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Pennisetum clandestinum

Higher Taxonomy
Family: Poaceae (Gramineae)View DescriptionDichotomous Key
Habit: Annual to woody perennial herb; roots generally fibrous. Stem: generally round, hollow; nodes swollen, solid. Leaf: alternate, 2-ranked, generally linear, parallel-veined; sheath generally open; ligule membranous or hairy, at blade base. Inflorescence: various (of generally many spikelets). Spikelet: glumes generally 2; florets (lemma, palea, flower) 1--many; lemma generally membranous, sometimes glume-like; palea generally +- transparent, +- enclosed by lemma. Flower: generally bisexual, minute; perianth vestigial; stamens generally 3; stigmas generally 2, generally plumose. Fruit: grain, sometimes achene- or utricle-like.
Genera In Family: 650--900 genera; +- 10550 species: worldwide; greatest economic importance of any family (wheat, rice, maize, millet, sorghum, sugar cane, forage crops, ornamental, weeds; thatching, weaving, building materials). Note: Generally wind-pollinated. Achnatherum, Ampelodesmos, Hesperostipa, Nassella, Piptatherum, Piptochaetium, Ptilagrostis moved to Stipa; Elytrigia, Leymus, Pascopyrum, Pseudoroegneria, Taeniatherum to Elymus; Hierochloe to Anthoxanthum; Lolium, Vulpia to Festuca; Lycurus to Muhlenbergia; Monanthochloe to Distichlis; Pleuraphis to Hilaria; Rhynchelytrum to Melinis. The following taxa (in genera not included here), recorded in California from historical collections or reported in literature, are extirpated, lacking vouchers, or not considered naturalized: Acrachne racemosa (Roth) Ohwi, Allolepis texana (Vasey) Soderstr. & H.F. Decker, Amphibromus nervosus (Hook. f.) Baill., Axonopus affinis Chase, Axonopus fissifolius (Raddi) Kuhlm., Coix lacryma-jobi L., Cutandia memphitica (Spreng.) K. Richt., Dinebra retroflexa (Vahl) Panz., Eremochloa ciliaris (L.) Merr., Eustachys distichophylla (Lag.) Nees, Gaudinia fragilis (L.) P. Beauv., Miscanthus sinensis Andersson, Neyraudia arundinacea (L.) Henrard, Phyllostachys aurea Rivière & C. Rivière, Phyllostachys bambusoides Siebold & Zuccarini, Rottboellia cochinchinensis (Lour.) Clayton, Schedonnardus paniculatus (Nutt.) Branner & Coville, Schizachyrium cirratum (Hack.) Wooton & Standl., Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.) Nash, Themeda quadrivalvis (L.) Kuntze, Thysanolaena latifolia (Hornem.) Honda, Tribolium obliterum (Hemsl.) Renvoize, Zea mays L., Zizania palustris L. var. interior (Fassett) Dore, Zoysia japonica Steud. Paspalum pubiflorum E. Fourn., Paspalum quadrifarium Lam., are now reported for southern California (J Bot Res Inst Texas 4:761--770). See Glossary p. 30 for illustrations of general family characteristics.
eFlora Treatment Author: James P. Smith, Jr., except as noted
Scientific Editor: James P. Smith, Jr., J. Travis Columbus, Dieter H. Wilken.
Genus: PennisetumView DescriptionDichotomous Key

Habit: Annual, perennial herb. Stem: generally erect and tufted; internode solid or hollow. Leaf: basal and cauline; sheath generally glabrous; ligule short-hairy or membranous, ciliate. Inflorescence: terminal and/or axillary, generally panicle-like, dense, +- cylindric (raceme-like in Pennisetum clandestinum); spikelets generally many, short-stalked to sessile, generally in clusters of 1--4 on highly reduced branches, subtended by 6--many inner and outer sets of bristles and a single terminal generally >> than the others; spikelet cluster and bristles generally falling as 1 unit. Spikelet: dorsally compressed to +- round in ×-section; glumes 1--2, lower glume < upper when present; upper +- = spikelet; florets 2, lower floret sterile or staminate; upper floret fertile, lemma firm, +- thick or hard, smooth or scabrous, generally dull, margin flat to inrolled, tip blunt; palea < lemma, = in texture; anthers 3.
Etymology: (Latin: feather or plume + bristle, conspicuous bristles subtending spikelets) Note: Separation of Pennisetum from Cenchrus remains unsettled. Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br., Pennisetum latifolium Spreng., Pennisetum macrourum Trin., Pennisetum nervosum (Nees) Trin., Pennisetum purpureum Schumach. have been collected in California, but none has become naturalized. Some species cultivated for ornament, food (pearl millet), fodder, fiber for paper-making; others are aggressive weeds.
eFlora Treatment Author: James P. Smith, Jr.
Reference: Wipff 2003 FNANM 25:517--529
Pennisetum clandestinum Chiov.
Habit: Mat-forming perennial herb from stolons and rhizomes. Stem: vegetative stem spreading; flower stem decumbent, 0.3--4.5 dm. Leaf: sheath 1--10 cm, glabrous or hairy, +- inflated; ligule +- 1--2 mm; blade 1.5--15 cm, 1--6 mm wide, upper surface glabrous to short-hairy, flat or folded, tip obtuse. Inflorescence: raceme-like, 1--2.7 cm; 1° axis flattened, +- enclosed by sheath at maturity; branches < 0.5 cm, glabrous; inner and outer bristles 6--15, <= 11 mm; terminal bristle 10--14 mm. Spikelet: 10--20 mm, +- 1 mm wide, lanceolate, gray-green; lower glume +- 1--2 mm, 0 or 1-veined; upper glume +- = spikelet length; lower floret lemma 9--13-veined, tip acuminate, palea 2--7-veined; upper floret slightly < lower floret. Chromosomes: 2n=36.
Ecology: Disturbed areas; Elevation: < 100 m. Bioregional Distribution: NCo, CaRH, c SNF, ScV, CCo, SnFrB, SCo, n ChI (Santa Cruz, San Miguel islands), PR, D; Distribution Outside California: Arizona to South America; native to Africa. Flowering Time: All year Note: Often used for fodder or as lawn grass. Can sequester toxic levels of nitrates and soluble oxalates.
Jepson eFlora Author: James P. Smith, Jr.
Reference: Wipff 2003 FNANM 25:517--529
Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange)
Noxious Weed listed on the CDFA Weed Pest Ratings table
View the CDFA Pest Rating page for Pennisetum clandestinum
Weed listed by Cal-IPC

Previous taxon: Pennisetum ciliare
Next taxon: Pennisetum setaceum

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Citation for this treatment: James P. Smith, Jr. 2012, Pennisetum clandestinum, in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora,, accessed on May 03, 2024.

Citation for the whole project: Jepson Flora Project (eds.) 2024, Jepson eFlora,, accessed on May 03, 2024.

Pennisetum clandestinum
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©2009 Barry Rice
Pennisetum clandestinum
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©2008 Neal Kramer
Pennisetum clandestinum
click for enlargement
©2011 Steve Matson
Pennisetum clandestinum
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©2014 Neal Kramer
Pennisetum clandestinum
click for enlargement
©2011 Steve Matson

More photos of Pennisetum clandestinum
in CalPhotos

Geographic subdivisions for Pennisetum clandestinum:
NCo, CaRH, c SNF, ScV, CCo, SnFrB, SCo, n ChI (Santa Cruz, San Miguel islands), PR, D
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2. County and Jepson Region polygons can be turned off and on using the check boxes.
map of distribution 1
(Note: any qualifiers in the taxon distribution description, such as 'northern', 'southern', 'adjacent' etc., are not reflected in the map above, and in some cases indication of a taxon in a subdivision is based on a single collection or author-verified occurence).


Data provided by the participants of the  Consortium of California Herbaria.
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All markers link to CCH specimen records. The original determination is shown in the popup window.
Blue markers indicate specimens that map to one of the expected Jepson geographic subdivisions (see left map). Purple markers indicate specimens collected from a garden, greenhouse, or other non-wild location.
Yellow markers indicate records that may provide evidence for eFlora range revision or may have georeferencing or identification issues.

CCH collections by month

Duplicates counted once; synonyms included.
Species do not include records of infraspecific taxa, if there are more than 1 infraspecific taxon in CA.
Blue line denotes eFlora flowering time (fruiting time in some monocot genera).