Fungi & Slime Moulds in Suffolk. Supplement 3

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FUNGI AND SLIME-MOULDS IN SUFFOLK SUPPLEMENT 3 MARTIN & PAM ELLIS This Supplement brings the list up-to-date for collections made up to end of November, 1995, with a total now of 4275 species (241 additions). Dr Oliver Rackham kindly let us see his so far unpublished records of fungi found in Bradfield Woods which included a number of species new to Suffolk. We were asked by the R.S.P.B. to carry out a survey of fungi growing on their reserve at Minsmere and we visited it once or twice a week for about 18 months during 1994-1995; many fungi not seen previously in Suffolk were found there. As in previous lists, sites are numbered and the numbers incorporated in the list to indicate where such species were found. 1. AGARICALES AND BOLETALES AGARICUS subperonatus, 16, 20; vinosobrunneus, 16. ARMILLARIA ectypa, 16. BOLETUS appendiculatus, 16; moravicus, 22; queletii, 16. CLITOCYBE americana, 16; depauperata, 16; tenuissima, 12; truncicola, 16. COLLYBIA inodora, 16. C O N O C Y B E stennophylla, 18. COPRINUS dilectus, 19. CORTINARIUS biveloides, 3; gracilior, 16; iliopodius, 16; myrtillinus, 3; paleiferus, 16; psammocephalus, 16; pulchellus, 16; subbalaustinus, 3; subferrugineus, 3; volvatus, 3. E N T O L O M A corvinum, 12; fernandae, 12,16; kristiansenii, 16; parasiticum, 16; rhombisporum, 21; sarcitulum, 12, 16; testaceum, 3. FLAMMULASTER limulata, 17. HEBELONA fragilipes, 16; versipelle, 16. HYGROCYBE brevispora, 12; citrinovirens, 12; clivalis, 16; langei, 12, 16; quieta, 12. HYGROPHORUS poetarum, 3. INOCYBE griseolilacina, 9; hystrix, 16, 21; tigrina, 17. LACTARIUS azonites, 3; fluens, 16; rubrocinctus, 3. LYOPHYLLUM fumosum, 3.

MARASMIUS lupuletorum, 3. MYCENA graminea, 16; maculata, 3, 16; mairei, 12; pura var. alba, 9; scabripes, 16. NAUCORIA silvae-novae, 16; submelinoides, 3. PHOLICTA filia, 16. PLUTEUS gracilis, 1; pearsonii, 3. PSATHYRELLA artemisiae, 10; pellucidipes, 12, 17; spintrigera, 3. RIPARTITES tricholoma, 16. RUSSULA atrorubens, 16; intactior, 16; ionochlora, 16; puellula, 16. STROPHARIA aurantiaca, 5. TEPHROCYBE baeosperma, 12, 16. 2. APHYLLOPHORALES AND NON-GILLED AGARICALES (Bracket, club, and resupinate fungi) ANTRODIA albobrunnea, 16; gossypium, 6, 16. APHANOBASIDIUM filicinum, 16. ATHELIA bombacina, 6, 16; salicum, 16.

BOIDINIA furfuracea, 16. BOTRYOBASIDIUM laeve, 16; obtusisporum. CERACEOMYCES serpens, 16; sublaevis, 16. CERIPORIA excelsa 2a. CLAVULINOPSIS subtilis, 12. CORTICIUM expallens, 16. DELICATULA integrella, 16. DICHOMITUS campestris, 16.

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Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 32

ERYTHRICIUM laetum, 16. FIBULOMYCES septentrionalis, 16 FLAGELLOSCYPHA morlichensis 16.

GRANDINIA hastata, 16. GRIFOLA umbellata, 5b. HYPHODERMA roseocremeum, 16 HYPOCHNICIELLUM molle, 16; ovoideum, 16. HYPOCHNICIUM sphaerosporum, 16. LACHNELLA eruciformis, 16. LUELLIA recondita, 16. MERISMODES fasciculatus, 16 PELLIDISCUS pallidus, 16. PENIOPHORA versicolor, 16. PHANEROCHAETE affinis, 13, 16; avellanea, 16. POLYPORUS badius, 2, 7. POSTIA balsamea, 16; sericeomollis, 16; tephroleuca, 16. PSEUDOCRATERELLUS sinuosus, 3. SKELETOCUTIS tschulymica, 16 TOMENTELLA asperula, 16; botryoides, 16; coerulea, 16; grissoviolacea, 16; subclavigera, 16, 17; subtestacea, 16; terrestris, 16 TOMENTELLINA fibrosa, 16. TOMENTELLOPSIS echinospora, 16.

TRECHISPORA fastidiosa, 16. TYPHULA hollandii, 16. 3. HETEROBAS IDIOM YCETES (Jelly fungi) ACHROOMYCES effusus, 16; peniophorae, 16. DACRYMYCES capitatus, 16; lacrymalis, 16. EXIDIOPSIS effusa, 16; grisea, 16 MYXARIUM subhyalinum, 16. TRIMORPHOMYCES papilionaceus, 8.

4. GASTEROMYCETES (Puffballs, earth-stars and stinkhorns) GEASTRUM quadrifidum, 4.

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5. UREDINALES (Rusts) MELAMPSORIDIUM hiratsukanum 3. PUCCINIA brachypodii var. nemoralis, 3; difformis, 16; elymi, 16; pelargonii-zonalis, 18. 7. ASCOMYCETES (Cup- and flask fungi) ASCOZONUS cunicularius, 16. BELONIUM incurvatum, 16. BOTRYOSPHAERIA festucae, 16 BOTRYOTINIA convoluta, 16. BULBOMOLLISIA radiata, 16 BYSSOTHECIUM circinans, 3. CERATOCYSTIS fimbriata, 16. CONIOCHAETA velutina, 16. CRYPTODIAPORTHE pyrrhocystis, 16. CUCURBITARIA dulcamarae, 16 DASYSCYPHUS clavigerus, 16 DIAPORTHOPSIS sepium, 16. DOTHIDEA puccinioides, 16. DURELLA macrospora, 5a. ENCHNOA lanata, 16. ERYSIPHE echinopsis, 18; galii, 16; lythri, 16. GODRONIA callunigera, 16. HELVELLA stevensii, 14. HERPOTRICHIELLA pilosa, 16 HYMENOSCYPHUS vitigenus, 16 HYPODERMA ilicinum, 16. KEISSLERIELLA linearis, 16 KHUSKIA oryzae, 16. LAMPROSPORA crouanii, 15 LEPTOSPHAERIA ammophilae, 20; baldingerae, 16; dumetorum, 16; gloeospora, 16; scirpina, 16; tritici, 16.

LOPHIOSTOMA nucula, 13. LOPHODERMELLA sulcigena, 16. MELANOSPORA lagenaria, 16. MYCOSPHAERELLA sagedioides 16. NECTRIA pallidula, 16, 23. NIPTERA ramincola, 16.


OPHIOBOLUS cirsii, 16. PEZICULA carnea, 16. PEZIZA petersii, 11. PEZIZELLA eriophori, 16. PHOMATOSPORA arenariae, 16. PHYSALOSPORA miyabeana, 3. PLEJOBOLUS arenarius, 16. PLEOSPORA shepherdiae, 16. PYRENOPEZIZA carduorum, 16; chailletii, 16; thalictri, 16. PYRONEMA confluens, 3. SARCOSPHAERA coronaria, 3. SYDOWIELLA ambigua, 16. THYRONECTRIA berolinensis, 16. TRICHONECTRIA hirta, 16. VALSA pruinosa, 16. VALSARIA insitiva, 16. VENTURIA chlorospora, 16; minuta, 16. 8. DEUTEROMYCETES (Conidial fungi without established perfect states) ACREMONIUM alternatum, 16. AMEROSPORIUM corvinum, 16. ANUNGITEA rhabdospora, 16. ASCOCHYTA agrostis, 16; calystegiae, 19; leptospora var. minor, 16; psammae, 16; rostrupii, 16. BISPORA betulina, 16. CAMAROSPORIUM spartii, 16. CATENULARIA piceae, 16. CERCOSEPTORIA handelii, 16. CERCOSPORA periclymeni, 16. CHALARA microsperma, 16. COLLETOTRICHUM graminicola, 16. CONIOTHYRIUM pteridis, 16; tumefaciens, 16.


CORYNESPORA pruni, 16. CYLINDROCARPON orthosporum, 16. CYTOSPORA fuckelii, 16; lauri, 18. DIPLODIA scheidweileri, 16. DIPLORHINOTRICHUM candidulum, 16. EXOSPORIUM tiliae, 16. FULVIA fulva, 18. FUSARIELLA sarniensis, 16. FUSICOCCUM aucupariae, 16. HANSFORDIA pulvinata, 9. HELICODENDRON triglitziensis, 16. HENDERSONIA epicalamia, 16. HUMICOLA grisea, 16. MIRANDINA arnaudii, 16. MONOCHAETIA karstenii, 16. MONODICTYS levis, 16. MYCOSYLVA clarkii, 16. OIDIUM ericinum, 16. PAECILOMYCES marquandii, 16. PESTALOTIOPSIS guepinii, 16; monochaetioides, 16. PHOMOPSIS conorum, 16; nitidula, 16; quercella, 16. PHYLLOSTICTA fraxinicola, 16; scrophulariae, 16. PLEUROTHECIOPSIS pusilla, 16. RHODESIA subtecta, 16. SEPTORIA ammophilae, 16; fraxini, 16; spiraeae, 16. SPORIDESMIUM clarkii, 16. SYMPHODIELLA acicola, 16. TRICHODERMA piluliferum, 16. ULOCLADIUM botrytis, 16. 9. PHYCOMYCETES (Downy mildews and moulds) PLASMOPARA densa, 16.

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Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 32

SITES WITH REFERENCES TO THE 10KM SQUARES IN WHICH THEY OCCUR AND INITIALS OF RECORDERS AND COLLECTORS 1. Aldringham, Ian's Reserve TM46 N.M. 2. Barking, Priestley Wood TM05 R.D. 2a. Barking, Bonny Wood TM05 R.D. 3. Bradfield Woods TM95 A.J.P.-R., A R., O.R. 4. Brandon Country Park TL78 G.D.H. 5. Bury St Edmunds, Nowton Park TL86 R.D. 5a. Butley Area TM34 C.B.H. 5b. Combs Wood TM05 P.B. 6. Dunwich Forest TM47 J.P.E., M.B.E. 7. Easton, Dodnash Wood TM25 R.D. 8. Fiatford Mill Area TM03 K.P. 9. Frostenden, Blomfield Wood TM48 F.R., J.H. 10. Frostenden, Earth-Holes Wood TM48 J.H. 11. Frostenden, Old Henham Brickworks TM48 J.P.E., R.W.E. RECORDERS AND COLLECTORS A.J.P.-R. A. J. Parker-Rhodes A.R. Alan Rayner C.B.H. C. B. Hitch F.R. Fred Remblance G.D.H. G. D. Heathcote (Mrs) G.P. Gill Perkins (Mrs) J.H. John Holmes J.P.E. J. Pamela Ellis (Mrs) The late Dr. M. B. Ellis

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12. Frostenden, White House Farm TM48 J.H. 13. Henham, Norman Gwatkin Reserve (S.W.T.) TM47 M.R. 14. Holton Hall Park TM47 G.P. 15. Ipswich, Sandyhill Lane TM24 P.E.-B. 16. Minsmere, R.S.P. Reserve TM46 J.P.E., M.B.E. 17. Reydon Wood TM47 J.P.E., M.B.E. 18. Southwold TM57 J.P.E., M.B.E. 19. Southwold Common TM57 J.P.E., M.B.E. 20. Southwold Denes TM57 J.P.E., M.B.E. 21. Thorpeness, Ryegrass Wood TM45N.M. 22. Tunstall Forest TM35 F.R. 23. Walberswick, Fen Covert TM47 J.P.E., M.B.E.

K.P. M.B.E. M.R. N.M. O.R. P.E.-B. R.D. R.W.E.

K. Pirozynski M. B. Ellis Mary Remblance Neil Mahler Oliver Rackham Peter Earland Bennett Rob Dryden R. W. Ellis Mrs. J. P. Ellis, 31 Marlborough Road, Southwold, Suffolk IP18 6LR

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