Naturopathic support for Molluscum contagiosum

Molluscum contagiosum, a member of the pox virus family, is a common viral skin condition that primarily affects children and immunosuppressed adults. This highly contagious infection can easily spread to different parts of the body and to other children. Most adults have natural immunity to this virus due to previous exposure during childhood.

Children with weakened immune systems or those with allergies and atopic conditions are more susceptible to molluscum contagiosum. This is because their immune systems are often already preoccupied with allergic responses, leaving little resources to fight off viral infections like molluscum. While the virus is highly contagious, it is generally harmless and not usually painful. However, the spots can occasionally become itchy, irritating, or even infected, leading to further complications.

Medical professionals often recommend allowing the virus to run its course as it typically clears up on its own within 6 to 18 months, although it can sometimes take longer. Some doctors may consider burning off the papules as a treatment option, similar to wart removal. However, this method can increase the risk of spreading the infection, so caution is advised.


To minimize the spread of molluscum contagiosum to other parts of the body and other children:

  • Limit exposure to warm water, as the virus thrives in these conditions. Avoid bathing your child with other siblings and opt for showers instead, as baths can facilitate the spread of the infection.

  • If swimming is necessary, cover up the affected areas with waterproof band-aids to minimize the risk of infecting others.

  • Ensure that the affected areas are the last to be dried when your child is drying off after bathing or swimming. Washing towels with each use can also reduce the chance of spreading the virus.

  • Keep the affected areas covered with clothing and/or band-aids whenever possible to reduce the risk of transmission.


Supporting the immune system is crucial in combating viral skin conditions like molluscum contagiosum. A diet rich in nutrient-dense foods, particularly those high in antioxidants, can strengthen immunity. Eating a rainbow of fresh fruit and vegetables is an excellent way to get adequate nutrients. Smoothies, fresh fruit and vegetables juices and raw veggies with dip are all great options.

Reducing refined sugar intake is also important, as high sugar consumption can suppress the immune system by almost 50% for up to 5 hours.  leaving your child more susceptible to infections and taking longer for infections to clear.

Short-term intake of supplements alongside a healthy diet can offer additional immune support.

Key supplements include: -

  • Zinc

Zinc is essential for a strong immune system and fighting off viruses effectively. Zinc is anti-viral  - it helps prevent virus replicating. It is also important for strong barrier membranes in the skin.

Zinc-rich foods include red meat, seafood, legumes, oats and pumpkin seeds. In times of acute immune support needs, a zinc supplement is often indicated.

The specific dose that will work best for your child depends on their needs and situation. As a rough guide around 10mg for a child 5 years of age is quite common. This is a short-term dose only but is significantly higher than the amount of zinc found in many supermarket and pharmacy children’s multivitamins and gummies.

  • Vitamin C

Vitamin C is important for all aspects of immunity. It is used by white blood cells to fight off viruses and bacteria efficiently.

Vitamin C rich foods include citrus foods, strawberries, capsicum, broccoli, wheatgrass.

Vitamin C has a short-half life and the human body is unable to absorp large quantities at one time, so when supplementing vitamin C it is best to supplement lower doses multiple times per day or use a slow release formula.

  • Quercetin

Quercetin is anti-inflammatory and anti-viral and works in synergy with vitamin C to combat viral infections. It is found in apples and onions and commonly supplemented to get a therapeutic dose in times of infection.

  • Medicinal mushrooms

Medicinal mushrooms like reishi, cordyceps, and shiitake can also provide excellent support for molluscum due to their unique anti-viral and immune-supporting properties.


Topical treatment is an excellent adjunct to internal immune support to further support clearance of the virus, reduce likelihood of infection and soothe the skin.

A herbal cream containing thuja and calendula is my preferred treatment option. Thuja has antiviral properties, while calendula is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing, helping to soothe irritated skin and reduce chance of infection

If the papules become irritated or itchy, an oatmeal bath can help soothe the skin and reduce the urge to scratch. Place rolled oats in a sock or muslin cloth and run under the tap while your child is having a bath. Avoid applying the oats directly to the papules, as this may further spread the infection to other parts of the body.

Book an acute consultation here for personalised advice and access to high-quality practitioner-only supplements and herbal cream preparations


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