Merchant Magazine - June 1981

Page 1

:erving the lumber, building materids and home improvement markets in 1g Western Stafes-Sln ce 1g22 F ct = rr-t LANE 14710 14710 o STANTON o VANCE Lumber Co. East Nelson Ave., City of Industry, Ca. g1Z44. (213) 96g-9331 Custom Mills, Inc. East Nelson Ave., City of Industry, Ca. 91744 . (2191 330-0649


Now that we are no longer Part o{ The Bendix Corporation, we've changed our name back to the American Forest Products company. That doesn't mean we've changed our policies or our plans for the future.

We've been making and marketing quality wood and wood Products for over seventy years. We're planning now for the next seventy.

We are proud of our reputation f or responsible management of 170,000 acres of Premium forests. We are proud of our efficient logging operations and integrated manufacturing plants, and of the quality products they make.

We are Proud of the way our sales and distribution people give our customers efficient and personal service.

We're not going to change anY of that. Except to improve it.

lmProvements lo our Products and services, Yes. Changes in our business philosoPhY, no.

We are the once and future American Forest Products company.

Arnerkmn Forest Products Gornparry Distribution Division, 2740 Hyde Street, San Francisco, CA 94109. 415/929-6000 Distribution yards: Cerritos, CA. Fresno, CA. Newark, CA Rialto, CA. Stockton, CA ' Van Nuys, CA' Fort Lauderdale, FL ' Orlando, FL Tamoa.FL.phoenix,AZ.Tucson,AZ.Houston,TX.Hurst,TX.Pelham,AL.Suffield,CT'Tulsa,OKoWhiteRiverJunction.VT
I I -J I l I I I I i -l J -l I i j













Publisher Emeritus A.D. Bell, Jr.

Editor-Publisher David Cutler

Associate Editor

Juanita Lovret

Contributing Editors

Dwight Curran

Gage McKinney

Al Kerper

Art Director Martha Emery

Staff Artist Terry Wilson


Marge Anderson

The Merchant Magazine (USPS 796-560) is published monthly at 4500 Campus Dr., Suite 480, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660, phone [714] 549-8393, by The Merchanr Magazine, Inc. Second-class postage rates paid at Newport Beach, Ca., and additional olfices. Advertising rates upon request.


FROM WASHINGTON STATE & IDAHO: contact John V. MacKay, 157 Yesler Way. Suite 317, Seattle, Wa. 98104. Phohe (206) 621-1031.

FROM NORTHERN CALIFORNIA & OREGON: contact David Cutler, 4500 Camous Dr.. Suite 480. Newport Beach. Ca. 92660. Phone (J14\ 5498393.

FROM SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA: contact Carl Vann, 205 Oceano Dr., Los Aneeles. Ca. 90049. Phone (213) 4723ll3 or (714) 549-8393.

FROM THE MIDWEST: CONtACt Charles L. Lemoerlv. 1230 Brassie Ave.. Flossmoor. ll. 60422. Phone /312) 799-2166.


Change of Address-Send subscription orders and address changes to Circulation Dept., The Merchant Magazine, 4500 Campus Dr., Suite 480, Newport Beach. Ca. 92660. Include address label lrom recent issue if'possible, plus new adclress and zip code. Subscription RatesU.S. and Canada: $6-one year; $9-two years: $12-three years. Foreign: $14-one year: $20-two years.Single copies $1.25. Back copies $2.50 when available.

THE MERCHANT MAGAZINE is rttr independenll,v-owrerl pLrblitcttiort.lbr the rctail. wholesale arrd tlistribtrtiott levels el the luntber, btrild' irtg rrruterials ct tttl horrte ittrprovetttettl btrsiness itt tlte l3 Wcslettt slales,



Douglas Fir o Hem-Fir


Redwood Timbers r Cedar ' Fence Material

Handsplit Rustic Posts & Rails o Cedar Ridge Paneling

and home
Western States - Since
Serving the lumber, building materials
improvement markets in 13
T,RODUCT 5ALE5 CO. 2202 N. Pacific (P.o. Box 5310) Orange, ca.92667 (714) 99S.86S0 or (213) 687-3782 Additional distribution yard at 113 E. Goetz Ave., Santa Ana, Ca'


Whether it's a far out, high-fashion store, a comfortable den or an athactive exterior accent wall, Lam-Loc Pecky Cedar offers a unique effect, which is difficult to obtain with any other material. The natural, durable texture withstands the most rugged environments, provides an extra measure of insulation, and its resistance to decay rivals that of the Redwood. Our patented Lam-Loc process guarantees over-all random peck, and eliminates the problem with through

holes. Specified widths and lengths up to 16' provide economies in both installation time and reduction in waste. When your customers demand "somethingout-of-the-ordinary", remember LamLoc Pecky Cedar. Call or write for full color literature and samples. Ed Fountain Lumber Company, 6218 South Hooper Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90001, (213) 583-138t. (7 L4) 97 2-9L07



A Sheathed Sword

THE SHORTACES of petroleum products

I that began in 1973, whether real or contrived, brought home forcefully to the public the realization that control of the world's resources carries enormous power to influence global events. While wheat and other grain crops have been very visible in our international trading and politics of late, the United States' forestlands also hold the potential to be a strong weapon for America as well as providing economic benefits at home.

While management of America's forests at 44.8 cubic feet of annual growth leads the rest of the other nations of the world by a large margin, the sad fact is that presently the U.S. is importing forest products to meet its needs. We feel strongly that this country should take the steps needed to play the role for which it is eminently suited: wood basket to the world.

The reasons for our present lack of performance are many and varied, but include drastic

under-utilization of the National Forests, and a failure to set tax laws that would encourage private timberland owners to increase the wood production potential of their lands.

To meet this challenge, America's leadership will have to seriously address the job that needs to be done to fulfiil our role as a net exporter of wood and paper products. This includes better management of our National Forests, where billions of board feet of timber are lost annually to age, disease, insects, wind and fire, and encouragement of private land owners to grow more commercial trees by making it economically desirable; as well as helping the business community to find more profit in export.

We should use the law and government regulations to move aside problems and impediments, to set the stage for the free enterprise system to function so that the forces of the market come into play. When that happens, the dynamics of the market place will take care of the rest.

The Merchant Magazine
s$ m w * * * I 3 P*mm Pine Fine DAVID
ffitrm$qww S$mkmm ffitmkmw ffiffiw ffi*#w** W*#v's** mffis Hddwo* q* {3 "Ye#aY* d d d * * * * * * * * Fir Fir fir 7rr VZr *cr MB8&m IsH$ffikww *raw * stmkmm
SeNing lhe lumbeL building materials and home improvement markels in 13 western States-Since 1922
CUTLER editor-publ isher
;€#ffi"h$ * *e&ar * P Pine^p Stakes #g&&o#Sf#es #a** * #&*k*x P#lW$Ir'Vyl*# '€'Effl {8ffi: Y*"Ur"€g t€ftcc 7 & ffi*&we
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Lumber Dealer grows with area

LL ACROSS the West hundreds of picturesque small communities survive from the mid 1800s when families from the East settled and named an area. Although most grew slightly when the railroad arrived, they exist today with populations in the low thousands.

Businesses in these villages have changed hands over the years, some floundering and some flourishing. An outstanding example of survival and expansion with the growth of an area is Fallbrook Lumber Co., started in 1946 by O.P. "Bill" and Alice Heald when Fallbrook, Ca., was known as "The Friendly Village," just another wide spot in the road, then old Highway 395.

With faith in the area, which lies about 60 miles north of San Diego by freeway, they ran the yard as a family business. Son Otie helped out and joined in the business in 1969. At that time the community was tiny and the yard grossed about $500,00O annually. As Otie gpt the feel of the lumber business thb yard started to grow and today grosses over ten times that amount. In January 1977 he became owner and president of the concern. Later that same year his dad passed away.

As the population of Fallbrook's area has grown to approximately 20,000 with a trade area of 35,000, the company has grown too, adding personnel and equipment. The trading area has been extended into Riverside County, about eight miles north, as well as to northern San Diego County.

To keep up with the growth, the yard was moved early this spring to a new 7-acre plant at 999 E. Mission in Fallbrook. With an 18,000 sq. ft. building, many new lines were added to the inventory including paint, plumbing, and electrical. The builders hardware, door, hand and electric tools, moulding and other departments were expanded.

The Merchant Magazine
CALIF0RilIA DEW, known as rain in some areas, blessed the move ol Fallbrook Lumber Co. into new larger quarters. 0ttie Heald (far lsft, lower photo), owner and pres., Bob Sutton (3rd from lefl), who came out of retiremenl to help with the move, and Bill Evans (Slh from lefl) manager, took the unusual weather in stride as did all the employees involved.
tEll t .fr =--i

A flavor of the early history of the area remains in the sales department which is decorated with antique tools. Mounted on the walls,

Story at a Glance

Lumber yard grows with community .. caters to business mix ... owner takes active part in civic, charitable organizations ... good neighbor as well as a good merchant.

which are paneled with I x 4 cedar, the tools have been contributed by the community as well as the Heald family.

Otie and his wife, Linda, have three sons, O.P. "Tres," Eric and Peter. Otie is extremely active in civic affairs in Fallbrook. He is past

president of both the Chamber of Commerce and Rotary, a past board member of the Boys' Club, one of the leaders of the Historical Society and a contributor to almost every youth group in town as well as other worthy causes. Linda also is active in civic and charity organizations. The three boys take part in the youth sports programs.

An avid hunter and outdoorsman, Otie has expanded his business activities into other enterprises. He continues to oversee all operations of F.L.C. on a daily basis although Bill Evans manages the store with Donn Gunvalson as buyer. Employees now number about 30.

Although Otie modestly attributes his success in business to luck, it is easy to see that he follows a time proven method for success. He strives for better service and competitive pricing with his operation keyed to the business mix of 2090 retail, 7090 builder-contractor. He keeps the store open from 7:30 to 5

Monday through Friday, and 7:30 to 4 on Saturday. The doors are closed on Sunday.

In addition to keeping up with his business, Otie and his family have concentrated on the community, taking part in the activities, and making the residents aware of them as friends and neighbors as well as merchants, a sure-fire formula for success.


decorate the sales deoartment at Fallbrook Lumber Co.'s new building. Larger quarters made it possible to expand and add inventory, including paint, hardware, tools, paneling, plumbing, and electrical as shown in other views.

i I I I i$f$

Major hardwood firm honored on its fiftieth birthday

lN celebration of its 50th anniverlsary in business, at a gala open house, Tom Bradley, Mayor of Los Angeles, honored Paul Penberthy, chairman of the board and his wife, Lillie, founders of the Penberthy Lumber Co., with a special commendation for their long-standing contribution to the business community of Los Angeles, Ca.

HANDS0ME scroll detailing company's 50 year history, was presented-to Mr. aniJ Mrs. Paul Penberthy by Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley, who lauded the inspiration and determination of the Jounders, and cited them as outstanding examples of what has made our country great.

The festive event, attended by over 200 customers, suppliers and friends, was staged April 30, at the company's main facility, 5800 South Boyle Ave., Los Angeles. Penberthy Lumber Co. is one of the country's largest importers and wholesalers of hardwoods and softwoods which are sold throughout the United States and Canada for home and office furniture, musical instruments, pool tables, boats, sporting goods, truck trailer floors and numerous industrial and construction uses.

The company maintains over an I I million board foot inventory, in 75 different domestic and exotic foreign species, acquired from ma- jor lumber producing centers throughout the world.

In addition to the Los Angeles location, the company operates a l5 acre yard near the Los Angeles harbor in Carson and a 300,000 board foot per day softwoods production mill, Pine Mountain Lumber Company, in Yreka, Ca.

Story at a Glance

Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley presents special commendation to the founders of the Penberthy Lumber Co. upon the occasion of the f irm's 50th anniversary.

PENBERTHY v.p. Bill StPaul explains (top) characteristics and handling methods of exotic hardwoods during plant tours conducted by company sales and management personnel. Among the throng attending were Ed Fountain, oresident of Ed Fountain Lumber Co. and Anne C. Murray, popular founder of the lumber industry sorority, the Hoo-HooEttes.


WELC0MING guests were Paul Penberthy, Jr., president, and Mrs. Penberthy, lo the c0mpany's half-century celebration. SPIRITED Scottish bag pipe band, in full regalia, received enthusiastic reception from guests with their renditions of famous Highland tunes. Visitors were treated to a buflet style meal in a huge, gayly decorated tent which featured a bright, summer garden atmos0nere. moment was caotured when Paul Penberthy, 91 year old chairman ol the board, presented yellow rose to young highland dancer, who had brought guests t0 their leet with her rollicking routine.

But it's too late now. Word is out. For a complete line of treated lumber. In whatever quantity you need. Just call us. Louisiana-Pacific. And if the termites don't like it, they can write their congressmen. To order, callourUkiahplant (707)468-5874. OryourL-PDistributionCenter. Rocklin, CA, (916) 624-4525, lt_"-9!!, _CAL (115) 657-6363, Albuquerque, NM, (505) 373-0511, CrownDistribution, Orange, CA, (714) 998-6500, Rounds Cloverdale, Cloverdale, CA, (707 894-3362.

Louisiana-fuifrc Because you can\ afford to do business as usual.

to L.J. Smith, stair parts

MARINER'S FOREST PKODUCTS is pleased to announce its affiliation with L.J. Smith, Inc., one of the finest stair parts manufacturers in the United States since their inception in 1"885.

We are now able to offer qualified lumber merchants and hardwood lumber dealers an opportunity to profit from the sale of these elegant and popular stair parts.

Do yourself a favor and ask us how you can take part in our no hassle program.

As part of a special introductory program, this handsome 64O0 oak displag becomes Aours to keep when Aour invoices total 64,OOO.

WINERS FORST PROUJCTS, INCORPORATE) 2600 South Susan Street Santa Ana. CaliforniagzTcil (714) 751-0800

Strong garden products market predicted

ESPITE the cut back in expenditures for new home landscaping, it appears that lawn and gardening products will experience a strong market in the coming months.

W. L. Shewry, mgr., merchandising, Ortho consumer products division, San Francisco, Ca., reports "unit sales of their garden and lawn chemicals in 1980 were ahead of 1979 by over l2s/o with vegetable and flower garden product sales well above this average."

"The forecasts for l98l indicate continue good growth," he emphasizes. "There is evidence to support the belief that as the general economy slows people tend to spend more time at home and on gardening. "

Story at a Glance

Ways to have right merchan. dise at right time . . meet needs of customers establish reputation as a garden center.


the lawn people

headquartered in Marysville, Oh., report similar experiences. "Our sales in the spring of 1979 were up substantially. Last year, in the face of the recession, they made another tidy gain during the same period. And we are prepared for another increase this year."

A million more Americans had vegetable gardens in 1980 than in 1979, according to Gardens for All, the national association for gardening. A survey done for them by the Gallup organization revealed a profile of the typical vegetable gardener. Characteristics include 50 years of age or older, high-school

educated, married, living in a rural area, with an income under $20,000. In addition to being involved in gardening activities such as growing flowers, houseplants, berries, fruits, and lawn care, these gardeners also pursue energy saving, conservation, and do-it-yourself activities. The similarity to a home center customer is striking.

As a retailer you must use good merchandising techniques to secure your share of this important market. Shewry sums it up as "The right products at the right time in the right place with the right promotion." This boils down to stocking the right merchandise for your locale. Order wisely and promptly so that you have what the customer needs when he wants it. Give the home gardener a choice of the right products for his problem or size of garden.

If you can establish the reputation of having what a gardener needs, you will be in position to meet their needs with tie-in sales in big ticket items. Gardeners appear to be loyal customers when they find a source they like.

The green goods section of your lawn and garden shop is extremely important. Most gardeners seem to shy away from self-service. They like to ask questions and chat while they are shopping. Many successful nursery departments report maintaining a high ratio of salespeople on weekends when traffic is highest. Employees also are needed to keep plants watered, trim, and tidy. Maintenance is important to eliminate the clutter of leaves and dead blossoms.

Employee training is vital according to several nursery managers. Product knowledge is essential if a green goods operation is to be successful in meeting customer needs. The person who can't tell a rose from a radish has no place in this section.

Each employee should be well briefed on the care and needs of the nursery stock as well as the various pest control agents, plant foods and fertilizers, and hardgoods such as (Please turn to paee B2)

June,1981 13

How to sell at home holidays

HESE are the traditional outdoor living months and this year, with the high cost of travel, your customers should be thinking seriously about spending their vacation on their own property.

It's up to you to make the athome holiday as appealing as a foreign journey. Sell the sizzle of the steak, the cool clink of the ice in the glass, the comfort of a lazy afternoon on a shaded wooden deck, the fun of yard and pool games, the

pleasure of a well manicured yard with coordinated outdoor furniture, the hours of happy living on the screened porch or lani addition.

You have the materials, the merchandise, the equipment, the assistance they need to achieve the perfect setting for a relaxing summer. After all, the money they spend for gasoline and airfares is gone, but the money they spend to improve their outdoor area is an investment. Sell them the pleasure,

RELAXATI0I{ in the shade or fun in the sun, both are olfered vicariously when you construct a deck and outdoor setting in your store. Everyone seeing the setting will want a similar one in his own yard to provide pleasure for family and friends.

then the economics of upgrading their outdoor living space.

Schedule a deck building demonstration or one to construct a summer porch or gazebo if your space is limited. Show the customers how to do it. Reinforce the lesson by sending home copies of deck and outdoor room plans and literature such as that available from Koppers Co. and Georgia-Pacific. Spell out

Story at a Glance

Merchandise at-home holidays ... build deck, gazebo, porch displays stage related promotions .. . sell fun in the sun.

the materials needed, the tools, the cost, and be ready to sell what they need. Have the names of a few reputable, proven builders available for those who are hesitant to tackle the job alone. Be sure that you have notified the builders that you will be recommending them.

Leave your structure uP when it is completed. It can be the stage for a vignette displaying potted plants, outdoor furniture, and barbecue equipment. You can utilize the setting further by tYing in a barbecue demonstration with samples for the customers. A Happy Cooker complete with chef gear, using all the latest equipment and accessories to produce succulent samples with tantalizing aroma, will sell more out door cooking equipment than you can imagine. If there are dress shops in your area invite them to have a fashion show of summer clothes using your store background. Advertise it to draw a crowd. In exchange, offer some of your summer living merchandise for their window displays with a sign

(Please turn to page 80)

The Merchant Magazlne
-:lht bor con,',ivlng W vgod priwtvlnd

Don't lose your cool over a cooling system

lJr \\ lr n( Kor:rt \,'r \lli. ( frirlnrrr. (,)rl.

TRUE. HEAT is not rhe lricnd

I t'l your diesel enginc. But a prohIcm u ith r our cooling systent i: rtt, reason to Iose your cool. espeei:rll.r when you can analyze problcms on the basis of symptoms and take cor rective action promptly. And when you can take avoidancc action bclirrc the oroblem starts.

The cooling \_vstcnr srnrplv dissipates engine heat to the atn'rospherc by means of the radiator. Coolint system oroblems usuallv occur with one of two symptoms slow' warm up or overheating.

Slow u'armup is most often caused by a thcrnrostat str-lck in the opcn position or one that opens at a temperature lower than specific-d. This situation pernrits water to flori' betrveen the radiator and engine even when the enginc is cold. The opening temperaturc of a thermostat can be checked by suspending the thermostat on a string in a pot of water (an electric hot pot works best). Also suspend a thermometer and begin heating the water. The opening tempcrilturc i\ determined when the thermostat lnlls off the string. The thermostat should be fully opened by 200 F.

Overheating. which is much nrorc common. is also morc dif'ficult to

solvc. Houcvcr. don't lose 1'our cc'rcll Your conrnlt)n scnsc is Your bcst tool.

I1' thc- cnginc coolant tempcrature gaugc indicute\ an overheating condition. first shut off the engine and check thc fan belt tension. Undcrtensioned fan belts can slip on pulle;'s rcducing \\'ater pump speed and. therefore. $'ater flow through the engine.

Story at a Glance

width arc ad.justed properll uhcn thcv can be dc-prcssccl r: to rl".


of a failing cooling system ways to analYze problems take corrective action promptly. stay calm and cool.

Fan belt tcnsion can be checked by hand. Belts of r,:" u'idth are properly adjusted whcn thev can bc depressed t'/rr, L'!". Belts of rr,'tt,. -7+ and 7s"

Next. chcck thc uatcr outlct hosc which is located betuccn thc thcrnltr stat housing and radiator. lf it fccls cool and thc gauge indicatcs the thermostat is stirck closed or is Icrv sluggish, replacc thc thcrmostat or e hce k tht' ()pcninil t'hltrltt lcri:tit: ar previously outlincd. If the water outlet hosc is warm or hot. check the entire front ol' thc radiator. The radiator should f'eel warnr or hot on the top gcttinl progressively cooler as you reach the bottom. Cold or cool areas indicate restriction in water flow through thc radiator.

A * arm fceling whe n testing a \\ \lcn) u ith durl thermortrlr e ltn in dicate one stuck thermostat. Tentpcraturc check thermostilts uhcn questions arise.

The entire radiator cxtcrior should also be fiee of forc-ign debris. It therc is a build up of foreign dcbris. dircct air pressure (do not cxcce cl -10 psi ) through thc radiator oppositc to normal air t'lou,.

The next logical stcp would bc to let the enginc- cool and thcn chcck the watcr lcvcl. Carcf'ullr.' rcntove the radi:rtor eup ltnd lill il The radiator cap or nrorc spccifically the /l'lt'u';t'ltrrtt 1() /)u:qr 71)

16 The Merchant Magazine
R( []1,.\! llllrlr

ArevouJ tlniout

qtiodmr @?

Arizona Building Specialities of Phoenix, Inc.

3132 !(/est Thomas, Suite 401 Phoenix, Arizona 85017 602t278-5501

C-alifornia Builders Supply Company ol Sacramento

P. O. Box 13457

Sacramento, California 95813 9t6t929-3191


2221 South Standard Santa Ana, Californta 927 07 7t4t957-0922

Sequoia Supply Company

P. O. Box 5807

Orange, California 92665 714t974-2330

Arthur J. Sullivan Company

P. O.Box2497

Menlo Park, California 94025 4t5t487-0722

Boddiagton Lumber Company

P. O.Box 819

Colorado Springs, Colorado 80901 3031632-t591

150 $fest 60th Place

Denver, Colorado 80216 303t427-9333

830 South l2th Street

Grand Junction, Colorado 81501 3031242-8870

P. O. Box 6343

Albuquerque, New Mexico 87197 505t345-7768

Wood Window Distributors

410 S.E. Division Place

The Atrium Door

The original wooden swinging patio door. Ils handcrafted froin t16 natural beauty and strength that can only come from wood. It swings instead of slides. And that fact alone not only makes it better to look at, but far more practical. Ways in which our craftsmanship helps you.

The Atrium Door comes to vou completely assembled, and cusiomers like that. It fits the same space as a conventional sliding aluminum door 4oes. (Standard units come up to 9-feet wide, with 10-, l2-, and 15foot units available on special order.) Coordinating units allow entire walls

and rooms to have the Atrium look. Our 800 number allows customers to find you.

Right now, ads selling the Atrium Door are running in key consumer, builder, and remodeler publications across the country. But what's important to you is the fact that these ads carry our 800 number. (And, it's quite busy with inquiries.) People asking where they can buy the door. If you stock the Atrium Door, we'll send these customers to vou. And. we'll even let you know they're coming. Last yeaf 8OVo of those who called found their dealer.

For more information contact your local Atrium Door Distributor:

Portland, Oregon97202 503t239-0271

Ponderosa Distributing

P. O. Box 27073

Sdt Lake City, Utah 84125 80u972-26t6

Door Distributors, Inc.

P. O. Box 3806

Bellevue, r$(/ashington 98009 206t827-0771

3939 l2th Avenue South East Lacey, $flashington 98503


2503 East Riverside

Spokane, Washington 99202 509t535-4617

Retail Dealer Supply Company

300 North American Road

Cheyenne, r0flyoming 82001 3071634-7936


The logical alternative to sliding aluminum doors.

Realization that the hoPed for upturn in '81 grows less likely bY each week has spread as this year seems more & more a replay of ' 80, a poor year for many predicted increases in the Prime lending rate above 2090 Promise more sluggish home building

Savings & loan assn.s, a major financer of housing, suffered a record drain of funds in April, as their collective net worth declined by a record amount their weakness means less availobility of $$for housing.. mortgagesremain at a high lSYzVo in many markets

L o u is iana- Pucific'q head lawyer, John B. Crowell, Jr., has been confirmed by the U.S. Senate after a bruiping fight to be Asst. Secretary of Agriculture, in charge of the U.S. Forest Service among other duties; he is expected to give a fairer hearing to industry's concept of good forest management. .

The Western lumber industrY operated at only 80.5V0 of Prac' tical copocity in Mar. (latest figs.) lumber production was 2.890 lower nationally in Mar. and 590 below the year previous SimP' s o n Ti mbe r,Seattle, has received a productivity award from the American Productivity Center, Houston,Tx....

L o u is ia n o - Pacific has acquired 6.790 of the outstanding common stock of Na tional Gypsum Co ., no official word has been forthcoming on any future purchases .

L-P has done a major face-lifting at its Carden Grove, Ca., store and added a full nurserYto its Ventura, Ca., store; it also has donated 1 I acres of land at Sonora, Ca., for a community sports complex.

Housing starts rose 4.2V0 in April, to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1,343,000 units from the previous mo., they were 28.6V0 higher than the year earlier fig.; permits for future home building rose an encouraging 2.8V0 the increases were stranger than many had anticipated. ,

The American Forest Institute has celebrated the 40th anniversary of the American Tree Farm System; Weyerhaeuser Co. started the lst certified Tree Farm in '41 . . . the Ca. State Senate overwhelmingly passed abill e Ii m' inating environmentol imPoct reports for lumber companies

Boise Cascade Corp.has sold its housing div. to Boise Co. a new firm . Celotex Roofing Products Div is opening a I 73 ,000 sq. ft. roofing products plant in Fremont. Ca. Cascade LV'est Forest Products has completed a new small log sawmill at Olympia, Wa., with the planing mill set to start the end of July; production will be primarily Douglas fir . .

Georgia-Pocific has gathered $120 million from five banks to finance a 52-story corporate hq. in downtown Atlanta, Ga. . Dia' mond International has bought back for nearly $66 million more than 1.5 million of its common shares acquired by Simpson Timber last year for $54.5 million . Trus Joist Corp., Boise, Id., has canceled its laminated products manufacturing agreement with Sweden's venerable firm StoraKopparberg...

Fo n t ana Wo od P rese rv ing, lnc. has opened its new Fontana, Ca., wood treating plant . . Decorative Specislties Inc., So. El Monle, Ca., a mfr. of kitchen cabinet doors, is moving to a new complex in lrwindale, Ca.

The Merchani Magazine

Roseburg Lumber Co., Roseburg, Or., has purchased California Builders Supply, Sacramento, Ca., a bldg. products wholesaler, for an undisclosed amount; it will operate as a separate entity, with Nick Elardo as gen. mgr.

Like many other western mills, the Riverside Div. of Willamina Lumber Co., Sheridan, Or. has shut down for an undetermined period Dant & Russell, Portland, Or., has discontinued its hardwood import biz to emphasize softwood lumber and exportactivities...

Rogue Forest Products, Medford, Or., a wholly owned subsidiaryof McGrew Brothers Sawmills, Ashland, Or., has been liquidated after nine years in business

Wey e r h a euse r andFre m o nt Fo res t Products'lumber terminals are being relocated from Pier 83 to new facilities on Pier E in the Long Beach, Ca., harbor M&S Industries is a new overlay Product co. in Vancouver, Wa. . .

Noranda Mines Ltd. has agreed to sell its 28q0 interest in British ColumbiaForest Products Ltd. to Alberta Energy Co. of CalgarY for $215 million (Canadian) GAF Corp. plans to sell its flooring businesses to Tarkett AB, Part of Swedish Match GrouP . Inter' nstional Wood Products recentlY acquired a multi-million $ door manufacturing facility in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. .

Big Pine Lumber Co. is a new Redding, Ca., office wholesaler; a div. of Main Industries, Bieber, Ca., it sells pine and Doug. fir, mostly to the East . . . Build-Co Supply has been opened in Northwest Portland, Or., by Glenn Hayden United Wholesaleis expanding its Montebello, Ca., facility, replacing several old buildings with one big new building.

R.W. Specialties, Commerce City, Co., recently had a successful open house at its new Crand Junction warehouse . C-E Morgan Sash and Door Co., Denver, Co., is being sold to John (Please turn to Page 53J


Hunter Woodworks is now able to deliver pallets to you anywhere across the nation. 0ur experienced sales engineers can help you with your pallet, box, skid, and cut lumber problems in any of the 50 states.

By maintaining a tradition of f inest quality and service since 1943, Hunter Woodworks has become one of the nation's leading pa I let manufacturers.

June,1981 19 ,-**. ilIJ fI-' ,tutw .o i-"* '$t $ I q sffi : L HUilIEN PALLET$! Wo mxho pollfu whg," um nnn HLgou,r Mtu fronn, l{fifu! lg
775-?544 12131 A35-5Ci7l HUNTER WOODWORKS INC , P O BOX 4937. CARSON CA 90749 frum. -d //lhen qou have tl"nnom,r PunrtdQt , t)rwa/ea1y|y, /Y''r':: iarrTom/ T0r \)dtv

Your Sights QUALIT

7653 Telegraph Rd. Montebello, CA 90640 (213) 723-3301 r (714) 994-6240

1576 South 300 West Salt Lake City, UT 84115 (801) 484-7616



Lumber Association of Southern Cdifornia ' June 12'14' Second Growth annual weekend, Rancho Bernardo, Ca'

North American lYholesale Lumber Association 'June 14'20' wood marketing seminar, Corvallis, Or.

Timber Products Manufacturen 'June lE 20, annual meeting, Banff Springs Hotel, Banff, Alberta, Canada.

Dubs Ltd.-June 19, golf tournament No. 382, Pasatiempo Country Club, Santa Cruz, Ca.

Black Bart Hoo-Hoo Club-June 27, Family Weekend, Knocti Harbor Inn, Clear Lake, Ca.

Western Wood Prtserving Institute ' June 2EJuly annual meeting, Sun River Resort, Bend, Or. 1, semi-


National Houseware Manufacturen Association-fuly 13'16' National Housewares Exposition, McCormick Place plus McCormick Place West, Chicago' Il.

930 Ashby Ave. Berkeley, CA 9471 0 (41 5) 843-4390

Main Office 2150 Oakdale Ave. San Francisco, CA94124 (415) 647-0782

Buyers & Wholesalers

We are available to You tor Your milling needs. We sPecialize in manufacturing vineYard graPe slakes in addition to fencing and benderboard. Call us for milling prices. Let us helP You put your deals together. For more information call Perry Dictos (209) 268'8848

P.S. We keep Your business secrets confidential


7707 S. Elm, Fresno, Ca. 93706




Western Red Cedar Lumber Association-July 24, annual meeting, Rosario Resort Hotel, Eastsound, Wa.

Black Bart Hoo-Hoo Club-Julv 24, B-B-Q, Ukiah, Ca.

National Retail Hardware Association-July 2'6'30' 82nd annual congress, Town & Country Hotel, San Diego, Ca'


Zonk Hardware Co.-Aug. 1'2, dealer convention, El Paso Civic Center, El Paso, Tx.

National Hardware Show/Hardware Industry Week-Aug' 16-20, McCormick Place and McCormick Place West' Chicago, Il.

IVindow bnergy Show-Aug.17'19, Sahara Hotel, Las Vegas' Humboldt Hoo-Hoo Club-Aug. 21, golf tournament' place to be announced.

California Hardware Co.-Aug. 23, annual merchandise market, Pasadena Convention Center, Pasadena, Ca.

Baker-Hamilton Div. of California Hardware Co.-Aug. 30' Bakerama Market, Showplace, San Francisco, Ca.


California Redwood Association-Sept. t, annual meeting, San Francisco, Ca.

Red Cedar Shingle & Handsplit Shake Bureau-Sept. 11' annual meeting, Sea-Tac Red Lion' Seattle, Wa.

Hoo-Hoo International-Sept. 12'15' convention, Houston Oaks, Houston, Tx'

Western Wood Products Association-Sept. 12'15' fall meeting, MGM Grand Hotel, Reno, Nv.

Mountain States Lumber Dealen Association-Sept' 20'22, annual convention, Four Seasons Motor Lodge, Albuquerque, N.M.

Want to see your organization in print? Send us information including date and place on your next meeting, convention, or social event for the Calendar. Please make sure that we receive it at least six weeks ahead of the date and be sure to include your name, address, and telephone number.

20 The Merchant Magazlne



Other features: . Dunable r Maintenance Fnee .

Washable . Hardboard Substnate . Back Sealed . Class lll Flame Spread Rating

Of The Finest Woods
', I J i l:F:'"tu.1,16 1- lru r l'l I l" ,ftT. l,' l\"$ l l l - *-C s- -fl- #q I :L^--E
A Repr"oduction

Tgf EQUAL Employment Opporr tunity Commission (EEOC) has issued a revision of its Guidelines on Discrimination Because of Religion under Title VU of the 196,4 Civil Rights Act, according to NLBMDA general counsel James M. Goldberg.

The underlying principle of the EEOC

Guidelines is that failure to reasonably accommodate the religious practices of an'employee or prospective employee is an unlawful employment practice; and that employers of 15 or more (covered by Title VII) have an obligation to accommodate religious practices, unless they can demonstrate that accommodation results in undue hardship. The guidelines include examples of alternatives which an employer should consider when an individual's religious practices conflict with the employer's work


flun RECENT seminar series

Yfeatured l0 schools in four cities with a record 209 students participating in the workshops in Denver, Co.; Albuquerque, N.M.; Salt Lake City, Ut., and Casper, Wy.

Four Basic Materials Estimating Schools were attended by 108 people. The breakdown shows the Denver workshop drew 38 people; Salt Lake City, 28; Albuquerque,23, and Casper, 19.

The school was taught by O.K. Stookesberry, a teacher-lumbermancontractor from Denver. He is a wellknown expert in materials estimating and a former instructor at the University of Denver.

The Lumber Yard and Store Layout

Idea workshop drew 62 participants. Two two-day workshops held in Denver were attended by 3l people. The Salt Lake session had 16 people and Albuquerque had 13.

The workshop was conducted by Collins Lorimer, a consultant in the area of analysis, planning and design, and the improvement and development of lumber yards, building c€nters and home centers.

The Pence Brothers financial management seminar in Denver had 23 participants learning about improving return on an investment. Pete and Jim Pence are the executive officers of the Indiana Cashway Systems, Inc.

Sixteen people attended the one-day security workshop in Denver. John Case, security consultant, was the leader.

Five MSLDA members were among the nearly 300 lumber and building

The Merchant Magazine

schedule. The examples suggest the use of voluntary substitutes and job swaps, flexible scheduling, lateral transfer and change of job assignment.

"If any employer refuses to accommodate an individual's religious practices, it must justify the refusal by demonstrating that undue hardship would, in fact, result from each available alternative," Goldberg said. "Such undue hardship must involve more than just a minimal cost. Regular payment of overtime and other premium wages would constitute such an undue hardship; however, infrequent or temporary payment of such wages would not constitute hardship. A mere €Bsumption that many others with the same belief as the individual seeking accommodation may also need an accommo(Please turn to page 42)

material dealers attending the two-day NLBMDA Conference with Congress.

They were Howard Anderson, Anderson Lumber Co., Ogden, Ut.; David Melton, Midland Home Center, Buena Vista, Co.; J.W. Metz, Metz Lumber Co., Aurora, Co.; Keith Ker, Max Ker and Son, Idaho Falls, Id.; and Fred Caruso, MSLDA executive v.p., Littleton, Co.

Participants were given up-to-date reports on important legislative issues and later met with their Congressmen and Senators to review specific legislative action.

At the opening luncheon, delegates heard Edwin Gray, director of the Office of Policy Development for the Reagan White House, formally announce the specifics of the budgets cuts and read a letter from President Reagan justifying the plans for reducing federal spending.

R. Kirk Ewart has been appointed director of Regulatory Affairs in Boise Cascade Corp.'s governmental and environmental affairs department. He had been director of industry affairs in the company's timber and wood products group.

Lumber Dealers Assn. 5401 South Prlnc€ St., Littleton, Co.8O12O (3O3) 79t2826
Building Material Association P. O. Box 1699, Olympia, Wash. 98501, (206) 943'3054
CHUCK LINK executive director Mountain States
ltrA lgrilr:T-il HOBBS WALL LUMBER CO.,INC "The Oldest Name in Redwood" Pine LCL Redwood T&T Hem- Fir CARL)AD Hemtock 41\ Dousras Fir ({ffi,l \lw P 0 Box 6148, Terra linda, California 94903 |.415l. 419-1222 Shakes Palings ShingleS Cedar Lath

Call us for all your needs in = Douglas fir, redwood, pine, = ffi\ western red

- €ffi cedar and = flH PlYwood

allONGRATULATToNS: and Ythanks to each of you. Economic conditions are not conducive for yard expansion, to say the least. We are hurting and we will continue to hurt until confidence builds, interest rates drop and housing starts pick up. While all around us, other groups and industries cry the blues, and demand that the federal government cut funds from every program except theirs, we have continued to ask that the government show fiscal responsibility even though it means cutting some programs that provide sales to our operations.

We told congress last year and again this year that we are willing to bite the bullet if the federal government would do the same. We took a big bite last year but the feds refused to participate. The new administration arrived on the scene and we took another bite. Now congress is beginning to nibble and we must evidently shove their collective faces closer to the bullet for a larger bite.

Each ofyou is to be congratulated for accepting the responsibility of not demanding more funds in government programs.

Our National Lumber & Building Material Dealers Association board of directors has unanimously passed a resolution approving of the President's economic package. A copy of the resolution was sent to the White House and President Reagan responded with a letter of appreciation.

It is disgusting to witness those on the receiving end of hundreds of government progr:rms lining up to demand that their freebies not be cut, but instead increased. Very.few people are willing to accept the fact that return to economic stability must be accompanied by some bad tasting medicine. Our industry is €rmong the exceptions.

It's Monday

Avoid scheduling meetings at the beginning of the week. They are usually more rushed with poorer attendance than those in midweek.

Female Advantage

A desire to put the needs of the buyer ahead of their own interests often enables a saleswoman to outperform her male counterpart.

Men reportedly put too much stress on product and service data as well as competitive information with too many "I" references. Women supposedly listen more carefully for what the buyer really wants and strive to satisfy them.


8285 Southwest Nimbus Ave.

Bldg. A, suite L20

Beaverton, Or. 97OO5

( r.O. nox 19855

Portland, Or.972L9)

(5O3) 64r-AA7 L

Tom Conway Blll Goudge

Art lttannlng Mark Dippel


22737 Barton Rd.


Grand Terrace, Qa.92324 =

(7141 7A3-29OO

Roger Stainbrook Mel Prince

Vera Osuna Dick Voelzke



4655 Old Redwood Hwy.

- Santa Rosa, Ca.95401

(P.O. Box I =

Fulton, Ca. 95459) =

(7O7r 544-2O9O

Art Bond Tom Catlow

Jim Peterson Clint Culley =

llax Corning Dolores Kovacovich = -

Marlys Southard Denise Clowes =-

Mike Parli

23 June,1981 l-l+:.*i$*'
(408) 295-4103 rffiIffi.t{
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Now, it's easy to qualify and sell your customers on all the energy efficient advantages of cnruning and installing the Temco Enerqv Conserver Fireolace Svster Energy Fireplace System. jhows You How." Because "Temco Shows

Included in this comprehensive program for profits through retail sales are: The Temco Product Knowledge Handbook; iMepth product training and stepby-step nstal lation f i ms; poi nt-of-pu rchase dis plays; irrstore poster merchandisers; Temco takehome brochures: Temco Tak+Home Planner Kits, complete with floor and ceiling templates, and plumb bob and string; plus materials for personalized radio, television, and print advertising.

So, give us a call today. And let us "show you how" you can increase your profit potential in the retail "do-it-yourself" market with Temco!

A complete Temco lireplace merchandising and product training progrum to help you profit in today's rapidly growing odoit yoursell" retail markel
rcUW Material Distributors, Inc. 225 Elm Avenue Galt, CA 95632 (209) 74$3001 16444 Manning Way Cerritos, CA 90701 (213\77v5044 111 C Uranium Road Sunnyvale, CA 94086 (408) 737-91 00 Bui


1 1650 lberia Place San Diego, Ca.92128

lwoNonn IF the top management of lour country's lumber, building material, and hardware suppliers know how watered down their merchandising and promotion progr:rms are at the retail level. Or, if they know that they sometimes never do get presented to the retailer. Even worse, do they realize that their people are often discourteous to the smaller retailer operator?

During the 1960s, when I was on the management team of one of the largest Midwest home centers, I periodically

had to contact the home office of some suppliers to get the specifics about programs that I had read about in industry trade publications. If it didn't involve a price change, the local rep claimed ignorance. Once, I was obliged to track down a paneling manufacturer's Madison Avenue advertising agency to get the details on tying into the "HowTo" television series that I had read about in Advertising ,4ge. These were my experiences as a "giant" retailer. It prepared me for what I had to face in my consulting work with the smaller lumber dealer.

Suppliers spend millions to attract the attention of retailers. They buy trade

advertising in trade publications. They invest heavily in regional and national trade shows. I'm sure that their promoters do an adequate job of following through with the giant chains. But many also do a very fine job of blowing off leads from the rural and small town.independent dealer.

I've seen hundreds of poorly constructed, poorly reproduced form letters mailed to retailers in response to an inquiry about an ad in a trade publication. Many inquiries aren't followed up at all, and some suppliers respond with only a spec sheet enclosed in an envelope without any covering letter to acknowledge that the information is being mailed as requested by the retailer. Hooray for the guy who writes, "in response to your inquiry about our ad that appeared on page 2l of the May issue of What's New World we are enclosing ."

The most damaging individual in the distributor channel is the guy that calls on retailers and over-protects the sup(Please turn to page 84)

June, 1981 t l -t .1 i -1 -.j I 1 -1_]

RETAIL BUILDING material customers of Palmer G. Lewis Co., Inc., in the Auburn, Wa., area provided names of remodeling contractor customers for invitations to a meeting featuring "quick pitches" such as this one by Sleve McPhail, highlighting Marlite wall covering products.

Contractor Meeting Scores

As an assist to retailers in stimulating sales, the Palmer G. Lewis Co., Inc., Auburn, Wa., recently invited remodeling contractors to view product presentations of new items related to heat or energy conservation and basic remodeling.

Close to 50 contractors and I I sponsoring dealers, heard "quick pitches" limited to five minutes from Mike Painton, Gold Bond Decorator Panel; Wayne Anderson, Alcoa Venta Ridge; Gerry Morgan, Proper Vent; Ken Gohrick, Pfeiffer Skylights and Thermax Insulated Sheathing; Ed Wint, Metalbestos Chimney Systems; Ray Krueger, Swan Tub kits; "Buck" Wheat, Simpson Strong-Tie; Neil Wallace, Geocel Sealants; and. Steve McPhail, Marlite.

Prize drawing cards were combined with a sales lead card to provide suppliers with tips for future sales. Ken Gohrick, PGL assistant sales mgr., recapped the meeting as "the response and turnout by the remodeling contractors was most gratifying," adding "The success here indicates that a meeting of this type would be beneficial in other PGL sales territories we intend to

give it a try," He added that the company sells dealers, not contractors.

How To Get The Bucks

These are slow paying times with customers caught between recession and high-interest rates, but it pays to work with a hard-pressed account as it may become a valuable customer in the future.

Here are some ways to help the customer and yourself.

o Initiate finance charges on overdue accounts after counseling with a lawyer and accountant to stay within laws.

o Establish individual partialpayment plans.

O Accept a note and personal guarantee of payment from an officer of the company owing money.

O Supply goods ori a C.O.D. basis with a portion of the overdue account added (cash-on-deliverY plus).

o Deliver no goods until all past due bills are paid.

O Work out temporary credit arrangements using a combination of the above.

SPECIALIz,E SERVIG We cover Oregon, Californ and Nev We carry $IOOTOOO all-risk cargo insurance




' A complete sawmill facility, sawsizing thru 16x16-42, and surfacing thru 16x20-42,; A 4 million foot rough timber inventory, under sprinklers;

o Planer heads to run any pattern on any softwood species;

o A continual manufacturing process of Spruce and Pine Decking, starter board and facia;

o Fencing in all species, grade and size;

o A complete inventory of Douglas Fir, Redwood, cedar, spruce and Hemlock, prus many specialty items;

o A professional sales force of fifteen;

o A fleet of trucks delivering to your doorstep;

o A firm policy of never competing with our customers.

o 10 million feet of Canadian cargo per month.


108 Catherine Lane, No. B Grass Valley, California 95945 Phone (976) 273-2233 phnnp, (714) 627-9551 13880 MONTE VISTA AVE., CHINO, CALIFORNIA 91710 P.O. BOX',M,,

We're Set To Serve YouBetter

our spanking new f acility in Fontana, california is another example of 6ur commitment to serve you better' From ground up, its modern, state-of-the-art layout provides [uicker, -ot" efficient service to save you money uld ti-" ni an expanding company ' we can provide you the items you n""i in the volumes you w?nt' Four acres, with .on.rnt" paving, plus new offices and sheds, alldesigned to take better care of You.



FONTANA. CA., 10330 EIM Ave., Fontana, Ca. 92335, (7141 829-3466 Qr3) 585-8657

LAS VEGAS, NV., 2901S. Highland Ave., Bldg 1D, Las Vegas, Nv. 89109 002\ 733-4011

FOR CUSTOM MILLING you can count on us to do a better' more professional job in serving all your custom milling needs' our Indian Hill Milling Inc. subsidiary, conveniently located at our new Fontana plant, will do a better job for you'

1 .tt !The Merchant Magazine 28
I j F' L I I

Houseware Sales at New High

Sales of housewares manufacturers hit a record $17.5 billion in 19g0, an increase of lls/o over 1979, Ronald A. Fippinger, managing director of the National Housewlrei Manufacturers Association, 8nnounced.

"Despite the various uncertainties of last year's economic climate," he said, "the housewares industry pretty well held its own and started lggl on an optimistic and upbeat note. The first year of the '80s decade proved to be the biggest-ever sales year for manufacturers."

One out of three manufacturers (3390) reported 1980 total sales of more than $5 million, while nearly half (4990) reported sales of under $2.5 million last year, according to the survey.

The report shows that manufacturers' sales directly to retail outlets in 1980 continued the trend set over the past decade, reaching a record 8l9o of the industry,s total g17.5 billion sales last year. Of the $14.2 billion volume to retailers, 29go went to mass merchandisers; while catalog showrooms and department stores, with l29o each, tied for second place. Discount stores, a category not previously defined by respondents in the ongoing annual survey, ranked third, at 8 go.

The l99o of manufacturers' total sales to wholesale outlets in l9g0 was at the lowest level in the l4-vear history of the study. Of that $3.3 billion volume, housewares,/hardware distributors, together with

electric housewares distributors, accounted for more than half.

An average of 8lgo of manufacturers' orders were filled immediately in 1980, comparable to five years earlier; and the average number of days accounts receivable were outstanding was 51, as against 53 days in 1975. However, the 23t/o of receivables paid within 45 days was the lowest in the five-year period.

An inventory of the housewares industry's prevailing attitudes and anticipated problems for l98l indicates that manufacturers' most signicant concerns relate to rising interest rates and costs ofoverhead. as well as collections or accounts receivable time. The former concerns were noted by 360/o of manufacturers, and the latter by 2lo/o; whereas just two years ago, only nine 9o and five go, respectively, noted those problems for 1979.

The study also indicated that manufacturers perceive a change in r-etailgls' buying attitudes. Among the l09o who cited this as a newlyrecognized problem for 1981, there were references to some retailers "reducing their inventories and concentrating on more utilitarian and practical, rather than luxury or high-ticket items." Only one go of manufacturers reported they anticipate no problems of any kind this year.

Color preference trends for housewares set in previous years were maintained in 1980. Almond, at 48s/0, for kitchen appliances and accessories, is the highest noted kit-

chen color since the popularity of avocado in the early 1970s, with white ranking second for 1980. Brown, almond and white are the top colors for serving and buffet products and accessories, in that order. Brown, white and blue rank one-two-three for bath and closet products and accessories. Finally, green, yellow and brown are the most popular colors for outdoor products and accessories, in that order.

TRAVELIiIG the territory t0 see his members, executive v.p.'of the Arizona Lumber and Builders Supply Association, Frank Davis, (second trom lefi) is here seen at South Bay Forest Products'C0., 0ranoe. Ca., which ioined the association iast velr, joining a number ot Southern California iirms that belong lo the Arizona group. pointing to Lhe Tap is South Bay piesident Jim Frodsham, at right Oou! Wittis. At teft, another visiting Arizonian, Marv Setzer, Westwood Builders Supply, Phoenix.

Photo by The Merchant Magaztne

Learn ComPuter Talk

Computer language can be overwhelming when you first shop for a small computer. A few basic terms will help the communication Process.

ierminal: television-like devices on which information is displayed. Cathode-ray-tube models are recommended wlth display panels large enough to show 24 lines of 80 characters each. The keyboard used to change the copy should be the same as a regular

The Merchant Magazine

typewriter. A separate calculator-style keyboard facilitates numerical entries.

Printers: type out information on paper' Letterquality models give a typewritten look b-ut are more expensive than the matrix printers which form letters out bf dots and sometimes require special paper. It is more economical to buy the letter-quality in the beginning than to upgrade from a matrix tYPe.

Ruggectness: durability of the equipment' Look for a sturdilhassis, easy to remove circuit boards for servicing, exterior panels to protect equipment.

Bit: the smallest unit of information a computer can recognize.

liord length.' the number of bits of information a computer cin handle in one operation. A 16-bit word lengih is the minimum for business; home computers can operate with eight bits.

Byies: equal to iight bits, measures a computer's capacity. -RAM: main random-access memory which stores software and programs. A business-system memory requires 64,000 bYtes.

Disks: auxiliary memory-storage devices which augment the RAM. Number, size, and type are determined by need. (One 4Vz " floppy disk holds 250 customer billing files.)

-Expansion: modification necessary to add terminals, storage capacity or a different printer including cost'

Uisradins: using terminals, software, and peripheral "quipm"nt *ith more powerful models when expansion limits are reached.

MARKING the appointment of Building .Material. Dislributors' Inc', Cerritos and Gali,'as statewide Ca' distributors of Suba countertops' BillWilson (2nd from left), BMD exec' v.p', accepts a plaque.from Norm Hamilion, Suba marketing mgr., (lar ilght). 0thers are (leil t0 right)Jacf Bell, pres., Suba Mgf.,'inc.: Don Koch, BMDv.p./sales'
i r I fI
i F lmanufacturers and wholesalers . . 32 years of integritY ( ffi G0.\\$'' specialists in douglas fir dimension o timbers o industrials ' cedar fencing jimd-onahue o dukeelder o jeff j mes o- halwhite p.o. box 527 , eugene, or.97M0 (503) 686-2815 call toll free (800) 547'892V for prompt quotations IttilBn
31 I I -1 June,1981 8ea Get the best in the West! < = tffiefs r o^,c D,,r,E^,s,o,v ROUGH D'MENS'ON OTHER DOUGLAS F'R ITEMS Speedy service too . . . for your requirements call 13535 E. ROSECRANS AVE., SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 90670 PHONES (213) 921-1331 . (213) 773-4846 . (714) 523-0194


As old pros in the building business, we're used lo hondling difficult jobs with o minimum of fuss ond feothers. When Contodino, o mojor food pocker. needed to build o new conning shed over ond oround on existing one we were reody. Working through reloiler Home Lumber Compony, Son Bernordino, Co., ond their supplier, Philips Lumber Soles, Thousonds Ooks, Co., os well os the Koppers Compony, we helped moke the new oll-wood struciure on excellent exomple of successful cooperotion by wood industry people.

Construction wos occomplished by lowering poles through the existing roof by helicopter, with glu-lom beoms ond lumber olso coming by oir to be built to form lhe roof slructure,

This oddition of 5.000 so. fi. is the first of o plonned 40,000 sq. ft., lo be done in 5,000 so. ft. inlervols,

Frank Ruggieri, mgr. NORTHERN DIVISION

Hwy. 99 W. one mile south of Williams, Ca.95987

P. O. Box 837

(916) 473-5381

'We can serve your building needs in Oregon and Nevada as well as California. For information please call (collect) to The Michael B. Esposito Construc-

Mike Esposito, mgr.


1280 Unit F-1, West Lambert Rd. Brea, Ca. 92621

(213) 694-8361

(714\ 529-7790

tion Co. Nevada contractor's license no. Itl3t. Oregon contractor's license no. 30089. (2r3) 694-836r.

32 The Merchant Magazine
Helicopter (lef t) brings in another laminated beam for the structure (right) built on top of an existing structure.
CorslnucTttlil G0.
Conlractors Lrcense No 164020

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses!

Philips Lumber Sales of Thousand Oaks, Ca., is a leading supplier of glu-lam beams in the West and has been in the business tbr a number of years. During the past two years, Randy Philips, who runs the business with his father, Don, decided to keep track of all the excuses he has heard and have a little fun with them. The result can be seen below.



In order to save time and reduce the paperwork overload, please refer to the corresponding number when cancelling your order!

(l) Customer's loan fell through.

(2) Architect changed the plans: no beams!

(3) Core samples show the site to be unacceptable.

(4) Rains washed out the site 3 times.

(5) Double ordered: contractor already had beams on order.

(6) Has to have beams in one week: re-engineering for steel.

(7) Owner undergoing open heart surgery: will advise if successful.

(8) Owner died!

(9) Salesman not authorized to give order numbers: don't talk to him any more.

(10) Fellow who purchased is no longer with us and we don't show any purchase order like that.

(11) Building permit rejected.

(12) Coastal Commission stopped the project.

(13) Contactor went broke.

(14) Yard went broke.

(15) Broker went broke.

Warm Personal Regards

Philips Lumber Sales

COUNT THEM: 29 oressure treated ooles sunk into the hillside suoport a 5154 sq. ft:, including decks and garage, home in Beverly Hills, Ca. San Antonio Rigid Pole Construction Co., Brea, Ca., installed the ooles in concrete oads at the base of 8' deeo holes filled with concrete. For resislance to decay and insect attack, they were pressure treated using the Cellon process developed by Koppers Co. Serving as both foundation and roof support, the poles combine with massive beams and rafters to form a structural system with exceptional strength and resistance to earthquakes. This type of construction can salvage sites once considered unbuildable.

33 PACIFIC FOREST PRODT]CTS, //vC. P.O. Box 1644, Fresno, Ca.93717 r Phone (2O9\ 2686221 REDWOOD o D.F. Timbers Direct and LCL shipments Pine o Douglas Fir West Coast Cedars Hem/Fir Experienced wholesale distribution

cr:o SCTV1CC

Computer Estimator

"Mr. Estimate", a low cost microcomputer program to provide estimates of one and two family dwellings in minutes rather than hours, is now available through The National Lumber and Building Material Dealers Association.

In announcing it, Philip Lyon, The T. M. Deal Lumber Co., stated that fast, efficient, accurate pricing of a builder's bill of materials is absolutely essential. As chairman of ' NLBMDA's dealer service committee, he praised the system because it produces a quick estimate, while at the same time reflecting variations in price.

A complete system, it is flexibile in providing for a multitude of changes to fit the specifications of home plans. It allows for different size lumber and spacing for walls, floor joists, or manufactured floor trusses. Structural design variations also apply to ceiling and roof construction of any pitch, hip or gable end configuration.

Two estimate printouts are available. One is a breakdown on quantity, description, footage retail price units and a page total. The second is a quantity and description with a page total.

Thot's How lt Goes!

The Merchonl Magozine

34 The Merchant Magazine
" l used to be in the retail business myself-l never refused credit to anyone!"
|lI - rtF -2. . . . IT'S A NATURAL FOR US! REDWOOD Decking Clears Bevel Siding Benderboard Fencing Timbers To 30' Lath Redwood Siding Serving the L3 Western States with quality redwood produc$ and hard to find specialty items. Also 48 hour delivery service in Norchern California. -

iog, itters to h

in kiln with cedar and pine ,Let us show you play work. how to Call


Oun big Woodland, Ca., plant has the equipment to do the job fon you. Oun nemanufacturing machinery includes a planer, moulden, straight line rip, a gang nip, a single and a double nesaw and P.E.T.

We're neady to help, just call Portland, Or. [so3] 684€440

Bard Brown

Jim Hcbcrlcin

Woodland, Ca. [916] 666-1991

Dick Chcrmak Frank Haay Duan Chartcr Mltth.w Thomes Ed Gaglc Frcd Duchi

Weed, Ca. [916] 938-2771

Bill Duchi Jor Hattrup

We're proud to be members of the Western Wood Products Association Grading Service.

milling in mansit available,
by nail or truck.
(916) 666_1991

Marketing Misses Mark

Marketing efforts of building materials manufacturers for the professional remodeling trade could stand improvement, a survey of residential contractors has found.

Contractors responding to a poll conducted by Frost & Sullivan, Inc. rated the effectiveness of manufacturers' marketing programs as fair at best. On a scale of one to l0 (10 the highest score), demonstration kits rated 4.8; product samples 4.9, and effectiveness of sales tools 5.3. The only marketing category to fall within the top five of 16 categories surveyed was consumer advertising, with a 6.0 rating. Pricing (5.2) and supply of replacement parts (5.4) rounded out the bottom five.

"Manufacturers have not been marketing oriented in dealing with remodelers," Frost & Sullivan observes in its 360-page report, Contractor Remodeling Market. "The results indicate a strong need for more marketing emphasis in working with remodelers. They apparently need more tools to sell the job."

Manufacturers failed to achieve a good to excellent rating (8-10) in any of the categories studied. Ease of installation rated best at 6.7, followed by depth of line at6.3, handling customer orders and product application time at 6.2 each.

The survey indicated that most residential remodelers are small businesses. A full 57v/o of the 286 firms polled do under $200,000 a year in sales and only 7s/o generate more than $l million. Only 490 of the firms had more than 20 people on their construction payroll. Some 5390 had one to three construction personnel on staff, while 7990 had six or less.

Frost & Sullivan estimates that remodeling contractors spent over $10.8 billion on building materials and supplies in 1979. With purchases of $1.57 billion, lumber and plywood accounted for the largest single share of the market (14.5s/o), followed by plumbing at $813.3 million (7 .5u/o), siding at $661.5 million (6.190) and kitchen cabinets at $628.9 million (5.890).

The $10.8 billion represents more than 250/o of the $42.2 billion spent on residential alterations and repairs in 1979. Of that figure, $27.3 billion stemmed from improvements, which have been growing at a faster rate than repairs.

The outlook for residential remodeling is encouraging, the study says. Approximately 28 million homes in the U.S. are over 20 years old.

SANDER SURFACING ol Douglas fir and hemlock clears has replaced knife surfacing at Weyerhaeuser Company's major Longview, Wa. and Springfield, 0r. mills. Closeup of sander surfacing machine shows upper and lower sander belts (center of pic-

ture and through windows). The four 48" wide sandpaper belts, two top and two bottom, do the surfacing. The clear lumber is fed through in 48" wide batches ol a single width. The two mills are the sole processors of the company's Coast clears.

g*. trsid

for red oak, white oak, ash, birch, walnut and other species to suit your needs

Custom Milling Z Direct Shipments

L1.7 -rv - a, l-\)'

The heart of any business is its people. While we can't show you all of ours, these are a few of the individuals responsible for bringing our customers quality hardwoods for over 5O years. Some have retired. Others have Dassed on. Yet, there are new generations to uphold the Penberthy tradition for providing products "a cut above the norm." lt is only by attracting these dedicated employees that we have been able to bring you the most exotic woods, the best grades and the most economical prices from the far corners of the world. They have helped build Penberthy into the only wholesaler in the West with over 11 million feet of hardwoods and softwoods in dozens of different species, a company with its own dry kiln facilities, a complete planing mill and some of the most modern handling techniques to be found anywhere. When you think of hardwoods, think of Penberthy, where giving you the most for your money is taken as a personal responsibility. Penberthy Lumber Company, 5800 South Boyle Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90058. (213) 583-451 1.

Colorado'Lumberman' Cited

Herb Hast, Jr., Hast Lumber Co., Commerce City, Co., and 1980 pres. of W.O.O.D. Inc., Denver, Co., has been named as the 1980 lumberman of the year by that organization in recognition of his contributions to the lumber industry, community, and society. Active in the lumber business

since he was a high school student, he also is a past president of the Denver Hoo-Hoo, a member of Rotary Club, past State Governor of the Soaring Society of America, a past director of the Colorado Soaring Association, and a member of numerous civic committees and boards.

(Continued on next page)

PAUL BUNYAN trophy awarded to the Lumberman of the Year by W.0.0.D., Inc., Denver, Co., a regional trade association representing 70 retail and wholesale lumber dealers, is displayed by (1)Herb Hast, Jr., 1980 recioient. Previous L0TY and oast presidents attending the presentati0n included (2) Dan Green, L.A. Stookesberry, Don McAlonan. (3) Stan Dixon, John A. Hurley, Bob Dunham. (4) Jack Curnow, Clark R. Gittings, Lee,Richardson. (5) Pres. John Gunzner, Stephen Stookesberry, Robert Tweed.

Deckote is a watemroof, shd-resisunt coatihg for wood, concrete, asDhalt and fiberglass.

Deckote adheres without craqhng, blistenng, , Peggng, crurngng color or leaKns w"ter. .{ncl iasts longer"than conventional oecK parnt.

Deckote aoplies easilv with a rollei and ciearis uo with soap and water.

Deckote's acceptance after just one year in the market place is phenomenal! Most public-pleasing, profit-minded dealers have it. How about you?

ffi*slrffi i J _-] I-l I -1t I -1
Distributor of Euilding Matenals - from Central Caljfornia to Alaska Distribution Center & Headquarters: 525 "C" St. N.W. Auburn. Wash. 9gOO2 OREGON OIVISION Trgard. Eugene. Borse ALASKA DIVISION . Tacoma Anchorage PONDEROSA DIVISION Sacramenro Fre5no.Reddrnq.Reno ASSOCIATE MEMBER WESIERN 8UILD, MATERIAL ASSOCIATION MONIANA BUILD MATERIAL DEALERS ASsOC, LUMBER MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION OF N. CALIF Pa[mo@F @, LemlEs @@oo[me. MEI'AER NATIONAL BUILDING MATERIAT DISTRIBUTORS ASSOCIATION
PALMER G. LEWIS Auburn Bremenon. Everett. Kenmore. Lacey Mrssoula Seade Spokane Yakrma. Wenarchee


(Continued from previous page)

Others receiving this recognition since it was instituted in 1969 include Stephen Stookesberry, 1979; Jack Curnow, 1978; C.W. "Bud" Diehl, 1977; Walter Kellogg, 1976; Lee Richardson, 1975; Clark Gittings, 1974; Dick Gittings, 1973; Dan Green, 1972; Robert Tweed, l97l; Stan Dixon, 1970; L.A. Stookesberry, 1969.

W.O.O.D. Inc. is now conducting its lsth annual architectural awards for excellence recognition progr:rm.

July I has been set as the closing date for entries from architects and landscape architects who have completed residential, non-residential,

major remodeling projects or landscape projects within a radius of 75 miles of Denver in the previous year.

Preliminary judging committees from W.O.O.D. will visit each entry submitted.

Should You Buy a Second Hand Computer?

A second hand computer may be the answer for a firm buying its first electronic data processing unit or when it is time to add to present capacity, but you should be familiar with the risks as well as the advantages.

Price appears to be the biggest ad-

The Merchant Magazlne vantage with a four year old computer often selling for 204590 of the original price. Use the Computer Blue Book for a quick price check. Also consider that list prices are often meaningless for new computers with discounts often passed along.

Backup is an important advantage because with an older model experienced workers are available who know the machine thoroughlY. Training and recruitment costs as well as learning curve problems are often minimized.

Software for the older model is time-tested with a broad scoPe of applications covered. This is perhaps the biggest plus for a second generation machine.

I F t

Investment tax credit may be a minus because on used equipment only the first $100,000 per year of a company's total used equipment purchases is eligible. It also is hard to claim the seven year life required of full credit if the machine is used. New computers receive a l09o investment credit.

Lack of vendor support with no manufacturer's warranty and no easy access for documentation of technology, bugs, and improvements is another negative. Some manufacturers charge more for servicing older equipment or require costly reconditioning at the start. The solution here could be an independent service firm.

People also tend to prefer jobs where the equipment is of the latest technology. You may have to pay premium wages to attract the more experienced workers who are familiar with your older equipment.

Some precautions to take before deciding include: check out lease arrangements for favorable deals, locating software before buying to make sure it's available, and lining up people to program and run the computer beforehand.

If you decide to go with the secondhand equipment, insist on a warranty or maintenance contract in writing. Buy a popular model so that spare parts and backup equipment are readily available.

You've got fhe top hond on Building Moferiols !

SEATTLE, Wa., is going to the devil as Berry C. Meikle, sales mgr. lor Meeco Manufacturing, Inc., shows Red Devil fireplace products to Bob Tada, Ernst Home Centers assistant store mgr. Special promotion is slated for lall. Soot remover, creosote destroyer, fireplace cleaner, glass door cleaner, stove polish, and masonry sealer will be leatured.

When you come lo Mollco for building moteriols there's no gomble. You hold rhe lop hond. You get whot you need in dimension, glu-lom beoms, fimbers, Sunrise boords ond Simpson Strong-Tie Hongers. You get lhe specie or lype, grode ond size in fhe quonfity you ccrn hondle ond oll of fhe righf price fo lurn o prof il for you. Give us o colll

AI WUU/ Building Moleriols - Lumber - Hordwore Sporfing Goods 315 S. llth Ave., Phoenix, AZ. (602') 252-4961 In Arizono: (800) 352-5530 Out of Arizono: (800) 528.{016 Bronds you know well ore bronds fhot selll 'f0rrsrRrBUroRs m

Economic Cuts Top Priority

The priority placed by the public and by Congress on President Reagan's economic package over all other issues before the federal government was emphasized at the National Forest Products Association's Spring Meeting in Washington, D.C.

Forest industry leaders stressed that the proposed RARE II Review Act, Administration commitment to national timber productivity, and increased availability of timber supply from the National Forests can play an essential role in the campaign to halt inflation and get the economy rolling again.

Participating in discussions of resource and environmental issues along with means of encouraging home building, wood product use and international trade were five U.S. Senators, a House member, the chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, and the president of the National Association of Home Builders. In addition, 6l congressional offices were represented at the Congressional Breakfast on Capitol Hill.

Three Senate leaders from states important to the forest industry outlined their views on congressional priorilies, including the Presi-

dent's budget-cutting program and the outlook for RARE II and Wilderness Ieeislation.

Sen. Jailres A. McClure (R-Idaho), chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, declared the President's economic package the No. I priority item before Congress. All other issues, including the proposed RARE II Review Act of 1981, McClure said, will stand somewhere behind the economic program, with its budget cutting and spending cuts.

Sen. Henry M. Jackson (D-Wash.), ranking minority member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, said the economy and the home building slump are critical for the forest industry, adding that he is "not hopeful for the next 18 months."

The next two years will be active ones for the RARE II issue, Jackson said, declaring that the "balanced use of resources" is important in the battle against inflation. He said he favors a state-by-state approach in addressing the Wilderness/RARE II lssue.

Sen. John Melcher (D-Mont.), former chairman of the Senate Agriculture Subcommittee on Forestry, said that "RPA (Resources Planning Act) is alive and well and having some effect on

Herman J. Smith, president of the National Association of Home Builders, said the home building industry supports the budget cuts proposed by President Reagan. However, he said, the "use of high interest rates to fight inflation has bothered us for some time." He said that if high interest rates persist the annual rate of housing starts could drop below one million.

Federal Reserve Board Chairman Paul A. Volcker reported that chances for overcoming inflation are "not bad." The energy problem has eased, he said, farm prices are not rising as rapidly as some expected and there has been some "leveling off" of inflation. He described the last year as a "holding operation." He said it will take consistent policies-with reduction of government expenditures the key-to change the behavior and perceptions of the public.

(Continued from page 22) dation is not sufficient to prove undue hardship in the case of that particular individual."

The Guidelines also indicate that employers may not inquire about a job applicant's availability to work during an employer's scheduled business hours.

The Merchant Magazine
the Forest Service."
i t[ulnh TUMBER /o7. ,dan7M ffi [alnorr WHOLESALE 'il .N\ u\A\ B L \E lga

"Dataline has the computer 1 t;Atem for the bulldlng supply. lndustry," says Don Unger, j presldent of Cedar Rldge Bulldlng i Materlals Company, In Cedar

Rfdge, Callfornla. )


;lot of other dealeru beforc sctttlng on Datallne," sys Mr. Unger.


1 .1 .1 .,t = -1 *.#r. .i'.):.
er be the Best. ,'{
--':yl* ss 655 Deep valley Drive, Suite 3lO Rolling Hills Estates. California 90274
:.:',.' :.ffi
'__qr_qFJlverytofhda _rq_ ttr-a,a.-u!a
-{ andirovlde rtd€ ..i frrforyrrdtldl w" ",:",, Yes! Telf me more. sENDro: Wt+N COMPANY ADDRESS TTTLE
tootea at a tot of other
computer svstems and tafked to a "'t gom pu te r rys t6-#i' iii ii' thtked,td : e
Increase gross

Founded in 1886, Bakersfield Sandstone and Brick was originally a brick manufacnrrer. Today they have alatge contractor yard, hardware store and have just opened a beautiful new 30,000 sq. ft. home center. \7e salute their longevity and their vigorous growth in today's business world.

Staned 9) yeus ago, the company has survived wars and depression to thrive today underJim Curran II, only the third president in all that time. A second cousin to DMK-Pacific's Dwight Curran, Jim is enthusiastic about the future and exemplifies a quality of excellence that we at DMK-Pacfic admire and want to recognize.

From our start, DMK-Pacific has attempted to match the fine qualities of pioneer western firms. So, for all your needs in Western softwoods and plywood, rely on DMK-Pacific, the company that was born with sawdust in its veins and is run by people who share your enthusiasm for this business.

ADMK-Pacific corp.

P.O. Box M-4r, 4529 Mattos Dr., suite B, Fremont, Ca. 94)37

In Nonhern California (4rr) 796-3670

In Southern California (7 14) 9Sl -tgl z

Redding, Ca. (Billie Gowans) (916) 222-3034

Kansas City, Ks. (Bill Cresey) (9r3) 341-9122

Dave Walton Hank Aldrich Eric Everson Ron Dybas

Lee Doud Andy Haynes Dwight Curran

The Merchant Magazine
Bakersfield, Ca., the carly 1!20s
"Every Stick a Masterpiece "

Delivery by Helicopter

Helicopters are n6t exactly the usual way of delivering building materials to a job site, but sometimes they are the only way.

That's what happened when the Contadina Company wanted to enlarge an existing building at Riverbank, Ca., to accommodate a new production line for canning fruits and vegetables. What they wanted to do was build a new building on top of an existing building so that the interior would be large enough to hang production machinery from the ceiling.

B.C. Adams & Associates of Garden Grove, Ca., the architects, decided on an all-wood structure to be built by San Antonio Rigid pole Construction Co. of Brea, Ca. Among the firms from which San Antonio bought materials was Home Lumber Co., San Bernardino, Ca., who worked with their supplier, Philips Lumber Sales, Thousand Oaks, Ca., a longtime supplier of laminated stock to retailers. A number of Koppers Company treated poles were used.

To preserve existing structures in the 40,000 sq. ft. to be enlarged, poles had to be lowered by helicop-

ter through small holes cut in the existing roof. Laminated beams and other parts of the roof and building were subsequently attached to the poles. The jobdescribedhere is the first 5,000 sq. ft. installment. The balance will be done in 5,000 sq. ft. increments. The roof ranges from 27-40 feet in height.

San Antonio's Mike Esposito described the project as an excellent

of cooperation. "It shows

what can be accomplished when wood industry people work together," he said. "Economy is only one of the many benefits possible from all-wood construction; it makes good sense when we all work together," he added.

U.S. Houses Shrink

Smaller is big in single-family houses today, according to the Depaftments of Commerce and Housing and Urban Development.

Average size of the 957,000 new single-family houses sold last year was 1,740 sq. ft., down 20 sq. ft. from the size of the homes in 19'19. The median size for the same house shrank to 1,595 sq. ft. in 1980 from I,645 the previous year. This was the first decrease since 1975.

In addition, they report that fewer homes were built with basements, garages, fireplaces and four bedrooms or more.

Average figures are computed by adding the footage of all 957,000 houses and dividing by 957,000. The "median" size house is one in the middle, bigger than half of all the new houses and smaller than half.

Lililin:tfed 'l'imb0r I nt). $ervices, I'ou llv:rnl ti llvhor? \IVD TAIVD TT I SERVICE, QUALITY, COMPETITIVE PRICE STOCK & CUSTOM ORDERS 1705 S. Bon View, Suite 303, Ontario, Ca. 91761 (7141947-2121

ANoTHER mill has been added to the South Bay Forest Products Co. 30 acre complex in 0ringe, Ca. The 50' x 100' building (top) is set up to make the company more competitive handling small orders. Machinery includes a Stetson Ross 6101A, an 8-knife planer/matcher, Buss two-sided planer and a gang rip saw. A capacious new dry shed (lower photo) is a new addition for hardwood storage and for other dry materials.

Export Situation Hopeful

Lumber operators attending the Forest Industries Sawmill Clinic were advised to "keep the faith" for more U.S. lumber products to be exported to Japan, by H.A. Roberts, chairman of the U.S. delegation to the U.S./Japan Lumber Trade Promotion Committee.

ttHowever," he warned, ttour delegation would not be comfortable" concluding the next bilateral, industry-to-industry meeting unless the Japanese can provide estimates of future, finished product import growth.

"At the meeting to be held in Japan in the near future, the U.S. delegation will place emphasis on the Japanese presentation of how U.S. producers can penetrate the Japanese market," he said.

"I, along with others, still maintain a degree of skepticism as to whether the group can generate significant results, but all of our U.S. representatives are eager to be positive and want to play an inning or two before making final judgment."

At the first meeting in November, 1980, the Japanese indicated a belief that forest products trade will develop increased shipments of processed products.

"They also indicated they would seek new ways to Purchase from small and medium-sized mills," Robert noted. He said this subject would be discussed in-depth at the next meeting.

"If there is measurable progress, the subject won't be talked to death. Once the stage is set for lumber sales, we'll be expecting you (lumber producers) to take over," Roberts said.

We specialize in:

o Redwood lumber products and hard-to-get items.

o 48 hour service on truck and trailer loads of custom milling.

lf we don't stock it, we can make it here in our new remanufacturing plant, the newest, most modern plant on the west coast.

For your inquiries call:

ROSA o DAVE SNODGRASS. LOWELL WALL ' JOHN HULL is 707-252-6142 Napa, Ca. 94558

NUMBER'' "THE PLACE" 5747 Hwy.29,

The Merchant Magazlno
oouoooooo c tr c D c D c D tr c D D D c c t c t C c C c tr C g C D c
c o c c c c c c c c c o o c c c o c c d o o o o o o o


But chances are, you'll never have to make that person-to-Person call.

Because at Rounds we've vowed to be the ones who find what others can't. And do what others won't.

Redwood grapestakes?

Sure. How many?

Timbers up to 3?-feet long? You bet. Where do you want them?

Unusual orders. Mixed shipments. Delivery on the double. They're all part of our daily bread.

All of which explains our coast-to-coast reputation as something of a godsend.

But what you'll like best of all is how our uncommon approach to unusual orders caries right over to the everyday stuff.

Like green redwood in all grades. Dry redwood uppers. And redwood fencing. With all standard redwood patterns available.

Or our line of finish fir, including flooring. Pine deck-

ing. And our comprehensive remanufacturing capabilitie s. They're all delivered with the same Rounds husfle that built our reputation. Rounds. Underthebest circumstances we're a good place to start. And when you don't think you stand a prayer of finding something, we're the next best thing to Divine Intervention.

Let us know how we can help.

In Northern California, call 800-8 62-4668 or 800-862467 7. In Southern California, it's 800-862-4994. All other locations, call 800-358-9134. Louisiana-Pacifi c Corporation, Rounds-Cloverdale, Box 9Z Cloverdale, CA 95425.

+ I rl -i -l __l -1 I i -1 -
JL TD' RW NTTS- CI{MERDA L E -rf Louisiana-Pacific Corporation

l-.i L5 U tl e, W, UU


Wayne Werner has joined MaywoodAnderson Forest Products, located in Eugene, Or.

B.G. "Burgy" Church is the new sales mgr. of North Pacific Plywood Inc., Tacoma. Wa.

William E. Penoyar has been appointed assistant director of Cooperative Forestry for the U.S. Forest Service. He previously was with the Commerce Department and held managerial positions with Weyerhaeuser Co. and the National Forest Products Association.

Loren F. Bunger has been named production coordinator for American Forest Products Co.'s remanufacturing plant, Prineville, Or.; Jim McIntosh is succeeding him as mgr. of moulding and millwork sales for the Prineville div. Randy Woolf has transferred from the Ca. moulding and millwork sales group to the Prineville national sales team.

John Castello is the new director of planning at the building material div., Boise Cascade, Boise, Id.; Peter G. Danis, Jr., senior v.p., now heads the distribution group.

Conrad Singsars has joined the Fremont Forest Products team, Whittier, Ca., as mgr. of their industrial div., according to Pete Speek, pres. "Connie" had recently been district mgr. for Weyerhaeuser for So. Ca. and Az.

El Louise Waldron, Waldron Forest Products, Sacramento, Ca., had her birthday party enlivened by the appearance of a male stripper. Happy, uh, Birthday, El Louise. She and daughter Marie were recently in Mexico for a brief vacation.

Theodore H. "Ted" Meredith has joined Georgia-Pacific Corp. as mgr., environmental and government affairsJand resources, in the government affairs dept., Portland.

W.D. Page, a 32 year veteran of the American Plywood Association, has been promoted to v.p., industry affairs, operating from the Atlanta, Ga., office.

"Bud" Byard, Fairway Lumber Co., Garden Grove, Ca., is back from a 3-island Hawaiian vacation.

Rick Kellso, Andersonia Forest Products, Medford, Or., was recently in So. Ca. on business.

The Merchant Magazine

Dick Bailey, pres., Hammond Lumber Co., Bellfower, Ca., and his wife, Nlncy, vacationed for a week on Maui, Hawaii.

Don Porter is the gen. mgr. of the new Big Pine Lumber Co., Redding, Ca.

Dick Harmer has joined Humboldt Redwood Manufacturing Co., Arcata, Ca., according to Stan Preble.

Bob Golding, Doug Xelly, and Bill Knudson, Colding Lumber Sales, Westminster, Ca., have returned from a vacation and their "own lumber seminar" in Mazatlan, Mexico.

Dean Fox is leaving Arcata Lumber Co., Smith River, Ca., after 27 years to become lumber sales mgr. of Rough & Ready Lumber Co., Cave Junction, Or.

Gage McKinney is the new pres. of Los Angeles Hardwood Lumbermen's club; Dennis Johnston, v.p.; Clint Bower, treas.; Ken Tinckler, sec.; Paul O'Donnell, sgt. at arms.

O. Max Montgomery, pres., Republic Gypsum Co., Dallas, Tx., is the new pres. of the Gypsum Association, succeeding Richard L. Murray of the Flintkote Co.

Art Manning is new to sales at Knollwood Corp.'s Portland, Or., office, according to gen mgr. Mike Parli.

l:trltltl:tir!,$iir{i'ifi:!:ii!l:.*."illltlltllllillll!l,.!:',iilililliiiil*itlll:lrti:ltiltl 4T
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Dennis Miller is now gen. mgr. of industrial sales at Hampton Lumber Sales Co., Portland, Or.

Frazier Hewlett is now a mid-Atlantic sales rep for States Industries, Eugene, Or.

Ron Robbins is a new trader at GreggAnderson Forest Products.

Carl Monroe is managing Blue Mesa Planing Mill, Montrose, Co., for Sagebrush Sales Co., Albuquerque, N.M.

Larry Hargnve has joined Suncrest Forest Industries, Medford, Or.

Dan Tresch has been promoted to sales rep at Simpson Building Supply Co., Cerritos, Ca. Gary Thompson is leaving remanufacturing at Arcata, Ca., to handle inside sales between L.A. and Bakersfield. Robert Diaz is a new sales trainee. All report to Frank Stanger, sales mgr. Russell Adair is a new sales rep at the Los Angeles distribution center.

W. David Chsmbers has been appointed treasurer and chief' financial officer of Anderson Lumber Co., Ogden, ut.

Ralph Peinecke, Boise Cascade, is the new pres. of the Industrial Forestry Association; Marvin Coats, Willamette Industries, lst v.p., and C.D. Fisher, Bohemia, 2nd v.p.

Ray Elkins has retired as director of retail for the L-P Home Centers, based in El Segundo (Los Angeles), Ca.

Larry Davis has been named pres. of the expanded moulding and millwork div., DG Shelter Products; Art Ramey has been promoted to gen. sales mgr. and Jim Schweiger has moved to div. marketing mgr., according to Peter F. Scott, pres. of DiGiorgio Corp. the parent co.

Cordes Langley, Redwood Coast Lumber Co., Ukiah, Ca., is back from a trip to Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, the Philippines and Malaysia.

Ray Bell has joined Simpson Building Supply Co. as mgr. of the Cerritos (Los Angeles), Ca., distribution center, reporting to Haley Bertain, mgr.-western distribution centers, Seattle, Wa.

P.A. "Arnie" Conwell is the new director of architectural service for the Woodwork Institute of California, Fresno, Ca., after working under the supervision of Will Johnston for the past few months, according to Bernie Barber, Jr., exec. sec. Web Richards is assuming responsibility for following grade stamp jobs to determine if the successful bidder is licensed.

Scott Gates is now covering sales in Az. for South Bay Forest Products, Orange, Ca., according to Jim Frodsham, pres.

Gary Mannies is the new district sales mgr. for Gold Bond Building Products, based in Phoenix, Az.

Mike Sampson is the new mgr. of distribution centers for Louisiana-Pacific, operating out of Albuquerque, N.M.

Jay O'Malley, chairman of the board of The O'Malley Companies, Phoenix, Az., is recuperating nicely after hip surgery.

Bill Wachtler. Louisiana-Pacific, Portland, Or., is back at his desk after a brief vacation.

Chris Petenon and John Morgan have been added to the trading staff at California Bay Building Supply Co., Concord, Ca., according to HankJ. Haaf, sec.-treas.

Vernon Bud Bohl, v.p. of California Shingle & Shake Co., Inc., Concord, Ca., has announced plans to retire.

D.W. Chestwood is now a field rep for the Fresno, Ca., sales office of the Broadview Lumber Co., at Carthage, Mo.

William Kinnune is now executive v.p. of Willamette Industries Inc., Portland. Or.

/Continued on next page)


Seruing the lumber, building macrials and home improvement markets in 13 Westem Sfates - Since 1922

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(Continued from previous page)

Ivan Browrr, Tahsis Co. Ltd., Vancouver, B.C., is the new pres. of the Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau, Seattle, Wa.; Henry Sandstrom, Simpson Timber Co., Shelton, Wa., v.p.-treas.; James Robinson, Canadian Forest Products Ltd., Vancouver, B.C.; and William Latimer, Willamette Industries, Inc., Lebanon, Or., v.p,s, and George Thompson, Seattle, Wa., sec.-mgr. Directors are Ray Aarhaus, John Connery, Don-Lce Davidson, Don A. Dowsley, William G. Hallstrom, George Kovich, James Manke, A.M. Matheson. David W. Miller. E.W. Munsie, Gilbert Oldenkamp, R.W. Thorsen, Frank P. Trotto, R.R. Waltz.

Barbara C. Kistler has been named national account executive and Ken Gipson sales mgr. for Celotex Roofing Products Div., Los Angeles, Ca., according to W.H. Jones, gen. sales mgr., Tampa, Fl.

Don Stobaugh is the new mgr. of Inland Timber Co., Colton, Ca.

Russell B. Mullen II is the new mgr. of Terry Milling Co., Chatsworth, Ca.

Mike Coleman, Dataline Corp., Los Angeles, Ca., has been promoted to v.p. marketing.

Steve Little and Chet Warner, Union Forest Products and Union Planing Mill, Stockton, Ca., are back from a business trip to the Vancouver, Wa., area.

Jerry Ensworth, Ensworth Forest Products, Auburn, Ca., enjoyed a recent camping trip at Dillon Beach, near Bodega Bay, Ca.

Brad Halverson is now sales mgr. at Lumber Products, Portland, Or.

Please give us 5 weeks' notice. Attach your magazlne label herc; print your new address above in section 1. (lf you have a question about your subscription, be sure to send us your label with your letter.)

Relurn thlr coupon to:

Subccrlptlon Department 45dl Campur Dr., Sulte4EO, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660 (714) 54$8393

Dave Mensing has joined the sales staff at Redwood Empire, Morgan Hill, Ca., after 24 years with LouisianaPacific Corp., and its predecessor companies.

Steve Hagen, Bohemia, Inc., Grass Valley, Ca., and his wife are parents of a baby girl, Gretchen Amber, born on May 3, 1981, weighing 6 lbs. l0 oz. She has an older brother Jeremy, age 3.

Bob Hass and Ray Trujillo zue new to sales at Martin Forest Industries, Santa Rosa, Ca., according to Gordy Martin, pres.

B. William Hurd has been named millwork sales rep for the national sales div. of American Forest Products Co., Stockton, Ca.

Bruce Hallvik is now sales mgr. for the Meridian, Id., operation of Chandler Corp., Boise, Id.

(Continued on next page)

50 The Merchant Magazine
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to read "From State zip (s)
Gift card
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(Continued from previous page)

Gene Samuelson has joined the American Distributing Co., Modesto, Ca., to assist Rich Morrison on the order desk, according to Tom Coffnan' sales mgr.

Carl Monroe is now managing Blue Mesa Planing Mill, Montrose, Co., for Sagebrush Sales Co., Albuquerque, N.M.

Thomas J. Westbrook, president, Cascade West Forest Products, Inc., Tumwater, Wa., is gen. mgr. of their new small log sawmill at OlymPia, Wa. Other staffers are LeRoY "Mike" Michaelis, operations and raw materials mgr.; Robert L. King' plant engineer and maintenance mgr.; Bob Noel, lumber sales mgr.; Dale Bonebrake, sawmill mgr.

Russell L. Rust has been promoted to western division operations mgr. at La Mirada, Ca., by Masonite Corp.

Tom Ahling has been appointed western regional sales mgr. for Temco Fireplace Systems, according to Steve Atkinson, national sales and marketing mgr.

Joseph Joiner, controller; Marion Talmadge, treas., and Mary Mc' Cnvey, corp. sec., are now v.p.s at Georgia-Pacific, Portland, Or.

John B. Greene has been elected v.p. and general counsel of Southwest Forest Industries' board of directors, Phoenix, Az., according to W.A. Franke, pres., and c.e.o.

Joe Tidwell has been promoted to executive v.p. at All-Coast Forest Products, Inc., Chino, Ca.; Jack Berutich, v.p.-director of sales and marketing; Bill- Sharp, v.p.-director of purchasing-credit mgr.; Ed Evans' director of training; Warren Haskins' executive sales mgr.; Larry Holguin' assistant executive sales mgr., according to Daryl L. Bond, pres.

Sterling Wolfe, Marquart-Wolfe Lumber Co., Orange, Ca., and his wife, Loraine, are back from a vacation on the Bahamian Island of Eleuthera.

George "Jupe" Russcll has retired from Evans Products Co., Aberdeen, Wa., after 43 years with the co.

Hank Richards, regional v.p., western building products div., Champion International Corp., Stamford, Ct., has retired after 40 years with Champion.

Sam Haynes is now v.p. and gen. mgr. of Atlantic Western Hardwoods, Ltd., Portland, Or.; Ted Anderson is operations mgr.

Gary Calder is now with Wesco Cedar at Eugene, Or.

Doug Clayton has joined Arcata Redwood, Arcata, Ca., as a consultant in, among other things, production procedures.

Don Hudock is now in charge of sales of treated and untreated shingles and shakes in the Northeast for Cedarwood Forest Products, Inc.

Bob Steenson is now with the plywood sales div. of Hearin Forest Industries, Portland, Or.

Wally Krause is the new v.p. and gen. mgr. of Dorris Lumbe r and Moulding Co., Sacramento, Ca.

Robert Hoover, chairman of Pacific Lumber Co., San Francisco, Ca., is continuing as c.e.o. with Gcne Elam' pres., appointed c.o.o.

Rick Cavalar is a new export lumber salesman at Publishers PaPer Co., Portland, Or.

Dan Froehle is now plywood sales mgl. at South Coast Lumber Co., Brookings, Or.

Kenneth Gipson is overseeing the relocation program for Georgia-Pacific personnel moving to the Atlanta, Ga,, corporate headquarters.

Russell Rust is now western division operation mgr. for Marlite brand building materials (Masonite), La Mirada, Ca.

(Continued on next page)

1 .( I : i June,1981
-1 l I ! t I 1


(Continued from previous page)

Geoffrey Thompson is new at W&F Mfg., Inc., Glendale, Ca., in charge of new products and patio door and window hardware on the West Coast.

Mervyn Benjet has been appointed v.p.-finance for the Wickes Lumber div., San Diego, Ca., succeeding Chris A. Peifer, who is heading the Northeast area div., Wescosville, Pa., according to Richard L. Barker. sr. v.p. and gen. mgr.

Greg Schmitt has joined sales and marketing at Simpson Timber Co.'s Columbia Door Plant, Vancouver, Wa., as a sales rep., reporting to Pete Dempsey, sales mgr. Connie Helt, customer service rep., and Mary St. Cyr, marketing secretary, are both in new positions reporting to Bill Chenoweth, mktg. mgr.

Scott Griswold is the new mgr. of the Fremont Forest Products office at Eugene, Or.

Kit Draham, import mgr. of Dant & Russell, Inc., Portland, Or., has retired.

Steve O'Xeefe is the mgr. of the new Neiman-Reed Lumber City in Agoura, Ca.

Pat Cavanaugh, new pres. ofthe Pacific Northwest Hardware & Implement Assoc., Portland, Or. and owner of Cavanaugh's Hardware , Auburn, Wa., is the fourth generation of his family to head the trade association. V.p.s are William H. Boatman, Kelso, Wa.; Dick Haynes, Baker, Or. Trustees are Howard DeGraff , Donald B. \ililley, Gene Barrett, Donald A. Boyd, John Ehrlich, Larry Fresh, W. Kenneth Hancock, Art Helbling, Al Klassen, John Konen, Les Miller, Sam Naumes, Brian Nelson, Paul Nelson, Roger Thieme, Bill Watt.

George Casteel has been named mgr. of Bi-Rite Lumber Co., Kamiah, Id., with Leon Swinehart, owner-mgr., moving to the new Clarkston, Id., outlet. Jim Bunch is now assistant mgr. at Kamiah.

The ilerchant Magazine
SUBSCRIBE TODAY "" .':r:WHOLESALE O lv ., LUMBER PRODUCIB, .::r,i,:: Illrnension. Boards . Timbers :r'i:'. Spclallzlng in lnduetrlal Lumbar Sales Lumbgr Sales Representativ€ - station to etation phone nurnber Chris Petercon (415) qX}m/l5 Doing Business in 11 Western States Looking Forward to Your Inquiries Sli srtannz lurvlElEFl cclr\,4PANY +C PRE-GUT FENCING 3'' - 12'I Grant Shaw Frank Duncan Dennis Hudgon [Z'!1] qgq-q8q2 [zos] 8ss-8171 [e16] s66_s53s [213] 86s-345s Agricultural and Nursery Wood prcducts 541 E. Chapman . Suite E r Orange, California Hand Spllt & Resawn & I?per Sawn Sfnbs r,$ 8tart6? $hakes & Rtdg6 ii Wll quole.Mfrad.lioss : ,: :-.:. Genenl Ssbs Mrlrag€r. steilofi to"c*atb


(Continued from page 18)

P. Fetterman and Malcolm C. Hamather of Saginaw, Mi.

Mortin Forest Industries has moved from St. Helena, Ca., to Santa Rosa, Ca.

T. M. Cobb, Inc., Los Angeles, Ca., has bought distributor Blattner-Bahr, Sacramento, Ca.; Harvey Bahr is staying on for a short period . . . LeBeck Forest Products, Santa Rosa, Ca., is celebrating its lst birthday this mo. . Eugene-Willamette, Eugene, Or., has opened new offices inPaloAlto, Ca., mannedby Chuck Lewis. and one in Santa Ana, Ca., operated by Dale McCormick, according to E-W's "Swede"Johnson....

Hoshall Industries, Inc., Oklahoma City, Ok. , is set to open 14 wholesale Energy Supply Centers nationwide All-Coast Forest Products, Inc., has opened a lumber sales and purchasing office in Eugene, Or., with Ray Jensen as mgr. .

Bayview Building Materials, Aberdeen, Wa., has acquired Pacific Crest Building Center, Olympia, Wa., no price revealed; Howard R. Heiner remains at Pacific Crest as mgr .Smit h Supply Co. has taken over Caveman Building Suppl1 Grants Pass, Or.

Anderson LumberCo. has acquired F & S Home Building Center, Inc., also known as P-K Home Building Center, in Cedar City, Ut.; they have two additional building material centers under construction in George, Ut., and Evanston, Wy.

Diamond International Corp. has purchased Livesay's Lumber Co., Woodburn, Or. . . Home Lumber Co., San Bernardino, Ca., is in phase one of a planned three phase expansion expected to total 40,000 additional sq. ft. of polebuildings. Lumber Country is a new building materials center for the builder in Tucson.

Richmond Bros. Lumber and Hardware, El Sereno, Ca., is put-

ting final touches on an enlarging and remodeling of the store . . Gary Shaw and Larry Russell are partners in Bosic Builders Supply, a new Auburn, Ca., retail firm, a div. of Truss-Fab LouisianoPacific has permanently closed its Santa Rosa, Ca., panel products sales office; sales are now being handled through div. sales offices.

The Homelite Div. of Textron Inc., Charlotte, N.C., has absorbed Jacobsen within a newly created lawn/garden group Trus Joist Corp, Boise, Id., plans a 25t/o expansion of its Micro-Lam manuf acturing facility, Eugene, Or., as part of a $12 million capital expenditure program

Increased sales of powered lawn & garden equipment is expected in '82-'84, following a decline in '81 reports a new study . . . OSHA has lowered maximum noise levels to 85 decibels at work sites, affecting 5.2 million workers; the cost is estimated at approximately $53 perworker....

Fremont specializes in a large inventory of high quality Douglas 6r boards, dimension, long lengths and timbers shipped from select mills in British Columbia, Oregon and California. We ar€ corstantly adding to our selection of western red cedar, pine, hemlock and white fir. Other specres and specialty items are inventoried and included in our weekly flyer sent to all Fremont customers.

June, 1981
FREM@NT FREM@NT EBEM@NT $iltteadins FREM@NT theway..,
ffiffiffiWffiMW FREMONT FOREST PRODUCTS 13215 EASr pENN srREEr. surrE 630 wHrrrrER cA 1993 EDISON WAY LONG BEACH CA 90813 (213) 435-483e POST OFFICE BOX 5596 EUGENE OR 97405 (503) 686-2e11 POST OFFICE BOX 4129 WHITTIER CA 90607 (213) 723-9643 (714) 521-7500

AnnualMulrooneymemorial award presented

I EROY C. McCORMICK, Simp- bson Timber Co., Seattle, Wa., was presented with the John J. Mulrooney Memorial Award at the 89th annual meeting of North American Wholesale Lumber Association, held at The Greenbrier, White Sulphur Springs, W.V., in recognition of his many contributions to the forest industry.

The award is intended to honor both the recipient and the late John J. Mulrooney, executive v.p. of NAWLA for nearly 20 years. Mulrooney is remembered as an industry leader dedicated to upholding integrity and high standards in the buying and selling of forest products.

A hand carved eagle, symbolizing the award, was presented by NAWLA president Paul McCracken at the President's Banquet. Worked from a solid block of redwood, the presentation this year is particularly appropriate in view of

his years of involvement with the California Redwood Association, where he spent two years on the

grading committee, as well as with the National Forest Products Association.

He has been active with the West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau and was chairman of the Western Wood Products Association's quality standards committee when common grading standards were established under the National Grading Rules program.

An active supporter of NAWLA for over 30 years, including two years as co-chairman of the association's Intra-Industry Committee, McCormick graduated from the University of California with a B.S. degree in Business Administration

Story at a Glance

McOormick receives lhe John J. Mulrooney memorial award Maxey elected 63rd pres. of NAWLA oflicers, exec. committee selected.

in 1947, following U.S. Navy service from 1940 to 1945, where he rose from Ensign to Lt. Commander. In 1951, he was recalled as a result of the Korean War and released in 1953 with the rank of Commander. His present position as lumber marketing and development manager includes accountability for worldwide marketing of the production from Simpson Timber Mills in Saskatchewan and Alberta as well as Washington and California.

Weyman H. Maxey, co-partner of Maxey-Bosshardt Lumber Co., Inc., Duluth, G8., was elected the 63rd president at the meeting. He has served as director of NAWLA for nine years and as a member of the executive committee for seven.

Aiding him will be lst v.p. W.E. Livermore; 2nd v.p. E.R. Slaughter; and James K. Bishop, treas.

As lst vice president, Maxey was responsible for NAWLA's l9 regional meetings in the U.S. and Canada in 1980. In the course of his 28 years in the lumber business, he has been active in many facets including his present roles as a direc-

54 The Merchant Magazlne
Leroy C. McCormick

Weyman H. Maxey tor of the Building Material Merchants Association (Georgia and Alabama) and a member of the American Plywood Association Advisory Council.

Some 550 delegates grappled with major industry problems. The convention theme was "Using Your Resources," with seminars and programs designed to show members how to improve their companies' performance.

Seminars included a presentation


*Pres, i I st v.p.

*2nd v.p.


*Immediate past pres.

Sec. Ass't. sec.

Weyman H. Maxey

W.E. Livermore

E.R. Slaughter

James K. Bishop

Paul N. McCracken

H.M. Niebling

R. Douglas Ross

(rMembers of 1981-82 NAWLA executive committee)

Glenn L. Banks

Gordon J. King

E.C. McCoy

Harold Mayo

walter W. Pierce

Darrell Robinson

Robert Scholl

William Sheathelm

Walter Webb

John Weston

for 1981-t2

Duluth, Ga.

Burlington, Ontario

Dallas, Tx.

New Rochelle, N.Y.

Portland, Or.

Arlington Heights, Il.

Arlington Heights, Il.


Banks Lumber Co.

Hampton Lumber Sales

McCoy Lumber Co.

Magnolia Forest Products

Lions Gate Forest Products

Sunrise Forest Products

Scholl Lumber Co.

Schultz, Snyder & Steele

Warren Trask Co.

Far West Fir Sales Co.

by The Chicago Mercantile Exchange, "Forward Pricing Through Futures," and a Bell Telephone program on better communications at a lower cost. A computer type and ap- plication presentation was by Network Data Systems Ltd.

Since NAWLA's inception in 1893, they have honored members of 25, 50 and 75 years' standing.

Elkhart, In.

Portland, Or.

Greensboro, N.C.

Jackson, Ms.

Vancouver, B.C.

Portland, Or.

Bethlehem, Pa.

Lansing, Mi.

Wilmington, Ma.

Huntington Beach, Ca.

This year, Willamette Industries, Portland, Or., celebrated its golden anniversary and a plaque was accepted on Willamette's behalf by Dick Davis, presented by out-going NAWLA President Paul N. McCracken, President, Tumac Lumber Co., Portland, Or.

NAWLA's 1982 annual meeting will be held at The Homestead, Hot Springs, Va.

55 I I -j-l
Call us for tough and unusual items. Long dimension, rough lumber Douglas Fir and Hem-Fir. LOCAL INVENTORY l-^> u\ *.i @@&@(mm @&*

NEW PRODUGTS and selected sales aids

piece ballast housing constructed of heavy die cast aluminum, offers a vertical adjustment for changes in light distribution patterns through reflector positioning.

The dual-entry slice box included with each unit offers a choice of top-mount or feed through on sides.

The reflector, spun of heavy gauge aluminum, is etched or polished, anodized and beaded at the bottom for extra strength. It snaps on to the yoke without tools.

The unit is available for high pressure sodium, metallic halide, and mercury lamps from 100 to 1000 watts, and in light patterns for high bay, low bay and aisle lighting.

Com puterized Thermostat

Designed for building or remodeling, a new computerized thermostat from Nutone is designed to save energy.

Star of the Show

Minwax Co., Inc. has a "Tips on Wood Finishing" film designed for use on Fairchild Super-8 projectors as an in-store demonstration to assist customers.

The 3-minute color, sound movie demonstrates the preparation of wood surfaces; how to bring out the best color in wood, provide lasting protection, and revive old, worn finishes.

Results are said to indicate that the informative film attracts customer attention and influences buying habits.

Colorf ul Shelving

Joining the Color-rific shelving line-up are two new baked on finishes, red and green.

Quaker Industries makes the units with nut and bolt construction and W-posts and braces at the back and sides for extra support. Double-wall ribbed steel shelves adjust at I l/2" intervals. With six colors, the shblving assembles with a screwdriver. Suggested retail prices range from $14.95 to $29.95.

See Through Fan

An elegant, limited edition ceiling fan designed for high style, comfort and energy-saving efficiency has been introduced by Leslie-Locke.

For those who demand the very best in home furnishing, the St. Moritz ceiling fan offers quality and style. Its hand-polished chrome motor housing and crystal clear cast acrylic blades create a striking effect.

With a suggested retail price of $500.00, it has permanently lubricated bearings.

Bay Lighting Unit

A new high bay lighting unit is from Spero Electric Co.

The Balla Hi Series 3000. with two-

Operating automatically on a two-reset or four-reset routine daily, it is manually programmed once each season using touch buttons. Digital readout of temperature and time appears in red at the touch of a button.

Installation reportedly qualifies for a l5 9o income tax credit with additional savings coming in a 390 to 590 energy saving cost each year.

Black with silver-tone trim, the thermostat measures 7 V4" long, 3Ve" high,2Ve" deep.


For more information on New Products and New Literature, write fhe Merchant Magazine, 4500 Campus Dr., Suite 480, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660. Please mention issue date and page number so we can proc€ss your request faster! Many thanks!

Sexy Shower

Howmet Aluminum Corp.'s Bronztique finish, featured in standard and custom aluminum tub and shower enclosures, is said to be the industry's first antique bronze finish.

All bath enclosures are available with safety-tempered mirror. The enclosures can be custom made to fit any applications.

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The Merchant Magazine
r TI tI l


A new line of designer coiled extension cords featuring triple outlets is now available from pacific Electricord Co.

Available in a variety of contemporary colors, cords stretch from 3' to 8' in length. They are U.L. listed and polarized for user safetv.

A free-standing merchandiser is also available at no cost when a 30 piece assortment is purchased.

Customer Appeal Package

Structo Division, King-Seeley Thermos Co., now offers four-color packaging for many of its outdoor cooking accessores showing them in actual use.

Designed for visual impact and customer appeal, the packaging is being used for the new northern hardwood maple cutting board, lava rock, rotisseries, adapter hose, and some grill covers.

Circular Saw Movie

Wide Blade Shutters

The popular wide blade shutters featured in elegant consumer home magazines are available from Cannon Craft Co.

The new styling comes in wood to insulate windows, reducing heating and cooling costs. Other shutter styles available include movable, open frame, fixed, treillage, barndoor and plantation panels.

Instant shutters completely assembled with antique hardware have slip-off hinges to allow them to be removed for cleaning. Available unfinished, white or walnut stained, they are installed by nailing with hanging strips which allow for either in or outside mountine.

Cafe, bi-fold, and p=atio doors as well as outside shutter blinds and custom shutters also are available.

No Sneezing

The Air Purifier, a new concept of air filtration and odor being introduced by Vaportek.

Equipped with a filter that is said to remove 94v/o of pollen and lesser percentages of spores, smoke and bacteria from the air, the unit also neutralizes objectionable odors.

U.L. listed and hospital tested. it comes with a tutt ong-year warran- ty. It measures l0 3/4" long by 6 l/2" wide by 4 3/8" high, and weighs just over two pounds. Suggested retail is $69.95 with the combination filter and odor neutralizer replacement element retailing for $7.95.

An 8-minute La Belle tape cartridge from AEG Power Tool Corp. gives customers a complete overview of the new Powercut Circular Saw. It explains the design features incorporated in the saws; shows how they meet the needs of carpenters, woodworkers, masonry workers and contractors.

Design, development, testing, operation and application are shown and described in depth. Ease of control, safety and dependability are illustrated with the tool in actual use as well as a description of the tests run on pilot models.

Acceptance of the new saw is shown by the typical comments of end-users in the industrial and commercial trades.

Shade Cloth Line

Stauffer Chemical Co. has introduced a new sample book for its expanded Tontine vertical and shade cloth line.

Reflecting contemporary design trends towards natural colors and fabrics, the updated fabric selections include warm. neutral tones with five new textured fabrics in 59 colorways.

All materials, available for stock or custom fabrication of louvers or shades, have been double-coated with vinyl and are both waterproof and washable.

Air Conditioning Units

A new line of Comfortmaker air conditioning units is now being marketed by The Singer Co.'s Climate Control Division.

The line has seven models ranging in capacities from 18,000 to 55,000 BTUH. Features include an extra large condenser, which provides high heat transfer efficiency; sealed controls, weather-guarded, dust and moisture-protected; easy access service valves; rugged construction of heavy gauge galvanized steel; and a long-life compressor internally spring-mounted, permanently lubricated and hermetically sealed.

Each model comes with a SVz-year limited warranty on the compressor and a I Vz-year limited warranty on parts and control.


Fireside Accessories

Four fireside/barbeque mitts are now available from Eppco.

For use while cooking and barbequing, all four are 16" in length for added comfort and protection. Each has a hanging loop.

The firm also has a flameretardant hearth rug to Protect wood floors and carpet from damage from sparks, spills and ashes. Made of flame-retardant loop pile carpeting, the semi-circle rug is 42" wide and 22" deep. A rubberized backing makes it less likely to slip or slide.

Vinyl Sun Screen

Phiferglass SunScreen is woven from vinyl-coated fiberglass yarn ior solar heat control

Attached to the ttutstcic ()l \\ ln dows, it reportedl-v blocks up to 70Vo of the heat and glare before it reaches the glass. Protection against insects and dirt is an added advantage. The screen, virtuallY opaque from the outside for privacy, permits natural light and visibility on the inside.

SunScreen adapts to most standard window and framing systems.

Easy-to-Use Handle

Developed specifically for the infirm and the elderly, a longer single-control lever handle is available on washerless 4" Iavatory faucets from Nibco lnc.

The handle extends beyond the spout to allow easier operation. The faucet features a corrosion-resistant underbody of CPVC; an escutcheon of rugged ABS; a chrome finish; a "puttyless" ABS putty plate that conforms to irregular surfaces for a watertight seal; a patented Celcon cartridge, and two-shank construction lor easy installation.

Waterproof Concrete

Neu from Chem:toP is a tran5parent chemical solution which penctlatcs tlic rurfa.c arrd. after beilig ubsorbcd trr rire \ul)slt Jtc. $ atcl proofs concrete and masonrY'.

The ingredients combine with constituents in the concrete to form


a moisture barrier that becomes part of the treated material. It is said to be effective on all types of masonry. ln addition, it is a primer compatible with most oil and water based paints and normally reduces the amount of paint required.

The Merchant Magazine
\ ;3 .,fr T ",1 !f l,r t"

INIERI(IR REDW0OD paneling from Windsor Mill, with a new futty visible package, is reportedly racking up more sales. Buildin(1 materials retailers reoort a 50% increase in sales with the cleal packaging which includes detailed instructions. Reversible with a resawn ruslic face on one side and a surfaced sanded face on the other, the paneling can be stained, sealed or finished. Each 8' package contains enough 5/16" tongue and groove panels in either 4" or 6" widths to cover approximately 32 sq. ft.

LOG T0TE from Eppco Enterprises, Inc., is made ol fully bound 100% nylon loop pile carpeting. Flame retardant, it can be spread open to protect the floor from sparks and hot ashes. Available in four color combinations, it has heavy-duty handles and is machine washable.

t = -1 --l -'1 .t -t 11 l I June,1981
Director Ponderosa Pine Sugar Pine Incense Cedar Douglas Fir Whit! Fir Our quality is great, Our service is good, This is the place You should buy Yourwood... Lemmie C. Morewood Consulting PhD. (e16) 824-5427 1':.u fri
KITCHEN organization is improved with cut-away bagger and hide-away hanger frornRubbermaid. Both products are avditabidin three colors.
' *Phact

Oil Flnlsh Dlsplay

Dealer choice of container size mix is a feature of two new Watco Danish Oil Finish display units offered by the Watco-Dennis Corp.

Product assortments may be halfpints, pints and quarts or pints and quarts only to meet local buying patterns. New header boards speed and simplify customer selection. Eight wood samples in four dif-

ferent finishes on oak and ash pinpoint customer preference.

Display units are free with product stock order, including free wood finishing booklets, windowwall banners and assorted sample pods. Only 1.73 sq. ft. of display space needed.

Push Button Energy

Regency Electronics, Inc. has a master control system that saves energy and makes life easier by plugging into a wall outlet to transmit command signals to remote control modules.

A pressure sensitive touch pad plus a set of switches allows the user to control any light or appliance in the house. The device can save energy by turning off the water heater as well as heating and cooling units during the night or when the house is unoccupied.

Security is another feature. The control can stand guard by turning lights on and off, even playing the stereo and TV.

The master control unit can be plugged into an outlet anywhere in the house and operates through normal house wiring.

Cooking With Gas

Charmglow Products has a new point-of-purchase grill display kit for use by dealers in selling the enjoyment and advantages of outdoor cooking with Charmglow LP or natural gas grills.

A colorful header card stresses the fast, no mess advantages of gas grilling vs. charcoal: "Wait & Messy . . That's Charcoal, Quick & Easy . . . That's Charmglow." The card is suspended on a heavy wire support which easily attaches to all grill models.

Individual stickers point out important convenience features of grills and a set of lid insert cards details the highlights of each model. The lid insert card set also is available separately.

The All-New Stair System You Can Adjust to Any Angle.

Pre-Assembled as a Single Unit for Simple, Fast, Easy Installation.

Ideal for "Do-lt-Yourself" or Professional Application. Choose from Rail Lengths 2 ft. to 8 ft., in29" and 35" heights.

Precision-Manufactured from Natural, Enduring Western Hemlock, Sanded Smooth, Ready to Accept your Choice of

Vertical Blinds

LouverDrape vertical blinds which have been used in offices and commercial developments for many years are now available for the home decorator.

Flexible enough to solve difficult window covering problems such as sloping or gable-type windows, they will rotate 180 degrees to control light, eliminate glare and excessive solar heat.

The louvers come in 300 choices including suede, fabric, solid vinyl, reflective, kane, hopsack, and perforated. Installed with special hardware, the blinds are guaranteed for three years.

Got A Light?

Easy Embers charcoal lighter from Alma Products starts backyard barbecues without lighter fluid, using newspaper as fuel. Using a fireplace-like draft, it is reportedly fast, safe and not messy.

Local (303) 825-3336 Commerce Clty. Local (303) 245-6386 Grand Junction tn state wats l-800-332-6682 out of state wats 1-800-525-6657 ----€-€€dg€-E€--:€
The Merchant Magazine
r I I I l I I ! I I il I I I I I I I I I I I the Western United States [ry-g"ry,RE"RS"[L Full Service Distributor for 465-30 Road Grand Junction, Co. 81501 | ( Finish. a 6A Y nWSpeclalttec,Iqg. 5301 Vasquez Blvd. Commerce City, Co. 80022 l----------------:----l

Kick.Space Fan Convector

Myson's new kick-space fan convector is designed for installation in the kickboard or plinth below kitchen units and bathroom vanities.

Because heat rises, it is efficient for circulating warm air at low levels. Designed with low water con- tent for thermal response and operating efficiency, it reportedly can save energy in hydronic and solar hot water systems.

The unit comes with a remote electrical control box including a 2-speed/off switch and low-limit temperature controls. Water connecting pipes allow rear access with no pipes showing.


For more information on New Products and New Literature, write fhe Merchant Magazine, 4500 Campus Dr., Suite 480, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660. Please mention issue date and page number so we can process your requesl faster! Many thanks!

Drop In Deodorizer

Aqua-Kem Toss-Ins, a new holding tank deodorant in water soluble packets, has been introduced by Thetford Corp. for use with portable toilets, as well as all recreational sanitation systems including RV and boat holding tanks.

On contact with water in the holding tank they neutralize and, destroy offensive odors. The active ingredients are biodegradable.

Available in eight I oz. packs per can with resealable lid, they are packed l0 cans per case. Also available are four I oz. packs in a resealbble zip lock pouch, packed 12 pouches per case. Both cans and pouch are packed in selfmerchandising cartons.

Reversible Color Panel

KitchenAid built-in dishwashers can be adapted to almost any kitchen decor with a vari-front panel pack.

Every built-in model in the Energy Saver V line comes with two reversible front panels in solid colors of almond and harvest wheat, and white and onyx black. Each panel can be reversed or interchanged with another panel by removing several screws and a small section of trim to slide the panel out.

Included in each panel pack is a stainless steel trim kit which allows an owner to match their cabinets with a locally supplied wood front. For increased styling flexibility, a variety of optional panels and edged front panel kits are available in other colors.

Announcing a new Sacramento, Ca. office to serve you. Specializing in Lumber and Landscaping Specialties. ALSO Green and kiln dried redwood, Douglas fir, pine, cedar and hemlock. Karl Drexel Bill Brogan P.O. Box 68 Sebastolpol, Ca.95472 (7071829-2333 Bob Reed Dan Rue 120 I St. Old Sacramento, Ca. 95814 (9161442-7872

Splinter Free Seat

Magnolia Products is introducing a new pine woodgrain finish toilet seat.

With a multiple coat finish sealed for durability, it features a top mount hinge that raises the seat and cover away from the bowl for cleaning.

Packaged in a shrink-wrapped, self-contained view pack with handle for displaying and carrying, it has a suggested retail price of $29.95.

GontourShaped Tape

Long tape rules from Malco Products feature a new, heavy duty die-cast case contour shaped with a wear resisting rust-proof glossy finish.

The 3/8" wide blades with black and red markings for maximum visibility are Mylar protected to resist oils, alkalies, acids and rust. Graduations are in eighths, inches and feet with l6-inch stud markings.

A two-position folding steel hook adjusts for inside or outside measurement with a crank handle to retract the blade. Replacement blades come in cartridge form.

The tape rules come in 50 and 100 ft. lengths.

Energy Efficient Shade

The Household Products Division of Clopay Corp. has introduced an energy efficient window shade with specially formulated material that acts as an insulator and sun reflector.

Energy Guard is available in either cut-in-store or sure fit, trimat-home, shade lines. Shades come in four widths, 37 l/4", 46 l/4", 55 l/4" and 73 l/4", all 6' long. All are mounted on an adjustable steel roller to assure an exact fit. Coordinated display graphics, packaging and literature and a corrugated pre-pack display are available.

}e/ The Merchant Magazine
AGWOOD MILL & LUMBER INC. \te sPeciallze In... o Tx4 and 1x6 Douglas Fir and Hem-Fir Resawn Boards 2x4 & z*i Stoas r Agricultural stakes MARK SP.AfISO F,O. Box 14&,ttrklah, Ca.95482 Fon 46$-5486 PTUL SPAFSO. x WHOTESALE LUMBER ONIY P.O. Bcrx 904 (r7, Birch St., suite J), Colton, Ca.92324 flf \\l (7141824-UN SPECIALIZING IN TRUCK & TRAILER SHIPMENTS . . .

Seen Under Glass

Using laser printing, Hamilton Glass Products now offers reProductions framed and Protected under glass.

Picturing nature scenes as well as animal photos, they are available in two sizes with frames of pin oak, polished walnut or polished walnut with gold edge finish.

The large size, 19" x 23", comes packed six to a carton at a suggested retail price of $14.95 while the smaller size, 13 l/2" x 17 l/2", is packed 12 per carton to retail at $9.95.

A Gutter for All Roofs

Plastmo, Inc. polyvinyl chloride raingutter system, now has an innovation which enables it to be in-

stalled on angled facia boards.

The bracket wedge can accommodate either 3/12 or 4/12 sloped facia boards by using an appropriate face. Either 4" or 5" gutter support brackets will fit this bracket wedge on virtually any roof. It comes with, screws in either white or charcoal gray.

New Technology Showers

The Swan Corp. has developed a new fiberglass molding compound to produce its shower floor Products. The result is a shower floor that is said to be three times stronger, yet lighter weight than traditional nylon rag reinforced molded-stone type floors.

They also are smooth surfaced for easy cleaning with a contemporary look. They have a non-skid pebble surface with a ribbed bottom. Available in 32"x32", 32"x48", 34"x60", and 36"x36" sizes.

A complementary, four-color instore merchandiser is available to dealers.

Vapor Barrier Painl

A new vapor barrier Paint, meeting code requirements, is aPplied after the wallboard, eliminating the need for polyfilm or faced iniulation which is normally stapled to the stud.

Latex Thermo-paint reportedly replaces one coat of conventional paint, saving the labor cost involved in stapling conventional vapor barriers in place and preserving a bare

stud face for use of wallboard adhesive. It provides a perm rating of .6 in a single application at 400 sq. ft. per gallon.

Available as a washable finish coat in colors or as a primer, it is applied by any normal painting method and performs as a vapor barrier even when covered with conventional paints or wallcoverings. It is equally effective when used over Previous paints in existing construction.


We're manufacturers of cedar products, K.D. or P.A.D.; selected #3 & better' #2 & better common. We can offer selected stock for #3 common price. Try us!

wP4 Revcrclble TG&V lsV4E


m tr, 7 a o m tr, t o o m tr, 7 o a G, o trJ o ot S^;/r;,,,
o(^,*lek flrr/^rr, eo.

rts cut and dried ffiMWMM


-now available from our Cloverdale Mill.

We've reversed an industry trend. While availability of kiln dried Redwood uppers has sh ru nk, we re expanding our productionofcleargrades and kiln drying them. You can now expect the same consistently hrgh quality for our shipments of kiln dried Redwood as you havefound in ourgreen products

More Longer Lengths

All sizes, all clear grades, S4S and rough, are 6/20 with maximum 5-10% 6' & 8' combined Prices slightly higher for all 10/20'

More of the Popular Sizes

Our production is % x 4,3/a x 6, 2 x 4 and 2 x 6 only. in ClearAll

Heart, Clear, and B Grade to assure you more continuity of supply in the faster selling sizes.

Three Packaging Choices

Group length units are available, as well as popular 1750' R/L units. And for 10 MBM or rnore we can ship pulled to leugth. Garden grades can be shipped mixed with kiln dried clears

A Place for Everything

Door storage bins which mount on door standards in cabinets with frame opening of 8 3/8" or more are available in7 l/8",13 3/4" and 19 3/4" sizes from AjaxlNutone.

Bins are molded of high impact polymer in cocoa brown or white. Pockets on back of each bin hook

Solid Fuel Product

King Koal from King Koal, Inc., is a new solid fuel product compres- sing coal, cellulose, and other natural ingredients into a fire brick.

It reportedly lights with one match for up to eight hours of clean burning heat and glow with two to three hours of flame. It is capable of producing over 150,000 BTUs of heat. The shape is designed to stack and store easily. The ashes can be used as a soil conditioner.

The fire brick can be used in all types of fireplaces and coal or wood burning stoves as well as outdoors for camping and other heating needs.

Closed Door Policy

A complete entrance door system made from a combination of integrated sealing components that significantly reduce air filtration and a new 3-ply door panel guaranteed from splitting through have been introduced by the Nicolai Co.

over two patented shelf-clips which lock into position on door standards.

Standards are pre-punched at 1 " intervals to allow clips to be positioned and repositioned for -versatility. They are in anodized bronze or bright aluminum in 18", 26',, 46" and 58" lengths.

The Weatherizer which reportedly has tested with a dramaticallv low air leakage rate, is available wiih either stain grade or paint grade frame members. All weatherstripping components are color coordinated in dark brown. Brick mould is included.

The new panel door eliminates split-through problems with a strong cross band laminate through the center section of the panel. Should it ever have a split-through, the company will replace it and pay the end-use consumer up to $150 for installation and refinishine.

The Merchant Magazine
Call Should " We Don't Think YoulEd Refuse Our Prices', P . R. O D . HgH3lg Fi:Jl,hE,,",{8,,,, 707/485-8731 **"'i b:83:'n?vision' l:fl' Calpella, California 95418 I lVas0nile rs a regrslered tradema* 0l lMasonrte Corporatr0n I urrvraen cALTF0RNTA BEDW00D ASSocrATr0N TASOIIITE cotPot^troi 1.1 Traynor St., P.O. Box 4696 Hayward, Ca.94540 (41s) s82-7622 Pine Plywood Douglas Fir Redwood Cedar

Door Merchandising ldeas

From point-of-sale samples to audio-visuals, sales promotion materials from Benchmark Doors offer business-boosting devices for the building supply industry.

With folders, brochures, displays and posters, dealers can carry the Benchmark messages to the potential customer in-store, at home shows, on building sites and in the mail.

Literature covers sales-promoting needs with catalogs, brochures, folders, stuffers, flyers and plans for direct mail programs. Imprinting service is available.

Three full-size floor displays for doors make free-standing demonstrators with posters, literature holders and cutaway sections attached. Full color counter cards with pockets for flyers are offered as pointof-sale tools.

The story of manufacturing can be told in two audio-visual programs, a LaBelle cartridge or a set of 35mm slides with pulsed tape for automatic showing.

For local advertising usage, Benchmark offers repro slicks for newspapers and magazines, radio and TV spots on the three major door systems. Wall charts for point-of-sale reference may be imprinted, as well as a variety of premiums and novelties.

Under its coop advertising program Benchmark provides sales aids materials and shares with dealers the cost of approved advertising, trade shows and other promotions. They also assist with sales training meetings and provide a looseleaf sales manual for merchandising and sales, with a catalog of sales aids.

Pre.cut Pine Boards

American Forest Products Co. is offering Premium Pine Boards nationally for the do-it-yourself market.

Featuring the smooth, straight and attractive appearance favored by the home handyman, the boards are kiln-dried Western pine cut to popular d-i-y lengths to minimize waste.

They are suited for furniture, cabinets, shelving and other household projects.

The product will receive dealer support including weekly deliveries, low LCL minimums, centralized purchasing, multiple yard deliveries, inventory control and a 9090 service level commitment. Point-ofpurchase displays and materials, consumer literature, advertising and sales promotions are also offered.

Keep Your Charcoal Dry

Weber-Stephen Products Co. has a weatherproof charcoal chest to keep up to 18 lbs. of briquettes dry and handy. Double handles and spout are designed for pouring the briquettes into a barbecue. It is constructed of a heavy plastic with metal handles.

Table Top Cooking

A new product from the WeberStephen Products Co., the Table Top Gas grill has 160 sq. in. of cooking area, and legs which fold and lock the top on for safe storage and carrying.

Constructed of porcelain-sealed, heavy gauge steel, it uses disposable L.P. gas cylinders. An adapter option allows hook-up to standard L.P. gas tanks of any size.


For more intormation on New Products and New Literature, write fhe Merchant Magazine, 4500 Campus Dr., Suite 480, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660. Please menlion issue date and page number so we can process your request faster! Many thanks!

Need Clear All Heart Hot Tub Stock?

That's just one of the items we specialize in . . from rough K.D. to pattern staves, chime ioist, seat and cover material. We maintain an inventory of a million feet or more of redwood kiln dried uppers and kiln dried shop at our distribution yard, located on Humboldt Bay, between Arcata (three miles south) and Eurekz, Ca., on Hwy. 101. Rail or T&T shipment. Call Jerry Guin with your inquiries.

Bracrrt International

P.O. Drawer 4779 I Arcata, California 95521 PHONE: 707-822-3648

Zond Systems Total Solar Control Energy Engineering Dept. of Orange Coast College Southern California Edison Skylight Specialties Pacific Telephone Solar Benefits Corp. Newport Beach, California cAtt 7r4/6tr-ffit

Fireplace Insert

Phoenix Manufacturing Corp. has a new combustor fireplace insert designed to deliver up to 9590 combustion efficiency reportedly returning up to 6OVo of the heat generated by woodburning into the room being heated.

The steel-fabricated inserts include both primary and secondary air intakes. Axial blower fans draw air into a baffled chamber where it's

tions that allow gases to burn at considerably lower temperature than normally required assuring more complete combustion. Special baffles direct the gasses to burn in an area that will provide great heat transfer to room space via forced air, convection, and radiation through the glass doors.

The 415 lb. insert is 32" x24" x 22" and accepts 30" logs. The smaller 330 lb. insert measures 26" x24" x 19" and accepts 24" logs.

Mix or Match Tables

Self-serve Fastener Unit

The Natco fastener merchandising system is based on a shipper/ display carton which has an identifying label color-coded to indicate the contents.

The Nat-Paks are displayed in an all-metal merchandiser engineered

heated between firebrick-lined firebox and steel walls. Exhaust gases from primary wood combustion pass through a precious metalimpregnated ceramic catalyst. The catalyst promotes chemical reac-

Quaker Industries has introduced high style single metal tray tables in a choice of six vibrant colors. Sold individually so consumers can mix or match colors, 12 tables, 2 of each color, are packed in a "selfsell" display carton with each table individually poly bagged. Each table, a king-size 22" x 16" serving area, can easily be wiped clean with a damp cloth. The white tubular steel legs have non-mar tips. The tray has a raised edge to prevent slips and spills and folds for storage.

Each tray table has a suggested retail of $3.95. The shipping weight of the packaged twelve tables is 30 lbs.

to hold 64 fastener items in less than 3 sq. ft. of space. The merchandiser is designed so that gravity feeds the products forward.

Restocking orders are shipped in cartons ready for insertion into the merchandising display.

Forest Products


All species of cedar productsTreated and untreated poles for farm €' ranch supply dealers WHOLESALE ONLY

JACKSMTTH (4O8) 637-7455

225 6th St., Hollister, Ca. 95023

DON WELD (2O9) 432-O34O

61238 N. Blackstone, Fresno, Ca.93710

The Merchanl Magazine
F FI r r ;

Keep a Cool Head

Power attic ventilators are new from Nautilus Industries.

Packaging and merchandising aids which illustrate the energy-

saving advantages to customers are said to increase the sales potential for dealers.

Three models handle attic sizes from up to 1,325 sq. ft. to 2,295 sq. ft. A gable-mount ventilator is alsb available, along with an automatic shutter. All are equipped with adjustable thermostats.

They are constructed with fine mesh screening to keep out birds and insects, and feature low-profile neutial beige domes of ABS plastic with Korad film coating to provide ultra-violet protection and durability.

Packaging includes a template for installation along with complete instructlons.


For more information on New Products and New Literature. write fDe Merchant Magazine, 4500 Campus Dr., Suite 480, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660. Please mention issue daie and page number so we can process your request faster! Many thanks!

Traditional Lockset

Valli & Colombo is introducing Rustic as a new model in their privacy and passage lockset series.

Traditional with emphasis on quality and craftsmanship, it is available in bright brass, brushed aluminum, and antique brass. It fits in a standard 2 l/8" cross-bore hole and standard edge bore in doors | 3/8" as standard and I 3/4" thick with adapter.

Available in 2 3/8" or 2 3/4" backset, it has an integral privacy lock with emergency release, full retraction of latch with 25 o depres- sion of handle, and a reversible latch.

Crystal Clear Lever

New visual packaging is being used for the Kwikset lever locksets. A total of 12 different products are available to retailers in the new packaging which provides visibility of all components and accessories. Electronically sealed packages alleviate pilferage.

Completing the package are consumer-oriented insert cards with full-color photos and sales messages. The packages are designed to rack, stack, hang or stand alone.

June,1981 ffifnz..==_ r *mffim /* fi#*' "i .lts___ _ / --_ _*=: E __F* .-_ -,*ICEEJrfit4l:
Eif N .IIF: *; .l I-1l --1 -l '1 I -1 6# a{ti. ** -fj# -1 I l I I I I Ii I l I 1 I I I { I t .t i j I ,dq. BV iqPet{ o -tc, o = {J rF ct CN F -r L q)f,ct q) = {u,P , TPACK BAR6E a A IE /r',r, o o >J ;f'-r:"-{( uIft Fl^'::! ll'll ;t ^t t1h'; -,. -,--:-=;---_.->_ rJ__ _* STEPHEN G. FREEflIAN E CO. ffi$iJ;.$?J::tr,1":



Boat builders, furniture malters, cabinet makers, etc. haie found it the one sure answer to correcting wood defects, filling wood cracks, gouges, covering countersunk nails and screws.


be used under Fiher Glass!

Ready to use right out of the can, Famowood applies like putty-sticks like glue; dries quickly; won't shrink; takes spirit stains, Waterproof and,

and will not gum up sander. Waterpr weatherproof when properly applied. Ayailatle in l6 matching wood colors and white.


9118 S. Main Street.Los Angeles, Calif.90003, P.0. Box 73233


WARMLY lllVlTlllG exterior of $2.1 million Roseville, Ca', oublic librarv used more than 35,000 board feet of naturaliinisn rough-Surfaced 2x12 Douglas fir siding. Lag screws were used witiigalvanized malleable-iron washers to avoid warping and add a-decorative note. Red cedar shingles, applied over olastic-coated steel foil, cover the dome rool. Wglman preservafive chemicals were uded on the siding and NCX fire-retardant on the shingles.

Four Ways to Sell

Don't be put off by (l) "Business is bad right now-I'll have to wait." The correct response is "I'm sorry to hear that, but we certainly can work out satisfactory terms."

(2) "The price is too high." Reply "I know some companies that sell for less, and I'll explain why they do."

(3) "I haven't had time to think about it." Best response is "I know how busy you are, but only a few minutes are needed to explain. For example . . ."

(4) "I've got to talk it over with my partner." Your answer should be "Fine, a wise decision. Now let's summarize so that you can easily explain it."

MID-YEAR completion is expected for new barge-building facility at Coos Bay, 0r., costing a million dollars. The first ocean-going barge to be bualt there is scheduled for comoletion in late summer. This is a new venture for Sause Bros. which operates a fleet of 12 tugboats and 17 barges transporting lumber to So. Ca. lrom 0r., Wa., and British Columbia.

*{" {a
The Merchant Itagazlno
ot Famowood, Famoglar€, famoslvent
and oeal€r Inquiries Invited
t ll|0 ilil|0 cal|$ uill| ll|0 Bt0PR0HI$!

DaiVs sharp ideas come in all shapes and sizss.

For more than thirty{ive years, companies like up to deliver in twenty-four hours yours have learned to depend on Daily,f:.1:1,": Daily is a single, reliable source for all your and service on virtually any kind of cutting lg9]r^^, cuttingld?uiremeriiJ. We;;ji anO iervice leaairg made. During that time, we've become [?.l1ig:rt bAilE ottutting toors, p''f)ilii'gl*|,in ijfirica- firm of our type in the country bv demo,nstratins ii6riEngineeringid-;Gijt ilyor] stbCtifrTren unsurpassed responsiveness and capaortfites. we tofffim up 6be suie VoiriimlN-g['instalk;d

For example, Daily can resharpen any- and running properly. thing with an edge. Our super{ight quality ^<en ^ Count on Daily for sharp ideas to incontrol and precision machines -assure *$X N^ crease yo.ur prod.ubtivity.and your profits. Xi'i8iliF;3##?[.ill3?"";'A'3,??:

antees fast action. In fact, if you have

an emergency sruarron, we're geared

3 Gate, Catifornia 90280. Telephone
ffimtrcE e1q se+-1791.

B. W. McCormick, president, has announced the purchase of the Service Lumber Co.. Cloverdale, Ca., bv Mack Lumber Co.. Inc.

'R. G. Robbins, pr6s. of the Pacific Western Lumber Co., Portland, Or., announced that his firm has opened sales offices in San Francisco. Earl Bender, Oakland, Ca., and Kathy Culhane, San Mateo, Ca., have been assigned there, according to Tim Wood, gen. mgr.

IMack Giles, head man of Drakes Bay Lumber Co., recently moved his offices to San Rafael. Ca.

Bob Kahn, Forsyth Hardwood Co., San Francisco, Ca., and Mrs. Kahn are preparing for a six week tour of the Orient bv steamer.

"Mac" McCoimick, Simpson Logging Co., redwood division, accompanied by Tom Gleed, sales supervisor, called on redwood outlets in the midwest.

Addiemai Kuhlkin, of the Kuhlkin timber clan, has joined the staff of Kendall Lumber Distributors. Los Angeles, Ca., in charge of office detail.

Brian Bonnington was host for the day when Dubs, Ltd., turned out for th6 75th time at the Orinda Golf and Country Club for their monthlY tournament.

Thomas K. Oliver, is now associated with the Standard Lumber Co., Birmingham, Al., as West Coast sales mgr.

Eddie Bauer, Atlas Lumber Co., will host the Terrible Twenty Christmas party and tournament at Los Angeles, Ca., Country Club.

James C. Sheasgreen, Canadian Western Lumber Co.. Vancouver, B.C., was elected pres. of the Pacific Logging Congress at Portland, Or. Other officers are Herbert W. McMahan, Ralph L. Smith Lumber Co., Anderson, Ca., v.p.; Robert F. Dwyer, Dwyer Lumber Co., Portland, treas., and Carwin A. WoolleY' Pacific Logging Congress, sec.

Alfred Baltus is the new president of Sacramento, Ca., Hoo-Hoo Club l 09.

Arch Le Fors is progranl chairman for the annual Northwestern California Lumbermen's Club. Eureka. Ca., Ladies Night.

John Gordon is new president of Redwood Empire Hoo-Hoo Club 65.

Anti-union Cautions

With about 300 known antiunion consultants in this country, labor unions are stepping up their eflbrts to restrict them.


2020 South 11th St. Los Banos, Ca.93635 (209) 826-6544

Management must be cautious that a person with little experience does not run afoul ofthe union and cause the company to commit illegal acts in an attempt to prevent unionization.

Soliciting of information from workers or supervisors is legal only after a consultant has registered with the Labor Deparment.


LeBeck Forest Products redwood.


a specialist in

Our contacts and sources can get you the redwood items and products you need. Our experience in redwood is a plus for you in finding those hard-to-get items.

In addition to redwood, we can supply your needs in Douglas Fir, Particleboard and Plywood.

70 The Merchant Magazine 2F vt-i/iltilR qGCI fromn thc rgegcs 0f (LW U LSirilUUeJ trd9Jt9 UU (9UUU LsL-- .'*u-- -
Founded ln 1922
I F ?tilfficts
&tseclt fofAst Mailing address: P.0. Box 267, Fulton, Ca. 95439 (707) t42-O820
Wholesalers ol imported and domestic hardwood lumber and plywood, specializing in alder and Philippine mahogany. Be sure and ask us about redwood uppers.

5CI VEARS AGO fromn thc pagcs off

Hawk Huey, Phoenix, Az., lumberman, and Mrs. Huey visited in Los Angeles.

C.D. Johnson, Portland, Or., pres. of the C.D. Johnson Lumber Co., and the Pacific Spruce Corp. visited San Francisco on business.

Clarence Blackman and Fred Anderson are continuing in business in Oakland. Ca.. under the name Blackman and Anderson.

C.W. Hornibrook, gen. sales mgr., Ewauna Box Co., Klamath Falls, Or., is in the East on an extended business tnp.

E.T. Robie, northern v.p., California Retail Lumbermen's Assn.. is selling skis at his Auburn Lumber Co.. Auburn. Ca.

E.A. Blank, sales mgr., Umpqua Mills and Timber Co.. has returned to Portland, Or., hq. alter a business trip to San Francisco and Los Anseles. Ca.

Bob Osgood, v.p. and gen. mgr., Wheeler Osgood. Co., Los Angeles, Ca., has returned lrom a business trip to Phoenix, Az., Albuquerque, N.M. and El Paso, Tx., accompanied by Mrs. Osgood.

Fred J. Wood, Anacortes, Wa., pres., Harry F. Vincent, San Francisco, gen. nrgr.; Robert C. Parker, mgr. Portland, Or., office, and Warren B. Wood, Los Angeles, Ca., assistant to the pres., E.K. Wood Lumber Co., are in Los.Angeles on their annual inspecuon tnp.

J.W. Thompson, gen. sales mgr., Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. nrills, Port Ludlow and Port Gamble, Wa., and St. Helens, Or., visited the home office in San Francisco.

W.D. Dunning and Mrs. Dunning are parents of a son, William Ransom Dunning. Mr. Dunning is sales mgr. of The Little River Redwood Co.. San Francisco, Ca.

H.J. Leaf, v.p. of the Coos Bay Lumber Co., Marshfield, Or., recently broke his left arm when he fell on a flight of steps leading to his offrce.

W.R. Coats. A.F. Coats Lumber Co., Tillamook, Or., has just returned home from a visit to San Francisco, Ca., where he conferred with A.B. "Gus" Gritzmacher, No. Ca. agent for his company.

Roland Williams, Williams Fir Finish Co., Seattle, Wa., presided at a meeting of the joint committee representing Pacific Coast moulding manufacturers at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, Ca.

C.H. White, White Brothers, San Francisco. Ca., attended the convention of the National Hardwood Assn. held at Chicago, Il.

R.W. Vinnedge, pres., and A. Whisnant. sec.. have worked out a fine program for the 20th session of the Pacific Logging Congress at the Olympic Hotel, Seattle, Wa., including a day at the Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. camp, Rainier, Wa.

OId Gronrth Douglas Fir Green, Rough or Surfaced


1" x 2" thru 8" x 14"8' thru 24'

Sales Mgr. Ted Barnes

Phone: (503) 874-2236

P.O. Box 7 Riddle, Oregon 97469

June,1981 71
i '1 -t rl I I i 1 I
Sel. Struct., Clears

Gedar's many uses

IMENSIONAL stability and inherent decay-resisting properties make Western red cedar framing lumber an ideal choice for exposed situations such as decking and fencing.

With the same aesthetic qualities as the cedar products used for siding and paneling, the framing and

board materials add dramatic interest to modern homes. Heavy material for use as posts, timbers, beams, stringers, joists, and planks are available as well as the lighter materials for decking, fencing, flooring and ceilings.

Available in a wide range of grades and a smooth or "saw texture

finish," cedar adapts well to most finishing techniques, including paints and stains. Left natural, the wood turns to a beautiful silver-grey which is harmonious with the outdoors. While builders and homeowners may tend to think of cedar as useful in only limited applications, it is possible to expand the market with other cedar products. Equal in function and design appeal, the light framing, boards, and heavier materials fill a definite need in todaY's marketplace.


72 The Merchant Magazine
TREE IOP hideaway is dramatized with use of oosts and beams of Western red cedar. Beautiful as well as functional and durable, it takes stain well. Equally attractive is the massive gate utilizing both the dimensional stability and inherent decay-resisting qualities of cedar.
ARCHITECTURAL accents become imoortanl constructed of Western red cedar beams and planking. The wood mellows to a natural silver-grey shade when left unfinished. Completely different from the traditional siding and
paneling, this use of the wood is in harmony with the dramatic modern architecture. AII photos courtesy of the Western Red Cedar Lumber Association
"*"&*i ''gk


(Continued from page 16)

radiator pressure cap pressurizes the entire cooling system to 7 psi. By pressurizing the system, the normal boiling point of clean water, 212 F. at sea level, is raised approximately 3 F for every 1 psi. Consequently, coolant in the system at sea level will not boil until a temperature of 212 F plus 2l F, or a total of 233 F, is reached.

The boiling point above sea level decreases llz F for everv l0O0 feet.

A leaking pressure caf will reduce the engineered boiling point of the cooling water and can cause overheating. A good service station can check cap opening pressure. If the cap is leaking or sticking, it should be replaced.

If all checks discussed so far haven't solved the problem, it may be that the engine isn't overheating. It is possible to have a faulty gauge or faulty temperature sending unit. This system can be tested by removing the temperature sending unit located in the thermostat housing and placing it in the pot of water. Compare the thermometer reading versus gauge reading and replace the faulty component.

Should the problem persist, the water pump might be faulty or rusty. Scale build up in the cooling system interior may be affecting heat transfer. When rust or scale is apparent in the cooling water, the cooling system should be cleaned. There are many good cooling water system cleaning solvents on the market; follow the instructions accordingly.

If your cooling system has a coolant filter, the inlet and the outlet valves should be closed before cleanine the system. The radiator can be reierse flushed by removing upper and lower radiator hoses and forcing water, not more than 6 psi, in a direction opposite to normal water flow.

Following this troubleshooting procedure should identify the problem. When further information is required, contact a good service station or your dealer.

Cooling system problems can be virtually eliminated by several preventative maintenance operations. Always use an anti-freeze water solution in the cooling system. Adding anti-freeze to the water lowers the freezing point, increases the boiling point, and lubricates the water pump seal. Use anti-freeze as required to prevent freezing; do not over con-

centrate with anti-freeze.

Anti-freeze water solution should be changed when its color changes to a brown, rusty appearance. The engine and radiator should also be flushed at this time. The accumulation of rust and scale can be reduced by using a coolant filter.

Periodic checks of water level, fan belt tension, and radiator restriction should provide trouble free operation tor manv vears.

Check the Records

If you are thinking about opening a new business. it is advisable to check official data for background information. Demosraphic information can mean the dilferbnce between survival and failure.

For example, there is the fellow who opened a new hardware store in the suburbs without doing any research. He couldn't believe it when a True Value hardware opened nearby. The bigger and better capitalized store soon forced him to close.

If he had checked the records, he would have discovered that the competition had filed for construction permits months before he opened.

The Merchant Magazine
PAUL BUNYAN LUMBER CO. TNADf.XAAK R€GISIERt D Ponderosa Pine Sugar Pine Anderson, Ca. Douglas Fir White Fir (916) 365-2771 ffi,U W4i' o Pressure Treated Forest Products o Custom Treating Service o Fencing o Water-Borne Salt . CCATweA o Grape3takes o Posts & Poles Coast W Ine. Roy Nielson Gene Pietila * * * Truck and Trailer or Rail ghipments * * * Plant Road & Taylor Drive P.O. Box 673 Uliah, Calif.95482 (707) 468-0141 Quality Control Program by Independent Testing Laboratory
JOH N NY lN KSLING ER, Paul's Bookkeeper, invented the fountain pen. A radition of resourceful, progressive operation goes with Paul Bunyan's name and reputation. Paul continues to ship his quality products from his plant in Anderson.

THE HIST0RIC Gamble House, a huge home, now open to the public, that was built by one of the Procter & Gamble owners in the early years of this century, was toured recently by The Los Angeles Hardwood Lumbermen's Club. The Pasadena, Ca., home, which leatures extensive use of wood, is an early examole of the architecture of the renowned Greene brothers. (1) Charlie Wall and Jim Summerlin. (2) Gage McKinney and Bob Wall. (3) Larry and Diane Knox celebrating tneir fifth wedding anniversary. (4) Gale Daugherty and Tom Powell. (5) Dorothy and Don-Reel. (6) Ken and Jo Tinckler, Helen and Woody Toal. (7) Gayle and Gil Reed, Toni Kincaid. (8) Craig, Rob and Peggy Kin' caid. (9) Everett and Allene Neitzke, Charley, Mary, Denise, and Alan Bohnhoff

Mixed Loads Western Red Cedar Douglas Fir and Studs

Timber Cuttings

Lowgrade and Industrial Items

your best source for redwood from the people who really know redwood. Try

us for clears, commons, industrial items and lath. Also siding in redwood and /l Douglas fir, plus Douglas fir C & better finish.

June,1981 75 oi f, "_ h, ! F -t I 1 = -'t -t t ;1 ; l I --l
RY MAIN OFFICE P.O. Box 767 Springfield, A. n477 (503) 726-1841
4420 Mariposa Stockton, Ca.95?'05 (2O9\ 464-462. Rod Gasser 4500 Campus Dr., Suite 628A Newport Beach, Ca. 92660 (714) 966-1099 Ron Crrr
Tom Philips Ed Farrell Steve Dixon Bert Clark
. . .
. .
Mountains .
From Hawaii
to C-alifomia
to the Rocky
// \ ri,^ EG' REID and
-. (8OOl 358-9O3O l7o7l822-1724 P.O. Box 4299 Arcata, California 95521 (8081 3e5-7e11 #8 Lumahai St. Honolulu, Hawaii 96825 (3031443-4388 1140 Pearl St. Suite 210 Boulder, Colorado 80302 Nts

M0RE THAN $1000 was raised for the Chester G. Harshner, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund by the San Joaquin Valley HooHoo Cluo at their annual Casino Niaht In charge o'0reDaring cioppino we16 (lefl photo)_Jim Stephenson, Jim Gaither, Hugo Rath Dick Hipkin (center photo) NormIn Morrrson, Crarg Ga'fney, Allan Smith. Jr., and Roy Wal ing{e16 taKe a break (right photo) Mario Montagna, Elrrer Rau Hugh Service and ChuckWr ls were 0arDecue chets.

Discounts Pay Off

Encourage prompt payment of bills by reminding customers of the value of discounts when considered as annualized rates of interest.

Translate the standar d 2Vo / 10 days, 30 net into "This is our offer of 36Vo interest, the true annual interest rate in the 290 / l0 days, 30 net

discount, if you pay within ten days. "

If the bill is not paid within a week, send a photocopy with the notation "Your discount period ends tomorrow."

Other discounts converted into annualized interest rates are 2Vo/10 days, net 90 days, equals l2Vo annual interest; 3Vo/10 days, net 60 days, 22Vo annual interest; lVo/10 days, net 30 days, l89o annual interest.

TRANSP0RTATI0N triends were cuesls of Black Bart Hoo-Hoo Club for qoll aid dinner at Ukiah. Ca. (top) Dave Damon. Bob Handegard, Rich Stolz. (lower) Joe Gilley, Joe Mayfield. Don Sundstrom, Del Colb Maynard Stubberfield and Jack Powell were c narrmen.

lilorfield givesyou the fastest double end trim sawon the market today!


look first to the leader. NORFIELD'S Model NORFIELD Manufactures a complete line of 1020 double end trim saw is the fastest, safest precision pre-hung door making machinery. -mostversatilecasingandbrickmouldcutter Two decades in the business have brought available. lt's hopper fed and lully automatic. aboutthestandardsbywhichall pre-hungdoor The l020cutsupto30piecesof pineandother machinery is measurbd. Our engineering exsoftwoods per minute. lt's engineered for high pertise is reflected in every unit we manufacperformance and minimum maintenance. Op- rure. tional features like kerfing and jamb dadoing capabilities make the Model '1020 the most Call or write for details on our full line of cost flexible double end trim saw made. efficient pre-huno door machinery.

NORFIELD Sales and Service

P.O. Drawer 688 o Chico. CA 95927 (916) 345-9717

fi 1# 'i$

DENVER, Co., warehouse of Georgia Pacific solved problem o{ repackaging nails in the nail department through the use of a portable conveyor manufaclured by Multilift Inc. of Denver. 0riginally the nails were re-boxed from 50 lb. boxes to 1 lb. boxes by ha'nd. 0sing th€ conveyor takes approximately 1/1Oth the time required before. After nails are dumped in the hopper, belt buckets convey them into the smaller containers.

Cure the Slump

Apparent laziness often is the result of an employee feeling that his job is not important.

When the job is meaningful with the employee feeling responsible for the outcome, work output often improves. Feedback on performance is a reliable incentive.



Douglas Fir - Hem Fir Redwood-Cedar Spruce DIRECT MILL SHIPMENTS DISTRIBUTION YARD IN SACRAMENTO, CA (4AAAB&8-9Il&E&EgIf &,vg48,gB" gry@" P.O. BOX 20174 7050 SAN JOAOUIN STREET PHONE 9161452-5671 SACRAMENTO. CALIFORNIA 95820
-+,4;o: -l,rtn- ,f .llubt-rltuE *ilf:;r\E*-:c' €6ru6"t Jk lr'rovrD ry arcxtrrcrr, ^ turrottg t corrmcrotl ,z',lb f, orrrrnrnrxon // p-- r6dil.r,.rr,ilh.rd6,rbr "., +€ * XHor^*.. { rxv orvar r,"on., L| Hem-Fir Hemlock Douglas Fir SIIJ :.-.-."e <-I: { rrrcrrocervrrE:o srrn | 1',j;;--;l'3:*,,. * wu rur r Dr? tartY f, wnr lor rurr :t 1,;9";30' ^F6ni.r. i.idr h t6. r& 60r
TREATED LUMBER AiOIIER oualrtY ?noouct !Y GO ETT ['(A1'4e,.J..LC..J I 5€ E. MAI N ST. MEg ARr ZOXA a!20a (602) 964-1451 KEEP IT SIMPLE AND SELL MORE I WANT MORE INFORMATION Address gailetnL W Inbuale Lunbp,r Pine Redwood Cedar Yard & Ollices: End ol Alrport Rd. P.O. Box 723, Uklah, Ca. 95482 Phone CORDES LANGLEY, ROGER HOWARD: City- Stotezip -

Ebony: the wood of many colors



synonymous with black, the color of the over 200 species of the genus Diospyros ranges from jetblack to grayish white, yellowish white, reddish gray, brownish gray, purplish gray and variegated black, sometimes with a greenish tinge.

Usually small, in trees of relatively small dimension one to two feet in diameter, with a small core of usable wood, the species are distributed throughout the tropic and temperate zones of the world.

In Africa alone there are about 40 species, although only a few produce enough dark heartwood to be of commercial significance. Crassifloro and dendo are both very deep black. Some feel that the crassifloro is the best because it is very fine textured, hard and heavy, averaging about 63 pounds per cubic foot. The color in piscatorio, another species found in relatively large enough amounts to be considered commercial, varies from non uniform to uniform black.

Black ebony (tomentosa, ebenum, and assimilis) comes from Northern India and the Himalaya region. It is very black with fine rays joined at right angles by similar light-colored bars to form a minute pattern. It is dense, hard, and heavy with scarce minute pores.

East Indian ebony includes the Macassar (melanoxylon), Ceylon

(ebenum) and Andaman (mar- imum results are said to be obtained morate). Ceylon ebony is an ex- by girding the trees and allowing them to stand for two years before felling, followed by six months of seasoning in plank form. The dark heartwood is liable to develop end splits and surface checks and should be well protected against rapid drying.

tremely heavy, fine, and eventextured very dark wood. It weighs about 73 pounds per cubic foot. Irregular light-brown streaks are often present, but they are less conspicuous than in most other East Indian species. Considered the most dense and dark available, it is very rare.

The black portions are supposedly very difficult to season .as the wood develops long, fine, deep cracks. This is especially true if it is cut in relatively large dimensions. It is recommended that the logs be converted to the smallest convenient size and stored under protective cover from the sun.

Both the Macassar and Andaman ebonies have striping. The Macassar dries best with air seasoning. Max-

Story at a Glance

Over 200 specles of ebony lound in troplcs and temperate zones . . called perslmmon wood in the U.S.. . limited commerclal use.

Of the several ebonies growing in the temperate zone, one, the virginiana, is found in the United States. Known as persimmon wood, it is light brown with darker stripes. It is used most frequently for golf club heads and shuttles.

Ebonies are very hard to work with either machine or hand tools. Metal working equipment sometimes is successful. The wood has an extreme dulling effect on tool cutting edges. Brittle, it cuts harshly, producing a fine sawdust. A smooth finish can be obtained in most operations, but in planing the material must be held firmly to prevent chattering on the cutters.

Little ebony is available commercially considering the size of the genus. The wood is used primarily in turnery. It also is widely used for the manufacture of piano keys, the fingerboards of violins, and small parts of other musical instruments. In the cabinet trade, ebony is used for inlay work, marquetry, ornamental design, and some paneling. It also is used for carving.


78 86TH IN A SERIES ON HARDWOODS The Merchant Magazlne
,J 2380 E. Curry, Long Beach, Ca. 90805 (2T3) 4224426
45OO Campus Driwe, suite 48O Newport Beach, Ca. 9266O
send me the hardwood reprints checked below. I understand that if I am not satisfied completely I can return them for a complete refund. I'm Iooking forward to reading themt
Domestic Hardwoods $10 E Southeast Asian Hardwoods $5 n South American Hardwoods $4
Ail three $16 (the big bargain)
Checkenclosed ! Cash enclosed Address City State- zip-


(Continued from Page l4) giving the source, of course.

Retailers who have constructed decks and similar structures report that they are sure fire sales devices. Every woman coming into the store wants "one just like it" and the men

are just as impressed. Even the children are able to visualize the family enjoying such a setting.

Pull summer and outdoor living merchandise from throughout the store for eye catching displays near the deck. The list of qualifying items is almost endless: colorful tableware, placemats, tablecloths, napkins, potholders, aprons, yard games, lanterns or torches, garden lights, power and manual gardening tools, plants, and containers, to name just a few.

Further promotions for your outdoor living section, could include activities such as having sales people throughout the store wear casual summer clothing. Or dreaming up a slogan such as "Vacation on a Deck" or "Enjoy Summer at Home" for banners throughout the store and badges worn by all employees. Perhaps a local disc jockey could be invited to put on a summer concert from your deck. If your community is small, it could be the setting for giving out sports awards to Little Leaguers and teenagers. You also could invite the local librarian to arrange a display of books including gardening and

d-i-y how to for summer reading. Possibly she could come to review a few of them for an audience seated on your deck.

Whatever promotions you develop, be sure that they are included in your advertising. Try for events that are news worthy so that you will get additional coverage from the local news media.

Keep in mind that you are the agent for an at home vacation. Let the customers know what you have and make them want it. That will make it a good summer for all of you.

Forest Service Budget Hit

The fiscal 1982 Forest Service budget, submitted by the Carter Administration, is a step backward for consumers, feeds inflation, and will increase dependence on wood imports, according to a forest industry spokesman.

The industry recommended that timber sales from the federallyowned National Forests be increased in 1982 and proposed



436 14tb St., suite 404

Oakland, Ca. 94612 (415) 465-2658

John Wilton

Redwood and Douglas Fir Lumber.

Cedar Shakes and Shake Felt

Plywood Siding and related items

VISUAI APPEAL of delicious food in an attractive outdoor setting can help to sell the amenities of outdoor livino. Tie-in of redwood lurniture, garden plari'ts, barbecue and serving accessories produces add-on sales.
The Merchant Magazine
. . . for all your transportation ' :_- -:--.--E-.._-].:
"Vhefe Dependable Service is More Than a Phrase"

specific harvest levels for the next 50 years as part of a consumer-oriented national timber policy. This policy is aimed at (l) holding down consumer costs through an adequate domestic supply of wood, and (2) building the potential for an international net trade surplus of forest products.

There will be heavy demand for wood for housing in the 1980s and 1990s as the population at the "family-formation age" surges; housing starts will be about two million annually, John F. Hall, v.p.-resource of the National Forest Products Association, told a House Appropriations Subcommittee holding hearings on the proposed fiscal 1982 Forest Service budget.

He emphasized that the forest industry supports federal budgetcutting, but pointed out that federal money invested in forestry returns a profit several times the initial costs to the federal government, and tends "to dampen inflationary pressures by reducing consumer costs. "

Reforestation appropriations also need to be increased, Hall said. The 1982 proposed budget will only keep up with current needs and does not provide a base for meeting future demand.

Hall urged that the 1982 timber sale program be increased from the I1.9 billion board foot level recommended by the Carter Administration to a minimum of 12.2 billion board feet. Timber sale targets for 1990 and 2000, he said, should be 17.l billion board feet and 18.7 billion board feet.

81 Fred C. HolmesttsffiX\* a division of Noyo Investment Co. Wholesale Lumber Products Redwood, Fir, Pine & by-products Steve Holmes o Tod Holmes o Fred Holmes (7O7) 964-6377 . p.o. Box 800, Fr. Bragg, cr.95437 For dl species of Western Lumber. call the company
people you can have conlidence in! Portland, Oregon 9?225 Sales Office (503) 297-4551 Toll-Free 800-547-177 I Southern Cahfornia Office PO. Box 3250 San Clemente California 92672 (714) 498-6700 (213) 437-2901 North Central Cahfornta Ofltce 1518 Lone Palm St. Modesto, Caliiornia 95350 (209) 52r-6890 SUNRISE FOREST PRODUCTS CO. Portland Office PO. Box 25060 {ru""i} vg \ aEDOIXG / Pne-cutFEI{GING RAII.S, POSI'S, BOAFIDS cHnn RANDOMLENGI-HS CUSI'OMCUTN]\G VI'EB TUMBERCO. I}IG P.O.BO(4.605 REDDTNG,CA 96099 916 246-3383
AIR/SEA trip is presented to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frye, Frazier Park Pharmacy, Frazier Park, Ca., by Norm Orwig, v.p. of American Wholesale Hardware Co., Long Beach, Ca. Trip was grand prize at the recent sales galaxy held at Long Beach Convention Center.
of established professionals ...


(Continued from page 13)

tools, sprinklers and hoses. Students from horticulture classes in high schools and community colleges as well as long time gardeners all make good nursery employees. Because the lawn and garden business is seasonal in most areas, six to nine months depending on climate, it is important that the section be able to expand and shrink in size without losing impact. Some dealers find it helpful to set up Christmas trees and holiday decorations in the garden area to tide over the NovemberDecember lull. Winterized houseplants also can fill the gap. During the colder months a glass enclosed area can make the nursery more functional and attractive. Skylights are another way of giving needed light to the plants and main-

taining an outdoor feeling.

During the peak demand times for gardening products, they should be displayed in high store traffic areas with good advertising and selective pricing. This plus an attractive, well kept nursery salesfloor will draw traffic into the nursery area.

Remember, the right products at the right time in the right place with the right promotion will bring the right results.

CA]I A $94 T]IUESTTE]IT DOUBTE YOUR STORE UOLUTIE? It's Possihle! ASK BTtL FISHMA]U 7141485-7500 11650 lberia Place San Diego, CA 92128 82
The Merchant Magazine
NORTH BAY FOREST PRODUCTS P.O. Box 933 (58 W. North St.) Healdsburg, Ca. 95448
RON LEWMAN.DAVE DAMON.BUD CHENOWETH Please call us at(7071433-6937 (2r8) fsa.665l (?r4) EPr.aloo ilanr lunson trumun gontlsilr W.IIOLESALE ONLY gT"l2 rl4rvLt.A avg, LOS ALA![I',f.J8, CAl,ttr0nillA gO?rO
"Count on North Bay Forest Products for helpful, friendly seryice."



We ale, of course, always pleased that you choose to report on activities of Boise Cascade Corporation.

In your November 1980 issue, you referred to Boise Cascade as a western corporation. That is not really accurate. Although headquartered in Boise, Id., we are a major forest product concern with significant timberlands and paper and wood products manufacturing facilities in all regions of the U.S. and in Ontario and New Brunswick in Canada. More of our 32,000 employees are stationedEast of the Mississippi thanWest of the river.

Boise Cascade Corp.

Boise, Id.


We thoroughly enjoyed the article about Roy Barto entitled "The Early Days in Marketing Philippine Mahogany," that appeared in the April '81 issue,

Gage McKinney did an outstanding job, in not only vividly portraying this legendary figure but also in relating a bit of our industry's history on a more personal nature. There many interesting tales to tell about the pioneers of the wood business, let us hope Gage will be able to present more pieces of this nature in your future publications.

J.R. Summerlin

Sumwood, Inc.

P.O. Box 45822

Los Angeles, Ca. 90045 GIRL


In view of the following facts:

(l) Mungus-Fungus Forest Products maintains an unlisted telephone number;

(2) According to the latest issue of ?fte Merchant Magazine, they are branching out, and

(3) The Merchant Magazine seems to have the only open channel of communications with Mungus-Fungus,

May I ask The Merchsnt Magazine to relay my desire to become a part of this growing organization.

I have sales experience, can type, invoice, speak and walk with expertise. I am a female, and since their staff is increasing to three, the government will no doubt be stepping in with a "hire a female" requirement soon.

My greatest asset (here comes the biggie) is that I am able to say "MungusFungus Forest Products" rapidly, in succession, at least five times.

Thank you, for your assistance.

Felicia Fryday

P.O. Box 26164

Sacramento, Ca.95826

Mungus-Fungus Forest Products is unique in the industry in that they consider o listed business telephone "tackv."-ed.


Prompt service, quality, and a desire to please is our business. Call us for your custom milling requirements.

,z Kiln drying z Fingerjointing 'z Shaping z Resawing z Surfacing (siding, z Trucking ,z X-chopping decking & paneling) ,z Car Loading z Ripping ,u Boring ,/ Dry Storage CROWN REDWOOD CO., INC. P.O. Box 577, Fortuna, Ca.95540 V0n725.6147 JEAN NICHOLS


lContinued J'rom page 25) pliers by quickly answering "no" rather than "I don't know." There are a number of key executives in major manufacturing companies who have reached their position by maintaining an attitude that they had a fiduciary responsibility to their retail accounts as well as their employer. They developed this attitude as a salesperson calling on retailers in the field. They recognized retailing creativity and fought as diligently for the good of the retailer as for the benefits of the manufacturer.

It disturbs me. however. that there are still too many wholesaler salesmen, direct factory men, and manufacturer's reps who will answer an emphatic "no" rather than "let me check."

I've worked with independent retailers who were able to double their advertising presentation by requesting information about cooperative advertising programs from the home office rather than accepting a "no advertising" answer from the sales rep.

As Seminar Director for the National Home Center,/Home Improvement Congress and Exposition I chair the advisory board meeting that's held every year four weeks after the show. The board is

comprised of a balance of exhibitors, large retail chains, independent retailers, independent wholesalers and programmed wholesalers. Each member serves a term of three Years. Six members are retired each year. Six new members come on board.

The iunction of the board is to critique the past show and make recommendations for future shows. There have been two requests from the independent retailers that have been repeated at the past four board meetings:

(1) Get the message to the rural and small town dealer that this is /fteir show and they have much to see and learn at the show,

(2) Get the exhibitors to be more friendly, courteous, and cognizant of the smaller retailer.

These board members report that there are personnel in some of the manufacturer's booths who make them feel like second rate citizens because they don't represent the buying power of a Wickes, a Grace, or an Evans. We've been told that the follow-up after the show has been extremely poor by some major suppliers and that it takes prodding by the retailer to get information about the products and programs

exhibited at the show.

I have the opportunity to review thousands of comment cards from retailers who attend the show. The word that is written most frequently is "small."

These retailers want us to continue to feature seminars and disperse information about how to operate, merchandise, and promote in rural and small towns.

What's interesting is that they use the word "small" when they refer to themselves. They don't find it degrading. They shouldn't. These "small" retailers are responsible for the ultimate sale of tens of billions of dollars of after-market house improvement products.

So a word to those suppliers looking to expand their distribution. Don't neglect the little guy. Call them mom and pop dealers, call 'em small independents, call 'em a secondary market . but call 'em!

Redwood Use Competition

Entry deadline for the second annual Redwood Plywood Imagination Awards program sponsored bY the Simpson Timber Co. is Sept. 15, 1981. Entry forms and additional information are available from the company, 900 Fourth Ave., Seattle, Wa.98164.

The Merchant Magazine
t ttI I Please write or callfor our new pottern and moulding catalog. TINION Tonpot PROD{.ICTS PO. Box 348 Stockton, Ca. 952O1 REDWOOD . S4S and pattern lumber o Architectural patterns o Mouldings o Mixed loads o Units: available in LTL. T&T and rail Phone 2os-465-47 LI FOR SA1E...5.38 ACRES, RAIL SERVED, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA "A truly outstanding location for a Lumber, Building Material and/or Home lmprovement Distribution Center" F,.{.il ii offered bv l6yor'tt coMMERC|AL BRoKERAGE, tNC. P.O. Box 400, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 (714) 987.0144 Owner will build to suit upon request

tl I-ITIllD /ill-iu flDttiULE\IU ELi ti LtL'l#{lU l_ljffiL!

Designer Doors

A new full-color, l6-p. International Door brochure is free from Simpson Timber Co., 900 4th Ave., Seattle, Wa.

NAWLA Membership

The l98l Membership Directory is $5 from NAWLA, nq S. Arlington Heights Rd., Suite 680, Arlington Heights, Il. 60005.

Backyard Projects

How to Build Backyard Projects is $l from Koppers Co., Inc., Forest Products Group, 1900 Koppers Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219.

Wood Door Benefits

A Guide to Energt-Saving Doors is free from the National Woodwork Manufacturers Association, c/o Sumner Rider & Associates, 355 Lexington Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017.

Moulding Techniques

A sample copy of How To Finish Wood Mouldings is free from the Wood Moulding and Millwork Producers, P.O. Box 25278, Portland,, Or.97225.

Sound/Slide Show

Sound/slide show on alder and mapld grading rents for $50 per week plus shipping charges one way from the Northwest Hardwood Association, 1220 SW Morrison, Portland, Or. 97205.


Literature on privacy and passage locksets is available free from Valli & Colombo, Inc., 1540 Highland Ave., Duarte, Ca. 91010.

For Wood/Coal Burners

A l2-p. brochure of ceramic fiber products to increase the efficiencv and safe-

ty of home wood/coal burners is free from Manager, Marketing Communications, Insulating Products Division, Babcock & Wilcox, P.O. Box 923, Augusta, Ga. 30903, or phone (4O4) 798-8000.

Convection Oven

Convection oven brochures are free from the Jenn-Air Corp.,3035 Shadeland Ave., Indianapolis, In. 4r'226.


For more information on New Products and New Literature, write The Merchant Magazine, 4500 Campus Dr., Suite 480, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660. PIease menlion issue date and page number so we can process your request faster! Many thanks!

Steel Doors

New Z-p. catalog on steel doors and frames is free from Industrial Metal Products Co., 300 Baldwin St., New Brunswick, N.J. 08901.

Hinge Hardware

A new 8-p. take home brochure on sliding hinge hardware for closet doors is free from John Sterling Corp., Box 469, Richmond, Il. 60071.

Bring the Outdoors In

Information on pine bath accessories is available free from Magnolia Products, P.O. Box 1367, Columbus, Ms. 3970r.

Panel is Perlormance Rated

Single copies of Performance-Roted Panels, Form No. F405, are free from the American Plywood Association, P.O. Box 11700, Tacoma, Wa. 98411.

Estimate in Minutes

Information on "Mr. Estimate" microcomputer program for estimating family dwellings is available free from Western Building Material Assn., P.O. Box 1699, Olympia, Wa. 98507.

Decorative Wall Mirrors

For free information on wall mirrors write Hamilton Glass Products, 3772 West Devon Ave., Chicago, Il. 60659.

Wood for Heat

For free information on wood burning for home heating write Phoenix Manufacturing Corp., S. Spruce St., Asheville, N.C. 28801.

Residential Glulam Beams

Glulam Beams For Residential/Light Construction is free from The American Institute of Timber Construction. 333 W. Hampden Ave., Englewood, Co. 801 10.

Millwork Sources

The l98l Millwork Sources of Supply membership directory is free from the National Woodwork Manufacturers Assn., 205 W. Touhy Ave., Park Ridge, il. 6m68.

Audio Visual Survey Data

Audio Visual Projectors: The Competitive Edge at Point of Purchase is available free by writing on your company letterhead to Fairchild, Audio Visual Products, 75 Mall Dr., ComrJrack, N.Y. t1725.

Wood Moulding Usage

The results of a market research study on the use of wood moulding in 12 metropolitan areas are available at $50 per city or the complete report $500 from Wood Moulding and Millwork Producers, P.O. Box 25278, Portland, Or. 97225.

i:fi:l:iii::rli!iiir.$iiliil#i,:i!i'i$ 85 [iltltlt\l^\/]


SAN DIDGO, Ca., based Dixieline Lumber Co. is seeking a qualified plan takeoff person for their roof and truss operation. Candidates must have a drafting background and industry experience. Responsibilities include developing truss lists from plans and interfacing with architects and engineers. We offer competitive compensation and an excellent benefit package. Send resume in confidence to Personnel, P.O. Box 80307, San Diego, Ca.92138.

TELEPHONE SALES, pleasant telephone voice, light typing and basic familiarity with general office functions. Apply in penon. Hunter Woodworks, 1235 E. 223 St., Carson, Ca. Ask for Tom.

ARIZONA MILL SALES POSITION open for person experienced in Southwest region. Arizona-New Mexico production; Ponderosa pine-white woods. Salary negotiable. Send resume to Box 403 c/o The Merchant Magazine.

MANAGER wanted for large retail lumber company in San Francisco, Ca. area. Excellent salary. Send resume to: Box 364, c/o The Merchant Magazine.

EXPERIENCED pallet salesman. Ask for Carl Boesch, Hunter Woodworks, (213\ 71 5-254.

F-r\-{ California Lumber ICL I s.*i*

\ 9/ Certified Agency (OY L.A. (7r4\ J46-ttr2 s.J. (408) 297-807r Portland (50)) 6t9-48t2

I 190 Lincoln Ave., San Jose, Calif.

600 a word, min. 25 words (25 words : $15). Phone number counts as one word. Address counts as six words. Headlines and centered copy ea. line; $4. Box numbers and special borders: $4 ea. Col. inch rate: $30. Names of advertisers using a box number cannot be released. Address all replies to box number shown in ad in care ofThe Merchant Magazine, 4500 Campus Dr., Suite 480, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660. Make checks payable to The Merchant Magazine. Mail copy to above address or call (714) 549-8393. Deadline for copy is the 22nd of the month. PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY COPY.


EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for person experienced in sales management. Our candidate must be a high achiever, with proven track record, capable of managing & motivating a team of salespeople. Salary plus incentive, car, expenses. Send resume with salary requirement to P.O. Box?A32, Palos Verdes, Ca.90274.

SUNRTSE Forest Products is looking for two sales persons. One for San Jose, Ca,, one for Sacramento. Ca. Inside distribution center sales. Prefer persons with following in these areas with ccnrmodity sales experience. Excellent company benefits. Potential to earn $30,000-$,10,000 per year. Contact John Souza (209) 521-6890 or send resume to P.O. Box 5254, Modesto, Ca. 95352.

ENSWORTH FOREST PRODUCTS needs experienced wholesale lumber salesman for direct T&T and carload sales to retail and industrial accounts. All replies confidential. Call Jerry or Ross Ensworth (9 | 6) 823-7 2lO.

HUNTER, WOODWORXS IS LOOXING FOR EXPERIENCED supervisors in the field of wooden pallets. Must have had experience working and supervising people in a pallet manufacturing operation. lst, 2nd, and 3rd shifts. Salary plus profit sharing, health and dental benefits. Paid vacations and holidays. Send resume to Hunter Woodworks, Inc., P.O. Box 4937, Carson, Ca.9O749.

OREGON lumber company seeks sales representatives in California. We're looking for aggressive people that know lumber and can sell it. We have the resources and facilities to support your sales. Compensation is salary plus commission and full health and dental insurance. Send resume to: Andersonia Forest Products, Inc., P.O. Box 1548, Medford. Or.97501.

INDUSTRIAL LUMBER salesman needed. Call or see Wm. Hunter, Hunter Woodworks, 1235 E. 223 St., Carson, Ca.9O745 (2r3) 77s-2s$.


Douglas Fir S4S and rough, 3x4 and wider and 4x4 and wider. Call Wm. Hunter, Hunter Woodworks. (213) '77 5-2544; (213 ) 83 5-s671

LOCAL LUMBER hauling Southern California roller bed truck and trailers and bobtails radio dispatched. Rail car unloading at our spur in Long beach. 3C Trucking (213) 422-M26.

86 The Merchant Magazine
Manufacturers and Distributors of Cedar, Redwood and Other Privacy Fencing Products NORTH PACIFIC LUMBER CO. P.O. Bor 3915, Portland, Oregon 97208 Toll Free 1€fi!547€440, in Oregon 231-1166, collect.


,n GGf Eltdrnr.9cHliri|Ll-t

Professional COI/BINY recru itinq.

Executiveiearch and placement.

E(p€rlencod s€rvicas in the search and place- m€nt of manag€m€nt personnel forttiefor€st products industry.

Your satisfaction is ootfuturo. Au fees em- ployer pald, ,/ P. O. Box 927 / Eugene, OR 97440 / (5031484- 7055

('l,ASSl !'ntcrtainmcnt lir vour clussv ,'rr:rriilrr ()ur uoo(l$in(l (lUiDlr.l l'l.rrr mLrsic ll'onr thc ninetccnth ccntLrrr. ('all (714) 646-6788

BUILDERS SUPPLY with pre-hung door shop and sectional door franchise. Established 22 yrs. Ca. North Coast hunting and fishing country. Yrly sales exceed $2 mil. Price of $1.3 mil. includes I acre with 2100 sq. ft. door shop. Retail store 13,000 sq. ft. on 2.5 acres is leased. HAE Business Div. (707) 546-0165.


HALF PRICE OFFIR for l0 or more subscriptions to The Merchant Magazine. when paid in advance. You and your employees can enjol,and benefit from The Merchanr Magazine for one year for only S3 per subscription. That's a 500i saYing over our standard S6 per year rate, which is a real bargain in itself.

Use this special bulk rate subscription to make sure that the key people in your organization are assured of' keeping up with industry developments as well as gleaning the merchandising and management information they need to do a better job.

IVH'/ lS lT u nrun wakcs up in tltc morlurls allcr slceping undcr an lclvertlscd blunkct orr an advcrtiscd nrattress ancl prrlls ol'l' udvertisc-d pa.jalnas. Takcs a bath in un udvcrtised tutr. silrvcs with an advcrtised nrzor. sashc-s uitlt ln atlvcrtisecl \oltl). l)rrts ot.l advertiscci clothcs. sits dorrrr to brcakfast of udvcr tiscrl coftic. l)uts or) lrn advertiscd lrtt. riclcs to his ol'ficc in an udvcrtiscd car, rirites uith lrn :rdr.crtiscd ltcncil I hcn. he refuses to uclvcrtise, saying rtivcrtising docsn't P1ly. and thcn. if a ltusirttrss isn't good otorrglr to advcrtisc . hc advcrtiscs il lirr sale.

Il'you bchcvc in torrr busincss lnd wanl to build it ,\DVERTISE.

i:ii:iit:ii:liii:lii:i:::::i:ii:ii:!:!:ii:i:j::ii:i:i:!i:i:i:ii :::!!iii:::i:i::i:tiiit:ii:iii:ii::iiiiii:iiltii:::tii
June,1981 j::::::::::::i::::::::::::::::i::::::::r:::::jir::::;:;:::::i::::::::::::i::::j::::i::::i::i::i:::::::::::::::il
87 r- ----l ffirsrFrED AD'ERT'TNG I Order Blank i I NcmoStrtc ZipCOPY PAYI\II.,NT I\IT ST A('('ONIPANY ('OPY. fJ Assign a bor numb* and mailmy rcplicr daily. TO RUN: -TIMES TILL FOREIDDEN Mail to: 4500 Campus Dr., Suite +90 Newport Beach, Ca. 92660



LU][8EB Al{0 P|-YWooD

Al Peirce Company

American Foresl Products Co. (Ce(rlos)

American Foresl Producls Co. (Van Nuys)

American Hardwmd Co

Burns Lumber Co

Capital Lumber Co.

Connor Lumber Sales


Crwn Dislflbulron Cenler

lholey Forest Co.. Inc.


FarwestFirSales... (213) 629-5206

Frr & Pine Lumb€r Co.

Fountain Lumber Co.. Ed


Galleher Hardwood Co.

Georgia-PacificCorp....... (213) 968-5551


Hrll Lumber Co., Max .

Hull Lumber Co.

HunterWoodworks... (213) 835-5671

lnland Lumber Co.

Johnslon Hardwood. Inc.

LaneStantonVanceLumberC0. ... ....

LarryLarsonLumberCo..... (714) 821'8100

Louisiana-Pacilic Corp..

Mac8eath Hardwood

Marquarl-Wolle Lumber Co.

Nical Inc.

osgood Inc., RoberlS........


Pacific Madison Lumbet Co. . .(213\ 773'2292


knberthy Lumber Co.

Peteman LumberCo...

Philips Lumb€r Sales


PSF, Inc.

Rel Lumber Seryice.

Shaw Lumber Co.

Srmmons Hardwood Lumber Co.

Simpson Euilding Supply ......

Soulh gav Forest Products

Southwe6t Foresl Industries. (21 3) 686'l 560


Sumwood. Inc.

Sunrise Foresls Products. Co.

United Wholesale Lumber Co.

Virginh Hardwood Co

Wendling-Nathan Co.


American ForeslProduclsCo.

Bonninolon Lumbcr Co.

guildin0 Material oislribulors

Beaverlumber Co.

calilornia Bav Euildino Suoolv Co.

Calitornia Foiesl Prod-ucls. .'.

Calilornia SuqEr & Weslern Pine Agency.

Calilornia Suoar & Weslern Pine A0encv.

Cailornia We-slern Wholesale, Inc:

The Flecto Co.

Floor Seryice SuDDlv {San Jose)

ceorqia-Pacilic Cdri.



Rainlree Lumber

Reddino Lumber Transood

Schallei Foresl Producls (916) 244'2200

Web Lumber Co.


Loursiana-Pacrlic Corp


J.H. Blevins Co.. lnc

8-uildina SuoDlv Co.


vallev Wesl Lumber Sales


Pacilic Wood Preservino ol

Bakerstield, Corp. {800) 582-3950


Masonrle Weslern Lumber Div.




Bowman Lumber Sales

G&R Lumber Co.

RolandoLumber {Kinlon orv.).

RoundsDist.Cenler. .....(707) 433-4816


CallornE Redwood Sabs


LeBeck Foresl Products

Loui$ana-Pacrlic CorD..


North &v Forest Producls

Novo Trmber Producls. lnc

San Antonio Pole Const. Co.

South Bav Foresl Products

Standard'Slruclures. .....(707\ 544'2982

Tnnitv Foresl Products

Windsor Mrll, Inc


Selma Pressure Trealino Co.

STAI{DAN|, Loursiana-Pacrlic Corp. ( Sonora div. )

Unnn Foresl Producls


American Forest Producls Co


Unron Forest Producls



C,rler Foresl Producls

Coast Wood Preseryin0, Inc

Foresl Prod. Transoorlation {707) 462-3852

Louisiana'Pacilic CorP..

WEE|l Siskiou Forest Products



Litile Lake Industries


Weslern Wmd Treating, Inc.


Flintridg€ Lumber Sales. Inc

FountainLumberCo.. Ed.

Freeman&Co., Slephenc

FremontForeslProducls ...


Golding Lumber Sales.


lnland Lumber Co.

lnternational Forest Products. Inc.

JohnstonHardwood. Inc.

Knollwood Corp.

KoDoersco., Inc.......

LaminatedTimberSeNices, Inc.

Lumbercommodiliesoo.. Inc.

Mac8€ath Hardwood

Manoouerconlrol, Inc. ....

Mariher's Forest Products

Marquarl-Wolfe Lumber Co.. (7,|4) 998-121


Sottwood Sales. Inc.

88 The Merchant Magazine BUVERS'ffiUItOE
Georoia-Paciirc CorD. {San Jose) Goldi}-n Gete Lumber Co. Hiooins Lumber Co. {San Jose) Hi6dins Lumber Co {Union Citv) Hi66ins Lumber Co. lwalnul Cieek) Hobts wall Lumber Co.. lnc. AREA (707) 829-2333 1408\ 779-2125 i415) 261-1600 797-2351 635-4555 737-91 00 727-6211 930-921 5 465-2658 342-4178 646-1303 462-4000 637-7455 280-0222 352-5100 297-7800 933-7300 243-3120 471 -4900 938-9300 479-7222 454-8861 637-5841 843-4390 637-7455 344-9224 985-1 545 227-5152 582-7622 779-7354 351-5577 727-3222 727-3333 524-9595 Trinily Forest Products Wasco Products. Inc. While Brothers Bel-AirDoor0o....... Caruedooors,lnc..... Hioorns Lumber Co.. J.E La-mion Lumber Co. MacBeath Hardwood PacilicLumberCo..... Paramino Lumber Co. Wendling Nalhan Co. Calilornia Lumber Inspection Seryice Calilornia Redwood Assn. Calilornia Relail Hardware Assn. Casella Transportation Dataline Corp. ldaco..... Redwood lnsoection Service StarboardSvslemscroup Triad Systerirs Corp. Union Pacific Railroad.
(213) 680-0874 (213) 926-2346 (213) 873-1348 (213) 749-4235 (213) 981-8750 (21 3) 625-0837 (213) 574-1561 (21 3) 834-5261 (213) 598-9675 (213) 336-1261 (213t 723-1147 (213) 592-1327 (213) 921-941 1 (213) 583-1381 (213) 723'9643 (213) 7s2-3796 (213) 686-1580 (213) 587-7064 (213) 723-0551 \213\ 773-4U6 \213) 775-2544 (213) 445-4950 (213) 926-0958 (213) 968-8331 (213) 598-6651 (21 3) 94s-3684 (213) 723-3301 (21 3) 625-1494 (213',t 724-0820 (213) 382-8278 (2r3) 287-0497 (213) 86r-6701 (213) 624-1891 (213) 583-4511 (213) s8s-8657 (805) 495-r083 (213) 687-3782 (21 3) 625-8133 (2131 232-5221 (213) 865-3455 (213) 685-s880 (213) 926-6619 (213) 860-7791 (213) 330-7451 (2r3) 263-6844 (213) 645-5870 (213) 437-2901 (213) i26-r113 (213) 358-4594 (21 3) 283-9078 (415) 697-1897 i4151 697-1897 14151. 824-8744 {4r5) 543'1530 1415\ 647-0772 (4r5) 771-4700 (415) 421-s190 (41 5) 781-5363 Kelleher Lumb€r Sales Leatherback lnduslries, Inc. MacBealh Hardwood Mission Forest Producls Niesen-Ward Forest Prod. . . (4081 779-2147 Novo Timber Products. Inc. oaklevPlywood&ooors. P.R.0.D.Wholesale 0islnbulors. Redwood EmDire, Inc. Rolando Lumber Co.. Inc. SimDson Buildino Suoolv Co SimbsonTimberto. TrianoleLumberCo. TREATED LUIIIBER_POLES-PILINGS-TIES J.H. Baxter&Co. (415) 349-0201 Koooersco..lnc.. {415)692-3330 Mddormick & Baxter Creosoting C0. (41 5) 982-4qqq wendlingNalhanCo... ... (415)781'5363 SPECIAL SERVICES-TRAt{SPORTATIOI{ 408 415 415 415 415 415 4't 5 415 408 4t5 {9r6) 244-4329 19161 241-8193 (800) 822-9652 (91 6) 246-3383 (9r6) 624-4525 297-N7l 392-7880 552-0536 632-4460 332-r426 465-21 1 2 392-7880 349-0585 734-9720 421-6030 (209) 896-1234 (209) 532-7141 (209) 465-4711 (209) 948'3161 (209) 946-0282 (209) 465-471 1 (707) 468-5486 {707) 468-9329 (707) 468-0141 (707) 462-5313 (707) 462-4791 (916) 938-2771 (707) 549-5595 (707) 459-s395 (916) 666-1261
TREATED tUTEER-POUS-PILII{GS-TIESKoppersCo.,lnc....... (?19) q?4-!gz6 Sah Antonio Construction (213) 694-8361 ASCATA/EUNEXA/FORTUI{A Bracullnternalional Criln Redwood Co. Eel
River Sawmrlls
ffedwood Mla. Co.
& Wriohl
707 707 707 707 707 707 707 707 707 822-3648 725-6147 725-5123 822-4891 443-751 1 822-1724 822-0371 822-0371 822-1779 (805) 833-0429 (707) 485-8731 (916) 345-9717 (707) 894-2575 (707\ 894-4241 (707) 894-4281 (707) 894-3362 (916) 824-5427 (707) 864-1711 (i07) 964-0281 (707) 964-6377 (707) 964-4716 {41 5) 796-3670 (41s) 657-6363 (91 6) 273-7258 (209) 826-6544 (209) 667-1000 (209) 521-6890 (916) 222-3034 19161 533-1515 (916) 365-0147 (9r6) 243-2814 (9161 527-4343 (916) 246-3030 (9161 365-2771 (916) 244-1427 707) 252-6142 707) 542-2933 707.| 544-2090 7071 542-0820 707) 528-6680 707) 546-4800 707) 433-6937 7071 545-6060 9161 473-5381 707) 433.3313 800) 862-4936 707) 829-2333 7071 546-6373
NewporlPlaning irill, Inc. Pacilic Coast Lumber Remanulacturing, Inc.
Lumber Co.
Lumber Co.
oRllloE, RIYERSIDE & slx BERxaRDlllO COUllrlE3 Acesaw&supply (Z!1) q9?q9qt Adms&C0. (714) 627-0961 AlPeifce0o.. ......l.7141752-0472 745-300 1 929-3191 929-9525 971-1811 922-8861 381-5034 452-5671 481-4444 927-2727 372-6920 381-4242 488-6170 966-9535 666-1 991 331-7112 485-5348 (7r4) 998-8680 (714) 991-7770 17141 829-7171 i714i 824-3400 (714) 5A-7790 (714) 633-0802 (714) 521-8610 (714) 637-s350 (714) 498-6700 (714) 986-4466 (714) 495-0806 (714) 966-1099 (714) 972-9107 (714) 673-3500 (714) s21-7500 (7r4) 634-4641 (714) 898-9777 (7r4) 989-r881 (7r4) 783-0021 (7141 627-7301 (714) 826-3090 (714) 783-2900 (714) 524-0850 (714) 947-9020 (714) 788-8870 (714) 994-6240 (714) 493-2301 (714) 751-0800 (714) ss8-2855 (7141 783-1787 (714) 623-6361 (714) 546-906r 17141 622-3752 (714) 627-0953 (714) 829-3466 Producl Sales Co. Reel Lumber Seruhe. RolandoLumberSales.lnc. RoyForeslPtoductsCompany SanAntonioConstruction ..... Shaw Lumber Co. Simpson Building Supply SoulhBavForeslftoducts. ..... Sunrise F-orcst Products Co. Trealed Pole Builders, Inc. ..... Tweedv Lumber Co. American Mill & Manulacluring Baker Hardwood Burns Lumber Co. Fishman & Attiliates FountainLumb€rCo.. Ed. The GF Company Georgia-Pacilic CorP. Inland Lumber Co. Lane Stanton Vance Llmb€r Co. ViroiniaHardwoodCo. weitern Wood Pres€ruers Institute OREATER EAX DIEOO REA All Cost Forest Products American Foresl Producls Co. American Hardwod Co American Mill& Manulacturino Architectural Moulding Co. Buildino Material oistribulors Inc. Burns Llmber Co. Calilornia Lumber Inspection Seryice Caoital Lumber Co. Cardwoll Forest Products Catroll Moulding Co. . ConntrLumbersales, Inc............. Crfln tlislribution Center............. oabline CorD.. 0MK-Pacilic CorD. oudl€y Building Compments Essley & Son, D.c. FarWest Fir Sales Fir & Pine Lumber Co. (714) 627-85s1 (714) 875-1550 (714) 953-s464 (7r4) 420-7343 (714) 64r-4036 (714) 523-6521 (714) 770-9923 (714) 546-5512 ... . (714) s91-4861 (714) 879-5911 (714) 898{433 (714) 874-3100 (714) 998-6500 (714) 581-5s55 (714) 957-1872 (714) 821-4610 .... (714) 994-1931 (714) 842-6681 (714) 527-2011 (714) 420-i343 (714) 263-8102 (714) 474-8337 (714) 4E5-7500 (714) 972-9107 (714\ 273-3750 (714) 262-995s (714) 832-0600 (7r4) 462-7937 (714) 271-6890 (714) 455-7560




Lowis Co. Inc., Palmo; G.

NEt-UXSlt r

JorstsdtlumborCo.,lnc. .


LowisCo.. Inc.. PelmorG. ..




Lswis Co.. lnc.. Palmor G,


Simpson Building Supply Co.

LACEY Lswis Co.. lnc.. Palm6r G.


Union Pacific Raikoad


HycapArnerica. Inc.


Bol Air 0oor/Alpine Veneers. Inc.

Goor0h-Pacitic Corp.

Lawis Co.. Inc.. hlmer G.

Simpson Timb6r Co.

union Pacific Railroad



Simpson Building Supply Co.


Georgh-Pacilic Corp.

Lewis Co.. Inc.. hlmer G.

Union Pacilic Raikoad

T CorA


8€l Air Door/AlDin€ Ven6ers. Inc.

Eurns Lumber Co.

Georoia-Pacilic Coro.

LewiaC0.. lnc.. PalmsrG. AlaskaDiv.

Louisiana Pacilic Corp.

McFarhndoascade........ (800) 426-8430

Union Pacitic Railrmd



WALl.tW tll

Union Pacilic Raikoad

wEx Tclt€E

LewisCo.. lnc.. PalmerG.


Lewis Co., Inc.. Palm€r G.


Willmetlelndustries. Inc. .....


Union Pacilic Railroad

c00s BAY

CoosHeadLumber&P1yw00d ....


Sonninoton Lumber Co.

Mary'siiverLumberC0.. (503) 752-0218



B€l Air omr/Alpine Veneers. Inc.

Bohemh, lnc.. (800) 547-6065

Euoene-Willamette Lumber Co.

Fliilfldge Lumber Sales

FremontForeslProducts .. ..

Georo6 Pacrlic Coro.

Hirt &wmd LumberCo... .(800) 547-8927

LewisCo., lnc., Palmerc.

Lumber Producls

McFarland Cascade

oregon Cedar Products....

0regon McKen2ie Lumber Pr0ducts C0.

PSF. lnc.

Rdlando Lumber Co.



Kinzua Corp


hrmapost Ptoducls Co

t(ut^Tlt FAtLs

Lumber Products


Simon, Crablree. & Ryan


gyrneTrucking.. ..........(800) 547-9655


Lumber Products

Union Pacilic Bailroad

onEATEn mnltilo AnEA

AlDinelnlernalional Corp....

J.H. Baxter&Co.

Bel Air Door/Alpine

Veneers, Inc. (800) 547-6755

ContactLumberCo......... (503) 228-7361

Danl&Russell, Inc......... (800) 547-1943

oahlinecorp.. ........


FriesenLumberCo. (503) 397-1700

Gmrgia-Pacitic Corp.

Hamplon Lumber Sales Co.


Louishna-Pacitic Corp

Louisiana-PacilicCorp.(Beaverton).. ...

Lumber Products

Mc0ormick & BaxterCreosolingCo......

NiedermeyerMartin C0..... .(800) 547-6952

NizichHardwoods, Inc.

North Pacific LumberCo. (800) 547'8440

NonhwestHardwoods, lnc. . ..


Sunrise Forest Products C0.. {800) 547'1771


Western Inlernational Forest Products. .. (800) 547-5744



Herberl Lumber Co.


Keller Lumber Co.



SlaytonWood Producls...



Lewis Co., Inc., Palmer G. WEIIDLII{G Wendling.NathanCo..lnc.


Georgh.Pacilic Corp.



Reid &Wright, Inc.......

c0t0n^00 sPRrl{8s

Therma-Tru, Inc.


RwSoecialties. Inc.


D€nver Reseruo Supply Co.

Georgia-Pacitic Corp.

KoopersCo., Inc.......



G[ l{D JUl{CTto]l

R W Specialties, Inc.


Georgia-Pacilic corp.





Montana Pole&Treating Plant

Union Pacific Railroad.


Louisiana-Pacilic Corp

LewisCo., Inc., PalmerG.

c sPEn wYonlro

Dresm Wyoming.

Georoia-Pacilic CorD.


Georgia-Pacitic Corp.


Mdcbeath tlardwood.

Union Pacilic



LouisBnaPacilicCorp.(Coeurd Alene)...

Lumber Producls


Union Pacilic Railroad.




union Pacilic Railroad


McFarland Cascade



June,1981 89 G U!EE
ocDElt uTAll
Railroad. (206) 941-2600 (206) 734-9901 (206) 373-1475 12061 252-2114 (206) 486-2764 (206) 622-0320 (206) 491-3800 (206) 425-7300 {206) 883-7100 (503) 779-8151 (503) s35-1526 (503) 773-3696 (503) 773-5388 (503) 221-0440 (s03) 689-3020 (503) 221-0440 (800) 547-1036 (503) 221-r644 (503) 645-8986 (503) 256-4710 (503) 224-7317 (503) 222-5561 (503) 29i-7691 (503) 644-8871 (503) 221-0800 (503) 643-4861 (503) 223-8171 (503) 286-8394 (503) 287-2411 (503) 297-1i64 (503) 231-1 166 (503) 248-9200 (503) 684-0440 (s03) 297-4551 (503) 288-8221 (206) 581-0423 (206) 486-074r (206) 937-8000 (206) 292-5000 (206) 623-6933 (206) 4s4-7905 (206) 426-2671 (509) 535-2947 (509) 534-2676 (s09) 747-3165 (503) 648-4156 (503) 884-7761 (503) 635-3641 (303) 443-4388 (303) 591-0s50 (303) 825-3336 (303) 892-5s88 (303) 623-5101 (303) 534-6191 (303) 759-0455 (303) 373-0829 (303) 24s-6386 (406) 24s-3136 (406) 587-5181 (406) 792-0438 (406) 792-2389 (406) 728-4770 (406) 721-2630 (307) 266-4554 (801) ZE 749 (801) 486-9281 (801) 972-5656 (801) 484-7616 (801) 363-1544 (206) (206) (206) 693-361s (509) s29-1610 (206) 662-21 1 1 (206) 248-0730 (503) 926-7771 (503) 383-1901 (503) 267-2193 (503) 752-0123 (5031 752-0122 (s05) 676-9003 565-6600 581 -0423 581-1414 383-4578 922-8333 383-2424 572-3033 272-2275 (503) 64r-0000 (503) 874-2241 (503) 874-2236 (503) 672-6528 (503) 581-0226 (503) 362-9490 (503) 620-1 s70 (s03) 620-1411 (503) 772-7063 (208) 343-4963 (208) 345-0s62 (208) 667-8441 (208) 375-7487 (208) 343-646s (208) 345-4140 (208) 743-2524 (208) 232-44s0 1206) 263-2141
AI{CHOBAOE Atrow Lumber LewisCo., Inc., PalmerG. SEUANO Louisiana-Pacific Corp HAWIil 1r0l{0Lut u 8el Air Door/Kingman Co. (Kingoco) Koppers Co., Inc. Reid & Wright, Inc SimDen Timber. Effi SOUTHWEST ffi1Lr{*,''.lT-ffii PltoEl{x AnEA aRlzo}lA American Forest Pr0ducts Co. .602) 272-9321 Capilal Lumber Co. (602) 269-q225 FremonlForestProducts (602) 942-7398 oeorgia-Pacific Corp. (602) 939-1 41 3 Goettl'sMetalProducls (m2) 964-1451 IndustrialMehlProducts........ (602) 275-7581 Mallco oistributors. (m2) 252-4961 In Az. (800) 352-5530 our ol Az. (800) 528-4046 S0ulh Bav Forest Producls (602) 953'1416 sourhweatForesllndustries. {602) 279-5381 speciartyForeslProducls....... (60?) ?Q1-?Fq SDellmanHardwoods ..1602)272'2313 virainia Hardwood Co. (602) 252'681 8 wa-sco (Snvder Sales) {602) 939-8306 TUCS0rl AmericanForestPr0duclsCo. {602) 623'5832 wickesLumber {602)888-2810 LAs vEGAs tlEYADl Lumber Sales. Inc. Pelerman Lumber. Inc.. NETO Capilol Hywood. Inc HigginsLumberco..JE. Ponderosa Wholesale Union Pacilic Railr€d ltEw
AI-SUOUEROUE Capital Lumber Co. Georgia.Pacrftc Corp. Juslus Lumber Sales Louisiana-Pacilic Coro. (800) 545-6372 Lealherback Induslfles Southwestlnsul-bead.......(505) 243-0666 (s03) 342-3663 (s03) 686-0282 (503) 342-6262 {503) 689-1521 (503) 726-1841 (503) 686-2911 (s03) 345-4356 (503) 686-281 5 (503) 485-1303 (503) 687-0411 (503) 689-1 277 (503) 746-2502 (503) 484-2292 (503) 342-6579 (503) 686-1178 (503) 345-8461 {808) 737-3194 (907) 274-651 1 lw?) 272-2471 (907) 224-5268 (808) 841-7373 (808) 682-5704 (808) 395-7911 (808) 536-6508 (702) 873-5400 (702) 733-401 1 (702) 329-4494 (702) 331-3033 (702) 322-2196 (702) 323-4881 \5051 877-7222 lfisl 242-2791 (505) 242-0666 (505) 873-051 1 (505) 242-s246 (505) 242-5373 oillPAllY RAILS POSTS 1x4's
ilEIIJITru;="' Quality Western Red Cedar sawmill at 4418 N.E. Keller Road.
5031672.6528 Roseburg, Or.97470
Sales Manager

Robert H. "Harold" O'Neil, cofounder of the Hemphill-O'Neil Lumber Co., Chehalis, Wa., died in that city of a stroke on April 14, 1981. He would have been 9l in July.

A resident of the Bucoda and Chehalis area for 52 years, he entered the lumber industry in l9ll after leaving the University of Oregon as an engineering major.

With Charles Peck he bought the Ridgefield Lumber Co. which they operated for several years as the Peck-O'Neil Lumber Co. He later joined with Allen C. Hemphill to form the Hemphill-O'Neil Lumber Co. He retired from this firm as chairman of the board.


Mr. O'Neil is survived by his widow, Josephine, three children, and six grandchildren.

Melvin A. Ries, manager of T.M. Cobb Co., San Diego, Ca., died of a heart attack in that city on April 18, 1981. He was 60 years old.

Active in Masonic organizations and the Lumber Association of Southern California, he also had been employed by Evans Products Co. and U.S. Plywood.

Mr. Ries is survived by his widow, Phyllis, and two sisters.

Phillip J. Stillwell, retired vice president and general manager of Hammond Lumber Co., southern division, died on April 10, 1981, in Santa Ana, Ca.

Mr. Stillwell, who was born in

The Merchant Magazlne

Appleton, Mn., in 1895, graduated from the University of Minnesota in 1920. He retired from Hammond Lumber Co. in 1960. A past president of the Southern California Lumber Association, he also served as a director for many years.

He is survived by his widow, Mildred, a brother, a son, and three grandchildren.

Elwin F. "Bud" Bucholz, inside salesman for Rolando Lumber Co., Inc., San Leandro, Ca., died May 4, 1981, in Oakland, Ca.

Born in Port Chicago, Ca., he was 60 years old. He had 39 years experience in the lumber business. He was with Rolando Lumber Co. of San Leandro, Ca., for 9 years.

He is survived by his widow, Irene, one daughter, and his mother.

ii*.:{.t}-liUr.t:,!ftti*.r:.i*sitiil$i.lilltlltrliitli.iil*liflililittll$.:[tt$li-11i,$ lTlr'tff?mnr:IER UE)U U UALu-l,-e;
nInlntEtDlTll@trtil@t AUU IIN L] L]UEL{Dtnnh?w |[\|ilt]t,(L llU L! r5l.A\ l:,,j,iliir#ilttttitiillttliliitlilill:ii:.i:.ilt+ii. Ace Saw & Supply 40 Agwood Mill & Lumber 62 All Coast Forest Products. 27 Al Peirce Co. 55 American Forest Products Corp. Cover II The Atrium Door.. 11 BelAirDoorCo...... 3 Beverly Manufacturing Co. 68 BlevinsCo.,J.H... 40 BowmanLumberSales... 6 Bracut International 65 Building Material Distributors 24 CaliforniaBayBuildingSupply ....... 52 California Forest Products 80 California Timberline, Inc.. 29 Coast Wood Preserving. 74 Crane Mills 59 Crown Redwood E3 3 C Trucking. 7E Daily Saw Service. 69 Dataline Corp. 43 DE Doors .......CoverIII DMK-Pacific 44 Doss, Inc.,Rich... 26 Easton Lumber, Inc. 20 Energy 81 65 Essley&Son,D.C,.. 5E
rLewis Co.. Inc.. Palmer G. 39 Little Lake Industries 90 Louisiana Pacific Corp. 11,41 MacBeath Hardwood 20 MallcoDistributors.... 4l Mariners Forest Products 12 Martin Forest Industries 34 Mary's River Lumber Co. 48 Masonite Corp 64 Mission Forest Products 66 Moulding Products, Inc. 11 MutualMoulding&LumberCo....... ?1 McFarlandCascade ......... 15 TheNikkelCorp... ......... 7 Norfield Sales & Service 76 North Bay Forest Products.... .. Ez North Pacific Lumber Co. 86 Pacific Forest Products 33 PaulBunyan LumbefCo. 14 Penberthy Lumber Co. 3E P€terman Lumber Co.. 28 Philips Lumber Sales. . 83 ProductSales.. 4 P.R.O.D. Wholesale U Quality Commercial Brokerage E4 Redding LurnberTransport ... .. . E0 RedwoodCoastLumberCo, 77 Reid&Wright, Inc. ... 75 Rolsndo Lumber Co. 49 Roy Forest Products ........ 62 RWSpecialties,Inc.... 60 SanAntonioPoleConstruction....... 32 ShawlumberCo. ..... 52 Siskiyou For€st Ploducts 36 Snider Lumber Products 63 South Bay Forest Products .. . 35 Slandard Structures. ,. ,CoverIV Stewart Hardwood Lumber Co 10 Sunrise Forest Products 81 TemcoFireplace...... 24 Trinity Forest Products 61 Union Forest Products E4 Yalley West Lumber Sales. 54 WaldronForeslProducts 6E WeblumberCo. tl I



We are now manufacturing Roy-Den architectural doon. Call us for all your institutional door prices. We want to be your institutional door manufacturer.


Six panel texture

Now available at DE Doors Inc. embossed door with a wood grain provides stile and rail look at our surprisingly low prices!

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This is the best quality door on the market! Call us for our competitive prices and immediate delivery.

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r- QUICK LAtll Extensive inventory or architecturally finished, glued laminated timbers, constant radius 1600 R, 2400 F, individually wrapped, cut to the lengths you request.


cusrom srued laminated timbers available in 4 weeks to your custom order understood and manufactured without shop drawings to ICBO 3327 specifications. Use Standard Lam where Quick Lam specifications do not fit job requirements.



\vE sTocK so vou DON'T HAVE TO.


In California, use this toll free number for fast service 800.862-4936

illill lAtfl Mini Lams are sized the same as conventional timbers, 2Vz" and 3%" widths. Available in commercial resawn appearance. Excellent for exposed joists, girders, rafters and headers. Available in inventory.

XL *4, the extra long, extra dry, structurat finger jointed dimension lumber, kiln-dried to 157o M.C. or less, lengths as needed up to 72' and no premium for extra lengths. For extra long joists, rafters and studs.

SOUD tAil rhe economicar stued laminated structural member for construction applications where performance counts, not appearance. Industrial Finish only, sizes comparable to 4X, 6X, and 8X. The low-cost alternative to solid sawn timbers for beams, headers, shoring, and supports. Available in inventory.

tAil TOP

A new consumer item, laminated, real wood for table tops, desk tops and shelves. Capitalize on the popular butcher block look.

I i. F r I I w. Pr' I & M:
ffnJtqndqrd llLJ Jtructuler lnc. Developing Better Ways to Build P.O. Box K, Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707 / 544 / 2982

Articles inside

,n GGf Eltdrnr.9cHliri|Ll-t

page 87

tl I-ITIllD /ill-iu flDttiULE\IU ELi ti LtL'l#{lU l_ljffiL!

pages 85-87


pages 83-84

Ebony: the wood of many colors

pages 78-82

lilorfield givesyou the fastest double end trim sawon the market today!

pages 76-77

Gedar's many uses

pages 72-76

5CI VEARS AGO fromn thc pagcs off

page 71

DaiVs sharp ideas come in all shapes and sizss.

pages 69-70


page 68

rts cut and dried ffiMWMM

pages 64-67


pages 58-63

NEW PRODUGTS and selected sales aids

pages 56-58

AnnualMulrooneymemorial award presented

pages 54-55


pages 47-53

ADMK-Pacific corp.

pages 44-46

You've got fhe top hond on Building Moferiols !

pages 41-44

g*. trsid

pages 37-41

cr:o SCTV1CC

pages 34-37


pages 32-33


pages 28-31


page 27


pages 25-26


pages 20-24


page 20


pages 18-19

Don't lose your cool over a cooling system

page 16

How to sell at home holidays

pages 14-15

Strong garden products market predicted

page 13

Major hardwood firm honored on its fiftieth birthday

pages 10-12

Lumber Dealer grows with area

pages 8-9


pages 5-7


pages 2-4
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