just came to say hello 🫶

hiiiii here to share a little! my name is Courtney and with me you’ll find my best friend Jack (the cutest cavapoo)!

here to walk through all things fitness, fashion, and food related

fitness: I’m a certified personal trainer that coaches at f45. I love the workout and love getting to coach people through it even more! outside of the studio I loveeee to run and the fits that go with it. currently training for a half marathon in May, while hunting for the best deals on fp movement, on, Nike, and Lululemon.

fashion: obsessed with clothes and shoes is an understatement. while I love finding my new favorite thing, it’s even better if I get it on sale. I’m here to share my best tips and tricks when it comes to saving on your closet.

food: if trying new restaurants was a sport I would win the gold. looking for new places always, discovering healthy eats, or maybe baking a new recipe at home. campingforfood on insta is where I share all of my latest finds (mostly pgh based)

those are my highlights for now! excited to figure out lemon8 with you 💗

#lemon8 #f45 #running #fpmovement #nike #onrunning #freepeople #food #fashion
