How lockdown tested cricket antihero Dave Podmore’s new show

Home recordings of David Podmore’s Positive Test were hampered by wobbly internet and ‘brown trouser moments’, says show writer Nick Newman

The Sunday Times
Douglas as Podmore
Douglas as Podmore

Will radio hereafter be recorded in pyjamas? After 20 years of making our Radio 4 sitcom about the failed England cricketer Dave Podmore, we have recorded the 36th episode totally remotely, our cast and sound engineers scattered around Britain, from Manchester and Glasgow, to Cambridge and Camden. Given the difficulties imposed on radio drama by lockdown — The Archers has resorted to soliloquies — it’s nothing short of miraculous.

Dave Podmore — or “Pod” as he is known to cricket fans — began life on Radio 5 Live as a feature on David Gower’s Cricket Night. An uncharacteristic instance of profanity within the first minute (the result of a classic Pod Test Match Special blooper) attracted the attention of the BBC powers that be