Alyssum samariferum

Alyssum samariferum

Kanatlı kevke

Perennial with erect or ascending fruiting stems up to 70 cm. Sterile shoot leaves linear-oblanceolate, conduplicate, concolorous, with an indumentum of dense, silvery, minute, adpressed, multiradiate lepidote or sublepidote hairs. Cauline leaves decreasing in size upwards, conduplicate. Pedicels sigmoid and filiform 5-8 mm. Petals obovate, entire, 2-2,5 x 1-1,5 mm, glabrous. Fruits broadly obovate or rotund, obtuse, 12-17 x 12-16 mm, glabrous and yellowish when dry; valves membranous, strongly undulate. Styles -0,8-1 mm, glabrous. Seeds narrowly or widely winged. Fl. 7-8. Igneous rocky slopes, woods, 1200-2350 m.

W. Syria.