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Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members

Garlic is herb that is very nutritious which is cultivated almost all over the world.
In the acient of days, about 5000 years ago, garlic has been used in many of cultural
displays in the world. It is believed that garlic has an exceptional power of repelling and
breaking evil spirits.

Salt is made up of sodium chloride and is mainly found in seawater.
It has an acient recognition of cleansing the body, soul and mind both spiritually and
It was also used by our forefathers and ancestors to purify the land when they noticed any
sign of negativity.

De-shell the Garlics and Grind or blend the very well. Then, Put it in a clean bowl and Get a
clean water, boil the water to make warm. You will now add the salt to the warm water.
And gently put the blended or grinded garlic into the mixture of the salt and warm water.
...Use a white clean cloth to filter and separate Garlic shafts from the liquid mixture. You
can throw away the separated garlic shafts, it's useless.
...Pray or say whatever you want to say into the liquid mixture.
...Keep it in secretly safe place because your secret is your power.

How to use it:

Pour small amount of the mixture in the water you will be bathing with and bath with it (if
you are using a shower apply the small amount of the mixture on yourself and wait 5
minutes before you bath)
When to use it:
This should be done only in evening when you are about to sleep. This means immediately
you apply it, you must go to bed and sleep.

*Start to loose friends with bad spirits, those whose friendship has not improved your
situation in life.
*Terrible dreams
*Positivity in business and finances
*Healthy Marriage
*Grace with favor as well as good luck will start to fall in line for you.
*People will begin to fight you both spiritually and physically

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members

½ cup honey
¼ cup lemon juice
3 tablespoons fresh ginger (tsangamidzi)
Virisa wonwa
½ cup crushed fresh ginger
1 cup milk
1 teaspoon honey
1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
Warmer mixture iyi zvakanaka wonwa 60 minutes before bonde.
Ndorani-isa muporridge kana mutea. Muviri unoita kuti koo kupisa and nemhepo
mumuviri inotiza
Zumbani Isa mumvura inodziya wonwa kwapera maminetsi gumi
Munhitii- muti unoita tumaseeds tune tumaziso twered so nekaspot keblack.Vamwe
vanouti mukamba.Unonwa makwati awo kana mashizha, temperature inokwira bad
Murumanya-unouwana pamisika most times. I have seen it paMbare nepa Sakubva Musika.
Ukaushandisa unopisa
1/4 teaspoon powder
Matukutu- unotsenga makavi acho.
Warm soya milk cup woisa banana rakaibva rinemavara (put ripe spots banana, drink
before bed ) wonwa awa kana mbiri usati wavakunovata- nguva dzekuvata (21:00)
Soya power ine zinc nemamwe ma elements anodzinga mhepo and inobatsira chaizvo kuti
muviri upise
Ginger and garlic, this one is highly charged. Unodya three-six ma cloves eginger
wakunorara manheru ne chipisi ( thump size ) cheginger. Kana usingade smero yegarlic
unocheka-cheka tumapisi-pisi woisa mumvura inodziya woita zvekunwa senge mapiritsi.

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
Makuseni nemanheru uchidaro. Uchaona mumwe musi waunotanga kusweater wakarara.
Zvako zvinenge zvaita my dear.
Kana wakurara zora vitamin E oil or peanut oil mumaoko ako Makumbo nepasi petsoka
wobva wapfeka masocks. Usatsike pasi netsoka kunyanya pamatiles or cement. Gara usina
kupfeka monera jira kunge napkin remwana
Idya zvikafu izvi; Whole grains, cumins, bananas. Hope it will help someone

BP idya potato mbishi, inwa mhodzi dze paw paw, idya mutsine semuriwo. Nyika mutsine
mumvura womwa mvura yacho. Idya garlic, salt shoma muchikafu, boil mashizha emu
avocado and drink mvura yacho.

Tora pawpaw rakaita mbishi then you grate it, deep in water overnight wonwa mvura
yacho next day gara uchidya ma cucumber.....

Tora castoroil or zai mbishi or crushed garlic or honey or dota rakasangana nelemon netu
cooking oil.


Drink wetiyako every morning or 1 spoon black pepper, cookng oil and tumeric uchi
massager pazasi peguvhu neweti.


Medza nyimo or isa imba yedzingidzi mumvura umwe


Grate mhodzi ye avocado wonyika mumvura wopota uchimwa mvura yacho (mvura iyi
inobatsira futi msana)

Baking soda, lemon juice gadzira paste zora pamazino 1min b4 brushing ne natural
homemade toothpaste yako.

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
MBEREKO ....2 bananas,1 tspn soda,1 cup soya milk lsanganisa umwe after your periods (u
can repeat this after every 3 mnths ),drink lots of water,boil 6 lemons, 375ml of honey ne
1/2 cup cooking oil drink urikuma periods (lemons boil nemakanda awo ),raw ginger helps
again.5 bananas, 3eggs mix til smooth n drink on empty stomach soon after period. 3eggs,
1cup soya milk ne red grape juice mix sanganisa and drink after period. N/B please try one
recipe only 3 months after u can try another time or the same ukada kuita ese ka1
unozvikuvadza patients pays.


Unotora Tauro or white cloth uise castor oil. Tora hot bottle woisa mvura inopisa /juice
bottle ye plastic.isa Tauro riya padumbu pasi peguvhu woisa hot water bottle iya
pamsorope towel or white cloth iya. Relax for 45mins. N/B pliz usaite urikumwedzi or
unenhumbu and make sure hot water bottle is closed well to avoid kutsva. Ndatenda.
Zvese zviri ipapo.

Take about 20 snails and remove shells. Put all the meat in a stainless steel pot and close
with lid. Do not add water, repeat, do not add water. Put on fire for 3 hours and maintain
a temperature above 100 degrees Celsius. Again, no water. After 3 hours, let everything
cool down then crush and sifted to fine powder. Then, put a teaspoon of powder in half a
glass of warm water and drink each day for 21 days.

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
Jeko rinorapwa nehapa vamwe vanoti garadziva uye rinouchika unoritora nemidzi woriisa
muchinhu chinodirika mvura inwa mvura iyoyo kubva musi wawatadza kugeza wapedza
ridzosere kurwizi.

Zino boilisa nhundurwa usina kuyicheka asi iya yakaita yellow pfunda mvura yacho chero
mudzi wemutsine futi

Munyaviri chero kungovaiwa nekufamba geza nemasamba e rooibos hazvina basa kuti
akambo shanda chinodiwa kutsvuka kwemvura

Sare tswanya nyevhe unamire pariri arimudumbu boilisanyevhe mbishi inwa mvura yacho

Nyongo kana ma acids inwa mazai kuseni usati wadya kana 3 wozonwa cup ye fresh milk
paunonwa unogona kubvova kana kumbo rasa mweya

Kudzora kuzasi tsvanya mhodzi yemango chichena chemukati pfeka 5 days dzakatowanda

Vaye varingoti bhu bhu nekuweti pfeka garlic wakasanganisa ne onion rara wakazvipfeka
uye zvinorapa chibereko

Varikutadza kuyenda kuma MP chero nezvatiri kushandisa kurera vana tora lemon juice
half cup ne half onion woi great inwa zvakasangana panovira zuva unogona kuve
watoyenda inwa usina kudya zvite kana 3 day asi dzakatowanda asi zvino svota
paunonwa ,,,,,,,, ndovimba zvichabatsirawo vamwe

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members

You Will Need

1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar

1/2 teaspoon honey
A glass of warm water
Mix the honey and vinegar with water and drink the mixture, preferably on an empty
stomach. Do this every day in the morning.

2. Castor Oil
You Will Need
A few drops of castor oil

What You Have To Do

Massage the neck area with the oil gently.
Leave the oil on overnight.
Repeat this every night before going to bed.

3. Coconut Oil

Virgin coconut oil contains high levels of lauric acid, a medium-chain triglyceride, which is
converted into monolaurin, and has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties as well
as improves metabolism (7). You can add it to your hot drinks, smoothies, and use it as a
salad dressing as well as cooking.

4. Bentonite Clay

2-3 tablespoons bentonite clay

Make a paste by adding enough water to the clay powder and mix well.
Apply this paste on the neck and let it dry.
Wash it off with plain water.
Apply this clay mask once in every 2-3 days and observe the changes

5. Seaweed

Boil a handful of seaweed to make a salad. Add dressing as per your

Include it once or twice a week in your meal. Do not overdo

6. Dandelion Leaves

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
A handful of dandelion leaves
1 tablespoon clarified butter (ghee)
Grind the leaves with some water to make a paste.
Add the ghee to this and heat the mixture for a few minutes until it becomes lukewarm.
Apply this on the neck and keep it on for 15-20 minutes.
Rinse it off.
Repeat this every day for a week or two.

7. Juice Recipes
(a) lemon juice
You Will Need
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 clove garlic
1 teaspoon honey

Crush the garlic and mix it with the lemon juice and honey.
Drink this in the morning.
Do this every day in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach.

(b) Pineapple Juice

4-5 pineapple pieces

1 medium-sized carrot
2 tomatoes

Blend everything to get a smooth juice. You can add some water to adjust the consistency.
Drink this juice, either at room temperature or slightly chilled.
Drink a glass of this pineapple blend every day.

8. Ashwagandha

2 tablespoons ashwagandha bark powder

160 ml water
Add the Ashwagandha bark powder to water and boil this until the concoction reduces to
40% of its original volume.
Strain and divide the concoction.
Drink one portion early in the morning, before breakfast, and the second part in the
You can also add this powder to milk or smoothies.

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
Repeat this every

9. Moringa (Malunggay)
1 tablespoon dried moringa leaves
A cup of hot water
Steep the leaves in hot water for a few minutes.
Strain and drink this decoction.
Drink moringa tea once every day.

10. Turmeric
1/2 cup turmeric powder
1 cup water
1 1/2 teaspoons black pepper powder
70 ml cold pressed olive oil or coconut oil

Heat the water in a pan and add turmeric powder to it.

Cook this slowly for 5-10 minutes until you get a thick paste.
Add the black pepper and oil and stir well.
Remove from the flame and store in an airtight container.
Have a teaspoon of this paste.
Note: This golden paste can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks.

Repeat this twice a day.

11. Flax seeds
Grind the flaxseeds and make a paste with a little bit of water.
Apply this paste on your neck and let it stand for 20-25 minutes.
Wash and pat the area dry.
Do this once every day until the swelling goes away.
Caution: Do not consume flax seeds without consulting your doctor as they may have a
contrary effect.

12. Neck.exercise

Stretching exercises for the neck are also known to aid the treatment of goiter.These
exercises can help stretch the muscles that are connected to the thyroid gland and reduce
the swelling.
Upward Neck Stretch– Sit on a chair and lift your chin towards the ceiling. Stretch the neck
as much as possible and then stay in that position for a few seconds. Repeat this exercise
10-12 times.

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
Sideways Neck Stretch– Slowly bend your neck to the side so that the ear touches your
shoulder. Stretch as much as possible and then repeat on the other side. Do 10 repetitions
on each side.
Note: Do not exert yourself when trying to do these neck exercises. Stretch as much as you
can without causing any discomfort to yourself. If you feel any pain, stop the exercise

13. Garlic
3-4 garlic cloves
Chew garlic cloves as they are in the morning. If you feel that they are too pungent, crush
the cloves and add some honey to them before ingesting
Do this every day in the morning.

14. Lemon Balm Tea

2 tablespoons dried lemon balm (or 2 teaspoons fresh lemon balm)
A cup of hot water
Pour the hot water over the herb and let the tea steep for a few minutes. Make sure to
keep the lid on while making the tea as it will prevent the aromatic oils of the balm from
escaping with the steam.
Strain the decoction and add honey for taste.
Sip on this warm herbal tea.
Be sure to keep the lid on while making the tea, as it will prevent the aromatic oils of the
balm from escaping with the steam.
Drink 2-3 cups of this herbal tea every day until the goiter symptoms are gone.

15. Nuts
A handful of nuts
Soak a handful of nuts overnight or munch on them as it is.
Have a handful of nuts either as a wake-up snack or in between meals.

16. Fish Oil

Fish oil supplement either in capsule form or in liquid form
Take a teaspoon of fish oil every day.
Once a day.

17. Motherwort
1/2-1 teaspoon motherwort herb
1/2 teaspoon honey
A cup of hot water

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
What You Have To Do
Brew motherwort tea and add honey for taste.
Drink this.
How Often You Should Do This
Drink motherwort tea twice a day for best results.

We would like to reiterate this – while these home remedies for goiter will help, you should
ensure that you use them in conjunction with the medications prescribed by your doctor.
Also, make it a point to be extremely careful about your diet. You should be looking to eat
foods rich in iodine and selenium, while eating limited quantities of goitrogenic foods. And
don’t forget the neck exercises!

Goiter can produce unpleasant symptoms, but it is not an untreatable condition. The right
combination of prescription medications with home remedies and a goiter-friendly diet
can treat the symptoms and the underlying cause easily. Use the remedies listed in this
article after consulting with your doctor.

Did you find this article helpful? Have you ever tried any of these remedies for goiter?
Please leave your feedback in the comments section below.

Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions

Tips For Treating Goiter

Take a cold shower twice a day. This is supposed to stimulate the thyroid gland to function
Keep a tab on the medication you generally use as these can also trigger goiter. You can
share the list (with the dosage) with your doctor to determine if any of these medications
are the cause.
Do the neck exercises regularly, but also keep in mind that these exercises should not be
causing you any pain.
Try to gently massage the swelling and the surrounding area using carrier oils like almond
oil or olive oil.
Give acupuncture or aromatherapy a try if you are more inclined to the alternative
therapies for goiter treatment.

What Is The Best Food For Goiter?

There are certain foods that you can include in your diet to speed up recovery from goiter.
These food items replenish the iodine and selenium levels in the body causing a healthy
amount of thyroid hormone to be produced. They also contain anti-inflammatory

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
compounds and antioxidants which reduce the swelling and other symptoms. Here is the
recommended diet for goiter –

Iodine-Rich Diet – If your goiter is caused due to iodine deficiency, you need to replenish
your body with an iodine-rich diet. Try using iodized salt or consume more seafood, cod
fish, tuna, eggs, natural yogurt, milk, navy beans, baked potato with skin, and cranberries.
Adults should consume about 150 micrograms of iodine every day to keep goiter away.
Lettuce – Do not confuse this green leafy vegetable with cabbage, which is a cruciferous
vegetable (and is not recommended for goiter patients). Lettuce is rich in iodine and is apt
for consumption by goiter patients.
Selenium Rich Foods – Your thyroid gland requires selenium to function at its optimal level.
Some foods are naturally rich in this mineral like Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, shellfish,
onions, mushrooms, wheatgerm, barley, meats, poultry, eggs, and fatty fish. Even meat
items like kidney and liver can be consumed as they contain a good amount of selenium in
them.. Make these foods a part of your daily diet to help cure goiter.

Bananas and pineapples are also recommended for goiter treatment.

What Food To Avoid For Goiter?

Goitrogenic foods are those that hinder normal functioning of the thyroid gland. As a
result, the gland is unable to synthesize iodine properly. So, there are some foods that you
should eat in moderation and these include:
Brussels sprouts
Mustard greens
Soy beans
Sweet potatoes

You can cook goitrogenic foods to negate their effect on your thyroid. While it is not
necessary to eliminate them from your diet completely, you should consume them in

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
Kupedza Matambudziko Pasina Jekiseni Kana Mapiritsi Kana Clinic.

Kana une dambudziko remututu(muhota) nose bleeding unoyenda pane zimbe and
wotanga kudonhedzera drops of blood ipapo and ita kuti hutsi huya hukuyende kumeso.

Kana uri mukadzi une problem yekunhuwa zasi tora mbadzi yelemon woisa muchidhende
wopfekera nyazi haa kunonhuwirira nekuraya some bacteria.

Kana une problem yejeko tora dota and boil and drink zvichipisa kwete kudziya but kupisa.
Kana kutora makwati emuti wemutohwe wokwatisa wonwa mvura yacho.

Ukaona uchigara uchita miscarriage dzimwe nguri kugadzirwa mumhuri.Ita soo.Makuseni

na5am exactly ita weti mucontainer.Dira pasi like 5 tablesoon and ivhu iroro rimunye
kuridya for at least 3-4times.

Kana kuti futi tora weti yako little and mix nemashizha emupfura and boil together with
little water wonwa.Zvinovhura tsinga.Even mbereko zvinobatsira though zvimwe zvacho
zvinoda matare hazvo.

Kana une problem yemakumbo anogara achirwadza enda kurwizi kune jecha nemvura
inoyerera iya.Nokora jecha iroro woyenda naro woisa mupoto and boil it.Then waridza
paplastic and woridzika jecha kana rati porei haa unobva wapora.

Kana uchigara uchinzwa nzeve zviri abnormal tora mashizha emudomasi woisa little water
okwata wodira munzeve uchibvisa mvura yacho but ichidziya kwete kupisa kana kutonhora.

Ukaona une dambudziko rekungovengwa pasina zvawatadza chero kupi tsvaga huchi
wosanganisa neginger(tsangamidzi) but zvinoda iri crushed.Then a small portion geza
nazvo unowona zvichashanduka mhepo dzichiyenda

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
Mufandichimuka (The Resurrection Tree)

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
Blackjack - The most underrated of all herbs.

Umhlabangubo/ Ucucuza.
So cheaply available and free growing all around Southern and central African.
This herb is not only For healing but its excellent for prevention.

Its health properties are so powerful to deal With any kind of cell damage that may result
in any kind of Cancer. Rainy season is a nightmare to all of us because of mosquitoes but
those who will use blackjack as their herbal tea and food must rest assured .
Cervical cancer patients and stomach Cancer patients successfully treated with this herb

Black jack also helps in stroke

 Palpitations
 Heart attack
 Liver problems
 Cancers
 Piles
 Ulcers
 Prostate enlargement
 Gout and arthritis
 Gastritis
 Constipation
 Bloating
 Acid reflux
 Lupus (autoimmune)
 Blockages
 Angina
 Oesophagul cancer
 Leg cramps
 All types of
 Headaches
 Toothache
 Jaundice
 Feet and body swelling
 Sore throat
 All menstrual disorders
 Sore gums
 Diabetes 1&2
 All types of wounds
 Cuts

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
 Fevers ,flue and colds
 Hepatitis B is cured with black jack

Blackjack is your balm in Gilead that can deal with your belly fat without tempering with
your other parts of your body.
Talk of diarrhea in toddlers and adults
Trust blackjack
Blackjack is also highly diuretic and it qualifies to deal with all your kidney
Blood cleansing and boils
HIV related sores ,use blackjack
Use drops of sap decoction from blackjack


1. *Kuwedzera huwandu wembeu yenyu ( sperm Count )*

Torai mashizha emuguava momadzvura (pound) kuti abude muto. Muto wacho sanganisai
nemvura uye mokwanisa kuzvisefa ( filtering) kuti muwane juice isina zvimatsengwa. Inwai
half cup katatu pazuva.

2. *Kana muchikasika kuti Amen pamunamato*

Torai derere riye rechipodzi mobvisa mhodzi dzacho ( seeds). Dziomesei. Kana dzaoma
dziisei mumvura ine soda kwemazuwa 2. Chinwai half yecup pazuwa kwe 1 week.

3. *Nhengo yakaneta* isingadi kunatsomira. Weak Erection

Torai 6 hanyanisi (onions) modzidzvura muwane muto wacho. (Pounding to extract juice).
Zanganisai nehuchi. Potai muchidya spoon 2 katatu pazuva.


Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members


Get unripe pawpaw, unripe pineapple, ginger, lime orange and Lipton tea. Cut into pieces,
boil with fermented corn water for one hour. Take one glass cup 3 times daily for one
week. The ailment will disappear.


Get 7-8 unripe plantain, peel them, cut them to pieces and pound. Put everything inside a
plastic container, fill it with one gallon of water. Allow it to ferment for three days. Take
one cup 2 times a day for one week. The ailment will disappear.


Get some seeds of mango, cut it into pieces and keep under the sun to dry. Grind to
powder. Put one spoon of the powder into a glass cup of water, stir it and drink. Once in a
day for 3-4 weeks .


Get 5 seeds of English pear (Avocado pear), cut into pieces and dry under the sun, grind to
powder. Mix with a glass of honey to form paste. Take one spoon, 3 times daily until the
6th day.


Take three teaspoons of salt and one teaspoon of sugar, add half spoon of dry gin. Drink
all as a single dose. The cholera will stop immediately.


Get 4 seeds of English pear (Avocado pear), cut into pieces, dry under the sun and grind
into powder. Put a teaspoon of this powder into your prepared palp and drink. Once daily
for 2 weeks.

Get a handful of garlic, grind to extract the juice. Drink a spoon and use the juice to rub
the chest and back.

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
Get about 10 pieces of bitter cola, grind to powder, add half cup of original honey. Take 2
spoons thrice daily for 4 days.

9. *TUBERCULOSIS*: Get 20-23 pieces of bitter cola, ginger of equal quantity and 3 bulbs
of garlic grind everything and add a bottle of original honey. Take one spoon thrice daily
for one month.

Grind 6 bulbs of big onions, add one original bottle of honey. Take one spoon thrice daily
for one month. Alternatively; get a handful of bitter leaf and scent leaves, squeeze out the
water in them, add lime(orange)juice, grinded garlic and small potash. Take half glass of it
twice daily for one month.

Get 2 pieces of aloe-vera, cut into pieces and put it in a container add one bottle of
original honey and a glass of water. Take half cup of it 2 times daily for one week.


Get some leaves of Cochorus Olitorus(Vegetable Leaf) squeeze out the water and give it to
the woman under hard labour. She will deliver the baby instantly.


Get the leaves of pawpaw, scent leaves and bitter leaves, squeeze out the water take half
cup twice daily for 4 days.


Get 4-5 cola, ginger and garlic, cut them in pieces mix it with lime orange juice. Take 2
spoons daily for 3 days.


Get some corn silk, boil with lime orange juice. Drink half cup of it daily for one week and
also embark on physical exercise.


Mix a native soap with ground potash, add lime orange. Apply the mixture after bath.

Get 3-4 pieces of cola, ginger and garlic, cutinto pieces. Mix everything with lime orange
juice. Take 2 spoons daily until it is over.

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
Get some quantity of dry pawpaw leaves and cashew leaves, boil with water and drink half
cup daily for one week.

Add 3 spoons of honey into a glass cup of milk. Take all at bedtime for one week.


Grind 12 bulbs of onions and 12 bulbs of garlic together. Get 3 bottles of honey, mix
together. Take 2 spoons thrice daily for 2 weeks.


Get a mixture of lime juice and honey; let it be of equal quantity. The child should take one
teaspoon twice daily until the problem is over.


Get large quantity of guava leaves, pound, add water and filter. Drink one glass cup thrice
per day for 1 week. As you are taking that, eat carrot and cucumber daily for 2 weeks.


Get 3 bulbs of Okro, slice them get the dry seed of it, ferment everything with soda water
for 2 days. Take half cup daily for one week.


Get 6 bulbs of white onions, grind and extract the juice. Mix the juice with honey. Take 2
spoons thrice daily for one week.


Get 3 pieces of bitter cola, some ginger and garlic, grind and add lime juice .Take 2 spoons
twice daily for one week.


Get one onion, small garlic and ginger, grind all. Mix with palm kernel oil. Give the child to
drink and use the mixture as cream for the child.


Rub the affected area with pure honey daily.

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
Get one bottle of olive oil and one bottle of honey. Mix together and warm it for few
minutes. Use the mixture to wash your hair.


Grind bird pepper, unripe pawpaw seed and mix with lime orange juice. Use the mixture to
rub the head, hair will start growing in the affected area.

Eat about 20 pieces of unripe palm kernel seeds everyday for about two months.


Get some quantity of pumpkin leaves and garden egg leaves, squeeze out the liquid, add
milk. Drink it for three days; your blood will be boosted.

Apply the aloe-vera gel to the affected eyes every night until the problem is over.


Eat small quantity of ginger continuously for one week.

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
1) Shumha - the fruit is used to heal ringworms and skin diseases. Burn the extract and
apply the affected part(s)
2) Mukundanyoka - Extracted from the trunk, grind it so as to dry then crushit into powder.
Cures Malaria, Blood Pressure, Diabetes and Toothaches.

3) Mupfura/Amarula - treats diarrhoea, prevention of malaria.

Is drunk as a tonic for weakness and fatigue.

4) Mutsine/Black jack
- treats swelling of tissue due to fluid accumulation.
- supports brain function.
- cures ulcers.
- treats diabetes.
- is used as a vegetable.

5) Mutsambadzi
- treats flu,
- stomach ache,
- treats eye problems,
- cures wounds

6) Moringa
- cures all kinds of diseases,
- it stimulates the appetite,
- it reduces viral loads,
- it boosts the immune system
Boil the plant extracts and drink the liquid

7) Mutohwe
- the root extracts are chopped and placed in the ear as medicine for earache.

8) Mubvamaropa
- the bark is used to relieve stomach disorders,
- It cures headaches,
- is also a cure for malaria

9) Mutarara
- cures toothache,

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
- strengthens the teeth and gums
Extracted from the tree bark, it is dried and ground into a powder. Soak in water for 30
minutes then it will be ready to drink.

10) Tsangamidzi
- heals stomach pains,
- helps reduce high blood pressure
Boil the powder in water and drink the liquid. Sprinkle onto your food as you eat.

11) Ndorani/Ndolwani
- it cures Ngubhani
- it heals hypertension and stomach upsets

12) Mpangara
- used to treat toothache

13) Dhorofiya
- cures glaucoma,
- cures wounds,
- cures fatigue
- cures ulcers
- cures diabetes
- cures herpes

14) Mususu
- reduces and cures stomach pains

15) Munyatera
- reduces stomach pains
- cured running upset stomach
- reduces high body tempeurate
- cures snake bites

16) Gavakava
- it heals stomach aches
- it clears black spots and removes pimples
- it heals wounds
- it heals nyon'o in chickens

17) Mango leaves

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
- cures boils
- alleviate skin conditions
- cures chest conditions
; reduces and cancels asthma
- wash with cold water and chew thoruoghly, swallow the juice and leaves,

- drink the juice of boiled mango leaves to heal diarrhoea and incontinence(quick
discharge of water/urine)
- boosts blood quantities

18) Avocado leaves

- boost the blood supply
- cures Blood pressure
Boil the leaves and drink the liquid

19) Lemon leaves

- boost the pulse rate
- boil and drink the liquid

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
This is a very good article. Not only about the warm water after your meal, but about Heart
Attack's . The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals, not cold water, maybe
it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating. For those who like to drink cold water,
this article is applicable to you. It is very Harmful to have Cold Drink/Water during a meal.
Because, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow
down the digestion. Once this 'sludge' reacts with the acid, it will break down and be
absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this
will turn into fats and lead to cancer . It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a

*Fresh chips and Burgers* are the biggest enemy of heart health. A coke after that gives
more power to this demon. Avoid them for your Heart's & Health.

Drink one glass of warm water just when you are about to go to bed to avoid clotting of
the blood at night to avoid heart attacks or strokes.

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members

Women with dry vagina are advised to use *Matohwe/uxakuxaku* as it stimulates the
production of vagina wetness and is perfect for keeping the vagina area moist and wet.
*matohwe* *has been recommended for women who find it hard to reach orgasm.* You
need to chew about 5-10 pieces to feel the effect very well down there although
depending on your body type, you may chew more or less before you get the result.


People experiencing lowered libido, as a result of stress or other health conditions, can try
this great fruit. IT IMPROVES ERECTION AND activates the *G-spot* or sensitivity of the
vagina. Woman who don't quite know their hypersensitive zones can start to only by
chewing this balmy gum

*#3* *Helps in Vaginal Tightening*

The fruit has been found to be a big help to women who find it hard to reach orgasm
owing to weak pernetration. Its componets helps vaginal tightness, a research stated. It
amazingly reduces/ tightens the vagina......... Best help to those who just gave birth tooo,
known as vaginal restoration.

*#4* *Boosts fertility.*

Research has it to say that the properties in MATOHWE helps boost fertility

Researchers believe that *MATOHWE - UXAKUXAKU* can be used as a fertility enhancer

and it minimises the dependence on synthetic drugs as fertility-enhancing agents.

Research published in Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare suggests that the fruit
should be encouraged AND given to all who are delaying on having kids

*it further says that matohwe enhances the quality of sperm and srmen and makes sex
more pleasurable*

*#5* Removes the vaginal bad ordour* - According to *the guardian*

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members

Is good in getting rid of bad odour coming from the vagina as it serves as a vagina
cleanser, helping to clean it.




The bark and the roots of this fruit are widely used in Zimbabwe AND malawi to fight STIs
due to its immence medicinal properties.....
Not a ticket to leave matrimonial homes tho

*#7* *zero constipation*

Nobody who takes this fruit ever cries of indigestion because of its lubricative components

*#8* Gets rid of malaria*

People from Gokwe or Matebeleland where Malaria is rampant and consume matohwe are
less likely to be hit by malaria.

*#9* *kills tiredness during sex*

The lady or man will not get tired Too early, *round after round of sex even with minimal
pre-intimacy!* It helps prolong longevity during the act.
Kills the "Enter-vomit" syndrome

#10 Improves immune system*

Snot Apple can also assist in improving bowel movement,and improve body immune
system. Most importantly, it is safe for consumption across all ages.
*It aids to improve low sperm count and quick ejaculation.*
Lastly as a bonus, It stabilises blood sugar levels


Eat the ripe pieces as often as possible, no known overdose,
Boil and drink the juice - use juice to make porridge, sugar free.

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members

GARLIC.....Tswanyai nhango mbiri dzegarlic.Zorai pazvisasa zvacho 3 or 4 times per day.Itai

izvi kwemazuva 4 or 5 kana kuti kusvika zvisasa zvacho zvapera.


Nyikai cotton swab muapple cider vinegar mozora pazvisasa.Itai kaviri kana katatu pazuva
kusvika zvava kupera


Inotengeswa kupharmacy.
Shandisai semashandisirwo eApple Cider Vinegar kwemasvondo maviri.



Sanganisai vinegar nemunyu zvoita kunge paste.Isai pazvisasa mosiya zvakadaro for 5
minutes.Itai izvi kaviri/ katatu pazuva kwesvondo rimwechete kana kuti kusvika zvisasa


Mabvi eblack zora spirit neglycerine

Kana wakaona munhu Hama kana maid or mwana achinhuhwa hwema usingaperi muti
ageze NE mvura yemakoko esadza

Face scrub mix your your lotion and tuhupfu small small scrub once or twice a week till
desired skin tone . Use egg or lemon or avocado as musk after scrubbing always use warm
water to remove the residue

Punani inonhuwa zviye zvinobhowa even wageza wash with soda.

Ma spots zora colgate it clears them

For, a, smooth, light, complexion, zora, Mayonnaise, for, 15mins,then,rinse,with,warm,water

Kumwa garlic apo neapo kunobatsira kusavaviwa vaviwa kusazi ukuKana wakasviba pacati
pemakumbo mucati umu paside penhingi , tora colgate original nd vaseline blue seal

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
original womixer 2gthr, then wopota uchizora before bathng, t worked fr me so t might
wrk fr u also cheers

For sinuses mix quarter teaspoon cinnamon and tablespoon honey in warm water (half cup)
and drink

Makwati emutohwe nyika mumvura wonwa anopedza period pain zvachose

Take coconut oil and mix with soda to make a paste. Use the paste as a facial mask. Wash
face after 3 minutes and pat dry. Don't apply anything else after. It helps with pimples and
spots. If you apply coconut oil after shaving you won't have any razor bumps, in grown
hair, itchiness or darkening of underarms and vaginal area

Ndangoonawo post yacho pafb so ndikungoitawo copy and paste ♀

Geza kumeso weti yemakuseni iya diluted w water coz inopisa. At three times a will b flawless.

Kune vaya vanoparuka or makanda akaomarara mix spirit, NE glycerine wozora everyday
especially pakurara ur skin will be soft..... Maybe 3/4 glycerine and 1/4 spirit the shake till

Maspots kuface peel potatoe mix with one teaspoon of honey wozora semask wozogeza

Vanosura zvinonhuwa vaya take garlic neginger wocheka into small cubes wonwa
semapiritsi makseni maskat nemanheru with lots of water kana vanovaviwa nekuzvimba
kuzasi netuma discharge

For pimples tora cut slice of tomato woisa small amount of baking powder wozora for 5
min then wash with warm water

Spirit mixed with any cream/lotion of your choice for stretch marks .note.its not an
overnite thing it takes time kuti azonyure

Mix toothpaste and baking soda and make a paste then apply to dark elbows and knees
for 10 minutes before showering. Hamumbozooneki kuti murima prayer warrior imi

Take cinnamon powder and honey make a smooth paste and apply to your face. Wash the
mask off after 10-15 minutes it clears acne even the hormone induced kind

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
Instead yekusvina mapundu woita mablemish put colagate inodhonza rosvava rega hauite
maspots lots of fruits n veggies n less junkie food will give u good health green tea helps
in detoxicating zvisina basa mumuviri ginger inovhara mhepo nemudumbu chibereko
chikarwadza isa hot water mubucket steam yopinda mukat chinonyarara pasina nguva
kudyao mhiripiri kunouraya nyon'o upfu mixed nesoda zvinoscrubber munandi garlic
mixed w ginger cinamon n honey body inopisa zvokuti bhee kana pakusanangana nababa
wanopiswa vakazvirega

Blocked nose , migrane headache. A good round of passionate sex can alleviate the

Muti unonzi mubva maropa kana uine zino rinorwadza u boil i water wopfunda

kana wagarisa using family planning during yo period boil makwati emuavo muti wacho
makwande awo wonwa during yo period helps a lot

Kana uchipomerwa mhosva or kungovengwa u take early mng wee firdt yacho nemavhu
epanze vanhu vasati vabuda wogeza kumeso

Pamati pemakumbo kana hapwa dzakasviba mix vaseline necolgate origial blue seal
necolgate chaiyo mix wozora pakasviba 15 mins before bath changes unoaona in a week

Hembe yewhite ikadhaiwa nedzimwe soak it in plain cold water

Vane chiveve chisingaperi boil mashizha emutohwe and drink 3 times a day.Chikosoro
chinoita sechine maronda muchest take dry pawpaw leaves and boil and put a bit of
salt.Drink warm 3 times a day.

Cloves, fresh ginger, fresh tumeric, fresh garlic cut oisa mu2 litre bottle rine mvura for 3
days rechi 4 start to drink first thing in the mng 30 mns before meals and last thing
wakurara DUMBU ropera zvese newhole body inodzikira

Drink vitamin C everyday inokupa skin yakanaka. Maproducts eskin akawanda they contain
Vitamin C. Try clicks or dischem

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
Vaye vakunetseka nembereko. Day after your period try this recipe

1 banana
1 teaspoon soda
1 cup fresh
1 egg
Blend it and drink it on an empty stomach day after your period.
All the best
[22/07, 17:22] +90 533 873 64 85: Malips anoomerwa
Zorera Colgate wosiya for 30 minutes wozogeza

Lightening skin
Fresh milk
Mix zvese wopota uchizora before sleeping for at least 1 hour,,wozogeza ne warm water

Mawoko kana tsoka dzakaomarara

Dzisa mvura( warm water)woisa cooking oil nelemon,,,
Wonyika tsoka or mawoko ( tsoka)at least 30 mins every night then wozogeza ne warm

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
*Lesson for urine*

Urine /weti imvura yatinonwa inoenda mumuviri yedu. Kana yavemo inosangana ne salt
plus urea. Urea ndoinoita kuti weti inhuwe. Salt ndiyo inoita kuti weti yako icheneruke kana
Mvura iyi inenge isisina basa mumuviri yedu saka inoraswa ichibva mu itsvo ( kidneys)
yoenda kunogara mudundira ( urinary bladder). Yozoraswa nemu pombi ( urethra).
Weti ine colour yerudzii?
Weti ine ruwara rwakachena serwemvura ( colourless).
Ukaona wakuita weti ine ruvara rwe brown kana yellowish or sezvakaita tea isina mukaka
zvireva kuti une dambudzoko mumuviri wako.
Weti inonhuwa here?
Hongu inonhuwa asi inozonzwika kana yaramba ichiitwa continuous panzvimbo imwe
chete kwenguva yakareba.
Asi kana uchinzwa weti yako ichinhuwa ipapo ipapo uchingoita zvoreva kuti une
dambudziko mumuviri wako.
Dambudziko rekuita weti ye brown or yellowish or yakaita se tea isina mukaka nderei? Uye
kuita ichinhuwa nderei?
Dambudziko rako iri zvoreva kuti mumuviri mako mune mvura shoma. Saka ma cells ako
anenge aku draigner nedzimwe mvura dzinenge dzichifanirwa kusara mumuviri wako,
yatinoti pachirungu dehydration.
Izvi zvokonzera kuti uzobatwe ne bp kana kuita chirwere che sugar.
Inwai mvura yakawanda ,pazuva unofanirwa kunwa 2 litres kana uchikwanisa unogona
kunwa 5 liters pazuva ndokunge uchiita mabasa anorema .
Mvura inoshandei mumuviri wedu.?
Mvura yakakosha kuchipuka chese chinofamba pano Pasi. Kwatiri vanhu inotibatsira
kuwedzera ropa, inoribatsira kuti skin yedu ikare ichitsvedzerera tisaite sevakwegura.
Inotibatsira kuti tisakurumidze kuchembera, mvura inotibatsira kuti chikafu chatinodya
chishande zvakanaka mumuviri yedu.
Mvura inozobatsira Ku neutralizer salt ne sugar , nezvese zvinotapira zvine sugar kuti
zvigare zviri pa normal level. Sugar inopinda mumuviri medu yondogara muka tube
kanonzi glomerus , ndomainozo digestwa kuita glycogen to glucose.
Glucose ndiyo inozotibatsira kuti tiwane simba paye patinenge tisina kudya kana panguva
yekutsanya iya . Ukaona glucose yapera ndipo pamunozonzwa kuti nhingi aziya nenzara
( unconscious). Kana kufa .
Saka maona kuti mvura inobatsira mumuviri yedu. Ngatinwei mvura yakawanda kuti tigare
tiri vatano.

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
*Gumwa/ skin rash*
Chirwere chinobata vazhinji ichi.
Yes you can use brake fluid, sulphur, hydrocortisone etc.
But chikwapuro muzhanje wechirungu.

Torai mashizha emuzhanje wechirungu angangokwana mu2 kg yesugar.

Atswanyei moaboiler mumvura...2 to 3 litres mvura.
Miminai mvura moiisa mu2 litres yenyu.
SHANDISAI mvura iyi pakugeza.
How?...kana mapedza kugeza semazuva ese pukutai muviri wenyu.
Chizvidirai mvura yemuzhanje iyi....zvadaro musapukute asi kuti siyai mvura iome yoga.
Itai izvi kwemazuva mana kana mashanu.


Presence of oxygen inoita kuti dzihwa neropa zvitetepe. Saka corona virus painopinda
mumhino dzedu inonodzinga oxygen in our lungs or inoita tiremerwe nekufema ende
kushomeka kwayo dzihwa rinobva rakora. That's why zvichinzi munhu anenge abatwa
nayo aiswe pa ventilator kuti abatsirwe kufema kuti so that oxygen painopinda muma
lungs dzihwa neropa zvinonotetepa . Saka kwandiri hangu the fastest ventilator it's king
onion mbishi. Why ? Because paunoidya inopinda kusvika mukati muma lungs wobva
wachururuka dzihwa, izvozvo zvokuti unochururuka dzihwa zviripachena kuti dzihwa racho
ratotetepa. Kuremerwa pachifuva or muma lungs kushomekerwa kwe oxygen so mu king
onion mbishi mune zvirimo zvinonotetepesa dzihwa neropa zvoita kuti kufema kureruke.

Kana hama iri asthmatic akanzi apinda mu attack zvinoreva kuti haachakwanisi
kunyatsofema zvakanaka. Q . Saka tingaita sei kumubatsira. A. Just cut raw king onion
moiisa pedyo nemhuno oyifemba or kuifema , ipapo ipapo anobva ava relieved for the
coming 13 hours.

It my advice brothers and sisters kuti kana manzi mabatwa ne covid-19 . Kasikai kudya
king onion mbishi iyoyo to me that's the cheapest and powerful and fastest ventilator.

Actually muzvizive kuti ma healing properties in king onion akawandisa patinoidya iri
mbishi than yabikwa, so ngatinyanye kuidya iri mbishi. Ini everyday pandinotenderera mu
bag mangu ndinenge ndinayo hangu it's one of my first aid kit.

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members

Anotora pent renyu ,kanapit coat ,osanganisa nemubvamaropa neumwe ,oboora chigubhu
netsono oisa msango panodonha drop iropa robuda kwamuri.

Vamwe vanotora shinda zvenyu zvemkati kapisi osungrira patsanga mumvura chachaya

Chiteresai marapirwo azvo mubate : maona zvaitika kwamuri

Torai makwati emutowa. kumurai mativi maviri mabvazuva nemadokero moapisa ita
dota ,moenda panecivhurwe motora ivhu papo ,mondosanganisa nezvidota zviya mucup
moisa mvura.

Itaiizvi murimukitchen ,torai cup yenyu iya momira padoor makaibata chimwai zviya zvose
ka1 ,rasai kapu nekumashure mumba musina cheuka ,endai panze mozodzoka mitora

Saka zvozoitika manje ,kwatatora ivhu kya tumajuru chatanga vara mwena yepachivhurwe
paya ,uye mtowa patabvisa makwati pabuda mukakachatangawo kuvhara ,ndokumira


Kana mhanza yako yavhara usisina pekutangira tora chapomba (any golden spirit like
chateu,two keys,or golden blend or any whiskey) hupfu nebute nemukaka
wosanganisa.Zvikanyekanye kusvika zvaita mabota.Zora muviri wako wese uchikumbira
chakanaka pamutumbi wako nepazita rako.
Zviite zuva rimwechete zvaro wava kunorara.
Unorara wakazvizora uye musi iwoyo usarare pamubhedha asi pasi chaipo.
Uchaona kana hope dzaunosangana nadzo husiku ihwohwo kuti ndedzenyikadzimu
Iri dare rinovhura mhanza nemikana uye rinofumura mhepo dzese dzakaipa.

Kune vanoziva mudhorofiyo munotora shizha racho rine minzwa riya moripara mobisa
minzwa yacho. Morigeza zvakanaka morimenya kana kufunera nabanga. Torai zviri kukati
zvinorera zviya itswai kusvika zvatsanyika kuita mvura. Isai zvakawakanda moisa mufive
litres sanganisai nemvura isa mufridge mopota kuchimwa. Say bye to bp, sugar, weak
joints, weak erections and stomach problems .

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
Vanetswa nedzungu endai pane muti unotsvaira pasi wopfugama woruma mashizha acho
anotsvaira wonokora ivhu racho rinotsvairwa woisa mucontainer wonwa zvako vhiki
unenge watove right,dzungu rinobva rapera zvachose


Torai Matohwe gumi moaboiler ega Motora mashizha emugwavha anozara maoko maviri
moaboiler ari ega Bvisai mashizha nezvimatohwe mupoto sanganisai mvura yematohwe ne
yemagwavha Chitorai derere rechipodzi 7 chekai mozviisa mumvura 1L zvoraramo
Mangwana mobvisa derere mochisanganisa mvura yematohwe ne magwavha ne yederere
Momwa makuseni musati madya Izvi munozviita pazuva renyu rekupedzisisa kuenda
kumwedzi Zviitei kwemazuva 7 Nhumbu inobata Panguva iyi bonde kumbirai kuna
baba kana kutotiza kubasa Rambai muripa bonde up to 14 days Mozotenga pregnant


Pane kagonye kanovaka imba netumiti kogara mukati, amotira kamba kegonye richiri
mhenyu anovhura tumiti kuti gonye riwane pekubuda napo onokanda pamusoro pemba
negotsi, (zvatinoita zino kana rabva) gonye iroro rikabuda rikafamba parinodomha
pamusoro Pemba kudyiswa kwato fumuka


1. Vana vakanyora madziro ne pen or marker tora salad cream wozora ipapo and leave for
10minutes wopukuta zvinobva zvabva easily potochena

2.Bad breath dira a teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in a half glass of water and use as a
mouthwash after brushing your teeth.

3.Kana uchinetswa nemudumbu tora vinegar oyisa mumvura omwa munopora fast
fast,half cup water,2 teaspoon of vinegar

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
4.Mafuta pahembe aya ekuti ukawacha haabvi isa sunlight or handandy paspot yacho then

5.Used cooking oil iya yava black just add fresh milk then boil it until mukaka wadzikira
pasi ne tsvina yose iya mafuta ava clean again

6 When cutting onion just bite smth ne mazino ako no more crying eyes

7 kune vane vana vanorwara nenzeve or nzeve dziya dzinovhara munotira machine oil
musvinira tumadrops munzeve manheru akurara dzovhurika uye zvitsvina zvirimo zvobuda

8.Kana carpet yaita smell isingapere mix soda and yo favourite perfume mumvura shoma
then yu spray pacarpet the bad smell wil go

9.Bp tora mashizha emapeaches and crush them then woisa mumvura drink that water ine
crushed peaches leaves bp inodzoka kutoita normal...

10.chisasa rub liquid iya yepaaloe plant ..u squeeze aloe/gavakava liquid inobuda pachisasa

11.For BP idya a medium raw potato every day, try it for 2-4 weeks.

12.Zuro chaiye ndini uyo zino rarwadza...ndaiisa grandpa noo change time time kwakutora
garlic ndokukwizira pazino paya haa imi it was helpful rakanyarara kuti ziiii

13.bp kuti isarambe ichishuta wanzai kudya mutsine (blackjack) yakabikwa or kutsenga
irimbishi or derere rezvipodzi kudya ririmbishi uye fresh ,

14.maulcers menyai potato kwakudya ririmbishi mobatsirikana

15.vanotonhora body sanganisai vaseline nesalt mozora pasi petsoka mave kurara
mopfeka masocks enyu morara makadaro

16.Isai one or two apples mupocket yemapotatoes to keep them fresh for longer

17.Hupfu plus soda n lemon. Mix and squeeze kumeso for about 4to 5mins geza nemvura
yakachena then wozora mafuta ako ekumeso. For clear and smooth skin.

18.Masvosve tora vaseline petroleum jelly apply a line paanobuda napo pese uchiita
zvekunama anotiza ese.

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
19.Lemon and soda mixture apply pamazino for about 5mins then brush off with half a
lemon anochena kuita white. Should be done repeatedly.

20.Sink ikavhara dira soda imomo half tumbler then vinegar full tumbler wosiya for some
minutes wozodira hot water imomo zvinobva zvose.

21. Diabetes , chirwere cheshuga inwa derere kuseni , masikati ne manheru before meals or
soak mashiza akaitwa ma cubes adhorofiyo wonwa mvura yacho like derere ( keep
refrigerated )

22. Cholesterol idya ma avocado

23.Dry and cracked skin apply oil on your navel every day

24. Serious flue and blocked noses- get a big onion and keep it by the bed side over night .
Ma germs ese anomhanyira Ku onion

25. Makumbo anopisa nekurwadza slice a big onion like bread woisa pasi petsoka wopfeka
ne socks overnight for some days

26. Mwana anoita weti anetsa- give a tablespoon of honey every night before bed( use
honey also for stubborn coughs and adults with weak bladders ( kungomhanya mhanya
kutoilet pese pese

27. Man'a / zora Vaseline wosunga plastic kutsoka wakavhara for one week


1tspn tumeric,glass of water unozvi boiler kusvika zvasangana wonwa on empty stomach
everday uchinwa ginger & galic futi.
cinnamon & milk boil & drinks for 3 -5 dys after yo mps

3 eggs,1cup milk & coke mix & drink soon after yo mps
1litre coke,5bananas,3eggs mix till smooth & drink soon aftet yo mps
boil 6 lemons ,375ml honey & half cup cooking oil drink after yo mps
4trinco fresh pk
4roibos fresh pk or glen teabags ,2litres water boil & drink soon after yo mps

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
Banana recipe 1
2bananas,2 eggs ,1 cup fresh milk & teaspoon of soda mix & drink soon after yo mps
1 banana,2 tbspn coconut oil,2tbspn flaxseed oil,1tbspn honey ,200ml full fresh milk or soy
milk mix & drink soon after yo mps

Recipe for men

half glass full cream fresh milk,half glass ultra mel custard,1 egg,1 tspn cinnamon ,1
banana,melrose cheese mix & drink in e mrng on empty stomach

6 lemons,2eggs & condensed milk mix & drink.

For periods pains

mashizha emugava boil & drink on yo period
avocado makwati boil & on yo mps
gakavaka for periods pains

Ropa shoma .
grate mhodzi yeavoacado & boil then wonwa mvura yacho

Those with problem yekusaenda kuperiods

postoval pills
hamburg tea
soyapower pills

Pray before taking any recipe & give each recipe for 3 mnths dont mix with anything chipe
nguva yacho chimwe nechimwe .


Kana uchiona kt wakaneta pabonde, kukurumidza kurasa mbeu (kutunda) kana kt

wadzikira kubva pane zvawaisimboita pakuita bonde rinogutsa kana kufadza mukadzi
zvinoreva kt musana wako mutete.sekuti,,
Kuita bonde kamwe chete usiku wotoridza ngonono kutovata wopepuka kwaedza.
Nhengo yesikarudzi kutoshaya simba zvachose hainyatsomira kt twii inenge
yakaneta.dzimwe nguva ukaita bonde rekumanikidzira pekutanga kechipiri hakusisina
moto wadzima.
Kunzwa kuneta wopedza mazuva akawanda pasina bonde
Nhengo yesikarudzi kurara uri pakati pekuita bonde.
Kukurumidza kurasa mbeu (kutunda)

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
Zvese izvi zvinoreva kt une musana mutete.
Kana tichiti musana mutete tinoreva kusasimba pa bonde, unogona kuita bonde kamwe
chete pausiku kana kupedza mazuva akawanda pasina bonde.
Saka panewo mishonga nechikafu chinosimbisa musana hachidhuri kana kuda mari
Mishonga iyi yakaita seMUDANHATSINDImuti unongowanikwa kwakawanda wotora woita
powder kana mashizha acho woisa mumvura inodziya wonwa.neumwe unonzi muvhuka
vhuka ukaenda uchinotamba nevakuru vekumusha vanokuudzai. Kuchitiwo kugadzira
guchu remudzi wemunhengeni, mupepe, murumanyama unogezawo mudumbu
nemachubhu netsinga.
Panewo chikafu chinosimbisa musana hachidhuri kana kutoda mari yakawanda asi
chinobatsira kusimbisa musana. Chikafu ichi ndechinoti, ,DERERE, GUCHU REMAUYU
CHEESE, YOGHUT neimwe miti inodyiwa midzi yacho handingachaitauri kupedza
mungazobata zvisizvo mukadya mukafa kkkkkk zvimwe zvacho hazvidi pafon.

Ukaita izvi unorarama asi vana baba vemazuvano havachadi kunzwa izvozvo.vakuda
kunwa mapiritsi anomisa nhengo yesikarudzi kuita kuzvimbisa ndosaka vakukurumidza
kuchembera kana kt vakangosvitsa 35yrs bonde rotovanetsa vamwe vacho vachiri
kuma25yrs votopora basa. Nekt kubooster muviri wako uye vamwe vajaira kumisa nhengo
nekuona porno maiweee shem.

Vakuru vedu vekare vaidya zvichiita izvi nekunwa mishonga nemaguchu senge kuzvifarira
zvakanyanya asi vaiitira kt misana yavo igare yakasimba dzimwe nguva vaitopa vana vavo
imwe mishonga yechivanhu vachiri vsdiki kt vakure vakasimba. Asi ivo vakuru vaizonwawo
imwe yaingobva yamisa nhengo ipapo ipapo.

Chinonyanya kukonzera kudzikira pabonde kana kuita musana mutete inyaya yekuti
dzimwe nguva varume tinotora tsvina kubva kuvakadzi patinoita bonde nemukadzi asati
apedza mazuva ake ekuenda kumwedzi, zvinokurudzirwa kt kana mukadzi ari kunguva
usaenda naye pabonde nekt ropa riye itsvina inokuvadza inonoungana mumabhora
enhengo yesikarudzi, kana mutsinga zvokonzera dambudziko.vamwe vangati ko isu tinaro
dambudziko rekuneta pabonde asi hatina kumboita bonde nemukadzi ari kunguva, hongu
asi manga muchiziva here kt zvinonzi kana mukadzi achinge apedza nhasi kutevera
unofanira kumira kuenda naye pabonde kwemazuva matatu kana mana kuitira kt tsvina iye
inatsoperera nekt nhengo yesikarudzi yemungukadzi yakadzama ropa rinogona kupera
kwainotangira asi nechekumberi rinenge richiko saka pakuita weti ndoparinenge
richiperawo zvinotora mazuva matatu kt ripere saka ukaramba uchiita naye bonde mazuva
aya asati apera uchingodaro kupera kwemakore akawanda unoramba uchidzikira pabonde
musana uchingopera simba pabonde chero kuita mabasa chaiko zvinokunetsa

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
ndopaunozoona wakuita bonde kamwe chete kepiri wakutomanikidzira wozoona wakuita
mazuva mana usingadi bonde kufamba kwemakore hauchatozoiti bonde zvachose.
Zvimwe chete nekuenda pabonde nemukadzi achangobva kuzvara, zvinokurudzirwawo kt
apedze mwedzi miviri kana pasina mishonga inogeza tsvina yarikushandisa.kana paine
mishonga inogeza yanoshandisa chero kuita bonde papera mwedzi manje varume vanhasi
unonzwa oti kumukadzi zvatoita so ukaramba ndinobuda kunze zvino mukadzi nekusada
kt murume abude unonzwa oti zvino chiitai baba ndopaunoona bonde rakuitwa kupera
kwevhiki kana vhiki mbiri nhatu mukadzi achangobva kusununguka zvokonzera
dambudziko kuna baba. Dzimwe nguva nekusaziva baba munogona kunge makaita
misikanzwa mukabuda kunze mukanoita bonde nemukadzi asati apedza mazuva ake saka
ndopatataura kt kugara uchinwa mishonga kwakanaka.


Ukanzwa kt wakuda kutunda bata mabhora enhengo yesikarudzi yako wodzvanya

zvishoma kwete kuitisa nekt ukaitisa unokuvara zvinorwadza zvekuti hauzoiti bonde saka
unongoita zvishoma unonzwa kapain nechekure zvinoita kt utorewo nguva uchiita bonde
usati watunda.

Unogona kumira kufema zvishoma zvinoita kt utorewo nguva uchiita bonde usati watunda.

Unogonawo kuchinja side kana kt mukadzi ambouyawo pamusoro pako muchiita zvenyu

Unogona kumira kuita woita senge usingachadi zvako uchimbopuruzira senge

wakanganwa wozosimudzira.

Kana kumbovhomora nhengo yesikarudzi yako yorohwa nemhepo zvinoita kt

paunoidzorera makare utore nguva usati watunda.


Vana baba pane guchu rinosimbisa musana, nekugeza tsvina mumachubhu netsinga
dzenhengo yesikarudzi zvinoita kt usimbe pabonde,mishonga yakaita semudanhatsindi,
muti uyu notora wogadzira guchu, unotora wotswanya tswanya woisa mumvura kana
kwe1hr zvichienda mberi wonwa mvura yacho zvako mbichana mbichana,kana kuomesa
wotswa kuita powder woisa mumvura wonwa kana mutea.

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
Mudzi wemunhengeni unoita futi kutora woisa mumvura wonwa mvura yacho.

Kune kamwe kamuti katinoti masunungure pamutauro wekwedu asi kakasiyana

namasunugure wekurapa mudumbu muchirwadza makasunga, ikako kamuti aka kakada
kufanana nemurumanyama colour yacho asi iko hakakuri sezvinoita murumanyama
kanobereka vana vakarebenuka sekunge vanoberekwa nemurumanyama asi akati rebeyi
zvishoma kupfuura emuruma nyama.

Dzimwewo nzira ndodzandinogarotura dzekudyawo kudya kunoita kt usimbe pabonde

zvakafanana nemazondo, cheese kunyanya iya inonzi vhukavhuka, yoghut, guchu remauyu
rinokanywa nemukaka, nzungu dzemutetenerwa dzine salt kana maputi, Derere.

Kuchitiwo kune rimwe guchu rinofanira kunwiwa wo rinogeza mudumbu zvakare

nekusimbisa nyama kana paine panorwadza.

Zvichibatsirawo pakuti hauzorwari rwari zvakaita semurumanyama, nemupepe. neimwe

yakawanda yandisingapedzi kudoma nemazita.


Kusamira kwenhengo zvakanaka idambudziko ranetsa mudzimba dzakawanda. And inhau

inoshungurudza chose. Murume anoshaya confidence mubedroom uye kutanga kutiza tiza
nhau dzebonde. Pano tichatanga kutaura kuti zvinokonzerwa nei.


1.) Kuve uine chimwe chezvirwere zvinotevera:

Diabetes,High blood pressure,Heart desease...nhengo inomiswa neropa. Paya
paunoona yaoma kuti ngaa seine bhonzo. Iropa rinenge rakazadza nhengo.
Panomira nhengo moyo unoendesa ropa kunhengo asi unofana kupa ropa futi
kumamwe maparts emwiri.Saka kana uine chimwe chezvirwere izvi. Moyo wako
unonetseka kumaintainer balance yeropa zvopa kuti unonyima ropa kunhengo
yako yorega kumira zvakanaka. Ndokusaka kunwa mapiritsi ekumisa nhengo
kusingakurudzirwe kana usingazive kuti hauna zvirwere izvi unokwanisa kufa nekuti
mapiritsi forces you heart to overwork iyo yagara iri weak.

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
2.) Nerve cell damage mubrain...pane chemical inonzi Dopamine ino releaswa paunoita
mifungo yebonde. Saka nekuda kwecondition iyi. Huwandu wedopamine inodiwa
hunoita shoma.
3.) Hardening of the arteries...iyi condition inoitika kana mafuta awandisa oungana
mumadziro emaarteries ako zvokonzera kuti maarteries ako anove narrow or
4.) High Cholesteral...inokonzera futi problem 3 iyo..
5.) Low sperm count...masperms akaita mashoma. Nhengo yako haimire nesimba.
Evidence iri pakuti mamiriro anoita nhengo yako wagarisa usina kumborasa hurume
akasiyana nemamiriro ainoita wabva kurasa ukagara uchihurasa. Kuwanda
kwemasperms kunotuma ngengo kumira.
6.) Smocking and Kuwanza doro...kuputa fodya kwenguva refu kuno affecter mabhora
emurume. Anokwanisa kudzoka kuita madiki or kukurisa. Zvinonokanganisa simbe
renhengo yako.
7.) Kumbove waishandisa mishonga yekumisa nhengo.
8.) Kunge wakambowanza bonyora...kune anonzi mabonding
hormones(oxytocin,vessopresin) Ano creater bond between munhu neobject
inomupa sexual pleasure. Saka kana wakawanza bonyora unenge watojaira ruoko.
Iyi tichazoibata yakamira setopic.


1. Tora 2eggs, 2 bannas, yoghurt/icecream.

Method: Menya mabanana womadimbura woisa mucup. Pwanyira mazai imomo.
Isa yoghurt yako chero yaunoona inoita cup isazarise. Mixer kuzvika zvaira porridge.
Idya zvako. Zviite kusvika wakuona change. Or kungojaira kugara uchizviita apo
2. 3 Lemons, Huchi, Cooking oil.
Method: Svinira malemon mu metal cup or muchipoto chidiki. Tora matablespoon 3
or 4 ehuchi woisa muchipoto. Wotora 1 tablespoon cooking oil woisa. Boilisa
nemoto uri pamedium sekushinyidza. Zvichaita chiporridge soo. Chibura usiye
zvipore. Wodya. Unokwanisa kuzviita kaunoda.
3. 500ml mukaka, 4 Spoons huchi, 10 zvima piece zveGarlic, Ginger chipiece chesize
yethump yako.

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
Method. Cheka mapiece egarlic uise mupoto. Cheka ginger futi woisa mune
garlic.Dira mukaka. Boilisa seuno shinyidza. Wobura wosevha kuti mukaka usare
wega,garlic payo. Wotora matable spoons 4 ehuchi wosanganisa nemukaka wonwa
or kudya nespoon. Dzokorora kaunoda asi ka1 ikako unotofana kuona change.
Chero kungojaira kuzviita hapana chakaipa.

Zvimwe zvikafu zvekugara uchidya.

Mhodzi dzemanhanga.
Brown bread.
Nezvimwe zvikafu zvinopa VitaminB, B12.
Zvinopa Zinc. Omega
Fish ,nezvimwe.

Vakadzi be supportive kana murume aine dambudziko iri. Stop putting pressure on
the guys. Help him. Iwe mukadzi zvaunobikira murume wako ndizvo zvinokwanisa
kumuuraya pabonde kana kumupa simba rakakwana pabonde. Regai kuwanzira
varume marefined foods eg chingwa chewhite, rice. Varume exercise a lot and drink
a lot of water. Usangoti bwada senhanga. Step yevamwe varume unotoona kuti
mukadzi wababa ava ari munzara. #eat healthy. #live healthy.


Midzi yemupangara
Midzi yemukina
Midzi yemupawpaw wechirume
Midzi yerwiti
Midzi yemubvuri wakamba
Midzi yemutamba
Midzi yemunhanzva

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
Handina mamwe mazita andinoziva pamaherbs andataura uye handina maphotos nekuti
ndogara mutown. Kune vanoda kuziva miti yacho bvunzai kune vamwe vanogona kuiziva*

Munotswa midzi iyi pamwechete kwakuisa muchigubhu 2 Litres. Kana mavakurimwa

munochukucha kusvika zvavakupipira furo opota uchinwa katatu pazuva kusvika wapora.
Makuseni uchangomuka, masikati nepakurara. Guchu iri rinorapa siki dzese uye rinoshanda
kumunhurume or munhukadzi. Guchu iri rinogeza Siki muropa, mudumbu uye rinoita kuti
tsinga yembeu isadambuke nekuita nhengo yababa imire. Then kana munhu aine maronda
panhengo yake anopisa vana vemupangara ozorera pamaronda mushure mekunge
mapedza kugeza.

WARNING: Hazviitwe kana usina murume kana mukadzi or kana ari kure. Kana usina
mukadzi or murume padhuze or zvamuchose., hazviitwe

500 ml yelemon juice,(natural rekusvinira riya the best, but unokwanisa zvako kutenga)
3 teaspns ricoffy,
3 teaspoons honey or brown sugar

Mix very well wonwa once a day.

Kana wanga usati wambotunda in your life, uri kutunda nekuzviitira weti
Kana waitunda, uri kutanga nhasi kuona kuti wanga usati wati watanga kutunda.
Kakutota kacho kanogona kana kuoneka nepamusoro pe dress kana skirt. Mamirire
enhengo acho zvinoita kunge une kamugoti kawakaisa muboxer.

Never try this uchida kufamba.Haupafambeba panze apo.

Kudzora Sikarudzi

Kune vakadzi vane kuzasi kwakadhamba , kwekuti panguva ye sex kunenge kuchimaker
ma sound ekuti hlapu hlapu.Baba vakapinda havanakirwi vanoita sekuty vapinda mu
zigomba ziguru rakakura kunge dam.Vazhinji vano pedzisira vaenda ku ma small house
kana but idambudziko diki diki rinogadzirika..Varume vakaenda kutuchembere vamwe
vanotenderana neni kuty dzimwe chembere dzine kuzasi kuri tight.. let me tell you the
*secret* using natural remedies

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
*Makwande* e *mupfura*
Unotora makwande e mupfura .womanyika mumvura inodziya ..Anofanira kubuda muto
we red .Unogona kugarira or kutora mvura yacho yaita red red wogeza nayo kusikarudzi
kwako..Method iyi unokwanisa kuishandisa even uchangozvara

Unotora nzungu dzakamenyewa woisa mumvura wodziraririsa over night, mangwana
makuseni womwa mvura yacho.

*Rice* *water*
Tora rice worinyika mumvura over night womwa mvura yacho makuseni ega ega.Method
iyi ishandise for 3 days

*Mvura* *inotonhora*
Munhu we mukadzi anofanira kugeza kusika rudzi kwake ne mvura inotonhora.. mvura
inopisa inokonzeresa kuty udhambe , nyama dzako dziregedze..Pese paunogeza tora ka
bucket kako uise mvura inotonhora...Vanoda kudzora torai mvura ine ma ice
NB: panzungu ne mupfura muzonyanyisa kuno zonyanya kudzoka sekwe mwana
mucheche ..or buri racho musanyanyisa
NB: these methods use them pa munenge musingaite bonde for the methods yo be very


Dambudziko rekubudisa mweya mberi neshure. (Kusura nekwese)

 Mvura inotonhora - kugeza nayo kuzasi.

 Isa salt yemabhonzo pachi jira chewhite wopfeka woswera nacho chokweva mvura
yose kano tota kajira zvekuti unoshamisika nazvo.
 Kana kuisa vicks pacotton wopfeka paunobvisa inoita kuchururuka chaiko.
 Isa brown sugar pakachira wosvinira lemon wopfekera kuzasi for 30mins mvura
dzopera and unoita tight.
 Ita a cup of warm milk and add teaspoon of cinnamon and drink an hour or two before
sexual intercourse
 Svina malemon 3 wobvisa mhodzi, woisa cup yesugar yebrown mulemon juice wozoisa
table spoon yericoffy wozviisa pamoto uchikuruņga kuti zvimelte. As soon as zvamelta

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
bura wozviisa in a container woisa hako mufridge unodya table spoon kuseni
Hanzi unoita kamusikana chaiko kusunga zvekuti every night murume wako anenge
achikubvisa humhandara.


 Zora mazamu ako Olive Oil manheru ega-ega nemakuseni ega-ega. Unonyatsoiisa
zvekuti inotsveedzerera pazamu uchiita zvekuaumba wosiya kusvika
yaoma.Ukaramba uchidzokorodza zamu rinoita firm
 Gadzira inonzi 'breast mask'. Unotora cucumber (magaka) + full fat cream + egg
white. Zvimixe throughly kusvika zvave smooth. Zora pamazamu ako. Siya
kwemaminitsi makumi maviri. Geza off nemvura iri kudziirira nechekure-kure
kazvo.Unomageza uchimaita massage. You will like the results.
 Avoid kurara nedumbu zvachose.
 Tora 30 g rosemary + 30 g wild thyme + 30 g thyme. Mixa kusvika zvave smooth
and siya zvipore. Zvisife wobva wazora pamazamu ako. Siya zviripo for 15-20
minutes. You will love the result.
 Hydrotherapy- unpinda mushower kana mubucket chaimo, kana usina shower.
Geza mazamu ne mvura inodziya for 30 seconds. Just soon after geza mazamu
nemvura inocheka chaiko kutonhora kunge ice water chaiyo. Dzokorodza process
iyoyi katatu, makuseni nemanheru but alwyas pedzisira necold water. Haumapukute
unosiya mvura ichidonha yega.
 Ita anonzi ma stading press. Aya ndeekumira wakaisa rimwe gumbo kumberi, rimwe
kumashure at 45 degress to the ground wobata madziro wosunda madziro maoko
ako akabhenderera pasi. Unozviita three times a day.
 Push ups kana kuti ma press ups. Unoita mazamu akamira kuri twii.


Madzimai Woyeeeeeeee, Regai ndimbotaura nyaya dzeHUSHUMIRI HWEPASI PEGUVHU

dzamakadai kubvira kumba kwamakaberekwa, Hongu tingadzidzisane mastaera ose ekuti
sviro inakidze but u shld know how to stand kana uchikwirwa,

#1# Chikapa
Kutenderedza chiuno pabonde murume ari pamusoro pako, Funga munhu akupepeta
zviyo ndozvinofanirwa kuita chiuno chako, Maitirwo echikapa anosiyana depending nestyle
yauri kuita, kune chikapa chemisionary/dogstyle/iwe uri pamusoro/nechekunge
wakatakurwa iwewe etc,

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
active kuti ukwanise kusimudza chiuno chako usakurumidze kuneta, EXERCISE muka
uchimhanya uchistracher kuti mamuscles asarwadza,

Wakarara nemusana simudza makumbo ako womaita zvaunoita kana uchida kuzvara,
madzore kusvika kumagaro uku Simudza magaro nechiuno chako mudenga, By this time
uchange wakarara nechepahuro apa, bata maAnkels ako nemaoko ako, CHITANGA KUITA
CHIKAPA CHAKO, kana waneta pfumbata zvibhakera woisa pasi pemagaro ako,, hatidi
madzimai anoita chikapa chebenzi, U shld dance arccoding to the tune,

#2# muri pabonde

communicate naShewe, Vaudze vasakutsikirire chest nekuti Ukatsikirirwa hausimuke
pachikapa, Dzidzisai varume venyu kusakurumidza kutunda madzimai, Trick iripo
ndeyekuti musatendere murume kuti akusvire nepace yake iye, Anongoti koyi koyi koyi
obva atunda hake, iwe wosara uri panzara, Shandisa pace yako iwe pakukwirana Mudzimai,
Uchitanga chikapa chako haungotange neku No10, zvinobvira pasi uchiita uchikwirawo
kumusoro, Ukanzwa shewe vanyanya kunakirwa vakuda kumhanya kupfuura pace yauri
kushanda nayo, SUNGA MHASURU DZAKO kuti varegedze kumhanya, ukasunga mhasuru
havazokwanise kumhanya,

#3# tiri ipapo mamwe madzimai ari pano haagone kuchemerera kana achisvirwa,
Unonzwa mumwe achingotsinda uuum uum uum, kunge akavhararirwa mugaba,
CHEMERERAWO MHANI Kuti baba vanzwe Manyuku_nyuku Kuchemerera hakusi kungoti
aaaaa aaaa uuum aaaaa aaauuuu, SAY SOMETHING MHANI, Taura zvinonakidza mumwe
wako, # eg Go deeper bbe_ Go deeper bbe YESS fuck me Shumba-fuck me daddy ISAI
YESE SHUMBA, etc Usangosvirwe uri zii kunge chitunha mudzimai,

Halls therapy

Zvotanga kubva kuseni muchiita sex chat and uchimuudza kuti dady munonaka, muudze
kuti pandongofunga nezvako ndototunda .Spent the whole day muchiseka nekufonerana
then kana shewe vodzoka frm work geza mwanasikana enda unotenga mablack halls ndo
the best. Pfeka mini usapfeka pant bika his favourite meal achipinda mugamuchire ne a
big kiss. Serve him food achidya gara opposite to him and ita uchishadambura nyaya
dzichitsva. Apedza kudya iti daddy ndoda kunokugezai, nyatsomugeza frm munzeve
varume vanosiirira so bath him everywhere and make sure he is clean and also mose muri
shaved. Mugeze mboro nemachende neline remukosho iro, kana mapedza dry him
musazore mafuta juss say honey today usandibata ndoda kumbokushanda kkkkkkkk! Isa

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
halls rako mumuromo woisa very cold water aside irimu glass and also warm water. Tanga
kubva kunzeve kuchimunanzva and give him kiss varume vanoidisa munanzve muhuro
slowly usamhanye. Dzika to his chest wodya minyatso iyo unotoona mwana wevanhu
achinja face dzika kudumbu uchikissa everywhere and then wosvika pamboro then the
excitement starts mudye mboro haisemesi kani svitsa kuhuro chaiko wobuditsa drink warm
water, suck it deeper hey unoona wokoirirwa mumuromo then drink cold water ah hiii hiii
hiiii apa masamba achinja anogona kukutundira mumukanwa beware!!!!!!! Suck it until
akuchema chaiko paanoti ndakuda beche wochimusiya manje woigarira. Haikona
kukonewa ka chinyatsokoira chiuno chotenderedzwa change styles anosvika at least 7.h
Haaaaa imi unotengerwa mota nemwana wavamwene try it gud lucky ...............


Murume wako uya uya. Iye uya anouya mumba na2am achibva kubhawa. Murume iyeye
wausingabviri pamunamato iyeye kuti Mwari vapindire. Iye wako wawaposter kahobho
kunetsa kwake muma group emadzimai uchinzi imba inovakwa nemunamato.
Unoziva here kuti ukaramba uchiita zveprayer chete muchachembera akadaro. Uchaguma
wakutuka futi Mwari wacho..Paupenyu pane zvinhu zvisingadi prayer. Pane zvinhu zvinoda
iwe kungoziva kuti woitei zvazvadai. Ukanzwa nzara iwewe you dont pray kuti rice riibve.
You cook it wega. Hazvidi prayer.

Unoziva here kuti ukabaiwa nemunzwa iwewe. Haumboubvise nesame force yawapinda
nayo. Unobvisa zviri slow. Ukabvunza varume vanokuudza kuti musi waakamborumwa
nesvosve pamabhora ndiwo musi waakaziva kuti kumwe kutsamwiswa hakudi violence to
avoud hurting yourself in the process.. Svosve rinouraiwa softly and slowly.

Chindinzwai pandiri kuenda. Unoziva here kuti murume wako akauya na2am. Womuka and
womudziisira food odya uchimubvunza kuti afamba sei uye aswera sei. Kana makunorara
womuti thank you dady nekuuya kumba. I know kune vasingatouye kumba kwacho.
Izvozvo chete,kuita izvozvo kune mukana wakakurisa wekukuunzira shanduko mumba
mako. Asi ukati murume anonoka kuuya woti haumuki kumupa food nekuti wakatsamwa.
Mangwana kuseni wobva wapinda pafasting. Hauna zvaunenge uchiita.

Kumwe kwamunofunga kuti kungwara or kusajairirwa ndiko kunoita munhu asashaye

nyadzi. Hakuna chinhu chinonyadzisa sekuitirwa zvakanaka nemunhu wauri kutadzira.
Zvakangofanana nekuti murume okubata nechikomba oti chikomba buda uende. Osara
oku hugger oti i love you. Vazhinji vakazvisunga nazvo izvi. Sometimes you dont need to
say any word even if you have 1million words to say.

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
Submission is not based on the behaviour of your husband, haisi favour. Its a command
yaunofana kutevera even if your husband is not the ideal man. You submit not to him but
to his position as the head of the family to obey God. Musoro chero ukaita makwene
unoramba uri musoro wako and ukada kutemwa nedombo unounzvengesa musoro iwoyo
nekukubhohwa kwawo nemakwene.

Monoti why Jesu akati..."love your enermies."..behind this command there is peace and
unity. And kana Jesu akati ida vavengi vako..ko murume wako abva anyanya kuita worse
zvekudii. We dont obey God's commands nekuda kwema feelings edu kuti uri kufeeler sei.
Wakatsamwa kudaro you have to do what you must do.
Zvese izvi zvekuti hee ndotsvagawo mushonga unoita murume wangu asiye doro. Itotenga
doro racho uriwe rimwe rigare mufridge mumba imomo. Weekend iya mukira kugeza geza
womubikira achiri akarara. Achingomuka mupe mvura yekugeza. Apedza womupa food
achipedza ask muti hamukumboda 1 here nhai Samaita.Siya tsika yekuti kune bhora and
you know murume wako anofarira bhora woisa Telemundo zvako. Support his team.
Vamwe ipapa hamutozive team dzinodiwa nevarume venyu.. Onai mese bhora iroro. Kana
telemundo yakakosha unozotsamwei kana akusiira telemundo yako iyoyo achinoonera
bhora kubhawa. Unotsamwirei manje.

Make your home a heaven for your husband. A beautiful home is like a refugee for
murume wako. After the whole day of stress and hard work murume anoda kuziva kuti
now i am going to my palace. Palace yacho inenge ichitaurwa i1room yenyu iyoyo yeku
renter iyoyo.

Ndinozviziva and handibhabhadziri kuti kune varume vasingachinji. Asi iwewe do the right
thing iye womusiya nepart yake. Inga kuma Church munongoramba muchienda nekuita
mitemo yeko even if pasina kana chiri kuchinja mulife menyu. Is church more important
than your marriage.? Haugona kukudza nekufadza Mwari kana usati wagona kuremekedza
murume wako. Ndakambozvitaura nezuro izvi. Nekuti Mwari anorarama muShoko rake.
And Shoko rake rinoti..."Submit to your husband.."...harina kumboti..."submit when he does
good to you.".
Play your part.


1 small cabbage
1 pine apple peel
1 ginger
2 litres water

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
1 lemon

1. Wash all cut all boil for 20minutes and sieve into a 2 litre.
2. Keep safely
3. Drink hot morning and evening for 3 days 2 times a day.

*Its work as below:*

1. Flush out toxin from the body.

2. Regulate periods and treat hormonal imbalance.
3.Treats fibroids and increase ovulation.
4. Melts fibroids with no operation.
5. Stop heavy bleeding and pelvic pain and pressure.
6. Bleeding or spotting in between menstrual cycle.
7. Unusual frequently urination and abdominal swelling and low back pain.
8. Fatigue, low energy, and menstrual periods.
9. Infertility and blocked fallopean tubes.
10.Constipation and repeated miscarriages


1. It is effective in killing prostate cancer. An extract of sweet potatoes leaves was found to
be extremely toxic to prostate cancer, killing about 90% cancerous cells in vitro also
slowing the growth of prostate tumor. So sweet and leaf is effective in preventing and
treating prostate cancer. It acts as an anti mutagen and tumor suppressor and it is also
active against breast cancer, lung cancer, leukemia and stomach cancer.

2. It boosts immune system: The immune system is a line of defense in the body that is
responsible for the synthesis of antibodies that are directed against foreign bodies. There
are two spectra of immunity and they include humoral immunity and cell-mediated
immunity. A research showed that sweet potato leaves boost immunity by enhancing the
synthesis of T-cells (T-lymphocytes) and natural killer cells (NK-cells).

3. It lowers blood sugar level in type II diabetes: A study showed that sweet potato leaves
lowered blood sugar level in mice in type II diabetes. This is probably due to the ability of
the active component of the leaf to make cells unresistant to insulin's call, thereby facility
their entry into cells and subsequent lowering of blood sugar level.

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
4. It possesses antioxidant properties: The antioxidant polyphenol is present in sweet
potato leaves and it functions to scavenge free radicals in the body to prevent oxidative
stress which could lead to inflammatory reactions.

5. Promoting healthy bowel movement: Potato leaves ensure that the bowels are emptied
and also prevent infection in the bowels such as typhoid.

6. It protects the heart by acting as an anticoagulant, preventing the clotting of blood

around the arteries of the heart, thus averting coronary heart diseases.


Get sweet potato leaves and boil for 10-15minutes. Drink one cup daily for 7 days to get
the health benefits listed above.

Other health benefits of sweet potato leaves are:

 Reduction of liver injury

 Presence of antimicrobial properties for the prevention of microbial infection
 Relief from anxiety and stress
 Improving bone health
 Energy booster which releases energy from stored muscle glycogen.
 Sweet potato leaves are also a delicious vegetable.
 Cut fresh leaves and dry them. When cooking just prepare your onion and tomato
soup and add a little of the dried leaves, mix well and cover with lid. It will be done in
few minutes, serve with sadza/Pap. Enjoy the delicious and nutritious vegetable.

*Permanent Cure For Ulcer Completely Within A Week Using Pawpaw Leaves*

How to cure ulcer permanently within 3 days

Take Care of Ulcer, High BP, Malaria and Insomnia Naturally With This Pawpaw Leaf Tea
Do you suffer from any of the above mentioned conditions?
Do the following with pawpaw leaf and you will say good bye to High blood pressure,
Ulcer, Malaria, Insomnia.

*How to Prepare*
Get fresh pawpaw leaves and wash very well

Put in a pot with clean drinking water and boil for 20 minutes

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
Bring bring down from the fire and allow to cool

Take half a glass every night before bed time and sleep like a baby

Say goodbye to



High Blood Pressure



Acids are called nyong'o in Shona and can be very terrible until they kill. Most people
associated with acids are:-

- diabetic people,
- women sometimes due to anger that has stayed inside for long
- people who take over the counter medicines
- and any type of medication taken for long may cause acid reflux
- alcohol causes acid reflux
- poor eating habits like drinking and eating at the same time. Eating of very hot or very
cold food
- chewing of bubblegum , the more you chew and there's no food going inside the
digestive enzymes are disturbed so the stomach lining is eaten.
- spicy foods
- sugary and white products which can be very difficult to digest
- indigestion
- overeating size of an empty stomach is 50 ml. Size of a full stomach is 500 ml. But
some stomach akadhamba kare because of overeating
- snacking a person should have regular eating hours thus the stomach should learn.


- mild headaches
- may fail to visit toilet at regular times
- hiccups

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
- kurutsa vomiting
- kuchaya acid begins Iri yellow, grows to brown grows to green there it's about to kill if
action is not taken
- kufufutirwa
- fatigued body
- big tummy may be full of acids or mhepo
- chirungurira or heartburn
- kabayo pedyo nemwoyo or chest

How do we treat:
We treat the cause from the effect. The anti acids medicines only suppress and keep the
acid yakanyarara zvayo that's why you find if you eat anything that triggers anosimuka.

- if you are angry with something forgiveness is cure. Don't keep things that happened 5
years ago. Learn to live without past records worrying you. Be mentally strong.
- Be mindful on how you set your goals to avoid a stressed body. Or if body is stressed
go for exercise it's very therapeutic.
- eat at regular hours, proper food.
- eat sparingly honey, oranges, and commercial fruits . Eat sparingly commercial meats .
- before you eat honey check if it goes well with you ndiyo imwe inodiwa newanhu asi
nyong'o .

Remember treat from cause to effect.

- Use activated charcoal for 7 consecutive days. Take 2 teaspoons in a glass of cool not
cold water 3 times per day before meals. Make sure during the 7 days you are not
eating sugary or Starchy foods.

Charcoal will act like a spongy in soap. It gets into the stomach takes all acid out. This is a
natural wonder.

- make sure your body is alkaline.


If acids were caused by worry or by a disease take it to the Lord in prayer, what a friend we
have in Jesus. What a privilege to carry .

Mathew 11 vs 28 Come unto me all that are heavy laden and I will give you rest.

The rich may go for endoscopy, and if an ulcer is found it can be removed. But I have
shared simple home remedy that have helped a lot of people survive acids through God.

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
Avoid acids .


Tora rice rako (mupunga) wonyika muvhura wokurunga kana waona mvura yaita ye white
zvakanyanya wochibvisa hako rice Woisa mvura muchigubhu mako...kana uchikwanisa
kuisa imwe mufiriji kuti isavire unoisa asi ngaisazo freezer. Mvura iyi (RICE WATER)
inobatsira zvakawanda zvinosanganisira izvi:

 Ishasha pakukudza bvudzi...unongopota uchisprayer sprayer mumusoro.bvudzi

rinobva rakura uye rinenge rakasimba harizodambuki dambuki.
 Ishasha zvekare pakudzora kuzasi kudzoka kuita muskana chaiye
madzimai..unomwa pawadira
 Ishasha zvekare pakusuka mudumbu.. Kune vane problem yekusungwa mudumbu
imwai rice water
 Ishasha zvekare kune vaya vari pama supplements ekuda kuvakika miviri (musika.)
Unofanira kumwa nguva nenguva ndokuti musika unyatso boostika.
 Mvura iyi inobatsira zvakare kune vanopera pera simba....unofana kugara uchiimwa
kuti uve ne energy. Kuvana vechikoro vanoverenga havazorare rare..
 Kune vane dambudziko rejeko imwai rice water iri warm if possible imwai everyday
but kana pasina unongomwa pawaiwanira inobatsira zvikuru.

Ndozvezvimwe Zvinoshanda Nerice Water

*Kana uchida kudziya muviri kana kudzora zasi*

Unotora cup nzungu dzemusvo woisa mu 2 litre yemvura yorara overnight
Wopota uchinwa hako zvinodzora zasi nekuti udziye muviri
Mvura yenzungu hainwiwe nevane nhumbu

Panoshanda magrapes zvakare especially Red grapes aya.
Unoadya zvako time dzekunge wakuda kurara nyere inosimuka zvakanaka chaizvo

*Kune vaya vanotonhora tsoka*

Tswanya garlic woipfeka nesox Unotanga kutodziya tsoka Hauzotonhore

*Kana Shure ichinhuhwa chaizvo nekuvava*

Enda unotenga apple cider wopota uchidonhedzera kadrop wogeza nayo musawanze plz

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
Apple cider even kugeza muviri wese nemvura inayo inodzinga gwema

Kana uchivaviwa nekuzasi tenga plain yogurt wozorera ikoko wogara 5 mins nayo
wozogeza nemvura kuvaviwa kunopera asi kana zvaramba enda unoona chiremba

*Kana mafeelings usisina*

Tora mhodzi dzemhanhanga dzakaoma kanga woisa salt wodya
Kana wanga wanenguva yakareba usina mafeelings after 3 days uchidya unotanga kuona


Soak cucumber in cold water overnight drink it on an empty stomach to cure these
When naming the most nutritional fruit out there and edible anyone you can name the
This fruit often as referred to as refrement it's obviously refreshing having that watery
tasteless taste.
However some health therapies can be taken with cucumber can help you cure some
infections, however this natural remedies with cucumber is not that know by much people
and that is what im writing on this post.
Eating this on empty stomach will help your body a lot in fighting infections and the rest of


*STEP 1* wash and rinse the cucumber you have gotten

*Step 2* find a bowl with a colourless and odourless cold water approximately 0 degrees
*STEP 3* now you can have to soak the cucumber in the cold water with inside the bowl
above. Make sure it's properly soaked it advisable to reduce the water or increase until it
fits in
*STEP 4* now you can cover and leave it overnight for it to saturate
*STEP 5* in the next subsequent morning now remove the cucumber add honey or milk
into the water make it taste better drink this till you are satisfied


 lt prevents and eliminate bath breath.

 This lowers the rate at which cancer might develop leading to lesser risk of cancer

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
 lt helps in regulation of blood in your body.

Traditional medicine: 50 plants to take you back to the basics of medicine and healing

In many parts of Zimbabwe, reliance is still placed on traditional medicines due to their
affordability and ease of access. In some cases, there are cultural and spiritual
considerations that come into play. Below are 50 plants that are used to treat various
diseases and ailments.

1. Mugan’acha

lannea discolor
An infusion of the bark and roots is used to treat fevers and constipation in children. Fibre
extract is drunk to reduce the duration of menstrual flow, and root extract is used as an
eye-drop for sore eyes.
The tree produces a grape-like fruit which is eaten fresh. Another non-medicinal use is for
fencing poles made from the wood. The poles easily take root and flourish again.

2. Mutsambatsi

lannea edulis
Root extract is drunk as bilharzia, diarrhoea, and gonorrhoea medicine. The tree produces
an edible grape-like fruit.

3. Mumango

mangifera indica
The mango, a juicy stone fruit, is commonly eaten in Zimbabwe. Tender leaves of the
mango tree are used as a remedy for all kinds of respiratory problems. Extract from the
tree’s bark is drunk as a remedy for diarrhoea and dysentry.

4. Mubedu

ozoroa insignis
Root extract is drunk as diarrhea and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) medicine. The
tree produces an edible fruit which is small, kidney-shaped and raisin-like. When ripe, the
fruit is black and wrinkled.

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
5. Mufokosiyana

rhus longipes
Root extract is drunk as a remedy for infertility in women, and to dilate the birth canal.
searsia pyroides
Root extract is drunk as cough medicine.
searsia tenuinervis
Leaf extract is drunk as a remedy for heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding.

6. Mupfura

sclerocarya caffra
The roots are crushed and boiled, and the steam directed into sore eyes. The tree
produces an edible fruit which is fleshy, plum-like, and pale green turning yellow when ripe.

7. Mubikasadza

searsia dentata
The leaves are chewed while fresh, and the sap is swallowed. It is a remedy for ulcers,
diarrhoea and stomach problems. The tree’s fruit is shiny red when ripe.

8. Muroro

annona stenophylla
Root paste is applied on boils, and the extract is drunk as a remedy for chest pains and
STIs. The roots can also be mixed with mufufu roots, and sprinkled around the homestead
as a snake repellent.

9. Muruguru

carissa bispinosa, carisa edulis

Root extract is drunk as cough and diarrhoea medicine. The tree produces an edible fruit.

10. Chirindamatongo

catharanthus roseus
Root extract is drunk as a remedy for stomach problems, including diarrhoea, dysentery
and indigestion.

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
11. Rukato

asparagus africanus
Root extract is drunk as diarrhea and pneumonia medicine, and to dilate birth canal.
12. Konje

sansevieria aethiopica
The leaves are put into a fire so that the sap exuded is squeezed into a painful ear.

13. Mushayamhanda

sansevieria hyacinthoides
The plant has quite a number of common uses.
Leaf or rhizome sap is given to a dehydrated child. The leaf can be used as dressing on a
sprained ankle, and can be macerated and given to a colicky infant.
The rhizome is added to non-alcoholic beverages taken by pregnant women to dilate the
birth canal and prevent delivery complications. The roots are also used to dilate the birth
Warm rhizome extract is given to a person with an aching tooth to keep in the mouth for
up to two minutes before spitting out the mixture.

14. Gavakava

aloe greathedii
Leaf extract is drunk as a remedy for constipation, and veneral diseases especially

15. Mupasa

brachylaena discolor
Leaves are chewed and juice swallowed as a remedy abdominal disorders, primarily ulcers.

16. Chifumuro

dicoma anomala
Bulb extract is drunk as a remedy for a wide range of illnesses. The bulb is commonly tied
on a string and worn around the neck, waist or wrist of a child to protect against ‘spiritually
induced’ illnesses. This plant is believed to counteract or expose (fumura) spells.

17. Ruhwahwa

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
schkuhria pinnata
This is a herb used for a variety of ailments. An infusion of the plant is drunk to treat
stomach pains, sexually transmitted infections, and for abortion.
18. Rurimirwemombe

sonchus oleraceus
The herb’s leaf extract is drunk as a remedy for stomach problems.

19. Mupepe

commiphora marlothii
Mupepe is a small to medium-sized tree. The tree’s root extract is drunk as STI medicine.

20. Chizhuzhu

gymnosporia buxifolia
The leaves are chewed and sap swallowed as remedy for abdominal
pains.The chizhuzhu shrub is also common for its use in rituals associated with ridding


21. Muchakata

parinari curatellifolia
Root extract is drunk as constipation medicine, and teeth are washed with root decoction
as a remedy for toothache.
The tree produces a much sought after fruit – chakata/ hacha, and inspired a common
Shona proverb, Totenda maruva, tadya chakata (We will only appreciate the tree’s
blossoms after enjoying the (chakata) fruit.) The proverb warns against counting on
something that is yet to happen.


22. Mutunduru

garcinia buchananii
Bark extract is drunk to reduce the birth canal. The tree’s fruit is fleshy, spherical, and
yellow when ripe. It is eaten as an aphrodisiac.

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
23. Muchacha

cucumis anguria
Pieces of fruit are left around the home as a snake repellent. The tender leaves of the plant
are cooked as spinach.

24. Furi

coleochloa setifera
This is a grasslike plant. The root powder is taken as a remedy for pneumonia.

25. Musumhadombo

diospyros lycioides
Root extract is drunk as a remedy for infertility in women.

26. Musumha

diospyros mespiliformis
Root extract is drunk as abdominal pain medicine.

27. Muvhinji

euclea crispa
Root extract is drunk as cough medicine. In addition, the fruit of the plant is edible.

28. Mushangura mudiki

euclea divinorum
Root extract is drunk as diarrhea medicine, or as a remedy for a troubled or growling
stomach. In addition, the fruit of the plant is edible.

29. Musimbiti

androstachys johnsonii
Root extract is drunk as an aphrodisiac. The tree also has a reputation for wood that is
extremely hard and durable. It is commonly used for fencing and construction work.

30. Mutsvoritsvoto

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
bridelia cathartica
Root extract is drunk as a remedy for infertility in men. The fruit of the tree is edible.

31. Mutuzvidzembwa

bridelia mollis
Root extract is drunk as cough medicine.

32. Mushagahuwe

flueggea virosa
Root extract is drunk as pneumonia medicine, and also for contraceptive purposes. Dried
root powder is applied to part bitten by a snake, as an antidote, and on wounds.

33. Musvosve

macaranga capensis
Root extract is drunk as an aphrodisiac.

34. Mupfuta

ricinus communis
Teeth are washed with root decoction as a remedy for toothache, and oil from the seed is
applied to sore eyes.

35. Munhiti

spirostachys africana
Root powder mixed with porridge is used as a remedy for veneral infections.

36. Muvunga

acacia karroo
Root extract is drunk as a convulsions remedy, an aphrodisiac, and a remedy for
gonorrhea and syphilis.

37. Muriranyenze

albizia antunesiana

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
Bark extract is drunk as a constipation remedy. Leaf extract is drunk to loosen stools and
increase bowel movement. Root extract is drunk as an aphrodisiac, and a remedy for
diarrhoea, gonorrhea and infertility in women.

38. Mupfuti

brachystegia boehmii
Bark extract is drunk as STI medicine. This tree is commonly used for firewood, together
with the musasa, munhondo and muunze trees.


39. Muremberembe

cassia abbreviata
Root extract is drunk as abortion, aphrodisiac, constipation, diarrhea and gonorrhea

40. Mugwiti

dalbergia melanoxylon
Dried leaves are smoked as a cigarette to treat asthma.

41. Ndorani

elephantorrhiza goetzei
The root is ground into a powder which is usually taken together with porridge or boiled
as a tonic with water. It is used as a remedy for a variety of ailments. These include
abdominal pain, diarrhoea , indigestion, loss of appetite, gonorrhoea, and as an
aphrodisiac. It is also mixed with roots of musekesa as a remedy for bilharzia.


42. Mutiti

erythrina abyssinica
Bark extract is drunk as backache medicine, and root extract is used to rinse mouth that
has wounds. The seeds are often used to make necklaces.


Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
43. Ruvavashuro

indigofera setiflora
Root extract is drunk as diarrhoea medicine.

44. Muzeze

peltophorum africanum
Extract from the bark, leaves or roots is drunk as syphilis medicine. Root extract is also
drunk as a remedy for diarrhoea and STIs, or administered into sore eyes. Teeth are
washed with a decoction of the root, as a remedy for toothache.


45. Musekesa

piliostigma thonningii
Extract from the bark, leaf or root is drunk as cough medicine. Leaf extract is also drunk as
a remedy for heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding. The roots can also be mixed
with ndorani as bilharzia medicine.
It is also known as mutukutu.


46. Mubvamaropa

pterocarpus angolensis
Bark extract is dropped into ear as earache medicine, and also drunk as remedy for heavy
and prolonged menstrual bleeding. The root extract is drunk as a remedy for infertility in
The tree is sought out for its durable hardwood, called mukwa, and is considered a
threatened species.

47. Munhunguru

flacourtia indica
The leaves are browsed by mouth as diarrhoea medicine. The nhunguru (batoka plum),
which is purple when ripe, is a well-known wild fruit.

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
48. Nhindiri

hypoxis obtusa
The bulb of this herb is chewed, and sap swallowed as a remedy for abdominal pain.
49. Mubvumira

kirkia acuminata
Bark extract is drunk as diarrhoea, cholera, dysentery and constipation medicine. Juice
from the tree’s fruit is applied to part bitten by snake, as an antidote, or on wounds.

50. Hwahwa hweshiri

hoslundia opposita
Extract from the leaf is dropped into eyes as cataract medicine.
There are many more indigenous plants with medicinal properties; hundreds of them. In
addition, these plants have other uses including construction, food from fruit, and helping
maintain an ecological balance. Some of the plants listed here have other uses that have
not been given. Others have different names altogether.


1. *Cow Peas*

Traditional name: *Indumba* Nyemba

*Health Benefits Of Cowpea or Black-Eyed Peas**

A powerhouse of strength and stamina, incorporating black-eyed pea into your daily diet
is highly advantageous for your body and helps prevent various health problems.

1. *Improves eyesight*

Black-eyed peas help improve your vision by strengthening the eye tissues [4]. The vitamin
content in the legumes, especially vitamin A produces pigments in the retina, thereby,
improving your vision. It is especially beneficial in promoting good vision in low light. The
amount of vitamin A black-eyed peas provide you is greater than that provided by spinach,
broccoli etc. The vision-boosting nutrients in the legume are one of the central reasons
that demand it be included in your daily diet.

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
2. *Promotes heart health*

The high content of potassium in the legume helps in promoting and maintaining your
cardiovascular health. Potassium is an essential ingredient that aids in the prevention of
diseases affecting your heart. Various studies have suggested that adding black-eyed peas
into your diet is highly beneficial to your health [5]. The low-fat, low-calorie content of
black-eyed peas prevents cholesterol accumulation in your arteries as well [6].

3. *Improves digestion*

Black-eyed peas have a high content of dietary fibre, which is the sole component that
helps improve your digestive system. The fibre in black-eyed peas promotes regular bowel
movements and eliminates the chances of constipation. It helps in the removal of waste
from your body by absorbing the water content in your body [7].

This legume cleanses the cholesterol which accumulates in your small and big intestines
and reduces your chances of developing the condition called atherosclerosis, that causes
health complications such as heart attack, stroke and chest pain [8].

4. *Lowers blood pressure*

The rich content of potassium in black-eyed peas helps maintain a healthy balance to your
blood pressure levels. The low sodium level, along with the abundance of potassium aids
in balancing your blood pressure levels naturally [9]. A high level of blood pressure can
lead to serious consequences such as stroke, hypertension, etc. If you have high blood
pressure or want to manage your blood pressure, include black-eyed peas in your diet as
the high amount of potassium maintains your blood pressure [10].

5. *Prevents anaemia*

Consumption of an adequate amount of iron helps you to prevent the onset of anaemia, a
condition caused by the lack of red blood cells or haemoglobin in your blood. Black-eyed
peas are rich in iron and are highly beneficial in improving your red blood cell count and
haemoglobin level. Along with this, it also has a high folate content which is important in
the development of red blood cells. Thus, consuming it on a regular basis can help in
increasing the iron content in your blood and treat anaemia [11].

6. *Aids in weight loss*

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
The health benefits of dietary fibre are limitless. The high fibre content in black-eyed peas
aids in weight loss by suppressing your appetite [12]. However, it doesn't mean that the
legume reduces your appetite in an unhealthy manner. Consuming black-eyed peas can
keep your stomach full and body energised as well as prevent the constant need to snack
[13]. If you are looking forward to following a diet that will keep your weight under control,
you should include black-eyed peas in your diet.

7. *Controls sugar levels*

Individuals with type 1 diabetes can consume cooked black-eyed peas to lower the blood
glucose level. The slow absorption of black-eyed peas into the bloodstream prevents
sudden sugar crashes and sugar cravings. It also helps in improving the levels of insulin
and lipids [14][15]. Even type 2 diabetics are advised to include the legume in their diet.
However, it is advisable to consult your doctor before incorporating the legume into your
daily diet.

8. *Lowers pancreatic cancer risk*

The consumption of folate-rich foods is known to reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer. B
vitamins such as folate in the black-eyed peas aid in the creation of cells, that help prevent
the onset of pancreatic cancer. It is said to reduce the risk level by 60 per cent [16].

9. *Strengthens skin, nails, hair and muscles*

Proteins are the building blocks of the body and black-eyed peas provide you with
proteins in abundance. Proteins are required for strengthening the skin, nails, hair and
muscles and also aid in repairing the cells affected by wear and tear [17].

10. *Restricts premature ageing*

The central and singular cause of early ageing is a weak and unhealthy body. The
abundance of vitamin A, along with the other nutrients provided by the legume improves
the quality of your skin by developing healthy mucous membranes. The membranes
prevent lines and wrinkles from appearing on your skin [18].

11. *Enhances bone health*

The ample amounts of magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium within
the legume are extremely beneficial in improving your bone health and density. Your bone

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
health tends to deteriorate with age, making the bones prone to fracture. Including black-
eyed peas in your diet can provide you with various minerals that aids in strengthening
your bone density. Regular consumption of the legume can help you from developing
age-related bone deterioration [19].

12. *Promotes healthy pregnancy*

The rich nutrient content in the black-eyed peas, such as fibre, protein, folate, iron and
especially vitamin B9 is highly beneficial for pregnant women. It is important because of
the central role the nutrient play in the process of DNA synthesis. Consuming black-eyed
peas in the pre-pregnancy and post-pregnancy can help avoid any neural tube defects.
The iron content in the beans is also beneficial for an expecting mother [20][21].

*Side Effects & Precautions*

There are no grave side effects for black-eyed peas. The only known potential side effect is
flatulence. Consuming black-eyed peas can make you gassy, but it depends on the
digestive functioning of the people. Fortunately research has shown that soaking and
cooking Cowpeas before consumption can reduce raffinose, a type of fibre that contribute
to digestive issues and make them much easier to digest.

Black-eyed peas are beneficial when boiled and consumed. Although eating raw black-
eyed peas will not cause any poisoning, boiling the legume will help in easy digest.

Traditional Uses

a) Leaves

Can be eaten as green/dried vegetables. If drying avoid sun drying. Do not expose to sun
to preserve nutrients. Leaves can also be chewed to treat tooth disorders. Can also be
used as bandage to treat skin swellings and infections.

b) Roots

Can act as an antidote for snakebites. Use of crushed roots with porridge can cure chest
pains, epilepsy and painful menstruation.

*N.B* : Diet and medical professionals should be consulted before consumption of

Cowpeas as treatment to any health condition. Consumption of Cowpeas is not a
prescription to a health condition but is a dietary supplement that can help in the

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members
prevention of these maladies. Remember our philosophy is in prevention than cure and
maintenence of a nutritional diet together with a comprehensive healthier living.


Cowpeas are highly nutritious and are associated with many impressive health benefits.
Consider making them a part of your diet as you plan a plant based diet to manage your

Compiled by Nicholas Mapolisa from group chats for the convenience of Group Members

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