Astro Bob blog: Meet M3 the Magnificent, a Spring Showpiece

Lots of star clusters, nebulae and galaxies have nicknames based on their beauty, appearance and location. For instance, we have the Eagle Nebula, Fish on a Platter, Hamburger Galaxy and Ant Nebula. What an oversight then that M3, one of early sp...

4131154+M3 Hubble hires.jpg
NASA, ESA, STScI and A. Sarajedini (University of Florida)

Lots of star clusters, nebulae and galaxies have nicknames based on their beauty, appearance and location. For instance, we have the Eagle Nebula, Fish on a Platter, Hamburger Galaxy and Ant Nebula. What an oversight then that M3, one of early spring's most magnificent globular clusters, has no name. Maybe we can change that. Read post here

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