Photogaphy jamur"Leucocoprinus cepistipes"

Hello, all hive friends in this community, of course the Fungi Lovers community that I love, and I wish you all the best.

I'm back here to show you some very beautiful pictures of white mushrooms that I found in the morning while I was walking in the rice fields in my area.
I saw the mushrooms growing on the rice straw on the edge of the rice field which was very beautiful with a white color like cotton.

When I saw this mushroom just growing strange by itself, I immediately took several pictures of the white mushroom with my cellphone camera.

I am very happy today to be able to find mushrooms like this and I am very interested in mushrooms like this.
All right, friends, for clarity, let's see below some pictures of white mushrooms that I shot in the morning, and hopefully you should be interested.

Best wishes to all friends in this community.

respect me@iwansyuhada

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