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Cactus Family                                                                                        Custom Nomenclature - System Default    About This | Login
Notes for the Genus:


Etymology -The generic name is taken from a Brazilian word for cacti - Facheiro.
Facheiroa is endemic to Brazil, more specifically from Bahia. The species features columnar stems that branch at the base or form trees with short trunks. The stems have many tight ribs and heavy spines. A lateral cephalium - that is an especially wooly area along the side of the stem where flowers form -is present in some species, but absent in one. This is a major factor which has led to a separate genus of Zehntnerella being used for F. squamosa. Flowers of this species consist of very short perianth parts on the end of a tube-shaped floral tube that has scales and/or bristles. These later forming juicy fruits.

Facheiroa is almost non-existent in cultivation.

Click on one of the species below for more info.

facheiroa cephaliomelana

facheiroa cephaliomelana

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Taxa Included:
   Facheiroa cephaliomelana -
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facheiroa squamosa

facheiroa squamosa

     2 images

Taxa Included:
   Facheiroa squamosa -
2 images

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facheiroa ulei

facheiroa ulei

     5 images

Taxa Included:
   Facheiroa ulei -
5 images

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*Currently 3 of 3 known species in this genus are represented on
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