CAPIM DOURADO – Golden Grass  (Syngonanthus Nitens Ruhland)


The Capim Dourado is a species of the family of evergreen Eriocaulaceae, is a unique vegetable fiber, only exists in the Jalapao (Brazil), an herb that grows in the fields of Tocantins, with a golden color, to be unique and very special. It is protected by the Brazilian government.

Only craftsmen authorized (usually indigenous) can collect the plant in its natural period after flowering and can only be out of the country in the form of craftsmanship.

Capim Dourado is a gold-colored grass, also called «Golden Grass». Its beauty and natural glow, the skill of the craftsmen who work and their ecological and sustainable production for the whole community of the region, make it a true object of desire «… (Pure Art).