Waterlooville masterplan, Hampshire

Waterlooville, Hampshire
Waterlooville, Hampshire

Source:  Image by Sonicpuss Shutterstock

Havant Borough Council is recruiting a design team to remasterplan the centre of Waterlooville in Hampshire [Deadline: 15 September 2023]

The winning team will develop a masterplan and delivery programme for the town centre of Waterlooville intended to re-imagine the settlement’s ‘form and function’ while also identifying key locations and strategies for short, medium and long-term renewal.

The project aims to unlock future investment by revitalising the centre of the historic market town located 9.7km north northeast of Portsmouth which currently suffers from high vacancy rates, a limited range of shops and leisure activities and poor shopfront appearances.

According to the brief: ‘The masterplan will need to balance ambition with deliverability and provide a vehicle both for catalysing immediate action and stimulating future investment.


‘Extensive stakeholder and public engagement in developing the masterplan will be essential to create ownership and buy-in.

‘It is anticipated that the masterplan will reflect best practice in evolving town centres to address current societal changes and the resulting challenges so that Waterlooville can fulfil its role as a thriving hub at the heart of the local community for decades to come.’

Waterlooville is a growing town of around 64,000 inhabitants which developed along the old A3 London to Portsmouth road in the South Hampshire conurbation. The settlement, which is named after a historic pub, features a pedestrianised town centre. Local landmarks include the Michael Manser-designed Waterlooville Baptist Church which was completed in 1967.

The new masterplan will provide a Supplementary Planning Document for the area which could be later adopted by the local authority to enhance its existing planning framework.

Bids will be evaluated 75 per cent on quality and 25 per cent on cost. Applicants must hold employer’s liability insurance of £5 million, public liability insurance of £5 million and professional indemnity insurance of £2 million.


Competition details

Project title Waterlooville Town Centre Master Planning
Client Havant Borough Council
Contract value Tbc
First round deadline Midday, 15 September 2023
Restrictions Applicants must demonstrate experience of undertaking similar studies within the last three years through the provision of two case studies with references
More information https://www.find-tender.service.gov.uk/Notice/022263-2023

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