Great Thin Stick Insect

Ramulus nematodes

typical, wingless stick insects. They can grow quite big (14 – 16,5 cm), thus they are bigger than the R. nematodes variation with red males
on their head are two big, brown lobe-like expansions
short feelers, only 1 – 1,5 cm long
colour is ranges from brown to green

typical, wingless stick insects. They are very thin, especially the legs, and grow to about 10 cm. Thus they are also bigger than the R. nematodes with red males
beautifully coloured when adult. The body is blue, while the legs are brown
short feelers – about 3 cm long
Micky Mouse Stick This species, Ramulus nematodes is fondly called Micky Mouse for the 2 ear-like lobes above her head.
They are slender and quite long, body length of around 19-20cm and with front legs extended, reaching slightly more than 30cm.

This is a female, mostly green in colour with brown in the leg joints and she has spines on her middle legs.

Note : They usually hangs upside down, but this picture was rotated for easier reference. Geotagged,Great Thin Stick Insect,Malaysia,Phasmid,Ramulus nematodes,Sarawak,Similajau,Stick insect,Summer


typical, wingless stick insects. They can grow quite big (14 – 16,5 cm), thus they are bigger than the R. nematodes variation with red males
on their head are two big, brown lobe-like expansions
short feelers, only 1 – 1,5 cm long
colour is ranges from brown to green

typical, wingless stick insects. They are very thin, especially the legs, and grow to about 10 cm. Thus they are also bigger than the R. nematodes with red males
beautifully coloured when adult. The body is blue, while the legs are brown
short feelers – about 3 cm long
Very large, very thin phasmid (Ramulus nematodes) From Fraser's Hill. From the lobes on the head, I think this is an adult female Ramulus nematodes. Geotagged,Great Thin Stick Insect,Malaysia,Ramulus nematodes,Winter


Baculum insuetum
Baculum malaccensis
Baculum nematodes
Baculum valgus
Clitumnus nematodes
Cuniculina electa
Cuniculina insueta
Cuniculina malaccensis
Cuniculina nematodes
Hermagoras valgus
Lonchodes nematodes
Lonchodes valgus
Phasma (Bacteria) nematodes
Stick Insect, Phasmid - Ramulus nematodes The species, Ramulus nematodes is a long and slender Phasmid.  Put my hand next to it for size reference.
The key feature of the female of this species is the ear-like lobes above her head, making her look like Micky Mouse, or it should be Minnie Mouse since its a female.

Close-up of the head can be seen here :

 Geotagged,Great Thin Stick Insect,Malaysia,Phasmid,Ramulus nematodes,Sarawak,Stick Insect,Summer




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SpeciesRamulus nematodes
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