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Specials: Christmas

Last Updated: Friday December 02 2005 06:36 GMT

Ellie's magical Christmas

Newsround's Ellie Crisell chats about what she'll be getting up to this Christmas.

If, by magic, you could have anything for Christmas what would it be?

Well I guess if by magic I could have anything, that would mean that magic would be available to me, so therefore I would like magical powers.

What has been your most magical Christmas?

Well all Christmases are really magical for me, I love Christmas, but particularly when you are little it's extra magical.
I used to love going down to my Grandma's house in Kent, because she'd do it up like Aladdin's Cave with loads and loads and loads of decorations, which my parents probably thought were a bit tacky, but when you're little you just love that kind of thing. I used to love going there.

What are you doing for Christmas Day?

Christmas Day I'll be with my folks as always, up in Newcastle with my mum and my dad and my sister having a family Christmas.

What do you want for Christmas?

Well, what I actually want for Christmas is a doll's house because when I was little I used to LOVE my doll's house but when I got a bit too big for it my mum gave it away and I was gutted, so I'd really like a proper Victorian doll's house.
I looked up loads of them on the internet but my boyfriend has informed me I am not allowed one because our flat is too small and he says that I'll never play with it which is probably fair enough! So I'll probably get something like a dishwasher.

What are your hopes for New Year?

Well I don't really make New Year's resolutions because I don't like putting pressure on myself to keep them. So I guess my hope will be just that my friends and family continue to be well and happy. And a lot of my friends are getting married next year so I hope that all of those weddings go really well.

What's your fave Christmas film?

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. Love it!

If you could have anyone to Christmas dinner, who would it be and why?

That's a good question because obviously there's loads of people but I'd have to say Simon Pegg. I'm a big fan of his, I love his work. I just think he'd be really really good fun so I'd like him to come over.

What's your fave Christmas food?

Well obviously the Christmas dinner is the ultimate isn't it? Mum's Christmas dinner is the best.
But what I love is in the evening, because we get a bit sick of the turkey, my mum always does a big ham, and we have lovely ham sandwiches with loads of butter and we dip them in ketchup which sounds a bit weird but I really like that.

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