Wongai plum

Manilkara kauki (L.) Dubard


Location in our garden



Achras mammosa Sieber ex A.DC.

Imbricaria malabarica Poir.

Kaukenia kauki (L.) Kuntze


Trees. Medium-sized, evergreen tree, grow ing up to 25-30 m tall

Part Used

  • The Whole Plant

Growing Requirements

  • Full Sunshine


  • Riverbanks
  • Coastal


Grows naturally in some areas in Indonesia such as Java, Bali, Sulawesi, Pulau Weh, and Nusa Tenggara. This species grows at 300 m asl altitude.

Vernacular Names

Sawai (Malaysia), Lamut-sida (Thailand), Viết (Vietnamese), Sner (Papua New Guinea, Australia).


Usually found in coastal regions with a comparatively dry climate, often at banks of small seasonal streams and on coral beaches, in drier areas and below elevations of 500 m. A plant of the lowland tropics, also succeeding in subtropical areas. Prefers sandy loam soils but tolerates a wide range of soils.


  • Stems - 25 m tall, often with gnarled and low-branched bole, sometimes columnar, up to 100 cm in diameter.
  • Leaves - clustered at apex of twigs, silky white velvety beneath.
  • Flowers - ovoid, pedicels not incrassate, curved and long, calyx up to 7 mm long, ovary with a distinct glabrous disk.
  • Fruits - ovoid or obovoid, up to 3.7 cm long.
  • Seeds - ovoid or obovoid, up to 1.9 cm long, 1.1 cm long, 


  • By seeds - clean, processed seed do not have dormancy and require no pre-treatment. The seed is best sown in a shady position, either in individual containers or a nursery seedbed.
  • By nodal cuttings - treated with rooting hormone and planted in sand will usually start rooting after 8-10 weeks.

Chemical Constituents

  • Bark: phenolic, triterpenes, flavonoid.
  • Leaves: tannin, flavonoids.

Traditional Medicinal Uses

  • Strengthen cardiovascular health and minimizing risk of coronary heart disease.
  • Reducing bad cholesterol (LDL) and increasing good cholesterol (HDL) in the blood. 
  • One of the regulators of hormonal balance for reproductive health.
  • Ensuring the proper functioning of the brain and supporting nerve health.
  • Reducing the risk of osteoporosis (bone loss) and supports and promotes bone growth.
  • Helps the kidneys work in filtering food waste and maintaining acid- base balance (ph) in the body.
  • Acts as an antioxidant and counteract various free radicals which can cause oxidative damage in the body.
  • Restores system health digestion and reducing the risk of asthma.
  • Preventing the occurrence of cancer and overcoming and minimizing the risk of developing diabetes. 
  • Leaves are used as poultice for tumors.
  • Decoction of the leaves is used to treat sore mouth.
  • 3 drops of sap of young leaves mixed with hot water are drank to prevent diarrhea.
  • The young fruit is pureed and mixed with salt to taste is drank twice a day to treat dysentery.

Part Used

Reference Sources

  • Kumaro, F.H. (2013). Uji aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak etanolik daun sawo kecik (Manilkara kauki (L.) Dubard) secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan metode DPPH. Undergraduate Thesis. Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta.
  • Situmorang, R. (2018). Isolasi dan identifikasi senyawa flavonoida dari daun tumbuhan sawo kecik (Manilkara kauki (L.) Dubard). Underrgraduate Thesis. Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan.
  • Sudrajat, D.J. and Megawati. (2010). Keragaman morfologi dan respon perlakuan pra perkecambahan benih dari lima populasi sawo kecik (Manilkara kauki (L.) Dubard). J. Penelitian Hutan Tanaman 7(2): 67-76.