Points of view

It is interesting to experience the different personalities of a photographer's subject, especially when he is an actor.

Subject: This is actor, musician, writer Roark Critchlow photographed in a number of locations in Summerland, BC in the Okanagan. The props, the setting, the lighting, the mood – all affect the study of location, as the character's substance is brought to the scene in a collaborative effort between photographer and subject.

Location: The choice of location influences all aspects of the shoot – driving decisions on everything from clothing – to attitude.

Studio photography: Knowing what the goal is for the photo is instrumental in getting the results you want to achieve as a photographer. In Roark's studio shots - we were going for a range of emotions, perspectives and in one of the photographs – looking for the angst of a Francis Bacon character. (Guess which one.)

If you have the good fortune of working with a creative mind like Roark Critchlow's it will help you push the boundaries of your creative sphere. It's all experimentation, but when you get that one special shot, trust me you will know it!

©2018 Copyright photography Stephanie Seaton, Unlimited Vision