Diseases of Herbaceous Perennials

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Introduction North American gardeners are planting a rapidly expanding range of herbaceous perennials. New plants are flooding the marketplace, and formerly obscure plants are becoming widely available. Learning how to take care of so many new kinds of plants can be a challenge. Dealing with plant diseases is part of this challenge. Knowledge about diseases of herbaceous perennials is mushrooming almost as fast as the perennials industry, but is scattered among many plant pathologists, horticulturists, books, websites, extension publications, and scientific articles.

The goal of this book is to help you to recognize the major diseases of herbaceous perennial ornamentals and to manage them effectively. Our geographic focus is North America (the United States, Canada, and Mexico); diseases known elsewhere in the world will not necessarily be mentioned here. Because the ornamental plant trade today is a global industry, however, problems currently restricted to other continents may well be brought into North America in the future. Similarly, diseases known to occur on wild relatives of ornamentals may occasionally appear in the garden, so we have reported problems that





occur on the host plant’s genus even if they have not been common on garden plants. This book is intended for home gardeners, commercial plant producers and retailers, landscape managers, diagnosticians, educators, and anyone else who loves perennials.

What is an herbaceous perennial? We define herbaceous perennials as ornamental plants that lack woody tissue and are perennial (persist from year to year) in at least some part of North America. The book emphasizes perennials that are generally grown outdoors, rather than greenhouse or interiorscape species. Some of the plants covered are listed as “tropical perennials� because they are not frost-hardy.

How to use the book This Introduction is followed by a section describing basic strategies for diagnosing and managing diseases of herbaceous perennials. It explains why Integrated Pest Management is important, and outlines some helpful practices to keep diseases in check. Next come short profiles of 12 major types of diseases that attack herbaceous perennials. This section will help readers understand how different types of diseasecausing agents live their lives, and how best to protect plants against them. The main section of the book is organized alphabetically by the genus of perennial plant. To help readers rapidly find information for a particular plant of interest, the genera are organized alphabetically. If you are unfamiliar with Latin names of the plants you are interested in, check the Common Name/Latin Name Index on Page ___ to find the Latin name of the plant you are seeking. Photos of some of the major diseases of each genus are combined with text descriptions. We have included as many genera of herbaceous perennials as possible. You may find that some plants that you grow do not appear in the book; this may be because because no diseases have been reported on these plants from North America.

Diagnosing and Managing Diseases of Herbaceous Perennials

Since this book focuses on the recognition and management of plant diseases, a few key ideas from the science of plant pathology will be helpful to the reader. Symptoms on plants may be caused by either non-contagious factors (such as cultural errors in watering or fertilization) or by microorganisms, which are contagious. Every contagious plant disease involves an interaction between three players: the host plant (the victim), the pathogen (the attacker), and the environment. Plants get sick only when a pathogen comes in contact with a plant that is susceptible to it, and then only when the environment allows the pathogen to attack. Even though there are thousands of different species of plant pathogens — fungi, bacteria, nematodes, viruses, and even parasitic plants — deciding how to manage them is simpler than it looks. Luckily, each type of host plant — hosta, daylily, astilbe, etc. — is attacked by a relatively short list of pathogens. So once you identify your host plant, you have already taken a huge step toward making the diagnosis by reducing the number of possible diseases. Another plus is that pathogens come in only a few types. The following section of this book acquaints you with 12 major pathogen types, and provides tips on managing each type. For example, although many species of powdery mildew fungi attack perennials, almost all powdery mildew species behave similarly. So once you understand how to manage powdery mildew on dahlia, the same general IPM approach is likely to work on delphinium — even though the species of powdery mildew fungi usually differ on plants from different plant families. Learning the basic attack strategy used by each type of pathogen will give you a head start in deciding how to prevent the diseases they cause. Diagnosing the cause of a plant disease puts you on the road to managing it successfully. Once you know what is causing the symptoms on your plants, you can zero in on the best ways to control the disease — and take steps to avoid it in the future. This book is intended to help you diagnose disease problems by matching what you see on your plants with the book’s photos and text descriptions. In the main body of the book, we have described the diseases of the most commonly planted genera of herbaceous perennials. Additional

text and Internet resources that can help with diagnoses are listed at the end of the book. Extension specialists and plant diagnostic clinics across the United States provide invaluable local and regional expertise in diagnosis as well as treatment and prevention advice. It’s well worth your while to get acquainted with the perennial plant disease experts in your area, in order to learn how they can help you. But you don’t have to be a plant scientist to be good at diagnosis. Armed with a few well-illustrated resources, anyone who loves plants and is a careful observer of clues can become an excellent disease troubleshooter. Being a grower of herbaceous perennials, whether for sale, public display, or personal pleasure, means making many decisions that affect the risk of disease outbreaks. Which varieties you choose, the cultural practices you use to grow them, and which (if any) chemical or biological control products you apply can all affect the appearance of your plants and the cost of pest management. Each decision a grower makes can influence the other decisions. For example, deciding to grow a variety that is





very resistant to major diseases can cut the risk of having severe outbreaks of those diseases. On the other hand, growing a disease-prone variety because you love it, or because your buyers really want it, means that you may need to put extra effort into protecting it from diseases. On the cultural side, it may be simpler or less expensive to use sprinklers rather than drip irrigation. But sprinklers can raise the risk of fungal and bacterial diseases that thrive on wet foliage, so you may sometimes need pesticide sprays to protect the plants. How do you decide what disease management strategies make the most sense for you? Making sensible choices seems challenging when you are growing many different species of herbaceous perennials, each with its own growth characteristics and risks. To avoid getting

lost in the details, it’s helpful to rely on some basic disease management principles. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a strategy for bringing together the most appropriate management practices — including cultural, genetic resistance, biological, mechanical, and chemical options — to keep diseases, insects, weeds, and other pests in check, with minimal harm to the environment and your checkbook. An IPM plan should make sense for your particular environment, whether it is a commercial nursery, retail garden center, public landscape, or home garden. Likewise, disease management plans need to make sense alongside strategies for controlling insects and other pests, and for meeting the grower’s goals. We have described IPM strategies for disease management throughout this book.

General Types of Diseases

Fungal Leaf Spots

plant genera, species, or varieties. Leaf spot damage ranges from minor to severe depending on the interplay of fungus, host plant, and environmental conditions.


Ascochyta blight on clematis.

In t r o d u c t i o n

Depending on the fungus-host combination, leaf spots can vary in size, shape, and color. Some leaf spot fungi produce tiny, dark-colored fruiting bodies (spore-producing structures) in the spots and others develop distinctive-looking masses of spores. A hand lens can help you to spot these clues. Still other leaf spot fungi produce no conspicuous signs. When conditions are favorable, leaf spots may expand in size or number, merging to create larger dead areas referred to as leaf blight. In severe cases, all of the foliage may become blighted.


Fungal leaf spots are among the most commonly occurring diseases of herbaceous perennials. A multitude of fungi can cause leaf spot symptoms, including species of Alternaria, Ascochyta, Cercospora, Corynespora, Cylindrocladium, Cylindrosporium, Didymella, Entyloma, Fabraea, Marssonina, Phyllosticta, Pleospora, Ramularia, Septoria, and many others. Although some leaf spot fungi attack a wide range of perennials, many are specific to one or a few

Almost all leaf spot diseases thrive in warm, moist weather. To invade, spores of these fungi need leaf surfaces to remain wet for at least a minimum period of time — several to many hours — depending on the air temperature and the host plant. Prolonged spells of warm, rainy weather set the stage for severe leaf spot outbreaks. Most leaf spot fungi are adept at surviving unfavorable periods (winter or drought periods) burrowed inside dead

Heterosporium leaf spot on iris.

Stemphylium leaf spot on gladiolus.





leaf tissue; this hiding place protects them from extreme temperatures and attack by other microorganisms. Some can also survive on various weed species. Spores spread among plants and from leaf to leaf by splashing water and on air currents — or by hitching rides on workers’ hands or insects’ feet.

Gray Mold

Management Leaf spot management tactics depend not only on the potential damage the disease can cause, but also on whether you are growing herbaceous perennials for pleasure or profit. Most leaf spot diseases do not kill plants and need not automatically prompt a control action in the garden. A level of damage that is tolerable in a home or public landscape will sometimes require more stringent management in nurseries and garden centers, however. The most effective form of leaf spot control is genetic resistance. Selecting resistant species or varieties can minimize or even remove the need to use other tactics. Unfortunately, resistance is not available for many leaf spot diseases. Since leaf spot fungi thrive on prolonged wet periods, strategies to keep the foliage dry will reduce disease risk. Watering at the soil line, such as by drip irrigation, rather than by overhead irrigation, is helpful. If you do use overhead irrigation, it is best to water in late morning to midday so that leaves can dry quickly. Spacing plants well apart, rather than crowding, will allow good air movement and speed up drying. In the nursery, examine new plants as they arrive and remove any with obvious leaf spot symptoms. To disrupt the disease cycle in a field or landscape bed, remove as much diseased foliage as possible, both during the growing season and after foliage dies back in the fall. Destroy or dispose of this infested plant material; never use it as mulch in commercial plantings or the garden. By denying leaf spot fungi their hiding places in dead leaves, you can reduce the risk of future leaf spot outbreaks. Thoroughly compost diseased leaves and stems before returning them to the garden. Fungicide sprays can be used to protect foliage in situations where the risk of substantial leaf spot damage is high. Fungicides will be most effective when applications are made preventively, before symptoms have appeared. Discontinue sprays in dry weather unless overhead irrigation is used frequently.

Botrytis flower blight on gladiolus.

In t r o d u c t i o n The gray mold fungus, Botrytis cinerea, is found almost everywhere plants are grown. It is fast growing, uses many different sources of nutrients, survives well in the greenhouse and outdoors, and attacks many different types of plants. The disease is also commonly called Botrytis blight.

Symptoms and signs Botrytis at first appears as a white growth on the plant but soon darkens to gray. Smoky-gray, dusty spores are spread by the wind or splashing water. Infections can appear on wounded tissue such as large stubs left after taking cuttings, fading flowers, leaves onto which fading infected flowers have fallen, broken stems or injured leaves, seedlings grown under cool, moist conditions, and the base of cuttings, especially those taken from plants with heavy infestations of Botrytis. Infected plant tissue usually turns light brown or has a somewhat wet appearance. If some of the tissue is placed on a wet paper towel in a plastic bag at room temperature, Botrytis will form its gray, dusty spores within 3-5 days. A different species of Botrytis causes a unique set of symptoms on tulip and lily that are referred to as “fire.” Stunted shoots, also know as “fireheads,” emerge with blighted, twisted, tightly rolled leaves that have a ragged or withered appearance. The oval to round, yellow to grayish brown leaf and stem spots have dark, watersoaked borders. Flower buds can also become spotted, and badly blighted ones may fail to open.


Alternaria leaf spot on farfugium.

Any activity in or around infected stems and foliage will release a cloud of spores. Even turning on an automated trickle irrigation system can trigger spore release. The spores can remain dormant on plant surfaces as long as the life of





Tulip fire caused by Botrytis cinerea.

Botrytis leaf spot on a lady’s mantle.

the plant in some cases. Botrytis forms two types of resting structures on or in infected plant tissue: very dark brown or black, multi-celled structures called sclerotia, and singlecelled, thick, dark-walled chlamydospores. It rarely undergoes sexual reproduction. Botrytis thrives when it can absorb nutrients before invading a plant. These nutrients may leak from wounded plant parts, from dying tissue such as old flower petals, or from dead plant parts left over from the previous season. Pollen may also provide nutrients to Botrytis. Prolonged periods of high humidity, along with mild to warm temperatures, favor the growth of this fungus.

benzimidazoles such as thiophanate methyl — so make sure to rotate fungicides with different modes of activity against the fungus. Resistance to dicarboximide fungicides such as iprodione and vinclozolin is less common but does occur. Biological control agents, like chemical fungicides, must be applied repeatedly in order to maintain adequate protection.

Powdery Mildew

Management Sanitation is the first important step. Remove dead or dying tissue from the plants and from the soil surface. This is particularly important outdoors so that new plants emerging in the spring do not immediately come into contact with Botrytis. Sanitation greatly reduces the amount of fungus in the immediate vicinity. But the fungus can produce 60,000 or more spores on a piece of plant tissue the size of your small fingernail, so additional steps are needed. It is helpful to avoid injuring plants in any way. Do not leave large stubs of tissue on stock plants when taking cuttings. Keeping the humidity low around the plants is crucial to suppressing Botrytis. Heating and ventilating greenhouses, particularly early in the day when moisture has condensed and before sunlight has warmed the air, and again in the evening before sunset, can suppress Botrytis quite effectively. Outdoor plantings should be planned to provide good air circulation patterns with adequate spacing between plants. Avoid placing highly susceptible varieties in locations where dew and precipitation remain on the plant for extended periods. Where possible, sprinkler irrigation should not be used; preferably, direct the water to the soil and keep the foliage dry. Fungicides or biological control agents provide an added margin of protection when plants are particularly susceptible or the environment is especially disease-favorable. Keep in mind that some greenhouse and outdoor populations of Botrytis are resistant to certain fungicides — for example,

Powdery mildew coating stems of peony.

In t r o d u c t i o n Powdery mildew occurs on many herbaceous perennials and annuals, as well as on woody ornamentals and trees. Although some powdery mildew fungi attack only one or two different species of plants, others attack many herbaceous perennials. All the powdery mildew fungi are obligate parasites, so they can grow and reproduce only on live plant tissue. In greenhouses, these fungi persist by spreading from a crop of diseased plants to a new crop that is susceptible to the same powdery mildew species. If the greenhouse is crop-free for several weeks, the fungus dies out and diseased plants must be brought into the greenhouse to establish disease again. Outdoors during the growing season, the fungus spreads long distances when the spores are carried by wind.





Severe powdery mildew infection on coreopsis.

Powdery mildew on centaurea.

The airborne spores land on leaves and germinate under humid conditions. Powdery mildew fungi grow primarily on the leaf surface but send fine threads (haustoria) between the cell wall and the cell membrane to obtain nutrients.


Moderate powdery mildew infection on coreopsis.

Symptoms and signs White powdery fungus grows mainly on the upper surface of the lower leaves, but also on stems and flowers. Sometimes the patches coalesce to completely coat an infected leaf. In some cases leaves may be twisted and distorted, then wilt and die. On many plants, the older infected foliage falls off and younger foliage becomes infected later in the season. On some plants, a reddish purple discoloration can occur without visible sporulation or mycelial growth. At the end of the growing season, a close observer may see, on the surface of the white patches of powdery mildew, tiny yellowish globes that darken to dark brown or black. These are sexual spore cases, called chasmothecia or cleistothecia.

Ecology Powdery mildew outbreaks are cued by extended periods of high relative humidity at night, which trigger formation of new spores. Low relative humidity during the daytime favors the spread of the spores in rising air currents. Temperatures of 70-80o F are ideal for rapid disease development.

In some species of herbaceous perennials, varieties differ widely in resistance to powdery mildew. It pays to notice which varieties are free of powdery mildew every year; planting these varieties in the future will be excellent insurance against the disease. When susceptible varieties are grown, they should be monitored on a regular basis in order to detect the first signs of mildew. In greenhouse and nursery production, it is best to group mildew-susceptible varieties so that scouting can be done efficiently and spraying, if necessary, can be confined to a small area. When signs of powdery mildew are first observed, apply a fungicide, horticultural oil, soap, or biological control agent to protect the plants. Powdery mildew is not usually lethal to plants, so in many cases the disease can be tolerated to avoid the inconvenience of treatment. In the perennial border, other plants may be grown in front of powdery mildewprone species to hide the unsightly foliage late in the season. Since liquid water on leaves inhibits spore germination in most powdery mildews, syringing the leaves during low-humidity times of day can inhibit infection and suppress powdery mildew to some extent. Syringe only if other leaf diseases are not a problem, since other pathogens require liquid water to infect. Syringing may be the best approach at locations where fungicide use is not feasible or desirable and on crops for which there are no registered fungicides. Since some powdery mildews have developed resistance to certain systemic fungicides, do not rely solely on a single systemic fungicide, but rotate among fungicides with different modes of action in successive sprays and utilize contact action fungicides (such as bicarbonates or horticultural spray oil) as well.


Root Rots Caused by Fungi

Roots of gaillardia damaged by Thielaviopsis and Rhizoctonia.

In t r o d u c t i o n Root rots of perennials kill plants, but can also slow or stop plant growth. Affected plants are usually smaller, less vigorous, and produce fewer and/or smaller leaves, flowers, and fruit than healthy plants of equal age. Flowering may be delayed when the plant's roots are rotted. As a result, the quality of the crop or planting is very uneven. Root rots need to be prevented or managed at a very early stage of the disease if serious losses are to be avoided. Management in established beds begins with making an accurate diagnosis of the cause of the root rot, since appropriate defensive action depends on knowing which pathogen is causing the problem. Most root rot fungi tend to be localized in an area of a nursery or plant bed — a “hot spot” — rather than widespread. They live in the soil and can spread several feet by soil splash, or many miles when infected plants or infested soil particles are moved from place to place by erosion or human activity. Root rots are a common problem in nursery container culture.

Symptoms Fungal root rots cause a wide range of symptoms, and are often mistaken for other plant problems. A common symptom is slower growth in comparison to healthy plants. Root problems may also result in nutrient deficiencies that cause yellowing or reddening of leaves. Margins of leaves may turn brown, and older leaves may fall off. Roots appear dark brown or black, and may have a limp texture, unlike the white, crisp-textured appearance of healthy roots. When plants are pulled from the soil, the outer layer of cells sometimes strips off the roots, leaving only the central strand of water-conducting tissue.




In addition to fungal root rots, these symptoms can also be caused by too much or too little fertilizer, over- or under-watering, root exposure to chilling or freezing temperatures, phytotoxicity due to misapplication of pesticides used as soil drenches, and even the damage resulting when a plant has become pot-bound. Before any action is taken, a reliable diagnosis must be made. If the damage is due to the activity of one or more fungi, applying appropriate fungicides can check the pathogens and allow the plant to grow. The fungus is usually not killed by fungicides, but its activity is slowed or stopped as long as the fungicide is in high enough concentration. Therefore, repeated applications of fungicides may be necessary. Many fungi can cause root rots. Often, it is possible to identify which fungus is responsible either by observing the structure of the fungus in the roots using a microscope, or by placing infected roots on artificial media or baits (apple, carrot, or potato pieces) and allowing the fungus to grow out where it can be detected and then identified. This should be done at a plant diagnostic clinic. It is not uncommon for a plant to be infected with more than one root-rotting fungus at a time. The following are profiles of the most common genera of root-rotting fungi: Rhizoctonia prefers warm, moderately moist soil conditions (70 to 90o F and 65% soil saturation). The fungus persists in soil for long periods of time, even if susceptible plants are not present. Plant tissues decay quickly, causing brown to reddish brown lesions or large spots to form at or just below the soil line. As these spots enlarge, they form sunken cankers that may eventually girdle the plant. Infected tissue may have a dry, shredded appearance. Soil particles often cling to the cankered areas of the plant when removed from the soil because of the coarse, brown mycelium. Leaves touching the soil can be infected. In high-humidity conditions, the fungus will quickly form webs to neighboring leaves and rot them. Under magnification, hyphal branches are at 90-degree angles to the parent hypha and there is a cross-wall and a constriction of the cell at the base of each branch. Rhizoctonia does not form spores. It moves about the garden in soil that is contaminated with fungal mycelia or sclerotia (tiny knots of fungus that provide long-term survival in soil). Thielaviopsis, which causes black root rot, is favored by wet soils, soil pH above 5.6, and temperatures between 55 and 65o F. Distinctive dark brown spores in the infected roots are readily observed with a microscope. These dark spores resist high and low temperatures and moisture extremes, allowing Thielaviopsis to persist in soil for long periods of time. The individual cells of these dark spores appear to snap apart. Light-colored spores are also formed in a long tapered cell and extruded in chains. Fusarium species form distinctive canoe-shaped spores with several cross-walls. Masses of these spores are sometimes visible as white, dusty growth on the lower stems and upper root system of infected plants. Fusarium species can also attack bulbs, tubers, and corms. Infected roots may initially have a reddish color but soon darken. Some






Sclerotium of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum inside a stem.

of fungus (sclerotia) form on the surface of this material. These balls of fungus turn light to dark brown and persist for long periods on the infected tissue and in soil. Sclerotinia causes a rot of stems and roots near the soil line that is commonly called white mold, crown rot, or cottony rot because of the fluffy, white fungal growth that forms at or near the soil line. Knots of fungal growth (sclerotia) within the masses of fungus seen on the plant are soft and white at first but become hard and black with time. Usually the first symptoms noticed are yellowing and collapse of the entire plant. Phymatotrichopsis (formerly known as Phymatotrichum) attacks a very wide range of plants in hot, dry climates, particularly in soils with high pH, high clay content, and poor aeration. A distinctive sign of this fungus is formation of thick strands of coarse, brown fungal growth along the infected roots. Long-lasting resting structures (sclerotia) allow Phymatotrichopsis to persist in the soil for long periods of time. Although it is killed by freezing temperatures, it can survive deep in soil below the frost line. Pythium and Phytophthora, two important funguslike genera, are discussed elsewhere in this book. They commonly cause root rots as well.

Management Sclerotium rolfsii symptoms and sclerotia on alstroemeria.

plants develop secondary roots above the infected area but these too become diseased. Fusarium attack is favored when plants are weakened by over-fertilization, drought, mechanical injuries, or other stresses. Sclerotium species attack roots and stems near the soil line during warm, wet periods. In North America, disease caused by Sclerotium rolfsi is sometimes called Southern blight. The pathogens on herbaceous perennials, mainly Sclerotium rolfsii and Sclerotium delphinii, are transported long distances on infected plants, and can thereby be introduced into greenhouses located in colder climates. Succulent plants are killed quickly and a white to cream-colored, fanlike mat of fungal growth forms on the lower stem, leaves, and soil close to the plant.Clusters of round ball-like masses

The most effective strategy is to eliminate root-rotting fungi from the planting area or the potting soil before introducing plants. In greenhouse production, heat treatment (usually steam pasteurization) is the best method of freeing potting soil of root-rotting fungi. Although no single fungicide will kill or inhibit the growth of all fungi, some are effective against many genera of fungi, and therefore a different fungicide is not needed for each and every fungus. When a root rot problem is suspected, work with a diagnostic clinic to find out which fungus or fungal group is causing the problem. This is especially important since symptoms of many root rot diseases and physical stresses can look alike. Get a reliable recommendation of which fungicide is effective in managing that particular fungus or fungal group. The fungicide’s label usually indicates the fungi against which it is effective.





Rusts and Smuts In t r o d u c t i o n The rusts and smuts belong to the Basidiomycota, the group of fungi that includes the mushrooms. Rust fungi attack a large number of herbaceous perennials. The common name “rust” comes from the reddish to orange, rusty-colored pustules, or blister-like swellings, that rust fungi produce on leaves, scapes, or stems of host plants. Rust fungi are obligate parasites, which means that they need living plants to survive, and therefore seldom kill plants. Nevertheless, rusts harm ornamental plants’ appearance by reducing flower production, and detracting from overall plant health and vigor. Severe infections can result in premature leaf drop. Smut diseases are far less common than rusts on herbaceous perennials, and are seldom major concerns. The smut fungi can infect leaves, stems, and flower parts depending on the smut species, host plant species, and timing of infection. The smuts are named for their sooty black spore masses, which commonly replace infected plant parts.

Brown rust on chrysanthemum.

Rusts Rust pustules on Helianthus.

Symptoms Rust symptoms are different on the primary and alternate plant hosts. On leaves, scapes, or stems of most herbaceous perennials, rust fungi produce blister-like swellings, called uredinial pustules, which may be reddish, orange, yellow, white, or dark brown, depending on the species of rust. On alternate plant hosts, these same fungi can produce aecial pustules that are typically larger than uredinial pustules and are usually yellowish in color.

Ecology While most parasitic fungi have only one or two spore stages and a single plant host, rusts lead more complex lives. Some rusts have as many as five spore stages and two plant hosts. For some rusts, two types of host plants are needed to complete the disease cycle. These dual-host rusts produce specialized spores called urediniospores on one of the host plant species, and another type of specialized spores called aeciospores on the other plant host. Rust diseases with this lifestyle are said to have “alternate hosts”. For most rust diseases of herbaceous perennials, the perennial plant is the host on which the urediniospores form. Blister-like pustules called uredinia break open on the plant surface to expose the rusty-colored urediniospores. This stage is the most damaging to the plant: since urediniospores can cause new cycles of infection in

Rust pustules and uredinospores on daylily.

Teliospores forming in daylily rust pustules.







the same season, rust epidemics can can develop rapidly under favorable weather conditions. During late summer, rust fungi switch to a survival strategy, resulting in production of black, thick-walled teliospores that remain dormant during the winter. The following spring, teliospores germinate to produce yet another type of spores called basidiospores. The basidiospores infect another species of plant, which is often not closely related to the one on which the urediniospores, teliospores, and basidospores were produced. Shortly after infection by the basidiospores, small vase-shaped structures, called spermogonia, are formed. They protrude through the upper epidermis of the leaf of the infected plant. Some weeks later, a cuplike structure called an aecium bursts through the lower epidermis. The aeciospores produced in the aecia move by air currents and splashing water to infect the original host plant, and the dual-host cycle starts over again. Rust spores move easily on wind currents and in splashing water, but long-distance movement happens mainly in shipments of infected plants. Many rusts survive the winter in warmer climates, where host plants stay alive year-round, and spread throughout the U.S. each spring

and summer on shipments of infected plants. Shippers often transport the rusts accidentally, because microscopic rust spores may be clinging to healthy-looking plants.

Management Integrated management practices, including scouting, proper sanitation, use of resistant varieties (when available), and preventive fungicide applications, are used to manage rust outbreaks and minimize losses. Several chemical classes of fungicides are effective against rusts on ornamental crops. The most important recommendation is to avoid introducing rust diseases into your garden or nursery. First, buy only from reputable sources that offer certified, inspected, or pathogen-free plants. Carefully inspect all plants for any evidence of disease before buying and planting. If possible, separate newly purchased plants from the rest of a production house, field, or garden until you are confident no rust will develop. This may be particularly important for daylilies, which have been troubled by a rust in the United States since the beginning of this century. If you have infected plants, one option to slow or eliminate the spread of rust is removing and destroying infected plant material promptly, so the pathogen cannot be transmitted to other healthy plants in the surrounding area.

Smuts Symptoms Symptoms vary with the type of smut that is infecting the plant. Plants with leaf or flower smut may be stunted, yellow, or malformed. To accurately confirm a diagnosis of smut, look for powdery black masses of teliospores in infected tissues. Some perennials are infected by white smut; the white color is from the sporidia produced from the teliospores.

Ecology Smuts produce two types of spores, called teliospores and sporidia. Teliospores survive periods of harsh environmental conditions on contaminated seed, in plant debris or in the soil; they eventually germinate to produce sporidia, which can bud to produce more sporidia. Infection on seedlings originates from spores carried on seeds or in the soil. Shortdistance movement of spores is by wind and long-distance movement is through infected seed and plant parts.


White smut symptoms on gaillardia.

The best management option is to remove and destroy infected plant material, which slows or eliminates the spread of smut. A number of fungicides are labeled for control of smut, but must be applied preventively (before symptoms appear) to be effective.


Vascular Wilts Caused by Fungi In t r o d u c t i o n Vascular wilt diseases are caused by fungi or bacteria that clog the fluid-conducting tissues of plants, resulting in stunting, discoloration, wilting, or death. The most important vascular wilt diseases of herbaceous perennials are caused by fungi (Fusarium and Verticillium). Some bacteria, such as Ralstonia solanacearum, also cause wilt symptoms by infecting the vascular system (see section on Bacterial Diseases).





Symptoms Affected plants are chlorotic and become wilted. Plants may be stunted, and older leaves, especially, may show scorch symptoms. Highly susceptible varieties may die, while others may show more moderate symptoms. Severe symptoms often develop after a period of hot weather. A cross or longitudinal section cut near the base of the stem often reveals a brown, olive green, or reddish brown discoloration just beneath the surface.


These diseases are caused by specialized strains, also known as “formae specialis,� of the fungus Fusarium oxysporum. Different F. oxysporum strains cause wilt diseases on astilbe, dianthus, dahlia, lisianthus, hibiscus, Ranunculus, chrysanthemum, bleeding heart, purple coneflower, Sedum, Nepeta, and many other herbaceous perennials. The host ranges of many F. oxysporum formae specialis are restricted to a single species of plant.

Fusarium oxysporum, a soil inhabitant, typically invades plant roots. The fungus then moves into the xylem vessels, where it spreads in the transpiration stream throughout the plant. Eventually the fungus grows out through the stem layers to the plant surface, where new spores spread easily in greenhouses or outdoor plantings by splashing water, handling, or propagation from infected plants. Fisarium wilt is most destructive in warm climates and in warm, sandy soils. In the U.S., the disease is most severe on outdoor plantings in southern and central states. High greenhouse temperatures can also trigger outbreaks. Between crops, F. oxysporum survives in infested crop debris as mycelium or chlamydospores. The fungus spread short distances in flowing water or on contaminated tools or equipment, but longdistance transport is mainly on infested nursery stock or in the soil attached to them. Once a field becomes infested with F. oxysporum, it is likely to remain that way indefinitely.

Fusarium wilt on chrysanthemum.

Advanced Fusarium wilt symptoms on chrysanthemum.

F u s a r i u m w i lt s






Nutritional factors can influence development of Fusarium wilt. High levels of ammonium nitrogen encourage the disease, especially when potassium levels are insufficient. On the other hand, nitrate nitrogen has some suppressive effect on the disease. Low calcium levels may also increase disease severity.

Management The widespread adoption of soilless media has greatly reduced outbreaks of Fusarium wilt fungi in greenhouses. Outdoors, liming soils and using nitrate nitrogen have suppressed F. oxysporum effectively on chrysanthemum, aster, and gladiolus. Crop rotation to non-host species can control the disease, but rotating back to host crops is likely to be risky because of the pathogen’s ability to survive long periods in the absence of its hosts. Although fungicide drenches may inhibit the pathogen to some extent, fungicides are generally ineffective against Fusarium wilt.

V e r t i c i ll i u m w i l t s Two species of soil-dwelling fungi, Verticillium dahliae and Verticillium albo-atrum, attack more than 200 species of plants, including many herbaceous perennials. V. dahliae prefers slightly higher temperatures (77-82o F) than V. albo-atrum (68-77o F), and is somewhat more common in warmer regions. Unlike Fusarium wilt, the Verticillium wilt fungi are not highly host-specific on herbaceous perennials.

Symptoms Stunting, slow growth, leaf scorch, chlorotic foliage, and wilting — all typical symptoms of Verticillium wilt — result from the stress created as the fungus blocks upward movement of water. Symptoms usually begin on lower leaves and progress upward. A characteristic of Verticillium wilt is that wilting may initially develop on only one side of the plant. Infected plants may die if they are exposed to water stress. A light brown to black discoloration of the vascular system is sometimes present, but it is not a dependable symptom for diagnosis.

as well as alfalfa, are highly susceptible to Verticillium wilt, so susceptible herbaceous perennial crops following these crops will be at particularly high risk of the disease. Nevertheless, these pathogens are native to many soils, so avoiding land used for these crops does not eliminate the risk of outbreaks. Although the risk of Verticillium wilt in greenhouse production has ebbed with the predominance of soilless media, the disease can still be introduced into greenhouses, either when outdoor-grown plants are potted up and moved indoors or in shipments of symptomless but contaminated cuttings. Limited evidence suggests that certain fungus gnats can spread V. albo-atrum in greenhouses by introducing the fungus to their feeding wounds on roots, stems, or leaves. During composting of plant materials infested with the Verticillium wilt pathogens, achieving a temperature within the pile of at least 150o F is necessary to kill these fungi.

Management Planting culture-indexed stock that is certified to be free of fungal pathogens is a valuable first step in reducing the risk of Verticillium and Fusarium wilt. Remove and destroy plants that are showing symptoms. If using field soil in greenhouse media, pasteurize the soil with steam before adding it to the mix. Fumigation of field soil can reduce populations of V. dahliae and V. albo-atrum, but may not be cost effective in many cases. Species and varieties vary considerably in resistance to Verticillium wilt; resistant types should be planted in fields with a disease or cropping history that indicates high risk of the disease. However, eventual rotation back to susceptible hosts is unlikely to work well due to the prolonged survival of the pathogens in soil. Fungicides are generally ineffective against Verticillium wilt. Liming soil to achieve a high pH (above pH 6.0) and using fertilizer that includes only the nitrate form of nitrogen have been helpful during chrysanthemum production.

Ecology Both Verticillium pathogens are soil natives, and can survive for many years in soil in the absence of a host plant. V. dahliae, which forms survival structures called microsclerotia, can survive without a host for as long as 15 years. Both species can also survive the winter in perennial hosts, in propagative organs such as bulbs, or in plant debris. Verticillum fungi penetrate young roots of host plants directly or through wounds. The fungi spread on contaminated seed, on vegetative cuttings and tubers, and by wind, splashing or flowing water, or in soil particles. Solanaceous crops like tomato, potato, and eggplant,

Discoloration of vascular ring on liatris by Verticillium wilt.


Downy Mildews

Downy mildew on cornflower.

In t r o d u c t i o n Downy mildews are caused by a group of highly specialized obligate parasites. Obligate means that they can grow and reproduce only in a living host plant, but downy mildews also produce various types of resting structures that allow them to survive when the host is dead. Despite their similar-sounding common names, downy mildews are distinctly different from the powdery mildews. Unlike powdery mildews, downy mildew organisms are not true fungi. Even so, they look and act similar to fungi in many ways. The chemicals used to control downy mildews are similar to those used against their relatives, Pythium and Phytophthora, but different from most of those used against true fungi.





of the leaf. As the host tissue dies, the fluffy growth darkens to gray. Infected leaves and branches may be distorted and die. Fast-growing downy mildew colonies can be confused with gray mold (Botrytis), and slower-growing colonies with powdery mildew. Microscopically, downy mildew is very easy to tell apart from powdery mildew and Botrytis. Like bacterial and foliar nematode lesions, spots caused by downy mildews are often angular-shaped, but unlike those caused by bacteria, downy mildew spots do not have a water-soaked appearance in early stages of disease. Under a microscope, angular spots due to foliar nematodes may be distinguished by observing the nematodes swimming out from the infected tissue in a small dish of water.

Ecology Most downy mildews thrive when cool temperatures (58-72o F) are accompanied by high humidity (above 95%). Some downy mildew species survive the winter in cold climates in infested plant debris, soil, or weeds; others must be dispersed northward from southern regions of North America each spring, often in weather systems. Species of downy mildews reproduce sexually by structures called oogonia and antheridia, and asexually by sporangia. The sporangia germinate directly by forming a germ tube. In some genera (Sclerospora and Plasmopara), sporangia can also germinate indirectly by releasing specialized swimming spores called zoospores. Peronospora, Pseudoperonospora, and Bremia seldom form zoospores.


Downy mildew colonies often appear first as small tufts of white to purplish, fluffy growth on the underside of the leaf; small yellow spots develop on the upper sides

Debris from perennial plants should be removed and buried, burned, or placed in a closed container. Plants should be spaced widely enough to ensure good air circulation and rapid dryoff. Overhead irrigation should not be used when the weather is generally cool. Fungicides similar to those used for Pythium and Phytophthora are available to control downy mildews.

Downy mildew signs on cornflower.

Downy mildew on geum.







Root and Stem Rots Caused by Fungus-Like Organisms (Pythium and Phytophthora) In t r o d u c t i o n The fungus-like pathogens Pythium and Phytophthora are actually more closely related to algae than fungi. Like true fungi, they lack chlorophyll and therefore must absorb nutrients from other plants. Because they are so different from true fungi, most of the chemicals used to control them do not control true fungi.

Pythium Pythium species that cause root and stem rot in many different perennial plants include Pythium irregulare, Pythium aphanidermatum, and Pythium ultimum. P. ultimum and P. irregulare are often found in field soil, pond and stream sediments, and dead roots of previous crops. Pythium irregulare and a closely related species, Pythium crypto-irregulare, have been isolated from many herbaceous ornamentals.

Symptoms and signs • • • • •

Plants are stunted. Root tips are brown and dead. Plants wilt at mid-day but may recover at night. Leaves yellow and die. Brown tissue on the outer portion of the root pulls off easily, leaving a thin core of vascular tissue exposed. • The cells of roots contain round, microscopic, thickwalled spores.

Ecology Pythium is widespread in field soil. In gardens, it will be a problem primarily in areas with poor drainage or excessive irrigation. In production, Pythium is easily introduced into soilless growing media and moved from one area to another on dirty tools, pots, or flats. Fungus gnat and shore fly activity can also move Pythium short distances. When introduced into a soil mix that has been heat-treated for too long or at too high a temperature, Pythium can cause severe root rot because of the elimination of competing microorganisms. P. aphanidermatum,

Pythium root rot on delphinium.

P. cryptoirregulare, and P. irregulare pose a threat to crops grown in ebb and flow systems because they form zoospores that can swim in water. This is most likely to occur if irrigation water is captured and recycled. In greenhouse-grown perennials, Pythium problems can be very severe if irrigation times are prolonged (45 min. or longer) or if pots are allowed to sit in puddles of water on the bench or floor. If Pythium infests a cutting bed or if contaminated water is used in propagation, large losses may occur. Pythium splendens is a pathogen mainly on tropical plants. Pythium ultimum is primarily associated with soil and sand, so as growers switched to using soilless mixes for container production, this species became less important. P. ultimum does not form the swimming spore stage, but can be a problem in ebb and flow systems if the reservoir becomes fouled with potting mix and plant debris particles. Almost all plants are susceptible to Pythium root rot. Root tips, very important in taking up nutrients and water, are attacked and killed first. Pythium also can rot the base of cuttings. Pythium can be moved long distances on infected plant material shipped from place to place. Under some circumstances, plants can recover from Pythium infections.

Management Pythium root rot is difficult to control once it has become established, so every effort should be made to prevent the disease before it begins. In container production, Pythium can be eliminated by using heat-pasteurized potting mix. Heat the entire pile to 180o F and hold it at that temperature for 30 minutes to kill all plant pathogens in the soil while leaving many beneficial fungi and bacteria alive. Long treatment times (an hour or more) and higher temperatures can kill beneficial organisms, and should be avoided. Once the potting mix has been treated, it should be covered and stored in a way that reduces the possibility that it will be contaminated through the introduction of non-treated soil. Commercially available






soilless potting mixes are generally free of Pythium. These too should be handled and stored in a manner that prevents contamination by untreated soil or plant debris. If pond or stream water is used for irrigation, the intake pipe should be located well above the bottom so that sediment is not drawn in. If the water supply is suspected of being a source of Pythium, it may be necessary to treat the water before use. Several different techniques can eliminate Pythium; select one after consulting with a water treatment expert. Slow sand filtration has been shown to be an effective, simple, and inexpensive method for removing Pythium from water. Heat, ultraviolet light, ozone treatment, and chlorination can be effective but require some training to be used properly. In greenhouses using recirculating water systems, the ebb and flow system reservoirs should be covered to prevent contaminated debris from entering the system. Pass return water over a coarse screen to remove potting soil and plant debris in order to help keep Pythium out of the reservoir. Disinfect all bench surfaces, potting benches, tools, and equipment that will contact the potting mix. Periodically, thoroughly clean and disinfest ebb and flow reservoirs, benches, and flood and drain floors; pay particular attention to cracks and corners where infected plant debris can become lodged. In a greenhouse or outdoor operation with a history of Pythium root rot, apply a fungicide or a biological control agent as early in the cropping cycle as possible. Biological agents should be applied before, during or immediately after transplanting. It is generally recommended that chemical pesticides not be applied to the soil or potting mix for 10 days before and after applying the biological control agent. Biological control agents and fungicides may need to be applied more than once in order to maintain adequate protection.

Some populations of Pythium have resistance to the fungicides metalaxyl, mefenoxam and/or propamocarb. Chemical control programs may include these, but should use them within a rotation that includes other materials such as etridiazole for which resistance is not known.

Symptoms of Phytophthora crown rot on agapanthus.

Phytophthora crown rot on brunnera.

Phytophthora Several Phytophthora species cause root rot of perennials including Phytophthora nicotianae, Phythophthora cryptogea, and Phytophthora cactorum. While they are often referred to as being ‘soil-borne’ (residing in soil even in the absence of plants), most species of Phytophthora are actually ‘plant-borne;’ in other words, they stay associated with infected plants or in plant debris from infected plants and do not survive extended periods (years) free in the soil. Phytophthora can form a swimming spore stage (zoospores) that can move in water and cause severe losses when the infested irrigation water is captured and recycled. In greenhouse-grown perennials, Phytophthora problems can be very severe if irrigation times are prolonged (45 min. or longer) or if pots sit in puddles of water because the bench or floor drains poorly.

Symptoms Plants with mild root rot have smaller than normal foliage, dead feeder roots, and/or dark streaks up the stem. Severe root rot can produce stunted and/or wilted plants, smaller than normal leaves, greatly reduced root systems with rotted, reddish-brown discoloration, lack of new shoot development, or death. Plants with stem rot may show wilting, a darkened and water-soaked area near the soil line, collapse of the stem, and/or secondary infection by bacteria.






Ecology Infection can occur under mild to warm temperatures (59 to 82o F), depending upon the species of Phytophthora involved. When the soil is wet, sporangia (thin-walled bags of zoospores) form in 4-8 hours and zoospores can be released 10 to 60 minuteslater. Prolonged periods of waterlogged soil favor the spread of Phytophthora. Phytophthora survives the winter in infected roots and other plant parts. It can be splash-dispersed during heavy rains or overhead irrigation or carried in run-off water from plant to plant in the field or in container production.

Bacterial Diseases

Management Disease prevention is the main goal, since no chemicals cure Phytophthora-infected plants. An important starting point is to avoid buying plants that may harbor Phytophthora infections; it makes good sense to inspect all incoming stock for symptoms, and discard any suspicious-looking plants. Several chemicals are available to protect plants but there are no biological control agents that provide adequate control of Phytophthora. In production fields, it makes sense to plant only in well-drained locations. If the area previously harbored Phytophthora, fumigation before planting will greatly reduce the amount of the pathogens in the soil. Fumigate when soil temperatures are 10o C (50o F) or warmer at 15-cm (6-in) depth and when soil moisture levels are adequate for seed germination. Allow adequate aeration time after fumigating with chemicals. Fumigation should be done only by commercial nursery producers and landscapers, since the fumigants used are highly toxic and dangerous to humans as well as Phytophthora. Gardeners and nurserymen alike should avoid overhead watering, especially in late afternoon. In fields with a history of Phytophthora problems, treat transplants immediately with an appropriate chemical, repeat the application at the recommended interval, and avoid the use of recirculating irrigation systems. In container production, use a well-drained, pathogenfree potting mix. For example, composted hardwood bark not only drains well, but also inhibits Phytophthora by means of natural biological control. Use clean containers. Place them on an area that was graded to insure good surface drainage, or on a 4–inch-thick bed of gravel or other well drained material. Black plastic under this bed will prevent weed growth, but avoid using impermeable black plastic directly beneath containers, as this will cause puddling. It is important to group different types of plants by water requirement so that plants are not over- or under-watered. In nurseries with a history of Phytophthora problems, treat transplants immediately with an appropriate chemical and repeat the application at the recommended interval. In the landscape, plant only in well-drained areas, or grade or tile the site to insure good drainage. Avoid planting in locations where plants were infected previously by Phytophthora. Do not plant too deeply; the soil line should not be more than 1 inch over the upper roots.

Xanthomonas leaf spot on peony.

In t r o d u c t i o n Bacteria are microscopic, single-celled organisms that have a cell wall. Their genetic material, a circular strand of DNA, is not surrounded by a nuclear membrane. Therefore, bacteria do not have a true nucleus as do plants, animals, and fungi. While most bacteria in the environment are beneficial, several are able to cause leaf spots, stem rots, root rots, galls, wilts, blights, and cankers (5).

Symptoms Symptoms of bacterial diseases vary widely. For example: Agrobacterium tumefaciens causes a disease called crown gall on many herbaceous perennials and other plants. Galls, which are tumor-like swellings of plant tissue, range from 1/4 inch to several inches in diameter; they typically form at the soil line but also can form on branches or roots. Galls are initially white, spherical, and soft but darken with age as outer cells die. The bacteria survive in the soil for many years. Dickeya chrysanthemi and Pectobacterium carotovorum survive in plant debris that is not completely decomposed, in infected plants, on other greenhouse plants without causing disease, and in soil or potting media. Both species infect a wide range of plants in the greenhouse. They can cause either leaf spots or a mushy, brown, smelly, soft rot of all plant tissues. Pseudomonas cichorii can cause leaf spots and blights on chrysanthemum, geranium, impatiens, and many other ornamental and vegetable plants. The spots are generally water-soaked (wet-looking) and dark brown to black. Depending upon the plant infected and cultural conditions, the leaf spots may have a yellow halo.


Xanthomonas campestris pv. pelargonii causes bacterial blight, wilt, or leaf spot of pelargonium and hardy geranium. Other species and pathovars (abbreviated “pv.”) of Xanthomonas attack a wide variety of other plants. Each pathovar of Xanthomonas or other bacterial pathogens typically attacks only one or a few species of plants. Rhodococcus fascians causes fasciation, the formation of multiple small branches and stems that are flattened or distorted. Fasciation usually develops at or slightly below the soil line near the base of infected plants. Often the symptom caused by R. fascians is best described as a “leafy gall”. The bacterium is carried on infected cuttings and may enter the propagation medium. Ralstonia solanacearum, which causes vascular wilting of many herbaceous ornamentals, survives for long periods in soil. Symptoms include leaf wilting, discoloration of the vascular tissue, leaf yellowing and death of the plant.




Management The most effective way to avoid bacterial diseases is to buy only plants that are certified to be free of the pathogens by a process called culture indexing. In this procedure, pieces of plant tissue are incubated in a nutrient broth that will encourage the growth of plant pathogenic bacteria. If the test is repeated two to three times and no pathogenic bacteria are detected, the plant is said to have been culture indexed. Unfortunately, culture indexing is not yet widely available for herbaceous perennials other than chrysanthemums. Sanitation practices are very helpful in controlling bacterial diseases. These include destroying infected plants, cleaning and disinfesting tools, benches, flats, and pots, and treating potting soil to to kill all pathogens. Soil in which infected plants were grown or rooted should be

Ecology Most plant pathogenic bacteria survive in infected plants and in debris from infected plants. A few can also survive in soil. Most bacteria can invade plants only through wounds or natural openings (such as stomates or hydathodes) and require warm, moist conditions to cause disease. Bacteria reproduce very rapidly. They are splashed easily from the soil to the leaves and from leaf to leaf by overhead irrigation or rainfall. They are also easily transferred when workers handle contaminated soil or plant debris, then handle live plants.

Soft rot caused by Pectobacterium sp. on hosta.


Shoot proliferation on dahlia, caused by Rhodococcus fascians.






discarded or thoroughly steam-treated. Plant handling procedures and debris/soil handling operations should be done completely separately. A key cultural practice is keeping the foliage dry when you irrigate. Overhead irrigation should be avoided in crops that are particularly susceptible to bacterial diseases. When there is no alternative to overhead watering, it should be done early in the day so that foliage dries as quickly as possible. To insure good air circulation within the crop canopy, outdoor plants should be spaced widely enough to avoid a dense, closed canopy of foliage. In greenhouses, horizontal air flow, with rows of plants oriented parallel to the air movement, can greatly reduce relative humidity. Trickle irrigation and capillary mat watering can avoid creating favorable conditions for bacterial spread and infection. Some bacteria have been shown to spread in ebb and flow systems for greenhouse irrigation. Steps should be taken to filter crop debris out of the water and treat the water with chlorine, chlorine dioxide, hydrogen peroxide formulations, ultraviolet irradiation or heat to eliminate hitchhiking bacteria. Once bacterial disease appears on plants, chemical control is not effective and plants should be discarded.


Aster yellows virescence on purple coneflower.

In t r o d u c t i o n Phytoplasmas are single-celled microorganisms that live as parasites in the phloem of plants and cannot be cultured routinely on agar media in the laboratory. Previously phytoplasmas were known as “mycoplasma-like-organisms” or “MLOs”. They cause a number of diseases on herbaceous and woody plants, inducing symptoms that were originally thought to be due to viruses. Later the tiny, irregularly-shaped bodies of the phytoplasmas were visualized in the phloem with the aid of the electron microscope. Phytoplasmas are distinguished from bacterial cells by the absence of a cell wall, which causes them to be variable in shape. The parasitic plant dodder (Cuscuta) can be used to transmit phytoplasmas from one plant to another for study purposes. Some of the best known phytoplasma diseases are ash yellows, elm yellows, and lethal yellowing of coconut palms, all of which cause serious decline of their hosts. On herbaceous perennials, the best known phytoplasma disease is one with a broad host range, affecting plants in over 40 families: aster yellows, caused by Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris.


Stem rot of chrysanthemum caused by Dickeya chrysanthemi.

Aster yellows is characterized by a range of unusually striking disease symptoms: plants are stunted, foliage is yellowed, and flower parts develop many curious abnormalities. One common symptom is virescence, which refers to the greening of normally colorful flower petals. Additionally, flower parts may revert to leaf forms (phyllody), creating a very peculiar-looking floral display. Among perennials, these symptoms are seen especially often in purple coneflowers (Echinacea). Upright leaves and witches’-broom are seen in some cases of aster yellows.






Virus Diseases

Aster yellows on coreopsis.

Ecology The aster yellows pathogen is vectored in nature and in horticultural settings by the aster leafhopper, Macrosteles quadrilineatus, and certain other leafhoppers. The disease may be carried over long distances by the aster leafhopper, and annually appears in gardens in the northern United States as this leafhopper migrates up from the South. The aster yellows phytoplasma may be harbored locally in perennial and annual weeds such as Queen Anne’s lace, dandelion, and horseweed, and can be carried into ornamental plantings each season once a leafhopper vector is available. It takes several weeks of incubation before a leafhopper can transmit the phytoplasma after acquiring it, and for most plant hosts it takes several weeks before symptoms are apparent after a leafhopper vector feeds on it. Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris has many hosts, including weeds as well as ornamentals and vegetables. Aster yellows appears only sporadically in ornamental plantings in most regions. It is not carried through seed. Susceptible plants include Aster, Anemone, Centaurea, Chrysanthemum, Coreopsis, Delphinium Echinacea, Gaillardia, Limonium, Phlox, Scabiosa, and Veronica.

Management Managing the aster yellow phytoplasma in herbaceous perennials is primarily a matter of eradicating it promptly from nurseries or plantings once it is detected. There is no treatment for an infected plant. Spraying for vector control is not often effective, as the leafhoppers may be very abundant, very mobile, and transmit the pathogen before they are killed. Growers of the highly susceptible China aster (Callistephus) have in the past employed screening over cutflower plantings to exclude the leafhopper. Yellow sticky cards may be used to monitor for the aster leafhopper’s arrival in the northern areas of the United States. Weed control in the vicinity of the nursery or garden is important for eliminating reservoir hosts of the disease. Failure to detect this disease promptly may result in increasing problems over time. Rogue out the affected individuals as soon as possible. Select plants to grow that are not hosts of aster yellows if this disease becomes a significant problem in your area.

Symptoms of Tobacco rattle virus on anemone.

In t r o d u c t i o n Viruses are tiny submicroscopic particles that can cause disease. They are composed of nucleic acid (genetic material) surrounded by a protein coat. The nucleic acid in most plant-infecting viruses is ribonucleic acid (RNA); only a few contain DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). Viruses are entirely dependent upon the host plant for their reproduction. Once inside the plant cell, the protein coat peels off and the nucleic acid portion organizes the cell to produce more copies of the virus. Energy and resources that normally go into producing more healthy plant tissue are diverted to producing virus instead, disrupting the normal activity of the cell. Viruses can multiply only inside a living cell. The name of a virus often refers to the plant in which it was first found and the type of symptoms it causes. The name is not an indication of what other plants might be susceptible to it. Some viruses can infect hundreds of genera of plants while others only infect a few species. It is also not uncommon for an individual plant to be infected with more than one virus.

Symptoms Symptoms vary with the virus or viruses involved, the species of plant infected, and the environment. Certain environmental conditions favor symptom development, while other conditions suppress symptoms. In fact, many virus-infected plants show no obvious symptoms at all. Symptoms associated with virus infections include the following: stunting; mosaic pattern of light and dark green (or yellow and green) on the leaves; distortion of leaves or growing points; yellow streaking of leaves (especially in monocots); yellow spotting on leaves;






Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) on ajuga.

ring-spots or line patterns on leaves; cup-shaped leaves; uniform yellowing, bronzing, or reddening of flower or foliage color; distinct yellowing of veins only; and crinkling or curling of leaves or leaf margins. Production of non-uniform color in plants known for uniform color, referred to as breaking, is sometimes caused by virus infection; this symptom is often seen in flower petals. Symptoms that mimic virus symptoms can also be caused by high temperatures, insect feeding, mineral shortages or excesses, and phytotoxicity from growth regulators or pesticides. Because of these look-alike problems, it is usually not possible to determine that a plant is infected with a virus based on symptoms alone.

Ecology Most viruses, including Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) and Impatiens necrotic spot virus (INSV), die quickly if they are outside a cell or if the cell dies. An exception is Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), whose particles survive for years on tools, plant ties, or other surfaces where sap from an infected plant dries. A virus cannot spread from plant to plant without help. Viruses can spread in one or more of the following ways, depending upon the specific virus involved: mechanically in plant sap on workers' hands or on tools; by aphid, thrips, whitefly, leafhopper, mite or nematode feeding; through dodder (Cuscuta) parasitizing the

Hosta virus X on hosta.

plants; through grafting from an infected plant; by pollen; through infection by certain soil fungi, or through shared water in recirculating irrigation systems. Vegetative propagation spreads all virus diseases. Cuttings taken from an infected plant usually are infected even if no symptoms are showing. Rhizomes, corms, bulblets, stems or any other parts removed from an infected plant to start a new plant are likely to carry the virus, since it invades all parts of the plant except the few cells at the tips of the growing points. If these few cells are carefully removed (during the process called meristem tip culturing) in order to propagate a new plant, it is sometimes possible to obtain a new plant free of virus infection.

Management To manage a virus disease effectively, it is important to know which virus is causing the problem. Armed with this information, a management strategy can be developed around knowing how the particular virus spreads and what crop plants or weeds in the vicinity may be harboring it. For example, Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is usually spread mechanically, and can infect tobacco plants. So if TMV is a risk for a particular perennial, it is important to try to determine whether there are other TMV-infected plants nearby. After using tobacco products, nursery workers need to wash their hands with soap and water and dry them thoroughly on a paper towel before touching crops.







Symptoms of Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) on ajuga.

Several companies can test plants for a range of viruses. Some of these companies also sell kits that allow growers to test plants for a specific virus or virus group. A negative result indicates only that the particular virus sought was not present. It is possible that some other virus caused the symptoms or that something other than a virus was responsible for the damage. A good place to start in managing virus diseases is to purchase only virus-free plants. Avoid using virus-infected plants as stock plants for vegetative propagation. Weed removal in and around plantings is important because weeds may harbor not only viruses, but also insects, mites, or nematodes that may vector viruses. Remove all crop debris from the greenhouse to minimize the chance of virus spread to live plants. Immediately set aside plants with suspicious symptoms and obtain a diagnosis from a plant diagnostic clinic or commercial laboratory. Since some viruses are mechanically transmitted, frequently disinfest tools used for vegetative propagation. When possible and practical, propagate plants by seed rather than vegetatively, since vegetative propagation is far more likely to spread viruses. No chemicals cure a virus-infected plant, nor do any chemicals protect plants from becoming infected. If a virus is carried by aphids, thrips, or mites, the risk of infection can be reduced by monitoring for them and suppressing their numbers when needed — for example, by applying insecticides, miticides, or appropriate biological control measures.

Angular leaf spots, caused by foliar nematode feeding, on anemone.

In t r o d u c t i o n Nematodes are tiny (1 to 4 mm long), non-segmented worms, many of which are too small to be seen with the naked eye. Plant-parasitic nematodes cause diseases that are often mistaken for cultural problems or fungal root rots. Most plant-feeding nematodes live in the soil and feed on plant roots, but some feed inside leaves or on other above-ground tissues. The plant-parasitic nematodes have a hollow spear-shaped mouthpart called a stylet that is used to penetrate plant cells, inject digestive juices and pull in plant cellular material.

Symptoms and signs Probably all plants have nematodes feeding on their roots, but generally it takes a large population to cause root dysfunction and decline. An exception would be the root-knot nematode, which can cause stunting with relatively low populations.. Because the roots are commonly targeted, often the symptoms seen above-ground are those to be expected when roots are not functioning well: stunting, yellowing, or other indications of nutrient deficiency. In order to determine whether plant parasitic nematode populations are high enough to damage plant health, a soil sample should be submitted to a nematode diagnostic lab; most of these labs are located at universities.






One of the most damaging nematodes, with a wide host range, is the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne. When root knot nematodes feed on the roots, plants may be severely stunted, especially in sandier soils. Direct examination of the roots will show distinctive lumpy swellings (“root knots” or galls) in areas where the tiny female nematodes are feeding. The stem and bulb nematode, Ditylenchus, may cause stunting and distortion of the leaves of bulbous plants, and rings within the bulbs themselves. Another special group of nematodes called “foliar nematodes” (Aphelenchoides) may attack above-ground, swimming sinuously up onto the plant while the surface is wet and entering the leaves through the stomates. There they feed within the leaf tissue, mate, and have their offspring, resulting in discolored patches in the invaded leaves. Foliar nematode injury is usually bounded by the major veins in the leaf, so that the patches are rectangular or wedge-shaped. These discolored patches in the leaf may look very much like downy mildew infections, which also tend to be vein bounded. To be sure that symptoms are caused by foliar nematodes, leaves with suspicious discolored patches may be torn into small pieces and placed in lukewarm water in a Petri plate or other small transparent dish. With a little magnification (a dissecting microscope works well), the foliar nematodes may be seen swimming out of the edge of torn lesions after a few minutes to several hours. Lighting the dish from beneath is best for visualizing the nematodes.

Ecology Plant-feeding nematodes have an egg stage and four progressively larger larval stages before becoming a mature adult that is less than 2 mm long. Some of these nematode species live in the soil and feed on roots (ectoparasites), while others enter the root and feed from within (endoparasites). They may cause injury directly, by feeding on roots, or indirectly, such as by making wounds that help disease-causing fungi to enter roots. Nematodes can also transmit viruses. Certain viruses in the nepovirus

Close-up of a nematode’s mouthparts, showing the tapered stylet anchored by an enlarged base.

group (including Tobacco rattle virus, which is common on herbaceous perennials) may be spread from plant to plant through the feeding of Xiphinema, Longidorus or Paralongidorus nematodes. Nematodes move only short distances on their own, but they can be moved along with soil particles by water flow, on cultivation equipment, or on bulbs or other plant materials. Interstate movement of nursery material provides long distance transportation. Root-knot nematodes are becoming more common in the nursery trade.

Management In field agriculture, highly toxic fumigants have been used for reducing populations of plant-parasitic nematodes in the soil in the past. Some of these materials are now being phased out of use because of their toxicity to the applicator and the danger that they pose to ground water or other aspects of the environment; none are available to a home gardener. For commercial field nursery production, few products are available for soil application to control nematodes. Check with your local cooperative extension office to learn whether there are chemical control options available in your area. Some systemic insecticides reduce nematode populations and are available for application to container-grown plants in nurseries. Hot water treatment is used to eliminate Ditylenchus from dormant narcissus bulbs. For the home gardener, there are no chemical options. Fortunately, supplemental fertilization and other good cultural care can mask nematode symptoms that would be apparent on plants growing under more stressful conditions. This allows gardeners to tolerate low levels of nematode infestation in their plantings. To avoid the problem, however, always be careful to choose vigorous looking plants when purchasing herbaceous perennials. If plants can be removed from their containers, they can be checked for root knot prior to purchase. When buying plants, also look carefully for symptoms of foliar nematodes, especially on the older foliage

A nematode (coiled) with its head inserted into a root.

Swollen, distorted roots resulting from attack by root knot nematodes.


where the injury first appears. This is especially important for species that are very prone to foliar nematode, such as Japanese anemones. Try to prevent bringing foliar nematodes into your garden on new plant purchases. If discovered later, the best recourse is to hand-pick leaves showing foliar nematode symptoms and to adjust irrigation so as to reduce the amount of time that the leaves sit wet. Growing plants drier in nurseries or gardens will reduce foliar nematode injury. If root knot nematode has seriously harmed individual plants in an established garden, the plants should be removed carefully, along with the soil clinging to the roots. Be careful not to spread the nematode to areas of the garden that are not already infested. It will be best to replace with a different plant species that is less susceptible to the type of nematode involved. Soil solarization, keeping an area fallow, or planting nematode-suppressive marigold varieties are techniques that can be used to clean up a garden area in which nematode populations have become damagingly high.



Foliar nematode damage on asarum.



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