How Billie Piper grew up

She had a hit at 15, wed Chris Evans at 18, divorced at 24. Now, eight years later, Billie Piper talks to Andrew Billen about second marriages, having kids – and making peace with her mother
Billie Piper
Billie Piper

Since we first met seven years ago, Billie Piper has remarried, become a mother and, also, grown into a ridiculously accomplished actress, stage now as well as screen. It will be a while, however, before anything out-paragraphs Rose Tyler in her Wikipedia entry.

This is no sneer: how many other young “companions” in Doctor Who have, through dint of their talent, stayed famous? It does, however, mean that Piper has a doctorate in dissimulation. Such was the BBC’s paranoia about spoilers that the prelude to every one of Rose’s many comebacks on the show was a fierce denial by Piper that she would ever reprise the role.

“Shameless. I mean, it was lying to people’s faces daily and loving every minute of it,” she says