Sony Officially Announced the PlayStation 5. Here's Everything We Know.

If you wondered whether or not the name of Sony's upcoming Playstation console would deviate from its numeric formula, then wonder no more. Sony has officially confirmed the latest gaming system will be called the Playstation 5, and it's arriving during the holiday season in 2020. 

Playstation 5 is a classic name; like iPhones, there's no need to add any unnecessary fluff. But the name isn't the only announcement Sony made. In addition to the timeline of Playstation's latest launch, Sony also unveiled the upcoming console will feature a myriad of new technology. Here are some of the highlights:

New controllers

The new controllers Sony is launching will "deepen the feeling of immersion" during gameplay by doing away with rumble technology and replacing the sensation with unique haptics. This will allow players to "feel" different textures specific to gameplay -- whether that be the sensation of running, crashing, or tackling.

Additionally, the controllers will contain what's being dubbed "adaptive triggers," which can be customized by developers to give a range of kinesthetic communication. Whether the gameplay includes the feeling of pulling a tight string bow, or launching a javelin, the "adaptive triggers" will be more responsive and have improved speakers, too.

Updated hard drive with faster loading time

Loading screens will be a thing of the past with a new hard drive that does a better job of digesting all the data within games. As WIRED reported, loading times will go "from a hassle to a blink." Additionally, developers are working to ensure downloaded games will arrive with immediacy, so players can go from considering a new game to actually playing in a matter of mere moments.

Customizable game installation

Don't want a single game eating up all your storage space? It no longer has to. The new PS5 will allow users to download the content that they'll use -- so if multi-player mode isn't something you need just yet, it won't eat up your space. The same works in the opposite direction; if you're not looking to play any single player solo modes, you won't have to download it. This will make it easier for players to manage storage and only acquire the parts of games they want. 

Still no updates about what the console looks like

Sony has kept its lips sealed about what the console is actually going to look like. There have been a couple concept sketches floating about, but there's still no confirmation about what the next Playstation will physically look like. Even so, we're certain that with all the new updates, it's going to be... game-changing. OK, we'll show ourselves out now.

2020 feels a long ways away, but with game launches arriving to the Playstation 4 to occupy us -- like The Last of Us II and Doom Eternal -- the new console will be here in no time.

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Kat Thompson is a staff writer at Thrillist. Follow her on Twitter @katthompsonn