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Charles A. Woods
Florence E. Sergile
Jose Alberto Ottenwalder

Charles A. Woods
Florence E. Sergile
Jose Alberto Ottenwalder

Florida Museum of Natural History

University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida
Prepared for USAID/Haiti under contract number

This volume is printed on Recycled Paper.

This volume is dedicated to Michel Aubry, who lost
his life while following his, and our, dream of a nation-
al park at Pic Macaya.

We would like to thank all of our co-workers of the University of Florida Macaya Biosphere Reserve
Project who participated in various aspects of this project, and who contributed so much under very
difficult conditions.Some of our colleagues who contributed valuable ideas and much-needed assistance
were Paul Monaghan, Micki Swisher,Jenness McBride, Paul Paryski and John Hermanson. We acknow-
ledge and appreciate the support of Edmond Magny and Louis Buteau of MARNDR and Albert
Mangones of ISPAN. We also acknowledge with appreciation our associates at USAID, particularly
Michelet Fontaine,Larry Harms, Catherine McIntyre, Kevin Mullally, and Charles-EmilePhiloctete. We
are very grateful to those many Haitians who assisted us as we did field work. And, we are grateful for the
assistance of the followingpeople in producing this volume: Beth Rameyfor editing and layout, and Laurie
Walz and Linda Chandler for artwork. Of course, none of the work would have been possible without the
support of Missy Woods.
We would like to thank especially Michael Jenkins and the John and Catherine MacArthur Foundation.
The MacArthur Foundation Grant to Charles Woods and the University of Florida is the single bright
spot in an otherwise very difficult time in the history of conservation in Haiti. Without this grant, the
Macaya Biosphere Reserve Project would have completely floundered.It is difficult to be optimistic about
the conservation of natural resources in Haiti, and the preservation of the rare and endemic flora and
fauna of the Pic Macaya area. However, with the help of the MacArthur Foundation, and the flexibility
that this grant provides us, we are optimistic that some important parts of the plan presented here can be
Table of Contents

Resume (French summary)............................................................................i


Chapter I .The Concept of National Parks and

Biosphere Reserves in Haiti
Conservation Strategy in Haiti ................................................................11
Actions of the Government of Haiti in Conservation..........................17

Chapter I1 .Organizational Plan

Objectives ...................................................................................................
Special Concerns ....................................................................................... 21
Para Nationaux Naturels #Haiti ..................................................... 23
Organizationof Para Haiti ...............................................................25
Responsibilitiesof Para Haiti .......................................................... 29
Implementation and Development..............................................30
Operations....................................................................................... 31
Public Use ....................................................................................... 32
Environmental Stewardship..........................................................32
Monitoring and Evaluation........................................................... 33
Budget for Parcs Haiti .............................................................................. 34

Chapter I11 .Parc National Pic Macaya........................................................ 45

Location ......................................................................................................
Size and Natural Boundaries ...................................................................47
Access ..........................................................................................................
Major Features...........................................................................................52
Soils .......................................................................................................
Floristics ...............................................................................................57
Land Molluscs......................................................................................62
Birds ......................................................................................................
Mammals .............................................................................................. 67
Paleobiology......................................................................................... 69
Paleoclimates ....................................................................................... 76
Critical Regions and Topics of Special Concern
Areas ....................................................................................................-82
Special Concerns ................................................................................. 83
Zones and Areas of Parc Macaya
Recreation ............................................................................................ 84
Special Permit Area ............................................................................ 86
Biological Preserve ............................................................................. 87
Restoration ........................................................................................... 88
Maintenance and Service ................................................................... 89
Security and Information.................................................................... 89
Education ............................................................................................. 90
Research ............................................................................................... 91
Plan for Parc Macaya
Maintenance......................................................................................... 93
Security .................................................................................................93
Recreation and Tourism..................................................................... 94
Education and Interpretation ............................................................ 95
Public Relations...................................................................................96
Research ............................................................................................... 97
Conservation Goals ............................................................................. 97
Ten Year Plan ......................................................................................99

Chapter IV .Macaya Biosphere Reserve

Introduction ................................................................................................101
Conservation Strategy ............................................................................... 102
Natural Resources Management Plan..............................................102
History of Biosphere Reserve Concept ...........................................103
Goals and Objectives of Biosphere Reserve ...................................104
Establishment of an Ideal Biosphere Reserve ................................104
Some Biosphere Reserve Programs of the Caribbean Area .........105
Macaya Biosphere Reserve .Parcs Haiti and the
Concept of "Biosphere Reserves" .....................................................107
Organization of Parcs Haiti and other GOH
Units in Biosphere Reserve Concept ..........................................109
Current Status and Recent Changes
in the Biogeophysical Environment............................................. 111
Formon ............................................................................................ 111
Riviere Trois Sources .................................................................... 113
Pa Lan Kont .................................................................................... 114
Deglacis Region.............................................................................. 115
Rak Bwa Habitat at Sous BoisPortal Formon ..........................119
Local Guides Association .................................................................. 121
Conclusions ..........................................................................................
Existing Trails in the Region of the Planned
Biosphere Reserve ........................................................................ 123
Overview of the Target Zones
Physical factors ............................................................................... 126
Geology............................................................................................ 126
Soils ..................................................................................................
Implementation of the Planned Macaya Biosphere Resersve......130
Recommended Land Uses ............................................................130
Land Use Zones ............................................................................132
Specific recommendations for Formon.......................................134
Current Envrionrnental conditions in the Macaya area ................136

Chapter V .A Proposed Biosphere Reserve for the

Citadelle Area of Northern Haiti
Henry Christophe Biosphere Reserve: the Antilles 2000 Modality...139
Northern Haiti in the Context of Protected Areas...............................141
Criteria for Selection of the Henry Christophe Biosphere Reserve ..141
Targeted Conservation Units................................................................... 143
Descriptionsof the Units ................................................................... 143
The Le Borgne Unit .......................................................................143
The Les Mornes du Cap Unit .......................................................145
La Citadelle Unit........................................................................... 146
The Tete Grande Riviere du Nord Unit ....................................147
The Bassin Zim Unit.....................................................................148
Organizationof the Henry Christophe
Biosphere Reserve Project ................................................................151
Ownership of the Resources....................................................................153
Complexity of Relationships....................................................................153
Activities Involved in the Project ............................................................154
Proposed Organizational Structures and Possible Alternatives .........157
Alternative I: ISPAN* Plan ..............................................................157
Alternative 11: Land and Environment Plan ..................................159
Alternative 111: Outreach Plan ......................................................... 161
Integrated Ten-Year Plan for the Henry Christophe
Biosphere Reserve .............................................................................. 163
Conclusions ................................................................................................
Conservation Plan: Antilles 2000 Modality..................................... 165
Administrative Management Plan .................................................... 166
Projections: Implementation of Antilles 2000 plan
versus laissez-faire.......................................................................... 167

Chapter VI .Species Recovery Plans

Recovery Plan for the Massif de la Hotte Solenodon..........................171
Introduction .........................................................................................
Life History ..........................................................................................
Fossils and Historical Information ................................................... 177
Causes for Decline .............................................................................. 179
Conservation Efforts........................................................................... 179
Problem Analysis and Recovery Strategies..................................... 180
Finding and Monitoring Solenodons................................................ 180
Habitat .............................................................................................
Diseases and Parasites ................................................................... 182
Small population size ..................................................................... 182
Stepdown Outline........................................................................... 185
Recovery Narrative ........................................................................ 187
Recovery Plan for the Black-Capped Petrel.......................................... 196
Introduction .........................................................................................
Taxonomy .............................................................................................
Historical Range.................................................................................. 198
. . .
Present distribution............................................................................. 199
Status .....................................................................................................
Habitat ..................................................................................................
Life History ..........................................................................................
Predation, Diseases and Parasites..................................................... 204
Reasons for Decline and Present Threats .......................................
Conservation MeasuresTaken .......................................................... 216
Recovery ...............................................................................................
Recovery Objective........................................................................ 217
Stepdown Outline........................................................................... 218
Recovery Narrative ........................................................................ 218
Recovery Plan for the Hispaniolan Crossbill
Taxonomy ........................................................................................ 222
Description ......................................................................................
Historical Range .................................................................................. 223
. . .
Present Distribution ............................................................................ 223
Habitat ..................................................................................................
Life History ..........................................................................................
Reasons for Decline and Present Threats ....................................... 226
Conservation MeasuresTaken .......................................................... 227
Recovery Objective............................................................................. 227
Stepdown Outline........................................................................... 228
Recovery Narrative ........................................................................ 229

Chapter VII .Project Summary. Action Plan. and

View to the Future
Summary of National Parks and Biosphere Reserves in Haiti ...........233
Purpose .................................................................................................
Resources ............................................................................................. 236
Management ........................................................................................ 239
Construction Controls........................................................................ 240
Roads ....................................................................................................
Administration ........................................................................................... 241
Suggested Annual Budget .................................................................. 241
Routine Maintenance Schedule ........................................................
Infrastructure ....................................................................................... 242
Personnel ..............................................................................................245
Logistics ................................................................................................
Interpretation and Research ....................................................................
Interpretation....................................................................................... 246
Research ...............................................................................................
Park Headquarters and Stations.............................................................. 249
Location ................................................................................................ 249
Type and Construction ....................................................................... 251
Integration of the Parks with Region ......................................................252
Jobs ........................................................................................................
Watershed Management .................................................................... 252
Model Programs .................................................................................. 253
Recommended Training Programs ......................................................... 253
Individuals ............................................................................................ 253
Location and Training ........................................................................253
Specific Courses and Topics ..............................................................254
Concluding Comments on Parcs Haiti and Biosphere Reserves ........255
The Proposed World Bank Project and The Environmental
Protection Service ............................................................................... 257
Objectives and Strategy of the Proposed World Bank Project ...........258
Objectives ............................................................................................. 258
Strategy .................................................................................................259
Major Project Components of the Proposed World Bank Project .....261
National Land Use Assessment ........................................................ 261
Forest Resources Inventory ...............................................................262
Creation of a New National Park and
Additional Forest Reserves ......................................................... 263
Management of National Parks......................................................... 264
Identification of the New National Park and Forest Reserves .....268
Preservation of Endangered Species................................................ 269
Phasing of the SPE Project ................................................................ 269
MacArthur Foundation Conservation Project "Bridge".......................270
Summary of Proposed MacArthur Foundation Activities...................271
Personnel Supported by the MacArthur Foundation Grant ...............276
Facilities to be used by MacArthur Foundation Grant ........................277

Literature Cited and Selected Bibliography on Natural

Resources and Conservation in Haiti .....................................................281

Appendix I .Flora
Endemic Flora of Parc National Pic Macaya......................................... 305
Endemic Flora of Parc National La Visite ............................................

Appendix I1 .Fauna
Butterflies of the National Parks of Haiti ..............................................314
Land Mollusks of the National Parks of Haiti .......................................315
Annotated List of Amphibians and Reptiles known from the
Massif de la Hotte and Adjacent Areas ...........................................318
Annotated List of Amphibians and Reptiles known from the
Massif de La Selle and Adjacent Mountain Areas .........................320
Status and Conservation Index of 18 Haitian Birds..............................322
Endemic Birds of Hispaniola ...................................................................323
Comparison of Summary Bird Data between
La Visite and Parc Macaya................................................................. 324
Complete List of the Mammals of Haiti ................................................325
Introduced Free-living Mammals of Haiti .............................................328
Historical Mammal Diversity in West Indian Islands ..........................329
Endemic Land Mammls of the Massif de la Hotte
and Massif de la Selle .........................................................................
Fossil and Recent Land Mammals from Trouing Jeremie #5 ...........331

Appendix I11 .Maps

Macaya Biosphere Reserve Functional Zones .1989..........................332
Proposed Management Plan .1992 .......................................................333
Parc National La Visite.............................................................................


Ce volume résume l'historique de la conservation en Haïti et le plan de
gestion des parcs nationaux présenté au gouvernement haïtien en 1986. Il
propose un système de gestion et d'administration des aires réservées, deux
modèles de réserves de la biosphère et des alternatives à court et moyen terme.
Il est, cependant, recommandé au lecteur de se référer aux figures, aux
appendices et au texte anglais pour de plus amples détails.

Historique des aires prot6gCes

Le concept de protection des aires naturelles en Haïti remonte à 1926.
Il est étroitement lié à la protection des réserves forestières et des bassins
versants. La législation concernant la protection des ressources naturelles et des
zones réservées est copieuse, code rural de 1962, lois du 17 août 1955, du 7 avril
1958, du 28 mai 1968, décrets du 18 mars 1968, 31 mars 1971, décrets-lois du 23
juin 1937, du 27 juin 1944. La création des parcs nationaux naturels des mornes
la Visite et Macaya date du décret du 23 juin 1983. Ce dernier remanie celui du
18 mars 1968 concerant la création de huit parcs nationaux et sites naturels et
définit les responsabilités du MARNDR vis à vis de ces dix parcs. Les objectifs
des zones réservées ou parcs nationaux ne sont pas définis donc leur gestion et
administration crèent d'importants problèmes. Elles sont partagées entre deux
institutions à budget restreint. Entre 1983 et 1988, les parcs étaient sous
l'administration conjointe de 1'ISPAN et du MARNDR qui n'ont pu se
concentrer sur le programme de conservation des parcs nationaux naturels faute
de moyens. A cette même époque, le Musée d'Histoire Naturelle de la Floride a
travaillé sous contrat de 1'USAID pour compléter les inventaires biophysiques,
développer un plan de gestion pour les parcs nationaux du Morne la Visite et du
Pic Macaya et un programme national de conservation.
Les objectifs du programme de parcs nationaux naturels en Haïti sont: 1)
La protection des conditions et processus écoloqgiques naturels;
promotion du patrimoine naturel national et son unique valeur; 3 la
développement de programmes touristiques. Le programme de conservation
2I le
des parcs nationaux devrait être développé dans les plus brefs délais car la flore
et la faune du pays se détériorent à un rythme alarmant.
Objectifs des parcs nationaux
Les objectifs des parcs nationaux en Haïti n'ont jamais été définis. Le
décret du 23 juin 1983 énumère les responsabilités du MARNDR comme suit:
a) protéger les conditions écologiques des parcs et sites naturels;
b) entreprendre l'inventaire des espèces animales et végétales des
parcs et sites naturels;
c) étudier les caractéristiques des espèces endémiques de haute
valeur scientifique ainsi que celles des facteurs physiques: géologie, sols,
climats et autres des parcs et sites naturels;
d) identifier les aires naturelles terrestres ou maritimes du
territoire national présentant des caractéristiques écologiques uniques ou
spéciales et qui méritent d'être déclarées parcs ou sites naturels;
e) préserver les parcs et sites naturels de toute détérioration
f) autoriser et supérviser dans les aires des parcs et sites
naturelles tous travaux de recherche entrepris par la communauté
g) diffuser toutes informations relatives aux parcs et sites naturels;
h) offrir les facilités d'accès et autres commodités aux visiteurs.
Un programme d'établissement d'aires proté ées doit définir tout
d'abord le but de chacun de ces espaces car leur objectif! détermine leur plan de
gestion. La synthèse des responsabilités remises au MARNDR résument les
objectifs des parcs nationaux naturels comme suit:
1. La protection des conditions et processus écologiques naturels. Le
bénéfice de ces actions est: A) la préservation des bassins versants, donc
l'amélioration de la qualité de vie de tous les Haïtiens dans les aires
adjacentes aux parcs nationaux; b) la préservation de la diversité des
espèces naturelles donc du patrimoine national naturel.
2. La promotion du patrilnoine national naturel. Ses
bénéfices sont: a) l'enrichissement des connaissances des citroyens
haïtiens sur les caractéristiques uniques de leur pays; b) la possibilité que
de sages décisions soient prises pour le développement et l'utilisation
durable des ressources naturelles à long terme.
3. Le développement de programmes touristiques et récréatifs qui
prendrait avantage de la situation et de la beauté unique des parcs et des
caractérirstiques spéciales comme la flore, la faune ou la géologie. Il est
certain que les Haïtiens tireraient parti des parcs au niveau régional et
national sans abimer leur qualité si le plan de gestion est développé et

Administration des parcs nationaux et reserves naturelles

Ce plan propose une unité administrative, "Parcs Nationaux Naturel
d'HaïtiHou Parcs Haïti, pour gérer toutes les divisions fonctionnelles d'un
programme global de conservation. Cette organisation aurait à sa tête un
directeur et serait sous la tutelle d'un ministère. Parcs Haïti serait en
charge des sites naturels déjà identifiés par le gouvernement, proposerait
d'autres sites uniques (plages, grottes, paysages uniques, jardin botanique etc.) et
travaillerait en étroite collaboration avec le MARNDR, I'ISPAN et d'autres
institutions concernées.
Parcs Haïti devrait être une institution autonome qui mettrait sur pied
un programme de conservation fontionnel pour Haïti. Elle serait supervisée par
un conseil, le Conseil Consultatif des Parcs Nationaux (CCPN) formé des
directeurs de I'ISPAN, des Ressources Naturelles du MARNDR, de l'Office
National du Tourisme, du président de la Société Audubon Haïti, d'un citoyen
haïtien dûment intéressé à la conservation, d'un représentant d'une organisation
internationale de conservation et du directeur de Parcs Haïti qui serait le
président et coordonateur de ce conseil. Les membres se réuniraient au moins
une fois l'an pour discuter des programmes et de leur développement qui serait
effectué avec le personnel proposé dans le tableau ci-dessous.


Bureau Central
Assistant Directeur en Education et Récréation
Assistant Directeur en Conservation et Recherhe

Parc La Visite Parc Macaya

Superviseur de Parc Superviseur de Parc
Gardien Gardien
Cuisinière Cuisinière
Agents de Parcs (7) Agents de Parcs (7)
Ouvriers (15) Ouvriers (15)

Deux alternatives sont proposées pour la création immédiate de Parc

Haïti. La première prévoit un contrat avec une institution internationale de
conservation qui s'occuperait du programme en employant et entrainant des
Haïtiens sur une période de cinq ans. La deuxième suggère, comme le projet de
la Banque Mondiale, d'utiliser le personnel du Service de Protection de
l'Environnement du MARNDR. Cependant, il est recommandé que Parcs Haïti
n'ait qu'un directeur.
Les res onsabilités de Parcs Haïti sont les suivantes: Exécution du plan
de gestion, Ponctionnement de Parcs Haïti, usage publique, gestion de
l'environnement des parcs, observation et évaluation des caractéristiques
naturelles, et développement des programmes éducatifs. Ces différentes
activités seraient entreprises par le directeur et ces assistants pendant 1) la hase
d'exécution qui comprendrait la révision du plan de gestion, les appels d'of res et
embauchages,et 2) la phase de fonctionnement qui engloberait la coordination
entre différentes institutions, les présentations et les relations publiques, la
supervision du budget et la coordination sur le terrain. Le budget quinquenal de
ces opérations est de 12.573.950 gourdes et comprend l'installation, les
constructions, les salaires et les opérations.
Les parcs nationaux en Haïti
Le Parc National Pic Macaya
Il est situé dans le massif de la Hotte, à 36 km au nord'ouest de la ville
des Cayes. On y accède difficilement, par la seule route voiturable de Ducis-Le
Prêtre-Platons. Il s'étend autour de deux montagnes dominantes, le morne
Formond (2219 m) et le Morne Macaya (2347 m).et inclut de profondes ravines,
d'autres mornes de formation karstique et volcanique et des forêts de pins et de
feuillus riches en espèces endémiques. Son climat accuse des précipitations de
plus de 3000mm/an due aux alizés, aux vents d'est et aux nordés. Le parc
constitue le château d'eau de la Grande Ravine du Sud, la rivière de l'Acul, de
Port-à-Piment, des Roseaux et de la rivière Glace, dont la stabilité est affectée
par le déboisement excessif en "faveur" de cultures non-rentables. Ce parc est
grandement menacé par une poignée de paysans qui mettent en jeu la vie de
milliers de gens en aval.
Le décret du 23 juin propose arbitrairement une surface de 2.000 ha,
cependant elle devrait être de 7.500 ha et comprendraient les ré ions et
caractéristiques suivantes (Appendix III. Réserve de la Biosphère de hacaya.
Proposed management plan):
1) Le morne Macaya (2.347 m), le morne Formon (2.219 m), le pic le
Ciel (2.170 m), Civette (1.533 m) et Grande Plaine (1.900 m) zones de recharge
de la nappe phréatique et sources de 5 rivières. Ces zones devraient rester
boisées car elles accusent des pentes de plus de 60%' retiennent des milliards de
tonnes de sols et protègent les systèmes d'irrigation en aval. La réhabilitation de
ces zones sera extrêmement coûteuse à la nation haïtienne, car d'accès difficiles.

2 Bois Formond, Bois Durand situé entre la crête du morne Cavalier
(1570 m , Sous Bois et les plaines de Durand et Formond. Zone de recharge de
la nappe phréatique et d'importance capitale car particulièrement riche en
espèces endémiques animales (oiseaux, agouti, reptiles et amphibiens) et
végétales (orchidées, sapotilliers,mélastomes, calbassiers).
3) Mare Cochon/Diquillon de formation karstique et riche en espèces
endémiques. Habitat unique et essentiel des nez longs (Solenodonparadoms).
Cette surface de 7,500 ha ne représente 0.27% du territoire national, et le
minimum requis pour un programme de conservation de la région qui contient le
plus haut taux d'endémisme de l'île et constitue le château d'eau des milliers
d'hectares des régions en aval.
La éologie de la région de Macaya est complexe et se situe entre le
Crétacé i érieur et le Récent. Elle est caractérisée par deux formations, celle
de Macaya composée de roches calcaires à topographie karstique et celle de
Dumisseau caractérisée par un conglomérat de roches volcaniques basaltiques,
de turbidites calcaires,de cherts, de grès siliceux, et par un relief très accidentés
avec des gorges étroites. Ce sont des zones à fort ruissellement. De nombreuses
failles traversent le parc du nord au sud et d'autres de l'est à l'ouest. La plus
importante faille qui sépare le morne de Formond de celui de Macaya date du
Miocène et traverse une bonne artie de la presqu'ile du sud et le parc via la
Grande Ravine du Sud. Des a fleurements de basaltes peuvent être observés
jusqu'à 1600 m sur le morne Formond. La plupart des géologistes pensent que
la formation Macaya superpose celle de Dumisseau.
Les formations géologiques régissent la composition des sols de la région
qui varient entre des oxisols et des ultisols à pH légèrement acide ou neutre. La
plaine de Formond et le "Rak Bois" Formond comporte de profond oxisols à pH
neutre, tandis que celle de Durand, les mornes vers Cavalier, la zone de Kay
Tilus, du Morne Formond et de Trois Sources ont des ultisols. Ces sols sont très
suceptibles à l'érosion et sont déjà menacés dans beaucoup de régions.
La flore du parc comporte rès de 500 espèces de plantes vasculaires
dont 102 fougères (3 endémique$ , 99 espèces de mousses et 49 espèces
d'hépatiques, 1 conifère endémique, 141 orchidées (38 endémiques du massif de
la Hotte et 58 de l'île d'Haïti), 367 autres plantes à fleurs (55 endémiques du
massif de la Hotte, 18 du Massif de la Hotte et de la Selle, 39 de l'île). Trois
espèces sur dix sont endémiques de Macaya. Un bon nombre de ces espèces
sont sensibles à la déforestation et risquent de disparaître malgré leur potentiel
sylvicole, médicinal et ornemental non encore exploité (Appendix 1). Ces
plantes sont groupées dans la forêt de pins, des forêts de feuillus, des bosquets
denses, et/ou fragmentés, des jardins en jachère à l'intérieur des zones
écologiques de Holdridge. La forêt très humide de montagne de basse altitude
se situe dans la région de la plaine de Formond et des "rak bois"
Formond/Durand, la forêt très humide de la zone sous-tropicale au nord du pic
Macaya. Les crêtes des mornes Formond et Macaya sont du type de forêt très
humide de montagne. Les régions du haut de la Grande Ravine du Sud et de
Diquillon sont des forêts pluvieuses de montagne de basse altitude et finalement
la forêt pluvieuse de la zone sous tropicale se situe dans la région du plateau de
e Mare Cochon vers Catiche.
Le parc national de Macaya compte 11 espèces de papillons dont le
Calisto loxias connu seulement de cette région. Cinquante sept espèces de
mollusques ont été collectés en 1983 dont 2 nouveaux genres, 27 nouvelles
espèces, 23 endémiques. L'erpetologie de la zone compte 18 amphibiens et 14
reptiles (analyses en cours).
La faune aviaire d'Haïti est riche et comporte 73 espèces d'oiseaux dont
24 endémiques. Un grand nombre de migrateurs nichent uniquement dans les
forêts montagneuses d'Haïti comme le "Chat-huant", diablotin ou pétrel
(Pterodoma hasitata). Le parc national Macaya compte 65 espèces dont le
Caleçon Rouge (Temnotrogan roseigaster), le kat Je Sid (Plzaenicopohilus
poliocephalus), le Ti Chit Kat Je (Xenoligea montana) et le colibri (Tudus
angustrirostris). Les analyses d'enquêtes confirment qu'onze espèces sont
vulnérables à cause de la dégradation de leur habitat et menacés d'extinction.
Des programmes de rétablissement et de conservation sont urgents, ils seront
difficiles mais pas impossibles. La disparition d'espèces entraine tout un
déséquilibre qui affecte grandement les hommes à court et à long terme.
Les mammifères terrestres endémiques du parc ne sont qu'au nombre de
deux. Ce sont l'agouti ou zagouti (Plagiodontia aedium) et le nez long ou nen
long (Solenodon paradoms). L'agouti est un rongeur nocture qui vit dans des
crevasses de formation karstique boisée ou se réfugie entre les racines de gros
arbres particulièrement le bois tremblé (Didymopanax tremulum) dans les
montagnes aux environs de 2.200 m d'altitude. Il se nourrit d'écorce de jeunes
branches, de rameaux, de feuilles et de fruits de bois tremblé, d'avocat marron
(Persea anomala), de lamandier (Prunus sp.). Cependant, il est considéré
comme un fléau, puisqu'il s'attaque aux racines de malanga, d'igname, de
patates, aux parties végétales des pois noirs, au maïs quand ces cultures sont
établies près de ces sites naturels. Il boit très peu d'eau, donc l'obtient
probablement de sa nouriture. Les agoutis sont de passables grimpeurs et
utilisent leur queue semi-préhensile pour se mouvoir de branches en branches.
Ils ont une vie assez longue, mais un taux de reproduction bas. Les femelles
donnent naissance à un seul petit par ortée après une gestation de plus de
quatre mois. La couleuvre endormie ( picrates striatus), les chiens et les chats
"marrons" sont ces plus grands prédateurs. Il a toujours été un animal rare, et
est encore vivant grâce à son comportement secret, cependant si sa niche
écologique est détruite, il a de fortes chances de disparaître.
Le nez long est un insectivore sylvestre nocturne qui vit dans les crevasses
des formations karstiques de la région de Catiche et Duchity, entre 500 et 1.000
m d'altitude . Il se nourrit d'escargots, de centipèdes, de scorpions, de petits
vertébrés et d'oeufs d'anolis, grenouilles, oiseaux. Le taux de fécondité est
faible. La femelle donne naissance à 2 petits par an. La gestation est de plus de
90 jours. La couleuvre endormie (Epicrates striatus), la chouette ou frisé (Tyto
alba), les chiens et les chats "marrons", la mangouste sont ses prédateurs. Il est
très vulnérable car mauvais grimpeur et pas aussi alerte que l'agouti. Il est très
rare dans les limites du parc et disparaîtra dans les 10 ans à venir si de gros
efforts de conservation ne sont pas entrepris.
La faune des fantômes du passé est abondante. Elle comptait 25
espèces, il y à 20.000 ans. Des fossils trouvés dans les dépressions (touings)
documentent la présence de 5 insectivores, 13 rongeurs, 1 saï (singe), 4 aïs et 1
mégathérium (paresseux de l'ordre des édentés). Les fouilles ont revelées que
les mammifères collectés dans la région de Formond vivaient depuis le
Pleistocène supérieur et l'Holocène inférieur.
Gestion et utilisation de l'espace
La gestion du parc national Macaya comprendrait les volets suivants sur
des espaces bien spécifiques: 1) la récréation ouvertes aux touristes; 2)
l'enrichissement où se déroulent les expositions pour l'information du public sur
le parc; 3) la préservation biologique qui représente l'activité la plus importante
du programme de conservation; 4) la régénération qui permet la restauration
des systèmes naturels; 5) la recherche qui comprend des stations
climatologiques et laboratoires; 6) les guérites de sécurité et d'information; 7
les zones d'utilisation spéciale qui ne peuvent être visitées qu'avec un permit; 8
les zones de service et d'entretien où sont placés les dépots et où le personnel
fait la mise en place pour les différents programmes.
Le lan de gestion du Parc National Pic Macaya est divise en neuf
thèmes: 1) 'Administration dont serait responsable un superviseur de parc; 2)
l'entretien qui serait entrepris par une équi e à plein temps; 3) la sécurité
assurée par des agents de parcs entrainés; 47 la récréation et le tourisme; 5)
l'enrichissement et l'interpretation; 6) les relations publiques; 7) la recherche;
8) le plan quiquenal de conservation qui comprend la préservation des systèmes
existants et leur régénération dans les aires critiques, la préservation de la faune
et de la flore, la stabilisation des bassins versants, des aires érodées et la
régénération des forêts; 9) le plan décennal qui comprend le bornage du parc et
des zones réservées, les appels d'offres, l'emploi et la formation du personnel
nécessaire, la construction des guérites de sécurité, d'autres centres d'accueil
dans les régions de la Guinaudée, Déglacis, Trois Sources, l'établissement des
plan de conservation et de préservation, le développement des attractions pour
touristes, la pose d'affiches et panneaux, les recherches sur les espèces
endémiques, l'amelioration et entretien des structures et des routes de
Parc National La Visite
1'1est situé à 22 km de Port-au-Prince dans le Massif de la Selle. L'accès
est diffile via la route de Furcy et Ka Jacques (55Km) ou encore par la route de
Jacmel-Marigot-Seguin (150 Km et plus de 6 heures de route en jeep). 11s'étend
tout au long de la crête de ce massif entre le morne d'Enfer (1.900 m) et le
morne Kadeneau(2.155 m). Le point le plus haut du parc est la borne de 2.282
m du Morne Cabaio. Le décret du 23 juin 1983 propose 2.000 ha. Le bornage
officiel du parc n'a pas encore été entrepris, cependant les limites naturelles du
parc entourent une surface de plus de 4.500 ha. Le morne d'Enfer est une
extention naturelle du parc qui se trouve dans une aire non habitée à l'ouest de
la Visite et de la route de reliant Furcy à Seguin. Cette aire devraient être
comprise dans le parc car c'est un habitat-refuge pour les espèces endémiques.
L'ensemble requis pour la protection efficace des bassins versants et des espèces
endémiques (du Morne Kaderneau au Morne d'Enfer) représente 6.300 ha
(Appendix III. Map of la Visite).
La géologie du parc la Visite reflète celle de l'île et est constituée de
deux formations. La formation de Neiba composée d'un bloc calcaire de
1'Eocène qui comprend des dolines, des grottes souterraines et des ravines et la
formation Dumisseau du Crétacé supérieur qui comprend du basalte et des
olivines. Les limites septentrionales du massif de la Selle accuse une faille.
La flore du parc la Visite est riche en espèces endémiques groupees
dans des forets de pins et de feuillus. Elle compte plus de 300 especes de
plantes vasculaires dont 12 d'orchidées, 3 conifères et 60 fougeres. Des 262
plantes a fleurs collectees en 1983, 60 especes sont endemiques de l'île, 40 du
massif de la Selle et 12 du massif de la Selle et de la Hotte.
Le parc national du Morne la Visite compte 20 espèces de papillons
dont le Calisto archebates connu seulement de cette région. Quarante cinq
espèces de mollusques ont été collectés en 1983 dont 27 nouvelles espèces.
Trois amphibiens et un reptile sont endémiques du massif de la Selle. La faune
aviaire accuse 67 espèces d'oiseaux dont 17 endémiques de l'ile. Seul l'agouti
(zagouti) et 4 chiroptères vivent encore dans ce parc. Seize mammifères
terrestres et 4 chauve-souris ont disparus au cours des 1000 dernieres années.
Les ressources géologiques et biologiques sont inventoriées dans les
rapports des parcs nationaux (Géologie, flore, pa illons, malacologie,
erpétologie, oiseaux et mamifères des parcs nationaux!. L'analyse de ces
documents indiquent que les parcs nationaux sont de grande importance à cause
de leurs caractéristiques uniques. La géologie des deux parcs révèlent des
détails sur le passé d'Haïti quand les sommets des montagnes étaient des écueils.
Le grand fossé de la Grande Ravine du Sud entre le morne Formond et le
morne Macaya fait partie d'une immense faille qui coupe en travers la péninsule
du sud de Tiburon à la Plaine du Cul-de-sac.
L'importance de chaque parc est discuté en matière d'endémisme. Le
parc Macaya contient plus de plantes et de mammifères endémiques que celui
de la Visite, cependant le parc la Visite abrite 2 especes endémiques d'oiseaux

de plus, et deux fois plus de lépidoptères que le parc Macaya. Beaucoup de
mammifères dont quinze terrestres et quatre chiroptères ont disparus du parc la
Visite. La perte des mammifères endémiques dans les deux parcs est dramatique,
mais pas unique. La moyenne des pertes des espèces endémiques à travers la
Caraibe pendant les 3000 dernières années est de 88%. 11 est clair cependant que
les pertes à la Visite sont plus importantes que celles à Macaya puisque la Visite
est une zone perturbée. Une espèce endémique de la ré ion de Macaya a disparue
avant même qu'elle n'ait été décrite. D'immenses e forts pour trouver en de
nouvelles sont restés vains. En effet, cinq espèces ont disparues au cours des trente
dernières années, ce qui coincide avec la perte dramatique des habitats naturels.
Les Réserves de la Biosphère
Une stratégie qui établirait un programme de conservation des ressources
naturelles en Haïti doit combiner développement durable a conservation pour
satisfaire les besoins d'une population sans endomager les écosystèmes naturels.
Ceci est possible grâce au développement de réserves de la biosphère. Ce concept
permet de promouvoir et maintenir la balance entre les hommes et le milieu
naturel par une utilisation adéquate de l'espace. Il semble convenir à la gestion
des aires protégées en Haïti. Une réserve idéale est composée d'une aire réservée
entourée de zones fonctionnelles. Dans la région de Macaya, le projet de
l'université de Floride a développé ce modèle qui n'est toujours pas officiel auprès
de l'UNESCO. Elle consiste en une zone réservée qui est le parc national Macaya,
et des zones fonctionnelles qui comprennent l'agriculture, l'agrosylviculture et
l'élevage, des zones d'utilisation spéciale et de forêts. Chacune des zones peut être
éree par des organismes différents moyennant une bonne collaboration. Ce serait
& r61e de Parcs Haïti de protéger le parc national et de coordonner les activités de
production avec d'autres organisations.
Il est recommandé d'inclure les sites naturels déjà identifiés par le
gouvernement dans un système de réserve de la Biosphère. Trois réserves
potentielles existent dans le massif de la Selle (Réserve de la Biosphère de la
Visite), de la Hotte (Réserve de la Biosphère de Macaya) et dans le département
du Nord (Réserve de la Biosphère Henri Christophe). Cette dernière comprend 5
unités qui abrite des zones de coopération (tourisme, agriculture, agrosylviculture,
sylviculture, conservation et régénération). Ces unités sont placées dans un
contexte historique, touristique ou de protection des bassins versants pour allier la
conservation au développement. Elles sont choisies dans la zone de la Citadelle
Laferrière, du Borgne, de Bassin Zim, des Mornes du Cap et de la source de la
Grande Rivière du Nord.
Le futur des aires protégés en Haiti
La gestion des aires protégées requière un plan actif et dynamique et son
exécution à lon terme qui devra être implanté dans les plus brefs délais,
autrement les 2 O de forêts et de végétation naturelles qui restent encore au pays
seront rapidement détruits. Le projet de l'université de Floride financé par
1'USAID a fonctionné pendant cinq ans et aurait encore beaucoup à faire pour
protéger le parc. Plus de 12 sites naturels devraient être gérer. Le projet de la
Banque Mondiale qui embrasserait un grand volet de conservation et de protection
de l'environnement est en suspend. En attendant qu'il soit implanté, l'université de
Floride a obtenu de la Fondation MacArthur un don qui supporte des activités de
conservation et d'éducation environnementale pendant seulement trois ans. La
conservation des ressources, parcs et sites naturels en Haïti est urgente.

This volume is a revision of the Stewardship Plan for the National

Parks of Haiti published in 1986 (Woods and Harris, 1986; Woods,
1986). Those volumes summarize a series of biogeophysical sur-
veys of the national parks of Haiti funded by USAID (contract
number 521-0169-C-00-3083-00),and present an initial plan for
the development of a national park system for Haiti. The volumes
also discuss the initial concept of the Macaya Biosphere Reserve
(MBR) that became the focus of the United States Agency for
International Development (USAID) sponsored project by the
University of Florida in the Macaya area. The Stewardship Plan
and other Biogeophysical Survey Reports are out of print now, and
are difficult to find. This volume revises the original Stewardship Three alternatives are
Plan to take into account the work of the University of Florida proposed for the develop-
Macaya Biosphere Reserve Project (UFMBRP) during the past ment of a national park
five years. We have also included a chapter on the importance of system for Haiti.
developing Species Recovery Plans for use in consening en-
dangered and threatened species, and a chapter on managing
Natural and Historic sites that are linked in a natural and historic
sense, but disjunct in geography. This volume is intended to be
used in associationwith The Natural History of Southern Haiti. That
volume summarizes all that is known about the natural patrimony
of southern Haiti, and includes detailed Species Recovery Plans
for three critically endangered species.
The University of Florida has been working with USAID, the
Institut de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine National (ISPAN), and the
Ministere de 1'Agriculture des Ressources Naturelles et du
Developpement Rural (MARNDR) for over fifteen years to
promote the conservation of the natural resources of Haiti. This
work has resulted in a number of scientificpublications and reports
documenting the unique natural patrimony of Haiti, and pointing
out the special nature of the Massif de la Hotte. With funding from
USAID/Haiti via contract number 521-0169-C-00-3083-00, the
Florida Museum of Natural History and the University of Florida
completed a biogeophysical inventory of the national parks of
Haiti, and proposed a plan for the administration and stewardship
of these newly-established national parks. With additional funding
from USAIDIHaiti via contract number 521-0191-A-00-7107,
some of these plans were initiated under the Macaya Biosphere
Reserve Project. The present volume is a view of what we believe
is the best route for creating a ongoing program in Haiti in general,
and the Macaya area in particular during the next ten years.
Our objectives in this book are to provide recommendations on
how to establish a program of natural resource conservation,
preservation and management in Haiti. We have tried to formulate
our recommendations using the concept of "dynamic" national
parks and biosphere reserves. We use the word dynamic to em-
phasize that any management plan will have to change as political
and economic conditions in Haiti change (we hope improve), and
as the programs designed to administer natural areas mature
during the ongoing process of institution building that must occur
in Haiti during the coming decade. Our analyses and recommen-
dations are focused on the region of the Massif de la Hotte. This
mountainous area is one of the most important sources of water in
Haiti, and many endemic plants and animals are restricted to this
area of high mountain peaks and remote, well forested valleys.

The concept of "dynamic" In recognition of the importance of the Macaya region to the
management is intro- natural patrimony of Haiti, as well as to its role in water conserva-
duced for protected areas tion, a large part of the Massif de la Hotte was placed under the
in Haiti. protection of the Government of Haiti (GOH) as Parc National
Pic Macaya. Legislationwhich passed in 1983created Parc Nation-
al Pic Macaya in the Massif de La Hotte and Parc National La Visite
in the Massif de la Selle (Map 1). These are the first national parks
of significant size in Haiti, and therefore have special importance
in the history of the Republic. Our objective is to provide data,
analyses, historical comparisons, recommendations and a plan of
operation that can be used by the GOH, interested International
Organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and
Private Volunteer Organizations (PVOs) in planning, implement-
ing and administering a national parks program, and regional
biosphere reserves. The recommendations in thisreport are based
on our own personal analyses and reflect our experiences in Haiti,
as well as our original ideas for national parks in the area (Woods
and Rosen, 1977).
Our park plan may not be the only viable solution to the question
of how to create a functional program in national parks in Haiti.
We are not sure what the best route to take is because of the many
financial, administrative, social, historicaland scientific questions
that have weighed heavily on our minds as we have tried to formu-
late a national park program that is best suited for Haiti. We
sincerely believe, however, that with the assistance of the many
important institutions and programs discussed in our document,
Haiti will be able to create a long-lastingprogram in the conserva-
tion of natural resources and the protection and promotion of its
natural patrimony. If this is done, water and soil will be available
for future generations of Haitians to use in maintaining the quality
of life in their fragileisland nation. The development of programs
such as the ones outlined in this book will also help preserve what
is left of the natural patrimony of Haiti. And that natural
patrimony is truly special, as is outlined in The Natural Hktory of
Southern Haiti. With wise land stewardship, there is a sustainable
future for Haiti. Without land stewardship,the future is agrim one.
On this summer day in 1992, Haiti is at a crossroads. We hope that
this book will be a signpost that will help point the direction
towards a better future for all Haitians, and preserve Haiti's very
special natural heritage.

The Literature on Natural Resources

and Conservation of Haiti
Haiti has a long history of human occupation and alteration of its
diverse ecosystems. Enough is known of the biological diversityof
the country, based on an analysis of fossil vertebrates from cave The natural patrimony of
and sinkhole deposits and of fossil pollen in sediments,to say with Haiti must be protected.
certainty that until the time humans arrived on the island between
5000 and 7000years ago, remarkablydiverse floras and faunaswere
present in Haiti (Woods, et al., 1986, Woods and Ottenwalder, in
press). Historical accounts indicate that significant elements of
that diverse flora and fauna were present until long after the time
of Columbus, and that many regions of the country were still
forested and contained diversenatural ecosystemsinto this century
(Wetmore and Swales, 1931; Wetmore and Lincoln, 1933; Wet-
more, unpublished field notes; Ekrnan, 1926, 1928, unpublished
catalog; Cohen, 1984;Lowenstein, 1984;Woods and Ottenwalder,
1993). But it is difficult for most people interested in the natural
resources of Haiti to gain access to this information.
There is a very sparse literature on the natural resources of Haiti
in general. The best body of literature relates to the natural
resources of the Macaya area. This literature is reviewed by Woods
and Sergile in Haiti, A Research Handbook edited by Robert Law-
less (1990). The book is available in most libraries. Another good
review of the early literature related to the natural history of Haiti
can be found in the volumes by David Wetherbee. Two of these
volumes, Zoological Exploration of Haiti for Endemic Species
(1985) and Contributions to the Early History of Botany in
Hispaniola and Puerto Rico (1985) are useful summaries. The
bibliography at the end of this volume lists other publications on
Hispaniola by David Wetherbee. These volumes are not available
in most libraries because they were privately published in very
limited numbers via Xerox. A complete set of David Wetherbee's
publications is available at the Florida Museum of Natural History
(FLMNH), and several other major museums and libraries in
North America, including the Museum of Comparative Zoology at
Harvard University.
The first early description of the flora and fauna of the
countryside surrounding Pic Macaya is in the work of Moreau de
Saint-Mery (1797). The three volumes by Moreau de Saint-Mery
provide a comprehensive description of life in Haiti in the late 18th
Century, including discussions of encounters with some animals
such as the Haitian Hutia or "Zagouti." The best early accounts of
the natural history of Macaya are the published works of Erik
Ekman. His two papers "Botanizingin Haiti" (1926) and "Botanical
Excursion in La Hotte, Haiti" (1928) are classic descriptions of the
early part of this century in the Macaya region. Ekman was such a
famous personality of the time that he figures largely in the Haitian
classic The Magic Island by Seabrook (1929). Other fine descrip-
tions of the hiacaya area- are found in the book by ~lexander
Enough is known about Wetmore and Bradshaw Swales (1931) The Birdr of Haiti and the
the diversity of Hispaniola Dominican Republic, and its supplemental small publication by
to start a conservation Wetmore and Frederick Lincoln (1933) "Additional Notes on the
program. Birds of Haiti and the Dominican Republic." The introductions to
these volumes include valuable historical summaries and
itineraries of their travels in the Macaya region, and include
photographs of the habitat and area. Philip Darlington's (1935)
account of climbing Pic Macaya is also one of the best early
descriptions of the area and its natural history.
There are few good modern treatments of the flora and fauna of
Macaya. Walter Judd's (1987) "Floristic Study of Morne la Visite
and Pic Macaya National Parks, Haiti" includes fine descriptions of
the botany of the park and surrounding buffer zone (now the
8 r x Erik Ekman returning from colllecting piants in the Pic Meeaya
area. DrxEkman litst visited Haiti in 9817.

MRRI, as well ns vuluahle p11otogr:rphu. A r ~ dthe series of reports

on the USAll)/f;fAklNH Biog,et:zophysiwl Surveys are important
summaries of ecological conditions in the area as of 1986 (see
Franz and Cordier, Gali and Schwartz, Judd, MacFBdden,
Thompson, hVoods, Wt~odsand ilarris, and \Voods and Otten-
woider). The groups that are hetit documf-ntcd from the Macaya
area arc rhe reptiles and amphibians. References on rhese two
groups, as well as other publications on 311 aspects of natural
resources in t Iaiti can be found in the review by Woods and Sergile
('!990), and in the ?Ire Xurlrrul Hesoarm llrlta Btre (Sergile and
W<CSLES, in press). All avaifahlc references on the flora and fauna
off faiti are listed in the FLMSH data hase, which is also available
on computer disks at the FLMNH or1 the libran; bibliographic
system Procite. The coinpilation of the f laitian ~ i t u r a Resource
hats Base was part of the USAltJ/MBR project. As part of corn-
pletior~nf thc USAII)\,UFMBR prc?ject,we will make this program
and system avuilahle in Haiti.
Land Area: 27,700 km2
Population: 5,053,792 (1982)
6,500,000 (2006 estimate)
Density: 200 km2 (Total)
700 km2 (Arable Land)
Rate of Growth: 2%
Distribution: 1804: 80% Rural; 20% Urban
1985: 80% Rural; 20% Urban
Literacy: 20-25%
Rural to Urban 10%
Per Capita Income: $320 (1983 Rural and Urban)
$150 Rural
Total Area Farmed: 1,300,000ha (47% of land area of Haiti)
Farm Size: 71% 1.3 ha (with 3 or more plots)
Slope Factor: 63% of land 20% slope; 29% 10%
Erosion Factor: 6,000 lost to erosion each year
Erosion Problem: 33% of land severely eroded


Core Area: Parc National Pic Macaya

Established: April 1983by Presidental Decree
Area: 5500 hectares (Park)
Main Features: Pic Macaya (2347 meters)
Pic Formon (2250 m)

Rivers: Riviere Grande Ravine du Sud

Riviere l'Acul
Riviere Port-a-Piment
Riviere des Roseaw
Riviere Glace

Biogeophysical Survey (USA1D) 1983-1986

Biosphere Reserve Project (USAID) 1987-1990

Area of MBR (January 1989)

Zones of MBR (January 1989)
Core Zone
Multiple Use Zone
Agriforestry Zone
Forestry Zone
Agricultural Zone
The Concept of National Parks
Biosphere Reserves in Haiti

1. Introduction
This chapter is a review of how national parks came to be in Haiti.
It also presents some of our ideas as to why it has been so difficult
create a national parks infrastructure within the present organiza-
tion of the Government of Haiti. The chapter is a combination of
many ideas first presented in the original Stewardship Plan (Woods
and Harris, 1986), and of our experiences on the MBR Sondeo.
The objective in this chapter is to present the legal framework
around which the creation of the national parks of Haiti took place,
especially Parc National Pic Macaya, as well as our experiences
trying to make the national park work within the context of the
rapidly changing political situation that followed the change in
governments that was begun in 1986 with the fall of Jean Claude
Duvalier. The Macaya Biosphere Reserve Project began at about
the same time as fall of Duvalier, and continued through a series
of political changes that continue to this day. Some of the major
political events which took place in the last decade and which
influenced this project are summarized in the following table (and
placed within a broader summary of Haitian history).


First Taino Indians

First Europeans (Columbus)
First French Buccaneers
(Ile de la Tortue)
Treaty of Ryswick
Start of Slave Uprising
Slaves Freed in Saint-Domingue
Toussaint Louverture
French Invasion
Death of Toussaint
Independence of Haiti
Henry Christophe Rule of North
Haitian Control of All Hispaniola
"Code Rural" of Boyer
Years of Turmoil
U.S. Marine Occupation
Francois Duvalier (Papa Doc) Rule
Jean Claude Duvalier (Baby Doc)
(29 years of Duvalier rule)
National Park at La Visite
Establised 5 May 1981
National Park at Pic
Macaya Established 23 Jun 1983
Beginning of the MBR Project 1986
Jean Claude Duvalier Overthrown Feb. 7,1986
Failed Election & Murders 29 Nov. 1987
U.S. Aid Cut Dec. 1987
Manigat Elected President 17 Jan. 1988
Manigat Deposed, Namphy in Place June 1988
Attack on Father Aristide 11 Sep. 1988
Coup d'Etat & Gen. Avril in Place 17 Sep. 1988
Election of Jean-Bertrand Aristide Dec. 1990
Coup d'Etat Removed
President Aristide 30 Sep. 1991
O M Embargo against Haiti Nov. 1991
UFMBR Final Macaya
Area Survey 8-16 April 1992
OAS Embargo Strengthened 17 May 1992
End of MBR Project 31 May 1992
2. Terminology
Many organizations, individuals andterms are used in the course
of this report. In order to provide a guide to the reader we are
providing a list of the major terms used. When a name for an
institution or organization is used for the first time in the text it is
spelled out completely, but thereafter only the acronym is used.
DMRE Departement des Mines et des Ressources Energetiques
FLMNH Florida Museum of Natural History
GOH Government of Haiti
INAHCA Institut National Haitien de la Culture et des Arts
ISPAN Institut de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine National
IUCN International Union for the Conservation of Nature and
Natural Resources
UFMBRP Macaya Biosphere Reserve Projectof the University of
MBR Macaya Biosphere Reserve
MARNDR Ministere de l'Agriculture, des Ressources Naturelles
et du Developpement Rural [also known as DARNDR and
sometimes as Damien].
MUPANAH Musee du Pantheon National d'Haiti
NCS National ConservationStrategy
NPS National Parks Service of the United States
ONTRP Office National du Tourisme et des Relations Publiques
PC Parks Canada
Parcs Haiti Parcs Nationaux Naturels d'Haiti
SPE Service de la Protection de I'Environnement
SAHPE Societe Audubon d'Haiti pour la Protection de 1'-
USAID United States Agency for International Development
UNEP United Nations Environment Program
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
WBP World Bank Environmental and Forestry Project
WCS World Conservation Strategy
WWF World Wildlife Fund
The following words are used in the text of this report without
definition. A brief definition of each is provided below.
BIOTIC DIVERSITY. The desired condition of having the
greatest number of compatible species associations in natural
area. The goal of our stewardship plan is the increase species
diversity in the parks, not just to increase the numbers of a few
selected species.
CONSERVATION.The practices and/or customs of man that per-
mit the perpetuation and sustained yield of renewable resour-
ces and the prevention of waste of non-renewable resources.
EDAPHIC FACTOR A condition or characteristics of the soil,
(physical, chemical or biological) which influences organisms.
ENDANGERED SPECIES. Species in danger of extinction and
whose survival is unlikely if the causal factors continue operat-
ENEDMIC SPECIES. A species confined to the island of
Hispaniola or to a region of Hispaniola when so designated.
MIGRATORY SPECIES. Species that regularly move beyond
their regularly occupied geographic location, and in the sense
of this study, species that seasonally depart Hispaniola.
PRESERVATION. The practice of totally protecting a species or
habitat from any exploitation.
RARE SPECIES. Species with small populations, usually local-
ized within restricted geographical areas or habitats, that are
at risk.
RESIDENT SPECIES. Species that do not migrate.
RESTORATION. The act of putting the ecosystems or a specific
unit of the ecosystem (local habitat) back into prior (more
natural) condition. The activity is one element of a
stewardship plan.
SITE EXHIBIT. An exhibit located within the boundaries of the
national park or at a scenic location with a view of the park.
The exhibit is capable of withstanding the effects of weather
with only a shelter to protect it from direct rain.
STEWARDSHIP. The act of working with all aspects of a natural
ecosystem so as to promote and protect its natural integrity.
The word has been chosen to contrast to term management,
which we believe implies an active state of manipulation and
"tinkering." Stewardship in its ideal sense can be passive and
allow the ecosystem to recover and maintain itself without
extensive manipulation. Some restoration activities are part of
the process of stewardship.
THREATENED SPECIES. Species likely to become endangered
in the near future if the causal factors continue operating.
NAMES IN HAITIAN CREOLE. Whenever possible the names
for regions and conditions have been designated in Haitian
Creole. The standard spelling and usage follows Valdman
(1981). We have done our best to check the designations and
authenticity of all Creole names with local authorities on a
particular region or subject.

3. Conservation Strategyin Haiti

The national patrimony of Haiti consists of a blend of natural and
cultural history. This "history"consists of physically tangible items
such as endemic species and cultural artifactsas well as intangibles
such as unrecorded folk music, culture and unique vistas and
beautiful landscapes. No single item of natural or cultural history
is any more important than another. All aspects of the national
patrimony are to be cherished and conserved to the degree that
national pride and identity dictate. The Conservation Strategy for
Haiti should: 1) identify these items; 2) formally acknowledge
their existence and worth; 3) follow a standard decision-making
process to determine their disposition. All cultural and natural
history items must or can be conserved, but the process of defini-
tion, deliberation and decision making should not be com-
promised. The Government of Haiti (GOH) should carefully
design and designate the responsibilities of its departments and
institutes so that all elements of the national patrimony are encom-
passed by an administrative unit with a clear mandate for the
evaluation and eventual disposition of a particular kind or class of
patrimony. Several departments and institutes of the GOH are
responsible for various aspects of national patrimony (see table,
page 20). We stress,however, that while overlappingresponsibility
for conservation may appear ideal on the surface, it is not ideal in
practice. Disputes regarding authority and perceived respon-
sibility often can develop. We recommend that the GOH reduce
the level of overlap between departments and institutionswhere
possible and work with each unit of the national organizational
structure to clearly define their areas of responsibility. When it is
not clear which unit has responsibility for all aspects a particular
class of national patrimony, such as in thecase of the national
natural patrimony, then the GOH should consider establishing a
new administrativeunit.
Many of the cultural and natural history items alluded to above
are not renewable and thus their conservation strategy should be
distinct from that of renewable natural resources. A museum piece
or scenic vista can be "used in the sense that it can be looked at,
appreciated and studied, but actual physical use may quickly
destroy it. Similarly, a forested watershed may be "used" to
precipitate, obtain and moderate clean water supplies, but actual
physical use of the same watershed may destroy it just as surely as
the physical handling of a prized national artifact would destroy the
artifact. For this reason we advise caution in adopting the
philosophy that all natural resources are renewable and thus can
be "developed" for sustained use. The definition of conservation
presently proposed by the IUCN is as follows:
The management of human use of the biosphere so that it may
yield the greatest sustainable benefit to present generations
while maintaining its potential to meet the needs and aspira-
tions of future generations.
Note that the emphasis is on management of the human use
rather than on the management of the resource itself. By this
definition, conservation is positive and covers the spectrum of
specific approaches. These include PRESERVATION of resour-
ces such as cultural artifacts and critically rare plants and animals;
MAINTENANCE of resources such as viable populations of na-
tive plants and animals and unspoiled beaches and vistas; SUS-
TAINABLE UTILIZATION of resources such as rich alluvial
plains, forests, and game birds; RESTORATION of resources
such as deforested mountain slopes; and ENHANCEMENT of
A forested watershed resources such as watersheds, forests and upland areas.
may be "used" to
precipitate, obtain and In Haiti the preservation of resources such as endemic species
moderate clean water and the enhancement of resources such as watersheds and forests
supplies, but actual
become a common concern. This is because in most regions of the
physical use of the country so much habitat for endemic species has been altered from
same watershed may its natural state that many species of plants and animals have
destroy it just as surely
become extinct or have been severely reduced in numbers. The
as the physical handling
areas where habitats have been least disturbed are in remote
of a prized national ar-
montane regions. These are the same regions where the water-
tifact would destroy the sheds of some of the major river systems of Haiti are located.
artifact. These areas, such as specific regions of the Massif de la Selle and
Massif de la Hotte of southern Haiti are places where forest cover
remains and endemic species are still The objective is to
save important elements of the national natural patrimony by
saving habitats. The habitats that are preserved, maintained, - res-
tored or enhanced improve the quality of the ecosystem and
promote water and soil conservation. Therefore, in a country such
as Haiti, where land and resources are limited, the effort to save
important elements of the national natural patrimony is not a
luxury that the country cannot afford, but rather a critical l i x i n
the preservation of its natural resources and especially its soil and
water resources. Sites for national parks and conservation areas
must be carefully selected with the aim of preservation of natural
patrimony conservation of water and soil.
The original idea of the University of Florida on how to develop
a sound conservation strategy for Haiti can be summarized in the
following table:



1). The Biological Phase

Recognition of Endemics

2). The Conservation Phase

Proposing ConservationSchemes
Lectures and General Articles
Development of a Conservation

3). The National Parks Phase

Governmental Action
Long-term Commitment & Ecosystem Stability

The concept of national parks in the Massif de la Hotte region

was pioneered by the University of Florida in close associationwith
ISPAN and MARNDR. Parc National Pic Macaya has been very
successful in protecting the fragile habitats within the core area of
the Massif de la Hotte (areas on Pic Macaya and Pic Formon above
1600 meters elevation). Two important problems remain to be
resolved. 1). The first is to find an appropriate organization in
Haiti with a GOH mandate and sufficient funding level to take
charge of the administrationof the park. During the past decade
both ISPAN and MARNDR expressed sincere interests in the
conservation of soil, water, and natural resources, as well as
protecting the natural patrimony of Parc National Pic Macaya.
Louis Buteau of MARNDR assigned three technicians to the
UFMBR project, and he closely monitored the progress of the
conservation plans for the area. MARNDR worked closely with a
team from the World Bank to design a project that would protect
the national parks of Haiti through a strengthened program at the
SPE of MARNDR. Albert Mangones of ISPAN developed a plan
to create a "Division du Patrimoine Naturel," and made an official
proposal to the GOH for the establishment of this division within
ISPAN. But these plans have floundered at the present time.
Albert Mangones retired as Director of ISPAN, and there is no
longer a program to protect the natural patrimony at ISPAN. The
World Bank Environmental and forestry Project (WBP) has been
suspended until the political and economic situation in Haiti sta-
bilizes, and MARNDR does not have the financial base or resour-
ces to assume full and comprehensive responsibility for the
national park at Macaya. So, the question as to what organization
is capable of administering national parks in Haiti is unresolved,
and the national parks program in Haiti is floundering.
The second, and equally important, problem that must be ad-
dressed is the complex role of the local communities in the Massif
de la Hotte region on the natural ecosystem. As the ecologically
fragile areas within the park have become protected, the ecosystem
surrounding the park has come under increased pressure from
people living in the region who are no longer able to exploit the
parklands. We did not anticipate the extent to which this would
happen. It is now clear that an integrated plan for the region must
be developed that goes far beyond the concept of a "Buffer Zone"
as originally proposed in the Stewardship Plan developed by the
University of Florida. It is with this in mind that the University of
Florida, in conjunction with USAID/Haiti, developed a plan to
create a biosphere reserve in the Massif de la Hotte region. The
University of Florida, with funding from USAID/Haiti, worked
The question as to what closely with residents of the Massif de la Hotte region to under-
organization is capable stand their needs and expectations, and to evaluate these criteria
of administering nation- within the framework of wise use of the natural resources and
al parks in Haiti is un- physical features of the Massif de la Hotte area.
resolved, and the
national parks program The UFMBR Project anticipated writing a final plan that would
in Haiti is floundering. have integrated all of these data into an official document following
the guidelines for biosphere reserves from around the world. This
document would formally request that the area including and
surrounding Pic Formon and Pic Macaya be officially recognized
as a World Biosphere Reserve. The plan for the Macaya Biosphere
Reserve when completed would include a series of land use maps
and proposed land use zones, and would recommend specific land
use practices for all areas within the biosphere reserve. Every
attempt would be made to integrate the human and natural resour-
ces of the Macaya area of the Massif de la Hotte into a plan that
will improve the quality of life for all concerned. The goal of the
Macaya Biosphere Reserve Project of the University of Florida was
to protect the biological diversity, promote the wise use of renew-
able natural resources, conserve the water and soil, and improve
the quality of life of local residents of the Macaya area through wise
land use policies and innovative interactions between local resi-
dents, concerned Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs), in-
ternational organizations, and the GOH.
The planned Macaya Biosphere Reserve has also floundered.
The economic and political problems in Haiti made it impossible
for a GOH institution to come forth to take full responsibility for
the national park at Macaya. The political conflict between the
United States and Haiti often made it impossible for the UFMBR
project to interact with GOH sponsored organizations like
MARNDR. And the desperate plight of local residents in the
MBR area, made worse by economic hardships created by the
embargo against Haiti in 1992, made it difficult to involve local
residents in a program of mutually planned land stewardship.
These problems made it impossible to develop a program or write
a document requesting official designation of the Macaya area as
a World Biosphere Reserve from UNESCO. So the biosphere
reserve project is floundering.
Desperate peasants in the Macaya area are moving into the
national park to cut wood and make gardens. No GOH organiza-
tion is in place to prevent this. Local residents in the surrounding
buffer zone are also increasing the rate of habitat destruction. The
reasons for these difficulties are complex. The solutions are even
more complex. But several things are very clear. 1). The idea of
preserving biological diversity in Haiti has to include more than
just a series of biological fortresses designed to keep people out.
2). The GOH is going to need to create some group with a mandate
and interest in preserving natural resources in the country, and the
nucleus of that group barely exists at the GOH level at the present A few desperate
time. 3). The stewardship of fragile lands in remote areas of Haiti peasants are cutting
should include input from local residents, but local residents alone trees and establishing
will not be good stewards of the land because local economic gardens at the expense
conditions in Haiti are so desperate that exploitation of the en- of the nation.
vironment is perceived as a necessity.
This complex situation is best summarized in the followingtable,
which summarizes the present concept of the University of Florida
as to how to develop a sound conservation strategy in Haiti:
Biological Conservation in Haiti: The Macaya Experience

1). The Biological Phase


2). The Conservation Phase

Proposing Conservation Schemes
Lectures and General Articles

3). The National Parks Phase

Legislation Passed in 1983

MARNDR & ISPAN Administration

4). The "Reaction"Phase

Redirection of Habitat Exploitation

5). The "Sondeo"Phase

Recognition of Need for AdditionalInformation
Design of Sondeo Team
Resolutions of Conflicts
Fieldwork and Writing Report

6). The Biosphere Reserve Plan

Recognition of Limitations of National Parks
Study of Biosphere Reserve Concept
Modification of Classic Biosphere Reserve Outline
Biosphere Reserve-The HaitianModality
Planning and Recognition of MBR as Official Biosphere Reserve

7). The Long-term Conservation Phase

Determination of GOH Role in MBR
Determination of Alternative Funding Sources
Integration of Private, GOH, and International Organizations
4. Actions of the Government of Haiti in Conservation
Park National Pic Macaya is located in the Massif de la Hotte, and
is part of the official list of National Parks of Haiti. The back-
ground legislation that established Parc National Pic Macaya, as
well as all legislation relating to national parks in Haiti are
described and discussed below.
The Government of Haiti (GOH) has taken a legislative role in
the past to protect the environmental and natural patrimony of the
Republic by passing laws and decrees. The law of 17 August 1955
(Moniteur number 87, 26 September 1955) regulated cutting,
transporting and selling wood, protected the environment and
created "Zonessous protection"and "Zonesreservees." Law Num-
ber Eight (Des Forets) of the Rural Code of Francois Duvalier
(Moniteur number 51,28 May 1962) passed even stricter legisla-
tion concerning the protection of forest resources and controlled
activities in forest reserves. The decree of 31 March 1971
(Moniteur number 26, 1 April 1971) regulated hunting and
protected nine categories of birds in accordance with the recom-
mendations of the "Convention pour la Protection de la Nature et
la Preservation de la Fauna Sauvage dam l'hemisphere occiden-
tale," which Haiti ratified. In addition to the laws of 1955and 1962,
protecting the natural forests of the Republic, and the law of 1971,
regulating hunting and protecting certain bird species, the GOH
has passed legislation concerning national parks. The decree of
1968 (Moniteur number 23, 18 March 1968) created "Parcs
Nationaux" and "Sites Naturels" under the joint administration of
MARNDR and the Office National du Tourisme. The sites that
were selected for protection were "Sources Puantes," "Sources
Chaudes," "Sources Cerisier et Plaisance," "Fort Mercredi," "Fort
Jacques," "Fort Alexandre,""la Citadelle," and "lac de Peligre." The
concept was expanded to include natural lands in the "Cornmuni-
que" of 5 May 1981 that appeared in the Nouveau Monde which
discussed establishing the first "Parc Naturel" in Haiti in the area
between Morne La Visite and Morne Kadeneau in the Massif de
la Selle. Laws regarding pro-
The official creation of "Parcs Nationaux Naturels"was by decree tected areas need to be
published in Le Moniteur (number 41,23 June 1983). The decree enforced.
listed as existing laws: four articlesof the Constitution; a 1921law
on public utilities; a 1926 law on "ForetsNationales Reservees;"a
1940law concerning "monumentshistoriques;"a 1958law organiz-
ing DARNDR; the decree of 1968 naming "ParcsNationaux" and
"Sites Naturels" ; the decree of 1979 creating ISPAN; a 1982 law
on regionalism; a 1982 law on uniform structures; and the decree
of 1982 creating the Musee du Pantheon National d'Haiti
The decree of 23 June 1983continued the protection of the eight
sites discussed above by declaring them to be "Parcs Nationaux
Naturels." In addition, "Parcs Nationaux Naturels" were created at
"Morne La Visite du Massif de la Selle" (2,000 hectares) which
hereafter we will designate as Parc National La Visite and "Morne
Macaya du Massif de la Hotte" (2,000 hectares), which we will
designate as Parc National Pic Macaya.
Article 2 of the decree directs that "l'administration generale, la
protection et la mise en valeur des parcs et sites naturels terrestres
et maritimes sont a la charge du Departement." The "Departe-
ment" is not identified in Article 2 nor any place in Article 1.
The major responsibilitiesfor the national parks programof Haiti
are listed in Article 3 of the 1983decree under additional respon-
sibilities of MARNDR. Article 3 is quoted below (Le Moniteur
No.41 1983:458):
"En plus des attributions courantes dCfinies dam la
Loi Organique du 7 avril 1958, le DCpartement de 1'-
Agriculture, des Ressources Naturelles exerce les at-
tributions suivantes ayant trait A la gestion des parcs
et sites naturels;
a) protCger les conditions Ccologiques des parcs et
sites naturels.
b) entreprendre l'inventaire des esp&cesanimales et
vegetales des parcs et sites naturels.
c) Ctudier les caractCristiquesdes esphces
endkmiques de haute valeur scientifiqueainsi que
celles des facteurs physiques: gCologie, sols, climats
et autres des parcs et sites naturels.
d) identifier les aires naturelles terrestres ou
maritimes du territoire national prCsentant des
caractCristiques Ccologiquesuniques ou spCciales et
qui mCritent d'Ctre dCclarCes parcs ou sites naturels.
e) preserver les parcs et sites naturels de toute
dkterioration physique.
f) autoriser et superviser dans les aires des parcs et
sites naturels tous travaux de recherche entrepris par
la cornrnunautC scientifique.
g) diffuser toutes informations relativesaux parcs et
sites naturels.
h) offrir les facilitks d'accks et autres cornrnodit6s
aux visiteurs.
Based on these legislative acts, our interpretation of the primary
conservation goals of the GOH are: 1) watershed management; 2)
soil stabilization and conservation; 3) enhanced and sustained
potable water supplies; 4) sustained yield forest products. We
endorse a strong and unwavering commitment to these goals,
which can greatly facilitate the preservation of endemic species,
the maintenance of natural biotic diversity, the development of a
parks-related tourism industry, and the protection of natural
ecological processes. Within the 23 June 1983 GOH National
Parks decree are eight specific goals and responsibilities for the
national parks program:
1). Protect natural ecological conditions and processes.
2). Identify sites possessing a significant element of national
3). Preserve existing parks and potential park sites.
4). Inventory and describe natural plant and animal species.
5). Research and propose necessary management for endemic
6). Research and describe critical processes of the natural ecosys-
7). Develop an interpretation and education program to inform
the people of Haiti of their patrimony.
8). Develop a recreation and tourism program based on sites of
national patrimony.
The priority rank and relative importance of each of these specific
goals as given above are based on the evaluation of Woods and The official creation of
Harris (1986) in the Stewardship Plan for the National Parks of "Parcs Nationaux
Haiti. The rationale for the ranking is simple: protection of the Naturels"was by decree
natural ecological processes and conditions goes furthest to ensure published in Le
achievement of all that follow. On the other hand, the identifica- Moniteur (number 41,
tion and preservation of an endangered species or even an isolated 23 June 1983).
physical site removed from the natural context (ecosystem) is a
last ditch effort that is doomed to failure in most cases. Identifica-
tion, research and interpretation of endemic or even presently
unknown species will be possible only if the natural sites on which
they occur are secured now. To wait is to risk describing the past
rather than the present.
Woods and Harris (1986) synthesized these statements, as well as
many conversations with personnel from the governmental and
private sectors of Haiti, into the following list which they believed
represented the purposeof the Parcs Nationaux Naturels program
in Haiti.
1. The protection of natural ecological conditions and processes.
The two most important consequencesof these actions are:
A) the preservation of watersheds, thereby improving the
quality of life for all inhabitants of Haiti in areas adjacent to or
under the influence of national parks;
B) the preservation of natural species diversity and therefore
the national natural patrimony.
2. The promotion of the national naturalpatrimony. The two most
important consequences of this activity are:
A) the education of the citizens of Haiti about the unique
features of their country that make Haiti special;
B) the increased possibility that wise decisions of long-range
importance can be made concerning the utilization and
development of the natural resources of Haiti.
3. The development of a recreation and tourism program that will
take advantage of the unique physical location and beauty of
the parks as well as special features of the flora, fauna or
geology. We believe that it is possible for the citizens of Haiti
to benefit from the parks at both the local and national levels
without damaging the quality of the parks if a careful manage-
ment plan is developed and implemented.

'ISpes of Haitian Patrimony and the GOH Authority Responsible

'I).pe of Heritage: Cultural Geological Agricultural Natural

Examples: Indian Artifacts Marble Fisheries Mountain Caves Ekman's

Colonial Artifacts Quarries Forests View Wildlife Juniper
Art Farms Seashores Mangroves La Selle

Approach to Museum Regulaion Soil Not Forest Zoological

Conservation: Monuments Conservation Developed Reserve Garden
Reforestation Botanical
National Garden
Park National


Administration Plan for Parks
and Natural Reserves in Haiti

1. Objectives
The objective of this chapter is to recommend a plan to create a
unified program to administrate all units of the National Parks of
Haiti, and to implement sound programs in stewardship, conserva-
tion, education, recreation and public awareness. All of the
"programs"that have been created so far are either on hold, or have
been suspended. Albert Mangones of ISPAN has retired, and
ISPAN is no longer involved with natural resources and natural
patrimony. The World Bank Project with MARNDR has been
suspended. The University of Florida Macaya Biosphere Reserve
Project, which has functioned as a surrogate national parks pro-
gram for the past five years, has expired. So, as of June 1992, no
"program"in national parks exists in Haiti. The primary objective An environmental
of this book, and this chapter in particular, is to provide an outline education program to
on how to rapidly create an effective program to take responsibility develop public aware-
for national parks and protected natural areas in Haiti. ness is urgently needed.
2. Special Concerns
The major concerns about the existing program in national parks
in Haiti that have been expressed by various individuals we have
interviewed during the course of our work on the MBR project are
listed below.
1. There is a lack of a tradition of national parks in Haiti, and
therefore the philosophy of "preservationtt of the natural
patrimony is a new concept that must be accepted.
2. There are few people in Haiti trained in ecology or natural
resource planning.
3. There are many other priorities in the country, and human
needs should take precedence over long range preservation
and conservation goals.
4. There is no organization in Haiti that is clearly appropriate to
manage the national parks. MARNDR is responsible for
developing a sound program to improve the agricultural poten-
tial and "utilize"the natural resources of the country. ISPAN
is responsible for preservation of the national patrimony with
an emphasis on cultural and historical events, and is no longer
interested in natural resources. The Office of Tourism is
responsible for promoting tourist activities and recreational
5. There was conflict between MARNDR and ISPAN (INAHCA
in 1986) in working together during the initial stages of im-
plementing a program in national parks, and the program did
not move ahead as rapidly as expected by international or-
6. There are not enough funds available to support a meaningful
program on national parks within any of the existing GOH
ministries at the present time.
7. The integrated plan for the future development of a national
parks program that was developed by USAID, UFMBRP,
MARNDR, The World Bank, and the MacArthur Foundation
has floundered because of the current political and economic
climate in Haiti. The World Bank Project has been suspended.
The UFMBR Project has expired.
8. The biggest concern of all is that the habitat of the Macaya area
is disappearing at an alarming rate. Something must be done
to protect the national park, and the flora and fauna of the area
in a very short time, or it will be too late.
3. Para Nationaux Naturels d'Haiti
A. Introduction
Our present opinion, based on many years of trying to work with
ISPAN and MARNDR to implement a program on National Parks
in Haiti, is that an effective way to establish a viable program to
protect nature and Haiti's natural patrimony is to create a - new
GOH organization that would only be responsible for the preser-
vation of the national natural patrimony. This model follows the
administrative plan for national parks in Canada and the United
States. This organization could (we suggest) be called the "Parcs
Nationaux Naturels d'Haiti," and given the acronym "ParcsHaiti."
We have chosen not to designate the program as a department,
service or institutizin order to emphasize the independent status
of the new program. We are not sure what ministry the program
should be placed under. There has been a tradition of shifting such
programs from Ministry to Ministry in Haiti, as with the example
of ISPAN. This is not a good situation, so we recommend that one
Ministry be chosen from the options available (Interior and Na-
tional Defense, Finance, MARNDR), or that a new Ministry for
the Environment be created for this and other programs concerned
with the fragile natural environment in Haiti.
The "Parcs Nationaux Naturels," as currently defined by law,
includes eight sites designated in the decree of 18 March 1968 and
reiterated in the decree of 23 June 1983 as well as Parc National
Pic Macaya and Parc National La Visite as described in Article 1
of the 1983 decree. The chief administrative officer of Parcs Haiti
should be a "Director" who would be in charge of the supervision
of "all" activities of the organization. A strong rationale for the
creation of Parcs Haiti lies in the wording of Article 2 of the decree
of 23 June 1983 which states that "l'administration generale, la
protection et la mise en valeur des parcs et sites naturels terrestres
et maritimes sont a la charge du Departement." Since the "Depar-
tement" is not named or identified and since we recommend
concentrating all activities under the direction of a "single" ad- Parcs Haiti is proposed
ministrative unit, we recommend interpreting the intent of the law to be responsible for the
to be the creation of a program which should be designated as Parcs preservation of Haiti's
Nationaux Naturels d'Haiti. In order to have a short attractive natural patrimony.
name for the program that is easy to remember and identify with
we recommend using the name Parcs Haiti whenever possible.
Areas of the natural patrimony that should also be included in the
domain of Parcs Haiti include marine areas of unique importance,
recreational beaches, scenic areas, caves and sinkholeswith unique
elements of the past or present flora and fauna, zoological parks,
botanical gardens and natural biospheres of importance because
of their unique features and influence on surrounding areas. A list
of actual areas under the domain of Parcs Haiti is presented below.
We have included all areas mentioned in the law of 1983.

Parcs Nationaux Naturels

(current Law)
Sources Puantes (10 ha)
Source Chaudes (20 ha)
Source Cerisier et Plaisance (10 ha)
Fort Mercredi (5 ha)
Forts Jacques et Alexandre (9 ha)
Lac de Peligre (100 ha)
Parc National la Citadelle (250 ha)
Parc National Pic Macaya (2000 ha)
Parc National La Visite (2000 ha)

Clearly, some aspects of the program in national parks as created

by the decree of 23 June 1983 fall into areas of special concern to
either ISPAN or MARNDR. For example, ISPAN is responsible
for national monuments, and Fort Mercredi, Fort Jacques, Fort
Alexandre, and la Citadelle Laferriere even though they are part
of "Parcs Nationaux Naturels" as legislated in the decree of 1983.
In many aspects of both Parc La Visite and Parc Macaya, forestry,
reforestation, soil conservation andother areas of concern fall into
4400 hectares are set activities usually assigned to MARNDR. Therefore, it would be
aside for national parks. wise to have representativesof both ISPAN and MARNDR on the
This is 0.12°k of the land advisory team of Parcs Haiti.
area of Haiti.
The solution to these areas of overlap will require negotiations
between the various branches of the GOH within the framework
of the decree of 23 June 1983. We recommend as a solution to
these overlapping responsibilitiesthat all activities associatedwith
the national natural patrimony be the domain of Parcs Haiti, that
national historic sites and national historic parks remain the
responsibility of ISPAN and that activities in the buffer zones
surrounding the parks (such as the agricultural and forestry zones
of the Macaya Biosphere Reserve) be administeredby MARNDR
(with an advisory role for Parcs Haiti). Parcs Haiti should work
very closelywith ISPAN and MARNDR and there should be many
areas where the three programs will interact. These interactions
become a natural association if certain regions, such as the area
around Parc National La Visite and Parc National Pic Macaya are
designated "BiosphereReserves" (see discussion below). For ex-
ample, we recommend expanding the program at La Citadelle
Laferriere to also become a Biosphere Reserve as discussed in
Chapter V (see Sergile, 1990).

B. Organization of Para Haiti

The - new Parcs Nationaux Naturels d'Haiti (hereafter called
Parts Haiti) should be an autonomous unit with direct respon-
sibilityfor managing the nationalparks and protecting the national
natural patrimony. For a period of ten years Parcs Haiti should
concentrate on establishing a sound program in the conservation
of natural resourcesand in developing Parc NationalLa Visite and
Parc National Pic Macaya. Parcs Haiti can be created as an or-
ganization by one of three methods (see below), and should imme-
diately begin to assume the responsibility for building a national
parks program and implementing the recommendations outlined
here. Three possible methods for creating Parcs Haiti are listed
1. Form a new GOH organization called Parcs Nationaux
Naturels d'Haiti (Parcs Haiti). This organization, as mentioned
earlier, would not be designated as a department, service or in-
stitute and would not be a part of any existing program. It should
be advised by a higher level authority made up of representatives
from the GOH, private citizens and international organizations.
This board of trustees should be called the National Parks Ad-
visory Council (PANAC). The recommended members of this
authority are: 1) Director of ISPAN; 2) Director of the Direction
des RessourcesNaturelles of MARNDR; 3) Director of the Office
of Tourism; 4) President of the Societe Audubon &Haiti pour la
protection de I'Environnement (SAHPE); 5) a prominent private Parcs Haiti would be
citizen of Haiti interested in conservation; 6) a representative of governed by a board of
an international conservation organization;and 7) the Director of trustees.
Para Haiti (Chairman). This council will be advisory to Parcs
Haiti, and all meetings will be chaired by the Director of Parcs
Haiti. The Chairman will be responsible for calling all meetings,
and will be the coordinating force behind PANAC.
The National Parks Advisory Council (PANAC) would meet at
least once a year to provide guidance and to help make long range
goals for the parks program that are in the best interest of the
program, their respective organizations,and Haiti.
The staff of Parcs Haiti would be hired as soon as possible
following the guidelines in the organizational scheme (below).
The budget for the salaries of Parcs Haiti personnel as well as for
all equipment and operating costs for a five-year period should
come from a contract with an international organization, such as
USAID, to be renegotiated at the end of the five-year period. The
Director of Parcs Haiti would be the responsible person in charge
of the budget.
As many as possible of the five administrative personnel should
be hired from existing individuals within the governmental or
private sectors of Haiti. If it is not possible to fill all administrative
positions with qualified and interested Haitians, then it would be
acceptable to designate one or two of the Assistant Directors from
internationalorganizations on a contract or subcontract basis for a
period of time ranging from two to five years.

Parcs Nationaux Naturels d'Haiti

(Parcs Haiti)
Central Ofice
Assistant Director for Education and Recreation
Assistant Director for Conservation and Research
Office Guardian
Parc La Visite Parc Macaya
Park Supervisor Park Supervisor
Headquarters Headquarters
Guardian Guardian
Cook Cook
Park Guards (7) Park Guards (7)
Park Workers (15) Park Workers (15)

Alternative "Parcs HaitiVtrategies

Because of the difficult economic and political conditions now
being faced by Haiti, and because areas in the existing national
parks,of Haiti are being destroyed at such an alarming rate, it may
be wise to consider an alternative and more immediate way of
creating Parcs Haiti. The two alternativemethods discussed below
would have the advantages of creating a national parcs program
rapidly, and with less cost to the already over-stressed national
budget of Haiti. Both are designed to create aa independent
program called Parcs Haiti, but in each case it would be over a
longer term, and require more outside assistance from internation-
al funding agencies.
2. The second possible method of forming Para Haiti would be
by immediately contracting with an international conservation
organization, and giving them the mandate to run the program in
national parks and train Haitian colleagues over a five- or ten-year
period. Haitian staff would be hired where possible and the pro-
gram would slowly train Haitian counterparts to assume full
responsibility at the end of the contract period. Part of the Haitian
staff could come from the SPE program of MARNDR, which is the
group designated by the World Bank Environmental and Forestry
Project as the organization responsible for national parks and
natural areas.
There are many things to recommend this strategy for creating
Parcs Haiti. One is that the fragile natural areas of Haiti would
receive immediate attention and protection. This is very impor-
tant, since many areas are rapidly being destroyed beyond
recovery. A second important feature is that Haitian colleagues
would receive training by the process of "twinning." They would
learn during the process of actually running the Parcs Haiti pro-
gram. And contracting with a group would be a relatively cost-ef-
fective way to run such a program since a high level of expertise
would be immediately available without costly training, and all
equipment and supplies purchased would remain part of the Parcs
Haiti program. Another advantage of this approach is that the
requirements of the contract can be very specific, so that the
contracting agency would clearly know what is expected of them,
and the GOH would be able to set specific tasks that met the needs
of Parcs Haiti. Special care should be made in selectingthe outside
group to do the contract work to make sure that they are ex-
perienced in working in countries like Haiti. It would, in fact, be
most desirable to select an organization that had experience work-
ing in the area of conservation in Haiti.
3. The third method of forming Parcs Haiti would be by utilizing
existing personnel within the SPE. This strategy would follow the
outline of the World Bank Environmental and Forestry Project.
An outline of this project is presented in Chapter VII of this book.
The World Bank Team designing the project selected the SPE as
the GOH unit that should be responsible for national parks. The
SPE could take on the cloak of Parcs Haiti, and, in fact, we would
recommend that they use the name Parcs Haiti. One way to
improve this option would be to add a third Assistant Director to
Parcs Haiti who was an international person on a long term contract
basis. This person would have specific assigned responsibilities
within Parcs Haiti, and would also be the overall mentor for the
program. The person would have to be chosen carefully, and have
excellent credentials in international conservation work and con-
servation biology. He or she should have an academic degree,
preferably a Ph.D., in the natural sciences. The World Bank
Project has designated such a person in its project design for SPE.
Care must be taken that the person works for Parcs Haiti, and is
independent of all influence from outside in order to insure that
the person will be truly effective.
The advantage of this approach is that it is already within the
design of the World Bank Environmental and Forestry Project. As
such, there is a well-designed document for SPE to follow which
was created in 1990. The outline for a budget and overall program
are already in place, and only need to be slightly revised.
The disadvantagesof this strategy for creating Parcs Haiti are as
follows. 1) The World Bank Environmental and Forestry Project
is currently suspended, and there is no guarantee that it will start
again. 2) SPE is understaffed and undertrained to accomplish the
required goals of Parcs Haiti, and it will take several years to get
up and running at the required level of expertise. The World Bank
Project was designed to use the University of Florida MBR project
as its "twinning" component. The UFMBR project would have
trained the SPE staff during the first year or two of the project in
the area of national parcs management, natural sciences (i.e., the
natural history of Haiti), and especially in the fine points ofworking
in Parc National Pic Macaya and Parc National La Visite. This is
no longer possible because the UFMBR project expired on May
31,1992. 3) Parcs Haiti would be totally under the jurisdiction of
MARNDR, which creates potential conflicts between conserva-
tion and natural resource utilization, and is an arrangement that
has not worked well in the past. 4) Parcs Haiti would not qualify
for many kinds of international funding if it was totally a GOH
organization, and there is a good possibility of attracting such
funding for a dynamic, semi-autonomous Parcs Haiti organization.
So, there are some strong negative aspects to proposal number
three. However, it is a viable proposal. It would be made more
viable if an outside NGO could be added to the plan, and if the
long-term goal of the organizationwas to move Parcs Haiti towards
a semi-autonomous organization outside of the total supervision
Whatever the method of establishingParcs Haiti, an effort should
be made to have a single Director, and an overall basic group of
five administrators. This should be done even if it is necessary to
borrow some staff members from MARNDR. This group of five
individuals would be totally responsible for the national parks
program. The Director and two assistantswould be assigned to the
Central Office in Port-au-Prince. The other two individualswould
be assigned to the national parks; one would be Park Supervisor
for Parc National La Visite and the other Park Supervisor for Parc
National Pic Macaya. The Central Office of Parcs Haiti should be
apart from any GOH unit, especially MARNDR at Damien, so that
it can establish an independent identity and work as a unit. The
new program could still be a part of MARNDR, and a unit of the
World Bank Project when, and if, it is implemented.
We recommend that Parcs Haiti be formedas soon as possible by
a method recommended by the National Parks Advisory Council
(PANAC). The selection of a permanent staff or appropriate
international organization should be completed first. Active dis-
cussions concerning the budget for Parcs Haiti should be initiated
at the earliest possible date so that the scope of the Parcs Haiti
program can be carefully planned. During the next decade Parcs
Haiti should continue to function as an autonomous program with
the support and advice of PANAC.

C. Responsibilities of Parcs Haiti

The responsibilities of Parcs Haiti are discussed below in five
major categories:
1) Implementation and development of the "stewardship plan;"
2) operation of Parcs Haiti;
3) public use of the parks;
4) environmentalstewardship of the parks;
5) monitoring and evaluatingthe natural features of the parks;
6) developing an educational program for the parks.
The name of the administratorin charge of the duties outlinedin We recommend that
each category is presented in parentheses in the following discus- Parcs Haiti be formed as
sion. These suggestions are keyed to the organizational scheme soon as possible.
presented earlier in this chapter. The final organization of Parcs
Haiti may differ somewhat depending on how the staff is selected
and which plan is followed. For example, it is possible that the
GOH will choose to subcontract part or all of Parcs Haiti out to
an international organization for the first five year period of the
development of the parks. If this is done then we recommend that
the duties of the Director, who should be a Haitian national,
remain as listed in section one of the following discussion. The
international organization could assume responsibilities for the
duties outlined in sections two through five. If the GOH decides
to further divide the lines of responsibility, one international or-
ganization could be selected to operate the parks (sections two
through four) under the direction of the Director, while another
institution could undertake the duties outlined in section five to
develop a method of monitoring the status of the most vulnerable
features of the parks, to conduct research and to create an educa-
tional program. We have tried to write the "Plan for Organization
of Parcs Haiti" in such a way that it can be adapted for any of the
several ways of creating Parcs Haiti discussed in this chapter.

1. Implementation and Development (Director)

The Director of Parcs Haiti will be responsible for the overall
program in national parks, the supervision of each Assistant Direc-
tor, the interactions with the other branches of the GOH and the
implementation of the program. The major features of the duties
of the Director in implementing and developing a program in
national parks are listed below.
a. Review the "StewardshipPlan" and "Revised Stewardship Plan"
(this document) for Parcs Haiti and work with the staff and
other branches of the GOH to formulate a final plan.
b. Hire all staff of Parcs Haiti, and supervise and evaluate all
c. Coordinate all staff and projects into a unified program with a
clearly-understood mission and well-defined goals.
d. Develop a schedule for the implementation of the "Stewardship
Plan," and coordinate all phases of the work so that the
schedule is maintained.
e. Develop a training program for the staff of Parcs Haiti.
f. Supervise all security forces of Parcs Haiti.
g. Meet regularly with the PANAC and branches of the GOH,
especially MARNDR, to promote cooperation, productive
interactions and the planning and implementation of specific
h. Meet regularly with international organizations to develop
programs of assistance in technical areas and in seeking addi-
tional funding for Parcs Haiti.
i. Coordinate the duties of "Interns" and volunteers from foreign
j. Supervise and manage the budget.
k. Present speeches, write articles and in all other ways promote
the concept of Parcs Haiti. As soon as possible, Parcs Haiti
should create a tape and slide presentation of high quality to
use in these presentations.
h. Carefully guide the growth of Parcs Haiti by evaluating all
proposals for additionalprograms. The Director will have the
responsibilityof decidingwhich features of the national natural
patrimony are in need of being included in Parcs Haiti, and
coordinating feasibility studies. The Director will work with
the staff of Parcs Haiti and outside consultants in reaching a
decision on any proposal based on the overall well-being of
Parcs Haiti, the natural feature under consideration and the
overall interests of the GOH.

2. Operations (Delegated tovarious staff by the Director)

In the long term, the day to day administration of the overall
program of Para Haiti should be conducted by an individual or
office that is responsible for administration and maintenance. This
individual, who could be an Assistant Director for Administration,
would meet regularly with the Director. However, since money
will be tight no matter which of the methods of creating Parcs Haiti
is selected, we recommend that these duties should initially be
carried out by the Director and other staff under the Director. In
this way the Director and support staff will learn how to operate a
national parks program by intensive day by day experience. Some
of these activities are:
a. Coordinating activitieswith each Park Supervisor.
b. Coordinating activitieswith volunteer agencies.
c. Coordinating all activities of the staff of the Central Office of
Para Haiti.
d. Supervising the use and maintenance of motor vehicles.
e. Supervising the use and maintenance of all equipment and
f. Maintaining a Parcs Haiti library and research collection that
would include a series of photographs of specific habitats,
maps, reports, journal articles and books on the natural
patrimony of Haiti and the national parks.
3. Public Use (Assistant Director for Education and
All aspects of the use of the park by the public should be super-
vised by an individual or office that is responsible for education,
recreation and tourism. This individual would report to the Direc-
tor on a regular basis. The person would also work closely with the
supervisors of each park and could be responsible for:
a. Designing and posting all signs.
b. Designing access routes and trails.
c. Designing scenic areas.
d. Designing special recreational features.
e. Public relations.
f. Develoing educational exhibits for the parks.
g. Working with hotels, airlines and tourist organizations.
h. Writing a weekly column for newspaper and writing scripts for
release to interested organizations.

4. Environmental Stewardship (AssistantDirector for

Conservationand Research)
All aspects of the programs concerned with the conservation of
natural resources within Parcs Haiti and the stewardship of the
resources within the parks themselves should be supervised by an
individual or office responsible for conservation, preservation and
stewardship. This person would meet regularly with the Director
and with each Park Supervisor. They would be one of the major
links between the Central Office of Parcs Haiti and the parks, and
might spend significant periods of time in the field. The person
would be responsible for:
a. Designating all Biological Reserve Zones.
b. Caring for all special concern areas.
c, Representing Parcs Haiti in discussions concerning activities in
the "Buffer Zone."
d. Implementing reforestation and reclamation projects.
e. Working with local land owners near the parks and organizations
in Port-au-Prince to promote land use practices that are ap-
propriate for the areas of the parks.
f. Coordinating activities with MARNDR or area NGOs to
develop a seedling nursery.
g. Fire control, and controlled burning of certain habitats to
prevent damaging wild fires.
h. Representing Parcs Haiti in the implementationand coordina-
tion of the "Biosphere Reserves" in the areas of the national
i. Working with the staff of Parcs Haiti and international projects
such as the University of Florida MacArthur FoundationCon-
servation Project,to design, draft, and utilize SpeciesRecovery
Plans for endangered and threatened plants and animals of

5. Monitoring and Evaluation (Assistant Director for

Conservation and Research)
One of the most important aspects of the program in national
parks is monitoring and evaluating the status of the ecosystems
within the parks and the biosphere reserves. This important func-
tion will allow Parcs Haiti to make decisionson land use, recreation
and resource management. As special needs arise information on
the status of the environment of the parks will allow Parcs Haiti to
rapidly adjust policies to accommodate environmental emergen-
cies, such as the continued decline of a particular endemic species
or the sudden increase in the numbers of a pest or predator. The
individualin charge of monitoring and evaluatingthe environment
would work closely with the Director, other Assistant Directors,
Park Supervisors and international research teams. Ongoing re-
search projects are an important component of the monitoring and
evaluating process. The main responsibilities of this person or
office would be:
One of the most impor-
a. Periodic evaluation of the status of particular features of the tant aspects of the pro-
parks (Black-capped Petrel colonies, etc.). gram in national parks is
b. Coordinate the basic research project on the meteorological monitoring and evaluat-
characteristics of the parks. ing the status of ecosys-
tems within the parks
c. Coordinate with (international researchers) selectedprojects and the biosphere
that are needed to complete a biogeophysical inventory. reserves.
d. Work with national and international researchersto coordinate
their projects.
e. Review all research proposals to make sure there is a Haitian
counterpart on each research project.
f. Review all applications for research or collecting to determine
if there is a conflict with the principles and policies of the parks.
g. Develop a series of maps of each park.
h. Develop a series of air photographs of each park.
i. Be responsible for taking a series of photographs of specific
locations of the parks at the same station over a number of
years to document changes in plant communities.
j. Assist the Director in evaluating other areas that have been
recommended as national parks.

D. Budget for Parcs Haiti (5years)

A suggested budget for Parcs Haiti has been developed for a five
year period, and is presented in the table at the end of this section
as well as in abbreviated form in the last chapter of this book. The
major budget categoriesare: 1) cost of settingup the Central Office
and Park Headquarters programs; 2) cost of information,bound-
ary and entrance signs; 3) cost of constructing exhibits; 4) cost of
publications advertising and promoting the parks and for the pub-
lication of basic data (scientific results and new species descrip-
tions); 5) cost of training programs for Parcs Haiti personnel; 6)
cost of research programs; 7) operating expenses for Central
Office; 8) operatingexpensesfor parks and biosphere reserves; 9)
operating and maintenance costs for vehicles; 10) salaries. The
total proposed budget for Parcs Haiti (five years) is $2,514,790.
There is nothing absolute about this budget. We are presenting it
here because we know how hard it is for most institutions to
develop such budgets, and because we have had first-hand ex-
perience working in this area as a result of the UFMBR project.
This budget is intended for planning purposes only, and we do not
guarantee that it is perfect or complete.

Budget justification
1. Set-up costs. The cost of setting up the Central Office and
parks is $132,000 to build the facility and $145,000 for equipment
and supplies. These costs include desks, chairs and basic office
equipment as well as two vehicles. The cost to set up facilities at
each national park is estimated to be $29,100, including the pur-
chase of a vehicle for each park. In addition, a building must be
constructed at La Visite (estimated cost $20,000). A building is
already in place at Macaya. A complete list of all recommended
items is presented in the table at the end of this section.
2. Signs. It is important toplace signs at the entrances to the parks
as soon as possible to signal the official status of the parks and to
welcome visitors. These signs should come out of the existing
budget. Boundary and information signs should also be posted as
well as signs for nature trails. The signs must be weatherproof,
sturdy and attractive. The road signs, nature trail signs and sup-
plemental signs will cost $8,000. Some signs have already been set
out as part of the final activities of the UFMBR project.
3. Exhibits. As part of the educational program, exhibits should
be available at the Central Office and within each park. These
educational exhibitswill make the park experience more meaning-
ful to visitors and will educate park personnel and visitors alike as
to the importance of the parks as component parts of the biosphere
reserves. The exhibits could be designed in Haiti and constructed
in the United States as a subcontract with the Florida Museum of
Natural History or other institution experienced and competent in
the area of natural history graphics. The cost for eight large exhibit
signs is $10,000, with information on both sides so that the mes-
sages can change to introduce variety.
4. Publications. We propose publishing a general purpose
brochure on Parcs Haiti and the national parks at the earliest
possible date. This brochure will explain the purpose of Parcs
Haiti, describe the major features of Parc Macaya and Parc La
Visite including lists of major species, maps of the parks and a
message. It will also present information on how to make contribu-
tions and support Parcs Haiti. The cost of the initial publication is
$6,000. We recommend additional more specific brochures and
small booklets to be published the second and third year of the
budget period at $5,000 each year. In addition, it would be
desirable to publish a book on the National Parks of Haiti. This
book, well-illustrated with photographs, could be sold in Hotels
and bookstores. We believe that it would sell well. A similar very
attractive book has been published of the National Parks of the
Dominican Republic. The estimated cost of this book is $20,000.
We believe that it is very important to make the results of the
parks inventory available as quickly as possible. These "results"
include descriptions of new species, analyses of major plant and
animal associations and specific discussions of the major features
of the parks. We recommend that these results be published as a
single volume of the Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural
History, where other descriptions of the flora and fauna of Haiti
have been published. Each chapter would have a complete
abstract in French. All new species and important new data can
then be made available to Haiti within one year, and be readily
available to students and professionals in Haiti during the training
sessions and development stage of a national parks program. The
recommended budget for this publication is $10,000.
Other important publications that should be published as part of
the Parcs Haiti program are:
The Natural Hhtory of Haiti
Usefir1 Trees of Haiti
The Manamah of Haiti
The Birk of Haiti

Some of these books are alreadyunderway. Their publicationhas

also been designated as a high priority activity by the University of
Florida MacArthur Foundation Project (see description of this
project in Chapter VII). The MacArthur Foundation Project will
be able to assist Parcs Haiti in the publication of some of these
books, and places a high priority on having these books, booklets,
and conservationposters available in Haiti. We feel that one of the
largest problems in Haiti is the general lack of knowledge about
the importance of the natural resourcesand natural patrimony of
the country.
It is anticipated that a second scientific publication will be ap-
propriate at the end of the five-year budget period. This publica-
tion would include the results of research over the five-yearperiod
and would include Haitian counterparts as authors. We have
budgeted $10,000 for this second scientific publication.
5. Conservation Posters. Six conservation posters should be
produced as part of the Parcs Haiti conservation and education
program. These conservation posters are listed below.
A Color Poster on "Connaitreet Proteger la Richesse Naturelle
d'HaitiMhas already been completed as part of the UF MBR
A Color companion poster to the above is needed that provides
detailed information on each species;
A Color Poster based on a painting by a famous Haitian artist
should be produced that will depict both the native flora and fauna
of Haiti -
and the fanciful plants and animals that normally are part
of traditional Haitian paintings. We hope that this painting
(poster) will become an instant success, and start a new movement
in Haitian art whereby Haitian artists will include more native
animals of the country in their paintings. The planning for this
project is already underway as part of the MacArthur Foundation
A Black and White Poster concentrating on biological conserva-
tion in the Pic Macaya Area is needed, and is currently being
planned as part of the MacArthur Foundation Project.
A Black and White Poster concentrating on biological conserva-
tion in the La Visite area is needed.
A Color Poster on recreational activities in the National Parks
will be needed when tourism in the parks becomes possible.
The first of these posters, "Connaitre et Proteger la Richeses
Naturelle d'Haiti," has already been completed, and 6,000 copies
will be distributed in Haiti in the fall of 1992. The poster is
displayed on the cover of this book. The cost was shared by USAID
and the MacArthur Foundation. We designed the poster, and it
was painted by Laurie Walz. Subsequent posters could be done in
the same way at the Florida Museum of Natural History, at another
international institution, or within Haiti.
The estimated -total production cost of each color poster is $8,000.
The cost of production of the black and white posters is $3,000
each. The total budget of Parcs Haiti over the next five years for
posters should be $30,000.
We also recommend that a coloring book be produced based on
the "Connaitre et Proteger la Richess Naturelle du Haiti" poster.
This simple coloring book would have a color representation of the
poster on the cover, and include pages with the outline of each
plant of animal. Each page would have a simplified message
concerning the particular plant or animal. These coloring books
would be distributed free to schools throughout Haiti as part of the
Parcs Haiti Environmental Education Project. The estimated cost
of this booklet is $10,000.
6. Environmental Education Program. One of the important
activities that Parcs Haiti should be involved with is Environmental
Education. This can be accomplished by lectures and involvement
with schools. It can also be accomplished on site using the local
exhibits, conservation posters, etc. Many of these items are Part of Haiti conservation
poster, "Connaitre et
budgeted above. An additional budget of $10,000 a year should be Proteger la Richesse
set aside for Environment Education. Naturelle d'Haiti." This
- - - is Uromacer
-- . - -

7. Raining programs. We believe that the most economical way frenatus, "La Madeleine,"
to run a training program is to make use of seminars, workshops the proposed national
and training sessions in Haiti. Each two week session would be snake of Haiti.
conducted by an international expert or team. We have budgeted
$3,000 for each session and recommended four sessions per year
($12,000). During the second year we recommend that the Direc-
tor participate in the national parks seminar and visit several mayor
institutions (such as the University of Florida) which have interna-
tional conservation programs $5,000). The research programs (see
following item) can also be incorporated into the training
8. Research Programs. We believe that research is one of the
most important components of a developing program in national
parks. The data generated from selected research projectswill be
used in making management-relateddecisions and in building the
recreation and education programs. Parcs Haiti personnel should
be included in all research projects and therein receive valuable
training that will be specificto natural science in Haiti. We propose
spending 6.5 % of the budget, or $165,000 on research for a five
year period. The recommended research projects are listed below
with their duration and total cost in parentheses.
A). Composition of major plant associations (5 years; $30,000).
B). Growth and regenerationof endemic plants (5 years; $30,000).
C). Habitat requirements of the endangered species of endemic
mammals (5 years; 30,000).
D). Biology of the Black-capped Petrel (3 year; $30,000).
E). Regular inventories of park avifaunas (5 years; $10,000).
F). Baseline Meteorological studies (5 years; $5,000).
G). Distribution and habitat requirements of Invertebrates (5
years; $15,000).
H). Habitat requirements for endemic herpetofauna (3 years;
Total Research Budget $165,000
One major goal of these research projects is to create Species
Recovery Plans for endangered species in Haiti. The concept of
Species Recovery Plans is discussed in detail in Chapter VI of this
book, and Preliminary Species Recovery Plans are presented for
three species in Southern Haiti in The Natural History of Southern
Haiti (Woods and Ottenwalder, in press). The availability of
SpeciesRecovery Plans is essential if Parcs Haiti is going to be able
to make comprehensive plans for conservation in Haiti. They will
provide the data base that will be necessary for Parcs Haiti to live
up to its obligation to advise the GOH on the complex questions
that arise in planning for sustainable development on an island
where resources are limited and conservation and development
are frequently at odds.
9. Operating Central Omce. The specific estimated costs of
running the Central Office are listed at the end of this section. We
believe that it is very important to have a well-organized Central
Office to tie together all aspects of the parks program. Since the
parks program will also coordinate the activities of the biosphere
reserves associatedwith each park, the Central Office will become
a meeting place for many people and ideas. It will quickly become
the crossroads of all conservation activities in Haiti and the clearin-
ghouse for most information on the natural ecosystems of the
country. The total estimated cost of the office is $32,000 per year
or $160,000 over a five year period. On top of this is the cost of
renting or building the Port-au-Prince Parcs Haiti facility.
Our estimate is that it would cost $25,000 per year to rent a
reasonable building for a Central Office. It would be cheaper in
the long run to construct a new building. The decision as to which
strategy to follow, and where to locate the building should be made
by the Director of Parcs Haiti in conjunction with the National
Parks Advisory Council.
10. Operating Parks. The estimated costs for the operation of
the parks is $28,450each or $56,900per year. The cost of operating
the parks over a five year period would be $284,500.
11. OperatingVehicles. We propose purchasing four vehicles for
use in the parks. Two vehicles are for use in the Central Office.
One of which will function in the capital and the other will come
and go to the parks. All of the vehicles should have 4-wheel drive.
Two vehicles will operate in the parks and transport the Park
Supervisors back and forth between the parks and the Central
Office. The estimated annual cost for operating the four vehicles
each year is $20,400 for a total cost of $102,000 over five years.
Individual items are listed below.
12. Salaries. The salaries of the three administrators and five
support staff of the Central Office are listed below. We have done
our best to estimate salaries that are fair and provide incentives
and a sense of pride, but at the same time are not out of line with
other salaries. These determinations will need to be revised by the
Director of Parcs Haiti and the Advisory Council for National
Specific Budget Explanation
Setting up Main Office in Port-au-Prince


Office set-up
1 OfficeTypewriter 500
1 Portable Typewriter 350
1 Computer System 5,000
* Computer Software 1,OOo
File Cabinets 2,500
Desks 3,500
Desk Chairs 1,000
Conference Table 800
Chairs 800
Storage Cabinets 800
Book cases 1,ooo
Map cases 800
Drafting Table 500
Drafting equipment 250
Air Conditioners 2,ooo
Audiovisual Equipment 1,500
Videocamera 3,000
Tape Recorders 750
Copy Machine 1,000
Cameras 750
Radiocomrnunications 12,000
Vehicles 32,000
Other Miscellaneous 2,000

Total $73,800
Park Set-up (each)


Storage Cabinet
Guns (shotguns)*
Altimeters + pocket
Field Furniture
Shovels, picks, etc.
Gas stove
Gas Refrigerator
Solar generator
Vehicle (pick-up)
Field Equipment

Subtotal $29,100 Times two = $58,200

Building Construction and/orRental

Parcs Haiti Headquarters $125,000

Parc Macaya Headquarters (Done)
Parc La Viste Headquarters 20,000
Total $145,000

*Thistype of gun is useful for research (to collect seeds in high elevation trees).
2 4'x8' Entrance sign $2,000 *
60 Information signs 3,000 *
2 4x8' Roadside exhibits 2,000
50 nature trail signs 1,000

Total $8,000

4 Double side exhibit panels $10,000

Publicationsand Posters
1 volume ScientificResults I
1 volume ScientificResults I1
5000 Information Brochure
- Park booklets
- Park booldets
- Natural History of Haiti
- Birds of Haiti
- Mammals of Haiti
- Useful Trees of Haiti
- Conservation Posters
- Conservation
Coloring Book
1 volume National Parks of Haiti Book

Total $135,000

Environmental Education Supplement


l'k=aining programs
20 Two week training sessions (3,000 each) 60,000
(five year period)
1 Special parks seminar and
visits for Director 5,000

Total $65,000
8 Research projects (see discussion in Budget Summary)
Total $165,000

Operating Central Office*

per year 5 years

Telephone 2,500 12,500

Lights + electricity 4,500 22,500
Supplies 6,000 30,000
Incidentals 6,000 30,000
Per diem pool 10,000 50,000
International travel 3,000 15,000

Total year 5 year

$32,000 $160,000
Rent not included

Operating each Park

Per Year Tota1

Uniforms $ 350 $1,750

Per diem
(Park Supervisors) 3,600 18,000
Park Maintenance 24,000 120,000
Supplies 500 2,500

Total $28,450 $142,250

(x -
2 for Combined
Parks) $56,900 $284,500
Operating four Vehicles
Year Total

Maintenance and tires $8,000 $40,000

Gas 12,000 60,000
License and insurance 400 2,000


Per Year Total

1. Director Salary 30,000 *

Expenses 4,000
2. Assistant Director # 1 Salary 20,000
Expenses 3,000
2. Assistant Director #2 Salary 20,000
Expenses 3,000
5. Secretary 7,000
6. Secretary-Librarian 6,500
7. Chauffeur 7,000
8. Commissar 4,000
9. Guardian 2,500
10. Park Supervisor # 1 Salary 15,000
Expenses 2,000
10. Park Supervisor # 1 Salary 15,000
Expenses 2,000
12. Headquarters Guardian # 1 2,500
13. Headquarters Guardian #2 2,000
14. Park Guardians 3,500 each x 14 49,200
15. Park Workers 1,500 each x 30 45,000

TOTAL $239,700 $1,298,290

*Note: We have added a 4% salary increase each year.

Total cost of setting up and running Parcs Haiti for five years is
estimated to be
approximately $2,514,790.
Parc National Pic Macaya
This chapter reviews the history, physical features, natural his-
tory, and management plans for the national park in the Massif de
la Hotte that is known as Parc National Pic Macaya. This national
park was the focus of activities of the University of Florida Macaya
Biosphere Reserve Project, and is considered a Core Zone of the
Macaya Biosphere Reserve. The area was being severelydegraded
at the time the national park was established. The activitiesof the
UFMBR project nearly stopped the cutting of pine trees, and
reduced the numbers of black bean gardens in the park. The
project was also able to reduce the number of domestic animalsin
the park. The south boundary of the parkwas fenced as part of the
MBR activities, and somereforestationwas underway. As of 1991,
the steep slopes of the park were beginning to return to forest
This chapter should be viewed in context with Chapter VII, which
presents a plan for the future. As of June, 1992,the park is clearly
threatened. At the time of our final survey of conditions in the
region in April, 1992, the park was once again being rapidly
degraded. The fence had been torn down in places. We saw a
number of peasants entering the park with hoes and machettes.
Animals were being grazed well inside the park boundary. We
found one young, healthy cow with its rear leg nearly cut off. The
cow had been eating plants in a newly-planted garden on a steep
slope in the park, and the "owner" of the garden had cut the hind
leg of the cow, which was dying, in retribution. This event sums up
the current status of the park perfectly. Not only is the park being
openly violated, but it was being violated with a sense of despera-
tion. The competition for resources in the region is reaching a new
level that makes the continued existence of the park questionable.
So, the impression of Haiti at a crossroads is nowhere more vividly
apparent than at Parc National Pic Macaya. The park is estab-
lished, well-documented, and on the verge of becoming a model
for the conservation of natural resources in Haiti. Until 1991,there
was a sense of optimism about its future. As of 1992, the park is
under attack and on the verge of total collapse. We hope that this
in-depth discussion of Parc National Pic Macaya will not be its

Parc National Pic Macaya

Section 1. Location
The area designated as Parc National Pic Macaya is located on
the Massif de la Hotte at the crest of the mountains where several
major rivers originate (see Map of Macaya Biosphere Reserve,
Appendix 111). The park lies at latitude 18 21' N and 74 01'W. The
crest of the mountains divides the Departement du Sud (Arrondis-
sement des Coteaux) in the south from the Departement de la
Grande Anse (Arrondissement de Jeremie) in the north. The most
characteristic feature of the park is Pic Macaya with an elevation
of 2,347 meters. Pic Macaya is located 36 kilometers northwest of
the city of Les Cayes and 195 kilometers west of Port-au-Prince.
Section 2. Size and Natural Boundaries
The "communique" in the Nouveau Monde (5 May 1981) men-
tioned the creation of "parcs naturels" in the Massif de la Selle and
Massif de la Hotte, but did not mention the specific location or
boundaries of the park in the La Hotte region. The decree of 23
June 1983 creating the national park in the Massif de la Hotte
designated the size of the park at Macaya to be 2,000 hectares. The
communique signed by Dr. Roger Lafontant and Frantz Flambert
on 15January 1985 declared the Macaya area as a "zoneprotegee,"
but did not set the specific boundaries of the preserve. The size of
the park was described as 2,000 hectares with a 10,000 hectares
buffer zone in an internal document between MARNDR and
USAID entitled "Fiche de Projet en Cours." Our original recom-
mendation for the size of a national park around Pic Macaya was
3,000 hectares (Woods and Rosen, 1977). In correspondence be-
tween the Florida Museum of Natural History and USAID, a
preliminary boundary for Parc National Pic Macaya was recom-
mended as comprising 5,500 hectares. This proposal was accepted
by ISPAN (at that time, under INAHCA) and MARNDR, and was
used by MARNDR in conjunction with the recommendations of
Florence Sergile, who was at that time the Parks Coordinator in
the Direction des Ressources Naturelles (MARNDR), to deter-
mine the boundaries of the park by the boundary survey team from
MARNDR. Because the original survey of the park was flawed
and needs to be redone, we now recommend that the size of the
park should be expanded to 7,500 hectares. The specific areas to
be included and the justifications for doing so are discussed below.
The natural boundaries of Parc National Pic Macaya have been
defined based on the results of the various inventoryteams and the
final reports of these investigations. Analyses of the inventories of
the most significant geological, botanical, zoological and recrea-
tional features of the Pic Macaya region indicate that all of the
following features should be included within the territorial limits
of the park.

Pic Macaya (2,347 meters)

- water generation and recharge zone
- unique broadleaved and pine forest communities
- nesting location for Black-capped Petrels
- soil conservation zone because of its steep slopes
- recreation area (wilderness setting)
Pic Formon (2,219 meters) and
Pic Le Ciel(2,170 meters)
-unique broadleaved and pine forest communities
-possible Black-capped Petrel nesting area
-water generation and recharge zone
-soil conservation zone
-virgin forest zone

(The karst hills between Morne Cavalier [1,570 meters] and
Sous Bois, including the forest covered area below Morne
Cavalier and along rim of the Plain of Formon to 1,000meters).

-many species of endemic orchids

-important habitat for the Zagouti (Plagiodontia)
-especially rich avifauna
-numerous endemic species
"Gran Ravin" of the
Ravine du Sud
(from 1,919meters in the saddle between Pic Macaya and Pic
Formon eastward down the Gran Ravin to 500 meters elevation).
-numerous endemic species
-water conservation
-soil conservation because of steep sides, and numerous natural

East-West Ridge of Pic Macaya

-unique Pine Forest with giant old growth trees
-water conservation zone because of abundant rainfall and cloud-
combing phenomenon of tall pine trees
-deep layer of sphagnum moss acts as a sponge in retaining water
-possible additional nestingareas for Black-capped Petrels
-numerous endemic species
-wildest area of Haiti

East-West Ridge of Pic Formon

-unique elfin broadleaved forest
-water conservation (wettest area in Haiti)
-possible nesting Petrels
Plain of Mare Cochon 1,200-1,400 meters elevationNE of
-only habitat with Solenodon
-rich broadleaved forest being rapidly deforested
-exceptional number of endemic species
-soil conservation
-region not currently in park, but designated as highest conserva-
tion priority for inclusion

Upper area of Riviere nois Sources

(in the steep ravine between Pic Macaya and Pic Formon)
-easy access via new UNICORS\COSAR road
-very vulnerable to exploitation, which would destroy Petrel nest-
ing area
-southwestern exposure, which would do irreparable damage to
soils if deforested

Each of the above features will be discussed in greater detail in

the section on the "major features" of the park, and has been
described in elaborate detail in this document. All of the features
are part of a natural ecosystem that ranges in elevation from 900
to 2,347 meters. If Parc Macaya were to include all of these areas
it would be a 5,000 hectares "block" of terrain that would contain
Pic Formon and Pic Macaya at their watersheds. Parc Macaya
would also include a 500 hectare peninsula of land that stretches
southward from Pic Le Ciel and include the forested karst hills
around the western and southwestern boundaries of the plains of
Formon and Durand that are rich in important sinkholes and have
several small ponds. The park should also include 2,000 hectares
NE of the ridge of Pic Macaya in the areas of Diquillon and Mare
Cochon. All of this park of 7,500 hectares should be protected
from environmental degradation of all kinds including all agricul-
ture and deforestation. The flora and fauna of Parc National Pic
Macaya contain more endemic species than any other known area
of Hispaniola. This is the absolute minimum size that the park
should be to adequately protect the flora and fauna of the area.
This size is also essential if the species of Solenodon described in
the Solenodon Species Recovery Plan are to be saved from extinc-
tion. One of these species is a living fossil that occurs only in the
Pic Macaya area.
Section 3. Access to Parc Macaya
Access to Parc National Pic Macaya is difficult. There are several
ways to enter the park, but only one is practicable. That route is
via the city of Les Cayes where there are several hotels that would
be suitable for tourist accommodations. Les Cayes is 196
kilometers by road west of Port-au-Prince and the journey takes
less than four hours to drive on a paved all-weather highway. From
Les Cayes the route is a gravel road to the town of Le Duc. Beyond
Le Duc the road becomes rough and crosses the Riviere 1'Acul
three times before passing through the town of Le Pretre. Beyond
Le Pretre the road is very rough and climbs the escarpment by a
series of switch backs from the valley of the Riviere 1'Acul up to
the southwestern margin of the Plain of Formon at Les Platons.
This is a picturesque area where there is a fortification (Citadelle
Des Platons) and splendid views of the eastern Massif de la Hotte
(ridges of Pic Formon). The trip from Les Cayes to Les Platons in
33 kilometers and takes about two hours to drive.
From Les Platons the road is very rough. The route passes
through Marche Sous Bois, and then the extensive karst hills that
are still forest covered and which are known locally as "Bwa For-
mon." The boundary marker for the southern edge of the park is
located beside the trail in Bwa Formon 100 meters before the road
finally passes out onto the flat, fertile Plain of Formon at "Portal
Formon," a collection of houses and large fields in a region desig-
nated on the map (Edition 2-AMS, Sheet 5370-1, 1:50,000) as Nan
Seille. Nobody in the region currently recognizes the name Nan
Seille, and all use the name Formon or Portal Formon. The route
from Les Platons is ten kilometers long. At "Portal Formon" the
visitor looks northward to see Morne Cavalier and Pic Le Ciel to
the west of the ridge of Formon orientated in an east-west direc-
tion. From "Portal Formon" two trails can be used to pass through
the park. The road continues on to the Park Headquarters and
main facility at Caye Michel (named in honor of our colleague on
the MBR project Michel Aubry, who died in an accident crossing
the Riviere 1'Acul).
The first mountain trail in the park passes directly northward and
ascends the ridge of Formon via a series of gardens known as "Kay
Ogil" until it passes over the top of the massif at 1,850 meters
elevation. The trail then descends into the "Gran Ravin" to a
settlement of gardens known as "Deglacis." The area at "Deglacis"
is 1,030 meters in elevation, and is located beside the Ravine du
Sud in the bottom of the "Gran Ravin."
The second trail passes northeast across the upper Plain of For-
mon and through a karst zone to the Plain of Durand. On the Plain
of Durand is a region of sinkholes, ponds and streams. The karst
hills south of the Plain of Durand are known as "Bwa Durand." All
of this area should be in the park. The trail then ascends a ridge
east of Morne Cavalierto the crest of the mountain at 2,000 meters
elevation. At this point three routes are possible: a) a newly cut
trail that follows the ridge to the east to intersect the first trail at
1,800meters elevation;b) the old trail which passes northward and
descends into the upper "Gran Ravin"where it eventuallyjoins the
dry streambed of the Ravine du Sud at 1,550 meters elevation; c)
a newly cut trail that cuts off to the west of the trail and ascends the
ridge of Formon. The trail to the west passes across one peak
(called by local woodsmen "Le Ciel"). The top of Pic Le Ciel is
somewhat cleared, and a magnificentview of Pic Macaya ispossible
from there by climbing a low pine tree in the clearing. This area
serves as an excellent camp site. The trail continues on from this
2,170 meter peak across a narrow ridge to 2,219 meter Pic Formon
which is covered with broadleaved forest capped with a few tower-
ing pines. The trail then descends northward along the ridge that
connects Pic Formon with Pic Macaya. This connecting ridge is
known locally as "Pa Lan Kont." After passing over a small well-
forested peak at 1,919 meters in the center of the ridge which we
designate as 'Tete Ravine" the trail steeply ascends the south ridge
(shoulder) of Pic Macaya. This trail passes near rocky ledges in
places and is quite dangerous and steep. The trail eventually levels
off at the shoulder (2,200 meters) below the summit before steeply
climbing to the summit. A camp has been cleared near the summit
of Macaya at 2,335 meters. The summit is 50 meters west of the
camp site at 2,347 meters, and is marked by chunks of cement
(probably part of the old benchmark) wedged into the stump of a
fallen pine.
This is the only practical route to take into the interior of the park.
However, there are two other ways of getting into the interior of
the park. One is by hiking into the north side of Pic Macaya from
the east via the towns of Duchity or Beaumont. However,the route
crosses steep ravines and the trail to the summit of Pic Macaya has
not been cleared. It is currently possible to travel only as far as
"Zapoti," a clearing at 1,216 meters two kilometers north of Pic
Macaya. The northern route, therefore, is not suitable as the
primary access to the national park even though this is the histori-
cal route of access to Macaya that was followed by Wetmore and
Darlington. A new road that is being built westward from Duchity
will make the above route into the interior of Parc Macaya more
feasible, and will open the area to potential exploitation and
deforestation. This road was half completed in April 1992, and it
is anticipated that it will be completed to quite near the north side
of Pic Macaya by the end of the year.
Another route into the interior of Parc Macaya is via a new road
that has been constructed by UNICORS\COSAR through the
town of Rendel to hear the RiviereTrois Sources. This road passes
deep into the heart of the park, and makes it very vulnerable to
exploitation. The forests in the area are being cleared for coffee,
and the ridge of Pic Formon is being rapidly deforested. This road
provides access to the interior of the park in two ways. From the
end of the road it is possible to walk east up the Riviere Trois
Sources to just below the ridge connecting Pic Macaya and Pic
Formon. It is also possible to gain access to the north ridge of Pic
Macaya, and hike up the north trial to the summit. This is the old
traditional route to the top taken by Ekman and Wetmore, al-
though they gained access to this trail from the north side. A
comprehensivediscussion of the routes to the top of Pic Macaya is
in Chapter I1 in The Natural Hktory of Southern Haiti (Woods and
Ottenwalder,in press).
Now that the trail has been cleared across Pic Formon from the
south, the route from Les Platons shouldbe consideredthe primary
access to Parc National Pic Macaya. If the road between Les
Platons, Sous Bois and Portal Formon were to be improved, this
would provide easy access to Parc National Pic Macaya that would
be suitable for tourists. However the route would require major
supervision to prevent habitat exploitation. The route from Les
Platons provides many picturesque vistas of Parc National as it
traverses the broad plain and crosses the karst hills.

Section 4.
Major features of Parc Macaya
The following section summarizes all of the reports of the
biogeophysical inventory. An attempt has been made to review the
most importantfeatures of Parc Macaya, and to provide a synthesis
of the information that is necessary for planning as well as under-
standing the significance of Parc Macaya. Each original report
stands on its own and should be consulted for detailed information
concerning Parc Macaya. These topics are discussed in much
greater detail in the volume The Natural Hktory of Southern Haiti
(Woods and Ottenwalder,in press), and there is some overlapwith
information presented in that book. We feel that it is important to
have this information in the Stewardship Plan, however, since it
may be used as a reference volume on its own.
A. The Geology of Parc National Pic Macaya
The interpretation of the structural geology of Parc Macaya is
complicated by the extensive weathering of the outcrops and the
dense vegetation cover of most sections of the park. There are
numerous faults, some trending east-west along the Grande
Ravine du Sud and others north-south in the Macaya Formation.
One of the most significant geologicalfeatures of Parc Macaya is
the extensive karst topography that occurs along the areas of low
relief east and south of Morne Cavalier. Karst is also exposed
along the ridges between 1,800-2,000 meters east of Pic Formon
and along the ridge between Pic Formon and Pic Macaya. Most
exposures of karst in the park are associated with the "karst hills"
that cover the edge of the Plain of Formon, which are really cones
of karst. Low areas are frequently doline collapses or sinkholes.
Steep-sided solutionpipes and sinkholesare often encounteredon
the Plain of Formon and Plain of Durand. Even though the area
receives abundant rainfall, most water quickly enters the subsur-
face hydrologiccycle via the extensive joint system and larger scale
solution features (flowing into caves).
The main body of the park is composed of two tall peaks, Pic
Formon and Pic Macaya. They are separated by an active east-west
trending fault system that forms the "Gran Ravin" and the Ravine
du Sud east of the ridge connecting Pic Formon and Pic Macaya
indicate active vertical uplift in the region. The upper surfaces of
both mountains are covered with deep rich soils that support a
dense forest. These soils are highly oxidized, reddish laterites.
There is a thick layer of humus formed by decomposingvegetation.
The long fault that originated in the Miocene passes through
much of the Southern Peninsula and crosses Parc Macaya via the
"Gran Ravin." The evidence of active vertical tectonics in the One of the most sig-
region is found in the steep slopes of the ravine, the numerous talus nificant features of Parc
deposits that flow out onto the bottom of the ravine and flat areas Macaya is the extensive
on the slopes above, and the frequent occurrence of massive karst topography that
landslides. occurs along the areas
of low relief east and
The rocks of the park are from two formations. Most rocks are south of Morne Cavalier.
limestones of the Macaya Formation. These massive limestones
are characterized by numerous veins of calcite. Most rocks are
fine-grained and light grey in color. Occasional rocks that are
greyish-brown or even darker in color are encountered. This rock
formation is very old, probably originating in the late Cretaceous
70 to 80 million years ago. During this time, the western portion
of what is now the Southern Peninsula, and the Parc National Pic
Macaya was a back-arc basin that may have been detached from
northern Haiti and located hundreds of kilometers to the west of
its present position.
The second formation found in the park is the "Demisseau For-
mation." This is the same formation that is found in Parc National
La Visite north of the La Selle Escarpment. It is a deep-water
deposit consisting of basaltic volcanics (lava flowing under the
ocean surface), turbidites, limestones, cherts and siliceous
sandstones. Rocks derived from this formation are exposed at
1,150 meters in the stream basin of the Grande Ravine du Sud.
Other outcrops of basalt can be observed at 1,400-1,600 meters
elevation along the southern slope of the ridge of Formon. Most
workers believe that the Demisseau Formation underlies the
Macaya Formation, and is therefore older.
Both the Macaya and Demisseau formationswere formed in the
deep ocean in the ancient Caribbean Sea. This sea became shallow
in the area of what is now the peninsula of Haiti in the early
Tertiary. During the middle Tertiary (Miocene) a major tectonic
left-lateral fault developed. Since this time there have been con-
tinued lateral and vertical tectonicevents that have shaped the land
as we see it today. The late Tertiary and Quaternary (the last nine
million years) has been characterized by the formation of karst
landforms and lateritic soils. If Hispaniola were separated into two
islands as some geologists believe, then the Southern Peninsula
would have joined the rest of Haiti about nine million years ago.

70 to 80 milliion years
Karst topographypredominateseast and south of Morne Cavalier
and between 1,800 and 2,000 meters elevations east of Pic Formon
ago the western portion
and along the ridge between Pic Formon and Pic Macaya. Ex-
of what is now the
Southern Peninsula of
posure of karst is associatedwith the karst hills covering the edge
Haiti, including the area of the plain of Formon and the plain of Durand, the "rak bwa."
Solution pipes and sinkholes are common on the plain of Formon
of Parc National Pic
Macaya,was a back-arc
and on the plain of Durand as well. Exposure of blocks of lime-
basin that may have stone stand like monuments on the surface.
been detached from The limestone varies in hardness and fracturing and may not be
northern Haiti and lo- able to be treated as a single formation. Water penetration through
cated hundreds of cracks and fissures and consequent runoff will be associated with
kilometersto the west of these differences. Below the limestone lies a complex that was
its present position. formed under the sea in the late Cretatian period.
Basalt exists as pillow lavas, dikes and other thin strata intruded
into the basement rock. This basement rock is composed of deep
water marine limestone,shale and other sedimentaryrocks veined
with calcite.
When weathered, these rocks are highly erodible. The most
notable feature caused by this erosion in the park area can be seen
in the undercuttingof the rock under the limestoneof the Demis-
seau formation, causing the great cliffs of the massif. Differences
in topography are reflections of the predominate underlying
material. Those areas underlain with limestone are usually
rounded on the ridges and in the ravines. Soils and rock are usually
more stable on these materials. On the other hand, where the
sedimentarylbasaltic rock is found, ridges are sharp, and "V-
shaped ravines are common, as the material is highly erodible.
Based on the predominant geological formations in the area,
three general types of topography can be defined. These cor-
respond to some degree to current land use patterns and are also
an important element in developinga land use plan for the future.
1) The first type consists of very steep, upper slopes. Such lands
are in some cases utilized today for agriculture, particularly in
the Trois Sources area. They are not, however, generally ap-
propriate for agricultural land use. It is recommended that
long-termplanning move toward a systemin which use of these
lands is restricted to conservation purposes and/or very limited
use of natural resources (e.g., selective exploitation of native
The second type consists of moderately sloping to steep
hillsides, and corresponds in large part to the karst outcrop-
pings, known locally as rak bwa. While some farmers are
presently almost entirely dependent on these areas for agricul-
tural production, most farmers who utilize the rak bwa also
have access to more productive lands at lower elevations
and/or with lower slopes. These rak bwa lands are highly
variable. In some cases they are appropriate for limited
agricultural use (particularly agroforestry), but in other cases
extreme degradationhas already occurred,limitingtheir utility
in the future. In the latter case, rehabilitation is critical--that
is, systems must be devised which can improve the quality of
these lands. The forces that shaped
geological conditions in
3) Finally, much of the area consists of formationswhich are quite Haiti are still at work in
appropriate for intensive, sustained agricultural production. the region of the
These lands include the nearly level plains (such as Durand) Macaya Biosphere
and gently sloping hillsides. Most of these lands are in agricul- Reserve.
tural production today and should continue to be used for
agriculture in the future. Conservation agricultural practices
should be developed which can assist farmers in making the
most productive use of such lands.
The forces that shaped geological conditions in Haiti are still at
work in the region of the Macaya biosphere Reserve. One of the
best places in all Hispaniola to stand and appreciate the forces of
geological events in action is in the upper Grande Ravine du Sud
at 1,600meters elevation.
B. The Soils of the Macaya Region
In the central portion of the Plain of Formon the soils are deep
oxisols formed on predominantly limestone parent rock. These
soils are dark red and deep with moderate fertility levels. Soil pH
is nearly neutral. Lower down the slope, the soil changes to a
brown Ultisol formed on the non-limestone rock. Because slopes
are not severe, the soils are relatively deep and somewhat fertile
with nitrogen and phosphorus being the most commonly deficient
nutrients. The pH of these soils is slightly acid.
On the slopes of the upper area of Durand, the soils are relatively
deep and coarse-textured ultisols that may be formed on the col-
luvium and alluvium that has washed downslope from underneath
the Demisseau Formation. Some explosive volcanics of a later
geologic era may have also contributed to the parent material of
these soils. The soils are less weathered and the coarse texture
leaves them droughty and dryer than surrounding soils.
Toward Kay Tilus and the ridge of Formon, the steep slopes have
been cleared, exposing the ultisols. Severe erosion is in process,
but farming continues in spite of landslide and landslip on nearly
all of the deforested slopes.
On areas of rak bwa, a large portion of the soil surface is covered
by limestone rock formations and strewn rocks, but the soils are
nonetheless deep and fertile oxisols. Production is severely limited
by the portion of the soil surface not covered with rock.
Across the escarpment toward Cavalier, the soils are
predominantly brown ultisols. On the upper slopes below the
Soils in the entire region market of Sous Bois, the soils are relatively recently cleared and
are extremely variable hence moderately deep. Because of the nature of the soil, how-
and form a mosaic of ever, they are subject to erosionand may rapidly degrade. Because
intermixed soil types in of the limestone on the rak bwa above them, they retain a neutral
some areas which will pH. Lower on the valley floor, the ultisols have been cultivated
require extremely care- much longer, and even with less slope they are eroded moderately.
ful attention when
agricultural land use is To the west of the Park in the areas near the UNICORS\COSAR
suggested. complex, the soils follow the same pattern of ultisol formation.
Cleared land is showing signs of erosion and in some areas the
plinthite subsoil is at the surface. High up the Port-a-Piment river
clearing and fire during the last ten years has caused severe
avalanche hazard that should be addressed immediately.
The three predominant soil types described above coincide to
some degree with the major topographical features of the region.
However, it must be stressed that soils in the entire region are
extremely variable and form a mosaic of intermixed soil types in
some areas which will require extremely careful attention when
agriculturalland use is suggested.
In general, the oxisols occupythe nearly flat plains and very lowest
slopes in the region. They are much more prevalent in the Formon
area than in the Trois Sources area. While they do offer problems
of fertility,their structure is excellent and they are highly resistant
to erosion, in addition to occupying the least erodible sites. Inten-
sive agricultural productionon these soils should be possible.
Deep ultisols occupy many of the intermediate slopes, including
large portions of the rak bwa area. These soils are much more
susceptible to erosion than the oxisols and must be treated with
great care. In many cases, current land use will not be sustainable
on these soils, especiallywhen it occurs on steep slopes. These soils
should, over the long term, receive the greatest attention regarding
appropriate agriculturaland/or non-agriculturalland use practices.
These soils have also been highly degraded in many areas and will
require rehabilitation if they are to prove productive in the future.
The upper slopesare occupied in many cases by thinner Ultisols,
even more susceptibleto erosion than those occupying the lower
slopes and rak bwa. These soils are very prevalent in the Trois
Sources zone, and contribute to the very severe erosion problems
that are so visible in that area. In the vast majority of cases,
prolonged agricultural production will not be possible on these
soils. It should be noted that the upper slopes show extreme
variability in soil type and that generalizationis difficult. Further
study of these soils is critical, particularly in areas of intensive

C. Floristic Features of the Macaya Area

The vegetation of Parc National Pic Macaya in the Massif de la
Hotte consists of an extremely diverse moist broadleaved forest
growing on and around areas of exposed limestone at the lower
elevations of the park and extendingupward to about 1,250meters
elevation. Above 1,250 meters a complex mosaic of habitats exist
ranging from moist, dense cloud forest to occasional open, savan-
na-like pine forest (best developed above 1,600meters). Human-
caused disturbance is extensive below 1,600 meters.
Judd (1986:7-10) dividesthe vegetationin the Macaya region into
two major types. The first is an extremely diverse wet forest on
limestone. This is equivalent to Holdridge's (Sedwitz and Canet,
1972) "foret tres humide de Montagne de basse altitude" and
ranges upward to about 1,250meters elevation. The second forest
type described by Judd is a complex mosaic of pine and cloud forest
formations. Local edaphic factors such as soil, exposure, local
precipitation amounts, wind patterns, as well as part of the history
of the region (i.e., fire, cutting, hurricanes) influencewhat type of
forest will grow in a particular locality. Because it is difficult to
speak of the park in specific terms within the general forest types
mentioned above, we have subdivided the forest types with several
The lower "wet forest on limestone"is subdivided into four types
of habitat.
1) Mature broadleaved forest (Creole name "Rak Bwa Woch").
This is a typical forest of the karst hills on the edge of the Plain
of Formon. The species composition is described by Judd
2) Fragmented broadleaved forest (Creole name "Bwa Raje
Woch"). This is a small patch of the preceding forest type or
one that has been dramatically altered by selective cutting.
3) Abandoned gardens or areas of early succession (Creole name
"Raje"). Grassy areas on the Plain of Formon or in the foothills
below 1,300meters.
4) Gardens (Creole name "Jadin"). Garden planted in cleared
areas within the "Rak Bwa Woch or on the Plain of Formon.
The complex of forest types above 1,300 meters elevation have
been subdivided into the following units.
1) Pine forest (Creole name "Bwa pen"). This forest type is
described by Judd (1986:7). It is similar to the pine forest in
La Visite except it is much moister and has many more broad-
leaved plants in the understory.
2) Successionalpine forest (Creole name "Bwa pen Raje"). Young
stands of Pinus occidentalis with blackberries (Rubus spp.) and
braken ferns.
3) Mature hardwood forest or "cloud forest" (Creole name "Rak
Bwa"). This forest has few or no overstory pines, and usually
has large and conspicuous individualDidymopanav tremulum
trees (called "BwaTramble"). The understory is a diverse array
of small trees and shrubs such as Garrya fadyenii, Myrsine
coriacea, Brunellia comocladiifolia and the important wild
avocado Persea anomala. The climbing bamboo Arthros-
tylidium haitiense ("liane a scie") grows up in sunny spots and
makes many areas of this habitat almost impenetrable.
4) Fragmented hardwood forest (Creole name "BwaRaje"). Small
patches of "Rak Bwa," or hillsides where the typical "Rak Bwa"
has been modified by fire or wind damage so that only a few
species are present. In these disturbed zones, the climbing
bamboo often grows up and over all of the fallen vegetation.
5) Abandoned gardens or areas of early succession (Creole name
6) Gardens (Creole name "Jadin").
The above designations in conjunction with the discussion and
species lists available in Judd (1986) allow us to understand the fine
grain distribution of vegetation types and associated flora found in
various regions of the park. A further indication of the importance
of Parc Macaya is demonstrated by examining the ecological map
of Haiti prepared by L.R. Holdridge for the Organization of
American States (Sedwitz and Canet, 1972). The map shows five
vegetation formations occurring within the boundaries of the park
and associated buffer zone. These formations are determined on
the basis of elevation, precipitation, evaporation, and climate. The
five formations are described below. The French name for the
formation is given as presented on the map by Holdridge (Sedwitz
and Canet, 1972). The English name is taken from Holdridge
(1947:138) in the work on the pine forests of Haiti in which he
developed his now famous system for classifying vegetation types.
The presence of five vegetation formations in one small region is
an indication of the ecological importance of Parc National Pic
Macaya. Some of these formations are associated with abundant
rainfall, further pointing out the significance of the park in water
conservation (see plate 6 in Atlas d'Haiti, Lasserre et al., 1985).
1) Foret tres humide de Montagne de basse altitude (Fth-Mb)
Tropical lower montane wet forest formation.
-Precipitation 2,000-4,000 mm.
-Plain of Formon, foothills of massif and karst hills.
2) Foret tres humide de la zone Sous-Tropicale(Fth-S)
Subtropical wet forest formation.
-Precipitation 2,000-4,000 mm.
-Valley of Riviere des Roseaux and north face of Pic Macaya.
3) Foret tres humide de Montagne (Fth-M)
Tropical Montane wet forest formation.
-Precipitation, 2000-4,000 mm.
-Upper ridge and peak of Formon and Macaya.
4) Foret pluvieuse de Montagne de basse altitude (Fp-Mb)
Tropical lower montane rain forest formation.
-Precipitation over 4,000 mm.
-Upper "Gran Ravin" and Ravine du Sud and the plain east of
Macaya towards Catiche and Duchity (Mare Cochon).
5) Foret pluvieuse de la zone Sous-Tropicale (Fp-S)
Subtropical rain forest formation.
-Precipitationover 4,000 mrn.
-Lower area of Ravine of Ravine du Sud and along the edge of
the plateau of Mare Cochon towards Catiche where the road
from Cayes to Jeremie crosses over to the top of the plateau.
A total of 463 species of vascular plants (including359 flowering
plants, 1conifer, 102ferns and fern allies) were collectedin Macaya
National Park. These belong to 263 genera in 109 families. The
largest families (excluding the Orchidaceae) include the Melas-
tomataceae (34 species), Asteraceae (30), Polypodiaceae s. str.
(22), Piperaceae (19), Rubiaceae (19), Urticaceae s. lat. (19),
Dryopteridaceae (17), Poaceae (15), Solanaceae (13),
Bromeliaceae (12), and Myrtaceae (12). The total vascular flora
includes 130 species endemic to Hispaniola (28% of the flora of
the park). Of these, 69 are endemic to the Massif de la Hotte (15%
of park flora). The degree of endemism among the flowering
plants was slightly greater, with 124 endemic species (34%). Of
these, 68 (about 19%)are endemicto the Massif de la Hotte. Only
six percent of the fern and fern allies of Macaya are endemic.
Families with large numbers of endemic species include Melas-
tomataceae (26), Urticaceae (12), Asteraceae (15), Solanaceae(7),
and Myrtaceae (6). A total of 99 species of mosses and over 49
species of liverworts were collected in Parc Macaya. Very few of
these are endemic.
The species of special concern (endangered species) in Parc
National Pic Macaya as determined by Dr. Walter Judd of the
University of Florida include a number of endemics with ranges
restricted to the Massif de la Hotte.
Species that are especially susceptible to disturbance are listed
Mynine magnoliifolia
There are at least 133
Meliosoma abbreviata
species in 42 genera of
orchids in Parc National Calycogonium torbecianum
Pic Macaya. Tabebuia conferta

D. The Orchids of Parc National Pic Macaya

There are at least 133 species in 42 genera of orchids in Parc
National Pic Macaya. Of these, 38 are endemic to the Massif de la
Hotte (often the park area itself)and 58 are endemicto Hispaniola.
The most important habitatsfor orchids are the mesic broadleaved
forests of the karst hills along the edge of the Plain of Formon
between 950-1,150 meters elevation. Many of the orchids in this
area are small and inconspicuous, but nonetheless scientifically
The diversity of orchids growing in the upper areas of the park is
considerably less than the incredible diversity found in the forests
of the karst hills. Only 40 species were found on a flat basin below
the ridge of Formon at 1,550 meters elevation, and even fewer
orchids were found at higher elevations in the park.
The diversity of orchids in Parc National Pic Macaya is truly
phenomenal. The presence of 133 species of 42 genera in an area
of less than ten square kilometers is extraordinary,especiallywhen
it is realized that Hispaniola has fewer than 350 orchids recorded
for the entire island. This means that almost 40% of all the orchids
of the island occur in Parc Macaya. Almost all of these occur in the
broadleaved forests of the Plain of Formon. The region of Parc
Macaya, and especially the region including the karst hills and
Morne Cavalier (Bwa Formon and Bwa Durand) is a piece of
ecology so valuable that it must be preserved.

E. The Macaya Biosphere and its Butterflies

Eleven species of butterflies are known from Parc National Pic
Macaya, which is almost half the number of species known to occur
in Parc La Visite (20, and possibly 21). The two parks have six
species in common. One species, CaIistoloxius is known only from
the Massif de la Hotte. The genus Cdzkto is predominantly an
upland group, often restricted to one mountain massif. It is not
surprising, therefore, that a member of this genus is apparently
endemic to the Parc National Pic Macaya region while another is
endemic to the Parc National La Visite.
The reason so many more butterflies occur in the Parc National
La Visite region than in Parc National Pic Macaya is unresolved. Eleven species of but-
Several species missing from Parc National Pic Macaya are terflies are known from
widespread in Hispaniola, and it is surprising that they are not Parc National Pic
found in the Macaya area. One explanation is clearly that Parc Macaya.
National Pic Macaya is more isolated than Parc National La Visite.
This appears to be one of the main explanations for why five
endemic birds that are common in La Visite do not occur in
Macaya. A second possible explanation may relate to the more
complete forest cover in the Parc Macaya region, which may reduce
the chance occurrence of lowland forms. A list of the species of
butterflies found in each park is presented in Appendix 11.
E Parc National Pic Macaya and its Land Mollusks
Fifty seven species of land snailswere reported from Parc Macaya
(Thompson, 1986). Of these, 23 are endemic species that are
known only from the immediate area of the park. Twenty-seven
new species (two of which represent new genera) were collected
in Parc Macaya.
The large number of new endemic taxa is an indication of the
importance of the habitats included within the boundaries of Parc
Macaya. The most important habitat for land snails in Parc Macaya
is the "Bwa Formon" region along the escarpment at the edge of
the Plain of Formon. This middle elevation region (1,000 meters)
is one of the few such undisturbed habitats left in Haiti. The higher
elevations of the park are more depauperate in the number of
species; however, nearly all species occurring in habitats above
1,800 meters are locally endemic. See Appendix 11, "Land Mol-
lusks of the National Parks of Haiti,"which lists all of the land snails
known to occur in Parc Macaya.

G. The Reptiles and Amphibians of the Macaya

Biosphere Reserve
There are at least 28 amphibians and 33 reptiles in the Massif de
la Hotte. This list and the analysis below do not take into con-
sideration those taxa whose distributions are confined to coastal
and low elevations sites (under 700 meters), and undescribed or
unidentified taxa found during recent explorations. At least two of
the new taxa are unique frogs from the ridge of Formon in the
vicinity of Pic Le Ciel, Pic Formon and the north slope down to
approximately 1,650 meters. This species is now under study by
Fifty-seven species of Blair Hedges, Richard Thomas, and Richard Franz and will be
land snails have been described in a separate publication.
reported from Parc Na-
tional Pic Macaya. Collections from the study area include 18 frogs, 11lizards, and
5 snakes. These represent approximately 58% of the taxa
There are at least 28 am- presented in the Appendix. In general, Parc National Pic Macaya
phibians and 33 reptiles includes a mixture of both wide-ranging and highly-restrictive
in the Massif de la Hotte. species. The wide-rangingamphibians and reptiles are usually well
represented in collections from lower elevations,while the restric-
tive ones are confined to specific habitats andfor certain altitudes.
The greatest species richness occurs at elevations under 1,300
meters. As one ascends in elevation, the number of species
decreases markedly until there are but three species on Pic Macaya
(elevation 2,347 meters). Within the proposed park area (between
1,600 and 2,347 meters) eight species were found. Five were
restricted to mid- and high-elevation sites, while three were wide-
ranging. Only EIeutherodactylus ventrilineatus and the two un-
described frogs appear to be endemic to the proposed park itself.
Expansion of the park boundaries would increase the number of
species present in the park. Inclusion of Morne Cavalier and south
slopes of Pic Formon and Pic Macaya add an additional seven taxa
(Eleutherodactylusnortoni,Celestuscostatus costatus,Anolis coeles-
tinus coelestinus, Chamaelinorops barbouri, Leiocephalus
melanochlorus melanochlorus, Antilliophispmifrors pmifrons,
Darlingtoniahaetiana haetiana). Inclusion of portions of the upper
Plain of Formon, the karst hills to Sous Bois, and Grande Ravine
du Sud add 15 more taxa (Eleutherodactylus chlorophenar,
Eleutherodactylus larnprotes, Eleutherodactyluswetmorei wetmorei,
Hyla heilprini, Hyla pulchrilineata, Hyla vasta, Osteopilus
dominicensis, Celestes stenurus stenurus, Anolis cybotes cybotes,
Anolis dolichocephalus sarmenticola, Anolis monticola quadrisar-
tus, Anolis ricordi leberi, Epicrates gracilus hapalus, Epicrates
striatus eragistus, Uromacercatesbyicatesbyi). Inclusion of portions
of the north slope of Pic Macaya including areas near Castillon
(Mare Cochon) adds at least 16 more taxa (*Eleutherodactylus
audanti audunti, *Eleutherodactylus abbotti, *Eleutherodactylus
eunaster, *Eleutherodactylus glaphycompus, *Eleutherodactylus
heminota, *Eleutherodactylushypostenor, *Eleutherodactylusinop-
tatus, * *Eleutherodactylus pictissimuspictissimus, *Eleutherodac-
tylus sciagraphus, Eleutherodactylussemipalmatus, Sphaeodactylus
elasmorhynchus,*Anolisdurlingtoni,Anolis distichussuppar,Anolis
dolichocephalus dolichocephalus, Anolis monticola monticola,
Anolis ricordi viculus), and probably others (* = those taxa that
may eventually be found in one of the other proposed areas of
inclusion, * * = those taxa known to occur at lower elevations just
outside of the park boundaries).
Many of the amphibians
Many of the amphibians and reptiles listed above occur in very and reptiles occur in
specific habitats. Those species occurring at elevations above very specific habitats.
1,300 meters are found in mesic broadleaved and wet pine forest.
Species found below 1,300meters are associated with wet forests The creation of a park
and limestone. Both of these habitat types provide cool and humid within the Massif de la
environments for their inhabitants. Data suggest that when condi- Hotte is absolutely es-
tions become more arid through deforestation and agriculture, sential for the survival of
many of the species disappear from the surface with some taking the region's her-
refuge in sinkholes and caves. Other species are probably extir- petofauna.
pated. It is also apparent that certain species (Eleutherodactylus
oyrhynchus, Osteopilus dominicensis,Anolis coelestinus,Anolis dis-
tichus, Leiocephalus melanochlorus, Celestus costatus, Celestus
stenunrs,Darlingtonia haetiana) are apparently able to thrive under
those new conditions, and in some cases spread. This has probably
enabled certain "weed" species to follow trails where the forest
canopy has been removed into areas that were previously unin-
habited by them. Franz and Cordier (1986) believe that
EIeuthem&zc@Iw~ ~ 2 ~ h y f i cand
h u sAnolis ciktichus used these cor-
ridors to gain access to high altitde sites on Pic Forman, Pic
Macaya and the ridge connecting these two parks. The intmsian
of exotic species probably adversely affects resident species.
The creation of a park within the Massif de la Hotte is absoluteb
essential for the survival of the region's herpetofauna. The region
is an important center for endemism in southern Hispaniola and
contains over 30 restricted species and subspecies. In addition,
there axe at least I15 other tma which are also found in the Massif
de la Selle area but are missing from interveninglowlands,
To preserve portions of the Massif de la Hotte means to provide
sanctuary for approximately30%of amphibian and reptile species
known from Hispaniola (including 17 species which are found
nowhere else in the world).

H. The Birds of Pic kfaeaya

A conlplcte list of all bird species of Parc National Pic Macaya is
presented in Chapter IV of the book on the Natcrraf f f i ~ d 8of~
Southem Haiti. There are fewer resident bird species in Xlacaya
because of the absence of five endemics &a$do not occur west of
the Jacnlel-Fauchedepression ("Bond's line"): the Black-crowned
Palm Tanager, Ground Warbler, Hispaniolan Parakeet, Palm Crow
and La Selle Thrush. The group of year-round residents is an
assemblage of species that are found in a variety of habitats, mostly
associatedwith the mesic broadleaved forest (tower montane rain
forest of Holdridge). This habitat occurs throughout the higher
elevations ctf the Macaya region, while in the "Gran Ravin" sub-
tropical rain forest occurs (Holdridge map, I972 in OAS report on
Haiti). This habitat does not occur in La Visite because less rain
falls in the Massif de La Selle than in the Macaya region (OM
Holdridge map, Sedwitz and Canet, 1972; Atlas d9E3aiti,Lasserre
et a[., 1985).
The pattern of isolation tjbserved in Parc Macayst may be the
result of ecological conditions rather than the geographical
remoteness of the area Indeed, Macaya is not very distant from
the Massif de la SeBle, since the mesic broadleaved forest of Mgarnc
D'Enfer is only 175 kilometers distant from a similar forest on the
ridge of Pic Macaya, The test of the ecological hypothesiswould
be if species from La Visite began to spread into Macaya as the
habitat there is altered by human activities. This has not occurred
in the case of species such as the Black-crowned Palm Tanager,
Ground Warbler or La Selle Thrush which are closely associated
with mesic broadleaved forest, the habitat that is being destroyed
in the Macaya region. However, the White-dnged Crossbill and
Antillean Siskin showed up in the hfacaya region for the first time
during the course of this study. Tnese birds are associated with
open areas and mature pines. Tfie expansion of their range into
Parc Macayamaybe the result of it~creaseddestruction of the mesic
forest in the Macay3 region that has been documented by Cohen
(1 984). The loss of the mesic forest is ft~llowedby rapid regenera-
tion of pine, making the area more suitable for species such as the
crossbill and siskin. Large flocks of crossbills were present from
1982 through the last survey in November 1985. The transition is
not complete, however, since Hispaniolan Parakeets and Palm
Crows, two other species that do well in the open pine habitats of
Lrl Visite have not yet spread to Macaya. St~ouldthese two species
spred into the Macaya region it would be a further indication that
Macaya has been isolated by its abundant rainfall and rlch, dense
mesic forest. Therefore, the appearance of crossbills and siskins
in the Macaya area, which at first thought seems to be a p o d sign
since the species are important Antillean endenlics, may be instead
a reflection of the distribution of the rich mesic broadleaved forest
that covered the region until the last two decades (Cohen, 1984).
More research is necessary to clarify this question.
The List of resident birds is swelled by the addition of migrant
species that arrive in late September and stay until April. This
brings the total number of species found in the Macaya region to
65; two less species than found in Parc National La Visite. The
difference in the number of bird species, however, is largely the
result af the fewer number of endemics that occur in western Haiti.
The difference in the number of species would be even more
dramatic if it were not for the presence of the lower area of Parc
Nntional Pic Macaya in the region of the Plain of b m o n at 1,000
meters elevation, The broadleaved forests of the karst hills along
the edge of the Plaill of Formon have a number of bird species that
are characteristic of lower elewtians (Broad-billed Tody, Logger-
head Kngbird, Mango Hummingbird), as well almost all of the
species found in high montane regions (except for the White-
winged Crossbill and Antiliean Siskin). This mid-montane forest
is the habitat that has been severely deforested in most parts of
Haiti. it is the mast important and vulnerable of all the habitats in
Parc National Pic Macaya, as is readily apparent when the number
of species found in this small subregion (500 hectares) of the park
is compared with the list of species occurring in the rest of the park
(7,000 hectares). On the Plain of Formon and the adjacent karst
hills, 51 species occur, while in the montane zone of the park at
about 1,300 meters elevation, 47 species occur (see Appendix 11).
The total number of individual birds is greater in Parc National
La Visite than in Parc National Pic Macaya. During the winter
census period, on La Visite an average of 242 birds were seen per
day, while in Macaya an average of only 151 birds were observed.
A reason for this difference may be that in the open ruinate ("Raje")
areas of La Visite during the winter months, huge flocksof migrant
warblers feed in abandoned corn fields and gardens. Some of these
mixed flocks (mostly Yellow-rumpedWarblers, Palm Warblers and
Cape May Warblers) number over 300 individual birds. These
flocks inflate the data on bird numbers, but are not a true reflection
of species richness. It is true that the area of Parc National Pic
Macaya above 1,500 meters has fewer species than Parc National
La Visite (see Appendix 11). This is in part a reflection of the
greater percentage of land area in La Visite above 1,500meters, as
well as the reduced number of endemics in Macaya (see previous
discussion). However, the combination of the very important mid-
montane habitats of the Plain of Formon with the high montane
forests of Pic Formon and Pic Macaya create a combined ecosystem
in Parc Macaya that is richer in bird species than is the case in Parc
La Visite.
The presence of breeding Black-capped Petrels on the south face
of Pic Macaya is an important new observation. The small colony
of petrels on Macaya was discovered for the first time in January,
1984,and surveyed in detail in January, 1985. An additional colony
may exist on the northwest face of Pic Formon. The presence of
Black-capped Petrels In Parc Macaya adds special significance to
the park since the species has been eliminated from most islands
in the Antilles. The birds are nesting in burrows at about 2,200
meters elevation at the transition zone between wet broadleaved
forest and scrubby second growth which occurrs where fires and
The presence of breed- erosion have disturbed the steep mountainside. Many rock slides
ing Black-capped further disturb the habitat below 2,200 meters. The zone where
Petrels on the south the petrels nest is especially vulnerable to damage from below by
face of Pic Macaya is an fire as it sweeps up the mountain and kills the vegetation that
important new observa- provides cover for the petrels and protects the steep mountainside
tion. from further erosion. The open areas that occur following fires
also expose the petrels to predation by dogs, cats and mongooses.
An additional colony Cats and mongooses now occur on the peak of Macaya where the
may exist on the density of Black and Norway rats is very high. All of these real and
northwest face of Pic potential problems mean that the colony of breeding Black-capped
Formon. Petrels is "threatened." Because the colony is small and the habitat
has been badly damaged by fires that have swept over the area since
1978, the status of the colony will be changed to "endangered" if
any more habitat is lost. The area below the petrel colony should
be totally protected.
No gardens, ajupas, fires or deforestation should be allowed from
the base of the mountain or on either side of the connecting ridge
between Pic Formon and Pic Macaya. Since this is in the area of
land claimed by the coffee cooperative (UNICORS) and several
private individuals, great care must he taken to work with in-
dividualsand institutionsin the area to insure that the petrel colony
is protected.

I. The Mammals of Macaya Biosphere Reserve Area

There were originally eighteen species of land mammals occur-
ring on the Plain of Formon and the higher montane areas of Pic
Formon and Pic Macaya (see Chapter V of the book on the Natural
Histmy of Southern Haiti). 711e remains of these species were
recorded in sinkholes on the upper Plain of Ourand near Morne
Cavalier as well as from a sin khote on the ridge of Pic Macaya.
These eighteen taxa were distributed between two rodents similar
to the zagauti. two hutias of the kind kept by Indians as a domestic
species, one giant hutia, one small zagouti-like form, and one new
genus and species of rodent found no piace else in Hispaniola (for
a total of six rodents). In additionthere were five insectivores,one
monkey and as many as five ground sloths. Of these eighteen
endemic land mammals, only one survives in abundancewithin the
boundaries of the park today. 'Fhis is Pfagiodontia aeilium, the
"zagouti," It survives in the karst hills along the edge of rhe Plain
of Formon and Plain of Duraod, but does not occur in higher
montane areas of the park &ere there are few areas of exposed
rocks or large trees with cavities where the zagouti can find shelter. B%lagido@iasedfum

The other surviving mammal, S o l ~ n o h gara&xm,

~x is very rare
within the boundaries of the park. It is most abundant in mid-
elevation forested reginns (500-1,000 meters). It has been
eliminated from most areas of the Plain of Formon hy deforesta-
tion and because so many dogs are found in the region. Dogs kill
large numbers of Solerrodm, and this species, unlike the zrtgouti,
has a difficult rime stxrviving in areas where dogs and people are
abundant, even d e n large blocks of karst are avaiiable where the
animals can take refuge in rock crevices. Ptagi~hntiacan escape
from dogs and people by tli~nhinginto trees or running into rock
crevices, hut Sde.nodon is less wary and more frequently killed.
Solenador$continues to survive in the Parc Macaya region only in
the mesic forest eastof Pic Macaya and west of Catiche and Duchity S~]len&onwradowus
(Mare Cochon area). If dogs and cats were controlled within the
perk, especially in the "Gran Ravin" area which is adjacent to the
area where Solenotion is still found, then it is possible that the
species will become more abundant in the region of Pare National
Pic Macaya,
x both abundant in the remote area
Ptagiahntia and S o l e n d ~ are
east of the main ridge of Pic Macaya (designated Diquillon and
Mare Cochon on 1:50,000 topographic maps). This habitat is
similar to the karst hills along the edge of the Plains of Formon and
Durand that have been included within the boundaries of the park.
Based on the results of the mammal survey (as well as the survey
of the herpetofauna),we recommend that the park boundaries be
expanded an additional 2,000 hectares to the northeast to include
the Mare Cochon region--the most important habitat for mammals
that remains in the vicinity of either natural park. In addition, we
recommend that a buffer zone be created beyond this zone where
coffee can be grown, but from which dogs and cats are eliminated
and where mesic broadleaved forest can return in a large block.
An examinationof the ecological maps by Holdridge (Sedwitz and
Canet, 1972)and in the Atlas d'Haiti (Lasserre et al., 1985)reveals
that this broad rough plateau is at about 1,200 meters elevation,in
the area of Haiti with the most abundant precipitation. Plagiodon-
tia and Solenodon thrive in ,thiszone of mesic broadleaved forest
(much of which has been cut or burned), karst exposures and
abundant rainfall.
The 14 species of bats recorded from area of the Macaya Bio-
sphere Reserve represent more than twice the number of taxa
collected in ParcLa Visite during the period of the Biogeophysical
Survey. Four bat species were collected in Parc La Visite. An
examination of cave and sinkhole deposits, however, indicate that
eight bat species are known to have occurred in the Parc La Visite
area during the past several thousand years. The reason why fewer
bats now occur in Parc La Visite than occurred there in the recent
past or occur in Parc Macaya cannot be resolved with certainty.
Some of the possible reasons are: 1) the disturbance of bats in the
La Visite region by peasants burning the forest in ravines at the
Of the original 18 mouth of caves in order to plant gardens in the rich, mesic ravine
species of land mam- habitats; 2) the general deforestationof the La Visite area; 3) the
mals occurring in the greater proportion of land area in La Visite that is above 1,500
park area, only meters elevation which makes the habitat less suitable for
Plagiodontia aedium frugivorous bat species. It is clear from the above data, however,
survives in abundance. that Parc Macaya is currently much more important to the preser-
The other surviving vation of bat species than is Parc La Visite. Parc Macaya is also
mam m a I, Solenodon more important for terrestrial mammals. Indeed, in terms of the
paradoxus, is very rare. conservation of all of the remaining endemic mammals of Haiti,
the area of Parc National Pic Macaya includingthe Plain of Formon
and the Mare Cochon region to the east of Pic Macaya is the most
important region in all of Haiti. If this region can be protected
from further deforestation and the "quality" of the habitat im-
proved (regeneration of the mesic broadleaved forest, removal of
domestic and feral dogs and cats), then Solenodon paradauur,
Plagiodontia d u r n and a number of bat species have a good
chance of surviving in the country and being part of the natural
ecosystem for decades to come. Research on the status of
PIagodontia and Solenodon including specific studies on their
habitat requirements and the impact of dogs, cats, mongooses,
Black Rats and Norway Rats is necessary to insure that proper data
is available for use in wise management decisions.

Ji Faleobiology of the Macaya Biosphere Reserve Area

Studies in Paleobiology in the MBR Area
Between February, 1978, and May, 1984, excavations were made
in a hillside rock shelter located at 250 meters elevation two
kilometers SSW of Camp Perrin. Trou Woch Sa Wo is the local
Creole name for the location, and translates as, "the hole in the
rock that is up there." Because the site is a rock shelter, it is called
in Creole a 'Trou Woch" as opposed to a cave ("Kaven") or a
sinkhole ('Trouing"). This locality is the same site referred to as
Caverne Sa Wo in MacPhee and Woods (1982). The bones occur
in dry red paleosols intermixed with medium-sized rocks and
Between February and August, 1984, excavationswere made in a
series of sirkholes on the Plain of Formon and the Plain of Durand
across from the Headquarters of the Macaya Biosphere Reserve
Project. These sinkholes are located in the western margin of a
plateau that lies at the southern base of the Massif de La Hotte at
the edge of Parc National Pic Macaya. The sinkholes have steep
sides and served as natural traps for the fauna living in the region.
The bones occur intermixed with large rocks that have accumu-
lated in the center of the sinkholes and in the paleosols along the
margin of the central rock piles as well as at the outer margins of
the sinkholes. The most important sinkhole in this region is lo-
cated in the Jeremie district of the upper plateau, and is designated Extensive excavations
as 'Trouing Jerernie X5." This sinkhole is 1,275 meters in elevation. have been made in
The main shaft opening is 2.5 meters in diameter and the sinkhole three important loca-
is 16.5 meters deep. There are no indications of owls or other tions: Trou Woch Sa
predators having used this sinkhole, and there is no sign of human Wo, Trouing Jeremie
use or disturbance. All of the bones in this sinkhole are presumed # 5 , and Trouing Lan
to have accumulated there after animals fell through the opening Genti #I.
and were killed on the rocks below or died after having been
trapped in the sinkhole.
In July, 1984, excavations were made in sinkholes along the
northern slopes of the ridges east of Pic Macaya in the center of
Parc National Pic Macaya. This area of abundant rainfall extends
from Pic Macaya (elevation 2,347 meters) eastward as a narrow
series of heavily forested ridges. The ridges lie north of the deep
Ravine du Sud that separates Pic Formon from Pic Macaya. There
is an extensive karst plateau stretching to the northeast of these
ridges at approximately 1,200meters, just as the Plateau de Formon
stretches southeast of Pic Formon. The most important sinkhole
investigated on the ridges of Pic Macaya is 'Trouing Lan Genti # 1,"
located at 1,365 meters in elevation.

The La Hotte Zagouti, the Unique Mammal of Macaya

The endemic La Hotte Zagouti (Rhizoplagiodontia lemkei) is
known from Trou Woch Sa Wo, Trouing Jeremie #1, Trouing
Jeremie #5 and Trouing Lan Genti #l. This region ranges in
altitude from 300 meters at Sa Wo to 1,365 meters at Lan Genti.
It is not clear whether the natural distribution of R. lemkei included
the lowland drier site at Sa Wo or if owls carried the remains of the
rodent to the cave.
Fossil remains of R. lemkei are abundant on the Plain of Formon,
an area of abundant rainfall (exceeding 3,000 mm annually), dense
forests, steep ravines, numerous areas of exposed limestone, and
the tributaries of four major rivers (Woods and Harris, 1986). The
known area of distribution includes the watersheds for the Riviere
CAcul and Ravine du Sud, and extends over an area of 120 square
kilometers. The presence of a few remains of R. lemkei in Trouing
Lan Genti #1 on the north side of the Ravine du Sud and at the
edge of a broad plain northeast of the Pic Macaya suggests that R.
lemkei may have inhabited this plain also. The plain is very similar
in geology and ecology to the Plain of Formon and is associated
with the Riviere Glace. It is located west of the old road that
connects Les Cayes, Camp Perrin, Duchity and Beaumont to
Jeremie on the north coast of the southern peninsula. In the
Catiche and Duchity areas of this plain (called "Plaine Martin" near
Catiche), Solenodon paradoxus is still present and Plagiodontia
aedium is abundant (Woods, 1976,1981,1983,1981). Excavations
of several caves and sinkholes near Duchity and Beaumont have
not indicated the presence of Rhizoplagz'odontialemkei. However,
based on the similarity of habitat of the region with the Plain of
Formon and the presence of R. lemkei in Trouing Lan Genti # 1at
the western edge of the Plaine Martin and adjacent areas, we
Rhizoplagiodontia lemkei predict that R. lemkei may also have been found in this area.

Other Fossil Mammals found in the MBR Area

The most common mammal is the "Zagouti,"Plagiodontia aedium
(20.1%) followed by the Black Rat, Rattus rattus (13.9%); the La
Hot te Zagouti, Rhizoplagiodontia lemkei ( 12.3%); two Small Is-
land Shrews, Nesophontes paramicm and N hypomicrus (com-
bined, 11.5%); the "Quemi," Plagiodontia velozi (9.0%); the
"Mohuy"or Haitian Spiny Rat, Brotomysvoratus (8.2%); the Even-
toothed Hutia, Herolobodon phenax (7.4%); several species of
megalonychid ground sloths (5.7%); Giant Island Shrews,
Solenodon paradoxus and S. marcanoi (combined, 4.1%); the In-
dian Hutias, Isolobodonportoricensis (4.1%), and Isolobodon mon-
tanus (1.6%); the House Mouse, Mus musculus (0.8%); and the
Haitian Monkey (.08%) preliminarily referred to the same taxon
as "Saimin" bememis (see MacPhee and Woods, 1982). The com-
mon names in quotes are based on known names for the species
(Woods et al., 1986). No remains of cats or of the mongoose
(Herpestes auropunctatus) were found in Trouing Jeremie #5.
The top four centimeters is composed of mucky black soils rich
in organic matter. Rats and mice appear to be restricted to this
upper zone. Nesophontes, Solenodon, Brotomys, Plagiodontia
aedium, and I!velozi occur together with rats and mice in the upper
organic layer. At the bottom of the organic layerRhizoplagiodontia
lemkei is very abundant, and remains abundant throughout the
deeper layers which are composed of very wet reddish-orange
clays. The other common mammals in the deeper layers are
Plagiodontia velozi, I! aedium, Herolobodon phenax, and
megalonychid sloths, although all of the endemic mammals dis-
cussed above are found in the clay layer. Plagiodontiavelozi is more
common in Trouing Jeremie #5 than it is in any other sinkhole or
cave analyzed in Hispaniola, suggesting either that the region was
the center of distribution of this taxon or that the Plain of Formon
represents more optimal habitat for the taxon than the other sites
examined, all of which are in more xeric regions.
The mammalian fauna of Pic Macaya at Trouing Lan Genti #l is Nesophontes paramicrus
composed of Plagiodontia velozi (a nearly perfect cranium with
attached mandibles), Hexolobodon phenaw, Isolobodon por-
toricesk, megalonychid sloths, and a few remains of
Rhizoplagiodontia lemkei. Some mammalian remains found in Nesophontes hypomicrus
Camp Perrin at Trou Woch Sa Wo are distributed in the gray,
powdery top 15 cm of sediment. Tnese remains include well-
preserved specimens of Isolobodonportoricemk, Rattus rattus and
Nesophontesparamicm. There were occasional pieces of carbon Nesophontes zamicrus
in this layer and a few remains of humans. Below the top powdery
stratum are paleosols of red sand and clay in which bones are
unevenly distributed in several zones extending 200 cm below the
surface to the rocky cave floor. The endemic mammals found in
the deeper strata are: 1) Brotomys voratus (extremely common);
2) Plagodontia aedium; Plagiodontiaipnaeum (or small individuals
of I! vebzi); I! velozi (isolated teeth); Isolobodon portoricemk;
Isolobodon montanus; Herolobodon phenax; magalonychid sloths;
Nesophontes paramienis; h? hypomicnis; h? zamicnis; Solenodon
paradoxus; S. marcanoi and "Saimin" bememis (see MacPhee and
Woods, 1982).
Trouing Jeremie #5 in the western Plain of Formon has more
specimens of Rhizoplagiodontia lemkei in it than does Trou Woch
Sa Wo. In addition, this sinkhole also has more specimens of
Plagiodontia velozi and megalonychid sloths. Brotomys voratus and
Isolobodon portoricemk are more common in Trou Woch Sa Wo
than in the sirkhole locations. These differences may be the result
of the selection of smaller prey by hunting giant barn owls in the
Sa Wo region, or may be the result of ecological differences such
as forest cover, precipitation, or elevation. The long history of
human occupation in the valley of the Ravine du Sud near Camp
Perrin could account for the larger endemic mammals having been
hunted out by Indians long before the same mammals disappeared
from the remote Plain of Formon.
The mammalian fauna of the Trou Woch Sa Wo/Plain of For-
mon/Massif de la Hotte area appears to differ from the known
mammalian faunas of the Massif de la Selle in several important
1. Solenodonparadoxus and S. marcanoi are more abundant than
from any other known fossil locality in Hispaniola. The only
other known locality where S. marcanoi is abundant is Cueva
Rancho de la Guardia on the north slope of the Sierra Neiba
in the Dominican Republic at 850 meters elevation, also an
area of abundant rainfall and heavy forest cover.
2. The large wide-toothed rodents Quemkia gravk and Plagiodon-
The long history of tia araeum are not found in western Haiti. An extremely large
human occupation in morph of P. araeum is found on the flat plateau of the western
the valley of the Ravine Massif de la Selle. This area is now a pine savanna and is drier
du Sud could account than the massif de la Hotte. A smaller morph of I? araeum is
for the larger endemic found in lowland areas west of Port-au-Prince and on Ile de la
mammals having been Gonave, both of which are dry regions. The type locality for I?
hunted out by Indians araeum is Cueva Rancho de la Guardia (Ray, 1964). Quemiria
long before the same gravk also appears to be restricted to drier regions and is
mammals disappeared known only from the type locality near Saint Michel de 1'-
from the remote Plain of Atalaye at the edge of the broad dry central plateau of northern
Formon. Haiti.
3. Primates are more common in the Trou Woch Sa Wo/Plain of
Formon/Massif de la Hotte region than anywhere else in
Hispaniola. The only other reported locations with primate
remains are from a kitchen midden at Rio Naranjo Abajo on
the south shore of Samana Bay in the Dominican Republic
where Miller (1929b) reported finding the distal end of a tibia
he was able to identify only as "Cercopithecus?sp.?," and the
type locality for "Saimin" bememis at Cueva Berna in the
eastern Dominican Republic near the mouth of the Rio Yuma
(Rirnoli, 1977)- t have found remains of "Swimisbemeasis in
a si&ole near Morne Ya Visite in the western Massif de la
Selle. in far western Haiti, however, a dentary fragment was
found at Trou Woch Sa Wo (MacPhee and Woods, 1982) and
numerous remains of primates that appear to be of the same
t a a n have k e n found in several sinkholes on the Plain of
4. Rkjr'koplagio&3nliaappears to be restricted to the Trou wwh Sa
wo/f?lain of FormodMassif de la fjotte area.
5. A large apparently extinct diploglossinelizard, tentativelyiden-
tified as Diploglossw sp., is restricted to the Plain of Formon

Odgin of Fossils Coilleeted in the Mamya Area

The vertebrate fatrna of Tmuing Jeremie #5 is presumed to have
accumulated in the sinkhole by natural means, most likely by
having fallen directly into the sinkhole. The evidence that a num-
ber of the sinkholesin the Jeremie area served as series of pit traps
over the last several thousand years comes from the composition
and taphonorny of the associated fauna. Pli~gi~dontiu aedium, the
extant capramyid rodent known in Haiti as the "Zagouti" or "Rat
Cayes,"is still c o r n o n in adjacent karst areas that are coveredwith Plagiodontia aediom
a broadleaved forest composed of numerous trees that now rarely often feeds on the
exceed 25 cm in diameter, This habitat is found within 100meters ground in areas of karst
of Trouing Jeremie %5. where it is diffieuit to
Plagohniia ae&um feeds on bark, leaves, and buds of trees in
move around because
of massive blacks of
the areas of karst where it is difficult to move around on the ground
limestone, Rodents
because of the massive blocks of limestone,but often feeds on the
foraging in these areas
ground and in gardens dong the edge of these rocky areas (pers.
would be exposedto the
obs.). The habitat adjacent to Trouing Jeremie #5, and the series
danger of falling into the
of nine other sinkholesthat are part ofthe Jeremie sinkholesystem,
openings of sinkholes.
is composed of pockets of soil near rocky exposures. Rodents
foraging in these areas would be exposed to the danger of falling
into the openingsof the sinkholes. Several of the sinkholes in the
Jeremie system had the bones of Plagiobntia tziiiuna on the
surface of the rocks below. The bones were closely associated, and
in one case still had fur and some flesh attached* In other cases,
complete!y associated sketetons of Ptagiohntia mdizrbrn we re
found in side chambers or pockets above the margin of the
sinkholes at floc~rlevel, We believe the animals felt into the
sinkhates and crawled into the chambers to die at a rater time,
Other evidence that indicates that much if not all of the fauna in
Jeremie #5 fell into the sinkhole comes from the lack of bones of
predators such as barn owls in the deposit. In addition, the follow-
ing evidence supports the hypothesis that this sinkhole served as a
natural trap: 1) the remains of ground sloths were common in the
sinkhole deposits; 2) a large sample of fossils gathered in the top
few centimeters of the deposit produced a number of nearly intact
crania of capromyid rodents and many mandibles where both the
left and right rami were closely associated; 3) the remains of a large
ground lizard (Diploglossussp.) were common (3% of the sample
of bones discussed above), and many of these remains were articu-
lated; 4) no owl pellets were found in the sinkhole.
The Camp Perrin area to the east of Trouing Jeremie #5 is one
of steep limestone cliffs and rolling hills at an elevation of 250
meters. The current rainfall at Camp Perrin is 2,271 m m per year,
with over 5,000 mm falling in some areas of the Massif de la Hotte
five kilometers to the northwest (Sedwitz and Canet, 1972). The
natural forest cover in the area has been destroyed, but rainfall and
evaporation data indicate that the natural forest should be very
humid subtropical forest (Fth-S) at Camp Perrin (Sedwitz and
Canet, 1972).
Few human artifacts are present in Trou Woch Sa Wo, and much
of the deposit is presumed to have been accumulated by raptors,
probably barn owls. Barn owls have been shown to take prey in
excess of their immediate needs and to discard surplus items near
the nest site (Wallace, 1950). Barn owls can, therefore, accumulate
large numbers of animal remains from a wide area around a cave.
The hunting range of the barn owl (Tyro d b a ) is unknown. Barred
owls (Strix varia), however, require 231 hectares in which to live
(Fuller et al., 1974), move up to 1.5 kilometers in their normal
search for food, and have been shown to move as far as 2.5
kilometers (Fuller et al., 1974). Barn owls probably have a greater
hunting range than barred owls, because they are restricted in their
A modern Barn owl (Tyto natural roost sites to hollow trees, rocky crevices, and caves. These
alba) portrayed on a card sites are limited in number and distribution in Hispaniola. It is not
which is handed out in the uncommon to see several barn owls using the same cave as a roost
search for owls, caves, and in Haiti. Barn owls are probably territorial; however, Smith et al.
fossil mammals. The fossil (1974) have shown that the ranges of barn owls can overlap.
drawn here is the Small Is-
land shrew. Therefore, it is probable that in Hispaniola the two extant species
of barn owl (Tyto d b a and Tytoglaucops) have ranges that overlap,
and that they hunt over areas that take them farther than 2.5
kilometers from the cave in which they roost during the day. The
two species can inhabit the same cave in Haiti (pers. obs.).
Zagouties (Plagiodontia aedium) are still locally abundant less
than two kilometers from Trou Woch Sa Wo in the area of Camp
Perrin and in the nearby mountains to the northwest. Remains of
this rodent have not been found in recent cave. deposits at Trou
Woch Sa Wo or in owl pellets found in nearby areas, presumably
because T.alba and T.glaucops are not large enough to take rodents
the size of the Zagouti, which often exceed 1,500 grams in body
weight. The faunal assemblage is therefore presumed to have been
accumulated by a larger raptor. An analysis of the faunal remains
indicates that Trou Woch Sa Wo was also inhabited by a large barn
owl, the now extinct Tyto ostologa. The remains of this large raptor
are common in caves throughout Hispaniola and are often as-
sociated with deposits containing concentrationsof large rodents,
some of which were of individuals several times the body size of
the Zagouti (Plagiodontiaaedium). This giant barn owl presumab-
ly hunted over an even wider area than present day barn owls T.
alba and T.glaucops and, therefore, ranged beyond 2.5 kilometers
from Trou Woch Sa Wo. Within four kilometers of Trou Woch Sa
Wo are open areas along rivers, streams, and ponds,as well as forest
edges on the nearby steep mountains, characterized by abundant
rainfall and dense forest cover.

Dates of Fossils Collected in the MBR Area

The surfacepaleosol ofTrou Woch Sa Wo was gray and fluffy with
numerous shells of land snails. The gray, snail-rich layer was
deepest at the base of a tall limestoneblock, along the west wall of
the cave, which is the lowest area of the cave. The paleosols in
deeper layers of the cave varied from brown mixtures of sand and
clays nearer the surface to red paleosols near the base rock. The
red paleosols were richest in bone, with the largest concentrations
of bony material found around rocks, where bones appear to have Fossils of the mam-
been concentrated duringdeposition or subsequent changes in the malian fauna collected
position of sediments. The dates obtained through Carbon 14 at Trou Woch Sa Wo
analysis of broken appendicular elements gathered at specific were not divided into
levels in the cave indicate ages varying from 3,715 + 175 years distinct stratiographic
before the present (yBP) 100 cm below the surface in x e red bone zones. The various taxa
rich sediments to 10,320 + 170 yBP in the deepest bone-bearing were randomly as-
layers near the apparent barock of the cave, which slantswestward sociated in all but the
at a 45 degree angle. The deepest layers are generally older than most superficial layers.
more superficial zones; however, the deepest layer is slightly
younger (9660 + 140yBP) than the next most superficial zone (#5
= 10,320 + I ~ ~ ~ BThis P ) indicates
. that some reorganization of
the m a t e r s may have occurred after deposition, or that a minor
discrepancy occurred in the Carbon 14 dates. The former is sup-
ported by the generally fragmentednature of the larger bones. The
mammalian fauna is not divided into distinct stratigraphiczones,
and the various taxa are randomly associated in all but the most
superficial layers.
Dates were obtained on bone samples by pooling samples of
damaged postcranial elements from nearby faunal associationsat
the same stratigraphiclayers. Dating bone via Carbon 14 analysis
is difficult and canlead to an underestimationof the true age of the
material (M.A. Tamers, Beta Analytic Inc., Coral Gables, Florida,
pers. cornm.). Dates from bony material from other caves in
Hispaniola using the same technique reveal similar patterns of
total age, scope, and stratigraphicassociation. In the southwestern
Dominican Republic, bones from Cueva de las Abejas have dates
ranging from 5270 to 9565 yBI? In this cave, the bone-bearing
zones also lie at the base of a slope, with the sequence of dates
being 6720 yBP at 25 cm; 9565 yBP at 50 cm; 5270 yBP at 100 cm.
The lack of sequential dates could indicate even more reorganiza-
tion of the material after deposition than at Trou Woch Sa Wo, or
could be associatedwith depositionof animal remains on top of an
extremely irregular surface (i.e., one filled with large rocks of
different sizes). The 'dating technique was double-checked by
analyzingtwo separatelots of bone fragments collectedat the same
location. The results indicate ages of 9565 + 495 yBP (reported
above at 50 cm) for the first lot and 84152 3 z yBP for the second
lot. When the potential error was considered in seeking the closest
possible match between the dates, a differenceof 265 years (2.8%)
remained. Bony material from Kaven Dadier, a cave with a flat
floor near Miragoane in southern Haiti, dated at 1600yBP 15 cm
below the surface and 19,960yBP at 100 cm. On Ile de la Gonave
in Haiti, bony material from Trou Zombie, a very similar cave to
Kaven Dadier near Miragoane, dated at 6405 yBP at 25 cm and
19,800yBP at 100 cm. Bones collected from near the surface in
some caves can be much older than bones from the surface of the
above caves as indicated by analysis of bone from a large cave on
Ile de la Tortue off the north coast of Haiti. In this cave the bone
dates at 17,405yBP at 25 cm and 21,170 yBP at 100 cm. The bony
material from 75 cm in Kaven San Francisco,the famous bone-rich
caves at Saint Michel de I'Atalaye, Haiti, analyzed by Miller (1922,
1929a) date at 8120 yBI?

Paleo Climates and Environmentsof the Macaya Area

The above data indicate that the mammals collected in the For-
mon area (Trouing Jeremie #5) and at Trou Woch Sa Wo near
Camp Perrin were living in this area of western Haiti in latest
Pleistocene and early Holocene times. During this time period,
environmental conditions in Hispaniola were probably very dif-
ferent from what they are today. The faunal informationfor Puerto
Rico and the Bahamas (Pregill, 1981;Pregill and Olson, 1981) and
Florida (Woods et al., 1982), as well as paleoecological and
palynological data from areas adjacent to the Antilles (Lynts and
Judd, 1971, Bonatti and Gartner, 1973, Lynts et al., 1973, Watts,
1975,1980,Watts and Stuiver, 1980, Schubert and Medina, 1982),
indicate that Florida and the Antilles were cooler and much drier
in Wisconsinan times. These more xeric conditionsresulted in an
avian fauna that was rich in xeric-adapted species that have since
become extinct or restricted to relictual areas of xeric habitat
(Pregill and Olson, 1981). In Florida, the climate and associated
mammalian fauna came to resemble current conditions by about
3,500 years ago (Webb, 1974, Woods et al., 1982). Hispaniola
during the period represented by the Trou Woch Sa Wo fauna
(10,300 yBP) therefore was probably cooler and drier than at
present, becoming gradually more moist up until 3000 yBI?
It is tempting to conclude that conditions in the mountains of
western Haiti were also drier, and that these factors directly in-
fluenced the fauna under consideration. However, it can be ex-
tremely hazardous to make such extrapolations. The area between
Camp Perrin, the western margin of the Plain of Formon, and the
high mountains to the north is the area of highest rainfall in Haiti
(Sedwitz and Canet, 1972). This high precipitation is caused by
local conditions and not by the direct influence of prevailing north-
east tradewinds blowing into the mountains. As a result, it is
probable that the area was one of high rainfall during the period
when other areas of southern Hispaniola were more xeric. The
mammal fauna at ltou Woch Sa Wo could have been associated
with a montane area of relictual mesic habitat that was confined to
this and other mesic montane sites in Haiti during more xeric
Wisconsinan and early Holocene times. Evidence to support this
possible explanation comes from current distributions of
Plagiodontia aedium and Solenodonparadarus and several species
of endemic birds in Haiti. The animals survive in pockets of mesic
and well-wooded habitats in the Massif de la Hotte and Massif de
la Selle (Woods, 1981,Woods and Ottenwalder, 1983). Remaining
areas of Haiti, where the animals have been extirpated,have been
made xeric by habitat destruction. It is likely, therefore, that the
faunal assemblagesof the Formon area and at Camp Perrin, which
include unusually large numbers of Giant Island Shrews
(Solenodons),as well as primate remains, were associated with a
moist, well-forested habitat even 10,000yBI? Our recent find of
the remains of a primate in the area of mesic forest at 1,900meters
in the Massif de la Selle further supports the concept that the
Massif de la Hotte and some regions of the Massif de la Selle were
areas of refugial mesic forest during drier post-Wisconsinan times.
The genus Rhizoplagiodontiaappears to be restricted to the Mas-
sif de la Hotte of far western Hispaniola. Distributions of other
plant and animal taxa across southern Hispaniola are similarly
disjunct. The distinctness of the flora of the Massif de la Hotte was
noted by Ekman (1928), who worked exhaustively throughout
Hispaniola and found remarkable differences between the plants
of La Hotte, which lack any "andine-continental" forms, and the
high areas of the Massif de la Selle in Haiti and the Cordillera
Central of the Dominican Republic, which are similar to each other
and rich in "andine-continental" forms. In his recent field work in
the La Hotte area of Haiti, Donald Dod (1984a, 1984b) has noted
an extremely high level of endemism of the orchids and has
described six new species. A similar pattern is reflected in the
distribution of birds in southern Haiti (Woods and Ottenwalder,
1983). Black-crowned Palm Tanagers (Phaenicophiluspalmanrm),
White-winged Crossbills (Loxia leucoptera), Antillean Siskins
(Carduelis dominicemis), La Selle Thrushes (Turdus swalesi), and
Ground Warblers (Microligeapalustis), which are common in the
Massif de la Selle of southern Haiti, have not become established
in similar habitats in the Massif de la Hotte 150 kilometers to the
west. The Chat Tanager (Calyptophilus frugivonrs) from the La
Hotte area is darker in coloration and has a more elaborate
vocalization than does the form from La Selle.

Parc National La Visite

An apparent important line of separation between the avian

faunas of southern Haiti is the Trouin Valley, which follows the
Riviere Gauche between Jacmel and Carrefour Fauche near
Grand Goave. This area in pre-Pleistocene times was a sea passage
across peninsular Haiti separating the Massif de la Hotte and
Massif de la Selle. Maurrasse et al. (1982) refer to the boundary
area as the Jacmel-Fauche depression and conclude that it was a
deep precipitous trough in the mid-Miocene, and that the La
Selle-Baoruco block to the east must have been an isolated island
until at least the early late Pliocene. Emerging land and late
Pleistocene uplifts (Maurrasse and Pierre-Louis, 1981)resulted in
the unification of the southern peninsula to form its present con-
figuration. Until early to mid-Pleistocene times, however, the land
vertebrates of the Massif de la Hotte to the west would have been
separated from those of the La Selle-Baoruco island to the east by
a wide, deep sea channel which was probably characterized by
rapid tidal currents (Maurrasse, pers. comm.). Sea levels 17,000
years ago were estimated to have been between 40 meters (Dodge
et al., 1983) and 120 meters (Gascoyne et al., 1979)below present,
and 10,000 yBP sea levels were 30 meters lower than present
(Bloom, 1977), so no water boundary separated these two areas
during the Holocene. Most endemic rodent taxa, other than the
genus Rhizoplagiodontia,were distributed throughout Hispaniola
during the same time period.
The absence of Rhizoplagiodontia from a large and diverse faunal
assemblage (Carbon 14 of dates between 1,600 and 19,960 yBP)
collected at Kaven Dadier in the foothills (elevation 300 meters)
southwest of Miragoane, 85 kilometers to the east of Sa Wo, may
be an indication that the isolation of Rhizoplagiodontia to the Sa
Wo area of La Hotte is governed by ecological factors rather than
past geological history. Rhizoplagiodontia, like Chat Tanagers,
White-winged Crossbills, Antillean Siskins, Ground Warblers, and
La Selle Thrushes discussed earlier, may have had more limited
habitat tolerances than the other more widespread rodent taxa, and
their distributions related to the presence of wet montane forests.
The annual rainfall at Miragoane is 1,413 mm, and even in the
wettest areas of the high Massif de la Selle rainfall does not exceed
2,163 mm. Therefore, in southern Haiti, the la Hotte region is an
island of dense wet forest. Evidence that the Massif
de la Hotte was
Evidence that the Massif de la Hotte was separated from the separated from the
Massif de la Selle by ecological factors in the past comes from Massif de la Selle by
preliminary pollen stratigraphy (Binford and Higuera-Diaz, pers. ecological factors in the
comm.). These data indicate that the environment in the Etang past comes from
Miragoane area was dry 7,500 years ago. Between 6,500 and 7,500 preliminary pollen
years ago the region become more moist and may have resembled stratiography.
present conditions in the area if the forestswere left in their natural
state. Sometime between 6,500 years ago and the present there
was another dry cycle. If we assume that the environment during
these dry cycles was much drier than the present environment, it is
possible to extrapolate from the pollendata to reconstruct a habitat
with open scrub forest and little understory vegetation. These
interglacial wettdry cycles would produce dry cycles of much less
severity than would have characterized the region at the glacial
maximums, when the lowland areas would have been even more
desert like.
In addition, there might have been other climatic factors at work
during the late Pleistocene that influenced the distribution of
mammals specialized for areas of wet montane forests. Recent
evidence indicatesthat in the Cordillera Central of the Dominican
Republic, which rises to an elevation of 3,087 meters, glaciation
may have occurred down to a level of 1,800meters duringthe latest
Pleistocene (Schubert and Medina, 1982). The authors contend,
based on evidence from cirques,aretes, glacial channels, moraines,
and bog-filleddepressions,that in the late Pleistocenethe snowline
in the Cordillera Central extended down to 2,200-2,300 meters,
and the lower limit of glacierswas between 1,500meters and 1,800
meters. At the present time, frost is common in the Cordillera
Central down to 1,800 meters (Garcia, 1980). While there is no
evidence that glaciers existed in other areas of Hispaniola at the
same time, it is likely that ice and snow, and some glacier activity,
were present in the Massif de la Selle during the late Pleistocene.
The highest elevation of the Massif de la Selle,which is the second
highest mountain range in Hispaniolaand the highest area of Haiti,
is Pic la Selle at 2,674 meters. This area is a high plateau, mostly
above 2,000 meters, and stretches 45 kilometers from Pic la Selle
in the east to an abrupt termination at Morne d'Enfer in the west.
There are geological features along this ridge that suggest the
possibility of glaciation, such as a cirque-like hanging basin be-
tween Morne Cabaio (elevation 2,350 meters) and Morne la Visite
(elevation 2,262 meters). If snow and ice covered the plateau of
the Massif de la Selle 20,000 yBP, then it could have eliminated
certain mountain speciesfrom areas of suitable habitat, which was
not available at lower elevations because of increased aridity
(Schubert and Medina, 1982).
The areas of the Massif de la Hotte near Trou Woch Sa Wo may
not have been subjected to the same severe problems of ice and
snow. While Pic Macaya rises to 2,347 meters and Pic Formon to
2,219 meters, these are really two isolated peaks surrounded by
much lower ridges and valleys. If snow and glaciers affected the
highest areas of la Hotte in the same way they affected the Cordil-
lera Central, the overall effect on the flora and fauna would be
minimal because of the steepness of the high peaks. There is very
little area in the Massif de la Hotte above 1,500 meters, and
extensivewet ridges and ravines exist at 1,000-1,300meters. These :

areas are near the south coast and are subject to local patter* of
precipitation that currently account for some of the heaviest
precipitation anywhere in Hispaniola, even though the areas are
technically in the rain shadow of higher peaks from the prevailing
northeast winds that bring precipitation to the rest of the island.
As noted above, Ekrnan (1928) detected a differencein vegetation
between the ridges of la Hotte, which contain no plants belonging
to the andine-continental group,while the flora of the ridges of la
Selle and the Cordillera Central is dominated by andine-continen-
tal plants. Ekman's observation further supports the hypothesis
that the wet slopes of the Massif de la Hotte served as a refugium
for plants and animals adapted to mesic environments during
periods of cold and aridity in the Pleistocene.

Extinctions of animals in the Macaya Area

During the past 20,000 years 25 speciesof endemicland mammals
occurred in Hispaniola (Morgan and Woods, 1986). Of these, all
but Plagiodontia aedium and Solenodon par& have become
extinct (Woods et al., 1986). This extinction rate of 92% is more
extreme than the average for the West Indies as a whole, where 67
of the 76 recognized species of endemic land mammals have
become extinct since the late Pleistocene (a rate of 88%). Most of
the endemic land mammals known to occur in southwesternHaiti
(Appendix 11) persisted in the region until after humans became
established in Hispaniola 4500 yBP (Rouse and Allaire, 1978).
Several species, especially the smaller forms such as rodents, are
likely to have persisted in Hispaniola in regions such as the Massif
de la Hotte into the last century, and therefore long after the arrival
of Europeans and Africans in the region. The extinctions of most
rodents, insectivores and primates was not caused by the sudden
exploitation of these animals by Amerindians soon after their
arrival on the island (Woods et al., 1986). It is also unlikely that the
extinctions resulted from periodic fluctuations of climate
(temperature and rainfall) during the last 20,000 years since all of
the mammals known to exist 20,000 yBP were also present in During the past 20,000
deposits that date within the last 3,600 years. A major component years, 25 species of en-
of the endemic land mammal community of Hispaniola persisted demic land mammals
in montane regions of the Massif de la Hotte and the high plateau occurred in Hispaniola.
of the Massif de la Selle until the last few centuries when habitat Of these, all but
destruction and the pressures associated with human-related ac- Plagiodontia aedium
tivities became intense. The table "EndemicLand Mammals of the and Solenodon
Massif de la Hotte and Massif de la Selle" (Appendix 11) compares paradoxus have be-
the known endemic land mammals of the montane regions of the come extinct.
Massif de la Hotte with the Massif de la Selle.
Exactly when Rhizoplagiodontia lemricei became extinct cannot be
established based on the work completed on the Plain of Formon
other than to say that the animal survived until the time rat remains
became present in the depositsanalyzed fromTrouingJeremie #5.
Remains of R. lemkei do not occur in deposits from any other
region of Hispaniola in spite of extensive collections made in
numerous caves from throughout the island. Some of these
deposits date back more than 23,090 years. It is most likely,
therefore, that the distribution of R. lernkei was restricted to the
Massif de la Hotte region of western Haiti rather than to conclude
that R. lernkei became extinct in all other regions of Haiti before
20,000 yBP.

Section 5. CriticalAreas and Topics of Special Concern of

Parc National Pic Macaya
The most significantgeological,botanical and zoological features
of Parc National Pic Macayawere discussedin the previous section.
Significant regions and features of the park have been selected
based on these data and the synthesis of the individual inventory
reports. The areas in the Parc Macaya region that are in greatest
need of protection or are of greatest significance are listed below.

Critical Areas
1) Karst hills from Morne Cavalier southeast to Sous Bois (region
called "Bwa Formon" and "Bwa Durand").
Importance: Most important habitat for endemic orchids.
Also habitat with the greatest bird diversity. Only known
Several species of habitat in the region where Parrots are found. Only place
mammals, especially where Plagiodontia aediurn still occurs in region unless Mare
the smaller forms such Cochon is added to Park.
as rodents, are likely to
have persisted in 2) Small ponds on Plain of Formon and Plain of Durand at 1,000-
Hispaniola in regions 1,200 meters.
such as the Massif de la Importance: Water conservation. Only available aquatic
Hotte into the last cen- habitats in region.
tury, and therefore long
after the arrival of 3) Ridge of Formon from Pic Formon east across 2,170-meter Pic
Europeans and Africans Le Ciel and on east along the ridge of Formon to 1,600 meter
in the region. contour beyond Pic Macaya.
Importance: The largest block of mesic Broadleaved forest
left in Haiti. Water source for Ravine du Sud, Riviere 1'Acul
and Riviere de Port-a-Piment.
4) Western ridge of Pic Formon to 1,600 meter contour.
Importance: Continuous with previous forest. Possible
habitat for Black-capped Petrels. Suitable habitat for
Plagiodontia aedium (re-introduction possible).
5) Pic Macaya.
Importance: Breeding Black-capped Petrels; Extensive pine
forest with White-winged Crossbills. Numerous nesting en-
demic birds. Water source for Ravine du Sud and Riviere des
Roseaux, Riviere Guinaudee, Riviere 1'Acul and Riviere Port-
6) Eastern extension of the ridge of Pic Macaya to the north into
the Diquillon region and eastward onto Mare Cochon.
Importance: Largest number of Plagiodontia aedium and
Solenodonpuadawus left in Haiti; Habitat for many species of
endemic frogs; Many endemic orchids; Source of Ravine du
Sud, Riviere des Roseaux and Riviere Glace.
7) "Gran Ravin" down to an elevation of 500 meters where the two
branches of the Ravine du Sud merge.
Importance: Mesic forest to low elevation; Abundant rainfall;
good area for water conservationfor Ravine du Sud. Control-
led access to "Gran Ravin."

Special Concerns and Priorities

1. Protecting the Black-capped Petrels along the south face of Pic
Macaya by preventing all fires in areas below their nesting
2. Protecting the few remaining "zagouti"(Plagiodontiaaedium) in
the karst hills on the Plain of Formon.
3. Expanding the protected area (national park) to the north and
east of the main ridge of Pic Macaya to include 2,000 hectares
of critical additional habitat (Mare Cochon) for Plagiodontia
aedium and providing the only suitable habitat available for
Solenodon paradawus and the newly-discovered "living fossil"
Solenodon sp.
4. Removing the dogs and cats from the karst hills of the Plain of
Formon. This will be difficult because so many people live in
the area.
5. Removing sheep and goats from the "GranRavin,"and the upper
areas of the Riviere Trois Sources.
6. Establishing a program of guardians to patrol the park and
prevent deforestation and exploitation.
7. Completing an official boundary survey. This survey should
resolve the conflict with UNICORS\COSAR in the "Cadiene"
area near Morne Cavalier and the area between Pic Macaya
and Pic Formon, and conflicts caused by the original survey,
which was improperly done.
8. Initiating a soil conservation program in the "Gran Ravin" that
will stabilize the steep slopes of the ravine. Pines and
hardwoods (such as Persea anomala, the wild avocado) should
be planted in suitable areas. Grass should not be planted unless
seeds of an appropriate native species is available.
9. Replanting the areas around the small ponds on the Plain of
Formon and Plain of Durand to keep them from filling in with
surface soil. Rapid erosion from the newly cleared land sur-
rounding the ponds is threatening them.
10. Protectingall areas of the "Rak Bwa" growing in the karst hills.
This area is being rapidly deforested.
11. Replanting trees (pines and broadleaved endemics) on the
Plain of Formon and Plain of Durand in ravines and badly
eroded areas, and in the foothills to the north. Heavy rains
carry away enormous quantities of soil and nutrients in these
areas. Planting can be in strips along the ravines, in blocks
around the ponds, and in patches in especially suitable habitats.
These patches in addition to stabilizing the soil will create
"edges" of habitat that will increase the diversity of the other-
wise ruinate open areas of the Plain.
12. Developing Species Recovery Plans for endangered and
threatened species. These Species Recovery Plans will be very
important in planning activities in the parks.
Although Macaya is
remote and the trails in
most sections of the Section 6. Zones and Areas of Parc National Pic Macaya
park are steep and dif-
ficult to traverse, an ef- The following discussion mentions various areas within Parc
fort should be made to National Pic Macaya. They are part of the overall plan to create
develop a program in "Zones" in the region of the park, specifically in the area to be
wilderness tourism. designated asthe Macaya BiosphereReserve (discussed in the next
chapter). Within the MBR, Parc National Pic Macaya is con-
sidered a "Core Zone," which is an area that should receive maxi-
mum protection.

A. Recreation Areas
Recreation and tourism are not likely to be as important in Parc
Macaya as in Parc La Visite because Macaya is remote and the trails
in most sections of the park are steep and difficult to traverse.
Many tourists will not want to undertake the exhausting hike
necessary to get to Pic Macaya or into the "Gran Ravin." Recrea-
tional facilitiesshould be available in the park, however, to accom-
modate adventurous visitors, and an effort should be made to
develop a program in wildernesstourism. The basic facilities and
recreational plan for Parc Macaya should include the following.
A Park Headquarters already exists, and it has rooms that could
be used to house visitors. There are also excellent camping places
in the area of the Park Headquarters, especially in some of the
upland meadows above Caye Michel. Some of these meadows
offer views of the Formon Range to the north, and the Caribbean
Sea to the south, and are near broadleaved forest habitats filled
with endemic birds. The following should be constructed to in-
crease the attraction of Parc National Pic Macaya to visitors:
a). A camping area should be built near Park Headquarters at
Caye Michel. The camping area should have a latrine and a
permanent source of pure water.
b). A nature trail should be constructed from the Park Head-
quarters up the ridge of Formon and descendinginto the "Gran
Ravin" at 1,050 meters elevation where there is a picturesque
waterfall, pure water and a pleasant place to construct a per-
manent campsite. There are several spectacular views from
this trail. Visitors should be encouraged to employ a guide.
c). A nature trail should be constructed from the Park Head-
quarters westward and up the ridge of Formon, across Pic Le
Ciel to Pic Formon. A camping area (log lean-to) should be Everything possible
constructed on Pic Le Ciel. The trail that crosses the ridge should be done to main-
from Pic Formon to Pic Macaya should be closed to the public. tain the top of Pic
The trail up Macaya is extremely steep and dangerous in Macaya as a "wilder-
several places as it passes over exposed areas of loose rock. ness.Trees should not
The top of Pic Macaya is one of the most dramatic and remote be cut for firewood, and
areas in all of Haiti (see following section). Visitors to Pic Le fallen branches should
Ciel and Pic Formon should be encouraged to employ a guide. not be burned because
d). A nature trail should be constructed into the "Rak Bwa" forest the burning of excess
to the south of the Park Headquarters. wood is counter to
maintaining the area in
e). Natural History exhibits should be constructed in and around uwilderness."
Caye Michel (the Park Headquarters).
f). Consideration should be given to constructinga trail from the
park headquarters to the cave where the Riviere l'Acul rushes
from the mountain as a fully formed stream. This area is
outside of the park, but in the "Buffer Zone," and therefore is
part of the Planned Macaya Biosphere Reserve.
g). The Citadelle Des Platons near the town of Les Platons should
be included in the biosphere reserve, and Parcs Haiti should
work with ISPAN to develop the site. There should be infor-
mation about the Citadelle available there, and also informa-
tion about the park (a three hour hike or a ten kilometer drive).
The view of the mountains fromLes Platons is very impressive.

B. Special Permit Area

We recommend designatingthe top of Pic Macaya as a combined
"Recreation Area" and "Biological Preserve Area." This designa-
tion acknowledges the exceptional mystique of Pic Macaya. The
bird life is interesting because of the large numbers of endemic
species, the towering pine forest is impressive, the vistas from the
trail ascending the peak are spectacular and there is an almost
spiritual mystique about being on Pic Macaya. These features
mean that there is a recreational dimension and tourist attraction
about the area that should be acknowledged and carefully cul-
tivated. The area is also very fragile. The trails are easily damaged;
the deep pine litter makes the zone susceptible to forest fires. The
colony of Black-capped Petrels on the south side of the mountain
are "threatened." Therefore,we recommend that a shelter be built
at the top of Pic Macayawith a safe and secure place to build a fire.
Everything possible should be done to maintain the "wilderness"
aspect of this area. Trees should not be cut down for firewood, and
fallen branches should notbe burned because the burning of excess
wood is counter to maintaining the area in a "wilderness" state.
Firewood should be carried in, when possible, or more ap-
propriately camp stoves should be used to cook on. Visitors to the
There are so many en- park should only be allowed to climb Pic Macaya (and camp there)
demic species of plants with written permission (a permit) obtained at the Central Office
and animals in Parc Na- of Parcs Haiti. We recommend that a fee be charged for the permit.
tional Pic Macaya that There should be a place for the Park Supervisor of Parc Macaya to
one of the most impor- also sign the permit to insure close supervisionof all who climb Pic
tant functions of the Macaya. Two local guides (one to return for help should a visitor
park is conservation of fall and become injured)should accompany all climbers. Sincethe
these species, many of trail to the peak is dangerous, the permit should include a signed
which are threatened or waver to release Parcs Haiti from any legal liabilityin case of injury.
The top of Macaya is first and foremost an area of great biological
significance, and should be set aside as a Biological Preserve Area.
Therefore, what we are proposing is to have a small part of the
"BiologicalPreserve Area" be set aside in the category of a "Desig-
nated Use Zone" even though it is in the middle of a "Restricted
Area" (see below).
C.Biological Preserve Area
There are so many endemic species of plants and animals in Parc
Macaya that one of the most important functions of the park is
conservation of these species, many of which are threatened or
endangered. Another important function of the park is watershed
conservation which is best accomplished by increasing the percent
of natural forest cover on the steep slopes and high peaks. Large
sections of Parc Macaya should be set aside as conservationzones.
The term "BiologicalPreserve Area" should be used for all these
conservation areas.
The most important areas to set aside as "Biological Preserve
Area" are listed below.
1. All of the karst hills along the margin of the Plain of Formon
from Sous Bois to Morne Cavalier (with the exceptionof a well
marked educational trail thatwill pass through this zone). This
biological preserve is essential to protect the zagouti
(PZagiodontia aedium), the Hispaniolan Parrot and many
species of endemic orchids which only occur in the park in this
2. All of the eastern ridges of Pic Macaya as well as the adjacent
Diquillon and Mare Cochon areas. This is the most important
wilderness area left in Haiti. It could be given the special
designation "Haitian Solenodon Wildlife Conservation Area."
The presence of this conservation zone is absolutelynecessary
if the Haitian Solenodon is going to be protected from extinc-
tion in the next decade. This conservation zoneand Solenodon
conservation program is likely to attract funds from interna-
tional conservation organizations.
3. The "Gran Ravin," from 500 meters elevation upward
(westward) to the ridge connecting Pic Formon with Pic The wet steep moun-
Macaya, should be protected. Few people live in the area. This tainside northeast of the
area is severely degraded by overgrazing and recurring ridge connecting Pic Le
landslides. It has great biological significance,and is of impor- Ciel with Pic Formon is
tance in water conservation for the Ravine du Sud. the last totally virgin old
arowth forest left in
4. The "Basin Dalest" is one of the few extensive flat areas at Haiti.
moderate elevation (1,500-1,600 meters) in the park. It still
has extensive patches of mesic forest and some giant pines.
The basin is rich in bird life. The entire basin and eastern
extension of the ridge should be protected as a "Biological
Preserve Area."
5. The wet steep mountainside northeast of the ridge connecting
Pic Le Ciel with Pic Formon should be protected. It appears
to be so wet that it has never been burned, and has never been
cut. It is the last totally virgin old growth forest left in Haiti.
6. The entire area of summit of Pic Macaya (which is also desig-
nated as a "Recreation Area") should be protected. This is
designated as a Biological Preserve Area in order to protect
the breeding colony of Black-capped Petrels and the unique
"mesic"pine forest.

ll Restoration Area
The following areas are in need of management in order to return
to their biological potential or to correct severe environmental
problems that threaten their future and the future of adjacent
regions. Some of the areas are isolated from other zones, while
others are within a "Biological Preserve Area," but have been
severely degraded. The areas of special concern are listed below.
1. The Plain of Formon has been severely degraded and must
receive immediateprotection. Species recovery plans must be
developed for endangered and threatened species.
2. The ponds on the Plain of Formon and Plain of Durand need
special attention to prevent them from filling in with mud, and
to enrich the areas around them for wildlife. Endemic shrubs
and trees should be planted in a zone 20 meters wide around
the ponds. Pinus occidentalis should be planted along the
ravines leading to these ponds. The pines would prevent fur-
ther soil erosion, and would provide habitat for endemic
species. They would also create corridors for wildlife to follow
to more protected areas of the park. The presence of mature
pines is absolutely necessary for some endemic species of the
area, such as the Haitian White-winged Crossbill which feeds
Special attention should on pine seeds.
be paid to removing
goats and sheep from 3. The "BasinDalest"is designated asa "BiologicalPreserve Area."
the hillsides since they The degradationand deforestation on the bottom of this basin
are overgrazing the near a small house with a metal roof is especially severe. New
vegetation, and starting gardens have been planted in the past year and many large
erosion and landslides pines have been cut. The house should be removed. All
by walking in steep gardens should be destroyed. Pinus occidentdis should be
areas. planted in the gardens.
4. The steepest areas of the "Gran Ravin" on the south side of Pic
Macaya are eroding away very rapidly. Special attention
should be given to "securing"this area. The area is naturally
unstable and extremely difficultto get to. Grass scattered onto
the hillside would stabilize the slope.
Note: There are many problems associated with planting
grass. The presence of dried stems will create a severe fire
hazard. Therefore we recommend planting pines on the
hillside wherever possible. Grass should only be planted if
seed of a native species can be obtained. Special attention
should be paid to removing goats and sheep from the hillsides
since they are overgrazingthe vegetation, and starting erosion
and landslides by walking in steep areas.
Pinus occiclentalis should be planted along flatter areas of the
steep slopes and along the margin of badly eroded areas. The
pines are a natural feature in the successional sequence of the
region and would not only increase the stability of the fragile
slopes, but would also increase the habitat availablefor White-
winged Crossbills.

E. Maintenance and ServiceAreas

The following areas should be set aside in the park as part of
activities associatedwith maintenance and service.
1. Park Headquarters
2. The "road"from Les Platons to the Park Headquarters.
3. A depot and work area at Portal Formon near Madame Robert's
4. A supplemental headquarters at Deglacis near water at 1,040
meters in the "Gran Ravin."
5. A supplementalheadquarters in the "Guinaudee"region of the
ravine of the Riviere de la Guinaudee (sometimes called
Riviere Tordeau). We recommend that this be at 700 meters We recommend plant-
elevation in the ravine just outside of the Park boundaries. ing pines on hillsides
Access to this area from Beaumont and Duchity is not difficult. wherever possible.
This would allow for access into the park to be from both the Grass should only be
north and south. The long-range goal of having a hiking trail planted if seed of a na-
that would pass from Les Platons to Beaumont would create tive species can be ob-
the need for a facility on the north side of the park. There is tained.
also a need for a security station in the area (see below) which
could be part of the supplemental headquarters.

E Security and InformationAreas

The following items are closely linked to preventing further
environmental degradationin the park, and to making the park a
safe and secure place to visit.
1. A sign describing the park should be placed at Les Platons.
2. A sign about the Citadelle Des Platons should be placed ad-
jacent to the Citadelle along the access road to Parc Macaya.
We recommend that the Citadelle become part of the Parc
Macaya Biosphere Reserve program.
3. A sign about the park should be placed near the entrance to the
park beyond Sous Bois (near Portal Formon). This sign should
a. Park rules
b. Park features
c. Map of Park
5. A guard station should be established at the depot near the trail
as it passes Portal Formon.

6. At some time within the next decade, a guard station should be

constructed near the supplemental park headquarters on the
north side of the park in the valley of the Riviere Guinaudee
along the access route (to be developed) from Beaumont and
Duchity. It might be important to construct this guard station
soon if the new road from Duchity threatens the park.
7. A guard station should be set up in association with the sup-
plemental Park Headquarters in the "Gran Ravin" at or near
1,040 meters.
8. A guard station should be set up at the end of the
UNICORS\COSAR road at the western end of the park. The
park is very threatened by the presence of this road, and the
activities of UNICORS\COSAR.
A series of signs which
describe the park boun-
daries, park features, G. Education Area
and park rules should
be placed at park The remoteness of Parc National Pic Macaya means that it is not
entrances and access necessary to construct a separate site museum or to invest in
roads. expensive local site exhibits. The emphasis of the park should be
on soil and water conservation and the preservation of endemic
species of plants and animals. Recreation of the "wilderness ex-
perience type" should also be encouraged. If Parc National Pic
Macaya ever develops into a major tourist facility, then the site
museum can be constructed at or near the Citadelle Des Platons
to take advantage of the historical importance of that facility and
the remarkable view of the mountains.
During the first ten-year phase of the park, the main education
zone will be an exhibit of two double-sided educational panels set
up at the Park Headquarters. These exhibitswould provide a guide
to the most significant features of the park. The two panels would
have four exhibits:
1. Water Conservation
2. Geological and Physical Features
3. Major Forest and Plant Associations
4. Fauna of Parks
As part of the development of an access route to Parc Macaya, a
nature trail should be constructedthrough part of the karst hills of
the Plain of Formon (Bwa Formon).

H. ResearchArea
Three climatological research stations should be set up in the
park to record air temperature, soil temperature, barometric pres-
sure, rainfall, wind direction, and wind speed.
These stations should be at:
1. Plain of Formon at "Depot" (1,000 meters)
2. Summit of Pic Le Ciel(2,170 meters)
3. "Gran Ravin" outpost (1,040 meters)
No other research area is necessary. Since such large sections of
the park are classified as "BiologicalPreserve Zones,"care must be
taken to preserve and protect the ecosystemsin the areas. Collect-
ing for plants or animals in any region of the park should be
carefully regulated and reviewed. As with Parc National La Visite, The emphasis of Parc
we recommend that eight research projects be undertakenduring National Pic Macaya
the next five years. These projects are: should be on soil and
water conservation and
1. A quantitative analysis of the composition of each major plant the preservation of en-
association in the park. demic species of plants
and animals.
2. An analysis of microhabitat requirementsof each endemic plant
species as well as information on growth and regeneration.
3. An in-depth study of the ecology of the endemic mammals in
an effort to develop an effective management program.
4. A detailed analysis of the habitat requirements and breeding
biology of the Haitian Solenodon, White-winged Warbler, and
Black-capped Petrel to develop effective management
programs based on the Species Recovery Plans for these
5. A continuinganalysisof the distributionand abundance of birds
in an effort to understand the habitat requirements of the
endemic species.
6. An in-depth analysis of the habitat requirements of numerous
invertebrate species, and an effort to document additionalnew
7. An in-depth analysis of the specific habitat requirements of
each species of amphibian and reptile in an effort to learn how
to manage habitats to protect endemicspecies.
8. Baseline studieson the climate of each microhabitatin the park.

Section 7. Plan for Parc National Pic Macaya

The plan for Parc Macaya will be divided into nine topics. Each
topic is briefly discussed in this chapter as it relates to the local
situation in Parc Macaya.

A. Administration
There shouldbe a full time "Park Supervisor" assignedto the park.
As part of the MBR project, very adequate facilities have been
constructed at Caye Michel on the upper Plain of Durand. This
facility should serve as the Park Headquarters, office space, and
the residence for the Macaya Park Supervisor.

Duties of "ParkSupervisor"
Collecting for plants or 1. Seek resolution of conflicts of land use with local landholders,
animals in any region of farmers, peasants.
the park should be care- 2. Coordinate the improvements on the road and access route to
fully regulated and the park to improve access.
3. Serve as an active and effective spokesman for the park, and the
concept of conservation on the Cayes, Formon, Macaya
4. Coordinate and supervise all routine activities in the park as
designated by the ~ i r e c t o r a n dAssistant Directors, such as
maintenance, security of the park, and implementation of the
park plan.
B. Maintenance
There should be a full-time team of maintenance workers who
carry out the instructionsof the Park Supervisorvia the designated
"crew chief." The size of the group of workers will depend on the
amount of work at any one season, or at any one time in the
implementation of the park plan. However, there should be a
nucleus of workers under permanent contract (a "crew chief' and
14 full-time workers is the suggested size). They should be hired
from among people living in the region.
The maintenance crew is responsible for improving and main-
taining access to the parks, building basic park facilitiesand assist-
ing in reforestation.

C. Security
There should be a team of full-time guardians for Parc Macaya.
This group should be under the direction of a "Chief of Guards"
who answers directly to the Park Supervisor.
It is important that guardians be trained and placed within the
park as soon as possible since there has been so much recent
exploitation of the park for lumber and gardens. It is extremely
important, however, that the presence of guards not become a
bigger problem than the problem they are there to guard against.
If the guards themselves are not correctly supervised, then they
may organize the peasants to make gardens, harvest wood, and
graze animals. The guards will also need to be fed and sheltered,
and these compromise the security of the habitat. Some guard
posts in the national parks of the Dominican Republic have been
associated with exploitation of the habitat, especially when the
posts are located in remote areas.
With the above special concerns in mind, guard posts should be
established in appropriateplaces (near water and suitableservices)
of Parc Macaya. One guard post should be near Portal Formon.
This post would secure the trail to Sous Bois (and the lowland areas
to the south including Port-a-Piment and coteam) as well as the
main route back to Les Platons (Chantal, Le Duc, Torbeck and
Cayes). This should be the main guard post for Parc Macaya. It
should include enough guardsto securethe trail, as well as to patrol
the south boundaries of the Park.
We do not believe that guards should live inside the park. Be-
cause of the remote nature of Parc Macaya, however, this is a
special problem in the region of the Plain of Formon, and an even
greater problem for the outpost on the north side of the park. No
easy solution is at hand because of the difficulty of transportation
in the region. If the guards live in the nearby community, they will
in time tend to watch out for the interests of that community, and
will be vulnerable to conflicts of interest. For that reason, we
recommend incorporatinga security post into the depot facility of
Parc Macaya at Portal Formon. This would be the main security
facility for the park.
A second guard post should protect the north and northwest
margins of the Park. This would secure the routes to Chardon-
nieres and below Des Barriereson the north sideof Macaya. There
is water there, and easy access from both Duchity and Beaumont.
This guard post would be part of the park headquarters outpost in
that region. A third small guard post can be set up in the "Gran
Ravin" for occasional use by the guardians from Portal Formon as
they patrol the "Gran Ravin." Special care should be taken to
prevent this area from being exploited since it is remote, and is
already the site of considerable agriculturalactivity.

D. Recreation and Tourism

The major features of a recreational program are outlined under
the discussion of the "Recreational Areas" in Section 6 of this
chapter. The development of these facilitieswill provide tourists
with something to do in Parc Macaya that is unique and appropriate
for the region. It will also allow the park to be publicized, and will
provide a public image for the park that can be advertised in
Port-au-Prince where Macaya seems remote and poorly under-
A nature trail through the karst hills of the Plain of Formon will
allow the public and important visitors to view some of the best
features of Parc Macaya without their having to hike into the
remote sections of the park. This nature trail should have well-
placed and appropriately designed signs to identify geological and
botanical features. The trail can be incorporated into the access
route to the park in some areas. If carefully planned, the nature
trail will not conflict with the conservation goalsof the "Biological
Preserve Areas" of the karst hills region.
The Pic Macaya area has been set aside as a "Biological Preserve
Area" because the habitat is so sensitive to damage by fire and
disturbance by overuse. We have also recommended that a
"Recreation Area" also be included on Pic Macaya. We have,
therefore, designated the area of Pic Macaya as both a recreation
and preservation region. Recreation should be allowed on Pic
Macaya (because the area has such significant recreational fea-
tures), but only under carefully controlled and well-supervised
conditions (see Section 6-B). There should be an attractive and
secure campsite on the top of Pic Macaya, and a hiking trail along
the ridge.
Eventually (within the ten year plan) plans should be made to
develop a hiking trail that passes from Les Platons across the Plain
of Formon, up the ridge of Formon, acrossPic Formon, up the ridge
of Macaya to Pic Macaya, down the north ridge of Macaya across
the '%bumpwat Zapoti to the Riviere de La Guinaudee (or R.
Tordeau, as it is called in the region), up to Desbarrieres and out
to the town of Beaumont. This hiking trail is difficult to traverse
because of its steep inclines. However, if properly maintained, it
could be an attractive feature of the park area. The climb to
Macaya (from either Les Platons or Beaumont) could be like
climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro in Kenya, where certain hardy visitors
are drawn by the mystique of the place and name. Fees could be
charged for this "adventure"that would include campsite and guide
fees (see Section 6-B). This would generate some revenue for the
park, provide a focal feature for the park, and yet "control" the use
of the zone so that a minimum of damage was done to the flora and

E. Education and Interpretation

The main educationalgoals for Parc Macaya for the first ten years
are discussed in Section 6-G under the description of the "Educa-
tion Area." These activities should be carefully coordinated with
"Recreation and Tourism" activities. The major education and
interpretation goals for the first ten years are listed below.
The Pic Macaya area
1. A sign at Les Platons about the Citadelle. has been set aside as a
2. A sign at Les Platons about Parc Macaya. "Biological Preserve
Area" because the
3. A nature trail along the access route to the Park Headquarters. habitat is so sensitive to
This trail should be a unit in itself,but should allow hikers from damage by fire and dis-
Les Platons the added feature of hiking along the trail as they turbance by overuse.
approach the Park Headquarters. It should have a number of
information signs about the natural history of the area.
4. Two exhibits in the Park Headquarters (see Section 6-G).
5. Good maps should be completed of the park, along with publi-
cations on the flora and fauna of the area. These would be
useful in recreation, education and management.
6. Conservation Posters (one already completed).
7. Natural History volumes that can serve as "Haitian Field
8. A full color brochure on Parc Macaya.

E Public Relations
The park should be promoted in the media in Port-au-Prince -
adequate facilities exist. The important features of Parc Macaya
should be illustrated in entrance signs for the park that are
prominently displayed near the entrance near Portal Formon and
at the Park Headquarters. There should be exhibits on Parc
Macaya at some locations in Port-au-Prince such as the Airport,
MUPANAH, and certain hotels, as well as in les Cayes. A good
exhibit could be placed in the lobby at Damien.
The Park Supervisor of Parc Macaya should be the chief spokes-
man for the park in the region. This person or a representative of
the Central Office should give speeches in Les Cayes and other
towns in the area, and should work with organizations in the area
such as the Union des Cooperatives de la Region Sud d'Haiti
(UNICORS). There are a number of conflicts or potential con-
flicts in the area that could damage the park. The park supervisor
in association with the Director and Assistant Directors should be
responsible for working at the local level to overcome these.
A tapelslide presentation should be available that can be used by
the Park Supervisor and administrative staff in the Central Office
to promote an understanding of the reasons behind the park and
the objectives of Parc Macaya.
Conservation posters
can help educate A video should be prepared that can be used to promote national
people about how im- parks in Haiti. Such a video is planned as part of the MacArthur
portant and unique the Foundation Project (see Chapter VII).
natural patrimony of
Haiti is, and about the Conservation posters should be used to promote the park, and to
role of Parcs Haiti in teach the principles of land stewardship. These posters can help
protecting Haiti's fragile educate people about how important and unique the natural
environment. patrimony of Haiti is, and about the role of Parc Haiti in protecting
Haiti's fragile environment.
The MacArthur Foundation Conservation Project will help
develop this Environmental Education Program, and prepare
some of the educational materials required to make it a success.
G. Research
As much as possible, Parc Macaya should be a "Biological
Preserve Zone." The area should be allowed to recover from
over-exploitation. All research in the park should be carefully
regulated. No extensive collecting of plants or animals should be
allowed without a permit and permission of the Director of Parcs
Haiti. However, information from research is an important tool in
developing sound programs in management and conservation.
Research should, therefore, be allowed when a good case is made
of its relationship to the conservation goals of the park or to the
development of an educational program for the park. Parcs Haiti
should also keep in mind that the Massif de La Hotte is one of the
most significant biological and geological regions of the Antilles.
There will be a number of requests for important studies that have
international significance. Where possible, these requests should
be approved when assurances are given that the results will be
made available to Parcs Haiti, and when personnel from Haiti are
included in the research process.
All research in the park should be carefully coordinated with
Parcs Haiti. Written requests must be approved before research is
allowed. Final reports must be submitted. A Haitian counterpart
should be assigned to each project. Where possible, the counter-
part should work in the field with the investigators, and become
part of the processes of documentation and analysis. Where ap-
propriate, the counterpart should also be a part of the publication
For Parc Macaya we have determined the most important re-
search goals for the next five years to be eight major projects.
These are listed in Section 6-G.
Research must be done
on the propagation of
endemic species and
H. Five Year Conservation Goals the best way to
regenerate the diverse
The major conservation goals for Parc Macaya for the next five
mesic broadleaved
years are listed below. forest that once charac-
1. Preservation of the unique mesic broadleaved forest between terized the entire region.
Sous Bois and Morne Cavalier. The preservation of this forest
will by association preserve numerous endemic plants and
2. Preserve Plagiodontia aedium, Solenodon paradoxus, and the
new species of Haitian Solenodon in Parc Macaya. The only
way to be sure of doing this is to include the Mare Cochon area
in the park, and to carefully manage the area. "Management"
in the park for these endemic mammals means that dogs and
cats must be excluded (actively hunted) from the park and that
the area must be protected from further deforestation. An
active research program on the habitat requirements of both
species should be undertaken.
3. Preserve the colony of breeding Black-capped Petrels in the
park. Wise management will require additional information
based on an active research project.
4. Promote the preservation of Hispaniolan Parrots in the park.
5. Conservation of the endemic plants and animals most closely
associated with mesic broadleaved forest (HispaniolanTrogon,
Chat Tanager and especially the White-winged Warbler).

Chat Tanager

6. Develop a management program for the Pine Forests of the

region that will protect the Haitian White-winged Crossbill.
This is one of the most endangered species of Hispaniola.
Mature pines are required to produce pine cones (and pine
seed). Since this only happens every three years in some areas,
The only way to be sure it is going to be necessary to increase the areas of the Macaya
of preserving Plagio- region planted in pines. The Pine forests will be suitable for
dontia aedium, Soleno- commercial exploitation, but must be carefully managed for
don paradoxus, and the the constant presence of mature cone-bearing trees. Cones
new species of Haitian must be available each year. Only native pines, Pinus occiden-
Solenodon in Parc Na- talk, should be planted.
tional Pic Macaya is by
including the Mare 7. Undertake a major program in watershed management that will
Cochon area. increase the forest cover of Parc Macaya and stabilize areas
where soil erosion is a major problem (ravines on the Plain of
Formon and the "Gran Ravin"). These measures should in-
crease the quality and quantity of water in the Riviere de l'Acul,
Riviere des Roseaux, Riviere Port-a-Piment, Ravine du Sud,
Riviere Glace, and the numerous tributaries of these major
rivers. Research must be done on the propagation of endemic
species and the best way to regenerate the diverse mesic broad-
leaved forest that once characterized the entire region.
L Ten Year Plan for Parc Macaya
The major features of the plan for Parc Macaya for the next ten
years are discussed and outlined in the previous eight sections
(A-H). All of these goals, and more, are possible to accomplish
with a modest commitmentof personnel and funds, andwith a clear
plan of operation. These goals are listed and summarized below.
1. Complete the boundary survey including the addition of -
areas recommended in this report (Highest Priority).
2. Select a full-time Park Supervisor and staff (Highest priority).
3. Train and deploy properly equipped and highly motivated park
guards to protect the national park.
4. Build guard stations at critical locations along access points to
the park (Portal Formon, UNICORS\COSAR area, north side
of Macaya, Grande Ravine).
5. Continue to develop the Park Headquarters and facilities sur-
rounding Caye Michel (High Priority).
6. Establish "Biological Preserve Zones" to protect all plants and
animals in the zones (water resources and geological features
would also be protected).
7. Develop an associated historicalsite at Les Platons in conjunc-
tion with ISPAN. Initiate an active training program for all
Parc Macaya staff and make sure Park Supervisor is part of a
major training program for park administrators.
8. Design, manufacture and put in place additional signs for the
park (entrance, boundary, information). Some of these signs
were done as part of the final activitiesof the MBR project.
9. Resolve issues of conflict between UNICORS and other in-
dividuals and organizations in the region.
10. Improve the public image of the park in the area by clearly
demonstrating the advantages of the park via a series of public
meeting and workshops with local residents.
11. Complete a series of research projects that will ensure the
conservation of endemic species of plants and animals.
12. Create educational exhibits for the Park Headquarters or Les
Platons area.
13. Initiate the biosphere reserve by developing a buffer zone of
10,000-20,000hectares around the park, and work with land
holders in this zone to create a mutually satisfactory land use
policy within the buffer zone (agriculturethat does not damage
the watershed or lead to extinction of endemic species).
14. Complete a recreational development program for the park
and buffer zone that encourages visitors to make use of the
scenic and aesthetic featuresof the park.
15. Improve access to the park via Les Platons, but only after a
full-fledged program is in place in the region that can provide
security to the park.
16. Develop supplemental park headquarters (outpost) and
security stations on the north side of the park and in the "Gran
17. Design and construct nature trails.
18. Develop an international fundraising programto be associated
with the park.
19. Design an informational booklet or brochure on Parc Macaya.
20. Complete a ten year climate study of the region.
21. Complete a series of maps of the park and buffer zones.
Macaya Biosphere Reserve

This chapter summarizes our observations on the status of the
"Planned" Macaya Biosphere Reserve. Our original goal was to
conclude the MBR project with an officialapplication to UNESCO
for recognition of the area as a biosphere reserve. However,
because of the political unrest and embargo, all institutions in Haiti
are functioning at a reduced level. We do not believe that it is wise
at the present time to propose the Macaya area for recognition
because we are not sure what the commitment of the GOH will be
in supportingthe MBR, and it is still not certain what the status of
the World Bank Project is. That project will be critical in rebuilding
the infrastructure of MARNDR in the area of natural resources.
If the World Bank Project in implemented and is successful in
strengtheningMARNDR, then that organizationwould be capable
of taking a leading role in the development of MBR. If not, the
role will have to come from some new organization. This new
group could be a new GOH institution, such as Parcs Haiti
(proposed in this document), or a non-GOH group such as one of
the PVOs interested and committed to natural resources and the
environment. Only time will tell. In the meantime, the following
data can serve as a basis for an eventual document and program
seeking official recognition of the area as the Macaya Biosphere
An analysis of the rate of deforestation in Haiti predicts that by
the year 2000 there will be no natural forests in Haiti if a serious
conservation program is not undertaken soon (Cohen, 1984).
Cohen estimated that forests cover only three percent of the
country and concluded that Haiti is heading toward a process of
desertification as a result of deforestation. One of the alarming
consequences of the trend towards a complete loss of natural
forests in Haiti is the loss of biological diversity. As an island of
the West Indies, Hispaniola shelters many endemic genera and
species (Dorst, 1974). The endemic reptiles and amphibians are
especially numerous in mountainous areas (Schwartz & Hender-
son, 1988). Endemic plants are estimated to reach 39.2% of the
total number of Hispaniolan plant specieswith 36 endemic genera
and 1,797 endemic species (Howard, 1973; Borhidi and Muniz,
1985). There are 300 species of orchids found on t y island of
Hispaniola. In the La Citadelle region alone (25 km ) eight or-
chids were recently identified (Zanoni et al., 1985). Among them
is Lepenthopsisquisqueyana,which was reported for the first time
in Haiti (Dod, 1986). The native and indigenous trees of the region
produce lumber material, charcoal, and firewood. They also serve
as shade trees for coffee and cocoa, andas shelter for the multitude
of epiphyte and ombrophile species thriving in the region. Many
species are used in folklore and traditional medicine. Finally, trees
are important in combating erosion. This diversity should be
protected by a management plan that takes into consideration: 1)
the importance of the natural diversity; 2) the sustainable aspect
of the exploitation of the resources; 3) the quality of life of the
population exploiting the resource.

Natural Resources ManagementPlan

If a serious conservation The main objective of the natural resources management plan is
program is not under- to insure biological diversity for use by future generations. It
taken soon, by the year addresses a conservation strategy through a biosphere reserve
2000 there will be no system that includes: 1) a conservation program,2) a regeneration
natural forests in Haiti. program to reconstruct the degraded areas, 3) a functional produc-
tion program for the neighboring population.
The approach of the national parks to protect nature,wilderness,
flora and fauna, and to eliminate exploitation or occupationfor the
benefit of tourism has worked well in countries such as the United
States, where there is a long tradition of conservation, and
economic conditions have been favorable. However,in small and
underdeveloped countries such as Haiti, the strategy followed by
the United States and other large developed countries is often
In Haiti, land is one of the scarcest natural resources. The
exploitation of land is a way of living for 80% of the population,
many of whom have an annual income as low as US $60.00 to
$150.00. Demogra hic ressure in Haiti is high, with a density of
720 people per km4of arable land. Conservation is a - must before
it is too late. No matter how effective legislationmay be in setting
aside protected areas from being exploited, in countries with high
demographic pressure this legislation is rarely operative. In such
countries, efforts to establish a conservation program must take
into consideration the needs of the local population. As stated by
Marco Flores Rodas, Assistant Director General of FAO, "Until
and unless the rural people are ensured adequate food and shelter
and a dignified standard of living, all effort to establish and manage
national parks and protected areas will be nothing but grandiose
project in futility." (Flores Rodas, 1982)
A strategy to establish a program for the conservation of natural
resources in Haiti should combine sustainable development - and
conservation in order to solve the basic needs of the population
without permanently degrading the ecosystem. This can be best
done by the concept of a "Biosphere Reserve," a concept that
emphasizes the value of protected areas not only for the conserva-
tion of germplasm and the overall ecosystem, but also as areas
where suitable exploitationof the resources by the local population
is possible because of the knowiedge gained from research,
monitoring, education and training (UNESCO, 1984), and the
thoughtful involvement of a number of individuals or groups in A strategy to establish a
determining appropriate land use practices in specific habitat (i.e., program for the conser-
zoning). vation of natural resour-
ces in Haiti should
combine sustainable
History of Biosphere Reserve Concept development and con-
servation in order to
Programs of conservationbegan more than a century ago with the solve the basic needs of
creation of national parks. Since their establishment, people and the population without
governments realized that the concept of national parks was not permanently degrading
appropriate with the increasinghuman populations, and social and the ecosystem.
economic instability. Great efforts have been made by many
countries in the world to conserve nature. Several categories of
protected areas were designed to strengthen their role in conser-
vation and management of natural resources. In 1971,the Man and
the Biosphere (MAB) program was initiated. A project named
"biosphere reserves" was established to resolve conflicts between
humans and the environment by demonstrating the value of con-
servation in improvinghuman well-being. This project recognized
the importance of combiningstrict conservationwith adequate and
carefullyplanned use of the natural resources forthe benefit of the
local population. In 1985,the United Nations list of national parks
and protected areas reported 244 biosphere reserves in 65
countries spread in 8 realms, and 193provinces (IUCN, 1985). The
MAB program is supported by IUCN and UNESCO.

Goals and Objectives of the Biosphere Reserve Concept

The main goal of a biosphere reserve is to conserve natural and
managed ecosystems. This goal is achieved by the objectivesstated
by the "Guidelines for the selection of biosphere reserves" as
follows (UNESCO, 1974, 1979,1983, 1984):
1.To conserve for present and future use, the diversity and integrity
of biotic communities of plants and animals within natural
ecosystems,and to safeguard the geneticdiversity of species on
which their continuing evolution depends.
2. To provide areas for ecological and environmental research
including, particularly, base line studies, both within and ad-
jacent to such reserves, such research to be consistent with
objective "1" above; and
3. To provide facilitiesfor education and training.

Establishmentof an Ideal Biosphere Reserve

The design of an ideal biosphere reserve would consist of a
nucleus, which is the core area, surrounded by areas used for
research, demonstration, education, rehabilitation or regenera-
tion, and traditionalland uses, and multiple use areas that can serve
collectively as a "buffer zone" (see diagram, opposite).
The core area is the heart of the conservation program. A core
The main goal of a bio- area is an undisturbed area protecting natural ecosystemswith the
sphere reserve is to con- maximum species diversity. Biological evolution, and natural
serve natural and processes can be studied in the core area, which can also serve as
managed ecosystems. a "standard"for monitoring and comparing effects of human uses
in the other areas included in the reserve.
Surrounding the core area are established zones managed for
recreation, education,research, and economic uses of the resour-
ces. The rehabilitation areas are designed for reconstructing and
improvingthe capacityof the degraded areas to conserve diversity.
An experimental research area is included to investigate and
develop improved techniques and strategies in agriculture and
forestry that can be accepted by the local population. A
demonstration area is added for demonstrating appropriate tech-
niques to the local population. Thosethree areas act as centers for
applied research where improved methods can be demonstrated,
and where training of technicians and local people can take place.






Ideal biosphere resesrve

(Modified from Gregg and McGean, 1985)

The multiple use area is the equivalent of the "buffer zone" that
surrounds all the previously mentioned areas. This area can in-
clude agricultural activities, reforestation, watershed manage-
ment, soil conservation, and tourism compatiblewith the goals of
the biosphere reserve. The multiple use areas serve as a boundary
area between protected and non-protected areas. An ideal biosphere
reserve consists of a
In some cases the concept of a multi-site biosphere reserve can core area which is sur-
be applied (Gregg, 1983), when one site cannot accommodate all rounded by areas used
the function of a biosphere reserve or if many core areas can be for research,
identified. This is the option we choose for the Biosphere Henry demonstration, educa-
Christophe. tion, rehabilitation or
regeneration, traditional
land uses, and multiple-
use areas that serve col-
Some Biosphere Reserve Programs of the Caribbean Area lectively as a "buffer
The following are a few examples of committees and strategies zone."
that have been used to obtain help for biosphere reserves andfor
national parks programs in Latin America and the Caribbean. The
information on these biosphere reserves was provided by Paul
Paryski of the WFMBR project. References are in the Literature
Cited and Selected Literature section at the end of this volume.
The U.S. Peace Corps, British Voluntary Organization, FAO,
UNESCO, AID, OAS, IUCN, W,and the Caribbean Conser-
vation Cooperation are institutions that have been involved in
providing international professional personnel in Costa Rica.
Students from the National Youth Movement of Costa Rica, the
Boy Scouts, and the Lions and Rotary Clubs also have collaborated
in this program. Technicians, materials, and tools have been ob-
tained from municipalitiesand ministries such as the Ministry of
Public Works, Ministry of Health, Ministry Public Education,
Universities, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, and Tourism
The national program of establishment and management of
protected areas began with the 1969 Forestry Law. The law estab-
lished the General Forestry Directorate to carry out the program
that started with two Departments: National Parks and Forest
Protection (1970). The Executive Branch of Government decrees
all protected areas. To advise the Executive Branch, a National
Forestry Council was established by law and made up of the Min-
ister of Agriculture and Livestock, one representative of the Min-
istry of Commerce and Industries, National Electricity Service,
University of Costa Rica and National Association of Wood In-
In 1972, an NGO, the Costa Rican Associationfor the Conserva-
tion of Nature, was created. In 1977, the National Parks Depart-
ment was elevated to a Directorate.

Methods used to obtain general support

The most influential groups in Costa Rica turned out to be
official government institutions, private groups and in-
dividuals, municipal authorities, and the University of Costa
Rica. Because of their private status, the private organizations
were able to take action against any activities damaging the
resources of the protected areas. These goals were ac-
complished by meetings with ministers, talks to interested
groups, interviewswith the press, and the use of television. The
best collaborator or "Godmother"has been the First Lady.
2. The inauguration of parks has been accompanied by some of
the following activities. Ceremonious inaugurations accen-
tuated by sending invitationsto officials,church groups. When
possible, the ceremony has been under the patronage of the
First Lady.
3. Making use of national and political sentiment
4. Propaganda and publications. Brochures, articles,slogans.

The Forestry Division initiated the program. A team of the
Conservation Foundation prepared a public relations document
for public awareness. The management of the park is in the hands
of the Dominica's Forestry and Park Division.


The Forestry Department is the group in charge of the manage-
ment of the National Parks and Protected Areas System. The
Fisheries Division assists in management of seascapes.
Other involved groups are: the Cultural Landmarks Steering
Committee, the Agricultural ExtensionDivision, the Horticulture
Division, the Land-Use and Water Resources Division, the Land
Division,the Tourism Department,the Education Departmentand
Curriculum DevelopmentUnit, the Science and TechnologyCoun-
cil, the Mirabeau Farm School, the Historical Society, and the
National Trust.


There are 13 Game Sanctuaries and 6 Nature Reserves located
within Forest Reserves. The reservation of land for Forest reserves
was started in 1902 and completed in 1962. Second year Agricul-
tural and Science students of University of the West Indies (UWI)
are involved in this program. These studentsobserve and study the
systems of forest management and their effect on erosion and soil

Some of the institutions involved in the conservation program
are: the Parks and Beaches Commission,the GovernmentForestry
Management Group, and the Barbados National Trust. The latter
organizationwas incorporated by act of the Legislature in 1962. It
is composed of: Patrons (i.e., the Governor General), a President,
two vice-presidents, an Honorable Secretary, and an Honorable
Treasurer. The trust is affiliated with the NationalTrust of England
and Wales and to the National Trust for Historic Preservation in
Washington D.C. Under the Constitution of the Trust, there are
three classes of membership: Benefactorsto the Trust, Life Mem-
bers, and Ordinary Members.

Biosphere Reserves General

1983 - 226 biosphere reserves in 62 countries covering

Mean size: 202,000 to 5 10,000ha
Common size: 10,000to 25,000 ha

Protected areas in the Caribbean

Country # areas Total area

Antigua 2,500
Bahamas 122,540
Barbados 250
Bermuda No information
Cuba 24,305
Dominica 6,840
Republic 5
Grenada 27
Guadeloupe NIA
Jamaica NIA
Martinique 1
Montserrat NIA
Antilles 3
Puerto Rico 2
St Lucia 1
St. Vincent NIA
Trinidad and
Virgin Island
Virgin Island
Parcs Haiti and the concept of "BiosphereReservesn

Biosphere Reserves are a new concept in which a balanced

relationship between people and natural ecosystems are en-
couraged in order to demonstrate the value and need for conser-
vation in supporting sustainable development. Biosphere reserves
are major landscapes complete with characteristic landforms,
floras, faunas and various patterns of human use and adaptation.
They consist of Core Areas and surrounding Zones of Coopera-
tion. Core areas are lands under some form of protection, and
zones of cooperation are multiple use buffer zones where a variety
of uses of the available resources may take place. The managers
of the Parcs Haiti program should do all they can to promote and
protect the core areas, which will be Parc National Pic Macaya and
Parc National La Visite. They should also work with the GOH
organizations responsible for the management of the surrounding
lands (MARNDR and ISPAN) to insure a coordinated approach
in cooperative research, restoration, supervision and monitoring.
This could be under the general plan of cooperating together
through the National Parks Advisory Council (PANAC) as well as
through specific committees and meetings. Committees of con-
cerned citizens from the region of the national parks should be
organized and have an opportunity to be heard and be a part of the
decision making process.
The active biosphere reserve program will include the core area
(Parcs Haiti), the zone of cooperation lands (MARNDR), the
historic monuments in the region (ISPAN) and concerned citizens Biosphere reserves are
(a committee). a new concept in which
a balanced relationship
between people and
Organizationof Parcs Haiti and other GOH units in natural ecosystems are
biosphere reserve concept encouraged in order to
We propose that the parts of Parcs Nationawr Naturels designated demonstrate the value
by the decree of 23 June 1983 be integrated into the biosphere and need for conserva-
reserve concept in the followingmanner. The followingchart lists tion in supporting sus-
all areas of the national patrimony that should be associated with tainable development.
each GOH unit, and also lists new items that might be added in the
future (indicated with *).
In this list there are two actual biosphere reserves (Massif de la
Selle, and Macaya Biosphere Reserve), and one area of great
potential in northern Haiti which we recommend be designated as
a biosphere reserve (Sergile, 1990). The proposed biosphere
reserve around La Citadelle is discussed in detail in the next
Organizationof Parcs Haiti and other GOH units in
biosphere reserve concept

Place Size (ha.) GOH unit

Parc National La Visite

(core) 6,300 Parcs Haiti
Buffer Zone La Visite 10,000 MARNDR

Parc National Pic Macaya

(core) 7,500 Parcs Haiti
Buffer Zone Pic Macaya 10,000 MARNDR
Citadelle Des Platons 250 ISPAN

*ParcNational Nature1 5,000 Parcs Haiti

La Citadelle
Project La Citadelle 250 ISPAN
Region Milot/Dondon -- MARNDR

Fort Mercredi 5
Fort Jacques et Alexandre 9

Souce Puantes 10 Parcs Haiti

Source Chaudes 20 Parcs Haiti
Source Cerisier et Plaisance 10 Parcs Haiti

*Lac de Peligre National Parc -- Parcs Haiti

*NationalBotanical Garden -- Parcs Haiti

Parcs Nationaux Maritimes -- Parcs Haiti

Les Arcadins, Iroquois Islands Parcs Haiti

Caves and Sinkholes -- Parcs Haiti

Scenic Areas -- Parcs Haiti

Biosphere reserves are major landscapes completewith char-

acteristic land forms, flora, fauna and various patterns of
human use and adaptation.
Summary of Data on Macaya Biosphere Reserve
Biogeophysical Survey (USAID) 1983-1986
Biosphere Reserve Project (USAID) 1987-1992
Rivers: Grande Ravine du Sud
Core Area: Parc National Pic Macaya
Established: April 1983 by Presidential Decree
Area: 5,500 hectares (Park)
Main Features:
Pic Macaya (2,347 meters)
Pic Formon (2,219 meters)
Area of MBR (January 1992) 16,364 hectares
Land Use Zones of MBR (January 1992)
Core Zone 4,337 ha (27%)
Forestry Zone 4,070 ha (24%)
Agroforestry Zone 3,555 ha (22%)
Agricultural Zone 3,128 ha (19%)
Regeneration Zone 737 ha (05%)
Special Use Zone 496 ha (03%)

Overall percent of MBR in

Conservationrelated activities 35%
Overall percent of MBR in
Agricultural activities 65%

Since the creation of

Parc National Pic
Macaya in 1983, there
Current Status and Recent Changes in the have been significant
Biogeophysical Environment changes in the
Since the creation of Parc National Macaya (Macaya National biogeophysical environ-
Park) in 1983, there have been significant changes in the ment in the Macaya Bio-
biogeophysical environment in the MBR. The following is a sum- sphere Reserve.
mary description of those changes observed duringthe MBR Son-
deo of 1988, with comments on the probable causes for the
observed changes.
The vegetative cover on the slopes above the Plain of Durand
("Diran") and the Plain of Formon was undergoing natural
regeneration. Previously, these very steep slopes, largely Terre
1'Etat (state land), were controlled by richer families in the area
and were intensively sharecropped by farmers of lower socio-
economic status. Active enforcement of interdictionof agriculture
by the Agents de Parc (National Park Guards), hired and super-
vised by the Institut de Sauvegard du Patromoine National
(ISPAN), had played a major role in allowing regeneration to
occur. There appeared to be no actively cultivated parcels (gar-
dens) above 1,300 meters, although regeneration is being some-
what retarded by use of these slopes aspasture for livestock (cattle,
goats, and sheep).
In contrast, the region known as Kay Tilus/Kay Itil, the highlands
(1,100-1,700 meters) to the northeast of Formon proper and east
of the Ravine Seche (includingthe beginnings of the Ravine Casse
Cou), had suffered extreme environmental degradation. In this
area, the major source of water generation for the Riviere l'Acul,
eleven very large (20m + wide, 50m long) landslides were ob-
served. Numerous gardens were present on slopes of more than
sixty degrees and vegetative cover is reduced to short grasses.
Much of the erosion in this area was probably caused by the very
heavy rainfall accompanying Hurricane Gilbert. Continual and
progressive destruction (slash and burn clearing) of the montane
cloud forest close to the top of the ridge of Formon was occurring.
This area is privately owned by wealthier farmers, some of whom
are Agents de Parc. Effective land use control had not been
The upper Cavalier area (Pic Cavalier to upper Sous Bois) was
also regenerating. Again, these are primarily state lands on which
agriculture, other than pasturing, had ceased.
The Rak Sous Bois area had suffered considerable environmental
HurricaneGilbert did not
damage, caused by an exponential increase in the number of
greatly damage forests; gardens present. This increase may have been due to the interdic-
however, the 1988 hur-
tion of agriculture on the higher slopes and mountainsof the Park.
ricane caused major
The Rak Sous Bois has the greatest biological diversityof the entire
erosion in areas which
did not have effective The larger state-owned lands of humid forest on the very steep
vegetative cover. slopes to the south of Plain of Durand, called the Rampes de
Cavalier,had generally remained intact,probably as a result of the
activities of the Agents de Parc.
In general, Hurricane Gilbert did not significantly impact the
vegetative cover of the Formon area, although it caused major
erosion damage, particularly on the principal paths and those
higher slopesthat did not have effective vegetative cover. Destruc-
tion of crops and livestock by Gilbert had increased pressure for
agriculturalland use on the cover that still remains. Approximately
40% of the livestock of the region was destroyed by Hurricane

Riviere nois Sources

The entire area of the Riviere Trois Sources catchment basin, an
environmentallyvery fragile area, had been heavily impacted by
clearing pine forest and virgin montane cloud forest in order to
plant gardens. Most of these gardenshad been cleared by non-resi-
dent farmers from Rendel who planted black beans, which they
believe required the complete removal of natural vegetative cover
from the land. The entire river valley, bordered on both sides by
very steep (60' + slopes) was scarred by numerous landslides. In
fact, some paths were no longer used by the farmers, due to danger
from rock slides. The greatest damage occurred on the southern
slopes of the Riviere Trois Sources, extending to 1,650 meters on
the Formon Ridge. In this area, virgin montane cloud forest with
a unique ecosystem of rare native and endemic species was being
The small farmer community at Sivette had enlarged its gardens
to the east along the top of the Macaya Ridge and southeast on the
extreme southern slope of the Riviere Trois Sources. New
avalanches were observed on these slopes, and the access path had
been partially destroyed. Damage extended to less than one
kilometer from the saddle connecting the Formon and Macaya
Ridges. In this area, a pioneer farmer, Mr. Pierre Edmond Paul,
had occupied state land and opened this very critical zone to
sharecroppers from Rendel. At least 20 hectares have been
cleared, and large landslideswere present.
Again, the immediate cause of much of the erosion damage was
Hurricane Gilbert. This was especially pronounced below the Most of the gardens in
southwestface of Pic Macaya,on which large fires,probably started the Macaya Biosphere
by farmers, had destroyed the natural vegetative cover. The im- Reserve are being
mense loss of livestock and crops caused by Gilbert had also cleared by non-resident
increased economicpressure on these very fragile lands. Gilbert farmers from lower
did not greatly damage the forests of this area. elevations.
In this part of the MBR, the Agents de Parc had been totally
ineffective. UNICORS\COSAR, however, played an important
part in the deforestationof the zone. UNICORS\COSAR opened
land for colonization. UNICORS\COSAR cleared forest lands,
ostensibly to plant coffee. However, only 200 hectares of this land
was actually utilized to plant beans, and only about 56 hectareswas
being used for coffee. These activities had legitimized the process
of slash and burn agriculture, and had encouraged the use of these
fragile lands as an income generating resource for non-resident
farmers from Rendel.
Pine trees (Pinusoccidentalis)were being cut for lumber. At least
seven "scieries"(loggingframes) were seen in 1988. The trees were
being purchased by lumber merchants in Rendel who hired teams
to cut the trees into planks and beams. The lumber was sold in
Rendel, Port-a-Piment, Les Cayes, and Port-au-Prince. We ob-
served twenty-two planks being carried down to Rendel while we
were working in the Trois Sourcesarea in 1988. COSAR's lumber-
ing complex high on the Formon Ridge (1,600meters) had recently
suspended operations.
As in the Formon target zone, fewer birds were sighted than in
previous expeditions to the region. Hurricane Gilbert probably
was the cause of the reduction in numbers of birds.
Pa Lan Kont. The Pa Lan Kont region is located at the head of
the Ravine du Sud. Most ajoupas in the basin had been destroyed
(probably by Hurricane Gilbert). The main environmental
damage in the area at the time of the Sondeo was being caused by
36 sheep that were grazing at 1,365meters on the slope of Macaya
near a new ajoupa. There was enormous damage to the area from
overgrazing. These sheep were preventing the regeneration of
trees and grass, and the loss of vegetation of the steep hillsides had
resulted in several landslides. There was a second ajoupa lower
down in the ravine. There was much bean frass ("pay pwa") around
this ajoupa, and a cooking fire was burning when we passed the
area. No sign of recent garden activities was seen. We recom-
mended that this ajoupa should be removed, and all agricultural
At Pa Lan Kont, sheep activities in the Pa Lan Kont region should be curtailed. We also
recommended that agricultural activities in the basin should be
grazing on the slope of
Macaya were preventing forbidden for the following reasons:
the regenerationof trees 1) Fires escaping from gardens in this area sweep up to Pic Macaya
and grass, and the loss (as they had from Tombe Kriye on the west side of the saddle
of vegetation of the below Pic Macaya).
steep hillsides had
resulted in several 2) There were already severe landslides inthe basin and along the
landslides. margins of the Riviere de la Ravine du Sud that threaten the
3) Pa Lan Kont is in the "heart"of the most forested region of the
biosphere reserve. It is in the center of the main "Core Area,"
and therefore only conservationactivities should be permitted
in the region.
4) The slopes on both sides of the Ravine du Sud in this area
(1,150-1,400 meters) are too steep to be able to hold their soil
cover if the vegetation is cleared.
The name for "Pa Lan Kont" was described as meaning a place
that is too strong to quarrel with.
Deglacis Region. This area spreads along the lower Ravine du Sud
between 1,000 meters (where the Kay Ogil trail joins the ravine)
and the confluence of the two main arms of the ravine that come
together to form the Riviere de la Ravine du Sud at 800 meters.
The area was settled in about 1965 by Ti Yo Yo Valerius, who
named it "Deglacis"because he saw two big rocks which looked like
two "glacis" (large, flat areas where grains are dried). He had six
children, all born in the Ravine du Sud, and his daughter has 13
children (also all born in the Ravine du Sud). Our estimate is that
there were currently 50 houses in the Deglacis area, and 400
people. The Deglacis area stretches for six kilometers down the
Ravine du Sud from 1,000meters to 600 meters, with the center of
the district being at the confluence of the two arms of the ravines
where there is the largest amount of flat ground (800 meters).
There is a small store ("boutik") at that location. The lower trail
from Deglacis to Formon connects near that location.
The sondeo team interviewed over 30 people on the morning of
February 3, 1989. The group ranged in age from eight to fifty, and
included eight women and two children. The pioneer (Ti Yo Yo)
was a member of the group, but did not speak often. The main
spokesman for the group was Espano Blaise, a young man of about
25. There were several very dignified looking members of the
group, which we believe represented a very good cross section of
the inhabitants of Deglacis. All of the people said that they were
permanent residents of Deglacis. They seemed to have closest ties
with Formon, and most frequently used the market at Sous Bois.
However, there were also ties with Camp Perrin, where some of
the people had come from, and where some went to market. Pa Lan Kont is in the
heart of the most
The women all reported having children (n= 8, range 3-13, forested region of the
average 7.5). We did not ask all of the women how many of their biosphere reserve.
children survived. In order to estimate the number of people in Therefore, only conser-
the area we used the standard Haitian measure of six people per vation activites should
household. We estimated that there were fifty houses in the dis- be permitted in the
trict, so by this measure the population of the Deglacis region region.
would be 300 people.
It appears from all of the reports the sondeo team received that
Ropano Despagne is one of the major "developers"of the Deglacis
area. He rented large blocks of land, and is subleasing blocks of
this land to poor farmers. He built two buildings in the region, one
ajoupa along the Kay Ogil trail on the north slope of the Formon
ridge (recently destroyed by Hurricane Gilbert), and a tin-roofed
ajoupa on a slight plateau on the south slope of Macaya above
Deglacis. Large gardens of beans were being planted at the time
of the sondeo near Ropano's "kay tol."
The environmental damage in the Deglacis area was (and is)
extensive. There is much erosion on the steep slopes of Macaya.
Landslides are common, and there are areas where entire hillsides
have slipped (the mountain is "throwingup" in Creole = "mon lan
ap vonrni te"). The waterfall at 1,000 meters near the main stream
bed of the Riviere de la Ravine du Sud (but on a side stream), had
been extensively rearranged since our last visit to Deglacis two
years ago (a sign of the force of the runoff from the deforested
slopes above the waterfall). No water was running in most sections
of the river bed. The residents of Deglacis were aware of the
problem. Many peasants indicated that they knew that they should
not be cutting the trees or planting gardens on the steep hillsides,
especially of Macaya, but they wanted to be paid to stop making
gardens. More accurately, they stated that they heard that the
project was helping to make jobs for people in the Formon area,
and that they felt they should be able to get jobs to help replant
trees and rehabilitate the environment of the ravine. Espano
Blaise, the spokesman for the group, was very emphatic and vocal
about the justification for providing opportunity for the local resi-
dents of Deglacis. They want to be a part of the "rebwasman" of
the ravine.
The concentration of endemic species of plants and animals in
the area of the Macaya Biosphere Reserve is one of the most
important features of the region. In an effort to evaluate the
knowledge of local residents about some of the more dramatic of
these species, questions were askedabout species that members of
the sondeo team knew well. Many peasants interviewed knew
Many peasants who about the "zagouti," an endangered species of endemic rodent
were interviewed at which they said lived in the big forest up on the high slopes of
Deglacis knew about the Macaya. More men than women knew of the animal. They did not
zagouti. They did not know about the Solenodon or "Nez Long" (Solenodonp~uadavus),
know about the although we know from previous work that peasants often confuse
solenodon, or about the the "zagouti"and "nez long,"and call them both "zagouti." We have
presence of Black- collected remains of solenodonsjust west of the eastern boundary
capped petrels on the of the biosphere reserve on the east slope of Macaya, so we are
ridge of Macaya. confident the species occurs in the area. Peasants did not know of
the presence of Black-capped Petrels on the ridge of Macaya. They
were very aware of rats, "rat kay," mongooses, and "chat maron."
The peasants of the Ravine du Sud eat cats ("chat maron"), which
they catch with dogs. They also eat "zagouti" when they can catch
them, but they are harder to catch than are cats.
Our economic questions received the same pattern of answers as
we received on the Plain of Formon. Most peasants sold their
labor, and worked in "esquads." They earned (or paid) 2-3 gourdes
per day. They sell beans for 7 gourdes per marrnite if they have
many, and buy them for 12gourdes when beans are scarce and they
need them for planting. Coffee sells for 15 gourdes per marrnite.
There are no horses or mules in the area, because the terrain is too
steep. There are some cows. There are no problems with their
cows, sheep or goats. There are problems with their chickens ("pye
sech"). Many animals were killed by Hurricane Gilbert.

The Sondeo team recommended that the following should be

done in the Deglacis area (much of it has been done by the MBR
1). Ropano's "kay tol" should become part of the MBR project. It
should serve as a field headquarters for MBR staff working in
the ravine, and a nursery or pepiniere ("pepinye") should be
established nearby. It may be necessary to rent the kay from
Ropano Despagne, or to buy it outright. Some repairswill have
to be made to the structure,which was damaged by Hurricane
Gilbert. The sondeo team also recommended that the kay t = 1
and surrounding region be renamed "Belvi" in order to em-
phasize the beautiful vistas and better life in the region as a
result of the project.
All areas of the ravine west of the 800 meter contour line as it
crosses the bed of the Riviere de la Ravine du Sud should
become part of the "CoreArea." No agricultureor agroforestry
should be allowed in this zone, and all ajoupas and houses
should be removed except for MBR structures. The boundary
of the "Core Area" should be micro-zoned along the eastern
margin so that it is easy to follow, and easily identified by
everyone working or living in the area. The boundary should
follow easily observed contoursand landmarks,and reflect the
major concerns of the MBR project to protect the watershed. The peasants of the
Ravine du Sud eat cats,
All areas east of the 800 meters line and boundary of the Core which they catch with
Area (running approximately north-south) should be the site dogs. The also eat
of major extension efforts by the MBR project. Agriculture, "zagouti"when they can
agroforestry, and forestry activitiesshould be promoted. A catch them, but they are
careful plan for zoning the region so that activities are focused harder to catch than are
on suitable habitats should be developed at an early date. cats.
Some areas will need to be micro-zoned as "Outlying Core
Areas" when the slopes are very steep, or the danger of severe
environmentaldegradationotherwise indicatesreason for con-
4). The center of activity of the Deglacis should shift eastward. As
part of this plan, the Formon-Deglacis (via Kay Ogil) Trail
should become restricted mainly to MBR activities. The main
route to and from Deglacis should become the lower Formon
Pic Macaya. The top of Pic Macaya was damaged by the high
winds and rain of Hurricane Gilbert. There is a bad landslide just
east of the trail from "Fraz"to the top of Macaya, and all trees and
soil have washed away, leaving a white gash. There are many fallen
trees on the top of the mountain, most of them old pines that had
previously died. Some of these trees may have been in excess of
250 years old. The trail along the east-west ridge of Macaya is
impassable because of all of the fallen trees, and will have to be
reestablished. There is evidence of regeneration of pines in the
form of seedlings in sunny patches resulting from clearings in the
forest canopy caused by the fallengiant pines. The sphagnummoss
which covers many areas on the summit of the ridge of Macaya was
saturated with water, and the dense vegetation of the climax forest
on the summit appeared to be in good shape.
The Black-capped Petrels were still present on the south slope of
Macaya at 2,000-2,340 meters west of the trail from "Fraz" to the
summit. The terrible landslide to the east of the trail may have
eliminated the nesting habitat for petrels in that region, and no
petrels were heard east of the trail during the nightly census
periods. Other birds known to occur on the summit of Pic Macaya
were observed, including the extremely rare and endangered
White-winged Crossbills. Therefore, we concluded that the hur-
ricane did not disrupt the avifauna of Pic Macaya. We did not
observe any White-winged Warblers,which may be the rarest bird
in Haiti, and which is known to breed on Pic Macaya. We noted
that "A careful study of the status of this species is needed,"but
because of the ongoing problems in Haiti, this was not possible.
The volunteer student who we sent to Haiti to carry out the study
in November, 1991,arrived the day of the Coup d'Etat, and had to
be evacuated from the country.

The terrible landslidejust The mongoose is now common of the top of Pic Macaya. Many
east of the trail from signs of mongooses were observed (feces,feedingareas), and there
"Fraz" to the top of were indicationsthat mongooseson Pic Macaya are preying heavily
Macaya may have on rats living on the summit. The population levels of both Black
eliminated the nesting and Norway rats were considerably reduced since our last inven-
habitat for Black-capped tory of small mammals on Pic Macaya in 1986. The mongoose
petrels in that area. could also be having a very negative effect on the status of ground
nesting birds, and any endemic mammals that might survive on the
peak. The potential hazard of the mongoose on the colony of
Black-capped Petrels is unknown, but the members of the sondeo
team were concerned. The team recommended that immediate
efforts be undertaken to trap mongooses off of the summit of Pic
Macaya. The team also recommended that a census of small
mammals be made on the top of Pic Macaya to determine if any
Nesophontes hypomicm still occur there, and to evaluate the im-
pact of mongooses and rats on the status of the White-winged
Warbler and Black-capped Petrel. This survey was considered
important for two reasons:
1) If Nesophontes is found to still occur on Pic Macaya it would
focus international attention on the Macaya Biosphere
2) If mongooses and rats are killing White-winged Warblers,
Black-capped Petrels, and Nesophontes hypomicm, it is pos-
sible that these endemicanimals will become extinct before a
plan to control rats and mongooses in the biosphere reserve is
The student who was scheduled to work on this problem could
not do so because of the suspension of Macaya Biosphere Reserve
activities from October, 1991 to April, 1992.

Rak Bwa Habitat at Sous BoisIPortal Formon. The "rak bwa"

forest is the major vegetative cover along the edge of the escarp-
ment markingthe southern and western boundariesof the Formon
and Durand plains. "Rak Bwa" is a Creole term that is widely used
and universally recognized in Haiti as a description of a forest
(usually in a semi-naturalstate, but sometimes quite fragmented).
This vegetative zone is the remnant of the broadleaved forest that
once covered the entire plain and karst hills between Les Platons
and Morne Cavalier. In most areas this forest has been cut for
gardens (see Ekrnan's description of the Formon plain in the
sondeo report). The forest remained intact along the region of the In most areas, the rak
escarpment and on the karst hills because the presence of huge bwa forest has been cut
blocks and jagged broken fragments of karst ("kasedan") made the for gardens. It has
areas unsuitable for agriculture. In some areas rocks were more remained intact along
diffuse, and these were used as pastures (cleared or over-grazed). the region of the escarp-
In many areas, however, the landscape is so rugged that there is ment and on the karst
very little soil and it is necessary to walk along the top of the tall hills because the
sharp rocks (called dog-tooth limestone). These areas were presence of huge blocks
covered with a mature climax forest where many important en- and jagged broken frag-
demic plants and animals occurred. Without a doubt, the rak bwa ments of karst made the
forest between Sous Bois and Morne Cavalier is the most sig- areas unsuitable for
nificant area of biological diversity left in Haiti. It is also one of agriculture.
the most threatened.
The sondeo team surveyed all of the areas of the rak bwa where
"Zagouti" were observed by Charles Woods in 1986, and where
Donald Dod collected endemic orchids. Most of these areas had
now been destroyed. The big trees had been cut in most places,
and many areas had been cleared and burned for gardens. The
gardenswere in areas of enormous rocks, and were planted mainly
in pumpkins ("jouwoumou") and taro ("mazonbel" or "karaiyib).
The newly cleared gardens were hazardous to work in, since the
farmer must slowly walk over the sharp tops of jagged rocks. Many
crevices are over five feet deep. The loss of the remaining forest
along the edge of the biosphere reserve is a tragic consequenceof
the establishment of Parc National Pic Macaya, and the closing of
the park to activities such as making gardens. Since the rak bwa
forest was outside the park boundary in most (but not all) areas,
peasants turned all of their agricultural activities to these zones.
Many of the peasants we interviewed were from as far away as Les
Platons. Few were from the immediate area. The majority of the
destruction of the rak bwa habitat has been since 1986. The rate
of destruction is accelerating, and much new forest was being cut
at the time of the sondeo in January and early February.
We are alarmed at the rate of habitat loss. The rate of habitat
destruction accelerated during the period of the embargo follow-
ing the Coup d'Etat (i.e., late 1991-early 1992). The Rak Bwa area
is generally of poor quality for agriculture, but is of great sig-
nificance as a biological reserve for endemicplants and animals for
the biosphere reserve. Biologists from the University of Florida
feel that it is the most biologically significant habitat in the bio-
sphere reserve. We recommend an immediate emergency effort to
find a solution to the problem of the Rak Bwa. The area needs to
be carefully "micro-zoned." An overall management plan for the
rak bwa needs to be developed. The cutting of the forest in many
areas must be stopped. Areas where the forest has been cut since
1986 can still regenerate because of the coppicing nature of many
of the trees. In areas that the MBR teams identifies as having high
ecological importance for endemic plants and animals, gardens
should be removed (or at the very least, no new gardens should be
planted and old gardens should be allowed to return to secondary
forest). These areas should be marked with spray paint, or orange
We are alarmed at the marking tape.
rate of habitat loss. The
rate of habitat destruc- As an educational process for the local residents of the Sous
tion accelerated during Bois/Bwa Formon/Bwa Durand areas, a video tape could be made
the period of ,theembar- to show to local peasants the importanceof the Rak Bwa to the way
go following the Coup of life of the region. The video could document all of the ways the
d'Etat in 1991. presence of the rak bwa improves the quality of life, and provides
them with renewable natural resources such as: 1)poles for con-
struction; 2) wood for fuel; and 3) water. In this way people may
be more easily convinced of the importance of abandoning their
gardens, and focusing their agricultural activities in more ap-
propriate areas. In the case of non-resident farmers, local com-
munity action could be taken to exclude them from planting in
inappropriate areas. We believe that it is important to establish a
tradition whereby the local residents actively protect their own
"community"from exploitationby non-resident farmersfrom such
remote districts as Les Platons and even Cavalier. These non-resi-
dent farmers are responsible for much of the habitat destruction
in the rak bwa.

Local Guides Association

The sondeo was impressed by the attitudes of the various people
on the Plain of Formon who had worked with the various expedi-
tions to Pic Macaya. These people all seemed proud of their roles
in the project, and anxious to remain a part of future expeditions
into the heart of the biosphere reserve, especially Pic Macaya. In
an effort to encourage this enthusiasm,we developped the Associa-
tion des Guides de Macaya (AGMA). This association keeps a
record of all guides and porters who have worked on projects.
We planned to give participants certificates as well as t-shirts
and/or baseball caps bearing the Macaya Biosphere Reservelogo.
The pesants would, in return, get credit for their participation,and
be assured of continued work if and when other expeditions
travelled into the biosphere reserve. This project was not success-
ful. USAID refused to allow the MBR project to purchase the caps
and shirts. The difficult political and economicenvironment cur-
tailed MBR activities in the region, and no expeditions were un-
dertaken. The park survey has not been completed, and no
program for tourists has yet been launched. So, the guides have
never had work, nor have they felt that the organization was

The Sondeo team presented the following conclusions based on The rak bwa improves
the survey of Formon, Pa Lan Kont, Pic Macaya, Deglacis, and the the quality of life by
Rak Bwa Formon during the ~eriods27 November - 12 December providing renewable
1988, and 28 January - ~edruary1989. We feel that these con- natural resources such
as poles for construc-
clusions are still valid, and represent a good summary of conditions
in the region of the Planned Macaya Biosphere Reserve. tion, wood for fuel, and
1) The presence of existing trails in the biosphere reserve are
influencing the land use practicesin the area. The sondeo team
recommends developing- - a strict plan for the use of the trails,
and a way to enforce the reco-ended guidelines.
2) The upper Ravine du Sud is being severely damaged by over-
grazing in the Pa Lan Kont area, All sheep and cattle should
be removed from this area. The presence of mature pine in the
vicinity will allow for the rapid recovery of forest cover on the
degraded and steep mountain slopes as soon as the source of
the overgrazingis removed (36 sheep at the present time). All
future grazing in the area should be forbidden.
3) There are many recent landslides in the Ravine du Sud. Some
of these landslides are very severe, such as one on the Formon
side of Pa Lan Kont near where the sheep are grazing, and
another near the summit of Pic Macaya west of the "Fraz"- Pic
Macaya Trail.
4) Hurricane Gilbert severely damaged the soil cover on the steep
slopes of the Ravine du Sud, and caused the death of many
domestic animals. The sondeo team also believes many
ajoupas in the Ravine du Sud were destroyed by the wind and
rain of Hurricane Gilbert.
5) While many old large pine trees were blown down on the
summit of Pic Macaya, there was little damage to the forest on
the peak. The lower story vegetation is in good shape, and
abundant water is stored in the sphagnum moss ground cover.
The avifauna of the peak is in good shape. Mongooses appear
to be much more abundant than they were three years ago, and
are a threat to the endemic vertebrates of the Core Area.
6) The loss offorest cover in the Deglacis area is especially severe.
The population of the area is at least 300, with many of these
people being permanent residents. The watershed of the
Riviere de la Ravine du Sud is threatened by the accelerating
rate of deforestation. The local residents know that they are
creatingproblemsfor residents of Camp Perrin (etc.),but want
The rate of loss of the to be paid to become involved with the rehabilitation of the
forest in the rak bwa zone.
zones outside of the na-
tional park is accelerat- 7) The Deglacis area is so important to the watershed that the
ing, and a crisis situation sondeo team recommends enlargingthe size of the Core Area
is rapidly developing. to include all areas of the Ravine du Sud west of 800 meters (in
Emergency action the base of the ravine) and the saddle, as well as the areas west
should b e taken to of the saddle indicated in the previous sondeo report.
prevent any more rak 8) The sondeo team recommends that the MBR project work in
bwa forest from being the Deglacis region as one of its Target Zones.
9) The rate of loss of the forest in the rak bwa zones outside of the
national park is accelerating, and a crisis situation is rapidly
developing. The sondeorecommends that a plan be developed
for managing the rak bwa resource. Emergency action should
be taken to prevent any more rak bwa forest from being cut.
The future biological diversity of the biosphere reserve is
threatened by the present trend. Therefore, it is our recom-
mendation that the entire rak bwa between Sous Bois and
Morne Cavalier be designated as part of the Core Area, with
small parcels being selected out as special use zones.
10) The research that the sondeo team recommends be under-
taken in the Core Areas of the park include:
a) Weather stations at Pic Le Ciel, and the headquarters at
Plain of Durand. A special effort should be made to document
the percent contribution that the mists blowing through the
forest trees make to the overall precipitation of the area.
b) Plant propagation trialsshould be undertaken to develop a
plan for propagating endemic forest trees and shrubs.
c) Soil stabilization trials on steep slopes should be under-
d) The status of small mammals, especiallyrats and the mon-
goose, should be undertaken within the Core Area, especially
on the top of Pic Macaya.

Existing m i l s in the Region of the

Planned Biosphere Reserve
There are a number of trails in the MBR region that affect land
use practices in the area. These trails allow access deep into the
park. Some are traditional trails used by peasants, and other are
trails created by MBR activities. These trails are discussed below.
Pa Lan Kont mail. This trail connects the western region of the
Plain of Durand near Morne Cavalier with Pa Lan Kont in the
Ravine du Sud. This trail should remain open to provide accessto
Pic Macaya and the side trail to Pic Le Ciel. There should be Existing trails in the bio-
specific guidelines (restrictions) for the use of this trail. They are: sphere reserve area in-
fluence local land use
1) No domestic animals should be allowed on the trail. practices. A strict plan
for trail use and enforce-
2) No garden crops should be transported on this trail. ment methods should
3) No pine planks can be transported on this trail. be developed.
4) Agraphic sign (or several)should be posted to indicate that the
use of the trail is restricted.
5) The trail is open for all other uses, including tourism, recrea-
tion, scientific, reforestation, and selected resource exploita-
tion as determined in the MBR zoning plan.
Pic Le Ciel mail. This trail departs from the Pa Lan Kont trail at
the top of the Formon ridge at 1,950 meters and climbs up the
shoulder of Pic Formon to Pic Le Ciel. We recommend that a
permanent weather station be established at Pic Le Ciel, and that
the clearing there become an observation spot for the For-
mon/Macaya region. Therefore, the section of the trail from the
main Pa Lan Kont trail to Pic Le Ciel should be well marked and
well maintained. There should be a sign at the intersection of the
two trails that indicates the position of the trail, and states that
access is for research purposes only.
Pic Formon Rail. This trail continues on from Pic Le Ciel to the
top of Pic Formon, and then descends the north slope of Pic
Formon to the saddle. This trail is very important for gaining access
to Pic Formon, and traverses some of the wettest and most sig-
nificant habitats in the biosphere reserve. It could expose these
areas to exploitation, so great care must be taken in controlling
access to Pic Formon along this trail. We recommend that this trail
be maintained at a very low level to restrict access to only those
persons needing to get into the Pic Formon region for research
purposes. The trail should not be clearly marked. A sign at Pic Le
Ciel and the saddle should serve as a reminder that access to Pic
Formon is by permit only.
Pic Macaya Rail. This trail ascends the south slope of Pic
Macaya from the shoulder connecting Pic Formon and Pic Macaya.
Access to the trail is via a short connecting trail up the east face of
the saddle from Pa Lan Kont. The trail is very steep, and there are
several dangerous sections. The trail is also vulnerable to damage
from erosion if too much traffic exposes the vegetative cover to the
effects of heavy rainfall. This trail should be kept open and well-
maintained. There should be signs at the saddle indicating that
The Pic Macaya trail is access to Pic Macaya is by permit only. The camp grounds at the
very steep, and there are saddle, and at the top of Pic Macaya should be well maintained,
several dangerous sec- and stocked with a supply of firewood (so nearby forest trees can
tions. The trail is also vul- be protected). There should be an information sign at the top of
nerable to damage from Pic Macaya indicating the summit elevation and a bit of the lore of
erosion if too much traf- Macaya. No permanent building or ajoupa should be constructed
fic exposes the vegeta- at the top of the mountain.
tive cover to the effects
of heavy rainfall. Macaya Ridge Rail. The trail along the east-west running ridge
of Pic Macaya should be kept open, but not well maintained. This
trail will allow researchers to work on the top of Pic Macaya, but
should not be so well maintained that vulnerable areas of the peak
are exposed to exploitation. This ridge trail could eventually be
connected with the trail up the west slope of Pic Macaya from
Sivette to make it possible for hikers to travel from the south side
of the biosphere reserve to the north. However, this should only
be done after the administrative structure of the biosphere reserve
is well established, and the need for this trail is clearly established.
Pa Lan Kont-Deglacis 'bail. This trail connects Pa Lan Kont in
the upper Ravine du Sud with Deglacis at 1,000 meters in the
mid-Ravine du Sud. The trail is through rugged terrain, much of
it along the stream bed of the Riviere de la Ravine du Sud. It is
dangerous to traverse. No clear trail exists in many sections. We
recommend that a survey team explore the region carefully to
determine if a good route exists for a trail. However,since environ-
mental damage has been so extensive in the Deglacis area, no clear
connecting trail should be constructed that will expose the upper
Ravine du Sud to the well populated Deglacis area.
Upper Formon Deglacis Rail (via Kay Ogil). This trail connects
the upper Deglacis area (1,020 meters) with Formon. Exploitation
of the habitat along this trail has been very extensive. On the
Deglacis side there are many pastures and gardens, and the site of
an ajoupa (currently destroyed) maintained by Ropano Despagne.
There are three areas on the top of the Formon ridge (1,925
meters) where trees have been cut and the forest cover burned in
an apparent attempt to establish gardens. Farther down on the
south slope of Formon, the trail passes through a small plateau and
clearing (called Kay Ogil) where there has been a severe landslide
and overgrazing. Farther down the Formon ridge the area adjacent
to the trail shows extremely severe impact from overgrazing.
Redicule Beljean (our guide, and an ex park guard) informed us
that local peasants are feeling that the area should be planted in
gardens once again, and that the pressure to continue to graze
animals and to clear the soil cover is mounting.
We recommend that the use of the Formon-Kay Ogil-Deglacis
Trail be severely restricted. People should be allowed to use this
trail only to go back and forth to Deglacis. The main use of this
trail should be by personnel associated with the biosphere reserve.
Signs should be posted at the beginning and end of the trail, and at
Kay Ogil indicating that access to this trail is "restricted." No
domestic animals or farm crops should be transported on this trail. On the upper Formon-
In this way, the extreme habitat destruction in the Ravine du Sud Deglacis trail, pressure
at 1,000meters, and on the adjacent slopes of Formon and Macaya is mounting to graze
can be reduced. This is the area where the rehabilitation zones of animals and to clear the
the biosphere reserve will be concentrated. There is another trail soil cover.
that provides access to Deglacis (see following) that should be-
come the main commercial route between Deglacis and Formon.
Lower Deglacis nail. The trail that connects the lower part of
the Deglacis district with Formon was not seen by the sondeo team.
This trail needs to be surveyed, and its ecological impact analyzed.
However, from the description of the trail, which is east of the Kay
Ogil trail, it appears as if this route is the most suitable for gaining
access to Deglacis for the following reasons:
1) It traverses the Formon ridge at a lower elevation.
2) It connects Formon with the center of the Deglacis region.
3) It is farther away from the ecologically sensitive areas on the
slopes of Pic Macaya and the ridge of Formon.
4) It is on the eastern margin of the biosphere reserve.
5) It does not pass close to the environmentally sensitive (and
threatened) basin just east of Kay Ogil.
Plain of Durand to UNICORS\COSAR nail. There is a need for
a good route by foot or mule between the center of the biosphere
reserve project on the Plain of Formon and the COSARJwestern
Formon-Macaya area. This route may already exist, or it will need
to be surveyed. The Sondeo team recommends that the project
develop and maintain this important route.


The target region consists of at least three separate zones which
will be referred to here as Formon, Trois Sources, and Deglacis.
These zones are treated separately for most planning purposes
because they differ in biogeophysical character, social structure,
land tenure, and historical development. A brief description of
each is provided below. The Sondeo team did not visit the Deglacis
region during this investigation. Deglaciswas evaluated separately
by Charles Woods, Ellen S. Woods, Paul Paryski,Jenness McBride,
and Roy Voss between 27 January and 6 February.

The three major zones of The overall Formon area extends from Sous Bois in the southeast,
the target region--For- to Cavalier in the valley south of the escarpment of For-
mon, Trois Sources, and monDurand, to Morne Cavalier in the west. It includes the steep
Deglacis--differ in slopesof the Massif Formon to the north and the ravines and rolling
biogeophysical charac- hills of the Plain of Formon to the east in the area of Ravine Casse
ter, social structure, land Cou. Trois Sources includes the region surrounding the
tenure, and historical UNICORS\COSAR building on the Gran Plenn. A road is cur-
development. rently being built into the region, but at this time access is via a
rough trail from the end of the road. The designationTroisSources
is based on the central feature of the zone, the Riviere Trois
Sources. This river flows west from the saddle (ridge) connecting
Pic Formon and Pic Macaya. The steep slopes of each mountain
dominate the region.

Karst topographypredominates eastand south of Morne Cavalier
and between 1,800 and 2,000 meters elevation east of Pic Formon
and along the ridge between Pic Formon and Pic Macaya. Ex-
posure of karst is associated with the karst hills covering the edge
of the Plain of Formon and the Plain of Durand, the "rak bwa."
Solution pipes and sinkholes are common on the Plain of Formon
and on the Plain of Durand as well. Exposure of blocks of lime-
stone stand like monuments on the surface.
The limestone varies in hardness and fracturing and may not be
able to be treated as a single formation. Water penetration through
cracks and fissures and consequent runoff will be associated with
these differences. Below the limestone lies a complex that was
formed under the sea in the late Cretaceous period.
Basalt exists as pillow lavas, dikes and other thin strata intruded
into the basement rock. This basement rock is composed of deep
water marine limestone, shale and other sedimentary rocks veined
with calcite.
When weathered, these rocks are highly erodible. The most
notable feature caused by this erosion in the park area can be seen
in the undercutting of the rock under the limestone of the La Selle
Escarpment, causing the great cliffs of the massif. Differences in
topography are reflections of the predominate underlying
material. Those areas underlain with limestone are usually
rounded on the ridges and in the ravines. Soils and rock are usually
more stable on these materials. On the other hand, where the
sedimentarybasaltic rock is found, ridges are sharp, and "V-
shaped" ravines are common, as the material is highly erodible.
Based on the predominant geological formations in the area,
three general types of topography can be defined. These cor-
respond to some degree to current land use patterns and are also
an important element in developing a land use plan for the future.
Conservation agricul-
1). The first type consists of very steep, upper slopes. Such lands tural practices should be
are in some cases utilized today for agriculture, particularly in developed to help
the Trois Sources area. They are not, however, generally ap- farmers make the most
propriate for agricultural land use. It is recommended that productive use of level
long term planning move toward a system in which use of these plains and gently sloping
lands is restricted to conservation purposes and/or very limited hillsides.
use of natural resources (e.g., selective exploitation of native
2). The second type consists of moderately sloping to steep
hillsides, and corresponds in large part to the karst outcrop-
pings, known locally as rak bwa. While some farmers are
presently almost entirely dependent on these areas for agricul-
tural production, most farmers who utilize the rak bwa also
have access to more productive lands at lower elevations
and/or with lower slopes. These rak bwa lands are highly
variable. In some cases they are appropriate for limited
agricultural use (particularly agroforestry),but in other cases
extreme degradationhas already occurred,limitingtheir utility
in the future. In the latter case, rehabilitation is critical--that
is, systems must be devised which can improve the quality of
these lands.
3). Finally, much of the area consists of formationswhich are quite
appropriate for intensive, sustained agricultural production.
These lands include the nearly level plains (such as Durand)
and gently sloping hillsides. Most of these lands are in agricul-
tural production today and should continue to be used for
agriculture in the future. Conservation agricultural practices
should be developed which can assist farmers in making the
most productive use of such lands.

In the central portion of the Plain of Formon the soils are deep
oxisols formed on predominantly limestone parent rock. These
soils are dark red and deep with moderate fertilitylevels. Soil pH
is nearly neutral. Lower down the slope, the soil changes to a
brown ultisol formed on the non-limestone rock. Because slopes
are not severe, the soils are relatively deep and somewhat fertile
with nitrogen and phosphorus being the most commonly deficient
nutrients. The pH of these soils is slightly acid.
On the slopes of the upper area of Durand, the soils are relatively
deep and course textured ultisols that may be formed on the
colluvium and alluvium that has washed downslope from under-
neath the Dernisseau formation. Some explosive volcanics of a
later geologic era may have also contributed to the parent material
of these soils. The soils are less weathered and the course texture
Deep ultisols on inter- leaves them droughty and dryer than surroundingsouls.
mediate slopes are sus-
Toward Kay Tilus and the ridge of Formon, the steep slopes have
ceptible to erosion and
been cleared, exposing the ultisols. Severe erosion is in process,
must be treated with
but farming continues in spite of landslide and landslip on nearly
great care.
all of the deforested slopes.
On areas of rak bwa, a large portion of the soil surface is covered
by limestone rock formations and strewn rocks, but the soils are
nonethelessdeep and fertile oxisols. Productionis severelylimited
by the portion of the soil surface not covered with rock.
Across the escarpment toward Cavalier, the soils are
predominantly brown ultisols. On the upper slopes below the
market of Sous Bois, the soils are relatively recently cleared and
hence moderately deep. Because of the nature of the soil, how-
ever, they are subject to erosion and may rapidly degrade. Because
of the limestone on the rak bwa above them, they retain a neutral
pH. Lower on the valley floor, the ultisols have been cultivated
much longer and, even with less slope, are eroded moderately.
To the west of the Park in the areas near the UNICORS\COSAR
complex, the soils follow the same pattern of ultisol formation.
Cleared land is showing signs of erosion and in some areas the
plinthite subsoil is at the surface. High up, the Port-a-Piment river
clearing and fire during the last ten years has caused severe
avalanche hazard that should be addressed immediately.
The three predominant soil types described above coincide to
some degree with the major topographical features of the region.
However, it must be stressed that soils in the entire region are
extremely variable and form a mosaic of intermixed soil types in
some areas which will require extremely careful attention when
agricultural land use is suggested.
In general, the oxisols occupythe nearly flat plains and very lowest
slopes in the region. They are much more prevalent in the Formon
area than in the Trois Sources area. While they do offer problems
of fertility, their structure is excellent and they are highly resistant
to erosion, in addition to occupying the least erodible sites. Inten-
sive agricultural production on these soils should be possible.
Deep ultisols occupy many of the intermediate slopes, including
large portions of the rak bwa area. These soils are much more
susceptible to erosion than the oxisols and must be treated with
great care. In many cases, current land use will not be sustainable
on these soils, especially when it occurs on steep slopes. These soils
should, over the long term, receive the greatest attention regarding
appropriate agricultural andfor non-agricultural land use practices.
These soils have also been highly degraded in many areas and will
require rehabilitation if they are to prove productive in the future.
The population of the
The upper slopes are occupied in many cases by thinner ultisols, area must become the
even more susceptible to erosion than those occupying the lower stewards of all the lands
slopes and rak bwa. These soils are very prevalent in the Trois in the biosphere reserve.
Sources zone, and contribute to the very severe erosion problems
that are so visible in that area. In the vast majority of cases,
prolonged agricultural production will not be possible on these
soils. It should be noted that the upper slopes show extreme
variability in soil type and that generalization is difficult. Further
study of these soils is critical, particularly in areas of intensive

Recommended Land Uses

Two concepts are critical to the Macaya Biosphere Reserve,both
of which represent radical departures from land management as
it is currently practiced in the region. The first concept is that the
core protected area, the national park itself, is seen as one element
in a rational, managed use of a much larger land area. Thus,
management of lands outside the core area becomes fully as im-
portant as management of park lands themselves. The core area
is seen as critical to the successful management of the outlying
lands (as a source of water, for example), and, in turn, the outlying
lands are seen as part of a whole whose successful management
contributes to preservation of the inner core.
Second, the population of the area itself must become the
stewards of all the lands in the biosphere reserve. This means, in
essence, that individuals are being asked to become stewards for
lands which are not in fact their own, and that they are being asked
to engage in land use practices whose benefits accrue not only to
them and their immediate families,but also to other inhabitantsof
Haiti dependent on the resources provided by MBR.
Five general types of land use zones are recommended for the
MBR. A brief description of each, the goals associated with each
particular land use, and types of proposed land uses are given
Development of nation-
Three general concepts are embodied in these land use recom-
al and local institutions mendations. The first is a traditional concept associated with Pic
which can effectively
Macaya National Park--some core lands must be preserved in a
oversee the utilization of relatively untouched state. Preservation is the major goal of land
lands in the biosphere
use in the Core Area and SpecialUse Zones described below. The
reservefar into the future development of national and local institutionswhich can effective-
is critical to the success-
ly oversee the utilizationof lands in these zones far into the future,
ful managementof these and long after the University of Florida's involvement in this
zones. project ends, is critical to the successful management of these
Other lands must be rehabilitated. These are lands which have
already suffered moderate to extensive degradation. Simple
preservation or maintenance of the status quo is insufficient here.
These lands must be improved through planned, scientifically
based land use management. In some cases, rehabilitation will
involve returning these lands to a status more nearly resembling
their former, untouched state. In other cases, however, lands
require rehabilitation for more intensive human use. Some parts
of the rak bwa, for example, should be returned to a more natural
state and others should be managed for more profitable, intensive
human uses. Rehabilitation is the major goal of land use manage-
ment in the Forestry and Agroforestry Zones.
Unlike preservation,development of methods for rehabilitation
requires extensive scientific input. Only rarely has rehabilitation
of lands been attempted anywhere in the world, and little scientific
basis for rehabilitationexists in Haiti. Utilization of native species,
for example, is an important element in rehabilitation. Yet, for
many of the tree species of the region, virtually nothing is known
about how to rear seedlings in nurseries, whether they can be
coppiced for use in agroforestry systems, and how well they will
survive in a highly altered environment. Further, most research in
agroforestryon a worldwide basis has been conducted in a lowland
environment. Relatively little attention has been devoted to the
highland environment. Development of the scientific basis for
rehabilitation requires a long-term commitmenton the part of the
University of Florida and USAID to the MBR.
Finally, land use on much of the land in the area must be greatly
intensified. Current farming practices will not permit farmers in
the area to gain a higher standard of living from their lands.
lntensificatio; of agricultureis therefore critieal to long-term suc-
cess of the MBR. Intensificationmeans, in this context, both more
intensiveuse of the land and higher value production.Technologies
which can permit much more intensive production in the area are
known. They require testing and adaptation under local condi-
tions. Adapting these practices to local conditionsand disseminat- Current farming prac-
ing them to farmersin the region is a short-termgoal of this project. tices will not permit
Intensification is the major goal of project intervention in the farmers in the area to
Agricultural Zone. gain a higher standard of
living from their lands. In-
Success in this area is largely based on increasing cash flow for tensification of agricul-
farmers. The current farming systems employ, for all practical ture is therefore critical
purposes, no outside inputs apart from labor (only one family has
to long-term success of
ever used fertilizer, for example). It is questionable that further the Macaya Biosphere
intensification of labor is possible, and even if it is possible, labor Reserve.
intensification alone will not significantlyincrease the productivity
and profitability of the farming systems described below. There-
fore, the use of agricultural inputs such as improved seed and
fertilizer is critical; it requires that farmers attaincash flow beyond
that needed for immediate consumption. The University of
Florida's short-term strategy, therefore, concentrates on ways of
improving cash flow within the local economy.
The following idealized zones are designed to indicate the op-
timal land use activity for all of the habitats of the Macaya Bio-
sphere Reserve. These determinations have been made on the
basis of the gradient of the slope and the location within the
reserve. During the course of the project, the definitions of these
zones will be refined, and the concept will be expanded to cover all
of the micro-habitatsof the reserve. The expanded definitionswill
take into consideration soil and landscape characteristics(includ-
ing the steepness of the slopes) as well as socio-economic factors.
In this way the working definitions will function at the level of
micro-zones, so that the most suitable activity for each location
within the Macaya Biosphere Reservewill be designated on a high
resolution land use map.

Core Zone
Description. These are the most fragile areas where a loss of
forest cover and soils would result in extensive degradation of the
surrounding areas. The core area is not yet ecologicallydegraded,
and includes endemic plants and animals of unique importance.
However, some habitat restoration may be necessary where the
process of degradation has progressed to the point where the
habitat is in danger of being lost.
Goals. Soil, water, and forest conservation, and preservation of
biological diversityare the critical goals.
Uses. These lands should be totally protected from agricultural
and forest practices. Suitable land uses include tourism (hiking,
camping, photography), and research (with permits).

Special Use Zones

Description. These are biologically and ecologically valuable
zones where total protection is not possible because of the
proximity of the areas to high density human activities, the small
size of the habitat (i.e., pond or spring), or multi-use requirements
(i.e., springs, streams, and rivers). These areas also include cor-
ridors connecting disjunct habitats that are necessary to maintain
biological diversityin the overall zone of the biosphere reserve.
Goals. The major objective of land use planning is to protect the
habitat without excluding the use of the limited resource involved.
Uses. Only specific activities such as gathering water, washing
clothes, searching for renewable resources (i.e., poles, honey)
should be allowed.

Forestry Zone
Description. These are steep areas where soil stabilization is
necessary, but where the habitat is not critically important to
maintain biological diversityor prevent extreme erosion.
Goals. Important goals include protection of the soil, increasing
overall precipitation levels (i.e., comb water as "dew" from the
frequent cloud cover), and providing an alternate revenue source
for local farmersbased on wise use of a renewablenatural resource.
Uses. Selective harvesting (no clear-cutting allowed) of trees
would be allowed. Native trees where possible should be utilized
because of the proximity of these areas to the Core Zone. Fast-
growing native species of economic importance can be supplied
from nursery stock as part of the forestry process.

Description. These are areas of moderate slope where intensive
forestry,moderate agriculture,and some grazing can occur without
exposing the soil to rapid erosion or degradation.
Goals. The major goal is to provide agriculturalsites in otherwise
fragile habitats for local farmers, as well as the appropriate tech-
nology to use these siteswithout destroying them. Amajor concern
is to raise the productivityof these sites and to increase the income
levels of local farmers who use them.
Uses. Any of several possible mixes of agroforestry techniques
may be utilized, including alley cropping, grazing, production of
fruit, intensive forestry, and production of other tree crops.

Agricultural Zone
Description. These are relatively flat areaswith deep soils (usual-
ly oxisols) where well-planned intensive agriculture will not ir-
revocably damage the environment. Lands on moderately steep
slopes where erosion is not a problem can also be included within
the agriculturalzone.
Goals. These areas should be utilized to maintain a high level of
economic return and to raise productivity and incomes of local
Uses. Intensive agricultural production should be practiced on
these sites.
The following table summarizes the relative amount of land
recommended for inclusion ineach land use category as of January
1989. The final distribution of the land into each category will be
modified as the project progresses,as will our understandingof the
optimal total size of the Macaya Biosphere Reserve.
Functional Zones of the Macaya Biosphere Reserve
Conservation Zones 1989 1992
Core 4,400 ha 7,500 ha
Special use
Regeneration 700 ha* 1,200 ha

Multiple Uses
Forestry 4,100 ha 2,000 ha
Agroforestry 3,600 ha 3,900 ha
Agriculture 3,100 ha 2,500 ha
Total 10,800ha 8,400 ha
Regeneration Not Included 5,500 ha
Grand total 16,400 ha 16,400 ha
*Regenerationwas planned in 1989 as an area where conser-
vation efforts would have been concentrated.

Specific Recommendationsfor Formon

The ban on garden activities and the cutting of trees above 1,600
Garden activities and meters on the steep hills of Formon should continue.
cutting of trees above
1,600 meters on the The rolling hillsides between 1,000 and 1,600 meters should be
steep hills of Formon zoned for agroforestry and forestry uses. An active program to
should continue to be utilize this zone for firewood production, use of local endemics of
banned. economic importance, coffee and plantain production, and
production of shrub crops (such as pigeon pea, Cajanus cajanus)
should be developed. There is a significant problem of soil erosion
in the Ravine Casse Cou and the Ravine Dalest. These ravines,
and their associated connecting ravines, should be reforested
(Agroforestryand Special Use Zones).
The Plain of Formon and Plain of Durand are appropriate loca-
tions for intensive agriculture with some attention being paid to
soil stabilization in the ravines of the area.
There are several areas of unique value on the Plain of Formon
and Plain of Durand, such as the small pond near Madam Robert's
house and several karst domes scattered throughout the plains.
These should be designated as Special Use Zones. The margins of
the small pond, for example, should be reforested with appropriate
endemic trees and shrubs (as well as some food trees such as
plantains). Continued access to the small pond for washing and
watering animalswould be available at one location near the main
The Rak Bwa at Sous Bois, Formon, Durand, and Cavalier are of
great significance to the natural patrimony of the country. These
areas are also of significance to the daily activities of the local
residents of the region. Poles and firewood are collected there.
Some pockets are suitable for agriculture.
The Rak Bwa should be maintained as a continuous unit fromthe
Ravine Dalest and Ravine Casse Cou to the Rak Bwa, Sous Bois,
Bwa Formon, Bwa Durand, and the upper ridges of Morne
Cavalier. This will provide a continuous buffer zone for the area
of the biosphere reserve. Careful zoning will allow pockets in this
continuous rak bwa (once reconstructed) to be used for agricul-
tural purposes, and should allow limited exploitation of the forest
for poles and firewood, since these resources are renewable.

Specific Recommendations for n o i s Sources

All land to the east of Morne Bois Pin in the basin of the Riviere
Trois Sources should be designated as part of the Core Area. All
of this land appears to be state land. The sondeo team also recom-
mends that Morne Bois Pin and the steep slopes of Pic Formon
between 1,600and 1,800meters also be inEluded in the Core Area.
Since some of this land is currentlyowned by UNICORS\COSAR, Burning of fields should
an accommodation should be reached such that be discouraged in all
UNICORS\COSAR agrees to strict enforcementof the laws of the areas below the core
biosphere reserve, or agrees to sell or trade land within this zone. area to prevent wildfires
The ridges above 1,600 meters of all of the mountains bordering from damaging the
the Riviere Trois Sources should be designated as part of the Core higher core area
The steep slopes of the entire watershed of the Riviere Trois
Sources are vulnerable to rapid soil erosion, and should be desig-
nated as Agroforestry Zones. Appropriate uses of these lands
include planting coffee, nut trees, pigeon pea, plantains, and the
use of living terraces. Plantains are especially suitable as a food
crop that can also be used to secure the soils in gullies and steep
ravines. The planting of black beans alone should be discouraged
on steep slopes.
Land along the margins of the Riviere Trois Sources is ap-
propriate for intensive use, and should be micro-zoned as Agricul-
tural Zones or Agroforestry Zones.
Burning of fields shouldbe discouraged in all areas below the core
area to prevent wildfires from damaging the higher core area

Current Environmental Conditions in the Macaya Area

Between April 7-16,1992, we surveyed the project area between
Camp Perrin, Formon on the slopes of Pic Formon, and the east
and north sides of Pic Macaya in the region of Duchity. The
techniques used were to travel into the region by jeep, to walk into
more remote areas on foot, and to survey the entire Macaya region
by a small plane (on April 14th). We made this survey to evaluate
the effects of the economic embargo and the suspension of MBR
project activities during the past six months on the natural resour-
ces of the area. Our general observations are summarized below.
1). The core areas of Parc National Pic Macaya (the high ridges of
Pic Macaya and Pic Formon, and most of the upper watershed
basins between the peaks) remain intact, and steeper and more
remote regions of the park are still covered with a variety of
forest types (most natural, and serving as important reservoirs
of biodiversity as well as critical components of downslope
There has been a great 2). The most eastern extension of the ridge of the Formon Moun-
deal of deforestation of tain Range is almost completely deforested, especially in the
the "Rak Bwa" forests in
regions of Bellefontaine and Lahatte. This deforestation is
the area of Formon and resulting in an expanding and massive landslide near the
Durand during the last entrance of the Grande Ravine (the headwaters of the Riviere
six months. This forest is Grande Ravine de Sud), and to a significantdegradation of the
the most important Ravine de Sud watershed.
remaining forest in Haiti
in terms of biodiversity, 3). There has been a great deal of deforestation of the "Rak Bwa"
and is now very forests in the area of Formon and Durand during the last six
threatened. months. This forest (old trees in areas of rugged exposed karst
limestone) is the most important remaining forest in Haiti in
terms of biodiversity, and it is now very threatened.
4). For the first time in the history of our work in the For-
mon/Durand area of Macaya, no parrots we heard or seen. The
answers to our inquiries indicate it is likely that parrots are
being collected by some people at their nest sites and eaten or
sold for food.
5). The entire area of the plains of Formon and Durand have been
cultivated for the planting of "potats." This is part of the regular
two-year cycle of land use in the area, but this year the local
farmers are planting far into the boundaries of Parc Macaya,
often on steep slopes, and along the edges of steep ravines and
water courses. As we walked out of the interior of the park, we
passed six farmers at different locations walking into the park
with hoes and machetes.
6). These unwise and desperate agricultural activitiesmake all of
the watersheds of the region, and particularly the Riviere
l'Acul, vulnerable to heavy rains. On the night of April 13th
such heavy rains fell in the region. During our flight over the
area on the morning of April 14th, there was evidence of soil
erosion and damage to the 1'Acul watershed. The Riviere
1'Acul was clouded with mud, and the water level was very high,
a major change from the afternoon before when we came out
of the area by jeep and crossed the low and clear flowing river.
7). The water catchment area of the Riviere Cavailon/Saut
Mathurine hydroelectric plant is almost completely
deforested. Much of this deforestation is very recent.
8). The area to the north, northeast and east of Pic Macaya
(including Catiche, Duchity, and Beaumont) has been severely
deforested. A few years ago this area was 40% forested. Most
of the deforestation is very recent, and seems to be due to
charcoal production. We saw many bags of charcoal being
brought down from the area. There is a new road being built
by the Cheron family of Duchity, with local assistance from
people living in the region. The new road will pass from
Duchity westward towards Lacadonie. This road was begun
two months ago, and will be completed by this summer (July).
9). The national park is now surrounded by roads (the project road
to the south, the UNICORS road to the west, the Cayes-
Jeremie road to the east, and the new Cheron road to the north.
The forest cover in the
10). There is little or no forest cover east of Camp Perrin all the core of the Macaya Bio-
way to the Ridge of Pic La Selle in eastern Haiti. The areas to sphere Reserveis still in-
the north of the coast of the Cote de Fer region seem to be tact.
undergoing desertification. There are some patches of forest
in the regions north of l'Asile, and a large area of important
scrub forest on the peninsula west of ~ u v e r ~projecting
er into
the Baie d'Aquin.
11). The rainfall that occurred the night of April 13th (the night
before our air survey), produced flooding and heavy silt con-
tent in almost all of the rivers of the area. The Riviere 1'Acul
below Le Prete was brown, and there was a great plume of mud
at the mouth of this river west of Les Cayes. The Riviere
Cavailon was so high that muddy water was spilling in a huge
rapid over the hydro-electric dam. Saut Mathurine,which has
been completely dry for almost a year, was spectacular,as were
the lesser waterfalls along the Riviere Cavailon. Huge
amounts of silt were being deposited in the sea on the morning
of April 14th. This flooding and heavy erosion after a single
rainfall is a consequence of the severe deforestationof the past
few months. During the past few years such flooding and
erosion were observed only after weeks of heavy rain.

Summary: The forest cover in the core of the Macaya Biosphere

Reserve is still intact. Thisforest is the last remaining upland forest
in Haiti, and is rich in endemic plants and animals (we found two
new species of orchids on this trip, and are currently describing a
new species of mammal that is a "livingfossil"). The forest protects
the upper watersheds of the six major rivers of the region. The area
is still worth protecting because of its importance in water genera-
tion, watershed stability,and soil protection. However, the area is
under siege. The rate of deforestation accelerated during the last
six months. New roads are going to make it possible to rapidly
deforest the area in the next two years. The deforestation has not
yet reached the irreversible stage, however, and several projects
are possible that could slow the rate of deforestation, protect the
critical core areas of the region, and provide economicalternatives
to local residents who are desperate for food and sources of cash.
Reforestationactivities, especiallyin already badly degraded steep
areas of the watersheds, can help stabilizethe watersheds, and can
provide work and opportunities to educate local people.
Several projects are
possible that could slow We feel that the MBR project has worked to the degree that the
the rate of deforestation, amount of deforestation in the FormonDurand area could have
protect the critical core been much worse, and certainly the amount of environmental
areas of the region, and damage in the FormonDurand region is much less than that in the
provide econorr~icalter- Duchity area on the northeast side of Macaya where the project did
natives to local residents not work. In general, the survey indicates heavy and recent
who are desperate for deforestation in most areas we investigated except for the central
food and sources of area of Parc Macaya, and some Rak Bwa forest areas near the
cash. project headquarters at FormonDurand.
A Proposed Biosphere Reserve
for the Citadelle Area of
Northern Haiti

Henry Christophe Biosphere Reserve: The Antilles 2000

Two modalities among the patterns of biosphere reserve designs
have been modified to create our "Antilles 2000 Modality." The
examples that best fit as a model for the Henry Christophe Bio-
sphere Reserve are the "Mexican Modality," developed in La
Michilia (Western Sierra Madre, Mexico) and Mapimil (Central
Chihuahuan desert, Mexico), and the multiple-site pattern recom-
mended for the Lesser Antilies (McCrone, 1984). The "Mexican
Modality," besides fulfilling the regular objectives of a biosphere
reserve, stresses the need to pay special attention to the local
population by understanding their needs and interests, and by
developing programs for their benefit (Halffter, 1981, 1985).
Projects for very poor local populations must help solve basic
problems as well as strive to improve socioeconomicstatus so that
they do not have to exploit nature to satisfy basic needs. The
Haitian people and the inhabitants of the two Mexican biosphere
reserves have extreme poverty in common. Therefore, integration
of the needs of people in the plan for the Henry Christophe
Biosphere Reserve should be a priority. However, it will not be
possible to include the whole population of northern Haiti in such
a program because: 1) huge projects have a tendency to fail due
to of a lack of focus; and 2) a large portion of the northern territory
lacks conservation values, since the land is intensively exploited.
Fortunately,part of this land can be protected.
The strategy to alleviate these problems is to use part of the
Lesser Antilles approach,a multiple-site biosphere reserve. The
entire northern area, which we refer to as Henry Christophe Bio-
sphere Reserve,would represent a conceptualsystemwith tangible
resources included in units in such a way as to implement a conser-
vation program (see below). Within this conservation system,
some units of special concern can be designed to effectively carry
out the conservation program. The units included in the global
system should not be considered as distinct biosphere reserves;
each one represents an important part of the overall unique life
zones; and, due to the scarcity of land and the land utilization
pattern, it is not feasible to incorporate all of them into one
contiguous area.

Henry Christophe Biosphere Reserve and Units

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Northern Haiti in the context of protected areas
The conservation strategy designed to protect the natural resour-
ces of northern Haiti takes into consideration the socioeconomic
realities of the region (dense population, poor peasants, illiteracy,
vague land ownership), as well as the means of production (agricul-
ture on small plots in mountains, deforestation to obtain more
land), income generators (tourism, art and crafts), and natural
features (biological zones, topography, soilclasses).
The objectives of the Henry Christophe Biosphere Reserve are:
A. To protect and preserve the natural resources in northern Haiti
for future generations by conserving the biological diversity of
the region.
B. To insure the long-term conservation of the surrounding
ecosystems by:
1. restoring the eroded landscapes by reforestation with native
and endemic species;
2. protecting the remaining patches of natural habitat.
C. To develop and promote effective techniques in sustainable
agriculture, agroforestry, and soil conservation by further re-
search, monitoring and demonstration.
D. To contribute to the socioeconomicimprovement of the neigh-
boring human population by developing objective "C" and
The Henry Christophe
E. To collaborate with other agencies involved in development by Biosphere Reserve is lo-
strengthening cooperation between conservationand develop- cated in the Neotropical
ment. Realm biogeographical
province of the Greater
E To establish an adequate legislation and management plan to Antilles. This province
insure the long-term viability of the natural resources. contains the highest de-
G. To incorporate traditional land uses and local skills in the gree of endemism due
present and future management plan. to topographical diver-
sity and isolation of
ecological niches.
Criteria for selection of the Henry Christophe Biosphere
1.Representativeness. The Henry Christophe Biosphere Reserve
is located in the Neotropical Realm biogeographical province
of the Greater Antilles (Budowski & MacFarland, 1984). This
biogeographical province of the island of Hispaniola contains
the highest degree of endemism due to the diversity in topog-
raphy and great isolation of ecological niches (Howard, 1973).
2. Ecosystem diversity. Various ecosystems occur in the different
life zones. Theyvary from coast to mountains, from low moun-
tain forest to high mountain forest (Organization of the
American States, 1972; Holdridge, 1942,1947).
3. Naturalness. The northern region of Haiti has a long history of
exploitation. However, wild vegetation still occurs in some
non-exploited areas, or in association with introduced species
of economical use.
4. Effectiveness as a conservation unit. The common size of
biosphere reserve as established by UNESCO (1983) is 10,000
to 25,000 hectares. The Henry Christophe Biosphere Reserve
is 38,300 hectares in area. It is bordered on the south and west
by two mountain chains, and on the north by the Atlantic
Ocean. The combination of five life zones included in such a
limited geographic region is unique in the Antilles.

The proposal for land La Citadelle

use in the biosphere
reserve is a compromise
between "national park"
lands and the land use The establishment and management of this biosphere reserve is
needs of peasants. very complex. The conservation strategy designed to protect the
natural resources should take into consideration the historical
background and economic realities of the country, as well as dif-
ferent characteristics of the area including: sustainable agriculture,
reforestation with endemic and native woody species, protection
of herbaceous species, protection of the fauna, promotion of ar-
tisanship and tourism. The proposal for land use in the biosphere
reserve is a compromisebetween "national park"lands and the land
use needs of peasants. The resulting compromise in proposed land
use is defined in the biosphere reserve land use concept. The land
use pattern will be developed by 1) selecting targeted conservation
units within the Henry Christophe Biosphere Reserve, 2) propos-
ing functional zones for each unit, and 3) developing specific
proposals for land use in each.
The Henry Christophe Biosphere Reserve project is based upon
guidelines for biosphere reserve designs for other developing
countries in the tropics, with some modifications to accommodate
the unique character of Haiti, and more specifically the northern
portion of the country.

Targeted ConservationUnits
The selection of a unit of special concern to be included in the
Henry Christophe Biosphere Reserve is based on one or more of
the following criteria:
1) natural vegetation is still found in fragile lands,
2) a biological zone needs to be preserved because of the presence
of important plants and animals,
3) a major watershed of an important body of water is included in
an area where natural vegetation can be protected,
4) a scenic and/or historical site is present that can attract tourists
due to its beauty and/or uniqueness.

Units The Henry Christophe

By studying the topography and the history of the region, the Biosphere Reserve
following units have been selected (see map, page 140): project is based on
guidelines for biosphere
1) The Le Borgne unit reserve designs for
2) The Les Mornes du Cap unit developing countries in
3) The La Citadelle unit the tropics, with
4) The Tete Grande Riviere du Nord unit modifications to accom-
modate the unique char-
5) The Bassin Zim unit acter of Haiti.

Descriptions of the units

1) The Le Borgne unit

This targeted conservation unit is 146.65km2on the northwestern

coast of the Departement du Nord. This unit includes a subtropical
wet forest, a low mountain wet forest (Sedwitz and Canet, 1972),
and a mangrove community. The precipitation is as high as 2,400










t s a , - .4
11 AREA NAME J " ' L .


Le Borgne unit and functional zones

mm per year (Wood, 1963). Cliffsfacing the Atlantic Ocean are an

important habitat for marine birds. The soils. of the Mornes
Brigand are protected by a deciduous forest, and the mountains are
the major feature of the unit. This area forms the watershed of the
Riviere du Borgne and the Riviere de Port-Margot, both of which
irrigate the plains below. The area is a major coffee producer due
to the high rainfall pattern. During the 1950's the area was impor-
tant for hevea (Hevea braziliemis)production. The Le Borgne area
has a long history, beginning with the Pre-Columbian period. The
numerous pictographs seen on the walls of grottoes (caves) in the
area bear witness to a large Amerindian concentration (Moreau de
Saint Mery, 1797). The towns of Le Borgne and Port Margot were
the first settlements of the French (Buccaneers) on the island of

Hispaniola (Moreau de Saint Mery, 1797). Ruins of French bat-
teries can be still visited on the northern coast of this unit (A.
Mangones et al., 1986). The Chouchou Bay is one of the most
famous beaches of the country due to its beauty.

2) The Les Mornes du Cap unit

This unit encompasses three main biological zones in a 4,5 11-hec-

tare area: a subtropical wet forest, a low mountain subtropical
forest on karst, and scenic beaches and coral reefs (below). The
small island "Ile a w Rats" is included in this unit because it is a
refuge for the West Indian manatee. Part of the mountain slopes
of Les Mornes du Cap have been successfullyreforested with Pinus
occidentalk at elevations as low as 300 meters. A high concentra-
tion of French batteries still dominate the high ground overlooking
the Atlantic Ocean. It also include the Vertieres Monument com-
memorating the Independence Battle.






T I t A t l S I T I O I I A L ZOIIES


Les Mornes du Haut du Cap unit and functional zones

3) La Citadelle unit
This is a 108.83km2area which includes mountains and low lands.
This unit (below) has a high touristic value because of its historic
monuments: La Citadelle, Sans Souci, and Ramiers. It is one of
the most populated areas in the northern region due to its favorable
climate and tourism activities in the Sans Souci-La Citadelle area.
The area is a well-known coffee producer because of its high
precipitation (2,40Omm/year)and its remaining woody vegetation
cover. Many endemic species thrive on and around the rocks,
which protect the soil from being washed away during the rainy
season. The fragile lands surrounding those sites need to be
protected against erosion while the needs of the local population
of the area are met. The town of Dondon and the grottoes in the
surrounding hills are of great touristic potential. The Voute a
Minguet and the Voute aux Dames can serve as a cultural site. The
area also has research potential in such fields as anthropology and











La Citadelle Unit and Fi~nctionalzones

4) The Tete Grande Riviere du Nord unit
This unit (below) is 98.13 krn2 and includes the watershed of two
major rivers: the Grande Riviere du Nord, which drains into the
Atlantic Ocean, and the Riviere Terre Neuve, which drains into
Riviere Libon, a tributary of the Artibonite River, toward the
Plateau Central. The Tete Grande Riviere du Nord watershed is
centered around Morne Salnave which includes a subtropical wet
forest with pine trees and broadleaf forest. This area is the least
populated part of northern Haiti even though it has a favorable
climate with approximately 2,000 mm/year precipitation. It was
very populated by Ameridians at the time of Columbus and was a
prosperous area during French colonization (Moreau de Saint
Mery, 1797). The objective of establishing this unit is to protect
the watershed of the major rivers of the north plain, as well as to
protect biological diversity.


PRO P O S E D N l ( C T I 0 N h L ZOIIES










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Tete Grande Riviere du Nord unit and functional zones

5) The Bassin Zirn unit
This 1,165-hectare unit (below) includes a waterfall in its water-
shed. The cascade is produced by an underground river that is lost
in grottoes. The water is captured in areas by natural pools.
Pictographs on the walls of local caverns of the area bear witness
to pre-Columbian history. The objective of designing this unit is
to promote tourism for the benefit of the local population, as well
as to protect the natural flora and fauna which thrive in the area.
Access to Bassin Zim is very difficult, unless one has an all-terrain
vehicle. Therefore, promoting tourism in this area will facilitate
communications. Protecting the watershed will also protect the
hydroelectric potential of this cascade (Sedwitz and Canet, 1972).

~ 5 ) q ~CHRISTOPE:





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Bassin Zim unit and functional zones

Functional zones are proposed according to: 1) land capability
with respect to topography (slopepercentage); 2) ecosystem diver-
sity; 3) economic potential of the region. The design of functional
zones in degraded areas requires a combinationin -- time of two
types: permanent, and transitional zones. Permanent zones are
represented by the core, forestry, agroforestry, agriculture and
special use zones, whereas transitional zones are represented by
regeneration zones.

Functional zones definition

A. Permanent Zones
Agriculture Zones
Agricultural zones comprise 9,066 hectares or 24% of the bio-
sphere reserve. These are areas where sustainable agricultureand
production of staple and annual crops are carried out. Agricultural
zones are located in area of relatively level terrain (slope 10-20%)
and the possibility of irrigation or good rainfall distribution.
Agroforestry Zones
Agroforestry zones represent 9,659 hectares or 25% of the bio-
sphere reserve. These are areas where agriculture and reforesta-
tion are carried out together. Coffee, cacao, fruit tree crops,
fuelwoodproduction and mangroves(because ofpotential produc-
tion of oysters and wood) are included in this category. In some
areas of traditional cattle raising, pastures can be added (agro-
sylvo-pastoral zones).
Forestry Zones Biosphere reserve func-
tional zones are
These are areas where woody species can be exploited. Forestry
proposed accordiqg to
zones can be at the periphery of the core zones, but usually are in
topography, ecosystem
areas with very steep slopes and play the role of buffer zones for
diversity and economic
the core areas. They all need to be regenerated and they represent
potential of the region.
13,541hectares, or 36% of the biosphere reserve.
Core Zones
Core zones comprise 3,307 hectares or 9% of the biosphere
reserve. These encompass the special areas where exploitation
would result in degradation of the fragile lands and ecosystems.
The core zones are represented in the Henry Christophe Bio-
sphere Reserve by: 1) coral reefs and the Ile aux Rats which is the
habitat of the West Indies manatee (Woods and Hermanson, 1987);
2) importantwatershed of the principal water bodies; 3) mountain
summits and steep slopes where endemic species are found.

Special Use Zones

These zones are 1,637 hectares or 4% of the biosphere reserve.
They include: 1) very valuable ecosystems; 2) renewable natural
resources such as honey, fish and seafood which can be exploited
within conservation norms while the habitat is protected. To these
zones should be added densely populated areas such as in the La
Citadelle and the Le Borgne units, and areas where people use
rivers and springs for laundry, drinking water, and other domestic


These are the smallest portion of the biosphere reserve with 823
hectares (2%) where agriculture and agroforestry should not be
undertaken. These are areas with historical monuments or with
scenic potential. The touristic sites are divided into three
categories: a) human historical sites built by man or which are
sociologically and culturally important, 2) areas valuable because
of their beauty, 3) recreation areas such as beaches, nature trails,
caves and falls. They include the areas immediately surrounding
the sites and access roads, where monument conservation
programs and landscape regeneration could be undertaken to
enhance the beauty of those sites. Some of these sites have already
been studied or are in the process of being investigated. These sites
represent the following historical periods: Pre-columbian period,
Spanish and French colonization, and Independence to present.
Transitional zones are
established in order to
rebuild degraded areas
when such factors as
climate, landscape and B. ~ n s i t i o n aZones
watershed permit.
Regeneration Zones
These zones are established in order to rebuild degraded areas
when factors such as climate, landscape and watershed permit. A
regeneration area can become a permanent zone of any type.
Area in hectares of the proposed functional zones of the
targeted conservation units

ZONES 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL

TOTAL 11666 30% 4511 12% 11146 29% 9813 26% 1165 3% 38301 100%

1 = Le Borgne; 2 = Mornes du Haut du Cap; 3 = La Citadelle;

4 = Tete Source Grande Riviere du Nord: 5 = Bassin Zim.

A = Agriculture; G =Agroforestry; F = Forestry; C = Core;

S = Special uses; T =Touristic/Recreational

Organizationof the Henry Christophe Biosphere Reserve

In the Third World, many projects do not succeed because of a
ill-adapted organizational structure. The foundation of an or-
ganization is very complex. There are many factors that affect
organizational effectiveness. These are: 1) the mission of the
project, 2) the environment in which the project will evolve, 3) the
type of business and the technology used and 4) the size. In
establishing the Henry Chistophe Biosphere Reserve Project,
these components should be taken into consideration. In the Third World, many
projects fail because of
ill-adapted organization-
1) The mission of the project al structures. Factors af-
fecting organizational
The mission of the project is the conservation and management effectiveness must be
of natural resources in northern Haiti. It is an interdisciplinary taken into consideration
project that will integrate several specialities, thus severaltypes of in order to insure project
technology, and the local population in a unique environment. success.

2) The environment
The Henry Chrisptohe Biosphere Reserve will evolve in an en-
vironment with serious administrative problems. Some changes
should be made in establishing the project to adapt it to the reality
of Haiti. The proposed project is located in northern Haiti, far
from the centers of public administrations and decision making


ministers in Port-au-Prince. Communicationsare difficult;resour-
ces are limited. It will also involve four types of services (agricul-
ture, forestry, tourism, research), which are located in different
ministries or departments (with different structures).

3) 'Qpes of business and technology used

The organization will offer to a small market (local population)
a service. The technology is non-standardized (craft technology)
because of the unique biological environment and the multiple
disciplines required in this conservation strategy.

4) The size of the organization

It will be considered as a large size organization by Haitian

standards. Many small business in Haiti employ five to ten people.
This project will have more than 50 permanent technicians and

Different ElementsInvolved in the Henry Christophe

Biosphere Reserve Project,
The main issue in developing the project are the factors necces-
sary for the project to succeed. Some factors which must be taken
into considerationare the perception of the population toward the
project, the ownership of the resources on which the project will
work, and the complexityof the relationships betweenthe different
organizations on site. These concerns are addressed below.

Care should be taken to

Perception of the local population toward the project
insure that the local Care should be taken to insure that the local population retains
population feels that the a positive attitude toward the project. The community should feel
project is helping to im- that the project is helping their members in improvingtheir quality
prove the quality of life. of life. A focus on saving animals will not succeed if the local
people believe that the animals are better treated than they are.
Therefore, the project should bring education, adaptive technol-
ogy, training, and work. This is one of the reasons why agriculture,
agroforestryand development of special skills are emphasized in
the conservation program.
Ownership of the resources
Ownership is currently divided between the private and the
public sector. Resources include water, coasts, flora and fauna,
historic monuments, scenic sites, and land. All the resources,
mineral water sources,and undergroundwater are the property of
the State by the Decree of October 10,1974,and communique of
DARNDR (currently, the Departement de 17Agriculture,des Res-
sourses Naturelleset du Developpement Rural)of March 18,1979.
Laws regarding the protection of the flora and fauna, although not
clear in terms of property rights, acknowledge the state's right and
concern for these renewable natural resources (Decree-Law of
November 1941, Law of March lst, 1944, Decree-Law of June 27,
1947). Part of the land is exclusively owned by the state by the law
of July 26, 1927, which divides the public land into public and
private domains (Erlich et al., 1985).
The ownership and diversity of the resources of the area lead to
the important aspects of responsibility and authority, division of
activities and specialization. The management and conservation
of the resourcesdemand an understandingof these factors,in order
to coordinate these activities under an successful management

Complexity of Relationships
It is important to consider the relationship of the biosphere
reserve organization to other institutions in the country and with
the government of Haiti. This concern is especially important
because ownership of the resources is poorly understood, and
technicians are underpaid and at times undermotivated. In fields
like conservation, agriculture, and forestry in Haiti, the main
supplier of technicians is the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural
Resourcesand Environmental Protection(MARNPE). Each year, Resources of the area
the college of Agriculture (Faculte d7Agronomieet de Medecine include water, coasts,
Veterinaire) of Haiti graduates 20 to 25 agronomists. All of them flora and fauna, historic
will be appointed by the Ministry of Agriculture to different ser- monuments, scenic
vices such as food crops, animal production, soil conservation, sites, and land.
forestry, environmental protection,fisheries, and extension.
Many institutions have been working for years in the biosphere
reserve region and have acquired a great deal of experience in the
field. It is important to establish a link between many of these
institutions (see following diagram) and the biosphere reserve
project in order to avoid repeating mistakes, and more importantly
to increase the chancesof success and the acceptance of the project
within Haiti.
Institutions working in natural resources and agriculture in
northern Haiti.

Institution working in Northern Haiti Field

*Food and Agriculture Agroforestry

Organization (FAO) Soil conservation
*PanamericanDevelopment Agroforestry
Foundation (PADF)
* Ministere de I'Agriculture, Agriculture
des Ressources Naturelles Soil conservation
et de la Protection de Extension
1'Environement (MARNPE) Forestry
*Institut de Sauvegarde Conservation of
du Patrimoine National Historic monuments
United Nations (ISPAN/UN) Archeology
*OfficeNational du Tourisme Site selection
Public relations
*Universite du Roi Christophe Education
*Universityof Florida Archeology
Royal Caribbean Touristic development

N.B. Institutions preceded by an asterix should be associated

with the project.

Many institutions in Haiti

havebeen working inthe Activities involved in the project
biosphere reserve
reaion and have ac- The management scheme for the Henry Christophe Biosphere
q$ed a great dealof ex- Reserve must be interdisciplinaryin approach in order to success-
perience in the field. fully integrate projects concerned with "production," "conserva-
tion," and "research." The organizational structure for the
biosphere reserve should use a model integrates the various dis-
ciplines in order to achieve the goals of the biosphere reserve.
Tourism, agriculture, forestry, development of artisanal activities
are direct ways of generating cash, whereas conservation and re-
search will increase income indirectly.
The different activitieswhich should be involved in the biosphere
reserve follow:
1. Agriculture. The principal task is to develop agricultural
production in appropriate areas utilizing appropriate technology
in order to increase the yield per unit, and therefore to generate
more cash to the peasant.
2. Agroforestry. This division will produce fruit tree crops, fuel-
wood, and cash crops such as cacao and coffee. It will generate
increased cash while the vegetation is protecting the soil.
3. Forestry. The task of this unit is to restore the landscape with
appropriate tree species for future use. It is an independent unit
which would interact closely with agriculturevia agroforestry. This
division will also be in charge of processing and marketing the
products in order to maximize the income of the local people.
4. Special skills program. This program's objective is to develop
artisanal and small enterprises. It will develop skills such as arts
and crafts, shoemakers, tailors,bakers, food processorsusing local
resources as much as possible. It will also be responsible for
channeling the final products and regulating prices in order to
benefit buyers and sellers.
5. Tourism. The task of this division is to provide access and
facilities, and to develop touristic activities in the area.
6. Protection of the monuments. This unit is in charge of the
protection and conservation of the national monuments and his-
toric sites.
7. Natural resource conservation. The task of this division is to Management of the
preserve and conserve the natural resources of the area for future Henry Christophe Bio-
use. It is involved in the restoration of degraded sites in an attempt sphere Reserve must be
to rebuild the natural aspects of the area. It will work closely with interdisciplinaryin order
the forestry unit by using available and satisfactory technologies to fully integrate projects
and skills. concernedwith "produc-
8. Research. The local university (Universitedu Roi Christophe) tion," "conservation,"
of the biosphere reserveregion will be in charge of this aspect. The and "research."
unit will be the contact for internationaland national exchange. As
with other disciplines, it will be on site to coordinate research
activities. These activities can be performed only by human
resources: the employes and staff of Universite du Roi Christophe,
Universite d'Etat &Haiti, or others.
The members of the project
Members of the project (directors of divisions, technicians,
workers, and other employees) are the building blocks of the
organization. Technology, liaison, productivity and conservation
cannot be implementedwithout them. They are a significantfactor
in the organization's effectiveness. The project's success depends
directly on their performance. Some determinants of individual
performance and of group performance must be considered in
order to develop a successful organizational structure from among
the proposed alternatives.

Determinants of individual performance

It takes many elements to achieve the goals of an organization.
The institution should encourage its members to reach the stand-
ards of performance necessary to accomplish their work by under-
standing factors that influence performance such as motivation,
satisfaction,and ability. Performance is influenced by the resour-
ces allocated and the effectiveness of the organizational system
(plan and administrativestructure).
Motivation is one of the most important factorsinfluencingper-
formance in any organization. Many studies of management tech-
niques stress the fact that individual workers need to feel that they
are being treated fairly and equitably by the organization. One of
the most important factors in the attitudes of the workers is the
feeling that they are receiving a good wage, and that they are being
Workers must feel that paid fairly in comparison to others. The project could learn from
they are receiving a other projects by conducting job satisfaction surveys. It is ques-
good wage, and that tionable whetherjob satisfactionalways leads to high performance.
they are being paid fairly However, dissatisfaction is directly related to absenteeism and
in cdmparisonto others. turnover, and therefore, to low performance.
In addition, they must
have adequate physical
facilities, equipment, Resources and Organizational Systems
and support in order to
execute their work well. In addition to understanding the individual, it is important that
the organizationprovide its employees and associateswith physical
facilities, space, equipment, and the support system necessary to
execute their workwell. The type of organizationalstructure is also
important in order to allow leadership,communication, participa-
tive decision making, and interpersonal exchange within the in-
Proposed organizational structures and possible
Four models are presented in the literature on how to develop
organizations: the mechanical, organic, craft, and mechanical-or-
ganic models. The mechanical model refers to rigid structures
(bureaucracy) where standardized technology is used. The organic
form or professional organization is suitable when the system of
production is non-standardized and requires high levels of skills.
The craft pattern meets local needs when products or services are
produced in small quantity. Finally, the mechanical-organicmodel
suits research and mass production (Hage and Finsterbuch, 1987).
The proposed biosphere reserve project involves non-stand-
ardized technology, and a small production and service for a small
market that should meet local needs. The desirable model should
be a flexible structure which will allow technicians and researchers
to perform, and which will be adapted to the local environment.
Thus an organic-craft organization model should be the most
appropriate model to follow in developing a plan for the Henry
Christophe Biosphere Reserve Project.
Some problems will be encountered during the development of
the project due to its multi-disciplinary aspect. Examplesof these
problems are: 1) overlapping institutional responsibilitiesin Haiti,
leading to problems such as the conflict that emerged during the
development of national parks Pic Macaya and La Visite between
the Division of Natural Resources of the Ministry of Agriculture
and ISPAN; and 2) the traditional centralized structure of the
public administration in Haiti, a structure that is not recommended
for new organizations (Hage and Finsterbush, 1-7). T h e p r o p o s e d bio-
The proposed organizational stuctures were selected because of sphere reserve project
their overall importance to the biosphere reserve. The suggested involves n o n - s t a n d -
management strategies of the biosphere reserve includes three ardized technology, as
different structures, thus three alternatives are proposed for the well as s m a l l - s c a l e
administrative organization that will be responsible for coordinat- production and service
ing the activities and interactions among the institutions. Each which is intended t o
administrative plan has its own advantages and disadvantages. meet local small-market

Alternative I: ISPAN* Plan

This structure proposes that an existing institution recognized by
the government, the Institut de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine Nation-
al (ISPAN), head the management of the Henry Christophe Bio-
sphere Reserve. ISPAN is now a governmental institution with
authority on national and natural patrimony, yet since its creation
it had been mostly involved in restoration of historic monuments
in collaborationwith UNESCO. This "educational"character puts
it under the trusteeship of the Ministry of National Education
although its mission goes beyond education. By giving to ISPAN
its real mission, conservationof the national patrimony,the institu-
tion is organized in a broader sense and is called ISPAN* to
differentiateit from the ISPAN division already working on monu-
ISPAN* would be a semi-governmental institution. It would
receive its budget from the Ministry of Finance and could also be
funded and receive technical aidand consultationfrom any private,
public, non-governmental voluntary organization. It could also
subcontract with those previously-cited organizations for the pur-
pose of consultation and to execute specificjobs.
In the plan, ISPAN* would be under the trusteeship of the Min-
istry of Finance, since this ministry owns the state land and
whatever monuments or resources exist on state lands. ISPAN*
would house an Outreach Division (ORD), and different function-
al divisions, among them the Division of Restoration and Conser-
vation of Historic Monuments (DIRECHIM), and the Division of
Protection and Conservation of Natural Patrimony (DIPCONAP)

ISPAN* Plan organizationalchart


Marketing I
The Outreach Division (ORD) is the hinge in running the Henry
Christophe BiosphereReserve project. ORD will be in charge of
the coordination, the control and the success of the project. It
would be the most suitable unit to build a system of communica-
tions. With this approach, a complete inventory and network could
be developed which would include the physical system of the
biosphere reserve and document the natural resources. By the
same token, the system would also be in charge of collecting and
channeling the appropriate information to the target function or
institution when needed. This division, located between the
managerial institution and the functional divisions, would permit
a flat organization structure and avoid a long channel for the
distribution of information.
ISPAN* would deal with functional divisions other than
DIRECHIM and DIPCONAP (agriculture,agroforestry, research
etc.). The on-site sections would interact with each other at their
parallel leveld and ORD, which would channel all appropriate
information to the concerned on-site sections.
Advantages. The advantage in this option is that ISPAN*is under
a more dominant ministry, recieves authority, and meets its real
mission. The flat structure of the organization allows easier com-
munication within the system. The coordination,development of
skills, and on-site actions are facilitated within the functional ac-
tivities. Interactions between the functional areas would be
facilitated because of their parallel levels and the experience of
ISPAN in the region. The cost of the project is lower because
ISPAN*will use the serviceof technicians alreadyappointedby the
Haitian Government.
Disadvantages. ISPAN* must coordinate the overall respon-
sibilities. The ORD might require a rigid time pattern for receiving 'The ISPAN* plan would
information from the functional areas. The technicians of the provide for ease of com-
Ministry of Agriculture might not be attracted by the ISPAN*plan. munication. In this plan,
The budget of both ISPAN and MARNPE is small, and salaries
the Outreach Division
might not be alluring for the technicians. The new administration would channel informa-
of ISPAN does not have a history of working in the area of natural tion between managerial
patrimony, and it not clear that ISPAN will continue to work in the and functional divisions.
area of national parks and the conservation of the natural
patrimony of Haiti.

AlternativeII. Land and Environment Plan

A non-governmentaVnon-profitenvironmental institution could
be appointed by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of
Finance with a common agreement to manage the project in the
area. The Ministry of Agriculture would be in charge of all
protected natural areas, forestry, fauna, flora, development of
agriculture and rural development. The Ministry of Finances
would be responsible for the land. The Environmental Institution
would serve as an executive technical agency on site. It would
coordinate the work that would be performed by the various
functional units (below).
Advantages. The advantage of such a structure is that all
authority necessary to manage the system would be delegated by
the two ministries to the agency. The land assigned to the bio-
sphere reserve could be easily surveyed and the core zone physi-
cally delimited. Both contractors would appoint technicians on
their own budget to work on site. This would be ideal if the
Ministry of Agriculture would be allocated the land where the
biosphere reservewould be developed. The Evironrnental Institu-
tion would be dealing with an owner and a manager at the upper
level, and with technicians that belong to other institutions at the
lower level.
Disadvantages. The problem that might be raised is the issue of
"authority." The technicians on site would have more than one
boss, a situation that complicates coordination. The Environmen-
tal Institution would, on the one hand, be dealing with the Land

Land and Environment Plan organizationalchart





1 1

Division of the Ministry of Finances,which needs to receive orders
from an upper level. On the other hand, the agency would have to
deal with many sections of the Ministry of Agriculture: Agricul-
ture, Rural Development,Natural Resources (Forestry,Soil, Con-
servation, Environmental Protection). The organizational
structure would be a "tall" one, which would hinder communica-
tions and flexibilityof the decision making process.

Alternative IE Outreach Plan

In this alternative, an Executive Committee is proposed as the
supervisory agency. The committee would contract with a non-
governmental agency dedicated to the management of natural
resources and protected areas to manage the biosphere reserve
system. The Executive Committeewould be formed by delegated
members of two ministries and three non-governmental agencies
committed to public well-being @age 162j. The government
members would be in part from the Ministry of Finance (Land
Division) and Ministry of Agriculture (Natural Resources
Division). The members of the non-governmental sector would
be: one representative from a local university, a local church
member, and a member of the tourism industry. The members of
the committee would meet three times a year, and at other ap-
propriate times, at the request of the non-governmental Agency.
The agency would send periodic reports to the committee mem-
bers of the Executive Committee.
The Outreach Plan or-
The non-governmentalagencywould work on site and be respon- ganizational structure
sible for all of the functional activities of the project, and would proposes an Executive
coordinate activities. This agency would also have a management Committee as the super-
information system (Outreach Program) that would be similar to visory agency. The
extension Programs at American Land Grant Universities and committee would be
Colleges. This "Outreach Program" would create a data base comprised of repre-
which would make information available to all individuals and sentatives of
institutions associated with the biosphere reserve project. governmental and non-
govenmental agencies.
Advantages. The advantage of this structure is that the agency
would work in close collaborationwith both the governmental and
the private sectors. Authority and higher level of control of the
biosphere reservewould be delegated to the agency. The structure
of the organizationis "flat,"which facilitates communication.
Disadvantages. The disadvantage of such a structure is that the
agency, in using the government technicians,will have to give them
compensation (shelter on site, fees, stipend). This will increase the
cost to the agency to get the job done properly.
Outreach Plan organizationalchart

- - - -



Integrated ten-yearplan for the Henry Christophe

Biosphere Reserve
The Integratedten-year plan forthe Henry Christophe Biosphere
Reserve is divided in the following topics: 1)Administration and
management; 2) Conservation; 3) Agricultural production; 4)
Agroforestry; 5) Forestry; 6) Special skillsdevelopment program;
7) Tourism; 8) Maintenance; 9) Research and Education. This
plan is divided into two five-year phases. Phase I is designed for
implementation, preservation of the core areas, regeneration of
the needed zones, and improvement of agricultural and
agroforestry techniques. Progress will be evaluated annually.
Phase I1 is the production phase. Agriculture, agroforestry,
tourism, and the stabilization of the core and regenerated zones
will become fully operational.
Integrated management plan
The major features of the plan for the Biosphere Reserve Henry
Christophe, and the recommanded time frame are proposed as

Phase I
Year 1. Establishment of the Henry Christophe
Biosphere Reserve.
This initial phase involves the establishmentof a structure for the
administration and management of the project. The project re-
quires a flexible structure because of its complexity (multi-discipli-
nary aspect) and its newness. For this the Outreach Program will
be most suitable. Each ministry and agency will designate a
delegate to meet with the Environmental Institution. The agency
will apply the "craft-organicmodel" of organization at the higher
level. At the lower level,by group decisionmaking, each discipline
would choose what structure is most suitable for field work.
At this stage, topics of priority and their associated task descrip-
tions would be designed with feasible and accessible goals. Two
types of employees would be employed: 1) full-time permanent
staff, and 2) temporary technicians, researchers, consultants, and
workers (see following table). Public relations, inventory, and
research (socioeconomicstudies, soil analyses, marketing product
and their channels), andlegislation shouldbe initiated at this stage.
Headquarters should be established in each unit for the tech-
nicians. At the end of the first year, an evaluation should be
undertaken and discussed with both the executive committee and
the environmentalagency.
The technicians needed would come from the agency,the Univer-
site du Roi Christophe, and the public and private sectors. Evaluations of ac-
complishments and dif-
ficulties will be
Year 2. Reformulation of problems and implementation performed in order to
plan for activities in each
Based on the evaluation of Year 1, the following activities could successive year.
be initiated: agriculture, agroforestry, forestry (nurserywith en-
demic species and regeneration), boundary, surveys, and training
for agents of the core zones. The first steps of monitoring the core
zones can be initiated. Signs can be designed and placed where
necessary. A special skills program can also be developed for
extension agents. At the end of the Year 2, an evaluation should
be undertaken to make projections for Year 3.
Year 3. Reformulation of priorities and production
From the evaluation of the previous year, priorities in forestry,
agriculture and agroforestry should be clear. Facilities, such as
roads, shelters, signs, exhibits can be developed in the touristic
Year 4. Development of education and research
According to the evaluation of Year 3, fields where the need for
education and research have been identifiedwill be addressed. At
the same time, all activities mentioned in the Year 3 program are
still being developed. At the end of the period, an evaluation
should be conducted.

Employee time frame

Function Year

1 Director of project (permanent) ..............................

1 Secretary (permanent) ..............................
1 Socioeconomist (temporary) -- -- .-
1 Biologist (temporary) ------ -- ---
1 Legal consultant (temporary) --
1 ConsultantJartisan(temporary) ---
1 Agronomist (permanent) ..............................
1 Forester (permanent) ..............................
5 Assistant agronomists(permanent) ..............................
5 Assistant foresters (permanent) -------------------------me---

5 Extension agents (permanent) ..............................

At the end of Phase I
5 Students/researchers(permanent) .............................
(years 1-5) evaluation 10 Core zone agents (permanent) ..............................
should analize social
and regional benefits,
and recommendations
should be developed to Year 5. End of Phase I
clarify priorities.
At this time, some products of the agroforestry activities canbe
harvested. Other activities, such as grazing can be initiated. The
evaluation at this level should analyze all of the previous years in
terms of social and regionalbenefits,and recommendationsshould
be developed to clarifypriorities. The personnel mentioned above
will still be on site. One consultant in socioeconomicstudies and
one in biological and conservation studies will be added to this
Phase I1

Year 6. Monitoring of core and forest zones

During this period, all activities are being carried out, with an
emphasis on the priorities stated in the evaluation. Monitoringof
the core and forest zones can be developed.

Year 7 to Year 10. Maintenance and evaluation

Between Year 7 and Year 10, the project would be well estab-
lished and would work to maintain all of the activitiesundertaken
previously. Other activities will be added if necessary, according
to socioeconomic and biological evaluations. The organizational
structure might need changes to take into considerationthe matur-
ing nature of the project, and changing conditions in Haiti.

It is important to realize that not just any conservation strategy
can be applied to Haiti as a blueprint. The Haitian culture,
economic factors, the history of land use and the landscape must
all be taken into considerationin establishinga management plan
for conservation of natural resources in Haiti. A strategy of con-
servation should include two levels: a conservation plan and an
administrative management plan.

Haitian culture,
Conservation Plan: Antilles 2000 Modality economic factors, the
The topography of northern Haiti, and especially the pattern of history of land use and
wind and rainfall, give the region a different climate than the rest the landscape must all
of Haiti, thus differentbiological zones. The landscapeof northern be taken into considera-
Haiti has been subjected to different patterns of land use in the tion in establishing a
past, but because of economic factors and a demographic ex- management plan for
plosion, land not usually suitable for agriculture has been ex- conservation of natural
ploited. Only little patches of natural vegetation in various life resources in Haiti.
zones remain, and eventhey are now threatened. These facts have
been taken into consideration in designing the "Antilles 2000
Modality"for a multi-unitbiosphere reserve, the Henry Christophe
Biosphere Reserve. Our model stresses the conservation of
natural resourcesin "islands"inside a broader area. It also includes
management of the natural resources of areas of special concern
such as a satelite island, a touristic, scenicand historic areas.
This concept offerstwo products to both the decision makers and
to the local population. For the decision makers, it addresses
situations to be exploited, such as tourism and history. It offers to
the local population the insurance of being part of the program of
management and conservation by contributing through the
development of cash generating alternatives (agricultural and
agroforestry practices,arts and crafts, tourism, etc.).
This plan can be expanded to other patches in the northern area
such as Fort-liberte, and the Mornes of Puilboreau. It can also be
applied to other departments in Haiti where additional patches of
natural vegetation can be protected. The Antilles 2000 Modality
should be applied with a flexible administrative managementplan.

Administrative Management Plan.

It is important to implement the conservation strategy with an
effective administration, because the conservation work must be
done by people who are motivated and well-organized in order to
perform well. The plan shouldbe original, tailored to Haiti's needs
and realities. It should also take advantage of every opportunity to
reconcile the perception of decision makers with the conservation
of natural resources and the needs of the local population for a
better future.
The administrave alternative which best fits the need of the
Antilles 2000 Modality is the Outreach Program. It is modeled
after the Eastern Caribbean Natural Area Management
Programme created in the Lesser Antilles (Putney et al., 1982).
The conservation The program works with members of both the private and public
strategy must be imple- sector. The plan provides for greater long-term continuity, be-
mented with an effective cause private techniciansare likely to spend longer periods of time
administration because in their positions than are the ministers. It can operate with any
conservation work must type of government once the agency proves its importance. It also
be done by people who has a better chance of being accepted by the local population
are motivated and well- through the private sector. Because the agency is autonomous, it
organized in order to can hire the best technicians. The Outreach Program facilitates
perform well. research through its extension program, aswas done in the United
States in 1862 with the establishment of Land Grant Colleges and
The flexible characteristic of the Outreach Program will allow
improvement along the course of the project. It could also grow
with the extension of the Antilles 2000 Modality throughout the
country. Because both the Outreach Program and the Antilles
2000 Modality are designed to be responsive to a variety of situa-
tions, they can function hand in hand.
Projections: Implementation of the Antilles 2000plan
versus laissez-faire.
By the year 2000, if the Henry Christophe Biosphere Reserve is
implemented, the vegetation in the units will be compatible with
the respective land uses. The zones will be planted with adequate
vegetation, the watershed will be managed and the local population
will have alternatives for generating cash through tourism, arts and
crafts, agriculture, and agroforestry.
If the biosphere reserve is not implemented, at least in the unit,
the vegetation will be up to 76% incompatible with land uses. This
will lead to more degradation of the mountains in the area, and
more soil erosion. Thus, the poorer people, will have no alterna-
tive other than to move into the small patches of native vegetation
and exploit even steeper slopes. This will result in more loss of
natural patrimony, it will further degrade water, and it will jeop-
ardize human life. It is urgent that conservation measures should
be undertaken to protect the remaining resources. It will not be Action must be taken to
an easy task, but we believe that the Antilles 2000 Modality and the preserve the remaining
Outreach Program together will be one of the most effectiveways natural resources.
to conduct a conservation program in a country like Haiti where Failure to take action will
the political situation is not stable, where the public administration result in further loss of
cannot meet the needs of technicians, and where the budget for natural resources,
conservation is almost non-existent. Conservation must be tied degradation of water,
with economic development for the benefit of both the decision and jeopardy to human
makers and of the local population. In this world where our life.
common greeting is: "What's new?," it is imperative to come up
with new approaches.
Species Recovery Plans
This chapter presents a model "SpeciesRecovery Plans" for four
endangered species in Haiti. The first is for the "living fossil"Giant
Island Shrews of the genus Solenodon. This genus represents the
most endangered, and the most important remaining terrestrial
mammal in Haiti, and is one of the most significant parts of the
natural patrimony of the country. The extinction of Solenodons in
Haiti would not only be a tragedy for Haiti, but a loss of one of the The extinction of
most unusual and important mammals in the world. These animals Solenodons in Haiti
are well known to scientists and natural resource specialistsall over would not only be a
the world. tragedy for Haiti, but a
loss of one of the most
The other species recovery plans are for three species of birds. unusual and important
The Black-capped Petrel nests in the high montane forests of Pic mammals in the world.
Macaya, and along the high steep ridge of the Massif de la Selle.
The species is extinct almost everywhere else in its original range
in the West Indies, so the two populations in Haiti are of enormous
importance. The White-winged Warbler is the rarest and most
endangeredbird in Haiti. This species is found in montane forests.
In a real sense, the White-winged Warbler is an indicator species
for biodiversity in the mountains of Haiti. The HispaniolanWhite-
winged Crossbill is one of the most unusual birds of the Antilles,
and its presence in Haiti is a relict of the last great Ice Age in North
America when the climate was much coo%erand drier iri s a iti, me
species is dependent on large areas of mature pines. Recent
studies indicatethat there may be as few as 500 individuals sun&-
ing on Hispaniola.
The plans are presented here as an examples of how to prepare
Species Recovery Plans. All four species are extremely en-
dangered in Haiti. We recommend that a series of Species
Recovery Plansbe written for the endrtngered and threatened flora
and &tunaof Haiti, Species RecoveryPlans will be amongthe most
important planning documents that Parcs Haiti will have at its
The concept of Species Recovery Plans is discussed in detail in
of Haiti (Woods and Ottenwalder, in press).
The Naiarctl Hi~fg~ry
All Species Recovery Plans follow a standard format, and need to
include very specific inhrmation. There may be some overlap of
information between the discussions in sections of this recovery
plan and the in-depth discussions of birds and mammals in Chap-
ters IV and V of TheNatural Histmy of Southern Haiti (Woods and
Ottenwalder, in press). We have decided to include the Species
Recovery Plans in this volume because Species Recnvery Plans are
going to be so important in developing programs in Iand
stewardship in Haiti.
I h e Massif de La Hnttr. Solenodon Recovery Plan outlines steps
for recover).of Safeno&np~~ru&2xus throughout its historical range
in the Macaya-Duchity region. Fossil evidence suggests that
Solenodon was widely distributed in southwestern Haiti. At
present, rhe future looks bleak for the Massif de ia Fiotte popula-
tion. This speciesis likely doomed to extinctionwithinthe next few
decades due to: 1) axelerded destructiun of the reduced m o u n t
of habitat available; 2) heavy predation from exotic carnivores; 3)
exploitation for food by l Iaitian peasants; 4) increasing reduction
of range and isolation; and 5) a small population size, compound-
ing intrinsic factors in the biology of the species (demographic, Fossil evidence sug-
environmental, and genetic stochasticity). No living populations gests that Solsnodon
are known inside protected areas, nor is a captive colony known to was widely distributed in
exist anywhere. Under the present circumstances, aggravated by southwestern Haiti. At
the lack of programs to protect the species in Haiti and nf educa- present, the future looks
tional campaigns that might tall attention in Haiti to the plight of bleak for the Massif de la
the animal, timely conservatiun action will be required to prevent Hotte population.
The goals for the Massif de La Hotte Solenodon Recovery Plan
are to:
(I) Determine the location of existing populations and their
(2) Establish a wildlife reserve to protect and to secure n viable
population of Massif de La Iiotte Sofenodons, and a portion
of their habitat in the Duchity area; and
(3) Reduce mortality due to predation by humans and by exotic
The generalobjective of this conservationactionplan is to reduce
the status of the Haitian Solenodon from "Endangered" to
'Threatened" within a 15 year period. Lack of available informa-
tion on this secretive nocturnal mammal precludes formulationof
a quantitative recovery level. Therefore, it is suggested that a
comprehensive population survey and ecological study of the
species be conducted prior to defining a recovery level for this
endemic West Indian insectivore.

Solenodons (Marnmalia: Insectivora: Solenodontiche) are en-
demic to the Greater Antilles and are the most ancient repre-
sentatives among the known native mammals of the West Indies.
They are true "living fossils." In their radiation, West Indian insec-
tivores attained two genera and at least 12 species, of which all but
two forms are now extinct. The genus Solenodon,restricted to the
islands of Cuba and Hispaniola, containsthe only extant members
of the group in the region: Solenodon cubanus in Cuba, and S.
paradoxus in Haiti and the Dominican Republic (Hispaniola).
Their surviving populations are relictual in distribution, andhave
been considered threatened for many years. In fact, the
Hispaniolan Solenodonwas considered extinct at the time Verril
(1907) visited Santo Domingo,where he obtained three specimens
after a five month search. Similarly,the Cuban Solenodonwas also
believed extinct (Harper 1945; Crandall, Bridges, 1958) until its
The general objective of rediscovery during the 1970s (Silva Taboada, 1974; Varona, 1974,
this conservation action 1980,1983).
plan is to reduce the
status of the Haitian As early as 1942,the two specieswere already included in the first
Solenodon from "En- inventory of endangered mammals, &tinct and Vanishing m m -
dangered" to mals of the Western Hemisphere, published by the American Com-
"Threatened"within 15 mittee for International Wild Life Protection (Allen 1942).
years. Solenodonparadoxus and S. cubanus have been consistently listed
as endangered by IUCN since 1966 (IUCN Mammal Red Data
Book, 1966-1978;Thornback and Jenkins, 1982). They have been
listed for protection under the United States Department of Fish
and Wildlife's Endangered Species Act (ESA) since 1970 (Estes
and Sessions, 1983, USFWS, 1987).
Solenodon have been considered the rarest and most endangered
of all insectivores (Poduschka, 1977), and both species were in-
cluded by Thornback (1983) among the mammal species with
higher priorities for needed action to prevent their extinction.
More recently, the Cuban and Hispaniolan solenodons were
selected among the 1986 IUCN/Species Survival Commmission's
'Top Twelve" list of endangered animals of the world (IUCNISSC
Species, 1987, lTSES, 1987). For an update of their conservation
status see Ottenwalder (1985,1991).
The Hispaniolan Solenodon (S. paradoxus), have been recently
found to comprise up to three geographic populations throughout
the Dominican Republic and Haiti, as a result of geographic isola-
tion due to island fragmentationand further subspeciation(Otten-
walder 1991).
The results of this study suggest that the population from the
Massif de la Hotte might represent a separate lineage from the
closely-related populations of northern Hispaniola and south-
western Dominican Republic. Furthermore, the population from
La Hotte, southwestern Haiti, is the only known survivingpopula-
tion of Solenodon in Haiti today (Ottenwalder 1991).

In Haiti, Solenodon is generally known with the name "Zagouti"
(most commonly used), but might also be called "Nez Long" (lo-
cally). It is important note that the endemic rodent Plagiodontia
aedium is also known as the Zagouti.
The population from the Massif de La Hotte has been distin-
guished from the other Hispaniolan (and Cuban) populations in
cranial, dental, and post-cranial characteristics (Ottenwalder
1991). According to the measurements analyzed is this study, the
southwestern Haitian population is closely related, but not identi- S o l e n o d o n s are en-
cal, to the slightly smaller populations from southwestern demic to the Greater An-
Dominican Republic, and to the larger populations fromnorthern tilles and are the most
Dominican Republic (North Hispaniola). A detailed description ancient representatives
and comparison of the different Hispaniolan populations will be among the known native
published elsewhere (Ottenwalder, MS). The range of genetic mammals of the West In-
distances separating the three geographic populations, which ap- dies.
pear to occur allopatrically,is yet unknown.
Live individuals of the Haitian population have not been avail-
able for examination and description of external features. How-
ever, overall appearance other than size (i.e., coloration), is
probably similar for all surviving Hispaniolan populations. No
other Hispaniolan mammal, native or introduced, could be con-
fused with, or resembles Solenodon (see photo, page 171).
Solenodons are among the largest members of the Insectivora. In
breeding adults, weights range between 620 and 1,166 grams for
males and females combined. Total length ranges between 470 and
715 rnm. The population from the Massif de La Hotte, which might
represent a different lineage from the other Hispaniolan popula-
tions (Ottenwalder, 1991), and for which no weights and external
measurements are known, is expected to be in the lower range of
mass and body length, closer in proportions to populations from
the southwestern Dominican Republic.
The general form of the body is that of a large shrew--round and
stout. The long tapering snout is quite extended beyond the nasal
bones, and is bare at the tip, with nostrils opening laterally. The
skull is elongated, with a somewhat tubular rostrum. The foreclaws
are well developed, and are part of the animal's burrowing adap-
tations. The eyes are small, the ears are relatively large, but visible
above the pelage. The tail is long and stout, only sparsely haired
and almost naked. Sexes are not be readily distinguished by the
untrained observer. In females, the mammae, a single pair, have
an inguinal position. In males, the penis is retractable and the
testes abdominal.
While the canines are small, the first upper incisor is greatly
enlarged and opposed by the also enlarged second lower incisor.
Thus, the anterior dentition is composed of an enlarged pair of
upper and lower incisors, opposed in forceps-like fashion. These
teeth are separated from the enlarged last premolar and molars by
unicuspid teeth, a feature which is decidedly shrew-like. The
second lower incisor is remarkably specialized in the presence of
a deep and rather broad groove, at the base of which end the ducts
of the large submaxillary glands. The function of this groove is to
conduct toxic saliva into awound on prey, predators, or adversaries.
The body hair is long and coarse dorsally, becoming finer and
slightly crinkled on the sides. The sides of the snout have about a
dozen large vibrissae (measuring up to 70 mm), and shorter, coar-
ser surrounding hairs that are tactile as well. One to three vibrissae
are also present midway between the eye and the mouth, and on
There is little information the midline of the chin below the angle of the mouth. Two types
on the habitat of of hair are readily distinguished on the back: shorter and finer hairs
solenodons in Haiti. are abundant, while longer, coarser hairs are scattered and ar-
ranged in single rows.
Color varies from buff to blackish or reddish; it is usually black
or dark brown on the dorsal surface of the head, while the ventral
surface is buff-colored. A whitish nuchal spot is frequently present.
The black-tipped hairs extend over the mid-dorsal area of the back
to the rump and are intermingled with pale, buff-colored hairs,
giving a grizzled effect. Ventro-laterally from the median line,
there is a transition from black to buff hairs on the sides of the body,
and on the forearms the color varies from a clear buff to a cream
buff. The color on the sides extends ventrally from the abdominal
region to the upper part of the chest where it passes into a deep
ferruginous color, almost chestnut, over the ventral surface of the
throat, upper chest, bases of the forelimbs and dorsallyto the sides
of the neck. The inguinal region is also ferruginous in color.
Individual variation in color patterns are mainly due to variations
in the intensity of the pigments.

Life History
Activity patterns. Solenodons are decidedly nocturnal, and only
occasionally crepuscular or diurnal in activity (Ottenwalder, 1991).
Peasants have reported encountering solenodons at times during
daylight hours.
Habitat. There is little information on the habitat of solenodons
in Haiti. In the Dominican Republic, they are found in limestone
areas with different life zones and plant communities; at elevations
more often between 500-1,500 meters, but ranging from sea level
up to 2,000 meters; usually on steep terrain; and on fine-textured,
well drained, lithic, moderately permeable, and non-flooding soils.
Annual average mean temperature in 15 Solenodon localities
recorded was 24.8' C. Annual average mean rainfall for the same
locality sample was 1520.8 mm (Ottenwalder, 1985). Subtropical
moist forest habitats at mid-elevations characterized by hilly ter-
rain, karst topography or rolling plains, with abundant limestone
outcrops, and discrete soil accumulations are among the most
consistent shared features of Solenodon habitats.
Limestone topography, perhaps the most uniform environmental
element, though not necessarily the best factor to diagnosis
presence if used alone, appears to represent the single most impor- Predation from exotic
tant feature that can be used to predict persistence of populations. mammals, particularly
Among other advantages, limestone formations offer abundant dogs, is one of the
solid shelters that provide effective protection against predators, known major causes of
buffer extreme climatic conditions, and contribute a rich mineral mortality, and therefore,
source for soil invertebrates. for Solenodon decline.
Feeding habits. Solenodons are food generalists and opportunis-
tic predators of the forest floor. They feed on leaflitter and soil
macrofauna, primarily arthropods (includinggroups with chemical
defense mechanisms such as scorpions, centipedes, and
diplopods), land snails, and small terrestrial vertebrates (lizards,
skinks, snakes, frogs, birds) and their eggs.
Predation. Native predators include large Hispaniolan boas
(Epicrates striatus), and perhaps Stygian (Asio s&&s.) and Barn
owls (Tyto alba). Pressure from natural predators is presumably
low and buffered by the security of their burrows, though they
might likely be exposed to predators in foraging trips at early age,
and during subadult dispersal. In contrast, predation from exotic
mammals, particularly dogs, is one of the known major causes of
mortality, and therefore, for their decline. Other introduced car-
nivores suspected to have considerable negative impact on
Solenodon are cats and mongooses.
Behavior. The behavior of Solenodon was described in some
detail by Eisenberg and Gould (1966) using captive animals. Al-
though solenodons are strictly nocturnal in activity, they might
occasionally wander outside of their burrows for brief periods
during daylight hours to defecate, urinate, or scratch. They avoid
bright lights, which might explain why they are only observed above
ground during the day when it is rainy or cloudy. Solenodon digs
burrows under limestone boulders, large trees, dead stumps or
directly into the ground on slopes. They might also take advantage
of existing crevices in large limestone formations or inside hollow
stumps on the ground. Nest chambers and tunnels are intercon-
nected under the ground and leaf-litter, forming in some cases an
extensive and complex burrow system. They are usually found in
family groups of three, or simply the adult pair alone. Solenodons
huddle together during sleep, one crawling over the other. When
alone, a solenodon sleeps on its side curled in a semicircle.
During exploration the animal moves slowly, pausing to assume
an elongated posture with one forepaw raised off the ground, and
sometimes an upright posture with both forefeet off the ground
Solenodons generally while the head is moved in all directions. They move with a slow
flee if disturbed or walk, using a extension limb synchrony, however they can run
startled by a sudden mo- surprisingly fast when disturbed, using a quadrupedal ricochet,
tion or sound. They are, with forelimbs and hindlimbs alternately striking the ground. They
however, out-competed are poor climbers. Cracks and interfaces are sniffed thoroughly,
by the much faster intro- and the long, flexible snout is inserted in all available niches.
duced carnivores, such Known paths are used in a stereotyped fashion. Solenodons
as dogs and cats, generally flee if disturbed or startled by a sudden motion or sound;
against which they have the flight response is in the direction of the borrow. They are,
few defenses. however, out-competed by the much faster introduced carnivores,
such as dogs and cats, against which solenodons have few defenses.
The hind feet are used to scratch almost the entire body, while
the tongue and teeth are used to clean the flanks. Their demand
for water is quite pronounced. In captivity, animals drink exten-
sively after arousal and also after feeding. While searching and
capturing food, the animal moves about with its nose to the ground,
sniffing and poking it into any crack or under any object. If a prey
object is touched with the nose, the animals simultaneously extends
its forepawson either side of the prey while sliding its head forward,
and capturing the prey with its mouth. The forepaws are also used
to dig in the soil and rotten logs. The prey is located by tactile,
olfactory, and auditory stimuli. During foraging, the snout is
moved constantly; its great mobility maximizes the search area as
the animal moves along. In addition to feces and urine marking,
Solenodons have pronounced glandular areas on the ventral, axil-
lar and lateral areas of the body; however,their function in chemi-
cal communication is not yet well understood.
Vocalizations. Solenodons produce a diversity of sounds: chew-
ing sounds, digging sounds, walking-runing sounds, puffs (sharp
exhalation to clear nasal passages), piffs (explosive variation of
"puff' sound),and coughs,which are produced with sudden exhala-
tions through the throat. Five distinct vocalizations have been
identified: a) the "twitter," a sound of uncertain significance, is
produced during situationsof excitement, b) the "chirp" is a single,
forceful note given during defensive postures, c) the "soft squeak"
is repeated in burst of two or three notes during encounters be-
tween familiar animals,d) the "squeal"is a long, high-pitched sound
produced during fights, and e) the "click" is a sharp, high-pitched
sound produced during explorationof a novel area or when initially
encountering a strange animal, and resembles the echolocation
pulses of shrews.
Reproduction. Solenodon exhibit a pattern of very low fecundity.
The breeding season extends throughout the year. The gestation
lasts in excess of 90 days and, as a rule, only one young is born.
Females probably average two litters and two young per year.
Newborns are large, naked, and require extensive parental care.
Sexual maturity is attained between 12-18 months of age. Their
low reproductive output is matched to a rather long life span of up
to 12 years.
Solenodons exhibit a
pattern of very low
Fossil and Historical Information fecundity.As a rule, only
one young is born.
Little is known of the past distribution of Solenodon in Haiti Females probably
(Woods, 1975, 1981, 1986; Ottenwalder, 1985, 1991), probably average two litters and
because the animal was never common or attained high densities. two young per year.
At least some of the museum specimens collected in the 1800sand
early 1900s, labelled as of "Haiti," "Santo Domingo," or
"Hispaniola," must have originated from Haitian territory.
Northern Haiti. Its previous presence in northern Haiti is only
known from a few limb bone fragments found in a Late Pleistocene
caves deposit in SaintFransisque, St. Michel de EAtalaye (FMNH-
VP Collection). In Gonave Island (probably more related
zoogeographically to southern than northern Haiti), its previous
existence is suggersted by a single lower molar collected at a Late
Quaternary cave deposit (FMNH-VP Collection).
SouthernHaiti. It is in southern Haiti where most past and recent
search efforts have taken place, and from where most past records
are known. Fossil, subfossil, and post-Columbian remains have
been recovered from several caves in the Massif de La Hotte and
in La Visite, Massif de La Selle (Woods, 1986,1989b,Ottenwalder,
1991, FMNH-VP Collection). A carcass was reportedly found by
Sanderson (1939) in 1937 near Fonds Parisiens, on the south shore
of the Lake Etang Saumatre. Although a rather marginal habitat
for S.paradoxus, the locality is at the foothills of the northern slopes
of the Massif de La Selle, where Solenodon was known to occur at
higher elevations in the recent past.
Present: (1975-1992)
After searches in the 1970s covering "all regions" of the country,
Solenodonwas considered by Woods (1981) "functionallyextinct in
most of Haiti." There is no data on Solenodon numbers, and no
censuses have ever been conducted. Woods (1982) found it
"widespread in the mountains of southern Haiti," but later es-
timated (Woods, 1983c) that "fewer than 100 individuals survived"
(in the remote mountains of southern Haiti), concluding it was in
imminent danger of becoming extinct. Results of these surveys,
including the fresh remains of about 35 animals, and reports of
observations, indicate that today, the only known survivingpopula-
tion in Haiti is restricted to the northeastern portion of the Massif
de La Hotte, on the southwestern end of the country.
Massif de La Hotte's vestigial population is apparently confined
to a 5-10 mile radius around the town of Duchity (see map, page
195), a region with dense human populations and highly disturbed
After searches in the remaining forest patches, including Catiche and Plaine Martin to
1970s covering all the south, Raymond and Cadet to the southwest, and Deron to the
regions of the country, north. Although no evidence of living populations has been estab-
Solenodon was con- lished in Macaya, the possibility exists that Solenodon, whose
sidered by Woods "func- present-day populations are elsewhere characterized by a frag-
tionally extinct in most of mented distribution (Ottenwalder, 1985) might still persist some-
Haiti." where in the Formon-Macaya area. Solenodon is also apparently
extirpated in the Massif de La Selle. Frequently, people inhabiting
an area with persisting Solenodon populations are unaware of their
existence, even if the area has long been under exploitation for
agriculture and pastoralism. It is also possible that their range in
the Duchity region extends as far north as to the coastal area
between Corail and Pestel.
Causes for Decline
Habitat destruction, predation by dogs and presumably other
exotic predators such as cats and mongooses, and indiscriminate
killing and exploitation for food by man are the primary causes for
the extirpation and decline of Solenodon populations in Haiti.
The situationof Solenodon in the Massif de La Hotte, intrinsically
aggravated by its own relictual condition, is not different. Despite
the isolation of the Duchity area, human populations are high and
depend on traditional agriculture and forest harvest methods.
Here, solenodons are killed and eaten when encountered,both by
people and by feral dogs. Evidence of cooking and cutting blades
is noticeable in the bones of animals examined from that area.
Because of their low densities, exploitationof solenodons for food
in the Duchity area is likely only opportunistic rather than a sus-
tained hunting activity. Hunting methods used by Haitian peasants
include the use of dogs for detectingand capturing animals during
nocturnal activity,the use of smoke in potential burrows during the
day, and more commonly, the killing of the animals by peasants
using with sticks or rocks any time they are seen.

Conservation Efforts
Legislation. In Haiti, Solenodon is not protected by any legisla-
tion, and native mammals are not covered by existing wildlife
regulations. The manatee (Trichechus manatus), the zagouti
(Plagiodontia aedium), and Solenodon were mentioned in a list of
about 50 animal species considered "threatened and in need of
protection in Haiti," prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture
(MARNDR), but this list has not been granted legal consideration.
Furthermore, The Haitian Ministry of Agriculture has suffered
great institutional instability during past administration. As a
result, its role as the government wildlife authority and wildlife
enforcement agency presently appears to be in much disarray. In Haiti, Solenodon is
Despite any well-intention efforts, effective enforcement by the not protected by any
government wildlife office in Haiti is hampered by insufficient legislation, and native
material and human resources, which reflects the poor political mammals are not
support natural resourcemanagementpolicies have in this country. covered by existing
wildlife regulations.
Protected Areas. No living - -populations
- are known inside
protected areas in Haiti. Pic Macaya have been considered one of
the strongholds of Solenodon in Haiti (Woods, 1982~).However,
no extant populations have yet been found inside the current
boundaries of either one of the two existing and/or -proposed
protected areas of southern Hait: National ~a;kPic Macaya, and
National Park La Visite (Woods, 1986). In the Macaya region, the
most likely Solenodon-like habitats have been already devastated
(i.e., Les Platons, 635 meters; Su Bois, 970 meters). To a lesser
extent, the same is true for the Duchity region (i.e., Catiche, Plaine
An impressive list of human disturbances, incompatiblewith the
national park criteria, threatens the integrity of existing habitats
and wildlife inside protected areas in Haiti (Ottenwalder, 1991).
Some fragments of the highland (usuallypine-dominated) vegeta-
tion communitiesare still at a stage of recovery. However, a great
portion of the lower lying broadleaved forest zones, which are of
greatest importance to Solenodon,have been destroyed or altered.
Slash and burn, steep-slope crops farming, fuelwood harvesting,
and free-ranging livestock ranching have cleared the natural
vegetation off mountain slopes. Deliberate burning has damaged
an extensive area of pine forest on the north slopes of Pic Macaya;
several years after the fire, this area shows little signs of regenera-
tion. Continued disturbance hinders the recovery and regenera-
tion of cleared areas. The high elevation habitats left inside the
parks had remained relatively undisturbed until the early 1960s
because of their remoteness and the lack of access roads. How-
ever, several new roads that lead into the Formon Plateau and Des
Barrieres areas are now in use or are under construction fromLes
Platons, Duchity and Beaumont.

Problem Analysis and Recovery Strategies

Successfulrecoveryof Solenodonrequires resolutionof problems
at a number of levels, beginning with their effective detection in
the wild. As often happens in conservation biology and wildlife
management, uncertainty pervades the recovery process but
should not impede it (Soule, 1986). Decision-making can be im-
Successful recovery of proved and uncertainty reduced by modeling the variability sur-
Solenodon requires rounding complex decisions (risk assessment),designing actions as
resolutionof problems at experiments (to identify casual relationships), using available
a number of levels, natural history data (including knowledgeable individuals and ex-
beginning with their ef- tensive literature reviews), identifying cumulative effects of ac-
fective detection in the tivities (Orians et al., 1986),and consideringthe cost-effectiveness
wild. of alternative recovery options. Strategies which offer the most
solid conservation action,sustained stability over time, and lowest
future maintenance cost should be given the highest priority.

Finding and monitoring solenodons

The difficulties of conducting field work in Haiti have been
pointed out by a number of researchers. Adequate planning
should be made in advance to prevent obstacles to the program.
The ongoing University of Florida's Macaya Biosphere Reserve
Project, now continuing with financial assistance from the Mac-
Arthur Foundation, offers an excellent infra-structure for the
development and implementation of the recovery plan.
Some guidelines for conducting Solenocion searches, developed
during surveys conducted in the Dominican Republic between
1973 and 1982, were described by Ottenwalder (1985). These
methods should be utilized and refined. Saturation-extensive
ground-truth surveys are extremely useful during the initial stages
of the search. The use of interviews, in areas suspected or not to
support populationsof solenodons, is fundamental for the surveys
and their contribution should not be underestimated. Reconnais-
sance of every single site from where specimensand confirmed or
unconfirmed reports are known should be carried out. Detailed
observations on vegetation cover, topography, geomorphology,
soil characteristics and limestone features are important.
Looking for rare species such as Solenodon is time consuming,
and although search techniques have improved, low-intensity
methods for verifying their presence have not been developed.
The use of scent attractants and fecal analysis may be useful.
Depending on local densities, trapping with live bait could be
relatively successful. On the other hand, the use of&ih frequency
detectors (receivers) and recording (vocalizations) playback,
might prove feasible. The larger the number of Solenodon popula-
tions discoveredin the Massif de La Hotte, the higher the chances
of gatheringbiological data, and the better the genetic stock. The
latter aspect is especiallyimportant if a healthy founder population
is eventually needed. Habitat destruction has
had an important in-
Monitoring of newly discovered Solenodon populations will be
f luence on Solenodon
extremely important for gathering mortalitydata. Night censuses, endangerment, and one
mark-recapture, forage signs tracking, and radiotelemetry are of the major problems
some of the alternativesbut are also manpower-intensive. Non-in- for the long-term conser-
vasive models to generate foraging tracks population estimates vation of solenodons in
should be attempted. Haiti is habitat vul-
nerability to human dis-
Habitat destructionhas had an important influence on Solenodon
endangerment, and one of the major problems for the long-term
conservation of solenodons in Haiti is habitat vulnerability to
human disturbance. Forest patches with solenodon populations
might be burned, exploited for forest products, and planted by
peasants without warning. This problem has been observed over
a period of 15 years in a number of areas in the Dominican
Republic, including two study sites at the early stages of research
development (Ottenwalder, unpubl.). Protection and research
investments and efforts should be concentrated in areas were
habitat is secure and land use activities can be predicted.
As also shown in these studies,the ecological range of Solenodon
habitats should not be underestimated. Despite the common
belief that Solenodon occurs solely in undisturbed communities,
survey efforts should include an adequate sample of the habitat
types available in the area.
A regional inventory of available and potential Solenodon
habitats is essential. Without a regional inventory,the cumulative
effects of control projects cannotbe known and, therefore, rational
approaches to protecting appropriate habitat cannot be formu-
Although the active search for solenodons in the wild would
improve the prospects for finding and maintaining wild popula-
tions, the allocation of available resources for Solenodon recovery
to locating and protectingsuitable habitat should receive the max-
imum level of priority.

Diseases and parasites

There is no information concerningthe influence of diseases and
parasites on the population ecology of Solenodon. An effort should
be developed to build up our knowledge in this obscure aspect of
their biology. With a population already seriouslyreduced in range
Many extinctions occur and, therefore, presumably also in numbers, the possibility always
because species are exists that catastrophic epizootic diseases could have profound
driven inexorably to effects on isolated wild populations.
lower numbers. At very
low population num-
bers, any one of several Small population size
intrinsic or extrinsic fac-
tors can lead to extinc- Although numbers of Solenodon in the Duchity region are un-
tion. known, available information suggests that their densities are very
low. During a 20-year period, between 1973 and early 1992, a
permanent search effort has yielded the remains of 35 individuals
from Duchity and surrounding areas; that is about 1.8 solenodons
recorded per year. During the same time interval in the same
areas, remains of at least 95 (51year) Hispaniolan Hutias
(Plagiodontia aedium) were secured using identical search
methods and efforts. These data suggest a ratio of almost 3
Plagiodontia for each Solenodon record. E! aedium, the only other
surviving terrestrial mammal in Hispaniola, and one of the most
endangered endemiccapromyid rodents of the West Indies, is also
very rare in the Massif de La Hotte and elsewhere throughout its
range in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Used as an index of
relative abundance, in view of the lack of other data, this informa-
tion indeed suggests very low densities for Solenodon in the
Duchity area.
At very low population numbers, any one of several intrinsic(part
of species biology) or extrinsic (influencedby the external environ-
ment) factors can lead to extinction (Soule and Simberloff, 1986).
These factors include: 1) demographic stochasticity (changes in
fitness or survival of population subgroups); 2) environmental
stochasticity (diseases, changes in predator or competitor den-
sities, too many predators, parasites, or competitors) of which
catastrophes (fire, hurricanes) are one extreme case; and 3) the
effects of inbreeding and the loss of geneticvariation through drift
(genetic stochasticity)(Shaffer, 1981; Soule, 1987).
Many extinctions occur because speciesare driven inexorably to
lower numbers. Populations that can potentially increase in num-
bers or at least have the potential to remain unchanged might not
seem obvious candidates for extinction. But, under the ap-
propriate circumstances, such as small population size, we might
observe local extinctions at least. Available information suggests
that, in Haiti, Solenodon has gone through a number of local
extinctions since the arrival of western men and their dogs, and that
it is now restricted to one region in the Massif de La Hotte, its last
stronghold in the whole country. Furthermore, and as shown Available information
elsewhere, the chance of extinction increases as population sizes suggests that, in Haiti,
decline and as populations become increasingly isolated. Con- Solenodon has gone
sidering both that the species now occupies only a small fraction of through a number of
their former range, and MacArthur and Wilson's (1967) implica- local extinctions since
tions concerning selective forcesacting upon island communities, the arrival of western
several important questionsconcerning the survival of solenodons men and their dogs, and
should be raised: that it is now restrictedto
one region in the Massif
a) How much longer (length of time) will they be able to persist?
de La Hotte, its last
b) How small a population size would be the minimum viable for stronghold in the whole
the species below which it would be doomed? country.
c) Which factors make the species more or less prone to extinc-
Species population responses to stochastic events have been
summarizedas resilience (ability to recover from declines resulting
from random variation in normal birth and death events and
environmental perturbations measured as return time) and fitness
(having appropriate sets ofgenes to maintain normal fecundityand
viability under the prevailing environmental circumstances).
Beyond this, a population's long-term survival potential is related
to its adaptability, or its ability to evolve. The latter two concerns
are determined by the presence of sufficient genetic variation, or
heterozygosity. For Pimm (1991), population responses also in-
volve persistence (the degree to which changes in the density of
one species affects the density of other species measured as time),
and resistance (measure of the demographic consequences when
a variable is permanently changed).
According to Gilpin and Soule (1986), populations must be large
enough to accommodate variations in their demography and en-
vironment that tend to draw them toward extinction in the short
term, as well as large enough to preserve existing heterozygosity
and provide the potential for species evolution. Population sizes
necessary to avoid extinction based on viability analysis of these
causes differ and, therefore, provide a range of management
strategies for solenodon recovery. Recovery could be ac-
complished by managing a single Solenodon population (i.e., Mas-
sif de La Hotte, Haiti) or managing many small S o l e d n
populations (i.e., Haiti plus southwestern and northern Dominican
Republic) as a single "metapopulation" (Levins, 1970). It is
generally agree that populations require an effective size of 500
breeding individuals to retain genetic heterozygosity sufficientfor
evolution (Franklin, 1980; Frankel and Soule, 1981). Ne is the size
of an ideal population that loses genetic diversity at the same rate
as a particular real population. The idealized population is one in
which all individualsmate randomly, each sex have equal numbers,
the number of young produced by individuals are Poisson dis-
tributed, and there are no overlapping generations (Frankel and
Soule, 1981). Departures from Ne are multiplicative, and, as a
In undeveloped result, the censuspopulation (N) usually must be larger to maintain
countries such as Haiti an Ne of a given size.
and the Dominican
Republic, law enforce- Lack of information concerning population size and genetic
ment is poor, and the im- variation for any of the known survivingpopulation of Solenodon
plementation of in the wild, however, prevent estimation of Ne/N ratios, evaluation
conservation programs of genetic variation, and numbers needed for persistence over a
is difficult and, at best, given period of time or modeling time to extinction.
achieved only slowly.
In undeveloped countries such as Haiti and the Dominican
Republic, law enforcement is poor, and the implementation of
conservation programs is difficult and, at best, achieved only slow-
ly. A metapopulation management approach (not to include out-
breeding) would be desirable to maximize retention of genetic
diversity, and to compensate for time lags and ineffective protec-
To ensure immediate survival of the Haitian Solenodon by:
(1) ~ s t a b l i s h i nthe
~ location of existing populations and their
(2) Establishingawildlife reserve to protect and to secure aviable
population of Massif de La Hotte solenodons,and a portion of
their habitat in the Duchity area; and
(3) Reducing mortality due to predation by humans and by exotic
The general objective of the conservationaction plan is to reduce
the status of the Haitian Solenodon from Endangered to
Threatened within a 15year period. Lack of available information
on this secretive nocturnal mammal precludes formulation of a
quantitative recovery level. Therefore, it is suggested that a com-
prehensive population survey and ecological study of the species
be conducted prior to defining a recovery level for this endemic
West Indian insectivore. In the meantime,we suggest that recovery
be defined in terms of:
a) maintenance of a stable or growing wild population of the La
Hotte Solenodon at selected locations during a 5 to 10 year
period (required viable population level to be quantified or
defined later using results from population surveys);
b) acquisition of land containing Solenodon populations for the
creation of a Solenodon protected area;
c) halting the indiscriminate killing and hunting of Solenodon by
peasants using educational methods and existing protective
d) effective control or, if possible, eradication of exotic predators
found to be a threat to Solenodon in selected areas; and
e) development of captive breeding and translocation protocols,
since such strategies will be likely required and necessary in
further stages of the recovery plan.

Stepdown Outline
1. Determine the status and distribution of present populations
and their habitats.
1.1.Update and compile all existing data.
1.2.Carry out surveys to determine the presence or absence of
extant populations.
1.3. Survey known populations to determine distribution and
1.4. Conduct periodic surveys to determine population trends
and/or seasonality.
1.5. Evaluate habitat extent and status.
1.6. Assess additional management strategies from data.
2. Protect and enhance the existing populations and protect and
manage habitats.
2.1. Acquire and protect habitat.
211. Extend the boundaries of existingprotected areas and
acquire additional habitat.
212. Protect habitat.
2.2. Develop educational programs.
2.3.Develop cohesive protection strategies with local jurisdic-
tions, authorities, influential groups and community
2.4. Determine the effects of exotic predators on Solenodon
populations, and reduce or control their numbers inside
the boundaries of protected areas.
2.5. Develop law enforcement activities whenever feasible.
3. Develop research and management programs for Solenodon
populations and habitats.
3.1. Research protocols.
3.2. Determine habitat structure and requirements.
3.3. Determine feeding ecology.
3.4. Determine movements and behavior.
3.5. Determine reproductive ecology.
3.6. Develop a genetic profile of the La Hotte population.
361. Evaluate the genetic diversity and the prognosis for
long-term viability of the La Hotte population.
362. Evaluate the phylogenetic relationships of any addi-
tional Hispaniolan populations.
4. Determine the need and feasibility for the establishment of
captive breeding programs in Haiti and/or elsewhere.
4.1. Develop protocols and a methodology for captive breed-
4.2. Evaluate populations for potential sources of "founders."

Recovery Narrative
1. Determine status of present population and habitat.
It is essential for an effective recovery plan that the status,
distribution and abundance of the population and its habitat
be determined.
1.1. Update and compile all existing data.
Compile all existing historical and recent data, including
published and unpublished observations,interviews with
older peasants, and temporal trends in populationhabitat
1.2. Carry out surveys to determine the presence or absence
of extant populations.
Surveys should be carried out in the Massif de la Hotte to
determine the presence or absence of extant populations.
In particular, a thorough survey of the remainingareaswith
vegetation cover within a 20 kilometer radius of Duchity
should be a priority, and is needed to provide more reliable
information on its distribution. If possible, surveys should
also be conducted in the Massif de la Selle, particularly
Morne d' Enfer, to determine whether Solenodon still
survives or if it has been extirpated in that range.
13. Survey known populations to determine distribution and
A survey of known populations is needed to develop an
estimate of the total La Hotte Solenodon population. Dis-
tribution will be determined by extensive day and night
searches, examination of likely daytime refugia, foraging
tracks, feces, etc., and interviews of peasants living in the
surrounding areas. Methods to estimate population den-
sity should be developed. Solenodons are not caught in
traps easily, so that standard techniques such as capture-
marking-release-recapture studies are not useful. Com-
bined results of all sources of data can be used to estimate
total population, or at least to generate an index of relative
1.4. Conduct periodic surveys to determine population trends
and/or seasonality.
Periodic surveys of the same habitat and study sites are
needed to determine population trends. Increasing num-
bers could yield animals for captive breeding and trans-
location programs. Decreasing numbers would alert
researchers the need to identify and correct adverse cir-
cumstances in the environment.
1.5. Evaluate habitat extent and status.
The integrity of the habitat is crucial to the maintenance
of viable populations. Inventory of the remaining habitat
and assessment of its status is a priority.
1.6. Assess additional management strategies from data.
Analyze available data to determine additional manage-
ment activitieswhich could be beneficial should be imple-
2.Protect and enhance existing populations and protect and
manage habitats.
With only a relictual, isolated population of solenodonsknown
to survive, it is essential that their reduced numbers and
habitats are carefully protected and managed to secure their
continued existence.
2.1. Acquire and protect habitat.
Loss of habitat has been identified as a major factor in the
decline of solenodons. The most important effort in the
recovery of solenodons must be directed at protecting its
habitat. Increasing and maintaining available habitat is
essential to their survival.
211. Extend the boundaries of existing protected areas
and acquire additional habitat.
Establishment of a protected area for the La Hotte
Solenodon should be an essential component for any
long-term conservation strategy aimed at the survival
of the species in Haiti. Acquireonly secure siteswhere
adequate protection can be maintained.
A major program objectiveof the Pic Macaya National
Park and Macaya Biosphere Reserve should be to
expand the current boundaries to include existing
areas of relatively undisturbed forests, to assure that
adequate habitat will be available for watershed
protection, and for the future survival of native plant
communities and wildlife.
With this objective, a corridor of broadleaved forest
fragments should be established between Pic Macaya
and the Duchity-Plaine Martin-Catiche region,to con-
nect the known range of extant Solenodon populations
in the region, and to include potential areas with per-
sisting populations.
Acquisition of additional land in the Duchity-Plaine
Martin-Catiche area, the only region in Haiti known to
support surviving populations, for the purposes of es-
tablishing a Solenodon reserve is a priority of the
recovery plan.
The establishment of a "SolenodonWildlife Reserve"is
of critical importance for a) the immediate protection
of present-day surviving populations, b) the preserva-
tion and restoration of a portion of the last samples of
natural habitat remaining with existing populations,
and c) for the long-term preservation of adequate and
suitable habitat that would be required for eventual
translocation effortsin the future.
The protected area should be selected on three basic
criteria: on the confirmed existence of populations, on
habitat requirements, and the degree of threat of
destruction from development. Detailed information
on the habitat in Haiti is lacking. Instead, the best
available knowledge of what represents "optimal
Solenodon habitat,"should be adopted. Upon selec-
tion of potential areas, a list of public and privately
owned lands in acquisition priority order should be
developed to assure effective utilization of land ac-
quisition funds. Securing large blocks of land is
preferred. Smaller tracts would be of marginal value
if surroundingareas were developed in the future. To
improve habitat quality and to simplify management
and enforcement of widely dispersed land, emphasis
should be on purchasing, or trading for, small isolated
tracts of land-habitat adjacent to larger parts of the
intended reserve.
Ideally, an autonomous government institution should
be responsible for the management and administration
of the reserve and the other protected areas of Haiti.
The development of local conservation groups should
be anintrinsic part of the development of the protected
area itself. Involvement of local community leaders in
this role would be highly desirable. The participation
of local NGO's in the process of conservation and
management of protected areas in Haiti, along with the
government, should be encouraged and strengthened.
212. Protect habitat.
Human disturbances and degradation of habitat are
detrimental to Solenodon and to other wildlife.
Habitat must be protected from these adverse impacts.
A plan emphasizing the preservation of vital habitat
and the reduction of damage to resources by develop-
ment activities must be developed for the Duchity
area. Therefore, its protection would require that all
land practices must be considered in light of their
effect on solenodons and other wildlife. For instance,
soil quality (an important factor of the habitat because
of the feeding and burrowing habits of Solenodon), is
being reduced as a result of soil compaction caused by
grazing livestock.
The acquired (reserve) land would be the only
protected area for Solenodon in Haiti and should be
maintained as such. Public access should be limited as
to minimize disturbance to habitat and wildlife. Con-
stant supervision should be required to accomplish this
task. The erection of fences along the perimeter would
be a critical factor to identify boundaries and to delimit
the extent of the area being protected, as well as a
deterrent to trespassing by peasants and livestock.
Signs in Creole should be posted extensively along the
perimeter to inform the public about the function and
purposes of the reserve.
A fire management plan should be developed for the
core vegetated zones in anticipation of an emergency
due to natural, vandalic, or accidental causes.
22.Develop educational programs
Within the known range of Solenodon in the Duchity area,
a reflex response to sightingof an animal is to kill and often
eat it. Educational programs are needed among the rural
population in selected areas within the range of Solenodon.
The campaign should include schools, broadcast media,
appearances at public service meetings, and posters.
The public should be made aware of the harmless nature
and endangered status of Solenodon. A series of inforrna-
tiodeducation efforts acquainting the public with the ap-
pearance of the animal, its habits, and endangered status
would result in reduced human-induced mortality and in-
creased reporting of incidental encounters. For instance,
the campaign should illustrate and demonstrate the fact
that solenodons do not eat "malanga"and other "viande"in
their gardens, but rather eat the "bugs" that plague the
viande. The campaign should emphasize, promote and
project a positive image of Solenodon.
23.Develop cohesive protectionstrategieswith local jurisdic-
tions, authorities, influential groups and community
In the jurisdictions involved, a cohesive recovery plan ef-
fort should be coordinated and developed locally with
government delegates, church representatives and com-
munity leaders.
2.4. Determine the effects of exotic predators on solenodons,
and reduce and/or control their threats inside the boun-
daries of protected areas.
Information concerning Solenodon-predator interactions
is needed. Threats from introduced mammalian predators
should be analyzed and determined. Populations of ex-
otics should be controlled or eliminated inside protected
areas supporting Solenodon populations.
241. The influence of mongooses, feral dogs and cats on
Solenodon populations and their habitats should be
determined by establishing predator-free control
zones in areas presently occupied by these exotics.
242. Control programs, to reduce or eradicate feral dogs,
cats and mongooses, as necessaryand feasible, should
be developed using grids of live traps and other ap-
propriate, Solenodon-safe methods. These areas
should be fenced and monitored to insure continued
absence of these predators.
2.5 Develop law enforcement activities whenever feasible.

It is essential that known causes of mortality are minimized

to prevent further reduction of populationsize, and there-
fore, decrease the chances of relatively short-term extinc-
tion. ExistingSolenodon populationsneed to be protected
from indiscriminate killing and subsistence hunting. Any
form of human disturbance, to the animal or to their
habitat, should be prevented by protective legislation and
active enforcement of these regulations.
Provided with a strong public relations component, enfor-
cement of protective legislation inside protected areas
should be carried out by wardens of the Haitian park
service [Parcs Haiti?], with the assistance of local
authorities. "Preventive enforcement" might be the best
strategy considering the weakness of the local justice in-
frastructureand a lack of a tradition of wildlife stewardship
in the region. Relationships of protected area staff with
police and army militias should be cordial enough, though
not excessive, to prevent involvement or association of the
protected area with changing administrations in Port-au-
Prince, which has been a significant problem in the last six
3. Develop research and management programs for Solenodon
populations and habitats.
Basic natural history information on the Massif de La Hotte
Solenodon and its habitat is lacking and is needed for effective
3.1. Research protocols.
Their endangered statusimposes constraintson the choice
of research techniques available to gather ecological data.
The use of traumatic and invasive methods should not be
attempted unless expertise in its application is available.
A protocol should be develop for all procedures requiring
the trapping, capture, handling, and tranquilization of
Whenever possible, salvaged dog and/or human-kills
should be immediately preserved as whole (anatomical)
specimens in 100% ethanol, for further examination of
reproductive condition, analysis of stomach contents,
parasites, diseases, and other post mortem evaluations.
Preservation of body tissues would also prove useful for
genetic studies.
3.2. Determine habitat structure and requirements.
Habitat descriptions, and habitat selectionand use, should
be determined by intensive quantitative studies of areas
supporting seemingly moderate and "high (or higher)
populations of Solenodon.
33. Determine feeding ecology.
Feeding ecology and prey species shouldbe determined by
several methods, including fecal analysis, quantification of
relative abundance and seasonal availability of potential
prey, inventory of soil macrofauna (both vertebrates and
invertebrates), and, if feasible, direct observation using
night vision devices.
3.4. Determine movements and behavior.
Home range, daily movements patterns, and general ac-
tivity and behavior should be determined by
radiotelemetry and observation of marked animals.
3.5. Determine reproductiveecology.
Reproductiveecology should be investigatedby examining
of free-living animals to determine seasonal presence and
habitat preference of pregnant females in the population,
supplemented by observations recorded under captive
3.6. Develop a genetic profile of the La Hotte population.
Because of the crucial implicationsfor conservation biol-
ogy and management, an investigation of the genetic
variability of the Solenodon population in the Massif de la
Hotte is a priority.
361. Evaluate genetic diversity and prognosis for long-
term viability of La Hotte population.

Genetic variability of La Hotte population should be

assessed using blood, tissue, and saliva electrophoretic
evaluations and other techniques.
362. Evaluate phylogenetic relationships of additional
Hispaniolan population.
Similar analyses of other Hispaniolan populations of
Solenodon should also be carried out for comparative
purposes, to evaluate the amount of genetic (and
geographic) variation among and between the Massif
de la Hotte, the Barahona Peninsula and the Northern
Hispaniola populations. The use of restriction-site
variation techniques using high-molecular DNA
would be desirable for this assessment. Restriction-
site data would be also useful to investigate the
phylogenetic relationships of the Solenodontidae
within the Insectivora.
4. Determineneeds and feasibility for the establishment of captive
breeding programs in Haiti and/or elsewhere.
Present numbers in the wild are likely very low. Should the
population become suddenly affected by stochastic events,
population size might drop to critical levels. Hurricanes, for
instance, are frequent in Hispaniola, and 90% of them occur
in the south coast, where the Massif de La Hotte is located.
Considering the low productivity of Solenodon (under
hypothetically ideal conditions, a maximum 18-20 offpr-
inglfemale in a lifetime, assuming two young per year during
9-10 years, and removing mortality due to parasites, diseases
and predators), chances for recovery to viable levels would
take a long time. It would be successful only if not aggravated
by the effects of the "bottleneck"caused by such low population
numbers, or subjected to some environmental catastrophe
such as a hurricane or major forest fire. Long-term success
would require a successful maintenance program for the
resulting "founder" population. Captive breeding programs
should be planned carefullyinview of the slowgrowth and poor
adaptability of solenodons to captive conditions. Zoological
parks or other institutions with the required infrastructure to
develop a successful captive breeding program are lacking in
Haiti. Potential recipients of animals for captive propagation
should be found elsewhere, at least during the initial stages of
the development of the captive breeding program.
4.1. Develop protocols and methodology for captive breeding.
Until now, all past efforts to establish viable populations
of Solenodon in captivity have failed. Mortality has been
high and only one captive-bred young has ever been
recorded. Techniques and protocols for captive propaga-
tion should be developed as soon as possible.
4.2. Evaluate populations and sites for potential sources of
Potential sources of the founder population needed for
captive propagation should be identified using the infor-
mation gathered from habitat and population surveys.

Threats to Solenodon population and their habitats in the

Duchity region, Massif de La Hotte

1 Habitat loss
Shifting cultivation
Plantation agriculture
Soil erosion
Charcoal production
Livestock grazing
Unplanned colonization
Unlawful logging
River and dam impoundment
Commercial logging
Competition for food
Diseases and parasites (possible)
Human predation
Unlawful capture and killing
Subsistence hunting


Map showing present range of Solenodon in Haiti


The Blrtck-capped petrel, Pterodrorna h i f a f a ,is the only gadfly

petrel known to breed in the CVest Indies. It was formerly
widespread in the region, breeding in the mountains of Jamaica,
Guadeloupe, and Dominica but is now restricted to the highlands
of Hispaniola and Cuba. The Jamaica Petrel, generally eonsidered
a melanistic race of R !zmitafaand last known to breed in Jamaica
in 1894 is now thought to be extinct, in Hispaniola breeding
f ha Black-cappedPetrel cottmies are known in H a i t i in Massif de La Se jtle and Massif de L,a
was formerly wide- Hotte, and in the Dominican Republic in Loma de Toro, Sierra de
spread in the West In- Baoruco; (Bond, 1982), whereas in eastern Cuba, a breeding
dies, but is now colony has been reported from Monte la Bruja, an inaccessible site,
restricted to the high- between Uvero and Ocujal, on the southern coastal sfopesof Sierra
lands of Hispaniola and Maestra (Bond, 1978;Carrido, 1985),where four specimens were
Cuba. collected.
Today, R hu~itatais believed extirpated in Jamaica, Guadeloupe,
and Dominica (and perhaps also in Martinique). Following its
decline in the Lesser Antilles, the Black-capped petrel was once
thought to be extinct (Bent, 1922) before the discovery of yet
unknown breeding olonies in Hispaniola. it is listed as threatened
throughout its range by ICBP (King, 1978-79;Collar 2nd Andrew,
1988), and is considered locally endangered in IIairi (Wingate,
1964; Woods and Ottenwalder, 19861, the Dominican Republic
(Ottenwalder, 1978; Ottenwalder and Vargas, 1978; Stockton de
Dod, 1987),and Cuba (Garrido, 1985). Mountfort (1988) included
it among the rare bird species of the world. In Haiti, the peasants
call the petrel "Chat Huant," a name they also utilize to refer to
owls and goatsuckers.
Like the three Western North Atlantic petrel populations
(Hispaniolan-Cuban petrel, Jamaican petrel, and Bermuda
petrel), the two closest petrel populations from the tropical Pacific
Ocean have experienced population declines related to human
activities: the Galapagos Dark-rumped petrel (R phaeopygia
phaeopygia), and the Hawaiian Dark-rumped petrel (Rphueopygia
The Black-capped petrel, also known as Diablotin and/or West
Indian petrel, ranges at sea in the Caribbean and Western North
Atlantic from about 36-N (Tropic of Cancer) south to seas off
eastern Brazil, rarely to the Atlantic coast of North America from
Maine to Florida, although regular off North Carolina (AOU,
1983). The pelagic distribution of the species largely follows the
Gulf Stream off the eastern United States (Haney, 1987),overlap-
ping in range with the closely related and also endangered Ber-
muda Petrel (R cahow).

The extant Black-capped petrel populations from Hispaniolaand
Cuba are currently regarded as Pterodrom hasitata hasitata
(AOU, 1983; Imber, 1985). The possible extinct, dark form that
bred on Jamaica (Pterodrom hasitata caribbaea) has been
regarded by some to represent a distinct species, the Jamaican
Petrel (Pterodrorna caribbaea). f?hasitata and R cahow constitute
a superspecies (AOU 1983), but are sometimes considered con-
specific (Palmer, 1962). In a recent taxonomic review of
Pterodroma,Imber (1985)confirmedhasitata and cahow as distinct Today the Black-capped
species. Petrel is believed extir-
pated in J a m a i c a ,
Description Guadeloupe and
Dominica (and perhaps
The black-capped petrel is a medium to large petrel about 35-46 also in Martinique).
cm (14-18 in) in length, with a wingspan of approximately 89-102
cm (Harrison, 1983). On the head, the plumage is brownish-black
in the cap, eye and nape, with the hindneck and remaining parts
white. The upperparts are mostly brownish, shading to blackish on
the lower back; with white on the rump and upper tail-covers
forming a prominent broad band over the base of the tail. The tail
is brownish-black. The underparts are mostly white except for a
narrow dark collar on the sides of the breast (extending from the
mantle), and blackish feather tips on thighs. The upper wing is
brownish-black, with the primaries and secondariesbeing slightly
darker. The underwing is mainly white, with irregular blackish
margins, tip and short diagonal bar of variable width and length
extending inwards across coverts. The bill is black, the iris black-
ish-brown, the legs and feet are whitish-flesh, and the webs distally
black. In its "dark phase," and apart from the white at the base of
the tail, it is entirely dusky. The white upper tail covers are an
excellent field mark for identification. Sexes alike. Juveniles and
adults alike.
Black-capped petrels can be distinguished from two similar
species that occur within its range (Harrison, 1983). Individualsof
R husitata in typical plumage are easily separated from Bermuda
Petrels (R cahow) by the white hindcollarand the broad white band
over the rump. Great Shearwaters (Pufinus p i s ) have superfi-
cial resemblance to R husitata, but differ in distinctly different
flight and jizz; less white on hindneck and rump; longer, more
slender bill; upper parts coloration; and, if present, a diagnostic
dark smudge on belly.

Historical Range
A specimen believed to have been collected about 1835 in Haiti
(specific locality unknown) represents the earliest confirmed
report known of the species from Hispaniola (Wetmore and
Swales, 1931). However, an account given by Moreau de Saint-
Mery concerning an unknown bird recorded by three frenchmen
in Pic la Selle on February 1, 1788 ["hollow cries heard from eight
In the Massif de la Hotte, in the evening to one in the morning", and "feathers resembling
where petrel colonies those of a swan"], interpreted by Wetmore and Swales (1931) to
were unknown, a breed- refer to Tyto ostologa, may actually represent R husitata (Bond,
ing colony was dis- 1987). Rabie's painting of the Diablotin, dated 1778 and labelled
covered on the "Au Cap" [ = Cap-Haitien], suggests that the species may have
south-facing cliffs of Pic ranged as far as the north coast during the last century, and perhaps
Macaya, and a second that colonies may have existed in the coastal slopes of the Massif
possible colony was dis- du Nord mountains. The 100 birds observed plus the 5 captured
covered on the in 1928 in Moca, Dominican Republic, (Moltoni, 1929; Wetmore
northwest face of Pic and Swales, 1931;Wetmore, 1932,1939)give additional support to
Formon. the possibility that Black-capped petrels occurred in coastal north
Hispaniola until the recent past.
The first confirmed record from Haiti consisted of a fledging
captured in 1938on the streets of Port-au-Prince(Wetmore, 1939).
Between 1951and 1961, collection of five additional petrels in or
near Port-au-Prince, and one from Foret de Pins near Mont des
Commissaires, in the Massif de la Selle, lead to the discoveryof 11
breeding colonies in that mountain range in 1963(Wingate, 1964).
Eight of the colonies discovered by Wingate were located on the
north, inland slopes of the Massif, to the north of the peaks La
Visite, Cabaio, and Tete Opaque, whereas two were found north of
Pic La Selle and Dubois. One colony was on the south, sea side,
southwest of Casse Dent.

Present Distribution
Little is known about sizes, locations, and seasons of petrel
breeding colonies. Only three of the five Black-capped petrel
colonies discovered by Wingate (1964) in La Visite-Tete Opaque
ridges were found by Woods and Ottenwalder (1986) to be active
during surveys conducted in the winters of 1982 through 1985,one
on Morne La Visite, and two onTete Opaque. They concluded that
there may be fewer colonies of the species in this particular area,
now declared a national park.
In the Massif de la Hotte, where petrel colonies were unknown,
Woods and Ottenwalder (1986) reported a breeding colony on the
south facing cliffs of Pic Macaya above 2,000 meters elevation,and
a second possible colony on the northwest face of Pic Formon.
Earlier efforts to locatepetrel coloniesin La Hotte had failed;C.A.
Woods in the north slope of Pic Macaya in 1975, and D. Wingate
and l? Paryski in the south slopes of Pic Formon in 1982 (Woods
and Ottenwalder, 1986). The new Haitian colonywas locatedwest
of the ridge connecting Pic Formon with Pic Macaya.
The only other colonies known from elsewhere in Hispaniola
were discovered in 1981 in Loma de Toro, Sierra de Baoruco, in
the Dominican Republic, abouthalf a mile from the Haitianborder
near the eastern end of the Massif de la Selle. At this site, nests The only other colonies
were said to be accessible, but none were found (Bond, 1982). known from elsewhere
in Hispaniola were dis-
Off southwestern Hispaniola, Wiley and Ottenwalder (1990) covered in 1981 in Lorna
recorded a small group of Black-capped petrels off northeast of de Toro, Sierra de
Isla Beata on 28 July 1977, five birds off west of Punta Lanza, I. Baoruco, in the
Beata, on 21 October 1978, and three petrels off near Alto Velo Dominican Republic,
Island on 22 October 1978. Fishermen interviewed at that time about half a mile from the
indicated Black-capped petrels nested in the cliffs of Cabo Falso, Haitian border near the
Dominican Republic. The presumed colony at Cabo Falso has not eastern end of the Mas-
been verified, though it may not pertain to this species as the sif de la Selle.
highest elevation in the Cabo Falso area is only 112 meters.

During the past two decades, Black-capped petrels have been
recorded regularly in some offshoreareas of South Carolina,Geor-
gia, and Florida (Lee, 1977; Lee and Booth, 1979) apparently the
petrels' primary non-breedinggrounds (Clapp et al., 1982). These
records, with peak numbers observed in spring and fall when the
species moves from or to breeding colonies, have regarded petrels
as rare but regular summer visitors. Nearly all sightings have been
along the edge of the Gulf Stream, and several along the continen-
tal slope on days the Stream was farther to the east than normal
(Lee and Booth, 1979). These observations have raised questions
concerning the population status of R hasitata, whether or not it
should be considered a threatened species.
In 1936, Wingate (1964) estimated 50 birds at each one of the 11
breeding colonies discovered in the Massif de la Selle. "On
authority of Wetmore (1932)",he assumed in Hispaniola the exist-
ence of 40 colonies with a rough total population estimate of 4,000
Black-capped petrels. However, in the areas surveyed inside the
boundaries of La Visite National Parks, Woods and Ottenwalder
(1986) estimated that the number of petrel colonies may have
declined from five to two. Although the number of birds detected
by vocalizations during these searches was relatively high, the
species is considered under threatened conditions in its breeding

Available information of the breeding habitat of Black-capped
petrels in Haiti have been given primarily by Wingate (1964).
More recently, valuable information about the distribution, habitat
selection, and ecology of the petrels at sea have been known for
the first time through studies by Lee et al. (1977,1979,1981,1984)
and Haney (1986,1987).
Breeding habitat. The nesting habitat of Black-capped petrels in
Haiti is confined to steep, virtually inaccessible areas (Wingate,
1964). All colonies located by Wingate were found on 500 meter-
high-forested cliffs above 1,300 meters altitude; most between
1,500 and 2,000 meters. Proximity to the sea is not essential, and
The nesting habitat of all but one were on the inland side-of cliffs, presumably because of
Black-capped petrels in availability of suitable habitat. Colonies occurred only on
Haiti is confined t o vegetated slopes, and where sufficient soil cover exists for burrow-
steep, virtually inacces- ing; which suggests the need for forested cliffswhere thevegetation
sible areas. functions as stabilizer of boulders, rocks, soil, and humus (Wingate,
1964). Vegetation cover is abundant but not densly closed, allow-
ing enough space for petrels access to the ground.
Feeding grounds. Recent studies indicate that the pelagic dis-
tribution of Black-capped petrel is most influenced by the Gulf
Stream and other warm water masses between 10- and 40-N
latitude (Haney, 1987). The primary marine habitat of the petrel
off North Carolina lies seaward of the continental shelf break (200
meters isobath), an area including, but not limited to, the Gulf
Stream (Lee, 1984). Off Florida, petrels occur over shallower
depths and closer to land than farther north off Georgia and South
Carolina. This pattern has suggestedthat Gulf Streammeandering
and topographically-induced current deflection influence petrel
distribution between Florida and North Carolina. Black-capped
petrels return to the breedingcolonies about November and depart
about May, dispersing to adjacent seas along the western edge of
the Gulf Stream north of Cape Hatteras (Lee and Booth, 1979),
Virginia and Maryland, and S to NE Brazil (Clapp et al., 1982;
Harrison, 1983).
Locally, petrel distribution is influenced by the presence of up-
welling associated with Gulf Stream eddies and the mesas, ridges,
and hills on the Blake Plateau (Haney, 1987). At these locations,
petrels have been primarily observed in or near internal wave
crests resulting from topographicturbulence createdby the current
over steep undersea ridges and peaks. Unstable meanders induce
upwellings and cause local increases of marine organisms (Lee et
al., 1981). Off northern Georgia and southern South Carolina,
petrels were found to be significantly more abundant, where up-
welling is more frequent, persistent and extensive. Food prey may
be presumably higher in upstream upwelling sites, because of the
transport and concentration of marine organisms. Haney (1987)
also concluded that sea surface temperature and depth alone do
not adequately characterizethe petrel's marine habitat.

Life History
Food and Feeding Behavior
The stomach of one specimen examined by Wingate (1964) con-
tained remains of cephalopod beaks and lenses. Haney (1987)
found squid beaks, fish bones and lenses, whole squids (of 25 to 70
mm in length), and a 40 mm planehead filefish (Monocanthus
hispidus) in the stomachs of three Black-capped petrels collected Petrel breeding colonies
off Georgia. Other contents included small pieces of petroleum occur only where suffi-
residue, smallfeathers, paper, and, perhaps of incidental ingestion, cient soil cover exists for
Sqassum algal blades. Haney (1986) noted that the presence of burrowing.
Monocanthus together with algal material suggest that Black-
capped petrels forages on Sqassum-associated fauna.
Black-capped petrel feeding bouts occur generally in flocks,
which usually include other species. They may scavenge discarded
waste only when natural foods are not abundant or reliable, and do
not rely exclusively on olfaction for locating food sources (Haney,
1987). They spent little time on the water surface and apparently
are not adapted for diving (Clapp et al., 1982). Petrels have been
observed during aerial "flushing" and chasing of flying fish, and
diving 3-4 meters from the air to, but not beneath, the water surface
at a angle of 45-60' (Haney, 1987), a behavior that resembles
surface plunging by gulls.
At sea, Black-capped petrels have been recorded active during
all daylight hours, with peaks at early morning and evening (Haney,
1987). Limited information is available concerning their activity
at night, but petrels have been observed flying, though not feeding
after dark. According to Imber (1985), Pterodroma exploit die1
vertically-migrating, meso-pelagic nekton, which selects for
crepuscular or nocturnal feeding. Birds normally remain well out
to sea, occurring inshore or on land only when sick or storm-driven
(Clapp et al., 1982).
Petrels appear to be dependent upon wind velocities of 4 knots
or higher for foraging and dispersal (Haney, 1987). At winds of 6
knots petrels may sometimes spring directly into the air from the
water surface (Harrison, 1983), whereas in lower winds they run
along the ocean surface for 2-4 meters before taking flight. The
low wing loadings of Black-capped petrels allows for efficient
gliding (Warham, 1977) but not sustained flapping flight, thus, the
species is dependent on wind for long-distance foraging and dis-
persal within its oligotrophic environment (Haney, 1987). The
Black-capped petrel is the only seabird present all year in the Gulf
Stream, a current system with surface waters of very low produc-
tivity. As expected for gadfly petrels (Pterodroma sp.) in general
(Imber, 1985), it appears that the behavioral and structural adap-
tations of Black-cappedpetrels have enabled effective exploitation
of ocean niches where prey are widely dispersed.

Little is known of the breeding biology of the Black-capped petrel
Black-capped petrels (R hasitata) in Haiti, where according to Wingate (1964), "the
are nocturnal at breed- actual nests of all of them [breeding colonies] were inaccessible to
ing sites, and breeders any but professional climbers". However, their breeding schedule,
presumably return to the activity, and vocalizations are very similar to those of the closely-
same site each year. related Bermuda petrel, R cahow (Wingate, 1964).
Black-capped petrels are nocturnal at breeding sites, and
breeders presumably return to the same site each year. Nesting
takes place during the winter months, probably between October
and May. They may arrive at the colony sites in Haiti (and
Dominican Republic) beginning during late September and con-
tinuing until November. Wingate (1964) was told by Haitian
peasants living nearest to the colonies that the birds can be heard
from early November to mid-May. Peak breeding occurs in late
December, January and February. The nest is located in burrows
or crevices on high mountains cliffs (see Nesting Habitat). Eggs
are laid mostly during January and February. A single white egg is
laid. The young are fledged in the spring and vocalizations are no
longer heard after late April.
The breeding of Bermuda petrels (l? cuhow) have been sum-
marized in detail by Palmer (1962). Breeders arrive late October
and begin burrowing andtransportationof nest plant materialuntil
early November, when nest building activity reaches a peak. Ac-
tivity decreases after mid-November until birds are absent al-
together for two weeks in late December, prior to egg-laying. An
aerial display, in which the pair flies close together one behind the
other vocalizing noisily, takes place about December. The female
returns to lay a single egg about January. Incubationlasts for 51-54
days. Both parents participate equally, taking turns on eggs for
8-14 day periods without visitation or relief. Hatching occur from
25 February to 5 March. Eggshellsare trampled into nests. Young
are brooded the first 1-2 days, then are left alone during daylight
hours. During development, the chick is visited by one or oc-
casionally by both parents on average of 3 nights out of 4. The
feeding pattern is erratic, with parental absence up to five days.
Occasionally during the first two weeks a parent remains in the
burrow all day, usually until 2-3 AM.
The chicks grow fast during the first 8 weeks, at which time they
attain the rough proportions of adu1.tbirds. Feather sheathsappear
at 40 days and are shed at about 60 days, but the body still covered
in long flowing down. Head and body feathers develop by 70 days.
The young are fully feathered and 80% free of down at 90-95 days.
Adults abandon chicks during the last days of May, at which time
the young begin excursionsoutside of burrow after dark to exercise
and to peck at loose objects. Young might wander 20 feet from
burrow, climbingrock-faces and vegetation. Young usually depart Nesting takes place
by flying directly to sea from the highest point near the burrow, at during the winter
90-100 days. The period between last feeding and departure is months. Eggs are laid
variable, usually 4-10 days. No birds return to the breeding mostly during January
grounds for about 4-5 months. and February. A single
white egg is laid.
Available data suggest a similar cycle and timing for I!hasitata in
the mountain tops of Hispaniola (Palmer, 1962). The duration of
the fledgling period in procellariids is dependent in body mass
(Imber, 1985). In medium-sized petrels (ca. 270-330 g), such as I!
cuhow, the fledgling is attained after 90-100 days (Imber, 1985;
Wingate, 1964). A fledging female I!hasitata (with traces of down)
found alive in the northern foothills of Sierra de Baoruco at Cabral
weighted 278 g. (Ottenwalderand Vargas, 1979). In Haiti, Wingate
(1964) recorded 3 fledglingsof Black-capped petrels on June 1961
(Port-au-Prince), 1 July 1961 (Port-au-Prince), and "summer of
1957" (Foret de Pins, Massif de la Selle). Wetmore and Swales
(1931) reported one fledgling "not long out of the nest" on 30 June
1938 (Port-au-Prince), and Ottenwalder and Vargas (1979)
recorded another on 15 June 1979 (Cabral, Sierra de Baoruco,
Dominican Republic). All five fledglings, probably at the onset of
their post-breeding dispersal, appear to have lost orientation
during the night due to light attraction from cities (Port-au-Prince,
Cabral) or from Sen-sel-like fires (at logging camp of Foret de
Pins). While in their breeding grounds,petrels fly by night and only
exceptionally during daylight.
During the winter breeding season (Nov.-Feb.), Black-capped
petrels present in waters of the Gulf Stream off the southeastern
coasts of the United States,may not yet be reproductively mature,
or may be non-breeding adults that fail to return to their breeding
grounds (Clapp et al., 1982; Haney, 1987). However breeding
Pterodroma may range up to a few thousand kilometers from
nesting sites Warham (1977), and Clapp et al. (1982) noted that
breeding birds could disperse the 800 miles from Haiti between
incubation shifts.

Predation, Diseases, and Parasites

No information is available concerningparasites and diseases on
Black-capped petrels.
Native predators. There are no data about the native predators
of the Diablotin on Hispaniola. Wingate (1964) claimed that the
native HispaniolanPalm crows (Cowuspalmmum),would probab-
ly attack and kill any petrel caught out during daylight. Since they
are not fast fliers, but gliders that take advantage of fast winds
currents, petrelswould certainlybe easy prey of any of the common
Introduced mammals, diurnal raptors found in the mountains of Hispaniola unless
both feral and wild, have favorable winds are available. The Red-tailed hawk in quite com-
been repeatedly blamed mon in both la Selle and la Hotte. The native Hispaniolan barn
for the partial decline of owls (Tyto alba, Tglaucop), Short-eared owl (Asiojhrzmeus), and
petrel populations in boas (Epicrates s t r i a ) are probably potential predators of both
Jamaica, the Lesser An- adults and fledglings. Tyto alba has been identified as one the
tilles, Bermuda, the predators of the endangeredNewell's Manx shearwater on Hawaii
Galapagos, and Hawaii. (Byrd and Telfer, 1980), and Asio flammeus of the endangered
dark-rumped petrel in the Galapagos Islands (Harris, 1970).
Introduced predators. The effects of exotic mammals on Black-
capped petrels in Hispaniola is unknown. In Haiti, the mongoose
(Herpestes auropunctatus) has been considered a potential factor
in reducing petrel numbers in la Selle (Bond, 1928;Wingate, 1964).
Woods and Ottenwalder(1986) also felt mongooses, rats, dogs, and
cats may be limiting petrel numbers at their breeding colonies.
Introduced mammals, both feral and wild, have been repeatedly
blamed since historical times for the partial decline of petrel
populations elsewhere (see Greenway, 1967): the mongoose in
Jamaica (Palmer, 1962);the mongoose, dogs, and cats in the Lesser
Antilles (Bent, 1922; Greenway, 1967); rats (Rattus rattus and R.
norvegicus), and pigs in Bermuda (Murphy and Mowbray 1951);
black rats (R. rattus), cats, dogs, and pigs in Galapagos (Harris,
1970; Coulter et al., 1982); and, the mongoose, rats (Rattus spp.),
cats, dogs, and pigs, in Hawaii (Munro, 1944; King and Gould,
1967; Larson, 1967). Livestock, notably goats, burros, and cattle,
were also condemned by Coulter et al. (1982) as responsible for
limiting petrel numbers by degrading petrel breeding habitat and
ground nesting burrows in Galapagos.
Despite these claims, the impact of exotics on petrel populations
is not yet well understood, in part due to the paucity of studies (see
Bell and Keith, 1983). Wingate (1964) found no evidence that rats
represented a serious threat to Bermuda petrels, and suggestedrats
were unlikely to be a significant predator of Black-capped petrels
in their breeding colonies in the mountains of Haiti. The nesting
habitat of Hispaniolan petrels is usually located on steep, virtually
inaccessible cliffs,above 1,500 meters elevation. In contrast, the
nesting sites of the Bermuda and Galapagos petrel populations are
found at low elevations, and their burrows are build on the ground
or close to it. Eggs, chicks, and incubating adults of ground-nesting
populations are, therefore, more vulnerable and accessible to
The mongoose was considered by Wingate (1964) a potential
predator of the petrel in Haiti, but minimized its predatory role
because none was observed during his surveys in la Selle. How-
ever, the mongoose have been found to be common in both la Selle Clearing of the vegeta-
and la Hotte (Woods, 1983), and although a poor climber, it may tion by grazing, logging,
be a threat to the petrel in certain colonies. Black rats and cats also and fires has decreased
common in these areas. the value of remaining
nesting habitat and has
Programs for rat andlor mongoose control have been recom- increased the suscep-
mended and implemented to protect petrel and seabird colonies tibility of petrels to
in Bermuda (Murphy and Mowbray, 1951), in Galapagos (Coulter predators.
et al., 1982;Bell and Keith, 1983),and in Hawaii (Keith et al., 1985,

Reasons for Decline and Present Threats

Since colonial times, original Black-capped petrel populations
were severely exploited for food by man in the Lesser Antillean
islands of Guadeloupe, Dominica, and Martinique (Bent, 1922),in
Bermuda (Murphy and Mowbray, 1951), and probably also in
Jamaica. Human consumption and habitat destruction have been
major factors in their decline elsewhere. Clearing of the vegetation
by grazing, logging, and fires decreased the value of remaining
nesting habitat and increased the susceptibility of petrels to
predators. Petrel predation has been increased with the introduc-
tion of exotic mammals. Finally, environmental pollution has also
exposed gadfly petrels to potentially hazardous chemicals such as
DDT (Wurster and Wingate, 1968; King and Lancer, 1973), and
petroleum residues (Haney, 1987).
In Haiti, human disturbance, exploitation for food, "Sen-sel"fires,
forest fires, and introduced mammals have been considered impor-
tant factors influencing the reproduction and survival of the
population at the Morne la Selle (Wingate, 1964) and Morne la
Hotte (Ottenwalder and Woods, 1986) breeding grounds.
An additional factor that may be limiting population breeding
and growth in Hispaniolan petrels, may be attraction to artificial
lights. Coastal cities, resorts, hotels, stadiums, streets, increasing
urbanization, and other sources of man-made lighting, have
resulted in important losses for other seabird species that normally
fly to and from their nests overland only after dark (USFWS, 1983),
particularly if these are fledglings birds. Newell's manx shearwater
fledglingsappear to be particularly attracted to lights. It has been
suggested that this attraction may be related to the bioluminis-
cence of their pelagic food supply or a natural tendency to find the
ocean from the reflection of the moon and starlight from the
water's surface (USFWS, 1987). Artificial lights affect birds in the
Other potentialthreats to same way "Sen-sel" or forest fires would; petrels become confused
the petrels and their and may suffer temporary night blindness. They would fly into
breeding colonies in obstructions such as trees, utility poles, wires, and buildings, and
Haiti include soil erosion fall to the ground.
and subsequent land-
slides as a result of All five Back-capped petrel fledglings records known from Haiti
deforestation due to
and the Dominican Republic (Wingate, 1964; Wetmore, 1931;
wood harvest and fires
Ottenwalder and Vargas, 1978; see Reproduction section) were
on their actual nesting probably at the onset of their post-breeding dispersal, and appear
sites. to have lost orientation during the night due to light attraction from
cities (3 Port-au-Prince, 1 Cabral) or from mountain fires (1 at
logging camp of Foret de Pins). All them were reportedly found
or caught during June.
Other potential threats to the petrels and their breeding colonies
in Haiti include soil erosion and subsequent landslides as a result
of deforestation due to wood harvest and fires on their actual
nesting sites. As fuelwood becomes increasingly scarce and/or
exhausted in traditional areas, exploitation of wood and other
forest products in remote, steeper slopes, previously considered
inaccessiblewould eventually happen.
The possibility of natural disasters, such as hurricanes and
landslides, in petrel colonies is not remote. In fact, Noble (1916)
related the sudden extirpation of a breeding colony of Black-
capped petrels in Guadeloupe by a landslide caused by the great
earthquake of 1847 on that island, as a result of which the whole
mountain slope of the Soufriere in which the petrels bred had
collapsed and fallen into a valley (see also Bent, 1922). Stranded
and dead petrels of this specieshave often been reported as a result
of hurricanes and storms (Wetmore, 1932; Bond, 1968). Hur-
ricanes are frequent in Hispaniola, and more than 90% of them hit
andlor enter the island along the south coasts;where the Massif of
la Hotte, Massif de la Selle, and Sierra de Baoruco, and all known
petrel colonies in Hispaniola, are located. Earthquakes in the
Greater Antilles, and even volcanic activity in the Lesser Antilles,
are to some extent predictable in ecological time. In addition to
habitat suitability, the relatively high frequency of hurricanes that
affect Hispaniola might be a factor in the site selectionof breeding
colonies by petrels. Why almost all petrel breeding colonies are
found on the north, inland-facing cliffs of mountains, is possibly
related to the fact that the majority of cyclones and tropical storms
that touch or pass near Hispaniola, do so along the south coasts of
Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

Conservation Measures Taken

The cutting, transport, and selling of wood is regulated by legis-
lation passed by the Haitian Governmentin 1955 and 1962. Hunt-
ing was regulated and nine categories of birds were protected by a
decree enacted in 1971 (ratifying the recommendations of the
Convention for the Protectionof Nature and Wildlife Preservation
in the Western Hemisphere), but it is unclear whether the Black-
capped petrel is listed or not. Unfortunately, none of this legisla-
tion is known to be effectiveor enforced. A decree passed in 1983
created the first natural protected areas in Haiti: Parc National La
Visite in the Massif de La Selle, and Parc National Pic Macaya in
the Massif de La Hotte. A management plan is being implemented
only for the Pic Macaya National Park (to be eventually proposed
as a biosphere reserve),with the support of USAID and the Mac-
Arthur Foundation. Human populationpressure inside the parks
and continued political instability in Haiti, represent the major
challenges for the future of protected areas in this country.
Recovery Objective
The primary objective of this recovery plan is to restore the
Southern Haiti Black-capped petrel to a stable, secure and self
sustaining status throughout its historic range allowing the reclas-
sification of the species from endangered to threatened. Criteria
for fulfilling the objective are:
(1) attainment of a free-living, stable,and self-sustaining standing
population which demonstrates stability and self-sustenance
for at least 10 continuous years, and
(2) providingthe habitat required to support thepetrel population
The natural history and status of the I? hasitata is poorly known.
In order to attain the recovery plan objective,data is needed on the
ecology and life history of the Black-capped petrel, particularly on
numbers, habitat requirements, mortality, reproductive potential,
and population genetics. Until adequate information is available
upon which to establish a specific population goal, the species
should be considered recovered after attainment of an annual
average of 400 breeding pairs in la Selle and 200 pairs in la Hotte
for a ten-year period, and assurance of long-termprotection of the
essential habitat needed to sustain these populations. In this
recovery plan, emphasishas been placed in obtainingbasic data on
the natural history of the species and on habitat protection.

Stepdown Outline
1. Determine status of the population
1.1 Survey population abundance.
1.2 Document current distribution.
1.3 Identify possible causes of decline, potential threats, and
limiting and mortality factors.
2. Determine status of the habitat and habitat requirements
2.1 Document distribution,situation and amount of remaining
2.2 Determine habitat requirementsfor the species
3. Protect and enhance the population and its habitat
3.1 Protect habitat fromany further human disturbance inside
existing protected areas
3.2 Manage degraded habitat for restoration
3.3 Promote species and habitat preservation through public
4. Conduct natural history studies
4.1 Investigate the reproductive ecology
4.2 Investigate the feeding habits
5. Monitor recovery of the population and assess additional
management strategies from available data.

Recovery Narrative
1. Determine status of the population. Recovery of the Black-
capped petrel will require quantification of current population
levels and trends, geographic distribution, andlimiting factors.
1.1 Establish population abundance. Little information con-
cerning population densities of Black-capped petrels has
been known since their discovery. Present numbers are
unknown, though it is suspected that numbers are declin-
ing. Information about their abundance is essential to
determine the present status of the species as well as to
determine future goals and priorities for recovery.
1.2 Document current distribution. An inventory of the past
and present breeding colonies of Black-capped petrels
should be carried out. The present range of the species in
the Massifs of la Selle and la Hotte should be determined
so that these areas can be managed and protected against
habitat modification and disturbance. Surveys should also
be carried out in La Visite National Park, and Morne La
Selle, to determine whether or not the number of pre-
viously known colonies of the species in thisprotected area
and mountain range is declining. It is of great concern that
a management plan is developed and implemented for
Parc National La Visite.
1 3 Identifj possible causes of decline, potential threats, and
limiting and mortality factors. Possible causes of decline
should be identified. The role of potential predators,com-
petitors, parasites, and diseases should be analyzed. The
impact of human disturbance on the habitat of Black-
capped petrels should be analyzed as well. Efforts should
emphasizethe identification of which particular factors are
currently limiting population size.
2. Determine status of the habitat and habitat requirements.
Information concerning the distribution, extent, and situation
of the habitat is fundamental to the recovery plan. Further-
more, the habitat needs to be characterized in order to deter-
mine the areas that are essential to the Black-capped petrel for
breeding that should be preserved.
2.1 Document distribution, situation, and amount of remaining
habitat. Information concerning the present situation of the
habitat, including disturbance levels, successional stage of
plant communities,potential threats,and vulnerabilityof these
cliff communities should be one of the priorities of the
recovery plan.
2.2 Determinehabitat requirements for the species. The structure
of habitats supporting Black-capped petrels should be inves-
tigated so as to develop a physical and biotic profile. Habitat
selection and use should then be determined from both avail-
able data on species productivity and habitat assessments.
3. Protect and enhance the population and its habitat. In Haiti,
the single most important strategy to the Black-capped petrel
recovery plan is to assure protection of adequate portions of
habitat for the species. It is unrealistic to expect achievement
of recovery plan goals if habitat cannot be preserved over the
long term. Increasing and maintaining habitat is essential to
the survival of the species.
3.1 Protect habitat from any further human disturbance in-
side existing protected areas. Existing colonies of Black-
capped petrels should be protected promptly. Habitat
destruction or modification within both National Parks
should be prevented. Surveillanceby park wardens should
be increased in Parc National Pic Macaya, and started in
Parc National La Visite. Buffer zones around critical nest-
ing and feeding areas should be delineated and managed
accordingly. The most feasible means should be adopted
to secure essential habitat outside existing or proposed
protected areas within the historic and presently reduced
range of the Black-capped petrel. New colonies dis-
covered near the present park boundaries should be incor-
porated and protected immediately.
Woods and Ottenwalder(1986) made the followingrecom-
mendations for the protection of Black-capped petrels
inside the boundaries of protected areas: a) no fires be
allowed on the peaks of the mountains, b) elimination of
all dogs and cats, c) no gardens or trails be allowed
anywhere on the north face (Nan Nway) of the Massifs, d)
no gardens or fires be allowed in a buffer zone that extends
down to an elevation of at least 1,400 meters elevation
below the cliffs within each park, e) study the effect of rats
and mongooses on the petrels, and f) removal of sheep and
goats from both parks.
3.2 Manage degraded habitat for restoration. Remaining
habitats should be immediately managed for restoration
and natural regeneration. Methods for how habitat altera-
tions and/or direct human disturbance can be reversed
should be determined.
3 3 Promote species and habitat preservation through public
education. Develop educational campaigns concerning
the endangered status of the Black-capped petrel and its
habitat in the national parks of Haiti.
4. Conduct natural history studies. Little is known of the natural
history of Hispaniolan petrels. Information about their
reproduction and ecology is fundamental to the success of the
recovery plan.
4.1 Investigate the reproductiveecology. Studies of the breed-
ing season, nesting, incubation, parental care, fledging
period, young survivorship, dispersal and attainment of
sexual maturity are essential for determining growth rates,
and critical periods when the species is most vulnerable to
4.2 Investigate the feeding habits. Foods habits should be
determined. Basic food items need to be known to provide
for the possibility of habitat management to maintain and
enhance food prey, and to determine if food availability is
a limiting factor of population growth or dispersal.
5. Monitor recovery of the population and assess additional
management strategies from available data. Regular
monitoring of the population, both at sea and at nesting areas,
is needed to assess general population trends and the effects
of management options. Additional management strategies
should be implemented from available data generated by field
The White-winged warbler, Xmoligea montana, is listed as
threatened by ICBP (Wng, 1978-1979; Collar and Andrew, 1988),
and among the rare bird species of the world (Mountfort, 1988).
In Haiti, the species has been considered at great risk of habitat
loss (Woods and Ottenwalder, 1983), and endangered and locally
extirpated (Woods and Ottenwaldcr, 1986). in Dominican
Republic, the species has been listed as endangered by Otten-
walder (1978), and vulnerable by Stocktan de Dod (1987).

X rnontnnu is endemic to IIispaniola and is one of the few
endemic species of warblers of the West Indies.
The White-winged
Warbier is endemic $a It was originally described as dWicroHkea montana by Chapman in
Hispaniola and is one of 1917 from the Cordillera Central of Dominican Republic. Bond
the few endemic species (1957,1968) created the subgenusXEnoligea for the species based
of warblers of the West on itr, unique characteristics among the 'CeothlypeaeF (sensu
tndies, Ridgway, 1902;which include the more arboreal, "De~tdroieu-like"
GeotMypk, Mfcrofigea, TeretsttG, and Lbucopezw ). Although given
generic status thereafter(In Paynter, 1968),Xenoligea is sometimes
merged with Mierdigea, K t ntmtana appears to have thraupine
affinities while the Ground warbler, Microligea palust& (another
Hispaniola11endemic warbler), seems to be paruline and possibly
close to &rrdroi&'~. However, behavioral and genetic affinities
between hiierotigeu and the tanagers have also been suggested
(McDonald, 1987). Nevertheless, both Microligea and Xen~tigea
are currently placed within the Pawlidae (AOU, 1983).
The White-winged warbler is about 5.7 inches (14.3 cm)in total
length. It resembles the Ground warbler, M. palustris (also known
as Green-tailed ground warbler and Gray-breasted ground
warbler),in overall size and dorsal coloration. In both, the pileum,
hindneck, sides of head, and extreme upper back are slate-grey, the
remaining upperparts being green.Xi?mligea is distinguished from
Microligeaby the followingcharacteristics:the tail is slate-grey, the
outer rectrices blackish and tipped with white, the outer margins
of the primaries are white (producinga prominent white streak on
wing), with a white stripe from bill to above eye and a white spot
below eye (Wetmore and Swales, 1931; Bond, 1957, 1985). The
underparts are white, turning greyish on the sides and flanks. The
bill is also thicker, the plumage less fluffy, and the body appears
more robust than that of M.palustris (Wetmore and Swales, 1931).
The white wing marking is striking and serves as an excellent field
mark for identification. Males and females are similar in ap-
The White-winged warbler, sometimes referred in the literature
also as White-winged Ground warbler and Chapman's Ground
warbler, is locally known in Haiti with the names T i chit kat je" and
"Petit quatre-yeux".
Historical Range
White-winged warblers are unknown from most of Haiti. His-
torically, they appear to have been restricted to the southern
peninsula, were the species was apparently common and more
widely distributed early in the century. In January 1928, Bond White-winged warblers
(1928) reported the species on Morne La Selle "as about as com- are unknown from most
mon as Macroligea palustris," and Wetmore and Lincoln (1933) of Haiti. Historically, they
found the White-winged warbler to be "fairly common" in the rain appear to have been
forest of Pic Macaya in April, 1931. restricted to the
southern peninsula,
In the Massif de La Hotte, Xenoligea have been collected or where the species was
recorded on a few occasions in the past: 3 birds in "La Hotte" on apparently common and
June 1917(Wetmore and Swales, 1931),and 6 birds on Pic Macaya more widely distributed
in April, 1931(Wetmore and Lincoln, 1933). In La Selle, Wetmore early in the century.
and Swales(1931) collected 2 birds and observed a third individual
in two days at the Jardins Bois Pin in April, 1927, whereas, in
January, 1928, Bond (1928) found the species in "small numbers"
on Morne Malanga (one male was collected in the Crete a Piquants
group of mountains), and on Morne ?fanchant, were one bird was
No additionalsight records and localitiesare knownof the species
from elsewhere in Haiti.
Present Distribution
Recent sightings of the White-winged warbler in the Massif de La
Hotte were recorded in January, 1973 at Ridge Formon, and in
January, 1977 at Ridge Macaya (Woods and Ottenwalder, 1983).
Only two birds were positively sighted at Formon, during daily
four-hour (6:30-10:30AM) censuses along transects between 2-10
January 1983 (Ottenwalder, field notes). None were observed by
Ottenwalder at the Formon Plateau on 12-13 April 1992, at two
forest patches checked close nearby northeast and west of the
Macaya park headquarters.
In La Visite, Massif de La Selle, one bird was netted in May 1975
(Woods and Ottenwalder 1983). No White-winged warblers were
recorded on La Visite during 18 hours (six-hourdday; 6:OOAM-
12:00 PM) of transect censuses during three consecutive days
(19-21) December 1982 (Ottenwalder, field notes).
Woods and Ottenwalder (1986) reported Xenoligea to be very
rare and endangered in Macaya, and possible extirpated in La
Visite National Park. All the known areas within the historical
distribution of de species on the Massif de La Selle (Morne Malan-
ga, Crete a Piquants, and Morne Tranchant; see Bond, 1928), are
now severely deforested. No records of the species, recent or
historical, are known from anywhere else in Haiti.

Status of the Species

Today, the White-winged warbler is the most endangered species
of bird in Haiti. No confirmed observations are known from
Morne La Visite since the mid-1970s, and the population appears
to be very low in La Hotte, where the only remaining Haitian
population is likely isolated. The status of the extant population
inside protected areas is probably critically endangered. No cur-
Today, the White-winged rent conservation, research or management programs exist for the
warbler is the most en- species in Haiti. No individualWhite-winged warblers is known to
dangered species of bird exist in captivity anywhere, and no individuals of the species have
in Haiti. ever been known to have been maintained in captivity.

Specific habitat requirements for the White-winged warbler are
unclear. The species occupy the forest undergrowth and adjacent
thickets of the higher mountain regions of Hispaniola. In fact, the
type locality, Monte Tina, is 2,200 meters in elevation. The species
is primarily found at elevations above 1,200 meters (1,300-1,800
meters in Pic Macaya,Wetmore and Lincoln, 1933;ca. 1,800meters
in Formon-Macaya, Woods and Ottenwalder, 1986; 1,200meters,
Stockton de Dod, 1981), but it may also occur at lower elevations
(350 meters, Stockton de Dod, 1987, Ottenwalder, pers. obs.),
where favorable habitats may also exist as a result of gradients in
temperature and rainfall created by the physiographic diversity
available in the large mountain ranges of Hispaniola. White-
winged warblers utilize several plant communities,such as pine
and mixed pine-broadleaved forests, but are more often found in
broadleaved vegetation, including dense stands, low trees, open
thickets, edges of clearings, or shrubbery either alone or as an
understory (Wetmore and Lincoln, 1933;Woods and Ottenwalder,
1986; Stockton de Dod, 1987).

Life History
Very little is known about the natural history of the White-winged
warbler. Among New World warblers, West Indian endemics
appear to share several common patterns. The strong tendency
toward monomorphy observed in the endemic species does not
occur among forms that are conspecific with North American
warblers. Patterns of monomorphy (endemics) and dimorphy
(non-endemics)suggest that monomorphy is associated with per-
manent residency but it is not quickly attained over evolutionary
time. All species have small clutches with open nests and
protracted seasons, presumably related to concealment as a
response to predator avoidance (Morse, 1989).

Virtually nothing is
known about the
Nesting reproductive biology of
Virtually nothing is known about the reproductive biology of White-winged warblers.
White-winged warblers. In fact, nests and eggs have not yet been In fact, nests and eggs
categorically identified and described. Furthermore, the extent of have not yet been
the breeding seasonis still uncertain. Wetmore and Swales (1931) categorically identified
recorded one young molting into first fall plumage on early June and described.
in the Massif de La Hotte. Woods and Ottenwalder (1986)
proposed the breeding season to be April-May. Nest may be
expected to be open, and either globular or cup-shaped. Eggs may
be greenish or bluish; however, Wetmore and Swales (1931) were
shown on La Selle a nest with two "plain, creamy-white eggs
without markings" reputed to be of Xi?noligea.
Food and Feeding behavior
X. montana is found alone, in pairs or in mixed flocks with other
species. Low chattering calls are the only known vocalizations in
White-winged warblers. It appears more active and ranges higher
and in more open thickets in the undergrowth than M. pdustris
(Wetmore and Swales, 1931). It does not forage as near the ground
as Microligea, which suggest niche partitioning may allow for
coexistence. However, it has been observed in mixed feeding
flocks with Ground warblers and Flat-billed vireos, Vireo nanus.
Wetmore and Swales (1931) observed that White-wing warblers
forage rather actively among branches and creepers in a manner
that combines the habits of warblers and vireos. Little is known
about their diet, which includes insects and seeds. Seeds of the
Cuba tree (Trema micrantha) reportedly represent an important
food source for Xenoligea in Sierra de Baoruco (Dominican
Republic) (Stockton de Dod, 1987).

Predation, Diseases and Parasites

No information is known about mortality due to predation and
diseases. Barn owls (Tyto dba and T glaucops), diurnal raptors
(Buteo and Accipiter), and Hispaniolan boas (Epicrates striatus),
are potential predators of White-winged warblers. It is possible
that feral cats, mongooses, and rats may be heavily preying on
ground and near-ground dwellingbirds such as2noligea and other
low-nesting species.

Reasons for Decline and Present Threats

Habitat destruction appearsto be the major cause of decline of
White-winged warblers the White-winged warbler in Haiti. However, White-winged
appear to be a species of warblers appear also to be absent in some areas were seemingly
low resilience, whose favorable habitat is still available. Additional factors, though
population levels are secondary in importance, are possibly involved in their reduction
very sensitive to habitat in numbers, but these are unknown. White-winged warblers ap-
disturbance. pear to be a species of low resilience, whose population levels are
very sensitive to habitat disturbance.

Conservation Measures %ken

The cutting, transport, and selling of wood is regulated by legis-
lation passed by the Haitian Governmentin 1955 and 1962. Hunt-
ing was regulated and nine categories of birds were protected by a
decree enacted in 1971 (ratifying the recommendations of the
Conventionfor the Protectionof Nature and Wildlife Preservation
in the Western Hemisphere), but it is unclear whether the White-
winged warbler is listed or not. Unfortunately, none of this legis-
lation is known to be effective or enforced.
A decree passed in 1983created the first natural protected areas
in Haiti: La Visite National Park in the Massif de La Selle, and Pic
Macaya National Park in the Massif de La Hotte. A management
plan is being implemented only for the Pic Macaya National Park
(to be eventually proposed as a biosphere reserve),with the sup-
port of USAID and the MacArthur Foundation. Human popula-
tion pressure inside the parks and continued political instabilityin
Haiti represent the major challenges for the future of protected
areas in this country.
White-wingedwarblers appear to be very rare and endangeredin
the park Pic Macaya, and they may have been already extirpated in
La Visite National Park.


Recovery Objective
The primary objective of this recovery plan is to restore the
Southern Haitian White-wingedwarbler to a stable, secureand self
sustaining status throughout its historic range allowing the reclas-
sification of the species from endangered to threatened. Criteria
for fulfilling the objective are:
(1) attainment of a free-living, stable, and self-sustainingstanding
population which demonstrates stability and self-sustenance White-winged warblers
for at least 10 continuousyears, and appear to be very rare
and endangered in Parc
(2) providing the habitat required to support the population. National Pic Macaya,
and they may have al-
The natural history and status of theX montana is poorly known. ready been extirpated in
In order to attain the recovery plan objectives, data is needed on Parc National La Visite.
the ecology and life history of the White-winged warbler, par-
ticularly on numbers, habitat requirements, mortality, reproduc-
tive potential, and population genetics. Until adequate
information is availableupon which to establish a specific popula-
tion goal, the species should be considered recovered after attain-
ment of an annual average of 600 breeding pairs for a ten-year
period, and assurance of long-term protection of the essential
habitat needed to sustain these populations. In this recoveryplan,
emphasis has been placed on habitat protection and on obtaining
basic data on population size and natural history of the species.
Stepdown Outline
1. Determine status of the population
1.1Survey population abundance.
1.2 Document current distribution.
1.3 Identify possible causes of decline, potential threats, and
limiting and mortality factors.
2. Determine status of the habitat and habitat requirements
2.1 Document distribution, status, and extent of remaining
2.2 Determine habitat requirements for the species
3. Protect and enhance the population and its habitat
3.1 Protect habitat from any further human disturbance inside
existing protected areas
3.2 Manage degraded habitat for restoration
3.3 Promote species and habitat preservation through public
4. Conduct natural history studies
4.1 Investigate the reproductive ecology
4.2 Investigate the feeding habits
4.3 Evaluate the genetic variability of the population
5. Monitor recovery of the population and assess additional
management strategies from available data.
6. Establish captive breeding if available evidence indicates that
the White-winged warbler may become extinct in the wild.

Recovery Narrative
1. Determine status of the population. Recovery of the White-
winged warbler will require quantification of current popula-
tion levels and trends, geographic distribution, and limiting
1.1 Establish population abundance. Little information con-
cerning population densities, and even sight records, of
White-winged warblers have been known since their dis-
covery. Present numbers are unknown, though it is
suspected that population densitiesare very low. Informa-
tion about their abundance is essential to determine the
present status of the species as well as to determine future
goals and priorities for recovery.
1 2 Document current distribution. The present range of the
White-wingedwarbler in the Massif de La Hotte should be
determined so that this area can be managedand protected
against habitat modification and disturbance. Surveys
should also be carried out in La Visite National Park to
determine if the species has indeed been extirpated in this
protected area and mountain range. It is of great concern
that a management plan is developed and implemented for
La Visite National Park.
1 3 Identify possible causes of decline, potential threats, and
limiting and mortality factors. Possible causes of decline
should be identified. The role of potential predators, com-
petitors, parasites, and diseases should be analyzed. The
impact of human disturbance on the habitat of White-
winged warblers shouldbe analyzed as well. Efforts should
emphasize the identification of factors which are currently
limiting population size.
2. Determine status of the habitat and habitat requirements.
Information concerning the distribution, extent,and situation
of the habitat is fundamental to the recovery plan. Further-
more, the habitat needs to be characterizedin order to deter-
mine plant communities which are essential to the
White-winged warbler and should be preserved.
2.1 Document distribution, situation, and amount of remain-
ing habitat. An inventory of the habitats in areas known
to support populations of White-winged warblers should
be carried out. Informationconcerning the present situa-
tion of the habitat, including disturbance levels, succes-
sional stage of plant communities, potential threats, and
size of forest fragment should be one of the priorities of
the recovery plan.
2 2 Determine habitat requirements for the species. The
structure of habitats supporting White-winged warblers
should be investigatedso as to develop aphysical and biotic
profile. Habitat selection and use should then be deter-
mined from both availabledata on speciesproductivity and
habitat assessments.
3. Protect and enhance the population and its habitat. In Haiti,
the single most important strategy to the White-winged
warbler recovery plan is to assure protection of adequate
portions of habitat for the species. It is unrealistic to expect
achievement of recovery plan goals if habitat can not be
preserved over the long term. Increasing and maintaining
habitat is essential to the survival of the species.
3.1 Protect habitat from any further human disturbance in-
side existing protected areas. The remaining small
population of White-winged warbler should be protected
promptly. Habitat destruction or modification within the
National Parks should be prevented. Surveillanceby park
warden should be increased in Parc National Pic Macaya,
and started in Parc National La Visite. Buffer zones
around critical nesting and feeding areas should be
delineated and managed accordingly. The most feasible
means should be adopted to secure essential habitat out-
side existing or proposed protected areas within the his-
toric and presently reduced range of the White-winged
warbler. New areas around the present habitat should be
incorporated and protected immediately.
Woods and Ottenwalder(1986) recommendedthe habitats
on the cliffs of La Visite between Morne La Visite and Tete
Opaque must be preserved. They stressed that the area
west of Morne La Visite connecting this ridge and Morne
d'Enfer (including it), must be incorporated into the park.
This area, and that on the plateau of the massif to the south
of the park, have extensive areas of the habitat where
White-winged warblers are found, and it is the type of
habitat that has been eliminated, negatively affecting the
parks' endemic wildlife. The broadleaved forest in the
Morne d'Enfer has been preserved because the area is
difficult to reach as a result of steep cliffs that surround the
mountain which can only be reached by a narrow, rocky
connecting ridge or by a steep climb from below.
3.2 Manage degraded habitat for restoration. Remaining
habitats should be immediately managed for restoration
and natural regeneration. Methods for how habitat altera-
tions and/or direct human disturbance can be reversed
should be determined.
3 3 Promote species and habitat preservation through public
education. Develop educational campaigns concerning
the endangered statusof the White-winged warbler and its
habitat in the national parks of Haiti.
4. Conduct natural history studies. Virtually nothing is known of
the natural history of Xenoligea. Information about their
reproduction and ecology is fundamental to the success of the
recovery plan.
4.1 Investigate thereproductive ecology. Studies of the breed-
ing season, nesting, clutch size, hatching period, parental
care, fledging period, young survivorship, dispersal and
attainment of sexual maturity are essential fordetermining
growth rates, and critical periods when the species is most
vulnerable to disturbance.
4.2 Investigate the feeding habits. Foods habits should be
determined. Basic food items need to be known in order
to provide for habitat management to maintain and en-
hance food prey, and to determine if food availability a
limiting factor to the populationgrowth or dispersal.
4 3 Evaluate the genetic variabilityof the population. Evalua-
tion of the genetic diversity of Xenoligea should be one of
the priorities of the recovery plan. Should the surveys
indicate that very low numbers remain in the wild, the
development of population dynamics and minimumviable
population models will be essential to guide the recovery
of the White-wingedwarbler. At present, the information
required for the development of these models, life history
and genetic data, is completely non-existent.
5. Monitor recovery of the population and assess additional
management strategies from available data. Regular
monitoring of the population is needed to assess general
population trends and the effects .of management options.
Additional management strategies should be implemented
from available data generated by field studies.
6. Establish captive breeding if available evidence indicates that
the White-winged warbler may become extinct in the wild. It
is unknown how many White-winged warblers may survive in
the wild, but numbers are presumably low. If numbers and/or
distribution continue to decline in the wild, it is essential that
one or more captive breeding populations be established to
preserve the genetic stock of the species. Birds should betaken
from the wild to establish captive breeding populations only if
the species if nearing extinction.

The Hispaniolan crossbill is known only from the Dominican
Republic and Haiti (Hispaniola). It was described as LoxiQ
megaplaga by Riley in 1916, from specimens obtained at El Rio, in
the Cordillera Central of Dominican Republic. Wetmore and
The Hispaniolan crossbill Swales (1931) accorded megaplaga full specific rank, in view of
is known only from the morphological differences and geographic separation from other
Dominican Republic and White-winged crossbills, but it has been considered (AOU 1957,
Haiti. 1983) an isolated resident subspecies of its closest relative, the
North American White-winged crossbill(Loxia leucoptera). How-
ever, recent studies by Benkman (MS) indicate that the
Hispaniolan population should be recognized as a distinct species
on the base of morphology and foraging ecology. In agreement
with Benkrnan (MS), the Hispaniolan crossbill is acknowledged
here as a distinct, endemic population of Haiti and the Dominican
Republic, and will be referred to in this recovery plan as L.
megaplaga. Isolation in Hispaniola presumably dates back to at
least the Pleistocene (Wetmore and Swales, 1931).
The Hispaniolan crossbill is approximately 6" (150 cm) in total
length. The species is easily distinguished by the crossed man-
dibles and two white wing-bars. The males are rosy-red coloured,
with blackish tail and wings, whereas the females are chiefly dusky,
with the rump and underparts washed with greenish yellow. Sub-
adults are blackish above, streaked with whitish; wings and tail are
as in adults, and underparts are whitish with blackish streaks.
L. megupkrga, also called White-winged crossbill, is known in
Haiti as Bek Kwaze, Bec-Croise, and Gros Bec; in the Dominican
Republic it is known as Pico Cruzado, Periquito, and Turquesa.

Historical Range
Historically, the Hispaniolan crossbill has been recorded rela-
tively few times, mostly in the Dominican Republic (Cordillera
Central only). In Haiti, the species has been recorded only once
and from one region, Morne la Selle on April 1927, when it was
collected by Wetmore and Swales (1931), who also found bone
remains of the bird in owl pellets in a nearby sinkhole known as
Trujin. A flock of birds seen flying above pines in the same area
were suspected by Bond @ Wetmore and Swales, 1931) to be
crossbills, but he was not certain.
In the Dominican Republic, crossbills were collected earlyin the
century in the Cordillera Centralat El Rio above Jarabacoa during
the fall of 1916, in Lorna Rucilla in February-March of 1917, and
in Lorna La Pelona in March, 1917 (Wetmore and Swales, 1931). The known present
range of the Hispaniolan
crossbill includes the
Present Distribution Cordillera Central and
Sierra de Baoruco in the
The known present range of L, rnegaplaga in Hispaniolaincludes Dominican Republic and
Cordillera Central and Sierra de Baoruco in the Dominican the Massif de la Selle and
Republic, and the Massif de la Selle and the Massif de la Hotte in the Massif de la Hotte in
Haiti. Attempts to find the species in Sierra de Neiba (Dominican Haiti.
Republic) have been unsuccessful (Bond, 1976).
In the Massif de la Selle, four crossbills were seen near Furcy by
D. N. Mirecki on 26 August 1976(Bond, 1980). Woods and Otten-
walder (1986) recorded Hispaniolan crossbills on Morne La Visite
between 1982 and 1985. Crossbills were first observed in the
Massif de la Hotte in 1984. Two flocks of 12-15birds were recorded
by Woods and Ottenwalder (1986) on the top of Pic Macaya in
January of 1984 and 1985, and in Pic Formon and the saddle
between Pic F~rrnonand Pic Macaya in November, 1985. How-
ever, the breeding status of the speciesin this latter mountain range
is uncertain.

The Hispaniolan crossbill has never been common. In the Cor-
dillera Central, where all known specimens in collections except
one have been collected, Wetmore and Swales (1931) considered
crossbills "local in occurrence" and "numerically probably not
abundant" during a search for the species early in the century. In
late February, 1988, Benkman (MS) observed only four birds
during a three-day hike (50 km) between La Cienega and Pico
Duarte, the same area where R. H. Beck collected 31 specimens in
1917 (Wetmore and Swales, 1931). Benkman (MS) saw no
crossbills in this same area in late January, 1991. Only three
crossbills were observed by Ottenwalder (1988) during bird sur-
veys conducted between 7-13 July, 1988 across the Cordillera
Central, from Sabaneta (San Juan Province, on the south) to
Moncin (in the north), including the National Parks Jose del
Carmen Ramirez and J. Armando Bermudez. In Sierra de
Baoruco, Benkman (MS) found only four crossbills after a three-
day search for the species in January, 1991. In 1989 and 1991,
Benkman (MS) recorded a total of eight crossbills in about 150
kilometers of trails surveyed through pine forests,concluding that
the species is very uncommon even in the most productive pine
In Haiti, Woods and Ottenwalder (1986) recorded only five
crossbills in fifty hours of walking transects in Morne de la Selle.
The total crossbill population of Hispaniola has been recently
estimated by Benkman (MS) as 570 individuals.
Hispaniolan crossbills are
restrictedto discontinuous
areas of mountain forests Habitat
of Pinus occidentalis, a Hispaniolan crossbills are restricted to discontinuous areas of
fire-adapted endemic mountain pine forest, Pinus occidentalis, a fire-adapted endemic
species. pine species, usually found at high elevations in the Dominican
Republic and Haiti (Kepleret al., 1975). Riley's type specimenwas
collected at 1,250meters, and all other known collecting localities
in the Cordillera Centraland la Selle are at 1,500meters (Wetmore
and Swales 1931). In Sierra de Baoruco, it has been found at 1,600
(Stockton de Dod, 1978) and 1,475 meters (Kepler et al., 1975).
Mid-elevation pine forests between 850 and 2,300 meters (Sub-
tropical Lower Montane Wet Forest life zone) are probably the
best cone-productive pine habitat for crossbills (Benkman MS).
Kepler et al. (1975) described the habitat at a disturbed site in
Sierra de Baoruco as open R occidentalisforest; where the canopy
was approximately 20 meters high, with a 0-3 meter understory of
bracken fern (Ptedium aquilinum), herbs, and pine-duff. At
slightly higher elevations, the pines merged into denser moist
limestone forest, and only smaller trees remained, as the area had
been logged. In southern Haiti, Woods and Ottenwalder (1986)
recorded crossbills only in areas of mature pine forests.

Life History
Little is known of the natural history of Hispaniolan crossbills. In
part, observationsabout their biology have been prevented by their
low densities. Like other crossbills, the Hispaniolan species is
nomadic, moving in small flocksbetween patches of localized food
(Wetmore and Swales, 1931;Kepler et al., 1975; Benkman, MS).
Food and Feeding Behavior. The feeding ecology of L.
megaplaga has been discussed by Benkman (1989, MS). The
Hispaniolan crossbill is confined to pine forest because it is spe-
cialized for foraging on seeds in the cones of I! occidentalk, and
presumably because it is unable to compete with other species for
other types of food. Availability of R occidentalis seeds varies
during the year as well as between years. Pine cones begin opening
between January and March, although some seeds remain in the
cones into the summer. Hispaniolan crossbills probably forage on
a given cone crop from July or August, when the seeds and cones
are still developing, until the followingJuly when most of the seeds
have been shed. Between September and December, seedsin the
closed cones are relatively difficult to extract, and from June to
August only a few seeds remain in the cones, and seeds in develop-
ing cones are difficult to extract. Because few seeds remain in the
cones more than a year, crossbills need to find a new cone crop Little is known of the
each year. Locally, I? occidentalis produces a good crop about natural history of
every three years, but good cone crops are usually followed by two Hispaniolan crossbills.
years of small or no cone crops. This annual variation in cone In part, observations
production and occasional conefailures requires crossbills to find about their biology have
new cone crops most years. Cone productiondoes not fluctuate in been prevented by their
synchrony among all areas due to the elevational gradients in low densities.
temperature and rainfall in the large Hispaniolan mountains,
promoting asynchrony in cone production; otherwise most
crossbills would starve in some years. However, Benkrnan (MS),
who found very few cones, seeds, and crossbills in January 1991in
three different areasof the Cordillera Central,has pointed out that
cone failures may be extensive in Hispaniola.
Nesting. Information about of nesting of crossbills is only known
from a single nest recorded at Sierra de Baoruco, Dominican
Republic (Kepler et al., 1975). The pair was first observed carrying
nest materials on 2 April, at which time the nest was a flimsy open
platform of loosely-woven pine twigs, foliose lichens, and Old
Man's Beard lichen (Usnea sp.). The nest was situated ap-
proximately 15 meters high in a 20-meter pine, and was located
about 3 meters from the trunk needles in a area where branches
and clusters of pine needles partly obscured it. While searching
for nest materials, the pair remained in close proximity, although
the female undertook the greater share of the work. In size and
shape, the nest of the Hispaniolan crossbillappears to differ little
from that of North American white-winged crossbills,L leucop-
tera. Benkman (MS) recorded a female regurgitating pine seeds
to a fledgling in March, 1988. In Hispaniola, crossbills begin
nesting in January, when pine cones begin opening, and may con-
tinue nesting until May (Wetmore and Swales, 1931; Kepler et al.,
1975; Benkman, MS).
Predation, Diseases, and Parasites. There is little information
concerning predators, parasites and diseases of Hispaniolan
crossbills. Remains of L megaplaga were identified in pellets of
the Hispaniolan Barn owl (Tyto glaucops) from a sinkhole on
Morne de la Selle (Wetmore and Swales, 1931).

Reasons for Decline and Present Threats

Destruction of pine forest habitat appears to be the major cause
of decline of the Hispaniolan crossbill in both Haiti and the
Dominican Republic. Despite protective legislation, extensive
areas of mature pines have been devastatedin these two countries
by indiscriminate logging, clear-cutting, and both vandalic and
unintentional fires. Long-term exploitation of these forests has
Destruction of pine forest
resulted in a drastic reduction of the former range of the native
habitat appears to be the
pine in the island. Mid-elevation pine forests in the Subtropical
major cause of decline of
Lower Montane Wet Forest life zone (between 800 and 2,300
the Hispaniolan crossbillin
meters) is probably the best habitat for crossbills (Benkman, MS)
both Haiti and the
but it has been seriously affected by shifting agriculture in the
Dominican Republic.
Dominican Republic (Hartshorn et al., 1981) and Haiti (Ehrlich,

Furthermore, introductionof exotic pine species (e.g., R oocatpa,

I!caribea)as reforestation alternativesfor the native R occidentalis
represents an additional threat to the survival of crossbills.
Benkman (MS) has pointed out that although Hispaniolan
crossbills may at least occasionally forage on R oocarpa, it is
doubtful that R oocarpa would provide a sufficientlyreliable seed
crop to support Hispaniolan crossbills over the long term.
Like other island crossbill populations, Hispaniolan crossbills
have specific requirements for their survival. They appear to be a
species of low resilience,whose population levels are very sensitive
to habitat disturbance. Crossbills will fluctuate in abundance
depending on the size of cone crops, increasingin numbers during
years of large cone crops and decliningin years of extensive cone
failures(Benkman, 1989, MS). Extensive cone failurescould cause
crossbills to become highly vulnerable to extinction. Furthermore,
the severity of cone failures will increase as the geographical
- - - and
altitudinalranges of mature cone-producing pine forest decrease.

Conservation Measures %ken

The cutting, transport, and selling of wood is regulated by legis-
lation passed by the Haitian Governmentin 1955 and 1962. After
ratifying the recommendationsof the Convention for the Protec-
tion of Nature and Wildlife Preservation in the Western Herni-
sphere, hunting was regulated in Haiti and nine categoriesof birds
were protected by a decree enacted in 1971. It is unclear, however,
whether the Hispaniolan crossbill is listed or not. Unfortunately,
none of this legislation is known to be effective or enforced.
A decree passed in 1983created the first protected natural areas
in Haiti: La Visite National Park in the Massif de La Selle, and Pic
Macaya National Park in the Massif de La Hotte. A management
plan is being implemented only for the Pic Macaya National Park
(to be eventually proposed as a biosphere reserve), with the sup-
port of USATD and the MacArthur Foundation. Human popula-
tion pressures inside the parks, and continued political instability
in Haiti represent the major challenges for the future of protected Crossbills fluctuate in
areas in this country. Crossbills are uncommon in La Visite and abundance depending
Pic Macaya National Parks, but their breeding statusis still uncer- on the size of pine cone
tain in the Massif de la Hotte. crops, on which they
forage. Numbers in-
crease during years of
large cone crops, and
RECOVERY decrease in years of
Recovery Objective crop failures.

The primary objective of this recovery plan is to restore the

Southern Haiti Hispaniolan crossbill to a stable, secure and self-
sustaining status throughout its historic range, allowing the reclas-
sification of the species from endangered to threatened. Criteria
for fulfilling the objective are:
(1) attainment of a free-living, stable, and self-sustaining standing
population which demonstrates stability and self-sustenance
for at least 10 continuous years, and
(2) providing the habitat required to support the population.
The natural history and status of L. megaplaga is poorly known.
In order to attain the recovery plan objective,data is needed on the
ecology and life historyof the Hispaniolan crossbill, particularly on
numbers, habitat requirements,mortality, reproductive potential,
and population genetics. Until adequate information is available
upon which to establish a specific population goal, the species
should be considered recovered after attainment in southern Haiti
of an annual average of 500 breeding pairs for a ten-year period,
and assurance of long-term protection of the essential habitat
needed to sustain these populations. In this recovery plan, em-
phasis has been placed on habitat protection andin obtainingbasic
data on pine cone productivity and crossbill population ecology.

Stepdown Outline
1. Determine status of the population.
1.1Survey population abundance.
1.2 Document current distribution.
1.3 Identify possible causes of decline, potential threats, and
limiting and mortality factors.
Extensive cone failures 2. Determine status of the habitat and habitat requirements.
could cause crossbills to
become highly vulnerable 2.1 Document distribution, status, and extent of remaining
to extinction. And, the habitat.
severity of cone crop
2.2 Determine habitat requirements for the species.
failures will increaseas the
ranges of mature cone- 3. Protect and enhance the population and its habitat.
producing pine forests
decrease. 3.1 Protect habitat from any further human disturbance inside
existing protected areas.
3.2 Manage degraded habitat for restoration.
3.3 Promote species and habitat preservation through public
4. Conduct natural history studies.
4.1 Investigate the reproductive ecology.
4.2 Investigate the feeding habits
4.3 Evaluate the genetic variability of the population.
5. Monitor recovery of the population and assess additional
management strategies from available data.
6. Establish captive breeding if available evidence indicates that
the Hispaniolan crossbillmay become extinct in the wild.

Recovery Narrative
1. Determine status of the population
Recovery of the Hispaniolan crossbill will require quantifica-
tion of current population levels and trends, geographic dis-
tribution, and limiting factors.
1.1 Establish population abundance.
Little information concerning population densities, and
even sight records, of Hispaniolan crossbills have been
known since their discovery. Present numbers are repor-
tedly very low throughout Hispaniola. Informationabout
their abundance is essential to determine the present
status of the species as well as to determine future goals
and priorities for recovery.
1 2 Document current distribution.
The present range of the Hispaniolan crossbill in the Mas-
sifs of la Selle and la Hotte should be determined so that
these areas can be managed and protected against habitat
modification and disturbance. Surveys should also be car-
ried out in Pic Macaya National Park to determine if the
speciesis indeed breedingin this protected area and moun-
tain range. It is of great concern that a management plan
be developed and implemented for La Visite National
1 3 Identify possible causes of decline, potential threats, and
limiting and mortality factors.
Possible causes of decline should be identified. The role
of potential predators, competitors, parasites, and diseases
should be analyzed. The impact of human disturbance on
the habitat of Hispaniolan crossbills should be analyzed as
well. Efforts should emphasizethe identification of which
factors are currently limiting population size.
2. Determine status of the habitat and habitat requirements.
Information concerning the distribution, extent, and status of
the habitat is fundamental to the recovery plan.
Furthermore, the habitat needs to be characterized in order to
determine the pine successions that are essential to the
Hispaniolan crossbill and should be preserved.
2.1 Document distribution, status, and amount of remaining
An inventory of the habitats in areas known to support
populations of Hispaniolan crossbills should be carried
out. Information concerning the present status of the
habitat, including disturbance levels, successional stage of
plant communities, potential threats, and sizes of forest
fragments should be one of the priorities of the recovery
2.2 Determine habitat requirements for the species.
The structure of habitats supportingHispaniolancrossbills
should be investigated. Habitat selection and use should
then be determined from both available data on species
productivity and habitat assessments.
3. Protect and enhance the population and its habitat.
In Haiti, the single most important strategyfor the Hispaniolan
crossbill recovery plan is to assure protection of adequate
portions of habitat for the species. It is unrealistic to expect
achievement of recovery plan goals if mature pine habitats
cannot be preserved over the long term. Increasing and main-
taining habitat is essential to the survival of the species.
3.1 Protect habitat from any further human disturbance in-
side existing protected areas.
The remaining small population of Hispaniolan crossbills
should be protected promptly. Habitat destruction or
modification within Parc National Pic Macaya and Parc
National La Visite should be prevented. Surveillance by
park wardens shouldbe increased in the Parc National Pic
Macaya and started in Parc National La Visite. Buffer
zones around critical nesting and feeding areas should be
delineated and managed accordingly. The most feasible
means should be adopted to secure essential habitat out-
side existing or proposed protected areas within the his-
toric and presently reduced range of the Hispaniolan
crossbill. New areas around the present habitatshould be
incorporated and protected immediately.
As a basic conservation strategyfor the protection of the
Hispaniolan crossbill, Benkman (MS) recommended that
the probabilities of crop failures be reduced throughout
remaining pine forests of Hispaniola. The present size of
the two existing national parks of Haiti is probably too
small to contain enough mature pine stands to maintain
resident populations of crossbills. Additional protection
of large tracts of mature forest over a wide range of eleva-
tions and geographic locations (e.g., la Selle and la Hotte
in Haiti, and Cordillera Central and Sierra de Baoruco in
the Dominican Republic) will be necessary to reduce the
possibility of the crossbill from becoming extinct. Other
techniques recommended by Benkman (MS) include the
protection of the ridges radiating from protected areas,
and protection of the areas that consistently produce the
most cones and hence support the most crossbills (e.g.,
mid-elevation pine forests in the SubtropicalLower Mon-
tane Wet Forest life zone between 800 and 2,300 meters).
Mature forests are important because they are more likely
to produce a crop during a given year and older trees
produce more cones than younger trees (Benkman, MS).
Thus, mature pine forests should be protected immedi-
ately, disturbed pine stands should be allowed to
regenerate, and regenerating pine forests should be al-
lowed to mature.
3.2 Manage degraded habitat for restoration.
Remaining habitats should be immediately managed for
restoration and natural regeneration. Methods for how
habitat alterations and/or direct human disturbancecan be
reversed should be determined.
3 3 Promote species and habitat preservation throughpublic
Develop educational campaigns concerning the en-
dangered statusof the Hispaniolan crossbill and its habitat
in the national parks of Haiti.
4. Conduct natural history studies.
Little is known of the natural history of L. megaplaga. Infor-
mation about their reproduction and ecology is fundamental
to the success of the recovery plan.
4.1 Investigate the reproductive ecology.

Studies of the breeding season, nesting, clutchsize, hatch-

ing period, parental care,fledging period, young survivor-
ship, dispersal and attainment of sexual maturity are
essential for determininggrowth rates and critical periods
when the species is most vulnerable to disturbance.
4.2 Investigate the feeding habits.
Foods habits shouldbe determined. Basic food itemsneed
to be known to provide for the possibility of habitat
management to maintain and enhance food prey, and to
determine if food availability is a limitingfactor to popula-
tion growth or dispersal.
4 3 Evaluate the genetic variability of the population.

Evaluation of the genetic diversity of Hispaniolan

crossbills should be one of the priorities of the recovery
plan. Should the surveys indicate that very low numbers
remain in the wild, the development of population
dynamics and minimum viable population models will be
essential to guide the recovery of the Hispaniolan crossbill.
At present, information which is essential for the develop-
ment of these models is not available.
5. Monitor recovery of the population and assess additional
management strategies from available data.
Regular monitoring of the population is needed to assess
general population trends and the effects of management op-
tions. Additional management strategies should be imple-
mented from available data generated by field studies.
6. Establish captive breeding if available evidence indicates that
the Hispaniolan crossbillmay become extinct in the wild.
It is unknown how many Hispaniolan crossbills may survive in
the wild, but numbers are presumably low. If numbers and/or
distribution continue to decline in the wild, it is essential that
one or more captive breeding populations be established to
preserve the genetic stock of the species. Birds should be taken
from the wild to establish captive breeding populations only if
the species if nearing extinction.
Project Summary, Action Plan,
and View to the Future

1. Summary of National Parks and Biosphere Resemes in

The concept of protecting the natural areas of Haiti goes back at
least to the law of 17 August 1955. The official creation of "Parcs
Nationaux Naturels" was a decree published on 23 June 1983,
which set aside "Morne La Visite du Massif de la Selle" (2000
hectares) and "Morne Macaya du Massif de La Hotte" (2000 hec-
tares) in addition to eight sites selected as "Parcs Nationaux" and
"Sites Naturels" in the decree of 18 March 1968. These ten sites,
but most especially Parc National La Visite and Parc National Pic
Macaya, represent the components of the national parks of Haiti.
Since 1983, the Florida State Museum has worked on a contract
with USAID to complete an inventory of Parc National La Visite
and Parc National Pic Macaya, and to develop a management plan
for each park, as well as for the national parks program. Between
1983the parks were under the joint administration of ISPAN (then
under the Institut National Haitien de la Culture et des Arts or
INAHCA) and the Ministere de I'Agriculture, des Ressources
Naturelles et du Developpement Rural (MARNDR).

A. Location
Parc National Pic Macaya. The area now designated as Parc
National Pic Macaya is located 36 kilometers NW of Les Cayes and
195 kilometers W of Port-au-Prince at latitude 18 21' N and lon-
gitude 74 01' W. The park is situated around the two dominant
mountains of the region, Pic Formon (2,219 meters) and Pic
Macaya (2,347 meters) and includes the large and deep ravine
between these two mountains that serves as the headwaters of the
Ravine du Sud. The plain south of Pic Formon (Plain of Formon
and Plain of Durand) are also included in the park as are the rocky
(karst) hills along the southern boundaries of these plains.
The two high peaks tower above the surrounding plains (which
are between 1,000 and 1,500 meters in elevation) and a series of
mountain ridges, and receive moist air blowing inland from the
Golfe de la Gonave to the north (via the northeast trade winds) or
the Caribbean to the south (via sea breezes). The result is an area
of extremely high rainfall (in excess of 3,000 &year). Parc
National Pic Macaya is the source of four major rivers of southern
Haiti (Riviere de Port-a-Piment, Riviere des Roseaux, Ravine du
Sud and Riviere I'Acul). Extreme deforestationin the area affects
the stability of these rivers, and the rich agricultural lands below
(Cohen, 1984; Lowenstein, 1984). Parc National Pic Macaya ser-
ves the dual role of conservingthe national patrimonyby protecting
numerous endemicspeciesof plants and animals,and by pratecting
the watersheds of four of the most important rivers of Haiti which
spread outwards from the park like the spokes of a wheel.
Access to Parc National Pic Macaya is difficult. The journey is via
a route to the south from Port-au-Prince passing through Les
Cayes, 196 kilometers west. Beyond Les Cayes the route is on a
gravel road to Le Duc, and then a rough dirt road to Le Pretre,
which crosses the Riviere 1'Acul. Beyond Le Pretre, the route
The area now desig- ascends to the plateau of the Plain of Formon by a series of sharp
nated as Parc National switchbacks to the town of Les Platons. The entire trip from
Pic Macaya is located36 Port-au-Prince is 129 kilometers, with the 33 kilometers from Les
kilometers north west of Cayes to Les Platons being the most difficult portion. Beyond Les
Les Cayes and 195 Platons a new and very rough road has been constructed by the
kilometers west of Port- MBR project ten kilometersacross the southern edge of the Plain
au-Prince at latitude 18 of Formon to the location of the Park Headquarters at Caye
21' N and longitude 74 Michel.
01' w.
Because access to the park is so difficult and the location is so
distant from Port-au-Prince,we recommend that after the park is
underway, an area of the upper Plain of Formon be leveled for a
grass landing strip for small airplanes.
Parc National La Visite. The area now designated as Parc Na-
tional La Visite is located 22 kilometers south of Port-au-Prince in
the Massif de la Selle in the area of latitude 18 20'30" N and
longitude 72 20' W. The park is situated along the crest of the
Massif de la Selle between Morne d'Enfer (1,900 meters) and
Morne Kadeneau (2,155 meters). The highest spot in the park is
Morne Cabaio (2,282 meters) on which there is a benchmark. The
boundaries of the park have not been officially designated. The
official (by decree) size of the park is 2,000 hectares. The natural
boundaries of the plateau area of the park and the steep cliffs north
of the La Selle Escarpment enclose an area of 4,500 hectares. The
region of Morne d'Enfer is a natural extension of the park which
includes uninhabited areas to the west of Morne La Visite and the
existingboundary of the park along the mountain road fromFurcy.
This area should be included in the park because it serves as a
reservoir for species and habitats that have been severelydegraded
in the eastern areas of the park. The combined area of Morne
d'Enfer to Morne Kadeneau is an area of 6,300 hectares.
Access to Parc National La Visite is via the mountain highway
from Port-au-Prince via Furcy and Ca Jacques. An alternative
access route departs from Port-au-Prince and follows the route to
the south on the road to Jacmel. Beyond Jacmel, the route passes
through Marigot before ascending the southern slope of the Massif
de la Selle to Marche Seguin which is near the southern boundary
of the park. The route from Furcy passes through the park to join
the route via Jacmel at Marche Seguin. The route via Furcy is 55
kilometers between Port-au-Prince and Parc National La Visite,
and normally takes four hours to drive, while the route via Jacmel
is 150 kilometers and over six hours driving time. Both routes are
rough and the unpaved mountain sections are frequently damaged
by heavy rains. The grade on the route by way of Furcy is abnor-
mally steep. Improvements will have to be made to both of these
routes before safe and regular access to the parks by visitors will
be possible.

The area now desig-

nated as Parc National
B. Purpose La Visite is located 22
The purpose of the national parks has never been clearly stated. kilometerssouth of Port-
The law of 17 August 1955 regulated cutting, transporting and au-Prince in the Massif
selling wood, and the Rural Code of Francois Duvalier (28 May de la Selle in the area of
1962) strictly controlled forest resources and activities in forest latitude 18 20'30" N and
reserves. The decree of 23 June 1983 creating "ParcsNationaw longitude 72 20' W.
Naturels" lists eight park related responsibilities for MARNDR
that can be summarized as:
1) protecting ecological conditions;
2) undertaking an inventory of plants and animals;
3) studying the characteristics of endemic species in relation to
geology, soils, climate, etc.;
4) identifying areas having important ecological characteristics;
5) preserving national parks from physical deterioration;
6) supervising andworking with the scientificcommunity instudies
in the parks and natural sites;
7) disseminating information concerningthe parks and sites;
8) making the facilitiesof the parks availableto visitors.
We have synthesized these statements, as well as our many con-
versations with personnel from the governmental and private sec-
tors into the following list which we believe represents the purpose
of the Parcs Nationaux Naturels program in Haiti.
1. The protection of natural ecological conditions and processes.
The two most important consequencesof these actions are:
A) the preservation of watersheds, thereby improving the
quality of life for all inhabitants of Haiti in areas adjacent to,
or under the influence of national parks;
B) the preservation of natural species diversity and therefore
the national natural patrimony.
2. The promotion of the national natural patrimony. The two
most important consequencesof this activity are:
A) the education of the citizens of Haiti about the unique
features of their country that make Haiti special;
B) the increased possibility that wise decisions of long-range
importance can be made concerning the utilization and
development of the natural resources of Haiti.
3. The developmentof a recreationand tourism program that will
take advantage of the unique physical location and beauty of
the parks as well as the special features of the flora, fauna or
geology. We believe that it is possible for the citizens of Haiti
to benefit from the parks at both the local and national levels
without damaging the quality of the parks if a careful manage-
ment plan is developed and implemented.

C Resources
The geological and biological resources have been surveyed and
are discussed in detail in several places. First, they are presented
as companion volumes to the Stewardship Plan of 1986. These
reports were: 1) Geological setting; 2) Floristic study; 3) But-
terflies; 4) Malacology; 5) Herpetofauna; 6) Birds; 7) Recent and
extinct mammals. The natural features are also presented in 7Xe
Natural History of Southern Haiti (Woods and Ottenwalder, in
press). In summary, these reports indicate that the national parks
are of great importance because they have so many unique fea-
tures. The geology of both parks reveals details about the past of
Haiti when it was more than one island and when the tops of the
mountaim were shallow marine environments. The great ravine
of the Ravine du Sud betureen Pic Forn~anand Pic Macaya is part
of an enormous fault &at cuts across the southern peninsula of
Haiti from Tiburon to the Cul-de-Sacplain. The floristic features
indicate that Parc Macaya has 69 vascular plants that are endemic
specieq and Parc La Visite has 36 endemic vascular plants. The
total vascular plant flora of Macaya includes 130 species that are
endemic ta Hispaniola, which is 28% of the flora of the park.
Among flowering plants, the degree of endemism of Parc Macaya
is even greater with 124 species endemic to Hispaniola (34% of
total) and 68 endemic to the park itself, which is 19% of the
flowering plants of the park* in La Visite, among the flowering
plants, 85 species are endemic to Hispaniola (34% of total) and 35
species are endemic to the park itself,which is '14%of the flowering
plants of the park. In term? of endemism, klacaya is more impor-
tant than La Visite. The impartance af Macaya is even more
dramatically pointed nut when just orchids are analyzed (orchids
are not included in the previous lists). Of the 133speciesof orchids
known to occur in Parc Macaya, 38 are endemic to the Massif de
La tIotte itself. Only twelve species of orchids were collected in
Parc La Visite,

There are 67 species of

birds recorded from
Pare National La Visite.
65 species af birds are
recorded from Pare Na-
tional Pic Macaya.

There are 67 species of birds recorded from Parc La Vidte.

Seventeen of these are endemic to Haiti, so 81% of the endemic
birds of the country are found in La Visite. There are 65 species
of birds recorded from Parc Macaya. Four important endemic
species are missing from Macaya, so Parc Macaya is more limited
in importance in terms of the preservation of endemic species than
is Parc La Visite. Both parks have significant populations of the
Black-capped Petrel. The most endangered species in both parks
are the White-winged Warbler, the White-winged Crossbill, and
the Black-capped Petrel.
Sixteen (94%) of the 17 'i'here has been a great loss of mammals in Parc La Visite. Of the
species of endemic ter- 17 species of endemic terrestrial mammals known to occur in the
restrial mammais known parks within the last 3,W years, 16 (94%) have become extinet.
ts occur in Parc Nationat The bats have fixed almost as poorly. Eight bat species are known
La @site within the iasa to have occurred in Pare La Visite, but only four still occur wit bin
3,000 years have be- the boundaries of the park, a 50% loss. In Pare Macaya, 17species
come extinct, of endemic terrestrial mammals are known, but 15 have become
extinct (885%). Fourteen bat species still occur in the park. Five
species of bats of the Mncaya fauna are ~vlnerableto extinction if
caves are disturbed and habitat is destroyed (Morgan and Woods,
1986). The loss of endemic mammals in both parks is dramatic, but
not unique. 'The average loss of endemic species throughout the
Caribbean during the past 3,000years tras been 88% ((Woods,e t al.,
1986). It is clear, however, that the loss in Pare La Visite is greater
than the loss in Parc Macaya, and that La Visite is a very disturbed
a r e a . O n e species of mammal, t h e La I l o t t e fIutia
(Rhizoplagiodontialemkei) is restricted to Parc Macaya. An in-
tense effort to find additional new species of mammals in the
Macaya and La Visite areas was first thought to be unsuccessful,
but during the past few months a new species of Solenodon has
been found. This rare mammal is truly a living fossil. It is likely
that five species became extinct in the last 30 years (Woods, et al.,
1986), which is the period of greatest habitat loss in the Macaya
area (Cohen, 1984).

D. Management
We have presented a detailed outline of our recommendations
for the management of each park, and for the creation of a national
parks system in this volume. We prefer the term stewardshiprather
than management since we believe the latter concept implies an
active state of manipulation and alteration. Stewardship can be
passive, and can allow the ecosystem to recover and maintain itself
without extensive manipulation. Both parks are highly disturbed
areas, however, and in the initial stages of creating the parks an
active program will be necessary.

The zones of each park fall into two categories, each of which is
divided into three areas. One zone is associated with specific
activities, and requires constant attention and an active role by
national park personnel and visitors alike. This zone is called the
"Designated Use Zone," and it is subdivided into the following We use the term
areas. stewardship rather than
1) "RecreationAreas" are where visitors can camp, hike, observe management, because
scenic vistas and enjoy special features of the parks. These the stewardship can be
areas are designated for each park on the maps and text of the passive, allowing the
"StewardshipPlan." ecosystem to recover
and maintain itself
2) "Education Areas" are where national parks personnel have without extensive
created a special enriched environment to educate visitors manipulation.
about the special features of the parks. These areas include
nature trails, special signs at designated locations, site exhibits
and the public areas of the Park Headquarters.
3) "Maintenance and Service Areas" are where national parks
personnelwork and store equipment and suppliesnecessary to
improve the quality of the park. These areas include the work
areas near the Park Headquarters, the depots where equip-
ment is stored, the security areaswhere guards work, the living
quarters of the Park Headquarters, the stables and facilitiesfor
horses, mules and donkeys used in the functions of the park
(tourism included), the garages and shops associated with the
vehicles and machines.
The second zone of the parks is associated with restricted ac-
tivities, and is called the "Limited Visitation Zone." The primary
goal of activities in this zone is conservation of the soil, water, flora
and fauna. The largest and most important region of this zone is
the "BiologicalPreserve Area." No exploitation of any kind should
be allowed in areas so designated. %%en areas are of potential
importance to the conservation of specific organisms, soils or
watersheds, but are currently degraded, then an active role is
required to restore the habitat to a condition where it can be
regarded as a Biological Preserve Area. These areas, each of which
will be designated as a "Restoration Area," are where active
management is necessary with the long-range goal of improving
quality so that future management will not be necessary. The last
area of the Limited Visitation Zone is where research is permitted
on a limited and carefully controlled basis. This area should be
distinct from Biological Preserve Areas, and is designated as a
"Research Area."
All of these zones and areas are discussed in the text of the
Stewardship Plan.
E. Construction Controls
The construction of all structures, trails and signs should be
supervised by a central office of the national parks program where
a record is kept of all construction activities. A central file in the
Park Headquarters should contain work plans, information on
costs and photographs of completed projects. A routine inspection
The construction of all of all projects in the parks should be completed by the Director at
structures, trails and least once a year, and on a regular basis by each Park S u p e ~ s o r .
signs should be super-
vised by a central office
of the national parks pro-
gram where a record is E Roads
kept of all construction Clearly, access to the parks is an important feature, and these
activities. roads must be maintained and improved before an active tourism
program is possible. Great care must be taken in the improvement
of the Parc Macaya access road, however, since a good road would
open the region up and remove the last barrier--isolated location-
-to the exploitation of the interior of the Massif de La Hotte. We
do not recommend the improvement of this road until an active
national parks program is in place with personnel committed to the
supervision of all activities in Parc National Pic Macaya.
The existing road to and through Parc National La Visite is
adequate for the present (but should eventually be improved).
Additional roads are necessary to the camping facility and Park
Headquarters. These roads can follow an existing rough trail and
an old logging road. The old logging road should be upgraded to
allow vehicles to pass to Tete Opaque. No roads should be con-
structed to Morne d'Enfer.

4. Administration

A. Suggested Annual Budget

The total budget for the national parks program over a five-year
program includes: 1) set up costs for the Central Office in Port-au-
Prince; 2) set up costs for each park; 3) signs; 4) exhibits; 5)
publications; 6) training personnel; 7) research; 8) operating the
Central Office in Port-au-Prince; 9) operating parks; 10) operat-
ing vehicles; 11) salaries in the Central Office; 12) salaries in
parks. The total for these items over a five-year period is
$2,514,790. We believe that research is a very important com-
ponent of the implementation of a national parks program.
Without research it will not be possible to write Species Recovery
Plans for the endangered and threatened species of Haiti. The cost
of the proposed research plan is $165,000 over a five-year period,
or 6.6% of the total budget. Research projects also serve as effec-
tive ways to train the staff of Para Haiti. Personnel from the staff
of the national parks program should work closely with all re-
searchers, and that this should serve as an important part of the
training process for all national parks personnel during the first five
years. The staff should also participate in the publication process
of the results of the research.

Access roads to the

parks must be improved
B. Routine Maintenance Schedule and ma,intained before
A regular schedule should be established to insure communica- an active tourism pro-
tion between the parks and the central office in Port-au-Prince. gram is possible.
The Park Supervisors should spend three weeks in the parks and
one week in the central office. Within the parks a regular schedule
should be established for the following components.
1.Access Roads. A work crew should be assigned to improve the
quality of the access road to each park. After the roads are in
suitable condition to allow safe and routine access to the parks, they
should be "maintained"on a monthly basis to remove fallen rocks
and to insure proper drainage.
2. nails. The trails through the areas of each park where vegeta-
tion is dense, and especially in Parc Macaya where trails become
overgrown with cutting bamboo Arthrostylidium haitiense and
sharp spined blackberries Rubus spp., should be cleared every six
months. In steep areas, care should be taken to landscape the trails
at the same time to prevent erosion.
3. Park Headquarters. The Park Supervisor should develop a
checklist for regular maintenance of the toilets, sinks, septic tank,
cisterns, stove, refrigerator, propane gas and public quarters.
4. Central Oflice. The Director should develop a checklist for
regular maintenance of all equipment, supplies and the building.
The Director should delegate this authority to the Assistant Direc-
tor for Administration.
5. Vehicles. The Director should develop a schedule to insure that
all vehicles are maintained on a regular basis. Each vehicle should
receive a thorough inspection every three months.

C Infrastructure
The national parks "program" should be organized as a discrete
unit with the ability to make decisions on policy, management and
budget. All aspects of the park should be under the direct control
of the Director.
The location of the national parks program within the structure
of the GOH has never been clearly designated. We recommend
that the best solution is to name the program Parcs Haiti and make
no reference to a department, service or institute. Parcs Haiti
should be a free-standing unit of the GOH under the supervision
The national parks pro-
of a board of trustees designated as the National Parks Advisory
gram should be or-
Council (PANAC). The organization of the program is diagramed
ganized as a distinct unit
with the ability to make
decisions on policy,
management and
budget. National Parks Advisory Council (PANAC)
Director of Parcs Haiti (Chairman)
Director of ISPAN
Director of Direction des Ressources Naturelles (MARNDR)
Director of Office of Tourism
Director Societe Audubon d'Haiti (SAHPE)
Prominent Private Citizen
International Representative
Central Office
Component Parks and Natural Sites

The National ParksAdvisory Council (PANAC) would be respon-

sible for meeting with the Director of Parcs Haiti once a year, and
assisting the Director to improve funding, develop long-range
goals, and resolve points of conflict.
The actual administrationof all aspects of national parks in Haiti
should be the responsibility o f x e Director of Parcs Haiti.
The organization of Parcs Haiti can be accomplished in any one
of three ways.
1). We recommend creating a new program within Haiti, which
should be named Parcs Haiti. During the first year a Director,
as well as a complete staff for each park (Park Supervisor,seven
park guards, 15 park workers), and a complete office staff
should be hired. The additional two positions (Assistant
Director for Education and Recreation;Assistant Director for
Conservationand Research)are important to the development
of the parks and parks program, and require some technical
abilities. If individualswith the interest and training for these
positions do not exist in Haiti, then international personnel
could be used to fill the positions on an interim basis (two to
five years). The University of Florida, IUCN, Parks Canada,
U.S. National Parks Service and World Wildlife Fund should
be consulted for advice as to whom to hire. The University of
Our primary recommen-
Florida-Florida Museum of Natural History would be willing
dation for the creation of
to coordinate this process.
a national parks pro-
The second possible way to create Parcs Haiti would be to gram in Haiti is the crea-
contract out the complete operation of Parcs Haiti to an inter- tion of an entity called
national organization concernedwith conservationand nation- "Parcs Haiti" with the
al parks. This concept has the advantage of being able to draw authority and commit-
upon the experiences of a group which specializes in national ment to protect the
parks work, and it would allow a strong nationalparks program natural patrimony of the
to quickly begin protecting the national parks of Haiti (which country.
is very important). This group could also serve a valuable
teaching function. The technique has the potential disad-
vantage of bringing foreigners into conflict with the GOH on
sensitive environmental matters, and being perceived as im-
perialistic. On balance, we feel that this is a good idea and
should be implemented if our primary recommendation is not
possible. This organizati%nshould be under the supervisionof
the same National Parks Advisory Council (PANAC)discussed
above. The IUCN, Parcs Canada, or the University of Florida-
Florida Museum of Natural History are logical choices for this
group. The group contracted to run the national parks pro-
gram for a period of five or ten years could work closely with
3). The third possibility for creating Parcs Haiti is to allow the SPE
to run the national parks program of Haiti under the World
Bank Environmental and Forestry Project. If the WBP project
starts up, then the funding and administrative structure are
already in place. However, it will take a long time for SPE to
achieve the technical skills necessary to run the national parks
in Haiti, and we recommend that an outside NGO or interna-
tional organization be employed to assist SPE. We also recom-
mend that SPE use the name "Parcs Haiti" if it does assume
complete responsibility of the national parks of Haiti.

Parcs Haiti could be a

new governmental pro-
gram; it could be
operated through a con-
tract with an internation-
al organization; or, it
could be operated by Our primary recommendation for the creation of a national parks
the Service de la Protec- program in Haiti is the creation of an entity called "Parcs Haiti"
tion de I'Environnement with the authority and commitment to protect the natural
under the World Bank patrimony of the country. Any of the three alternative ways of
Environmental and creating Parcs Haiti would accomplish these goals, and be able to
Forestry Project. implement a national parks program. The decision on which pro-
gram to follow should be made as soon as possible:. The decision
should be made by a majority vote of the seven individuals dis-
cussed as the National Parks Advisory Council (PANAC) which can
meet on a one-time basis to make this decision, or can become a
permanent group advising the national parks program (Parcs


ll Personnel
The organization of Parcs Haiti is diagramed below.
Assistant Director for Education and Recreation
Assistant Director for Conservation and Research

Central Office
Office Guardian

Parc National La Visite Parc National Pic Macava

Park Supervisor Park Supervisor
Guardian Headquarters Guardian Headquarters
Cook Cook
Park Guards (7) Park Guards (7)
Park Workers (15) Park Workers (15)

E. Logistics
The Central Office in Port-au-Princewould coordinateall aspects
of the program in national parks. All files, plans, publications,
correspondence and budget information should be maintained
there. The Director would interact upward with the National Parcs
Advisory Council, of which he would be Chairman, laterally with
other programs, and would supervise all activitiesof Parcs Haiti.
The Assistant Directors will work with the Director and regularly The Parcs Haiti Central
tour the parks and make reports. The Park Supervisorswill imple- Office would be located
ment the directions from the Central Office and supervise the in Port-au-Prince. The
personnel in each park. The Park Supervisors should spend one Central Office would
week each month in Port-au-Princeplanning and working with the coordinate all aspects of
Central Office staff. A radio communications network should exist the program in national
between the Central Office and each park, and there should be parks.
regular discussionsbetween the Park Supervisorsand a designated
person in the Central Office.
The Director of Parcs Haiti should meet with the National Parks
Advisory Council (PANAC) at least once a year.
5, Interpretationand Research
The programs in interpretation and research are two of the most
important elements of the national parks program. Interpretation
is the responsibility of the Assistant Director for Education and
Research. Research is the responsibility of the Assistant Director
for Ccsnsewation and Research,

We recommend the following as part of a program in interpreta-

1.A series of temporary exhibits in the Central Office (year one).
2. Informative signs at entrance to each park (year one).
3. A brochure on the parks that promotes the most important
features, provides a list of important species, discusses the rules
of the park and the purpose and concepts of the parks (year
The programs in inter- one).
pretation and research 4. Four exhibits in the Park Headquarters at Morne La Visite (year
are Wa of the most im- two)
portant elements of the
national parks program. 5. Two exhibits in the Park Headquarters at Macaya (year two).
6. Two permanent exhibits in the Central Office Wrk Head-
quarters (year two).
7. Nature trails with educational s i p s in each park as designated
on the maps in the Stewardship Plan (year two).
8. Information signs at designated locations off the road beyond
Furcy and aloug the road to Jarmel (year two).
9, Training the Park Supervisors to be interpretive naturalists
10. Developing a slide-tape presentation (French? Creole, and
English versions) for use in informing the public of the national
natural patrimony and the value of the parks (year one).

Grey-crowned Pasm Tanager - recommended national bid

11. Designating national species, and promoting a better under-

standing of these species. We recommend the following.
a). The Hispaniolan Wutia = "Zagoutit'(Pla@ohtztiaaedium)
- National b4mmal
h). The Grey-crowned Palm Tanager = "Oiseau Quatre Yeux
du Sud" (Phaenic~philurpoliocepk~lm),or the IIispaniolan
Trogo,on = "Calecon Rouge" (Prioteles roseigastter) - National
Bird Designation of national
species can help to
c ) . The "Bwa Tromble" (Didj7mopa~zmtremulurn) or the promote better under-
Hispaniolan Pine = "Bwapen"(Phius occidentalis)- National standing of Haiti's flora
lawe and fauna.

d). 'Ti Crapo Morne" (Eleutheroductytuwetmorei) - National

e). "Couleuvre Bois" or "La Madeleineff(Uromzucerfrenatus) -
National Snake
f). "fortue I'Etang" (Pmhemjfsdecoratn) National Turtle

g), iguana (Cyclurtu comutcl)- National Lizard

d). Fuchia or "Belle Fleur Morne" (Fuchiapringsheimii) - Na-
tional Flower
e). Karst topography = "Casse Denttt- National Geological
These important elements of the natural patrimony of Haiti
can be promoted on postage stamps, in newspaper articles, and
by conservation posters. They can also be topics of discussion
in schools. Some are already portrayed on the "Connaitre et
Proteger la Richesse Naturelle d'Haititl conservation poster
done by the University of Florida MBR project.
12. There should be a regular weekly newspaper feature on the
national parks written by the Director of Parcs Haiti or by
special contributors. This feature should be in a prominent
place in at least one newspaper, and should also be featured in
the English language "Haiti News."
13. Writing booklets on the special features of each park based on
scientific results from inventories and on-going research
projects (years two and three).

Research is one of the most important elements of the develop-
ment process for the national parks program. An active research
Hispaniolan Pine program will generate data on which management decisions must
Recommended national tree be based. The research program will also provide data on the
national natural patrimony (endemic species, many of which will
be new). A third and very important aspect of the research pro-
gram is that by actively involving the staff of Parcs Haiti in the
research activities (field work, analysis, publications) one of the
most important and difficult aspects of the training program is
An active research pro- completed (i.e., training in specific topics) at the same time that
gram will generate data data and publications are being generated. Research personnel
on which management can also be required to lead training sessions while they are in
decisions must be Haiti. The most important research goals are outlined below. The
based. costs of these programs are listed in the budget sheet and in the
Stewardship Plan.
1. Publication of previous data from inventory (year one).
2. Research on the composition and requirements of the major
plant communities (five-year study).
3. Research on the basic biology of the endemic mammals and
endangered species (five-year study).
4. Biology of the Black-capped Petrel (three-year study).

5. R e g u l a r inven- Ifi
tories of avifauna Mi
(five-year study).
studies (five-year
faunal studies
(five-year study).
Habitat require-
m e n t s of h e r -
9. Publication of the "La Madeleine"
above d a t a (in Recommended national snake
year five).

6. Park Headquarters and Stations

The facilities of the parks program are very important. Not only
do they provide a working environment for Parcs Haiti personnel
and colleagues, they also demonstrate the existence of a viable
parks program. This is especially important within the boundaries
of Parc National Pic Macaya and Parc National La Visite where the
Parc Headquarters buildings, depots and outposts demonstrate
that the parks are official and that authority exists in the region.
Park facilities should be constructed at the earliest possible date
(with existing funds, or in the first year of the new five-year budget).

The facilities of the parks

Location provide the working en-
vironment for ~ersonnel:
1) Central Office. This structure should be distinct from either they also deinonstrate
ISPAN or MARNDR at Damien. It can be located in Port-au- the existence of a viable
Prince or Petionville. We feel it would be desirable to build a parks program.
facility for the parks at the designated National Botanical
Garden. The existing plans for the Park Headquarters could be
modified as plans for the Central Office.
2) Park Headquarters at Parc National La Visite. This structure
should be located near the cascade in the central part of the
park above the campground. This location is in an attractive
wooded area (Bois Cascade), and is central to all activities in
the park.
3) Depots and maintenance areas for Pare National La Visite will
be in the existing buildings at the Scierie,
4) An existing caye can he rented or purchased at Tete Opaque as
an outpost,
5 ) Park #leadquartersat Parc National Pic Macaya. This struc-
ture has been completed as part of the MBR project. It is
located at the edge of the Rak Bwa forest on the upper Plain
of Durand. The name of this facility is Caye Miehel.
6. Depots and maintenance facilitieshave been completed at Parc
National Pic Macaya in the area of the Park Headquarters at
Caye Michel.
7). An inexpensive caye should be constructed at 1,000 meters
elevation in the ravine of the Ravine du Sud as an outpost. It

iguana Rsesmmended mtironall IItmM

Parcs W aiti shouid make should be modeled after Madame Robert's caye that the inven-
a special effort to im- tory team used (year two).
prove the quality of life in
the region around the 8). An inexpensive caye shouId be located on the north side of the
parks in the Massif de la park near 700 meters beside the Riviere La Guinaudee. An
Selle and Mass8 de la existingcaye can be rented or purchased. This caye would serve
Hatte. as an outpost.
9). An inexpensive caye should be located on the west side of the
park near the end of the UKICORSlCOSARroad in the valley
of the Riviere Trois Sources. This caye would serve as an
outpost for park guards, and would help protect ihe very vul-
nerable and important western side of Park Macaya from
ljpe and Construction
The plans for a Park Headquarters have been drawn up and are
available (submitted to INAHCA, MARNDR, and USAID on 17
December 1985). These plans can be used for the Park Head-
quarters at Parc National La Visite. The plans call for a basic stone
or cement block structurewith a large front porch and centralroom
for public meetings. There are four rooms around the centralroom
to serve as office, laboratory, living and depot space. In the rear of
the building are rooms for cooking, eating and a bathroom. The
water supply for the headquarters is via two 300 gallon cisterns that
gather rainwater off of the rear roof of the building. This design is
very flexible, and the function of rooms can change as the program
grows. There is a loft for sleeping or storage. A variation of this
plan was used by the University of Florida MBR in the design and
construction of the Park Headquarters (Caye Michel) at Parc
National Pic Macaya.

A Design for Park Headquarters

One of the main goals of

The Park Headquarters would provide office space for the Park the parks is to improve
Supervisor,a work room, a sleeping room for the Park Supervisor, the quality of the en-
sleeping space for visiting scientists and technicians, and a guest vironment and of the as-
room for visitors from the Central Office. sociated watersheds.
The building should to be constructed out of rock or cement.
Wood is used for the interior supports. The roof is metal. All
materials are available at the site or in Port-au-Prince. A materials
list is provided with the plans.
7, Integrationof the Parks with Region
Parcs Haiti should make a special effort to improve the quality of
life in the region around the parks in the Massif de la Selle and
Massif de la Hotte. If the parks are going to be successful they must
be viewed as being of - local importance as well as in the national

A, Jobs
The personnel from the parks should be hired from the region.
The available jobs assocbted with each park are listed below.
Regular jobs = R; Occasionaljobs = I.
Number of positions
1.Park Guards 7 (R)
2. Park Workers 15 (R)
3. Headquarters Cook 1 (R)
4. Headquarters Guardian 1 (R)
5. Other building guardians 3 (R)
6. Guides (estimate) 10 (1)
7. Special project workers 10 (1)

Twenty-seven jobs will be generated in each region by the per-

manent staff of the parks. Additional jobs will be available as the
Park Headquarters is being constructed at Parc La Visite, and
during phases of reforestation. Jobs will also be generated as
Since there has not been recreation and tourism increases. Some of the jobs will be as
a tradition of natural guides, while others will be associated with renting horses and
science, conservationor donkeys to visitors and selling supplies. The amount of money in
national parks in Haiti, it
the region will increase because of regular salaries being paid to
is necessary and impor-
Parcs Haiti personnel, and more money means an increased
tant to implement an ac- demand for supplies. This will provide more jobs in the service
tive training program for sector of the region (store owners, farmers).
all national parks per-

B, Watershed Management
One of the main goals of the park is to improve the quality of the
environment and of the associated watersheds. This will have
some impact on residents on the plains and along the rivers below
the parks. More water will be available for human consumption
and irrigation. The quality of the water will improve. The rate of
soil erosion will decrease. The danger of flooding to inhabitants
living near rivers will decrease. All of these will be possible be-
cause major reforestation projects will be undertaken in each

C Model Programs
The following model programs are proposed for the region of
each park in associationwith Parcs Haiti.
1. Communal Firewood Forest Project.
2. Reforestation and Fruit Tree Propagation Program in coopera-
tion with MARNDR and PVOs in region.
3. Technical Assistance Program coordinated by the Park Super-
4. Local artisan, handicraft and recreation program coordinated
by the Assistant Director for Education and Recreation.

& Recommended h i n i n g Programs

Since there has not been a tradition of natural science, conserva-
tion or national parks in Haiti, it is necessary and important to
implement an active training program for all national parks per-
sonnel. After careful reflection, we believe that the most cost
effective and appropriate training program is for seminars and
workshops to be conducted in Haiti. Each workshop or training
session should lastabout two weeks and be conductedby a carefully
chosen international individual or group. There should be four
training sessions per year (every three months). These training
sessions should take place in the Central Office and within the
parks. There could be more frequent training sessions during the The concept of a bio-
first year of the program, and fewer as the program develops. sphere reserve is to
promote a balanced
relationship between
A. Individuals people and the natural
Everybody associated with the parks should receive training of
some kind. The nature and duration of the training are listed in
the following table.

B. Location and h i n i n g
With the exception of the Director, who should be encouraged to
participate in the international parks seminar, all training should
be in Haiti. In this way, specific training is possible and all staff of
the Parcs Haiti program can receive some benefit from thTinstruc-
tors and training sessions. In addition, research biologists can be
involved in the training sessions. This is economical, and en-
courages individuals to focus their training on the Parcs Haiti
program rather than use the training as a stepping stone to a higher
position in Haiti or to leave Haiti. It is important to create as much
long-term stability in the Parcs Haiti program as possible.

C. Specific Courses and Topics

The need for specific topics will be identified with greater
precision as the staff is hired and the background of the Parcs Haiti
staff are known. At the initial stage we can identify the following
topics which are of major concern.

National Parks Topics

1. History of National Parks and National Parks Policy
2. Biosphere Reserves
3. Administrationof National Parks
4. Personnel Management and Decision Making
5. Financial Accounting and Data Management
6. Public Relations and Advertising
Biosphere reserves con-
sist of core areas sur- 7. Museum Studies and Interpretation
rounded by zones of 8. Principles of Recreation and Tourism
cooperation or "buffer
zones." Core zones are
completely protected
areas; buffer zones are Research and ConservationTopics
areas in which a variety
of resource uses may
take place. 1.Biological and Geological History of Haiti
2. Collecting Techniques- Botanical
3. Collecting Techniques- Zoological
4. Ecological Methods
5. Cartography, Photo Interpretation and Remote Sensing
6. Major Features of Haiti - Botanical
7. Major Features of Haiti - Zoological
8. Major Features of Haiti - Geological, Hydrological,
9. Analysis of Data, StatisticalTechniques and PublicationTechni-
Some of these 16 topics can be combined into one training
session, while others (such as "major features of Haiti") represent
more than one training session. The training sessions can be
organized as distinct one- to two-week workshops and seminars.
All research staff should be required to present training sessions
as part of their research activities, and to include selected Parcs
Haiti personnel in specific aspects of their research activities.

9. Concluding Comments on Parcs Haiti and Biosphere

The concept of a "Biosphere Reserve" has been approved by
UNESCO under the Man and the Biosphere Program (MAB).
Biosphere reserves are examples of the major landscapes of the
world complete with characteristic landforms, flora and fauna as
well as the various patterns of human use and adaptation of the
region. The concept of a biosphere reserve is intended to promote
a balanced relationship between people and the natural environ-
ment. The emphasis in biosphere reserves is demonstrating the
value and need for conservation and the link between wise land use
policies and conservation and sustainable development. We
believe that the concept of a biosphere reserve is very well suited
to the nature of the national parks in Haiti, and we encourage Parcs
Haiti to proceed with the implementation of a biosphere reserve
Biosphere reserves consist of core which are lands already The World Bank Plan
was designed to protect
under some form of protection. In the case of Parcs Haiti, the core
areas are Parc National Pic Macaya, Parc National La Visite (and the natural resources of
the various sites listed in the decree of 23 June 1983). In biosphere Haiti. The project has
reserves, core areas are surrounded by zones in been suspended be-
cause of the unsettled
which a variety of resource uses may take place, such as forestry,
ranching, farming or tourism. In these zones, solutions to man-en- political situation in Haiti.
vironment are sought by involving local people. This is
often done by including selected local residents in the discussion
process, often via a committee made up of Parks personnel and
local residents. The zone of cooperation is analogous to the "Buff-
er Zone."
The concept of a national park surrounded by a buffer zone, as
discussed in the Stewardship Plan lends itself well to the principles
of a biosphere reserve, especially consideringthe complicated land
use practices in and around the national parks and the need to
resolve the problems of land use and land tenure in the region.
This was the plan followed by the MBR project. We believe that
the habitats of Parc National La Visite and Parc National Pic
Macaya are unique and are worthy of inclusion in the biosphere
reserve program of the world's major landscapes. In 1985, there
were 243 biosphere reserves in 65 countries. Parcs Haiti should
begin from its conceptionto organize the national parks program,
and especially the two great national parks of Haiti as biosphere
reserves. The idea could be to link them all into one big, multi-part
biosphere reserve that would include both national parks and the
freshwater lakes of the Cul-de-sac Plain. This biosphere reserve,
which could be called the Macaya La Selle Biosphere Reserve,has
biologicalimportance because thisentire ecosystemwas part of the
old "South Island." Or, the Macaya Biosphere Reserve and La
Selle Biosphere Reserve could be separate entities. From the
biological point of view, uniting them together as the same bio-
sphere reserve makes the most sense. Biologically and historically
significant areas in northern Haiti could be grouped together in a
second biosphere reserve,which would be named the Henry Chris-
tophe Biosphere Reserve. This distinction makes sense, since all
of northern Haiti had a very different geological and biological
history from southern Haiti.

View of the Future: The Proposed World Bank Project

In 1990, a plan was developed by USAID, UFMBRP, and the
The University of Florida World Bank Environmental and Forestry Project to work together
Macaya Biosphere to assist Haiti in developing a first class environmental program.
Reserve Project began This plan was scheduled to begin in 1991. The World Bank Project
in 1987 and was ex- was designed to protect the naturalresources of Haiti. This project
pected to continue was planned to draw on the experiencesof the University of Florida
through August, 1993. activities in Haiti, and to build on the programs developed in the
However, due to the national parks at Parc National Pic Macaya and Parc National La
politicalsituation in Haiti, Visite as well as the planned Macaya Biosphere Reserve. The
and the international em- World Bank Project is still pending. It has been suspended--we
bargo, the project ended hope temporarily--becauseof the unsettled political situation in
on May 31, 1992. Haiti. USAID, the University of Florida and MARNDR are work-
ing together to try to ''bridge" the present transitional situationwith
a time in the future when programs such as the World Bank Project
will make it possible to have a strong program in land stewardship
and conservation in Haiti. The USAID is working to design an
ongoing project in soil and water conservation in the Macaya area,
and the University of Florida is working on a project in environ-
mental education and wildlife conservation via a grant from the
MacArthur Foundation. These activities are described in the next
section of this chapter. The present section describesthe planned
World Bank Environmental Project in detail. We hope that the
project outline presented here will provide a clear picture of the
possible future direction of programs in natural resources and
environmental protection in Haiti.
The University of Florida Macaya Biosphere Reserve Project
(UF-MBRP) has worked as a NGO contractor for USAID in the
buffer zone south and west of Pic Macaya National Park, and in the
southern half of the park itself. This project was initiated on
October 1,1987, and was originally expected to continue receiving
funding from USAID through August, 1993. However, political
guidelines of USAID have prevented the UF-MBRP from working
in association with the Government of Haiti (GOH) for most of
the life of the project, and the MBR project was not continued
beyond May 31,1992. The activities of the UF-MBRP include: (i)
sociocultural inventories of the southern district of the park and
adjacent districts (buffer zone); (ii) zoning the southern regions of
the park and buffer zone; (iii) analysis of land use trends; and (iv)
development of an agricultural and agroforestry extension pro-
gram in the southern Macaya region. Since the GOH has the
administrative. responsibility for all state lands, and since Parc
National Pic Macaya is on public domain state lands under the
administrative control of MARNDR, the management of the Pic
Macaya Project has been complex (and flawed). The situation is
further complicated by the mission of the USAID project, which
defines the geographical limitsof its Targeted Watershed Manage-
ment Project as south of Pic Macaya. The existing UF-MBRP,
therefore, is technically only concerned with half of the existing
national park and associated buffer zone. The Service de la Protec-
tion de I'Environnement
would use its role as the
information center on
The Proposed World Bank Project and the renewable natural
Environmental Protection Service resources, and its
The Service de la Protection de 1'Enviromement (SPE) was first trained staff and avail-
created by Administrative order in 1984, and was legally recog- able data bases to con-
nized by the "Conseil National de Gouvernernent"Decree of 1987. stantly monitor and
The intention of the Division of Natural Resources (DRN) of evaluate land use trends
MARNDR in creating the SPE was to place the supervision of all throughout the country.
national parks in Haiti under the SPE, but this was not done at an
earlier time because of a lack of resources and funding. However,
the Forest Resource Service (SRF) assumed responsibilityfor the
park at la Visite in 1988 instead of SPE, because SRF had funds
available and SPE did not.
In 1990, at the time the World Bank Team was designing the
project the SPE had three professional staff members (including
the Chief). These three people were assigned to two sections:
a). Section on Research and Inventories;
b). Section on Preservation and National Parks.
The World Bank Project was designed to enhance these two
existing sectioh, and to add one additional section:
c). Section on Cartography and Information Services.
The new section would be responsible for centralizing the data
collected by the inventories, and the information collected by the
other two sections,and making it available inthe form of data bases
and Geographic InformationSystems (GIs).
One additional section of the SPE existed on paper, the Section
on the Prevention of Pollution, but it did not have any staff mem-
bers assigned to it in 1990. This sectionwould not be enhanced as
part of the World Bank Project.
Although two of SPE's three professional staff members have
training in conservationand management of natural resources, the
SPE does not have the financial resources and staff number neces-
sary to initiate and complete an inventory of Haiti's fragile ecosys-
tems, developthe decisionmaking skills necessaryto manage these
fragile ecosystems, and supervise staff that would be assigned to
remote locations in the existing national parks. As a result, SPE
has not yet been able to assume full responsibility for the manage-
ment of the existingnational parks. It is important, therefore, that
the SPE be strengthened as a Service so that it has the resources
to assume all of its assigned duties in managing parks and protect-
ing the environment.

Objectives and Strategy of the Proposed World Bank

Satellite imagery would Project
be used to periodically
monitor country-wide
land use trends, and the A. Objectives
distribution of ecosys- The objectivesof the environmentalprotection componentof the
terns. World Bank Forestry and EnvironmentalProtection Project are to
strengthen the Service de la Protection de I'Environnement (SPE)
to enable it to:
a). Generate Data on National Land Use Patterns.Data collected
byaerial photography, satellite imagery, and ground survey teams
would be used to evaluate land use trends, and to identify areas of
special concern.
b). Inventory Forest Resources on a National Scale. Forest areas
would be surveyed throughout the country to compile data on the
forest resources, remainingareas of forestcover, the total available
forest biomass, and the rate of deforestation.
c). Identi0 New National Parks and Forest Reserves. Data
gathered by the land use survey and the inventory of forest resour-
ces would be used to identify candidate ecosystems for a new
national park, as well as to identify forests which should be desig-
nated as forest reserves to be managed by the SRE
d).Manage the Wo Existing National Parksand Create One New
National Park. The SPE would assume immediate responsibility
for the management of the existing national parks at Morne la
Visite and Pic Macaya, and would completethe activities necessary
to add one additional national park to the system by year four of
the project.
e). Preserve Endangered Plant and Animal Species. The SPE
would compile data on threatened, rare, and endangered species,
and establish a program to protect these species.
f). Establish and Manage Databases on Renewable Natural
Resources. The SPE would enter the data from baseline sociocul-
tural and environmental profilesof candidate ecosystems, as well
as other data on the environment and the status of forest resources
gathered in the course of the project, into various data bases for
general access.
g). Monitor Long-term Land Use 'Ikends Throughout the
Country. The SPE would use its role as the informationcenter on
renewablenatural resources, and itstrained staff and availabledata The forest types
bases to constantly monitor and evaluate land use trends delineated on the satel-
throughout the country. lite images would be
sub-sampled to produce
more specific informa-
tion on the forest resour-
B. Strategy ces (crown cover,
The above objectives would be achieved through the following species, density, and
project actions. biomass volumes).

a). The SPEwould be provided with offices and buildings (central

office, Macaya field office,and la Visite field office), transpor-
tation, equipment, training,operatingfunds, and salaries (on a
declining basis).
b). An internationally-recruited"Resident Ecologist" (as full-time
consultant for 5 years) would assist the Chief of Service of SPE
and other SPE staff members in the implementation of all
programs assigned to the SPE. Short-term consultantswould
be financed under the project for up to a total of 15 man-
months in the areas of: (i) anthropology/sociology; (ii) con-
servation biology; and (iii) remote sensing (aerial
photography and satellite imagery) to assist the SPE carry out
various special survey and management tasks.
c). The SPE would conduct inventories of renewable natural
resources to identify candidate areas for the establishment of
one additional national park andof future forest reserves to be
managed by the SRF.
d). The SPE would immediately assume administrative respon-
sibility for the national parks at Pic Macaya and Morne la
Visite, and implement the management plans by: (i) assigning
supervisory staff and establishinglocal facilities; (ii) employ-
ing park rangers to prevent illegal exploitation; and (iii) create
land use zones.
e). For the management of the park areas and surroundingbuffer
zones, the concept of "biosphere reserves" would be imple-
f). Endangered speciesof plants and animals would be protected
by: (i) improved enforcement of current laws requiring per-
mits to collect and/or export plants and animals; (ii) better
cooperationand communication between the SPE and enfor-
cement agencies; (iii) establishment of nursery programs to
propagate and grow endangered plant species from both
lowland and upland habitats; and (iv) provision of habitat for
threatened animals in the national parks.
g). Access by the public to the parks would initially be discouraged
Sociocultural surveys in by not improving roads linking the parks to major population
selected regions would areas during the life of the project.
be used to inform plan- h). The SPE would develop a data base on the natural resources
ners of the level at which of Haiti that would allow the Service to document the status of
wood harvesting is sus- present environmental conditions,and to track future changes.
tainable by documenting Some of the activitiesthat would allowSPE to fulfil thismission
rates of wood produc- would be: (i) inventories of ecosystems and forest resources
tion, patterns of harvest- of Haiti via aerial photography, satellite imagery, and ground
ing and utilization. surveys; (ii) sociocultural inventories and environmental
profiles of special designated areas; and (iii) inventories of
forest biomass and potential productivity.
Mqjor Project Componentsof the
Proposed World Bank Project

The activities that would be undertakenby the SPEare as follows:

A. National Land Use Assessment
Satelliteimagery would be used to periodically monitor country-
wide land use trends, and the distribution of ecosystems. The
Landsat (EOSAT) Thematic Mapper (TM) as well as the SPOT
system will be used. This would provide a fairly detailed inventory
of land use patterns and land resources. Manual interpretation of
these images would include "geocoding"the images, and entering
data on urban areas, barren ground, brush lands, major rivers,
coastal wetlands, roads, forest cover (three crown density
measures), sand, agricultural areas, water, wetlands, and rural
villages. Because the topography in Haiti is so steep, and the area
of the country is relatively small,resolution becomes an important
consideration. The SPOT system provides higher resolution, and
it therefore will be used (along with aerial photography) for more
detailed analyses. The ground truthing for the analysis of the
satellite images will be conducted by the SPE inventory team. The
local SPE staff would be trained in interpretation and validation
with the assistance from a short-term consultant.
Flight surveys (aerial photography) would be utilized to deter-
mine local land use patterns, the locations of specific renewable
natural resources, and to document activities in areas of special Permanent observation
concern such as core zones in national parks, and inventoryareas. plots would be installed
Some aerial photographs exist, such as the outdated photographs in ecologically-repre-
at the Geodetic Institute, and the photographs of the Pine Forest sentative sites. Data on
Reserve obtained by the SRF which include a small section of the species composition,
national park at la Visite. The existing photographs are not recent growth, natural succes-
enough, nor do they cover areas of primary concern of the SPE (la sion, and the propaga-
Visite, Macaya, EnvironmentalProfile Areas), so additional aerial tion of indigenous
photographs and flightsurveyswill be contracted by the SPE to fill species would be
in the gaps in the available data, and to provide additional data gathered and moni-
needed to identify candidate areas, to study forest resources, and tored.
to document land use trends. Initially, aerial photographswould
be interpreted by the firm performing the flight surveys as part of
the contract. Once they have the proper training, they would be
interpreted by the staff of the SPE.
B. Forest Resources Inventory
Forest Attributes. The forest types delineated on the satellite
images would be sub-sampled to produce more specific informa-
tion on the forest resources (crown cover, species, density, and
biomass volumes). An aerial survey and ground inventory of the
chosen forest types would provide data on forest cover and density
attributes. The SPE would produce biomass tables for every forest
class. Biomass and area totals for all classes would be summed to
represent total biomass availability.
Patterns and Nature of Wood Harvesting and Utilization. An
essential question for forestry planners in Haiti for each forest type
is: at what level and for what products is current wood harvesting
sustainable? Data generated by aerial photographs and satellite
images (land use and forest type) provide valuable information on
proper forest classifications. Biomass tables for each forest sub-
stratum provide information on potential wood availability. This
information alone, however, presents an inaccurate picture of
actual wood use, wood production, and true trends in the
availability of forest resources; therefore, additional sociocultural
inventories would be carried out under the project.
Sociocultural Inventories of Forest Resource Utilization.
Sociocultural surveys in selected regions would be used to inform
planners of the level at which wood harvesting is sustainable by
documenting rates of wood production, patterns of harvesting and
utilization, all of which are geographically and forest-type specific.
Sociocultural surveys of wood use would be carried out with the
assistance of short-term consultants for each forest stratum to
describe local wood consumption patterns, specifying the types,
amounts, and purposes of wood utilized, and the use of other tree
Environmental profiles products and utilizations (shade, forage, medicinal, etc.). The
would be made to estab- sociocultural information would help planners document the
lish baseline environ- causes and rates of forest depletion and degradation. Upon the
mental data on each completion of the inventory by the SPE, the SRF staff would
area being considered continue a more detailed analysis of national wood production and
either as a future nation- consumption patterns, and initiate planning activities for future
al park or as a forest forestry investments.
Long-Term Forest Inventories on Observation Plots (Ecosystem
Monitoring). Permanent plots would be installed in ecologically
representative sites in each of the forest reserves and national
parks. These would be designated as "research zones." The goal is
to establish at least one research zone of 100 hectares in each
national park and forest reserve. The research zones will be fenced
andlor guarded to protect them from illegal exploitation. Data on
species composition, growth,natural succession, and the propaga-
tion of indigenous species would be gathered and monitored.
C. Creation of a New National Park and Additional
Forest Reserves
Sociocultural Inventory of Candidate Areas. The SPE staff
would carry out the sociocultural inventory of each candidate area
using the Rapid Rural Assessment method. The information to be
gathered would include: (i) demographicsof the population living
within and adjacent to the proposed reserve or preserve; (ii) the
nature of the use of natural resources; (iii) patterns of access and
authority on the site; (iv) land tenure arrangements; (v) owner-
ship of the resources; (vi) the economic benefits accrued by user
populations; and (vii) descriptionsof local agricultural strategies.
The inventory would also identify existing or potential conflicts
that might result from management interventions, and would
recommend alternative methods that should be used to mitigate or
avoid conflict, maintain user welfare, and integrate users and local
residents into the plan for the protection of the ecosystem. A
Social Science Specialist would assist in these aspects of the
sociocultural inventoryas a short-term consultant.
Environmental Profiles of Candidate Areas. The purpose of the
environmental profile would be to establish baseline environmen-
tal information on each area being considered either as a future
national park, or as a forest reserve. Each profile would describe
the major biotic and abiotic features, their status, and would
recommend measures to preserve biological diversity.
New National Parks. The procedure for establishing the new
national park and future forest reserves would be as follows. (i.)
The SPE would conduct intensive sociocultural surveys and en-
vironmental profiles to determine the suitabilityof each candidate
area. (ii.) The SPE would prepare a document describing and Part of the process of
summarizing the information on forest cover, forestry potential, demarcation of national
natural resource components, status of important endemic flora parks would be the es-
and fauna, existingpatterns of human occupancy and land use, and tablishment of clearly
land tenure characteristicsfor each candidate area. The document marked land use zones
would include a recommendation as to the best land use strategy where management ac-
for each candidate area (i.e., national park or forest reserve). (iii.) tivities will be undertaken
The Director of the DRN would review the recommendationswith by the SPE.
the SRF and SPE and decide which recommendations would be
implemented under the project. The SRF would manage areas
designated as forest reserves. The SPE would manage all national
parks. (iv.) The designation of the area as an official national park
would occur after the MARNDR prepares a draft Decree for
consideration by the Council of Ministers. The Decree would
identifywhich sites would be transferred intothe public domain as
national parks or forest reserves under the MARNDR. Following
the approval of the Decree by the Council, it would be published
in L.e Moniteur and would become official. (v.) The SPE would
arrange for the delimitation of the designated national park area,
and the legal transfer of the surveyed area to the jurisdiction of

ll Management of National Parks

Haiti's existing natural national parks and forest reserves are:
Parc National Pic Macaya (5,500 hectares), Parc National la Visite
(3,000 hectares) and the Pine Forest Reserve (27,871 hectares).
The SPE would manage the two national parks (which are "preser-
ves"), while the management of the Pine Forest Reserve (which is
a multi-use "reserve")would remain under the SRF. The following
activitieswould be implemented by the SPE under the project for
each of the two existing national parks, and for the one additional
national park that would be established by year four.
Delimitation of National Parks. The SPE would contract the
Direction Generale des Impots (DGI) for a survey to delimit each
national park with funding provided under the project A tech-
nician from the SPE would accompany the DGI survey team to
advise the DGI as to where the boundary should be located relative
to existingnatural and man-made features of the area (i.e., to avoid
problems of including existing farms or excluding ecologically
important features). The SPE would provide the DGI survey team
with tents, camping equipment, and logistical support while the
team is in the field. The SRF would be responsible for making
arrangements to survey and delineate forest reserves.
Demarcation of National Parks. SPE work teams, under the
Until an adequate supervision of the park supervisor, would place concrete monu-
protective infrastructure ments and metallic signs at regular intervals along the perimeter
is established, accessto of each national park. Signs would be posted at the junctions of
the parks via well- major trails and access roads. Three guard houses would be built
developed, direct roads in each national park to shelter the park rangers, and to provide a
would be discouraged in symbolicpresence for the authority of the SPE in the management
order to provide an extra of the parks. A total of 18 kilometers of fences would be erected
measure of protection in vulnerable or exposed areas to protect core and research zones.
for the parks . Part of the process of demarcationwould also be the establishment
of clearly marked land use zones where management activitieswill
be undertaken by the SPE. The boundaries of these zones would
be marked by paint on trees or wooden posts.
Supervision of the National Parks. For each park an agronomist
would be assigned as the Park Supervisor. The Park supervisor
would be responsible for all activities in the park, and would also
supervise the activitiesof the NGO Agroforestry Extensionproject
in the area. A forest technician would be appointed as the super-
visor of the park rangers. This technician would have received
training in ecology, flora and fauna, and park management in order
to qualify him to supervise the activities of the rangers.
Protection of the Resources of the National Parks. The SPE
would employ park rangers who would be carefully selected, ap-
propriately trained by Ecole Moyeme d'Agroforesterie (EMAF),
regularly paid, and consistentlysupervised (i.e., conditions similar
to those of the forest rangers of SRF). The park rangers would
patrol the lands within the park boundaries, staff check points to
control the entrance and exit of vehicles and pedestrian traffic, and
encourage compliance with park regulations, laws, and zoning
guidelines. Park rangers would undertake other protective ser-
vices as designated by the supervisors of each national park, and
would stay in regular contact with their supervisorsvia radio. At
the completion of the project, a total of 32 park rangers would be
LimitationofAccess Roads as a Management Tool. Access to the
parks via well-developed and direct roads would be discouraged
during the project in order to provide an extra measure of protec-
tion for the parks until an adequate protective infrastructure is
established. The nationalparks, especially la Visite, have potential
as tourist attractions. However, access roads are necessary before
this potential can be realized. The existing road from Port-au-
Prince to Morne la Visite provides the most direct access to the
park; however, it has been impassible to vehicles since 1988. The
SPE has determined that this road should not be rebuilt during the
period of the project, and that it is necessary to keep this road
closed to vehicles until the park infrastructureis well established.
Otherwise, irreparable harm could be done by illegal wood har-
vesters and transient cultivators who make seasonal gardens. The
SPE would rebuild the access road from the south of the park at la
Visite because accessvia the town of Seguin can be controlled. The One of the major
SPE would also rebuild the service roads through the park and to problems faced by the
Unit I1 of the Pine Forest Reserve at Morne Rouge. The SPE SPE is the presence of
would not build a major access road into the north side of Parc farms within the boun-
National Pic Macaya because of the same concerns. The strategy daries of the national
is to develop the infrastructure of each national park before parks.
developing easy access to the parks.
Managementof "Occupied"Lands withinPark Boundaries. One
of the major problems faced by the SPE is the presence of farms
within the boundaries of the national parks. Some of the problems
created by the presence of farms in the parks are: (i) farmers who
expand existing gardens into new areas; (ii) livestock which are
grazed in inappropriate areas; (iii)slash and burn garden plots in
remote areas; and (iv) the introduction of dogs, cats, rats, and the
mongoose, all of which follow humans into a region and do great
harm to endemic animals. These problems are most significant at
the la Visite National Park, where farmers living within the park
were given a letter from MARNDR in 1983 notifying them that
they were to leave the park by 1985. Since that date, farmers in the
la Visite park have not paid leases on the land they occupy. The
relocation of these farmers was not carried out because they were
notified that they would receive land outside the park in exchange
for the land they currently occupied. Under the project, the SPE
would resolve this problem as follows. Lease fees would not be
collected from any farmers who have already received relocation
notices. The land within the boundaries of each park would be
zoned for proper use at the earliest possible date. Landswithin the
boundaries of the parks which were determined to be suitable for
agriculture would be zoned as "agriculturalzones" or "multiple use
zones." Peasantswho live and farm in these areas would be allowed
to remain. In areas within the national parks which are zoned for
preservation (i.e., "core zones" and "research zones"), peasants
would receive a letter similar to the one that was used by
MARNDR at Parc National la Visite notifying them that they
would be relocated. In the special case where a farmer livingwithin
the boundaries of Parc National la Visite received an eviction
notice in 1983,but the land he occupiesis zoned for agricultureby
the SPE under this project, the eviction notice would be voided,
and a new lease agreement would be written using the above
Relocation of Peasants from Core Zones. The letter of eviction
must be accompanied by a detailed proposal for compensation for
loss of land(s) that is currently occupied. The SPE favors paying
the peasants a one-timepayment for "damages,"and thus providing
them with the means to lease lands at another location. Payments
will only be made to farmers who can document that they were
Eviction of peasants holders of leases for the land, or occupied the site for at least five
from within national park years, in order to avoid public perception that land and money can
boundaries must be ac- be gained by occupying national park lands, as has been the case in
companied by detailed the national parks program in the Dominican Republic.
proposals for compen-
sation for the loss of Management of Leases. In areas of the national parks zoned for
lands. agriculture, agroforestry, or multiple use, land leases would be
used by the SPE as a management tool. Leases would be written
by the SPE with the assistance of legal counsel, and would define
which land use activities are allowed and which are not. Leases
would initially be for periods of one year, and would not commit
the SPE to allowing the peasants to lease the land indefinitely. If
a farmer is found to occupy land in an area that is zoned for
agriculture, agroforestry,or multiple use activities, and if the Park
Supervisor feels that the presence of the farmer does not com-
promise the management plan for the park, a long-term lease
would be established. Long-term leaseswould encourage farmers
to invest in their holdings and to take advantage of the extension
services provided by the project. These long-term leaseswould be
for ten years, but would give the SPE the authority to cancel the
lease annually if the land use conditions of the lease were violated
by the farmer. The supervisor of each park would be responsible
for the administration of the lease program in that park.
Lease Fees. There are no legal guidelines within MARNDR as
to where money collected from leases on MARNDR land should
be deposited. Revenues from fines and the sale of contraband
forest are deposited in the Fund for Reforestation(1972 law) that
is being administered by the SRF. The fees collected from leases
and from fines in the national parks would also be deposited in the
Reforestation Fund. These funds would be used in accordance
with existinglaw, and would be handled in the same way that leases
are to be handled in the Pine Forest Reserve.
Supervision of the AgroforestryProjects SurroundingEach Na-
tional Park. The DRN would contract with NGOs to provide
agroforestry extension in the national parks and in the buffer zones
surroundingthe national parks at la Visite and Pic Macaya. In the
case of Pic Macaya, extension activitieswould have been initiated
in the area north of the park, since the UF-MBR Project was
already working in a similar capacity in the buffer zone south of the
park. This part of the World Bank Plan would have to be amended
due to the termination of the University of Florida USAID spon-
sored project on May 31,1992. The objective of the Agroforestry
Extension contract is to provide agricultural extension services to
peasants living near the park to reduce the danger of environmen-
tal degradation within the park, and to increase local standards of
living. The NGOs would also operate agricultural extension ser-
vices to design recommendations for agroforestry and soil conser-
vation techniques that would be used to establish conditions for The preservation of
leases, and to verify that conservation treatments on leased lands biological diversity is dif-
have taken place. The SPE would supervise the agroforestry ex- ficult in Haiti because of
tension activities through the Supervisor of each national park the extent of deforesta-
(resident agronomist). tion that has already
taken place.
Biosphere Reserve Plan. The SPE would develop an extended
management plan for both the park and buffer zone as the first step
in expanding the UF-MBR Management Plan to the north slope
of Pic Macaya. In developing this plan, the SPE would modify the
management plan developed by the University of Florida under a
contract with USAID for the national park at Pic Macaya to in-
clude: (i) information on biosphere reserve land use zones; (ii)
activities that would be appropriate for the surrounding buffer
zone; and (iii) the recommendations contained in the existing
UF-MBR Management Plan.
E. Identificationof the New National Park and Forest
The SPE would identify approximately 30,000 hectares that
would be suitable as candidate areas for the new national park to
be established in the fourth year of the project, and as candidate
areas for future forest reserves. The method of selection and
establishment of these areas is described in detail above. The
major ecosystemsto be investigated are as follows.
a). Mangroves: Because of their inter-tidal location, mangrove
ecosystems play an essential role in the reproductive cycles of
numerous aquatic species, and provide habitat for economically
important species of crustaceans. In addition, threatened species
such as the Greater Flamingo and West Indian manatee occupy
bays and lagoons associated with mangrove habitats. Although a
majority of the original mangrove stands have been eliminated,
forests remain in the bays of Acul and Caracol (near Cap-Haitian),
the Cayes region (Aquin Bay, Ile a Vache), the north coast of the
southern peninsula (Baraderes and Corail). The most substantial
remaining forest is in the Artibonite River Delta (south of
Gonaives and west of l'Estere). Although mangrove forests are
within the public domain, rights of access and harvest are often
allocated to private individuals. Preliminary studies indicate that
the Caracol and Artibonite areas are the best candidates for
protection because they have the largest concentrations of
threatened and endangered species. Preliminaryplans by the SPE
indicate that this ecosystem has the highest priority as a candidate
for the new national park.
b). Broadleaved Forest: Though much of Haiti was originally
covered with this forest type, most of the Broadleaved stands have
been converted to coffee plantations and multi-purpose
- -
turd plots. Important road leaved forests remain south of the
In order for stewardship
efforts to be successful,
town of Borgne, on the Morne Brigand and Boucan Michel and
there must be a sufficient
west to the headwaters of the Anse-a-Foleur watershed and in the
Pic Macaya area. Some of these are on state land, especially west
number of agroforestry
technicians on the staff of Pic Macaya, and could be attached to the Macaya Biosphere
of the SPE.
Reserve as part of Parc National Pic Macaya.
c). Semi-arid Forest: This forest community, which is charac-
terized by the dominance of Prosopis, has historically been the
source of most of the charcoal produced in Haiti; vast areas of
semi-arid forest have become degraded through over-harvesting.
Remnants of natural stands remain on the edges of the Etang
Saumtre (in the Cul-de-sac plain),Grand Gosier (southeastHaiti),
near Cotes de Fer (southern coast of Haiti), and on the western
end of Ile de la Gonave. All of these lands are within the public
d). Arid-land scrub: This ecosystem is characterized by cactus,
succulents and thorny shrubs. The zone which most characterizes
this vegetation type is found along the coast between the towns of
Anse Rouge and Gonaives (Savane Desolee). The cactus and
scrub resources are rapidly being depleted for charcoal and fuel
uses. This land is apparently within the public domain.

F. Preservation of Endangered Species

The preservation of biological diversity is difficult in Haiti be-
cause of the extent of deforestation that has already taken place.
Special efforts would need to be undertaken to preserve some of
the country's most endangered plant and animal species. SPE staff
would propagate and grow endangered species of the lowland
endemic plants such asAttalea crassipatha, Geonoma oxicarpa, and
Zombia antillarium at the MARNDR-owned Levy Farm near
Camp Perrin. A similar program for upland species such as
Juniperus eckmanii would be undertaken in conjunctionwith SRF
at the nursery in the Pine Forest Reserve. The SPE would develop
special programs to improve the habitat for threatened species by
including these activities in the management plan for the existing
national parks (for example, by providing nest boxes for birds who
normally nest in cavities in mature trees).
The SPE would also protect endangered species and preserve
biological diversity by: (i) developing "recovery plans" for en-
dangered species and species of special concern, and include the
activities and recommendations contained in these recovery plans
in the management plans for each national park and forest reserve;
(ii) enforcing current wildlife regulations and laws by requiring Since there are not
permits and licenses to hunt, collect plants and animals, and export enough agroforestry
any native species of plant or animal; (iii) drafting additional technicians currently
legislation to protect the native flora, fauna, and threatened available i n Haiti,
habitats of the country; and (iv) seeking international assistance agroforestry technicians
from organizations such as the International Office of the Nature will need to be trained at
Conservancy, or Wildlife International, to purchase special parcels the Ecole Moyenne d'-
of threatened ecosystems which serve as habitat for rare, Agroforesterie.
threatened, or endangered plants and animals.

G. Phasing of the SPE Project

One of the requirements of the project is to have a sufficient
number of agroforestry technicians on the staff of the SPE to carry
objectives of the project. Since there are not enough agroforestry
technicians currently available in Haiti to staff the project,
agroforestry technicians will need to be trained at the E M U
During the first year of the project, the SPE will immediately need
to hire two agroforestry techniciansto work on the inventory team.
These technicians are currently available. There are not enough
agroforestry technicians available to be assigned to the existing
national parks and to Levy Farm, since the first graduating class
from EMAF will not be available until the third year of the project.
At that time the SPE will hire eight agroforestry technicians (la
Visite = 2; Macaya = 4; Levy Farm = 1; Inventory Team = 1).
In the fourth year of the project, an additional national park will
be established by the SPE, and two additional agroforestry tech-
nicians will be hired (for a total of 12 for the SPE for the project).
During the first two years of the project, while the agroforestry
technicians are being trained by EMAF, the agronomists assigned
to each national park and to Levy Farm will serve in an expanded
role that will include supervising the park rangers and plant
propagators. The expanded duties of the supervisors would also
provide the opportunity to increase their experienceat all levels in
the operation of the national parks, and to increase their abilities
to supervise and manage their respective parks.
Other proposed phases of the project are as follows. During the
first year, all activitiesat Parc la Visite will begin, but only half the
guards will be hired at Parc Macaya. In year two, the remaining
guards will be hired at Parc Macaya. In year three, all of the
agroforestry technicianswill be hired for the existingparks, and the
staff of each park and Levy Farm will be operating at full staff levels
(see above). In year four, one additional national park will be
added to the SPE system of protected areas, and a full staff will be
hired. The agronomist that will supervise this park will have been
employed by the SPE since the first year of the project, and will
have previously been assigned to the Levy Farm. This person will
begin duties as supervisorof the new national park with three years
The recent political of SPE experience, and with a knowledge of management techni-
events in Haiti have ques based on previous experience with the national parks pro-
thrown efforts to protect gram.
the natural patrimony
and natural resources of
the country into turmoil.
MacArthur Foundation ConservationProject "Bridge"
As part of the original"View of the Future" of Haiti, another grant
was put in place to help make the World Bank Plan work more
effectively. This grant was awarded to Charles Woods to help
support conservation activities in Haiti. The original goal of the
MacArthur Foundation Haiti Conservation Project was to help
"Bridge" between the ongoing USAID, UFMBR, MARNDR
programs. However, all of these programs have now been
suspended or terminated. Therefore, the MacArthur Foundation
Conservation Project becomes even more of a "Bridge." It is a
bridge across the environmentaldisaster that is occurring in Haiti
as a result of the embargo and difficult economic conditions that
now face the country.
The current goal of the MacArthur Foundation Haiti Conserva-
tion Project is to help "Bridge" the gap between the UF MBR
Project which closed down on May 31, 1992, and the time in the
future when new conservation projects will emerge--a time when
current political and economic difficultiesin Haiti are resolved,
and the international embargois lifted. The activitiesundertaken
by the UFMBR project are summarized in the three volumes of
the MBR Project Final Report (FinalProject Report; The Natural
History of Southern Haiti; and StewardihipPlan for NationalParks
und Natural Areas in Haiti). The recent political events in Haiti
have thrown efforts to protect the natural patrimony and natural
resources of the country into turmoil. The infrastructure that
supported the National Parks of Haiti has collapsed. The World
Bank Environmental and Forestry Project has be suspended.
Local farmers in the countryside are degrading the natural resour-
ces of the region at an increased--almostfrantic--rate. Because the
World Bank Project has been put on hold, MARNDR does not
have the resources to continue to prDtect Parc National Pic
Macaya. A "Bridge" is desperately needed to help preserve what The goal of the Mac-
remains of Haiti's natural patrimony in the Macaya area. A Arthur Foundation Haiti
"Bridge"will also make it possible for the pieces to be picked up Conservation Project is
when conditions in Haiti become normal once again. The major to help "bridge"the gap
activities of the MacArthur Foundation Project are summarized between the UFMBR
below. These activities will change as conditions in Haiti change. Project which closed
The project is planned to run from August, 1991- August, 1994. down on May 31, 1992,
and the time in the future
when new conservation
projects will emerge--a
Summary of Proposed MacArthurFoundation Activities time when current politi-
1). Continue to support the Parc National Pic Macaya and the cal and economic dif-
Planned Macaya Biosphere Reserve "infrastructure"(build- ficulties in Haiti are
ings/nursury) at FormodDurand until there is a long term resolved, and the inter-
GOH or PVO program in the area. Since it now appears that national embargo is
PADF will be able to work in the area, some of these activities lifted.
(as indicated below), will be assigned to PADE The Education
and Conservation Specialistwill visit Formon on a weekly basis
to continue to demonstrate the presence of an official GOH
project, and to carry out educational and administrative ac-
tivities for the MacArthur Conservation Project.
a). Guardians will continue to be paid (PADF will assume
responsibility for half of the Guardians for mutually-shared
b). A nursery man will continue to be employed (PADF will
assume full responsibility for this position and for all refores-
tation activitieswhen it becomes active in the area);
c). Some trees will continue to be propagated (PADF will take
over this responsibility as part of its project);
d). Signs will be checked and secured. The signs will be the
responsibilityof UFNacArthur.
2). Continue someconservation activities inthe Formon area, and
along the south side of the Pic Macaya region. PADFwill cany
out these activities in the MBR area, and UFIMacArthur will
have the responsibility for the area of Parc National Pic
Macaya. The Education and Conservation Specialist will be
present in the Formon region on a regular basis, and will
coordinate all activities there between the Director and the
Project Coordinator, PADF, and USAID, as well as
a). Some reforestationactivitieswill continue to be carried out
in critical areas where erosion is a major factor (to be assigned
to PADF).
b). Check darns will be maintained,and additionalcheck darns
will be built at critical areas (PADF in MBR, UFNacArthur
in Parc National Pic Macaya).

c). Additional signs will be placed out in areas of special

concern (UFNacArthur).
3). Biological Conservation activitieswill continue in the area of
Pic Macaya, the Rak Bwa Broadleaved Forest near For-
momurand, and the hill country between Catiche and Pic
Macaya. The Director will train the Project Coordinator and
the Education and Conservation Specialist to carry out these
activities. Some activities will also requrie the assistance of a
specialist in endemic fauna.
a). Writing a Species Recovery Plan for all living species of
Solenodon ("living fossils"). This activity is very important
since these creatures are the rarest native mammals of Haiti,
and perhaps the entire West Indies;
b). Writing a Species Recovery Plan for the White-winged
Warbler, a very rare ground-nestingwarblerthat is endemic to
Hispaniola, and may survive only in the Pic Macaya area;
c). Writing a Species Recovery Plan for the Black-capped
Petrel. One of the last survivingcolonies of this nearly extinct
bird is on the south face of Pic Macaya near the summit.
d). Writing a species recovery plan for the Zagouti. This
species is now very endangered in the area of the MBR, and is
now extinct in northern Haiti;
e). Beginning a long term bird-banding project in the Rak Bwa
Broadleaved Forest near the project headquarters at Formon.
This sub-project is seen as a way of involving local Haitian
volunteers and PVO groups in a plan for natural resource
monitoring, and is a vehicle for training Haitians in the prin-
ciples of wildlife conservation. It is also a way of establishing
a program that could attract North American volunteers, and
attract the attention of North American organizationssuch as
the Audubon Society. A similar plan has been very successful
in Belize, where the Massachusetts Audubon Society has
adopted Belize as a major focus of interest and fund raising.
This sub-project will operate under the official Bird-Banding
Permit of Charles Woods, and will build on his past bird-band-
ing work in Haiti, so that it is startingfrom a point of strength,
and will be using an existing data base on migratory birds.
4). The Director and Project Coordinator will be in Haiti on a
regular basis to "lobby" for environmental concerns in the
Macaya area, and in the areas of the other national parks of
Haiti. The Education and Conservation Specialist will be in
Haiti on a permanent basis, and will design and implement
educationalprograms, and alsolobby for environmentalissues.
The target of these constant lobbying efforts will be:
b). FAN
c). Audubon Societyof Haiti
d). Private individualswith an interest in the environment
e). InternationalAgencies working in Haiti (AID, OAS, EEC,
UN, World Bank,Canadian Govt., etc.)
f). Tourist organizations
g). Educationalgroups, especially the University of Cayes.
5). CharlesWoods will work with the data generated by the project
over the last decade to publish a body of literature and educa-
tional materials that can be used in Haiti to promote conser-
vation and the wise use of natural resources. These materials
will be used in the MacArthur Foundation Environmental
Education activities, and will be available to the next genera-
tion of individuals, GOH programs, or international organiza-
tions that will be working to save the remaining natural
resource base--and to prevent the total economic and ecologi-
cal collapse--ofHaiti. Someof these will include the following:
a). Distributing the Conservation Poster, "Connaitre et
Proteger la richesse naturelle d'Haiti," on Haiti which was
produced as part of the present AID-sponsored project
(MBRP) with financial assistance from the MacArthur Foun-
b). Creating a second Conservation Poster that will be a "com-
panion" poster to the above two posters, and which can be used
in schools and workshops for educational purposes. This
poster will include text and clearly labeled messages that will
allow for discussions and learningsessions(now being planned
and scripted);
c). Creating a third Conservation Poster that will concentrate
on only the Macaya Area, and rely on photographs and text
(now underway);
d). Working with a well-known Haitian artist (Andre Normil)
to create a "Haitian Painting"that will be turned into an attrac-
tive poster. This poster will feature a mixture of real Haitian
plants and animals mixed together with the traditional non-
Haitian plants and animals featured in most Haitian art. This
poster will be widely distributed in Haiti, especially to tourist
facilities. We hope that it will create an interest in native plants
and animals. If we are lucky, it will also start a movement in
Haiti where local artists will increasingly include local plants
and animals in their paintings.

Educational Books and Booklets

a). A booklet with color photos and important environment
information on the National Parks of Haiti (in French).
b). A book on propagating 12 native trees of the MBR,Arbres
et A rbustes de Macaya.
c). A book on the Mammals of Haiti (living and extinct) which
will include substantial information on wildlife conservation
(English, but with a long French abstract, and French and
Creole names).
d). A book on the Bird of Haiti, with many photos and color
plates. This book will be suitable for use as a field guide by
local people and tourists who want to visit the parks. It will
include a substantial section on conservation of birds and
e). A book on the Natural History of Haiti. This book will be
an expanded version of the book that is being published as part
of the final report of the MBR project (The Natural Hktory of
the Macaya Area). Both books can serve as source books on
all aspects of the "Natural History" of Haiti.
f). Other books and booklets which are determined to be
appropriate and important, including a possible book on the
Useful Trees of Haiti.
g). An educational coloring book in conjunction with the
"Comaitre et Proteger la Richesse Naturelle d'Haiti" conser-
vation poster.

Conservation Video

a). A conservation video, using VCR technology, will be

created that will show video scenes of natural areas in Haiti,
including views of the natural forest in the most remote sec-
tions of the parks, and scenes of the parks from the air. We will
have copies of this video with French, Creole, and English
sound tracks. We hope that it will be shown on HaitianTV, and
other places where attitudes towards the natural environments
and natural resources of Haiti can be improved.
The production of these posters, books, and booklets will be done
out of the office of Charles Woods, using the facilitiesof the Florida
Museum of Natural History in Gainesville. The computers and
existing MBR data bases at the Museum/Universitywillbe used in
the preparation of these materials.
6). The project will work with MARNDR to try to protect the park.
The project does not have enough resources to support ac-
tivities that are not very specific to the goals of the MacArthur
Project, which are to:
a). Protect the existing national parks.
b). Educate people about the importanceof natural resources
in Haiti.
c). Create species recovery plans, and a useful published litera-
ture on natural resources. These will improve the chances of
success for future programs in natural resource management
in Haiti.
d). "Bridge" the gap between the existing USAID/MBR pro-
gram, and possible future programs (including the important
World Bank Environmentaland Forestry Project).

Personnel Supported by the MacArthur Foundation


Charles Woods
Project Director (at no cost to the project, since all salaries and
benefits paid by the University of Florida). Most of his time will
be spent at the Museum coordinating the scientific, educational,
administrativeparts of the project and planning and executing the
conservationposters and environmentalbooks, but he will work in
Haiti on a regular basis, and will conduct all conservation biology
Florence Sergile
Technical/Administrative Coordinator. Beginning June 1, 1992
her salary and benefits will be paid by the MacArthur Foundation
Grant (until another outside source of funds is found). This addi-
tional cost was unplanned for, and will stretch the activities of the
project to the limit. However, her position is an important one,
and her training in Agriculture (BS at Damien), BiosphereReser-
ves (MS at UF), and Natural Resource Management (on the job
training with the UFMBR project for five years) make her invalu-
able. She is a native of Haiti, speaks French, Creole, English, and
Spanish perfectly, and knows the infrastructure of Haiti. During
the course of this project Florence will be trained in the principles
of Conservation Biology and Environmental Education. Florence
will spend half her time in Haiti, and half her time at the Florida
Museum of Natural History. It will be Florence's responsibilityto
seek additionalfundingto support activitiesof the project. Shewill
work with a variety of funding agencies, PVOs, and private in-
dividuals in Haiti.
Jean-Rony Merisier
Education and Conservation Specialist. Beginning June first his
salary and benefits will be paid by the MacArthur Foundation
Project. Mr. Merisier is also a native of Haiti, speaks French,
Creole, and Englishwell, and knows the infrastructureof Haiti. He
has served as a teacher, project administrator, and "Agrofor-
mateur"(agroforestryspecialist). For the past two years he served
as an Agroformature for the MBR project. Mr. Merisier's duties
will be to implement the educational program, and to work with
GOH and private organizations in Haiti to help bridge between
the present poorly-defined program and the future programs in
conservation and natural resource management (as well as the
emerging program in national parks). One goals of the MacArthur
Foundation Project is to train Mr. Merisier to take a major role in
future work in conservation in Haiti. Mr. Merisier will be in the
area of the project in Formon on a regular basis. During the
important transitional periodthrough the summer of 1992,he will
visit in Formon on a weekly basis.
Local Guardians and a Nurseryman at Formon. These in-
dividualswill be paid for initially by MacArthur FoundationGrant,
and then shared jointly and paid for jointly by PADF and the
MacArthur Foundation after the PADF project begins.
Guardian at the Project Headquarters at Les Cayes (Paid for by
MacArthur Foundation Grant)
Chauffeur to be used as needed (Paid for by MacArthur Founda-
tion Grant).
Volunteer Field Biologist to be working on site at For-
monJMacaya (basic living expenses to be paid for by MacArthur
Foundation Grant).

Facilities to be used by MacArthur Foundation Grant

1). The Project Headquarters in Les Cayes. This facilitywill serve
as the:
Project Office
Project Depot
Project Conference Room
Project Residence Facility
Vehicle Maintenance and Storage Facility

2). The Small White House at FormonDurand. This project

house will serve as the field residence for Merisier, Sergile,
Woods, etc., when they are in the field at Formon. It will also
serve as the field depot for signs, equipment, materials and
literature for the MacArthur Foundation Conservation
3). The Large House at FormonDurand (Kay Michel). This
building will be shared with PADE It was designed by the
UFMBR Project as the Headquarters Building for the Parc
National Pic Macaya. If the World Bank Project becomes
active, we will coordinateactivitiesin the building so that there
is a place for SPE/World BanWMARNDRIParcs Haiti or
whomever else is taking a major role in the administrationand
supervision of Parc Macaya. There is ample space for PADF
to use as an office and depot. In general the facility at Kay
Michel can serve as:
Office Space
Field Depot
Center for Field Research (SpeciesRecovery Plans)
Field Residence and Meeting Facility for Volunteers and Project
Related Staff, as well as PADF staff.

4). Office, publication, educational, and research facilities of

Charles Woods at the Florida Museum of Natural His-
tory1University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. This facility
will be the overall center of adrninistration/coordination for
the MacArthur Foundation Conservation Project.
Phone: 904-392-1721;
Fax: 904-392-8508.

The funds for the grant are managed by the University of Florida
Research Foundation (Private). Funds for the grant are disbursed
via checks from this Foundation account. There is also a bank
account in Haiti in Gourdes at the Bank of Boston in Port-au-
Prince in the name of "Dr. Charles A. Woods ConservationFund."
This bank account is used only for financial matters relating to the
MacArthur Foundation Conservation Project.

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Species Status

Agave antillarum Desc. H
Asketanthera picardae (Urb.) Woodson
Coccothnnax cf montana Burret. H
Dendropanax selleanus (Urb & Ekm)
S.C. Smith HS
Didymopanax tremulum Krug & Urb. H
Baccharis myrsinites (Lam.)Pers. H
Erigeron domingensis Urb H
Eupatorium flavidulurn Urb. & Ekm. HO
Eupatonum microchaetum Urb. & Ekm. HS
Eupatonum porpltyrocladium Urb. & Ekm. HO
Eupatorium stigmaticum Urb. & Ekm. H
Eupatonum urbanii Ekm. HO
Mikania cyanosma Urb. & Ekm. HO
Mikania dissecta Urb. & Ekm. HO
Narvalina domingensis Cass. H
Senecio hotteanus Urb. & Ekm. HO
Senecio stenodon Urb. HO
Vemonia buxifolia Cass H
Vernoniaekmanii Urb. HO
Vernonia saepium Ekm. HO
Begonia plumien DC. H
Begoniapycnantha Urb. & Ekm. H
Tabebuia conferta* Urb. HO
Blechnum tuerckheimii Brause H
Guzmania ekn~anii(Harms) Harms H
Pitcaimia elizabethaeL.B. Smith HS
Ellandsia hotteana Urb. H
Lobelia hotteana Judd & Skean HO
Siphocampylus sonchifolius (SW) McVaugh H
Maytenus cf. hotteana HO

Alsophila hotteana (C.Chr . & Ekm.)Tryon
Hypolepis hispaniolica Maxon
Sloanea castor Urb. & Ekm.
Lyonia mbigirtosa(Pers.) G. Don var
costata (Urb.) Judd
Hyerortirna domirtgensis Urb.
PIIyZZanthus ntyriopltyllus Ur b.
Sapium haitiense Urb.
Bamara splertdens Urb.
Lunartia ntauritii Urb
Gesrteria aspera Urb & Ekrn
Gesneriafmticosa (L.) Krunt ze
Gesrteria aff. hypoclada Urb & Ekrn
Rltytidopltyllunt bicolor U rb.
Garcirtia barkeriarta (Urb. & Ekrn.) Alain
Illiciunt ektnartii A.C. Smith
Hyptis schusteri Urb
Salvia cf arborescens Urb. & Ekm.
Salvia paryskii
Salvia sp nov
Ocotea pulchra (Ekrn. & 0.Schmidt) Alain
Ocotea sp. nova
Burtchosia ltaitiertsis Urb. & Niedenzu
Hibiscus hottertsis Helwig
Calycogoniunt apiculatunt Urb. & Ekm.
Calycogo~tiur?t calycopteris (L.C. Rich) Urb.
Calycogortilmt torbecianum * Urb. & Ekm.
Ekr?tartiocltan'scrassirtewis* Urb.
Hertrietta barken' Urb. & Ekm.
Mecrartiunt alpestre* Urb.
Mecrartium birirnosunt (Naud)HS Triana
Mecrartiurn ltaitiertse Urb.
Mecrartiur?z microdictyum Urb. & Ekm.
Mecraniutlz revolutunt Skean & Judd
Mecraniu~rttricostatunt* Urb. & Ekrn.
Mecranium tubercolatur~rUrb.
Meriania brevipedlrrtculata Judd & Skean
Menart ia pawifolia Judd & Skean

Melastomataceae (continued)
Meriania squamulosa Urb & Ekm. HO
Miconia apiculata Urb. & Ekm. HO
Miconia barkeri Urb. & Ekm. HO
Myconia hypiodes Urb. & Ekm. HO
Miconia macayana* Judd & Skean HO
Miconia ossaeifolia Urb. & Ekm. HO
Miconia sp. nova HO
Miconia subcompressa Urb. & Ekm. H
Miconia xenotricha * Urb. & Ekm. HO
Ossea alloeotricha Urb. HO
Ossea cuw@ila*Urb. & Ekm. HO
Ossea woodsii*Judd & Skean HO
Ossea setulosa Urb. HO
Pachanthus cubensis A. Rich.
subsp. blancheanus (Urb.) Borhidi HO
Pachyanthus hotteana (Urb.& Ekm) Ekm. H
Myrica picardae Krug & Urb. H
Calyptranthes hotteana Urb. & Ekm. HO
Calyptranthes numumularia Berg. HS
Calyptranthes cf. temifolia Urb. & Ekm. HO
Eugenia cltristii Urb. HO
Eugenia fomonica Urb. & Ekm. HO
Eugenia tiburona Urb. & Ekm. HO
Myrcia tiburoniana Urb. & Ekm. HO
Ardisia fuertesii Urb. H
Mynine magnoliijolia * (Urb. & Ekm.) Alain HO
Wallenia acquifolia Urb & Ekm HS
Wallenia ekmanii Urb. HO
Walleniafomonensis * Judd H
Haenianthus oblongatus Urb. HO
Fuchsia prirtgsheimii Urb.
Pinus occidentalis Sw.
Peperomia d0minicanaD.C.
Peperomia michelensis Trel.
Piper oviedoi Urb
Arthrostylidium haitiense (Pilger)
Hitchc & Chase (Poaceae) H
Danthonia domingensis Hack. & Pilger H
Coccoloba pauciflora Urb. H
Grammitis apiculata (Klotzsch) Seymour H

Rubus selleanus Helwig. H
Exostema cf picardae Urb. HS
Peratanthe ekmanii Urb H
Psychotria alpestis Urb. & Ekm. HO
Psychotria liogien Steyermark H
Rondeletia formonica Urb. & Ekm. HO
Stevensia hotteana Urb. & Ekm. HO
Amyris apiculata* Urb. & Ekm. HO
Zarztlzoxylumhaitiensis (Urb.) Jim)nez HO
Meliosma abbreviata* Urb. HO
Meliosma recurvata Urb. HO
Micropholis polita (Griseb.)
Pierre subsp. hotteana Judd HO
Selaginella leonardii Schmidt
Selaginellaplumien Hieron
Brunfelsiapicardae Krug & Urb.
Cestrum bicolor Urb.
Cestrum coeloplzlebium 0.E. Schulz.
Cestrumfilbes Urb. & Ekm.
Cestrum hotteanum Urb. & Ekm.
Cestrum inclusum Urb.
Cestrumpicardaae Alain
Solanum formonense 0.E.Schulz
Solanurn hotteanum Urb. & Ekm.
llirrpirziapicardae Urb.
Synzplocos hottearla Urb & Ekm.
Cleyera tenzstroenzioides( 0.Schmidt) Kobuski
Temstroemia barkeri Ekm.& Schmidt
Daphnopsis crassifolia (Poir) Meissn. H
Pilea baltenweckii Urb. H
Pilea distantifolia Urb. HO
Pilea domirzgensis Urb. H
Pilea fonnonensis Urb. & Ekm. HO
Pilea hepatica Urb.& Ekm. HS
Pilea leptocardia Urb. HS
Pilea serpyllacea (HBK) Liebm. HO
Pilea sp.nov. aff. IT forn~onertsis HO
Pilea stolonifera (SW) Wedd HS
Pilea torbeciana Urb. & Ekm. HO

Aegiphila subopposita Urb. & Ekm. H
Dendrophthora camosa Urb. & Ekm. HO
Dendrophthora versicolor Urb. & Ekm. HO
Renealmia densiflora HO

* Rare species very restricted in distributionwithin the park. Especes rare de

distributionrestreinte dans le parc.

H = Endemic to Hispaniola; HO =Endemic to Massif de la Hotte; SH = En-

demic to Massif de la Hotte et de la Selle.

Species Status

Agave antillamm Desc. H
Ilex blancheana* Judd
Ilex fuertesiana (Loes.)Loes. H
Didymopanax tremulum Krug & Urb. H
Baccharis myrsinites (Lam.)Pers. H
Erigeron dissectus Urb H
Eupatorium cabaionum Urb. & Ekm. S
Eupatorium illitum Urb. & Ekm. H
Eupatorium microchaetum Urb. & Ekm. SH
Eupatorium sp. nov. S
Gttapltalium eggersii Urb. & Ekm. H
Gnapltalium selleanutn Urb. & E km. S
Mikania tripartita Urb. & Ekm. S
Senecio buchii Urb. S
Seneciopicardae Krug & Urb. H
Begonia domingensis DC. H
Begonia platyptera Urb.
Blechnum tuerckheimii Brause H
Cordia dependens Urb. & Ekm. H
Cordiapicardae Urb.
Toumefortia selleana Urb.& Ekm.
lillandsia hotteana Urb. H
Buddleja domingensis Urb. H
Siphocampylus caudatus * McVaugh S
Siphocantpylus sonchifolius (SW )McVaugh SH
Melotlzria don1ingettsis Cogn. H
Junipems ekmanii* Florin
Carex ekmartii Kuk
Cypems pricardae Boeckl.
Diplazium fuertesii Brause
Lyonia buchii Urb.
Lyonia microcarpa Urb. & Ekrn
Lyonia mbiginosa (Pers.) G.Don
var.costata (Urb.)Judd
Species Status

Ericacea (continued)
Lyonia tmncata Urb. var. tmncata
Sapium buchii Urb.
Ditta sp. nova
Phyllantus lindenianus Baill.
var inaequifolius (Webster) Webster
Gesneria bullata* Urb. & Ekrn
Gesneria ekmanii Urb.
Gesneria hypoclada Urb & Ekrn
Gesneria viridij7ora (Decaisne)Kuntz
subsp. acrochordonanthe L. Skog
Rhytidophyllum sp. nov
Hypericum fuertesii Urb.
Hypericum nzillefolium* Urb. & Ekrn
Hyptis schusteri Urb.
Salvia bahomcona Urb.& Ekm.
Salvia foveolata Urb. & Ekm.
Salvia selleana Urb.
Ocotea acarilza C.K. Allen
Dendropenzon bistratus Urb
Dendropemon pycnophyllus Krug & Urb
Bunchosi**a ekr7za~ziiUrb. & Ekm
Malpighia macracantha Urb. & Ndz.
Meriana involucrata (Desr.) Naud.
Miconia femgi~zea (Desr.) DC
Miconia lanceolata (Desr.) DC
Miconia luteola Cogn.
Miconia @idssi~na* Urb & Ekm.
Miconia selleana Urb. & Ekm.
Miconia subcompressa Urb. & Ekm.
Miconia favosa (Des.) Naud.
Myrica picardae Krug & Urb
Calyptranthesde~zsifc*oliaUrb & Ekm.
Calyptranthesnunzmulanb Berg.
CalyptrantltespitonianaUrb & Ekm.
Eugenia lineata (Sw.) DC.
Eugenia picardae Krug & Urb.
Ardisia fiertesii Urb.
Ardisia picardae Urb
Myrsine nubicola Liogier
Species Status

Epilobium coloratum Muhl. ex Willd. H
Fuchsia pnngsheini ii Urb. H
Fuchsia tn'phylla L. H
Pillus occidentalis Sw. H
Peperomia leonardii Trel. H
Andropogon urbanianus Hitchc. H
Artlzrostylidium haitiense (Pilger)
Hitchc & Chase (Poaceae)H
Danthonia domingensis Hack. & Pilger H
Podocarpus aristulatus Parl. H
Coccolobapicardae Urb. S
Pteris hispaniolica Maxon H
Rubus argentifronsBailey H
Rubus haitiensis Bailey H
Rubus selleanus Helwig.
Galium brevQes Urb.
Mitracarpus decunibens Urb.
Psychotna liogieri Steyermark
Rondeletia camea Urb.& Ekrn.
Ro~zdeletiachristii Urb.
Ro~ideletiadomatiata * Urb.
PsychotriQ baltenweckii Urb.
Zanthopltyllum tetraphyllum (Urb & Ekm.)
Afeliosma impressa Krug & Urb
Bmmelia subintep Urb. & Ekm
Selaginella leonardii Schmidt
Picrasma selleana Urb.
Cestmni brevifolium Urb.
Cestmm coeloplzlebium O.E. Schulz.
Cestmm mononeumni Urb. & Ekrn.
Cestmm violaceum Urb.
Tupiliia picardae Urb.
Laplaceae alpestris (Krug & Urb.) Dyer H
Species Status

Daphnopsis crassi$olia (Poir) Meissn.
Pilea domengensis Urb.
Pilea lanceolata (Lam.) Wedd.
Pilea propinqua Wedd.
Pilea hepatica Urb.& Ekm.
Pilea cephalantha Wedd
Pilea franquervilleana Wedd
Pilea lapidincola Urb & Ekm.
Pilea psilogyne Urb & Ekm,
Verbenadomingensis Urb.

* Rare species very restricted in distribution within the park. Especes rare de
distribution restreinte dans le parc.

H = Endemic to Hispaniola; S = Endemic to Massif de la Selle; SH = En-

demic to Massif de la Selle et de la Hotte

Butterflies of the National Parks of Haiti

Parc La Visite Parc Macaya
Ubranusproteus doming0 0 +
Wallenptia druryi + +
Paratrytone batesi + +
Panoquina sylvicola woodruffi + 0
Panoquina nero
Eurema pyro
Nathalis iole
Dismorphia spio
Stiynton coluntella cybirus
Hemiarqus hanrta watsoni
Heliocortius charitoniuschurchi
Dryas iulia hispaniola
Junonia evarete zonalis
Vanessa cardui cardui
Vanessa virginiensis
Calisto archebates
Calisto loxias
Calisto chrysaoros
Calisto tragia
Calisto hysia
Calisto clertchi
Dart aus cleopltile
Dartaus plaippus rnegalbpe + +
Anetia briarea briarea + 0
Anatia jaegeri + +
20 11
Total number of families 7
Total number of species 25
Land Mollusks of the National Parks of Haiti

Taxon La %ite Macava

Polydontes obliteratus (Ferussae)
R Undulatus Ferussae
Coloniconcha n. sp. ?
Coryda sp.
C. n. sp.
C. cerosa
Plagioptycho n. sp. A
P. n. sp. B
Cepolis cepa (Miller)
Mcleania n. sp.
Hojeh inaguensis (Weinland)
H. micromphala (Pilsbry)
Odontesanda n. sp. A
0.n. sp. B
0.n. sp. C
0.n. sp. D
0.n. sp. E
0.n. sp. F
0 .n. sp. G
0.n. sp. H
Sagidade n. gen., n. sp.
Suavitus taenioraphe (Pfeiffer)
S. sp.
S. sp.
Lacteoluna selenia
Ur ocoptidae
Autocoptis sp.
A. juliae (Clench)
Archegocoptis n. sp. A
A . n. sp. B
Brachypodella obesula (Pilsbry)
B. n. sp. A
B. n. sp. B
B. n. sp. C
B. sp.
B. n. sp. E
B. n. sp. F
Helicinidae n. gen. n. sp. A
Helicinidae n. gen. n. sp. B
Helicinia n. sp. A
H. n. sp. B
H. n. sp. C
H. n. sp. D
H. n. sp. E
H. n. sp. F
Land Mollusks of the National Park of Haiti (cont.)

Taxon La Visite Macava

Helicinidae (continued)
Lucidella sp. 0
L. n. sp. A +
L. n. sp. B +
Fedeyenia n. sp. A 0
F. n. sp. B +
Ceratodiscus n. sp. ? +
Helix aspersa (Muller) +
(introduced European Garden Snail)
Guppya gundlachii (Pfeiffer) +
Glypyhyalina sp. +
G . n. sp. A +
G . n. sp. B +
G . n. sp. C 0
G . n. sp. D 0
Habroconous n. sp. A +
H. n. sp. B 0
Hawaia nzinuscula (Binney) +
Zonitoides arboreas (Say) +
Zonitidae n. gen. n. sp. A +
Zonitidae n. gen. n. sp. B +
Varicella sp. A 0
V. sp. B 0
v.sp. C 0
V .n. sp. A +
V. n. sp. B +
Oleacina sp. A 0
0 . sp. B 0
0.sp. C +
0 . sp. D +
0 . sp. E +
Spiraxis n. sp. +
Sigmataxis sp. A 0
S. sp. B 0
S. n. sp. A +
Streptostylops n. sp. A 0
S. sp. +
Lrunellaxisgracilis (Hutton) +
Obeliscus n. sp. +
0 . sp. 0
0 . dominicensis (Pilsbry) 0
(Clench and Aguayo) +
Land Mollusks of the National Parks of Haiti (cont.)


Annulariidae (cont.)
Orcuttipoma rolleii (Weinland)
Colobostylus n. sp.
Crocidopoma sp.
Proserpina n. sp.
Gashucoptapellucida (Pfeiffer)
Succinea sp.
Nenisca n. sp.
Haplotrematidae n. gen. n. sp.
Dlymaeus sallei (Pilsbry)

Species unique to each park
New Taxa
Annotated List of Amphibians and Reptiles known from the
Massif de la Hotte and Adjacent Areas.

The following 54 amphibians and reptiles were reported in Schwartz and

Thomas (1975). Henderson and Schwartz(1984), andfor this report, as occurring
in the Massif de la Hotte in the weestern Tiburon Peninsula, Haiti. * = indicates
those taxa listed in the literature from the Massif de la Hotte, but not reported
from the study area; * * = includes those taxa represented in collectionsfrom the
study area; = includes those taxa not previously listed from the Massif de la
hotte, but are represented in our collections. Those specieswithout notation are
reported as occurringin the general area by Henderson and Schwartz (1984) and
may eventually be found within the study area.
Family Leptodactylidae (22 taxa)
Eleutherodactylus abbotti Cochran
* * Eleutlzerodactylus apostates Schwartz
* Eleutherodactylus audanti auda~ztiCochran
* * Eleutherodactylus bakeri Cochran
* * Eleu therodactylusbrevirostris Shreve
* * Eleutlt erodactylus ~Jzloroplte~zax
* * Eleutherodactylus counouspes Schwartz
* Eleutlzerodactyluseunaster Schwartz
* * Eleutherodactylusglandulifer Cochran
* Eleutherodactylusglaphycompus Schwartz
* * Eleutlzerodactylus hemirzota Shreve and Williams
* Eleutherodactylus hypostenor Schwartz
Eleutherodactylus inoptatus Barbour
* * Eleutherodactylus lamproles Schwartz
' EZeutherodactylusnortoni
* * Eleutherodactylus acyrhynclzus Dumeril and Bibron
* * Eleutherodactyluspictissimus pictissimus Cochran
* * Eleutherodactylus mtltae aporosstegus Schwartz
* Eleutherodactylussciagrapltus Schwartz
* Eleutherodactylus se17tipalntatusShreve
* * Eleutherodactylus ventrililteatus S hr eve
* * Eleutlzerodactylus wetmorei wetnzorei Cochran
Family Hylidae (4 taxa)
* * Hyla heilpri~tiNoble
* * Hyla pulchrililreata Cope
* * Hyla vasta Cope
* * Osteopilus dor7tirzicensis Tschudi
Order Squamata
Suborder SAURIA
Family Gekkonidae (1 taxon)
* Sphaerodactylus elasntor!~ynclzusThomas
Family Anguidae (3 taxa)
* * Celestus costatus costatus Cope
* * Celestusstenums stertums Cope
* Sauresia sepsoides Gray
Family Iguanidae (19 taxa)
Anolis amouri Cochran
* * Anolis coelestinus coelestinus Cope
* * A~zoliscybotes Cope
* Anolis darlingtoni Cochran
Amphibians and Reptiles Massif de la Hotte (cont.)

** Anolis distichus aurifer Schwartz

* Anolis distichus suppar Schwartz
* Anolis distichus vinosus Schwartz
** Anolis dolichocephalus dolichocephalus Williams
* Anolis dolichocephalus samenticola Schwartz
* Anolis koopmani Rand
* Anolis monticola monticola Shreve
** Anolis monticola quacirsartus Thomas and Schwartz
** Anolis ricordi leberi Williams
* Anolis ricordi viculus Schwartz
* Anolis rupinae Williams and Webster
Anolis semilineatus Cope
* Anolis singularis Williams
* * Chamaelinoropsbarboun Schmidt
* * Leiocephalus melanochlonrs melanochlorus Cope
Family Boidae (2taxa)
* * Epicrates gracilis hapalus Sheplan and Schwartz
** Epicrates striatus txagstus Sheplan and Schwartz
Family Colubridae (3taxa)
* * Antillophis parvifronsparvifrons Cope
* * Darlingtonia haetiana haetiana Cochran
* * Uromacer catesbyicatesbyi Schlegel
Annotated List of Amphibians and Reptiles known from the
Massif de la Selle and Adjacent Mountain Areas.

Sixty-five taxa are listed as potentially occurring in, or are known from, the
Massif de la Selle and adjacent mountain areas (Schwartz and Thomas, 1975;
Henderson and Schwartz, 1984). * = indicates those taxa listed in Henderson
and Schwartz(1984) form these mountain areas, but were not reported from the
park; ** = includes those taxa either reported in the literature as occurring in
the park or represented in our collections. Those taxa without notation are
reported to occur more generallyin the area and may eventually be found in or
near the study area.
Family Leptodactylidae(18 taxa)
* * Eleutlterodactylus abbotti Cochran
* * Eleutheordactylus armstrongi Noble and Hassler
* * Eleutlterodactylus audanti audanti Cochran
* * Eleutherodactylus darliltgtoni Cochran
* Eleutlterodactylusfowleri Schwartz
* * Eleutherodactylusfircyensis Shreve and Williams
* * Eleutlterodacrylusglanduliferoides Shreve
* Eleutherodactylus heniinota Shreve and Wdliams
* Eleutherodactylus hypostenor Schwartz
Eleutherodactylus inoptatus (Barbour)
* * Eleutlterodactylusjugans (Cochran)
* * Eleutherodactylus leoncei Shreven and Williams
* Eleutlterodactylus norton Schwartz
* * Eleutherodactylus oxyrhynchus (Dumeril and Bibron)
* Eleutherodactyluspictissilnus pictissilnus Cochran
? Eleutherodactylus mtltae aporostegus Schwartz
* Eleutlt erodactylussemipalntatus Shreve
* Eleutlt erodactylus wetmoreiceraemems Schwawrtz
Family Hylidae (4 taxa)
* Hyla heilpri~tiNoble
Hyla pulcltrilineata Cope
* Hyla vasta Cope
Osteopilius do~ninicensis(Tschudi)
Suborder SAURIA
Family Gekkonidae (6 taxa)
Gonatodes albogularis notatus Reinhardt and Lutken
Hentidactylus brooki haetianus Meerwarth
* Spltaerodactylus altavelensis brevirostratus Shreve
* Spltaerodactylus annstrongi Noble and Hassler
* Spltaerodactylus cinereus
* Spltaerodactylus streptophoms Thomas and Schwartz
Family Anguidae (3 taxa)
* Celestus stenums weinlandi Cope
* Celestus costatus oreistes Schwartz .
* * Wetntoreltaltaetiana haetiana Cochran
Family Iguanidae (13 taxa)
* AnolisalirtgerMertens
* * Altolis amtouri (Cochran)
Alt olis baltomcoensis soutlterlaltdi Schwartz
Reptiles and Amphibians--Massif de la Selle (cont.)

Anolis coelestinus coelestinus Cope

Anolis cybotes cybotes Cope
Anolis distichus dominicensis Reinhardt and Lutken
* Anolis hendersoni ravidomitana Schwartz
Anolis ricordi subsolanus Schwartz
Anolis semilineatus Cope
* Anolis singularis Williams
* Chamaelinoropsbarbouri Schmidt
Leiocephalus melanochlonrs hypsistus Schwartz
Leiocephaluspersonatus personatus Cope
Family Teiidae (1 taxon)
Ameiva taeniura varica Schwartz
Family 'Qphlidae (4 taxa)
* Typhlops capitulata capitulata Richmond
Typhlopshectus Thomas
* Typhlopspusilla Barbour
Typhlops sulcata Cope
Family Leptotyphlopidae(1 taxon)
* Leptotyphops leptepileptusThomas, McDiarmid,
and Thompson
Family Boidae (3 taxa)
* Epicratesfordi fordi Gunther
Epicratesgracilis hapalus Sheplan and Schwartz
Epicrates striatus striatus Fischer
Family Tropidophiidae (1 taxon)
Trophidophish aetianus haetianus Cope
Family Colubridae (9 taxa)
Alsophis anomalus (Peters)
Antillophis parviftons protenus (Jan)
* Darlingtonia haetiana perfector Schwartz and Thomas
* Darlingtonia haetiana vaticinata Schwartz
Hypsirhynchusferox ferox Gunther
Ialtis dorsalis (G unt her)
Uromacer catesbyicatesbyi (Schlegel)
Uromacerfrenatus frenatus (Gunther)
Uromaceraxyrhynchus Dumeril and Bibron
Suborder Amphisbaenia
Family Amphisbaenidae (2 taxa)
Amphisbaena innocens Weinland
* Amphisbaena manni Barbour
Status and Conservation Index of 18 Haitian Birds

Species Status Status Habitat Endemic Biotic Generic Conserv

Index Index Index Index Index Index
Macaya Area Birds

Chat Tanager
Antillean Piculet
Antillean Euphonia
Hispaniolan Parrot
Pine Warbler
Antillean Siskin
Grey-crowned Palm
Collared Swift

Found in La Visite but not Macaya

Ground Warbler T 7 6 10 8 5 79.2
La Selle Thrush T 7 8 10 7 1 72.6
---- --



Cuculidae Dulidae
Hispaniolan Lizard Cuckoo Palm Chat
Sau rothera longirostris Dulus dominicus
Bay-breasted Cuckoo Vireonidae
Hyetornis rufigularis Flat-billed Vireo
Caprimulgidae Vireo nanus
Least Pauraque Emberizidae (Parulinae)
Siphonorhis brewsten Hispaniolan Pine Warbler
Trochilidae Dendroica pinus chysoleuca R-NA
Hispaniolan Emerald Green-tailed Ground Warbler
Chlorostilbon swansonii Microligeapalustris E
Psittacidae White-winged Warbler
Hispaniolan Parrot Xenoligea montana E
Amazona ventralis Emberizidae (Thraupinae)
Hispaniolan Parakeet Black-crowned Palm-tanager
Aratinga chloroptera Phaenicophiluspalmarum
Trogonidae Grey-crowned Palm-tanager
Hispaniolan Trogon Phaenicophiluspaliocephalus
Pnotelus roseigaster Chat Tanager
Todidae Calyptophilusfigivorus
Broad-billed Tody Fringillidae
Todus subulatus Antillean Siskin
Narrow-billed Tody Carduelis dominicensis E
Todus angustirostns White-winged Warbler
Picidae Loxia leucoptera R-NA
Hispaniolan Woodpecker Rufous-collared Sparrow
Melanetpes striatus Zonotnchia capensis R-SA
Antillean Piculet
Nesoctites micromegas NON-LAND BIRDS
Corvidae Accipitridae
White-necked Crow Ridgway's Hawk
Corvus leucognaphalus R-PR Buteo ndgwayi E
Muscicapidae (Turdinae)
La Selle Thrush
Turdus swalesi Total 24 Species

Bird species that are endemic (E) or restricted (R) to Hispaniola. Species endemic only to Haiti (E*); once found in Puerto Rico (extirpated) but now confined to
Hispaniola (R-PR); restricted to Hispaniola in the Antilles but also occurring in North America (R-NA) or South America (R-SA).
Comparison of summary bird data between La Visite and Pic
Macaya areas based on eight census days in each season
during 1982.

2000 m 2000 m 1000 m
Dec May December

Total # observations 1932 897 1397 433

Total # species 62 41 47 51
Average of birdstday 242 112 -116 151

* The combined total number of species for both regions of Parc National
Pic Macaya is 65.

Hispaniolan Parrot

Complete List of the Mammals of Haiti

'Emon Common Name Status

Parocnus serus Large Ground Sloth Extinct Endemic
Synocnus comes Small Ground Sloth Extinct Endemic
Gen. sp A Huge Tortue Ground Sloth Extinct Endemic
Gen. sp B Big Tortue Ground Sloth Extinct Endemic
Gen. sp C La Hotte Ground Sloth Extinct Endemic
Gen. sp D Tree-climbing Ground Sloth Extinct Endemic

Solenodon paradanrs Giant Island Shrew Endangered Endemic
"Nez long"
Solenodon marcanoi Marcano's Solenodon Extinct (?)Endemic
Solenodon sp. La Hotte Solenodon Unknown Endemic
Nesophontes hypomicrus Haitian Island Shrew Extinct Endemic
Nesophontes paramicrus Big Haitian Island Shrew Extinct Endemic
Nesophon tes zamicrus Small Haitian Island Shrew Extinct Endemic

"Saiminwbemensis Hispaniolan Monkey Extinct Endemic
Callitrichidae (?)
incertae sedis Miller's Unknown Monkey Extinct (?) Endemic (?)

Plagiodontia aedium aedium Haitian Hutia Endangered Endemic
Plagiodontia aedium hylaeum Dominican Hutia Endangered Endemic
Plagiodontia spelaeum Small Hutia Extinct Endemic
Plagiodontia araeum' Narrow-toothed Hutia Extinct Endemic
Plagiodontia ipnaeum Large Hutia Extinct Endemic
Plagiodontia velozi Oviedo's Hutia Extinct Endemic
"Quemi"or "Comadreja"
Rhizoplagiodontia lemkei La Hotte Hutia Extinct Endemic
Isolobodon porton'~ensis3 Indian Hutia Extinct Endemic
Isolobodon montanus Mountain Hutia Extinct Endemic
~ a o l o b o d o phenar4
n Even-toothed Hutia Extinct Endemic
Haolobodon sp La Hotte Hexolobodon Extinct Endemic
Common Name Status

Family incertae sedis

Quemisia gravis Hispaniolan Giant Hutia Extinct Endemic
Brotomys voratus Hispaniolan Spiny Rat Extinct Endemic
Brotomys contractus Saint-MichelSpiny Rat Extinct Endemic
Caviaporcellus Guinea Pig Domestic Introduced
Rattus rattus Black Rat Very Common Introduced
Rattus norvegicus Norway Rat Common Introduced
Mus musculus House Mouse Common Introduced
Herpestes javanicus 5 Small Indian Mongoose Common Introduced
Felis silvestris catus Feral Cat Common Introduced
"Chat Mawon"
Canisfamiliaris Domestic Dog Common Introduced
Monachus tropicalis West Indian Monk Seal Endangered or Extinct
West Indies
Trichechusmanatus Manatee Rare
Caribbean Basin
Globicephala macrorhynchus Short-finned Pilot Whale Rare
Tursiops tmncatus Atlantic Bottlenosed Dolphin Rare
Stenella plagiodon Atlantic Spotted Dolphin Rare
Delphinus delphis Common Dolphin Rare
Steno bredanensis Rough-toothed Dolphin Rare
Physeter ma
crocephalus Sperm Whale Rare
%on Common Name Status

Noctilio leporinus mastivus Greater Bulldog Bat Uncommon GA,LA,CA,Mx
Pteronotus (Chilonycteris
filginosus fir lginosus Sooty Moustached Bat Uncommon H,Ja,PR
Pteronotus (Phyllodia)
pamellii pusillus Parnell's Moustached Bat Uncommon Endemic
Pteronotus (Phyllodia)
pamellii gonavensis La Gonave Moustached Bat Extinct Endemic
Monnoops blainvillei Antillean Ghost-faced Bat
Monnoops megalophylla Large Ghost-faced Bat Extinct NA,CA,WI
Macrotus waterhousii waterhousii Waterhouse's Leaf-nosed Bat Common H,sBa,PR
Monophyllus redmani clinedaphus Leach's Long-tonguedBat Common H,sBa,Cu
A ~ i b e ujamaicensis
s jamaicensis Jamaican Fruit-eatingBat Common H,Ja,PR,LA
Phyllops haitiensis7 Haitian Fruit-eating Bat Common Endemic
Brachyphylla nana Antillean Fruit-eatingBat Uncommon H,Cu,Caicos
Phyllonycterispoeyi obtusa Haitian flower Bat Uncommon Endemic
Erophylla bombifrons
san tacristobalensis Hispaniolan Brown Flower Bat Uncommon H,PR
Natalus major8 Hispaniolan Funnel-eared Bat Uncommon Endemic
Natalis (Chilonatalus)
micropus micropus Small-footed Funnel-eared Bat Uncommon H,Ja,Ba
Eptesicusfuscus hispaniolae9 Hispaniolan Big Brown Bat Common H,Ja
Lasiurus borealisminor1' Small Hairy-tailed Bat Uncommon H,Ba,PR
Tadatida brasiliensisconstanzae Haitian Free-tailed Bat Common Endemic
Tadarida macrotisl1 Big Free-tailed Bat Uncommon NA,Mx,GA
Molossus molossus vem'lli Hispaniolan Pallas Mastiff Bat Uncommon Endemic

Includes Hyperplagiodontia stenocoronalsis

* IncludesPlagiodontia caletensis
Includes Ithyodontia levir
Includes Herolobodon poolei
( = Herpestes auropunctatus)
(Koopman, 1989) = Pteronotus quadridens
(Koopman, 1989) = Phyllops falcatus of Cuba + P. haitiensis
* (Koopman, 1989) = Natalis stramineus
(Koopman, 1989) = Eptesicus serotinus
lo (Griffiths & Klingener = Lasiurus minor
l1 (Koopman, 1989) = Nyctinomops macrotis
Introduced Fkee-Living Mammals Of Haiti

Common When
Name Introduced

Rattus rattus Black Rat 1492
Rattus norvegics Norway Rat Early 1700s
Mus musculus House Mouse Before 1654
Cavia poreellus Guinea Pig Pre-Columbian
Herpestes javanicus Small Indian Mongoose
( = H. auropunctatus)
Felis silvestris catus Domestic Cat 1492
Canis familiaris Domestic Dog Pre-Columbian
Equus caballus Horse


(sq. kms) (meters) Non-volant Bats Total Index

Cuba 1973
Hispaniola 3175
Jamaica 2256
Puerto Rico 1338
Andros 22
I. Pines (Juventud) 310
Guadeloupe 1467
Great Abaco 44
Great Inagua 33
Grand Bahama 21
Martinique 1397
Dominica 1447
La Gonave 776
St. Lucia 950
Eleuthera 51
Long 54
Barbados 340
Cat 62
Acklins 43
St. Vincent 1234
Mayaguana 40
Antigua 402
Crooked 47
St. Croix 353
New Providence 37
Caicos 28
Exuma 38
Grand Cayman 42
La Tortue 464
St. Kitts 1155
Watlings (San Salvador) 37
Barbuda 39
Marie Galante 204
Nevis 985
Montserrat 915
St. Martin 485
St. Thomas 209
Mona low
St. John 389
Beata low
Anegada 8
Cayman Brac 138
St. Eustatius 600
Little Cayman 23
Saba 870
E. Plana 20
Swan low
Endemic land mammals of montaneregions of the Massif de la Hotte and
Massif de la Selle of southern Haiti. (EX = extinct; PR = present; NP =
never present.)
Species La Selle La Hotte

Order Rodentia
Family Capromyidae
Plagiodontia aedium PR PR
I? velozi EX EX
R araeum EX NP
Isolobodon portoncensis EX EX
I. montanus EX EX
Rlt izoplagiodontia lemkei NP EX
Family Echimyidae
Brotomys voratus EX EX

Order Primates
Family Cebidae
Saimin bemensis EX EX

Order Insectivora
Family Solenodontidae
S. marcartoi
Family Nesophontidae
Nesoplt ontes zant icms I
N hypor~t icms
N. paramicms

Order Xenarthra
Family Megalonychidae
Synocnus comes EX EX
Parocrt us EX EX
New taxon EX EX
New taxon EX EX
New taxon EX EX

Total number of taxa 17 18

Number of surviving taxa 1 2
Number of endemics not found in
other park 1 1
List of fossil and Recent land mammals in order of abundance collected
from 'Ikouing Jeremie #5, the type locality of Rhizoplagiodontia lemkei,
located the base of Pic Formon in the upper Plain of Formon. (C = common,
U = uncommon; R = rare; EX = extinct). The analysis is of the top 4 cm of
Status % of
Species Recent Fossil Sample

Plagiodontia aedium R C 20.1

Rattus rattus C C 13.9
Rh iwplagiodontia lemkei C C 12.3
Nesophontes hypomicrus EX C 11.5
N. pararnicrus
Plagiodontia velozi EX C 9.0
Brotomys voratus EX C 8.2
Hexolobodon phenax EX C 7.4
Ground sloths (several species) EX C 5.7
Isolobodon portoricensis EX U 4.1
Solenodonparadams R U 2.5
Solenodon marcanoi Unknown R 1.6
Isolobodon montanus EX R 1.6
Mus musculus U R 0.8
Saimiri bemensis EX R 0.8




n/lAssrr7 DE LA I-IO~TE

Dkglacis M A R E COCHON
Parc National Pic Macllya
Pic Fonnond


, Biosphcrc rcscrvc: linlils

0 4030 m
a t 0 0 h.

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