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Cocktail recipe: Dibbie Dabberson

By Ballie Ballerson bar, Edinburgh
The Dibbie Dabberson cocktail
The Dibbie Dabberson cocktail

With giant ball pits, thumping house beats and a huge slide, this Forrest Road bar is not for the faint-hearted — and nor is its signature cocktail. Tooth-meltingly sweet, the Dibbie Dabberson is served with a Dip Dab sherbet dip and lolly on the side.


25ml sloe gin
25ml pink gin
25ml cherry brandy
25ml cranberry juice
12.5ml fresh lemon juice
Cubed and crushed ice
1 packet of Barratt Dip Dab


1 Fill a rocks glass with cubed ice and pour in all liquids
2 Top with crushed ice and Dip Dab sherbet
3 Serve with a Dip Dab lolly