Lamium tomentosum

Lamium tomentosum

 Boz balıcak

Low mat-forming perennial with creeping rootstock. Stems 5-24 cm, slender, tufted, glabrous below, ± purplish, usually villous above with a few white glands. Leaves greyish or greenish, cordate-ovate to reniform, 3-30 x 6-23 mm, ± rugose, crenate , villous, tomentose or adpressed-hirsute to -pubescent, with sessile glands, rarely subglabrous. Bracts similar to leaves. Verticillasters 1-3, 4-12-flowered, crowded. Bracteoles 2-7 mm. Calyx 9-12 mm, greyish-green, villous to tomentose; tube 4.5-7 mm, teeth 4-6 mm, with patent cilia and white sessile glands. Corolla whitish or pale yellowish, 19-30 mm; tube ± straight or curved, 12-16 mm, with annulus; upper lip retuse, denticulate to subentire, 7-10 mm; lower lip 4-10 mm, lateral lobes with 1-2 mm appendage. Anthers pale brownish. Nutlets not seen. Fl. 7-8. Rocky volcanic and limestone slopes, 2400-3700 m.
Caucasia, N. Iran, N. Iraq. Ir.-Tur. element.