismatia (Nees) Cornu on Alisma plantago, Europe.<br />

Synonyms: SetchelUa Magnus, 1895.<br />

Doassansiopsis (Setch.) Dietel, 1897, p.p.<br />

Sari usually in the leaves of aquatic plants or of plants in moist situations;<br />

rather permanently embedded in the host tissue. Spore balls each composed of<br />

a sterile cortical layer and a central mass of fertile spores which in some species<br />

surround a central core of sterile cells or hyphae. Spores light-coloured, thinwalled,<br />

smooth. Spore germination, see below.<br />

Setchell (1892) in his monograph of the genus distinguished three sub-genera:<br />

Eudoassansia, for forms such as D. sagittariae and D. alismatis, in which the<br />

centre of the spore ball is composed of spores only; Doassansiopsis, for forms<br />

such as D. martianoffiana, in which the spores surround a core of parenchymatous<br />

tissue; and Pseudodoassansia in which the spores enclose an irregular<br />

mass of hyphae.<br />

Doassansia alismatis (Nees) Cornu<br />

Sclerotium alismatis Nees in Fries, Systema, ii, p. 257, 1822.<br />

Perisporium alismatis Fries, ibid., iii, p. 252, 1829.<br />

Doassansia alismatis (Nees) Comu, Ann. Sci. nat., Bot., Ser. 6, xv, p. 285,1883.<br />

Sphaeria alismatis Currey, Trans. Linn. Soc., Lond., xxii, p. 334, 1859 fide<br />

SeteheU [but see Grove, Coelomycetes, i, p. 53, 1935].<br />

Sphaeropsis alismatis (Currey) Cooke, 1867.<br />

Phyllosticta curreyi Saccardo, Syll. Fung., iii, p. 60, 1884 [nov. nom. for S. alismatis'].<br />

Cylindrosporium alismacearum Saccardo, p.p., fide Grove, 1937.<br />

Sori in the leaves as yellowish to brownish circular spots up to 1 cm. diam. and<br />

as larger irregular areas on which the embedded spore balls form numerous<br />

minute elevations. Spore balls more or less spherical, dark reddish-brown,<br />

130-200 [I diam., each composed of a distinct cortical layer of radially elongated<br />

cells (10-20x5-12 /x) surrounding a central mass of spores. Spores globose or<br />

somewhat angled, tinted yellowish, smooth, 10-12 /j, diam.<br />

On Alisma plantago-aquatica.<br />

July-Oct. England (Suffolk), Scotland.<br />

Exsiccati: Cooke, Fungi Brit. Exsicc, i, 431 (as Sphaeropsis alismatis).<br />

Spore germination. Comu (1883) found that the spores germinated easily in<br />

water forming a crown of sporidia which were at first fusiform, elongated and<br />

diverging, later almost thread-like. Brefeld (1895) so figured germination.<br />

SetcheU (1892) who germinated fresh spores in July to August and dried<br />

material in October to March, described the process in some detail. The promycehum<br />

was long, slender (40-50 X 3-4 jti) with five to seven fusiform sporidia


(20-28 X 2 /i) at the apex. Septation occurred as the protoplasm passed to the<br />

apex and a short stump of the promyceUum separated after the sporidia had<br />

become detached (see Fig. 15 e). The sporidia conjugatedlin pairs at the base.<br />

Germ-tubes developed from the apex of one or both sporidia or from the base.<br />

Unconjugated sporidia did not germinate but sometimes the promyceUum gave<br />

rise directly to mycelium. No secondary sporidia were observed. Grove (1937)<br />

assumes that Cylindrosporium alismacearum Sacc. represents the sporidia produced<br />

on promycelia from spores of Doassansia alismatis germinating in sihi.<br />

This may be so, but it is possible that this Doassansia sometimes develops sporidia<br />

directly from parasitic mycelium (see p. 23).<br />

Doassansia limosellae (Kunze) Schroet.<br />

Protomyces limoseUae Kunze, Rabenh. Fungi Eur., No. 1694 (1873).<br />

Entyloma limosellae (Kunze) Winter, 1884.<br />

Doassansia limosellae (Kunze) Schroeter, Die Pilze Schles., iii, p. 287, 1887.<br />

Burrillia limosellae (Kunze) Liro, 1920.<br />

Sori in the leaves and leaf stalks on both surfaces of which the embedded spore<br />

balls form numerous, irregularly scattered, brown then black elevations, at first<br />

beneath the epidermis, later erumpent. Spore balls oval or globose, brown,<br />

50-150 [I diam., each composed of a central mass of spores enclosed by what<br />

appears to be partly disorganized brown hyphae. Spores globose to oval, pale<br />

brown, smooth, 9-11 fi diam.<br />

On Limosella aquatica.<br />

Earlswood Reservoir, Warwickshire, on dried-up mud, W. B. Grove, Oct., 1921<br />

(see J. Bot., Lond., Ix, p. 169, 1922), and Oct., 1929 [Herb. Grove in Herb.<br />

Univ. Birmingham].<br />

As can be seen from the synonymy, there is some doubt regarding the generic<br />

position of this smut which was excluded from Doassansia by Setchell (1892).<br />

Pending the examination of fresh material, the name used is that under which<br />

the fungus was first recorded for this country by Grove {loc. cit.).<br />

Spore germination. Brefeld (1895), who was only able to germinate spores in<br />

nutrient solution, described the spore germination as being very similar to that<br />

of D. sagittariae. Grove (Joe. cit.) observed spores on the host in a state of active<br />

germination and reported conjugation of the primary sporidia in pairs and the<br />

presence of great numbers of elongated secondary sporidia.<br />

Doassansia martianoffiana (Thiim.) Schroet.<br />

Protomyces martianoffianus Thiimen, Bull. Soc. imp. Nat. Moscou, liii, p. 207,<br />

1878.<br />

Doassansia martianoffiana (Thiim.) Schroeter, Die Pilze Schles., iii, p. 287, 1887.<br />

Doassansiopsis martianoffiana (Thiim.) Dietel, 1897.<br />

Sori in the undersides of the leaves as round or irregular yellowish spots on<br />

which the embedded spores baUs form numerous minute elevations. Spore balls<br />

sub-globose, brownish, 120-160 /x diam., each consisting of a cortical layer within<br />

which is a layer of spores enclosing a central mass of parenchymatous cells.<br />

Spores sub-globose or shghtly elongated, pale yellow, smooth, 8-12 /x diam.


[Sporidia on the liost, on blunt hyphae protruding from the stomata, long,<br />

slender, 30 X1 -5 fi. They apparently germinate in position and give rise to small<br />

bunches of tangled hyphae (Setchell, 1892,1894).]<br />

On Potamogeton sp.<br />

Ayrshire, Ardrossan, Aug., 1911, D. A. Boyd (Trans. Brit, mycol. Soc., iv, p. 185,<br />

1912) and West Kilbride, July, 1914, D. A, Boyd [Herb. Kew.].<br />

Spore germination. Unknown.<br />

Doassansia sagittaiiae (Westend.) C. Fisch<br />

Uredo sagittariae Westendorp., Herb, crypt. Belg., No. 1177, 1857.<br />

Physoderma sagittariae Fuckel, 1865.<br />

Protomyces sagittariae (Fuckel) Fuckel, 1869.<br />

Aecidiwm incarceratum Berkeley & Broome, 1875 [Notices of British Fungi,<br />

No. 1469].<br />

Doassansia sagittariae (Westend.) C. Fisch, Ber. dtsch. hot. Ges., ii, p. 405, 1884.<br />

Sori in the leaves as yellowish brown spots 5-10 mm. diam. on which the embedded<br />

spore balls form numerous minute elevations. Spore balls more or less<br />

spherical, pale yellow-brown, 50-80 fi diam., each composed of a distinct cortical<br />

layer of rather irregularly arranged sterile cells, 12-18 fj. diam., and a central<br />

mass of spores. Spores globose to angular, tinted yellow, smooth, 8-12 [j. diam.<br />

On Sagittaria sagittifolia.<br />

Summer. England. Uncommon.<br />

Exsiccati: Vize, Micro. Fungi Brit. 50 (as Protomyces sagittariae); Rabenhorst,<br />

Fungi Europ., No. 1492 (as Aecidium incarceratum; some specimens of this<br />

exsiccata are leaves of Alisma plantago presumably infected by D. olsiTnatis).<br />

Spore germirmtion. Fisch (1884) obtained germination in spring and early<br />

summer. The sporidia are inserted at unequal distances on the markedly conical<br />

tip of the promycelium. They were not observed to conjugate but, rarely,<br />

fusions took place between secondary sporidia. This was confirmed by Brefeld<br />

(1895) who germinated over-wintered spores (Fig. 15/) and found that sporidia<br />

were viable after three months. Infection takes place throughout the summer,<br />

first from overwintered spores and then from sporidia. Infected leaves are<br />

always raised above the surface of the water.<br />

Type: GrapUola Poit., 1824.<br />


Sori in the leaves of palms, erumpent, single or in groups in a compact black<br />

peridium. Sporidia ('spores') produced laterally in whorls at the septa of sporogenous<br />

hyphae (equivalent to chains of chlamydospores) arising from the base<br />

of the sorus.<br />

GEAPHIOLA Poiteau,<br />

Ann. Sci. nat. iii, p. 473, 1824<br />

Ty^: Graphiola phoenicis Poit. on date-palm [Phoenix dactylifera], Paris,<br />

France.<br />

Sori single, each with an inner thin-walled, colourless, peridium and fascicles of


protruding sterile hyphae intermixed with the sporogenous hyphae. Sporidia<br />

globose to elliptical. Sporidial germination by a filamentous mycelium or by the<br />

formation of fusiform secondary spores.<br />

Graphiola phoenicis Poit. , Palm Smut<br />

Oraphiola phoenicis Poiteau, Ann. Sci. nat. iii, 473, 1824 [G. phoenicis (Moug.)<br />

de Toni [as '(Moug.) Poit.'] {PRacidium phoenicis Mougeot, 1821) is a later<br />

homonym].<br />

Sari in the leaves, erumpent, rounded, 1-1-5 mm. wide, 0-5 mm. high, each with<br />

a hard black outer wall surrounding a thin colourless membrane, at first closed,<br />

then with an apical opening through which fascicles of yellowish hyphae protrude<br />

2 mm. or more. Sporidial mass yqUowish, granular. Sporidia globose to<br />

elliptical, colourless, smooth, 3-6 /x diam.<br />

On date-palm (Phoenix dactylifera) in greenhouses.<br />

Eccsiccati: Vize, Fungi Brit., 171; Fungi exsicc. Select, ex Herb. M. C. Cooke, on<br />

palms, Kew Gardens, April, 1855.<br />


Doassansia comari (Berk. & White) de Toni & Massee {Protomyces comari Berk.<br />

& White) = Physoderma comari (Berk. & White) Lagerh. See Sampson<br />

(1940).<br />

Melanotaenimn ari (Cooke) Lagerh. [Protomyces ari Cooke (Grevillea, i, p. 7,<br />

1872) on leaves of Arum maculatum, Chichester) has frequently been accepted<br />

as a smut but an examination of the type specimen and other European<br />

material in Herb. Kew. supports the opinion expressed by Beer (1920) that<br />

this species does not belong to the UstUaginales. The thick-walled spores are<br />

possibly oospores.<br />

Sorosporiom scabies (Berk.) Fisch. v. Waldh. (Tuburcinia scabies Berk.) =<br />

Spongospora subterranea (Wallr.) Lagerh.<br />

Sphacelotheca reiliana (Kiihn) Clinton on maize was compiled by Cooke (1906)<br />

but no British record has been traced.<br />

Tilletia berkeleyi Massee (1899) on Triticum vulgare, King's Cliffe, Northants.<br />

(Rev. M. J. Berkeley). The type specimen, which has no spores, gives no clue<br />

to this very doubtful species.<br />

Tilletia sphagni Nawaschin in capsules oi Sphagnum papillosum Lindb., Blelham<br />

Tarn, nr. Ambleside, Westmorland, 24 March 1948 (D. Walker, 1948), is of<br />

doubtful affinity.<br />

Tolyposporium montiae (Rostr.) Rostr. (Sorosporium montiae Rostr.) which was<br />

recorded on Montia fontana. West Kilbride, Ayrshire (D. A. Boyd) by Wakefield<br />

& Dennis {Trans. Brit, mycol. Soc, xxix, p. 145, 1946) is of doubtful<br />

affinity and does not, it is felt, justify the introduction of either Tolyposporium<br />

or Sorosporium into the British list.<br />

IlstilagO caidui Fisch. v. Wald. on Carduus was recorded by Cooke (1878) and<br />

Plowright (1889). No British specimen has been traced but there is a record<br />

on Girsium paltistre (F. A. Mason, Naturalist, 1921, p. 349).<br />

Ustilago cucumis A. B. Grifiiths, zooglea threads in root nodules of Cucumis<br />



Ustilago ficuum Eeichardt on figs, Plowright (1889), p. 85 (footnote) is a species<br />

of Aspergillus, probably of the A. niger series, fide Thom & Raper, Manual<br />

of the Aspergilli, 1945.<br />

Ustilago grammica Berk. & Br. on Aira aquatica, Oxton, Notts., is probably a<br />

species of Pirostoma and the host may be Olyceria aquatica. See Sampson<br />

(1940).<br />

Ustilago phoenicis Corda on dates, Plowright (1889) p. 85 (footnote) = Aspergilliis<br />

phoenicis (Corda) Thom.<br />

UstUago rudolphi Tul. was recorded on Dianthu^ deltoides in a Norwich garden<br />

by Southwell {Gfrevillea, x, p. 67, 1881) and described by Plowright (1889) as<br />

Sorosporium saponariae Rudolphi. The description does not agree with<br />

S. saponariae, which is confined to Saponaria, and in the absence of a<br />

specimen the identity of the fungus recorded on D. deltoides must remain in<br />

doubt.<br />


AAMODT, O. S. (1931). Varietal trials, physiologic specialization, and breeding spring wheats<br />

for resistance to Tilletia tritici and T. levis.—Canad. J. Bes., Sect. C, v, pp. 501-28.<br />

& JOHNSTON, W. H. (1935). Reaction of barley varieties to infection with covered smut<br />

(Ustilago /lorcJei [Pers.] K. & S.).—Canad. J. Res., Sect. C, xii, pp. 590-613.<br />

ToEEiE, J. H., & TAKAHASHI, K. (1936). The effect of several coUectipns of Tilletia<br />

tritici and T". levis on the morphology of spring wheats.—Phytopathology, xxvi, pp.<br />

344-59.<br />

ArnswoETH, G. C. (1950). The gladiolus smut.—Trans. Brit, mycol. Soc., xxxii, pp. 255-7.<br />

ALLISON, C. C. (1937). Studies on the genetics of smuts of barley and oats in relation to<br />

pathogenicity.—Tech. Bull. Minn, agric. Exp. Sta. 119, 34 pp.<br />

AMEMCAN PHYTOPATHOLOGIOAL SOCIETY (1944). Greenhouse method for testing dust seed<br />

treatments to control certain cereal smuts.—Phytopathology, xxxiv, pp. 401-3.<br />

ANDEKSON, P. J. (1921). Development and pathogenesis of the onion smut fungus.—Tech.<br />

Bull. Mass. agric. Exper. Sta. 4, 34 pp.<br />

ANDEUS, C. F. (1941). Preparation of inoculum with a mechanical liquifier.—Phytopathology,<br />

xxxi, pp. 566-7.<br />

ABLAND, A. (1924). Der Haferflugbrand, Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Jens. Biologische Untersuehimgen<br />

mit besonderer Berilcksichtigimg der Infektions- und Anfalligkeitsfrage.—<br />

Bot. Archiv, vii, pp. 70-111.<br />

ATANASOFF, D. (1929). Cereal smuts in Bulgaria. First communication.—Ann. Univ.<br />

Sofia, Pac. Agron., 1928-1929, vii, pp. 180-202.<br />

ATKINS, I. M. (1943). Reaction of some varieties and strains of winter wheat to artificial<br />

inoculation of loose smut.—J. Amer. Soc. Agron., xxxv, pp. 197-204.<br />

AUSTIN, W. W., & ROBEETSON, D. W. (1936). Inheritance of resistance to Ustilago levis<br />

(K. & S.) Magn. (covered smut) in a cross between Markton and Colorado 37 oats.—<br />

•7. Amer. Soc. Agron., xxviii, pp. 467-71.<br />

BAMBERG, R. H. (1931). Bacteria antibiotic to Ustilago zeae—Phytopathology, xxi, pp.<br />

881-90.<br />

(1941). Fall-sown spring wheat susceptible to dwarf bunt.^—Phytopathology, xxxi,<br />

pp. 951-2.<br />

HOLTON, C. S., RODBNHISBH, H. A., & WOODWABD, R. W. (1947). Wheat dwarf bunt<br />

depressed by common bunt.—Phytopathology, xxxvi^, pp. 556-60.<br />

BARNEY, A. F. (1924). The inheritance of smut resistance in crosses of certain varieties of<br />

oats.—J. Amer. Soc. Agron., xvi, pp. 283-91.<br />

BARTHOLOMEW, L. K., & JONES, E. S. (1923). Relation of certain soil factors to the infection<br />

of oats by loose smut.—J. agric. Bes., xxiv, pp. 669-75.<br />

DE BABY, A. (1853). Untersuchungen iiber die Brandpilze und die durch sie verursachten<br />

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JJstilago violacea.—Biol. Zbl., xlii, pp. 9-38. ,<br />

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(1925). Xlntersuehungen uber die Entwicklungsgesehicht©'und Sexualphysiologie der<br />

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•(1932 c). Sphacelotheca schweinfurthiana, ein neuer multipolarer Brandpilz.—Ber.<br />

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BECKEE, T. (1936). TJntersuohungen fiber Sexualitat bei Tilletia tritici (Bjerk.) Wint. im<br />

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BEVBK, W. M. (1939). Reinooulation of resistant varieties of wheat with purified physiologic<br />

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(1942). A non-pathogenic buff-coloured barley smut.—Phytopathology, xxxii, pp. 637-9.<br />

(1945). Hybridization and genetics in Vstilago hordei and V. nigra.—J. agric. Res.,<br />

Ixxi, pp. 41-59.<br />

(1947). Physiologic races of Vstilago tritici in the eastern soft wheat region of the<br />

United States.—Phytopathology, xxxvii, pp. 889-95.<br />

BMZZABD, A. W. (1926). The nuclear phenomena and life-history of Vrocystis cepulae.—•<br />

Bull. Torrey bot. CI., liii, pp. 77-117.<br />

BLODGETT, E. C. (1944). The dwarf bunt diseases of wheat in Idaho in 1943.—Plant Dis.<br />

Reptr, xxviii, pp. 785-9.<br />

BLUMEB, S. (1937). Untersuohungen iiber die Biologie von Vstilago violacea (P^rs.) Fuck. I.<br />

Mitteilung: Emahrungs- und Kulturbedingungen. Wirkungen des Saponins.—Arch.<br />

Mikrobiol., viii, pp. 458-78.<br />

BoDiNE, E. W., & DuBEBLL, L. W. (1930). Inoculation of wheat with Tilletia levis (Kiihn).—<br />

Phytopathology, xx, pp. 663-8.<br />

BOND, T. E. T. (1940). Observations on the disease of Sea-Lyme-grass (Elymus arenarius L.)<br />

caused by Vstilago hypodytes (Schlecht.) Fries.—Ann. appl. Biol., xxvii, pp. 330-7.<br />

BoENHovD, LisELOTTB (1936). Beitrage zur Biologic von Vstilago hypodites (Schldl.) Fr. auf<br />

Elymus arenarius L.—Phytopath. Z., ix, pp. 69-97.<br />

Boss, G. (1927). Beitrage zur Zytologie der Ustilagineen.—Planta, iii, pp. 697-627.<br />

BOWMAN, D. H. (1946). Sporidial fusion in Vstilago maydis.—-J. agric. iJes.,Ixxii,pp. 233-43.<br />

BBEFBLD, O. (1883). Vntersuchungen aus dem Gesammtgebiet der Mykologie, v.<br />

• (1888). Neue Untersuohungen Tiber die Brandpilze und die Brandkrankheiten. II.—•<br />

Nachr. Kl. Landw., Bert, pp. 220-2; 1577-84; 1588-94; 1597-1602.<br />

(1895). Vntersuchungen atis dem Gesammtgebiet der Mykologie, ,xi and xii.<br />

(1903). Neue Untersuchxmgen und Ergebnisse iiber die natiirliehe Infektion und<br />

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pp. 4224-34.<br />

• (1912). Vntersuchungen aus dem Gesammtgebiete der Mykologie., xv.<br />

BEESSMAN, E. N. (1931). Rye infected with bunt of wheat.—Phytopathology, xxi, pp.<br />

437-40.<br />

(1932 a). Lolium infected with bunt of wheat.—Phytopathology, xxii, pp. 865-6.<br />

(1932 b). Susceptibility and resistance of wheat varieties to bunt.—J. Amer. Soc.<br />

Agroti., xxiv, pp. 249-55.<br />

& HAEEIS, L. E. (1933). Inheritance in Albit wheat of resistance to bunt, Tilletia<br />

tretici.—J. agric. Res., xlvi, pp. 361-5.

REFEEENCES 115<br />

BBETT, M. A. (1940). Fungal infection of Vlex minor (Preliminary account).—Trans. Brit.<br />

• mycol. Soc, xxiv, p. 267. (See also Proc. Linn. Soc, Land., clxi, pp. 142-3, 1949.)<br />

BKIOGS, F. N. (1926). Inheritance of resistance to btmt, Tilletia tritici (Bjerk.) Winter, in<br />

•wheat.—J. agric. Res., xxxii, pp. 973-90.<br />

^(1927). DehuUing barley seed with sulfuric acid to induce infection with covered<br />

smut.—Phytopathology, xvii, p. 747.<br />

(1929). Factors which modify the resistance of wheat to bunt, Tilletia tritici.—Hilgardia,<br />

iv, pp. 175-84.<br />

(1930 a). Breeding wheats resistant to bunt by the back-cross method.—J. Amer. Soc.<br />

Agron., xxii, pp. 239-44.<br />

(1930 b). Inheritance of resistance to bimt, Tilletia tritici, in White Odessa wheat.—<br />

J. agric. Bes., xl, pp. 353-9.<br />

(1930 e). Inheritance of the second factor for resistance to bimt, Tilletia tritici, in<br />

Hussar wheat.—J. agric. Bes., xl, pp. 225-32.<br />

(1931). Inheritance of resistance to bunt, Tilletia tritici, in hybrids of White Federation<br />

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(1932 a). Inheritance of resistance to bunt, Tilletia tritici, in crosses of White Federation<br />

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INDEX<br />

to generic and specific names of smuts (italics) and to British hosts (romans)<br />

Bold face page number indicates description, asterisk {*) a figure.<br />

Achillea miUefolium<br />

Entyloma achilleae, 102<br />

Aecidium incarceratum B. & Br., Ill<br />

Agropyron<br />

Vrocystis agropyri, 94<br />

Vstilago hypodytes, 57<br />

— macrospora, 69<br />

Agrostia<br />

Tilletia decipiens, 86<br />

Alisma plantago-aquatica<br />

Doassansia alismatis, 109<br />

Alliimi<br />

Vrocystis cepulae, 95<br />

Ammophila arenaria<br />

Vstilago hypodytes, 57<br />

Anemone<br />

Vrocystis anemones, 94<br />

Anthracoidea Bref., 78<br />

— carycis (Pers.) Bref., 78<br />

— suhinclusa (Kom.) Bref., 79<br />

Apimn nodiflorum<br />

Entyloma helosciadii, 107<br />

Arrhenatherum elatius<br />

Vrocystis agropyri, 94<br />

Vstilago avenae, 61<br />

— striiformis, 68<br />

Ascomyces trientatis Berk., 90, 92<br />

Avena<br />

Vstilago avenae, 61<br />

— hordei, 58<br />

Barley, see Hordeum<br />

Bellis perennis<br />

Entyloma calendulae f. belUdis, 104<br />

Bromus<br />

Vstilago bullata, 65<br />

— hypodytes, 57<br />

— macrospora, 69<br />

Bulbocodium vernum<br />

Vrocystis colchici, 96<br />

Burrillia limosellae (Kunze) Liro, 110<br />

Caeoma bistortarum (DC.) Link, 65<br />

— colchici Schlecht., 96<br />

— destruens Schlecht., 76<br />

— hypodytes Schlecht., 56<br />

— longissimum Schlecht., 56<br />

— marginale (DC.) Link, 65<br />

• —pompholygodes Schlecht., 94<br />

— urceolorum (DC.) Schlecht., 78<br />

— utriculosa Nees, 72<br />

Calamagrostis canescens<br />

Vstilago macrospora, 69<br />

Calendula<br />

Entyloma calendulae, 102<br />

Calystegia<br />

Thecaphora seminis-convolvuli, 80<br />

Carduus heterophyllus<br />

Thecaphora trailii, 81<br />

Carex<br />

Cintractia caricis, 79<br />

— suhinclusa, 79<br />

Parysia olivacea, 75<br />

Vrofystis fischeri, 97<br />

Carnation, see Dianthus caryophyllus<br />

Cerastium viscosum<br />

Vstilago violacea, 70<br />

Chionodoxa luciliae<br />

Vstilago vaillantii, 59<br />

Chrysosplenium oppositifolium<br />

Entyloma chrysosplenii, 105<br />

CINTRACTIA Comu, 78<br />

Cintractia axicola (Berk.) Cornu, 78<br />

— caricis (Pers.) Magn., 74*, 78*<br />

— cingens (Beck) de Toni, 100<br />

— karii Liro, 74,* 79<br />

— montagnei (Tul.) Magn., 28, 79<br />

— patagonica Cooke & Massee, 65, 66<br />

— pratensis Syd., 79<br />

— scirpi (Kuhn) Schellenb., 79<br />

•— suhinclusa (Kom.) Magn,, 74,* 79<br />

Cirsium<br />

Vstilago cardui, 112<br />

Colchicum<br />

Vrocystis colchici, 96<br />

Convolvulus arvensis<br />

Thecaphora seminis-convolvuli, 80<br />

Cucubalus baccifer<br />

Vstilago violacea, 70<br />

Cylindrosporium alismacearum Sacc, 109,<br />

110<br />

— ficariae Berk., 106<br />

— helosciadii repentis Magn., 107<br />

— ranunculi (Bon.) Sacc, 106<br />

var. microsporum D. Sacc, 108<br />

Dactylis glomerata<br />

Vstilago striiformis, 68<br />

Dahlia<br />

Entyloma calendulae f. dahliae, 104<br />

Deschampaia caespitosa<br />

Vstilago striiformis, 68<br />

Dianthus caryophyllus<br />

Vstilago violacea, 70<br />

— deltoides<br />

^Vstilago rudolphi', 113<br />

DOASSANSIA Comu, 109<br />

Doassansia alismatis (Nees) Comu, 18, 27,<br />

91,* 109, 111<br />

— comari (Berk. & White) de Toni & Massee,<br />

112<br />

— deformans Setch., 17<br />

— limosellae (Kunze) Schroet., 110<br />

— martianoffiana (Thum.) Schroet., 23, 110<br />

— obscura Setch., 18<br />

•— occulta (Hoffm.) Diet., 18<br />

— sagittariae (Westend.) Pisch, 18, 91,*<br />

109, 110, 111<br />

Doassansiopsis (Setch.) Diet., 109<br />

— horiana (P. Henn.) Shen, 24<br />

— martianoffiana (Thiim.) Diet., 23, 110<br />

Elateromyces Bubak, 75<br />

— olivaceus (DC.) Bubak, 75<br />

Eleocharis parvula<br />

Vstilago marina, 75<br />

Elymus arenarius<br />

Vstilago hypodytes, 57

134<br />

Endoihlaspis Sorok., 76<br />

ENTORRHIZA Weber, 87<br />

Entorrhiza aschersoniana (Magn.) Lagerh.,<br />

87, 88*<br />

— cypericola (Magn.) Weber, 87, 88<br />

— digitata Lagerh., 88<br />

ENTYLOMA de Bary, 102<br />

Entyloma achilleae Magn., 102<br />

— azistrale Speg., 23<br />

— bellidis Kreiger, 104<br />

— bicolor Stromeyer, 107<br />

^^calendulae (Oudetn.) de Bary, 12, 22,*<br />

23. 25, 102, 103*<br />

f.6eHia!»s (Kreiger) Ainsw.& Samps.,104<br />

f. dahliae (Syd.) Viegas, 12, 18, 22,*<br />

23, 52, 104<br />

f. hieracii Sohroet., 104<br />

— canescens Sohroet., 105<br />

— chrysoaplenii (B. & Br.) Sohroet., 105<br />

— compositarum Farl., 23<br />

— endogenum (Ung.) Wiinche, 101<br />

— eryngii (Corda) de Bary, 105<br />

—fergussoni (B. & Br.) Plowr., 105<br />

—ficariae (B. & Br.) F. v. Waldh., 22,* 23,<br />

25, 28, 103,* 106*<br />

—ftiscum Schroet., 107<br />

— helosciadii Magn., 107<br />

—• henningsianum Syd., 108<br />

— hieracii Syd., 104<br />

—• limosellae (Kunze) Wint., 110<br />

— linariae Sohroet., 23<br />

— lobeliae Farl., 23<br />

— magnusii Woron., 103*<br />

— matricariae Rostr., 23, 108<br />

Trail, 108<br />

— meliloH, Mo Alp., 23<br />

— menispermi Farl. & Trel., 23<br />

— microsporum (ting.) Sohroet., 102, 103,*<br />

106, 108<br />

— nympheae (D. Cunn.) Setch., 16, 23<br />

— oenoiherae Marohal & Stemon, 23<br />

— polysporum (Peck) Farl., 23<br />

— ranunculi (Bon.) Sohroet., 106<br />

— serotinum Sohroet., 22, 106<br />

— trailii Massee, 23, 108<br />

— ungerianum de Bary, 102, 108<br />

f. flcariae Wint., 106<br />

Entylomella flcariae (Berk.) Hohn., 106<br />

— hehsciadii-repentis (Magn.) Hohn., 107<br />

— microspora (D. Saoc.) Cif., 108<br />

Eranthis hiemalis<br />

Vrocystis eranthidis, 97<br />

Eryngiinn maritimum<br />

Entyloma eryngii, 105<br />

Erysibe occulta Walh., 98<br />

— typhoides Wallr., 59<br />

— vera holci-avenacei Wallr., 60<br />

Farinaria carbonaria Sow., 78<br />

— scabiosae Sow., 71<br />

— stellariae Sow., 70<br />

FARYSIA Raoib., 75<br />

Farysia caricis (DC.) Lire, 75<br />

—javanica Raoib., 75<br />

— olivacea (DC.) Syd., 74,* 75*<br />

Festuoa<br />

Vstilago hypodytes, 57<br />

— striiformis, 68<br />

Filipendula hexapetala<br />

Vrocystis filipendulae, 97<br />

Fusidium ranunculi Bon., 106<br />

Fusisporium inosculans Berk., 83<br />

INDEX<br />

Gagea lutea<br />

Vstilago omithogali, 60<br />

Galium verum •<br />

Melanotaenium endogenum, 101<br />

Oeminella Sohroet., 881<br />

— delastrina (,Tul.) Sohroet., 88<br />

Qinanniella Cif., 90<br />

— trientalis (B. & Br.)]Cif., 90<br />

Gladiolus<br />

Vrocystis gladiolicold, 98<br />

Oloeosporium antherarum Oudem., 81<br />

—flcariae. (Berk.) Cooke, 106<br />

Glyoeria<br />

Vstilago longissima, 56<br />

Granularia violae Sow., 100<br />

ORAPHIOLA Poit., Ill<br />

Graphiola pkoenicis Poit., 17, 111<br />

Hepatiea pennsylvaniea<br />

Vrocystis hepaticae-trilobae, 98<br />

Hieraoium<br />

Entyloma calendulae f. hieracii, 105<br />

Holous<br />

Tilletia hold, 86<br />

Vstilago striiformis, 68<br />

Hordeum<br />

Vstilago hordei, 58<br />

— nuda, 63<br />

Junous<br />

Entorrhiza aschersoniana, 88<br />

Vrocystis junci, 98<br />

Knautia arvensis *<br />

Vstilago flosculorum, 72<br />

— sc(Aiosae„ 71<br />

Lamium albiun<br />

Melanotaenium lamii, 102<br />

Lathyrus pratensis<br />

Thecaphora deformans, 80<br />

Leek, see Alhvun<br />

LimoseUa aquatioa<br />

Doassansia limosellae, 110<br />

Linaria spuria<br />

Melanotaenium hypogaeum, 101<br />

— vulgaris<br />

Melanotaenium cingens, 100<br />

Lolium<br />

Tilletia lolii, 87<br />

Vstilago striiformis, 68<br />

Lychnis flos-cuouli<br />

Vstilago violacea, 70<br />

Lycoperdon tritici Bjerk., 83<br />

Maize, see Zea mays<br />

Matricaria inodora<br />

Entyloma matricariae, 108<br />

Melandrium<br />

Vstilago violacea, 70<br />

MELANOTAENIVM de Bary, 100<br />

Melanotaenium ari (Cooke) Lagerh., 112<br />

— caulium Sohroet., 100<br />

— cingens (Berk.) Magn., 82*<br />

— endogenum (Ung.) deBary, 82,* 100,101*<br />

— hypogaeum (Tul.) Sohellenb., 101<br />

— lamii Beer, 15, 102<br />

Syd., 102<br />

Montia fontana<br />

Tolyposporium montiae, 112

Muscari<br />

Ustilago vaillantii, 59<br />

Myosotis<br />

Entyloma fergussoni, 105<br />

Oats, see Avena<br />

Onion, see AUiuni'<br />

Oxyria digyna<br />

Ustilago vinosa, 69<br />

INDEX<br />

Paipalopsis irmischae Kiihn, 21, 90<br />

Panieum miliaceum<br />

Sphacelotheca destruens, 76<br />

Papaver rhoeas<br />

Entyloma fuscum, 107<br />

Perisporium alismatis Fr., 109<br />

Phacidium phoenicis Moug., 112<br />

Phalaris arvindinaeea<br />

Tilletia menieri, 87<br />

Ustilago striiformis, 68<br />

Phleum pratense<br />

Ustilago striiformis, 68<br />

Phoenix dactylifera<br />

Graphiola phoenicis, 112<br />

Phragmites communis<br />

Ustilago grandis, 59<br />

Phyllosticta curreyi Sacc, 109<br />

Physoderma comari (Berk. & White) Lagerh.,<br />

112<br />

— eryngii Corda, 105<br />

— sagittariae Fuckel, 111<br />

Poa pratensis<br />

Ustilago striiformis, 68<br />

Poikilosporium Diet, 80<br />

— trailii (Cooke) Vesterg., 81<br />

Polycystis anemones (Pers.) L6v., 94<br />

var. eranthidia Pass., 96<br />

— colchici Tul., 96<br />

—filipendulae Tul., 97<br />

— hohi Westend., 86<br />

— occulta (Wallr.) Schlecht., 98<br />

— parallela (Berk.) Fr., 98<br />

— pompholygodes (Schlecht.) Lev., 94, 95, 96<br />

— violae (Sow.) B. & Br., 100<br />

Polygonum<br />

Sphacelotheca hydropiperis, 77<br />

— inflorescentiae, 77<br />

Ustilago anomala, 72<br />

— histortarum, 65<br />

— vtriculosa, 72<br />

Potamogeton<br />

Doassansia martianoffiana, 110 *<br />

Primula<br />

TvJburcinia primulicola, 90<br />

Protomyces ari Cooke, 112 9<br />

— calendulas Oudem., 102<br />

— canescens B. & Br., 105<br />

— chrysosplenii B. & Br., 105<br />

— comari Berk. & White, 112<br />

— endogenus TJng., 101<br />

•— gain Nees, 101<br />

— limoseUae Kunze, 110<br />

— microsporus XJng., 108<br />

— martianoffiana (Thiim.) Schroet., 110<br />

— sagittariae (Fuckel) Fuckel, 111<br />

Ranunculus<br />

Entyloma ficariae, 107<br />

— microsporum, 108<br />

Urocystis anemones, 95<br />

Beticularia segetum BuU., 58, 60<br />

Rhamphospora D.D. Cimn., 102<br />

Rhynchospora alba<br />

Cintractia caricis 78<br />

Rumex<br />

Ustilago kuehneana, 73<br />

Rye, see Secale<br />

135<br />

Sagittaria sagittifolia<br />

Doassansia sagittariae. 111<br />

Samolus valerandi<br />

Entyloma henningsianum, 108<br />

Schinzia aschersoniana Magn., 87, 88<br />

— cypericola Magn., 87<br />

80HB0ETERIA Wint., 88<br />

Schroeteria decaisneana (Bond.) de Toni, 89<br />

— delastrina (Tul.) Wint., 88, 89*<br />

var. reticulata Cocconi, 89*<br />

Scilla<br />

Ustilago vaillantii, 59<br />

Scirpus caespitosus<br />

Gintractia caricis, 79<br />

Sclerotium alismatis Fr., 109<br />

Secale<br />

Tilletia caries, 83<br />

Urocystis occulta, 99<br />

Setchellia Magn., 109<br />

Silene<br />

Ustilago violacea, 70<br />

Sorosporium montiae Rostr., 112<br />

— sapononoe Rudolphi, 113<br />

— scabies (Berk.) F. v. Waldh., 112<br />

— syntherismae, 31, 33, 34, 38<br />

— trientalis (B. & Br.) Cooke, 90<br />

SPHACELOTHECA de Bary, 76<br />

Sphacelotheca cruenta, 28, 30, 32, 33, 34<br />

— destruens (Schlecht.) Stevenson & A. G.<br />

Johns, 31, 33, 34, 38, 76<br />

— hydropiperis (Schmn.) de Bary, 74,* 76,<br />

77,* 78<br />

— inflorescentiae (Trel.) Jaap, 77<br />

— panici-milacea (Pers.) Bubak, 76<br />

— pologoni-vivipari Sohellenb., 77<br />

— reiliana (Kiihn) Clint., 15, 26, 29, 32, 33,<br />

34, 41, 43, 112<br />

— schweinfurthiana (Thiim.) Sacc, 30<br />

— sorghi (Link) Clint., 18, 28, 29, 31, 32,<br />

33, 34, 38, 42, 43<br />

— ustilaginea (DC.) Cif., 77<br />

Sphaeria alismatis Currey, 109<br />

Sphaeropsis alismatis (Currey) Cooke, 109<br />

Sphagnum, papillosum<br />

.--fO^illetia sphagni, 112<br />

Spongospora subterranea (Wallr.) Lagerh.,<br />

112<br />

Stellaria<br />

/ Ustilago violacea, 70<br />

Succisa pratensis<br />

Ustilago succisae, 71<br />

Thalictrum minus<br />

Urocystis sorosporioides, 99<br />

THECAPHORA Fingerh., 80<br />

Thecaphora deformans Tul., 74,* 80<br />

— delastrina Tul., 88<br />

— hyalina Fingerh., 80<br />

— lathyri Kiihn, 80<br />

— seminis-convolvuli (Duby) Lire, 74,* 80,<br />

81*<br />

— trailii Cooke, 81<br />

TILLETIA Tul., 81<br />

Tilletia herheleyi Massee, 112<br />

— bullata Fuckel, 65

136<br />

TiUetia caries (DC.) Tul., 10, 11, 13, 18, 20,<br />

24, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 40, 41, 81,<br />

82,* 83,* 84, 85<br />

— de baryana F. v. Waldh., 68<br />

— decipiens (Pers.) Komicke, 15, 39, 82,* 86<br />

—foetida (Wallr.) Liro, 11, 13, 18, 30, 32,<br />

84<br />

— holci (Westend.) Sohroet., 86<br />

•— indica Mitra, 85<br />

•— lolii Auers, 86<br />

— menieri Har. & Pat., 87<br />

— rauwenhoffii F. v. Waldh., 86<br />

— secalis (Corda) Kuhn, 83, 84<br />

— separata Massee, 83, 86<br />

— sphaerococca (Rabenh.) F. v. Waldh., 86<br />

— sphagni Nawasch., 112<br />

— striaeformis (Westend.) Sacc, (58<br />

— tritici (Bjerk.) Wolff, 83<br />

— tumefaciens Syd., 15<br />

Tolyposporium fiUferum Busse, 24<br />

— montiae (Bostr.) Rostr., 112<br />

Tragopogon<br />

Vstilago tragopogonis-pratensis, 73<br />

Trientalis europea<br />

Tuburcinia trientalis, 92<br />

Trisetum flavescens<br />

Vstilago hypodytes, 57<br />

Tritieum '<br />

TiUetia caries, 83<br />

Ustilago nuda, 63<br />

TroUius europaeiis<br />

Urocystis anemones, 95<br />

TVBVRGINIA Fr. em. Woron., 90, 92<br />

Tuburcinia agropyri (Preuss) Liro, 92<br />

— anemones (Pers.) Liro, 94<br />

— cepulae (Frost) Liro, 95<br />

— colchici (Sehlecht.) Liro, 96<br />

— eranthidis (Pass.) Liro, 96<br />

—filipendulae (Tul.) Liro, 97<br />

•—fischeri (Komicke) Liro, 97<br />

— hepaticae-trilobae (DC.) Liro, 98<br />

—junci (Lagerh.) Liro, 98<br />

— occulta (WaUr.) Liro, 99<br />

— primulicola (Magn.) Bref., 90, 91*<br />

•—scabies Berk., 112<br />

— sorosporioides (Komicke) Liro, 99<br />

— trientalis B. & Bh, 21, 90, 91,* 92*<br />

— tritici (Kornieke) Liro, 92<br />

•—violae (Sow.) Liro, 99<br />

Uredo agropyri Preuss, 92<br />

— anemones Pers., 94<br />

— antherarum DC, 70<br />

— bistortarum a pustulata DC, 65<br />

P marginalis DC, 65<br />

y ustilaginea DC, 77<br />

— carbo DC, 58, 60, 63<br />

— caricis Pers., 78<br />

— caries DC, 83<br />

— colchici Link, 96<br />

— decipiens a graminum Strauss, 86 •<br />

—flosculorum DC, 71<br />

— hydropiperis Schum., 76<br />

— longissima Sow., 56<br />

— maydis DC, 66<br />

— olivacea DC, 75<br />

— omithogali Schm. & Kunze, 60<br />

— parallela Berk., 98<br />

— pompholygodes Berk., 95<br />

— ranunculacearum S hepaticae-trilobae DC,<br />

98 ,<br />

— receptaculorum DC, 73<br />

INDEX<br />

Uredo receptaculorum tragopogi DC, 73<br />

— sagittariae Westend., Ill<br />

— segeturn snhsp. avenae Pers., 60<br />

-T f. caricis Pers,, *75<br />

€ decipiens Pers., 86<br />

subsp. hordei Pers., 58<br />

var. mays-zeae DC, 66<br />

var. panici-miliacea Pers., 76<br />

subsp. tritici Pers., 63<br />

— seminis-convolvuli Duby; 80<br />

— sphaerococca Rabenh., 86<br />

— striaeformis Westend., 68<br />

— tragopogi Pers., 73<br />

pratensis Pers., 73<br />

— urceolorum DC, 78, 79<br />

Pers., 78<br />

— vinosa Berk., 69<br />

— violacea Pers., 70<br />

— zeae Schwein., 66<br />

UEOCYSTIS Rabenh., 90, 92<br />

Urocystis agropyri (Preuss) Sohroet., 11, 19,<br />

92, 94<br />

— anemones (Pers.) Wint., 18, 26, 93,* 94<br />

— cepulae Frost, 11, 13, 16, 17, 19, 48, 49,<br />

95<br />

— colchici (Sehlecht.) Rabenh., 96<br />

var. cepulae Cooke, 95<br />

— eranthidis (Pass.) Ainsw. & Samps., 96<br />

—filipendulae (Tul.) Schroet., 97<br />

—fischeri Komicke, 93,* 97<br />

— gladioli W. G. Sm., 98<br />

— gladiolicola Ainsw., 12, 98<br />

— hepaticae-trilobae (DC) Ainsw. & Samps.,<br />

98<br />

—junci Lagerh., 98<br />

— occuUa (Wallr.) Rabenh., 11, 17, 19, 92,<br />

93,* 98, 99*<br />

— parallela (Berk.) F. v. Waldh., 99<br />

— pompholygodes (Pers.) Rabenh., 94, 95, 98<br />

var. eranthidis (Pass.) Pass., 96<br />

— primulicola Magn., 90<br />

— sorosporioides Komicke, 99<br />

•—tritici Komicke, 11, 19, 92; and see V.<br />

agropyri<br />

— violae (Sow.) F. v. Waldh., 12, 17, 93,*<br />

100<br />

Ustilagidium Herzb., 54<br />

USTILAGO (Pers.) Rous., 54<br />

Ustilago anomala Kunze, 72*<br />

— antherarum (DC) Fr., 70<br />

— avenae Jens., 60<br />

(Pers.) Rostr., 10, 11, 13, 18, 25, 28,<br />

29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 44, 52, 56, 58,<br />

60, 63, 66<br />

var. levis Kellerm. & Swing., 58<br />

f. nigra Tapke, 63<br />

— bistortarum (DC) Komicke, 55,* 65, 78<br />

var. inflorescentiae Trel., 77, 78<br />

— bullata'BeTk., 10, 18, 24, 30, 34, 36, 44, 47,<br />

55,* 65, 68<br />

— calamagrostidis (Fuokel) Clint., 69<br />

— candollei Tul., 76<br />

— carbo (DC) Tul., 58, 60, 63<br />

a. vulgaris 8 bromivora Tul., 65<br />

— cardui F. v. Waldh., 112<br />

— caricis (Pers.) XJng., 78<br />

— cingens Beck, 100<br />

— crameri Kornieke apud Fuokel, 19, 26,<br />

28, 38<br />

— cucumis Griff., 112<br />

— decipiens (Walh.) Liro, 60<br />

— echinata Sohroet., 69

Ustilago ficuum Reich., 113<br />

—flpsculorum (DC.) Fr., 71<br />

var. succissae Vize, 71<br />

— grammica B. & Br., 113<br />

— grandis Fr. 65,* 59<br />

— heufleuri Fuckel, 16, 25<br />

— holci-avenacei (Wallr.) Cif., 60<br />

— hordei (Pers.) Lagerh., 11, 15, 18, 19, 24,<br />

26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38,<br />

44, 49, 52, 58, 61, 63, 66<br />

— hydropiperis (Schum.) Schroet., 77<br />

— hypodytes (Schlecht.) Fr., 15, 24, 55,* 56<br />

—-hypogea Tul,, 101<br />

•—inflorescentiae (Trel.) Maire, 77<br />

— kolleri Wille, 58; and see V. hordei<br />

— kuehneana Wolff, 55,* 73<br />

— levis (KeUerm. & Swing.) Magn. 58<br />

— longissima (Schlecht.) Meyen, 28, 30, 33,<br />

55,* 56, 69, 75<br />

var. macrospora Davis, 33, 66<br />

— macrospora Desm., 69<br />

— major Schroet., 70, 71<br />

— marina Dur% d. Maisson., 75<br />

— maydis (DC.) Corda 10, 13, 14, 16, 19, 24,<br />

26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40,<br />

41, 42, 43, 46, 49, 50, 66, 67<br />

— mays-zeae Magn., 67<br />

— medians, see U. avenae<br />

•— neglecta Niessl, 38<br />

— nigra Tapke, 43, 60, 62; and see U. avenae<br />

— nuda (Jens.) Rostr., 11, 13, 14, 24, 25, 26,<br />

28, 30, 42, 45, 51, 62, 63,* 68<br />

— oUvacea (DO.) Tul., 75<br />

— ornithogali (Schm. & Kunze) Magn., 60<br />

— panici-miliacea (Pers.) Wint., 76<br />

— patagonica (Cooke & Massee) Cif., 65<br />

•— perennans Rostr., 33, 52, 60; and see U.<br />

avenae<br />

— phoenicis Corda, 113<br />

— pustulata (DC.) Wint., 66<br />

— receptaculorum (DC.) Fr., 73<br />

INDEX 137<br />

Ustilago rudolphi Tul., 113<br />

— salvei B. & Br., 67<br />

— scabiosae (Sow.) Wint., 27, 55,* 71<br />

— scillae Cif., 59<br />

— scorzonerae Schroet., 42<br />

— segetum (Pers.) Dittm., 54, 58, 60, 63<br />

var. hordei f, nuda Jens., 63<br />

var. nuda Jens., 63<br />

— spegazzini Hirsch. var. agrestis (Syd.)<br />

Fischer & Hirsch., 55*<br />

— sphaerogena Burrill, 38<br />

— striiformis (Westend.) Niessl, 18, 19, 26,<br />

28, 29, 30, 31, 40, 41, 42, 46, 55,* 67, 68<br />

f. hordei Fischer, 68<br />

— subinclusa Korn., 79<br />

— succisae Magn., 71<br />

— tragopogi de Toni, 73<br />

— tragopogonis-pratensis (Pers.) Rous , 65 *<br />

73<br />

— tritici (Pers.) Rostr., 63; and see V. nuda<br />

— typhoides (Wallr.) B. & Br., 69<br />

— urcelorum (DC.) Tul., 78, 79<br />

— ustilaginea (DC.) Liro, 77<br />

— utriculosa (Nees) Tul., 72*, 77<br />

— vaillantii Tul., 14, 16, 48, 55,* 59<br />

— vinosa Tul., 69<br />

— violacea (Pers.) Fuckel, 12,14, 24, 27, 28,<br />

29, 30, 34, 42, 56, 70<br />

— vuijckii Oudem. & Beyer, 16<br />

— zeae (Beckm.) Unger, 66<br />

Veronica arvensis<br />

Schroeteria delastrina, 89<br />

Viola<br />

Vrocystis violae, 100<br />

Wheat, see Triticum<br />

Zea mays<br />

Ustilago maydis, 67

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