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Why Spiritual Connection Through Nature is Key and How to Find It

WITH WORK, KIDS, school, social obligations, and other responsibilities to balance, sometimes life can become overwhelming. Technology also exacerbates the issue. The modern world we live in is driven by cell phones, computers, and other forms of technology, and can make it hard to connect with nature if we are not intentional about doing so.

When was the last time you’ve gone for a walk through the park? Did you feel a connection to the Earth? And if you didn’t, have you ever? It’s easy to overlook spirituality in our lives, but it’s key to finding a balance in the chaos.


Humans are part of nature. Whether or not you’ve ever considered your role in nature, we intrinsically exist within it. Therefore, it’s normal to feel a connection, or pull, towards nature. Due to our busy, technology-heavy lives, we have become further removed from nature. By working toward restoring this spiritual relationship, we will feel more comfortable in our lives and with ourselves.

Do you feel like you’re falling behind or drowning in obligations and responsibilities? Do you worry that you aren’t being the best parent, employee, spouse, or self that you can be? By spiritually reconnecting with nature, you can help mend your fears and become more grounded in your existence. Life is overwhelming, but nature helps us remember the beauty and calmness of it. So, how can you get started in establishing a spiritual

connection with nature?


One of the best ways to connect with nature is to go for walks. Ideally, you can find a park or trail to walk down on. However, depending on where you live, you may only be able to walk around your neighborhood. As long as you’re getting outside, it counts! By mindfully noticing and embracing the trees, flowers, animals, and insects that you come across, you’ll feel more grounded and connected. Going for long walks outside also helps to reduce stress and promote mindfulness — things that we greatly benefit from.


If you can’t always get out and experience nature, why not bring nature to you? House plants are typically low maintenance, inexpensive to obtain and make your house look and feel wonderful. Plants bring a much-needed liveliness to your home, and by having them around, you may feel a stronger connection to nature in general.


We are one of many creatures on this planet, but sometimes it’s easy to lose sight of that. Instead of seeing ourselves as part of the Earth, we instead see ourselves as users of the Earth’s resources — and this causes problems for us and the planet itself. When you focus on your connection to the Earth, you have a much stronger sense of your role on this planet.

Start by noticing the little connections you see in nature. All animals play a role in maintaining

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FIESTA 2023 Issue Parish of the Holy Spirit, BF Homes, Quezon City May 2023

the ecosystem, and there is a powerful sense of togetherness within that. Instead of viewing yourself separate from nature, begin to notice your role in the ecosystem, too.


The best thing you can do for yourself and others is to embrace an open mind. Understand that the world is full of new perspectives that you may have never previously considered. As we grow up, we establish our own opinions and thoughts about certain things. By keeping an open mind,

you can embrace others’ opinions and accept them just as you do your own.

One of the most powerful ways to embrace spirituality is to understand your inherent connection to other humans. We all exist on this planet together, within it and through it. By keeping an open mind, you open yourself to a lifetime of fulfillment and spirituality through nature. (Reprinted from TP

Laudato Si’ summarized

Fast Facts

Proponent: Pope Francis

Level of Teaching Authority: Pastoral

Key Social Teachings: Human Dignity, Solidarity, Common Good, Universal Destination of Good, and Integral Care for all Creation

Audience: All Peoples of Goodwill [encyclios (Latin) circular]

Laudato Si’ is an encyclical letter on integral ecology - or the responsible care for God’s creation, which covers the natural environment and its stewards (human beings). It was given during the Solemnity of the Pentecost in 2015. The title, which was taken from the first two words of the encylical, is inspired by a line from St. Francis of Assisi’s Canticle of the Creatures: “Praise be to you, my Lord, through our Sister, Mother Earth, who sustains and governs us.” Laudato Si’ is categorized as a social encyclical for all peoples of goodwill, thanks to its ecumenical, interreligious, and intercultural tone and construction. The encyclical’s impact was felt when Pope Francis addressed the world leaders a few moments before the historic United Nations Sustainable Development Summit on September 25, 2015. Laudato Si’ and UNSDG have been inseparable ever since, especially when the UNSDG agenda, adopted by more than 150 world leaders, entered into force on January 2016.

What makes Laudato Si’ popular? The encyclical is divided into six chapters, and since it was primarily written in the language of natural law, anyone can finish it in one sitting. On a general note, Laudato Si’ follows the See, Judge/Discern, Act Methodology, or the Catholic pastoral process/cycle of reading, interpreting, and responding to social justice issues. The key insights per chapter are outlined below:


Title Summary Step in the Pastoral Cycle

I What is Happening to Our Common Home

A reading into the current environmental crisis and related problems such as pollution and climate change, water, loss of biodiversity, global inequality, and weak responses from the international political sectors.


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II The Gospel of Creation

A reading of the environmental issues in light of the faith, beginning from the gift and responsibility of stewardship and the interconnectedness and harmony of all forms of life in Jesus.

III The Human Roots of the Ecological Crisis

A deepening of the primary cause of the ecological crisis: stewardship that turned into anthropocentrism. The authority of stewardship hails from responsibility. Hence, human beings are authorized to care for the earth and fellow human beings according to the principles of the common good and the universal destination of goods. To use the resources of the earth and fellow human beings as means to an end is an outright abuse of the gifts of intellect and will.

IV Integral Ecology

A deepening on the primary effect of modern anthropocentrism: ethical and cultural degradation. To use the earth’s resources lavishly without thinking of its outcome to the poorest of the poor, the ecosystem, and the succeeding inhabitants is an outright injustice. All life forms are interconnected. The exploitation of the earth, regardless of the scale, affects everyone.

V Lines of Approach and Action

Calls for worldwide ecological movements from the civil society and religious groups and enforceable international agreements and conventions by the international and local authorities are mentioned, with particular attention to balancing priorities. Progress and development must not only benefit the political and economic sectors. If social and cultural sectors continue to be neglected, then integral human development is at risk.

VI Ecological Education and Spirituality

Changes in the mindset must accompany external changes. This lifestyle can be done through ecological education and spiritual conversion. Quality of life is not measured by what one has but what one chooses to be. Christians are especially called to metanoia, or a change in mindset, attitude, and behavior, according to what he/she is expected to be - a responsible steward who cares for the earth in the way God does. Through the covenant between humanity and the environment, a responsible steward reflects Christ evermore. We become free when we are responsible. The more we magnify God on earth, the more we become true to our nature and calling.

Laudato Si’s key teachings reverberate all the more in the present political, economic, and socio-cultural environments. It has become “prophetic” during the Covid19 pandemic. In the Philippines, especially in the Metro alone, the shortage of food and medical supplies and the increasing number of deaths sparked a metanoia - to refocus on what is essential to human flourishing: a deeper relationship with God and fellow human beings and respect for all forms of life.


A copy of Laudato Si’ is available at the Vatican Archive (website:

If you want your community to join the Laudato Si’ ecological movement, you may sign up at TP

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Holy Spirit: The Lord, the Giver of Life

ON MAY 28, 2023, our Holy Spirit Parish of B.F. Homes, Q.C. shall celebrate its Fiesta. As faithful Catholics, we joyfully prepare for this grace-filled event through 9 days of Novena Masses, which will culminate in a Solemn Mass, which our Bishop-Emeritus, the Most Rev. Antonio Tobias, D.D., shall preside. He will bestow the Sacrament of Confirmation to more than 20 of our youth, and our Parish Administrator will lead the renewal of our ministries and apostolates for all members and officers of the parish.

We are so blessed that our patron saint is God Himself – The Holy Spirit – the third Person of the Holy Trinity. For this reason, our feast coincides with the Solemnity of Pentecost – the Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and the Blessed Virgin Mary (cf. Acts 1:14, 2:1-13). It is, therefore, imperative for us to study and reflect more on the Person and mission of the Holy Spirit so that we can deepen our knowledge of Him and, in turn, be able to love and serve Him with all our heart and strength.

Every time we recite the Nicene Creed, we proclaim “I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of Life.” What does it mean?

First, the formula of faith calling the Spirit – the Lord declares that the Holy Spirit is not a mere creature but, rather, a Divine Person. He is the Lord God: “Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone!” (Dt 6:4). The Holy Spirit is God

because He is the very Spirit of God (cf. 1 Cor 6:11). He is the Spirit of both the Father and the Son (cf. Phil 1:19; Gal 4:6; 1 Pt 1:11).

Second, the formula of faith - the Giver of Life teaches us that since the Holy Spirit is God, we owe Him our life and existence. We exist and are breathing because of the Holy Spirit. He is the source and fountain of life and is the Creator of us all.

The Sacred Scriptures clearly teach that creation is a common divine work of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit because they are one God. Thus, the divine works arising from their divine nature are common to each of them. They are all Almighty, Eternal, All-knowing, and All-Encompassing. The Bible starts with the Book of Genesis, which opens with the declaration of the active presence of the Holy Spirit in the creation of the Universe: “In the beginning, when God created the universe, the earth was formless and desolate. The raging ocean that covered everything was engulfed in total darkness, and the Spirit of God was moving over the water.” (Gen 1:1-2 GNB). At the very beginning of the entire cosmos, the Holy Spirit was there touching the water and giving order to the entire material world. Thus, the faithful servant of God, Job, touchingly declares: “For the Spirit of God made me, the breath of the Almighty keeps me alive” (Job 33:4).

Moreover, the Holy Spirit is the one who sanctifies us: “…but now you have had yourselves washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God”

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(1 Cor 6:11). The Holy Spirit did that when we received the Sacrament of Baptism. He will also teach us all the truth: “But when He comes, the Spirit of truth, He will guide you to all truth.” (Jn 16:13). He is the source of all virtues such as wisdom, understanding, faith, and even the works of wonders such as healing and prophecies in the Church (cf. 1 Cor 12:4-11). He gave them to us in the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Let us, then, open our hearts to the presence of God’s Spirit. Let us allow Him to penetrate our souls and recreate us anew by making us a new creation in Christ (cf. Ezek 11:19-20; 2 Cor 5:17-21). Let us cast out deeds of darkness and put on Christ through His Spirit working in us as the same Spirit admonishes us: “Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light” (Eph 5:14). That light of Christ is the fire of the Spirit (cf. Acts 2:3-4).

When people open their hearts to the

From The Paraclete’s Fiesta Issue of 2015

inspiration of the Spirit, they become greater than their weaknesses and limitations. St. Peter and the apostles were ordinary fishermen, yet when they received the Holy Spirit, they became the best evangelizers of the Gospel. Mother Teresa, Padre Pio, and John Marie Vianney were old and weak, but they were able to do so much for the sanctification of souls because they were filled with the Spirit. The same will happen to each one of us if we let the Spirit take control of our life.

The Holy Bible ends with the Spirit of God inviting us: “Come! Let the one who thirsts come forward… receive the gift of life-giving water” (Rev 22:17). May we be able to respond to His call and say: “Here, I am, O Lord. I come to do Your will.”

May God the Father bless us with His Spirit.

Happy Fiesta to us all! TP

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I MEAN NOT only the weather but also the situation the Catholic community is in, in light of the raging spiritual warfare.

Heat is caused by exposure to high temperatures, exacerbated by high humidity. Its worse level is exhaustion, which can lead to heatstroke, a life-threatening condition. Fortunately, heat exhaustion is preventable. Unlike the overheating of our soul, when we lose track of its trajectory. Because waylaid by the enticements and (wicked) entrapments of the devil. The only antidote to the absence of good is the presence of goodness itself, Christ. Still, even with Christ in us, evil does not relax its watch for opportunities to ensnare those who are especially devout.

The Satanic Convention in Boston was one such observance. Hyped (as early as December 2022) as the largest gathering ever of Satanists all over America (thank God), the much-touted heavy turnout garnered 800-strong (their press release) attendees, surpassed by numerically half of the Chinese blockbuster eponymous movie. I will not waste ink and space to describe what went on in that weekender. Suffice it to say that God spared us from the consequences its effect might have engendered, had it been the blockbuster that it was touted to be.

Because the Archdiocese of Boston issued a timely precaution that the convention could be disturbing for people of faith yet urged Catholics not to protest, a bishop wrote in an email to church members: "The balance is between countering its intended evil effects, and drawing attention to it, and making it more prominent. To that end, we ask you to not organize or encourage any of your parishioners to go to the event to protest. It will only fuel the hate of those who support it and feed the media with images. Rather than protest in person, we hope to storm the heavens with prayer." Which made a lot of spiritual sense. Or else, those who may have been inclined to be there (if only to object) would’ve been counted as sympathizers, and upped the headcount.

CBN’s Senior Writer Billy Hallowell interviewed Missionary Musician Sean Feucht who said that in the middle of the convention, nearly 100 were converted to Christianity, a miracle that confirmed John 1:5’s “Darkness is Scared of Light.” Feucht said that, in spite of the headlines Satanists made for tearing up a Bible and other antics at the Boston event, something far more inspirational unfolded around it: souls were saved. He added that there was an “amazing community of ministries and a network of churches” and other leaders who coordinated evangelistic outreaches in the area. Seemingly and silently, the alternative was also employed by the generally Catholic Philippine population, with favorable results. The prayerful faithful did storm heavens quietly and effectively. There was no need for fire-and-brimstone rhetoric or hysterics to convince the community of kneeling down in supplication for support against the adverse ripples of the conference. There was not even a murmur of the malevolent milestone in gatherings of import. Thankfully, storming heaven must’ve greatly helped ease the Russia-Ukraine conflict, similar to the consecration of the former way back, confirming the potency of prayer, particularly when collectively lifted.

And, just recently, Leila de Lima’s chances at acquittal are gaining momentum and her dismal 6 years of incarceration will soon be a dark memory. Light is on its way.

The initial downpours of the merry (albeit scorching) month of May are showing signs of intensifying. As fervid as the daily floral offering, and other activities of the parish community, in veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary. When the May Flower culminates on Pentecost, the Holy Spirit Fiesta of BF Homes, the faithful shall have been reassured that June will usher a refreshing boon of rainfall and rainbows, the heat of its predecessor, albeit still a benediction of sorts, a faint, benevolent whiff already. Amen. TP

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With the prolonged stay of Fr. Mar Sanchez in the hospital, Bishop Roberto O. Gaa, DD, has appointed our former Parish Priest, Fr. Jerome (Jigs) Rosalinda as Parish Administrator. Fr. Abe Arganiosa remains the Parochial Vicar of the Parish.

In his first meeting with the Parish Pastoral Council, Fr. Jigs explained that Fr. Mar’s hospitalization makes it difficult to see stability in the Parish, despite the good work of Fr. Abe Arganiosa as Parochial Vicar. That is why Bishop Gaa deemed it fit to appoint a Parish Administrator. He clarified that Fr. Mar remains the Parish Priest. He elaborated that Pastoral care of souls has 2 different aspects: the Administration of the Sacraments and the Care of temporal goods. In ordinary circumstances, these are rolled into the office of the Parish Priest but in his absence, or at the discretion of the Bishop, these may be given to different Priests. He said there is no need to define the distinction of these aspects now. Finally, he said he and Fr. Abe will work together towards the objective of stabilizing the Parish. This is a very temporary arrangement and the Bishop can pull him out anytime.


Bishop Gaa has asked the faithful of the Diocese to help replenish the funds meant to cover the hospitalization of its Priests. The Parish is participating in this endeavor and has so far raised more than P400K from generous Parishioners. This was turned over to the Chancery of the Diocese.

This does not include funds directly deposited to bank accounts the Bishop has specified like the proceeds of the Homeowners Association’s Garage Sale on March 11-12, 2023 which generated P208,455.

The fund raising for the Diocese is continuing. The Parish remains open to receive donations from the Parishioners.


The Parish used to have 3 Chapels - The Sto. Niño de Leyte along Commonwealth Avenue has been turned over to the Jesus of Nazareth Parish while the Chapels of the Immaculate Conception in North Susana Executive Village and our Mother of Perpetual Help in New Intramuros Village have become a Quasi-Parish. Before the decla-

ration as a full-pledged Parish, Fr. Marlou Le-

maire has been designated its Administrator.

The Holy Spirit Parish now exclusively covers BF Homes Subdivision.


The Parish continues to look for fresh batches of Parish workers. For everyone’s information, the Church has 3 main Ministries: 1) The Worship and Liturgy Ministry; 2) The Growth in Faith Ministry; and 3) the Social Action Ministry.

The Worship and Liturgy Ministry is composed of the Mother Butler Guild, Music, the Ministry of the Word (under which banner are the Young Proclaimers at the 10 AM Mass), the Altar Servers, Ushers and Collectors, and the EMHC (the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion).

This Ministry is focused on the Eucharistic Celebrations: Worship is the basic function of the faithful and the liturgy is the tool for that worship.

The Growth in Faith Ministry is composed of the LOM (Legion of Mary, with its 2 Presidia, the Annunciation and the Tower of Ivory [which is oriented towards the youth]); the Divine Mercy Apostolate; the Apostleship of Prayer; PREX (the Parish Renewal Experience); Youth (the Parish Youth Ministry); Vocations; Social Communication and Media Ministry; Bible Apostolate; and Ecumenism. This Ministry is focused on formation whose activities are designed to strengthen our faith.

The Social Action Ministry is composed of the DMI (Daughters of Mary Immaculate) and KC (the Knights of Columbus). This Ministry is focused on the poor as the empowered partners of the Church in alleviating their social conditions.

The BEC (Basic Ecclesial Community) and Stewardship (Balik-Handog) are special Church Ministries.

Indeed, many are the options for service. The Parish especially calls the YOUTH to start their service early. TP

The Digital Edition of The Paraclete (in full color) can be accessed via Facebook @Holy Spirit Parish-BFQC.

You may search this page for our past issues. Please visit this page for more Parish information and posts. Thank you.

FIESTA 2023 Issue The Paraclete 7 TIDBITS

Homeowners Elect New Board of Directors (The New Officers and Committees)

ON FEBRUARY 20, 2023, the residents of BF Homes elected the 2023-2025 Zone Directors in a whole day event at the BF Clubhouse. The Election Committee was composed of Attys. Emmanuel Tamase, Gerardo Ramiro, and Ramil Esguerra. The new Directors took their Oath of Office on March 1, 2023 before Holy Spirit Barangay Captain Lydia Ballesteros (photo below) and on the same day, they elected the new officers and committee heads, as follows:

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Zone Directors Officers Committees 10 Dir. MA. MELISSA R. DIMSON -BAUTISTA President 1 Dir. CIPRIANO M. VICENTE 1st Vice-President Infrastructure 13 Dir. IMELDA I. ELIDO 2nd Vice-President 11 Dir. ANGELO GERARDO C. VALERA Auditor 12 Dir. NILA S. SANTIAGO Treasurer 14 Dir. PERLA J. AGUDA Secretary 2 Dir. ROBERT VICTOR G. SEARES, Jr. Security 3 Dir. MA. CRISTINA D. FELICIANO Special Events Committee 4 Dir. MA. JOCELYNE S. CORTES Sports Committee
Dir. SALVADOR P. OSEA, Jr. Maintenance 6 Dir. DINO T. FRANCISCO
Dir. ROMEO M. SALCEDO 8 Dir. EDGARDO G. ACUÑA Wellness, Health and Seniors Committee 9 Dir. JAIME G. CARINGAL Bids and Awards Committee

Community-Building Ministry

THE COVID 19 pandemic impacted heavily on our society and the BF Homes community was not spared. Most, if not all community-building-inspired structures either dwindled or disappeared. The village people are still panicky and the daily dialectics among friends and neighbors often result in broken communication, if not relationships. It is apparent that a divisive spirit has been lurking over the territory.

Dreams and aspirations still pervade among the elderly, the less fortunate, and folks who have savored the beauty, peace, unity, and strong bonds of friendship in the past. It will be difficult to bring back the old glory but a small, idealistic group, with a common goal of rebuilding the community, working under one Ministry, would be a big step towards the arduous task of attaining this. In Matthew 12:23, the Lord said, “As for what was sown in good soil, this is the one who hears the words and understands it. He indeed

bears fruit, and yields, in one case, a hundredfold, in another, sixty and, in another, thirty.”

Volunteerism is a strong conviction that defines the character of a person. The trumpet has been sounded for the faithful to work in God’s vineyard. The first set of well-meaning volunteers assembled at the BF Homes Forest Park on Sunday, May 7, and organized themselves to be the “Environmental Wellness Team” now better known as the “Nature Park Lovers Society.” We, in the BF Homes Community-Building Ministry, rely confidently on God’s promise, proclaimed by St. Paul in his first letter to the Corinthians, that reads: “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit, and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord, and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them in everyone”.” God’s promise never fails and, in His perfect time, love and unity will once again reign in BF Homes.

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HOA Director Edong Acuña (in orange shirt), overall coordinator of the Wellness, Health and Seniors Committee (top photo is its logo), leads homeowners who have affiliated with sub-group Nature Park Lovers Society (headed by former HOA Director Jess Gonzales), clean up the park around the Gazebo area. Ad majorem Dei gloriam! TP

The Paraclete and The Spiritual Wellness Apostolate

THE PARACLETE IS the Official Newsletter of the Holy Spirit Parish. It has gone silent, save for some special issues which came infrequently. We take this opportunity to relaunch it, coinciding with our Parish Fiesta on May 28, 2023, in partnership with the Spiritual Wellness Apostolate under the umbrella of the Health, Wellness, and Senior Citizens Ministry Covenant of the Homeowners’ Association. We hope to build on this cooperation in our future issues and activities.

We encourage our Community to participate in future endeavors. Please feel free to volunteer for these activites. Our whole community must be fully engaged and committed. TP

The Health, Wellness and Seniors Citizens Community-Building Ministry

AS SOON AS (Ret.) Gen. Eduardo G. Acuña, newly minted Director of the BF Homeowners Association, was appointed the Board’s Director for Health, Wellness, and Senior Citizens, he hit the ground running forming core teams. He said recently that this is new to him. So, he studied and researched and, true enough, he stumbled upon a wealth of ideas and information that became the root which has grown into multidisciplinary endeavors. Homeowners were invited/asked to volunteer to these teams: Wellness, Physical Dimension for Men (led by Ruel Reyes); Wellness, Physical Dimension for Women (led by Celia Sotto); Environmental Wellness (led Director Acuña himself); Health Care (led by Dr. Joy Bulatao); Se-

nior Citizens Affairs (led by Atty. Francis Rivera); and Spiritual Wellness Apostolate (led by Kuya Noel Tamase).

From the Environmental Wellness was born the Nature Park Lovers Society under the leadership of Jess Gonzales (see separate article on the previous page).

As of this writing, there are now 108 volunteers. Several activities had been lined up to coincide with the Parish Fiesta.

(As we go to Press, the Logo for the Senior Citizens Sub-Committee is being finalized). TP

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“We need YOUth!”

[Editor’s Note: The Youth (and Singles) are under the Spiritual Wellness Apostolate of The Health, Wellness, and Senior Citizens Community Building Ministry of the Homeowners’ Association.]

ON DECEMBER 2, 2022, the Holy Spirit Parish (HSP) Youth Coordinator was appointed as the Secretary of the Holy Spirit Vicariate Youth Ministry (HSVYM) Council during the Vicariate Youth Night 2022 at the San Jose ang Tagapagtanggol Parish, Quezon City.

recruit more members to not only participate in parish-wide activities but also in vicariate and diocese-wide activities. We are currently giving a call for recruitment for young members of the community to be closer to God, the church. You

Some members of the Holy Spirit Parish Youth Ministry (HSPYM) attended the event and gave a serenade performance of “Bibingka” by Ben&Ben to the fellow Youth Ministries of the Vicariate to spark up the Christmas Spirit. This made such an impact to the fellow youth ministries of the vicariate and gave a standing ova-

are never too old or too young to serve the church. Investing in the youth is a good start in building our church. Having them exposed in church activities will make them appreciate our church at a young age. At the age of 10, I started singing in the choir and from then my love for the parish never stopped. I pray that in reading this, our fellow youth may be inspired to serve for the Lord. Do YOUth have what it takes to serve the Lord? Join now! TP

tion to the HSPYM’s performance. What a night!

The HSPYM and Legion of Mary work closely in achieving a great number of members for both ministries as part of each other’s apostolate. Therefore, most members of the HSPYM are legionaries. This is a good start! Despite having participated in many events for the past months, the HSPYM is still at a ripe age and continues to

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(Some members of the HSPYM in the HSP parking lot before their trip to Silang, Cavite to participate in the outdoor function of the Legion of Mary)

Seniors’ Bulletin Board

EVERYONE will love this story.

Just up the road from my home is a field with two horses in it. From a distance, each looks like every other horse. But if you stop your car or are walking by, you will notice something quite amazing. Looking into the eyes of one horse will disclose that he is blind. His owner has chosen not to have him put down, but has made a good home for him. This alone is amazing.

If nearby and listening, you will hear the sound of a bell. Looking around for the source of the sound, you will see that it comes from the smaller horse in the field. Attached to her halter is a small bell. It lets her blind friend know where she is, so he can follow her. As you stand and watch these two friends, you’ll see how she is always checking on him, and that he will listen for her bell and then slowly walk to where she is, trusting that she will not lead him astray.

When she returns to the shelter of the barn each evening, she stops occasionally and looks back, making sure her friend isn’t too far behind to hear the bell.

Like the owner of these two horses, God does not throw us away just because we are not perfect or because we have problems or challenges. God watches over us and even brings others into our lives to help us when we are in need.

Sometimes we are the blind horse being guided by the little ringing bell of those whom God places in our lives. Other times, we are the guide horse, helping others see the way.

Good friends are like this. You don’t always see them, but you know they are always there.


1) Wellness activities for Seniors are being conceptualized.

2) These activities will be posted in The Paraclete, the Parish Facebook account as well as in the Viber Chat Groups in our community.

Please listen for my bell, and I’ll listen for yours.

- Author Unknown

3) We are requesting our Zone Directors to conduct a survey of Seniors without digital access so that we may compile a mailing list of those to whom printed copies of The Paraclete may be sent.

Thank you.

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Church Activities

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More Park Clean-up Pohtos

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