5 rare house plants you need

These rare houseplants are highly sought after by plant parents looking to create a unique indoor jungle! Discover 5 unusual plants at Prickle in this guide.
5 rare house plants you need | Prickle Plants UK

The world of plants is an intriguing place, you can find unusual, rare, weird-looking and even dangerous plants to bring into your home. Ok, maybe we will keep the dangerous ones out of our homes, but there are many others to love instead.

We've put together our top 5 rare finds that any plant collector would be jumping for joy to own. From their key features to care tips and propagation, we've got all the info you need for picking the perfect one.

History of rare plants

Rare houseplants have travelled over to the UK from all over the world, our list includes ones from Australia, South Asia, and the wild rainforests of South America. These tropical and desert climates produce some of the weirdest and wildest plants you can imagine.

Our list includes our favourite unusual plants that are hard to come by, however, there are a few more common ones that we love. The Prayer Plant is native to Brazil, and the family is most recognisable by their colourful foliage. A less common one that comes with fiery red leaves is the Flamestar Prayer Plant, this pet-friendly plant is a great starter plant for any newbie.

The Monstera plant varieties are one of the more well-known houseplants, originating in South America too. Although they're about as common in British households as a philodendron family, some special varieties like the small Monstera Obliqua are a great example of unusual foliage.

Lil' Monstera | Prickle Plants UK

Dark green leaves to sharp spines

From sharp, spiky cacti to plump succulents and leafy hanging plants, our Prickle plant shop has a huge range for you to explore. Although these plants aren't native to Britain, they can grow (and even reproduce) indoors quite happily with the right soil, light, water, and care.

Our 5 favourite rare houseplants

From leafy houseplants that give a tropical feel to sun-loving rare cacti, our family of Prickle Plants contains some wild species that make Ficus Robusta, aka the Rubber Plant, seem like a common daisy.

Be on the lookout for more unusual plants that will feel right at home in the office, conservatory, or kitchen at Prickle Plants.


Ficus Robusta | Prickle Plants UK

Fishbone Cactus

Epiphyllum Anguliger, known as the Fishbone Cactus, grows naturally in Mexico and has a super weird succulent leaf shape. With small waves going back and forth, it's so unique that any house guest will want to know more about it.

As the leaves grow, they will begin to hang down with the weight rather than grow upwards. To keep your Fishbone Cactus happy, give it plenty of bright, indirect sunlight and water it only once it is all dried out. Happiest growing hanging near a window, this rare plant is poisonous to curious pets, so keep them at bay.

Plant Tips

Think desert vibes with this rare succulent. Although it likes a bit of humidity from time to time, it won't love being in the bathroom. Keep your Zig Zag Cactus in temperatures no lower than 10°C.

The Rik Rak Cactus can produce a vibrant pink flower in autumn if the environment is perfect. Once the plant is three years old, keep an eye out for this unique occurrence.

Fishbone Cactus | Prickle Plants UK

African Milk Tree

This cactus, Euphorbia Trigona, has an unusual tall shape with thorns growing in pairs. Also called the African Milk Tree, it's one of the more unique and rare succulents you can find. This indoor plant will look great in a minimalist style interiors, just make sure it's not somewhere you walk past often, as the thorns can be very delicate.

The leaves of this weird plant thrive in direct sunlight with warm temperatures. When broken, they release a white milky sap which is poisonous to both humans and pets, so wash your hands if you break a stem.

Plant Tips

This slow grower can reach heights of 2 metres in size, although it might take a few (or 10) years. To help your African Milk Tree grow, dust it regularly instead of misting, it prefers a dry environment.

African Milk Tree | Prickle Plants UK

Silver Queen

Philodendron Hastatum, aka the Silver Queen, is a favourite in our rare plant collection, with its heart-shaped leaves making us feel romantic. Originating from South America and the Caribbean, it's a fast-growing, shade-tolerant climber that would suit any warm home.

Adding the Silver Sword Philodendron to your plant collection will get you browny points with experts, as this is a rare houseplant in many other countries.

Plant Tips

Caring for this rare plant requires some additional accessories. It likes to grow up a moss pole and enjoys hot, slightly humid conditions. Bring it close to the window for some bright, indirect light - if the leaves turn yellow, adjust your light conditions to be a tad shadier.

This plant is easy to propagate, just take cuttings from the mother plants and place them in water, and in no time you'll have a whole royal family from one plant.

Silver Queen Plant | Prickle Plants UK

Zebra Elephant Ear

With heart-shaped leaves, the Alocasia Zebrina is one of the most leafy, sun-loving and easy-growing houseplants. Better known as the Zebra Elephant Ear, this unusual variety has intriguing patterned stems.

Coming from South East Asia, this rare plant has air purifying properties and is easy to propagate using the cuttings method - read our Guide to propagating house plants to learn more.

Plant Tips

Don't panic if this large plant seems to wilt in your home over winter - the Zebra Elephant Ear hibernates during the cold months. To keep it surviving, don't hold off on watering, just reduce it a little until the temperatures start creeping up again.

Zebra Elephant Ear | Prickle Plants UK

Bolivianum Forest Cactus

The stringy Lepismium Bolivianum is one of the most fascinating hanging houseplants. Found natively in Bolivia, this plant is also known as the Bolivianum Forest Cactus. It has hanging tendrils and unlike many cacti, it is perfectly happy in a wide range of temperatures, making it a great unusual plant for beginners.

Just keep a lookout for colour changes on the hanging leaves - pinks and reds are signs of too much light, and brown is a sign of too much water.

Plant Tips

This variety is part of our large, shade-tolerant plant collection. Unlike many other trailing houseplants, this one won't ever need a moss pole. As weird as this plant looks, it's very tame and easy to care for. Avoid it being near pets and children though, as it is toxic if eaten.

Bolivianum Forest Cactus | Prickle Plants UK

More from Prickle

We are always trying to find homes for our unusual plants. This plant collection may be a little intimidating at first, but you shouldn't be scared. Maintenance for these houseplants is actually pretty easy, and don't forget that we have some helpful plant guides at Prickle to make nurturing your plant collection even easier.

Among the Prayer Plant, Philodendron, Anthurium, and Ficus varieties, you can find so many rare and unusual plants. We've named just a few of our top, but there are many more to find. Our pink Lil' Chinese Evergreen is part of our rare Lil' Pricks, while the Polka Dot Begonia, with its white polka-dots, is great for anyone who likes a spooky style.

Need some plant advice? Contact us at contact@prickleplants.co.uk. or DM us at @prickplantsuk for plant care tips.

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