Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom Are Reportedly Engaged

I am feeling all the feels.
Image may contain Human Person Face Suit Coat Clothing Overcoat Apparel Fashion and Orlando Bloom
Photo: Stefanie Keenan/Getty ImagesStefanie Keenan

In what's truly a Valentine's Day dream, Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom have reportedly gotten engaged. The couple, who met back in 2016, shared what appears to be confirmation of the engagement via matching selfies.

As People reports, Katy and Orlando both posted the same image to their Instagrams on Valentine's Day. Posing against a backdrop of heart balloons, the couple showed just the tops of their heads for the announcement. In the photo, Katy is showing off a large pink diamond ring that coordinates perfectly with her pink nail polish. Orlando holds his face close to Katy's, and both appear to be smiling at the camera. The singer captioned the image with, "full bloom," while the actor wrote, "Lifetimes."

Although the photo doesn't outright confirm that the pair are indeed engaged, E! reports that Katy's mother, Mary Hudson, previously confirmed the news in a since-deleted Facebook status. Sharing a photo of the couple from their supposed Valentine's Day engagement, Mary reportedly had written, "Look who got engaged last night."

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The couple had not yet responded to a request for comment from People, but celebs have already taken to social media with their congratulations. Instagram reactions have included a single heart emoji from Jessie J and a call for a "destination wedding" from Kate Hudson. And Dua Lipa dubbed the pair "Mum & Dad." Meanwhile, fans on social media are sharing their well wishes, writing, "You deserve the world" and "wow ... super..so happy for them."

Although the news is certainly exciting and romantic, it's best to take reports of engagement with a grain of salt until the couple officially confirms it. In the meantime, we'll be studying all of the details of Katy's beautiful ring.

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