Calocedrus formosana

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Taiwan. Incense. Cedar (Calocedrus formosana [syn. Calocedrus macrolepis var. formosana]), an evergreen coniferous tree native to Taiwan. It can grow to as much as 25m tall Not botanically described until 1956, the species has a very restricted natural range and is under threat as its fragrant wood is strong and rot-resistant, and popular for furniture production. calocedrus-2626htm'>Calocedrus. Order: Pinales, Family: Cupressaceae

Taiwan. Incense. Cedar (Calocedrus formosana [syn. Calocedrus macrolepis var. formosana]), an evergreen coniferous tree native to Taiwan. It can grow to as much as 25m tall Not botanically described until 1956, the species has a very restricted natural range and is under threat as its fragrant wood is strong and rot-resistant, and popular for furniture production. calocedrus-2626htm'>Calocedrus. Order: Pinales, Family: Cupressaceae


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ID: CFGen17.jpg






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