Eriocaulon Setaceum

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1 Bunch - 8-10 Stems

Here's a summary of parameters for Eriocaulon setaceum:

  • Scientific Name: Eriocaulon setaceum
  • Water Temperature: 68-82°F (20-28°C)
  • pH Level: 5.5-7.5
  • Water Hardness: Soft to moderately hard (2-15 dGH)
  • Lighting: High lighting levels are required for Eriocaulon setaceum. Provide at least 8-10 hours of intense light per day, preferably with full spectrum LED lighting.
  • CO2 Requirement: CO2 supplementation is highly beneficial for promoting healthy growth and vibrant colors in Eriocaulon setaceum, especially in high light setups.
  • Substrate: A nutrient-rich substrate is preferred. Use a high-quality planted aquarium substrate or add root tabs to provide essential nutrients. Eriocaulon setaceum has delicate roots, so a fine-grain substrate like sand or aquasoil is ideal.
  • Propagation: Eriocaulon setaceum can be propagated by dividing the plant. Simply separate the clumps and replant them into the substrate.
  • Care Level: Moderate to high. Eriocaulon setaceum is a demanding plant that requires meticulous care. Regular pruning and removal of dead leaves are necessary to prevent rot and maintain its appearance.
  • Special Considerations: This plant is known for its delicate, needle-like leaves and unique appearance, making it a desirable choice for aquascaping. It is sensitive to changes in water parameters, so maintaining stable conditions is crucial. Eriocaulon setaceum prefers soft, acidic water, so adding Indian almond leaves or peat moss can help achieve these conditions. Additionally, regular fertilization with a comprehensive liquid fertilizer containing iron and micronutrients is recommended to support its growth.

By providing these optimal parameters and diligent care, Eriocaulon setaceum can thrive in your aquarium, adding a stunning and intricate element to your aquascape.

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We aim to assist you in replicating a natural ecosystem within your aquarium. Cultivating thriving aquatic plants contributes to a visually appealing and vibrant aquarium ambiance.