I believe in:



The best service businesses are born from crystal clarity about yourself, your people, and the link between the two. No amount of marketing can make up for a lack of clarity.


If it feels challenging to communicate the value of what you do to the right people … it means there’s room for YOU to more fully understand, recognize and own it.


You’re creating a business that supports the life you want, yes. But you’re really creating the woman who leads that business, knows what she’s about, and leans in for the ride.

Have you been…

... Holding back from playing big in your business (maybe you’re rethinking your people, offer or secret sauce)?

... Wondering how to talk about what you do in a way that calls in clients you love, without sacrificing integrity?

... Realizing you’re probably your own worst enemy right now, but aren’t quite sure what to do about it?

Then you need clarity.

Because let’s be real: Badasses like you aren’t meant to hang out in that place for too long.

And the sooner the pieces of your business start to click, the more you accelerate the timeline to your potential. Your clients are happier; you’re happier. (And more fulfilled and quite a bit richer!)

If you feel the urge to move beyond this current phase and step into a more calm, aligned and powerful version of your business AND yourself (goodbye, mountains of journals that take you in circles or talking your poor partner’s ear off) … it’s time to get the guidance and support your soul is asking for.

Together we can get you where you need to be.

Clarity gives you that confidence — you KNOW you’re connecting with them. You’re no longer just putting yourself out there and nothing’s landing! Which changes how you show up everywhere else.
— Carly



Find out how to grow a clarity-first business with the Connect the Dots Method and 3-Phase Growth Framework, and start creating the one-of-a-kind business you were meant to.




How well do you know your business? Cover your bases with this clarity checklist.






7 daily prompts for social media or journaling. Use them for 30 days to supercharge your clarity and messaging.

Hi. I’m Jenna.

and I help highly driven but slightly uncertain entrepreneurs develop the kind of clarity, strategy, messaging and mindset needed to run a high-earning, for-purpose business. Plus show up and act like it!

Which is good, because you’ve got a lot more to do in this life than wait around for things to finally click.

My superpower is helping you hone your superpowers and your own uncommon way of doing business. Because once you do, it’ll make selling your ta tas off SO much more effortless.

If you’re ready to get strategic about creating the business you’re here to run and the woman you’re going to be, let’s get started.


I spent so much time and money doing alllll the wrong things ...then made my investment back (x4 or 5) the first three months with Jenna. Definitely the best business decision I ever made.
— Karima