November 2008 Issue

Q&A: *Twilight'*s Edi Gathegi

Image may contain Human Person Taylor Lautner People Clothing Apparel and Pants

The cast of Twilight: Robert Pattinson (Edward), Elizabeth Reaser (Esme), Kellan Lutz (Emmett), Peter Facinelli (Dr. Cullen), Nikki Reed (Rosalie), Kristen Stewart (Bella), Ashley Greene (Alice), Jackson Rathbone (Jasper), Cam Gigandet (James), Edi Gathegi (Laurent), Taylor Lautner (Jacob), Rachelle Lefevre (Victoria). Photograph by Peggy Sirota.

Edi Gathegi, 29, plays Laurent, a vampire who temporarily relinquishes his thirst for human blood and leaves Forks, Washington, in search of a more human-friendly coven when fellow vampires James and Victoria decide to hunt Bella Swan. Gathegi was in the film Gone Baby Gone and has appeared on House and C.S.I. Miami.

VF Daily: How did you initially become interested in acting?

Edi Gathegi: At U.C. Santa Barbara, I was undeclared as an undergraduate and I was interested in playing basketball. I was training with some of my teammates and I blew my knee out. I decided that I wanted to take a somewhat easy course because I was depressed, so I took an acting class. I fell in love with acting. I auditioned for their conservatory, got in, and called my parents and told them that this is what I wanted to do with my life. They supported me, and the rest is history. As for grad school, I applied to a lot of schools and by the graces of God or whoever, I got into N.Y.U., which I am told is the best one.Had you read the "Twilight" books before getting the script?

I found out that I was going to get the part of Laurent, so I read Twilight and got the script right after. I had not heard about the books until I knew that I was up for the part.

What did you do to prepare for your role?

There were several stages of preparation that I went through. There was a physical preparation—I wanted to make sure that I resembled a vampire that could exist in the world that Stephenie Meyer created. For my character preparation, I knew that it was going to be a challenge to learn a slight French accent, so I felt that it was a smart move for me to learn as much French as I could and then just tone it down. I just sort of immersed myself in all things French. I even tried to get myself a French girlfriend, but that didn't work out.

What did you do to create the dark vampire persona?

I think that different actors go about their preparation differently, but when it comes to acting, I use my imagination. I also have the belief that we have all emotions in us and that we each have darkness within us. It depends on what we choose to access. I have found that because I am generally a happy person, it is kind of fun for me to explore that darker side. Villains are fun to play.

Do you think the characters in the book resemble the characters in the film?

I think that I can safely say that all of the characters in the film are very close to what Stephenie Meyer has written in her first "Twilight" book. She was a consultant on the film, so I think that she was around to ensure that we stayed very close to her vision. And I think that is why she ultimately went with this studio to make the film and this production. In my opinion, as a fan of the book, I think it is as similar as it is going to get.

Did you meet Stephenie Meyer?

Yes. Stephenie is a doll. I totally adore her. I did not meet her on set, but we ended up meeting at a dinner that the studio threw for the producers, the actors, the lot, and Stephenie. I ended up sitting next to her for the majority of the night and got to know her. She is just as great in person as she is in her interviews, and I am so happy that this success has fallen in her lap because she worked hard for it.


Albany, California.


Two siblings, "Betty G" and "Nate Dawg."


U.C. Santa Barbara, N.Y.U. graduate-school acting program (Tisch School of the Arts).

New York or L.A.?

That is a tough question. I prefer New York, to be honest. New York is the only city that I have ever lived in that I have felt at home.

Trademark style?

I rock a baseball cap all the time. I want to have a collection of tons of hats.

What book are you reading?

Dennis Lehane's The Given Day. However, I think I am going to put that one on hold for a couple days, because I told myself that I was going to read The Host while completing the Twilight junket tour.

Celebrity crush?

Jessica Rabbit.

Favorite kind of music?

I have eclectic taste. I appreciate anything that makes me feel good.

Favorite movie?

Kung Fu Hustle, but I cringe when I have to give one title, because I have literally 13 to 15 favorite movies. I guess the right answer would be Twilight, but I haven't seen it yet.

Favorite cause?

Right now, it is getting Barack Obama into office.

Do you play any instruments?

No longer.

Mac or P.C.?

I am a recent Mac convert.

Do you have any piercings or tattoos?


TV shows that you TiVo?

Entourage, Rescue Me, The Shield, Nip/Tuck, and Life on Mars.

Significant other?


What are some of your interests outside of acting?

I am sort of an adventurer. I like to explore new places. I don't get to travel as often as I would like but I love it. I also love sports, reading, and watching films.

How do you think participating in this film series will affect your future as an actor?

I am managing my expectations. I am hearing every day how big this film is going to be, and believe me, I want it to be huge. The best I can hope for is that I begin to work really consistently on a bunch of high-profile projects as a result of this movie. That is the ultimate dream.

Do you have any upcoming projects?

I play Deputy Martin in My Bloody Valentine, which is coming out on January 16. It is a 1980s horror remake and it is in 3-D. It is technically my first lead role, so I am really excited.

More Twilight, only on

Interviews: "Twilight Mania,” featuring interviews with 12 cast members.

Article: "The Twilight Zone," by James Wolcott.

Article: "A Spotlight on Twilight at the Apple Store," by Andi Teran, featuring a video interview with Robert Pattinson and director Catherine Hardwicke.

Video: "Twilight Idols," behind the scenes on the Vanity Fair photo shoot.