My Artistic Journey

Pablo Picasso said "Colours, like features, follow the changes of the emotions."  I have to agree.

My Inspiration

I knew I wanted to be an artist at the age of five, as I watched a repeat of Pablo Picasso drawing on television, ironically in black and white (flowers/fish/chicken - first released in 1956).  

Years later, having studied illustration at Cambridge School of Art, I moved to London to work as an illustrator, before heading to the West of England to pursue a career as a landscape and seascape painter over twenty-five years ago; that was when my passion for soft pastels started. I loved the fact that the medium succeeded in coalescing the best of both drawing and painting.  

I now work almost exclusively in soft pastels, enjoying the ability to work swiftly, which is a necessity on location. My style, although loose and in parts abstracted, remains at its core true to the motif but very much with my personal interpretation of the subject. I endeavour to paint plein air as much as the weather permits, here in the U.K. that can be challenging, but it is this method that I endeavour to imitate and allow to influence my way of working later in the studio.  

Soft pastels continue to challenge and excite me on a daily basis, allowing me to continue to stretch myself creatively.