Aroideana 24
Typhonium reflexum Hett. & Sookchaloem. Inflorescence with spathe cut away to reveal spadix. Photograph: W.L.A. Hetterscheid. Alloschemone Schott. A, leaf X 1/3; B, detail of leaf venation X 5; C, leaf X 1/3; D, detail of leaf venation X 5; E, mature main stem showing corky epidermis X 1; F, inflorescence, part of spathe removed, remainder flattened out X 1/2; G, detail of spadix X 1; H, flower X 5; J, gynoecium, longitudinal section X 5. Alloschemone inopinata Bogner and P.C. Boyce.: A-B, E, Madison et al. 6310 (K); A. occidentalis: C-D,F,H-J, Plowman et al. 12207 (NY); G, Krukoff 7162 (NY).


Aroideana Volume 24, 2001
  • P.C. Boyce - Editorial
  • J. Bogner and J.D. Bastmeijer - In Memoriam--H. C .D. de Wit (1909-1999)
  • E.G. Gonçalves - A new Anthurium (Araceae) from Serra do Cipó, Brazil
  • E.G. Gonçalves and E.R. Salviani - Anthurium xanthophylloides G. M. Barroso (Araceae) Refound in Espírito Santo State, Eastern Brazil
  • E.G. Gonçalves and E.R. Salviani - Notes on a wild population of Philodendron spiritus-sancti G. G. Bunting (Philodendron 'Santa Leopoldina')
  • W.L.A. Hetterscheid and V.D. Nguyen - Three new species of Typhonium (Araceae) from Vietnam
  • W.L.A. Hetterscheid, D. Sookchaloem, and J. Murata - Typhonium (Araceae) of Thailand: New species and a revised key
  • D.E. Shaw - Fertile florets, stigmatic lobes and ovules of Alocasia brisbanensis (Araceae) in Queensland
  • D.E. Shaw - The natural stimulation of some unfertilized female florets of Alocasia brisbanensis (Araceae)
  • D.E. Shaw - Variegation in Alocasia brisbanensis (F. M. Bailey) Domin (Araceae)
  • J. Bogner, P.C. Boyce, and C.M. Sakuragui - A revision of Alloschemone Schott (Araceae: Monstereae)
  • M. Sivadasan and V. Abdul Jeleel - Amorphophallus mysorensis E. Barnes & C. E. C. Fisch. (Amorphophallus sect. Raphiophallus) (Araceae) in India with notes on related species
  • J. Bogner - What is Acorus brachystachys Heer?
  • A. Dearden and A. Hay - A new species of Cyrtosperma (Araceae) from West Papua
You can purchase a copy of this back issue here.