Lets talk about hognose morphs +

Part 3: Incomplete Dominant Morphs

This will be a pretty short section, as there aren’t too many incomplete dominant morphs out there for hognoses. I will be omitting Green Hypo and it’s super form (watermelon) as I can find next to no information on the gene. There is also Woodruff Hypo, which I have found pictures of, but I can’t find much solid information on what’s going on with that particular morph.

Anaconda | Superconda (Super Anaconda)


(image credit 1) (image credit 2)

Anaconda is my favorite incomplete dominant morph, and it’s very popular with others as well. Anaconda is characterized by large, blotched, and a reduced number of saddles. Extreme forms of anaconda can have striping. Two counts of anaconda creates the Superconda. The superconda is an almost patternless snake with a dark dorsal stripe. Some breeders are working on enhancing the stripe as well.

Arctic (JMG Axanthic) | Super Arctic


(image credit)

Arctic is a form of axanthic. They are generally shades of grey, though they do have a bit of brown peeking through. The Super Arctic begins as an almost pure black snake that, after several sheds, lightens to a black and grey snake with “frosted” saddles and black eyes.

Posted on 16 September 2016, at 6.24pm, with 124 notes
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