Maximum size : 7 cm

Flagtail Corydoras - Corydoras robineae : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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Flagtail Corydoras (Corydoras robineae), with their captivating presence and peaceful nature, are a delightful addition to any community aquarium. These remarkable Corydoras thrive in the company of their own kind, showcasing their dynamic behaviour and captivating charm when kept in schools of at least six individuals. It is important to create an environment where these Corys can flourish, as inadequate group sizes can lead to timidity and diminished life expectancy. When considering tankmates for these extraordinary Catfish, Tetras, Rasboras, Livebearers, and other peaceful species such as Dwarf Gouramis and Dwarf Cichlids make ideal companions. However, it is prudent to exercise caution and avoid housing them with larger or more aggressive species.

As natural bottom-dwellers, Flagtail Corys delicately sift through the substrate with their sensitive barbels in search of sustenance. To ensure their well-being, a sandy substrate is recommended to prevent any harm to their delicate barbels. Creating an inviting habitat for these Corydoras involves providing ample hiding places, such as carefully selected pieces of bogwood, driftwood, and smooth rocks. Additionally, their well-being is enhanced by the presence of dense vegetation and floating plants, which mimic their natural environment. It is also crucial to maintain optimal water conditions, ensuring good oxygenation and cleanliness, as Flagtail Corys are particularly sensitive to poor water quality, which can lead to the loss of their barbels.

The distinguished appearance of Flagtail Corydoras is a testament to their innate beauty. Their captivating "flag tail," adorned with bold black and white horizontal stripes, sets them apart. Delicate spots adorning their flanks merge seamlessly into five or six mesmerizing greyish-brown horizontal stripes, extending gracefully across their caudal fin. The stripes transition to a striking black-and-white palette as the caudal fin emerges from this tapestry. Their translucent dorsal fin, delicately embellished with faint black lines, serves as a graceful counterpart to their other fins, which remain exquisitely translucent. Such remarkable colouration makes Flagtail Corys a true visual marvel in any aquarist's collection.

Flagtail Corydoras Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female Flagtail Corydoras is relatively straightforward. Mature females exhibit a larger, rounder, and more robust body shape, particularly when carrying eggs. On the other hand, males display a more vibrant colouration, along with a slender and petite physique, compared to their female counterparts.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameCorydoras robineae
Other NamesBannertail Corydoras, Flag-Tailed Corydoras, Mrs Schwartz 's Cory
Max Size7 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asGroups 6+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 10 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.5 - 7.5
GH 5 - 12
Ideal Temperature
70 - 79
21 - 26

Natural Habitat

Flagtail Corydoras are native to the upper and middle regions of the Rio Negro River Basin, a vital tributary of the Amazon, located in Brazil, South America. These captivating fish thrive in the gentle currents of slow-flowing streams, along the margins of larger rivers, and in the enchanting realms of ponds, marshlands, and lakes. It is within these dynamic aquatic environments that the Flagtail Corydoras can truly flourish, demonstrating their resilience and adaptability to their natural habitat.

 Rio Negro - Venezuela
Venezuela Flag


Breeding Flagtail Corydoras requires a focused approach and attention to their specific needs, although they are not the most challenging species to spawn. Nevertheless, many similarities can be observed in their breeding behaviour when compared to other Corydoras species. Establishing a suitable breeding environment and maintaining optimal conditions are key factors in achieving successful spawns. 

A separate breeding tank, rich in vegetation, is highly recommended. Maintaining a male-to-female ratio of 2:1 or better is advisable, ensuring a harmonious breeding environment. Providing a diverse and nutritious diet for the Corydoras, along with a small group dynamic, promotes their overall well-being.

To initiate spawning, keen observation of the females is crucial. Once you notice their abdomens becoming full of eggs, performing significant daily water changes with slightly cooler water while improving oxygenation in the tank becomes imperative. These conditions will help stimulate spawning behaviour. 

Typically, the eggs are laid on the tank's glass, preferably in areas with heightened water flow. Increased activity and excitement from the males serve as indicators of impending spawning. During the mating process, the male grasps the female using his anterior ventral fin, releasing sperm that passes through the female's mouth and gills towards her pelvic fins. The female then forms a basket with her pelvic fins, depositing 1 to 4 eggs before swimming away to find a suitable location. 

It is not uncommon for multiple males to pursue a single female in an attempt to fertilise her eggs. Parental cannibalism is a risk, and if spawning is complete, it is crucial to either remove the adults and raise the offspring in the same tank or transfer the eggs to a separate rearing setup.

If you opt to relocate the eggs, handle them gently using your finger to roll them along the glass, ensuring minimal damage. The rearing tank should mirror the spawning tank's oxygenation levels and water parameters. 

To prevent the spread of the fungus, the addition of methylene blue is recommended, and prompt removal of any observed fungus is essential. Hatching typically occurs within 3 to 4 days, and once the fry has consumed their yolk sacs, offering them microworms will aid in their development. In addition, utilising a thin layer of sand in the tank minimises the risk of diseases and enhances the fry's overall health.

By diligently attending to the specific requirements of Flagtail Corys during breeding, aquarists can enjoy the rewarding experience of successfully raising a new generation of these remarkable fish.

Diet & Feeding

Flagtail Corydoras are highly adaptable when it comes to feeding and readily accept a variety of sinking dried foods. In addition, they enthusiastically consume small live, frozen, and freeze-dried foods, such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, tubifex worms, chopped earthworms, and mosquito larvae. Offering a well-rounded and diverse diet will ensure that these fish exhibit their vibrant colours and maintain optimal health and condition.

Other Corydoras

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