
The écorché of the Pyrosuvious with Terryl Whitlatch

Hi everyone,
I am so excited to share The écorché of the Pyrosuvious project with you guys. I had the privilege of working with Terryl Whitlatch on this project about a year as a freelance creature sculptor.

We worked on this project together for it to be a 3D printed creature anatomy figure for artists. The Project recently cancelled however there are so much work and collaboration went into this project and I am very happy to share this information with you guys. The purpose of this project was to learn and experience an anatomy of a believable imagined creature that created by Terryl Whitlatch. We worked on the skeletal, muscular and vascular system on this creature.

We already produced the 3D Printed prototype which I would be sharing the pictures of it from here as well.
As always thank you for following and please let me know if you guys are interested in downloading the Zbrush file of the Pyrosuvious model.

I would like thank Terryl Whitlatch for being an incredible inspiration for me and I feel very honoured to be part of this project with her. She made me believe that this creature was once walking on this planet and I hope you guys will feel the same.











Looks awesome ! Great work !

these are inspiring pieces of art…show more pls…:wink:


Thank you guys. I will be posting some more images tonight.

cool… sounds like a really cool project. you did a great job executing this one.
i have always been fascinated by terryls work.


rasmusW Thank you so much, I am glad you like it.

Couple shots for the 3D printed version of the model.


4 pages long tutorial and Pyrosuvious 3d print ready file is out with 3D world magazine.
I was so delighted to see the Pyrosuvious on the cover of issue 208. In this tutorial, I walk through the creation process from design to the 3d print with Terryl Whitlatch.
Hope you like it.
