Gardening Houseplants Types of Houseplants

How to Grow and Care for Monstera Acacoyaguensis

Front pulled out view of a monstera acacoyaguensis

The Spruce / Adelyn Duchala

Do you want to create a stylish jungle space in your home? Look no further than an on-trend big leaf monstera. But if you want something a bit different from your run-of-the-mill Monstera deliciosa, why not try the more unusual Monstera acacoyaguensis?

The fenestration on the large oval leaves of the Monstera acacoyaguensis makes it unique. The mature leaves don't split—instead, they perforate, leaving the entire leaf margin intact with large random holes inside. And, providing you get it right with the right levels of bright but indirect light, this easy-to-care-for, fast-growing houseplant will delight your visitors for years to come.

Just be sure to keep it away from curious kitties and canines—like all types of monstera, it is a toxic plant for pets.

Botanical Name Monstera acacoyaguensis
 Family Araceae
 Plant Type Perennial
 Mature Size Up to 6 ft. tall indoors and 20 ft. outdoors
 Sun Exposure Partial
 Soil Type Moist, Well-drained
 Soil pH Acidic, Neutral
 Bloom Time Does not bloom indoors
 Flower Color Pale yellow, cream
 Hardiness Zones 10 - 12 (USDA)
 Native Area Central and South America
Toxicity Toxic to pets

Monstera Acacoyaguensis Care

Your Monstera acacoyaguensis is a beauty that's an ideal beginner houseplant, providing you get the main care requirements as follows right:

  • Place in a spot with bright, indirect light and away from drafts.
  • Use a light, well-drained potting mix and keep it evenly moist but not soggy.
  • Fertilize regularly through the growing season.
  • Offer a warm spot and higher-than-average humidity levels


One of the biggest challenges around promoting robust growth in your Monstera acacoyaguensis is getting it right with light. Too little, and your plant can get leggy and you won't see such impressive fenestration. Too much, and you'll see unsightly leaf scorch.

Think about the dappled light these plants receive on the forest floor in their native tropical habitat. An east-facing, bright window without too much direct, intense sunlight often works. If your room has a south or west-facing window, you probably won't want to sit your plant right next to the window. Offering at least six hours of bright but indirect light is ideal.

If you only have a north-facing spot, you'll likely need grow lights to help your Monstera acacoyaguensis thrive.

And remember to rotate your plant regularly to promote even growth and ensure all the foliage gets enough light.


Steer clear of heavy potting mixes for your epiphytic Monstera acacoyaguensis. An equal blend of orchid bark, vermiculite, and sustainable coco coir can offer the light, aerated conditions the plant's roots appreciate. Or you can go for the convenient option and purchase a ready-made monstera or aroid mix. These get the balance right between offering ample drainage while still retaining enough moisture to promote lush leaf growth.


Your Monstera acacoyaguensis, like most plants in its genus, appreciates evenly moist soil. If you leave it in standing water, root rot is likely, so wait until the top few inches of soil dry out. If you're not sure if the root ball is overly wet, invest in a moisture meter to know when it's time to get the watering can out again.

Keep adding water until you see it coming out the bottom of the pot. And if, after fifteen minutes, there is pooled water sitting in the base, make sure to drain this away.

Temperature and Humidity

A warm, humid environment is what you want to create for this tropical rainforest native. If you can offer temperatures between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit, your Monstera acacoyaguensis will thank you. Higher temperatures promote the most rapid growth and deep fenestration.

Keep your plant away from drafty doors, windows, and vents blasting out warm or cold air. Sudden changes in temperatures aren't this plant's friend.

Ideally, you want at least 50 percent humidity levels—that's why they make ideal plants for bathrooms that are warm, steamy, and bright. If you can't offer this naturally, consider investing in a humidifier.


These plants appreciate rich soil and regular feeding during the spring and summer growing seasons. Offering plenty of nutrients promotes lush, fast-growing foliage and dramatic fenestration on your Monstera acacoyaguensis.

Look for a fertilizer designed for monstera species or opt for a slow-release liquid fertilizer with an equal NPK mix of 20-20-20. Feeding once a month during the growing season is ideal. Stop feeding in the fall and winter months when the plant is dormant.

If you're using a moss pole to support your tall growing plant, it will help the monstera's aerial roots absorb additional beneficial nutrients.

Slightly raised view of monstera acacoyaguensis leaves

The Spruce / Adelyn Duchala

Closeup of monstera acacoyaguensis leaf

The Spruce / Adelyn Duchala

Closeup of monstera acacoyaguensis leaf

The Spruce / Adelyn Duchala


You won't have to do any heavy-duty pruning with a Monstera acacoyaguensis. But you'll want to get rid of unhealthy or dead leaves to tidy up the plant's appearance and direct energy to healthy foliage growth.

Because these plants can reach up to 6 feet indoors, trim it back in the spring if a mature specimen is too tall for your space. Using sterile pruning shears, you can lop as much as one-quarter of the plant height off.

And, if you don't like the look of the unruly, thick aerial roots, it's fine to cut them off or direct them back into the potting soil.

Propagating Monstera Acacoyaguensis

Monsteras are a cinch to propagate, and the Monstera acacoyaguensis is no exception. And while propagating via stem cuttings in the spring is the best way to go, you will be spoilt for choice with the methods to use. Here's how:

How to Propagate Cuttings in Soil

  1. Grab some sterile pruning shears and take a stem cutting that is around six inches long. Select a healthy stem and cut it off around half an inch underneath a leaf node.
  2. Remove any leaves attached to the bottom third of the stem cutting.
  3. It's not essential, but dipping the cut end of the stem in rooting hormone can increase the chances of successful propagation.
  4. Use a loose, soilless potting mix to embed the cutting in. Pick a propagating pot with ample drainage holes.
  5. Position the pot in a spot with bright, indirect light and keep the mix evenly moist (not soggy).
  6. It can take up to three months for the roots to fully establish. Once this happens, move the cutting to a larger pot and continue with care as per an established plant.

How to Propagate Cuttings in Water

  1. Select a healthy stem cutting that is around six inches long and chop it around half an inch underneath a leaf node.
  2. Pop the cutting in a tall, clear glass of water that covers the leaf node but keeps the leaf at the top out of the water.
  3. Keep it in a spot where it will receive bright, indirect light.
  4. Change the water weekly.
  5. After a month or two, once the roots are over one inch long, you can plant the cutting and follow normal Monstera acacoyaguensis care instructions.

How to Propagate by Air Layering

Using air layering to propagate your Monstera acacoyaguensis is the most tricky technique, but it can be fun to experiment with it.

  1. Select a stem cutting with one intact node and one healthy leaf at the top as a minimum.
  2. Use a sterile knife or shears to create a notch in the stem underneath the node. This notch shouldn't be deeper than 1/4 inch.
  3. Use moist sphagnum moss to sit up against the stem base and around the node.
  4. Secure in place with a plastic bag with small air holes punched in the bottom.
  5. Use string to ensure the node is fully enclosed in the bag with the moss pressing against it.
  6. While the roots are establishing, mist the sphagnum moss to keep it evenly moist but not soaking.
  7. After a month or two, once the roots are at least an inch long, transfer the cutting to a normal pot and potting mix.

Potting and Repotting Monstera Acacoyaguensis

Depending on growing conditions, your Monstera acacoyaguensis might need repotting every couple of years. Look for signs the plant is becoming rootbound, such as the roots creeping out the drainage holes at the base of the pot or water starting to pour straight through the potting medium rather than absorbing into it.

It's best to repot in the early spring before the growing season starts. For mature plants, pick a pot 2 to 3 inches wider than the existing one and make sure it has ample drainage holes.

Common Pests and Plant Diseases

Disease isn't a big problem for these robust plants, but mealybugs can make an appearance, especially if you are guilty of overwatering or overfeeding your Monstera acacoyaguensis. And watch out for spider mite infestations, especially if you are forgetful with your watering schedule.

Thankfully, if you catch them early enough, getting rid of mealybugs and spider mites isn't too big a challenge. Wiping them away with a damp cloth and applying neem oil or insecticidal soap can keep pest populations at bay.

Common Problems With Monstera Acacoyaguensis

Even if they do have a reputation for being relatively easy to care for, they can start to decline if you don't offer the right conditions for your Monstera acacoyaguensis. Keep an eye out for these early warning signs so you can tweak your care to keep it thriving.

Dropping Leaves

Don't let temperatures drop below 60 degrees Fahrenheit too often; otherwise, you could see leaf drop, and consistently low temperatures will kill off your plant.

Drooping leaves can also be a sign you don't have your monstera in a spot with adequate humidity.

Yellowing Leaves

There are various reasons for yellowing leaves on your Monstera acacoyaguensis. The most common culprit is going overboard with your watering schedule. Hold off watering until the pot's top few inches of soil is dry.

Browning Leaves

Too much direct sun and too little water cause monstera leaves to brown and curl. If you see spots of brown, it can also be a sign your plant needs higher humidity levels or that you need to move it away from blowing heating vents.

  • Is Monstera Acacoyaguensis rare?

    While the Monstera acacoyaguensis isn't the rarest monstera species available commercially, it is much harder to come by than the popular Monstera deliciosa. You'll likely have to source it from a specialist supplier and expect to pay a premium for the privilege.

  • How large can Monstera Acacoyaguensis grow?

    If you have the hot and humid conditions to grow the Monstera acacoyaguensis outdoors, it could grow to be 15 to 20 feet tall. Indoors it rarely reaches more than six feet in height.

  • Is Monstera Acacoyaguensis beginner-friendly?

    If you're a botany beginner, you will usually have good success growing the robust Monstera acacoyaguensis. However, while they have a reputation for being easy to care for, they don't thrive on neglect and you still need to get the conditions right to appreciate the lushest foliage.

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  1. Swiss Cheese Plant. ASPCA.