
Straight out of grad school with my master's in AI, I was pumped to use my skills for good. But the corporate world quickly showed its true colors. Endless chasing of profits clashed with my growing desire to help the environment. I knew AI could do amazing things, but how could I make it work for both businesses and the planet?

The idea hit me on a hike, surrounded by nature's beauty. Businesses weren't the enemy, I realized. They just lacked the tools to be truly sustainable. That's when AIrth sprouted in my mind.

What it does

At first, my vision was huge – a giant AI platform tackling every energy-efficiency problem under the sun. But reality, as always, had other plans. Trimming down the scope was like cutting back a jungle, tough but necessary. Each cut made the core clearer: using AI to help businesses save energy, predict future needs, and ultimately shrink their carbon footprint.

How we built it

Finally, AIrth took its first wobbly steps. A simple analysis for a local bakery helped them plug hidden energy leaks, leading to a real drop in their bills. Their surprised smile fueled mine – this wasn't just about saving money, it was about giving businesses the power to make smart choices, good for both their wallets and the environment.

Challenges we ran into

It wasn't easy. Tech issues popped up like weeds, data felt like a tangled mess, and getting businesses interested was like pushing a boulder uphill. But with every hurdle, I dug in deeper. Late nights weren't glamorous, fueled by coffee rather than ramen, but the online developer community became my support system.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

What we learned

What's next for AIrth

AIrth is still growing, constantly learning and improving. But the core is solid, the vision clear. I see it as a one-stop shop for businesses, guiding them towards a greener future, watt by watt. It's not a superhero story, but it's mine, driven by a simple goal: to make a difference, one line of code at a time.

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