Yucca rupicola

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The large, showy flowers of the Twist-leaf. Yucca or Twisted. Leaf Yucca (Yucca rupicola), an evergreen, summer-flowering perennial endemic to the Edwards. Plateau of Texas, USA The laterally twisted leaves are a brighter green than those of most yuccas and are tipped with a sharp spine. This trunk-less species forms a 60 x 60cm foliage clump with flower stems to 15m tall Similar plants with blue-grey leaves are usually hybrids with Yucca pallida.

The large, showy flowers of the Twist-leaf. Yucca or Twisted. Leaf Yucca (Yucca rupicola), an evergreen, summer-flowering perennial endemic to the Edwards. Plateau of Texas, USA The laterally twisted leaves are a brighter green than those of most yuccas and are tipped with a sharp spine. This trunk-less species forms a 60 x 60cm foliage clump with flower stems to 15m tall Similar plants with blue-grey leaves are usually hybrids with Yucca pallida.


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