John Prescott comes out fighting at site of egg attack

John Prescott has posed with a boxing glove at the spot where he infamously punched a man who threw an egg at him nine years ago.

John Prescott with his boxing glove
John Prescott with his boxing glove and a Easter egg, at the spot in Rhyl where he was hit by a protester's egg, 9 years ago Credit: Photo: FREELANCE PHOTOS NORTH WALES

Images of him reacting to the protester has been seen on TV and internet sites all over the world.

Mr Prescott, on a pre-election tour of North Wales, drew up in his hired Transit van "battle bus" at Rhyl, then went to the exact spot outside the Little Theatre where the confrontation had taken place.

Talking about the punch he said: "As I told Tony [Blair] at the time I was only doing what I'd been asked to do – connecting with the electorate."

His Prescott Express drew up to the sound of the theme from Rocky, and a loudspeaker proclaiming: Make Way for Rocky.

In a short speech to a group of Labour activists and local MP Chris Ruane he claimed that since 1997 Labour had kept its promises for the NHS, education and jobs.

"The trouble is the greedy bankers have buggered it up", he added.

"But Gordon is the one to look after things and there's nothing like an election to concentrate minds and make people realise that Cameron isn't up to it."

He predicted: "I think we are going to see a very big turnout at the election."